Data Artikel Effect of play therapy caring model on adaptation to hospitalization among pre-school children with malaria at RSUD dr. T. C. Hillers, Maumere

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INA-RESPOND Apr 4, 2020 ... Also, be- fore he became a doctor at RSUD Soedarso, he worked at. RSUD Abdul Aziz Singkawang from 2008-2013. Name : dr. Justina Maria Eka Diana ...
DOKUMEN KINERJA AKREDITASI PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN ... Mar 16, 2023 ... RSUD dr.T.C.HILLERS. MAUMERE. √. √. √. √. 23 Oktober. 2021. 23. Oktober. 2026. Menghasilkan lulusan dokter yang kompeten, berkualitas,.