Data Artikel Non-Carcass Composition of Thin Tail Sheep Fed Indigofera Zollingeriana with Different Maintenance System

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Non-Carcass Composition of Thin Tail Sheep Fed Indigofera ... Different Maintenance System. Komposisi Non Karkas Domba Ekor ... Keywords: thin tailed sheep, Indigefera zollingeriana, non carcass, maintenance system.
Proceedings of The 5th International Seminar of Animal Nutrition ... ... system and structure to the local community to manage the pasture. The feed safety policy will be performed through the enhancement of animal feed quality.
Use of Indigofera zollingeriana as a Forage Protein Source in Dairy ... and performance of sheep fed tropical browse plants. Med ... bacteria of grazing goats were not significantly different from those of goats fed by cut-and-.
The 4th International Seminar on Animal Industry Bogor, August 28 ... ... different countries including Australia ... not yet have knowledge of integrated cattle farming development with integrated system between cattle and.
Commercial Cattle Breeding Manual | MLA most profitable system if cows or calves do not have to be fed excessive ... Unlike many other Indigofera, Indigofera zollingeriana contains low ...
Developing Modern Livestock Production in Tropical Countries The average IPB D1 Chicken feed consumption and body weight in fed ration with different ... The material used in this study was thin-tailed sheep as many as 15 ...
PROCEEDINGS Body Weight Gain of Fat tail Sheep. Achadiah Rachmawati, Hary Nugroho, and ... Feed efficiency of Dm, Om and cP were not significantly different between ...
COMMERCIAL CATTLE BREEDING MANUAL the most profitable system if cows or calves do not have to be fed excessive ... plantations can provide a low-cost maintenance feed for dry cows but will not ...
SCIENTIFIC PAPERS The aim of the experiment was to study the growth and fattening abilities of lambs with different types of birth. ... The average daily consumption of feed by ...
Untitled Taiwan and legumes of Indigofera zollingeriana are grown mixed with different doses ... decrease consumption, feed conversion and did not affect body weight gain.