Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion 8(1) July 2023
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Philantrophy in Education of Religious Tolerance in
Kurikulum Merdeka

Sigit Tri Utomo*
Nahdlatul Ulama Institute of Temanggung, Indonesia

Muhammad Ridwan
MC Gill Canada University, Canada

Yoyok Amirudin
National Pingtung University, Taiwan

Dzikrina Khoirun Nida
Nahdlatul Ulama Institute of Temanggung, Indonesia

Ahmad Yusuf
Nahdlatul Ulama Institute of Temanggung, Indonesia

Muna Badru Tamama
Nahdlatul Ulama Institute of Temanggung, Indonesia

Article History Abstract
February 24, 2023

July 10, 2023

July 13, 2023

July 31, 2023

The multicultural Indonesian nation consisting of various tribes, languages,
ethnicities, cultures, and religions must uphold tolerance education. including the
implementation of the "Kurikulum Merdeka" in educational units in schools. Various
cases of religious intolerance show a lack of voluntary action through an
understanding of the treatment of volunteerism for social purposes through love
(philanthropy) in the form of acts of generosity (compassion). This paper discusses the
Philanthropy of Religious Tolerance Education in the Implementation of the
"Kurikulum Merdeka" at Al-Kautsar Elementary School and Pangudi Utami
Elementary School.This research qualitative field research with a data collection
approach through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis
techniques in this study are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The
results of the study show that philanthropy is always closely related to things that are
engaged in charity or are closely related to material elements. This narrow view is
currently beginning to erode, especially with the increasing interest of school students
in philanthropic activities which are closely related to the behavior of those who do
them out of concern. The meaning of philanthropy is expanding and developing.
Philanthropy activities are increasingly organized and directed. During modern
currents, forms of philanthropy emerge in society, one of which is philanthropy in
implementing “Kurikulum Merdeka” with two different schools in schools with
students from Pangudi Utami Catholic Elementary School and Alkautsar Islamic
Elementary School.

Keywords: Philanthropy; Religious Tolerance Education; Kurikulum Merdeka

* Correspondence: Sigit Tri Utomo, Nahdlatul Ulama Institute of Temanggung, Temanggung, Indonesia
[email protected]

Utomo et al.

Education is a deliberate effort to
maximize human potential is that they are
intelligent cognitively, affectively,
psychomotorically and contribute to diversity
and differences in order to become tolerant
human beings. The multicultural Indonesian
nation consists of various tribes, languages,
ethnicities, cultures and religions that must
uphold tolerance education (Fitriani 2020).
In the vast nation of Indonesia, there are
many different religions, including Islam,
Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and several
indigenous traditions. Therefore, religious
tolerance is a must to ensure social stability in
the face of intellectual pressure or in the form
of physical conflicts in society. Religious
diversity is meant to be acknowledged,
respected, and used to cooperate in virtue.
Rather than the other way around, religious
differences are a motivating factor for bringing
each other down, belittling one another, or
mixing one religion with another (Fitriani
At SMAN 8 Yogyakarta, there was an
instance of intolerance when the principal had
his students spend Easter Day at camp.
Catholic and Christian religious educators
objected to this, but the principal made no
comment. (Guritno and Erdianto 2021).
Kurikulum Merdeka improper
formatting provides learning independence
goals for both teachers and students, especially
student-centered learning processes in order
for students to maximize their potential
become superior human -centered. The
curriculum is a set of tools to achieve a goal
including the Implementation of the
Kurikulum Merdeka in educational units in
driving schools. This curriculum contains the
theme of strengthening the profile of Pancasila,
namely global diversity with religious
However, the problem of intolerance in
Indonesia continues to occur, some data, as
quoted from (06/04/2021) by
Setara Institute research, the most frequent
violations of intolerance occurred during
2020-2021 carried out by various parties such
as community groups, religious organizations,
non-governmental actors. countries, even up to
MUI (Indonesian Ulema Council). At most,
there were around 64 cases of KBB (freedom of
religious groups), consisting of refusals to
establish places of worship, worship activities
to desecration in the name of religion. Social
facts quoted from (21/10/2022)
show that cases of intolerance at SMA Negeri
52 Jakarta were caused by students tackling
non-Muslim students during the OSIS election.
Ironically, one teacher was even involved as the
initiator (Muharam 2020).
The various cases above show a lack of
voluntary action through understanding
voluntary treatment for social interests
through love (philanthropy) in the form of acts
of charity (compassion) and religious tolerance
education in society, especially in schools
which must be internalized from an early age.
Historically, philanthropy in this country
(Indonesia) started from elements of Islam and
Christianity related to missionary and da'wah
activities with the spread of religion in the form
of educational services and social activities
(Fauzia, Hidayati, Ilmiah et al. 2018).
Indonesian philanthropic activities began with
the emergence and development of a popular
community organization with the term NGO
(Non-Governmental Organization) around the
1970s which aimed to assist humanitarian
activities (Jusuf 2007).
Apart from a lack of understanding of
philanthropy, also in tolerance education, that
tolerance education has the meaning of
gentleness, patience and leniency as well as
relief from existing differences (Mumin 2018).
Religious diversity is axiomatic
(undeniable) facts and is a historical
inevitability (historically necessary) that are
universal. Religious plurality should be seen as
part of human life where it is something that is
impossible eliminated but must be addressed
well. Religious plurality has the potential to
give birth to a variety of collision, conflict,
violence, and attitude anarchy against

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
adherents of other religions when cannot be
handled properly (Malik 2021).
Islam terms tolerance which means
tasamuh, namely the attitude of allowing or
freeing someone to disagree with our
arguments and opinions and also rejecting
opinions on differences that occur such as
lifestyle and others (Khoiriyah 2016).


As for the literature review such as in
their study titled "The role of philanthropic
institutions for the welfare of the global
community," Sholikhah et al. (Case study on
the Fast Response Madiun Action) in this
research discusses the role of ACT for a global
presence in the economic field for the welfare
of society with waqf channeling programs
(Sholikhah 2021).
In contrast to the research conducted by
Sulkifli UIN Sunan Kalijaga with the title
Islamic Philanthropy in the Context of Human
Resource Development in Indonesia which
discusses the contribution of BAZNAS in
channeling zakat for distribution of
scholarships and renovation of educational
institutions (Sulkifli 2018).
In Anwar Hafidzi's writings, tolerance is
something that can reduce inter-religious
conflict and create a sense of brotherhood
despite different beliefs. Tolerance in life is
viewed from two approaches, namely in Islam
and the psychology of religion. A literature
review was the research methodology
employed with the keyword’s community
tolerance and faith. This approach will find at
least two theoretical approaches, namely
internal and external tolerance approaches.
Internally, tolerance in the religious approach
recognizes the existence of the concept of
pluralism in choosing beliefs and practicing
them. As for externally, tolerance can be
believed based on maturity in religious
attitudes or being able to adapt maturely. The
concept found is the concept of tasamuh and
tawazun in society and belief (Hafidzi 2019).
John Goodwin and Roger Williams
advocated a theory of religious toleration that
should only be extended to Protestant
Christians who were entitled to Christian
liberty, such as the regenerate. They never had
in mind a broad conception of religious
toleration to be extended to persons of all
faiths, whether they were Christians, Jews,
Turks, or the like. The logical progression from
the Pauline gospel through St. Augustine,
Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, and John
Calvin to seventeenth-century England was the
foundation upon which Milton and his
contemporaries based their conclusions. There
is no separate study of John Milton's theory of
religious toleration, and the few cursory
treatments of Milton's concepts of religious
liberty that have been published typically
overstate Milton's actual understanding of
religious liberty, necessitating the need for this
study of his theory of religious toleration. This
study aims to fill the gap mentioned in the
aforementioned first justification and dispel
the myth that Milton favoured a large
expansion of religious liberty (Hjerm, Eger,
Bohman et al. 2019).
Currently generosity based on
compassion for others is the meaning of
philanthropy. Philanthropy can be promoted
as an antidote to the moral degradation that
occurs in society. The problem is that not all
Indonesian people understand the importance
of philanthropy in dealing with social and
environmental problems in Indonesia. The
purpose of this research is for the community
to better understand the meaning of
philanthropy and its role, namely for the
welfare of society, especially in the economic
field. This philanthropy assumes that people
who own and adhere to a religion teach
generosity, not only in religion but socially as
well. Helping each other is a social
phenomenon and helping each other is one of
the characteristics of generosity.
Even if both studies mention
philanthropy, the innovation in this study is
Religious Tolerance Education Philanthropy in
the Implementation of the Kurikulum Merdeka
at Al-Kautsar Elementary School and Pangudi

Utomo et al.
Utami Elementary School.


Philanthropy Tolerance of Religious
Historically, philanthropy in this country
(Indonesia) started from elements of Islam and
Christianity related to missionary and da'wah
activities with the spread of religion in the form
of educational services and social activities in
the community (Hidayati 2017). Philanthropy
in Indonesia originates from the development
and emergence of a community organization
which was popularized by the term NGO (Non-
Governmental Organization) around the 1970s
(Jusuf 2007). Apart from a lack of
understanding of philanthropy, also in
tolerance education (Mumin 2018) says
tolerance education has the meaning of
gentleness, patience and leniency as well as
relief from existing differences. Tolerance is
defined as "being tolerant" or "being tolerant"
(respecting, allowing, permitting) institutions
(opinions, views, beliefs, habits, conduct) that
are different from or in opposition to one's own
convictions. While tolerance is a quality or
attitude, setting restrictions on the amount of
additions or subtractions that are still
permitted (Taufikurraman 2018).
Etymologically or linguistically,
tolerance comes from the word tolerance which
is an attitude that allows and is open to the
differences of others, both in matters of
opinion (opinion) of religious beliefs or in
terms of economic, social and political aspects.
In Arabic, it has the same meaning as the word
tasamuh from lafadz samaha (حمس) which
means forgiveness, pardon, and broad -
mindedness (Munawir and Fairuz 2007).
Tolerance is an attitude or trait of
tolerance in the form of accepting and
permitting a position, opinion, view, belief, or
anything that is different from one's own
stance, according to Poerwadarminto (1991) in
the "General Dictionary of the Indonesian
There are two ways to define tolerance.
An unfavorable view of tolerance is that it only
calls for a mindset of acceptance and non-
harming toward other individuals or groups,
both different and similar. The second,
however, is a positive statement that calls for
support and help for the existence of other
individuals or organizations (Casnadi 2019).
Tolerance in its implementation in
attitude must also be based on an attitude of
generosity towards others while still paying
attention to self-held principles, namely
without sacrificing these principles (Mumin
In Indonesia, various Islamic
humanitarian traditions have been growing for
a while. However, not many studies have been
conducted specifically to see the extent to
which universities in Indonesia have developed
Islamic philanthropic programs as part of the
Merdeka Learning Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)
humanitarian project in relation to the extent
to which guidelines issued by the Indonesian
Ministry of Education and Culture and the
Indonesian Ministry of Religion consider
Islamic philanthropic programs as MBKM
humanitarian projects in general (Ummi
Religion calls for tolerance among its
adherents to foster harmony, hence tolerance is
essential. Tolerance is the basis for developing
mutual understanding and respect for existing
differences. Additionally, a crucial
consideration in fostering interfaith
cooperation and conversation in public (Malik

The Purpose and Benefits of Religious
Tolerance Education
Indonesia is a multicultural country with
various ethnic and cultural differences
including language so that it has a positive
impact on mutual respect and acceptance of
this diversity.
While Indonesia is a diverse nation,
religious diversity does not necessitate that
believers undermine, disparage, or compare
one faith to another. All followers of religions
must adopt a stance of respect,

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
acknowledgment, and cooperation between all
people. The mentality that every person should
possess (Sarapung 2002).
A harmonious and peaceful social life will
be realized if we apply an attitude of tolerance.
By implementing an attitude of tolerance, our
lives in society will become more peaceful and
peaceful, this will create a conducive
atmosphere so that we can eliminate anxiety
and fear of negative actions from other
religions. Society will view religious differences
in a positive light and not make religious
differences a big problem and have fatal
consequences. But a colorful atmosphere.
One of the objectives of religious
tolerance is religious harmony. Several
occurrences that exhibit signs of deteriorating
relations between religions served as
inspiration for this. Major religions are
present, which has an impact on how the
Indonesian nation develops and adds to its
diversity. Although this diversity raises the
possibility of conflict, tolerance between
followers of different major religions is actually
a reality in the Indonesian nation's daily life
(Pitaloka, Dimyati and Purwanta 2021).
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, the slogan of the
Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, is
strengthened by the attitude of religious
tolerance education that is ingrained from an
early age, at the very least. can be realized,
several benefits of religious tolerance
education such as: 1) Avoiding division,
meaning a plural country like Indonesia, is a
country that prone to splits. This is also
because in Indonesia it is easy to spread
religious issues. Therefore, by consciously and
truly implementing the value of tolerance, the
Indonesian people can avoid divisions,
especially those related to religion, 2)
Strengthening relations between religious
communities, meaning that religious tolerance
also has the function of strengthening religious
relations. Because religious tolerance teaches
awareness of accepting differences, inter-
religious people can work hand in hand in
creating peace, which is the aspiration of all
mankind. Communities and the state can also
support each other to achieve a harmonious life
through religious tolerance 3) Increase piety
The more one understands the principles of
each religion, the more one is aware of the
value of tolerance. Because all religions teach
good things full of compassion both fellow
believers and those with different beliefs. None
of the religions that teach about conflict. One's
devotion can also be seen from the way humans
apply the teachings of their respective religions
(Ghazali and Effendi 2009).

Forms of Religious Tolerance
Harmony in diversity is what tolerance is.
Because tolerance is a knowledge that a person
and society must abide by predetermined laws,
which is what democracy means (Hjerm et al.
2019). Agree with Hjrem,dkk that tolerance
means fear, acceptance, and appreciation of
world cultural treatment, forms of expression,
and manner humans become humans (Hjerm
et al. 2019).
Tolerance is divided into two types,
namely active and passive. Active tolerance is
an attitude based on knowledge,
understanding and perspective. Meanwhile,
passive tolerance is more limited to ignoring or
not being too critical of differences (Hjerm et
al. 2019). There are two types of tolerance,
namely religious tolerance, and social
tolerance. Religious tolerance is tolerance
related to belief in one's religion which is
related to an attitude of acceptance to provide
opportunities for followers of other religions to
worship according to what they believe.
Whereas social tolerance relates to how people
are able to cooperate with other people
regardless of differences in religion, culture
and others with predetermined limits. In
instilling the value of tolerance in early
childhood, the role of educators and parents is
very necessary. At this time, children have very
good potential to be developed optimally to
instill values. One of the good values is the
value of tolerance which can later shape the
child's personality.
The question of how opposing ways of
existence can freely express themselves and

Utomo et al.
coexist peacefully is seen as one for which
tolerance is a crucial and acceptable response.
A society with a plurality of cultures, religions,
and ideologies implies a range of real
worldviews and ways of life. This variation
leads to moral disagreements over divergent
and opposing views of how individuals, or even
society, ought to behave (Verkuyten and Kollar
Because of the all-too-frequent tendency
of persons of later dates whose societies have
what amounts to an equality of churches to link
their sense of religious toleration with that of
Milton and the seventeenth century, the term
"tolerance" is commonly misused to refer to
Milton and the seventeenth century. Toleration
did not have the same connotations in the
seventeenth century as it has today (Hjerm et
al. 2019).
The importance of tolerance as a
characteristic of liberal democracies has long
been recognized. The degree to which people
are accepting of others who are different from
them is frequently seen as an indication of a
strong and functioning liberal democracy, even
though the boundaries of tolerance are
debatable (Stoeckel and Ceka 2022).
In reality, tolerance grows out of
diversity, particularly in relation to religion and
culture, including traditions and customs.
Tolerance is more important as a country or
culture becomes more diverse. It makes perfect
sense to act in this way since it will lead to the
realization of life's balance (Paris 2018).
The idea of tolerance is frequently cited
as something to which people and communities
should aim, especially in light of the fact that
diversity in all of its manifestations is becoming
a more prevalent trait of modern democracies.
When conflicts emerge, some leaders urge
"greater tolerance" of specific groups or general
efforts to create "a more tolerant society"
(Hjerm et al. 2019).
There are many ways to comprehend and
interpret tolerance, which leads to a variety of
perspectives on how religious tolerance is
practiced. There are two types of tolerance,
static tolerance and dynamic tolerance, as Said
Agil Al Munawar outlines in his book. Cold,
static tolerance does not promote cooperation
and is merely hypothetical. As a result,
tolerance in this instance is only a presumption
that people theoretically but not actually
understand. Inter-religious peace would not
only be a reflection of the unity of religious
communities as a nation but also of active
tolerance that gives rise to cooperation for
shared aims (Said 2017). Tolerance is divided
into two kinds, namely:

1. Tolerance towards fellow Muslims
Islam is a religion that carries the
mission of rahmatan lil 'alamin.
Therefore, it always teaches about
tolerance, gives freedom of thought,
opinion and mutual love between
fellow human beings and fellow
Muslims in particular.
2. Tolerance towards non-Muslims. The
Qur'an in tolerance for non-Muslims
explains "Humans are one Ummah.
(after a dispute arose), then Allah
sent the prophets, as warners, and
Allah sent down with them the true
Book, to give a decision between
people about the matter that they
disputed. There is no dispute about
the Book except for the person to
whom the Book was brought, that is,
after clear statements came to them,
out of envy among themselves. So
Allah guides those who believe in the
truth about the matter they are in
dispute with His will. And Allah
always guides those whom He wills to
the straight path.” (Q.S. al Baqoroh:
213). This passage clarifies three
concepts: 1. Humanity is one under
one God; 2. The
distining cultural disparities. This
passage clarifies three concepts: 1.
Humanity is one under one God; 2.
The uniqueness of the religions
brought by the prophets; and 3. The
function of revelation (holy book) in
bridging divisions between distinct

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
people (Aziz 2021).

The ability to adapt to a comprehensive
approach to religion and the environment can
at least foster self-confidence to give the best to
society. This passage clarifies three concepts: 1.
Humanity is one under one God; 2. The
distining cultural disparities. Religious
individuals undoubtedly possess the maturity
to coexist peacefully and harmoniously with
those who are unlike themselves. His life's
purpose is undoubtedly not to engage in violent
struggle, comprehend extremism, terrorism, or
commit blasphemy or other crimes in the name
of religion (Hafidzi 2019).
Religious diversity is axiomatic
(undeniable) facts and is a historical
inevitability (historically necessary) that are
universal. Religious plurality should be seen as
part of human life where it is is something that
is impossible eliminated but must be addressed
well. Religious plurality has the potential to
give birth to a variety of collision, conflict,
violence, and attitude anarchy against
adherents of other religions when cannot be
handled properly (Malik 2021).

Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar
Kurikulum Merdeka activities, seen at
the macro and micro levels, have a very
strategic position. The design objectives of a
quality curriculum will explain a desired
condition of human resources, and their
potential can be developed through
educational process activities (Faiz, Parhan
and Ananda 2022).
According to Law Number 20 of 2003
Article 1 Paragraph (19), the curriculum is a
collection of plans and arrangements
addressing objectives, content, and

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
created by students, as well as with the title of
"gerabah"-making work.
Educational philanthropy in the modern
era as it currently has a fairly important role for
society. Even though now everything is
available, technology is developing rapidly, in
fact Indonesia has not been able to realize a
decent life or a decent life for the people. The
variety of social problems and the high rate of
social inequality is proof that not all people in
Indonesia are able to make ends meet. This is
where the role of educational philanthropy is
needed. Educational philanthropy is a means
to create a decent life. The existence of
tolerance in a society also encourages the
development of educational philanthropy in
multicultural tolerance results of interviews
with the Principal of Pangudi Utami School.
The basics of philanthropy originally
came from religious teachings, because in all
religious teachings there is an invitation to do
philanthropy, and some are obligatory and
some are if you can. Then at the present time
philanthropy is not only based on religious
teachings but has developed to become more
modern, where there are no restrictions on
religion, ethnicity, region, etc. in doing
philanthropy. Traditional philanthropy can
only cover the same society as those who give
philanthropy, for example in philanthropy in
Islam. So those who are entitled to receive only
those who are Muslims. Then modern
philanthropy developed which then removed
that limitation. Initially using a religious basis
such as Islamic philanthropy, Christian
philanthropy, etc. Now it is becoming more
well-known as religious tolerance education
This is line with attitude of religious
tolerance education that is instilled from an
early age at least has implications for
strengthening nationalism and love the motto
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika for the Unitary State of
the Republic of Indonesia can be realized,
several benefits of religious tolerance
education such as: 1) Avoiding division,
meaning a plural country like Indonesia, is a
country that prone to splits. This is also
because in Indonesia it is easy to spread
religious issues. Therefore, by consciously and
truly implementing the value of tolerance, the
Indonesian people are able to avoid divisions,
especially those related to religion, 2)
Strengthening relations between religious
communities, meaning that religious tolerance
also has the function of strengthening religious
relations. Because religious tolerance teaches
awareness of accepting differences, inter-
religious people can work hand in hand in
creating peace which is the aspiration of all
mankind. Communities and the state can also
support each other to achieve a harmonious life
through religious tolerance 3) Increase piety
The more one understands the principles of
each religion, the more one is aware of the
value of tolerance. Because all religions teach
good things full of compassion both fellow
believers and those with different beliefs. None
of the religions that teach about conflict. One's
devotion can also be seen from the way humans
apply the teachings of their respective religions
(Ghazali and Effendi 2009).
The results of interviews with the Head of
Philanthropy at the Alkautsar School regarding
religious tolerance education, currently this
education is more directed at efforts to improve
community welfare towards civility.
Philanthropy is not only used to help overcome
problems but is also used to help those who
have been assisted no longer stuck in the same
problem. Philanthropic activities must become
a new culture, where philanthropy is not only
an obligation of religious teachings but has also
become self-awareness, including in
curriculum implementation.
Pangudi Utami Elementary School has
diverse backgrounds ranging from the
characteristics of different children, ethnicity,
race, religion, culture to socio-economic.
Therefore we realize that we must provide
educational service facilities not only in science
but must prioritize character education,
especially the dimensions of faith, piety, and
noble character. We want to develop religious
tolerance activities in a broader self-teaching
platform with 3 additional material topics. The

Utomo et al.
3 sins of education are intolerance, social
violence, and negotiation. And if we
summarize, we can create an activity that can
cover everything. With religious tolerance,
children can avoid ridiculing each other,
bullying their friends both in words and
behavior and then can minimize sexual
violence because there are activities of older
siblings. And they will realize that they have a
different extended family, and the kids will
understand. Hopefully with this activity can
coexist in harmony and peace results of
interviews with the Principal of Pangudi Utami
This is in line with religious harmony is
one of the goals of religious tolerance. This is
motivated by several incidents which show
symptoms of sharpening relations between
religions. The presence of major religions
influences the development of the Indonesian
nation's life and adds to the plurality of the
Indonesian nation, even though this plurality
contains potential for conflict, tolerance among
adherents of various major religions is truly a
reality in the life nation of Indonesia (Pitaloka
et al. 2021).
The more developed a country, the
greater the influence of cooperating countries,
including in the cultural sector. Currently the
culture in Indonesia has begun to shift with the
incoming foreign culture. The younger
generation of Indonesia who rarely pay
attention to their own culture and only the
generation who are no longer young are still
preserving it. The cultural sector is more likely
to have poor access to funds. Unlike the
economic sector, the cultural sector will only
spend funds without generating significant
profits. Though culture itself is a valuable
The Ministry of Education, Culture,
Research, and Technology (Kemdikbudristek)
adopted a policy addressing the establishment
of the Kurikulum Merdeka, which is in line
with the Kurikulum Merdeka as a learning
recovery alternative. Educational units are
provided this policy option for creating the
Independent Curriculum as an additional
effort to carry out learning crisis recovery
during 2022–2024 as a result of the COVID–
19 pandemic. Based on assessments made
during the period of learning recovery, the
Ministry of Education and Culture's policy
regarding the National Curriculum will be
reviewed in 2024. This review will take into
account instances where the COVID -19
pandemic had a significant negative impact on
the learning process in educational units
(Nugraha 2022).
From the results of observations of these
two schools, in class learning is introduction to
siblings of different religions and can still play
and have fun together even though they have
different religions. Activities outside the
classroom are painting pottery, playing
angklung for batik and introducing places of
worship of other religions. The model or
method used is contextual and direct to the
actor. The goal is for students to fully
understand and experience or directly practice
religious tolerance. The model or method used
is contextual and direct to the actor. The goal is
for students to fully understand and experience
or directly practice religious tolerance. The
materials taught are painting pottery, making
batik and practicing playing angklung. Add the
duration in learning the duration of time from
08.00 am to 01.00 pm. So about 4 to 5 hours.
Specifically, this line and the
autonomous curriculum. Whereas the
independent curriculum is interpreted as a
learning strategy that gives kids the chance to
learn slowly, leisurely, amusingly, without
stress or pressure, and to demonstrate talent
organically. Merdeka education emphasizes
independence and original thought. The
beginning of the driving school program is one
of the initiatives offered by the Ministry of
Education and Culture to promote autonomous
learning. Program This institution is built to
help each school develop generations of
lifelong learners with the same traits as
Pancasila students. The job of a teacher was
necessary for the success of everything (Fauzia
et al. 2018).

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
According to the findings of on-the-
ground observations, learning at Pangudi
Utami Elementary School consistently includes
lessons about diversity, such as the celebration
of Kartini Day, which highlights ethnicity,
culture, and race in traditional attire. In
contrast, the Alkautsar Elementary School
offers kids a flexible setting for creative
expression. Religion requires tolerance among
its adherents to foster harmony among its
people. As a result, tolerance must be
understood because it serves as the foundation
for developing respect for existing variety and
mutual understanding. In addition, a key factor
in encouraging interfaith cooperation and
dialogue in public (Malik 2021).
The Ministry of Education and Culture is
making an effort to encourage autonomous
SMI learning and independent track IKM data
collecting, which is in accordance with the
supply of IKM support the ministry offers. A
potential educational unit that has registered
as being interested in implementing IKM will
subsequently be able to see the supports
offered by the Ministry of Education and
Culture (Hamdan et al. 2020).
The results of observations in the field
are that some of the infrastructure is also
supported, such as the infrastructure is
available properly, for example during
activities at Al Kautsar Elementary School the
facilities and infrastructure are provided from
there and when activities at SD Pangudi Utami
the facilities and infrastructure are also
fulfilled properly and for Muslim students too
given a place to carry out prayers, qualified
teachers and teaching teachers must have a
clear plot so that students do not have
misunderstandings. During the activity there
were no significant obstacles in this activity.
Small obstacles that occur such as crowded
students but that can still be conditioned
This is important because at school
children will meet friends who are different in
character, gender, ethnicity, skin color, etc.
These differences are not to be debated with
each other, not to make fun of each other, but
with differences as one of the things that must
be used in respect. We are different, but we are
one for Indonesia, because nobody has the task
of caring for diversity, but we are children of
simple things. And we must practice in
everyday life.
Alkautsar and Pangudi Utami school
human resources are sufficient, all classes are
accompanied by class teachers there are also
teachers there are teachers of English, sports,
ICT, religion and others. Then they from
scratch has extensive knowledge of global
diversity so that he can facilitate children. We
also facilitate teachers by visiting other schools
to keep their minds open.
Religious diversity is axiomatic
(undeniable) facts and is a historical
inevitability (historically necessary) that are
universal. Religious plurality should be seen as
part of human life where it is is something that
is impossible eliminated but must be addressed
well. Religious plurality has the potential to
give birth to a variety of collision, conflict,
violence, and attitude anarchy against
adherents of other religions when cannot be
handled properly (Malik 2021).
The infrastructure is well available, for
example during activities at Al Kautsar
Elementary School, the facilities and
infrastructure are all provided from there. And
when activities at Pangudi Utami Elementary
School the facilities and infrastructure are also
well fulfilled and for Muslim students they are
also given a place to pray.
In fact, philanthropy is very synonymous
with material things, even though in practice
philanthropy has a fairly broad meaning and
can be realized in various ways, such as
contributing ideas or thoughts as well as energy
(Said 2017).

Philanthropy; Charity in the
Implementation of the Independent
Curriculum Merdeka
Various philanthropic activities then
began to be intensively carried out by various
entities including learning in schools, be it in
class, in religion, politics, and the public in

Utomo et al.
order to create schools that tolerate from an
early age. In its implementation, these
activities are then carried out in various forms,
both those that are traditional or charitable in
nature or those that are modern in nature or
what is often called philanthropy in the
education of religious tolerance, Interview
result from principal Alkautsar School.
The findings of the observations
demonstrate that school is a smooth bridge for
being able to offer a setting for kids to exercise
genuine tolerance. We feel this is important,
this is urgent and must be done immediately,
you don't have to wait for the cen tral
government, regional government, district
government officials to facilitate. However, we
really saw that Pangudi Utami Elementary
School needed and tried to communicate with
schools with different characteristics and
coincidentally Al-Kautsar Elementary School
responded and was finally able to organize a
collaborative class. With this activity it is hoped
that children will be able to do many things and
have direct experience and will carry it for the
rest of their lives. It's not about the result but
the attitude that sticks in his life and we hope
that children will become national leaders who
have education, broad thinking, and a more
colorful life.
The driving school program is designed
to promote students' learning outcomes
holistically, starting with excellent human
resources (head teachers and teachers), which
includes competency (literacy and numeracy)
and character. The prior school development
curriculum has evolved into the driving school
program. The Mobilizing School Program will
propel public and private schools alike to take
a few more strides forward. The driving school
program will be implemented in all Indonesian
schools concurrently with this activity, which
will be carried out in stages (Fauzi 2022).
The urgent or important thing is being
able to introduce children to religious
tolerance, not only knowing what tolerance is
textually, but here the goal is religious
tolerance. So students experience directly or
practice in output in that religion. In conveying
this activity to parents of students must be
careful because the guardians of students also
come from different backgrounds.
The observation results show that the
fundamental difference between Pangudi
Utami Elementary School and Alkautsar
School lies in religious activities. Pangudi
Utami elementary school with most of the
Catholic religion with procedures for
respecting differences with the foundation of
their religion, namely "ajaran kasih". while the
Alkaustar elementary school is predominantly
Muslim with its religious foundation in the
practice of "tasamuh".
The Ministry of Education and Culture is
trying to encourage autonomous SMI learning
and independent track IKM data collecting,
which is in accordance with the supply of IKM
support the ministry offers. A potential
educational unit that has registered as being
interested in implementing IKM will
subsequently be able to see the supports
offered by the Ministry of Education and
Culture (Hamdan et al. 2020).
Interview result from principal Pangudi
Utami, one form of philanthropy that everyone
can do is philanthropy of religious tolerance in
learning at school. This form of activity is
realized by donating one's energy and time, to
carry out activities and activities aimed at
humanity, without expecting monetary or
material rewards, such as mutual learning of
tambourine music, angklung, mutual learning
activities and communication with different
cultures and religions different.
This is consistent with the fact that
tolerance has two different meanings. An
unfavorable view of tolerance is that it only
calls for a mindset of acceptance and non-
harming toward other individuals or groups,
both different and similar. The second,
however, is a positive statement that calls for
support and help for the existence of other
individuals or organizations (Casnadi 2019).
In contrast to philanthropic activities in
the form of donating money, energy
philanthropy focuses more on a person's
willingness to use his time and energy for

Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion
humanitarian activities. So that in carrying out
philanthropic activities, a person is not
required to have a certain amount of money or
materials. This is what makes this energy
philanthropy possible for anyone, regardless of
their economic condition. Thus, this type of
philanthropy is better able to absorb broad
participation and without economic barriers.
This form of philanthropy is interesting to see
further about its potential and future
The results of interviews with the
Pangudi Utami school principal stated what
models and methods were used in teaching
tolerance education for learning in the
classroom using the inquiry learning model,
constructivism approach, differentiated
learning that can accommodate the learning
needs of students with all their characteristics.
This sentence has at the very least, it can
encourage self-confidence to contribute to
society to the best of one's abilities to adapt to
a holistic approach to religion and the
environment. Religious individuals
undoubtedly possess the maturity to coexist
peacefully and harmoniously with those who
are unlike themselves. His life's purpose is
undoubtedly not to engage in violent struggle,
comprehend extremism, terrorism, or commit
blasphemy or other crimes in the name of
religion (Hafidzi 2019).
The learning styles that we facilitate vary,
for example auditory, combination, visual and
kinesthetic. If you have tolerance for various
forms of learning models, you can use inquiry,
constructivism, project -based
learning/problem based learning. We
deliberately give a problem to the child / case
study so that the child can learn to solve
problems and with these children are expected
to be more confident.
This is in line with the prospective
educational unit will then get learning support
to implement the Independent Curriculum
independently, so teachers, principals,
supervisors, and stakeholders can carry out
activities to share best practices in
implementing the Independent Curriculum
both in the form of seminars and workshops
independently (Nugraha 2022).
The Principal of the Pangudi Utami
School also added that the material provided by
students in religious tolerance education is that
there are various materials from religion,
citizenship and real activities such as
collaborative schools and the material is not
only a matter of knowledge or material content
but children learn many things from life
experience to know what respect is like. ,
attitude, respect, and cooperation is like what.
Cultivate self-control and be able to distinguish
between what is good and what is not good.
Actually, there are many learning models and
as teachers we must be observant of our
students so that when accompanying them they
are in accordance with their students. The
principal also added that there were sufficient
human resources at the school, all classes were
accompanied by class teachers, there were also
maple teachers, there were teachers of English,
sports, informatics education, religion, and
others. Then from the start they must have
extensive knowledge of global diversity so they
can facilitate children. We also facilitate
teachers by visiting other schools to keep their
minds open.


Kurikulum Merdeka provide learning
opportunities for students at both Alkautsar
elementary school and Pangudi Utami
elementary school to be mutually tolerant and
loving, especially in learning activities visiting
one school and another school, so that students
have charity or compassion for fellow human
beings despite different religions.
Religious tolerance education as a result
of observations by researchers at Pangudi
Utami Elementary School and Alkautsar
Elementary School is very different, the
difference is seen in its implementation,
namely at Pangudi Utami Elementary School
more emphasis on “angklung” culture as a form
of education for students who are
multicultural, with an emphasis on literacy for

Utomo et al.
students, as well as learning student
independence with boarding a few days.
Meanwhile, at Alkautsar Elementary School,
with Tambourine as a learning medium for
students of various ethnicities, with stages
created by students, as well as with the title of
"gerabah"-making work.
Philanthropy is always closely related to
things that are engaged in charity or closely
related to material elements. This narrow view
is currently starting to erode, especially with
the increasing interest of school students in
philanthropic activities. This of course changes
the image of philanthropic activities which are
closely related to the rich people who donate to
the behavior of those who do it because they
care. The higher the interest of young people
means the more variety of media used to invite
people to participate in giving activities,
especially those that adapt to their current era
of development and interests.
Knowing what tolerance is textually, but
here the goal is religious tolerance. So students
experience directly or practice in output in that
religion. In conveying this activity to parents of
students must be careful because the guardians
of students also come from different
The observation results show that the
fundamental difference between Pangudi
Utami Elementary School and Alkautsar
School lies in religious activities. Pangudi
Utami elementary school with a majority of the
Catholic religion with procedures for
respecting differences with the foundation of
their religion, namely "ajaran kasih". while the
Alkaustar elementary school is predominantly
Muslim with its religious foundation in the
practice of "tasamuh".
The philanthropic movement has indeed
developed. Philanthropic activities are not only
interpreted as the activities of 'rich people'
giving their wealth to people in need. The
meaning of philanthropy is getting expanded
and developed. Philanthropic activities are
increasingly organized and directed. In the
midst of modern currents, forms of
philanthropy emerge in society, one of which is
philanthropy in the implementation of the
Kurikulum Merdeka with two different schools
in teaching at school with students from
Pangudi Utami Catholic Elementary School
and Alkautsar Islamic Elementary School.


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