Data Artikel TAHFIDZ 3

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Tadibia Islamika, Vol. 3, No. 2 November 2023 e-ISSN 2829-551X p ... Abstract. This study aims to assess the implementation of the tahfidz program at Al Fawwaaz. PPTQ Islamic Boarding School using the CIPP evaluation model.
Innovating Tahfidz Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic; a Case ... However, the three still do not yet identify seen the shift in the tahfidz learning paradigm and analyze the innovations. Page 2. Nadhifah et al. / Journal of ...
Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Learning Strategy in Increasing the Achievement ... Apr 10, 2023 ... So, from the teaching strategy, tahfidz can increase interpretation learning. Future 3. Reading of muraja'ah after dawn prayers in class ...
Deliberative Value-Based Education in Realizing The Tahfidz Al ... 3) Mewujudkan Generasi Tahfidz Al-Quran di Era Globalisasi, pihak sekolah menggunakan tiga metode, yaitu semaan, reading together and sorongan. Kata Kunci ...
RPS Tahfidzh Qur'an 3 Aug 10, 2021 ... Mata kuliah Tahfidz Qur'an merupakan salah satu program unggulan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syari'ah Hidayatullah yang harus ditempuh oleh seluruh ...
Effective Management of Education Financing at Tahfidz Darul ... more than 3 years the Tahfidz Darul Hadith House can still survive and continue to carry out the learning process with an increasing number of students. 2 ...
Student's Perception of Common Rooms in Daarut Tauhid Tahfidz ... Tahfidz Koran, 2) daily activity patterns are formed, 3) the type and time of the learning activities of students, survey; using questionnaires as the main ...
Analysis of Interactive Application Development as a Tahfidz Al ... Jun 20, 2022 ... including (a) students not meeting the target of memorization, and not being able to memorize 30 juz of the Qur'an within. 3 years; (b) students ...
KHATULISTIWA related to the extracurricular tahfidz al-Quran in MTsN 3 Tulungagung. Third, the presentation of data from simplified sets of information is presented at ...
Volume 1 Number 1 February 2024 TEACHING TAHFIDZ IN THE ... tahfidz teaching for toddlers at Rumah Tahfidz Balita dan Anak (RUTABA) Sidoarjo. ... [3] A. Azhar explores character education in their article published in J ...