Data Artikel Does Banking Performance Matter for Indonesian Economic Growth?

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Does Banking Performance Matter for Indonesian Economic Growth? Abstract— This study examines the contribution of commercial banking performance to Indonesia's economic growth in the period from January 2010 to December ...
IJEM Does Religiosity Matter for Islamic Banks' Performance ... Jan 23, 2017 ... GrGDP is the growth of regions' GDP (GrGDP). In Indonesia, each region could have significant differences regarding their economic development.
Financial Fragility and Economic Performance in Developing ... Financial Fragility and Economic Performance in Developing Economies: Do Capital. Controls, Prudential Regulation and Supervision Matter? Prepared by Marco ...
Measures that matter: an empirical investigation of intellectual ... ... is designed as a quantitative research focusing on the relationship between intellectual capital and financial performance of the banking industry in Indonesia.
Causes and Consequences of Income Inequality: A Global ... Jun 1, 2015 ... Credit captures domestic financial market development, and is proxied by the ratio of private credit to GDP. Since the effect of financial ...
does islamic banking sector matter for income disparity reduction ... Apr 28, 2023 ... ... banking performance, economic growth, and inflation on income disparity in Indonesia. Findings: The results of the study revealed that ...
Firm performance during COVID-19 pandemic: Does ownership ... Sep 30, 2022 ... However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced Bank Indonesia to revise 4.2–4.6% of its 2020 economic growth projection under the 2019 growth rate.
Financing Risk in Indonesian Islamic Rural Banks: Do Financing ... Indonesia is an archipelago country and economic development differs from one island to another. ... Does religiosity matter for Islamic banks' performance?
Doing Business 2020: Comparing Business Regulation in 190 ... Ease of doing business is an important springboard to structural reforms that encourage broad-based growth. The World Bank Group stands ready to help countries ...
Does financial literacy matter for village-owned enterprises' (VOEs ... Sep 24, 2023 ... Investigating the relationship between financial literacy and the performance of VOEs is crucial to boost economic development. VOEs have been ...