Data Artikel The effect of general allocation funds, special allocation funds and regional original revenues on regional expenditures

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Analyze the Effect of General Allocation Funds, Revenue Sharing ... Abstract: This research is intended to know the influence of the General Alocation Funds, Revenue–Sharing Fund, and regional original income to Regional ...
The Effect of General Allocation Funds, Special Allocation Funds ... ... Income (PAD), Balancing Funds consisting of General Allocation Funds ... Regional. Original Revenues and Regional Expenditures are directly managed by the ...
Budget Summary As. 2024-25 is a Test 1 year, the value of the Guarantee is the sum of 39.2 percent of. General Fund revenues, 2024-25 local property tax revenues, and the $4.1 ...
The Influence of Local Revenue, General Allocation Fund, Revenue ... of Regional Original Income (PAD), General ... investment, special allocation fund on regional expenditure with economic growth as a moderating variable in.
The Effect of Fiscal Balance Funding on Regional Economic Growth ... Apr 23, 2020 ... taken from regional original income data, general allocation funds, special allocation funds, village funds, capital expenditure and GRDP on ...
The Importance of Regional Original Income, Balance Fund and ... The flypaper effect can also cause an asymmetry when fiscal changes occur. When general allocation funds increase, regional governments will spend extra income, ...
Journal of Accountancy Inaba (JAI) E-ISSN 2829-5404, P-ISSN ... Jun 1, 2022 ... aims to analyze the effect of Regional Taxes, Regional Levies, General Allocation Funds, and Special. Allocation Funds on Regional Expenditures.
HB No. 1 General Appropriations Act Eighty-Eighth Legislature May 22, 2023 ... Cultural District Grants. Funds appropriated above in Strategy A.1.3, Cultural Tourism Grants, include $7,500,000 in General Revenue in each ...
REVENUE SHARING CONCERNING GENERAL ... According to the statistical data, the special allocation fund no longer impacts capital expenditures. ... The Effect of General Allocation Funds (DAU) and ...
INFLUENCE OF GENERAL ALLOCATION FUND, SPECIAL ... Nov 6, 2023 ... Capital expenditures used for regional infrastructure development can encourage growth in local original income to create increased financial ...