Data Artikel MAULIDAH

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Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Alpinia galanga (L.) Willd. in ... Jul 2, 2019 ... Maulidah et al. 73. AJCB Vol. 8 No. 1, pp. 72–78, 2019. Forward (5′-3′). Reverse (5′-3′). ID. Fragment no in BSA. Fragment no in individual.
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING PICTURES IN TEACHING ... Ailin Maulidah. NIP. 150 022 799. NIM. 104014000318. Page 4. ABSTRACT. Maulidah, Ailin. 2009, The Effectiveness of Using Pictures in Teaching. Prepositions of ...
COMPOUNDING PROCESS ON THE SHOTGUN BOY WEBTOON ... Maulidah, Nurul (2022) Compounding Process on the Shotgun Boy Webtoon. Undergraduate Thesis. Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities ...
FINANCIAL TECHNOLOGY (FINTECH) DI INDONESIA DITINJAU ... Maulidah Narastri ¹. Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia [email protected] [email protected]. Abdullah Kafabih ². Universitas Islam Sunan ...
IMPROVING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF LIVELIHOOD ASSETS AS A ... Chambers, 2004 in Maulidah 2019), which are poor or weak communities (considered. / ... Maulidah, Silvana. 2019. Upaya PeningkatanKinerja Sustainable Supply Chain.
Analyzing the development of Payangan Beach mangrove ... Aug 2, 2022 ... I. Maulidah ... How to cite this article: Fattah M., Utami T. N., Intyas C. A., Maulidah A. I., 2022 Analyzing the development of Payangan Beach.
The Tangible and Intangible Benefits of Mangrove Forests as a ... Maulidah et al. Tangible and Intangible Benefits of Mangrove Forests … DOI: 112. The Tangible and Intangible Benefits ...
PROJECT BASED LEARNING : DEVELOPMENT OF EARLY ... Maulidah, Evi. Efektifitas model project based learning (PJBL) untuk meningkatkan keterampilan 4C (Critical Thingking, Creativity, Communication, and.
ESTIMASI POTENSI RADIASI SINAR MATAHARI SEBAGAI ... Saya yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini: Nama. : Maulidah Hayati Simamora. NIM. : 148120048. Program Studi. : Teknik Elektro. Judul Skripsi.
377 ANALISIS KATA SERAPAN DAN TUTURAN SISWA Tsalitsatul ... Tsalitsatul Maulidah : Analisis Kata Serapan dan Tuturan Siswa. 378 can be used as a reference for further researchers who will conduct research on loanwords ...