International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
Principal Managerial Skills in Implementing School-Based Management:
A Literature Review

Danang Shofwan
, Sowiyah

Mahasiswa Administrasi Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung
Dosen Administrasi Pendidikan, Universitas Lampung

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to describe principals' managerial skills in the development of School-Based Management (SBM).
The method used in this study was a literature review. The results and discussion of the study, namely the principal's managerial
skills, include; Technical skills (technical abilities), human skills (human relations abilities), and conceptual skills (conceptual
abilities), which are implemented in school-based management with components of curriculum management and teaching programs,
education staff, student affairs, finance, educational facilities and infrastructure, management of school and community relations,
and special services for institutions. The indicators for the success of School-Based Management (SBM) include support from school
principals and teachers, sufficient financial resources, clear commitments, responsibilities, skills, and qualifications of school
officials, appropriate plans, obligations, and accountability.

KEYWORDS: Principal Managerial, School-Based Management, Success Indicators.

Humans are formed both individually and collectively through education to best prepare for the future by realizing their potential to
possess the religious, spiritual grit, self-control, personality, personality, noble character intelligence, and skills required by
themselves, society, nation, and state. A school is a place where people go to learn things like how to read, write, and conduct
properly. Schools play a crucial role in a society that is coping with the current issues. The level of objective achievement determines
how efficiently schools are run. Then successful schools can utilize the resources they have to achieve the goals that have been set.
The principal has the general obligation as the institution's leader to ensure that all of the school's activities are directed toward
achieving the set goals and objectives through various well-executed programs that follow the lesson plans. As a manager and leader,
the principal thus chooses the route the school should take. They are essentially in charge of running the school as a whole. Their
roles are more complex, diversified, and challenging due to the enormous changes in scope, diversity of abilities, and skills needed
to run schools. Vision, mission, institutional goals, learning curriculum, financial budgeting, school infrastructure, student services,
community connections, and school improvement plans are just a few of the managementrelated responsibilities of the principal.
The issues faced by principals daily, where accountability, challenge, and integrity as leaders and managers are still at stake, are
brought up by identifying the competencies needed to operate in this area.
An effective leader is required for a group of individuals since proper management will influence the effectiveness of teamwork.
According to Ibay and Pa-alisbo (2020), an efficient manager must have four skills: technical skills, cognitive skills, human skills,
and political abilities. The management abilities that may give the proper context for the actions managers and leaders engage in are
essential. No manager in today's environment can be successful if they lack management fundamentals. In other words, managers
must be knowledgeable about the dynamics of their workplace. As a result, management skills are the foundation for the efficiency
and effectiveness of managers' and leaders' performance.
According to Permendiknas No. 13 of 2007, dated April 17, 2017, concerning Standard Criteria for Schools or Madrasahs, school
principals must possess five competencies: interpersonal competence, managerial competence, entrepreneurial competence,
supervisory competence, and social competence. Managerial competence is the primary key in determining the success of the
principal's leadership in maintaining the quality of education. This is defined as the principal's ability to plan and develop human
resources to create an effective and efficient learning environment.

International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
A conducive learning environment influences the principal's creativity in applying the managerial skills required to make strategic
judgments. The principal's managerial abilities, which are described as a set of abilities in supporting and providing opportunities
for teachers to improve their skills through various activities both inside and outside the school, can be used to make these judgments.

According to Khan and Uzair-ul-Hassan (2021), management is the process of getting things done through people to improve
organizational performance. Organization and management are interdependent. Without management, no organization can
accomplish its aims and objectives. Management, according to Buenavista (2021)is the methodical aspect of running an
organization, including establishing objectives and plans, assigning resources, and assessing interim results.
Management is a person's ability or skill to produce something to achieve goals through the activities of others. In order to support
the achievement of educational goals themselves, management in education entails the management of all institutional needs in
which the system's constituent parts and its subsystems are interrelated and influence. This is reflected in a series of activities or
processes of carrying out work by making effective, productive, and efficient use of all resources. Micro-education management,
which is directly related to the learning process in schools, the implementation of educational activities, school administration,
education staff development, and utilization and maintenance of facilities and infrastructure, is the sole responsibility of the principal
in order to accomplish this goal (Sutiara, Ningsih et al. 2021).
A principal as a manager must be ready to manage the school. Readiness in question is related to the managerial ability of the
principal as a leader. The administrative capabilities in question are planning (planning), organizing (organizing), implementing
(actuating), and controlling (controlling). With these four abilities, it is hoped that every leader will be able to become a driver and
enforcer of discipline for his colleagues to show good work productivity.
The three components of managerial ability, according to Hidayat, Subarto et al. (2019), are technical skills (technical abilities),
human skills (human relations abilities), and conceptual skills (conceptual abilities). With the exception of human relations skills,
managers require varied managerial talents depending on the level of their position. Managers at all levels— lower-level, upper-
level, and middle-level managers need human relations expertise (Iskandar 2017).
Expressed a viewpoint on managerial abilities Chasanah (2020), Principals with technical capabilities can carry out specific tasks
by leveraging their understanding of tools, methods, and approaches. The application of knowledge regarding classroom
management, use of teaching methods, student evaluation techniques, learning program techniques, techniques for managing
educational facilities and infrastructure, as well as techniques for directing and fostering teachers in schools are all examples of
technical skills. In order to build a culture of mutual trust in each program and inspire teachers to perform better, the administrator
must have the human ability to collaborate and interact with the working environment. Realized by providing motivation,
opportunities for self-development, appreciation, family attitude, good communication, and delegating tasks. Conceptual ability,
namely the principal's ability to decide what happens in organizations such as schools as educational institutions that are listed in
the vision, mission, and goals of the school's schedule of short- and long-term activities.
School principals must meet a number of administrative and supervisory capacity standards as part of their principal skills, in
addition to explanations of managerial from diverse sources and varied managerial. Adi (2016) suggests that school principals need
to possess eleven managerial skills, including the following: (1) the capacity for problem analysis; (2) the capacity for providing
considerations, opinions, and decisions; (3) the capacity for managing resources and various activities; (4) the capacity for decision-
making; (5) the capacity for leadership; (6) the capacity for sensitivity; (7) the capacity for openmindedness and patience; (8) the
capacity for verbal communication; (9) the capacity for written communication; and (10) the capacity for actively participating in
the decision.
In the information technology era, it has brought the world into a new generation that was never imagined before. Because of this,
profound changes occur in many spheres of life, including education. Based on school-based management, a type of educational
reform that grants schools autonomy in managing organizations following their potential, demands, and requirements, this change
aims to improve the quality of education for all students. Education quality can be impacted by many factors, including management
at the school level.

International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
School Based Management
Usman, Harun et al. (2016) said that efforts to implement programs that have been conceptually determined in order to improve the
quality of education still refer to the goals of national education. Arar and Nasra (2020) define SBM as the decentralization of
responsibility for decision-making in certain areas at the school level (e.g., learning programs, teaching methods, resources, people,
student choice, and accountability). SBM is “a school management model by giving greater authority at the school level to manage
their own schools directly (Mistrianingsih, Imron et al. 2015). Indicators in school-based management that can support the
performance of school principals include at least the school components that must be adequately managed in the context of SBM,
namely "curriculum and teaching programs, education staff, students, finance, educational facilities and infrastructure, management
of school relations and the community, as well as the management of special services for educational institutions (Usman, Harun et
al. 2016).
According to Suyitno (2021) successful school management in implementing School-Based Management if: 1). The number of
students receiving educational services is increasing; 2). Increasingly fun and active teaching and learning activities in all classes
throughout the day; 3). Better quality of education services; 4). The class stay rate is decreasing and school productivity is getting
better in the sense that the ratio between the number of students enrolling and the number of students graduating is getting bigger;
5). The relevance of education is getting better; 6). The existence of justice in the implementation of education; 7). Increased
stakeholder involvement; 8). The better the work climate and culture in schools; 9). Welfare of teachers and school staff
improved;10). Democratization in the implementation of education. Thus, this study aims to find out more about how the managerial
skills of principals in the development of school-based management (SBM) are manifested.

This research can be categorized as a literature review. This literature review aimed to find a theoretical foundation that can enable
fixing an issue. Using the terms "Managerial Principals in SBM Implementation," a Google Scholar search was conducted to find
the publication as part of the review process. One hundred fifty research papers linked to the topic were found in the search, which
covered articles published from 2015-2022. The requirements for reports to qualify as literature in this study are as follows:
a. Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods result from “Managerial Principals in SBM Implementation.” b.
Research from various countries in the world
c. Research articles are written in English
d. Dissertation and thesis not included
The steps in the "Managerial Principles in SBM Implementation" Literature Review for each variable are as follows:
Step 1: Formulated the Problem
• Chose a topic that matches your problems and interests
• Problems must be written entirely and accurately
Step 2: Searched the Literature
• Searched for literature relevant to the research
• Got an overview of the research topic
• Research resources were beneficial if they are supported by knowledge related to the studied topic
• Sources must provide an overview/summary related to previous research.
Step 3: Evaluated the data
• Paid attention to the contributions made by articles on the topic
• Paid attention to the data sources needed according to the needs of the topic.
• Data can be quantitative data, qualitative data, or a combination of both
Step 4: Analysis and Interpretation
Step 5: Discussed and summarized the literature

This section reviews the key research findings from numerous papers the author has read and examines them. Most publications
discussed "How Managerial Principals Implement SBM?" The study presented in the articles under evaluation was carried out in

International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
many different nations. Table 1 describes the results of the literature study conducted by the author, and research has been carried
out in several schools.

Table 1: Principal Managerial in Implementing SBM
Author & Year Title Country Method Result
Khalid Arar dan
Muhammad Abu
Nasra (2020)
Linking schoolbased
management and
school effectiveness
The influence of
motivation and
effectiveness in the
Arab education
system in Israel
Arab Quantitative This study revealed that school-based
management directly or indirectly affects the
positive relationship between all management
dimensions and school effectiveness.
Arthur Ong
Leadership and
Performance as Fully
Mediated by
Leadership through
Structural Equation
Philippines Quantitative This study explained that school
administrators' managerial and
transformational leadership are directly
related to their performance.
Siti Nurlaili
Manajerial Kepala
Sekolah dalam
Kinerja Guru
Indonesia Quantitative This study explained that the managerial
application of the principal in the form of
technical managerial, humane managerial,
and conceptual managerial works well.
Dayat Hidayat,
Subarto, Wahyu
Noviarti (2019)
Manajerial Kepala
Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan dalam
Peningkatkan Mutu
Sekolah di SMK
Negeri Se-kota
Indonesia Quantitative This study demonstrated the principal's
managing skills in planning, organizing,
directing, and supervising to construct
partnerships with organizations that promote
managerial and educational development to
raise school standards.
Samera Batao Ibay&
Mark Anthony Cenas
Pa-alisbo (2020)
An Assessment of the
Managerial Skills and
Development Needs
of Private Catholic
Secondary School
Administrators in
Bangkok, Thailand
Thailand Mixed
The knowledge and skills that individual
leaders possess and may use to carry out
certain management activities or duties are
known as managerial skills.
When school administrators study and
practice their behavior, tactics, and
approaches, they will all become better

International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
Jamaluddin Iskandar
Manajerial Kepala
Indonesia Quantitative This study explained that the principal always
cooperates, coordinates with all parties related
to the elements, and always motivates teachers
and students.
Najeeb Ullah
Khan and
How and to What
Extent Managerial
Practices of School
Heads are
Influencing the
Morale of Primary
School Teachers?
Pakistan Mixed
This study revealed dissatisfaction among
teachers about the managerial practices of
principals. So the teachers observed that they
were under severe mental stress due to the
rude and abusive behavior of the principal.
Siti Mistrianingsih, Ali
Imron dan Ahmad
Nurabadi (2015)
Peran Kepala
Sekolah dalam
Berbasis Sekolah
Indonesia Qualitative The seven SBM pillars are put into practice by
principals and are evaluated by EDS, SOPs,
and parental surveys. SBM stands for school-
based management.
Parents were active in school, and students sat
in one room while communicating with
numerous parties.
Yulia Rachmawati,
Suyatno, Achadi Budi
Santosa (2020)
Competence in
Actualizing a
Creative School
Indonesia Qualitative The principal's managerial competence
consists of conceptual, technical, and
interpersonal competencies to realize a
creative school. Principals apply six ways:
establish a vision and mission, implement
innovative programs, implement responsive
management, build productive culture,
improve the quality of human resources, and
build cooperation.
Aditia Sutiara, Ines
Widiya Ningsih,
Manajerial Kepala
Sekolah Dalam
Indonesia Qualitative Principals can improve education quality,
including educators, managers,
administrators, supervisors, leaders,
innovators, and motivators. His role is
Khozinul Huda
Rokman Hidayat
Meningkatkan Mutu
Pendidik Di Sdn 4
very complex, so the principal must monitor
and evaluate the vision, mission and programs
Suyitno (2021) Pengaruh
Manajerial Kepala
Sekolah Dan Peran
Komite Terhadap
Berbasis Sekolah
Indonesia Quantitative This study explained that the managerial skills
of the principal and the committee's role
together have an effect of being applied
optimally to increase the effectiveness or
success of implementing school-based

International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
Aswanita Usman, Cut
Zahri Harun, Murniati
Berbasis Sekolah
pada SMA 5 Bandar
Indonesia Qualitative School-Based Management is implemented in
curriculum management, student
management, personnel, finance, and public

The implementation of school-based management has been the subject of research studies in many different nations. As seen in
Table 1 above, academic institutions have researched managerial principles in SBM implementation. Based on the findings of a
literature review of the sources consulted, the analysis demonstrates that management is a more extensive activity than managerial
since it encompasses actions like planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, and supervising. The principal's role as a manager,
planner, and supervisor of the school community's activities is crucial to a school's success. A school's development is linked to
the principal's managerial abilities (Trimono 2019). Since the significant recommendations for teachers to carry out the teaching
and learning process depends on the principal or the principal's policy and activities, the principal's administrative abilities are
crucial to the success of educational circumstances (Anjani and Dafit 2021). joint decision-making. (6) School-Based Management
can improve student achievement due to increased efficiency in the use of resources and personnel, increased teacher
professionalism, implementation of curriculum reform, and increased community involvement in education (Rosmalah 2016).

This study focused on a review of the literature from earlier studies to analyze how the principal's managerial management is
controlled by using SBM. Most of the review's findings indicated that it is challenging to find literature on adopting SBM and
principal managerial practices. Because the major recommendations for teachers to carry out the teaching and learning process
depend on the principal or the principal's policies and the actions of the principal, the principal's administrative abilities are highly
significant in the success of educational circumstances. Therefore, the management expertise that the principal plays and owns is
essential to the growth and advancement of a school.
In conclusion, the authors of this paper believe that the managerial study of principals in SBM implementation is a helpful step for
advancing principals' managerial information in SBM implementation. Having such an advanced understanding will also make it
possible to develop the managerial abilities of principals and the implementation of SBM that is easier to understand.

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International Journal of Current Science Research and Review
ISSN: 2581-8341
Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
DOI: 10.47191/ijcsrr/V5-i8-04, Impact Factor: 5.995
IJCSRR @ 2022

Corresponding Author: Danang Shofwan Volume 05 Issue 08 August 2022
Available at:
Page No.-2822-2828
9. Khan, N. U. and M. Uzair-ul-Hassan (2021). "How and to What Extent Managerial Practices of School Heads are
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Administrasi Pendidikan: Program Pascasarjana Unsyiah 4(1).

Cite this Article: Danang Shofwan, Sowiyah (2022). Principal Managerial Skills in Implementing School-Based Management:
Literature Review. International Journal of Current Science Research and Review, 5(8), 2822-2828