Data Artikel UTILITAS II

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Utilitas symposium 2 I. One of the most important recent debates in just war theory has been concerned with the moral status of combatants.2 Unfortunately, though, ...
Festivitas, Utilitas, et Opes: The Concluding Irony and Philosophical ... numquam posset utilitas cum honestate pugnare (De Officiis, III, ii, 9, also see II, iii,. 9). On More and Cicero also see notes 17 and 46. "CW, vol. 4, p ...
Utilitas Jan 26, 2016 ... treated must be able to handle two sorts of cases: (i) competing claims to divisible goods and (ii) competing claims to indivisible goods.3.
Against Equality and Priority ii) x has higher average utility than y, iii) neither x nor y has any ... Utilitas 2 (1990): 171-193; Robin. Attfield, The Ethics of Environmental ...
Utilitas Intertemporal Disagreement and Empirical Slippery Slope ... May 10, 2010 ... However, these premises may themselves be implausible. II. A FORMAL ARGUMENT. I will focus, for the most part, on a formal empirical SSA ...
DEREK PARFIT - Utilitas Another Defence of the Priority View Sep 8, 2012 ... But the Levelling Down Objection does not assume that one of two outcomes cannot be in any way better if this outcome would be better for no one ...
Utilitas Egalitarianism and the Separateness of Persons Aug 31, 2012 ... Utilitas Vol. 24, No. 3, September 2012 doi ... given improvement in a person's utility the lower his utility outcome and to (ii) a given.
Consolidated Annual Report 2021 | Utilitas The 2030 sustainability performance target (SPT 2) is to increase the renewable energy share in Utilitas own energy production mix up to 100% by 2030. 47 KPI 1 ...
Burch-Brown, J. M. (2014). Clues for consequentialists. Utilitas, 26(1 ... Jan 2, 2014 ... 2 See also: G. E. Moore, Principia Ethica (London, 1903), ch. 5, secs. 93–100; S. Kagan,. Normative Ethics (Boulder, 1998), p. 64; D.
EUROPEAN COMMISSION Brussels, 12.7.2021 C(2021) 5269 final ... Jul 12, 2021 ... EDIF II is therefore controlled by EDIF II GP. Swedegas has provided ... “Utilitas”). Coriance and Utilitas produce electricity as a by ...