Data Artikel Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions in Banda Aceh using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM)

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Optimization of tax revenue in East Java: an empirical analysis of ... Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions · in Banda Aceh using Vector Error · Correction Model (VECM). Eva Maulia, Miftahuddin and Hizir Sofyan. -. This ...
DETERMINANTS OF TAX REVENUE IN MALAYSIA BY BEH KEAH ... ... by inflation, the real tax revenue of the government ... Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions in Banda. Aceh using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).
Research on the Difference Between the New Accounting System of ... Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions · in Banda Aceh using Vector Error · Correction Model (VECM). Eva Maulia, Miftahuddin and Hizir Sofyan. -. Revenue ...
Analysis of Causality among Tax Revenue, State Expenditure ... “Tax Revenue and Inflation Rate Predictions in Banda Aceh. Using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and ...
Detecting the Phenomena of Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly by ... Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions in Banda Aceh using. Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and.
Do Zakat and Price Stability Matter for Poverty Reduction in ... of zakat and price variations on poverty alleviation in. Indonesia using a Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). II. METHODOLOGY. This study focuses on the ...
Error analysis in solving inferential statistics problems for ... Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions · in Banda Aceh using Vector Error · Correction Model (VECM). Eva Maulia, Miftahuddin and Hizir Sofyan. -. Applying ...
A statistical approach to modeling the underground economy in ... Apr 28, 2022 ... The VEC model was built using the following variables: inflation rate, currency, nominal ... Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). A VECM is a ...
Analysis of the Viability of Fiscal and Monetary Policies on the ... Mar 3, 2021 ... money supply, inflation and interest rates on aggregate ... The data were analyzed using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM).
Analysis of Determinants of Development Imports in Indonesia Sep 30, 2022 ... "Tax revenue and inflation rate predictions in. Banda Aceh using Vector Error Correction. Model (VECM)", IOP Conference Series: Materials ...