Data Artikel SUGIANTO

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12819 Sugianto 2020 E.docx Maximum company value is the banking goal desired by shareholders. This study aims to identify the determinants of profitability and its.
Coastal storm waves detection system design using Beaufort scale ... Jan 19, 2021 ... [14] Sugianto D N, Muhammad Z, Alfin D, Suripi, Suseno D and Nur Y 2017 Wave Height. Forecasting Using Measurement Wind Speed Distribution ...
LA PT. TANLA TESCOR WELINDO - (Aerospace, Oil & Gas and ... SUGIANTO. SUGIANTO. EN 4179 L3 LET MT PT UT). NA 470-43 MT PT RT UT. ACC 13 (MT PTR-UT VT). VISHT HDT 13 (ET IR LT MÅ. PT RT UT VI). JD 83327. Page 7. SESESE ...
A Curriculum Comparison of Years 9–10 Measurement and ... Ellen Sugianto. University of South Australia [email protected]. Ellen Sugianto, Lisa O'Keeffe, Amie Albrecht & Hannah Soong. South ...
PEJABAT STRUKTURAL DI PEMERINTAHAN KABUPATEN ... SUGIANTO, M.Si. NIP. : 19640911 198903 1 009. JABATAN. : Sekretaris Daerah. GOLONGAN : Pembina Utama Madya / IV d. NAMA. : Drs. PITTOR, MM. NIP. : 19650528 ...
Impact of localized regions with very high series resistances on cell ... Sep 23, 2011 ... Adeline Sugianto, Centre of Excellence for Advanced Silicon Photovoltaic and Photonics, University of New South Wales, Sydney. NSW 2052 ...
BEHIND THE SELLING PRICE DETERMINATION IN COMMERCIAL ... Jan 1, 2022 ... Amaliah, T.H., & Sugianto. (2018). Konsep Harga Jual Batawian dalam Bingkai Si Pitung. Jurnal. Akuntansi. Multi-paradigma. 9(1):.
sentiment analysis on movie review using random forest and logistic ... I, the undersigned: Name. : LADY VIONA SUGIANTO. Study Program. : Informatics Engineering. Faculty. : Computer Science. Type of Work. : Thesis.
58 59 Tobias Evan Himawan Intervention 58 Vito Benjamin ... Page 1. 58. 59. Tobias Evan Himawan Intervention. 58. Vito Benjamin Sugianto Cube. 59.
30 Terasne ([email protected]) Nanang Sugianto (Nanang ... Nanang Sugianto (Nanang [email protected]). Faculty of Language and Art Education. Institute of Teacher Training and Education (IKIP) Mataram. ABSTRACT. The ...