Data Artikel ZAHRIMA

Berikut Artikel Terkait dengan Pencarian ZAHRIMA
ORIGINAL ARTICLE ERGONOMIC DESIGN OF THE CUTTING ... Hartomo Soewardi and Lintang Zahrima Kalsum. Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta ...
Pertumbuhan Tanaman Selada (Lactuca sativa L.) yang ... Pupuk A dapat. Zahrima, Gusti Ayu Kade Sutariati, dan Tresjia C. Rakian. 71. J. Berkala Penelitian Agronomi 7 (1) : 65 – 73 (2019). Page 8. Pertumbuhan Tanaman ...
BAB III METODE PENELITIAN A. Jenis Dan Pendekatan Penelitian ... Indy Ana Zahrima, Dwiana Sofia dan Fatimatul Zahrok, dan juga konsumen yang berumur sekitar 35 tahun ke atas Maria Ulfa dan Nurul Jannah, konsumen di sini.
The potential of indigenous rhizobacteria from areca nut rhizosphere ... Jun 13, 2021 ... ... Zahrima 2020 Characterization of. Endophytic-rhizobacteria from Areca Nut Rhizosphere to Dissolve Phosphates, Nitrogen Fixation of IAA ...
EFEKTIFITAS PENGGUNAAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TUTOR ... 24 Nuraeni Maryamu Zahrima. 10126. 73. 25 Oktafian Dwi Efayanti. 10127. 83. 26 Reza Ayu Prihatini. 10128. 70. 27 Selfia Fitri Wahida. 10129. 66. 28 Septiana ...
The effectiveness of endo-rhizo bacterial isolated from areca nut ... ... Zahrima 2020. Characterization of endophytic-rhizobacteria from areca nut rhizosphere to dissolve phosphates, nitrogen fixation of iaa hormone synthesis ...
Grand Challenge in Veterinary Imaging: Nothing Is More Constant ... Jun 24, 2022 ... ... Zahrim A, Nor M, Zain M, et al. Motivation for research and publication: experience as a researcher and an academic. Proc Soc Behav Sci ...
Tabel 2 Jul 19, 2022 ... [1] Sutariati G A K, Rahni N M, Mudi L, Nurlina, Hamriani, Yusuf D N, Muhidin and. Zahrima 2020 Isolation and screening test of indigenous ...
Research Perception, Motivation and Attitude among ... [13] Zaina, S.M., Ab-Rahmana , M.S., Ariffin Mohd Ihsana, A.K., Zahrima , A., Mohd Norb, M.J. ,Mohd Zaina, M.F., Hipnia, A., Ramlia, N.L. and Wan Ghopa ...
Model Development Of A Recommender System For Cognitive ... Zahrima, J. M. N. Mohd, F. M. Z. Mohd, H. Afiq, L. R.. Nurfarah and A. W. G. Wan, "Motivation for. Research and Publication: Experience as a. Researcher and an ...