Eka Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.


Eka Wulandari, S.Pd, M.Pd.

TAHUN 2019 2013

Modul Praktikum Bahasa Inggris II
D-III Keperawatan Malang 2018/2019 ii



“Menjadi Program Studi Diploma III Keperawatan yang Berkarakter dan
Unggul Terutama di Bidang Keperawatan Komunitas pada Tahun 2019”


1. Menyelenggarakan program pendidikan tinggi vokasi bidang keperawatan dengan
keunggulan keperawatan komunitas sesuai Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi
dan Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia, berdasarkan Pancasila, didukung
teknologi informasi, dan sistem penjaminan mutu
2. Melaksanakan penelitian terapan dibidang keperawatan terutama keperawatan
3. Melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berbasis hasil penelitian terapan di
bidang keperawatan terutama keperawatan komunitas
4. Meningkatan kuantitas dan kualitas sarana dan prasarana kegiatan Tri Dharma
Perguruan Tinggi di bidang pendidikan keperawatan
5. Mengembangkan kerjasama Nasional dan Internasional dalam rangka Tri Dharma
Perguruan Tinggi di bidang keperawatan
6. Melaksanakan tatakelola organisasi yang kredibel, transparan, akuntabel,
bertanggungjawab, dan adil
7. Meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas Sumber Daya Manusia yang profesional
dalam melaksanakan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi

Modul Praktikum Bahasa Inggris II
D-III Keperawatan Malang 2018/2019 iii


Modul Praktikum mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris II Tahun 2019 adalah dokumen resmi
dan digunakan pada kegiatan Pembelajaran Praktikum Mahasiswa Program Studi D-III
Keperawatan Malang Jurusan Keperawatan di Lingkungan Politeknik Kesehatan
Kemenkes Malang

Disahkan pada tanggal ....................Januari 2019

Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Malang

Budi Susatia, S.Kp M.Kes
NIP. 19650318 198803 1002
Jurusan Keperawatan

Imam Subekti, S.Kp M.Kep Sp.Kom
NIP. 196512051989121001

Modul Praktikum Bahasa Inggris II
D-III Keperawatan Malang 2018/2019 iv


This module is intended to improve students’ capabilities in using spoken and written
English. It is expected that this module can equip students with necessary patterns,
vocabularies, and functions to be used in communication using English language,
especially dealing with nursing subjects. By learning those factors related in language
study, students will produce more communicative and effective language.
This module is far from perfect, so suggestions and criticisms are very much welcome.
Thank you.

The writer

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D-III Keperawatan Malang 2018/2019 v

List of Contents

Title page ......................................................................................................... i
Visi dan Misi .................................................................................................... ii
Lembar Pengesahan .......................................................................................... iii
Preface ............................................................................................................. iv
List of contents ................................................................................................ v
Chapter 1: Introduction …………………………………………………… 1
Chapter 2: Theoretical basis and technical implementation 2
Practicum 1: Pre Operative Nursing ................................................................ 2
Practicum 2: Intra Operative Nursing ............................................................... 17
Practicum 3: Post Operative Nursing ............................................................... 27
Rules and Regulation …………………………………………………… ....... 42
Sanction ………………………………………………………………… ....... 43
Evaluation …………………………………………………………………4 3
References ........................................................................................................ 43

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D-III Keperawatan Malang 2018/2019 1


1.1 Course Description
This course underlies the profile of care providers to improve the ability of English-speaking
students to implement nursing care. Students learn about conversation techniques and
communicate in English according to the competencies that must be mastered. The learning
process includes learning activities carried out through lectures, discussions, assignments, role
play, debates, and laboratory practices.English practicum module is a practicum module
consisting of 3 subjects, namely:
a. Practicum 1 about pre operative of digestive, thoracardiovasculair, and neurology,
urology, musculoskeletal, integument system oncology, ENT and eyes.
b. Practicum 2 about intra operative of digestive, thoracardiovasculair, and neurology,
urology, musculoskeletal, integument system oncology, ENT and eyes.
c. Practicum 3 about post operative of digestive, thoracardiovasculair, and neurology,
urology, musculoskeletal, integument system oncology, ENT and eyes.
1.2 Objective
Students are expected to be able to:
1. Understand English grammar
2. Understanding vocabulary in English
3. Understanding English conversation
4. Understanding communication techniques in English
5. Have conversations in English, especially in the context of nursing
6. Express opinions using English

1.3 Target
Students of semester 4

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2.1 Practicum 1 (Duration : 4 x 170 minutes)
Pre operative of digestive, thoracardiovasculair, and neurology, urology,
musculoskeletal, integument system oncology, ENT and eyes
By : Eka Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd
a. Theoretical Basis
Perioperative nursing is a nursing process fordeveloping care plans individually and
coordinate and provide care to patients who undergoing surgery or invasive procedure
(AORN, 2013).
Perioperative nursing is inseparable from one of the medical sciences, namely
science surgical. Thus, the increasingly evolving surgery will has implications for the
development of perioperative nursing (Muttaqin, 2009). The operating room nurse is a nurse
provide perioperative nursing care to patients who will undergoing surgery that has standards,
knowledge, decisions, and skills based on scientific principles, especially rooms surgeon
(AORN, 2013 in Hipkabi, 2014). Perioperative nursing done based on the nursing process so
the nurse needs to establish strategies according to individual needs during the perioperative
period (pre, intra and post operation) (Muttaqin, 2009). The operating room nurse
isresponsible for identifyingpatient needs, determine the patient's shared goals and
implementing nursing interventions. Next, nurse the operating room performs nursing
activities to achieve the final resultsoptimal patient (Hipkabi, 2014). Nurse in the operating
roomits services are oriented towards the patient's responsephysically,
psychologicallyspiritual and socio-cultural (AORN, 2013).
The preoperative phase begins when a decision is made for surgical intervention and
is ended when the patient is sent to the operating table. The scope of nursing activities during
this time may include establishing a basic assessment of the patient in the clinical or home
setting, preoperative interviewing and preparing the patient for given anesthesia and surgery.
The intra operative phase begins when the patient enters or is moved to a surgical installation
and ends when the patient is moved to the recovery room. In this phase the scope of nursing

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activities includes the installation of an IV, administering intravenous medication, monitoring
overall physiological conditions throughout the surgical procedure andmaintaining patient
safety. Examples: providing psychological support during induction of anesthesia, acting as a
scrub nurse, or helping to position the patient on the operating table by using the basic
principles of body symmetry. The postoperative phase begins with the entry of the patient into
the recovery room and ends with a follow-up evaluation at the clinical setting or at home. The
scope of nursing activities includes extensive activities during this period. In this phase the
focus of the assessment includes the effect of agent anesthesia and monitoring vital functions
and preventing complications. Pastoral care activities then focus on improving patient
recovery and conducting counseling, follow-up care and referrals that are important for
healing and rehabilitation and return.
b. Pre operative technical implementation
1. Grouping
In this case, students are grouped into groups, according to the attendance list. 1 group
consists of 4 students. Formation of the group is done 1 week before the practicum.
The aim is to provide students with readiness to prepare themselves as early as
2. Conversation Script
Each group is required to make 1 script conversation with a predetermined theme.
Conversation scripts are made so that students easily follow the correct practice flow.
Each group must submit scripts before practice begins. Each student has the following
1. Nurse.
3. doctor.
4. Narator.
The students have to exchange their roles.
3. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of Digestion
Narator : One day in Mawar Room, RSSA DR Saiful Anwar Hospital, there was 31
years old female patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with

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her digestive system. She wanted to get operation three days letter. The doctor
and the nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came
to her room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Catrina?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Bellinda, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bram would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Catrine, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Catrina, I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition
improve until the day of digestive opration 3 days letter.
Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Belinda, would you please check Mrs. Catrina vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Catrina, I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Belinda, how is the condition of Mrs. Catrina?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Catrina’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Catrina, your general condition is getting better and better.
Especially when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very
good development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
digestive operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Catrina, do you have other complaints?

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Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your digestive system still does not work well. So you have
to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very much.
Just stay on the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Catrina, anything else?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Catrina there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Catrina, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Catrina, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Catrina, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

4. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of Thoracardiovasculair, and neurology
Narator : One day in Melati Room, Lavalette Hospital, there was 29 years old female
patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her
Thoracardiovasculair, and neurology system. She wanted to get operation three
days letter. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning
doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Kety?
Patient : Yes nurse.

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Nurse : I am Samuel, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Tony would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Kety, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Kety, I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition improve
until the day of thoracardiovasculair, and neurology opration 3 days letter.
Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Belinda, would you please check Mrs. Kety vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs Kety, I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs Kety?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Belinda, how is the condition of Mrs. Kety?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Kety’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Kety, your general condition is getting better and better. Especially
when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
thoracardiovasculair, and neurology operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Kety, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your thoracardiovasculair, and neurology system still does
not work well. So you have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please
do not move very much. Just stay on the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Kety, anything else?

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Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Kety there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Kety, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our visit
is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in the
nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that sign?
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Kety, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Kety, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

5. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of Urology
Narator : One day in Rose Room, RSSA DR Saiful Anwar Hospital, there was 65 years
old female patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her
urology system. She wanted to get operation three days letter. The doctor and
the nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to
her room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Mia ?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Bellinda, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bram would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Mia, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Mia , I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition improve
until the day of urology opration 3 days letter.

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Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , would you please check Mrs. Mia vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs Mia , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs Mia ?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , how is the condition of Mrs. Mia ?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Mia ’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Mia , your general condition is getting better and better. Especially
when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
urology operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Mia , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your urology system still does not work well. So you have
to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very much.
Just stay on the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Mia , anything else?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Mia there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.

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Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Mia , do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our visit
is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in the
nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that sign?
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Mia , see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Mia , see you soon.

Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

6. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of Musculoskeletal
Narator : One day in Finland Room, RSSA DR Saiful Anwar Hospital, there was 65
years old female patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with
her musculoskeletal system. She wanted to get operation three days letter. The
doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and
nurse came to her room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Mia ?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Bellinda, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bram would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Mia, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Mia , I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition improve
until the day of musculoskeletal opration 3 days letter.
Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , would you please check Mrs. Mia vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs Mia , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs Mia ?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.

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Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , how is the condition of Mrs. Mia ?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Mia ’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Mia , your general condition is getting better and better. Especially
when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
musculoskeletal operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Mia , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your musculoskeletal system still does not work well. So
you have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
much. Just stay on the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Mia , anything else?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Mia there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Mia , do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our visit
is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in the
nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that sign?
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Mia , see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Mia , see you soon.

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Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

7. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of Integument System Oncology
Narator : One day in Finland Room, RSSA DR Saiful Anwar Hospital, there was 70
years old female patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with
her integument system oncology system. She wanted to get operation three
days letter. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning
doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Mirna ?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Bellinda, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bram would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Mirna, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Mirna , I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition
improve until the day of integument system oncology opration 3 days letter.
Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , would you please check Mrs. Mirna vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs Mirna , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs
Mirna ?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.

Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , how is the condition of Mrs. Mirna ?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Mirna ’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.

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Doctor : Well Mrs. Mirna , your general condition is getting better and better.
Especially when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very
good development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
, integument system oncology operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Mirna , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your , integument system oncology system still does not
work well. So you have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do
not move very much. Just stay on the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Mirna , anything else?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Mirna there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Mirna , do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Mirna , see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Mirna , see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

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8. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of ENT
Narator : One day in Finland Room, RS Panti Waluya, there was 55 years old female
patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her , ENT. She
wanted to get operation three days letter. The doctor and the nurse supervised
her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check
her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Sarah ?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Bellinda, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bram would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Sarah, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Sarah , I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition
improve until the day of ENT opration 3 days letter.
Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , would you please check Mrs. Sarah vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs Sarah , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs
Sarah ?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , how is the condition of Mrs. Sarah ?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Sarah ’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Sarah , your general condition is getting better and better. Especially
when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very good

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development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get ,
integument system oncology operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Sarah , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your , ENT still does not work well. So you have to take in
the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very much. Just stay on
the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Sarah , anything else?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Sarah there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Sarah , do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Sarah , see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Sarah , see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

9. Conversation Practice About Pre Operative Of Eye
Narator : One day in Finland Room, RSSA DR Saiful Anwar Hospital, there was 45
years old female patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with
her eye. She wanted to get operation three days letter. The doctor and the nurse

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supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room
to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs, Sari ?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Bellinda, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bram would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Sari, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor. I am not dizzy like yesterday. I
could aet little additional food.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Sari , I am happy to hear that. I hope your condition improve
until the day of eye opration 3 days letter.
Patient : I really hope so doctor.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , would you please check Mrs. Sari vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs Sari , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs Sari ?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes I do my best.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Ratna , how is the condition of Mrs. Sari ?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Sari ’s pulse is 70 times per minute. The body
temperature is 36,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Sari , your general condition is getting better and better. Especially
when I compare your condition three days ago. Today you get very good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get , eye
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Sari , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.

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Doctor : Oh ya, it is because your , eye still does not work well. So you have to take in
the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very much. Just stay on
the bed but for bowl elimination.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Sari , anything else?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I get problem to sleep in the night. I also really worry about
the operation. I feel anxious doctor.
Doctor : You feel anxious because you worry so much about operation. Consequently
you can not sleep well. Well Mrs. Sari there is nothing to worry about the
operation. We are professional and we have great experiences in doing this
case. Just relaxed and pray.
Patient : Ok doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Sari , do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our visit
is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in the
nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that sign?
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Sari , see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Sari , see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

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2.2 Practicum 2 (Duration : 5 x 170 minutes)
Intra Operative of digestive, thoracardiovasculair, and neurology, urology,
musculoskeletal, integument system oncology, ENT and eyes
By : Eka Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.
a. Theoretical Basis
The intra-operative phase begins when the patient enters the operating roomand ends
when the patient is moved to the recovery room or roomintensive care (Hipkabi, 2014). In this
phase the scope of activitynursing includes infusion, administrationintravenously, conduct
thorough physiological monitoringthroughout the surgical procedure and maintaining patient
safety.In this case, for example, providingpsychological supportduring anesthetic induction,
act as a scrub nurse, orhelp arrange the position of the patient on the operating table withusing
the principles of body symmetry (Smeltzer, 2010).The assessment was carried out by the
operating theater nurse in phaseIntra operative is more complex and must be done quickly
andconcise so that appropriate nursing actions are taken immediately.The ability to recognize
patient problems that are riskynor actual will be obtained based on knowledge andnursing
experience. Implementation is based onon priority goals, coordination of all team members
operations, as well as involving independent and dependent actions(Muttaqin, 2009).

b. Intra Operative Technical Implementation
1. Grouping
In this case, students are grouped into groups, according to the attendance list. 1 group
consists of 4 students. Formation of the group is done 1 week before the practicum.
The aim is to provide students with readiness to prepare themselves as early as
2. Conversation Script
Each group is required to make 1 scrip conversation with a predetermined theme.
Conversation scripts are made so that students easily follow the correct practice flow.
Each group must submit scripts before practice begins. Each student has the following

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1. Nurse.
2. Patient.
3. doctor.
4. Narator.
The students have to exchange their roles.
3. Conversation Practice About intra Operative Of Digestion
Narator : One day in Matahari Room, RSPAD Jakarta, there was 21 years old patient
lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her digestion. She
wanted to get operation. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In
the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition
in general.
Nurse : Hi Mrs, Liza.
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Fatma, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Bambang would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Liza, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Liza, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Liza vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.
I am sorry Mrs Liza , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs Liza?
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.
Nurse : Yes.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse Fatma , how is the condition of Mrs. Liza?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Liza’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.

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Doctor : Well Mrs. Liza , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Liza , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.
Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Liza.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Liza , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Liza , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

4. Conversation Practice About intra Operative Of Thoracardiovasculair, and Neurology
Narator : One day in Cempaka Room, RSPAD Jakarta, there was 31 years old patient
lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her thoracardiovasculair,
and neurology. She wanted to get operation. The doctor and the nurse
supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room
to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs. Sarah?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Shanty, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Cipto would like to
check your condition today before operation.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Sarah, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.
Doctor : That is good Mrs Sarah, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Sarah vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.
I am sorry Mrs Sarah , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.

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Nurse : Yes.

Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Sarah?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Sarah’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Sarah , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Sarah , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.
Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Sarah.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Sarah , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Sarah , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

5. Conversation Practice About Intra Operative Of Urology
Narator : One day in Mawar Room, RSPAD Jakarta, there was 57 years old patient
lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her urology. She wanted
to get operation. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In the
morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition in
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs. Merry?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Shinta, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Mike would like to
check your condition today before operation.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Merry, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.

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Doctor : That is good Mrs. Merry, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Merry vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.
I am sorry Mrs Merry , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.
Nurse : Yes.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Merry?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Merry’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Merry , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Merry , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.
Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Merry.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Merry , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Merry , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

6. Conversation Practice About Intra Operative Of Musculoskeletal
Narator : One day in Jasmine Room, RSPAD Jakarta, there was 63 years old patient
lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her musculoskeletal. She
wanted to get operation. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In
the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition
in general.

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Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs. Wilda?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am April, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Toros would like to check
your condition today before operation.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Wilda, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.
Doctor : That is good Mrs. Wilda, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Wilda vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.
I am sorry Mrs Wilda , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.
Nurse : Yes.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Wilda?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Wilda’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Wilda , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Wilda , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.
Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Wilda.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Wilda , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Wilda , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

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7. Conversation Practice About Intra Operative Of Integument System Oncology
Narator : One day in Sedap Malam Room, RSU DR. Sudarsono Pasuruan, there was 60
years old patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her
integument system oncology. She wanted to get operation. The doctor and the
nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her
room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs. Ajeng?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Julia, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor John would like to check
your condition today before operation.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Ajeng, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.
Doctor : That is good Mrs. Ajeng, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Ajeng vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.
I am sorry Mrs Ajeng , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.
Nurse : Yes.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Ajeng?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Ajeng’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Ajeng , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Ajeng , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.

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Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Ajeng.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Ajeng , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Ajeng , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

8. Conversation Practice About Intra Operative Of ENT
Narator : One day in Sedap Malam Room, RSU DR. Sudarsono Pasuruan, there was 60
years old patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her
ENT. She wanted to get operation. The doctor and the nurse supervised her
intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her
furture condition in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs. Tina?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Julia, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor John would like to check
your condition today before operation.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Tina, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.
Doctor : That is good Mrs. Tina, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Tina vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.
I am sorry Mrs Tina , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.
Nurse : Yes.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Tina?

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Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Tina’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Tina , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Tina , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.
Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Tina.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Tina , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Tina , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

9. Conversation Practice About Intra Operative Of Eye
Narator : One day in Bakung Room, RSU DR. Sudarsono Pasuruan, there was 40 years
old patient lying down on the bed. She was getting problem with her eye. She
wanted to get operation. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In
the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition
in general.
Nurse : Sorry, are you Mrs. Vina?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am June, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Celvin would like to
check your condition today before operation.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Vina, how are you today?
Patient : I am getting much better than yesterday doctor.
Doctor : That is good Mrs. Vina, I am pleased to hear that.
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Vina vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, i do it.

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I am sorry Mrs Vina , I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do it for me.
Nurse : Yes.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor and patient.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Vina?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Vina’s pulse is 85 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 120/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Vina , your general condition is getting better. Today you get very
good condition. Hopefully you are ready for operation.
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Vina , do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, no doctor. Everything is good. I am ready to get operation.
Doctor : Oh ya, that is fantastic Mrs. Vina.
Patient : Ok doctor and nurse, Thank you so much for your support.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Vina , I hope the operation work well.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Vina , see you.
Narator : The patient was sent to the oeration room.

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2.3 Practicum 3 (Duration : 5 x 170 minutes)
Post operative of digestive, thoracardiovasculair, and neurology, urology,
musculoskeletal, integument system oncology, ENT and eyes
By : Eka Wulandari, S.Pd., M.Pd.
a. Theoretical Basis
The postoperative phase begins with the patient entering the roomrecovery (recovery room) or
intensive and ended roomended with a follow-up evaluation on the inpatient setting,
clinic, as well as at home. Scopeof nursing activities includea wide range of activities during
this period. In this phase focusthe assessment includes the effects of anesthetic agents and
monitoring vital functionsand prevent complications. Nursing activities laterfocuses on
improving the patient's healing and doingcounseling, follow-up care, and referrals forhealing,
rehabilitation and repatriation (Hipkabi, 2014).

b. Post operative Technical Implementation
1. Grouping
In this case, students are grouped into groups, according to the attendance list. 1 group
consists of 5 students. Formation of the group is done 1 week before the practicum.
The aim is to provide students with readiness to prepare themselves as early as
2. Conversation Script
Each group is required to make 1 scrip conversation with a predetermined theme.
Conversation scripts are made so that students easily follow the correct practice flow.
Each group must submit scripts before practice begins. Each student has the following
1. Nurse.
2. Patient.
3. doctor.
4. Narator.
5. Family

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The students have to exchange their roles.

3. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of Digestion
Narator : One day in Melati Room, DR Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, there was 25 years
old female patient lying down on the bed. She has got operation of digestion 24
hours ago. The operation was successful. The doctor and the nurse supervised
her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check
her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Catrina?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Sukma, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Pramono would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Catrine, how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But I am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Catrina. This condition is common after getting operation.
Patient : oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Catrina could not sleep well. She wake up in mid
night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is good information for me. I
will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Catrina vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Catrina, I want to check your vital signs, are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.

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Nurse : Yes Mrs. Catrina. I will do it.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Catrina?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Catrina’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Catrina, your general condition is getting better. Today you get
good development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Catrina, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Catrina, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Catrina, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Catrina, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Catrina, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

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4. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of Thoracardiovasculair, and Neurology
Narator : One day in Kenanga Room, DR Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, there was 25
years old female patient lying down on the bed. She has got operation of
thoracardiovasculair, and neurology 24 hours ago. The operation was
successful. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively. In the morning
doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Ratih?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Nirmala, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Magdalena would like
to check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Ratih how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But i am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Ratih. This condition is common after getting operation.
Patient : Oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Ratih could not sleep well. She wake up in mid
night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is ok after getting surgical
operation. But do not worry about it. I will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Ratih vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Ratih, I want to check your vital signs. Are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes Mrs. Ratih. I will do it.

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Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Ratih?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Ratih’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Ratih, your general condition is getting better. Today you get good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Ratih, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Ratih, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Ratih, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Ratih, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Ratih, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

5. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of Urology
Narator : One day in Lily Room, DR Soetomo Hospital Surabaya, there was 38 years old
female patient lying down on the bed. She has got operation of urology 24

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hours ago. The operation was successful. The doctor and the nurse supervised
her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check
her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Monika?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Nurma, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Tony would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Monika how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But i am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Monika. This condition is common after getting operation.
Patient : Oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Monika could not sleep well. She wake up in mid
night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is ok after getting surgical
operation. But do not worry about it. I will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Monika vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Monika, I want to check your vital signs. Are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes Mrs. Monika. I will do it.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Monika?

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Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Monika’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Monika, your general condition is getting better. Today you get
good development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Monika, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Monika, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Monika, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Monika, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Monika, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

6. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of Musculoskeletal
Narator : One day in Sakura Room, RSSA Hospital Malang, there was 38 years old
female patient lying down on the bed. She got operation of musculoskeletal 24
hours ago. The operation was successful. The doctor and the nurse supervised
her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check
her furture condition in general.

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Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Wayan?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Salsa, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Barokah would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Wayan how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But i am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Wayan. This condition is common after getting operation.
Patient : Oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Wayan could not sleep well. She wake up in mid
night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is ok after getting surgical
operation. But do not worry about it. I will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Wayan vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Wayan, I want to check your vital signs. Are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes Mrs. Wayan. I will do it.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Wayan?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Wayan’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.

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Doctor : Well Mrs. Wayan, your general condition is getting better. Today you get
good development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Wayan, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Wayan, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Wayan, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Wayan, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Wayan, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

7. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of Integument System Oncology
Narator : One day in Sakura Room, RSSA Hospital Malang, there was 38 years old
female patient lying down on the bed. She got operation of integument system
oncology 24 hours ago. The operation was successful. The doctor and the nurse
supervised her intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room
to check her furture condition in general.
Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Andini?
Patient : Yes nurse.

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Nurse : I am Shasa, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Joko Adi would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Andini how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But i am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Andini. This condition is common after getting operation.
Patient : Oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Andini could not sleep well. She wake up in mid
night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is ok after getting surgical
operation. But do not worry about it. I will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.

Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Andini vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Andini, I want to check your vital signs. Are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes Mrs. Andini. I will do it.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Andini?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Andini’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Andini, your general condition is getting better. Today you get good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get

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Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Andini, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Andini, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Andini, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.

Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Andini, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Andini, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

8. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of ENT
Narator : One day in Matahari Room, Sanglah Hospital Bali, there was 37 years old
female patient lying down on the bed. She got operation of ENT 24 hours ago.
The operation was successful. The doctor and the nurse supervised her
intensively. In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her
furture condition in general.
Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Kadek?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Putu, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Toros would like to check
your condition today.

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Doctor : Hello Mrs. Kadek how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But I am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Kadek. This condition is common after getting operation.
Patient : Oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Kadek could not sleep well. She wake up in mid
night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is ok after getting surgical
operation. But do not worry about it. I will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Kadek vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Kadek, I want to check your vital signs. Are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes Mrs. Kadek. I will do it.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Kadek?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Kadek’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Kadek, your general condition is getting better. Today you get good
development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Kadek, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.

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Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very
Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Kadek, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Kadek, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Kadek, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Kadek, see you soon.

Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

9. Conversation Practice About Post Operative Of Eye
Narator : One day in Mawar Room, Sanglah Hospital Bali, there was 27 years old female
patient lying down on the bed. She got operation of eye 24 hours ago. The
operation was successful. The doctor and the nurse supervised her intensively.
In the morning doctor and nurse came to her room to check her furture
condition in general.
Nurse : Hallo Mrs, Komang?
Patient : Yes nurse.
Nurse : I am Gede, the nurse on duty today. I am with doctor Palmer would like to
check your condition today.
Doctor : Hello Mrs. Komang how are you today?
Patient : I am ok so far doctor. But I am weak.
Doctor : That is ok Mrs. Komang. This condition is common after getting operation.

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Patient : Oh really doctor?
Family : Oh ya doctor, last night Mrs. Komang could not sleep well. She wake up in
mid night until morning. Until now she could not sleep again. Why it happened
Doctor : Well it is the reaction of medicine maddam. That is ok after getting surgical
operation. But do not worry about it. I will give her some medicine.
Family : Ok than you doctor.
Doctor : Ok, do not mention it maddam.
Narator : A few menutes after conversation between doctor and family, the doctor asked
the nurse to check the patient condition.
Doctor : Nurse, would you please check Mrs. Komang vital signs.
Nurse : Yes doctor, I do it immediately.
I am sorry Mrs. Komang, I want to check your vital signs. Are you ready Mrs.
Patient : Yes I am ready nurse. Please do your best for me.
Nurse : Yes Mrs. Komang. I will do it.
Narator : A few menutes after checking the patient vital signs, the nurse told the
condition of patient to the doctor.
Doctor : Nurse, how is the condition of Mrs. Komang?
Nurse : Well yes doctor. Mrs Komang’s pulse is 67 times per minute. The body
temperature is 35,5 degree celcius, siastole and diastole is 130/90MmHg.
Doctor : Well Mrs. Komang, your general condition is getting better. Today you get
good development. Hopefully 3 days letter your condition will be perfect to get
Patient : I really hope so doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : Mrs. Komang, do you have other complaints?
Patient : Well, yes doctor. I still feel weak and when I take in more food I feel nausea.
Doctor : Oh ya, it is because the system in your body still does not work well. So you
have to take in the food little by little and slowly. Please do not move very

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Patient : Thank you doctor.
Doctor : Mrs. Komang, anything else?
Patient : No doctor, Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, Mrs. Komang, do not forget to take in your food from hospital. I think our
visit is enough. We will visit other patients. If you have problems just call us in
the nursing station by pressing the button on your right side. Do you see that
Patient : Ok nurse and doctor, Thank you so much.
Family : Thank you so much.
Nurse : Ok, thanks Mrs. Komang, see you later.
Doctor : Ok, thanks Mrs. Komang, see you soon.
Narator : The nurse and the doctor left the patient room.

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1. Students must be present 10 minutes before the practicum begins
2. Students must wear uniform clothing complete with name tags.
3. Students must prepare equipment that will be used in practical work.
4. During the practicum students are not allowed to:
a. Eat and drink.
b. Joke.
c. Discuss issues that are not related to the practical material.
d. Doing other things that are not related to the practicum.
5. All students must actively participate in practicum.
6. After completing the practicum, students must return the equipment that is used intact, and
clean to the person in charge of the laboratory. If there is damage to the tool during the
practicum caused by student negligence, students are required to fill out a form to replace,
and immediately replace the tool.
7. After the practicum, students must return the post-practicum equipment.
8. The presence of students in practicum must be 100%. If students cannot attend the
practicum due to illness, or for other reasons, are required to send a valid letters and must
be submitted within 1 week. Students must also immediately report to the person in charge
of practicum to plan a replacement.

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1. Too late to take part in practical activities.
2. Conducting noise during the practicum.
3. Using electronic devices without permission.
Penalty: 10 points
Range of practical score 65 to 100.
1. Dressing inappropriately during the practicum.
2. Leave the laboratory room during the practicum.
4. Eating and drinking during the practicum
Penalty: 15 points.
Range of practical score 65 to 100.
1. Not following the practicum activities without a clear reason.
Penalty: 20 points.
Range of practical score 65 to 100.

Based on the four language skills scoring rubrics (reading, speaking, listening, and writing)

Vijayalaksmi, C., et al. Nursing, Higher Secondary, Volume 1, Tamilnadu Textbook
Corporation, 2005
Grice, Tony. Oxford English for Careers: Nursing 1, Oxford University Press, USA, 2008
Denver, Colo., Sept. 25, 2013 – The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses
Arif, Muttaqin., 2009. Asuhan Keperawatan Klien dengan Gangguan Sistem. Kardiovaskular
dan hematologi. Salemba Medika, Jakarta.

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The basic assumption that was tested in the High 5s initiative is that process standardization
will improve patient safety. We know that in a general sense, the tendency for a process to fail
is diminished in relation to the consistency with which it is carried out; that is, the degree to
which it is standardized. Despite this, efforts in recent years to standardize health care
processes through the introduction of practice parameters, protocols, clinical pathways, and so
forth have been met with limited enthusiasm among practitioners and are only slowly
affecting the actual delivery of care. Achieving process consistency while retaining the ability
to recognize and accommodate variation in the input to the process (for example, the patient’s
severity of illness, co-morbidities, other treatments, and preferences) is one of the major
challenges to standardization in health care. Process variation to meet individual patient needs
is an essential principle of modern medicine; variation to meet individual health care
organization or practitioner preferences need not be. The thesis that has been tested in the
High 5s initiative is that standardization will be advantageous—will get better overall results
more safely—even if we concede that each practitioner working independently could get
better results than the others by using a personally favored, but different, process than the
others. The reason, of course, is that in modern medicine, practitioners do not work
independently. Clinical results are determined by the complex interrelationships among
practitioners, supporting staff and services, and the clinical environment. Assuming each
preferred practice is a good practice, it matters less which process is selected as the basis for
standardization; it is the standardization that matters most. Standardization produces better
results than a variety of “best practices” when it comes to safety.
The High 5s initiative has taken standardization a couple of steps further than the usual efforts
to minimize variation—it not only sought to standardize certain processes among individuals
within a health care organization but to standardize them in multiple organizations in multiple
countries around the world. The High 5s Project posed the following questions: Is it possible
to standardize on a multinational scale? If it is, will this effort measurably improve the safety
of care? The first of these questions has now been answered as a qualified affirmative. That is,
the High 5s Project has demonstrated that a standardized process for preparing patients for
surgery, focused on the prevention of wrong site surgery, can be implemented on a
multinational scale with minimal adaptation of the protocol. However, while most of the
participating hospitals have achieved full implementation of the SOP, some have not and are
still in the process of spreading the implementation to include all eligible sites and patient

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groups. Also, performance measure data collected over the course of the Project demonstrates
significant variation from hospital to hospital and country to country in the consistency of
performance of the steps of the SOP. Finally, it should be noted that all but one of the
participating countries are classified as developed economies. The question of impact is more
difficult to answer, primarily because of the infrequency of the events the SOP is intended to
prevent, lack of a reliable baseline of occurrence rate, and the inconsistency of reporting
events that do occur. Nonetheless, while impact in terms of a change in outcomes cannot be
demonstrated, there has clearly been an impact on the processes for preparing patients for
surgery (e.g., evidence of the introduction of surgical site marking where it had not previously
been practiced), and on the awareness of and attention to the problem of wrong site surgery
and its prevention.
The preoperative preparation process
Basic principles and rationale
Correct surgery requires correct patient identification, correct diagnosis, selection of the
appropriate procedure, determination of the correct site of the surgery, proper positioning of
the patient, and availability of all necessary equipment. The principles supporting this
Standard Operating Protocol (SOP) are as follows:
1. Wrong site, wrong procedure, and wrong person surgery can and must be prevented.
2. A robust approach—using multiple, complementary strategies—is necessary to
achieve the goal of eliminating wrong site, wrong procedure, wrong person surgery.
3. Active involvement and effective communication among all members of the
perioperative team is important for success.
4. To the extent possible, the patient (or legally designated representative) should be
involved in the process.
5. Consistent implementation of a standard operatin
The process
Prevention of Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, and Wrong Person Surgery requires consistent,
effective implementation of the following three complementary components
1. Pre-operative verification
Purpose: To reduce the risk of patient and procedure misidentification by ensuring that all
of the relevant documents and diagnostic studies are available prior to the start of the
procedure; that they are correctly identified, labeled, and matched to the patient’s identifiers;
and that they have been reviewed and are consistent with the patient’s expectations and with

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the team’s understanding of the intended patient, procedure, site and, as applicable, any
implants. Missing information or discrepancies must be addressed before starting the
Process: An ongoing process of information gathering and verification, beginning with the
determination to do the procedure, continuing through all settings and interventions involved
in the preoperative preparation of the patient, up to and including the “final time out” just
before the start of the procedure.
2. Marking the operative site
Purpose: To identify unambiguously the intended site of incision or insertion.
Process: For procedures involving laterality, or multiple structures, surfaces or levels, the
intended site must be marked such that the mark will be visible after the patient has been