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University of Groningen Photopigments and functional ... Mar 23, 1986 ... Photopigments and functional carbohydrates from Cyanidiales. Delicia Yunita Rahman, D. IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the ...
Space Weather Studies in Indonesia Jun 28, 2023 ... Due to its great impacts on human life and technology. Page 5. [email protected]. Indonesia contributes.
CREATING SUSTAINABILITY NATURAL TOURISM DESTINATION ... Dec 31, 2021 ... Yunita ISMAIL. 1332. European United countries, tourism plays a significant role in promoting economic growth of both Eastern and Western EU.
Indonesia Agenda item 11 : Space and climate change By Ms ... Yunita Permatasari. Mr. Chair,. All us to share our view on the utilization of the space technology and application to address and mitigate the climate change ...
Yunita et al. Jun 16, 2020 ... Exploration of the Bucephalandra sp plant in its natural habitat will threaten the sustainability of this species, therefore an effective ...
COMMUNAL RIGHTS AS HEGEMONY IN THE THIRD WORLD ... Yunita Maya Putri, Ria Wierma Putri. & HS Tisnanta. University of Lampung, Indonesia. Correspondence: [email protected]. Abstract. The Trade-Related ...
THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGIOSITY AND CUSTOMER ... Jan 1, 2022 ... Yunita Maulidiyah Faha. 1. Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, Indonesia [email protected]. Masruchin. 2. Universitas ...
Budget Realization Report (Cash Basis Principle) Asrina Waty ... Asrina Waty Hasibuan1, Yunita Sarah Siregar2, Iskandar Muda3. 1. Abstract. This study aims to explain and describe the meaning, benefits, functions, and ...
ELSA APPS TO ENCOURAGE LEARNER AUTONOMY THESIS ... Yunita Rosa Maria Fakdawer and Anita Kurniawati Hadiyanto, M.Hum. All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced by any means without the.
43-99-1-RV - Bu Yunita (65-73).docx In its evolution, cats have many variants that make adopters confused in determining the right choice. In the early stages of the search there.