Chapter 2
Ocean Renewable Energy in
Indonesia: A Brief on the Current
State and Development Potential
Ristiyanto Adiputra, Muhammad Iqbal Habib, Erwandi, Adi-
tya Rio Prabowo, Adnan Sandy Dwi Marta, Wahyu Widodo
Pandoe, Navik Puryantini, Ruly Bayu Sitanggang, Achmad
A. Oceans as Potential Alternative Energy Sources
The geographical condition of Indonesia consists of thousands of
islands, triggering difficulty in energy distribution and a large disparity
in energy prices between the eastern and western parts. The disparity
affects production and manufacturing costs and implies investment
distribution. Additionally, the impact of climate change on the oceans,
such as rising sea temperatures, rising sea levels, reducing oxygen
levels, changing ocean currents, increasing ocean stratification, and
increasing storm frequency, can cause problems for marine ecosystems
(Brierley & Kingsford, 2009; Harley et al., 2006; Moreno et al., 2014).
However, most solutions to problems come from the root of the
problem itself. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia faces numer-
ous energy challenges, but definitely, Indonesia’s ocean also provides
R. Adiputra, M. I. Habib, Erwandi, A. R. Prabowo, A. S. D. Marta, W. W. Pandoe, N.
Puryantini, R. B. Sitanggang, A. Nurfanani
National Research and Innovation Agency, e-mail: [email protected]
© 2023 Editors & Authors
Adiputra, R., Habib, M. I., Erwandi, Prabowo, A. R., Marta, A. S. D., Pandoe, W. W., Puryantini, N.,
Sitanggang, R. B., Nurfanani, A. (2023). Ocean renewable energy in Indonesia: A brief on the current
state and development potential. In S. Ariyanto & S. I. Heriyanti (Eds.), Renewable energy: Policy and
strategy (13–36). BRIN Publishing. DOI: 10.55981/brin.900.c782 E-ISBN: 978-623-8372-25-6

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 14
the solution. Ocean renewable energy is developed as an alternative
solution to mitigate climate change.
Movement and the physicochemical characteristics of saltwater
are the primary sources of ocean energy. The tides, ocean currents, and
wave phenomena are all examples of the movement of water masses.
Technologies for energy conversion have been developed to use the
mass motion of saltwater to power generators and turbines. The salt
and heat content of the saltwater column are the physicochemical
characteristics that can be an energy source. The osmosis principle
can turn salt into a source of electrical energy. Based on the laws
of thermodynamics, the heat of saltwater, defined as the difference
between the temperature of the water at the surface and that at a
particular depth, can be transformed into electricity.
Ocean energy in Indonesia, including tides, waves, wind, and
ocean thermal, has the potential to be developed (Langer et al., 2021).
Marine energy’s theoretical and technical potential in Indonesia is
estimated at 288 GW and 18-72 GW, respectively (Direktorat Jenderal
Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi, 2016). However, the
potential has not been developed. The realization of the potential is
zero percent, because, among other things, there are also no policies
and regulations regarding ocean energy.
To draw attention, raise awareness, and encourage the develop-
ment of ocean renewable energy, this paper presents a series of data to
be reviewed, which focuses on ocean energy in Indonesia, including
the potency, the research progress, the abandonment, and the planned
project as a process of extracting marine energy in the fields of ocean
thermal energy conversion, offshore wind turbines, ocean tidal, and
ocean waves.
B. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, usually called OTEC, is a method
of generating electricity using the temperature difference between the
ocean’s surface and deeper seawater (Nihous & Vega, 1993). Indonesia

Ocean Renewable Energy ...15
has an OTEC energy source that is abundant and regularly renewed
when the sun is shining and the ocean currents are naturally present
because Indonesia’s climate tend to be pretty consistent throughout the
year (Koto, 2016). Duxbury et al. (2002) states that in maritime tropical
areas, thermal resources from ocean thermocline are one of the most
potential sustainable energy sources. Indonesia’s theoretical potential
is 57 GW of energy sources and 43 GW in practice (INOCEAN, 2012).
Langer et al (2021a) has conducted a map of OTEC potential site in
Indonesia as shown in Figure 2.1. The aforementioned places include
western coast of Sumatra, the southern part of Sulawesi, the northern
and southern parts of Papua, and the southern part of Maluku. A study
from Syamsuddin et al. (2015) states that potential sites for OTEC
power plants are located in North Sulawesi and South Kalimantan at
a depth of 500 m. These sites have temperature differences between
the surface and deep sea of 21.78°C and 21.11°C, respectively. Using
calculation in his paper, he can produce Carnot efficiency of 0.745152
and 0.732385, respectively, and are relatively stable each month.
The potential of the Makassar Strait as a suitable location for
OTEC installations has been recognized due to its unique geographic
characteristics and strategic positioning. Studies, such as the one
conducted by Ilahude and Gordon (1996), have revealed that the area
consistently exhibits high temperatures, particularly at the surface.
This thermal profile makes the Makassar Strait an ideal candidate for
harnessing ocean thermal energy. Furthermore, extensive research
by Hammad et al. (2020) has identified a total of 17 promising sites
within the Makassar Strait where floating OTEC stations could be
deployed. These sites showcase an average temperature difference of
23.57°C, indicating the presence of substantial thermal gradients that
can be utilized for power generation.
In terms of efficiency, the average Carnot efficiency at these
identified locations is estimated to be 7.7%. While there is room for
further optimization, this figure signifies the potential for converting
a significant proportion of the available thermal energy into usable
power through OTEC technology. Considering power generation

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 16
capabilities, the envisioned OTEC stations in the Makassar Strait
have the capacity to generate an average gross power output of ap-
proximately 177.66 MW, with a net power output of around 13.85
MW. This represents a substantial energy yield that can contribute
to the regional power supply. Among the 17 potential locations in
the waters of the Makassar Strait, the station situated at coordinates
01°01’51”N-120°13’21”E stands out as particularly promising. Its
selection is based on a combination of factors, including favorable
geographical conditions, ocean currents, proximity to the nearest
coastline, and notable power generation capacity.
In east Indonesia, the northern region of Bali emerges as a prom-
ising location for the implementation of OTEC systems. Researchers,
such as Ilahude et al. (2020), have conducted studies specifically
focused on the potential for OTEC installations in North Bali. By
utilizing annual temperature data obtained from HYCOM and em-
ploying (Uehara & Ikegami, 1990) equation to develop a temperature
model, Ilahude’s research reveals that the North Bali area exhibits a
significant contrast in sea surface temperature compared to the deeper
sea, ranging between 22°C and 25°C. Notably, through the analysis, it
was determined that the location with the highest net power potential
for OTEC deployment is situated in Tedjakula, Buleleng, boasting an
impressive net power output estimated at 71,109 MW. This finding
underscores the substantial energy potential that the northern part
of Bali holds for OTEC applications in the country.
Using the method carried out by Langer et al. (2021b) in their
research, it is estimated that there are 1,021 sites on the border of
Indonesian provinces which are technically and economically suitable
for OTEC. It implies that OTEC can be run almost throughout the
Indonesian maritime region, where only the northern and southern
regions of Sumatra, southern and western Kalimantan, northern Java,
and the southern part of Papua do not have areas suitable for OTEC
installation. Langer et al. (2021b) also stated that the best site for
an OTEC plant is 13 km from Namrole and Maluku, as shown in
Figure 2.2. This is in line with Indonesian Ocean Energy Associa-

Ocean Renewable Energy ...17
tion (INOCEAN)’s statement that mapping areas with temperature
gradients above 20°C (Rahayu & Oktaviani, 2018). With a potential
electric production of around 0–16 TWh, OTEC can cover about
6% of Indonesia’s electricity needs in 2018 (Ministry of Energy and
Mineral Resources, 2019). In another study, Langer et al. (2022)
simulated an OTEC Enhancement Model considering the fulfillment
of electricity needs and the global relevance of OTEC. The study states
that an OTEC power plant with a capacity of 45 GW can be built and
can cover 22% of the national energy needs in 2050. From Sutopo
(2018), the economic potential of OTEC in Indonesia varies between
318 TWh and 3691 TWh with the economic potential of OTEC
between provinces varying between 253 and 904 TWh. Differences
in temperature and distance have the greatest influence on LCOE,
followed by CAPEX values.
Source: Langer et al. (2021a)
Figure 2.1 Potential Site of the Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in Indonesia

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 18
Source: Langer et al. (2021)
Figure 2.2 Site Map of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion in Namrole, Maluku
The development of OTEC in Indonesia is currently not yet at the
stage of installing power plants, either prototypes or commercially. In
the world, OTEC power plants have been installed in several locations,
e.g., Saga and Kumejima in Japan, with respective energy outputs of
30 kW and 100 kW. OTEC is still in the pilot project stage for several
reasons, one of which is the problem with the cold water pipe (CWP)
component (Adiputra & Utsunomiya, 2019). Indonesia had also made
several plans for the development and research of OTEC. One was
the plan to build a pilot plant in collaboration with Saga University
in Japan. The pilot project of the OTEC power plant installation was
planned to be built on Bali Island with an energy output of 5 MW
(Martosaputro & Murti, 2014), yet no progress has been made up to
In the endeavor to develop OTEC in Indonesia, setting the site
in Mentawai Island, Adiputra et al. (2020) proposed a preliminary

Ocean Renewable Energy ...19
design of OTEC to convert oil tanker ships into OTEC floating
structures to reduce the capital cost of OTEC installation. Consider -
ing the problem in the CWP component, Adiputra and Utsunomiya
(2019) also conducted research on the design of CWP components
with a stability-based approach based on internal flow effect (IFE).
Adiputra draws the conclusion that, in light of the findings, installing
clump weights is important to limit motion displacement, FRP is the
most suitable material, and the pinned joint at the top is preferred to
lessen applied stress. Further, Adiputra and Utsunomiya (2021) then
analyzed the CWP stability, imposing internal flow effect using the
Galerkin and Frobenius methods on the frequency domain. In a recent
study, the stability analysis was enhanced using the Finite Element
Method in the time domain. The analysis shows that the instability
occurs on 4.5–4.8 m/s fluid velocity (Adiputra & Utsunomiya, 2022).
C. Offshore Wind Turbine
Offshore wind turbines are basically energy from wind that flows
over offshore areas. By definition, this technology can be included
in wind energy, but here this technology is included in this section.
Currently, Indonesia has a total installed capacity for onshore wind
energy of 140 MW, separated into two locations, Jeneponto Wind
Farm and Sidrap Wind Farm, with an output of 65 MW and 75 MW
(National Energy Council, 2019). Developing wind energy power
plants in Indonesia is still slow and focused on land-based power
plants. According to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
(MEMR)’s Handbook of Energy and Economic Statistics of Indonesia
(HEESI) in 2021 (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2021),
wind energy can only supply 1,070,935 BOE. This is very far from
hydro energy, which produces 45,947,523 BOE. The Electricity Supply
Business Plan (Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik—RUPTL) of
State Electricity Company of Indonesia (Perusahaan Listrik Negara—
PLN) targets 255 MW of wind energy in 2025. Still, only 135 MW of
new power plants were installed by the end of 2021. Specifically for
offshore wind turbines, Indonesia does not yet have offshore power

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 20
plants, although the potential is quite large. Offshore wind projects
can provide a larger energy supply than onshore projects because they
can exploit Indonesia’s vast ocean territory. In addition, offshore wind
projects can also accelerate the transition to green energy.
In comparison to other nations, such as Denmark and the United
Kingdom where wind speeds are around 8.5 m/s, Indonesia has a less
windy source with an average wind speed of about 4 m/s (Global Wind
Atlas, n.d.). This is also supported by research from the Hydrodynamic
and Ocean Energy Laboratory of Hasanuddin University, which states
that wind speeds in Indonesia vary but are generally classified as mod-
erate, so it is recommended to build mobile rather than fixed system
power plants (Mahmuddin et al., 2015). With such wind conditions,
Indonesia can still produce energy with a significant output. Accord-
ing to Janis Langer, low-speed offshore wind turbines still have a high
potential for profitability, with a technological capacity of more than
6,816 TWh annually and a levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) value
of 20 US¢ (2021)/kWh (Langer et al., 2022). The Indonesian Wind
Energy Association states that the total potential for wind energy
power plants in Indonesia is 154.88 GW, with about 58.25% coming
from offshore power plants (EMD International A/S, 2017).
In Indonesia, there is a lot of room for wind energy. Wind energy
resources are scattered throughout Indonesia and are available on the
southern coast of Java, the eastern region, including Maluku and East
Nusa Tenggara, and the southern section of Sulawesi Island. In addi-
tion, some areas in Kalimantan, Sumatra, and Papua, especially in the
archipelago, also have wind energy sources that can be converted into
electrical energy and distributed, especially in remote and difficult-
to-access areas with access to main electricity facilities (Martosaputro
& Murti, 2014). This is in line with the potential mapping for wind
energy sources from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
(MEMR), which can be seen in Figure 2.3.

Ocean Renewable Energy ...21
Source: Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (2021)
Figure 2.3 Map of the Wind Energy Potential in Indonesia
The green part indicates wind speeds of 4–6 m/s, and the red part
indicates wind speeds above 6 m/s. According to Figure 2.3 (ESDM
One Map, n.d.), the regions with the greatest potential for wind
energy resources are the southern portions of Java and Kalimantan,
the southern portion of Sulawesi, the eastern portion of Indonesia,
including Maluku and East Nusa Tenggara, and the southern portion
of Papua Island.
Analysis of the potential of offshore wind turbines in Indonesia
produces different results by some researchers. The most influencing
factor is wind speed, where the measured wind speed can differ. Ac-
cording to Fauzy et al.’s study (2021), which evaluates the possibilities
for offshore wind farms in tropical nations, particularly Indonesia, the
mean annual wind speed offshore Jeneponto and Water Island in 2015
was 8.51 m/s and 8.04 m/s. Additionally, each location’s wind energy
capacity factor and field availability indicate strong potential for the
generation of wind energy. A high-capacity factor is obtained when
using turbines with low cut-in and rated wind speeds, demonstrating
that these characteristics may increase the effectiveness of offshore
wind turbine power production. In addition, increasing the wind farm
size can increase energy production and reduce the LCOE.

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 22
According to Nurlatifah et al. (2021), Indonesia is a promising
location for the construction of offshore wind projects due to its
average wind speed of 4–7 m/s. This value exceeds the cut-in value
of the turbine, which is generally only 3–4 m/s. However, with such
wind speed, the wind is unlikely to pass the rated speed. Thus, making
the turbine unable to produce the maximum capacity. In terms of
cut-off speed, no wind speed exceeds the cut-off speed. The recom-
mended areas for offshore wind projects are Aceh, Southern Java, and
South Papua because the seasonal monsoon circulation passes these
areas. Indonesia’s predominantly shallow waters show the economic
viability of offshore wind turbine installations. According to Bosch
et al. (2018), Indonesia has a potential of more than 2000 TWh/year
in shallow water and 2000 TWh/year in transitional water. As for
the total potential obtained (combining shallow, translational, and
deep water), Indonesia has an offshore wind energy potential of 8318
TWh/year. This indicates that Indonesia has favorable conditions for
developing affordable offshore wind turbines. Gernaat et al. (2014)
estimated that the offshore technical potential of Indonesia is 53 EJ
or equivalent to 4668 GW. However, it needs to be explained why the
potential is so high, considering that the water depth is only limited
to 80 m with a distance to shore of 139 km.
Other research by Pawara and Mahmuddin (2017) produced wind
power density maps in the Maluku and Sulawesi areas each month in
one year. The research found that in the Maluku and Sulawesi areas,
the highest wind potential was in July, with a maximum energy density
of between 416–463 watt/m
in the southern area of Maluku (Pawara
& Mahmuddin, 2017). Another study by Purba et al. (2014) calculated
the potential wind energy at several island points in Indonesia, namely
Rondo, Berhala, Anambas, Biawak, and Miangas. These islands were
chosen to represent the sea conditions where the islands are located. It
was found that the maximum wind speed was on Rondo Island, with
an average speed of 4.6 m/s and a maximum wind speed of 8.49 m/s.
The power generated using a NEG Micon 2750 kW/92 m turbine is
1.5 MW (Purba et al., 2014). MEMR has identified several potential

Ocean Renewable Energy ...23
locations for building offshore wind turbines, including the Tanimbar
Islands, Kupang, Sukabumi, and Jeneponto, with an estimated annual
production of between 4–6 GWh (Balai Besar Survei dan Pengujian
Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi,
D. Tidal Energy
The flow that happens in Indonesian region is caused by the “Great
Ocean Conveyor Belt” or the thermohaline circulation since Indonesia
is physically situated between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.
With a speed of 0.2–0.4 m/s, the global circulation travels over the
Indonesian islands of Sulawesi, Kalimantan, Bali, and Nusa Tenggara
(MEMR & INOCEAN, 2014). The thermohaline circulation causes a
subcirculation on the Indonesian islands called the Indonesia Through
Flow (ITF). This type of current, although small, can affect tidal energy
sources considerably. Larantuka Strait and Boling Strait are examples
of straits traversed by ITF currents (Firdaus et al., 2017).
The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource Republic of Indo-
nesia (Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi
Energi, 2011) stated that the current speed on the coast of Indonesian
waters is usually less than 1.5 m/s. However, in some places, for ex-
ample, in the straits of Bali, Lombok, and East Nusa Tenggara islands,
current speeds can reach 2.5 to 3.4 m/s. MEMR also recorded the
strongest tides in Indonesia in the strait between Taliabu Island and
Mangole Island in the Sula Islands, Maluku Province. Based on the
map of the distribution of tidal energy in Indonesia, which can be
seen in Figure 2.4, tidal energy in Indonesia is found in several loca-
tions, e.g., the Sunda Strait in southern Sumatra, southern Maluku,
northern Papua, Riau Islands areas, and eastern Indonesia, such as
Bali, Lombok, and East Nusa Tenggara.

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 24
Source: INOCEAN (2012)
Figure 2.4 Potential Site of Tidal Energy in Indonesia
Several kinds of research have been conducted to determine the
amount of energy that can potentially be extracted from tidal sources
in the particular region of Indonesia. One such research is by Orhan et
al. (2015), which stated that the potential energy from the tides in the
Larantuka Strait in East Nusa Tenggara is around 20 GWh per year,
with power densities at some locations reaching 6 kW/m
with current
speeds of more than 4 m/s. Further research by Orhan and Mayerle
(2017) showed an increase in the average power density value to 10
, with an estimated power that can be technically extracted
at 200 MW. In western Indonesia, Ikhwan et al. (2022) researched
extracting tidal energy in the waters off West Aceh and stated that
the total energy that can be converted into electricity in the waters is
around 507.36 kWh per day, and it is highly possible to build a tidal
turbine power plant.
In 2009, research by Aziz (2009) stated that the Alas Strait has a
total potential energy of 329.299 GWh per year that can be extracted
from tides with a depth range of 24 to 40 meters and 641.622 GWh
with a depth range of 24 to 80 meters. This is in line with other re -
search by Orhan et al. (2017) who studied several straits in Indonesia
and stated that the Alas Strait has the potential for energy production,
at around 2,258 MW. In the same research, Orhan et al. also stated
that the straits studied, e.g., the Bali Strait, Larantuka, Boling, Alas,
and others, can produce around 4,800 MW.

Ocean Renewable Energy ...25
The development of tidal energy extraction in Indonesia is still
in the research and prototype stage. Erwandi et al. (2011) conducted
numerical ocean modeling to assess the potential of the marine cur-
rent in several straits of Indonesian archipelago. The results were then
used to design the rotor of the marine current turbine which was
installed on the first-generation prototype with a capacity of 2 kW
tested in Flores, East Nusa Tenggara, in 2010. The prototype was then
continued to the second-generation turbine with a capacity of 10 kW
and the third-generation with the same capacity (Kasharjanto et al.,
2017). Another prototype has been tested by adopting the Gorlov
turbine model with a capacity of 0.8 kW/unit (Direktorat Jenderal
Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi, 2011). In December
2018, Indonesia also adopted the Tidal Bridge project in PLN’s RUPTL
and is in the feasibility study phase for constructing a tidal energy
power plant in Larantuka with around 30 MW installed capacity and
could generate around 80 GWh/year. Recently, world tidal energy
company Nova teamed up with Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November,
planning to deliver a feasibility study for 100kW tidal turbine that
could further generate 7 MW electricity in Larantuka strait.
Installation of the existing power plant had been attempted. The
specific turbine design (“Kobold”) was installed in Lombok with grant
support from the Italian government through partnerships as part of
the project “Promotion and Transfer of Marine Current Exploitation
Technology in China and South East Asia (Pilot Plants)” that promotes
a vertical axis marine current turbine technology. Unfortunately, the
project failed and was abandoned because there was no clear planning
or project document, which resulted in a lack of funds, misalignment,
and misunderstandings amongst the parties. The United Nations
Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) indepen­ dent assess-
ment report (2015) is a detailed report on the project.
E. Wave Energy
Wave energy is an important source of renewable energy. If exploited
extensively, it can make a significant contribution to the electrical

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 26
energy supply of countries with sea-facing coasts (Falcão & Henriques,
2016). In addition to the abundant wave energy potential in Indo-
nesia, wave energy devices are new renewable energy that has high
consistency compared to several other renewable energies. Ocean
Wave Power Generation is a technology to capture wave movement
and use it to create energy which is then converted into electricity.
The amount of energy generated depends on the speed, height, and
frequency of the waves, as well as the density of the water (Ocean
Energy Europe, 2022).
In general, a typical classification for Ocean Wave Power Plant
is divided into 4 basic components. Classification is based on (1)
operating principle, (2) orientation, (3) power take-off (PTO) type,
and (4) application of this wave energy device (see Figure 2.5). Based
on several studies related to capacity factor (CF) for wave energy, it
has a CF of 25% to around 40%, with a design life of 20 years. This
CF is influenced by the type of wave energy conversion used and the
potential of its application. One of the parameters to be considered
in selecting the type of wave energy device is the level of efficiency
of this technology (Qiao et al., 2020).
Source: IRENA (2014)
Figure 2.5 Summary in Outline of Typical
Classification for Wave Energy

Ocean Renewable Energy ...27
Globally, Asia is the continent with the largest potential for ocean
wave energy among other continents, with a potential for 6200 TWh/
year of wave energy (Qiao et al., 2020). Indonesia is a country in
Asia with a geographical location that is surrounded by two seas,
the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, making it have promising
potential for the development of wave energy power plants (see Figure
2.6). The Indonesian waters off the southern coasts of Java and Nusa
Tenggara have a potential for wave energy of 10 to 20 kW per meter
wave, according to the Medium-Term Development Plan (Direktorat
Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi, 2015).
With this potential, Indonesia has begun to develop technology
and commercialize wave energy extraction. In the early 2000s, the
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology, Indonesia
(BPPT) conducted research. It implemented a medium-scale prototype
on Baron Beach in Yogyakarta as an educational vehicle (see Figure
2.7). This project or research project ended in 2006 due to changes
in policy or research priorities. This activity was the first large-scale
national research in Indonesia.
Source: INOCEAN (2012)
Figure 2.6 Potential Site of Tidal Energy in Indonesia

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 28

(a) (b)
Note: (a) Full scale trial of PLTGL at Baron Technopark for 2004–2005
(b) Full scale trial of PLTGL at Baron Technopark at 2006
Source: Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi (2016)
Figure 2.7 Testing of Wave Energy Harvesting Instruments by BPPT
Significant progress has been made in wave energy converters
in recent years. There is increasing awareness in many countries,
especially in Europe, that this technology will be ready for large-scale
application in five to ten years (Cornett, 2008). Through PLN, the
Indonesian government is considering and reviewing the implementa-
tion of sea current and wave energy power plants with potential in
Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, and East Nusa Tenggara (PLN, 2021). At
the end of 2022, the Swedish wave energy company, Waves4Power,
and PLN Indonesia Power signed a memorandum of understand-
ing (MoU) to develop the large-scale wave energy park or so-called
Based on several references, the Technology Readiness Level
(TRL) for wave energy devices ranges from 1 to 8 (see Figure 2.8).
The OWC and point absorber types of wave energy devices have
the highest TRL compared to others. Wave energy devices, such as
the OWC-type, which has been in operation for a long time, have
demonstrated proven operational capabilities as a wave energy power
plant. Therefore, this device can be said to be at TRL 9 (Mayon et al.,
2022). The capital expenditure (CAPEX) of wave energy power plant
technology is targeted to reach 3350 kEUR/MW in 2025 to enable

Ocean Renewable Energy ...29
the technology to meet the Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan
target (with a capacity factor of 37%). Wave and tidal energy technol-
ogy has lofty goals according to the SET Plan statement on marine
energy. With a five-year delay, wave energy technology is anticipated
to achieve the same goal, paying 15 EUR¢/kWh in 2030 and 10 EUR¢/
kWh in 2035 (Magagna & Soede, 2019).
Source: Mayon et al. (2022)
Figure 2.8 Wave Energy Device Technology Readiness Level
The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for marine energy is lower
than initially anticipated. The current wave LCOE is between 0.30 and
0.55 US$/kWh (IRENA, 2020). The results of a recent feasibility study
on the development of wave energy technology and its implementation
in eastern Indonesia conducted by PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB),
in conjunction with the Energy Study Center of UGM in 2022, shows
that Southeast Maluku, Yamdena Island, has the potential for wave
energy with slight to moderate characteristics. Wave energy in eastern
Indonesia is typical of wave energy in Mutriku, Spain, or REWEC3,
Italy. The study conducted in east Indonesia, focusing on the wave
potential at Yamdena Island, Maluku, indicates an LCOE of $38.10
cents/kWh for an installed capacity of 1 MW. The LCOE is expected to
decrease with an increase in the installed capacity, reaching cost parity
with diesel power plants for installations exceeding 11 MW, at $16.25
cents/kWh. These results are consistent with the study by Australia’s
National Science Agency for the Wave Swell Energy project in 2021
that the projected LCOE of Wave Swell Energy (WSE) is around 0.5
US$/kWh for an installed capacity of 1 MW, although the potential

Renewable Energy: Policy and Strategy 30
waves with rough characteristics installed by WSE in King Island,
Australia (Hayward, 2021).
E. Closing
This paper discusses Indonesia as an archipelagic country and its
development potential to ocean renewable energy resources. As a
commitment to help fight climate change, global warming, and carbon
waste, Indonesia set a target to reach 23% of the renewable energy mix
in 2025 and 31% in 2050. In order to achieve that target, Indonesia
needs to maximize its renewable energy source potential. With a vast
ocean area, Indonesia has a large amount of ocean renewable energy
resources, including ocean thermal energy, offshore wind turbine,
ocean wave energy, and tidal energy. Indonesia has several potential
locations for OTEC energy, e.g., North Maluku, Mentawai, South
Sulawesi, and Sunda Strait, with a total technical energy potential of
43 GW. In terms of offshore wind energy, several locations, e.g., South
Sulawesi, West Papua, and East Nusa Tenggara, have promising wind
energy potential with around 154.88 GW of energy that can be utilized.
Larantuka Strait, Bali, Boling, and the Alor Island have a significant
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