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MURUAH HAKIM 'DIUJI' LAGI Oleh: H. Asmu'i Syarkowi (Hakim ... Oleh: H. Asmu'i Syarkowi. (Hakim Pengadilan Agama Semarang Kelas IA). Baru-baru ini dunia peradilan kembali mendapat “musibah”. Peristiwa.
KEDUDUKAN AKTA AUTENTIK DALAM HUKUM PERDATA Drs.H ... Asmu'i Syarkowi, M.H.. (Hakim PTA Jayapura). Pendahuluan. Dua orang (A dan B) tampak sedang berselisih mengenai hutang. Yang seorang (A), menuduh temannya (B) ...
European Journal of Human Resource Management Studies ... Hasnan, Budi Suryadi, Asmu'i. DISTRICT GOVERNMENT OVERSIGHT ON LAHEI VILLAGE,. DISTRICT OF NORTH BARITO, INDONESIA. European Journal of Human Resource ...
Mengenal Putusan (Peradilan) Perdata Asmu'i Syarkowi. (Hakim Tinggi PTA Jayapura). 1. Pendahuluan. Harap-harap ... Nama. : Drs.H. ASMU'I SYARKOWI, M.H.. Tempat & Tgl Lahir : Banyuwangi, 15 ...
Professionalism of State Civil Servants (ASN) in Public Services In ... Feb 26, 2021 ... Yuniarti Indah Sari*, Asmu'I, Bachruddin Ali Akhmad. Master of Governmental Science, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Lambung ...
DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF AN INTERROGATION UNIT ... MOHD ASMU'I BIN MOHD AKIL. A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree of. Master of Science (Physics). Faculty of Science.
Improving the Information Availability and Accessibility of Antenatal ... Asmu'i3. Gusti Tasya Meilania 1. Auliya Syifa Annisa1. 1Study Program of Statistics, Faculty of. Mathematics and Natural Sciences,. Lambung Mangkurat University ...
simulation of optical and electronic characteristics of terahertz ... Asmu'i M. Akil, Amiruddin Shaari, M. Khalid Kasmin, Zulkafli Othaman,. Study Of Resonant Phonon THz Quantum Cascade Laser Design Using. Density M atrix M ...
BOTTOM-UP MODEL ANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT ... Asmu'i is Professor o Public Administration at Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, E-mail: . Setia Budhi is Lecture at Universitas ...
Unraveling how behavioral intentions shape m-banking loyalty ... Muhammad Ikhlash, Jihan Hana Huwaida, & Faishal Asmu'i. (2023). Loyalty in the post-pandemic landscape: Unraveling how behavioral intentions shape m-banking ...