Third Edition
Volume III
Scientific and Technical Publication No. 580
Pan American Sanitary Bureau, Regional Office of the
525 Twenty-third Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037 U.S.A.

Also published in Spanish (2003) with the title:
Zoonosis y enfermedades transmisibles comunes al hombre y a los animales:
ISBN 92 75 31991 X (3 volume set)
ISBN 92 75 31992 8 (Vol. 3)
PAHO HQ Library Cataloguing-in-Publication
Pan American Health Organization
Zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and animals:
3rd ed. Washington, D.C.: PAHO, © 2003.
3 vol.—(Scientific and Technical Publication No. 580)
ISBN 92 75 11991 0—3 volume set
ISBN 92 75 11993 7—Vol. 3
I. Title II. (Series)
NLM WC950.P187 2003 v.3 En
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©Pan American Health Organization, 2003
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This volume was updated by Omar O. Barriga, Professor of Parasitology in the Faculty
of Medicine of the University of Chile, and consultant for PAHO’s Veterinary Public
Health Unit from 1997 to 2001.

Prologue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Preface to the First Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Preface to the Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
African Trypanosomiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Amebiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Babesiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Balantidiasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Chagas’ Disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Cryptosporidiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Cyclosporiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Giardiasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Infections Caused by Free-living Amebae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Malaria in Nonhuman Primates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Microsporidiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Sarcocystosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Toxoplasmosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Visceral Leishmaniasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
1. Trematodiases
Cercarial Dermatitis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Clonorchiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Dicroceliasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Echinostomiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Fascioliasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Fasciolopsiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Gastrodiscoidiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Heterophyiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Nanophyetiasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Opisthorchiasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Paragonimiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Schistosomiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146

2. Cestodiases
Bertielliasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Coenurosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Cysticercosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Diphyllobothriasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Dipylidiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
Hydatidosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Hymenolepiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Inermicapsiferiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
Mesocestoidiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
Raillientiniasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Sparganosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Taeniasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
3. Acanthocephaliases and Nematodiases
Acanthocephaliasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
Angiostrongyliasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Anisakiasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Ascariasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Baylisascariasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Capillariasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
Cutaneous Larva Migrans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Dioctophymosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
Dracunculiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
Esophagostomiasis and Ternidensiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
Gnathostomiasis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
Gongylonemiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Lagochilascariasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Mammomonogamiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
Micronemiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Strongyloidiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Thelaziasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Trichinosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Trichostrongyliasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
Trichuriasis of Animal Origin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Visceral Larva Migrans and Toxocariasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
Zoonotic Ancylostomiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
Zoonotic Filariases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
Dermatitis Caused by Mites of Animal Origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
Myiases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Pentastomiases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Tick Infestations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350

Tungiasis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Zoonotic Scabies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
1. Features of Leishmaniainfections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
2.Plasmodiumspecies that infect primates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3. Intermediate hosts and geographic distribution of the
main zoonotic echinostomes.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4. Ticks that infect man, and organisms and infections they transmit. . . . . . . 351

In recent years, zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and ani-
mals have gained increasing attention worldwide. Human diseases that have their
origins in infected animals, such as AIDS or Creutzfeldt-Jakob, have highlighted the
need for a better understanding of animal diseases in terms of their epidemiology,
mechanism of transmission to man, diagnosis, prevention, and control. Social and
demographic changes have also contributed to the importance of gaining and dis-
seminating knowledge about zoonoses. For instance, as people encroach further and
further on ecological areas with which they had little contact and whose fauna may
not be well known, their exposure to animals—and the infections they transmit—
has increased. New knowledge is also being developed in the area of urban ecology.
The ease and speed of modern travel also facilitates the spread of diseases once con-
fined to specific geographic areas, as recently occurred with severe acute respiratory
syndrome (SARS). Animal migration and trade pose a similar threat, as was shown
by the outbreaks in the United States of West Nile fever, and most recently, mon-
keypox—two diseases not previously known in the Western Hemisphere. Each of
these examples highlights the need for improved knowledge and surveillance of and
response to zoonoses.
The negative effects of zoonoses are far reaching. High incidence rates continue
to cause significant morbidity and mortality in both humans and animals. Their eco-
nomic impact is seen in lost labor productivity due to illness; reduced travel and
tourism to affected areas; reduced livestock and food production; death and destruc-
tion of affected animals; and restrictions on and reductions in international trade.
Zoonoses can be a serious drain on a country’s economy, which in turn can have
wide repercussions for a society’s health.
To help solve these problems, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)—
an international public health organization that has devoted itself to improving the
health and living conditions of the people of the Americas for over one hundred
years—established the Veterinary Public Health Unit. The Unit’s overall objective is
to collaborate with PAHO’s Member Governments in the development, implemen-
tation, and evaluation of policies and programs that lead to food safety and protec-
tion and to the prevention, control, or eradication of zoonoses, among them foot-
and-mouth disease.
To this end, PAHO’s Veterinary Public Health Unit has two specialized regional
centers: the Pan American Foot-and-Mouth Disease Center (PANAFTOSA), created
in 1951 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and the Pan American Institute for Food Protection
and Zoonoses (INPPAZ), established on November 15, 1991, in Buenos Aires,
Argentina. INPPAZ’s precursor was the Pan American Zoonoses Center
(CEPANZO), which was created through an agreement with the Government of
Argentina to help the countries of the Americas combat zoonoses, and which oper-
ated from 1956 until 1990.
Since its creation in 1902, PAHO has participated in various technical coopera-
tion activities with the countries, among them those related to the surveillance, pre-
vention, and control of zoonoses and communicable diseases common to man and
animals, which cause high morbidity, disability, and mortality in vulnerable human
populations. PAHO has also collaborated in the strengthening of preventive medi-

cine and public health through the promotion of veterinary health education in learn-
ing, research, and health care centers. An example of this work is the preparation of
several publications, among which the two previous Spanish and English editions of
Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animalsstand out.
Scientific knowledge has progressed since the last edition was published in 1986.
Also, the countries of the Americas have modified their livestock production strate-
gies in recent years, which has affected the transmission of zoonotic infections and
their distribution. The publication of this third edition is an attempt to address these
changes. The third edition is presented in three volumes: the first contains bacte-
rioses and mycoses; the second, chlamydioses, rickettsioses, and viroses; and the
third, parasitoses.
We believe that this new edition will continue to be useful for professors and stu-
dents of public health, medicine, veterinary medicine, and rural development; work-
ers in public health and animal health institutions; and veterinarians, researchers,
and others interested in the subject. We also hope that this publication is a useful tool
in the elaboration of national zoonosis control or eradication policies and programs,
as well as in risk evaluation and in the design of epidemiological surveillance sys-
tems for the prevention and timely control of emerging and reemerging zoonoses. In
summary, we are confident that this book will contribute to the application of the
knowledge and resources of the veterinary sciences for the protection and improve-
ment of public health.

This book considers two groups of communicable diseases: those transmitted
from vertebrate animals to man, which are—strictly speaking—zoonoses; and those
common to man and animals. In the first group, animals play an essential role in
maintaining the infection in nature, and man is only an accidental host. In the sec-
ond group, both animals and man generally contract the infection from the same
sources, such as soil, water, invertebrate animals, and plants; as a rule, however,
animals do not play an essential role in the life cycle of the etiologic agent, but
may contribute in varying degrees to the distribution and actual transmission of
No attempt has been made to include all infections and diseases comprised in
these two groups. A selection has been made of some 150 that are of principal inter-
est, for various reasons, in the field of public health. The number of listed zoonoses
is increasing as new biomedical knowledge is acquired. Moreover, as human activ-
ity extends into unexplored territories containing natural foci of infection, new
zoonotic diseases are continually being recognized. In addition, improved health
services and better differential diagnostic methods have distinguished zoonoses pre-
viously confused with other, more common diseases. A number of diseases
described in this book have only recently been recognized, examples of which
include the Argentine and Bolivian hemorrhagic fevers, angiostrongyliasis, rotaviral
enteritis, Lassa fever, Marburg disease, and babesiosis.
The principal objective in writing this book was to provide the medical profes-
sions a source of information on the zoonoses and communicable diseases common
to man and animals. Toward that end, both medical and veterinary aspects, which
have traditionally been dealt with separately in different texts, have been combined
in a single, comprehensive volume. As a result, physicians, veterinarians, epidemi-
ologists, and biologists can all gain an overview of these diseases from one source.
This book, like most scientific works, is the product of many books, texts, mono-
graphs, and journal articles. Many sources of literature in medicine, veterinary med-
icine, virology, bacteriology, mycology, and parasitology were consulted, as were a
large number of reports from different biomedical disciplines, in order to provide
up-to-date and concise information on each disease. It is expected that any errors or
omissions that may have been committed can, with the collaboration of the readers,
be corrected in a future edition.
Where possible, explanations were attempted with special emphasis on the
Americas, particularly Latin America. An effort was made, one which was not
always successful, to collect available information on diseases in this Region. Data
on the incidence of many zoonoses are fragmentary and frequently not reliable. It is
hoped that the establishment of control programs in various countries will lead to
improved epidemiologic surveillance and disease reporting.
More space has been devoted to those zoonoses having greatest impact on public
health and on the economy of the countries of the Americas, but information is also
included on those regionally less important or exotic diseases.
The movement of persons and animals over great distances adds to the risk of
introducing exotic diseases that may become established on the American continent
given the appropriate ecologic factors for existence of the etiologic agents. Today,

public health and animal health administrators, physicians, and veterinarians must
be familiar with the geographic distribution and pathologic manifestations of the
various infectious agents so that they can recognize and prevent the introduction of
exotic diseases.
We,the authors, would like to give special recognition to Dr. Joe R. Held,
Assistant Surgeon-General of the United States Public Health Service and Director
of the Division of Research Services of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, who
gave impetus to the English translation and reviewed the bacterioses sections.
We would also like to express our utmost appreciation to the experts who
reviewed various portions of this book and offered their suggestions for improving
the text. These include: Dr. Jeffrey F. Williams, Professor in the Department of
Microbiology and Public Health, Michigan State University, who reviewed the
chapters dealing with parasitic zoonoses; Dr. James Bond, PAHO/WHO Regional
Adviser in Viral Diseases, who read the viroses; Dr. Antonio Pío, formerly
PAHO/WHO Regional Adviser in Tuberculosis and presently with WHO in Geneva,
and Dr. James H. Rust, PAHO/WHO Regional Adviser in Enteric Diseases, both of
whom reviewed the bacterioses; and Dr. F. J. López Antuñano, PAHO/WHO
Regional Adviser in Parasitic Diseases, who read the metazooses.
We would like to thank Dr. James Cocozza, PAHO/WHO Veterinary Adviser, for
his review of the translation and Dr. Judith Navarro, Editor in the Office of
Publications of PAHO, for her valuable collaboration in the editorial revision and
composition of the book.

The fine reception accorded the Spanish, English, and French versions of this
book has motivated us to revise it in order that it still may serve the purpose for
which it was written: to provide an up-to-date source of information to the medical
profession and allied fields. This book has undoubtedly filled a void, judging by its
wide use in schools of public health, medicine, and veterinary medicine, as well as
by bureaus of public and animal health.
The present edition has been considerably enlarged. In the seven years since the
first edition was published, our knowledge of zoonoses has increased broadly and
rapidly, and new zoonotic diseases have emerged. Consequently, most of the dis-
cussions have been largely rewritten, and 28 new diseases have been added to the
original 148. Some of these new diseases are emerging zoonoses; others are patho-
logic entities that have been known for a long time, but for which the epidemiologic
connection between man and animal has been unclear until recently.
The use this book has had outside the Western Hemisphere has caused us to aban-
don the previous emphasis on the Americas in favor of a wider scope and geomed-
ical view. Moreover, wars and other conflicts have given rise to the migration of
populations from one country or continent to another. A patient with a disease
heretofore known only in Asia may now turn up in Amsterdam, London, or New
York. The physician must be aware of these diseases in order to diagnose and treat
them. “Exotic” animal diseases have been introduced from Africa to Europe, the
Caribbean, and South America, causing great damage. The veterinary physician
must learn to recognize them to be able to prevent and eradicate them before they
become entrenched. It must be remembered that parasites, viruses, bacteria, and
other agents of zoonotic infection can take up residence in any territory where they
find suitable ecologic conditions. Ignorance, economic or personal interests, and
human customs and needs also favor the spread of these diseases.
Research in recent years has demonstrated that some diseases previously consid-
ered to be exclusively human have their counterparts in wild animals, which in cer-
tain circumstances serve as sources of human infection. On the other hand, these
animals may also play a positive role by providing models for research, such as in
the case of natural leprosy in nine-banded armadillos or in nonhuman primates in
Africa. Of no less interest is the discovery of Rickettsia prowazekiiin eastern flying
squirrels and in their ectoparasites in the United States, and the transmission of the
infection to man in a country where epidemic typhus has not been seen since 1922.
A possible wild cycle of dengue fever is also discussed in the book. Is Creutzfeldt-
Jakob disease a zoonosis? No one can say with certainty, but some researchers
believe it may have originated as such. In any case, interest is aroused by the sur-
prising similarity of this disease and of kuru to animal subacute spongiform
encephalopathies, especially scrapie, the first known and best studied of this group.
Discussion of human and animal slow viruses and encephalopathies is included in
the spirit of openness to possibilities and the desire to bring the experience of one
field of medicine to another. In view of worldwide concern over acquired immuno-
deficiency syndrome (AIDS), a brief section on retroviruses has also been added, in
which the relationship between the human disease and feline and simian AIDS is

noted. Another topic deeply interesting to researchers is the mystery of the radical
antigenic changes of type A influenza virus, a cause of explosive pandemics that
affect millions of persons around the world. Evidence is mounting that these
changes result from recombination with a virus of animal origin (see Influenza).
That this should occur is not surprising, given the constant interaction between man
and animals. As a rule, zoonoses are transmitted from animal to man, but the reverse
may also occur, as is pointed out in the chapters on hepatitis, herpes simplex, and
measles. The victims in these cases are nonhuman primates, which may in turn
retransmit the infection to man under certain circumstances.
Among emerging zoonoses we cite Lyme disease, which was defined as a clinical
entity in 1977; the etiologic agent was found to be a spirochete (isolated in 1982),
for which the name Borrelia burgdorferiwas recently proposed. Emerging viral
zoonoses of note in Latin America are Rocio encephalitis and Oropouche fever; the
latter has caused multiple epidemics with thousands of victims in northeast Brazil.
Outstanding among new viral disease problems in Africa are the emergence of Ebola
disease and the spread of Rift Valley fever virus, which has caused tens of thousands
of human cases along with great havoc in the cattle industry of Egypt and has evoked
alarm around the world. Similarly, the protozoan Cryptosporidiumis emerging as
one of the numerous agents of diarrheal diseases among man and animals, and prob-
ably has a worldwide distribution.
As the English edition was being prepared, reports came to light of two animal
diseases not previously confirmed in humans. Three cases of human pseudorabies
virus infection were recognized between 1983 and 1986 in two men and one woman
who had all had close contact with cats and other domestic animals. In 1986, sero-
logic testing confirmed infection by Ehrlichia canisin a 51-year-old man who had
been suspected of having Rocky Mountain spotted fever. This is the first known
occurrence of E. canisinfection in a human. These two diseases bear watching as
possible emerging zoonoses.
The space given to each zoonosis is in proportion to its importance. Some diseases
that deserve their own monographs were given more detailed treatment, but no
attempt was made to cover the topic exhaustively.
We,the authors, would like to give special recognition to Dr. Donald C. Blenden,
Professor in the Department of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, School of
Medicine, and Head of the Department of Veterinary Microbiology, College of
Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri; and to Dr. Manuel J. Torres, Professor
of Epidemiology and Public Health, Department of Veterinary Microbiology,
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Missouri, for their thorough review of
and valuable contributions to the English translation of this book.
We would also like to recognize the support received from the Pan American
Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), the Pan American Health and Education
Foundation (PAHEF), and the Pan American Zoonoses Center in Buenos Aires,
Argentina, which enabled us to update this book.
We are most grateful to Dr. F. L. Bryan for his generous permission to adapt his
monograph “Diseases Transmitted by Foods” as an Appendix to this book.
Mr. Carlos Larranaga, Chief of the Audiovisual Unit at the Pan American
Zoonosis Center, deserves our special thanks for the book’s artwork, as do Ms. Iris
Elliot and Mr. William A. Stapp for providing the translation into English. We would

like to express our most sincere gratitude and recognition to Ms. Donna J. Reynolds,
editor in the PAHO Editorial Service, for her valuable collaboration in the scientific
editorial revision of the book.

This new edition of Zoonoses and Communicable Diseases Common to Man and
Animalsis published in three volumes: I. Bacterioses and mycoses; II.
Chlamydioses and rickettsioses, and viroses; and III. Parasitoses. Each of the five
parts corresponds to the location of the etiologic agents in the biological classifica-
tion; for practical purposes, chlamydias and rickettsias are grouped together.
In each part, the diseases are listed in alphabetical order to facilitate reader
searches. There is also an alphabetical index, which includes synonyms of the dis-
eases and the etiologic agents’ names.
In this edition, the numbers and names of the diseases according to the
International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems,
Tenth Revision (ICD-10), are listed below the disease title. However, some zoonoses
are not included in ICD-10 and are difficult to classify within the current scheme.
In addition, for each disease or infection, elements such as synonyms; etiology;
geographical distribution; occurrence in man and animals; the disease in man and
animals; source of infection and mode of transmission; role of animals in the epi-
demiology; diagnosis; and control are addressed. Patient treatment (for man or other
species) is beyond the scope of this work; however, recommended medicines are
indicated for many diseases, especially where they are applicable to prophylaxis.
Special attention is paid to the epidemiological and ecological aspects so that the
reader can begin to understand the determining factors of the infection or disease.
Some topics include simple illustrations of the etiologic agent’s mode of transmis-
sion, showing the animals that maintain the cycle of infection in nature. Similarly,
other graphics and tables are included to provide additional information on the geo-
graphical distribution or prevalence of certain zoonoses.
The data on the occurrence of the infection in man and animals, along with data
on the geographical distribution, may help the reader judge the relative impact that
each disease has on public health and the livestock economy in the different regions
of the world, given that the importance of different zoonoses varies greatly. For
example, foot-and-mouth disease is extremely important from an economic stand-
point, but of little importance in terms of public health, if animal protein losses are
not considered. In contrast, Argentine and Machupo hemorrhagic fevers are impor-
tant human diseases, but their economic impact is minimal, if treatment costs and
loss of man-hours are not taken into account. Many other diseases, such as brucel-
losis, leptospirosis, salmonellosis, and equine encephalitis, are important from both
a public health and an economic standpoint.
Finally, each disease entry includes an alphabetical bibliography, which includes
both the works cited and other relevant works that the reader may consult for more
information about the disease.

Section A

ICD-10 B56 African trypanosomiasis; B56.0 Gambiense trypanosomiasis;
B56.1 Rhodesiense trypanosomiasis;
B56.9 African trypanosomiasis, unspecified
Synonyms:Sleeping sickness, trypanosomiasis; gambiense trypanosomiasis:
infection due to Trypanosoma brucei gambiense,West African sleeping sickness;
rhodesiense trypanosomiasis: infection due to Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense,
East African sleeping sickness.
Etiology:African trypanosomiasis in man is caused by two subspecies of
Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei:T. brucei gambiense andT. brucei rhodesiense,
both of which are transmitted by the bite of tsetse flies (genus Glossina) (Bales,
1991; Dumas and Bouteille, 1996; Chimelli and Scaravilli, 1997). These try-
panosomes are considered to belong to the salivarian group because of the way in
which they are transmitted through the vector’s bite. Infection caused directly by a
bite is considered inoculative, or via the anterior station, as opposed to contamina-
tive, or via the posterior station, when the infection is transmitted by means of the
fly’s excrement (see the chapter on Chagas’ Disease).
The two subspecies that affect man,T. b. gambiense and T. b. rhodesiense,as well
as T. b. brucei,are morphologically indistinguishable. The latter species, while it
does not affect man, is pathogenic for domestic animals in Africa, such as donkeys,
horses, goats, camels, mules, sheep, dogs, and cattle. The forms that are present in
blood, cerebrospinal fluid, and lymph are pleomorphic trypomastigotes (see
Chagas’ Disease). The forms range from long, thin parasites (measuring 30 µm by
1.5 µm on average, with a subterminal kinetoplast, a long flagellum extending from
the anterior tip of the body, and an undulating membrane between the flagellum and
the body) to short, fat parasites (averaging 15 µm by 3.5 µm, with a near-terminal
kinetoplast and no external flagellum). The long forms multiply in the fluids of the
definitive host by binary longitudinal division. The short forms are the infective ele-
ments for the vector and do not divide in the human host.
For a long time, the three subspecies T. b. brucei, T. b. gambiense,andT. b. rhode-
siense were distinguished on the basis of their infectivity and pathogenicity for rats,
their sensitivity to the drug tryparsamide, and their pathogenicity for man. To make
a definitive distinction between T. b. brucei and the human trypanosomes, human
volunteers were employed, with the consequent risks. In practice, differentiation

between the two human pathogens is still fundamentally based on the course and
geographic distribution of the infection. Now more precise techniques are available
for identifying the parasites. The blood incubation infectivity test (BIIT) consists of
incubating the trypanosomes in human serum or plasma and then inoculating them
in rats. In this procedure,T. b. bruceiloses its infectivity for rats whereas the sub-
species that affect humans maintain it. Nevertheless, studies have revealed wide
variation in the susceptibility of these trypanosomes to the effects of human serum,
and some evidence exists that T. b. brucei can become resistant to the action of the
serum. This would mean that T. b. brucei could become infective for man when flies
infected by animals feed on human blood (Minter, 1982). Another important and
increasingly used method is characterization of the trypanosomes according to the
electrophoretic movement of their isozymes, which makes it possible to distinguish
the different zymodemes (see definition under Chagas’ Disease). Truc and
Tybayrenc (1993) have described 23 zymodemes in Central Africa, which can be
divided into two groups, one corresponding to T. b. gambienseand the other to T. b.
brucei. Recent findings suggest that the different zymodemes are related not only to
the species but also to the geographic distribution and clinical characteristics of the
infection (Smith and Bailey, 1997). Also, the use of polymerase chain reaction has
made it possible to identify T. b. gambiense(Schares and Mehlitz, 1996).
In man, the trypanosomes of African trypanosomiasis multiply in the blood,
lymph, cerebrospinal fluid, and intercellular spaces, but they do not penetrate cells.
In the vector, the short, fat trypanosomes consumed in the process of ingesting a
blood meal multiply in the lumen of the mid and hindgut for about 10 days, after
which they turn into thin forms and migrate toward the proventriculus, where they
multiply for another 10 days; from there they travel to the salivary glands, where they
attach themselves to the epithelial cells and turn into epimastigotes (see Chagas’
Disease). The epimastigotes continue to multiply and are rapidly transformed into
short, fat, metacyclic trypomastigotes, sometimes without a flagellum, which are the
forms that are infective for man. Although the complete cycle of the trypanosome
inside the tsetse fly can range from 15 to 35 days (average 21 days), the infection
cycle up to the formation of metacyclic trypomastigotes is completed in only about
10% of the flies that ingest the parasite. The infected flies remain so for the rest of
their lives and inoculate trypanosomes every time they take a blood meal.
Geographic Distribution:African trypanosomiasis in man occurs between 15°
N and 20° S Latitude in Africa, which is the vector’s area of distribution. T. b. rhode-
sienseis found in multiple foci in eastern Africa over an area stretching from
Ethiopia to Botswana, while T. b. gambiense is found in central and western Africa,
from northwestern Senegal to northeastern Sudan in the north to Angola in the
south. Outside the endemic area, there are occasional cases in tourists and immi-
grants from endemic countries.
Occurrence in Man:In the past, there were devastating epidemics of gambiense
trypanosomiasis, brought on by the migration of settlers during colonization. At the
beginning of the twentieth century, 500,000 people died within a decade in the
Congo basin alone, and there were about 200,000 fatalities (two-thirds of the popu-
lation) in the province of Busoga, Uganda (Goodwin, 1970). Following the imple-
mentation of control measures, by 1950 and 1960 prevalence of the disease had
dropped to very low levels in some areas (0.1% to 2%) and annual incidence was

estimated at less than 10,000 cases. In 1972, there were 4,126 new cases in the
Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire) and 3,000 in the rest of Africa (De
Raadt, 1976). However, starting in the 1970s, the disease flared up again alarmingly
in some of its old foci (Kusoe, 1993; Cattand, 1994; Jusot et al., 1995). This increase
was a reflection of the massive new movements of people both within and outside
the endemic areas as a result of wars and social and political instability in many
African countries. The situation was aggravated by shortages of human and material
resources for surveillance and medical care programs in the affected countries
(Mhlanga, 1996). In 1982, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that
gambiensetrypanosomiasis was endemic in 23 African countries, 45 million inhab-
itants were at risk, and that every year there were nearly 10,000 new infections (Bull
World Health Organ,1982). Currently, African trypanosomiasis in man is endemic
in 36 African countries south of the Sahara; the two forms of the disease together
pose a risk for approximately 50 million people; and about 25,000 new cases are
being reported annually, with the likelihood that not all cases were being notified
(Bales, 1991; Kusoe, 1993).
Gambiensetrypanosomiasis, which is chronic, tends to occur in epidemics,
whereas rhodesiensetrypanosomiasis, which has a more acute course, occurs spo-
radically, and gives rise to far fewer epidemics. The latter infection is endemic
among livestock-raising tribes in eastern Africa and frequently affects hunters, fish-
ermen, and travelers. Overall incidence is rather low because the people avoid areas
infested by the vector.
The Disease in Man:The human disease usually has three phases: the primary
lesion, parasitemia, and invasion of the central nervous system. Two or three days
after the bite of an infected fly, a painful inflammation (chancre) appears at the inoc-
ulation site, and it disappears after two to three weeks (McGovern et al., 1995). The
primary lesion is observed more frequently in infections caused by T. b. rhodesiense
than in those produced by T. b. gambiense. From the chancre site, the trypanosomes
invade the bloodstream, and the patient suffers from irregular and intermittent fever,
mirroring the waves of parasitemia. Other signs during this acute period are painless
adenopathies, especially in the posterior cervical lymph nodes, as well as edema of
the eyelids and joints. The most common symptoms of the acute phase are cepha-
lalgia, insomnia, arthralgia, weight loss, and generalized erythema and pruritus, par-
ticularly in the sternal region. In later stages of the disease, the symptomatology is
related to the affected organ. Invasion of the central nervous system is common, and
a large variety of psychological, motor, and sensory perturbations may be seen.
Following the meningitis that develops early in the course of the infection, a rupture
occurs in the choroid plexus which allows the parasites to invade sites in the brain.
The result is encephalitis, consisting of generalized inflammation with perivascular
infiltrations of B and T lymphocytes, plasmocytes, and macrophages. The blood-
brain barrier becomes permeable, and this condition may give rise to vasogenic cere-
bral edema. Astrocytes and microglia are activated, and, together with immune cells,
they begin to produce cytokines, which also contribute to progression of the disease
(Pentreath et al., 1994). There is irritability, paresthesia, and insomnia, and later on,
cerebral edema can cause severe headaches and edema of the optic papillae. There
can also be neurologic manifestations such as epileptic seizures, chorea, psychotic
episodes, euphoria, somnolence, lethargy, and coma.

As it was noted earlier,gambiensetrypanosomiasis usually follows a slow and
chronic course. Weeks or months may elapse between the first and second phase,
and months or years may elapse between the second and third phase. Rhodesiense
trypanosomiasis has a more acute course and its phases are less marked; death may
come within a few months, in contrast to patients with T. b. gambienseinfection,
who can live for many years. Cardiac complications are more common in rhode-
siensetrypanosomiasis, and some patients die before reaching the neurologic phase
(Greenwood and Whittle, 1980; WHO, 1979).
Both forms of African trypanosomiasis severely alter the patient’s immune sys-
tem. The main characteristics are synthesis of large amounts of gamma globulin,
autoantibody formation, and immunodeficiency (Vincendeau et al., 1996). The par-
asites in the bloodstream are covered with variable glycoprotein surface antigen
(VGSA), which generates powerful immune responses that rapidly suppress para-
sitemia. These responses include antibody production and activation of
macrophages that produce tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and nitric acid
(NO). Some parasites, however, manage to express another of the more than 1,000
genes coded for this antigen and are covered with a different glycoprotein, thereby
initiating a new wave of parasitemia. These waves recur every 7 to 15 days until the
patient, if left untreated, dies. The succession of new antigens is a powerful stimu-
lus for the immune response, which participates in both the defense and the pathol-
ogy of the disease. Although there is epidemiologic evidence of protective immunity
in gambiensetrypanosomiasis (Khonde et al., 1995), individual antigenic variation
is effective protection for the parasite against the immunity of the host. In terms of
immunopathology, there is no evidence that high gamma globulin levels or an abun-
dance of immune complexes play an important role in pathology of the human dis-
ease. Nevertheless, there is experimental evidence suggesting that autoantibodies to
components of the central nervous system, such as anti-galactocerebrosides and
tryptophan anti-analogous antibodies, may play a part in the development of
encephalitis (Hunter et al., 1992). Although T lymphocytes diminish the parasite’s
capacity to proliferate, they continue to produce gamma interferon (IFN-γ). The
macrophages and astrocytes, for their part, produce TNF-α. Although IFN-γand
TNF-α,together with their specific antibodies and the NO of the macrophages, have
powerful properties to fight the trypanosomes, it has been demonstrated that TNF-α
levels are directly related to the severity of the disease (Okomo-Assoumou et al.,
The Disease in Animals:Infections caused by African trypanosomes in animals
have a variety of local names, but they are most often referred to as nagana.T. b.
gambiense has been inoculated in or isolated occasionally from animals, including
laboratory animals, antelopes, swine, chickens, dogs, and cows, but there is no evi-
dence that it causes disease or sustained parasitemia. However,T. b. rhodesiense can
cause an infection, which is usually asymptomatic, in domestic animals such as cat-
tle and sheep; wild animals, including antelopes, hyenas, and lions; and also labo-
ratory animals. T. b. brucei,on the other hand, infects a wide variety of animals,
including carnivores, swine, equines, ruminants, and laboratory animals. It causes
an important disease in camels, equines, cats, dogs, and small ruminants. The dis-
ease is chronic and occasionally fatal in cattle; it is rarely fatal in swine. Man is
resistant to the infection. There are other African trypanosomes of great importance

for domestic animals, but none of them infects man (Levine, 1985):T. congolense
affects carnivores, swine, equines, and ruminants; T. vivaxaffects equines and rumi-
nants; and T. simiaeaffects camels and swine. The primary symptoms in animals are
lymphadenopathy, intermittent fever, anemia, and progressive emaciation (Urquhart,
1980). Depending on the species, the age of the host, and the parasite load, the dis-
ease may be acute or chronic.
Trypanosomiasis in animals has played a role in configuring African societies:
awareness of the parasite’s fatal effect on horses protected the original inhabitants
from foreign invasions, while its effect on cattle has prevented ranchers from taking
advantage of 7 million km
of pastureland to raise high-yield European cattle.
Another form of trypanosomiasis that occurs both in Africa and outside the conti-
nent is caused by T. evansi. It is transmitted by tabanid flies and is especially path-
ogenic for camels, equines, and dogs.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Man is the main reservoir of T.
b. gambienseand the source of infection for the vector. Because the infection is pro-
longed and includes intervals between febrile attacks during which the patient feels
relatively well, affected individuals may move about and propagate the infection in
new areas where the vectors exist. There is no evidence that lower animals play a
role in human T. b. gambiense infection, even though animal-to-animal transmission
has been demonstrated in the laboratory (Molyneux, 1983) and parasites from
swine, sheep, and dogs have been shown to be identical to human parasites in their
sensitivity to human sera or their isoenzymatic profile (Scott et al., 1983; Schares
and Mehlitz, 1996).The success of control programs aimed exclusively at eliminat-
ing the human parasite would indicate that animal reservoirs are not important in
gambiense trypanosomiasis. Nevertheless, the presence of animal reservoirs could
account for maintenance of the T. b. gambienseinfection in areas where isolated
human cases have occurred with long intervals between them.
The main vectors of T. b.gambienseinfection are the tsetse flies Glossina
fuscipes, G. palpalis,andG. tachinoide. These species belong to the palpalis,or
riverine, group of flies, which inhabit dense vegetation along the shores of rivers and
lakes. Human infection occurs almost always in the vicinity of watercourses or
places where water pools in rural settings; tourists are rarely affected. The male and
female tsetse flies are biological vectors, but they can transmit the infection mechan-
ically during epidemics, when there are many patients with parasitemia. In general,
the infection rate in the vectors is low. In addition, according to some reports, con-
genital transmission can occur in man.
By contrast, in the case of rhodesiensetrypanosomiasis, lower animals, especially
cattle, play an important role as reservoirs. T. b. rhodesiensehas been isolated from
a number of wild and domestic animals; but only antelopes, hyenas, lions, sheep,
and cattle develop sufficiently high and prolonged parasitemia to serve as effective
reservoirs. These animals are responsible for persistence of the parasite in areas that
have not been inhabited by humans for years.
The main vectors in eastern Africa are Glossina morsitans,G. pallidipes,andG.
swynnertoni. These species belong to the morsitans group of flies, which inhabit
savannahs and forested areas and prefer to feed on cattle and wild animals. The more
acute nature of the human infection, coupled with the fact that the habitat of the vec-
tors is not near homes, makes rhodesiensetrypanosomiasis more sporadic than the

gambienseform and less capable of causing epidemics. The main victims of the
rhodesienseform are hunters, tourists, and persons who have contact with wild ani-
mal habitats where the infection is enzootic.
Diagnosis:The disease may be suspected when its main symptoms and signs are
present, in particular intermittent fever, enlarged posterior cervical lymph glands,
and cutaneous erythema. Biochemical tests do not reveal any remarkable alterations
except higher cell counts and increased IgM in cerebrospinal fluid, which are con-
sidered pathognomonic of invasion of the central nervous system (Bisser et al.,
1997). The infection is confirmed by demonstrating the presence of the parasite in
aspirate from the chancre or the lymph glands, in bone marrow, or in blood taken
during the acute phase, or cerebrospinal fluid during the chronic phase. The sample
to be observed may be either fresh or fixed and stained. In acute-phase patients, aspi-
ration of the lymph glands is more effective for detecting T. b. gambiensethan T. b.
rhodesiense. On the other hand, peripheral parasitemia is higher in rhodesiensethan
in gambiensetrypanosomiasis, and it is therefore easier to demonstrate the presence
of T. b.rhodesienseby examining thick blood films. In both cases, however, the lev-
els of parasitemia fluctuate and are higher during febrile attacks. It is easier to find
parasites in blood by centrifugation in hematocrit tubes and examination of the
leukocyte layer, or by minifiltration in DEAE-cellulose, centrifugation, and exami-
nation of the exudate (Bailey and Smith, 1994). To demonstrate the presence of T.
b. rhodesiense,samples of blood or cerebrospinal fluid can be inoculated intraperi-
toneally in mice, which develop detectable parasitemia within the second week. It is
difficult to infect rodents with T. b. gambiense. When the foregoing methods have
been unsuccessful, an attempt may be made to examine bone marrow or culture it in
special media such as glucose, lacto-albumin, serum, hemoglobin, or GLSH.
Sediment from cerebrospinal fluid should be examined immediately after it is col-
lected. Serologic reactions such as the card agglutination test, indirect hemaggluti-
nation, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and indirect immunofluores-
cence are useful for epidemiologic studies, but they are of limited value for
individual diagnosis: healthy individuals may have developed antibodies to animal
trypanosomes inoculated by tsetse flies which did not produce infection, and these
antibodies can cross-react with the antigens of T. b. gambienseand T. b. rhodesiense.
Control:The two main approaches to controlling the African trypanosomiases
are to reduce the principal reservoirs of infection and the presence of the vectors. In
diminishing the reservoirs of gambiensetrypanosomiasis, detecting and treating the
human infection should be emphasized to reduce the source of infection for the vec-
tors. The challenge is greater with rhodesiensetrypanosomiasis, because measures
must also be taken to control the livestock population, both wild (e.g., antelopes)
and domestic (e.g., cattle). The latter can be reduced by converting the savannahs
where livestock graze into cropland, which is not propitious for the proliferation of
tsetse flies. Reduction of the vector population, which is much more efficient in con-
trolling rhodesiensetrypanosomiasis, can be achieved either through the targeted
destruction of the flies’ habitats or the use of insecticides. Both approaches, how-
ever, can cause major ecologic changes. Moreover, the mass use of insecticides is
costly and not very efficient, because the flies are protected by vegetation in their
habitats. Tsetse fly traps have been developed that are very effective, especially
when they are impregnated with insecticides (Langley, 1994). Another approach

would be to saturate the natural environment with male flies sterilized in the labo-
ratory, which was successful in eradicating the fly Cochliomyia hominivoraxin
Libya in 1991. Empirical observations and mathematical models suggest that reduc-
ing the vector population is most efficient during epidemics, while reducing the
human reservoir is more effective in endemic situations (Gouteux and Artzrouni,
1996). Other appropriate measures include preventing host-vector contact by the use
of protective clothing, netting that keeps out flies, repellants, or simply not going
into areas where there are high densities of tsetse flies. In highly endemic areas, the
indiscriminate donation of blood should be prohibited. Chemoprophylaxis for visi-
tors to endemic areas is not recommended because pentamidine and suramin are
only effective against T. b. gambiense,they are somewhat toxic, their use can mask
symptoms of the disease until it invades the central nervous system, and generalized
application promotes parasite resistance to the drugs. Moreover, most tourists are
more exposed to T. b. rhodesiensethan to T. b. gambiense.Wery (1990) considers
that the most important advances in the control of gambiensetrypanosomiasis have
been the improvements in serologic diagnosis, the demonstration of parasitemia, and
the introduction of low-cost, efficient traps for tsetse flies.
The problem of antigenic variation in the African trypanosomes has impeded the
production of a vaccine, but there is epidemiologic evidence that the disease gener-
ates protective immunity: while 30% of the uninfected population in the Democratic
Republic of Congo is at risk of contracting the infection, only 15% of those previ-
ously infected run a similar risk (Khonde et al., 1995). These facts suggest that a
vaccination is possible.
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oping world. VIII African trypanosomiasis. Rev Infect Dis 5:945–956, 1983.
Okomo-Assoumou, M.C., S. Daulouede, J.L. Lemesre, A. N’Zila-Mouanda, P. Vincendeau.
Correlation of high serum levels of tumor necrosis factor-alpha with disease severity in human
African trypanosomiasis. Am J Trop Med Hyg53:539–543, 1995.
Pentreath, V.W., P.J. Baugh, D.R. Lavin. Sleeping sickness and the central nervous system.
Onderstepoort J Vet Res61:369–377, 1994.
Schares, G., D. Mehlitz. Sleeping sickness in Zaire: A nested polymerase chain reaction
improves the identification of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon) brucei gambienseby specific
kinetoplast DNA probes. Trop Med Int Health 1:59–70, 1996.
Scott, C.M., J.L. Frezil, A. Toudic, D.G. Godfrey. The sheep as a potential reservoir of
human trypanosomiasis in the Republic of the Congo. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 77:397–401,
Smith, D.H., J.W. Bailey. Human African trypanosomiasis in south-eastern Uganda:
Clinical diversity and isoenzyme profiles. Ann Trop Med Parasitol91:851–856, 1997.
Truc, P., M. Tibayrenc. Population genetics of Trypanosoma bruceiin central Africa:
Taxonomic and epidemiological significance. Parasitology106(Pt 2):137–149, 1993.
Urquhart, G.M. The pathogenesis and immunology of African trypanosomiasis in domes-
tic animals. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 74:726–729, 1980.
Vincendeau, P., M.C. Okomo-Assoumou, S. Semballa, C. Fouquet, S. Daulouede.
Immunologie et immunopathologie de la trypanosomose Africaine. Med Trop (Mars)
56:73–78, 1996.
Wery, M. Les lents progrès du controle de la maladie du sommeil. Ann Parasitol Hum
Comp65(Suppl 1):89–93, 1990.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert
Committee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series

ICD-10 A06
Synonyms:Amebiosis, amebic dysentery, entamebiasis.
Etiology:Of the numerous species of the genus Entamoeba found in mammals,
only E. histolyticaand E. poleckiare of zoonotic interest. E. disparwas recently iden-
tified as a separate species, but knowledge about it is still quite limited. E. histolytica
is essentially a human parasite which is also capable of infecting a number of non-
human primates. In addition, it has been occasionally isolated from dogs, cats, swine,
and rats, and it has produced experimental infection in rabbits and other rodents
(Tsutsumi, 1994). E. poleckiwas isolated from swine and goats in 1912 and has also
been identified in humans (Giboda et al., 1988), although Levine (1985) contends
that the original description was inadequate to distinguish it from E. histolytica.
Another human species,E. dispar,was thought for many years to be a “small race”
of E. histolyticabecause it is very similar in appearance but does not have the same
pathogenic power; it has now been identified as a separate species (Jackson, 1998).
Amebas have two developmental stages: the trophic (or vegetative), during which
the trophozoite is formed, and the cystic (or resistant) stage, when the cyst appears.
The trophozoites live in the large intestine of the host, moving around by means of
pseudopodia and multiplying by binary fission. As they progress through the host
intestine toward the outside, they divide into smaller forms, cease taking in nour-
ishment, and develop a thin, resistant wall around themselves in preparation for turn-
ing into cysts. At first the cysts are mononuclear; they then subdivide by two con-
secutive mitoses, producing two and ultimately four nuclei. At that point the cysts
are eliminated in the feces of the host. If they are ingested by another host via con-
taminated food or water, upon reaching the small intestine they break up into four
new trophozoites which then migrate to the large intestine, where the multiplication
process resumes.
Geographic Distribution:Worldwide.
Occurrence in Man:E. histolyticainfection is especially prevalent in tropical
and subtropical areas, and it is more frequent in developing countries than industri-
alized ones. An estimated 400 to 500 million people in the world are infected, and
between 5% and 10% of them present symptoms (García and Bruckner, 1997). In
recent decades, prevalence of the infection has declined notably in the industrialized
countries. In the US, for example, the rate in the general population fell from 7% in
1961 to approximately 2% at the end of the 1990s. On the other hand, in the devel-
oping world the disease continues to be an important cause of morbidity and mor-
tality. According to reports published in 1996–1997, the infection was found in 0.3%
of 1,917 apparently healthy children in Spain, 7.8% of 862 children with diarrhea in
Kenya, 19.4% of 33,253 hospital fecal samples in Beirut and 1.2% of 11,611 simi-
lar samples in Tripoli, between 20% and 29% of 980 normal adults in Egypt, 18.6%
of 1,267 individuals in Nicaragua, and 8.7% of a group of 342 persons in Venezuela.
The prevalence of E. disparis unknown because laboratories only rarely distin-
guish it from E. histolytica. Its frequency may be high, however, since symptoms are
present in only 5% to 10% of the infections attributed to E. histolytica.

E. polecki infection is rare in humans, and most reports refer to individual cases.
However, the prevalence of this species may be greater than has been reported so far
because of the difficulty of distinguishing it from E. histolytica (Levine, 1985). It
would appear to be more frequent in southeastern parts of Asia: the parasite was
found in 19% of 184 children in Papua New Guinea (Desowitz and Barnish, 1986);
4.6% of 1,478 refugees from Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and
Viet Nam arriving in the US (DeGirolami and Kimber, 1983); and 3.2% of 435
refugees from Cambodia and Viet Nam arriving in France (Chaker et al.,1982).
Occurrence in Animals:Infection with E. histolyticais relatively common in
nonhuman primates. The parasite has been isolated from dogs and rats, and on occa-
sion from naturally infected cats and swine; it has also been reported in cattle
(Levine, 1985). Experimental infections have been produced in numerous rodents
(mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, and jerboas) and also in rabbits (Tsutsumi, 1994).
Infection with E. poleckiappears to be common in swine. Pakandl (1994) reported
high prevalence of this parasite among newly weaned swine in the former
Czechoslovakia. It is rarely identified in diagnostic laboratories.
The Disease in Man:Most E. histolytica infections are asymptomatic, but they
should be regarded as potentially pathogenic because there is always the danger that
they could develop into a progressive and invasive disease (WHO, 1981). Amebiasis
is particularly common in young adults and may be manifested by an invasion of the
small intestine, liver, or, more rarely, other tissues. In the intestinal disease, the par-
asite invades the tissues and produces small ulcers in the intestinal mucosa which
spread underneath in the submucosal tissue by means of lysis. On rare occasions it
can cause perforation of the intestine or produce granulomas in the wall of the large
intestine. The symptoms range from mild abdominal discomfort with bloody
mucous diarrhea, alternating with periods of constipation or remission, to acute or
fatal dysentery with fever, chills, and bloody or mucous diarrhea (amebic dysentery)
(Benenson, 1995). Hematogenic dissemination may carry the parasites to the liver,
where they produce a focal necrosis which is often incorrectly referred to as an ame-
bic liver abscess. The symptoms of intestinal amebiasis correspond to febrile and
painful hepatosplenomegaly. However, unlike hepatic fascioliasis, there is no
peripheral eosinophilia. Occasionally, the parasite may invade the lungs, skin, geni-
tal organs, spleen, brain, or pericardium.
Human infection with E. poleckiis usually asymptomatic. In the few cases of intes-
tinal disease that have been described, the symptoms were considerably milder than
those produced by E. histolyticaand there was no invasion of extraintestinal tissues.
The Disease in Animals:Like human infections, animal infections with E. his-
tolyticaare usually asymptomatic. Both the clinical intestinal form and the hepatic
form occur in lower primates, and spider monkeys are particularly susceptible
(Amyx et al.,1978). It is not known whether the disease occurs in swine. In dogs,
there have been reports of occasional cases of intestinal disease and, more rarely,
invasion of the liver and other tissues. Shimada et al. (1992) described a case of E.
histolyticadisease in a cat. Among laboratory rodents, the hamster and the jerboa
are susceptible to hepatic invasion, but the guinea pig and the rat are resistant.
Although combined immunodeficient mice are fully susceptible to hepatic amebia-
sis, normal mice are highly resistant.

E. polecki does not appear to be pathogenic for swine (Dunlap, 1975).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Humans are the reservoir of E.
histolytica. There is no evidence of animal-to-human transmission. The infection is
acquired by the ingestion of products contaminated with the fecal matter from
infected persons. Although contaminated water (Marshall et al.,1997) and raw veg-
etables (Monge and Arias, 1996) are sources of infection, well-documented risk fac-
tors include persons who handle contaminated food and those with poor hygienic
habits who may contaminate the household food supply. In addition, flies are effi-
cient vectors of the cysts. The trophozoites, which are virtually the only forms pres-
ent in diarrheic stools, are of little importance as transmitters of the infection
because they are not very resistant to desiccation or the action of gastric juices. The
cysts, which are found in abundance in pasty or formed feces, are the principal ele-
ments of transmission, since they survive in the soil for eight days at temperatures
between 28°C and 34°C and for 40 days at 2°C to 6°C. For this reason, the chronic
patient and the healthy carrier are more effective sources of infection than the acute
patient. In the last two decades it has also been documented that sexual practices
which include anal-oral or anal-genital-oral contact are an important risk factor for
Except in the case of monkeys, it is believed that animals acquire the infection
from human reservoirs. Apparently E. histolyticacan be propagated among lower
primates: of 29 chimpanzees admitted to a particular colony, only 2 had E. histolyt-
ica on the day of their arrival, whereas 4 years later 10 of the 29 were infected
(Miller and Bray, 1966).
The reservoir of E. polecki is swine, and the human infection is contracted either
by the ingestion of protozoan cysts in contaminated water or food or via the hands
of a person who has been in contact with fecal matter from this reservoir. Human-
to-human transmission is also suspected: of three patients diagnosed in Venezuela,
two had not had any contact with animals (Chacin-Bonilla, 1983).
Diagnosis:Clinical manifestations alone are not sufficient to differentiate dysen-
tery caused by amebiasis from other causes of dysentery. Laboratory diagnosis is
based on three fecal examinations, each taken half a day apart, and serologic tests in
special cases. Direct examination of diarrheic feces almost always reveals tropho-
zoites, whereas cysts and occasional trophozoites are found in formed and pasty
feces. Samples of diarrheic fecal matter should be examined as soon as possible
after collection unless steps are taken to preserve the trophozoites, for which pur-
pose trichromic or iron hematoxylin stain is recommended (García and Bruckner,
1997). Samples from formed or pasty feces may be examined using stool concen-
tration methods and direct microscopic observation of cysts. The diagnosis of E. his-
tolyticarequires carefully performed procedures and personnel well trained in dis-
tinguishing between the macrophages, leukocytes, trophozoites, and cysts of this
and other parasites.
The clinical manifestations of extraintestinal amebiasis are not sufficient for a
definitive diagnosis. Tests such as the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay make it
possible to identify 90% of all cases, although this technique only detects 10% of
intestinal cases (Restrepo et al., 1996). Tests designed to identify foreign bodies,
such as radioisotopic imaging, ultrasound, and computerized tomography, may help
to locate the lesion, but they are not diagnostic of the disease.

Differential diagnosis between E. histolytica and E. polecki is difficult and can
only be accomplished by studying the cysts. Although the distinction between the
pathogenic species E. histolyticaand the nonpathogenic E. disparcannot be made
on the basis of morphological criteria alone, there are immunologic and isoenzy-
matic differences which have recently made it possible to identify the species in spe-
cialized laboratories (Jackson, 1998). The E. polecki cysts have a single nucleus,
unevenly distributed chromatin in the nuclear periphery, rare glycogen vacuoles in
the cytoplasm, usually an opaque cytoplasmic inclusion body which is much larger
than the nucleus, and up to 30 chromatoidal bars. On the other hand, mature E. his-
tolyticacysts have four nuclei, uniformly distributed chromatin, frequent glycogen
vacuoles in the cytoplasm, no cytoplasmic inclusion body, and fewer than 10 chro-
matoidal bars (Levin and Armstrong, 1970). Giboda et al. (1988) have established
additional criteria.
Control:Basically, amebiasis is controlled by avoiding contamination of the
environment with human feces and educating the general public—children in par-
ticular, in order to reach the people in the household who handle food—and com-
mercial food handlers about proper hygiene to prevent transmission of the infection.
The following measures are essential in order to avoid contamination: proper dis-
posal of human excreta, protection of water sources from fecal contamination,
treatment of chronic patients and healthy carriers who are spreading cysts, and
supervision of food preparation in public places where raw food is eaten. Food
should be covered when there are flies or dust in the air. Health education should
stress the danger of drinking water or eating raw vegetables that might be contami-
nated, as well as the importance of washing one’s hands after defecating and before
preparing food. Education programs should be targeted toward high-risk groups
such as homosexuals and swineherds in order to prevent infections caused by E.
polecki. In endemic areas, water and food should be either boiled or treated with
nine drops of 2% tincture of iodine per liter of water for 30 minutes. Travelers vis-
iting endemic areas should consume only bottled water (including ice made from
bottled water) and cooked food.
Amyx, H.L., D.M. Asher, T.E. Nash, C.J. Gibbs, Jr., D.C. Gajdusek. Hepatic amebiasis in
spider monkeys. Am J Trop Med Hyg 27:888–891, 1978.
Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases in Man,16th ed. An official report
of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: APHA; 1995.
Chaker, E., M. Kremer, T.T. Kien. Quatorze cas d’Entamoebapolecki chez des refugies du
Sud-Est asiatique: remarques sur l’aspect morphologique du parasite. Bull Soc Pathol Exot
Filiales 75:484–490, 1982.
Chacin-Bonilla, L. Entamoeba polecki infection in Venezuela. Report of a new case. Trans
R Soc Trop Med Hyg 77:137, 1983.
DeGirolami, P.C., J. Kimber. Intestinal parasites among Southeastern Asian refugees in
Massachusetts. Am J Clin Pathol79:502–504, 1983.
Desowitz, R.S., G. Barnish. Entamoeba poleckiand other intestinal protozoa in Papua New
Guinea Highland children. Ann Trop Med Parasitol80:399–402, 1986.
Dunlap, J.S. Protozoa. In:Dunne, H.W., A.D. Leman, eds. Diseases of Swine,4th ed. Ames:
Iowa State University Press; 1975.

García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
Giboda, M., N. Vokurkova, P. Kopacek, O. Ditrich, J. Gutvirth. Entamoeba polecki:
Morphology, immunology, antigen study and clinic of the first infections in Czechoslovakia.
Folia Parasitol (Praha) 35:11–16, 1988.
Jackson, T.P. Entamoeba histolyticaand Entamoeba disparare distinct species: Clinical,
epidemiological and serological evidence. Int J Parasitol28:181–186, 1998.
Levin, R.L., D.E. Armstrong. Human infection with Entamoeba polecki. Am J Clin Pathol
54:611–614, 1970.
Levine, N.D. Veterinary Protozoology. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1985.
Marshall, M.M., D. Naumowitz, Y. Ortega, C.R. Sterling. Waterborne protozoan pathogens.
Clin Microbiol Rev10:67–85, 1997.
Miller, M.J., R.S. Bray. Entamoeba histolytica infections in the chimpanzee (Pan satyrus).
J Parasit 52:386–388, 1966.
Monge, R., M.L. Arias. Presencia de microorganismos patógenos en hortalizas de consumo
crudo en Costa Rica. Arch Latinoam Nutr46:292–294, 1996.
Pakandl, M. The prevalence of intestinal protozoa in wild and domestic pigs. Vet Med
(Praha) 39:377–380, 1994.
Restrepo, M.I., Z. Restrepo, C.L. Elsa Villareal, A. Aguirre, M. Restrepo. Diagnostic tests
for amoebic liver abscess: Comparison of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and
counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE). Rev Soc Bras Med Trop29:27–32, 1996.
Shimada, A., Y. Muraki, T. Awakura,et al. Necrotic colitis associated with Entamoeba his-
tolyticain a cat. J Comp Pathol106:195–199, 1992.
Tsutsumi, V. Los modelos experimentales in vivoen la amebiasis. Gac Med Mex
130:450–453, 1994.
World Health Organization (WHO). Intestinal Protozoan and Helminthis Infections. Report
of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1981. (Technical Report No. 666).
ICD-10 B60.0
Synonyms:Piroplasmosis, babesiasis.
Etiology:Of the 73 species of Babesiathat have been described as parasites of
mammals, only slightly more than a dozen are important for domestic animals and
only five occasionally infect man: 1) B. microti,a parasite of rodents; 2) B. diver-
gens,a parasite of cattle in Europe; 3) a species related to the dog parasite B. gib-
soni,isolated in Africa and Asia (but undistinguishable from B. microti) and also in
the state of Washington, US, where it was given the preliminary designation WA1;
4) a species related to B. divergensisolated in Missouri, US, and assigned the pre-
liminary designation MO1; and 5) a species related to B. microtiisolated in Taiwan
and identified preliminarily as TW1 (Barriga, 1997; Herwaldt et al., 1996; Shih et
al., 1997). Since the diagnosis of Babesiais still based mainly on the morphology
of the parasites, it is possible that man may be infected by other species which have
not yet been identified with certainty.

Babesias parasitize the red blood cells of vertebrate hosts and are transmitted in
nature by ticks. When an infected tick bites a mammal, pyriform parasites (sporo-
zoites measuring 1.5–3 µm long) are introduced through the tick’s saliva and rapidly
penetrate the host’s erythrocytes. The majority of the parasites grow inside the red
blood cells as pyriform trophozoites or merozoites, the rest as gametocytes. The
trophozoites or merozoites often divide asexually into two organisms, forming a
“V.”B. microtisometimes divides into four parasites that form a tetrad or Maltese
cross. When they achieve full growth and measure between 1 µm and 5 µm in
length, the parasites break free of the erythrocytes, often destroying them in the
process, and invade new ones. This cycle is repeated until either the infection is
brought under control or the host dies. The gametocytes, on the other hand, develop
inside the host’s erythrocytes until they become an oval or round parasite, at which
point they stop growing. These gametocytes are the precursors of the parasite’s sex-
ual stage, which continue to multiply inside the tick.
Babesiosis is typically a chronic infection. Even after the infection is controlled,
the parasite usually maintains a low-level presence in the host erythrocytes for a
very long time. In domestic animals, this period often lasts for the rest of their life.
When a tick vector—Ixodes scapularis (formerly I. dammini) in the case of B.
microti,or I. ricinusin the case of B. divergens—sucks blood containing the para-
sites, the merozoites are destroyed in the digestive tract, but the gametocytes mature
and become male and female gametes, which fuse and form mobile zygotes. The lat-
ter in turn become kinetes, which migrate to the hemocele and from there invade
numerous organs of the tick, where they divide asexually and invade even more
organs. Some of the kinetes invade oocytes; once inside the egg, they can be passed
on to the next generation of ticks via transovarial transmission. Other kinetes invade
the salivary glands, where they are transformed into sporozoites after the gland has
undergone certain developmental changes that take place while the arthropod
ingests its blood meal. Because of the time required for this process to occur, sporo-
zoites are not inoculated until a few days after the infected tick begins to feed
(Mehlhorn and Schein, 1985).
Geographic Distribution:Animal babesias occurs almost everywhere in the
world where ticks exist, including both the tropical zones and many temperate areas
as well. In the US, human infections have been identified and attributed to the fol-
lowing:B. microti(especially in New England), WA1 (in Washington State and
northern California), and MO1 (in Missouri). In Europe, cases of babesiosis caused
by B. divergenshave been reported in Belgium, France, Ireland, Russia, Scotland,
Spain, Sweden, and the former Yugoslavia. In Taiwan, cases due to TW1 were iden-
tified. Osorno et al. (1976) found antibodies to an undetermined species of Babesia
in 38 of 101 samples taken from residents in a rural area of Mexico, and they suc-
cessfully isolated the parasite from three of the samples by inoculation in hamsters.
Occurrence in Man:Clinical human babesiosis is infrequent. The first case was
confirmed in the former Yugoslavia in 1957 and attributed to B. divergens. Since
1990, there have been reports in the US of 100 cases in the states of Massachusetts
and New York; 2 in the midwest in the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota; 10 in the
states of Washington and California; and 1 in the state of Missouri. In addition, some
22 cases have been identified in Europe and there has been 1 case in Taiwan. The total
number of cases described in the world is estimated to be fewer than 200. Although

most of the cases in Europe and the first cases in the US occurred in splenectomized
individuals, in the last decade numerous cases have been described, especially in the
US, in patients who were immunodeficient for other reasons or previously healthy.
However, there is evidence that the infection is much more frequent than the disease.
For example, 6.3% of 1,285 residents of Connecticut were found to be seropositive
for B. microti(Krause et al., 1991), 9% of 574 residents of Rhode Island were also
seropositive for B. microti (Krause et al., 1992), and 17.8% of 230 semirural residents
of northern California were seropositive for WA1 (Fritz et al., 1997).
Occurrence in Animals:Animal babesiosis is widespread throughout the world,
with the highest prevalence in the tropics. It is one of the most important diseases of
cattle in Africa, the Middle East and other parts of Asia, Australia, Central America,
and the northern half of South America. The disease poses a risk for 50% to 70% of
the cattle in the world and causes heavy economic losses, and has been compared to
malaria in man. B. divergensoccurs only in Europe and some parts of the former
USSR. It is distinguished from the other major babesias of cattle (B. bigemina, B.
bovis,and B. major) by its relatively smaller size, measuring only 1.5 µm x 1.0 µm,
compared with at least 2.0 µm in length in the case of all the others (Barriga, 1997).
B. microti is found on numerous wild rodents in the US and Europe, and it is a com-
mon laboratory research model. In the US, blood examinations of the white-footed
mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) on Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, revealed B.
microtiin 35.4% of the blood smears examined and 67% of the specimens inocu-
lated in hamsters (Spielman et al.,1981). In Germany, it was found in 38% of 255
field voles (Microtus agrestis) (Krampitz, 1979). Nevertheless, the only known
cases of human infection due to this species have been found on the eastern coast of
the US.
The Disease in Man:The cases in Europe of B. divergens infection usually occur
in splenectomized individuals (80%). They are characterized by severe illness, often
with pyrexia, chills, anemia, muscular pain, prostration, hemoglobinuria, and jaun-
dice. The case fatality rate is about 50%. The spleen plays a very important role in
resistance to the parasite, and splenectomy is undoubtedly a predisposing factor. By
the same token, the disease may be more severe in immunodeficient individuals. In
the Americas, the nonsplenectomized patients infected with B. microti had a disease
that developed gradually, with anorexia, fatigue, fever, sweating, and generalized
muscle pain. Some patients may have mild splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, and
mild to severe hemolytic anemia is common as well. Parasitemia may affect fewer
than 1% or up to 10% or more of the erythrocytes. In blood smears, it is difficult to
distinguish the predominant form of B. microti from the small ring forms of
Plasmodium,which they closely resemble. Recovery is slow, with malaise and
fatigue persisting for several months (Ruebush, 1984). B. microti rarely causes
death, even in splenectomized or immunodeficient patients. The incubation period
between the tick bite and the appearance of symptoms can range from 7 to 28 days.
Because of epidemiologic similarities with infections caused by Borrelia
burgdorferiand Ehrlichiaspp., human babesiosis in the US can coexist with infec-
tions caused by these other agents (Mitchell et al., 1996).
The Disease in Animals:In the affected domestic species the symptomatology of
babesiosis is similar, characterized by the triad of fever, anemia, and jaundice.

Anemia occurs when the parasites emerge from the erythrocytes and cause the
immunologic destruction of these cells. The increased amount of free hemoglobin in
plasma often produces hemoglobinuria. B. bovistends to attach itself to the capil-
lary endothelium in much the same way that Plasmodium falciparumdoes in man,
thereby blocking circulation. The sensitivity of nervous tissue to anoxia often results
in symptoms of agitation and convulsions. Babesiosis in cattle can range from mild
to fatal, and those animals that recover usually harbor a subclinical infection and act
as healthy carriers. Calves and young equines 6 to 9 months of age are relatively
resistant to the infection and disease. In endemic areas, most animals acquire an
asymptomatic infection when they are young that confers premunition (i.e., resist-
ance to subsequent infections). By contrast, animals arriving from parasite-free
areas usually develop a severe form of the disease.
B. microti in rodents appears to be asymptomatic, but no extensive studies have
been done on the subject.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs for domestic
animals and rodents are other infected animals, which are often healthy carriers. The
reservoirs for man are wild rodents, especially the white-footed mouse P. leucopus
and meadow vole Microtus pennsylvanicus,both of which have been demonstrated
to be infected with B. microtiin the US, and cattle infected with B. divergensin
Europe. The B. microtiinfection is transmitted in nature by the tick I. scapularis and
the B. divergensinfection, by I. ricinus.
In the case of B. microti,the larva of I. scapularisacquires the infection from wild
rodents and the nymph, which acquires the infection via transstadial transmission
from the larva, passes the infection along when it bites a human host. In a study on
Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, US, 5% of the I. scapularisnymphs collected
were infected. However, the protozoan is not passed from the nymph to the adult
tick. Since the adult tick feeds on deer that are not susceptible to B. microti,it does
not have the opportunity to become infected and therefore does not transmit the
infection (Lane and Crosskey, 1993). The B. microtienzootic areas are characterized
by an abundance of rodents, which serve as hosts for the larvae and nymphs of the
vector, while deer serve as the host for adult ticks. Most of the human infections in
the US occur in July and August, when nymphs are most abundant (Ruebush et al.,
In the case of B. divergens,only the adult I. ricinustick feeds on cattle and is
capable of acquiring the infection. However,B. divergensis transmitted to the next
generation of ticks both through the egg (transovarial transmission) and subse-
quently during the different developmental stages of the tick (transstadial transmis-
sion). Thus,I. ricinuscan transmit B. divergens at any stage in its life cycle.
There have been about eight reports of human Babesia infection due to blood
transfusion (Mintz et al., 1991). Asymptomatic donors carry the infection for up to
12 months after they initially acquire the infection themselves.
Diagnosis:A diagnosis of babesiosis should be suspected when the clinical
symptoms coincide with an epidemiological history of tick bites or visits to enzootic
areas. It is confirmed in febrile or acute cases when parasites are seen inside ery-
throcytes on Giemsa-stained thin or thick blood smears. Differentiation from
Plasmodium,especially P. falciparum,may require the help of experts. Unlike
Plasmodium,Babesiadoes not produce pigment (hemozoin) in the parasitized red

blood cells. In more chronic cases with low parasitemia, a diagnosis can be made
using serologic examinations such as the indirect immunofluorescence test or the
inoculation of blood into susceptible animals. In chronic cases, or before babesias
appear in the blood in detectable numbers, the polymerase chain reaction can be
used to detect the specific nucleic acids of the parasite (Krause et al.,1996).
Control:For domestic animals in endemic areas, the most effective control meas-
ure is to prevent intense infestation by the tick vectors. There is now a vaccine that
invokes an immunologic response against Boophilus microplusinfestation in cattle;
as this tick is the main vector of babesiosis in cattle, the reduction of tick infestation
also reduces the transmission of the disease (de la Fuente et al., 1998). Cattle intro-
duced into endemic areas may be protected by the administration of commercially
available live vaccines or by artificial premunition, i.e., inoculating them with blood
from healthy carrier cattle to induce a mild infection and then treating them subcu-
ratively. Since the human infection is usually sporadic and occurs only after visits to
endemic areas, it is recommended that on such occasions people use protective
clothing or tick repellents, and following the visit, that they examine themselves
closely for nymphs, which are very small. Those living in endemic areas should con-
trol rodents inside the home and cut down shrubbery surrounding the dwelling to
control the presence of nymphs.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
De la Fuente, J., M. Rodríguez, M. Redondo, C. Montero, J.C. García-García, L. Méndez,
et al. Field studies and cost-effectiveness analysis of vaccination with Gavac™ against the cat-
tle tick,Boophilus microplus. Vaccine16(4):366–373, 1998.
Fritz, C.L., A.M. Kjemtrup, P.A. Conrad,et al. Seroepidemiology of emerging tickborne
infectious diseases in a Northern California community. J Infect Dis175:1432–1439, 1997.
Herwaldt, B., D.H. Persing, E.A. Precigout,et al. A fatal case of babesiosis in Missouri:
Identification of another piroplasm that infects humans. Ann Intern Med 124:643–650, 1996.
Krampitz, H.E. Babesia microti:Morphology, distribution and host relationship in
Germany. Zentralbl Bakteriol [Orig A] 244:411–415, 1979.
Krause, P.J., S.R. Telford, R. Ryan,et al. Geographic and temporal distribution of babesial
infection in Connecticut. J Clin Microbiol29:1–4, 1991.
Krause, P.J., S.R. Telford, R.J. Pollack,et al. Babesiosis: An underdiagnosed disease of
children. Pediatrics 89 (6 Pt 1):1045–1048, 1992.
Krause, P.J., S.R. Telford, A. Spielman,et al. Comparison of PCR with blood smear and
inoculation of small animals for diagnosis of Babesia microti parasitemia. J Clin Microbiol
34:2791–2794, 1996.
Lane, R.P., R.W. Crosskey, eds. Medical Insects and Arachnids. London: Chapman & Hall;
Mehlhorn, H., E. Schein. The piroplasms: Life cycle and sexual stages. Adv Parasitol
23:37–103, 1984.
Mintz, E.D., J.F. Anderson, R.G. Cable, J.L Hadler. Transfusion-transmitted babesiosis: A
case report from a new endemic area. Transfusion31:365–368, 1991.
Mitchell, P.D., K.D. Reed, J.M. Hofkes. Immunoserologic evidence of coinfection with
Borrelia burgdorferi, Babesia microti,and human granulocytic Ehrlichiaspecies in residents
of Wisconsin and Minnesota. J Clin Microbiol 34:724–727, 1996.

Osorno, M., C. Vega, M. Ristic, C. Robles, S. Ibarra. Isolation of Babesiaspp. from asymp-
tomatic human beings. Vet Parasitol 2:111–120, 1976.
Ruebush, T.K. Babesiosis. In:Warren, K.S., A.A.F. Mahmoud, eds. Tropical and
Geographical Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill; 1984.
Ruebush, T.K., D.D. Juranek, A. Spielman, J. Piesman, G.R. Healy. Epidemiology of
human babesiosis on Nantucket Island. Am J Trop Med Hyg 30:937–941, 1981.
Shih, C.M., L.P. Liu, W.C. Chung, S.J. Ong, C.C. Wang. Human babesiosis in Taiwan:
Asymptomatic infection with a Babesia microti-like organism in a Taiwanese woman. J Clin
Microbiol 35:450–454, 1997.
Spielman, A., P. Etkind, J. Piesman, T.K. Ruebush, D.D. Juranek, M.S. Jacobs. Reservoir
hosts of human babesiosis on Nantucket Island. Am J Trop Med Hyg 30:560–565, 1981.
ICD-10 A07.0
Synonyms:Balantidiosis, balantidial dysentery.
Etiology:Balantidium coli is a ciliated protozoan that affects swine, primates
(including humans) and, rarely, guinea pigs, dogs, and rats. It has been isolated from
27 species of vertebrates (Wenyon, 1926), but its identification is dubious in many
cases. The vegetative form (or trophozoite) measures 30–150 µm in length and
25–120 µm in width; it is ovoid, with a slightly elongated end in which there is a tri-
angular cell mouth, or cytostome, and it is covered with short cilia in a spiral pat-
tern. Osmoregulatory and food vacuoles are frequently found in its cytoplasm. The
infective form (the cyst) measures 45–65 µm in diameter, is round, and contains the
ciliated organism, sometimes mobile and often with vacuoles, within a thick but
transparent double wall (Neva and Brown, 1994). As is characteristic of ciliates,
both forms have a large kidney-shaped nucleus, or macronucleus, which is respon-
sible for vegetative functions, and a smaller spherical nucleus, or micronucleus,
which is not always visible and is responsible for sexual reproduction, when it
occurs. Unlike other protozoa, the parasite does not multiply inside the cyst. Hence,
the Balantidium cyst possesses the same number of nuclei as the trophozoite (García
and Bruckner, 1997).
The trophozoites live in the lumen of the large intestine and, occasionally, invade
the mucosa and other tissues. They replicate by transverse binary fission and, some-
times, by budding or conjugation. As they move towards the outside of the body,
many become encysted. The cysts form in the fecal matter as it passes through the
intestine or in the soft feces that are excreted.
Geographic Distribution:B. coli is found throughout the world, but it is more
prevalent in tropical and temperate regions. In man, it is most often found in indi-
viduals who are in contact with swine and those exposed to poor environmental
hygiene conditions.

Occurrence in Man:Balantidiasis is an uncommon disease in humans.
Worldwide, only 772 cases of balantidial dysentery had been reported up to 1960.
Asymptomatic infection is less rare, but it is not frequent, either. Four surveys car-
ried out between 1988 and 1996 in apparently healthy populations found preva-
lences of 0.05% in Mexico, 0.3% in Venezuela, 0.5% in children in Argentina, and
1.8% in children in Bolivia. Of 18,512 people examined in Benin, only 0.26% were
infected. Wittner and Tanowitz (1992) report that the infection is extremely uncom-
mon in travelers returning to the US from developing countries. Occasionally, how-
ever, circumstances arise that facilitate the infection of a sizable segment of popula-
tion. A study conducted in Ecuador during a gastroenteritis epidemic found that
19.3% of the children examined were infected. In studies in indigenous communi-
ties of Bolivia and Peru and in isolated rural populations in Chile, presumably with
poor sanitary conditions, the infection was detected in 8%, 6%, and 4.5%, respec-
tively, of those surveyed.
Occurrence in Animals:The infection is very frequent in swine. Prevalences of
60% to 90% have been reported in animals in a single herd and in 60% or more of
the herds examined. Based on the form of the parasite and its macronucleus, a sep-
arate species,B. suis,has been described in swine,but most authorities do not accept
this species as different from B. coli. Natural infection in dogs and rodents seems to
be exceptional.
The Disease in Man:Disease from B. coli in man usually affects the mucosa of
the large intestine, but it can also invade the liver and the lung, though this rarely
happens (Vidan et al., 1985; Ladas et al.,1989). In symptomatic infections, the par-
asite first causes congestion and hyperemia of the mucosa and then small ulcers,
which may spread and ultimately destroy large areas of epithelium. The organisms
generally invade the intestinal crypts and cause inflammation due to lymphocytes
and eosinophils, as well as microabscesses and necrosis. They may spread into the
muscularis mucosae and, on rare occasions, perforation of the intestinal wall has
occurred. Secondary bacterial infection is common. In acute cases, the patient pres-
ents with severe diarrhea, often with mucus, blood, and pus in the stools. In chronic
cases, the patient may alternate between diarrhea and constipation and suffer from
abdominal pain, anemia, and cachexia. The pathology and symptomatology for B.
coli are similar to those associated with Entamoeba histolytica.
The Disease in Animals:The parasite is apparently not pathogenic in swine. It
invades the intestinal mucosa only when prior damage enables its entry and, even in
these cases, it does not appear to cause any reaction in the tissues. Infection of dogs
and rats is rare, and invasion of the tissues in these species is even less frequent.
Primates may possess some natural resistance to B. coli infection and disease. Yang
et al. (1995) reported that two monkeys treated with hydrocortisone and infected
with cysts of human origin developed diarrhea, while two untreated monkeys devel-
oped only the asymptomatic infection.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:In many cases, the infection in
man has been conclusively linked to contamination of water and food by feces of
infected pigs or to close contact with pigs. However, the infection exists in Muslim
countries where pigs are not raised (Geddes, 1952), and epidemics have occurred in
mental hospitals where no pigs were present (Faust et al.,1970). Hence, it appears

that person-to-person transmission is possible where environmental sanitation con-
ditions are poor.
The B. coli trophozoite cannot survive for very long in a dry environment, so it is
unlikely that infection would be acquired through ingestion of viable trophozoites.
The cyst is a much more efficient means of transmission than the trophozoite, since
it can survive outside the body for two weeks or more at ambient temperatures.
Ingested cysts excyst in the intestine and begin to multiply as trophozoites.
Diagnosis:The symptomatology of balantidiasis is such that it cannot be differ-
entiated clinically from other causes of dysentery. Similarly, it is not possible to dis-
tinguish it from amebiasis through endoscopic observation of intestinal lesions.
Diagnosis is based on detection of trophozoites, which are most commonly found in
watery diarrheal stools, or cysts, which are particularly abundant in formed stools.
The trophozoite, obtained from stool specimens or endoscopic samples, can be seen
by microscopic examination of wet mounts at low magnification (100X). Permanent
stained preparations are not recommended because the parasite, owing to its size and
thickness, stains deeply and its internal structures then cannot be observed. The
cysts can be visualized by means of fecal parasite concentration methods.
Control:The most efficient control method is probably to educate the public
about basic personal hygiene practices in areas in which contact between humans
and swine is common. On pig farms, care should be taken to prevent animal waste
from contaminating water used for drinking or irrigation, and manure should not be
used as fertilizer on crops of vegetables that are eaten raw. Suspicious water or food
should be boiled because normal chlorination will not kill the cysts. Where there is
a potential for person-to-person transmission, the usual personal hygiene practices
for preventing infections of fecal origin, combined with effective treatment of
infected individuals, should reduce the risk of transmission.
Faust, E.C., P.F. Russell, C.R. Jung. Craig and Faust’s Clinical Parasitology. Philadelphia:
Lea & Febiger; 1970.
García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner.Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
Geddes, McC.A. Balantidiasis in South Persia. Br Med J1:629–631, 1952.
Ladas, S.D., S. Savva, A. Frydas, A. Kaloviduris, J. Hatzioannou, S. Raptis. Invasive bal-
antidiasis presented as chronic colitis and lung involvement. Dig Dis Sci 34:1621–1623, 1989.
Neva, F.A., H.W. Brown. Basic Clinical Parasitology,6th ed. Norwalk, Connecticut:
Appleton & Lange; 1994.
Vidan, J.R., A. Frauca, B. Martínez, F. Borda. Parasitosis hepática por Balantidium coli.
Med Clin (Barc) 85:299–300, 1985.
Wenyon, C.M. Protozoology: A Manual for Medical Men, Veterinarians and Zoologists.
London: Baillière, Tindall and Cox; 1926.
Wittner, M., H.B. Tanowitz. Intestinal parasites in returned travelers. Med Clin North Am
76:6, 1433–1448, 1992.
Yang Y., L. Zeng, M. Li, J. Zhou. Diarrhoea in piglets and monkeys experimentally infected
with Balantidium coli isolated from human faeces. J Trop Med Hyg 98(1):69–72, 1995.

ICD-10 B57
Synonyms:American trypanosomiasis, Chagas-Mazza disease, infection due to
Trypanosoma cruzi.
Etiology:Chagas’ disease is produced by the flagellate protozoan Trypanosoma
(Schizotrypanum) cruzi. This protozoan has a complex developmental cycle that
involves mammals and an arthropod vector. In mammals,T. cruziis found in two
forms: extracellular trypomastigotes (formerly “trypanosomal forms”) in the blood-
stream, and intracellular amastigotes (formerly “leishmanial forms”) in tissue. In the
vector, it also exists in two forms, both of them extracellular: epimastigotes (for-
merly “crithidial forms”) in the intestine and in vitro cultures, and trypomastigotes
or metacyclic trypanosomes in the insect’s rectum. Thin blood smears prepared with
Giemsa’s stain show that the trypomastigotes are fusiform, doubled over in the
shape of a “U” or “C”; some of them are narrow and about 20 µm long, while oth-
ers are wider and shorter, measuring about 15 µm long. Near the tip of the parasite
there is a large bulging kinetoplast with an attached flagellum that protrudes from
the rear end of the body. Between the flagellum and the body is a thin, wavy mem-
brane with two or three undulations. The nucleus, located near the center of the
body, is large and bulky. The amastigotes are oval, measuring about 2 µm by 3 µm,
and have a nucleus, a kinetoplast, and a short intracellular flagellum which can be
seen only at high levels of magnification. The epimastigotes are fusiform and about
20 µm long; the kinetoplast is in front of the nucleus, and the membrane and fla-
gellum are shorter. The metacyclic trypanosomes are longer, thinner, and straighter
than the trypomastigotes seen in the bloodstream.
Electrophoresis of isozymes of various T. cruziisolates has made it possible to
group the strains of the parasite according to their predominant isozymes, known as
zymodemes. Miles (1983) introduced this technique for the study of T. cruzi and
identified 3 zymodemes in Brazil, each of them with different epidemiological char-
acteristics. Subsequent studies have identified 7 zymodemes in Brazil, 11 more in
Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, and Paraguay (Bogliolo et al., 1986), and 12 in Argentina
(Blanco and Montamat, 1998). Some authors have suggested that there is a correla-
tion between zymodemes and the epidemiological or clinical characteristics of the
parasites, but others have not been able to confirm this hypothesis (Lauria-Pires and
Teixeira, 1996). The speciesTrypanosoma (Herpetosoma) rangeli is found in some
parts of Central America and northern South America; like T. cruzi,it is transmitted
to man and a variety of mammals by the bite of certain reduviid bugs. Although this
species does not cause disease in man or animals, it produces prolonged parasitemia
and can be mistaken for T. cruzi. The bloodstream trypomastigotes of T. rangeliare
narrower and longer than those of T. cruzi,measuring about 30 µm, with a smaller
nucleus and a much smaller kinetoplast, which is located farther from the posterior
tip of the parasite.
Some 150 mammal species are susceptible to T. cruzi,ranging from marsupials
such as the opossum (Didelphis marsupialis) to primates. Prevalence can be high in

cats, dogs, rodents, and both domestic and wild lagomorphs, which taken together
constitute an important reservoir for human infection. Birds and cold-blooded ver-
tebrates are refractory to T. cruziinfection, but domestic birds are important food
sources for the vector.
The vectors are reduviid bugs of the family Triatomidae. It has been confirmed
that about a hundred species are susceptible to the infection, but the most important
vectors are Triatoma infestansin southern Peru; Panstrongylus megistusin northern
Argentina, southern Brazil, and Paraguay; and Rhodnius prolixusin northern South
America, parts of Central America, and Mexico. The vector becomes infected when
it feeds on the blood of an infected mammal and ingests trypomastigotes. These
forms reach the midgut of the insect, turn into epimastigotes, and divide abundantly
by binary fission. After the bug has been infected for 15 to 30 days, the infective
metacyclic trypanosomes begin to appear in its rectum. The bug usually remains
infected for several months or the rest of its life.
Unlike the African trypanosomes (see the chapter on African Trypanosomiasis),
which produce infection through the bite of a vector,T. cruziinfects its definitive host
through the vector’s excrement. This modality is referred to as contaminative infec-
tion, or transmission from the “posterior station,” as opposed to inoculative infection,
or transmission from the “anterior station.” Animals may also become infected by
ingesting infected vectors. The metacyclic trypanosomes penetrate the organism
either through normal healthy mucosa or broken skin, often caused by scratching;
they then invade the macrophages of the dermis or subcutaneous tissue, transform
into amastigotes, and multiply by binary fission. Between four and five days after
infecting the host cell, the amastigotes then turn into trypomastigotes, which destroy
the original cell and invade neighboring cells or spread through the bloodstream to
the cells of other organs, especially macrophages, cardiac and striated muscle fibers,
and the neuroglia. The trypomastigotes do not multiply in the bloodstream; instead,
they turn into amastigotes once again inside the cells and repeat the cycle of intra-
cellular multiplication and destruction of the cell. Some authors have described inter-
mediate forms between trypomastigotes and amastigotes (promastigotes, epimasti-
gotes) when the parasite abandons the cells, but if such forms exist, they are rarely
seen in a mammal host. At the beginning of the infection, there are large numbers of
trypomastigotes in the bloodstream, but over time, the frequency of the blood-cell
cycles tapers off, and as a result, after a few weeks the level of parasitemia drops con-
siderably and the parasite remains restricted to tissue.
Geographic Distribution:T. cruzi infection exists only in the Americas, within
an area extending from 42°N latitude in the US (from California to Maryland) to
approximately 34°S in Chile and 42°S in Argentina. Vectors and wild reservoirs
have also been found throughout much of the Caribbean, which was previously con-
sidered free of the infection (PAHO, 1984). Autochthonous Chagas’ disease has not
been confirmed outside the Americas (Marsden, 1997).
Occurrence in Man:Chagas’ disease is essentially a problem affecting southern
Mexico and Central and South America. According to estimates based on seroepi-
demiologic studies, at the beginning of the 1980s, 10 to 20 million people in Latin
America were infected and 65 million were at risk for the infection; in addition, 10%
of those infected in South America could be expected to develop symptoms and clin-
ical signs of chronic Chagas’ disease (PAHO, 1984). By the mid-1990s, it was esti-

mated that the disease had affected between 16 and 18 million people, that 50 mil-
lion were at risk, and that up to 30% of those infected would develop the chronic
disease, with a fatal outcome (Moncayo, 1992; Wanderley and Correa, 1995).
The highest prevalence of vector-borne infection is found in rural and periurban
areas, but the distribution is uneven and depends on the presence of the vector,
whether it lives in dwellings, and whether conditions in the home facilitate contact
between the vector and man. In three rural villages in northwestern Argentina, the
level of serologic prevalence was 34% (Gurtler et al., 1998). In a rural community
of São Paulo State, Brazil, cross-sectional studies found a seroprevalence rate of
16.6% (ranging from 2.9% to 61.9%) in 1971–1972, but after a long campaign to
control the vector, by 1989–1991, the level had dropped to 10.1% (with a range from
0.4% to 44.8%). In both studies, the lowest prevalence was found in children, and
the highest, in the elderly (Passos et al., 1997). Jaramillo et al. (1997) found a preva-
lence of 7.1% in Belize; 8.2% in El Salvador; 5.1% in Guatemala; and 6.2% in
Honduras. In the southern US, where the infection exists but there are no domicil-
iary vectors and conditions do not exist for vectors to invade human homes, five
acute vector-borne infections have been reported (Benenson, 1995).
Although to a lesser extent, transmission by transfusion also contributes to main-
taining the infection. In endemic areas, the importance of this mechanism depends
on the prevalence of the infection in the population: in Mexico, it was found that
17% of blood donors had antibodies to T. cruzi(Rangel et al., 1998), while in the
US, there have been 3 cases of T. cruzi infection by transfusion, and in some areas
of Los Angeles and Miami, where there are large numbers of immigrants from Latin
America, 34 of 49,565 blood donors were serologically positive for the infection
(Leiby et al., 1997).
Congenital transmission has been documented in several studies: in Paraguay,
3% of 172 mothers who were serologically positive for T. cruzi transmitted the
infection to their babies (Russomando et al., 1998); in Argentina, 5.3% of 62 moth-
ers (Arcavi et al., 1993), 4% of 149 (Zaidenberg and Segovia, 1993), and 2.6% of
341 (Streiger et al., 1995) did so; and in Bolivia, 9.5% of 910 mothers also passed
the infection on (Azoge, 1993). In the US, Di Pentima et al. (1999) found that 0.3%
of 3,765 pregnant women in the city of Houston had antibodies to T. cruziand spec-
ulated that congenital infection could occur in this area. Leiby et al. (1999) found
two blood donors with antibodies to T. cruzi who had been born in the US and had
never traveled to endemic areas. Since these donors had a family history of heart
disease and complications, the authors suggested that the infections might have
been congenital.
Attention has often been called to the public health importance of Chagas’ dis-
ease, particularly because of the high rate of cardiopathy in chronic patients. In cen-
tral Brazil, visceromegalies such as megacolon and megaesophagus are also a con-
sequence of the chronic disease. In some areas, Chagas’ disease is the most frequent
cause of myocardiopathy and even the leading cause of death. Deaths from Chagas
cardiopathy were confirmed in 7 of 10 Latin American cities studied in an investi-
gation of mortality (Puffer and Griffith, 1967). The mortality rate was exceptionally
high in the city of Ribeirão Prêto, Brazil: Chagas’ disease was the cause of 13% of
all deaths in the population aged 15 to 74 years—29% of 25-to 44-year-old men and
22% of the women in the same age group. Chagas’ disease is primarily a rural afflic-
tion, but its sequelae in chronic patients are also seen in cities. Vector transmission

occurs in cities as well, as migrants from the countryside bring the disease and even
the vector along with them.
Occurrence in Animals:The natural infection has been found in 150 species of
mammals, both domestic and wild. However, because of the difficulty in identifying
the agent, it is not certain that all the strains that have been isolated correspond to T.
cruzi. Several animal species serve as reservoirs in different ecologic settings. In
Paraguay, the direct agglutination test was positive for T. cruziin 3 of 37 cattle
(8.1%), 2 of 20 swine (10%), 16 of 44 dogs (36.4%), and 3 of 8 cats (37.5%), while
3 equines, an opossum, and 3 armadillos were negative (Fujita et al., 1994). Among
domestic animals, dogs and cats are common and important hosts of the parasite. In
a group of towns in northwestern Argentina, 41.2% of 68 dogs and 39.3% of 28 cats
were positive on xenodiagnosis (Gurtler et al., 1993). In Texas, US, 11 symptomatic
cases of Chagas’ disease in dogs were reported between 1987 and 1996 (Meurs et al.,
1998). Several studies have confirmed that in endemic areas the prevalence of infec-
tion is higher in these species than it is in man. In the Yaracuy Valley in Venezuela,
70 of 140 dogs (50%) tested were positive on xenodiagnosis. In Chile, 9.1% of 3,321
dogs and 11.9% of 1,805 cats were positive. Xenodiagnosis also revealed that 8.4%
of the human population was positive. Other domestic animals can also serve as
reservoirs (Miles, 1983). In a serologic survey of 34 rural localities in Region IV of
Chile, the hemagglutination test showed antibodies for T. cruzi in 7.8% of 232 goats,
11.7% of 145 rabbits, and 4.8% of 42 sheep, and high rates of infection were also
confirmed in dogs and cats (Correa et al.,1982). The guinea pig Cavia porcellus,a
common domestic animal in the high Andean plateau, plays a very important epi-
demiologic role in the transmission of Chagas’ disease in that region, with infection
rates ranging from 10.5% to 61% in different localities in Bolivia.
Natural infection has also been confirmed in a large number of wild animal
species. Although any mammal in contact with infected vectors can acquire the
infection, not all species are equally preponderant in maintaining the Chagas
enzootic in the wild. Studies conducted in Brazil and Venezuela have shown that
opossums of the genus Didelphis (D. albiventris andD. marsupialis) play a very
important role. Xenodiagnosis of 750 mammals representing 31 species from the
dry tropical forests in the highland plains of Venezuela was positive in 10 species;
in all, 143 infections were found, and 83% of them were in D. marsupialis,even
though the infected animals represented only 30% of the mammals in the sample.
Seasonal fluctuations were observed, with the infection rate rising at the end of the
rainy season and affecting more than 80% of the opossum population (Telford et al.,
1981). These marsupials have prolonged parasitemia, which can last for more than
12 months (Mello, 1982). Opossums are important because of their tendency to
approach human homes, thus serving as a link between the wild and domestic cycles
of the infection. Armadillos, which are common in Latin America, have been found
to be parasitized in a number of countries. In Georgia, US, parasitemia was found in
13 of 30 (43%) raccoons tested. The cardiac muscle was examined histopathologi-
cally in 10 of the cases; in each case a mild, multifocal interstitial inflammation was
observed, and a parasitic cyst was found in one of them. Apparently the infection
does not cause pathology in this species (Pietrzak and Pung, 1998).
The Disease in Man:In cases of vector transmission, the incubation period lasts
7 to 14 days and sometimes longer. When the infection is transmitted by infected

blood, incubation takes between 30 and 40 days. Three phases of infection are dis-
tinguished: acute, indeterminate, and chronic. The acute phase can range from an
asymptomatic course, which is most common, to a severe or fatal disease. In 59
acute-phase patients treated in Venezuela between 1988 and 1996, the disease pre-
sented 19 different forms. In its most frequent manifestation, the symptomatology
included fever, myalgia, cephalalgia, and Romaña’s sign (unilateral eyelid swelling
which seems to be mainly an allergic reaction to the bite), observed in 20% of the
patients (particularly children). Fifteen percent of the cases were asymptomatic, and
11.9% manifested fever only. Nearly 50% of the children had an inoculation
chagoma (swelling with involvement of a satellite lymph node, apparently caused by
local multiplication of the parasite), but in about 25% of the patients no signs of a
portal of entry were observed. The case fatality rate for the acute form is about 8%,
and the deaths occur mainly in children with cardiac or central nervous system com-
plications (Anez et al., 1999).
The indeterminate phase consists of a period of latent infection with low para-
sitemia and no clinical symptoms, which can last indefinitely or progress to the
chronic disease. This period is characterized by positive serology or xenodiagnosis
without any clinical cardiac, digestive, or central nervous system manifestations and
no electrocardiographic or radiologic alterations. In endemic areas, this form is seen
especially in the first three decades of life (Dorea, 1981). Autopsies of persons dying
from an accident who were in this phase have revealed foci of myocarditis and a
reduced number of neurons in the parasympathetic plexus.
The chronic form is seen in 10% to 30% of infected individuals, usually appear-
ing 10 to 15 years after the acute phase. Chagas cardiopathy is the most important
chronic form. After the first manifestations, which almost always consist of
extrasystoles and precordialgia, an electrocardiogram will show complete or partial
blockage of the right branch of the bundle of His. Signs of heart failure are seen dur-
ing this phase, and autopsies show a weakened ventricular wall with aneurysms.
Often the chronic phase is manifested only by abnormalities in the electrocardio-
gram, with no clinical symptomatology. Histopathologic examination reveals areas
of fibrosis and infiltration of mononuclear cells but not the presence of parasites,
conditions not usually found in the chronic form of the disease (see hypotheses pre-
sented below). The heart lesion corresponds to a microfocal, diffuse, fibrosing
myocarditis. At the same time, there is a significant reduction in the number of
parasympathetic ganglia (González Cappa and Segura, 1982). In Argentina, it is
estimated that about 20% of all Chagas patients suffer from myocarditis. In several
endemic areas of Latin America, there is a digestive form of Chagas’ disease that
produces visceromegalies such as megacolon and megaesophagus, and less fre-
quently, neurologic, myxedematous, and glandular forms. Patients with acquired
immunodeficiency syndrome may experience reactivation of the disease, with nerv-
ous (75%) or cardiac (44%) involvement, or myositis of the esophagus and stomach
(Ferreira et al., 1997).
The pathogenesis of the chronic phase is not yet understood. The lack of correla-
tion between the lesions in the myocardium or digestive apparatus and the presence
of parasites has given rise to three main hypotheses to account for the pathogenesis
of these manifestations: 1) when the pseudocysts rupture,T. cruzi “toxin” is released
and destroys the muscle cells or the neurons; 2) antigen from the T. cruzi pseudo-
cysts is absorbed by the adjacent cells, inducing an immune response that destroys

these cells; or 3) the parasite and the muscle cells or neurons share antigens in com-
mon; therefore, immune reactions to the parasite also destroy the host cells. Since
no toxin has been found that might account for the damage, the autoimmune
hypotheses have been gaining ground in recent years, even though the supporting
evidence is only circumstantial (Kierszembaum, 1999). Some investigators have
proposed that the lesions may be due to inflammatory reactions to parasites that
remain inside the tissues (Brener and Gazzinelli, 1997).
When immunocompetent individuals acquire the infection from a blood transfu-
sion, there are usually no symptoms of the disease, but these people may develop
prolonged fever, adenopathies, and later, splenomegaly. In immunodeficient
patients, however, the infection can cause a high fever and progressively compro-
mise their general state of health.
In the congenital disease, the most frequent signs are hepatosplenomegaly, pre-
mature birth (weight under 2.5 kg), changes in the retina, meningoencephalitis, and
cardiac insufficiency with alterations in the electroencephalogram. Fever is unusual.
The Disease in Animals:It is generally believed that T. cruzi infection is asymp-
tomatic in wild animals, but this impression may be largely due to the lack of
detailed clinical examination. Electrocardiographic studies and ventricular
angiograms of rats (Rattus rattus) naturally infected with T. cruzi have revealed
auricular and ventricular arrhythmias, second degree AV block, blockage of the right
outflow tract, and dilation of the right chambers. The same alterations are seen in
dogs with chronic T. cruzi infections (Blandon et al., 1995). The acute phase, which
begins after an incubation period of 5 to 42 days, is characterized by moderate fever,
palpebral edema in some cases, pronounced hepatomegaly, multiple adenopathies,
cardiac perturbations, and alterations in the nervous system. The acute phase lasts
from 10 to 30 days and sometimes longer, following which the disease passes to the
indeterminate phase, which can extend for years without clinical manifestations.
Dogs with acute experimental infections have exhibited alterations in the neurons of
the Auerbach plexus and myositis in the lower third of the esophagus (Caliari et al.,
1996), but they did not have any visceromegalies. As in man, the chronic form is
characterized by myocarditis. Of 26 dogs experimentally infected with blood trypo-
mastigotes, 13 died spontaneously during the acute phase, while 12 of 38 dogs
infected with metacyclic trypanosomes survived to the chronic phase and lived for
1 or 2 years. These animals had the same cardiac alterations that are seen in man
during the acute and chronic phase (Lana et al., 1992). Clinical, electrocardio-
graphic, and echocardiographic manifestations in dogs with chronic Chagas’ disease
were compatible with right heart disease. Six dogs survived less than 6 months,
while 5 of them lived more than 30 months, the outcome varying according to the
age of the animal at the time of initial examination (Meurs et al., 1998). There have
also been occasional reports of alterations in the brain and the peripheral nerves dur-
ing the acute and chronic phases. The infection was found in a female dog and seven
of her eight pups in Virginia, US, suggesting that in dogs the infection can be trans-
mitted either via the placenta or through the mother’s milk.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of Chagas’ infection
is always the infected mammal. In the case of vector transmission, the reservoir may
be any peridomestic animal that infects the vector, which in turn, infects other ani-
mals, including man. In nature, Chagas’ disease appears to exist preferably in the

wild, invading the domestic environment only when there are domiciliary vectors and
ecological conditions that enable them to live in human homes. Since these condi-
tions do not exist in the US, the infection has remained in the wild in that country.
However, in many poor rural areas of Latin America, there are vectors that live exclu-
sively or preferably inside houses, or at least have the potential to do so, and the
dwellings have the kind of cracks that the insect needs in order to reproduce and hide
during the day. The infection is particularly prevalent in these areas. Migrants who
move from the countryside to the outskirts of cities can carry the vectors in their per-
sonal effects and infest new residential areas. Often, migrants or T. cruzi-infected
vectors settle in periurban areas where Chagas’ disease is already endemic. Several
studies have shown that one of the major risk factors for human infection is the pres-
ence and number of dogs in the home, and some studies have implicated cats as well,
especially when these animals are infected. This observation would indicate that dogs
are a primary source of food and infection for the vectors (Gurtler et al., 1998).
Chickens in the household are also a risk factor because, even though these animals
are not susceptible to T. cruzi,the vector feeds on them. T. cruzican also be intro-
duced in the human environment through peridomestic wild animals such as armadil-
los, guinea pigs, opossums, and others. Rats have visible and prolonged infections,
and they can also be a source of infection (Blandon et al., 1995). Moreover, even in
the chronic phase of the disease, a human can be a potential source of infection, as
revealed in a 13-year follow-up study of 202 chronic-phase patients: xenodiagnosis
showed that the levels of parasitemia were consistently maintained in 146 of the
patients and actually rose in 14 of them, while in 42 of the cases did these levels
decline (Castro et al., 1999). These results notwithstanding, there are statistical stud-
ies indicating that the presence of infected dogs is much more important in the infec-
tion of vectors than is the presence of infected humans (Gurtler et al., 1991).
A number of the vectors are fully adapted to cohabiting with humans—for exam-
ple,Triatoma infestans,which has a wide area of distribution that encompasses
Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Such species play a
key role in human infection because of their facility of contact with people. Then
there are species, found both in homes and in the wild, that are important because
they introduce T. cruziinto the domestic environment; an example is Rhodnius pro-
lixus,which is widely active in Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, much of Central
America, and Mexico. Still other species are in the process of domiciliary adapta-
tion—for example,Triatoma sordida in Argentina, Bolivia, and Brazil;
Panstrongylus megistus in the eastern part of Brazil; T. brasiliensis in the Brazilian
northeast; and T. maculatain Venezuela. Finally, there are species that are funda-
mentally wild and rarely invade the peridomestic environment; examples are T.spin-
olaiin Chile,T. protractain North America, and T. sanguisugain the US. Although
these species do not play a significant role in human infection, they maintain the
endemicity of Chagas’ disease in the wild. Some of the vectors, such as T. infestans,
defecate while they feed, thus easily contaminating the skin or mucosae of the host
and facilitating transmission of the infective agent. These species are most impor-
tant in transmission to man. Other species, such as T. protracta,defecate later and
are therefore less significant for human infection, but they can play a role in the case
of animals that chew and eat them in an effort to get rid of them.
The ecology of Chagas’ disease is closely linked to underdevelopment and
poverty in rural and marginal urban areas of Latin America. Precariously built

dwellings made of adobe and mud, as well as roofs of palm thatch or straw, afford
ideal conditions for triatomine colonization. The bugs also take up residence in
chicken houses, rabbit hutches, corrals, pigsties, aviaries, sheds, and wood piles in
areas surrounding the homes.
Although less prevalent than vector transmission, congenital transmission and
transmission via blood transfusion are also important sources of human infection
(see The Disease in Man), especially because they introduce the agent in areas
where the vectors do not exist. Unlike toxoplasmosis, Chagas’ disease can be passed
on congenitally when the mother is in the chronic phase of the infection. Although
transmission can also occur from the ingestion of food contaminated with the excre-
ment of infected triatomines, the importance of this route in the epidemiology of the
disease remains to be assessed. There have also been accidental infections in labo-
ratories and from organ transplants from infected donors.
Diagnosis:The specific diagnostic methods for Chagas’ disease are direct identi-
fication of the parasite and testing for immunologic reactions. Recent efforts have
focused on detection of the parasite’s DNA using the polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) technique. Since T. cruziremains in the blood for only a short time, direct
demonstration is used mainly in the acute phase, whereas the immunologic tests are
used in the indeterminate and chronic phases.
In direct observation, fresh blood is examined either between slide and coverslip
or in thin or thick films stained using Giemsa’s method. However, the effectiveness
of these diagnostic procedures is limited except in very acute cases and with con-
genital infection in children under 6 months old. Microscopic examination of tissues
often fails to yield any parasites. A technique that is more efficient is the Strout
method (Flores et al.,1966), in which the blood sample is allowed to coagulate, the
serum is centrifuged at a low speed (200 G) to eliminate the rest of the blood cells
and then at a high speed (600 G) to concentrate the trypanosomes, and finally, the
sediment is observed. All the procedures mentioned become less effective as the
level of parasitemia declines. For borderline cases, the most effective direct methods
are xenodiagnosis, hemoculture (Anez et al., 1999), and inoculation in animals, in
all of which the few parasites present in the patient’s blood are multiplied. In xeno-
diagnosis, the patient is bitten by uninfected vectors that have been produced in the
laboratory and fed on chickens (to prevent accidental T. cruzi infections), and the
insects’ feces are examined 30 and 60 days later to detect the presence of the para-
site. This method is 100% effective in acute-phase patients, but less than 50% effec-
tive with those in the indeterminate and chronic phases. Culture of blood or tissue
samples is done preferably using Novy-MacNeal-Nicolle medium, and incubation
takes 30 days. Finally, another method of diagnosis consists of inoculating samples
in uninfested mice or rats and subsequently observing these animals for parasitemia.
As the patient progresses to the indeterminate or chronic phase, the presence of
parasites in the bloodstream is too low to apply direct methods and indirect immuno-
logic methods must be used. The complement fixation test (or Guerreiro Machado
reaction) was common in the past, but it is now considered that the most sensitive
and specific tests are direct agglutination, indirect immunofluorescence, and the
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Anez et al., 1999). Specificity, and to some
extent sensitivity, depends on the antigens used, and recombinant antigens are being
studied for this purpose (Umezawa et al., 1999). Also being investigated is PCR,

which detects parasite DNA and should obtain reactions that are both highly specific
and sufficiently sensitive (Gomes et al., 1999).
Cases of congenital infection in infants up to 6 months of age can be considered
acute cases; thereafter, they should be considered indeterminate or chronic cases.
When serology is used in congenital cases, the focus should be on finding IgM or
IgA antibodies, because the mother’s IgG antibodies cross the placenta and can sim-
ulate an infection in healthy children.
Although T. rangelican be mistaken for T. cruzi,the two can be differentiated by
morphology, immunologic techniques based on selected antigens (Acosto et al.,
1991), or PCR.
Control:The drugs available for the treatment of acute-phase Chagas’ disease are
toxic and unreliable in terms of eradicating the infection, and there is no curative
treatment for chronic infection (Levi et al., 1996); therefore, it is highly important
to control transmission. A number of countries, Brazil in particular, have independ-
ently undertaken control campaigns (da Rocha e Silva et al., 1998). In 1991, six
Southern Cone countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay)
launched a regional control initiative with the support of the World Health
Organization (Schofield and Dias, 1999). By 1999, vector transmission had been
interrupted in Uruguay and significantly reduced in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil, but
it had not yet been curtailed in Bolivia or Paraguay.
To ultimately control vector transmission, homes must be improved by eliminat-
ing the cracks and crevices in which the vectors establish their colonies. However,
since this is a costly, long-term undertaking, a more immediate alternative is to treat
the surfaces of infested dwellings with residual insecticides. Synthetic pyrethroids
are most often used, and the employment of synthetic insect hormones is under
study. It is desirable to remove dogs and cats from the human environment because
they are not only an important food source for the vector but also a major reservoir
for T. cruzi(Gurtler et al., 1998). The areas to be treated are identified through
reports received, observation of the vector’s presence in homes (often found after the
spraying of repellents), and detection of persons with positive serology for T. cruzi.
Although the last approach is the most efficient and reliable, its drawback is that it
only identifies a Chagas endemic area after the people have become infected. The
verification ofT. cruzi-positive serology in domestic dogs appears to give similar
results (Castanera et al., 1998). One possible approach to identifying endemic areas
prior to the appearance of T. cruziinfection might be by detecting antibodies to the
vector (instead of the protozoan) in humans or domestic animals (Barriga, 2000). It
is necessary to maintain surveillance following initial eradication of the domiciliary
vectors; it has been shown that they can establish foci outside the home after the
application of insecticides and return to their original densities in one to six years.
Moreover, wild species can occupy the habitats abandoned by the domestic vectors.
Transmission by blood transfusion is prevented through the presumptive identifi-
cation of blood donors using questionnaires to find out if they come from Chagasic
areas, through blood tests, or by treating the donated blood with gentian violet (250
mg/L) for 24 hours or longer, with or without the addition of ascorbic acid and expo-
sure to light (Morães-Souza and Bordin, 1996).
Congenital infection is combated through timely treatment of infected mothers,
but there are no reliable reports on the effectiveness of this method.

Although numerous studies have been conducted with a view to producing a vac-
cine against Chagas’ disease, success has been impeded by the difficulty of distin-
guishing between protective antigens and those that might generate pathology in the
long term.
Acosta, L., A.J. Romanha, H. Cosenza, A. Krettli. Trypanosomatid isolates from Honduras:
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Anez, N., H. Carrasco, H. Parada,et al. Acute Chagas’ disease in western Venezuela: A
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ICD-10 A07.2
Synonym:Cryptosporidium infection.
Etiology:The genus Cryptosporidium,together with Isospora, Cyclospora,
Sarcocystis,and Toxoplasma,contains protozoa of the coccidia group in the phylum
Apicomplexa (formerly Sporozoa). Since the genus was recognized in 1907 by
Tyzzer, more than 20 species of Cryptosporidiumhave been described, but at pres-
ent only 6 are accepted as valid. The only species that affects both humans and other
mammals is C. parvum (Barriga, 1997). However, it appears that some varieties of
this parasite infect only humans and other varieties infect humans, cattle, and mice.
C. parvum normally lives in the small intestine, where it forms oocysts that are
excreted in the host’s feces. Each oocyst contains four small banana-shaped sporo-
zoites, which are the infective stage of the parasite. When a susceptible host ingests

the oocysts, the sporozoites shed their protective cover and penetrate the epithelial
cells of the new host’s intestine. Each sporozoite differentiates into a spherical par-
asite, the trophozoite, which in turn multiplies asexually to form two types of
meronts (formerly called schizonts), each about 5 µm in diameter. Type I meronts
produce six to eight new banana-shaped parasites (merozoites). Type II meronts
form four oval-shaped merozoites, the gametocytes. Once mature, the merozoites
leave the host cell and invade new epithelial cells, where they produce more mero-
zoites (type I) or gametocytes (type II). The gametocytes also invade new intestinal
cells, where they differentiate into male cells (microgametocytes) and female cells
The microgametocytes produce numerous filamentous microgametes 1–2 µm in
length, which leave the host cell and fertilize the macrogametocytes, forming a
zygote. The zygote matures in the host cell and produces four naked sporozoites—
i.e., not inside sporocysts—which are already infective. Most of the mature zygotes
(around 80%) develop a tough outer cover measuring 2.5–5 µm in diameter and
become infective oocysts. These oocysts are excreted by the host in feces and con-
taminate the environment. The rest of the mature zygotes have only a thin outer
membrane. Because these thin-walled oocysts are easily ruptured, their sporozoites
remain in the intestine, reinfecting the same host (Fayer and Ungar, 1986).
Geographic Distribution:Worldwide. Cases of human cryptosporidiosis have
been reported from more than 50 countries on 6 continents (Benenson, 1997).
Occurrence in Man:The first two clinical cases of human cryptosporidiosis
were identified in 1976 in two immunodeficient patients. Since then, many cases
and numerous epidemics have been recognized. Various surveys have indicated that
the oocyst prevalence in feces ranges from 1% to 2% in Europe, 0.6% to 4.3% in
North America, and 10% to 20% in the developing countries. However, serologic
evidence of past infections has shown positivity rates of 25% to 35% in industrial-
ized countries and up to 65% in developing countries. The most well-known epi-
demic occurred in 1993 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US, where a total of 1.6 million
people were exposed, 403,000 were infected, and 7 died (Lisle and Rose, 1995).
Infection is much more common than the clinical disease and most frequently
occurs in children under 2 years of age, contacts of infected individuals, livestock
handlers, travelers to developing countries, homosexuals, and, especially, immuno-
deficient individuals. In Australia,Cryptosporidium was found in 4.1% of stool sam-
ples from 884 patients with gastroenteritis, but not in samples from 320 patients
without gastroenteritis (Tzipori et al., 1983). In the US, however, while
Cryptosporidium was similarly found in the stool samples of around 4% of patients
with gastroenteritis, it was also found in 13% of samples from healthy individuals.
Occurrence in Animals:Several species of Cryptosporidium infect both warm-
and cold-blooded animals. C. parvum infects numerous mammals in addition to
humans, in particular other primates, cattle and other ruminants, horses, carnivores,
and rodents. In all the affected domestic species, very young unweaned animals are
more susceptible to the infection and the disease than adults, and calves appear to be
most susceptible. The first clinical case of cryptosporidiosis in animals was identified
in a calf in 1971. Subsequently, the infection has been found in up to 80% of calves
under 1 month of age and up to 62% of apparently healthy adult cattle. In horses, the

infection has been found in 15%–31% of suckling foals, but only 0.6% of adult
horses. Of calves with diarrhea studied in the US, 25% were found to be infected.
The Disease in Man:In individuals with healthy immune systems, cryp-
tosporidiosis may be asymptomatic or may occur as a self-limiting disease. The ill-
ness is characterized by profuse watery diarrhea that begins explosively one or two
weeks after infection and generally lasts 8–20 days, often accompanied by abdomi-
nal pain, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever (under 39°C), and weight loss. In
immunodeficient individuals, the symptoms are more severe and may include as
many as 71 evacuations per day, with fluid loss of up to 25 liters (Ryan, 1994).
Rather than being self-limiting, the disease may persist until the individual’s death.
In such patients, the parasite has sometimes been found to invade the respiratory and
biliary tracts (Clavel et al.,1996).
The Disease in Animals:Cryptosporidiosis is fairly common in young calves. The
infection generally appears during the first three weeks of life and affects animals
between 3 and 35 days of age. The clinical manifestations are diarrhea, tenesmus,
anorexia, and weight loss. It is difficult to distinguish diarrhea caused by
Cryptosporidium from diarrhea caused by other agents. Anderson (1982) reported that
in calves aged 1–15 days from 47 herds, only 17 out of 51 were found to be excreting
Cryptosporidium oocysts, although all had diarrhea. In horses, swine, and domestic
carnivores, the disease has occasionally been reported in very young or immunodefi-
cient animals (Barriga, 1997). Infected rodents do not appear to develop signs of dis-
ease. Birds are rarely affected by the species of the parasite that infect mammals.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The sources of infection for
humans are other infected people and infected cattle. There is no solid evidence that
other animals are an important source of human infection. Although
Cryptosporidium-infected cats have been found in association with AIDS patients,
it is not clear who infected whom. However, recent studies indicate that C. parvum
exhibits genetic polymorphism, with one genotype infecting only humans and
another infecting humans, cattle, and mice (Peng et al., 1997). These genotypes
might represent different species, but unequivocal identification of Cryptosporidium
species is difficult.
The source of infection for domestic animals is other domestic animals. Cross-trans-
mission studies have demonstrated that parasites isolated from humans, goat kids,
deer, lambs, and calves can infect and cause diarrhea in pigs, lambs, and calves, while
they produce an asymptomatic infection in chickens, colts, and laboratory animals
(Tzipori, 1983). Isolates from humans and calves have also been transmitted to kids,
puppies, cats, mice, and calves (Current, 1983). Cryptosporidium species that infect
birds do not infect mammals, and species that infect mammals rarely infect birds.
The infection is transmitted through ingestion of foods and water contaminated
with fecal matter from an infected individual, direct contact with infected feces, or
ingestion of water from sources contaminated by effluents from sewerage systems
or cattle farms. Children, childcare workers who change diapers, bed-ridden patients
and their caregivers, people who work with cattle, and individuals who engage in
anal sex have a high risk of being infected through direct contact with fecal matter.
Diagnosis:Diarrhea fromCryptosporidiumis hard to distinguish clinically from
diarrheal illnesses due to other causes. Diagnosis of cryptosporidiosis is suspected

on the basis of both clinical symptoms and epidemiological history and is confirmed
by demonstrating the presence of oocysts in the patient’s feces. However, because
oocysts are small (2.5–5µm in diameter), they are difficult to see with direct micro-
scopic examination of fecal samples. They are therefore more easily detected by
means of techniques involving concentration in sugar solutions, such as Sheather’s
solution, and by phase contrast microscopy. Giemsa or methylene blue staining
makes the oocysts more visible but also turns yeast contaminants the same color,
making it impossible to distinguish them from the parasite. Ziehl-Neelsen stain, on
the other hand, turns oocysts red but does not stain yeast. Auramine-rhodamine and
safranine-methylene blue are also useful for distinguishing oocysts. A recently
developed technique uses fluorescent monoclonal antibodies specific to
Cryptosporidiumto visualize the parasites in fecal or environmental specimens. The
specificity of serologic diagnosis by means of immunofluorescence assay or
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was initially dubious, but the tests have been
refined and now show satisfactory levels of sensitivity and specificity. Although
serologic diagnosis is useful for epidemiological studies, the antibodies may appear
too late for clinical purposes in immunocompetent patients or may not appear in suf-
ficient quantities in immunodeficient patients.
Procedures for recovering and identifying Cryptosporidium in environmental
waters are highly variable, inefficient, and time-consuming. The currently recom-
mended practice involves passing large volumes of water through special filters,
centrifuging the material trapped by the filters to concentrate it, purifying the con-
centrate in a Percoll-sucrose gradient, staining with fluorescent antibodies, and,
finally, examining the material microscopically.
Control:For an individual, prevention of cryptosporidiosis consists of avoiding
the ingestion of raw foods or water that may be contaminated with human or animal
feces and avoiding contact with feces (Juraneck, 1995). Cooking high-risk foods and
washing hands carefully before eating should also reduce the danger of infection.
People should avoid immersion in water containing effluents from sewerage systems
or cattle farms. Cryptosporidium oocysts are highly resistant to all disinfectants. For
example, the CT value (concentration of disinfectant in milligrams per liter multi-
plied by contact time in minutes) for killing 99% to 99.9% of the Cryptosporidium
oocysts present in water is 6 to 10 for ozone and 9,600 for chlorine. In contrast, the
corresponding values for Giardia intestinalis are 0.17 and 15. Exposure to water
temperatures of 25°C and 8°C for 4 weeks kills only 50% and 25% of oocysts,
respectively (Barriga, 1997). Under favorable conditions, they are probably capable
of surviving for several months in nature.
Treatment of drinking water in well-run plants with good filters removes around
99.9% of oocysts.
Anderson, B.C. Cryptosporidiosis: A review. J Am Med Assoc180:1455–1457, 1982.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual,16th ed. An official report
of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C: APHA; 1995.

Clavel, A., A.C. Arnal, E.C. Sanchez,et al. Respiratory cryptosporidiosis: Case series and
review of the literature. Infection 24:341–346, 1996.
Current, W. L., N.C. Reese, J.V. Ernst,et al.Human cryptosporidiosis in immunocompe-
tent and immunodeficient persons. Studies of an outbreak and experimental transmission. New
Engl J Med 308(21):1252–1257, 1983.
Fayer, R., B.L. Ungar. Cryptosporidiumspp. and cryptosporidiosis. Microbiol Rev
50:458–483, 1986.
Juraneck, D.D. Cryptosporidiosis: Sources of infection and guidelines for prevention. Clin
Infect Dis Suppl 1:S57–61, 1995.
Lisle, J.T., J.B. Rose. Cryptosporidiumcontamination of water in the US and the UK: A
mini-review. J Water SRT-Aqua 44:103–117, 1995.
Peng, M.M., L. Xiao, A.R. Freeman,et al. Genetic polymorphism among Cryptosporidium
parvumisolates: Evidence of two distinct human transmission cycles. Emerg Infect Dis
3:567–573, 1997.
Ryan, K.J., ed. Sherris Medical Microbiology: An Introduction to Infectious Diseases,3rd
ed. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange; 1994.
Tzipori, S. Cryptosporidiosis in animals and humans. Microbiol Rev 47:84–96, 1983.
Tzipori, S., M. Smith, C. Birch, G. Bames, R. Bishop. Cryptosporidiosis in hospital patients
with gastroenteritis. Am J Trop Med Hyg 32:931–934, 1983.
ICD-10 B55.1
Synonyms:Chiclero ulcer, espundia, pian-bois, uta, and buba (in the Americas);
oriental sore, Aleppo boil, Baghdad sore, Delhi sore, and other local names (in the
Old World).
Etiology:Leishmaniasis is caused by flagellate protozoa of the family
Trypanosomatidae, genus Leishmania. The life cycle of leishmanias is relatively
simple. The flagellate forms of the parasite—oval amastigotes measuring 2 to 5 µm
in diameter (see the chapter on Chagas’ Disease)—exist within macrophages of a
definitive vertebrate host, including humans. Small flies of the family
Phlebotomidae (genus Phlebotomus in the Old World and Lutzomyia in the
Americas) ingest the parasites when they feed on the host’s blood. Once in the fly’s
intestine, the amastigotes become promastigotes—extracellular forms with a flagel-
lum emerging from the anterior end, which are fusiform and measure 14 to 20 µm
long and 2 to 4 µm wide. The promastigotes then multiply in the intestine of the vec-
tor. In the insect, two promastigote forms can be observed: a wider, relatively
immotile form that attaches to the wall of the intestine, and another, thinner, motile
form that moves freely in the insect’s intestinal lumen and proboscis. The first form
incubates easily in human serum; the second does not. Presumably, the latter are
metacyclic infective forms for the vertebrate which, by regurgitation from the intes-
tine, are inoculated by the fly through the proboscis at its next blood meal (Kettle,

1995). Once inside the vertebrate, the promastigotes become amastigotes, invade the
cutaneous macrophages, and multiply in a parasitophorous vacuole. These parasites
are equipped with several adaptation mechanisms that enable them to overcome the
lethal effects of macrophages and lysosomes on microorganisms (Antoine, 1995).
Their multiplication eventually causes the host cell to rupture, and the released
amastigotes then invade new macrophages.
Though there have been reports of morphological differentiation of Leishmania
by computerized image analysis (Youssef et al., 1997), it is virtually impossible to
distinguish between species by means of conventional microscopy. Moreover, leish-
manias seem to be undergoing an active process of evolution: isolates from parasites
that cause identical diseases have shown different biochemical characteristics, while
isolates from parasites that cause different diseases have similar biochemical fea-
tures (Barral et al.,1991). Some authors have proposed dividing the genus into two
subgenera:Leishmania,encompassing forms that multiply in the foregut of their
vectors (suprapylaria reproduction), and Vianna,comprising leishmania that
develop in the midgut and hindgut (peripylaria reproduction). It is widely accepted
that very similar groups of leishmanias exist. Those groups have been classified as
species or complexes, which in turn comprise various lesser categories or sub-
species. The complexes associated with cutaneous or visceral leishmaniasis in the
Americas have been identified by polymerase chain reaction (Harris et al.,1998).
The species or subspecies of each complex are distinguished mainly by their geo-
graphic distribution, the clinical manifestations of the disease they cause, and epi-
demiologic characteristics.
Current efforts are endeavoring to classify leishmanias by means of serologic
methods (agglutination, specificity of excretory antigens, and fluorescence with
monoclonal antibodies), biochemical methods (enzymatic profile, nuclear and kine-
toplast DNA (kDNA) density, and metabolic characteristics), and molecular biology
techniques (genomic DNA sequencing and karyotype analysis), as a result of which
new species are being proposed (Kreutzer et al.,1991). Investigators now speak of
serodemes (populations that are differentiated by their reactivity, using antibody bat-
teries), zymodemes (populations distinguished by the composition of their
isozymes), and schizodemes (populations that can be distinguished by the size of
their DNA fragments when they are treated with batteries of restriction enzymes).
For example, Chouicha et al. (1997) studied 10 enzymatic systems from 137 isolates
of L. braziliensis obtained in Bolivia, Brazil, and Colombia, and were able to iden-
tify 44 closely related zymodemes. Kapoor et al. (1998) distinguished L. tropica
from L. donovani,the agent of visceral leishmaniasis in Africa and Asia, and iden-
tified different isolates of L. donovani using cDNA probes and kDNA fragments.
The complexes that produce cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Americas are L. mexi-
cana (which encompasses the species L. mexicana,L. amazonensis,and L. venezue-
lensis); L. braziliensis (L. braziliensis,L. panamensis,L. guyanensis); and L. peru-
viana. In the Old World, the agents of the disease belong to the L. tropica complex (L.
tropica,L. major,and L. aethiopica) (Chulay, 1991). The complexes that cause
American cutaneous leishmaniasis can be distinguished by such characteristics as vec-
tor, parasite localization in the insect’s intestine, the pathogenicity of the agent on
hamster skin, and the growth in culture media (Lainson and Shaw, 1974). The vectors
of the L. mexicana complex leishmanias are phlebotomines of the group Nyssomyia.
These parasites undergo suprapylaria development. When inoculated in hamster skin,

they reproduce quickly, forming histiocytomas in which amastigotes are abundant and
metastasis is common. They grow profusely in Novy, MacNeal, and Nicolle (NNN)
culture medium. In contrast, leishmanias of the L. braziliensis complex, for which the
vectors are phlebotomines of the groups Psychodopygus and Nyssomyia,undergo
peripylaria development and multiply very slowly in hamster skin, producing small
nodules or ulcers with few amastigotes that do not metastasize and whose growth in
NNN culture media is slow or moderate (Bonfante-Garrido, 1983).
Geographic Distribution (Table 1):Some leishmanias appear to be indigenous
to the Americas, while others were most likely imported from the Old World.
Momen et al. (1993) found similarities between the isozymes of L. chagasi in
Central and South America and those of L. infantum in the Mediterranean and Asia.
They also found zymodemes characteristic of L. major from Africa and Asia in par-
asites isolated in the Americas.
Human cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Americas occurs from southern Mexico to
northern Argentina, with sporadic cases in permanent residents and travelers who
visit northern Mexico (Melby et al.,1992). In the Caribbean islands, indigenous
leishmaniasis exists only in the Dominican Republic (Zeledón, 1992). In South
America, on the other hand, only Chile and Uruguay are free of the parasite.
Detailed information on the distribution of leishmanias in the Americas can be found
in Grimaldi et al. (1989). In the Old World, there are known endemic areas along the
Mediterranean coast and in the Middle East, several countries of Asia (Azerbaijan,
Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan), northern China, and north-
western India. In Africa, in addition to the foci on the Mediterranean coast, others
exist in the western-central, eastern-central, and southern parts of the continent.
Within the L. mexicanacomplex, the subspecies L. mexicana is distributed in
Belize, Brazil (Vale do Ribeira in the state of São Paulo) (Machado et al.,1983),
Guatemala, Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula and foci in Veracruz and Oaxaca), and the
US (Texas, Oklahoma, Ohio, and possibly Michigan) (Sellon et al.,1993). L. ama-
zonensis is distributed in Mato Grosso in the Amazon Basin of Brazil, and L.
venezuelensis was described in 1980 and isolated in Venezuela on the banks of the
Turbio River in the state of Lara (Bonfante-Garrido, 1984).
Within the L. braziliensis complex, the distribution area of L. braziliensis encom-
passes eastern Bolivia, jungle areas of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru,
and Venezuela (Bonfante-Garrido, 1983). L. guyanensis is distributed north of the
Amazon in Brazil and in French Guiana, Guyana, and Suriname. L. panamensisis
present in Costa Rica, Honduras, Panama, and possibly in other Central American
countries. L. peruviana is limited to the Peruvian Andes and is found only at alti-
tudes of 900 to 3,000 m. In several regions of the Americas,L. braziliensis coexists
with L. mexicana.
As for the complex L. tropica in the Old World, the subspecies L. tropicais found
in some Mediterranean countries (Greece, Tunisia, and Turkey) and in Afghanistan,
Iran, Iraq, Israel, Kuwait, and Uganda. In many other countries, such as the former
Soviet Union, its identification is dubious owing to lack of information over the last
15 years or because it was eradicated (WHO, 1984). L. major exists in the Arabian
peninsula, Afghanistan, Algeria, Burkina Faso, Egypt, India, Iran, Iraq, Israel,
Jordan, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Syria, and
Turkey. L. aethiopica is found in Ethiopia and Kenya (WHO, 1984).

TABLE 1. Features of Leishmaniainfections.
Species Syndrome Geographic distribution Principal reservoir Principal vector
Leishmania mexicana complex
L. mexicanaCutaneous, rarely Belize, Brazilian Amazon, RodentsLutzomyia olmeca
diffuse Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela
L. amazonensisCutaneous and diffuse Brazilian Amazon Rodents and marsupialsLutzomyia flaviscutellata
L. venezuelensisCutaneous Venezuela UnknownLutzomyia olmeca
L. braziliensis complex
L. braziliensisCutaneous and Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Rodents, dogsLutzomyia wellcomei
mucocutaneous Peru, Venezuela
L. panamensisCutaneous, rarely mucocutaneous Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama SlothsLutzomyia trapidoi
L. guyanensisCutaneous French Guiana, Guyana, Suriname Sloths, anteatersLutzomyia umbratilis
L. peruvianaCutaneous Argentina, Peru DogsLutzomyia peruensis
Lutzomyia verrucarum
L. tropica complex
L. tropicaCutaneous Middle East, Mediterranean Man, dogsPhlebotomus sergenti
coast, Southeast AsiaPhlebotomus papatasi
L. majorCutaneous Middle East, Southeast Asia, GerbilsPhlebotomus papatasi
Sub-Saharan Africa Phlebotomus caucasicus
L. aethiopicaCutaneous and diffuse Ethiopia, Kenya HyraxesPhlebotomus longipes
Phlebotomus pedifer
L. donovani complex
L. donovaniVisceral India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sub- Man, dogs, rodentsPhlebotomus argentipes
Saharan Africa, Western Africa Phlebotomus orientalis
Phlebotomus martini
L. infantumVisceral Mediterranean coast, Central Asia, Domestic and wild canids Phlebotomus perniciosus
China, Middle East Phlebotomus major
Phlebotomus caucasicus
Phlebotomus chinensis
Phlebotomus sergenti
L. chagasiVisceral Central and South America CanidsLutzomyia longipalpis

Occurrence:Leishmaniasis is believed to be endemic in 88 countries—72 of
them developing countries—on four continents. It is estimated that every year
between 1.5 and 2 million new cases occur, of which only 600,000 are officially
reported. An estimated 320–350 million people are at risk of acquiring the infection
and 12 million are already infected (Desjeux, 1992; WHO, 2003). Ninety percent of
all cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis occur in Afghanistan, Brazil, Peru, Saudi
Arabia, and Syria (WHO, 2003). Despite some local successes in controlling the
infection, it seems to be expanding in range and increasing in prevalence. Cutaneous
leishmaniasis prevalence rates vary considerably, but most endemic countries are
reporting an increase in cases or an expansion in the disease’s distribution. For
example, in 1972, a total of 22,368 human cases of leishmaniasis (cutaneous and
visceral) were reported in the Americas, 20,348 of them from Mesoamerica, espe-
cially Guatemala (29.6 per 100,000 population), and 2,020 from South America (2.9
per 100,000 population) (PAHO, 1975). Since 1987, Brazil has been reporting
between 23,000 and 26,000 cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis annually, with 2,511
cases of visceral leishmaniasis in 1985 alone (Lacerda, 1994). Although part of this
increase may be due to improved reporting, Jorquera et al.(1998) found a preva-
lence of 16.7% in three communities in Venezuela, and prevalences of 47% were
recorded in Ecuador (Armijos et al.,1997), 34% in Brazil (Pignatti et al.,1995),
10.7–20% among 11,517 children in Iran (Sharifi et al.,1998), and 64.8% in 4 com-
munities in Iran (Yaghoobi-Ershadi and Javadian, 1995).
The Disease in Man:Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a polymorphous disease that
may affect only the skin or both the skin and the mucous membranes. It manifests
initially as itchy erythematous lesions, which later form papules and then painless
ulcers. The incubation period is between one week and several months. There may
be one or many lesions, and they may sometimes be nonulcerative and diffuse.
Though the lesions generally heal spontaneously within weeks or months, they may
persist for as long as a year, or more. Spontaneous healing of leishmaniasis in man
has been shown to depend on cell-mediated immunity and production of gamma
interferon (Carvalho et al.,1995). In AIDS patients, the manifestations are atypical
and relapses are frequent (Agostoni et al.,1998). In the Americas, the disease occurs
in several clinical forms, depending mainly, but not solely, on the species of the eti-
ologic agent involved.
a) Leishmaniasis due to L. mexicana mexicana predominates in Central America
and southeastern Mexico. It causes a benign infection with only one or a few skin
ulcers, known as chiclero ulcer, chiclero ear, or bay sore. The lesion is usually
located on the earflap or, less often, on the face or extremities. It begins with an ery-
thematous papule that then ulcerates and, when the scab comes off, bleeds easily.
The lesions on the earflap are deforming, tend to be chronic, and may last many
years, while those on other parts of the body heal spontaneously in about six months.
A distinctive feature of this form of cutaneous leishmaniasis is that it may spread to
the lymph nodes, though this very rarely occurs. In Mexico, no cases of mucocuta-
neous leishmaniasis have been detected, but two or three cases of cutaneous lesions
that invaded the contiguous mucosa have been reported. The vectors are not espe-
cially attracted to man, and the main victims tend to be people who spend a lot of
time in the forest, the vector’s habitat, such as the gum tappers (chicleros)who work
there during the rainy season when phlebotomine flies are plentiful.

b) L.mexicana amazonensis leishmaniasis occurs in the Amazon basin of Brazil
and neighboring countries. Human cases due to this agent are rare because the vec-
tors are nocturnal and not normally anthropophilic, and they inhabit marshy areas
where man does not ordinarily live. The infection causes single or multiple lesions
that rarely heal spontaneously. Around 30% of patients have diffuse cutaneous
lesions characterized by thickening of the skin in the form of scattered plaques,
papules, or nodules, found mainly on the face and legs.
c) L. mexicana pifanoi causes a diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis similar to lepro-
matous leprosy, with which it is often confused. This diffuse form of leishmaniasis
has been described in Venezuela, but it also occurs in other areas. Outside the
Americas, cases have been reported from Ethiopia and Kenya. This form appears in
individuals with immune system deficiencies. Patients with diffuse cutaneous leish-
maniasis are anergic and do not react to the Montenegro skin test. The lesions har-
bor a large number of parasites. Healthy volunteers inoculated with parasites from
patients with diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis developed a localized lesion at the
inoculation site which healed without sequelae. For that reason, the occurrence of
this form is believed to be due more to deficient immune response in the host than
to some special property of the parasite. Human cases of diffuse cutaneous leish-
maniasis are infrequent.
d) L. mexicana venezuelensis leishmaniasis causes ulcerous lesions and, less fre-
quently, nodules or ulceronodular lesions.
e) L. braziliensis braziliensis causes the mucocutaneous form of leishmaniasis
known as espundia. The disease begins with a papular lesion on the face or extrem-
ities that may develop into a painless ulcer that seldom heals spontaneously. A char-
acteristic feature of this form is metastasis to the mucocutaneous parts of the body.
A sizable proportion of untreated patients develop lesions on the nasal septum,
mouth, nasopharynx, and, sometimes, even the anorectal region, penis, scrotum, and
vulva. These metastases may occur simultaneously with the primary lesion or, more
often, much later, and may cause severe destruction of the affected tissue, disfigur-
ing the patient. The secondary lesions are ulcerous or indurated.
f) Leishmaniasis due to L. braziliensis guyanensis occurs in Guyana, French
Guiana, Suriname, and northern Brazil; it causes characteristic lesions on the skin,
which frequently spread via the lymph vessels and produce ulcers known as pian
bois all over the body.
g) L. braziliensis peruviana leishmaniasis exists in villages in Andean valleys of
Peru and causes a form of cutaneous leishmaniasis called uta, characterized by a sin-
gle lesion that tends not to metastasize and heals spontaneously. The disease mainly
affects children.
h) L. braziliensis panamensis causes ulcerous skin lesions and, occasionally,
affects the mucosa.
Despite these descriptions, most clinical physicians indicate that it is very diffi-
cult to differentiate between subspecies of leishmanias based only on the lesions
they cause.
In the Old World, cutaneous leishmaniasis occurs in three main forms:
a) L. major causes the rural or wet form of leishmaniasis that occurs in semi-
desert and desert regions. The lesion begins as a papule on the exposed parts of the
body (face and extremities), which develops into a wet ulcer. The lesions may

spread, either directly or via the lymph system. The disease lasts two to eight
months, and fibrosis during spontaneous healing leaves a permanent scar.
b) L. tropicacauses the dry form of leishmaniasis, which occurs in urban and peri-
urban areas primarily in the Middle East. The initial papule develops slowly, and
ulceration, when it occurs, is also slow to develop. The disease has a long course—
a year or more—and leaves a permanent scar. In contrast to the wet form, the lesions
contain large numbers of parasites.
c) L. aethiopicacauses three types of lesions: the oriental button or furuncle, the
mucocutaneous form, and diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. The lesions develop
slowly and may or may not ulcerate later. Spontaneous healing occurs after one to
three years, or sometimes longer (WHO, 1984).
The Disease in Animals:In the Americas, until recently only L. braziliensis
peruviana,the agent of human cutaneous leishmaniasis, and L. donovani chagasi,
the agent of human visceral leishmaniasis, had been identified in dogs. However,L.
braziliensishas since been found in dogs in São Paulo, Brazil. Owing to the diffi-
culty of identifying the parasite species, the etiologic agent of leishmaniasis in dogs
is sometimes called simply L. canis (Santos et al.,1998). The prevalence in dogs
may be high. In 270 dogs from endemic areas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Santos et
al. (1998) found that 31.5% had acute or chronic lesions, results of indirect immuno-
fluorescence were positive in 25.1%, and the skin test yielded positive results in
In the Old World, dogs are affected by L. tropica,which causes a cutaneous dis-
ease in man, and by subspecies of L. donovani—except for those isolated in India—
which causes a visceral disease in humans. Regardless of which species causes the
infection, dogs often exhibit both cutaneous and visceral manifestations. In endemic
areas, leishmaniasis may also occur in equines, which develop nodular lesions and
sometimes scabs or ulcers, but only on or around the earflap.
In Venezuela, of 116 donkeys examined, 28 had one or more ulcerous lesions and
17 (15%) had positive microscopy. Based on its behavior in hamsters and culture
media, the authors classified the agent as L. braziliensis(Bonfante-Garrido et al.,
1981). In general, infections in wild animals are inapparent. In rodents and other
wild animals, apparent infections by the agents of the L. mexicanacomplex produce
skin alterations, mainly at the base of the tail and, occasionally, on the ears and toes.
Lesions consist of swellings with hair loss and, sometimes, ulcers, in which the pres-
ence of amastigotes can be demonstrated. Infection in these hosts is prolonged. L.
mexicana amazonensisinfection has also been found in the rodent Proechimys
guyannensisand other animals in the Amazon Basin. In these cases, the skin
remains normal in appearance but the parasites are dispersed in the dermis. The par-
asites of the L. braziliensis complex produce a systemic infection in wild animals,
but skin lesions are rarely seen. The parasites can be cultured from blood, viscera
(spleen, liver), and apparently normal skin.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:In the Americas, the reservoirs
of cutaneous leishmaniasis are generally rodents or edentate animals (Table 1). The
infection is transmitted from one wild animal to another by means of phlebotomine
flies of the genus Lutzomyia. Humans are infected accidentally by the bite of these
phlebotomines when they enter enzootic areas in the jungle. Recent studies have
shown that a large number of wild mammal species are infected, but not all of these

animals can be considered primary hosts, either because they are not very abundant
or their infection rate is too low for them to play that role. The exception is dogs, the
only known nonhuman hosts of L. b. peruviana. However, Lainson (1983) suspected
that dogs are actually a secondary host of this infection (uta) and that the primary host
is a wild animal. Infected domestic rats (Rattus rattus) have been found in Brazil. In
Manaus, Brazil, opossums of the species Didelphis marsupialismay also serve as a
link between the wild enzootic and the peridomestic cycles (WHO, 1984). It is pos-
sible that the infections produced by the L. mexicana complex are maintained in
nature not by a single specific host, but by a wide variety of species associated with
a particular type of habitat (WHO, 1984). In some areas of the Americas, the relative
roles of the various infected animal species have not been clearly defined.
In the Old World, the vectors belong to the genus Phlebotomus. The main reservoir
of L. major in the former Soviet Union is the great gerbil Rhombomys opimus. Infected
colonies of this desert or semidesert rodent have been found in Iran, the southern part
of the former Soviet Union, and from northern Afghanistan to Mongolia. In north-
western India and in Israel and Morocco, the reservoirs are Meriones spp. The infec-
tion in these rodents is quite prolonged. In Algeria, northwestern Libya, and Israel,
Psammomys obesusserves as the reservoir, while in Ethiopia and Senegal, the reser-
voirs are species of Mastomys,Tatera,and Arvicanthis.
The agent L. tropica has been isolated from dogs and from Rattus rattus,but most
investigators believe that the maintenance host is man. Lainson (1982) does not
share that opinion, however, pointing out that person-to-person transmission is
unlikely, since this agent causes few skin lesions in humans and those lesions con-
tain only scant numbers of amastigotes.
In Ethiopia and Kenya,L. aethiopica infection is maintained by hyraxes, such as
Procavia capensis,Heterohyrax brucei,and Dendrohyrax arboreus.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a zoonosis. Humans are accidental hosts who acquire
the infection when they enter enzootic forest areas for occupational purposes (e.g.,
lumberjacks, gum tappers, oilfield workers, cattlemen, and farmers). Cutaneous
leishmaniasis may be a serious problem in rural settlements within the jungle.
Permanent human settlements in enzootic areas generate significant ecological
changes, especially deforestation, replacement of wildlife with domestic animals,
and replacement or modification in the prevalence of some insects as species better
adapted to the new environment become dominant. These ecological changes also
modify the epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis: in Vale do Ribeira, São Paulo,
Brazil, 80% of cutaneous leishmaniasis patients worked near their homes and had
no contact with the jungle. The devastation of the natural environment altered the
species composition of the phlebotomine population in that region and
Psychodopygus intermedius—a species that prefers secondary growth, enters human
dwellings, and is anthropophilic—became dominant (Tolezano et al.,1980).
In the western-central region of Venezuela, the disease used to occur exclusively
among the inhabitants of villages located near mountainous areas with dense vege-
tation. However, cases have been diagnosed in several neighborhoods on the out-
skirts of the city of Barquisimeto (Bonfante-Garrido et al.,1984). It is not yet known
whether this was due to some ecological change, but the appearance of the disease
in an urban environment shows that cutaneous leishmaniasis is not always sylvatic
or rural and that its epidemiology is changing. Among the American cutaneous
leishmaniases, uta in Peru is exceptional because no wild reservoirs of the parasite

are known. In the Old World,L. major infection is a rural zoonosis, whereas L. trop-
icainfections appear to be transmitted between humans in an urban environment.
Diagnosis:The simplest specific diagnostic method consists of confirming the
presence of amastigotes in lesions. For that purpose, the lesion is cleaned with 70%
alcohol to remove any necrotic matter. Then, a sample is taken from the edge or base
of the lesion (nodule or ulcer of the skin or mucosa) by aspiration, scraping, or
biopsy. The sample is mounted on a slide and stained using the Giemsa or Wright
technique. Numerous amastigotes may be seen in the case of lesions that are recent
or active, but in lesions that are chronic or healing, it can be difficult or impossible
to demonstrate the presence of parasites by direct smear microscopy or biopsy.
Parasitologic diagnosis is especially difficult in the mucocutaneous form (Cuba
Cuba et al.,1981).
Isolation of the agent can be accomplished by culturing the sample in an appropri-
ate medium, such as NNN or Schneider’s Drosophila, with a supplement of 30% fetal
bovine serum. The promastigotes grow in these media and can be observed within a
week. Another procedure is intracutaneous or intranasal inoculation of the suspicious
material into hamsters, but it may take two months or more to obtain a positive result.
The best results are obtained by culturing and inoculating hamsters simultaneously.
Parasites of the L. mexicana complex grow abundantly in laboratory media. When
inoculated into the nose of a hamster, a histiocytoma containing many amastigotes
forms within a few weeks, and the infection spreads by metastasis. In contrast, para-
sites of the L. braziliensis complex grow poorly in artificial culture media, and when
inoculated in hamsters produce a small nodule or ulcer that takes six months or more
to form. These lesions contain few amastigotes and do not metastasize.
Numerous immunologic tests have been used to diagnose cutaneous leishmania-
sis, including the Montenegro skin test, immunofluorescence, direct agglutination,
latex agglutination, gel immunodiffusion, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA). The Montenegro skin test is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction, which is
read 48–72 hours after intradermal injection of a suspension of promastigotes. It is
group-specific but not species-specific, and it is useful in epidemiologic surveys.
Though frequently positive in the cutaneous and mucocutaneous forms, the
Montenegro test is ordinarily negative in the visceral and diffuse cutaneous forms.
It does not produce cross-reactions with the agents of American or African try-
panosomiasis, and its application will not affect the titer for any subsequent sero-
logic reactions (Amato Neto et al.,1996). The indirect immunofluorescence test,
perhaps the most widely used of the serologic reactions, yields better results with an
amastigote antigen than with a promastigote antigen; however, there is no correla-
tion between the titer required to produce a reaction and clinical manifestations,
duration, or number of lesions (Cuba Cuba et al.,1981). An IgA conjugate proved
superior to IgG when used to diagnose the mucocutaneous form (Lainson, 1983).
Serology for the cutaneous leishmaniases of the Old World is generally negative
(WHO, 1984). In general, serology is positive in only 70% to 80% of cases, at low
titers—except in the mucosal forms—and only after two to three months following
initial infection. Polymerase chain reaction had a sensitivity of 86% when used
alone and 93% when used in combination with Southern blotting. In contrast,
microscopy of histological sections and impression smears exhibited a sensitivity of
only 76% and 48%, respectively (Andresen et al.,1996).

Control:Cutaneous leishmaniases in the Americas are mainly diseases of forest
areas, with sylvatic reservoirs and vectors. Hence, it is impossible to control them
by eliminating reservoirs and vectors. The only effective method of prevention is to
avoid endemic areas or use repellents and protective clothing to avoid being bitten
by the insect vectors. In special circumstances, the environment may be modified by
means of deforestation to eliminate vector habitats. In camps or in domestic and
peridomestic areas where L. peruviana and L. tropica exist, the walls of rooms can
be sprayed with insecticide and windows can be covered with fine mesh to control
the vectors. Use of insecticides in antimalaria campaigns in Southeast Asia led to
virtual disappearance of visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis from the region.
Patients infected with L. b. braziliensis should be treated as soon as possible to pre-
vent development of the mucocutaneous form, as should those infected with L. mex-
icana amazonensis to prevent the occurrence of diffuse cutaneous leishmaniasis. It
is believed that uta could be prevented by eliminating infected dogs in the endemic
areas of Peru. However, the elimination of reservoirs has not generally been effec-
tive against the urban cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Old World.
In Iran, Israel, and the former Soviet Union, immunization with virulent strains of
L. major has been practiced to prevent infection with that agent and with L. tropica.
The inoculation is intended to prevent later infections that cause deforming lesions
on the face, and it is applied on a part of the body where the scar will not be visible
or unattractive. Inoculated individuals are advised to remain outside endemic areas
until immunity is established. This type of immunization is not recommended,
though it may be useful for people who must enter high-risk areas. Armijos et al.
(1998) achieved 72.9% protection in Ecuadorian children by administering a killed
promastigote vaccine with BCG adjuvant.
Agostoni, C., N. Dorigoni, A. Malfitano,et al. Mediterranean leishmaniasis in HIV-infected
patients: Epidemiological, clinical, and diagnostic features of 22 cases. Infection26:93–99, 1998.
Amato Neto, V., C.R. De Marchi, M.C. Guimarães, A. Salebian, L.C. Cuce, L. Matsubara.
Avaliação de eventual influência da intradermorreação de Montenegro sobre prova sorologica
para o diagnóstico da Leishmaniose tegumentar americana. Rev Hosp Clin Fac Med Univ Sao
Paulo 51:217–219, 1996.
Andresen, K., A. Gaafar, A.M. El-Hassan,et al. Evaluation of the polymerase chain reaction
in the diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania major:A comparison with direct
microscopy of smears and sections from lesions. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 90:133–135, 1996.
Antoine, J.C. Biologie des interactions macrophages Leishmania. Pathol Biol (Paris) 43:
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Armijos, R.X., M.M. Weigel, R. Izurieta,et al. The epidemiology of cutaneous leishmaniasis
in subtropical Ecuador. Trop Med Int Health 2:140–152, 1997.
Armijos, R.X., M.M. Weigel, H. Aviles, R. Maldonado, J. Racines. Field trial of a vaccine
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ity, and efficacy during the first 12 months of follow-up. J Infect Dis 177:1352–1357, 1998.
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botomine sand flies in Colombia and Panama. Am J Trop Med Hyg44:662–675, 1991.
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Etiology:Cyclosporiasis is caused by Cyclospora cayetanensis,a coccidium
related taxonomically to the genus Eimeria and clinically to the genera
Cryptosporidium and Isospora. The earliest reports of the disease—from Peru in
1986—referred to cyanobacteria-like bodies found in human feces. Subsequent
studies revealed their coccidial nature. Apparently, similar organisms had been
observed in New Guinea in 1977 and had been confused with Isospora (Sterling and
Ortega, 1999).
The life cycle of Cyclospora is not yet fully known, but various observations, as
well as the organism’s similarities to other coccidia, suggest that parasites ingested

in mature oocysts lodge in the epithelial cells of the duodenum and jejunum, where
they multiply asexually to form merozoites. It is not known whether these forms
must leave the host cell and invade new cells to begin the next phase of sexual mul-
tiplication, which concludes with the formation of oocysts. The oocysts, which must
sporulate in the external environment to become infective, are passed from the body
in feces. The mature oocyst contains two sporocysts, each of which contains two
sporozoites (Ortega et al.,1998).
Geographic Distribution:Probably worldwide. The first cases were seen in
Nepal, New Guinea, and Peru, but since then the infection has been confirmed in the
Americas, North Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia, Bangladesh, Western Europe,
Indonesia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the UK, and the Middle East (Drenaggi et
al., 1998).
Occurrence in Man:The distribution of Cyclospora is similar to that of
Cryptosporidium,although it is only a third to a half as prevalent (various surveys
have found prevalence rates of 1% to 20%). It infects mainly children between 2 and
4 years of age, and the prevalence diminishes rapidly with age. Approximately one-
third of infected individuals are symptomatic. Although the infection does affect
travelers and immunocompromised patients, it does not appear to be predominantly
associated with these groups.
Occurrence in Animals:Animals do not appear to be susceptible to cyclosporia-
sis. Eberhard et al. (2000) attempted to infect nine strains of mice (including some
immunodeficient animals), rats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, pigs, dogs,
and various monkeys with oocysts obtained from Guatemala, Haiti, Nepal, Peru, and
the US. None of the animals manifested clinical signs of infection or disease.
The Disease in Man:The disease in humans is characterized by watery diarrhea,
which begins abruptly after an incubation period of 12 hours to 11 days. In immuno-
competent individuals, it lasts from six to eight weeks, while in immunodeficient
patients it may persist for up to three months (Looney, 1998). In a study in Egypt,
the diarrhea lasted 28±8 days in children and 37±12 days in adults, with more than
5 evacuations per day (Nassef et al.,1998). Of 63 infected individuals in Peru, 68%
were asymptomatic and the highest prevalence occurred among children aged 2 to 4
years. The prevalence decreases in winter and with age (Madico et al.,1997).
Patients usually experience anorexia and weight loss. Examinations have shown
malabsorption, atrophy of villi, and crypt hyperplasia (Connor, 1997). Not all
infected individuals develop the disease. In Haiti, 15%–20% of the population
examined were found to be carriers of Cyclospora oocysts, but few had diarrhea
(Eberhard et al.,1999).
The Disease in Animals:Cyclospora does not appear to infect animals (see
Occurrence in Animals).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Cyclosporiasis is acquired
through ingestion of raw fruits and vegetables and contaminated water. The second
outbreak of cyclosporiasis in the US affected 1,400 people and was attributed to
consumption of raspberries from Guatemala (Katz et al.,1996). A later study, in
which 5,552 stool samples were collected from workers on raspberry farms in
Guatemala, found infection rates of between 2.3% and 6.7%, with children showing

the highest rates (Bern et al.,1999). The highest prevalence occurred during the
warm months. In Peru, Ortega et al. (1997) found that 14.5% of vegetables obtained
from markets were contaminated with Cryptosporidium and 1.8% with Cyclospora.
In two outbreaks in the US, basil seems to have been the vehicle (López et al.,
1999), while in Spain, cases have been attributed to consumption of raspberries, buf-
falo milk, and raw fish (Gascon et al., 2001). The study by Bern et al. (1999) in
Guatemala revealed that the principal risk for infection among those affected was
consumption of untreated water. A study of the water in domestic containers in
Egypt showed that 56% was contaminated with Giardia,50% with
Cryptosporidium,12% with Blastocystis,9% with Cyclospora,and 3% with
microsporidia (Khalifa et al., 2001). Using microscopy and molecular biology tech-
niques, Sturbaum (1998) identified Cyclospora oocysts in wastewater.
Diagnosis:Cyclospora infection is suggested by the patient’s symptoms and by
epidemiological circumstances, especially in travelers who have visited endemic
areas. The diagnosis is confirmed by detection of the double-walled oocysts meas-
uring 8–10 microns in diameter in stool samples. The oocysts are concentrated by
formol-ether sedimentation and flotation in Sheather’s sucrose solution. They can be
detected by staining, autofluorescence under ultraviolet light, phase contrast
microscopy, or polymerase chain reaction (Ortega et al.,1998). The stains used most
frequently (to make it easier to visualize the organisms and to differentiate them
from yeasts) are trichrome stains, Ziehl-Neelsen, Giemsa, safranin with methylene
blue, calcofluor white, and auramine phenol. Safranin has been found to be the most
effective and appropriate stain for use in diagnostic laboratories (Negm, 1998).
Control:Cyclosporiasis can be prevented by applying the classic measures for
control of parasitoses transmitted via the fecal-oral route: washing foods that are
eaten raw, boiling suspicious water, and washing hands before eating. Treatment of
water contaminated with Giardia,Cryptosporidium,Blastocystis,Cyclospora,or
microsporidia with chlorine at 4 or 8 parts per million (ppm) or with ozone at 1 ppm
showed that ozone was more effective in destroying the parasites, but that it did not
totally inactivate Cyclospora or Blastocystis (Khalifa et al.,2001).
Bern, C., B. Hernandez, M.B. Lopez,et al.Epidemiologic studies of Cyclospora cayeta-
nensis in Guatemala. Emerg Infect Dis5:766–774, 1999.
Drenaggi, D., Cirioni, O., Giacometti, A.,et al.Cyclosporiasis in a traveler returning from
South America. J Travel Med5:153–155, 1998.
Connor, B.A. Cyclosporainfection: A review. Ann Acad Med Singapore26(5):632–636,
Eberhard, M.L., E.K. Nace, A.R. Freeman,et al. Cyclospora cayetanensisinfections in
Haiti: A common occurrence in the absence of watery diarrhea. Am J Trop Med Hyg
60(4):584–586, 1999.
Eberhard, M.L., Y.R. Ortega, D.E. Hanes,et al.Attempts to establish experimental
Cyclospora cayetanensisinfection in laboratory animals. J Parasitol86(3):577–582, 2000.
Gascon, J., M. Alvarez, E.M. Valls,et al.Ciclosporiasis: estudio clinicoepidemiológico en
viajeros con Cyclospora cayetanensis importada. Med Clin(Spain) 116(12):461–464, 2001.
Khalifa, A.M., M.M. El Temsahy, I.F. Abou El Naga. Effect of ozone on the viability of
some protozoa in drinking water. J Egypt Soc Parasitol31(2):603–616, 2001.

Katz, D., S. Kumar, J. Malecki,et al.Cyclosporiasis associated with imported raspberries,
Florida, 1996. Public Health Rep114(5):427–438, 1999.
Looney, W.J. Cyclosporaspecies as a cause of diarrhoea in humans. Br J Biomed Sc
55:157–161, 1998.
Lopez, A.S., D.R. Dodson, M.J. Arrowood,et al.Outbreak of cyclosporiasis associated
with basil in Missouri in 1999. Clin Infect Dis32(7):1010–1017, 2001.
Madico, G., J. McDonald, R.H. Gilman,et al.Epidemiology and treatment of Cyclospora
cayetanensisinfection in Peruvian children. Clin Infect Dis24(5):977–981, 1997.
Nassef, N.E., S.A. el-Ahl, O.K. el-Shafee,et al.Cyclospora: A newly identified protozoan
pathogen of man. J Egypt Soc Parasitol28(1):213–219, 1998.
Negm, A.Y. Identification of Cyclospora cayetanensisin stool using different stains. J
Egypt Soc Parasitol28(2):429–436, 1998.
Ortega,Y.R., C.R. Sterling, R.H. Gilman. Cyclospora cayetanensis. Adv Parasitol40:
399–418, 1998.
Ortega, Y.R., C.R. Roxas, R.H. Gilman,et al.Isolation of Cryptosporidium parvumand
Cyclospora cayetanensisfrom vegetables collected in markets of an endemic region in Peru.
Am J Trop Med Hyg57(6):683–686, 1997.
Sterling, C.R., Y.R. Ortega. Cyclospora:An enigma worth unraveling. Emerg Infect Dis
5(1):48–53, 1999.
Sturbaum, G.D., Y.R. Ortega, R.H. Gilman,et al.Detection of Cyclospora cayetanensisin
wastewater. Appl Environ Microbiol64(6):2284–2286, 1998.
ICD-10 A07.1
Synonyms:Lambliasis,Giardia enteritis.
Etiology:The taxonomy of the species of the genus Giardia is still controversial.
Three morphological forms are currently accepted:G. intestinalis,which affects
man, domestic animals, and other mammals;G. muris,which affects birds, rodents,
and reptiles; and G. agilis,which affects amphibians (Barriga, 1997; Meyer, 1990).
Although in the past many species were described and named according to the host
in which they were found—for example,G. canis, G. bovis,andG. caviae—there
are no clearly defined criteria for differentiating them. Giardia infection in man is
caused by G. intestinalis,also called G. duodenalis, G. lamblia,and, sometimes,
Lamblia intestinalis. Although Lamblia was the original name given to the genus by
Lambl when he first described it in 1859, Stiles changed it to Giardiain 1915. It is
possible, however, that G. intestinalis is a complex of several species or subspecies
(Adam, 1991).
G. intestinalis is a flagellate protozoan whose life cycle includes trophozoites in
the vegetative stage and cysts in the transmission stage. The trophozoites are pyri-
form and measure 10 µm to 19 µm long, 5 µm to 12 µm wide, and 2 µm to 4 µm
thick. They have four pairs of flagella which extend towards the rear part of the

organism, two nuclei, two claw-shaped median bodies in the middle of the body, and
a convex ventral disk in the front half of the body, with which they cling to the intes-
tinal mucosa. Those forms live in the anterior portion of the host’s small intestine,
particularly in the duodenum, where they multiply by binary fission. Many of the
trophozoites are carried to the ileum, where they secrete a resistant wall and become
ovoid cysts measuring 7 µm to 10 µm by 8 µm to 13 µm. After encysting, the para-
site’s organs divide again. The mature cyst thus has four nuclei, four median bodies,
and eight flagella. Division of the cytoplasm does not occur until the parasite
excysts. The cysts leave the host in feces. They can survive for more than two
months in water at 8°C and around one month at 21°C; however, they are sensitive
to desiccation, freezing, and sunlight. They are also relatively sensitive to ordinary
disinfectants. Solutions of quaternary ammonium recommended for disinfecting the
environment will kill them in one minute at 20°C, but normal concentrations of
chlorine in drinking water do not affect them. The mature cyst is the infective ele-
ment for a new host. Once ingested, the parasite excysts in the duodenum, divides,
and begins to multiply normally.
Geographic Distribution:Worldwide.
Occurrence in Man:Giardiasis is endemic throughout the world. Its prevalence
generally ranges from 2% to 4% in industrialized countries, but it may be over 15%
among children in developing countries. Both the infection and the disease are more
common in children than in adults. Giardiasis may also occur in epidemic form. Of
25 and 22 disease epidemics spread through ingestion of drinking or recreational
waters, which affected 2,366 and 2,567 people in the US in 1993–1994 and
1995–1996, respectively,G. intestinalis was the most common pathogen. In the first
epidemic, together with Cryptosporidium,it caused 40% of the cases, while in the
second epidemic, together with Shigella sonnei,it was responsible for 9% of the
cases (Kramer et al.,1996; Levy et al., 1998). In 1974, in a population of 46,000
inhabitants in the state of New York, US, 4,800 people (10.4%) contracted clinical
giardiasis as a result of contamination of drinking water supplies. In epidemic situ-
ations, all age groups are affected equally. In previously uninfected populations,
morbidity rates may be as high as 20% or more of the total population (Knight,
1980). Outbreaks are relatively common in institutions for children, such as orphan-
ages and daycare centers. G. intestinalis is also frequently a cause of “travelers’ diar-
rhea.” In a group of 21 people whose feces tested negative for Giardia,the proto-
zoan’s cysts were later found in those of 15 out of 17 who became ill after visiting
Leningrad (Kulda and Nohynková, 1978). The infection is less frequent in AIDS
patients, perhaps because the virus interferes with the parasite’s activity in the intes-
tinal mucosa (Lindo et al., 1998).
Occurrence in Animals:The infection has been confirmed in a wide variety of
domestic and wild mammal species. Surveys from all over the world have found
prevalences of 20% to 35% in young dogs; 10% to 15% in young cats; 5% to 90%
in calves; 6% to 80% in lambs; 17% to 32% in foals; and 7% to 44% in young pigs
(Xiao, 1994). As with man, the infection is less frequent in adult animals. In a study
in which feces of 494 dogs were examined for parasites, the infection was detected
in 3.4% of adult males, 7% of adult females, and 53.2% of puppies. A study in
Colorado, US, found cysts of the parasite in 10% of the cattle, 18% of the beavers,

and 6% of the coyotes examined. A giardiasis outbreak among nonhuman primates
and zoo personnel was recorded in Kansas City, Missouri, US. High rates of infec-
tion have also been found in rats and other rodents, both synanthropic and wild, but
whether the agent was G. intestinalis or G. muris has not been determined (Meyer
and Jarroll, 1982).
The Disease in Man:The majority of infections are subclinical (Flanagan, 1992;
Farthing, 1996). Rajeshwari et al. (1996) found that impairment of the humoral
immune response was the deciding factor in whether or not the infection was symp-
tomatic in children. In symptomatic individuals, the incubation period is generally
3–25 days (Benenson, 1997). The symptomatology consists mainly of diarrhea and
bloating, frequently accompanied by abdominal pain. Nausea and vomiting occur
less frequently. The acute phase of the disease lasts 3–4 days. In some persons, giar-
diasis may be a prolonged illness, with episodes of recurring diarrhea and flatulence,
urticaria, and intolerance of certain foods. These and other allergic manifestations
associated with giardiasis disappear after treatment and cure. Meloni et al. (1995)
examined 97 isolates of G. intestinalis from humans and various animals and dif-
ferentiated 47 zymodemes. In another study, Cevallos et al. (1995) found a correla-
tion between certain zymodemes and the pathology caused by the parasite in rats.
However, Rajeshwari et al. (1996) demonstrated that neither the zymodeme of the
parasite nor the presence of associated bacterial infections influenced the occurrence
or the pathogenicity of the infection in children.
The Disease in Animals:As in man, the infection is usually asymptomatic. The
manifestations of the disease in dogs and cats are also similar to those in man.
However, experimental infections in ruminants produced only mild diarrhea in
calves and weight loss in lambs (Zajac, 1992; Olson et al., 1995). The disease is
more frequent in young animals.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Man is the principal reservoir
of human giardiasis. The source of infection is feces containing the parasite’s cysts,
which often contaminate water. Although the infection in individuals is often self-
limited and disappears within a few months, continuous transmission to other hosts
in endemic areas ensures the agent’s persistence. The existence of asymptomatic
infected individuals and chronic patients, coupled with the cysts’ resistance to envi-
ronmental factors, are important factors in the epidemiology. The median infective
dose (ID
) of giardiasis for man is only 10 cysts, but infected individuals may later
excrete up to 900 million cysts per day in their feces. Elimination of cysts can be
intermittent and the quantity can vary greatly (Knight, 1980).
The most frequent mode of transmission appears to be ingestion of water con-
taminated with cysts (Hill, 1993). Direct hand-to-hand or hand-to-mouth transmis-
sion of cysts from an infected person to a susceptible person is also common, espe-
cially among children, personnel in institutions that care for children or adults, and
food-handlers. Rezende et al. (1997) studied 264 food-handlers in 57 schools in
Minas Gerais (Brazil) at various times of the year and found 8%, 2%, and 3% to be
infected. Indirect transmission from fecal contamination of food is less frequent than
direct transmission from infected food-handlers, but it may occur as a result of irri-
gating or washing foods with contaminated water or by means of mechanical vec-
tors. However, as the cysts are susceptible to environmental factors such as desicca-

tion, high or low temperatures, and sunlight, they cannot survive for long on foods.
All the epidemics that have occurred in various cities have been due to contamina-
tion of drinking water or water in pools, lagoons, and ponds. An association has
been described between giardiasis, hypochlorhydria, and pancreatic disease among
children suffering from protein-calorie malnutrition, which is very frequent in devel-
oping countries. Giardiasis and hypochlorhydria are more common in people of
blood type A than in people of other types (Knight, 1980).
Some animals probably also serve as reservoirs for human infection. The giardias
that infect man and domestic and wild animals are morphologically identical, and
several experiments have demonstrated that cross-species infections can occur. G.
intestinalis cysts of human origin have produced infection in several animal species,
including dogs, raccoons (Procyon lotor),rats (Rattus norvegicus),gerbils (Gerbillus
gerbillus), guinea pigs,mouflon sheep (Ovis musimon),bighorn sheep (Ovis cana-
densis), and pronghorn antelope (Antilocapra americana). In another experiment,
two of three human volunteers and four of four dogs were infected with Giardiacysts
from beavers, but hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, and rats did not become infected. A
human volunteer who ingested cysts from a blacktail deer was infected, but dogs sim-
ilarly exposed were not (WHO, 1981). However, neither positive nor negative results
are completely reliable: the former may be due to resurgence of a previous infection
and the latter to resistance acquired through earlier infections (Meyer and Radulescu,
1979). The most extensive outbreak of human giardiasis attributed to an animal
source occurred in 1976 in Camas, a city of 6,000 inhabitants in the state of
Washington, US, where 128 cases of giardiasis were confirmed. Part of the Camas
water supply came from two remote mountain streams, and though epidemiologic
investigation revealed no human source of contamination, several infected beavers
were found in the area of the streams. Specific-pathogen-free puppies have also been
infected with Giardiacysts from beavers. Another apparent example of cross-trans-
mission occurred in 1978 in a zoo in the US, where six primates and three female
employees contracted the infection from an infected gibbon that had been placed in
a special care unit (Armstrong et al., 1979). Meloni et al. (1995) found certain simi-
larities between isolates from humans and those from other animals, as well as exten-
sive genetic variation in human Giardiaisolates. The authors interpreted this discov-
ery as evidence of zoonotic transmission of the parasite.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is generally made by identifying parasites in the patient’s
feces. Cysts prevail in formed feces, while trophozoites are more commonly found
in diarrheal stools. Different methods should be used in each case to preserve and
process samples. Concentration methods are useful for the detection of cysts. As
cysts are eliminated intermittently, at least three samples, taken every other day,
should be examined to rule out the infection. Excretion of trophozoites is also irreg-
ular. The recommended procedures for detecting them are simultaneous examina-
tion of fresh stool samples, in which the parasite can be identified by its character-
istic flagellar movement, and examination of fixed and stained samples, in which the
parasite can be identified by its characteristic morphology. Some experts recom-
mend taking up to six samples and looking for trophozoites in fixed and stained
preparations, even in formed feces (García and Bruckner, 1997). Aspiration of duo-
denal fluid or duodenal biopsy can also be performed to reveal the presence of
trophozoites. Specific fluorescent antibodies have been used as a diagnostic method

for detecting cysts, as these techniques facilitate visualization under the microscope
with a sensitivity 2.3 times greater than observation without fluorescence
(Winiecka-Krusnell, 1995). The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has
also been used to demonstrate the presence of G. intestinalis antigens in feces (Hill,
1993). Although the presence of antibodies and cell-mediated immune responses
have been reported in patients, immunobiological procedures are not very specific
(Isaac-Renton et al., 1994) and do not indicate whether an infection is current or
residual. The possibility of using polymerase chain reaction to detect specific DNA
sequences in patients’ feces or blood is currently being studied. In any event, it
should be borne in mind that there is not always a causal relationship between symp-
toms and the discovery of giardias in an ill person, and it is therefore necessary to
rule out infections due to other intestinal microorganisms or other pathologies.
Control:As the cysts of G. intestinalis can live for long periods in water, public
water supplies should be protected against contamination by human and animal fecal
matter. Adequate systems of sedimentation, flocculation, and filtration can remove
Giardiafrom water, allowing the use of surface water supply systems (CDC, 1977).
Sanitary elimination of feces is another important measure. In developing countries,
prevailing socioeconomic conditions make it difficult to prevent infection in children.
Instruction in personal hygiene is essential in institutions for children. Individual pre-
vention measures include boiling or filtering suspicious water. Tourists should drink
only bottled water in places where the purity of tap water cannot be guaranteed.
Although there is no evidence that domestic animals are a significant source of infec-
tion for man, dogs and cats with giardiasis should be treated because they may fre-
quently come into contact with children (Meyer and Jarroll, 1982).
Whereas treatment of infected individuals, coupled with prophylactic measures, has
reduced the prevalence of parasitic infections caused by other organisms, it has not
been successful in the case of giardiasis (Dorea et al., 1996). Studies have shown that
vaccinated dogs develop some resistance to the disease (Olson et al., 1996). These
results may be promising for humans as it has been shown that people with natural
infections also develop a certain degree of resistance, which lasts at least five years
(Isaac-Renton et al., 1994). Most methods for testing suspicious water are tedious,
complicated, and not very efficient; however, some highly effective and sensitive tech-
niques have been developed (Bielec et al., 1996; Kaucner and Stinear, 1998).
Adam, R.D. The biology of Giardia spp. Microbiol Rev 55(4):706–732, 1991.
Armstrong, J., R.E. Hertzog, R.T. Hall, G.L. Hoff. Giardiasis in apes and zoo attendants,
Kansas City, Missouri. CDC Vet Public Health Notes,January(7-8), 1979.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess International
Group; 1997.
Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual,17th edition. Washington,
D.C.: American Public Health Association; 1997.
Bielec, L., T.C. Boisvert, S.G. Jackson. Modified procedure for recovery of Giardiacysts
from diverse water sources. Lett Appl Microbiol 22(1):21–25, 1996.
Cevallos, A., S. Carnaby, M. James, J.G. Farthing. Small intestinal injury in a neonatal rat
model of giardiasis is strain dependent. Gastroenterology 109(3):766–773, 1995.

Dorea, R.C., E. Salata, C.R. Padovani, G.L. dos Anjos. Control of parasitic infections among
school children in the peri-urban area of Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop
29(5):425–430, 1996.
Farthing, M.J. Giardiasis. Gastroenterol Clin North Am 25(3):493–515, 1996.
Flanagan, P.A. Giardia—diagnosis, clinical course and epidemiology. A review. Epidemiol
Infect 109(1):1–22, 1992.
García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
Hill, D.R. Giardiasis: Issues in diagnosis and management. Infect Dis Clin North Am
7(3):503–525, 1993.
Isaac-Renton, J.L., L.F. Lewis, C.S. Ong, M.F. Nulsen. A second community outbreak of
waterborne giardiasis in Canada and serological investigation of patients. Trans R Soc Trop Med
Hyg 88(4):395–399, 1994.
Kaucner, C., T. Stinear. Sensitive and rapid detection of viable Giardia cysts and
Cryptosporidium parvumoocysts in large-volume water samples with wound fiberglass car-
tridge filters and reverse transcription-PCR. Appl Environ Microbiol 64(5):1743–1749, 1998.
Knight, R. Epidemiology and transmission of giardiasis. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 74:
433–436, 1980.
Kramer, M.H., B.L. Herwaldt, G.F. Craun, R.L. Calderón, D.D. Juranek. Surveillance for
waterborne-disease outbreaks—United States, 1993–1994. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep
CDC Surveill Summ 45(1):1–33, 1996.
Kulda, J., E. Nohynková. Flagellates of the human intestine and of intestines of other species.
In:Kreier, J.P., ed. Vol. 2:Parasitic Protozoa.New York: Academic Press; 1978.
Levy, D.A., M.S. Bens, G.F. Craun, R.L. Calderón, B.L. Herwaldt. Surveillance for water-
borne-disease outbreaks—United States, 1995–1996. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep CDC
Surveill Summ 47(1):1–34, 1998.
Lindo, J.F., J.M. Dubon, A.L. Ager,et al. Intestinal parasitic infections in human immunode-
ficiency virus (HIV)-positive and HIV-negative individuals in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Am J
Trop Med Hyg 58(4):431–435, 1998.
Meloni, B.P., A.J. Lymbery, R.C. Thompson. Genetic characterization of isolates of Giardia
duodenalis by enzyme electrophoresis: Implications for reproductive biology, population struc-
ture, taxonomy, and epidemiology. J Parasitol 81(3):368–383, 1995.
Meyer, E.A., ed. Giardiasis. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1990.
Meyer, E.A., S. Radulescu. Giardiaand giardiasis. Adv Parasit 17:1–47, 1979.
Meyer, E.A., E.L. Jarroll. Giardiasis. In:Jacobs, L., P. Arámbulo. Vol. 1:CRC Handbook
Series in Zoonoses.Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Olson, M.E., T.A. McAllister, L. Deselliers,et al. Effect of giardiasis on production in a
domestic ruminant (lamb) model. Am J Vet Res 56(11):1470–1474, 1995.
Olson, M.E., D.W. Morck, H. Ceri. The efficacy of a Giardia lambliavaccine in kittens. Can
J Vet Res 60(4):249–256, 1996.
Rajeshwari, K., N. Jaggi, V. Aggarwal, K.K. Kalra, S.K. Mittal, U. Baveja. Determinants of
symptomatic giardiasis in childhood. Trop Gastroenterol 17(2):70–76, 1996.
Rezende, C.H. de, J.M. Costa-Cruz, M.L. Gennari-Cardoso. Enteroparasitoses em manipu-
ladores de alimentos de escolas públicas em Uberlândia (Minas Gerais), Brasil. Rev Panam
Salud Publican 2(6):392–397, 1997.
United States of America, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Water-borne giardiasis outbreaks. Washington, New Hampshire.
Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 26:169–170, 1977.
Winiecka-Krusnell, J., E. Linder. Detection of Giardia lamblia cysts in stool samples by
immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibody. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 14(3):
218–222, 1995.
World Health Organization (WHO). Infecciones intestinales por protozoos y helmintos.
Informe de un Grupo Científico de la OMS. Geneva: WHO; 1981. (Technical Report Series 666).

Xiao, L. Giardiainfections in farm animals. Parasitol Today 10:436–438, 1994.
Zajac, A.M. Giardiasis. Comp Cont Educ Vet Pract14:604–611, 1992.
ICD-10 B60.1 Acanthamebiasis; B60.2 Naegleriasis
Synonyms:Naegleriasis, primary amebic meningoencephalitis, acanthamebiasis,
granulomatous amebic encephalitis, amebic conjunctivitis, and amebic keratocon-
Etiology:Three genera of free-living amebae are capable of infecting man and
other mammals:Naegleria(N. fowleri),Acanthamoeba(A. astronyxis, A. castel-
lanii, A. culbertsoni,andA. polyphaga), and Balamuthia(B. mandrillaris).
Balamuthiawas included under the order Leptomyxida (the leptomyxid amebae)
until Visvesvara et al. (1993) created this new genus and species in 1993. All three
genera have both trophozoites and cystic forms in their respective life cycles
(Martínez and Visvesvara, 1997). Although free-living amebae belonging to the gen-
era Hartmanellaand Vahlkampfiahave been isolated from human nasal passages,
they apparently do not cause pathology.
The trophozoites of N. fowleri can exist in either ameboid or flagellate form. The
ameboid form is elongated (more rounded on the anterior end and more pointed on
the posterior) and measures between 7 µm and 20 µm. The cytoplasm is granular,
contains vacuoles, and forms blunt lobular pseudopodia at its widest point. The
nucleus has one large nucleolus at the center and does not have peripheral chro-
matin. The flagellate form occurs when ameboid forms in tissue or culture are trans-
ferred to fresh water, especially at temperatures between 27°C and 37°C. It is pear-
shaped and slightly smaller than the ameboid form, with two flagellae at its broader
end. The cytoplasm and nucleus are similar to those of the ameboid form, but it does
not reproduce. The cysts are round, measuring between 7 µm and 10 µm, with a
nucleus similar to that of the trophozoites, and they are surrounded by a smooth
thick double wall. Both the trophozoites and the cysts are present in water and soil;
only the ameboid forms and the cysts grow in cultures; and only the ameboid forms
are found in host tissue and cerebrospinal fluid.
The trophozoites of Acanthamoebaspp. occur only in the ameboid form, which is
elongated and can vary widely in size, from 15 µm to 25 µm or longer. The nucleus
is very similar to that of Naegleria,but the pseudopodia are long and narrow, and
they are often distally bifurcated. The cysts are similar to those of Naegleria,but
they are slightly larger and have an undulated wall. Both trophozoites and cysts are
observed in host tissue, and both forms live in water and soil as well.
The trophozoites of B. mandrillaris have branches extending in all directions and
they can measure between 15 µm and 60 µm. Sometimes they have two nuclei, and
they have a central nucleolus. They do not have flagellate forms. The pseudopodia

have secondary branchings. The cysts, which can measure from 15 µm to 30 µm,
also have a single nucleus, and the outer wall is undulated. Both trophozoites and
cysts can be found in host tissue. Little is known about the natural reservoir of
Geographic Distribution:Free-living amebae appear to exist throughout the
world. Clinical cases have been recorded in widely distant locations, including
Australia, Brazil, US, Europe, India, and Zambia (Strickland, 1991).
Occurrence in Man:Infections with free-living amebae have only been known
since the 1960s. As of 1996, there had been 179 reported cases of primary amebic
meningoencephalitis caused by N. fowleri,103 cases of granulomatous amebic
encephalitis caused by Acanthamoeba spp., and 63 cases of granulomatous amebic
encephalitis caused by B. mandrillaris(Martínez and Visvesvara, 1997). In addition,
as of 1993, there have been 570 known cases of keratitis caused by Acanthamoeba
spp. (Benenson, 1995).
Occurrence in Animals:Naegleriais capable of infecting experimentally inocu-
lated mice and sheep. Acanthamoebacan infect sheep (Van der Lugt and Van der
Merve, 1990) and dogs (Pearce et al., 1985) in nature, and in the laboratory, it can
infect the cornea of swine, rabbits, and mice. The invasive capacity of this protozoan
appears to vary. Other researchers have found that it does not attack the cornea of
horses, guinea pigs, rabbits, chicken, mice, rats, or cows, but that it can produce
severe damage in the cornea of man, swine, and Chinese hamsters (Niederkorn et
al., 1992). Balamuthiahas been isolated from fatal infections in horses, gorillas,
mandrills, and sheep (García and Bruckner, 1997). The range of susceptible animals
is probably greater, but there have been few reports of infection because of the dif-
ficulty of diagnosing this genus and because the disease in animals receives less
attention than its human counterpart.
The Disease in Man:Naegleriamainly affects young, immunocompetent,
healthy individuals. The ameba penetrates the host via the nasal cavity, where it
causes local inflammation and ulceration, and goes on to invade the olfactory nerves
and ultimately the meninges, where it multiplies and produces an acute inflamma-
tion with abundant neutrophils and monocytes along with hemorrhagic necroses
(primary amebic meningoencephalitis). The disease is fatal. After an incubation
period of three to seven days, the initial symptoms include sore throat, blocked nasal
passages, and intense cephalalgia, subsequently followed by fever, vomiting, and
stiff neck. Mental confusion and coma develop three to four days after the first
symptoms, and death occurs between three and four days later.
Acanthamoebaspp. preferentially attack individuals who are immunodeficient,
undernourished, or weakened by other conditions. This ameba usually invades the
host through the skin, the respiratory tract, or the genitourinary tract, spreading
through the bloodstream until it reaches the brain and the meninges. The exact
length of incubation is unknown, but central nervous system symptoms apparently
do not develop until weeks or even months after the primary infection. Often there
is a slow-growing cutaneous or pulmonary granulomatous lesion which tends to fol-
low a subacute or chronic course (granulomatous amebic encephalitis). The pre-
dominant lesions are foci of granulomatous inflammation, necroses, thromboses,
and hemorrhages. The most prevalent symptoms include cutaneous papules, nod-

ules, ulcers or abscesses, congestion, secretion from or ulcers in the nasal passages,
sinusitis, cephalalgia, mental or motor disturbances, meningeal signs, or sensory
deficiencies. Occasionally the parasite is recovered from other organs such as the
skin, kidneys, liver, or pancreas. Acanthamoebaoften infects the ocular cornea,
causing keratitis, uveitis, and chronic corneal ulcers, which can lead to blindness,
especially in persons who wear contact lenses. Both Acanthamoebaand Naegleria
are capable of ingesting microorganisms in their environment such as Legionella
and acting as vectors of the respective infections (Tyndall and Domingue, 1982).
Less information is available about Balamuthia,which was not identified until
1993. It can attack both previously healthy and weakened individuals. Although its
mechanism of penetrating the host is still unknown, it can produce a subacute or
chronic illness similar to that associated with Acanthamoeba(Denney et al., 1997)
and it can also cause granulomatous amebic encephalitis.
The Disease in Animals:Very little information is available about the disease in
animals, but the cases reported so far have resembled the disease in humans (Simpson
et al., 1982; Pearce et al., 1985; Niederkorn et al., 1992; Visvesvara et al., 1993).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of Naegleriaand
Acanthamoeba infections appears to be contaminated water and soil. Muñoz et al.
(1993) examined 100 freshwater samples collected from different sources and found
Naegleriapresent in 7.6% and Acanthamoeba in 31.5%. The main source of
Naegleriainfection is poorly maintained swimming pools, lakes, etc. The ameba
enters the nasal passages of swimmers, especially in summer or when the water has
been artificially heated. This ameba is destroyed when pools are adequately chlori-
nated. The flagellate trophozoite forms probably play the most important role in
infection, since they are more mobile and appear to predominate in warm water. The
cysts are capable of overwintering, and it is believed that the arrival of warm sum-
mer weather causes them to break open and assume the form of flagellate tropho-
zoites. Contaminated water is also the source of infection caused by Acanthamoeba,
and probably by Balamuthia as well. However, the fact that some patients have had
no history of contact with suspicious water would indicate that the infection can also
be acquired from contaminated soil through breaks in the skin, by the inhalation of
dust containing parasite cysts, or by the inhalation of aerosols containing cysts or
trophozoites. An important source of the ocular infection is the use of contact lenses
that have been poorly disinfected or kept in contaminated cases. Acanthamoebais
more resistant to environmental agents than Naegleria,as evidenced by the fact that
it can tolerate conventional chlorination. It has been determined that 82% of all
samples of cysts survive 24 years in water at 4°C, and in vitro cultures have been
known to retain their virulence for mice as long as eight years. The reservoir and
mode of transmission of Balamuthiaare unknown.
Diagnosis:Diseases caused by free-living amebae cannot be differentiated from
other etiologies on the basis of clinical manifestations alone. Under the microscope
it is difficult, though possible, to identify the parasites in tissue on the basis of their
morphology; however, at low levels of magnification they can be easily mistaken for
macrophages, leukocytes, or Entamoeba histolytica. E. histolyticahas a thin nuclear
membrane and a small nucleolus that stains only faintly, unlike the free-living ame-
bae, which have a very distinct nuclear membrane and a larger nucleolus that stains

brightly. In lesions caused by Naegleria,the only forms present are ameboid tropho-
zoites, which are often perivascular, and polymorphonuclear cells are abundant in the
reaction. On the other hand, in lesions produced by Acanthamoebaand Balamuthia
there are both trophozoites and cysts, vasculitis is present, and the reaction is char-
acterized by an abundance of mononuclear cells, either with or without multinucle-
ate cells (Anzil et al., 1991). The wall of Acanthamoebacysts found in tissue turns
red with periodic acid-Schiff stain and black when methenamine silver is used. The
morphology of the amebae in cerebrospinal fluid can be observed by conventional or
phase-contrast microscopy in fresh preparations or those to which Giemsa or
Wright’s stain has been applied. Naegleriagrows on non-nutrient agar cultures in the
presence of Escherichia coliand in sodium chloride at less than 0.4% solution, while
Acanthamoebagrows in the absence of bacteria and in sodium chloride at less than
0.85% solution. Because Naegleriatrophozoites are destroyed at cold temperatures,
the samples should never be refrigerated. The diagnosis of Balamuthiais not yet well
defined. Although the trophozoite is characterized by its branching, the cysts are very
similar to those of Acanthamoeba; only the occasional presence of binucleate
Balamuthiacysts makes it possible to use conventional microscopy to differentiate
Balamuthia fromAcanthamoeba. Balamuthiadoes not grow well on agar in the pres-
ence of bacteria, but it does proliferate in mammal tissue cultures. Immunologic reac-
tions with patient sera have not been successful. However, it has been possible to
identify exact genera and species using immunofluorescence with monoclonal or
polyclonal antibodies at reference centers such as the US Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention. Recently, there have been encouraging results with the use of molec-
ular biology techniques to identify and separate species.
Control:Infections caused by free-living amebae are not sufficiently common to
justify general control measures. Education of the public regarding appropriate
swimming-pool maintenance and the importance of not swimming in suspicious
water should reduce the risk of infection. To prevent the parasites from invading the
nasal passages, those practicing aquatic sports should avoid submersing the head in
water or else use nose clips. In addition, persons who are immunodeficient or have
debilitating diseases should be careful not to let broken skin come in contact with
natural water or damp soil and avoid breathing dust or aerosols. Contact-lens wear-
ers should not swim with their lenses on to avoid contamination, and lenses should
be disinfected either by heating them to a temperature of at least 70°C or by using
hydrogen peroxide solutions, which are more effective against Acanthamoebathan
conventional sodium chloride solutions. Control to protect against animal cases does
not appear to be necessary. There is no evidence of human-to-human transmission
or transmission from animals to humans. These infections mainly occur in humans
and in animals that transmit them from one to another.
Anzil, A.P., C. Rao, M.A. Wrzolek, G.S. Visvesvara, J.H. Sher, P.B. Kozlowski. Amebic
meningoencephalitis in a patient with AIDS caused by a newly recognized opportunistic
pathogen,Leptomyxid ameba. Arch Pathol Lab Med115:21–25, 1991.
Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases in Man,16th ed. An official report
of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: APHA; 1995.

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Balamuthia mandrillaris:Case report and review. Clin Infect Dis25:1354–1358, 1997.
García, L.S., Bruckner, D.A. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
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Martínez, A.J., G.S. Visvesvara. Free-living, amphizoic and opportunistic amebas. Brain
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Tyndall, R.L., E.L. Domingue. Cocultivacion of Legionella pneumophilaand free-living
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Van der Lugt, J.J., H.E. Van der Merwe. Amoebic meningoencephalitis in a sheep. J S Afr
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40:504–514, 1993.
ICD-10 B53.1 Malaria due to simian plasmodia
Synonyms:Monkey malaria, monkey paludism.
Etiology:Malaria is a disease caused by protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa,
genus Plasmodium. The four species that infect man are P. falciparum, P. malariae,
P. ovale,and P. vivax. Some 20 species are presumed to infect nonhuman primates:
the large simians are affected by 4 species of the family Pongidae, gibbons by 4
species of the family Hylobatidae, Old World monkeys by 8 species of the family
Cercopithecidae, New World monkeys by 2 species of the family Cebidae, and
lemurs by 2 species of the family Lemuridae (Collins and Aikawa, 1977). However,
the taxonomy of some species is uncertain. Table 2 shows some characteristics of
the most common species.
Seven of the species that affect nonhuman primates have been transmitted exper-
imentally to humans:P. brasilianum,P. cynomolgi,P. eylesi,P. i n u i,P. knowlesi,P.
schwetzi,and P. simium.In addition, some species, such as P. cynomolgi,P.
knowlesi,P. simium,and, possibly,P. eylesi,have been found in natural or acciden-
tal infections, though this rarely occurs. Nonhuman primates can also be infected

with natural or adapted strains of the plasmodia that normally affect humans:Aotus
and Saimiri monkeys with P. falciparum or P. vivax,and chimpanzees with P. ovale.
For many years, it was believed that the plasmodia of man did not have a com-
mon origin (monophyletic) but rather were descended from different ancestral
species (polyphyletic), and the relationship of some species that infect man to some
species that infect simians was frequently the subject of speculation. Escalante et al.
(1998) compared cytochrome b gene sequences from 4 species of human parasites,
10 species of simian parasites, 1 species of rodent parasite, and 2 species of avian
parasites. They concluded that the plasmodia of man are indeed polyphyletic. P. fal-
ciparum and P. reichenowi are closely related to one another and share a common
ancestor with avian malaria parasites.P. vivax forms a different but closely related
group with the plasmodia of Old World monkeys, especially P. simium. P. ovale and
P. malariaeform a separate group, although there is very little relationship between
them. An interesting finding is that, contrary to widely held opinion, no inverse rela-
tionship exists between virulence of the parasite and length of the plasmodium-host
association. Neither is there any relationship between phylogenetic proximity of the
parasites and certain characteristics of malarial disease, such as virulence, periodic-
ity, and occurrence of relapses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, biologic and patho-
genic similarities have led to the use of certain nonhuman primate Plasmodium
species as the preferred models for Plasmodium species that infect man:P.
cynomolgi for P. vivax, P. brasilianum for P. malariae,P. fieldi and P. simiovale for
P. ovale,and P. coatneyi for P. falciparum. In addition, Lal et al. (1988) demon-
strated that the immunodominant repeat domain was the same for P. brasilianum and
P. malariaeand for P. reichenowi and P. falciparum.
The life cycle of plasmodia of nonhuman primates, like that of the plasmodia that
infect man, includes host mammals and insect vectors. An infected mosquito of the
genus Anopheles injects sporozoites of the parasite into a susceptible host when it
TABLE 2. Plasmodiumspecies that infect primates.
Species Host Geographic range Periodicity Relapses
P. brasilianumNew World monkeys Central and South America Quartan Uncertain
P. coatneyiOld World monkeys Malaysia Tertian No
P. cynomolgiOld World monkeys Southeast Asia Tertian Yes
P. eylesi Gibbons Malaysia Tertian Uncertain
P. falciparumHumans Tropics Tertian No
P. fieldi Old World monkeys Malaysia Tertian Yes
P. gonderi Old World monkeys Central Africa Tertian No
P. hylobatiGibbons Malaysia Tertian No
P. i n u iOld World monkeys India and Southeast Asia Quartan No
P. knowlesiOld World monkeys Malaysia Quotidian No
P. malariaeHumans Tropics and subtropics Quartan No
P. ovale Humans Asia and Africa Tertian Yes
P. reichenowiChimpanzees Central Africa Tertian No
P. schwetziGorillas and Tropical Africa Tertian Yes
P. simiovaleOld World monkeys Sri Lanka Tertian Yes
P. simium New World monkeys Brazil Tertian Uncertain
P. vivax Humans Tropics and subtropics Tertian Yes

takes a blood meal. In less than an hour, the sporozoites disappear from the blood
and enter the cells of the hepatic parenchyma. There, they begin to multiply by mul-
tiple fission to form thousands of filamentous parasites, the merozoites, which leave
the host cell after five days or more. In some species, there is a single generation of
hepatic merozoites, but in others, dormant forms, hypnozoites, are produced. The
hypnozoites may become active again months or years later and cause reinfection
(Cogswell, 1992) (Table 2). This stage of replication in the liver is known as the exo-
erythrocytic cycle. The growth and asexual division of the sporozoites to form mero-
zoites is termed merogony (formerly called schizogony).
Once released, the merozoites invade the erythrocytes to form a trophozoite
within a vacuole. The trophozoite is originally ovoid, but then it forms a ring struc-
ture with a vacuole in the center. At this stage, the trophozoite begins to feed on the
cytoplasm of the erythrocyte, and a dark pigment, hemozoin, is deposited into its
food vacuoles. As the trophozoite matures, the central vacuole disappears and the
nucleus begins to divide by successive mitosis, forming a multinucleate cell, the
meront (formerly called the schizont). Later, the cytoplasm of the erythrocyte
divides into portions that envelop each nucleus to form numerous merozoites. The
mature merozoites rupture the blood cell and enter the bloodstream, where they
invade other erythrocytes, and the same cycle is repeated. This multiplication in the
erythrocytes is known as the erythrocytic cycle. Like the process that occurs in the
liver, the growth and asexual division of the original parasites to form merozoites is
known as merogony. The cycle of merozoite formation in the red blood cells takes
24 hours in some species (e.g.,P. knowlesi) and 48 or 72 hours in others. As the
recurrent fevers of malaria coincide with the mass release of merozoites from the red
cells, they occur daily or every third or fourth day. Malaria is classified as quotid-
ian, tertian, or quartan, respectively, according to the periodicity of these febrile
attacks (Table 2).
After several rounds of asexual reproduction in the erythrocytes, some merozoites
become female cells, or macrogametocytes, and male cells, or microgametocytes,
which are the infective forms for the vector. The process of gamete formation is
known as gametogony. When an Anopheles mosquito ingests the gametocytes dur-
ing a blood meal, they mature in the insect’s alimentary tract and become macroga-
metes (ova) and microgametes (sperm). A sperm fertilizes each ovum, forming a
motile zygote, the ookinete, which penetrates the epithelium of the insect’s midgut,
is engulfed by a membrane, and forms an oocyst in the intestinal wall. Inside the
oocyst, the zygote multiplies by successive mitosis to produce an enormous number
of filamentous parasites, the sporozoites, which ultimately break out of the oocyst
and are distributed in the hemocele of the insect. The process of sporozoite forma-
tion is known as sporogony. The sporozoites invade all of the mosquito’s tissues, and
those that reach the salivary glands may be passed to a vertebrate host with the saliva
of the insect at its next blood meal.
Geographic Distribution:Although the prevailing opinion is that the plasmodia
of simians originated in Southeast Asia, Escalante et al. (1998) suggest that the ori-
gin of primate malaria parasites is African and posit that from there they spread to
Southeast Asia with their host mammals and vectors. Their current geographic dis-
tribution coincides with that of their preferred hosts (Table 2). In the Americas,P.
brasilianum is widely distributed among the neotropical monkeys of Brazil,

Colombia, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, while P. simium is found in the southern
and eastern regions of Brazil.
Occurrence in Man:Infection of man with plasmodia of nonhuman primates is
considered very rare. The literature records only two confirmed human cases
acquired under natural conditions: one caused by P. knowlesi in Malaysia and
another by P. simium in Brazil. Two other cases have been reported but not con-
firmed: one by P. knowlesi and the other by P. eylesi,both in Malaysia. All these cases
occurred prior to 1970. However, it was subsequently discovered that more than 90%
of the adults in four tribes in northern Brazil had antibodies against P. brasilianum or
P. malariae (these species cannot be differentiated using conventional serology),
although the incidence of malaria was very low and parasitemia was below 0.02% (de
Arruda et al.,1989). The presence of P.brasilianum was confirmed in numerous
monkeys and in Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes in the area. This finding suggests that
P. brasilianum infection is occurring in the indigenous population.
P. knowlesi was transmitted experimentally to human volunteers through the inoc-
ulation of blood or the bite of infected mosquitoes. After 170 serial passages, how-
ever, the infection became so virulent that the passages were stopped (Collins and
Aikawa, 1977). P. cynomolgi was inoculated accidentally into humans and was then
transmitted to man and monkeys by infected mosquitos. Although the level of para-
sitemia in humans was low, the disease was moderately serious. Infection by P.
brasilianum,P. i n u i,or P. schwetzi in volunteers produced low levels of parasitemia
and mild symptoms (Collins and Aikawa, 1977). P. schwetzi was also transmitted
experimentally to man and produced a mild disease. Transmission of P. reichenowi
to man was attempted, but without success (Flynn, 1973). Deane (1992) reported an
accidental human infection with P. simium in southeastern Brazil.
Occurrence in Animals:P. brasilianum has been found in numerous monkey
species of the family Cebidae in neotropical regions. The infection rate is close to
15% in howler monkeys of the genus Alouatta,spider monkeys of the genus Ateles,
and capuchin or white monkeys of the genus Cebus. Natural infection by P. simium
has been found in brown howler monkeys (Alouatta fusca) and in woolly spider
monkeys (Brachyteles arachnoides). The prevalence of malaria has been reported to
be 10% among simians in the Amazon region and 35% and 18% in the southeastern
and southern regions of Brazil, respectively. Although P.brasilianum is present in
all those areas,P. simium is found only along the southeastern and southern coast.
Virtually all the parasites were detected in monkeys of the family Cebidae (Deane,
1992). Among nonhuman primates in Asia and Africa, the prevalence of the infec-
tion seems to be high in areas with large numbers of monkeys and appropriate
anopheline vectors. Conversely, there are areas with sparse monkey populations in
both the New World and the Old World where the infection does not occur.
The Disease in Man:Human malaria caused by plasmodia of simian origin
resembles a mild and benign infection caused by human plasmodia (see Occurrence
in Man). In general, the disease is of short duration, parasitemias are low, and
relapses are rare. Recuperation is spontaneous, and very few patients require treat-
ment. The periodicity of malarial attacks depends on the parasite species (Table 2).
The Disease in Animals:In general, malaria in simians is a mild disease that
resolves spontaneously in the parasite’s natural hosts. However,P. knowlesi infec-

tion is serious in rhesus monkeys and in baboons. P. brasilianum can cause acute
disease in American monkeys and, occasionally, may even be fatal for spider,
howler, and capuchin monkeys. P. eylesi causes high parasitemia in mandrills. P.
gonderi has a chronic course,P. georgesi produces a relapsing malaria, and P. petersi
causes a brief infection in Cercocebus monkeys, which are the natural hosts for these
species (Poirriez et al.,1995). In rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta),P. coatneyi and
P. fragile cause neurological signs similar to those that occur in humans infected
with P. falciparum (Aikawa et al.,1992; Fujioka et al., 1994). P. cynomolgi causes
placentitis in rhesus monkeys (Saxena et al.,1993). After infection with P. ovale,
monkeys of the genus Saimiri develop parasites in the liver but do not progress to
erythrocytic stages (Millet et al.,1994).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Malaria of both humans and
nonhuman primates is transmitted by the bite of infected anopheline mosquitoes.
Which species of mosquitoes transmit malaria of nonhuman primates in the forests
of Africa, the Americas, and a large part of Asia is still not well known. In north-
western Malaysia, the vector of P. cynomolgi has been shown to be Anopheles bal-
abacensis balabacensis,which also transmits human malaria in that region.
However, the cycles of disease transmission in humans and nonhuman primates are
generally independent of one another because the vectors of human plasmodia feed
at ground level, while those of simian plasmodia feed in the treetrops. In northern
Brazil,P. brasilianum has been found in Anopheles darlingi mosquitoes. It has been
demonstrated that the distribution of P. simium and P. brasilianum in that country is
governed by the presence of the mosquitoes A. cruzi and A. neivai,which feed in the
forest canopy. This explains the rarity of human infection by plasmodia of simian
origin. Nevertheless, in some regions of Brazil, such as the mountainous and
wooded coastal areas of the state of Santa Catarina,A. cruzi is the vector of human
malaria and possibly also of simian malaria, while in other regions it is exclusively
a vector of the simian disease. In Santa Catarina, however, it was found that A. cruzi
feeds both at ground level and in the treetops. In such conditions, human infection
caused by simian plasmodia may occur naturally. In western Malaysia, a similar sit-
uation exists: the vector is the same for the human and nonhuman cycles, and
zoonotic infections may thus occur. However, the risk appears to be limited to those
who live in or enter jungle areas, and it is unlikely that the infection could spread to
other human communities. In tropical Africa, where chimpanzees are infected by P.
malariae,P. rodhaini,and P. schwetzi,humans might become infected when they
enter the habitat of these primates. However, malariologists point out that the plas-
modia of nonhuman primates pose little risk for the human population, since P.
malariae from chimpanzees cannot infect Anopheles gambiae,the vector of human
malaria, and P. schwetzi does not develop fully in that mosquito.
Diagnosis:Routine diagnosis in man and in monkeys is done by examining the
parasite in thick blood films stained with Giemsa stain. Differentiation of the species
of Plasmodium that infect nonhuman primates is based mainly on morphologic fea-
tures of the parasite’s various stages of development. Another criterion is host speci-
ficity. Specific diagnosis is very difficult, for example in the case of P. brasilianum
and P. simium,which are similar to the human plasmodia P. malariae and P. vivax,
respectively. Because the routine diagnostic techniques for differentiating
Plasmodium species are imprecise, it is possible that some human malaria cases of

simian origin have been diagnosed erroneously as being caused by human malarial
agents. Another difficulty in diagnosis by microscopic examination of blood prepa-
rations is the low parasitemia that occurs in nonhuman primates. To get around this
difficulty, inoculation of blood into susceptible monkeys is recommended. Although
serologic reactions are useful as a means of confirming malarial infection, they are
rarely specific enough to identify the Plasmodium species involved.
Control:Malaria experts agree that malaria of nonhuman primates does not con-
stitute an obstacle for programs to control and eradicate human malaria. The human
infection has been eradicated from some parts of Brazil, although high rates of
infection in monkeys persist. Given the small number of confirmed cases of human
infection by plasmodia of simian origin and the benign nature of the clinical mani-
festations, special control measures are not justified.
To prevent the disease, nonimmune persons who must go into the jungle should
use insect repellents on exposed body parts and on clothing. Regular use of chemo-
prophylaxis would be justified only if the nonimmune person had to live in an area
where human malaria is endemic.
Aikawa, M., A. Brown, C.D. Smith,et al. A primate model for human cerebral malaria:
Plasmodium coatneyi-infected rhesus monkeys. Am J Trop Med Hyg46:391–397, 1992.
Bruce-Chwatt, L.J. Malaria zoonosis in relation to malaria eradication. Trop Geogr Med
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Coatney, G.R. Simian malarias in man: Facts, implications, and predictions. Am J Trop Med
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Coatney, G.R. The simian malarias: Zoonoses, anthroponoses, or both? Am J Trop Med Hyg
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Cogswell, F.B. The hypnozoite and relapse in primate malaria. Clin Microbiol Rev 5:26–35,
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Deane, L.M. Epidemiology of simian malaria in the American continent. In:First Inter-
American Conference on Conservation and Utilization of American Nonhuman Primates in
Biomedical Research. Washington, D.C.: Pan American Health Organization; 1977.
(Scientific Publication 317).
Deane, L.M. Simian malaria in Brazil. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 87(Suppl 3):1–20, 1992.
Deane, L.M., M.P. Deane, J. Ferreira Neto. Studies on transmission of simian malaria and
on a natural infection of man with Plasmodium simium in Brazil. Bull World Health Organ
35:805–808, 1966.
de Arruda, M., E.H. Nardin, R.S. Nussenzweig, A.H. Cochrane. Sero-epidemiological stud-
ies of malaria in Indian tribes of the Amazon Basin of Brazil. Am J Trop Med Hyg 41:379–385,
Escalante, A.A., D.E. Freeland, W.E. Collins, A.A. Lal. The evolution of primate malaria
parasites based on the gene encoding cytochrome bfrom the linear mitochondial genome.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 95:8124–8129, 1998.
Flynn, R.J. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1973.
Fujioka, H., P. Millet, Y. Maeno,et al. A nonhuman primate model for human cerebral
malaria: Rhesus monkeys experimentally infected with Plasmodium fragile. Exp Parasitol
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Garnham, P.C. Recent research on malaria in mammals excluding man. Adv Parasit
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Lal, A.A., V.F. de la Cruz, W.E. Collins, G.H. Campbell, P.M. Procell, T.F. McCutchan.
Circumsporozoite protein gene from Plasmodium brasilianum. Animal reservoirs for human
malaria parasites? J Biol Chem263:5495–5498, 1988.
Millet, P., C. Nelson, G.G. Galland,et al. Plasmodium ovale:Observations on the parasite
development in Saimiri monkey hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro in contrast with its inability
to induce parasitemia. Exp Parasitol 78:394–399, 1994.
Poirriez, J., E. Dei-Cas, L. Dujardin, I. Landau. The blood-stages of Plasmodium georgesi,
P. gonderiand P. petersi:Course of untreated infection in their natural hosts and additional
morphological distinctive features. Parasitology 111:547–554, 1995.
Ruch, T.C. Diseases of Laboratory Primates. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1959.
Saxena, N., V.C. Pandey, P.N. Saxena, S. Upadhyay. Hydrolytic enzymes of rhesus placenta
during Plasmodium cynomolgiinfection: Ultrastructural and biochemical studies. Indian J
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Warren, M. Simian and anthropoid malarias—their role in human disease. Lab Anim Care
20:368–376, 1970.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitology of Malaria. Report of a WHO Scientific
Group. Geneva: WHO; 1969. (Technical Report Series 433).
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert Commit-
tee with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series 637).
ICD-10 B60.8 Other specified protozoal diseases
Etiology:Microsporidiosis is an emerging human infection caused by protozoa
of the family Microspora. Although there are some 700 species that infect verte-
brates and invertebrates, the species identified to date as parasites of man are
Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon intestinalis (formerly Septata intesti-
nalis),Encephalitozoon hellem, Encephalitozoon cuniculi,and some species of the
genera Nosema, Pleistophora, Trachipleistophora,and Vittaforma (Scaglia et al.,
1994). Enterocytozoon causes intestinal infections almost exclusively, while
Encephalitozoon may cause intestinal or systemic infections which may spread to
various organs. Parasites of the genera Nosema, Pleistophora, Trachipleistophora,
and Vittaforma are uncommon in man and do not affect the intestine (Field et al.,
1996). The first known human infection was by E. bieneusi in 1985.Differentiation
of genera and species requires experience and is generally based on ultrastructural
morphology, antigenic composition, or DNA sequencing. Proof of the existence of
isolates with genetic differences exists, at least within E. bieneusi,but it is not yet
known if those differences are associated with differences in clinical or epidemio-
logical conditions (Rinder et al.,1997). The genera Cryptosporidium, Isospora,and
Cyclospora belong to a completely different phylum: Apicomplexa (formerly
Esporozoa). However, because they are also transmitted by elements commonly

called “spores” and because they cause intestinal pathology, they are frequently
grouped with the microsporidia under the name “intestinal spore-forming protozoa”
(Goodgame, 1996).
Microsporidia are small intracellular protozoa that undergo a phase of asexual mul-
tiplication—merogony—followed by a phase of sexual multiplication—sporogony—
during which they produce spores, or oocysts, inside the infected cell. The spores are
released from the host cell and are eliminated into the external environment, where
they may infect other individuals. They are small, double-walled bodies measuring 1
µm to 3 µm which contain a parasitic cell, or sporoplasm, with one or two nuclei. At
their anterior end, they have an extrusion apparatus, the polaroplast, which everts the
polar tube or filament that is coiled around the polaroplast and sporoplasm within the
spore. Infection takes place when the polar tube is extruded and penetrates the host
cell, allowing the sporoplasm to pass through it and enter the host.
Geographic Distribution:Apparently worldwide. Cases have been reported in
Argentina, Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Germany, France,
India, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Netherlands, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden,
Switzerland, Thailand, Uganda, UK, USA, and Zambia (CDC, 2003).
Occurrence in Man:Microsporidiosis is one of the most frequent complications
occurring in immunodeficient patients, but it is rare in immunocompetent individu-
als. It has also been reported in transplant patients (Rabodonirina et al.,1996). As of
1994, more than 400 cases had been recognized, most in immunodeficient patients.
The most frequent microsporidium is E. bieneusi,followed by E. intestinalis,which
is about 10 times less prevalent. Other species are even less frequent. In North
America, Australia, and Europe, prevalences of 12% to 50% have been reported in
AIDS patients (Voglino et al.,1996). The infection generally causes chronic diarrhea
in immunodeficient patients. Coyle et al. (1996) found the infection in 44% of AIDS
patients with diarrhea but in only 2.3% of AIDS patients without diarrhea. In
Germany, microsporidia were identified in 36% of 50 AIDS patients with diarrhea
and in 4.3% of 47 AIDS patients without diarrhea. The parasites were detected in
60% of patients with chronic diarrhea but in only 5.9% of patients with acute diar-
rhea. In 18 of the patients, the agent was E. bieneusi and in 2, it was E. intestinalis
(Sobottka et al.,1998). In Spain, Del Aguila et al. (1997) found the infection in only
1.2% of HIV-positive children, whereas the percentage among HIV-positive adults
was 13.9%. In Niger, Bretagne et al. (1993) found the infection in 7% of 60 HIV-pos-
itive children and in 0.8% of 990 asymptomatic HIV-negative children. In Zimbabwe,
van Gool et al. (1995) found the infection in 10% of 129 adults with AIDS, but in
none of 106 children with AIDS and none of 13 adults and 12 children without AIDS.
Occurrence in Animals:Microsporidiosis occurs in a great number of vertebrate
and invertebrate species, but as it is not generally pathogenic for vertebrates, its dis-
covery is accidental, and there are thus no reliable statistics on its frequency. Only
E. cuniculi has been proven to be zoonotic (Deplazes et al.,1996). However,E.
bieneusi has been found in macaques (Chalifoux et al.,1998) and E. intestinalis in
donkeys, cows, goats, pigs, and dogs (Bornay-Llinares et al.,1998), and it is there-
fore believed that these species could also be zoonotic. In addition,E. bieneusi has
been transmitted to macaques with AIDS and to immunodeficient pigs (Kondova et
al.,1998), and E. hellem has been transmitted to mice (Snowden, 1998).

The Disease in Man:E. bieneusi infects the small intestine and, sometimes, the
hepatobiliary tract in immunodeficient individuals. The clinical manifestations
include chronic diarrhea with passage of watery or semi-watery stools numerous
times (2–8) a day, but without evidence of intestinal hemorrhage; malabsorption
with atrophy of the microvilli, which is aggravated by the ingestion of food; and
subsequent progressive and irreversible weight loss. Spontaneous remissions are
sometimes seen, but they are short-lived. The diarrhea can ultimately lead to dehy-
dration and malnutrition. Although the causes of the intestinal disease are not well
understood, it is presumed that it is due to loss of microvilli and enterocytes. E.
intestinalis also causes chronic diarrhea and malabsorption, and it may spread to the
nasal sinuses and the kidneys (Dore et al.,1996; Moss et al.,1997). E. hellemhas
been isolated from the corneal epithelium and the conjunctiva and has been found in
generalized infections. As in the lower animals, the few human cases of E. cuniculi
have been systemic and have affected mainly the brain and the kidneys.
Trachipleistophora hominis may affect the skeletal musculature, the cornea, and the
upper respiratory tract (Field et al.,1996); Vittaforma may infect the cornea.
The Disease in Animals:Most infections in vertebrates seem to be asympto-
matic, except for E. cuniculiinfection, which occasionally causes disease with foci
of micronecrosis and formation of granulomas in the brain, kidneys, endothelia, and
other organs of rabbits, rats, mice, and dogs.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The presence of microsporidia
spores in the host stools and urine suggests that the infection could be transmitted
by fecal or urinary contamination of the environment, especially water. Recent stud-
ies have demonstrated the presence of E. bieneusi, E. intestinalis,and Vittaforma
corneae in surface and underground waters and in effluents from sewerage systems
(Dowd et al.,1998), which supports that presumption. E. cuniculi can be transmit-
ted by parenteral inoculation in rabbits and rodents, and it is believed that it is trans-
mitted congenitally in mice.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis of microsporidiosis is difficult owing to the small size of
the spores. Specimens are obtained, inter alia, from body fluids, feces, duodenal
aspirates, urinary sediment, and corneal scrapings, and they are then stained using
methods that facilitate microscopic examination. Fluorescence with calcofluor white
is the most sensitive method but, as it also stains yeast cells, it may give false posi-
tive results. Weber’s modified trichrome stain is almost as sensitive as calcofluor
white, but it is more specific because it does not stain yeasts; however, it is slower.
The slowest and least sensitive test is indirect immunofluorescence using polyclonal
antibodies (Didier et al.,1995). In biopsies, the parasites can be detected by means
of Gram or Giemsa stains or fluorescent antibodies; however, these procedures must
be performed by experienced personnel. Microsporidia have been grown in cell cul-
tures to which stains are applied to reveal the parasitized cells (Croppo et al.,1998).
Systemic immunologic reactions are of little use from a clinical standpoint because
they do not indicate whether the infection is recent or active. Polymerase chain reac-
tion has also been used successfully to identify microsporidia in feces and biopsies
(Gainzarain et al.,1998). This method may also replace electron microscopy as the
only reliable procedure for differentiating species (Croppo et al.,1998).
Control:Because it is not fully understood how microsporidia are transmitted,

there is not yet an effective control protocol. However, the discovery of
microsporidia spores in surface and underground waters and sewage by Dowd et al.
(1998) suggests that immunodeficient individuals should avoid oral exposure to
water from suspicious sources such as pools, streams, and lakes, and that question-
able drinking water should be boiled.
Bornay-Llinares, F.J., A.J. da Silva, H. Moura,et al. Immunologic, microscopic, and
molecular evidence of Encephalitozoon intestinalis(Septata intestinalis) infection in mam-
mals other than humans. J Infect Dis 178:820–826, 1998.
Bretagne, S., F. Foulet, W. Alkassoum, J. Fleury-Feith, M. Develoux. Prévalence des spores
d’Enterocytozoon bieneusi dans les selles de patients sidéens et d’enfants africains non infec-
tés par le VIH. Bull Soc Pathol Exot86:351–357, 1993.
Chalifoux, L.V., J. MacKey, A. Carville,et al. Ultrastructural morphology of
Enterocytozoon bieneusiin biliary epithelium of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Ve t
Pathol 35:292–296, 1998.
Coyle, C.M., M. Wittner, D.P. Kotler,et al. Prevalence of microsporidiosis due to
Enterocytozoon bieneusiand Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalisamong patients with
AIDS-related diarrhea: Determination by polymerase chain reaction to the microsporidian
small-subunit rRNA gene. Clin Infect Dis23:1002–1006, 1996.
Croppo, G.P., G.P Croppo, H. Moura,et al. Ultrastructure, immunofluorescence, Western
blot, and PCR analysis of eight isolates of Encephalitozoon (Septata) intestinalisestablished
in culture from sputum and urine samples and duodenal aspirates of five patients with AIDS.
J Clin Microbiol 36:1201–1208, 1998.
Del Aguila, C., R. Navajas, D. Gurbindo,et al. Microsporidiosis in HIV-positive children
in Madrid (Spain). J Eukaryot Microbiol 44:84S–85S, 1997.
Deplazes, P., A. Mathis, R. Baumgartner, I. Tanner, R. Weber. Immunologic and molecu-
lar characteristics of Encephalitozoon-like microsporidia isolated from humans and rabbits
indicate that Encephalitozoon cuniculiis a zoonotic parasite. Clin Infect Dis 22:557–559,
Didier, E.S., J.M. Orenstein, A. Aldras, D. Bertucci, L.B. Rogers, F.A. Janney. Comparison
of three staining methods for detecting microsporidia in fluids. J Clin Microbiol
33:3138–3145, 1995.
Dore, G.J., D.J. Marriott, M.C. Hing, J.L. Harkness, A.S. Field. Disseminated
microsporidiosis due to Septata intestinalisin nine patients infected with the human immuno-
deficiency virus: Response to therapy with albendazole. Clin Infect Dis 21:70–76, 1995.
Dowd, S.E., C.P. Gerba, I.L. Pepper. Confirmation of the human-pathogenic microsporidia
Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Encephalitozoon intestinalis,and Vittaforma corneae in water. Appl
Environ Microbiol 64:3332–3335, 1998.
Gainzarain, J.C., A. Canut, M. Lozano,et al. Detection of Enterocytozoon bieneusiin two
human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients with chronic diarrhea by polymerase chain
reaction in duodenal biopsy specimens and review. Clin Infect Dis 27:394–398, 1998.
Goodgame, R.W. Understanding intestinal spore-forming protozoa:Cryptosporidia,
Microsporidia, Isospora,and Cyclospora. Ann Internal Med 124:429–441, 1996.
Field, A.S., D.J. Marriott, S.T. Milliken,et al. Myositis associated with a newly described
microsporidian,Trachipleistophora hominis,in a patient with AIDS. J Clin Microbiol
34:2803–2811, 1996.
Kondova, I., K. Mansfield, M.A. Buckholt,et al. Transmission and serial propagation of
Enterocytozoon bieneusi from humans and Rhesus macaques in gnotobiotic piglets. Infect
Immun 66:5515–5519, 1998.

Levine, N.D. Veterinary Protozoology. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1985.
Moss, R.B., L.M. Beaudet, B.M. Wenig,et al. Microsporidium-associated sinusitis. Ear
Nose Throat J 76:95–101, 1997.
Rabodonirina, M., M. Bertocchi, I. Desportes-Livage,et al. Enterocytozoon bieneusias a
cause of chronic diarrhea in a heart-lung transplant recipient who was seronegative for human
immunodeficiency virus. Clin Infect Dis 23:114–117, 1996.
Rinder, H., S. Katzwinkel-Wladarsch, T. Loscher. Evidence for the existence of genetically
distinct strains of Enterocytozoon bieneusi. Parasitol Res 83:670–672, 1997.
Scaglia, M., L. Sacchi, S. Gatti,et al. Isolation and identification of Encephalitozoon
hellemfrom an Italian AIDS patient with disseminated microsporidiosis. APMIS
102:817–827, 1994.
Snowden, K.F., E.S. Didier, J.M. Orenstein, J.A. Shadduck. Animal models of human
microsporidial infections. Lab Anim Sci48:589–592, 1998.
Sobottka, I., D.A. Schwartz, J. Schottelius,et al. Prevalence and clinical significance of
intestinal microsporidiosis in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients with and with-
out diarrhea in Germany: A prospective coprodiagnostic study. Clin Infect Dis 26:475–480,
United States of America, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Parasites and Health: Microsporidiosis. [web page] Available
at www.dpd.cdc.gov/dpdx/HTML/Microsporidiosis.htm. Accessed 31 January 2003.
van Gool, T., E. Luderhoff, K.J. Nathoo, C.F. Kiire, J. Dankert, P.R. Mason. High preva-
lence of Enterocytozoon bieneusiinfections among HIV-positive individuals with persistent
diarrhoea in Harare, Zimbabwe. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 89:478–480, 1995.
Voglino, M.C., G. Donelli, P. Rossi,et al. Intestinal microsporidiosis in Italian individuals
with AIDS. Ital J Gastroenterol 28:381–386, 1996.
ICD-10 A07.8 Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases
Etiology:Of more than a hundred species of Sarcocystisthat infect mammals,
only two are known to parasitize the human intestine:S. suihominis andS. hominis
(also known as S. bovihominis). For many years the oocysts of these species were
mistakenly assigned to the genus Isosporaand referred to as Isospora hominis. A
third species appears to have been found in the intestines of five immunodeficient
patients in Egypt (el Naga et al., 1998). A presumed sarcocyst,S. lindemanni,was
observed for the first time in human muscle in 1968; the ecologic relationship
between this species and man is uncertain.
Sarcocysts are coccidia belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa. Although these
coccidia are related to Isospora, Cryptosporidium, Cyclospora,and Toxoplasma,
they require both an intermediate and a definitive host. The definitive host of S.
hominisand S. suihominisis man, and the intermediate hosts are cattle and swine,
respectively (Markus, 1978).

The life cycle of sarcocysts appears to be similar in all the species. The definitive
host acquires them upon ingesting meat infected with the parasite. The infected stri-
ated muscle contains mature, whitish-colored cysts (sarcocysts), which are usually
oval and range in size from microscopic to clearly visible by direct observation. The
sarcocyst has a wall around it with internal septa that divide the cyst into compart-
ments filled with hundreds or thousands of slowly dividing fusiform parasites, called
bradyzoites. Once the cyst is ingested, the bradyzoites are released into the intestine
and invade the cells of the lamina propia, where they are immediately transformed
by gametogony into sexuated parasites, which in turn fuse and form oocysts by
sporogony. There is no asexual multiplication phase in the intestine of the definitive
host. The oocysts mature in the intestine, destroy the host cell, and then exit the body
in the feces. When they are eliminated they already contain two sporocysts, each
with four sporozoites.
The intermediate host acquires the infection upon consuming oocysts or mature
sporocysts. The sporozoites are released into the intestine, penetrate the intestinal
mucosa, invade the bloodstream, and multiply asexually by merogony in the
endothelial cells of the small blood vessels for one or two generations. These forms,
called tachyzoites, do not form cysts; instead, they multiply rapidly, invade the fibers
of striated muscle, form the sarcocyst wall, and multiply asexually by merogony for
several generations into intermediate forms known as merozoites, the forms that
generate the infective bradyzoites (Rommel, 1989).
Geographic Distribution:Human intestinal sarcocystosis appears to occur
worldwide. Muscular sarcocystosis has been reported only in Egypt, India,
Malaysia, and Thailand.
Occurrence in Man:The human intestinal infection is found in most parts of the
world, with an incidence of 6% to 10% (WHO, 1981). However, these figures are
affected by the custom of eating raw meat. For example, in the Lao People’s
Democratic Republic the prevalence of S. hominiswas higher than 10% in adults,
and in Tibet the rate for S. hominiswas 21.8%, while that for S. suihominisranged
from 0.06% to 7%. About 30 cases of human muscular sarcocystosis have been
reported, most of them in Malaysia, where the prevalence of sarcocystosis in gen-
eral was 21% in routine autopsies (Wong and Pathmanathan, 1992).
Occurrence in Animals:The prevalence of muscular infection caused by
Sarcocystis spp. in cattle and swine is very high, sometimes reaching more than
90%. Cattle also harbor the species S. cruzi(alternatively referred to as S. bovica-
nis) and S. hirsuta(or S. bovifelis), whose definitive hosts are dogs and cats, respec-
tively, while swine are associated with S. miescheriana(or S. suicanis) and S. por-
cifelis,the definitive hosts of which are dogs and cats, respectively. Since it is
difficult to differentiate species in the intermediate host, it is not known what per-
centage of prevalence corresponds to the parasites that are infective for man. The
World Health Organization (1981) estimates that nearly half the muscular cysts in
cattle and swine correspond to S. hominis or S. suihominis. Indeed, in India it was
found that the prevalence of S. suihominisin swine was 47% and that of S.
miescherianawas 43% (Saleque and Bhatia, 1991). Other studies have shown that
rhesus monkeys can be infected with S. hominisand maintain an intestinal infection
for at least a week.

The Disease in Man:Intestinal sarcocystosis is usually asymptomatic.
Experimentally infected volunteers experienced nausea, abdominal pain, and diar-
rhea 3 to 6 hours after eating raw or undercooked beef containing S. hominis.
Abdominal pain and diarrhea recurred 14 to 18 days after ingestion of the beef, coin-
ciding with the maximum elimination of sporocysts in feces. Clinical symptoms
were more pronounced after the subjects ate pork containing cysts of S. suihominis.
Symptomatic infection is generally observed when the meat consumed contains a
large number of merozoites. In Thailand, several cases of sarcocystosis involved
acute intestinal obstruction, requiring resection of the affected segment of the small
intestine. Histopathological examination of the resected segments revealed
eosinophilic or necrotizing enteritis. It is possible that a bacterial superinfection also
may have been involved in the necrotizing enteritis (Bunyaratvej et al.,1982).
Human muscular sarcocystosis is usually discovered fortuitously during exami-
nation of muscle tissue for other reasons. Although the infection is nearly always
asymptomatic, in some cases muscular weakness, muscular pain, myositis, periar-
teritis, and subcutaneous tumefaction have been observed. However, in none of these
cases was there conclusive proof that the muscular cysts were the definite cause of
the clinical symptoms.
The Disease in Animals:There are several species of sarcocysts in nonhuman
mammals, which can occasionally cause intestinal or systemic disease. However,S.
hominisdoes not cause disease in cattle, and S. suihominisonly rarely causes severe
disease in swine (Barriga, 1997). When 29 suckling pigs were given 50,000 to
500,000 sporocysts of S. suihominis,severe pathologic manifestations were
observed 12 days after inoculation, and about half the animals died.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection for
human intestinal sarcocystosis is beef or pork containing mature sarcocysts. Only
the bradyzoites, which appear about two and a half months after infection of the
intermediate host, are infective for the definitive host. The mode of transmission is
through the ingestion of raw or undercooked infected meat. The sources of infection
for cattle and swine are the oocysts or sporocysts of S. hominisand S. suihominis,
respectively, shed in the feces of infected individuals. The mode of transmission is
through contamination of pastures or feedlots with feces and the eventual ingestion
thereof by cattle or swine. The sarcocysts have strict host specificity, so it is clear
that other vertebrate species are not directly involved in transmission.
The epidemiology of human muscular sarcocystosis has not yet been clarified. It
may be that S. lindemanniis a parasite of man, albeit an infrequent one, with an
unknown carnivorous or omnivorous definitive host that has the opportunity to con-
sume human cadavers. Some authors have suggested that the reports of human cases
of sarcosporidia are based on erroneous diagnoses. Taking into account the mor-
phology of the sarcocysts, Beaver (1979) and Kan and Pathmanathan (1991) have
suggested that man might be an aberrant host of sarcocysts that normally infect the
musculature of monkeys. The relative frequency of the infection in areas where there
are large numbers of monkeys gives some credence to this hypothesis.
Diagnosis:Human intestinal sarcocystosis can be diagnosed by confirming the
presence of oocysts or mature sporocysts in feces starting on day 9 or 10 following
the ingestion of infected meat. The outer wall of the oocysts is very thin and often

ruptures, which accounts for the presence of sporocysts in feces. The most efficient
way to recover them from feces is by zinc sulfate flotation. S. hominis sporocysts
measure 13 to 17 µm by 10.8 µm, and those of S. suihominis,11.6 to 13.9 µm by 10
to 10.8 µm (Frenkel et al.,1979). Both exhibit interior residue, but neither of them
has a Stieda body.
Muscular cysts in cattle and swine are found along the length of the muscle fiber
and are whitish in color, often microscopic in size, and have the shape of a long
cylinder. The cyst wall forms internal septa that separate the bradyzoites into
banana-shaped compartments measuring 6 to 20 µm by 4 to 9 µm (Gorman, 1984).
The cysts are found most often in the cardiac muscle, esophagus, and diaphragm of
adult cattle and swine. They can be observed by trichinoscopy and, more effectively,
by microscopy following tryptic digestion of the infected meat. The sarcocysts are
similar to those in man, but they can sometimes be as long as 5 cm and are visible
to the naked eye.
Serologic tests (indirect immunofluorescence and ELISA) are not considered use-
ful in diagnosing the intestinal infection (WHO, 1981), but studies are being done to
assess their effectiveness in the diagnosis of muscular infection (Habeeb et al., 1996).
Control:Cattle or swine should be prevented from ingesting infected human
feces, and humans should avoid eating raw or undercooked meat. In the first case,
measures should be taken to properly dispose of human waste in rural settings where
there are large numbers of cattle and swine. Except in areas where there are high
rates of human infection, it is probably not necessary to treat infected individuals in
order to reduce contamination of the environment. The population should be edu-
cated about the risk of infection when raw meat is consumed, and veterinary inspec-
tion of slaughterhouses should be improved. Freezing of meat reduces the number
of viable cysts.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Beaver, P.C., K. Gadgil, P. Morera. Sarcocystis in man: A review and report of five cases.
Am J Trop Med Hyg 28:819–844, 1979.
Bunyaratvej, S., P. Bunyawongwiroj, P. Nitiyanant. Human intestinal sarcosporidiosis:
Report of six cases. Am J Trop Med Hyg31:36–41, 1982.
el Naga, I.F., A.Y. Negm, H.N. Awadalla. Preliminary identification of an intestinal coccid-
ian parasite in man. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 28:807–814, 1998.
Frenkel, J.K., A.O. Heydorn, H. Mehlhorn, M. Rommel. Sarcocystinae:Nomina dubia and
available names. Z Parasitenkd 58:115–139, 1979.
Gorman, T. Nuevos conceptos sobre sarcosporidiosis animal. Monogr Med Vet 6:5–23,
Habeeb, Y.S., M.A. Selim, M.S. Ali, L.A. Mahmoud, A.M. Abdel Hadi, A. Shafei.
Serological diagnosis of extraintestinal sarcocystosis. J Egypt Soc Parasitol26:393–400,
Kan, S.P., R. Pathmanathan. Review of sarcocystosis in Malaysia. Southeast Asian J Trop
Med Public Health22 Suppl:129–134, 1991.
Markus, M.B. Sarcocystis and sarcocystosis in domestic animals and man. Adv Vet Sci
Comp Med 22:159–193, 1978.

Rommel, M. Recent advances in the knowledge of the biology of cyst-forming coccidia.
Angew Parasitol30:173–183, 1989.
Saleque, A., B.B. Bhatia. Prevalence of Sarcocystisin domestic pigs in India. Vet Parasitol
40:151–153, 1991.
Wong, K.T., R. Pathmanathan. High prevalence of human skeletal muscle sarcocystosis in
south-east Asia. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg86:631–632, 1992.
World Health Organization (WHO). Intestinal Protozoan and Helminthic Infections. Report
of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1981. (Technical Report Series 666.)
ICD-10 B58 Toxoplasmosis; P37.1 Congenital toxoplasmosis
Etiology:The agent of these infections is Toxoplasma gondii,a coccidium
belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa and related to Sarcocystis. T. gondii can com-
plete its evolutionary cycle in the intestine of the cat and other felines, which are the
definitive hosts. In addition, it can, and usually does, take advantage of an interme-
diate host, which may be any of some 200 species of vertebrates. The fact that man
is an intermediate host makes it medically important.
When the parasites are ingested by a cat (see Source of Infection and Mode of
Transmission), they invade the feline’s intestinal cells and multiply asexually by
merogony for several generations. They then multiply sexually by gametogony and
produce immature oocysts that cause the host cells to rupture, after which they are
eventually evacuated in the feces. The oocysts measure 10 µm by 12 µm and have a
single zygote inside. The cat sheds the oocytes for a period of 1 or 2 weeks, and then
the cat develops immunity. Outside the host, the oocysts mature in 1 to 5 days,
depending on the temperature and humidity of the environment, at which point they
form sporulated oocysts (11 µm by 13 µm), each containing two sporozoites (6 µm
by 8 µm) without a Stieda body and each of the latter containing four more sporo-
zoites (2 µm by 6–8 µm) inside it (Dubey and Beattie, 1988).
In the intermediate host, which can include man and the cat, parasites are released
in the small intestine and invade the epithelial cells, where they multiply until they
rupture the cells. They are then disseminated by the lymphatic system or the blood-
stream, either as free forms or inside macrophages or leukocytes. Although most of
the parasites are captured by the lymph nodes, they can also be found inside
macrophages or monocytes, and in some cases they bypass the lymph nodes and
spread throughout the rest of the organism. These parasites, or tachyzoites, are
banana-shaped and measure 6 µm by 2 µm. They are very active, and their cycles of
invasion, multiplication, and cell rupture continue for one to two weeks, until the
host develops a degree of immunity. At that point they begin to be replaced in the
tissues by bradyzoites (7 µm by 1.5 µm, also banana-shaped), which are more slow-
moving. The bradyzoites accumulate in the cytoplasm of the parasitized cells and
encase themselves in a membrane, forming a cyst. Tachyzoites, also referred to as

proliferative forms or trophozoites, are typical of the acute, or active, phase of the
infection, while bradyzoites, also known as cystic forms or cystozoites, are typical
of the latent, or chronic, infection and can persist in tissue throughout the life of the
host. These forms can parasitize any nucleated cell, but tachyzoites show a prefer-
ence for macrophages and monocytes, while bradyzoites are seen more often in
muscle and nerve tissue.
Geographic Distribution:Worldwide. This is one of the most widespread of all
the zoonoses.
Occurrence in Man:The infection is very common, but the clinical disease is
relatively rare. Studies have shown that between 16% and 40% of the population in
the US and Great Britain and from 50% to 80% of the people in continental Europe
and Latin America have antibodies to the parasite, indicating that they have been
infected at some time (Barriga, 1997). Most of those with bradyzoite cysts, given
that they often persist for the life of the host, have a latent infection. The prevalence
rate is usually higher in warm, humid climates than in cold, dry ones, and it is also
higher at lower elevations and in older persons. The seropositivity rate in human
populations, for whom the cause of infection is mainly the consumption of infected
meat (see Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission), is low in children up to
5 years of age, but then it begins to increase and reaches its highest levels in the pop-
ulation 20 to 50 years old. In areas where the main cause of infection is the inges-
tion of contaminated soil, the infection rate is also high in children because of their
inclination to get dirt on their hands.
The clinical disease usually occurs sporadically and has low levels of incidence.
However, occasionally there are small epidemics attributed to the consumption of
infected meat (Choi et al.,1997) or contaminated water (Mullens, 1996). The epi-
demic reported by Mullens (1996) affected more than 110 persons and it may be the
largest one on record. In 1979, an outbreak of acute toxoplasmosis affected 39 of 98
soldiers in a company that had been practicing maneuvers in the jungles of Panama.
The source of infection was deemed to be the consumption of water from a stream
that may have been contaminated with the feces of wild felines (Benenson et al.,
The infection or disease also occurs in recipients of organ transplants. Gallino et
al. (1996) studied 121 heart transplant patients in Switzerland and found that 16 had
recent T. gondii infections, 5 of them with clinical manifestations; 61% of the cases
were infections that had been transmitted along with the transplanted organ and 7%
were reactivations of a latent infection that the recipient had had before.
The congenital infection is particularly important because of the severity of the
sequelae in both the fetus and the newborn. In the US, some 3,000 babies are born
every year with congenital toxoplasmosis and the annual cost of treating this disease
is between US$ 31 and US$ 40 million. The frequency of toxoplasmosis has been
calculated at 1 per 4,000 births in the US, and in France the rate is 1 per 1,500. In
Norway, Jenum et al. (1998) found that 10.9% of 35,940 pregnant women had been
infected before pregnancy and that 0.17% became infected during pregnancy, most
notably in the first trimester. Twenty-three percent of those who were infected gave
birth to infected babies: 13% of the fetuses became infected during the first
trimester, 29% in the second trimester, and 50% in the third. In Great Britain, a study
found the infection in 6.8% to 17.8% of pregnant women, and 0.4% of these infec-

tions were recent. It is estimated that the rate of congenital infection is about 10
newborns for every 10,000 deliveries. In Spain, the infection affects 56.7% of the
general population, but primary infection in pregnant women is only 0.056%
(Rodríguez et al.,1996). In a region of Colombia, the rate of congenital infection
has been estimated at between 30 and 120 for every 8,000 pregnancies (Gómez-
Marín et al.,1997).
Toxoplasmosis is more severe in immunodeficient individuals, whose condition
appears to facilitate the infection. Bossi et al. (1998) found that 399 (24.5%) of
1,628 AIDS patients had encephalitis caused by Toxoplasma,which is rare in
immunocompetent persons; 97% of the patients had antibodies to the parasite, 13%
had relapses, and 84% died during the course of the study. A study in Thailand
revealed an infection rate of 13.1% in pregnant women who were HIV-negative and
21.1% in women who were HIV-positive (Chintana et al., 1998).
Occurrence in Animals:The infection has been confirmed in some 200 species
of vertebrates, including primates, ruminants, swine, equines, carnivores, rodents,
marsupials, insectivores, and numerous avian species. Wild, as well as domestic,
felines have been infected with Toxoplasma. In Córdoba, Argentina, when 23 spec-
imens of wild cats (Oncifelis geoffroyi,Felis colocolo,or Felis eira) were studied
using both serologic and parasitologic tests, oocysts were found in 37% of the ani-
mals and positive serologic reactions in 59% (Pizzi et al.,1978). Among domestic
animals, high reactor rates have been found in cats, sheep, goats, and swine; lower
levels in horses and dogs; and low levels in cattle. In some places, 25% to 45% of
the cats are seropositive. For example, studies conducted in Costa Rica using either
serologic tests or isolation of the parasite showed that 60 of 237 cats (25.3%) were
infected. In 55 of the animals (23%) the parasite was identified by isolation from
feces and inoculation in mice, and 82% of the isolations corresponded to cats under
6 months of age. It is of interest to point out that 60% of the cats found to have
oocysts in their feces were negative in the serologic tests, which indicates that they
were suffering from a primary infection (Ruiz and Frenkel, 1980). In the US, two
studies of cats demonstrated the presence of the parasite in the brain of 24.3% and
11% of the felines, respectively (Dubey, 1973). In animals, as in man, the seroposi-
tivity rate increases with age.
Confirmation of the parasite’s presence in the meat of food animals is of special
interest for public health, since undercooked meat is one of the principal sources of
infection for man. In Europe, parasitism rates in excess of 50% have been found in
the meat of sheep and swine slaughtered in abattoirs. In Canada, the infection was
found in 3.5% to 13.2% of pigs that underwent federal inspection, while in Japan
the rates are much lower. Cattle, on the other hand, are more resistant to the infec-
tion: they have low, brief serologic titers, and parasites are isolated from them only
rarely (Dubey and Streitel, 1976). Although there have been sporadic reports in the
past of abundant T. gondiiisolations from cattle, it is now believed that the organ-
ism was actually Neospora caninum,a tissue coccidium discovered in 1988, which
has been found in ruminants, equines, and dogs (Barriga, 1997).
Most infections in animals are clinically inapparent. The clinical forms are simi-
lar to those seen in man. The cases occur sporadically, with the following excep-
tions: in sheep and goats the congenital infection is common, and in swine there
have been infrequent epizootic outbreaks in several parts of the world. Dogs can

develop manifestations that are mistaken for distemper, but such cases are rare. The
greatest damage caused by toxoplasmosis in sheep and goats, and sometimes swine,
is abortion and the birth of infected offspring, in which perinatal fatality can be as
high as 50%.
The Disease in Man:Toxoplasmosis acquired postnatally is usually a mild dis-
ease. Most of the infections are inapparent, and of the symptomatic infections, about
90% produce mild fever, persistent lymphadenopathy in one or more lymph nodes,
and asthenia. Toxoplasmosis can easily be mistaken for influenza or infectious
mononucleosis. As a rule, the patient recovers spontaneously in a few weeks or
months. About 4% of symptomatic patients have neurological manifestations rang-
ing from cephalalgia, lethargy, and facial paralysis to hemiplegia, severe reflex alter-
ations, and coma. A small proportion of symptomatic patients may exhibit muscu-
lar signs with myositis and weakness. There are also reports of myocarditis and
pneumonitis caused by Toxoplasma,but such cases do not appear to be common.
Unlike the foregoing manifestations of acute toxoplasmosis, an ocular form with
subsequent uveitis may be seen in adolescents, either as a reactivation of congenital
toxoplasmosis or as a delayed manifestation of postnatally acquired toxoplasmosis.
Encephalitis caused by T. gondiiis common in immunodeficient patients but rare in
immunocompetent individuals. Ferrer et al. (1996) reviewed 63 cases and found that
the most frequent clinical manifestations were focal neurological signs (80.9%),
cephalalgia (53.3%), and fever (42.4%). Only 6% of the patients had new infections;
87.3% of the cases were reactivations of an earlier infection. The average survival
was 11.5 months. Retinitis and pneumonitis caused by Toxoplasmaare also common
in AIDS patients.
Although congenital toxoplasmosis is not very frequent, it can cause severe dis-
ease and sequelae. Fetal infection occurs only when the pregnant mother acquires an
acute or primary infection, either symptomatic or not, that generates parasitemia and
permits transplacental transmission. Since the infection confers lifelong immunity,
intrauterine transmission of the parasite does not occur in subsequent pregnancies
except when the mother is severely immunocompromised. Observations indicate
that the seriousness of the congenital infection depends on the duration of the fetal
infection and that the most severe cases stem from infection in the first trimester of
pregnancy (WHO, 1979). Early transmission causes few cases of fetal infection, but
the risk of severe fetal illnesses is great. Only about 13% of children with toxoplas-
mosis acquired the infection during the first trimester in utero(Jenum et al., 1998),
but an estimated 80% of them can be expected to suffer severe disease. Of the
approximately 29% who become infected in the second trimester, 30% will have
serious disease. Of the 50% who become infected in the third trimester, 70% to 90%
are born with an inapparent infection, but they may develop ocular or neurological
sequelae after several weeks or months. The symptoms of congenital toxoplasmosis
are highly varied. Early infection can cause pre- or postnatal death or severe dam-
age to the fetus. Later infection can cause generalized disease in utero,subsequent
invasion of the nervous system, and the birth of children with sequelae such as
hydrocephaly, chorioretinitis, or cerebral calcifications. Even later infection may
result in the birth of a child already in the active stage of chorioretinitis or encephali-
tis. When the infection occurs shortly before delivery, the child may be born with an
inapparent infection; or with fever, eruptions, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, or pneu-

monia; or with a generalized infection that compromises the hematopoietic, reticu-
loendothelial, or pulmonary systems.
Ocular toxoplasmosis deserves special mention. The most common manifestation
of this form is retinochoroiditis (more than 80% of the cases), but there can be other
lesions and alterations, such as strabismus, nystagmus, and microphthalmia. Ocular
lesions are common in newborn infants with toxoplasmosis, and they are almost
always bilateral. Later manifestations of the lesion tend to be unilateral.
Most of the pathology of toxoplasmosis appears to involve the destruction of host
cells during the multiplication of tachyzoites. It has also been shown that the pro-
duction of cytokines during the immune response to the parasite can influence the
The Disease in Animals:As in man, the infection is very common but the clini-
cal disease is relatively infrequent. Its effects are particularly important in sheep and
goats because it causes abortions and disease in newborns, resulting in serious eco-
nomic losses, especially in Australia, Great Britain, and New Zealand. In Tasmania,
Australia,T. gondii was believed to have been the etiology in 46% of the outbreaks
of abortion and neonatal mortality in sheep between 1962 and 1968 (Munday,
1975). Congenitally infected lambs lack muscular coordination, they are physically
weak, and they are unable to feed themselves. Congenital toxoplasmosis occurs in
lambs only when the ewe is infected during pregnancy. When the fetus is infected
between days 45 and 55 of gestation, it usually dies; if the infection is acquired in
the third month of pregnancy, the lambs are born but they are sick; if it occurs after
4 months, the lambs may be born with the infection but they are asymptomatic.
Disease in adult sheep is rare. Some authors have defended the use of sheep rather
than mice as animal models for the human infection, because the clinical character-
istics of ovine congenital toxoplasmosis are similar to those seen in man. In swine,
there have been reports of outbreaks with manifestations such as pneumonia,
encephalitis, and abortion (Dubey, 1977).
Dogs have a high infection rate, and the clinical picture can resemble distemper.
Cats also have a high infection rate. Both the intestinal and the systemic infections
tend to be asymptomatic in cats, but cases have been reported with generalized,
intestinal, encephalic, and ocular manifestations, particularly in young animals.
Artificially infected young cats have developed diarrhea, hepatitis, myocarditis,
myositis, pneumonia, and encephalitis. Toxoplasmosis has also been observed in
rabbits, guinea pigs, and other laboratory animals, sometimes with fatal outcome.
Because toxoplasmosis is a strong trigger for helper lymphocyte type 2 immune
reactions (cell-mediated immunity), the infection may interfere with experimental
Toxoplasmosis in birds can be very common, but it is rarely symptomatic. In
Costa Rica T. gondii was isolated from 54% of 50 chickens even though no anti-
bodies were found. In acute cases, necrotic foci have been observed in the liver,
spleen, lungs, and lymph nodes.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The human infection can be
acquired in utero or postnatally. In the US, it is estimated that fewer than 0.1% of
infected adults have acquired the infection congenitally. After birth, the intermedi-
ate hosts, including man, can be infected by eating raw or undercooked meat, espe-
cially pork or lamb, or by ingesting mature oocysts from earth, water, or food con-

taminated with the feces of infected cats. In Thailand, a study of 1,200 pregnant
women showed that 13% were infected. The rate was 19.5% in women who ate
undercooked meat and only 9.6% in those who did not. When this factor was
excluded, the rate was 31.8% for women who had cats in their home and 19.3% for
those who did not (Chintana et al., 1998). In Ireland, Taylor et al. (1997) found an
infection rate of 12.8% in 1,276 children between 4 and 18 years of age.
Presumably, infection acquired from infected earth or food played an important role,
because the rate was higher in rural areas (16.6%) than in cities (10.2%); these
results correlated with titers for Toxocara canis,which is acquired from ingesting
contaminated earth. As in other studies, no correlation was found with the presence
of domestic cats. This result may be due to the fact that the populations studied were
mainly infected through the consumption of contaminated meat, or else because cats
shed oocysts for only 1 or 2 weeks; hence, the infection correlates more with the
existence of a contaminated environment that with the presence of these animals.
Cats and other felines are very important links in the epidemiology of toxoplas-
mosis. Unlike man, other omnivores and carnivores can become infected by ingest-
ing food, especially meat, contaminated with oocysts. Sheep, which are one of the
main sources of human infection, become infected only by ingesting oocysts. It
appears that cats are a significant factor in the contamination of pastures, because a
single infected cat produces millions of oocysts, which survive in the ground for
almost a year as long as they are protected from the sun and from drying out. The
results of studies conducted on islands near Australia lend credence to this idea: only
2% of the sheep raised on the islands without cats had antibodies to T. gondii,
whereas antibodies were found in 32% of the sheep on the islands with cats.
Apparently, the main sources of infection for cats are rodents or birds infected with
bradyzoite cysts: some experiments have shown that oocysts infect a smaller pro-
portion of cats than do cysts and that most cats develop antibodies against the para-
site at around the age when they begin to hunt. Although there have been reports of
cats infected with tachyzoites, these forms cannot be very efficient because they are
destroyed by gastric acid. At some point between 3 and 21 days after the initial
infection, the cat begins to shed oocysts in its feces for a period of 1 or 2 weeks, thus
contaminating the environment. The infection generates sufficient immunity to stave
off any future clinical infections for the rest of the cat’s life. However, the oocysts
can remain viable for about a year in environments that are cool, humid, and shady.
Even though it is difficult to diagnose clinical infection in a cat, positive serology
indicates that the animal has already had an infection, and in that case it poses no
risk of contamination because it will no longer shed any oocysts.
It has been pointed out that there is a correlation between meat handling and the
prevalence of seropositivity. In a serologic survey of 144 employees and workers at
a slaughterhouse in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, the prevalence of positive reactors was
72%, with the highest rate among meat inspectors (92%) and the lowest rate among
workers in the corrals (60%) (Riemann et al.,1975). Higher reactor rates have also
been found in housewives who handle meat in the kitchen compared with the gen-
eral population. Presumably, their hands become contaminated by infected meat and
transmission occurs via the oral route. Recent studies have suggested that
coprophilic flies and cockroaches may act as transport hosts carrying cat fecal
oocysts to human food, which would account for infections in vegetarians.
Contamination of the soil with oocysts from wild felines would account for infec-

tions contracted by indigenous peoples living along the banks of the upper Xingú
River in Brazil, who do not keep domestic cats and do not eat raw meat.
The literature also cites a few cases of transmission to man through raw milk
(Riemann et al.,1975; Chiari and Neves, 1984), eggs, transfusions, and accidental
inoculations in the laboratory, but these cases are not significant from the epidemi-
ologic standpoint. Congenital transmission in humans, despite its clinical signifi-
cance, is also unimportant epidemiologically, both because it is relatively rare and
also because the infected person is a source of infection only for the fetus during the
acute phase. Congenital transmission is infrequent in all animals except sheep and
goats. Because the latter are a source of infection for man, they are the only species
that are epidemiologically significant.
Diagnosis:Specific diagnosis can be made in acute-phase patients by directly
visualizing the parasite in fluid or tissue, but this is a difficult and low-yield process.
The parasite can also be isolated from organic fluid or tissue by intraperitoneal inoc-
ulation in mice. In chronic cases, samples of muscle or brain tissue may be subjected
to peptic digestion before inoculation (this procedure is not recommended in acute
cases because the tachyzoites are destroyed by gastric acid). During the first week
after inoculation, tachyzoites may appear in the peritoneal exudate of the mice. At 6
weeks, serologic diagnosis is performed on the surviving animals, and, if the result
is positive, the mice are sacrificed to confirm the presence of cysts in the brain.
A diagnosis may also be obtained with serologic tests. The following procedures
are generally used: Sabin-Feldman (S-F) dye test, indirect immunofluorescence
(IIF), indirect hemagglutination (IHA), complement fixation (CF), direct agglutina-
tion (DA), and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The S-F dye test is
based on the fact that live tachyzoites do not ordinarily stain with methylene blue
but they do stain if they have been subjected to the lethal action of antibodies and
complement; if the patient is infected, the serum to be studied provides the anti-
Toxoplasmaantibodies. With membrane antigen, the S-F test, IIF, and ELISA are
sensitive, specific, and often preferred over clinical tests because they give earlier
results and make it possible to diagnose active infection. However, the S-F test is
being replaced by IIF, even though the results are equivalent, because the former
entails manipulating live parasites and breeding mice. Positive results from IHA can
be obtained later and over a longer period, but it is of little use during the acute phase
of the infection. CF is a more difficult test to perform and does not offer any advan-
tages over the ones already mentioned; consequently, its use is in decline. DA with
membrane antigen is a simple, low-cost technique that diagnoses acute infections. It
was recently introduced to test for infections in patients with AIDS. Some of these
serologic tests, particularly ELISA, have been modified for use in diagnosing infec-
tion in food animals. Polymerase chain reaction has been used to confirm the pres-
ence of parasite DNA in adult or fetal fluids.
Clinicians are especially interested in developing a test that can distinguish
between the acute and chronic forms of the infection, given the importance of the
former in congenital transmission. IIF and ELISA are particularly appropriate for
this purpose because they make it possible to determine the presence of IgM anti-
bodies, which appear and disappear before the IgG antibodies. In acute acquired
toxoplasmosis, IgM antibodies peak during the first month of the disease and persist
for an average of eight months, although in some patients they may be present for

years. In the case of acute infection, it is believed that the study of IgG antibody
avidity (the total combined power of an antibody molecule and its antigen, which
depends on the number of binding sites and the affinity of each) and the presence of
IgA antibodies give better results than merely verifying the presence of IgM anti-
bodies (Rodríguez et al.,1996).
Because IgM does not cross the placenta, the presence of these antibodies in the
serum of newborns is reliable evidence that the fetus developed them in uteroand
that the infant was born with the infection. In the US, the Food and Drug
Administration recently studied six commercial kits to ascertain the presence of IgM
antibodies for toxoplasmosis and found that they all had greater than 93% sensitiv-
ity; however, the specificity of three of them was lower than 90% (Wilson et al.,
1997). For diagnosing toxoplasmosis in the fetus, the most useful tests are ultra-
sound, demonstration of specific IgM antibodies in the umbilical cord, and verifica-
tion of parasite DNA in amniotic fluid (Beazley and Egerman, 1998).
It has also been proposed to investigate the presence of IgE antibodies for
Toxoplasmaas an indicator of acute infection, even though they appear after the
infection and persist for only three to five months. Unfortunately, the specificity of
the antibodies is high (98%), but their sensitivity is low (76%); hence, the absence
of IgE antibodies does not rule out acute infection (Gross et al., 1997). Another pro-
cedure used for determining the presence of acute infection is the evolution of IgG
antibody titers, for which purpose a quantitative serologic test is used and is repeated
after two to four weeks. If the titers increase after more than three dilutions, it may
be speculated that the patient’s immune system is responding actively to the parasite
and therefore he or she must be in the active phase of the infection.
The toxoplasmin skin test reveals past infections and is mainly useful in epi-
demiologic studies. The reaction demonstrates type IV delayed hypersensitivity. The
positive response appears several months after the initial infection and may last for
The intestinal infection in cats is diagnosed by feces flotation procedures, which
permit observation of the small immature oocysts that are characteristic of the par-
asite. However, it is difficult to find positive cats with this test because they shed
oocysts for only 1 to 2 weeks starting 3 to 21 days after primary infection. In the US,
it has been estimated that, even though the infection affects 15% to 40% of the feline
population, fewer than 1% of the cats are shedding oocysts at any given moment.
Nevertheless, the infection in cats can be diagnosed remotely by serology. If a cat is
serologically positive, it has already had the infection. Since feline toxoplasmosis
leaves strong immunity against reinfection, the animal will not contaminate the
environment by shedding oocysts in the future.
Control:Two circumstances facilitate human postnatal Toxoplasma infection: the
ingestion of bradyzoites in infected undercooked meat, and the ingestion of oocysts
via hands or food contaminated with the feces of infected cats. Hence, the control
of human toxoplasmosis consists of avoiding these circumstances. Although the
measures apply to everyone, pregnant women and immunodeficient individuals
merit special attention, the former because of the possibility of congenital infection
and the latter because of the risk of developing a severe case. Sanitary education
should be directed particularly toward high-risk populations, and it should focus on
teaching people to avoid eating raw or undercooked meat and, in the case of food

handlers, to prevent their hands from becoming contaminated. Meat, particularly
pork and lamb, should be cooked until there is no reddish color left. Just as it is not
recommended to use microwave ovens to kill Trichinella,the same is true for
Toxoplasma,because these ovens do not cook meat evenly. Alternatively, freezing
the meat for more than three days at −15°Cor for more than two days at −20°C has
been shown to kill most of the bradyzoite cysts. Food handlers should avoid tasting
raw meat, and they should wash their hands carefully after touching it because water
destroys the tachyzoites.
Populations at risk should also be taught to prevent infection from oocysts. People
who keep cats in their homes, especially young animals that are just beginning to
hunt, should dispose of the cat’s fecal matter daily and rinse out the receptacles for
the feces with boiling water, thus eliminating the oocysts before they have a chance
to sporulate and become infective. These cats should be kept indoors and fed
canned, cooked, or previously frozen food to keep them from hunting and catching
infected rodents and birds and thus becoming infected. A serologically negative cat
in the home of a pregnant woman should be removed from the household because it
could acquire a primary infection and contaminate the environment with oocysts. It
has been shown in the laboratory that the addition of monensin (a carboxylic
ionophore produced by Streptomyces cinnamonensis) to dry cat food can suppress
the excretion of oocysts in feces (Frenkel and Smith, 1982). Pregnant women and
immunodeficient individuals should not perform tasks that expose them to poten-
tially contaminated soil (for example, gardening) unless they use waterproof gloves
and wash their hands carefully afterward. Fruit and vegetables that grow near the
ground should be washed or cooked, since they might be contaminated. Flies and
cockroaches should be controlled to prevent them from serving as transport hosts for
the fecal oocysts of cats.
It would appear that an effective means of controlling infection in newborns is to
identify pregnant women with acute infection and treat them. In Switzerland, 10 of
17 mothers treated during pregnancy had babies with antibodies to T. gondiiand
only 1 of them was infected, while 4 of 7 untreated mothers had infected babies
(Berger et al., 1995).
Preventing infection in sheep and swine requires eliminating cats and wild felines
from stables and pastures, which would be a major challenge. Veterinary inspection
of slaughterhouses, which has been effective in controlling trichinosis and teniasis,
is not being done for toxoplasmosis.
For some years, work has been under way to develop vaccines against toxoplas-
mosis for cats (Freyre et al., 1993), sheep (Wastling et al., 1995), and swine (Dubey
et al., 1998). So far, the only successful effort has been a modified live parasite vac-
cine for sheep, which is administered before impregnation to prevent congenital
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Ferrer, S., I. Fuentes, P. Domingo,et al. Toxoplasmosis encefálica en pacientes con infección
por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Características clínico-radiológicas y ter-
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Frenkel, J.K., D.D. Smith. Inhibitory effects of monesin on shedding of Toxoplasma oocysts
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Gross, U., O. Keksel, M.L. Darde. Value of detecting immunoglobulin E antibodies for the
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Riemann, H.P., A.T. Smith, C. Stormont,et al. Equine toxoplasmosis: A survey for antibod-
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ICD-10 B55.0
Synonyms:Kala-azar, black fever, Dum-dum fever, Sikari disease, Burdwan
fever, Shahib’s disease, infantile splenic fever, febrile tropical splenomegaly, post-
kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis.
Etiology:Although visceral leishmaniasis is generally caused by Leishmania
chagasi in the Americas and by L. donovani or L. infantum in the Old World (Wilson
and Streit, 1996), cases of visceral leishmaniasis due to L. amazonensis have been
reported (Barral et al., 1991), as have cases of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to L.
infantum (Giudice et al., 1998). Moreover,L. donovani often causes cutaneous
lesions in man, and some subspecies of L. braziliensis and L. major are viscerotropic
in lower animals. Parasites characterized as L. tropica have also been isolated from
patients with visceral leishmaniasis in India and Israel (Lainson, 1982).
Leishmania chagasi,L. donovani,and L. infantum are considered subspecies or
members of a principal species or species complex called L. donovani sensu lato.
The leishmanias that cause the visceral form of the disease are indistinguishable
morphologically from those that cause the cutaneous and mucocutaneous forms (see
classification and taxonomy of leishmanias in the chapter on Cutaneous
The subspecies of L. donovani sensu lato were distinguished initially by differing
ecological, clinical, and epidemiological characteristics. Later, serologic, enzy-

matic, and molecular biology methods began to be used to differentiate them
(Minodier et al., 1997). Among the serologic techniques, the most well-known is the
Adler, or Noguchi-Adler, test, which relies on the fact that leishmanias clump
together and become immobilized when cultured in the serum of patients who have
suffered homologous infection. By means of this test,L. d. donovani can be distin-
guished from L. d. infantum and from the species that cause cutaneous leishmania-
sis in the Americas and in the Old World. However,L. d. infantum cannot be differ-
entiated from L. d. chagasi.
In humans and other mammal reservoirs, the parasite takes the form of intracel-
lular amastigotes within the macrophages. In the phlebotomine vectors and in cul-
ture, it occurs as a flagellate form, or the free promastigote, which is found in the
intestinal lumen and in the proboscis of the vector. Its life cycle is similar to that
described for cutaneous leishmaniasis, with the difference that the parasites do not
concentrate in the subcutaneous or submucosal macrophages but rather are distrib-
uted throughout the body with the circulating macrophages, and they multiply pref-
erentially in the spleen, the bone marrow, and the liver.
Geographic Distribution:Ninety percent of new annual cases of visceral leish-
maniasis come from five countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Nepal, and Sudan
(WHO, 2003). However, there are endemic areas and foci of kala-azar in several
places in the world. L. d. donovani occurs in Bangladesh and India and possibly in
China and Nepal. L. d. infantum is distributed across eastern, western, and central
Africa; the former Soviet republics of Central Asia; the Mediterranean coast of
Europe and Africa; Afghanistan; Saudi Arabia; north and northwest China; Egypt;
Iran; Iraq; Israel; and Yemen. L. d. chagasi is found in the northeastern region and
parts of the eastern region of Brazil, although small foci have also been confirmed
in the northern and center-west regions. Sporadic cases of the disease have been
diagnosed in northern Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay, Suriname, Venezuela, and on the islands
of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Some reports indicate that the infection could be
spreading to new areas in some countries, such as Brazil, Israel (Baneth et al., 1998),
and Sudan, and that the number of cases and the geographic distribution of both vis-
ceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis is expanding in several countries that border the
Mediterranean (Gradoni et al., 1996; Harrat et al., 1996; Lagardere et al., 1992).
Occurrence in Man:In most countries, visceral leishmaniasis occurs sporadi-
cally; however, it may sometimes reach epidemic proportions. In 1978, in northern
Bihar, India, some 50,000 cases occurred, and the infection spread to western
Bengal, with 7,500 cases reported in the first eight months of 1982. The largest num-
ber of cases occurred in a village in the same area in 1984 and 1985, but, with treat-
ment, the number then declined steadily until 1988, when no more cases were
reported (Dhiman and Sen, 1991). In China, the number of cases has declined,
thanks to rigorous control efforts. Prior to 1960, as many as 600,000 cases were
reported in the northeastern and northwestern parts of the country, whereas in 1979,
only 48 cases were reported, most of them in the northeast. As of 1990, the figures
remained at the same level (Guan, 1991). In Iraq, 1,969 clinical cases were reported
in 1974, but in the following years, the number decreased to about 500 cases a year.
In Sudan, between 3,000 and 5,000 cases a year were reported, although the preva-
lence was estimated to be much higher. However, between 1984 and 1994 an epi-

demic of visceral leishmaniasis broke out in a region of southern Sudan where the
disease had not previously occurred, causing 100,000 deaths in a population of
280,000 inhabitants, with average mortality ranging from 38%–57% (Seaman et al.,
1996). In Brazil, endemicity is highest in the states of Ceará and Bahia; 3,078 cases
were reported in that country between 1971 and 1980, 44.6% of them occurring in
Ceará (WHO, 1984). Between 1989 and 1991, a survey of 243 people in a village
of Bahia confirmed a new leishmaniasis focus: cutaneous tests were positive in close
to 30% of those surveyed and serologic tests indicated recent infection in 14%. Of
460 dogs examined, serologic tests were positive in 6% (Cunha et al., 1995).
Information for the country as a whole indicates that visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil
peaked in 1985, when 2,511 cases were reported, and that it had decreased signifi-
cantly by 1991.
Although the exact incidence of visceral leishmaniasis is not known, the number
of cases occurring each year around the world is estimated in the tens of thousands.
In the Americas, the western Mediterranean, and northern Africa, those most
affected are children under 1 year of age (infantile kala-azar), while in other areas,
children over the age of 5 and young adults are most affected (Marinkele, 1981).
Occurrence in Animals:Studies of the prevalence of leishmaniasis in animals
generally focus on dogs because they constitute the main source of infection for
humans in many areas and because they are the most frequent victims of the infec-
tion in southern Europe. However, both wild canids and rodents can also be reser-
voirs in specific areas.
In the state of Ceará, Brazil, a survey conducted between 1953 and 1962 found
the infection in 1.9% of 35,272 dogs with clinical symptomatology and in 1.5% of
285,592 apparently healthy dogs (Deane and Deane, 1962). In the state of Bahia,
10,132 dogs were examined between 1962 and 1969 and 1.7% were positive; in the
known foci of human kala-azar, prevalence rates were as high as 25% (Sherlock and
Almeida, 1970). In another study of 1,681 dogs in the state of Bahia, 23.5% were
found to have antibodies against Leishmania and L. chagasi parasites were isolated
from eight dogs (Paranhos-Silva et al.,1996). Infection rates of 4% and 12% were
also found in Lycalopex vetulus foxes in Brazil. In northern Iran, 4 of 161 jackals
and 3 of 100 dogs whose viscera and skin were examined for parasites tested posi-
tive, and for 6 of 48 jackals and 6 of 34 dogs results of immunofluorescence tests
were seropositive (Hamidi et al., 1982). In a leishmaniasis focus in Tuscany, Italy,
2.9% of 103 dogs were seropositive and 1% showed clinical symptoms. In another
focus, 23.9% of 250 dogs examined were seropositive, 10% had lesions, and 7% had
positive microscopy (Gradoni et al., 1980).
The Disease in Man:The incubation period is generally two to six months, but
it may range from 10 days to several years. The promastigotes inoculated by a phle-
botomine into human skin are engulfed by macrophages, where they become
amastigotes. In some patients, especially in Africa, a primary granuloma of the skin,
called a leishmanioma, forms several months before systemic symptoms appear.
Leishmanias multiply slowly by binary fission in the macrophages. Some para-
sitized macrophages spread to the local lymph nodes. From there they enter the
bloodstream and reach the viscera, particularly the spleen, the liver, and the bone
marrow, where the leishmanias then multiply rapidly in the fixed macrophages, pro-
ducing reticuloendotheliosis, which ultimately destroys the macrophages.

In inhabitants of endemic areas, the disease’s onset is insidious and its course is
chronic. However, in persons from areas free from the disease, onset may be abrupt.
Fever is prolonged and undulating, often with two daily peaks. Some patients expe-
rience cough, diarrhea, and symptoms of intercurrent infections. The disease is char-
acterized by splenomegaly and, later, by hepatomegaly. Lymphadenopathy is com-
mon in some regions, such as Africa and the Mediterranean. Other symptoms may
include anemia with leukopenia, edema, darkening of the skin, and emaciation. The
abdomen sometimes becomes distended from the splenomegaly and the
hepatomegaly. Petechiae and hemorrhage of the mucous membranes are frequent
and are indicative of clotting problems. Secondary infections are also common.
Mortality is very high in untreated patients. L. donovani infection is not always
accompanied by serious symptoms; it may occur asymptomatically or produce only
mild symptoms, depending on the host’s degree of resistance. The immune system
of some patients is able to control the infection, but the proportion of people who
recover spontaneously is not known.
In the infection foci studied in Ceará, Brazil, 67% of the patients were 0 to 4 years
old. In the Mediterranean basin, the prevalence of infections caused by L. d. infan-
tumby age group is similar. In India, in contrast, the infection is more prevalent in
young adults.
In the Americas, cutaneous kala-azar lesions are very rarely seen, but the parasites
have been found in macroscopically normal skin. In India, in contrast, the skin of
patients often takes on a gray hue (the name kala-azar means “black fever”), espe-
cially on feet, hands, and abdomen. In Kenya and Sudan in Africa, and in the
Mediterranean and China, patients may develop nodular lesions. Another type of
lesion that frequently appears about a year after treatment with antimony is
post–kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis. These sequelae are common in the Old World,
occurring in up to 56% of cases (Zijlstra et al., 1995); however, they are rare in the
There is solid evidence from both experimental animals and man that the immune
response of the T helper 1 lymphocytes (cell-mediated immunity)—especially the
production of gamma interferon and tumor necrosis factor alpha—protects against
leishmaniasis, and the infection may resolve spontaneously or remain asympto-
matic. There is also some evidence that these reactions might contribute to tissue
damage in cutaneous leishmaniasis (Ribeiro de Jesus et al., 1998).
Visceral leishmaniasis in AIDS patients is similar to the disease in immunocom-
petent individuals, but it is more severe and far more prevalent, recurs more fre-
quently, and is more often resistant to antimonials (Altes et al., 1991; López-Vélez
et al., 1998). In several organ transplant recipients, the disease recurred after treat-
ment, resulting in the death of some patients (Berenguer et al., 1998).
The Disease in Animals:Visceral leishmaniasis in domestic dogs also occurs in
geographic foci. Frequently, but not always, the prevalence in man and dogs in the
same area is similar, although there may be areas of canine infection where no
human infection exists. The disease causes cutaneous and systemic lesions, but the
former are more evident. The incubation period is three to seven months. The sever-
ity of the disease varies. The cutaneous lesions are non-pruritic and include areas of
alopecia, desquamation, and inflammation. They occur mostly around the eyes, ears,
face, and feet. Although the lesions may evolve and become nodules, ulcerations,

and scabs, it is uncommon for pustules to form. The most frequent systemic mani-
festations are intermittent fever, anemia, hypergammaglobulinemia, hypoalbumine-
mia, lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, lethargy, and weight loss. Episodes of diar-
rhea, glomerulonephritis, and polyarthritis sometimes also occur. Antimonial
treatment is not very effective and recurrences are frequent (Barriga, 1997). Severity
of clinical symptoms does not appear to be related to parasite load, as very heavily
parasitized dogs may have mild symptomatology. In Brazil, more than 30% of
infected dogs had no apparent clinical symptoms (Hipólito et al., 1965). Infection in
the fox Lycalopex vetulus in northeast Brazil is similar to that of dogs. Some ani-
mals may have clinically inapparent infections, while others manifest different
forms of the disease, including very serious and even fatal cases.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The epidemiology of the dis-
ease varies from region to region and from one area to another. In the Americas, the
reservoirs of visceral leishmaniasis are dogs and the wild canids. The infection is
spread among canids and from these animals to man by the bite of the phlebotomine
fly Lutzomyia longipalpis. The epidemic significance of the man-dog link seems to
vary from area to area; while some authors have found no correlation between the
prevalence in humans and in dogs (Paranhos-Silva et al., 1996) or no change in the
human prevalence after removal of infected dogs (Dietze et al., 1997), other authors
believe that elimination of infected dogs does reduce the prevalence of the infection
in humans (Ashford et al., 1998).
The most important endemic area in the Americas is in northeastern Brazil; the
main foci are distributed across a semiarid region that is subject to prolonged
droughts. The disease is basically rural, with a few cases occurring in populations or
places on the outskirts of cities. The distribution of kala-azar is focal. The largest
concentration of cases occurs in foothill areas or in mountain valleys, where the dis-
ease is endemic with periodic epidemic outbreaks. In the flatlands, on the other
hand, cases are sporadic and occur primarily in the most humid areas, near rivers.
In Brazil, the geographic distribution of the disease coincides with that of the vec-
tor. The main, and possibly the only, vector in the endemic area of northeastern
Brazil is the phlebotomine L. longipalpis,an abundant insect that reaches its high-
est density about two months after the heaviest rains and is resistant to drought. The
vector is found both outdoors and indoors. It feeds on dogs, wild animals, and, less
often, man.
Dogs are an especially suitable reservoir because they offer the vector direct
access to the parasitized macrophages of their cutaneous lesions. In studies con-
ducted in Ceará, Brazil, parasites were detected in the skin of 77.6% of 49 dogs with
visceral leishmaniasis but only in 16.3% of 43 human patients examined. In addi-
tion, humans have been found to have a lesser number of parasites in their skin than
dogs. Amastigotes are scarce in human skin and only rarely serve as a source of
infection for the vector.
A wild host of visceral leishmaniasis in northeastern Brazil is the fox Lycalopex
vetulus,which often comes near houses to hunt chickens. Amastigotes are abun-
dant in the fox’s skin, and it is a great source of infection for the vector (Garnham,
1971). In the tropical rain forest region of the lower Amazon, such as the state of
Pará, where the number of cases in humans and domestic dogs is low, the reser-
voir of the parasite is suspected to be a wild canid. In this region,L. donovani has

been isolated from the fox Cerdocyon thous (Lainson et al.,1969; Silveira et al.,
In the Mediterranean basin, dogs are also the principal reservoir, while several
species of the genus Phlebotomusserve as vectors. In the Middle East, jackals and
dogs are the hosts and the main sources of infection for phlebotomines. In India, by
contrast, no dogs or other animals have been found to be infected, and man is the
main reservoir (Bhattacharya and Ghosh, 1983). Prevalence of the disease was very
high in the country’s large cities, but it was reduced significantly as a result of an
antimalaria campaign that eliminated both mosquitoes and phlebotomines. When
the campaign was discontinued, Bihar experienced an epidemic resurgence of kala-
azar (see Geographic Distribution and Occurrence in Man). In the absence of an ani-
mal reservoir, subclinical human infections may play an important role in maintain-
ing the disease (Manson and Apted, 1982). Person-to-person transmission takes
place by means of Phlebotomus argentipes,an eminently anthropophilic insect
which feeds solely on humans. In India, the number of parasites circulating in
human blood was found to be sufficient to infect the vector. Transmission occurs
inside houses, which constitute microfoci of infection (Manson and Apted, 1982). In
Sudan, the infection has been found in wild rodents of the species Arvicanthis niloti-
cus and Acomys albigena,domestic rats Rattus rattus,and carnivores Felis philippsi
and Genetta sangalensis. It is believed that rodents are the primary hosts for the
agent and that carnivores are secondary reservoirs. The vector is P.orientalis.
Humans develop parasitemia and, under epidemic conditions, can be a source of
infection for the vectors.
Numerous investigators believe that visceral leishmaniasis was originally an
infection that circulated enzootically among wild animals (canids and perhaps
rodents), and that later, domestic dogs were included in its cycle; eventually, the dis-
ease became an infection transmitted between humans without the intervention of an
animal reservoir, as is the case of kala-azar in India. An argument in favor of this
hypothesis is dogs’ low degree of adaptation to the parasite and their susceptibility
to the clinical disease, which suggests that they are a rather new host in the natural
history of the disease. In the Americas, it has been suggested that the fox Cerdocyon
thous,which becomes infected without becoming ill, could have been the original
reservoir. However, more research is needed, especially concerning rate of infection,
to confirm that this animal is the original reservoir (Lainson, 1983).
Diagnosis:Confirmation of visceral leishmaniasis is made by identifying the par-
asite. In the form of visceral leishmaniasis that occurs in the Americas, the parasite
can rarely be seen in films of peripheral blood; however, this technique can yield
positive results for kala-azar in India. The most sensitive procedure (98% positivity)
is splenic aspiration, but this technique entails high risk, especially in patients with
anemia and clotting problems. Aspiration of sternal or iliac bone marrow can detect
the presence of parasites in 54% to 86% of cases and lymph node aspiration can
detect them in 64% of cases (WHO, 1984). In the early stages of the disease, when
parasites are scarce, culture in Novy-McNeal-Nicolle or another appropriate
medium or intraperitoneal inoculation in hamsters can be used. Often, simultaneous
application of both methods yields better results. Polymerase chain reaction has
begun to be used more recently. This technique is as sensitive as microscopy of
lymph node and bone marrow aspirates in confirmed patients, but it offers the added

advantage of confirming the disease in suspected patients who have negative
microscopy. Although blood samples on filter paper can be used, the sensitivity of
the test increases if lymph node or bone marrow aspirates are used (Osman et al.,
1997). In dogs and other canids, the parasites can be observed or isolated by culture
or hamster inoculation, using material from cutaneous lesions or the viscera of dead
When the usual methods for detecting the parasite do not produce results or the
media needed to perform them are not available, immunologic tests are generally
used. The immunofluorescence test is useful, and although cross-reactions with T.
cruziare a drawback, these can be avoided by the use of specific antigens. The direct
agglutination test to detect visceral leishmaniasis has a sensitivity of over 99% and
a specificity of 96% if the appropriate dilution is used (Boelaert et al., 1999). The
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for IgG antibodies has exhibited
93.4% sensitivity and 93.6% specificity in Sudan (Elassad et al., 1994). In Portugal,
the ELISA test showed 100% sensitivity, 90.5% specificity, and 91.4% predictabil-
ity in man, with an adsorption cut-off value of 0.100; in dogs, it showed 80% sensi-
tivity, 94.3% specificity, and 96.6% predictability, with a cut-off of 0.200. However,
the reproducibility of the test was not entirely satisfactory (Mauricio et al., 1995).
Since in active visceral leishmaniasis there is a prevalence of T helper 2 lympho-
cyte response, which includes the production of IgE, the ELISA test for IgE anti-
bodies can indicate active infection. Atta et al. (1998) found these antibodies in 23
patients with visceral leishmaniasis, but did not find them in persons with subclini-
cal L. chagasi or T. cruzi infections or in healthy individuals. The values fell
markedly after treatment. A dot-ELISA test showed 98.5% sensitivity and 96.7%
specificity for detecting antigens of L. donovani in the circulation, and 98.5% sen-
sitivity and 98.9% specificity for detecting antibodies against L. infantum.
Control:Leishmaniasis control measures are directed against the vectors and
reservoirs. Application of residual insecticides such as DDT in and around dwellings
produced excellent results when use of this insecticide was permitted. The incidence
of kala-azar in India decreased markedly in the wake of the antimalaria campaign,
and the infection has virtually disappeared from the districts that were sprayed.
Spraying should not be limited to dwellings, but should also be done around animal
dens, stone walls, refuse dumps, and other places where the vector breeds.
In regions in which the infection is of zoonotic origin, it is considered important
to systematically eliminate infected dogs and, to the extent possible, control the fox
population. On the Greek island of Crete, destroying infected dogs brought down the
incidence of the disease in humans significantly. However, vigorous campaigns in
northeastern Brazil have not borne out the effectiveness of controlling dog popula-
tions and experimental studies have shown that eliminating dogs does not reduce the
incidence of human infection (Dietze et al., 1997). As no other important reservoirs
of L. chagasi have been found in those areas, the human infection apparently comes
from other humans. In regions in which the infection is of human origin, human
cases should be detected and treated. Although vaccination against leishmaniasis is
considered impractical because the infection inhibits immunity, experimental stud-
ies have demonstrated that partial protection was achieved in mice injected with L.
donovani promastigote antigens incorporated into liposomes (Ali and Afrin, 1997).
Mathematical models suggest that the most effective method for controlling visceral

leishmaniasis is insecticide application when the vector is accessible. The next most
effective control method is reduction of host susceptibility through improved nutri-
tion for children and vaccination of people and dogs. Elimination or treatment of
dogs that serve as reservoirs is considerably less effective than either of these meth-
ods (Dye, 1996).
Ali, N., F. Afrin. Protection of mice against visceral leishmaniasis by immunization with
promastigote antigen incorporated in liposomes. J Parasitol 83(1):70–75, 1997.
Altes, J., A. Salas, M. Riera,et al. Visceral leishmaniasis: Another HIV-associated oppor-
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Ashford, D.A., J.R. David, M. Freire,et al. Studies on control of visceral leishmaniasis:
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Atta, A.M., D. Oliveira, J. Correa, M.L. Atta, R.P. Almeida, E.M. Carvalho. Anti-leishma-
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Baneth, G., G. Dank, E. Keren-Kornblatt,et al. Emergence of visceral leishmaniasis in cen-
tral Israel. Am J Trop Med Hyg 59(5):722–725, 1998.
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Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
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Berenguer, J., F. Gómez-Campdera, B. Padilla,et al. Visceral leishmaniasis (Kala-Azar) in
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Bhattacharya, A., T.N. Ghosh. A search for leishmania in vertebrates from kala-azar-
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Lainson, R. The American leishmaniases: Some observations on their ecology and epi-
demiology. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 77:569–596, 1983.
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tics, prognostic factors, and survival analysis of patients coinfected with human immunodefi-
ciency virus and Leishmania in an area of Madrid, Spain. Am J Trop Med Hyg 58(4):436–443,
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Section B
1. Trematodiases
2. Cestodiases
3. Acanthocephaliases
and Nematodiases

1. Trematodiases
ICD-10 B65.3
Synonyms:Swimmer’s itch or dermatitis, bather’s dermatitis, clam digger’s itch,
schistosome dermatitis.
Etiology:The agents of this disease are cercariae of avian schistosomes (mainly
species of the genera Australobilharzia,Bilharziella,Gigantobilharzia,
Microbilharzia,Ornithobilharzia,and Trichobilharzia) or of nonhuman mammals
(species of the genera Heterobilharzia,Orientobilharzia,Schistosoma,and
Schistosomatium). All belong to the family Schistosomatidae. Man is an aberrant
host for these species and does not sustain the development of the parasite beyond
its cutaneous site.
Although there are differences in the details, all schistosomes share basically the
same life cycle (see the chapter on Schistosomiasis). The eggs contain a pre-adult
stage, the miracidium, when they are eliminated with the definitive host’s feces or
urine. When the egg reaches the water, the miracidium is released and swims in
search of an appropriate intermediate host, which is usually a snail belonging to
Bulineus,Lymnaea,Nassarius,Physa,Planorbis,Stagnicola,or another genus. The
miracidia penetrate the body of the mollusk and invade the digestive gland
(hepatopancreas), where they develop into another pre-adult stage, the sporocyst.
Another pre-adult stage forms within the sporocyst, the redia, which, in turn, gives
rise to yet another pre-adult stage, the cercaria. After several weeks, the fork-tailed
cercariae mature and leave the snail, swimming in search of a definitive host. Their
infectivity decreases quickly and they generally die if they fail to find a host within
24 hours. Unlike the cercariae of other trematodes, schistosomes do not form meta-
cercariae, but rather invade the definitive host’s skin directly, at which time they lose
their tails and undergo histological changes in their tegument, becoming juvenile
parasites called schistosomula. The schistosomula penetrate the blood or lymph ves-
sels and travel to the lungs, where they remain for several days. They then continue
on to the liver, where they reach maturity and mate. From there, they migrate to their
final site, where they begin laying eggs.
The definitive hosts of the schistosomes that cause cercarial dermatitis in man are
generally geese, ducks, and other waterfowl, or domestic or wild mammals, such as

raccoons, otters, and rodents. In man, the cercariae are usually destroyed in the skin
before reaching the circulatory system. The species of schistosomes specific to man
(Schistosoma haematobium,S. japonicum, S. mansoni,and others of limited distri-
bution) also cause a cutaneous syndrome as part of the natural infection, but it is
generally less serious. Of a group of 28 Dutch tourists who became infected with
human schistosomes in Mali (West Africa), 10 (36%) had symptoms of cercarial
dermatitis (Visser et al., 1995).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Cercarial dermatitis occurs world-
wide in all climates, and in all places where people, through their recreational or
occupational activities, come into contact with contaminated waters in rivers, lakes,
floodlands, irrigation canals, and oceans near the coast. Swimmers, clam-diggers,
washerwomen, fishermen, and rice-field workers are the groups most likely to be
exposed. Although cercarial dermatitis normally occurs as isolated cases, epidemics
have been reported—for example, an outbreak among 11 children who contracted
the disease while swimming in a park in the US (Anon., 1992) and one involving 58
rice-field workers in Thailand (Kullavanijaya and Wongwaisayawan, 1993).
As a precise diagnosis is difficult, many cases are probably never recognized as
cercarial dermatitis. However, the disease appears to be much more common than
official statistics indicate: in a survey carried out in the area of Lake Michigan, in
the US, 317 human cases of cercarial dermatitis were identified in a single summer
(Lindblade, 1998); in another survey conducted among 555 swimmers in Lake
Geneva in Switzerland, 153 probable cases were identified (Chamot et al.,1998).
The Disease in Man:Cercarial dermatitis is basically a defense reaction to an
aberrant parasite, which the host almost always successfully destroys, but which
causes allergic sensitization.
When a person is exposed to cercariae for the first time, the symptomatology is
usually mild and may pass unnoticed. Between 10 and 30 minutes after exposure,
the affected person feels a transitory itching and macules appear but vanish within
10 to 24 hours. After 5 to 14 days, small papules appear, accompanied by temporary
itching where the macules had been. As no immunologic reactions are expected in
the first few days of a primary infection and the cercariae are destroyed within
approximately 30 minutes in the malpighian layer, the symptoms that occur in the
first few days are presumed to be the result of the damage caused by the parasite and
the chemical substances it releases. The clinical manifestations that appear towards
the end of the first week suggest an allergic reaction to the dead parasite. Baskin et
al.(1997) observed that cercarial dermatitis patients produced four times more IgE
than controls without dermatitis. This finding supports the hypothesis that the cause
of the disease is an early hypersensitivity reaction.
The secondary response in individuals sensitized by previous exposures is faster
and more intense than the primary reaction. The symptomatology varies somewhat,
depending on the parasite species and the affected individual’s response capacity.
First, red spots develop on the exposed skin, which begins to itch within 30 to 90 min-
utes after infection. After 6 to 12 hours, the individual develops a macular rash and
experiences intense itching (Narain et al.,1994). This rash is replaced 10 to 20 hours
later by papules or, in some people, by marked urticaria. The papular eruption nor-
mally subsides within about a week, though it may last for up to a month. Compli-
cations may occur as the result of secondary bacterial infection caused by scratching.

Experiments with ducks and mice infected with cercariae of the avian cercaria
Trichobilharzia szidati (Horak et al.,1998) have shown that the antigens that cause
the cutaneous reaction are present in the invasive cercariae but not in the schistoso-
mula that result from their differentiation.
The Disease in Animals:Occasional cases of cercarial dermatitis in cats and
dogs have been reported, mostly in association with the occurrence of the disease in
their owners. Its occurrence in domestic animals appears to be much less frequent
than in man, but this may be because animals are less able to communicate their
symptoms and because the lesions are concealed by their fur. Moreover, it is diffi-
cult to distinguish cercarial dermatitis from hookworm dermatitis caused by nema-
todes of the family Ancylostomatidae.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The sources of infection for
man are the banks of bodies of fresh or salt water where the snails that release the
cercariae live. Epidemiologists have identified three situations in which the infection
typically occurs. In the first, the infection originates in freshwater bodies frequented
by waterfowl (geese, ducks, etc.) or wild mammals (raccoons, otters, etc.). In these
cases, the parasites are generally species of the genera Australobilharzia,
Gigantobilharzia,or Trichobilharzia,which infect fowl and develop in snails of the
genera Lymnaea,Nassarius,or Physa,or the genera Heterobilharzia or
Schistosomatium,which infect mammals and develop in Lymnaea,Physa,or
Stagnicola snails. In the second situation, the infection is acquired on the banks of
saltwater bodies. In these cases, the parasites generally belong to the genera
Australobilharzia,Gigantobilharzia,Microbilharzia,or Ornithobilharzia,which
infect marine or migratory birds and develop in marine snails such as Ilyanassa. In
the third case, the infection is acquired in rice fields and floodlands inhabited by par-
asites of domestic animals and wild rodents, such as Schistosoma spindale,a species
that affects bovines and wild rats (Inder et al., 1997); Schistosoma bovis,a bovine
schistosome; Schistosomatium douthitti,which affects rodents; and Heterobilharzia
americana,which affects dogs. Often, the intermediate hosts are snails of the fam-
ily Planorbidae.
The mode of transmission is direct penetration of the cercariae into the host’s skin
within 24 hours of its formation.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is difficult and is based mainly on observation of the
patient’s clinical symptoms and a history of recent exposure to watercourses in
which hosts of nonhuman schistosomes exist. As treatment is purely symptomatic
and does not exclude the existence of other allergic conditions, successful treatment
does not help to confirm the infection. Although various serum immunologic tests
can establish the diagnosis (fluorescence test, cercarial Hullen reaction, circumoval
precipitation, etc.) (Pilz et al.,1995), all require specimens of the parasite and give
positive results only 10 to 14 days after infection. Indirect immunofluorescence and
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, employing commercially available human
schistosome antigens, have been used to diagnose the infection, but the results are
less sensitive (Kolarova et al.,1994).
Control:Apart from the obvious risk posed by the presence of definitive and
intermediate hosts of the agents of cercarial dermatitis, a study in the area of Lake
Michigan (United States) found that the risk of infection depended on the age of the

individual, the time of day when he/she was exposed to contaminated water, the
month in which the exposure took place, and the high algae content and shallowness
of the water (Lindblade, 1998). Few of these elements are really susceptible to mod-
ification. The population of snails in pools, rice fields, or irrigation canals can be
controlled with molluscicides (Kolarova et al., 1989), but their use in natural water-
courses would probably cause too much ecological damage. In the case of small nat-
ural ponds, clearing the vegetation from the banks will create a less favorable envi-
ronment for snails and removing the mud from the bottom will eliminate them. Use
of praziquantel baits has been recommended to eliminate the mature parasites of
fowl, but three 200 mg doses daily per duck are needed to produce a permanent
reduction in the excretion of eggs. During the pre-patent period, one dose of 22.5 mg
per duck daily is sufficient to prevent patency permanently (Muller et al., 1993). In
Japan, rice-field workers and other individuals have been protected with copper
oleate, which is applied to the skin and allowed to evaporate. Dimethyl phthalate
cream can also be used for this purpose. It is recommended that swimmers dry off
vigorously as soon as they emerge from the water, since the cercariae are better able
to penetrate the skin when it is allowed to air dry slowly.
Anonymous. Cercarial dermatitis outbreak at a state park—Delaware, 1991. MMWR Morb
Mortal Wkly Rep 41:225–228, 1992.
Baskin, B., K.B. Islam, B. Evengard, L. Emtestam, C.I. Smith. Direct and sequential
switching from mu to epsilon in patients with Schistosoma mansoniinfection and atopic der-
matitis. Eur J Immunol 27:130–135, 1997.
Chamot, E., L. Toscani, A. Rougemont. Public health importance and risk factors for cer-
carial dermatitis associated with swimming in Lake Leman at Geneva, Switzerland. Epidemiol
Infect 120:305–314, 1998.
Horak P., L. Kovar, L. Kolarova, J. Nebesarova. Cercaria-schistosomulum surface transfor-
mation of Trichobilharzia szidatiand its putative immunological impact. Parasitology (Pt2):
116:139–147, 1998.
Inder Singh, K., M. Krishnasamy, S. Ambu, R. Rasul, N.L. Chong. Studies on animal schis-
tosomes in Peninsular Malaysia: Record of naturally infected animals and additional hosts of
Schistosoma spindale. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 28:303–307, 1997.
Kolarova, L., V. Gottwaldova, D. Cechoya, M. Seycoya. The occurrence of cercarial der-
matitis in Central Bohemia. Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed 189:1–13, 1989.
Kolarova, L., J. Sykora, B.A. Bah. Serodiagnosis of cercarial dermatitis with antigens of
Trichobilharzia szidatiand Schistosoma mansoni. Cent Eur J Public Health 2:19–22, 1994.
Kullavanijaya, P., H. Wongwaisayawan. Outbreak of cercarial dermatitis in Thailand. Int J
Dermatol 32:113–115, 1993.
Lindblade, K.A. The epidemiology of cercarial dermatitis and its association with limno-
logical characteristics of a northern Michigan lake. J Parasitol 84:19–23, 1998.
Muller, V., P. Kimmig, W. Frank. [The effect of praziquantel on Trichobilharzia (Digenea,
Schistosomatidae), a cause of swimmer’s dermatitis in humans.] Appl Parasitol 34:187–201,
Narain, K., J. Mahanta, R. Dutta, P. Dutta. Paddy field dermatitis in Assam: A cercarial der-
matitis. J Commun Dis 26:26–30, 1994.
Pilz, J., S. Eisele, R. Disko. [Cercaria dermatitis (swimmer’s itch). Case report of cercaria
dermatitis caused by Trichobilharzia (Digena, Schistosomatidae).] Hautarzt 46:335–338,

Visser, L.G., A.M. Polderman, P.C. Stuiver. Outbreak of schistosomiasis among travelers
returning from Mali, West Africa. Clin Infect Dis 20:280–285, 1995.
ICD-10 B66.1
Synonyms:Chinese liver fluke disease, oriental liver fluke disease, infection due
to Clonorchis sinensis.
Etiology:Clonorchis sinensis is a small trematode measuring 12–20 mm long and
3–5 mm wide, with a reddish, translucent body. It lives in the bile ducts of humans,
pigs, cats, dogs, rats, and several other species of fish-eating mammals. Some
authors place it in the genus Opisthorchis because adults of the genera Clonorchis
and Opisthorchis are similar in appearance, but there are clear differences in the pre-
adult stages. Moreover, the name Clonorchis has been used in the medical literature
since 1907, so retaining it seems justified. The parasite requires two intermediate
hosts to complete its life cycle. The first is any of several operculate aquatic snails,
such as species of Alocinma,Bulimus,Melanoides,Parafossarulus,and
Semisulcospira. Among them,P. manchouricus seems to be the most important host.
The second intermediate host is any of more than 100 species of freshwater fish
(often members of the family Cyprinidae), only about a dozen of which are regu-
larly consumed by humans. Three species of freshwater shrimp can also serve as
second intermediate hosts.
The infected definitive host eliminates fully embryonated eggs in its feces. If the
eggs reach fresh water (rivers, lakes, lagoons, reservoirs, ponds) and find appropri-
ate intermediate hosts, their development continues. The snail ingests the eggs,
which hatch in the intestine and release ciliated larvae, or miracidia. The miracid-
ium penetrates the intestinal wall, invades the digestive gland (hepatopancreas), and
becomes a sporocyst, which produces other larvae, the rediae. After a redia leaves
the sporocyst, it produces still other pre-adult larvae, the cercariae. Multiplication of
larvae in the pre-adult stages is called pedogenesis, and is characteristic of trema-
todes. The cercariae—juvenile stage larvae with a tail—emerge from the snail when
they are mature and seek a second intermediate host, which they must find within
24–48 hours or they will die. A cercaria penetrates the skin of a fish, loses its tail,
and forms a resistant wall around its body. This cyst, called a metacercaria, lodges
under the fish’s skin or in the connective tissue or underlying muscles. The meta-
cercariae become infective for the definitive host in approximately one month.
When the definitive host consumes infected raw fish, the metacercariae excyst in
the host’s duodenum. The juvenile parasite penetrates the ampulla of Vater and
moves against the bile flow towards the bile ducts. After three to four weeks, the par-
asite reaches sexual maturity and begins to lay eggs, and the life cycle begins anew.
In rats, it has been shown that 32% of the metacercariae that enter the host reach the

liver and that the parasite grows quickly during the first 30 days and then slowly dur-
ing the following 60 days (Kim, 1995). The entire life cycle is completed in around
three months, but the mature parasites can live for up to 40 years.
Geographic Distribution:The endemic area of clonorchiasis is limited to China,
Japan, Malaysia, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Vietnam, and possibly
Cambodia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Human cases have also been
found in Hawaii, US, among people who had never traveled elsewhere, but those
cases may have been due to consumption of infected fish imported from endemic
areas. In several countries of the world, sporadic cases have been diagnosed in
immigrants from and in people who had visited the endemic area. For example, a
prevalence of 26% was found among 150 Chinese immigrants in New York City,
US, and the infection rate was 15.5% among 400 immigrants examined in Montreal,
Canada (Sun, 1980).
Occurrence:Human infection appears to be ancient, as eggs of the parasite have
been found in human remains 2,600 years old. The prevalence among humans is
estimated at between 7 and 30 million cases in the endemic area, with some 20 mil-
lion people believed to be infected in southeastern China alone. In the Chinese
province of Hubei, the infection was found in 5.8% of human inhabitants, 36.4% of
cats, 16.7% of pigs, 12.2% and 3.8% of two snail species, and 48.1%, 18.2%, and
17.2% of three fish species (Chen et al.,1997). Although the first human case in the
Republic of Korea was not diagnosed until 1915,C. sinensis is now the most preva-
lent human parasite there (Rim, 1990). In 1997, stool sample examinations in that
country showed a human infection rate of 11.3%, while intradermal tests detected
the infection in 27.6% of those examined. Of 25 fish species tested, 7 were infected,
with prevalences ranging from 2.8% to 30%. Nevertheless, this situation represents
an improvement over that of several decades ago (Joo et al., 1997). In 1987, for
example, a study found that 80.3% of a sample of 76 people were excreting an aver-
age of 27,781 eggs per gram of feces (Hong et al., 1994). In Vietnam, the infection
was found in 13.7% of humans, 13.3% of snails, and 53.4% to 100% of farm-raised
fish, and it was determined that the largest fish were most frequently infected (Kino
et al.,1998). In some areas of Japan, 20.6% of dogs and 45.5% of cats examined
were infected. In all the endemic areas, the infection has been found to be more
prevalent among males than females and among adults than children. These findings
are attributed to the fact that the most affected groups are those that eat raw fish most
The Disease in Man and Animals:The symptomatology of the disease depends
on the number of parasites, the length of time the infection has persisted, and
whether continuous reinfections have occurred. In general, when the infection is
mild and recent, there are no manifestations of disease. When the infection is more
intense and of longer duration, the patient may exhibit loss of appetite, diarrhea, a
sensation of intra-abdominal pressure, fever, and eosinophilia. In the heaviest and
oldest infections, there may also be enlargement and tenderness of the liver, obstruc-
tion of the bile ducts, and even cirrhosis, with edema and ascites. Chen et al. (1989)
described three stages of the infection in cats: an acute stage of up to 5 weeks’ dura-
tion, in which specific IgM, IgG, and IgA antibodies are found; a subacute stage that
lasts up to 28 weeks, during which only IgG and IgA antibodies are present; and a

chronic stage, in which only IgG antibodies are detected. Based on these criteria, the
authors found that 3.9% of 74 patients examined were in the subacute stage and
96.1% were in the chronic stage.
Light recent infections cause little harm. The principal types of damage produced
by chronic clonorchiasis are hyperplasia of the mucus-secreting epithelium of the
bile ducts, localized dilation of the ducts, and lymphocytic and eosinophilic inflam-
mation of the periductal region, which eventually leads to fibrosis. The changes are
attributed to irritation and to a 24-kD cysteine proteinase produced by the parasite
(Park et al.,1995). A common complication is recurrent pyogenic cholangitis, which
results from obstruction of the bile ducts. Mild pancreatitis is also frequent.
Clonorchiasis is often cited as a predisposing factor for the formation of gallstones,
but Hou et al. (1989) found no clinical evidence to substantiate this assertion.
However, it was demonstrated that the combination of C. sinensis infection and
excessive alcohol consumption does predispose one to cholangiocarcinoma (Shin et
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Studies conducted in China,
where the distribution of the parasitosis is uneven, have shown that human infection
with C. sinensis depends primarily on the presence of intermediate hosts, the exis-
tence of reservoirs of the infection, and the customary consumption of undercooked
fish by the population (Fang, 1994). The primary factor limiting the distribution of
the disease is availability of the first intermediate host because only a small number
of snail species are susceptible to the parasite. Parafossarulus manchouricus is the
main host in China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Vietnam, but some other
species are also susceptible. The second intermediate host is less of a limiting fac-
tor, since more than 100 species of freshwater fish and several species of shrimp can
harbor the developing parasite. The reservoirs of the parasite are humans, swine,
cats, dogs, rats, and several other fish-eating mammals. Persistence of the infection
in nature is fostered by the presence of these reservoirs in the same ecological envi-
ronment as the intermediate hosts—without which they would not have become
infected—and the fact that they eliminate several thousand eggs per gram of feces
every day. The use of human feces to fertilize carp ponds, a common practice in
China, has also helped keep the infection active.
Diagnosis:Specific diagnosis of the infection is made by finding the parasite’s
eggs in fecal matter or by means of a duodenal probe following administration of a
strong solution of magnesium sulfate to produce a reflex contraction of the gall-
bladder. When the parasite burden is light, it is advisable to use egg concentration
methods to examine stool samples. Some authors recommend the zinc sulfate flota-
tion method, but many operculate eggs tend to sediment in saline solutions. The par-
asite burden can be evaluated by counting the eggs in feces by means of the Stoll
dilution method (Rim, 1982). In humans, up to 100 eggs per gram of feces consti-
tutes a light infection; between 100 and 1,000 eggs, a moderate infection; and more
than 1,000 eggs a heavy infection (Manson and Apted, 1982). The eggs of C. sinen-
sis are considered quite characteristic: they are small (28–35 µm long and 12–19 µm
wide), oval, operculate, and embryonated, with a thick, yellowish wall and a pro-
nounced border around the operculum. However, several other trematodes in
Southeast Asia that occasionally infect man (e.g.,Heterophyes heterophyes,
Metagonimus yokogawai,and Opisthorchis viverrini,the first two of which are

intestinal parasites) have eggs that are virtually indistinguishable from those of C.
sinensis (Ditrich et al.,1992). Examination of the surface structure of the egg by
electronic microscopy is a more reliable way to identify the parasite but is difficult
to perform in the clinical environment.
Clinical imaging studies, such as cholangiography, sonography, and computerized
tomography, may show shapes that suggest infection (Lim, 1990). However, the sen-
sitivity and specificity of these techniques, at least in the case of sonography, appear
to be inadequate. Using sonography, Hong et al. (1998) found 52% positivity among
patients who were excreting eggs and 49% positivity among patients with negative
stool samples.
The use of several immunodiagnostic tests has been proposed. The intradermal
test shows immediate hypersensitivity and is simple, but it does not indicate if the
infection is current. In a sample of 3,180 people examined by means of this tech-
nique, 26.2% tested positive, but when stool samples from 598 of the latter group
were examined, only 21.6% were found to be excreting eggs (Kim et al.,1990). In
one study, immunoenzymatic staining and indirect immunofluorescence using
frozen sections of the parasite showed sensitivities of 92% and 88%, respectively,
and high specificity: 2% false positives with the first technique and 4% with the sec-
ond (Liu et al.,1993). Cross-reactions with cases of acute schistosomiasis, chronic
schistosomiasis, and paragonimiasis were observed in 14%, 5%, and 0% of cases
using immunoenzymatic staining, and in 14%, 10%, and 0% using indirect immuno-
fluorescence. In another study (Lin et al., 1995), use of enzyme-linked immunosor-
bent assay (ELISA) to detect total Ig, IgG, and IgA showed specificity and sensitiv-
ity of 100%, 100%, and 87%–90%, respectively. IgA antibodies were found to have
decreased significantly after a month of successful treatment, which indicates that
this test can be used to evaluate the results of treatment.
Control:The most effective control measure is probably to refrain from eating
undercooked fish in endemic areas. Human clonorchiasis does not exist in northern
China, where people do not eat raw fish, although it is prevalent in pigs, cats, dogs,
and rats in that region. However, it is very difficult to modify deeply ingrained eat-
ing habits that are part of the population’s culture. Freezing or salting fish is not a
very effective control measure because the metacercariae remain infective for 10 to
18 days at –12°C, for 3 to 7 days at –20°C, and for 5 to 7 days in brine (Fan, 1998).
The minimum doses of radiation needed to kill metacercariae are 0.05 kGy when
they are isolated outside a host and 0.15 kGy when they are in fish (Duan et al.,
Fish infections can be reduced by allowing human fecal matter to ferment for sev-
eral weeks before it is used to fertilize fish-culture ponds, as the fermentation
process kills C. sinensiseggs. Treating the population with praziquantel every six
months also significantly reduces the passage of eggs into the environment. Hong et
al. (1998) showed that this treatment reduced the prevalence of infection from
22.7% to 6.3% in 24 months among inhabitants of a community in which the dis-
ease was endemic.
Use of molluscicides is not recommended because these chemicals can kill fish.
However, elimination of vegetation from the edges of ponds during the spring and
summer will benefit predators that eat snail larvae, which in turn will reduce the
population of first intermediate hosts. A possible biological control method involves

introducing Notocotylus attenuatus,an intestinal trematode of ducks, whose cer-
cariae affect the gonads of snails and render them sterile.
Chen, C.Y., J.W. Shin, S.N. Chen, W.C. Hsieh. A preliminary study of clinical staging in
clonorchiasis. Zhonghua Min Guo Wei Sheng Wu Ji Mian Yi Xue Za Zhi 22:193–200, 1989.
Chen, S., S. Chen, F. Wu,et al. Epidemiological survey on Clonorchiasis sinensis in
Yangxin County of Hubei Province of PR China. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health
28 Suppl:51–53, 1997.
Ditrich, O., M. Giboda, T. Scholz, S.A. Beer. Comparative morphology of eggs of the
Haplorchiinae (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) and some other medically important heterophyid
and opisthorchiid flukes. Folia Parasitol (Praha) 39:123–132, 1992.
Duan, Y.F., C.C. Song, G.C. Shou,et al. [Effect of gamma-irradiation on infectivity of
Clonorchis sinensismetacercariae]. Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong Bing
Za Zhi 11:45–49, 1993.
Fan, P.C. Viability of metacercariae of Clonorchis sinensisin frozen or salted freshwater
fish. Int J Parasitol 28:603–605, 1998.
Fang, Y.Y. Epidemiologic characteristics of Clonorchiasis sinensisin Guandong Province,
China. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 25:291–295, 1994.
Hong, S.J., Y.H. Lee, M.H. Chung, D.H. Lee, H.C. Woo. Egg positive rates of Clonorchis
sinensis and intestinal helminths among residents in Kagye-ri, Saengbiryang-myon,
Sanchong-gun, Kyongsangnam-do. Korean J Parasitol32(4):271–273, 1994.
Hou, M.F., C.G. Ker, P.C. Sheen, E.R. Chen. The ultrasound survey of gallstone diseases of
patients infected with Clonorchis sinensisin southern Taiwan. J Trop Med Hyg 92:108–111,
Joo, C.Y., M.S. Chung, S.J. Kim, C.M. Kang. Changing patterns of Clonorchis sinensis
infections in Kyongbuk, Korea. Korean J Parasitol 35:155–164, 1997.
Kim, J. Image analytical observation on the growth and development of Clonorchis sinen-
sisin rats. Korean J Parasitol 33:281–288, 1995.
Kim, S.S., M.H. Han, S.G. Park, H.S. Lim, S.T. Hong. [A survey on the epidemiological
factors of clonorchiasis in the Pohang industrial belt along the Hyungsan river,
Kyongsangbuk-do]. Kisaengchunghak Chapchi 28:213–219, 1990.
Kino, H., H. Inaba, N. Van De,et al. Epidemiology of clonorchiasis in Ninh Binh Province,
Vietnam. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 29:250–254, 1998.
Lim, J.H. Radiologic findings of clonorchiasis. AJR Am J Roentgenol 155:1001–1008,
Lin, Y.L., E.R. Chen, C.M. Yen. Antibodies in serum of patients with clonorchiasis before
and after treatment. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 26:114–119, 1995.
Liu, X.M., W.F. Hu, Z.H. Wang, D.L. Chen, F.N. Xu. [Comparative studies on the diagno-
sis of clonorchiasis by IEST and IFAT]. Zhongguo Ji Sheng Chong Xue Yu Ji Sheng Chong
Bing Za Zhi 11:273–275, 1993.
Manson, P., F.I.C. Apted. Manson’s Tropical Diseases,18th ed. London: Baillière Tindall;
Park, H., M.Y. Ko, M.K. Paik, C.T. Soh, J.H. Seo, K.I. Im. Cytotoxicity of a cysteine pro-
teinase of adult Clonorchis sinensis. Korean J Parasitol 33:211–218, 1995.
Rim, H.J. Clonorchiasis. In:Hillyer, G.V., C.E. Hopla, section eds. Vol. 3, Section C:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press; 1982.
Rim, H.J. Clonorchiasis in Korea. Kisaengchunghak Chapchi28 Suppl:63–78, 1990.
Shin, H.R., C.U. Lee, H.J. Park,et al. Hepatitis B and C virus,Clonorchis sinensisfor the
risk of liver cancer: A case-control study in Pusan, Korea. Int J Epidemiol 25:933–940, 1996.

Sun, T. Clonorchiasis: A report of four cases and discussion of unusual manifestations. Am
J Trop Med Hyg 29:1223–1227, 1980.
ICD-10 B66.2
Synonyms:Dicroceliosis, dicrocoeliasis, lancet fluke infection, infection due to
Dicrocoelium dendriticum.
Etiology:The agents of this disease are Dicrocoelium dendriticum (D. lanceola-
tum) andD. hospes,small, translucent, lancet-shaped trematodes, measuring 5–15
mm long by 1.5–2.5 mm wide. They live in the bile ducts of sheep, goats, cattle, and,
less frequently, other domestic and wild ruminants. They rarely infect pigs, dogs,
rabbits, rodents, or humans.
D. dendriticum requires two intermediate hosts for its development. The first is a
land snail (38 species, among them Cionella lubrica in North America,Zebrina
detrita and Helicella candidula in Europe, and Bradybaena similaris in Malaysia),
and the second is an ant (12 species, among them Formica fusca in Germany and
North America,F. cinerea and F. picea in the Russian Federation, and F. gigantis
and F. rufibarbis in the Middle East).
The adult parasites deposit small oval eggs (38–45 µm x 22–30 µm), which are
brown in color, thick-walled, operculate, and embryonated at the time they are
excreted by the host. They are transported by bile and fecal matter to the exterior,
where the first intermediate host ingests them. The egg, which is quite resistant to
desiccation, releases the miracidium only when it is ingested by a snail. The
miracidium forms two generations of sporocysts in the digestive gland of the snail,
the second of which produces numerous cercariae, which are expelled from the snail
through the respiratory chamber after about three to four months. The cercariae that
leave the snail are stuck together in the form of a viscous mass (“slime ball”), meas-
uring 1–2 mm in diameter. Infection with the parasite affects the snail’s fertility and
longevity (Schuster, 1992). Each slime ball may contain 100 to 400 cercariae,
which, after being ingested by the second intermediate host, migrate into the ant’s
coelom and nervous system and become metacercariae. Each ant may contain
between 38 and 76 metacercariae, depending on the species and size of the insect
(Schuster, 1991).
The presence of metacercariae in the ant’s brain often alters its behavior: instead
of returning to the nest as dusk approaches and the temperature drops, an infected
ant will climb to the top of a blade of grass. It will then bite down and suffer a spasm
of the jaw musculature, making it impossible for the ant to let go. Thus trapped high
on the vegetation, the ant is likely to be eaten by a definitive host. When herbivores
consume infected ants while grazing, the metacercariae excyst in the duodenum and
the juvenile parasites travel against the bile flow to the bile ducts. The parasites

mature and begin to lay eggs after 10–12 weeks. The life cycle of D. hospes,which
has been determined more recently, is similar to that of D. dendriticum. The first
intermediate host is a pulmonate land snail of the genus Limicolaria,and the second
is an ant of the genus Camponotus,in which the metacercariae develop. The defin-
itive hosts are domestic herbivores (cattle, sheep, goats) and probably also wild
ruminants (Frank et al.,1984).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:D. dendriticum is a widely distrib-
uted parasite found in many parts of the world, including North Africa (Egypt),
South America (Brazil and Colombia), Asia, Australia, the Caribbean islands,
Europe, the Middle East, and parts of the eastern US and Canada. Prevalence rates
of 40% have been reported in domestic animals in France, 80% in Poland, 46% in
Switzerland, 100% in Yugoslavia, and 75% in goats in the Russian Federation. In
Greece, parasite eggs were found in 2 of 232 dogs, but there is some doubt as to
whether these were true D. dendriticum infections (Haralabidis et al.,1988). D. hos-
pes is restricted to the sub-Saharan savannas of Africa. In Côte d’Ivoire and Niger,
50% and 94%, respectively, of cattle and sheep have been found to be infected
(Frank et al.,1984).
Human dicroceliasis also occurs worldwide. Since 1988, cases have been reported
in Saudi Arabia, the former Czechoslovakia, Spain, Kenya, Nigeria, Somalia, the
former Soviet Union, and the US, although it is likely that most cases are not
reported. The presence of Dicrocoelium spp. eggs in human feces is not unusual,
though it does not always indicate true infection: in Nigeria, 2 (0.4%) of 479 human
stool samples were found to contain Dicrocoelium eggs (Reinthaler et al.,1988),
and in a hospital in Saudi Arabia, eggs were found in the stools of 208 patients over
a three-year period (el-Shiekh Mohamed and Mummery, 1990). However, many of
these cases are due to spurious parasites ingested with the infected liver of domes-
tic animals, and the eggs merely pass through the human digestive tract. Of the 208
cases in Saudi Arabia, at least 7 patients had a true infection, while 34 were spuri-
ous cases.
The Disease in Man and Animals:Dicroceliasis generally produces no signs of
disease in animals, unless the infection is very heavy or of long standing. When this
occurs, there is a general decline in health status, the animals tend to remain pros-
trate, their temperature decreases, and they exhibit some degree of malnutrition and
anemia, though it is not certain that the latter is caused by the parasite infection.
Theodoridis et al. (1991) found no proof of significant loss of blood or plasma pro-
tein in experimentally infected sheep with parasite loads of up to 4,000. Liver
enzymes and blood biochemistry are generally within normal ranges. Autopsy, how-
ever, reveals hundreds or thousands of parasites in the bile ducts and gallbladder,
duct inflammation and proliferation, progressive development of fibrosis in the
hepatic parenchyma, and, occasionally, granulomas and abscesses (Camara et al.,
1996). The disease is more severe in New World camelids (Wenker et al.,1998).
Hamsters infected experimentally showed an increase in bile secretion and an accu-
mulation of oxidizing molecules in the liver, which produced liver damage
(Sánchez-Campos et al.,1999).
In most human cases, the main symptoms are dyspepsia and flatulence, although
there may occasionally be constipation alternating with diarrhea, vomiting, and
abdominal pain. Peripheral eosinophilia is seen in some cases. Laboratory analysis

of blood and urine generally reveals no abnormalities. Ectopic localization of para-
site eggs in the brain may cause neurological symptoms in rare instances.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection for
both animals and man is ants infected with metacercariae of the parasite. Animals
ingest these insects while grazing. Humans are accidental hosts who are occasion-
ally infected by nibbling on grass containing infected ants or by consuming fruits or
vegetables contaminated with these insects. In at least one case, an AIDS patient
became infected by consuming a drink contaminated with ants. The infection in
snails occurs most frequently in the spring, decreases in the summer, and increases
again in the fall. Infected ants are found only when the temperature is below 20°C
(Schuster and Neumann, 1988).
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is based on the detection of the eggs of the parasite in feces
or bile from the individual suspected to have the infection. Examination of the bile is
much more sensitive: of 49 bovines with adult D. dendriticum in their livers, eggs
were found in the bile of 44 (89.8%) but in the feces of only 13 (26.5%) (Braun et
al.,1995). Of the techniques available for demonstrating the presence of eggs, flota-
tion of experimentally contaminated sheep feces, using a solution of mercury iodide
mixed with potassium iodide with a specific density of 1.44, yielded an egg recovery
rate of 91.2±9.4%, regardless of flotation time. In contrast, solutions of zinc sulfate
with specific densities of 1.3 and 1.45, or potassium carbonate with a specific density
of 1.45 yielded an egg recovery rate of only 9.0±7.1%, 26.7±24.9%, and 13.0±11.6%,
respectively, and more than 3–5 minutes of flotation time were needed to improve the
yield. Sedimentation revealed 41.2±1.5% of the infections (Rehbein et al.,1999). To
distinguish genuine infections from spurious parasites, it is necessary to ensure that
the patient does not eat animal liver for several days and then reexamine the feces for
eggs during that period. Although the Dicrocoeliumspp. eggs are considered distinc-
tive, they cannot be differentiated by means of conventional microscopy from the
eggs of Eurytrema pancreaticum,a trematode of the pancreas of ruminants and mon-
keys that develops in land snails and grasshoppers. E. pancreaticumhas been found
in humans in China and Japan on approximately eight occasions.
Immunologic techniques have also been used to diagnose the infection in domes-
tic animals. Counterimmunoelectrophoresis, passive hemagglutination, and agar gel
precipitation detected 69.8%, 50.0%, and 23.8% of infections, respectively, in sheep
and goats (Jithendran et al.,1996).
Control:Control of dicroceliasis in domestic animals is difficult owing to the
variety of intermediate host species (38 snail species and 12 ant species) and to their
distribution over wide land areas (in contrast to trematodes with aquatic intermedi-
ate hosts, which have a more localized distribution on pasturelands). Although pes-
ticides may be used to control mollusks and ants, their cost and the attendant risk of
ecological damage make this an impractical solution. A recommended alternative is
to destroy the parasites by treating the definitive hosts, but this, too, is expensive and
there are still no drugs available that will totally eliminate the parasite. When possi-
ble, cultivation of grasslands can eliminate a very high proportion of the snail pop-
ulation. Similarly, it has been recommended that chickens be introduced in infected
areas because they eat snails. The low frequency of human infection probably does
not justify mass control measures. It should be sufficient simply to educate the pop-

ulation about the risk of eating, nibbling, or sucking on blades of grass that may be
contaminated with ants.
Braun, U., R. Wolfensberger, H. Hertzberg. Diagnosis of liver flukes in cows—a compari-
son of the findings in the liver, in the feces, and in the bile. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd
137:438–444, 1995.
Camara, L., K. Pfister, A. Aeschlimann. Analyse histopathologique de foie de bovin infesté
par Dicrocoelium dendriticum. Vet Res 27:87–92, 1996.
el-Shiekh Mohamed, A.R., V. Mummery. Human dicrocoeliasis. Report on 208 cases from
Saudi Arabia. Trop Geogr Med42:1–7, 1990.
Frank, W., R. Lucius, T. Romig. Studies on the biology, pathology, ecology and epidemiol-
ogy of Dicrocoelium hospes (Looss, 1907) in West Africa (Ivory Coast). In:Markl, H., A.
Bittner, eds. Recent German Research on Problems of Parasitology, Animal Health and
Animal Breeding in the Tropics and Subtropics. Selected reports on DFG supported research.
Tübingen: Institute for Scientific Co-operation; 1984.
Haralabidis, S.T., M.G. Papazachariadou, A.F. Koutinas, T.S. Rallis. A survey on the preva-
lence of gastrointestinal parasites of dogs in the area of Thessaloniki, Greece. J Helminthol
62:45–49, 1988.
Jithendran, K.P., J. Vaid, L. Krishna. Comparative evaluation of agar gel precipitation,
counterimmunoelectrophoresis and passive haemagglutination tests for the diagnosis of
Dicrocoelium dendriticuminfection in sheep and goats. Vet Parasitol61:151–156, 1996.
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases.Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Rehbein, S., S. Kokott, T. Lindner. Evaluation of techniques for the enumeration of
Dicrocoelium eggs in sheep faeces. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A46:133–139, 1999.
Reinthaler, F.F., F. Mascher, G. Klem, W. Sixl. A survey of gastrointestinal parasites in
Ogun State, southwest Nigeria. Ann Trop Med Parasitol82:181–184, 1988.
Sánchez-Campos, S., M.J. Tunón, P. González, J. González-Gallego. Oxidative stress and
changes in liver antioxidant enzymes induced by experimental dicroceliosis in hamsters.
Parasitol Res 85:468–474, 1999.
Schuster, R. Factors influencing the metacercarial intensity in ants and the size of
Dicrocoelium dendriticummetacercarial cysts. J Helminthol 65:275–279, 1991.
Schuster, R. Zur Beeinflussung von Helicella obviadurch Dicrocoelium-Parthenitae.
Angew Parasitol 33:61–64, 1992.
Schuster, R., B. Neumann. Zum jahreszeitlichen Auftreten von Dicrocoelium dendriticum
in Zwischenwirten. Angew Parasitol 29:31–36, 1988.
Theodoridis, Y., J.L. Duncan, J.M. MacLean, C.A. Himonas. Pathophysiological studies on
Dicrocoelium dendriticuminfection in sheep. Vet Parasitol39:61–66, 1991.
Wenker, C., J.M. Hatt, H. Hertzberg,et al. Dikrozoliose bei Neuweltkameliden. Tierarztl
Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere 26:355–361, 1998.

ICD-10 B66.8 Other specified fluke infections
Etiology:The agents of this trematodiasis are various species of several genera of
the family Echinostomatidae. They are trematodes of small but variable size, meas-
uring 5–15 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, and 0.5–0.6 mm thick, which live in the intes-
tine of mammals (generally carnivores, swine, or rats), fowl, and, occasionally,
humans. The most remarkable morphologic characteristic of the mature parasite is
a collar of spines surrounding the dorsal and lateral sides of the oral sucker. The
number, size, and position of the spines are taxonomically significant. The eggs are
large (85–125 µm x 55–70 µm), thin-walled, and operculate, and are eliminated
before the embryo forms. As the nomenclature of the group is still uncertain, stud-
ies are examining their nucleic acids to determine the relationships among some
members of the family. The family Echinostomatidae comprises approximately 30
genera. Some 16 species, most of the genus Echinostoma,have been recovered from
humans (Carney, 1991). The most important causes of zoonosis are the species
E. echinatum (E. lindoense),E.hortense, E. ilocanum, E. malayanum, E. revolutum,
E. trivolvis,and Hypoderaeum conoideum. Radomyos et al. (1994) examined fecal
matter from 681 individuals in northern Thailand and found 8.3% to be infected with
E. malayanum,8.1% with E. ilocanum,and 0.8% with E. revolutum.
The life cycle differs from species to species, but in general two intermediate
hosts are required. The cercariae always develop in a freshwater snail (first inter-
mediate host), but they may encyst as metacercariae in another snail, a bivalve mol-
lusk, a tadpole, or a freshwater fish (second intermediate host) (Table 1). The defin-
itive host, including man, becomes infected by consuming raw foods (intermediate
hosts) containing metacercariae (see Source of Infection and Mode of
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Human echinostome infections are
confined mainly to the Far East. However, sporadic clinical cases occur in countries
such as the US, where more than a million immigrants from that region reside (Liu
and Harinasuta, 1996).
E. malayanum is found in India, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, the Philippines,
Thailand, and Singapore, where it infects dogs, cats, pigs, mongooses, rats, and,
rarely, humans. E. ilocanum is distributed in the Philippines, Indonesia (Java and
Sulawesi), parts of southern China, India, and Thailand. In addition to man, it infects
murid rodents, dogs, and cats. Prevalences of 1% to 50% have been found among
humans in the Philippines, and of 14% among dogs in China. E. hortense is found
in Japan and the Republic of Korea, where the infection was detected in 3 (0.5%) of
642 human stool samples on one occasion and in 11 (9.5%) of 116 samples on
another (Son et al.,1994). Their life cycle has been replicated in the laboratory using
Lymnaea and Radix snails as the first intermediate hosts, tadpoles as the second
hosts, and rats as the definitive hosts (Lee et al.,1991). E. revolutum is distributed
in the Far East and Europe, where it infects ducks, geese, and other fowl. Human
infections have been diagnosed in Indonesia (Java and Sulawesi), Thailand, and
Taiwan. The prevalence of human infection in Taiwan is estimated at 2.8%–6.5%. E.

trivolvis,which for many years was confused with E. revolutum,is found in North
America, where it infects 26 fowl species and 13 mammalian species (Marquardt et
al.,2000). E. echinatum is a parasite of anseriform fowl in Brazil, India, Indonesia
(Java), Malaysia, and the Philippines. It used to also be quite prevalent on the island
of Sulawesi (24% to 96%), but no human cases have been detected there in recent
decades (see Control). H. conoideum is a trematode parasite of fowl that is fre-
quently found in the human population of northern Thailand, where people often eat
raw snails.
The Disease in Man and Animals:Most human echinostome infections seem to
be of little clinical importance. In the Republic of Korea, for example, although
human stool sample examinations have revealed E. hortense prevalences of 0.4%,
0.5%, and 9.5% (Lee et al.,1994; Son et al.,1994), only 75 cases had been reported
in that country as of 1994 (Huh et al.,1994). The disease’s clinical features have not
been well studied (Huffman and Fried, 1990). In general, echinostomes are not very
pathogenic, and mild and moderate infections often go unnoticed. Heavy infections
may cause some degree of diarrhea, flatulence, and colic pain, however. In children,
anemia and edema have also been reported and, in at least one case, duodenal ulcers
have been observed at the site of parasite attachment (Chai et al.,1994). Studies of
TABLE 3. Intermediate hosts and geographic distribution of the main zoonotic
Intermediate hosts
Species First Second Distribution
Echinostoma echinatum Planorbissnails Clams, snails Brazil, India,
(E. lindoense) Indonesia (Java),
E. hortense Lymnaea, Tadpoles, fish Japan, Republic of
Radixsnails Korea
E. ilocanum Gyraulus, Hippeutis Snails China, India,
snails Indonesia (Java and
Philippines, Thailand
E. malayanum Indoplanorbis, Lymnaea, Snails, India, Indonesia
and other snail species tadpoles, fish (Sumatra), Malaysia,
Singapore, Thailand
E. revolutum Lymnaea snails Clams Indonesia (Java and
Sulawesi), Taiwan,
E. trivolvis Heliosoma snails Snails, clams, North America
tadpoles, fish
Hypoderaeum Lymnaea, Planorbis Snails, tadpoles Thailand
conoideum snails

E. hortense in rats have demonstrated that, although the parasites remain mostly in
the intestinal lumen, the activity of their suckers destroys the epithelium and causes
villus atrophy and crypt hyperplasia (Lee et al.,1990). In fowl, severe enteritis due
to E. revolutum and H. conoideum has been reported.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The first intermediate host of
the echinostomes of zoonotic importance is always a freshwater snail (Table 1). The
source of infection for man and other definitive hosts is the second intermediate
host, which harbors the metacercariae. In many cases, the metacercariae form in
snails; in other cases, they may develop in bivalve mollusks or tadpoles and even
freshwater fish. Humans acquire the infection by ingesting an undercooked second-
ary intermediate host. Among the snails that harbor metacercariae, the genera Pila
and Viviparus are important because they are often eaten raw in the Philippines and
on the island of Java. Among the bivalves, clams of the genus Corbicula are impor-
tant for the same reason. A wide variety of freshwater fish have been shown to be
suitable hosts for echinostome metacercariae.
From the ecological standpoint, echinostomiasis occurs in regions with an abun-
dance of freshwater bodies, which allow the intermediate hosts to survive. The
endemicity of the parasitosis is due to the custom of consuming raw mollusks or fish.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is based on confirmation of the presence of eggs in fecal
matter (see the chapter on Dicroceliasis). The size of the eggs differs, depending on
the species of equinostome, and these eggs must be distinguished from the unem-
bryonated eggs of other intestinal or biliary trematodes.
Control:The relatively minor clinical importance of this parasitosis does not jus-
tify the establishment of special control programs. In endemic areas, it is recom-
mended that the population be educated about the risks of and warned against eat-
ing raw or undercooked mollusks or fish, though changing this long-standing eating
habit may be difficult. An interesting example of involuntary ecological control that
resulted in the disappearance of the human infection occurred in Lake Lindu, on the
island of Sulawesi. The incidence of E. echinatum in humans ranged between 24%
and 96% in some communities in that region, but introduction of the fish Tilapia
mossambica into the lake interfered with reproduction of the clam Corbicula lin-
doensis,which was the main source of human infection. As a result, the human
infection ceased to occur when this species of clam disappeared. However, the
wildlife cycle—between rodents as definitive hosts and freshwater snails as inter-
mediate hosts—persists.
Carney, W.P. Echinostomiasis—a snail-borne intestinal trematode zoonosis. Southeast
Asian J Trop Med Public Health 22 Suppl:206–211, 1991.
Chai, J.Y., S.T. Hong, S.H. Lee, G.C. Lee, Y.I. Min. A case of echinostomiasis with ulcer-
ative lesions in the duodenum. Korean J Parasitol 32:201–204, 1994.
Huffman, J.E., B. Fried. Echinostoma and echinostomiasis. Adv Parasitol29:215–269,
Huh, S., S.U. Lee, S.C. Huh. A follow-up examination of intestinal parasitic infections of
the Army soldiers in Whachon-gun, Korea. Korean J Parasitol32:61–63, 1994.

Lee, S.H., S.W. Hwang, W.M. Sohn,et al. [Experimental life history of Echinostoma hort-
ense]. Kisaengchunghak Chapchi29:161–172, 1991.
Lee, S.H., T.Y. Noh, W.M. Sohn,et al. [Chronological observation of intestinal lesions of
rats experimentally infected with Echinostoma hortense]. Kisaengchunghak Chapchi
28:45–52, 1990.
Lee, S.K., B.M. Shin, N.S. Chung, J.Y. Chai, S.H. Lee. [Second report on intestinal para-
sites among the patients of Seoul Paik Hospital (1984–1992)]. Korean J Parasitol 32:27–33,
Liu, L.X., K.T. Harinasuta. Liver and intestinal flukes. Gastroenterol Clin North Am
25:627–636, 1996.
Marquardt, W.C., R.S. Demaree, R.B. Grieve, eds. Parasitology and Vector Biology,2nd ed.
San Diego: Academic Press; 2000.
Radomyos, P., B. Radomyos, A. Tungtrongchitr. Multi-infection with helminths in adults
from northeast Thailand as determined by post-treatment fecal examination of adult worms.
Trop Med Parasitol 45:133–135, 1994.
Son, W.Y., S. Huh, S.U. Lee, H.C. Woo, S.J. Hong. Intestinal trematode infections in the
villagers in Koje-myon, Kochang-gun, Kyongsangnam-do, Korea. Korean J Parasitol
32:149–155, 1994.
ICD-10 B66.3
Synonyms:Hepatic distomiasis, fasciolosis, sheep liver fluke disease.
Etiology:The agents of this disease are Fasciola hepatica andFasciola gigantica,
trematodes that live in the bile ducts of wild and domestic ruminants and other her-
bivores and occasionally infect man.
F. hepatica is a flat fluke, shaped like a laurel leaf, which measures 20 to 40 mm
long by 10 to 15 mm wide. It is greenish brown in color. The adult parasite lays
about 3,000 eggs a day, which are carried to the host intestine by bile and eliminated
in feces before they become embryonated. In order to mature, the eggs need to have
suitable conditions of humidity, oxygenation, and temperature. They can survive for
about two months in feces that are moist but sufficiently compacted to keep out oxy-
gen, but they will not hatch. The eggs can withstand temperatures from 0°C to 37°C,
but they only develop at 10°C to 30°C. In freshwater bodies, the first juvenile stage
(miracidium) develops and emerges from the egg in 10 to 12 days at temperatures
between 20°C and 26°C, but the process takes 60 days or longer at 10°C. Since the
energy reserves of the miracidium are limited, once it has been released it has to
invade a snail intermediate host within eight hours in order to stay alive. It is guided
to its intermediate host in part by the chemical attraction of the snail’s mucus.
The intermediate hosts are amphibious snails of the family Lymnaeidae. In the
past, most of the species in question were classified under the genus Lymnaea,but
a number of these have been reassigned to other genera, including Fossaria,

Pseudosuccinea,and Stagnicola(Barriga, 1997). Since traditional morphological
classification is difficult with the family Lymnaeidae, molecular methods are being
used to study phylogenetic relationships (Bargues and Mas-Coma, 1997). The most
important species are Fossaria bulimoides, Fossaria modicella,Pseudosuccinea
columella, S. caperata,andS. montanensi in North America; Fossaria viatrixand L.
diaphana in a large part of South America; L. tomentosa in Australia and New
Zealand; L. truncatula in Africa, Asia, and Europe; and L. viridis in Asia, the state
of Hawaii (USA), and Papua New Guinea (Boray, 1982). Fossaria cubensis and P.
columella are the main intermediate hosts in the Caribbean, Colombia, and
Venezuela (Cong et al., 1991).
The miracidia take 30 minutes to penetrate the snail using both enzymatic and
mechanical means, following which they become sporocysts. Rediae (sometimes
two generations) develop within the sporocysts, and within the rediae, cercariae. It
takes between three and seven weeks, depending on the temperature of the water, for
the sporocyst to develop inside the snail to the point of producing cercariae. This
multiplication of preadult parasite stages inside the snail, known as pedogenesis, is
characteristic of the trematodes and may compensate for the comparatively few eggs
laid by the adults. It has been estimated that a single F. hepaticamiracidium can pro-
duce 320 cercariae, and an average of 418 cercariae are recovered from one infected
snail (Barriga, 1997). The cercariae abandon the snail when it becomes more active,
often when more fresh water is available following rainfall. Once they are free, the
cercariae swim in the water for about two hours and then attach themselves to
aquatic plants, where they secrete a protective envelope, or cyst, around them. Some
cercariae may encyst in water, where they usually remain suspended, attached to
bubbles. This encysted organism is called a metacercaria. It measures about 0.2 mm
in diameter and becomes infective for the definitive host in two days. In order to sur-
vive, the metacercaria requires a relative humidity level of under 70% and moderate
temperatures. Few of them can withstand the ice of winter, and none can survive a
hot, dry summer. All of them live for 6 months at temperatures between 12°C and
14°C, but only 5% live for 10 months. Their maximum survival in nature is proba-
bly about one year.
The definitive hosts become infected by ingesting metacercariae along with plants
or water. The cystic envelope is digested in the small intestine of the host, and the
parasite becomes active, traverses the intestinal wall, moves around in the peritoneal
cavity for a couple of days, and, finally, penetrates the hepatic parenchyma. The par-
asite, which is only 0.3 mm long at this stage, continues to pass through the liver for
the next six or seven weeks and then invades the biliary canaliculi, by which time it
measures 4 mm to 14 mm. The parasite matures and eggs begin to appear in feces
between 56 and 90 days after the initial infection. The infection lasts approximately
four to six years in sheep and between one and two years in cattle.
F. gigantica has a life cycle similar to that of F. hepatica. However, its intermedi-
ate hosts are different aquatic snails belonging to the superspecies Lymnaea (Radix)
auricularia,and which live in larger bodies of water. These snails hibernate but do
not tolerate long summers. In India and Pakistan, the intermediate host is L. a.
rufescens;in Malaysia,L. a. rubiginosa;in Iran,L. a. geodrosiana;and in Iraq,L.
lagotis euphratica. The main intermediate host in Africa is L. a. natalensis (Malek,
1980). The development cycle of F. gigantica is longer than that of F. hepatica. In
countries where both trematodes exist, such as Pakistan, their co-occurrence is deter-

mined by the presence of appropriate intermediate hosts. F. hepatica cannot complete
its larval cycle in L. auricularia,whileF. gigantica cannot do so in L. truncatula. The
definitive hosts of F. gigantica are cattle, goats, zebras, sheep, and occasionally man.
The prepatent period lasts 9 to 12 weeks. This trematode is distinguished from F.
hepatica by its larger size (25–75 mm by 12 mm), smaller cephalic cone, less promi-
nent shoulders, more transparent body, and slightly larger eggs (156–197 µm by
90–104 µm for F. giganticaand 130–150 µm by 63–90 µm for F. hepatica).
Geographic Distribution:F. hepatica is found in almost all temperate regions
where sheep and other ruminants are raised. Virtually all these areas have sufficient
humidity and adequate temperature conditions, at least during part of the year, to
sustain a snail population. F. gigantica,on the other hand, occurs mainly in tropical
areas such as Africa, Asia Minor, Southeast Asia, southern Europe, the state of
Hawaii (USA), the former USSR, and possibly southern US.
Occurrence in Man:Human fascioliasis caused by F. hepaticahas been found
mainly in Australia, Bolivia, Cuba, Ecuador, England, Egypt, France, Iran, Peru, and
Portugal (García and Bruckner, 1997). The frequency of the parasite in animals does
not appear to be closely correlated with its occurrence in man. For example, although
the infection is common in cattle in western and southeastern US, only one human
case has been reported in that country. The situation is similar in China: although the
infection is frequently seen in animals, only 44 human cases were known to have
occurred as of 1991 (Chen, 1991). Human fascioliasis can occur sporadically or in
outbreaks. The largest epidemics on record were in France, near Lyon in 1956–1957,
with some 500 cases, and in the Lot Valley in 1957, with about 200 cases. The com-
mon source of infection was watercress contaminated with metacercariae (Malek,
1980). In England, the largest known outbreak affected 40 persons in 1972. In Egypt,
one study revealed 40 cases in children in one year (el-Karaksy et al., 1999) and
another, a 3% infection rate in children (Curtale et al., 1998). The frequency of
human infection in Latin America has been underestimated in the literature. In Cuba,
over 100 cases were recorded by 1944 (to which numerous subsequent reports should
be added), and in Chile, 82 as of 1959. In 1978, 42 clinical cases were diagnosed in
the canton of Turrialba in Costa Rica (Mora et al.,1980). A series of 31 surveys con-
ducted in the Bolivian highland plateau revealed an overall prevalence of 15.4%, with
local variations ranging from 0% to 68% (Esteban et al., 1999). In a hyperendemic
area of that Bolivian region, the prevalence was found to be 75% in children and 41%
in adults—probably the highest figures in the world (Esteban et al., 1997). A study
carried out in Cuba revealed an outbreak involving 67 persons, 59 of whom had
prepatent infections and were identified initially by coproantigenic investigation.
None of the prepatent cases had Fasciola antigen in the bloodstream (Espino et al.,
1998). A study of 5,861 rural subjects in central Chile showed a prevalence of 0.7%
in humans, 13.5% in horses, 6.1% in rabbits, and 20.6% in swine (Apt et al., 1992).
There is increasing reliance on immunologic diagnosis to study epidemics and find
cases in unsuspected contacts (Bechtel et al., 1992).
Occurrence in Animals:Hepatic fascioliasis is a common disease of cattle,
goats, and sheep in many parts of the world. It can also affect swine, rabbits,
equines, and other mammals. Morbidity and mortality rates vary from one region to
another. In endemic areas, it is not usual to find infection rates of 30%, 50%, or even

higher. A study conducted in the central highlands of Peru revealed an infection rate
of 18.6% in sheep in the foci of origin and 95.8% in the foci of dissemination. In
Puerto Rico, 32% of slaughterhouse cattle were found to be infected. The losses
caused by hepatic fascioliasis are difficult to calculate, but in the US, it is estimated
that US$ 5.5 million are lost each year because of mortality and morbidity, as well
as US$ 2.5 million on account of livers that were confiscated because they failed
inspection. According to one estimate, the productive efficiency of cattle with mild
infections declines by 8% and in cattle with more serious infections, by more than
20%. In the sheep-raising industry, losses in wool production alone can range from
20% to 39%. Indeed, there are losses from delayed development of the animals;
reduced wool, milk, and meat production; lower market prices; and the confiscation
of livers. Moreover, when the parasites invade an animal’s liver, they pave the way
for invasion by Clostridium novyi,which can cause infectious necrotic hepatitis.
F. giganticareaches high levels of prevalence in endemic areas. In China, rates of
50% in cattle, 45% in goats, and 33% in buffalo have been reported. In Iraq, rates of
71% were found in buffalo, 27% in cattle, 19% in goats, and 7% in sheep. In
Thailand, the average prevalence of infection was 12% in cattle and buffalo, with
local variations from 0% to 85% (Srihakim and Pholpark, 1991).
The Disease in Man:The effect of fascioliasis on human health depends on the
parasite burden and the duration of the infection. The migration of young fasciolae
across the intestinal wall and through the peritoneal cavity does not cause clinical
manifestations, but their final journey across the hepatic parenchyma can lead to
traumatic, necrotic, and inflammatory lesions, whose severity depends on the num-
ber of parasites. In the bile ducts, the adult Fasciola produces pericanalicular inflam-
mation and fibrosis, and adenomatous proliferation in the ductal epithelium.
Massive infections can cause biliary stasis due to obstruction of the duct, atrophy of
the liver, and periportal cirrhosis. Cholecystitis and cholelithiasis occur with some
frequency in chronic cases. The most common manifestations during acute fascio-
liasis, when the young parasites migrate across the hepatic parenchyma, are abdom-
inal pain, fever, hepatomegaly, eosinophilia, and mild anemia. In a study of 53
patients with eosinophilia of probable parasitic origin, 30 of the cases proved to be
due to fascioliasis (el Zawawy et al., 1995). Elsewhere,F. hepaticawas the parasite
most frequently associated with reduced hemoglobinemia in a group of highly par-
asitized individuals (Curtale et al., 1998). This parasite was also found in 24% of
187 patients with fever of unknown origin (Abdel Wahab et al., 1996).
In the chronic phase, which occurs once the parasite has become localized in the
bile ducts, the common signs are biliary colic and cholangitis. The acute-phase
eosinophilia usually persists, although sometimes the chronic infection can be
asymptomatic (el-Nehwihi et al., 1995). In a study of 47 patients in Chile, the main
symptoms were abdominal pain, dyspepsia, weight loss, diarrhea, and fever. Ten of
the 47 patients had jaundice. The eosinophil count was normal in 9 and elevated in
38 cases (Faiguenbaum et al.,1962). In Spain, the most common symptoms in 6 fas-
cioliasis patients were eosinophilia (100% over 1,000 cells/mm
), abdominal pain
(100%), fever (83%), weight loss (83%), and generalized myalgia (67%) (de
Gorgolas et al., 1992).
As they pass through the peritoneal cavity, the larvae may be diverted to aberrant
sites in different parts of the body. Hence it is not unusual for patients to have extra-

hepatic abnormalities, such as pulmonary infiltrates, pleuropericarditis, meningitis,
or lymphadenopathy caused by these parasites (Arjona et al., 1995).
The Disease in Animals:Fascioliasis is a disease of herbivores. Sheep are the
most susceptible domestic species, followed by cattle. The disease has both an acute
and a chronic form (Soulsby, 1982).
The acute form occurs when the sheep ingests a large number of metacercariae at
once, with consequent invasion of a multitude of young parasites in the hepatic
parenchyma. The migrating parasites destroy the hepatic tissue, causing hemor-
rhages, hematomas, necrotic tunnels, and peripheral inflammation. In massive infec-
tions, the affected sheep may die suddenly without any clinical manifestations, or
they may exhibit weakness, loss of appetite, and pain when palpated in the hepatic
region and then die a couple of days later. In less acute cases there may be weight
loss and accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites). Other frequent manifesta-
tions are eosinophilia, anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and high alanine aminotrans-
ferase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (ASL) levels in serum. In sheep harboring
C. novyi spores in the liver, the invasion of juvenile fasciolae can lead to infectious
necrotic hepatitis with fatal outcome. Cattle rarely suffer from acute fascioliasis.
The chronic form occurs when the host ingests moderate but sustained doses of
metacercariae. Instead of sudden, massive invasion and destruction of the liver, the
parasites accumulate over time and eventually reach a pathogenic number after they
are already localized in the bile ducts. The symptoms are progressive anemia, weak-
ness, loss of appetite, submandibular edema (“bottle jaw”), ascites, diarrhea, and
weight loss. The symptomatology depends on the parasite burden. In sheep, 200 to
700 parasites cause chronic disease and in some cases death, while 700 to 1,400
cause subacute disease and certain death. In cattle, the manifestations of fascioliasis
are usually constipation, diarrhea in extreme cases, weakness, and emaciation, espe-
cially in young animals. Cattle are more resistant than sheep and can tolerate a larger
parasite burden without having any significant clinical manifestations: about 1,400
parasites will cause symptoms in 60% of the animals and a few deaths (Barriga,
1997). The animals’ condition worsens when pasturage is scarce and improves when
it is abundant, but they are never cured, and the parasitosis has a cumulative effect
over the years. In swine, fascioliasis is usually asymptomatic and becomes clinically
apparent when debilitating factors, such as malnutrition or concurrent illnesses, are
present. The parasitosis has also been described in equines and rabbits.
The pathogenesis, pathology, and symptomatology of the infection caused by F.
gigantica are similar to those of the parasitosis caused by F. hepatica.Both acute
and chronic forms are seen in sheep, but cattle have only the chronic form.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The ecology of fascioliasis is
linked to the presence of water, which enables the snails that serve as intermediate
hosts to survive, and appropriate temperatures, which allow the parasites to com-
plete their life cycle. Physiographic characteristics, soil composition, and climatic
factors determine the reproduction rate of Lymnaea and hence the epidemiologic
dynamics of the disease. Specimens of Lymnaea,as well as cases of fascioliasis, can
be found in pasturelands in widely diverse settings throughout the world, from sea
level flatlands to Andean valleys at elevations of over 3,700 meters. From the eco-
logic standpoint, the habitat of Lymnaea can be divided into two broad types: pri-
mary foci, or reservoirs, and areas of dissemination. The primary foci are located in

permanently wet environments such as streams, lakes, lagoons, or canals. The snails
are found near the banks, where water flows slowly. They begin to lay their eggs in
springtime when temperatures rise above 10°C and continue to do so as long as the
thermometer remains above this level. At 9°C the eggs hatch in one month; at 17°C
to 19°C, in 17 to 22 days; and at 25°C, in 8 to 12 days. Since new snails begin to lay
eggs at 3 weeks of age, they can produce up to three generations in a single season
as long as they have enough water. It has been calculated that a single specimen of
L. truncatulacan produce up to 100,000 new snails in one season.
Many snails die during dry, hot summers, but a few of them estivate and resume
their development when the temperature falls and moist conditions return. Many of
them also die during very cold winters, but some go into hibernation and resume
their development when temperatures once again rise above 10°C. The snails that
manage to survive dry conditions, heat, and cold are the seeds for the next season’s
crop of snails. Temperature above 10°C is a key factor in the epidemiology of fas-
cioliasis because when it is any colder the Fasciolaeggs fail to develop, the snails
do not reproduce, the stages do not develop inside the snail, and the cercaria do not
encyst. Areas of dissemination are characterized by the alternation of flooding and
droughts, and they have large concentrations of Lymnaea. Snails may reach these
areas directly from original foci carried by rising waters, or they may be reactivated
after estivation during dry spells. Seasonal foci of this kind turn pastures into
enzootic areas in which serious outbreaks occur. Fasciola eggs transmitted by
infected animals in springtime and early summer develop inside the snails and pro-
duce cercariae and metacercariae until the end of summer. The animals that ingest
them begin to show signs of the disease at the end of autumn and during winter. The
eggs transmitted by these animals infect more snails, but eggs do not develop until
sufficiently warm temperatures return in the spring. Hence the metacercariae from
this new cycle appear at the end of spring or in early summer. When ingested by ani-
mals, these metacercariae produce symptoms in summer and autumn.
The most important definitive host is the sheep. It has been estimated that a sheep
with a mild subclinical infection can contaminate a pasture with more than 500,000
eggs a day, and one with a moderate infection can shed 2.5 to 3 million eggs a day.
Sheep are followed in importance by cattle, but their production of Fasciola eggs
declines rapidly. Many other species of domestic and wild herbivores, including
lagomorphs, can also serve as definitive hosts. However, studies done in Australia
suggest that some of these latter animals are only temporary hosts and cannot main-
tain the cycle by themselves for any length of time. Such would be the case with rab-
bits, which do not contaminate pastures to any significant extent.
Man is infected mainly by eating watercress (Nasturtium officinale) infested with
metacercariae. In France, where watercress is a popular salad ingredient (10,000
tons are consumed each year), human infection is more frequent than in other
European countries. Sometimes raw lettuce and other contaminated plants that are
eaten raw can also be a source of infection, as can water from irrigation ditches or
other receptacles. Alfalfa juice has also been implicated in places where people
drink this beverage.
Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease:Man is an accidental host.
The infection cycle in nature is maintained between animals (especially sheep and
cattle) and snails of the family Lymnaeidae. Animals, therefore, serve primarily as a

reservoir of infection for man. The epidemiological picture of human fascioliasis
appears to have changed in recent years. In the last two decades, the number of
human cases has increased in places that are geographically unrelated to areas in
which the animal disease is endemic. Mas-Coma et al. (1999) believe that this infec-
tion has ceased to be a secondary zoonosis and propose a new classification for the
epidemiology of the human infection.
Diagnosis:The disease is suspected on the basis of clinical manifestations
(painful and febrile hepatomegaly coupled with eosinophilia) and is confirmed by
the finding of characteristic eggs in feces. During the acute phase, no eggs can be
seen because the parasites have not yet matured, and therefore immunologic tests are
often used. However, positive reactions may not appear at such an early stage. In this
phase, it is important to distinguish fascioliasis from acute hepatitides due to other
causes. Epidemiologic antecedents (abundance of cases in the area, custom of eat-
ing watercress) and the presence of peripheral eosinophilia assist in identification.
In animals, the diagnosis of acute fascioliasis is often made at autopsy based on
observation of hepatic lesions and the presence of immature parasites. The most
effective method for finding eggs in feces is sedimentation. Sometimes the parasite
can be seen using biliary endoscopy. Ultrasound does not show the migrating para-
sites during the acute phase and reveals only 50% of the patent cases (Fawzy et al.,
Consumption of beef or lamb’s liver may cause trematode eggs to appear in feces
and consequently give a false positive result in the coprologic examination. A cor-
rect diagnosis can be made after excluding liver from the patient’s diet for several
days. If fecal observation is negative, bile can be examined by duodenal probe. In a
series comparing the two approaches, coprologic observation revealed 68% of the
cases, whereas the study of the bile aspirate identified 98% of the cases. In Latin
America, there have been cases of unnecessary and prolonged hospitalization of
hepatic patients, and sometimes even surgical interventions have been performed,
because differential diagnosis failed to take fascioliasis into account. A number of
immunobiologic tests have been used in an effort to diagnose the infection during
the prepatent period, including a skin test, complement fixation, immunofluores-
cence, immunoelectrophoresis, counterimmunoelectrophoresis, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and immunoelectrotransfer. The prepatent period of
fascioliasis lasts for so long (more than two months in humans), that it is one of the
few parasitic diseases in which immunology is useful for diagnosis. The search for
appropriate antigens has improved the specificity and sensitivity of these tests, but
there are still cross-reactions, especially with schistosomiasis. ELISA, used on cys-
teine proteinase regurgitated by the parasite, has yielded sensitivity levels of 89% to
95% and specificity levels of 98% to 100% (Cordova et al., 1999). Early diagnosis
of fascioliasis makes it possible to start treatment before liver damage is too far
Control:Individuals can prevent fascioliasis by not eating raw watercress of wild
or unknown origin. Watercress can be cultivated under controlled conditions that
prevent access by animals, and therefore fecal contamination, as well as infestation
by snails. However, most watercress sold in markets has been gathered by persons
who are unaware of the sanitary conditions under which the plant was grown.
Rinsing the greens for 10 minutes in running water washes away only 50% of the

metacercariae, but citric acid (10 ml/L), commercial vinegar (120 ml/L), liquid soap
(12 ml/L), or potassium permanganate (24 mg/L) will detach or kill them all (el-
Sayad et al., 1997).
A modern plan for the control of animal fascioliasis, which would ultimately fore-
stall human infection, would include: a) preventing the consumption of metacer-
cariae, b) strategically administering fasciolicides to the definitive hosts, and c)
eliminating the intermediate hosts. Preventing the ingestion of Fasciolametacer-
cariae involves fencing in contaminated areas, which is difficult, expensive, and not
very effective. The strategic administration of fasciolicides, unlike curative treat-
ment, is aimed at interrupting the life cycle of the parasite by treating animals
according to a regimen that will prevent the initial infection, the formation of eggs,
and, finally, contamination of the environment. There are now highly sophisticated
methods for calculating the best time to administer such treatments (Yilma and
Malone, 1998). Previously, some of the chemical compounds against Fasciola killed
only the adult or juvenile specimens, but now broad-spectrum treatments are avail-
able. Controlling snails involves ecologic, chemical, and biologic methods. The eco-
logic approach consists of modifying the environment to interrupt the life cycle of
the snails. Drainage of the land, where this is technically and economically feasible,
is the one permanent way to control or eliminate the mollusks. It is also beneficial
to smooth the banks of watercourses and remove marginal vegetation to prevent the
formation of backwater pools where the snails flourish. The chemical approach con-
sists of applying molluscicides. Given the impressive capacity of Limnaeaspp. for
reproduction and recuperation, molluscicides should be applied regularly to keep
down the snail population. This approach is very costly and therefore cannot be
applied on a large scale on most livestock-raising establishments in the developing
countries. However, it can be used on small farms. In temperate climates, mollusci-
cides should be applied for the first time in spring, when the snails are beginning to
reproduce. Application can be repeated in mid-summer to kill the snails before the
cercariae are released, and again in autumn, to reduce the population going into
hibernation. In climates with only two seasons (dry and rainy), molluscicides should
be applied at the beginning and end of the rainy season. Many traditional mollusci-
cides are inactivated by organic materials and elevated pH levels. The biologic
approach involves enlisting the natural enemies of the snails that serve as interme-
diate hosts. Although there are many known competitors, predators, and parasites of
snails, this subject has not been fully studied. Vaccination against Fasciolamight be
an appropriate control method, but most researchers have found that sheep do not
produce significant protective immunity against this parasite.
Abdel Wahab, M.F., T.A. Younis, I.A. Fahmy, I.M. el Gindy. Parasitic infections presenting
as prolonged fevers. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 26:509–516, 1996.
Apt, W., X. Aguilera, F. Vega,et al. Prevalencia de fascioliasis en humanos, caballos, cer-
dos y conejos silvestres, en tres provincias de Chile. Bol Oficina Sanit Panam115:405–414,
Arjona, R., J.A. Riancho, J.M. Aguado, R. Salesa, J. González-Macías. Fascioliasis in
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Bargues, M.D., S. Mas-Coma. Phylogenetic analysis of lymnaeid snails based on 18S
rDNA sequences. Mol Biol Evol14:569–577, 1997.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Bechtel, U., H.E. Feucht, E. Held, T. Vogl, H.D. Nothdurft. Fasciola hepatica—Infektion
einer Familie. Diagnostik und Therapie. Dtsch Med Wochenschr117:978–982, 1992.
Boray, J.C. Fascioliasis. In:Hillyer, G.V., C.E. Hopla, section eds. Section C, vol. 3:CRC
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Chen, M.G. Fasciola hepaticainfection in China. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public
Health22 Suppl:356–360, 1991.
Cong, M.Y., G. Perera de Puga, J.R. Ferrer López. Identificación conquiológica de molus-
cos huéspedes de Fasciola hepaticaen Cuba. Rev Cubana Med Trop43:202–203, 1991.
Cordova, M., L. Reategui, J.R. Espinoza. Immunodiagnosis of human fascioliasis with
Fasciola hepaticacysteine proteinases. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 93:54–57, 1999.
Curtale, F., M. Nabil, A. el Wakeel, M.Y. Shamy. Anaemia and intestinal parasitic infections
among school age children in Behera Governorate, Egypt. Behera Survey Team. J Trop
Pediatr44:323–328, 1998.
de Gorgolas, M., R. Torres, C. Verdejo,et al. Infestación por Fasciola hepatica.
Biopatología y nuevos aspectos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. Enferm Infecc Microbiol Clin
10:514–519, 1992.
Esteban, J.G., A. Flores, R. Angles, W. Strauss, C. Aguirre, S. Mas-Coma. A population-
based coprological study of human fascioliasis in a hyperendemic area of the Bolivian
Altiplano. Trop Med Int Health2(7):695–699, 1997.
Esteban, J.G., A. Flores, R. Angles, S. Mas-Coma. High endemicity of human fascioliasis
between Lake Titicaca and La Paz valley, Bolivia. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg93:151–156,
Espino, A.M., A. Díaz, A. Pérez, C.M. Finlay. Dynamics of antigenemia and coproantigens
during a human Fasciola hepaticaoutbreak. J Clin Microbiol36:2723–2726, 1998.
Faiguenbaum, J., A. Feres, R. Doncaster,et al. Fascioliasis (distomatosis) hepática humana.
Bol Chile Parasitol 17:7–12, 1962.
Fawzy, R.K., A.E. Salem, M.M. Osman. Ultrasonographic findings in the gall bladder in
human fascioliasis. J Egypt Soc Parasitol22:827–831, 1992.
García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
el-Karaksy, H., B. Hassanein, S. Ocaza, B. Behairy, I. Gadallah. Human fascioliasis in
Egyptian children: Successful treatment with triclabendazole. J Trop Pediatr45:135–138,
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Mas-Coma, M.S., J.G. Esteban, M.D. Bargues. Epidemiology of human fascioliasis: A
review and proposed new classification. Bull World Health Organ77:340–346, 1999.
Mora, J. A., R. Arroyo, S. Molina, L. Troper, E. Irias. Nuevos aportes sobre el valor de la
fasciolina. Estudio en un área endémica de Costa Rica. Bol Oficina Sanit Panam 89:409–414,
el-Newihi, H.M., I.A. Waked, A.A. Mihas. Biliary complications of Fasciola hepatica:The
role of endoscopic retrograde cholangiography in management. J Clin Gastroenterol
21:309–311, 1995.
el-Sayad, M.H., A.F. Alam, M.M. Osman. Prevention of human fascioliasis: A study on the
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eosinophilia of suspected parasitic origin. J Egypt Soc Parasitol 25:245–255, 1995.
ICD-10 B66.5
Etiology:The agent of this infection is Fasciolopsis buski,a large, thick, reddish
trematode (up to 75 mm long, 20 mm wide, and 3 mm thick) that lives attached to
the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum in humans and swine. The eggs elimi-
nated in the feces must incubate for 16 to 18 days in still water at 30°C to form the
first juvenile stage (miracidium) (Soulsby, 1982). Studies in China have found that
the eggs need oxygen (they do not tolerate anaerobic conditions) and survive for
three to four months at 4°C. The miracidium emerges from the mature egg and pen-
etrates small planorbid snails, mainly of the genera Gyraulus, Segmentina,
Helicorbis, Hippeutis,and Polypylis. In mollusks, the miracidium passes through
the sporocyst stage and two generations of rediae. The second generation of rediae
gives rise to large numbers of cercariae, which emerge from the snails and encyst as
metacercariae on aquatic plants. The studies in China have found that almost 4% of
the metacercariae encyst in the water. The definitive hosts, humans or swine,
become infected by consuming aquatic plants or water with metacercariae. In the
intestine, the metacercaria is released from its envelope, and after about three
months, the parasite reaches maturity and reinitiates the cycle by oviposition.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The infection is common in south-
east Asia (Waikagul, 1991). The parasitosis occurs in Bangladesh, central and south-
ern China, India, the Indochina peninsula, Indonesia, and Taiwan. Cases have also
been reported, many of them among immigrants, in the Philippines, Japan, and sev-
eral Western countries. Some 10 million people are estimated to have this parasite.
Prevalence is very variable but generally low in humans and is thought to be higher
in the areas where swine are raised. In some Thai villages, the infection affects up
to 70% of the population. In several areas of Chekiang and Kiangsi Provinces,
China, the prevalence can be as high as 85%; in contrast, in other areas of the coun-
try infection rates ranging from less than 1% to 5% are found. The prevalence of F.
buskiand other geohelminthiases (amebiases) has declined strikingly in this coun-
try, but the prevalence of foodborne parasites (trichinosis, cysticercosis, clonorchia-
sis, paragonimiasis) has increased. In a study of 5,479 randomly chosen persons in
China in 1995, 0.8% were infected. Approximately half of all human infections are
believed to occur in China (Malek, 1980). The most affected age group is 4- to 13-
year-olds. A study conducted in an endemic area of Thailand found that the preva-
lence of infection in humans was similar to that of the swine population. The swine

were also found to harbor fewer parasites, which produced fewer eggs than those
lodged in the human intestine (Manning and Ratanarat, 1970). In some areas of
China with high rates of human infection, the parasitosis in swine has not been con-
firmed. This would seem to indicate that, at least in some areas, humans are the par-
asite’s preferred host.
The Disease in Man and Animals:This parasite produces few or no symptoms
in most hosts. Perhaps because it is the largest trematode affecting man, traumatic,
toxic, and obstructive effects have been attributed to it, with epigastric pain, nausea,
diarrhea, undigested food in the feces, and edemas of the face, abdomen, and legs.
Yet a clinical study of a group of mostly young persons in Thailand who were elim-
inating F. buskieggs and of a control group found that both groups showed mild gas-
trointestinal symptoms (Plaut et al.,1969). The severe disease described in the lit-
erature seemingly corresponds to cases with a large parasite burden (Liu and
Harinasuta, 1996).
Only 3 to 12 parasites are usually found in naturally infected pigs. By and large,
the health of the pigs is not affected, and the symptoms of the disease occur only in
cases of massive parasitosis.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection for
humans and swine is aquatic plants and water containing metacercariae.
Epidemiological research in China suggests that between 10% and 13% of persons
and from 35% to 40% of swine are infected more from drinking water contaminated
with metacercariae than from eating plants. Endemic areas offer the ecological con-
ditions necessary for the growth of both the intermediate hosts and the edible aquatic
plants. In central Thailand, these conditions occur in flooded fields, where edible
aquatic plants are cultivated near dwellings. These fields receive human excreta
directly from the houses, which are built on pillars. Human and animal excreta pro-
mote the development of mollusks and plants and provide the infective material (the
parasite’s eggs) for the host. The hosts are the snails Hippeutis umbilicalisand
Segmentina trochoideusin Bangladesh, in addition to Polypylis hemisphaerulain
China, Thailand, and Taiwan (Gilman et al.,1982). It has also been found that
Helicorbis umbilicalisis an intermediate host in Laos (Ditrich et al.,1992). The epi-
demiologically important aquatic plants, whose fruits, pods, roots, bulbs, or stems are
eaten by humans, are “water chestnuts” (Eliocharis spp.,Trapaspp.), the lotus
Nymphaea lotus,and others of the genera Eichhornia, Ipomoea, Neptunia,and
Zizania. Certain parts of these plants are eaten raw, and the teeth and lips are often
used to peel the pods and bulbs. In areas where people customarily boil the plants or
their “fruits” (water chestnuts) before eating them but give them raw to swine, the
infection rate is much higher in these animals than in humans. In general, the preva-
lence of human infection is higher in areas where the aquatic plants are cultivated and
lower in distant towns, since metacercariae attached to the plants are not resistant to
desiccation when some time elapses between harvest and marketing. The pig is con-
sidered a reservoir of the parasite that could maintain the infection in the human pop-
ulation even if the sanitary elimination of human excreta were achieved. In Muslim
countries, such as Bangladesh, swine do not play any role as a reservoir; man is prac-
tically the only reservoir and only source of infection for snails (Gilman et al.,1982).
The infection can be imported by patients into regions where intermediate hosts exist;
one study found that 3 of 93 Thai workers in Israel were infected by F. buski.

Diagnosis:The infection is suspected on the basis of symptoms and epidemio-
logical conditions and is confirmed by the discovery of F. buskieggs in fecal mat-
ter. The eggs are very similar to those of Fasciola gigantica and Fasciola hepatica;
experts say that the eggs of F. buski(128–140 µm by 78–85 µm) cannot be distin-
guished from those of F. hepatica(128–150 µm by 60–90 µm) (Zeibig, 1997). The
parasite itself can easily be identified when found in vomit or fecal matter. There are
no reports on attempts at immunological diagnosis, but the parasite has shown cross-
reactions in tests for Fasciola hepatica,the larva of Taenia solium,and Trichinella
Control:The simplest way to prevent human parasitosis is to refrain from eating
fresh or raw aquatic plants, peeling them with the teeth, or drinking water from con-
taminated areas, but this recommendation requires changing a habit, which is diffi-
cult to achieve. Studies conducted in China have shown that immersing contami-
nated plants in boiling water for 1 to 2 minutes is sufficient to kill the parasite. Other
measures to combat the parasitosis, in addition to health education, are to use mol-
luscicides, to treat the affected population, to treat the human excreta in septic tanks
or with quicklime, to prevent the fertilization of fields with human feces, and to pro-
hibit swine raising in endemic areas.
Ditrich O., V. Nasincova, T. Scholz, M. Giboda. Larval stages of medically important flukes
(Trematoda) from Vientiane province, Laos. Part II. Cercariae. Ann Parasitol Hum Comp
67(3):75−81, 1992.
Gilman, R.H., G. Mondal, M. Maksud,et al. Endemic focus of Fasciolopsis buski infection
in Bangladesh. Am J Trop Med Hyg31(4):796−802, 1982.
Liu, L.X., K.T. Harinasuta. Liver and intestinal flukes. Gastroenterol Clin North Am
25(3):627−636, 1996.
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Manning, G.S., C. Ratanarat. Fasciolopsis buski (Lankester, 1857) in Thailand. Am J Trop
Med Hyg 19(4):613−619, 1970.
Plaut, A.G., C. Kampanart-Sanyakorn, G.S. Manning. A clinical study of Fasciolopsis buski
infection in Thailand. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 63(4):470−478, 1969.
Soulsby, E.J.L. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals,7th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger; 1982.
Waikagul, J. Intestinal fluke infections in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med
Public Health 22Suppl:158−162, 1991.
Zeibig, E.A. Clinical Parasitology: A Practical Approach. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders;

ICD-10 B66.8 Other specified fluke infections
Etiology:The agent of this infection is Gastrodiscoides (Amphistomum) hominis,
a bright-pink, pear-shaped trematode 5–14 mm long by 4–66 mm wide; it lives in
the cecum and ascending colon of swine and humans, although it has also been
found in monkeys and field rats (Soulsby, 1982). The anterior part of the parasite is
conical, but the posterior opens into a disc with a suction cup. The eggs leave the
host without embryonating and take 16 to 17 days, at 27°C to 34°C, to form the first
juvenile stage (miracidium) and hatch (Neva, 1994). In experiments in India,
miracidia were able to produce infection in the planorbid snail Helicorbis coenosus,
which may be the natural intermediate host. Details of development in the snail are
not known, but judging from the cycle of other members of the same family, they
are presumed to form oocysts, one or two generations of rediae, and cercariae.
Depending on the ambient temperature, the cercariae begin to emerge from the
snails 28 to 152 days after infection. Like those of other species of Gastrodiscidae,
the cercariae are thought to encyst on aquatic plants and develop into metacercariae.
The definitive hosts are infected by ingesting the metacercariae. It has been sug-
gested that G. hominisin humans and swine could be different strains or varieties.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:This parasitosis occurs primarily in
India (states of Assam, Bihar, Orissa, and West Bengal) and in Bangladesh, but has
also been recorded in the Philippines, the Indochina peninsula, and in animals in
Indonesia (Java), Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand. It has been observed in Indian
immigrants in Guyana. The geographic distribution may be wider, since the parasite
was found in a wild boar in Kazakhstan. Human infection rates vary and can be very
high, as in a village in Assam, India, where 41% of the population, mostly children,
had the parasite’s eggs in their stools. Oddly enough, swine are not abundant in this
In a slaughterhouse in India, the parasite was found in 27% of 233 pigs examined.
The infection is also found in rodents and several species of nonhuman primates in
Asia: rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and cynomologus monkeys (M. fascicu-
laris, M. irus,and M. philippinensis). The infection rate in 1,201 cynomologus mon-
keys (M. fascicularis) was 21.4%. The infection rate in swine in India is higher in
late summer and early autumn, reaching its peak between June and September (Roy
and Tandon, 1992).
The Disease in Man and Animals:The infection is clinically apparent probably
only when the parasite burden is large. In these cases, there reportedly may be alter-
ations of the mucosa of the colon and cecum, colitis, and mucoid diarrhea
(Strickland, 1991).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The natural definitive host
appears to be swine, in which high rates of infection have been found. The parasite
has also been found in monkeys and rodents. In general, man is considered to be a
secondary definitive host. However, the true relationship between the human and
animal trematodes is not yet well known, nor has it been determined experimentally

whether the animal parasites are transmitted to man. In some areas in India, the
human infection occurs without infection in swine. The reverse situation has also
been observed (Malek, 1980). The definitive hosts acquire the infection through the
digestive tract, perhaps by ingesting aquatic plants or untreated water containing
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is based on detection of the presence of eggs in feces or,
more easily, on identification of the trematode following administration of an anti-
helminthic to the affected person. The eggs of Gastrodiscoides(150–170 µm by
60–70 µm) resemble those of Fasciolopsis buski,but are narrower and greenish.
Control:Since the lifecycle of the parasite is not known, it is difficult to recom-
mend control measures. Nonetheless, for individual protection it is suggested that
people in endemic areas not consume aquatic plants or untreated water. For preven-
tion through treatment of the animal reservoir, the best time is mid-summer, before
the infection reaches its highest prevalence (Roy and Tandon, 1992).
Dutt, S.C., H.D. Srivastara. The life history of Gastrodiscoides hominis (Lewis and
McConnel, 1876) Leiper, 1913—the amphistome parasite of man and pig. J Helminthol
46(1):35−46, 1972.
Faust, E.C., P.C. Beaver, R.C. Jung. Animal Agents and Vectors of Human Disease,4th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1975.
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Neva, F.A. Basic Clinical Parasitology,6th ed. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange;
Roy, B., V. Tandon. Seasonal prevalence of some zoonotic trematode infections in cattle and
pigs in the north-east montane zone in India. Vet Parasitol41(1−2):69−76, 1992.
Soulsby, E.J.L. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals,7th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1982.
Strickland, G.T., ed. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine,7th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1991.
ICD-10 B66.8 Other specified fluke infections
Synonyms:Heterophydiasis, heterophyes infection (small intestine).
Etiology:The agents of this infection are trematodes of the family Heterophyidae,
which infect the intestine of man and other vertebrates. As of 1980, Malek (1980) had
recognized 10 species in the world that were infective for man, the most common
being Heterophyes heterophyes,Heterophyes nocens,Metagonimus yokogawai,and
Stellantchasmus falcatus. The others on this list were Cryptocotyle (Tocotrema) lin-
gua,Haplorchis calderoni,Haplorchis taichui,Haplorchis vanissima,Haplorchis

yokogawai,andStamnosoma armatum. In 1991, Chai and Lee (1991) added six more
species that had infected man in the Republic of Korea:Centrocestus armatus,
Heterophyes dispar,Heterophyopsis continua,M. takahashii,Pygidiopsis summa,
andStictodora fuscatum. Later Metagonimus miyatai,which for a while had been
considered a type of M. yokogawai,was described in patients in the Republic of
Korea and Japan (Saito et al., 1997). Genetic studies have differentiated the two
species (Yu et al., 1997). The most important species from the medical standpoint are
H. heterophyes andM. yokogawai.For example, in a study carried out in Korea, 5
patients under treatment produced a total of 3,007 specimens of M. yokogawai,120
of H. nocens,and 46 of S. falcatus(Chai et al., 1998).
All the heterophyids have a similar biological cycle: the first intermediate host is
an appropriate aquatic snail (Cerithidea, Cleopatra, Melania, Pironella,
Semisulcospira, Tympanotomus), which ingests the mature eggs, and in which the
cercariae are produced. In addition, there is a second intermediate host in which the
metacercariae are produced—usually one of a large variety of fish that live in fresh
or brackish water. The second intermediate hosts of C. armatus,M. takahashii,and
M. yokogawaiare freshwater fish; those of H. continua, H. nocens, P. summa, S. fal-
catus,and S. fuscatum are found in brackish water (Chai and Lee, 1991); and those
of H. heterophyes,in estuaries and fresh or brackish water. Because of their public
health importance,H. heterophyesand M. yokogawai are covered here in detail.
H. heterophyes is a very small pyriform trematode measuring 1–1.7 mm long by
0.3–0.4 mm wide that lives in the small intestine of humans, cats, dogs, foxes, and
other fish-eating mammals or birds. When observed in host feces, the eggs contain
a completely developed miracidium, which must be ingested by an appropriate
aquatic snail (first intermediate host) in order to continue its development cycle.
Once inside the snail (in Egypt,Pirenella spp.; in Japan,Cerithidea cingulata and
Semisulcospira libertina), the miracidia give rise to sporocysts, which in turn give
rise to one or two generations of rediae, and the last in turn to cercariae. The cer-
cariae invade the second intermediate host, which may be one of about a dozen
species of fish from fresh or brackish water that customarily spawn in brackish or
salt water. The cercariae form cysts under the scales or in the musculature of these
fish and transform into metacercariae. In Egypt, metacercariae are found primarily
in mullet (Mugil),Tilapia,and a few other species, and in Japan, in several species
of goby belonging to the genus Acanthogobius. When man or another definitive host
eats raw fish containing metacercariae, the parasites are released from the cystic
envelope and develop inside the intestine until they turn into adult trematodes, which
start to lay eggs in about nine days.
M. yokogawai measures 1–2.5 mm long by 0.4–0.8 mm wide and lives in the
small intestine of humans, dogs, cats, swine, pelicans, and possibly other piscivo-
rous birds. The development cycle is similar to that of H. heterophyes. The first
intermediate hosts are snails of the genera Semisulcospira, Hua,or Thiara;the sec-
ond intermediate hosts are fish belonging to the salmon and trout families.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:H. heterophyes,and probably H. dis-
par,are found in Southeast Asia, the Near and Middle East, Turkey, the Balkans, and
Spain. The largest endemic focus is in the Nile Delta, where conditions are espe-
cially favorable for propagation of this parasitosis: enormous numbers of Pirenella
snails live at the bottom of the delta’s brackish lagoons, mullet is abundant, the pop-

ulation traditionally eats raw fish, and facilities for sanitary waste disposal are inad-
equate. Most of the mullet contain metacercariae, with counts as high as 6,000
metacercariae per fish, and almost all the dogs and cats are infected. In one locality,
it was estimated that 65% of the schoolchildren had parasites. In addition to the
endemic and hyperendemic areas already mentioned, a very low prevalence of H.
heterophyes has been recorded in western Africa.
A high prevalence of H. nocens was reported in Yamaguchi Prefecture in Japan.
However, subsequent surveys in other prefectures showed prevalence rates of less
than 1% (Malek, 1980). In 1994, Chai et al. (1994) found a large focus of H. nocens
in the Republic of Korea: 43% of 98 persons were infected.
M. yokogawai is found primarily in the Far East and the northern provinces of
Siberia. It is seen less often in central Europe and has also been reported in Spain. In
a hospital in Seoul, Korea, a total of 52,552 fecal samples were examined between
1984 and 1992, and the only heterophyid observed was M. yokogawai,which was
present in 1.2% of the samples (Lee et al., 1994). Also, a 1991 study in Korea found
Metagonimusspp. in 12% of the males and 6% of the females examined, with more
intense infections in males. The prevalence was higher in persons over 30 years old,
but there was no correlation between age and intensity. Eight species of freshwater
fish were found to be infected with metacercariae. In 1993, 465 persons and 68 fish
were studied along the Hantan River in Korea and it was determined that 3.4% of the
people and 21% of the fish were infected with M. miyatai(Park et al., 1993). Ahn
(1993) found Metagonimusinfection in 7.8% of 1,067 individuals examined in
Korea, with rates ranging between 3.8% and 12.8% in 5 different riverbank areas. In
fish, the infection rate was 81% in the 318 specimens studied.
The range of S. falcatus includes Australia, Hawaii (USA), Indonesia, Japan, the
Philippines, Thailand, and the Middle East.
The Disease in Man and Animals:Mild infections are usually asymptomatic. A
large parasite burden can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa with excessive
secretion of mucus, superficial necrosis of the epithelium, chronic diarrhea, colic,
and nausea. Aberrant eggs of the parasite sometimes enter the bloodstream and pro-
duce granulomatous foci in various tissues and organs, including the myocardium
and brain. In the Philippines, it is believed that 15% of the cases of fatal myocardi-
tis may be caused by the eggs of these parasites (García and Bruckner, 1997).
Nevertheless, most human cases are benign. In M. yokogawai infections, parasites
have been found both free-living in the lumen and encrusted in the intervillous
spaces. Other observations have included massive infiltrations of lymphocytes,
plasmocytes, and eosinophils in the stroma, erosion of neighboring enterocytes,
depletion of globet cells, and occasionally, edema of the villi (Chi et al., 1988).
The picture is similar in animals. The infection is clinically apparent only when
the number of parasites is large. In 1962, a metacercarial organism similar to S. fal-
catus,provisionally labeled “agent SF,” was isolated in Japan from dogs in which it
was causing mild disease. It is now known that the RNA sequences of this agent are
99.1% homologous with Ehrlichia risticii,the organism that causes Potomac horse
fever, and 98.7% homologous with E. sennetsu,which infects humans in western
Japan (Wen et al., 1996). Its transmission would be similar to that of the canine rick-
ettsia Neorickettsia helminthoecavia the trematode Nanophyetus salmincola
(Soulsby, 1982).

Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection for
man, other mammals, and birds is fish (from fresh, brackish, or salt water) infected
with the parasite metacercariae. The custom of eating raw or undercooked fish is the
main cause of the human infection. The critical host, because of its specificity, is the
snail. The parasite is less selective regarding the second intermediate host, which
can be one of a number of fish species found in fresh, brackish, or salt water, and
even certain shrimp. Contamination of the water with human or animal excreta
ensures completion of the parasite’s development cycle. The primary definitive hosts
vary depending on the parasite species: for some it is piscivorous birds; for others,
dogs, cats, or man. Other definitive hosts include numerous species of birds and wild
animals that feed on fish.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is based on the microscopic observation of parasite eggs in
fecal matter. The eggs of H. heterophyes and M. yokogawai(Zeibig, 1997), as well
as those of Clonorchis and Opisthorchis,are all virtually indistinguishable. The sur-
face structure of the eggs is a more reliable criterion than traditional morphology,
but it is more difficult to visualize (Ditrich et al., 1992). The species can be identi-
fied by examining the adult trematodes following anthelminthic treatment. There is
no information on the diagnosis of heterophyiasis using immunologic tests, but
experimental infection has demonstrated cross-reactions: 10% with antigens of
schistosome eggs, and 35% with raw extract of Fasciola(Hassan et al., 1989).
Control:The human infection can be prevented through education aimed at pro-
moting the thorough cooking of fish and the proper disposal of excreta.
Metacercariae survive up to seven days in fish preserved in brine and for several
days if they are marinated in vinegar. Dogs and cats should not be fed raw fish or
scraps containing raw fish because they can become infected, contaminate the envi-
ronment, and thus maintain an ongoing infection cycle.
Ahn, Y.K. [Intestinal flukes of genus Metagonimus and their second intermediate hosts in
Kangwon-do]. Korean J Parasitol31:331–340, 1993.
Chai, J.Y., S.H. Lee. Intestinal trematodes infecting humans in Korea. Southeast Asian J Trop
Med Public Health22 Suppl:163–170, 1991.
Chai, J.Y., H.K. Nam, J. Kook, S.H. Lee. The first discovery of an endemic focus of
Heterophyes nocens(Heterophyidae) infection in Korea. Korean J Parasitol32:157–161, 1994.
Chai, J.Y., T.E. Song, E.T. Han,et al. Two endemic foci of heterophyids and other intestinal
fluke infections in southern and western coastal areas in Korea. Korean J Parasitol 36:155–161,
Chi, J.G., C.W. Kim, J.R. Kim, S.T. Hong, S.H. Lee. Intestinal pathology in human meta-
gonimiasis with ultrastructural observations of parasites. J Korean Med Sci 3:171–177, 1988.
Ditrich, O., M. Giboda, T. Scholz, S.A. Beer. Comparative morphology of eggs of the
Haplorchiinae (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) and some other medically important heterophyid
and opisthorchiid flukes. Folia Parasitol (Praha)39:123–132, 1992.
García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
Hassan, M.M., A.M. Farghaly, R.L. el-Gamal, A.M. el-Ridi. Cross-reactions in immunodi-
agnosis of patients infected with Schistosoma, Fasciolaand Heterophyes using ELISA. J Egypt
Soc Parasitol19(2 Suppl):845–851, 1989.

Hong, S.J., C.K. Chung, D.H. Lee, H.C. Woo. One human case of natural infection by
Heterophyopsis continua and three other species of intestinal trematodes. Korean J Parasitol
34:87–89, 1996.
Lee, S.K., B.M. Shin, N.S. Chung, J.Y. Chai, S.H. Lee.[Second report on intestinal para-
sites among the patients of Seoul Paik Hospital, 1984–1992]. Korean J Parasitol32:27–33,
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Park, M.S., S.W. Kim, Y.S. Yang,et al. Intestinal parasite infections in the inhabitants along
the Hantan River, Chorwon-Gun. Korean J Parasitol31:375–378, 1993.
Saito, S., J.Y. Chai, K.H. Kim, S.H. Lee, H.J. Rim. Metagonimus miyataisp. nov. (Digenea:
Heterophyidae), a new intestinal trematode transmitted by freshwater fish in Japan and Korea.
Korean J Parasitol35:223–232, 1997.
Soulsby, E.J.L. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals,7th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1982.
Yu,J.R., J.S. Chung, J.Y Chai. Different RAPD patterns between Metagonimus yokogawai
and Metagonimus Miyatatype. Korean J Parasitol35:295–298, 1977.
Wen, B., Y. Rikihisa, S. Yamamoto, N. Kawabata, P.A. Fuerst. Characterization of the SF
agent, an Ehrlichiasp. isolated from the fluke Stellantchasmus falcatus,by 16S rRNA base
sequence, serological, and morphological analyses. Int J Syst Bacteriol 46:149–154, 1996.
Zeibig, E.A. Clinical Parasitology: A Practical Approach. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1997.
ICD-10 B66.8 Other specified fluke infections
Synonyms:Elokomin fluke fever, salmon poisoning (in animals).
Etiology:The agent of this disease is Nanophyetus (Troglotrema) salmincola,a
small digenetic intestinal trematode of several carnivores that also infects man. On
the basis of several biological differences and their geographic distribution, two sub-
species are recognized:N. salmincola salmincolain the northwestern US and N.
salmincola schikhobalowiin Siberia, Russian Federation.
The adult trematode lives in the small intestine of coyotes, cats, lynxes, raccoons,
nutrias, dogs, minks, foxes, and other carnivores. It can also infect fish-eating birds
and humans. Thirty-two species can be natural or experimental hosts of the trema-
tode. The parasites are tiny (0.8–2.5 mm by 0.3–0.5 mm) and require two intermedi-
ate hosts to develop. The first is a snail of the family Pleuroceridae. In the US, it has
been identified as Goniobasis plicifera, Juga sp.,Oxytrema plicifer var. silicula,and
O. silicula,but its classification still appears uncertain. In Siberia, it has been identi-
fied as Semisulcospira cancellata, S. laevigata,and Jugasp. (Besprozvannykh,
1994). The second host is a specimen of the salmon family (Onchorhynchus, Salmo,
Salvelinus,etc.) and, less frequently, of other families (Cottidae, Cyprinidae, lam-
preys, and even the Pacific giant salamander) (Soulsby, 1982). The eggs eliminated
in the feces of the definitive hosts are not embryonated and must remain in the water

for 87 to 200 days for the miracidium to form completely. It then leaves the egg, pen-
etrates a snail, and multiplies through two generations of rediae to form the cercariae
that leave the snail. These swim around and penetrate the skin of an appropriate fish
and ultimately encyst in the kidneys, muscles, fins, and secondarily, any other organ.
The metacercariae measure between 0.11 mm and 0.25 mm in diameter, become
infective to the definitive host in 10 or 11 days, and can survive up to five years in
live fish. When a definitive host ingests raw fish with metacercariae, they de-encyst,
reach maturity in the intestine, and begin oviposition in five to eight days.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:N. s. salmincolais distributed along
the Pacific coast of the US, mainly in Oregon. Until 1989, about a dozen human
cases had been reported in that country (Fritsche et al.,1989). N. s. schikhobalowi
is distributed in the northern part of Sakhalin Island and along the mountain tribu-
taries of the Amur River in eastern Siberia. The rate of human infection in some of
the villages along these tributaries can reach 98%. The distribution of nanophyetia-
sis is determined by the presence of the species of the first intermediate host, the
snail. In the US, the snail is Oxytrema silicula,and in Siberia,Semisulcospira can-
cellataand S. laevigata.
The Disease in Man:The infection causes clinical manifestations only when
there are abundant parasites (Fang et al., 1991). Half of the patients studied by
Fritsche et al.(1989) showed only eosinophilia, but the other half complained of
gastrointestinal symptoms. The most frequent symptoms were chronic diarrhea,
nausea, abdominal pain, and high peripheral eosinophilia (Harrell and Deardorff,
Mild infections by N. s. schikhobalowiare asymptomatic. Patients with a parasite
burden of 500 or more flukes experience diarrhea (43%), gastric pain (32%), con-
stipation (16%), and nocturnal salivation (16%).
The Disease in Animals:In canines the de-encysted parasite attaches to the
mucosa of the small intestine. In the US, different parasites can produce superficial
enteritis that could even cause bleeding, but they commonly cause few or no symp-
toms. The principal significance of the parasite in the US, however, is that in all of
its states it can harbor the agent of “salmon poisoning” or Elokomin fluke fever.
The name “salmon poisoning” is unfortunate because the disease is actually a rick-
ettsiosis caused by Neorickettsia helminthoeca,not a poisoning. This rickettsia affects
only canines. The organism is released when the parasite de-encysts and attaches to the
canine intestine, but the eggs of the trematode emerge infected and maintain the infec-
tion until the metacercariae form and while they remain in the fish. In dogs, the disease
manifests itself 5 to 7 days after infection with high fever, complete anorexia, vomiting,
bloody diarrhea, thrombocytopenia, general lymphadenopathy, severe weight loss, and
mortality of up to 90% in 7 to 10 days if not treated in time.
Elokomin fluke fever affects canines, ferrets, raccoons, and bears, and can occur
in conjunction with “salmon poisoning.” It is caused by the Neorickettsia eloko-
minicarickettsia, which is antigenically distinct from N. helminthoeca,although it
is transmitted the same way. Although weight loss is also severe, adenopathy is more
prevalent than diarrhea, and the mortality among untreated cases is only 10%.
In Siberia, according to observations by Russian researchers, the infection in cats,
dogs, brown rats, and badgers by N. s. schikhobalowican cause a severe, fatal dis-

ease. On the other hand, it is not known whether the parasites in Siberia transmit any
other microorganism.
Fish infected with the trematode can also become sick. Different species of
salmonids experimentally exposed to N. salmincolashowed different degrees of sus-
ceptibility. In general, species from the enzootic area were more resistant than those
from other areas. Death among fish subjected to massive infections occurred mainly
in the first 24 hours, in other words, during the penetration and migration of the cer-
cariae. Although gradual infection probably does not cause as much pathology, most
researchers agree that the parasites have pathological effects on fish, especially if
vital organs such as the heart and gills are invaded by a large number of migrating
cercariae. Infected fish also show stunted development and an impairment in swim-
ming ability (Millemann and Knapp, 1970).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Both humans and animals con-
tract N. salmincolainfection by ingesting raw or undercooked fish, especially
salmonids, infected with metacercariae of the parasite. Yet there is at least one case
of infection from the handling of infected fish, without evidence that there was
ingestion (Harrell and Deardorff, 1990).
The source of “salmon poisoning” and Elokomin fluke fever infection is fish
infected by the trematode, which in turn is infected by the respective rickettsiae. As
indicated, these infections occur only in the US. In areas in both the Russian
Federation and the US where the trematode exists, a high rate of infection by meta-
cercariae is found in fish, especially in salmonids.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is confirmed by observation of the parasite eggs in human
or animal feces. The eggs measure 87–97 µm by 35–55 µm, and have a small, indis-
tinct operculum and a small lobe in the opposite end. Rickettsial infections are con-
firmed by a microscopic examination of biopsies of affected lymphatic ganglia,
where intracellular bodies with the typical structure of rickettsiae are seen.
Control:The main prevention measure is to educate the population not to con-
sume undercooked fish or give it to their dogs. Salting or pickling fish does not
appear to be very effective because the metacercariae are very resistant: they can
survive up to 165 days in fish kept at 3°C.
Besprozvannykh, V.V. [The epizootiological problems of trematodiases in the Maritime
Territory]. Med Parazitol (Mosk)3:28−31, 1994.
Fang, G., V. Araujo, R.L Guerrant. Enteric infections associated with exposure to animals
or animal products. Infect Dis Clin North Am 5:681−701, 1991.
Fritsche, T.R., R.L. Eastburn, L.H. Wiggins, C.A. Terhune, Jr. Praziquantel for treatment of
human Nanophyetus salmincola(Troglotrema salmincola) infection. J Infect Dis160(5):896−
899, 1989.
Harrell, L.W., T.L. Deardorff. Human nanophyetiasis: Transmission by handling naturally
infected coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch). J Infect Dis161(1):146−148, 1990.
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases.Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Millemann, R.E., S.E. Knapp. Biology of Nanophyetus salmincola and “salmon poisoning”
disease. Adv Parasitol 8:1−41, 1970.

Soulsby, E.J.L. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals,7th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1982.
ICD-10 B66.0
Etiology:The agents of this disease are Opisthorchis viverrini,O. felineus,and
Amphimerus pseudofelineus (Opisthorchis guayaquilensis), trematodes that lodge in
the bile ducts of humans, cats, dogs, and other animals that eat raw fish. It is often
difficult to differentiate between the genera Opisthorchisand Clonorchis and
between the species O. viverriniandO. felineusbecause the adult specimens are
indistinguishable. However, there are clear differences in the excretory system dur-
ing the preadult stages. The development cycle of Opisthorchis is similar to that of
Clonorchis (see Clonorchiasis), requiring two intermediate hosts: aquatic snails are
the first, and various species of freshwater fish are the second.
O. viverrini measures 7–12 mm by 1.5–2.5 mm and is reddish in color when it is
fresh. The eggs, each of which contains a fully formed miracidium when it leaves
the adult parasite, must be ingested by an appropriate first intermediate host, in
which they form rediae and cercariae within four to six weeks (Adam et al., 1995).
The first intermediate host may be any of four species of snails:Bithynia siamensis
goniomphalus,B. s. siamensis,B. (Digoniostoma) funniculata,or B. laevis. The cer-
cariae, which average about 280 per snail, swim until they find a second intermedi-
ate host and penetrate its skin. They then become encysted, mainly in subcutaneous
tissues and often at the base of the fins, in the form of metacercariae. By the end of
six weeks, they are infective for the definitive host. The role of the second interme-
diate host is assumed by any of several cyprinid fish (carp), such as
Cyclocheilicthys,Hampala,and Puntius. The definitive hosts of this species are
man, the civet Felis viverrina,dogs, domestic and wild cats, and other animals that
eat fish or fish scraps. When these hosts ingest a fish containing metacercariae, the
parasites excyst inside the duodenum and new juvenile parasites migrate via the
choledochus to the smaller bile ducts, where they mature and begin to lay eggs
within four weeks. They can live for up to 20 years.
O. felineuscannot be distinguished from O. viverriniin the adult stage. Its life
cycle is similar to that species, but it uses the snails Bithynia (Bulimus) leachi, B.
infata,or possibly B. tentaculata as its first intermediate host. Freshwater fish of the
genera Barbus,Blicca,Leuciscus,orTinca serve as the second intermediate host.
The definitive hosts are humans, swine, cats, dogs, and foxes.
A. pseudofelineus measures 4 mm in length by 2 mm in width. The definitive
hosts are the coyote (Canis latrans),dogs, and cats.
Geographical Distribution and Occurrence:O. viverrini is found in Laos,
northeastern Thailand, and Viet Nam, where it affects some 8 million individuals

(Khamboonruang et al., 1997). In northeastern Thailand, an estimated 3.5 million
people were infected with O. viverriniin 1965; 5.4 million in 1981 (Bunnag and
Harinasuta, 1984); and 6–7 million in 1991 (Loaharanu and Sornmani, 1991). In
some hyperendemic regions, the infection rates have reached as high as 72%–87%
of the population. In 1981, the prevalence of human opisthorchiasis in northeastern
Thailand was 35%; however, a decade after the establishment in 1988 of a national
control program involving diagnosis, treatment, and education, the rate had fallen to
18.5%, with fluctuations ranging from 5% to 56% in different localities
(Jongsuksuntigul and Imsomboon, 1997). In Laos, a study conducted in the early
1990s showed that 90% of the males in the villages surveyed were infected with the
adult parasite, as were 36% of the domestic or stray cats tested, while 0.5% of the
snails B. s. goniomphalushad cercariae and 7 species of carp had metacercariae.
Only 0.6% of the human infections were serious, while 66% were mild (Giboda et
al., 1991). In a subsequent study, it was found that 37.5% of 128 children in the vil-
lages of southeastern Laos were infected (Kobayashi et al., 1996).
O. felineusis found near lakes and in river basins of the former USSR, such as
those of central Siberia, Kazakhstan, the lower Dnieper, and the Kama River. There
are smaller foci in eastern, southern, and central Europe, the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea, and possibly India, Japan, and the Philippines. It is estimated
that more than 1 million people are infected with this trematode. In some hyperen-
demic areas, such as Siberia, the infection rate is very high not only in the nomadic
population but also among people living in some urban areas. A study carried out in
the city of Tobolsk (Siberia) a few years after World War II estimated that 83% of
the human population was infected, as were 100% of the cats and 90% of the dogs
tested. In Kazakhstan, 100% of the specimens of some species of fish were found to
have metacercariae. The snails that serve as the first intermediate host are very abun-
dant in certain endemic regions, and their infection rate is high. A study carried out
in the Ural region between 1986 and 1991 revealed infections in 10% to 30% of the
human population tested, 0.2% of the snails of the genus Codiella,and 12% to 73%
of the carp (Tsybina, 1994).
A. pseudofelineus was first found in humans and described as Opisthorchis
guayaquilensis in Pedro P. Gómez Parish, Manabí Province, Ecuador. Eggs of the
parasite were found in 7.3% of fecal samples from 245 persons in the area (with the
rate ranging from 4% in the town center to 32% in peripheral outlying locations). In
the same parish, 3 of 100 dogs examined had parasites, whereas none of 80 swine
tested had the parasite. The trematode has been found in several animal species in
Brazil (Santa Catarina), Ecuador, Panama, and the US (Artigas and Pérez, 1962), but
since 1988, there have been no further reports of this species.
The Disease in Man and Animals:The infection causes hepatomegaly, and in
most cases, pericholangitis. These changes are restricted to the medium-sized and
large bile ducts, which are the sites occupied by the parasite. The small interlobular
ducts do not exhibit changes. The most common damage is dilation of the ducts,
with hyperplasia, desquamation, proliferation, and adenomatous transformation of
the epithelial cells, and infiltration of the wall with connective tissue. Dilation of the
gallbladder, chronic cholecystitis, and carcinomas occur only in adults (Riganti et
al., 1989). The symptomatology of the disease is similar to that of the hepatic dis-
tomiasis caused by Clonorchis sinensis and depends on both the parasite burden and

the duration of the infection. In general, when only a few parasites are present, the
infection is asymptomatic, even though there may be appreciable damage to the bile
capillaries. With a parasitosis of medium intensity there is fever, diarrhea, flatulence,
moderate jaundice, asthenia, cephalalgia, hepatomegaly, and passive congestion of
the spleen. In chronic cases with a large parasite burden, there may be mechanical
obstruction and biliary stasis, as well as secondary infections with cholangitis,
cholangiohepatitis, and formation of micro- and macroabscesses. When the para-
sitosis is massive, there may also be invasion of the pancreas, producing catarrhal
inflammation of the pancreatic ducts. Infections caused by O. felineus often produce
erythematous papular eruptions. It is thought that Opisthorchis may play a role in
the development of hepatic carcinomas, especially cholangiocarcinomas. Although
a close correlation has been observed between the infection and this type of cancer
in the parasite’s endemic areas, there are also areas with high prevalence of the can-
cer in which the parasite is not present (Sinawat et al., 1991; Holzinger et al., 1999).
In a study conducted in an endemic area, the levels of antibody to the parasite were
lower in individuals who had parasite eggs in their feces than in those who were not
shedding eggs. This finding was interpreted as evidence that the infection produces
protective immunity (Akai et al., 1994). However, the prevalence rate, number of
eggs in feces, and number of parasites in the liver become stabilized in adults
(Sithithaworn et al., 1991) rather than decline with age, as might be expected if there
were protective immunity.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Man and other definitive hosts
become infected by eating raw or undercooked fish containing metacercariae.
Human opisthorchiasis occurs only where appropriate intermediate hosts, especially
snails, are found, and where people customarily eat raw, lightly salted, or sun-dried
fish. However, infected travelers can carry the parasite to other areas. High rates of
infection have been found among Thai workers in other Asian countries. In the US,
a 1987 study revealed a 0.6% prevalence of Opisthorchisand Clonorchisinfections
in 216,275 fecal examinations (Kappus et al., 1991). In highly endemic areas, it is
thought that man is primarily responsible for maintaining the cycle, since people
contaminate rivers and lakes with fecal matter containing the eggs of the parasite.
The main species of fish that transmit O. felineus to man, and those that also have
the highest prevalence of metacercariae, are Idus melanotus, Tinca tinca,and T. vul-
garis. In Thailand, the fish most often found to be infected with O. viverrinimeta-
cercariae are Cyclocheilicthys siaja,Hampala dispar,and Puntius orphoides,with
infection rates ranging from 51% (in the first species) to 74% (in the second).
Animals can maintain a natural cycle independent of man. In one area in the for-
mer USSR, 85% of the cats examined were found to be infected, but no cases were
detected in the human population, since the people there do not eat raw fish. Fecal
matter deposited by animals on riverbanks is washed into watercourses by rain.
Diagnosis:Laboratory diagnosis is based on demonstrating the presence of para-
site eggs in feces either by sedimentation techniques or by duodenal probe.
Opisthorchiseggs are rather heavy (specific gravity: 1.2814) and do not float read-
ily in a saturated solution of sodium nitrate, which has a higher specific gravity (1.4)
(Harnnoi et al., 1998). Of the immunologic tests, enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay (ELISA) is used most often. Assays to detect circulating antibodies for O.
viverrinihave shown moderately high sensitivity (91% to 92%), but specificity of

only 70% to 80%. Cross-reactions have been seen in patients with a wide range of
other infections:Ascaris lumbricoides, Blastocystis hominis, Paragonimus het-
erotremus, Plasmodium spp.,Schistosoma spp.,Strongyloides stercoralis, Taenia
spp.,Trichinella spiralis,and Trichuris trichiura,as well as ancylostomes and yeasts
(Sakolvaree et al., 1997). The use of monoclonal antibodies in an ELISA test to
detect an O. viverrinimetabolic antigen in stool samples yielded slightly greater
sensitivity than the observation of eggs in feces and proved to be capable of detect-
ing infections on the basis of a single specimen (Sirisinha et al., 1995).
Control:Opisthorchiasis is an infection that needs to be controlled. It is estimated
that in Thailand, one-third of the population (6–7 million individuals) are infected,
of whom 60% are 15- to 60-year-olds in the workforce. The income lost by this pop-
ulation is estimated at US$ 65 million a year, and the direct cost in terms of medical
care has been calculated at US$ 19.4 million (Loaharanu and Sornmani, 1991).
Control of opisthorchiasis entails three interrelated strategies: diagnosis and treat-
ment of patients with symptomatic infections to reduce contamination of the envi-
ronment; health education of the population at risk to discourage the consumption
of raw fish and unsanitary disposal of feces; and the improvement of facilities for
the adequate disposal of excreta (Jongsuksuntigul and Imsomboon, 1998). These
strategies have been applied in endemic areas in the northern and northeastern parts
of Thailand. Although prevalence of the infections was reduced in the northeast
from 35% in 1981 to 18.5% in 1991, with variations ranging from 5% to 56%
(Jongsuksuntigul and Imsomboon, 1997), it increased considerably in the north. The
weakest link appears to be education: the regular consumption of raw fish declined
from 14% to 7% of the population between 1990 and 1994, but 42% continued to
eat it occasionally. Another weak link is the continued lack of sanitary excreta dis-
posal systems, since opisthorchiasis predominates in low-income rural areas where
it is difficult to implement this strategy.
For individual protection, the cooking of fish is effective. Temperatures of –10°C
and lower kill the metacercariae within 5 days, and saline solutions of 5%, 10%, or
15% destroy them in 10 to 3 days, depending on the strength. Russian investigators
have reported that incubation of carp in 6% acetic acid (household vinegar) for four
hours prior to salting considerably increases the capacity of salt to kill the metacer-
cariae of O. felineus. It has also been proposed to irradiate fish with a radioactive
dose of 0.1 kGy, which has been shown to be effective in destroying the cercariae
without affecting the organoleptic properties of the food (Loaharanu and Sornmani,
1991). On the other hand, since humans are often reinfected soon after treatment,
Hinz et al. (1994) propose that therapy be administered during the month of March,
when the risk of infection is minimal.
Adam, R., H. Arnold, E. Hinz, V. Storch. Morphology and ultrastructure of the redia and
pre-emergent cercaria of Opisthorchis viverrini(Trematoda: Digenea) in the intermediate host
Bithynia siamensis goniomphalus(Prosobranchia: Bithyniidae). Appl Parasitol36:136–154,
Akai, P.S., S. Pungpak, V. Kitikoon, D. Bunnag, A.D. Befus. Possible protective immunity
in human opisthorchiasis. Parasite Immunol16:279–288, 1994.

Artigas, P. de T., M.D. Pérez. Considerações sôbre Opisthorchis pricei,Foster, 1939,O.
guayaquilensis,Rodrigues, Gómez e Montalván, 1949, e O. pseudofelineus,Ward, 1901.
Descrição de Amphimerus pseudofelineus minutus n. sub. sp. Mem Inst Butantan 30:157–166,
Bunnag, D., T. Harinasuta. Opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis and paragonimiasis. In:Warren,
K.S., A.A.F. Mahmoud, eds. Tropical and Geographical Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill;
Giboda, M., O. Ditrich, T. Scholz, T. Viengsay, S. Bouaphanh. Current status of food-borne
parasitic zoonoses in Laos. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 22 Suppl:56–61, 1991.
Harnnoi, T., A. Wijit, N. Morakote, V. Pipitgool, W. Maleewong. Specific gravity of
Opisthorchis viverrinieggs. J Helminthol72:359–361, 1998.
Hinz, E., S. Saowakontha, V. Pipitgool. Opisthorchiasis control in northeast Thailand:
Proposal for a new approach. Appl Parasitol35:118–124, 1994.
Holzinger, F., K. Z’graggen, M.W. Buchler. Mechanisms of biliary carcinogenesis: A
pathogenetic multi-stage cascade towards cholangiocarcinoma. Ann Oncol10 Suppl
4:122–126, 1999.
Jongsuksuntigul, P., T. Imsomboon. The impact of a decade long opisthorchiasis control
program in northeastern Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health28:551–557,
Jongsuksuntigul, P., T. Imsomboon. Epidemiology of opisthorchiasis and national control
program in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health29:327–332, 1998.
Kappus, K.K., D.D. Juranek, J.M. Roberts. Results of testing for intestinal parasites by state
diagnostic laboratories, United States, 1987. MMWR CDC Surveill Summ 40:25–45, 1991.
Khamboonruang, C., R. Keawvichit, K. Wongworapat,et al. Application of hazard analy-
sis critical control point (HACCP) as a possible control measure for Opisthorchis viverrini
infection in cultured carp (Puntius gonionotus). Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health28
Suppl 1:65–72, 1997.
Kobayashi, J., B. Vannachone, A. Xeutvongsa,et al. Prevalence of intestinal parasitic infec-
tion among children in two villages in Lao PDR. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health
27:562–565, 1996.
Loaharanu, P., S. Sornmani. Preliminary estimates of economic impact of liver fluke infec-
tion in Thailand and the feasibility of irradiation as a control measure. Southeast Asian J Trop
Med Public Health22 Suppl:384–390, 1991.
Riganti, M., S. Pungpak, B. Punpoowong, D. Bunnag, T. Harinasuta. Human pathology of
Opisthorchis viverrini infection: A comparison of adults and children. Southeast Asian J Trop
Med Public Health20:95–100, 1989.
Sakolvaree, Y., L. Ibáñez, W. Chaicumpa. Parasites elicited cross-reacting antibodies to
Opisthorchis viverrini. Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol15:115–122, 1997.
Sinawat, P., V. Hemsrichart. A histopathologic study of 61 cases of peripheral intrahepatic
cholangiocarcinoma. J Med Assoc Thai74:448–453, 1991.
Sirisinha, S., R. Chawengkirttikul, M.R. Haswell-Elkins,et al. Evaluation of a monoclonal
antibody-based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the diagnosis of Opisthorchis viver-
riniinfection in an endemic area. Am J Trop Med Hyg52:521–524, 1995.
Sithithaworn, P., S. Tesana, V. Pipitgool,et al. Quantitative post-mortem study of
Opisthorchis viverriniin man in north-east Thailand. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg85:765–768,
Tsybina, T.N. [The ecological-epidemiological characteristics of opisthorchiasis in
Sverdlovsk Province]. Med Parazitol (Mosk)3:45–50, 1994.

ICD-10 B66.4
Synonyms:Pulmonary distomiasis, endemic hemoptysis, lung fluke disease,
infection due to Paragonimusspecies.
Etiology:This disease is caused by trematodes of the genus Paragonimus. In a
highly detailed review, Blair et al. (1999) refer to 50 species in this genus, although
not all of them are valid. The following nine species of Paragonimushave been
reported in humans:
1. P. africanus,in Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, and Nigeria, since
1976; it also parasitizes monkeys and, experimentally, dogs and rodents.
2. P. heterotremus,in China, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and Thailand,
since 1970; it also parasitizes cats, rodents, and, experimentally, dogs and rabbits.
3. P. kellicotti,in the US, since 1986; it also parasitizes canids, felids, other car-
nivores, swine, goats, and, experimentally, rodents.
4. P. mexicanus (synonyms:P. peruvianus, P. ecuadoriensis), in Colombia, Costa
Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,
Peru, and Venezuela, since 1983; it also parasitizes marsupials, monkeys, wild car-
nivores, and, experimentally, dogs and cats.
5. P. miyazakii,in Japan, since 1992; it also parasitizes wild carnivores, swine,
and, experimentally, dogs, cats, and rodents.
6. P. ohirai,in Japan, since 1988; it also parasitizes wild carnivores, swine, and,
experimentally, dogs, cats, rodents, and rabbits.
7. P. skrjabini,in China, since 1975; it also parasitizes monkeys, wild carnivores,
and, experimentally, dogs, cats, and rodents.
8. P. uterobilateralis,inCameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia, and
Nigeria, since 1973; it also parasitizes monkeys, dogs, wild carnivores, and, exper-
imentally, dogs, cats, and rodents.
9. P. westermani (partial synonym:P. philippinensis), in China, Gabon, India,
Indonesia, Japan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, the
Philippines, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Samoa, Taiwan, and Viet Nam,
since the nineteenth century; it also parasitizes macaques, wild and domestic carni-
vores, swine, rodents, galliform and anseriform birds, and, experimentally, rabbits.
Most of these species were described in the 1960s, and their association with man
has been recognized since the 1970s and 1980s, and, in one case, the 1990s. The
notable exception is P. westermani,which was recognized as a human parasite in
1880. The fact that P. westermaniwas discovered so early reflects its greater abun-
dance and also explains why most of the information on human paragonimiasis
refers to this species. Because of its wide distribution, high prevalence, and notable
pathogenicity,P. westermani is considered the Paragonimusspecies of greatest
importance for human health. It is followed by P. heterotremus,and, in third place
with somewhat lower frequency, by P. mexicanus (García and Bruckner, 1997).
However, there are still species that remain to be assessed in terms of their impor-
tance. For example, a recent study in western Africa found four species of
Paragonimusin humans:P. africanus,P. uterobilateralis,a specimen similar to P.
westermani,and a previously unrecognized species of the genus Euparagonimus

(Cabaret et al., 1999). Moreover, diploid and triploid forms of P. westermanihave
been observed in Asia, and it has yet not been determined whether they constitute
different species (Blair et al.,1999). Finally, DNA sequence analysis has revealed
that there are two groups within the species P. westermani,a northeastern one found
in China, Japan, Republic of Korea, and Taiwan, and a southern one found in
Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand (Blair et al., 1997).
Paragonimus trematodes are reddish brown, oval parasites measuring about 4–8
mm wide, 7–16 mm long, and 2–5 mm thick, which lodge in the lungs of the defini-
tive hosts. Their development cycle requires two intermediate hosts: the first is a snail,
and the second, an appropriate freshwater crab or crayfish. Man and other mammals,
particularly carnivores, are the definitive hosts, and they harbor the parasite in their
lungs. The parasite lays 1,000–2,000 eggs a day, which are shed via expectoration, or
in feces if bronchial secretions are swallowed. If the eggs reach water, they continue
to develop and form a ciliated larva, or miracidium, which hatches in about three
weeks and swims around in search of a snail in which to carry on its cycle. Only cer-
tain species of snails allow the cycle to continue: for P. westermani,they are species
of the genera Semisulcospira,Brotia,and Melanopidesin Southeast Asia and Jugain
the Russian Federation; for P. heterotremus,the genera Oncomelaniaand Neotricula
in Thailand and the genus Triculain China; and for P. mexicanus,the genera
Oncomelaniaand Aroapyrgusin Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico, and Peru.
Since the miracidium usually invades the snail by active means, it needs to find an
intermediate host within a day or two before its energy is exhausted. Once it pene-
trates an appropriate snail, the miracidium is transformed into a sac called a sporo-
cyst, within which juvenile trematodes, referred to as rediae, are generated. The
rediae give rise to a second generation of rediae inside the first, and from the latter,
new juvenile forms, called cercariae, emerge. This multiplication of juvenile stages
within the snail, referred to as pedogenesis, greatly increases the number of parasites
produced by each egg, and hence its biotic potential. A large number of parasites can
be lethal for the snail. The cercariae abandon the snail after 9 to 13 weeks, depend-
ing on the temperature and humidity, and seek a crustacean in which to encyst. For
P. westermani,it can be a species from the genera Cambaroides,Candidiopotamon,
Varuna;for P. heterotremus,the genera Esanthelphusa,Larnaudia,Malayapotamon,
Potamiscus,Potamon,Siamthelphusa,or Sinopotamon;for P. mexicanus,the genera
Hypolobocera,Odontothelphusa,Pseudothelphusa,Ptychophallus,or Zilchiopsis.In
rare cases, metacercariae of P. skrjabini,which is infective for dogs and cats, have
been found in the frog Rana boulengeriin China. The cercariae can actively pene-
trate the crustacean, and the crustacean can also become infected from eating infected
snails. Once lodged in the muscles or gills of the crustacean, the parasite surrounds
itself with a resistant envelope and turns into a metacercaria. It remains there for sev-
eral weeks until it becomes infective for the definitive host.
The definitive host becomes infected upon eating freshwater crabs or crayfish that
contain metacercariae. Once in the intestine, the metacercariae are released from
their envelope and penetrate the intestinal wall, remain in the peritoneal cavity for
several days, and then migrate through the diaphragm into the pleural cavity. There
they form pairs and invade the lungs, where they encyst in the conjunctival tissue of

the airways and begin to lay eggs 8 to 10 weeks after the initial infection. Although
Paragonimus trematodes are morphologically hermaphroditic, functionally they are
unisexual and, with the exception of the triploid forms of P. westermani,they do not
self-fertilize. Juveniles that do not find a mate usually continue to move around in
the pleural cavity or the lungs and cause further damage, while the adults in the pul-
monary cysts are usually found in pairs. When metacercariae are ingested by an
inappropriate host—for example, a wild boar, rabbit, or rodent—the parasites
remain inside without developing further and utilize the animal as a transfer, or
paratenic, host. The wild boar (Sus scrofa leucomystax) appears to serve as a
paratenic host for P. westermaniand P. miyazakii. On the island of Kyushu in Japan,
the human infection has been attributed to the ingestion of raw wild boar meat con-
taining juvenile forms of the parasite (WHO, 1979).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Paragonimusis found throughout the
world. Human infections occur in Africa, the Americas, and Asia. The geographic dis-
tribution of species that affect humans is indicated above in the section on etiology.
The most important endemic areas are East and Southeast Asia, China, Japan, Lao
People’s Democratic Republic, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Taiwan,
and the maritime provinces of the former USSR, and there are also isolated foci in
India and Viet Nam. The main etiologic agent in all these areas is P. westermani,but
in some countries, other species occur either concurrently or separately. Toscano et al.
(1995) have calculated that 20 million people in the world are infected, several million
of them in Asia. In the Republic of Korea, the infected population was estimated at 1
to 1.5 million. A study conducted in several provinces of Thailand revealed an infec-
tion rate of 6.5% in 503 persons examined. In Taiwan, the average infection rate in
schoolchildren was 1.6% (Malek, 1980). A sizable endemic area was identified in
Vietnam, in which 44 of 155 patients (28%) with chronic pulmonary disease were
found to be infected with Paragonimus(Queuche et al., 1997). The prevalence in
Japan, which rose during World War II and immediately thereafter, has declined
sharply (Nawa, 1991). In a survey conducted in an endemic region of Cameroon,
examination of sputum or feces revealed P. africanus eggs in 5.6% of 900 persons
examined, with the highest rates in the population under 20 years of age (Kum and
Nchinda, 1982). In eastern Nigeria, cases of P. uterobilateralis infection tend to occur
sporadically, but the number of paragonimiasis cases increased considerably during
and after the civil war of 1967–1970, and 100 cases were diagnosed in one university
hospital (Nwokolo, 1972). Sputum specimens from 69 patients revealed that 66 had
eggs of P. uterobilateralis and 3 had eggs of P. africanus (Voelker and Nwokolo,
1973). Isolated cases have been observed in Liberia and Guinea.
The main species that infects man in Latin America is P. mexicanus. Human cases
of the disease have been seen in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador,
Honduras, Mexico, and Peru (in Cajamarca and along the coast north of Lima). In
Ecuador, between 1921 and 1969, a total of 511 cases were reported, and between
1972 and 1976, there were 316 cases in four provinces of that country, most of them
in the province of Manabí (Arzube and Voelker, 1978). In a study carried out in
northwestern Ecuador, 43% of the crayfish examined were found to be infected, and
62% of the streams proved to be harboring infected crustaceans (Vieira, 1992).
About 20 cases have been diagnosed in Cajamarca, Peru, and some have also been
reported in Mexico.

The parasite’s range of distribution in lower mammals is much broader than the
corresponding human infection, since the spread of human infection depends on the
eating habits of the population.
The Disease in Man:Paragonimus trematodes reside mainly in the lungs. A long
time elapses between the ingestion of metacercariae and the appearance of symp-
toms, though the duration of this period is variable. The parasites can cause damage
as they migrate toward the lungs and seek a mate in the pleural cavity, while they
are encysted in the lungs, and sometimes when they become lodged in ectopic sites.
Indeed, experimental studies in dogs have shown that migration toward the lungs
can produce considerable damage. During this phase, there can be abdominal pain,
fever, and diarrhea. Pleural pathology, often with effusion, is common in P. wester-
mani infections. The prominent symptoms of pulmonary paragonimiasis are chronic
productive cough, thoracic pain, blood-tinged viscous sputum, and sometimes fever
(Im et al., 1993; Kagawa, 1997). Intense physical exercise can induce hemoptysis,
which is the most notable sign. Eosinophilia is common. Small numbers of parasites
in the lungs do not significantly affect the health of the patient and do not interfere
with routine activity. The triploid forms of P. westermaniare larger, produce bigger
cysts, and cause more damage. About two-thirds of the shadows revealed by radi-
ography are located in the middle and lower portions of the lungs; they are rarely
seen in the apex. The most frequent and serious ectopic localization of P. westermani
is the brain, but the parasite may also be found in the spinal cord, thoracic muscles,
subcutaneous tissue, and abdominal cavity and organs. According to reports of cases
in the Americas, the brain has also been parasitized by species other than P. wester-
mani. In the Republic of Korea, which is a hyperendemic area, an estimated 5,000
cases of cerebral paragonimiasis occur each year. The symptomatology is similar to
that of cerebral cysticercosis, with cephalalgia, convulsions, jacksonian epilepsy,
hemiplegia, paresis, and visual disorders. Abdominal paragonimiasis produces a dull
pain in that region, which may be accompanied by mucosanguineous diarrhea when
the intestinal mucosa is ulcerated. In other localizations, the symptomatology varies
depending on the organ affected.
The subcutaneous nodular form, characterized by intense eosinophilia, is pre-
dominant in infections caused by P. skrjabini in China and P. heterotremus in
Thailand. This form is clinically similar to cutaneous larva migrans. In addition to
migratory subcutaneous nodules, the most common manifestations of P. skrjabini
infection in China are pleural, ocular, cerebral, pericardial, and hepatic lesions,
while pulmonary symptoms are relatively infrequent. Cases of ectopic paragonimi-
asis in the brain, liver, and perivesical and cutaneous fat have been observed in Latin
America. Twelve cases of cutaneous paragonimiasis occurred in the same family in
Ecuador; in addition, there was a single isolated case in that country and another in
Honduras (Brenes et al.,1983).
The Disease in Animals:Animals parasitized by P. westermani frequently have
cysts in the lungs, which pass to the respiratory tract and the pleural cavity. The
symptoms are similar to those of human pulmonary paragonimiasis, with coughing
and bloody sputum.
In the laboratory, trematodes appear in the lungs of dogs 23 to 35 days after exper-
imental infection. The parasitosis begins as pneumonitis and catarrhal bronchitis,
which are followed by interstitial pneumonia and the formation of cysts.

Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of Paragonimus
infection for man and other definitive hosts is freshwater crabs and crayfish con-
taining parasite metacercariae. Transmission results from the ingestion of raw or
undercooked crustaceans, raw crabs marinated in wine (“drunken crabs”), or crus-
tacean juices. Paragonimiasis is a public health problem in countries where it is cus-
tomary to eat raw crustaceans or use them for supposedly therapeutic purposes.
However, the disease is a problem in Japan as well, even though crustaceans are well
cooked before they are eaten; in this case, the main source of infection is hands and
cooking utensils contaminated during the preparation of crustaceans.
It is possible that man may also become infected by eating meat from animals that
are paratenic hosts carrying immature parasites, as evidenced by cases on the island
of Kyushu, Japan, that occurred following the consumption of raw wild boar meat.
The hypothesis that there are paratenic hosts is reinforced by the fact that paragonims
have been observed in carnivores such as tigers and leopards that do not eat crus-
taceans (Malek, 1980). Wars and internal conflicts that force people to relocate and
cause shortages of normal protein food sources can also contribute to sharp increases
in the prevalence of the infection, as was seen in Nigeria during its civil war and in
Japan during World War II (see Geographic Distribution and Occurrence).
Transmission is always cyclic—the infection cannot be transmitted directly from
one definitive host to another. The parasite must complete its natural cycle, and in
order for this to happen the two intermediate hosts must be present—appropriate
species of both snails and crustaceans.
The reservoir of Paragonimus spp. comprises man, domestic animals, and many
species of wild animals (see Etiology). In endemic areas of eastern Asia, the human
infection rate is high enough that man can maintain the infection cycle alone through
ongoing contamination of freshwater bodies with human feces. In such areas, the
role of animal definitive hosts may be of secondary importance. In certain areas of
Japan, mass administration of bithionol to the human population led to a consider-
able reduction in the infection rate in crustaceans (WHO, 1979). This experience
bears out the importance of human infection in maintaining the endemic. In other
parts of Asia, wild animals have been parasitized by P. westermani in areas where
there were no known human cases, which suggests that there may be a wild cycle
independent of the domestic one. On the other hand, in several parts of Africa, Latin
America, and Asia, wild animals are more important than man or domestic animals
in maintaining the infection cycle. For example, the main natural reservoir of P.
uterobilateralis is the African civet (Viverra civetta): parasite eggs were found in 26
of 28 fecal specimens examined (Sachs and Voelker, 1982).
Diagnosis:In endemic areas, paragonimiasis may be suspected if the typical
symptoms are present and the consumption of raw or undercooked crustaceans is a
local custom. Radiographic examination is useful, but the findings may be negative
even in symptomatic patients. Moreover, interpretation of the results can be difficult
in nonendemic areas because the images may be mistaken for those of tuberculosis.
Computerized tomography may give a more reliable view of the lesions (Im et al.,
1993; Kagawa, 1997). Specific diagnosis of pulmonary paragonimiasis is based on
the identification of eggs in sputum, fecal matter, pleural effusions, or biopsies. The
eggs are reddish brown, operculate, and enlarged at the end opposite the operculum.
Published sources report the following egg sizes:P. westermani,85 µm by 47 µm,

with abopercular enlargement; P. heterotremus,86 µm by 48 µm, with no enlarge-
ment; P. mexicanus,79 µm by 48 µm, with an undulated shell; P. africanus,92 µm
by 48 µm, with an undulated shell; P. miyazakii,75 µm by 43 µm, with no enlarge-
ment; P. skrjabini,80 µm by 48 µm, with no enlargement; and P. uterobilateralis,
68 µm by 41 µm, with abopercular enlargement. It is important to differentiate the
eggs of Paragonimusfrom those of other trematodes, as well as cestodes of the order
Pseudophyllidea, such as Diphyllobothrium.The cerebral forms can be mistaken for
tumors or cysticercosis, and the cutaneous forms, for other migratory larvae—hence
the interest in developing indirect tests. An intradermal test that was only weakly
sensitive and of questionable specificity was widely used in the past for epidemio-
logic purposes. In a province of China, a 1961 study found that 24% of the persons
examined had positive skin tests, and almost half of those cases were confirmed. In
1991, following a control campaign, 9% of the cases were positive and only 0.4%
of them were confirmed. Currently, the most common test is the enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using 32 and 35 kDa specific antigens. This assay
can distinguish infections caused by different species of Paragonimus(Kong et al.,
1998). In addition, the polymerase chain reaction is being used to diagnose parago-
nimiasis (Maleewong, 1997).
Control:In endemic areas, control efforts should be directed at interrupting the
infection cycle by the following means: a) education of people to prevent the con-
sumption of raw or undercooked crabs or crayfish; b) mass treatment of the popula-
tion to reduce the reservoir of infection; c) elimination of stray dogs and cats for the
same purpose; d) sanitary disposal of sputum and fecal matter to prevent the con-
tamination of rivers; and e) controlling snails with molluscicides in areas where this
approach is feasible. For a control program to be effective, it should encompass the
entire watershed area and adjacent regions.
In Latin America, where the transmission cycle appears to occur predominantly
in wildlife and where human cases are sporadic, the only practical measure is to edu-
cate and warn the population about the danger of eating raw or undercooked crus-
taceans. A study in China investigated the possibility of destroying metacercariae in
crustaceans by irradiation with cobalt-60. No parasites could be recovered from
mice infected with metacercariae irradiated at 2.5 kGy, but the fact that the mice
developed antibodies indicates that the parasites had managed to colonize their tis-
sues. Some of the metacercariae irradiated at 2 kGy excysted and survived in the
mice for up to 30 days. Metacercariae irradiated at 0.1 kGy did not reach the adult
stage in cats (Song et al., 1992).
Arzube, M.E., J. Voelker. Uber das Vorkommen menschlicher Paragonimiasis in Ecuador
(1972–1976). Tropenmed Parasitol 29:275–277, 1978.
Blair, D., T. Agatsuma, T. Watanobe, M. Okamoto, A. Ito. Geographical genetic structure
within the human lung fluke,Paragonimus westermani,detected from DNA sequences.
Parasitology115 (Pt4):411–417, 1997.
Blair, D., Z.B. Xu, T. Agatsuma. Paragonimiasis and the genus Paragonimus. Adv Parasitol
42:113–222, 1999.
Brenes, R.R., M.D. Little, O. Raudales, G. Muñoz, C. Ponce. Cutaneous paragonimiasis in
man in Honduras. Am J Trop Med Hyg 32:376–378, 1983.

Cabaret, J., C. Bayssade-Dufour, G. Tami, J.L. Albaret. Identification of African
Paragonimidae by multivariate analysis of the eggs. Acta Trop72:79–89, 1999.
García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
Im, J.G., Y. Kong, Y.M. Shin,et al. Pulmonary paragonimiasis: Clinical and experimental
studies. Radiographics13:575–586, 1993.
Kagawa, F.T. Pulmonary paragonimiasis. Semin Respir Infect12:49–58, 1997.
Kong, Y., A. Ito, H.J. Yang,et al. Immunoglobulin G (IgG) subclass and IgE responses in
human paragonimiases caused by three different species. Clin Diag Lab Immunol5:474–478,
Kum, P.N., T.C. Nchinda. Pulmonary paragonimiasis in Cameroon. Trans R Soc Trop Med
Hyg 76:768–772, 1982.
Maleewong, W. Recent advances in diagnosis of paragonimiasis. Southeast Asian J Trop
Med Public Health28 Supp l:134–138, 1997.
Malek, E.A. Vol. 2:Snail-transmitted Parasitic Diseases.Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1980.
Miyazaki, I. Paragonimiasis. In:Hillyer, G.V., C.E. Hopla, section eds. Section C, Vol. 3:
CRC Handbook Series in Zoonoses.Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Nawa, Y. Recent trends of paragonimiasis westermani in Miyazaki Prefecture, Japan.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health22 Suppl:342–344, 1991.
Nwokolo, C. Endemic paragonimiasis in Eastern Nigeria. Clinical features and epidemiol-
ogy of the recent outbreak following the Nigerian civil war.Trop Geogr Med 24:138–147,
Queuche, F., Cao Van Vien, Le Dang Ha. Un foyer de paragonimose au Viet Nam. Sante
7:155–159, 1997.
Sachs, R., J. Voelker. Human paragonimiasis caused by Paragonimus uterobilateralis in
Liberia and Guinea, West Africa. Tropenmed Parasitol 33:15–16, 1982.
Song, C.C., Y.F. Duan, G.C. Shou, H. Zhu. Effect of cobalt-60 irradiation on the infectivity
of Paragonimus westermanimetacercariae. J Parasitol78:869–871, 1992.
Toscano, C., S.H. Yu, P. Nunn,et al. Paragonimiasis and tuberculosis, diagnostic confusion:
A review of the literature. Trop Dis Bull92:R1–R26, 1995.
Vieira, J.C., H.D. Blankespoor, P.J. Cooper,et al. Paragonimiasis in Ecuador: Prevalence and
geographical distribution of parasitisation of second intermediate hosts with Paragonimus mex-
icanusin Esmeraldas province. Trop Med Parasitol43:249–252, 1992.
Voelker, J., C. Nwokolo. Human paragonimiasis in Eastern Nigeria by Paragonimus utero-
bilateralis. Z Tropenmed Parasitol 24:323–328, 1973.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert
Committee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series 637).
ICD-10 B65
Synonyms:Bilharziasis, Katayama syndrome (acute schistosomiasis).
Etiology:The primary agents of human schistosomiasis are the small blood
trematodes Schistosoma mansoni,S. japonicum,andS. haematobium,which meas-
ure 0.5–2.5 cm in length and live in pairs inside blood vessels. In certain restricted

geographic areas, the species S. intercalatum, S. mekongi,and S. malayensisalso
affect humans. There have also been reports of human infections caused by the
bovine parasite S. mattheei,although most of these may be caused by the hybridiza-
tion of S. mattheeiand S. haematobium(Kruger and Evans, 1990). S. mansoni and
S. haematobiumare considered strictly human species, although S. mansonihas
occasionally been observed in rodents, monkeys, and insectivores, and S. haemato-
biumhas been seen in monkeys. S. japonicumcan infect seven other mammalian
orders, including domestic herbivores and carnivores, swine, and rats;S. mekongi
can infect dogs; S. malayensisaffects wild rats (Greer et al., 1989); S. intercalatum
is a primary parasite of ruminants; and the bovine S. mattheeialso infects other
ruminants and rodents. DNA comparisons have demonstrated that S. mekongiis
closely related to S. japonicumand S. malayensis,and observations in nature have
shown that S. intercalatumand S. mattheeican hybridize with S. haematobiumand
produce fertile offspring (Jusot et al., 1997; Tchuem Tchuente et al., 1997). This
phenomenon raises doubts regarding the specificity of these species (WHO, 1980).
There are 19 recognized species of Schistosoma,but their phylogenetic relationships
are complex (Rollinson et al., 1997).
Unlike the other digenic trematodes, which are hermaphrodites, the schistosomes
have both male and female forms. The males are shorter and broader than the
females, and they have a gynecophoral canal running along the ventral surface in
which the female, which is long and thin, is permanently accommodated. Adults live
in the venous system of their definitive hosts, where they mate and lay 100 to 3,500
eggs a day, depending on the species. Although all the species have a similar life
cycle, there are variations in their required intermediate hosts and in the final local-
ization of the adults in the circulatory system. S. mansoni is found primarily in the
mesenteric veins that drain the large intestine, especially in the sigmoid branches; S.
japonicum is found mainly in the mesenteric venules of the small intestine;S.
haematobium,in the plexuses of the vena cava system that drains the bladder, pelvis,
and uterus; and S. intercalatumand S. mekongi,the portal and mesenteric veins. In
man,S. mattheeigranulomas are found in the large intestine and the liver, but the
eggs may be found in both feces and urine.
The eggs are transported by the venous circulation until they form a thrombus, at
which point they secrete enzymes that enable them to traverse the wall of the organ
and take up residence in the lumen. From the lumen they are eliminated in feces,
urine, or other secretions or excretions of the affected organ. The eggs are deposited
with a zygote inside, and before leaving the host they develop a larva (miracidium).
When they reach water, most of the eggs hatch within eight hours, stimulated by
light and water temperatures of 5°C to 36°C (Ye et al., 1997). The released miracidia
swim in search of a suitable intermediate host, but they lose their infectivity if they
fail to find one within about 10 hours. The snail intermediate hosts belong to the fol-
lowing genera:Biomphalaria andTropicorbisin the case of S. mansoni;
Oncomelaniafor S. japonicum;Bulinus, Physopsis,andPlanorbarius for S. haema-
tobium (Marquardt et al., 2000),S. mattheei,and S. intercalatum; Triculaand
Lithoglyphopsysfor S. mekongi; and Robertsiellafor S. malayensis. The miracidium
penetrates the snail and turns into a mother sporocyst, which forms daughter sporo-
cysts inside it, and the latter, in turn, produce fork-tailed cercariae. The time lapse
between penetration of the miracidium and emergence of cercariae can be as short
as 20 days, but it is usually 4 to 7 weeks. The number of cercariae produced depends

on the parasite and snail species in question, as well as the size of the snail:
Biomphalaria glabratacan generate between 30,000 and 180,000 cercariae of S.
mansoni; Bulinus globosus,12,000 to 24,000 cercariae ofS. haematobium; and
Oncomelania,450 to 9,000 cercariae of S. japonicum (Marquardt et al., 2000).
Unlike the cercariae of other digenic trematodes, the schistosome cercariae do not
form a metacercaria but instead invade the skin of the definitive host directly, often
penetrating via the hair follicles or sebaceous glands by enzymatic and mechanical
means. This process has to be completed within 36 hours or the cercaria loses its infec-
tivity. Penetration takes only a matter of minutes; the cercaria drops its tail in the
course of penetration, and within a few hours, it transforms into a juvenile schistosome
(schistosomulum), which differs from the cercaria in morphology, antigenicity, and
physiology. The schistosomula travel through the bloodstream to the lungs, where they
stop briefly, and then move through the circulatory and porta systems to the liver,
where they reach sexual maturity and mate. About three weeks after the initial infec-
tion, the parasites travel against the blood flow to the mesenteric, vesical, or pelvic
venules, depending on the species. Oviposition begins at 5 to 7 weeks (S. japonicum),
7 to 8 weeks (S. mansoni), or 10 to 12 weeks (S. haematobium). The parasites live for
several years, and there have been reports of infections lasting up to 30 years.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Schistosomiasis is endemic in 74
developing countries, and more than 80% of the infected persons live in sub-Saharan
Africa (WHO, 2003a). Direct mortality is relatively low, but the infection poses a
public health problem because of the chronic pathology and disability that it pro-
duces. Despite control efforts in a number of countries, approximately 200 million
people are still infected, of whom 120 million are symptomatic and 20 million have
severe disease (WHO, 2003b).
S. mansoni has the widest geographic distribution; it is found in 52 countries of
Africa (western and central parts of the continent, Egypt, and almost all the coun-
tries south of the Sahara except for a strip on the west running from Cameroon to
South Africa), the Eastern Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and parts of South
America. The range of S. mansoniis coextensive with that of S. haematobium in
large areas.In Senegal, for example, there are places in which the prevalence of S.
mansoniinfection is nearly 100% and that of S. haematobiumis 28% (De Clercq et
al., 1999). There are also isolated foci in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. S. haema-
tobiuminfection is found on some islands of the Lesser Antilles, the eastern coast of
Brazil (north of São Paulo), and the coast of Venezuela, and in the Dominican
Republic and Puerto Rico. It is believed that schistosomiasis was introduced to the
Americas by slaves from Africa. S. haematobium,the agent of vesical schistosomi-
asis, is endemic in 53 countries of Africa as well as the Middle East, Madagascar,
the southwestern Arabian peninsula, and along the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. In
Tanzania, it is the most abundant helminth in children (Booth et al., 1998). S. japon-
icum infection is found in eight countries of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific
(Cambodia, China, Indonesia, the Philippines, and several small foci in Japan, Laos,
Malaysia, and Thailand). S. intercalatuminfection occurs in Cameroon, the
Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, and other parts of central and western
Africa, and prevalence in different areas ranges from 2.5% to 21.2%. The parasite
causes bleeding intestinal lesions (Jusot et al., 1997; Tchuem Tchuente et al., 1997).
Since its intermediate hosts (Bulinus globosus,B. forskalii) are found throughout

Africa, this species has been tending to spread. S. mekongioccurs in northern
Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, especially along the Mekong River, where in one
area the prevalence was 40% in a group of 2,391 schoolchildren and 49.3% in 1,396
persons in the general population. Young persons 10 to 14 years of age were most
affected, and the pathology was often severe (Stich et al., 1999). S. malayensis
occurs in the Malay Peninsula (Greer et al., 1989). Human infection caused by S.
mattheeihas been reported in South Africa. Eggs of this parasite are often found in
human feces and urine, with infection rates as high as 40% (WHO, 1979).
In China, infection caused by S. japonicum is found in the Yangtze River valley
and to its south over an area inhabited by 100 million people, most of whom work
in the rice fields. Before the current control program was undertaken, it was esti-
mated that more than 10 million people were infected. In Japan, the human infec-
tion is largely under control and only a few hundred carriers remain. In the
Philippines, an estimated 600,000 people are infected.
In the Americas, Brazil alone has an estimated 8 to 12 million infected individu-
als. In that country, tests carried out during preparations for its schistosomiasis con-
trol program revealed a positivity rate of 22.8% in 739,995 fecal samples from
schoolchildren in 6 endemic states (Machado, 1982). In some localities in north-
eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil, 100% of the population was found to be infected. In
the Caribbean area, the rates per 100,000 population in 1972 were 4.8 in the
Dominican Republic, 39.2 in Guadeloupe, 1.3 in Puerto Rico, and 375.7 in Saint
Lucia. In the US, an average of 170 imported cases were reported annually between
1969 and 1972, most of them from the Caribbean islands. Mahmoud (1977) esti-
mated that, even though the parasitosis is not transmitted in the US for lack of inter-
mediate hosts, some 400,000 infected persons were living there. The infection has
spread in some areas because of new irrigation projects and the migration of infected
populations. In Brazil, schistosomiasis has spread to the states of Goiás, Maranhão,
Pará, Paraná, Santa Catarina, São Paulo (where there are several isolated foci), and
from the northeast to southern Minas Gerais (Katz and Carvalho, 1983). In
Paraguay, there have been no reports of infection, but more than 100 S. mansoni-
infected Brazilian immigrants have been found, and the snail Biomphalaria
tenagophila,which could serve as an intermediate host, is present there.
Despite the fact that several countries have managed to reduce the occurrence of
schistosomiasis through vigorous control programs, its prevalence has changed lit-
tle in recent decades because of the expansion of irrigation and the human migra-
tions mentioned earlier. Reports published in 1999, based on research in selected
communities from different countries, gave the following prevalence ranges for S.
mansoni:34%–58% in Egypt, 1% in Puerto Rico (down from 21% in 1993),
53%–76% in Senegal, 88% in Tanzania, 2% in Togo, 30%–84% in Uganda, and
1.4% in Venezuela (down from 14% in 1943). In addition, there were an estimated
2 million infected persons in Madagascar. For S. haematobium,the ranges were as
follows: 7%–11% in Egypt, 97% in Kenya, 46% in Niger, 17% in Nigeria,
53%–64% in Senegal, and 25% in Togo. In addition, there are an estimated half mil-
lion infected persons in Madagascar. In 1998, two surveys carried out in different
municipalities of São Paulo State in Brazil showed 0.4% and 43% positive serology
for S. mansoni,but only 4.3% and 8.5% of the individuals were shedding eggs.
With regard to the infection in animals, in Brazil S. mansoniinfection has been
found in many rodents, other wild species, and cattle; in eastern Africa, in baboons,

rodents, and dogs; and in Egypt, in gerbils (genus Gerbillus)and Nile rats. The
infection rates are often quite high. In some areas of eastern Africa infection rates of
more than 50% have been seen in baboons (WHO, 1979). Natural infection with S.
japonicum,in turn, has been found in many animal species, and in some areas the
rates are high (see Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission). S. haematobium
has been known to infect nonhuman primates, rodents, and swine on rare occasions,
and the prevalence has been low (WHO, 1979).
The Disease in Man:Approximately 90% of schistosome infections in humans
are asymptomatic. However, some patients suffer acute respiratory abnormalities
with radiographic signs and unspecific symptoms similar to those of influenza.
There can be more significant morbidity, and even mortality, from fibrotic reactions
to parasite eggs laid in host tissue, leading especially to portal hypertension in the
case of S. mansonior S. japonicum,and urinary tract obstruction in the case of S.
haematobium(El-Garem, 1998). However, the disease’s clinical presentation has
changed over the last 10 to 15 years thanks to specific chemotherapy for schistoso-
miasis and to environmental changes in many countries, and its earlier hepatosplenic
and other manifestations (ascites, gastric hemorrhage, splenomegaly, cor pulmonale,
glomerulopathy) are now less severe (Andrade, 1998). Between 6% and 27% of
infected women suffer from genital lesions, but the nature and treatment of these
lesions is not yet understood (Feldmeier, 1998). In less than 5% of those infected
with S. mansoni,the obstruction of pulmonary circulation causes pulmonary hyper-
tension and cor pulmonale (Morris and Knauer, 1997). Occasionally, the eggs reach
the central nervous system and produce a granulomatous reaction. When there are
only a few eggs and they are widely scattered, no signs are observed, but large gran-
ulomas can cause increased intracranial pressure and focalized signs, often in the
lumbosacral spinal cord (Ferrari, 1999; Pittella, 1997).
The seriousness of the disease is dictated by the parasite burden and the length of
time the patient has been infected; both factors affect the number of eggs that settle
in host tissues, which is the main determinant of chronic pathology. School-age chil-
dren and occupational groups that spend time frequently and for long periods in
water, such as fishermen and rice growers, have more intense infections because of
the accumulation of parasites from repeated infections. However, there is a limit to
this accumulation because the schistosomes generate concomitant immunity; in
other words, the adult forms of the parasite partially protect against new infections
by schistosomula.
The symptomatology of schistosomiasis may be divided into four phases, accord-
ing to the evolution of the parasitosis. The first phase corresponds to the penetration
of cercariae. It is commonly manifested by a cutaneous allergy to the parasite’s
products, which occurs with greater frequency and intensity in reinfections. At first
there are petechiae with edema and pruritus; these are followed by urticaria, which
can become vesicular and last from 36 hours to 10 days. Unlike birds, humans do
not always have cutaneous manifestations. The second phase occurs when the schis-
tosomula invade the pulmonary capillaries. In most cases there are no clinical man-
ifestations, although massive infections can produce pneumonitis with coughing and
asthma-like crises, along with eosinophilic infiltration. The third phase develops
when the parasite matures inside the liver and oviposition begins to take place in the
corresponding venules. This phase does not usually produce damage to the tissues

or clinical manifestations, but in the case of massive infections there may be fever,
diarrhea, abdominal pain, urticaria, and prostration. It is believed that these symp-
toms represent an acute immune response to antigens released by the eggs, with the
formation of abundant cytokines. The fourth, or chronic or granulomatous phase,
reflects the tissue response to the deposition of eggs. The antigens of the eggs that
are retained in the tissues generate a cell-mediated immune response that forms
granulomas around the eggs. When the granulomas become abundant in a tissue,
they converge and can invade an important part of the organ. Prior stimulation of the
patient by antigens of the adult parasite and the intervention of tumor necrosis fac-
tor alpha seem to play an important role in the formation of granulomas (Leptak and
McKerrow, 1997).
In S. mansoni infection, the main lesions are found in the intestinal wall. Over
time, they spread to the liver and produce interlobular fibrosis and portal hyperten-
sion, ascites, and splenomegaly. In advanced stages, there may be pulmonary lesions
and respiratory symptoms. In the chronic phase, the following clinical forms can be
distinguished: intestinal, hepatointestinal, hepatosplenic, and pulmonary. In a study
of S. mansonimorbidity in three rural villages on an island off Tanzania, prevalence
was 86% and the average parasite burden was 176 eggs per gram of feces, while
80% of those infected had abdominal pain, 43% had melena, and 35% had diarrhea.
The disease was more serious in children and adolescents. Ultrasound revealed
hepatomegaly in 35% of the infected individuals and splenomegaly in 80%, both of
which were associated with a high parasite burden and were less notable in those
who had already been treated with praziquantel. Mild periportal fibrosis was com-
mon, and signs of portal hypertension were observed in 2% of the subjects. Serum
procollagen-IV-peptide levels were elevated in patients with severe periportal fibro-
sis, suggesting that this might be a marker of hepatic schistosomiasis (Kardorff et
al., 1997). The most indicative signs of acute S. mansoniinfection are fever, diar-
rhea, abdominal pain, weight loss, and eosinophilia. The signs of chronic disease are
usually persistent diarrhea and abdominal pain with hepatomegaly or splenomegaly.
The symptoms of disease caused by S. japonicum are similar to those caused by
S. mansoni,but they are usually more severe, the period of incubation is shorter, and
the early lesions are typically located in the small intestine rather than the colon.
Intestinal and hepatic fibrosis develop much more rapidly because S. japonicum lays
more eggs.
In infections caused by S. haematobium,the lesions and symptoms correspond
primarily to the urogenital tract, and, to a lesser degree, the intestine. Papillomatous
folds, pseudoabscesses, and miliary pseudotubercles develop in the wall of the blad-
der, and sometimes there is total fibrosis of the organ. Obstruction of the urethra and
the ureters is common. The main symptoms are painful and frequent urination, ter-
minal hematuria, suprapubic pain, and recurrent urinary infections. The
hepatopathies are less serious than those seen in S. mansoniinfections. The eggs
may also travel to the intestine, especially the venules that drain the rectum, and they
may be eliminated in the feces. Evidence suggests that vesical schistosomiasis may
be a predisposing condition for malignant tumors because of the continuous irrita-
tion produced by the eggs. In a survey of more than 1,000 persons infected with S.
haematobiumin two hyperendemic localities in Mali, half the subjects did not have
clinical manifestations and only 30% had pathologic lesions. Both infection and
morbidity rates were higher in children aged 7 to 14 years old. Use of the dipstick

test to measure microhematuria proved to be more sensitive in detecting the disease
than the infection. Treatment with praziquantel resolved more than 80% of the uri-
nary tract lesions within a year (Traore, 1998).
In human infections caused by S. mattheei or S. intercalatum,the lesions and symp-
toms are usually mild. As a rule,S. mattheei is found in persons simultaneously
infected by S. mansoni or S. haematobium. Infection caused by S. intercalatum occurs
primarily in young people and tends to gradually disappear in older age groups as the
population acquires resistance to the parasite. About 90% of patients infected by S.
intercalatum complain of intestinal disorders, and some 70% have bloody feces.
Hepatomegaly occurs in approximately 50% of the cases, but portal hypertension is
not seen. Other species of nonhuman schistosomes, such as S. bovisand S. rodhaini,
produce an abortive infection in man because the parasite does not reach maturity.
There is also an acute form of schistosomiasis, often referred to as Katayama
fever, which develops four to six weeks after a massive primary infection with S.
japonicum,and sometimes,S. mansoni.The clinical manifestations are similar in
some respects to those of serum disease: fever, eosinophilia, lymphadenopathy,
hepatosplenomegaly, and sometimes dysentery. Because of the clinical manifesta-
tions and the fact that the disease occurs at the beginning of oviposition, it is
believed that this syndrome is caused by the formation of antigen-antibody com-
plexes in the bloodstream.
The Disease in Animals:Schistosomiasis can be quite common in animals.
Prevalence rates in cattle have been found to be as high as 62% (Bangladesh), 90%
(Sudan), and 92% (Zimbabwe). The species that are most pathogenic for domestic
ruminants are S. bovisand S. japonicum. S. mattheeiand S. spindaleare less patho-
genic, and sometimes the former is eliminated spontaneously over time. As in man,
schistosomiasis in cattle has an acute phase, caused when recently matured parasites
release large quantities of eggs in the intestinal mucosa, and a chronic phase, during
which the damage is caused by the reaction to antigens produced by eggs trapped
inside tissues. The former, referred to as the intestinal syndrome, occurs seven to
nine weeks after a massive initial infection and causes severe hemorrhagic lesions
in the intestinal mucosa, with infiltration of eosinophils, lymphocytes, macrophages,
and plasmocytes, along with profuse diarrhea or dysentery, dehydration, anorexia,
anemia, hypoalbuminemia, weight loss, and retarded development. The duration of
the disease varies depending on the parasite burden, and recovery is spontaneous.
The chronic phase, or hepatic syndrome, is a cell-mediated immune response to
antigens from the trapped eggs. As in man, the reaction leads to the formation of
inflammatory foci, granulomas, fibroses, and ultimately, the obstruction of portal
irrigation. The chronic disease occurs in animals that have been repeatedly exposed
to infections with large numbers of cercariae, and the principal manifestations are
emaciation, anemia, eosinophilia, and hypoalbuminemia (Soulsby, 1982). Unlike
man, animals do not appear to be susceptible to splenomegaly or esophageal varices,
but the presence of dead parasites can cause them to develop enlarged follicles or
lymph nodes, as well as venous thromboses, with infarct of the organ. In addition to
the liver, the schistosome eggs can settle in the intestinal wall, lungs, kidneys, blad-
der, and other organs, where they cause damage and symptoms in proportion to the
parasite burden. Cattle have also been reported to have obstructive phlebitis caused
by the presence of adult parasites in the veins.

Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Schistosomiasis is one of the
main human parasitoses and is very important to public health because of its debil-
itating effect on people throughout large areas of the world. Geographic distribution
of the infection appears to be undergoing a change. While some areas are making
progress through vigorous control campaigns, the infection is spreading to others in
the wake of new irrigation projects or carried by individuals. Moreover, the geo-
graphic range of the intermediate hosts is greater than that of the human infection.
The Aswan Dam in Egypt provides an example of how environmental change can
impact on the disease. Although construction of the dam has resulted in important
economic benefits for the country, it has also brought about profound ecological
changes in the region and created favorable conditions for the survival of the mol-
lusks that act as intermediate hosts of S. mansoni,but not for those of S. haemato-
bium. Before construction of the dam,S. mansonischistosomiasis was common in
the Nile Delta but infrequent in the region from Cairo to Khartoum, Sudan. The dam
reduced the flow rate of the Lower Nile and held back the alluvial sediment, thereby
favoring penetration of the mollusks by the miracidia and also facilitating human
contact with the cercariae that emerge from them. At the same time, there was an
increase in human activities, such as fishing and washing clothes and utensils, along
the Nile River. All these factors contributed to an increase in the prevalence of S.
mansoni infection in Upper Egypt. The ecology of Lower Egypt (the Nile Delta)
also underwent changes favorable to the vectors of this parasitosis. The absence of
alluvial sediment promoted the growth and spread of aquatic plants as well as the
microflora on which the mollusks feed, with a consequent increase in their popula-
tion and greater possibility of transmission of the parasite to the human host (Malek,
1975). The situation in Egypt, which has been repeated in several other countries of
Africa, the Americas, and Asia, shows that knowledge of ecological conditions is
essential to understanding the variability of the human infection. The growing rate
at which dams are being constructed in the developing countries, sometimes with-
out prior ecologic and epidemiologic studies to serve as a basis for implementing
disease prevention measures, is helping to bring about the spread and intensification
of schistosomiasis.
The primary intermediate hosts of S. mansoni (Biomphalaria)and S. haemato-
bium (Bulinus)are aquatic snails that flourish in irrigation canals, lagoons, river
backwaters, and small shaded natural pools of water under 2 meters deep with a flow
rate of less than 15 m per minute. Bulinus,unlike Biomphalaria,can survive in mud
after the water has dried up. The intermediate host of S. japonicum (Oncomelania),
on the other hand, is an amphibious snail that can live for several months in a rela-
tively dry environment, maintaining the larval stages of the parasite. These mollusks
become infected when their water becomes contaminated with fecal matter from
definitive hosts, especially humans, or urine in the case of S. haematobium.
Man acquires the infection by the cutaneous route by entering water that contains
mollusks infected with the parasite. For this reason, schistosomiasis is essentially a
rural infection. Studies in endemic areas have shown that the prevalence of infection
in the snails concerned is generally lower than 5% and that the density of free-liv-
ing cercariae is extremely low because they are dispersed over a large volume of
water. Moreover, the latter are infective for only a few hours. These low rates sug-
gest that the intense infections needed to cause disease require relatively prolonged
exposure to contaminated water. Thus, it follows that the population likely to have

the highest prevalence rates and parasite burdens (and consequently more severe dis-
ease) is children and young adults aged 5 to 25 years, who spend the most time in
water. In some regions, schistosomiasis is also an occupational disease of farm
laborers who work in irrigated fields (rice, sugarcane) and fisherman who work in
fish culture ponds and rivers. Another highly exposed group is the village women
who wash clothing and utensils along the banks of lakes and streams. The infection
can also be contracted while bathing, swimming, or playing in the water.
Man is the main definitive host of S. mansoni. Patent S. mansoni infections have
also been seen in rodents, monkeys, and insectivores. Studies in the Americas have
shown that rodents alone cannot maintain prolonged environmental contamination, but
perhaps baboons (Papio spp.) in Africa can do so. Nevertheless, for epidemiologic
purposes,S. mansoniis regarded as an exclusively human species. S. haematobiumis
also an exclusively human parasite; observations of infection in monkeys have been
scarce and epidemiologically insignificant. However,S. japonicumis an entirely dif-
ferent matter: at least 31 mammalian species belonging to seven orders, including vir-
tually all domestic animals, are capable of having patent infections caused by this par-
asite. These species play an important epidemiologic role because they contaminate
the water, enabling man to become infected. In Taiwan, there is a strain of S. japon-
icumthat is widespread in rodents and domestic animals, but it causes only an abortive
infection in man because the parasite does not reach maturity. In addition,S. mekongi
can infect dogs, and S. malayensisis a parasite of wild rats (Greer et al., 1989), but the
precise influence of the animal reservoir on human infection is unknown in both
instances. S. intercalatumand S. mattheeiare animal parasites that secondarily infect
man (the former is a parasite,inter alia,of sheep, goats, and rats, and the latter, of cat-
tle, sheep, goats, equines, and rodents). They are usually found in mixed infections
along with S. mansonior S. haematobium,so that the true importance of these species
for human health is unclear. DNA comparisons have shown that S. mekongiis closely
related to S. japonicumand S. malayensis,and observations in nature have shown that
S. intercalatumand S. mattheeican hybridize with S. haematobiumand produce fer-
tile offspring (Jusot et al., 1997; Tchuem Tchuente et al., 1997).
It has been observed that persons infected with abortive animal schistosomes or
those that have little pathogenicity for man develop a degree of cross-resistance that
protects them against subsequent human schistosome infections. It is even thought
that resistance produced by abortive infections of the zoonotic strain S. japonicum
in Taiwan has spared the island from being invaded by the human strain. In light of
this heterologous or cross-immunity, some researchers have proposed vaccinating
humans with the antigens or parasites of animal species (zooprophylaxis).
The influence of factors involving the parasite, host, and environment on the per-
sistence of schistosomiasis has been studied using S. mansoni in rats (Morand et al.,
Diagnosis:Schistosomiasis is suspected when the characteristic symptoms occur
in an epidemiologic environment that facilitates its transmission. Specific diagnosis
is based on demonstrating the presence of S. mansoni orS. japonicumeggs in feces
and those of S. haematobiumin either feces or urine. The eggs of all the human
schistosome species are long and nonoperculate. Those of S. mansoni are brownish-
yellow, measure 110–180 µlong by 40–70 µwide, and have a characteristic lateral
spine. Those of S. haematobium are about the same size and have a very pronounced

terminal spine, while those of S. japonicum are smaller and have a rudimentary sub-
terminal spine. S. intercalatumeggs are difficult to differentiate from those of S.
haematobium(Almeda et al., 1996). The eggs may begin to appear five weeks after
the initial infection. The ease with which their presence is confirmed depends on the
intensity and duration of the infection; mild and long-standing infections produce
few eggs. Whenever schistosomiasis is suspected, samples should be examined over
a period of several days, since the passage of eggs is not continuous. Direct, unen-
riched examination of the samples is not a very sensitive method. The Kato-Katz
thick smear technique offers a good balance between simplicity and sensitivity, and
it is commonly used in the field (Borel et al., 1999).
Among the feces concentration techniques, formalin-ether sedimentation is con-
sidered one of the most efficient. In chronic cases with scant passage of eggs, the
rectal mucosa can be biopsied for high-pressure microscopy. Also, the eclosion test,
in which the feces are diluted in unchlorinated water and incubated for about four
hours in a centrifuge tube lined with dark paper, can be used. At the end of this time,
the upper part of the tube is illuminated in order to concentrate the miracidia, which
can be observed with a magnifying glass. In addition to the mere presence of eggs,
it is important to determine whether or not the miracidia are alive (which can be seen
from the movement of the miracidium or its cilia) because the immune response that
leads to fibrosis is triggered by antigens produced by the miracidium. In cases of
prepatent, mild, or long-standing infection, the presence of eggs is difficult to
demonstrate, and diagnosis therefore usually relies on finding specific antigens or
antibodies (Tsang and Wilkins, 1997). However, searching for parasite antigens is
not a very efficient approach when the live parasite burden is low. The circumoval
precipitation, cercarien-Hullen reaction, miracidial immobilization, and cercarial
fluorescent antibody tests are reasonably sensitive and specific, but they are rarely
used because they require live parasites. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) and immunotransference (Western blot) tests are now preferred. A recom-
binant protein of S. mansoni(Sm22.3) has been produced that recognizes antibod-
ies to S. mansoniorS. haematobiumwith 80% sensitivity and 95% specificity, but
it still cross-reacts with serum from malaria infections (Hancock et al., 1997). IgM
and IgG antibodies from all acute patients recognized the S. mansoniSM31/32 anti-
gen, but only 10% of the IgM antibodies from chronic patients reacted. Hence, the
reaction of this antigen to IgM antibodies may be a marker of acute disease (Valli et
al., 1999).
A questionnaire administered to students and teachers from schools in urinary
schistosomiasis endemic areas revealed a surprisingly large number of S. haemato-
biuminfections (Partnership for Child Development, 1999). In many cases, cen-
trifugation and examination of the urine sediment is sufficient to find eggs, although
filtration in microporous membranes is more sensitive. Examination of the urine
sediment for eosinophils reveals more than 80% of all infections. The use of strips
dipped in urine to detect blood or proteins also reveals a high number of infections,
even though the test is nonspecific. Also, there are now strips impregnated with spe-
cific antibodies that reveal the presence of S. haematobiumantigens when dipped in
a urine specimen (Bosompem et al., 1997). Although this method is less sensitive
than the ELISA test, it is easy to use in mass studies. Searching for antibodies or
antigens in serum was substantially more sensitive than looking for eggs in urine
(Al-Sherbiny et al., 1999).

Control:The measures available for controlling schistosomiasis are: 1) diagnosis
and treatment of patients; 2) selective or mass chemotherapy; 3) health education;
4) control of the intermediate hosts; 5) adequate water supply and sanitary excreta
disposal systems; and 6) modification of the environment.
Chemotherapy of infected individuals is not only curative but also preventive in
that it halts the production of eggs that contaminate the environment. Clinical trials
with praziquantel to treat S. mansoni infection in Brazil,S. haematobium in Zambia,
and S. japonicum in the Philippines and Japan have given excellent results in terms
of both parasitologic cure and the reduction of eggs being eliminated (WHO, 1980).
In a three-year study carried out in Madagascar, 289 individuals from a village in
which S. mansoniwas hyperendemic were treated systematically with praziquantel
and prevalence declined from 66%, with an average of 202 eggs per gram of feces,
to 19% and 27 eggs per gram (Boisier et al., 1998). In most cases, it is not recom-
mended to treat the entire community; a more effective approach is to perform par-
asitologic examinations and treat only the infected individuals. When the intensity
of infection declines in a given population, it may be necessary to resort to serologic
diagnosis, which is more sensitive. In communities that have a high prevalence of
infection but limited economic resources, treatment can be restricted to the groups
with the highest parasite burdens, such as children between 7 and 14 years old. In
the case of schistosomiasis caused by S. japonicum,however, Olds et al. (1996) rec-
ommend mass treatment or treatment aimed at large, high-risk groups because there
are many animal reservoirs, parasitologic diagnosis is not very sensitive, the disease
is more serious, and there is no apparent correlation between severity of the disease
and parasite burden.
Health education consists essentially in teaching people to avoid contact with con-
taminated water and not to contaminate water with their own excreta. However,
many of the populations most affected by schistosomiasis are communities with low
levels of schooling and such limited resources that they often have no alternative but
to use contaminated water or to contaminate the environment with their excreta. The
intermediate hosts have been controlled in a number of areas by draining or filling
in swampland, removing vegetation from water bodies, and improving irrigation
systems. In Japan, excellent results were achieved by lining irrigation canals with
concrete. The use of molluscicides, though expensive, is a rapid and effective means
of reducing transmission if it is combined with other prevention measures, espe-
cially chemotherapy. The cost-benefit ratio is more favorable where the volume of
water to be treated is small, and for rivers or lakes where transmission is focal (lim-
ited to a relatively small habitat). Selection of the molluscicide to be used should
take into account the nature of the snail’s habitat, the cost of the chemical com-
pound, and any harmful effects it might have on fish and other forms of aquatic life.
The introduction of snails that compete with the intermediate hosts of the schisto-
some has been successful in some areas. In Puerto Rico, for example, introduction
of the snail Marisa cornuarietis,coupled with chemical control, has eliminated B.
glabrata almost entirely from the nearby island of Vieques. However,M. cornuari-
etis is not effective in ecosystems with dense vegetation or in swamps or rivers
(WHO, 1980). In Saint Lucia,B. glabrata was apparently eliminated from swampy
areas and streams between 6 and 22 months after the introduction of Tiara grani-
fera,a snail from Southeast Asia. Unfortunately, this snail can serve as the interme-
diate host of Paragonimus westermani (Prentice, 1983). Environmental sanitation

(especially the provision of potable water and sanitary waste elimination systems)
in rural areas is costly and therefore difficult to implement in the short term and on
the needed scale. Moreover, changing the environment entails an improved standard
of living for the population, more education, and healthier surroundings—objectives
that are difficult to achieve.
The measures described above are useful when they are incorporated realistically
within the framework of a control program. In Venezuela, the Schistosomiasis
Control Program was launched in 1945 and prevalence of the infection has fallen
from 14% in 1943 to 1.4% in 1996. Up until 1982, active cases were diagnosed by
fecal examination, which was then followed by treatment, but starting that year,
serologic surveys were added because many infections were too mild to be diag-
nosed by parasitology. Nevertheless, the true prevalence is believed to be underesti-
mated. Given that 80% of infected individuals pass fewer than 100 eggs per gram of
feces, it is possible that these people maintain foci of infection, thereby undermin-
ing control efforts. Biological control using snails that compete with the intermedi-
ate hosts has not been totally successful, since B. glabratahas managed to reinfect
some areas and increase the prevalence of infection in others. Indeed, infected snails
have been found over an expanse of approximately 15,000 km
in which the infec-
tion was believed to have been eradicated several years ago. As a result, the entire
schistosomiasis control strategy in Venezuela has been revised (Alarcón de Noya et
al., 1999). In Brazil, chemotherapy has been a very important tool for reducing mor-
bidity, incidence, and prevalence in endemic areas, but the provision of potable
water, sanitary disposal of excreta, and health education still remain the essential
requirements for definitive and permanent control (Katz, 1998).
Although chemotherapy has been very successful in controlling schistosomiasis,
reinfection makes it necessary for people to take the treatment often, sometimes
annually. Hence the search for a vaccine. Despite reasonable success in domestic
and laboratory animals, vaccines for human use are still far from being effective,
both because man does not respond to vaccination the same way that animals do and
because the methods used with animals (such as infection with irradiated cercariae)
are not directly applicable to man. Indeed, vaccination was not considered a viable
alternative for the control of schistosomiasis until recently, when the identification
of certain protective antigens and the possibility of producing them as recombinant
molecules raised hopes for success in this endeavor (Bergquist, 1998).
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Tsang, V.C., P.P. Wilkins. Immunodiagnosis of schistosomiasis. Immunol Invest
26:175–188, 1997.
Valli, L.C., H.Y. Kanamura, R.M. Da Silva, R. Ribeiro Rodríguez, R. Dietze.
Schistosomiasis mansoni:Immunoblot analysis to diagnose and differentiate recent and
chronic infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg61:302–307, 1999.
Williams, S.A., D.A. Johnston. Helminth genome analysis: The current status of the filar-
ial and schistosome genome projects. Parasitology118 Suppl:S19–38, 1999.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert
Committee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series
World Health Organization (WHO). Epidemiology and Control of Schistosomiasis. Report
of a WHO Expert Committee.Geneva: WHO; 1980. (Technical Report Series 643).
World Health Organization (WHO). Schistosomiasis. Disease information[Web page].
Available at www.who.int/tdr/diseases/schisto/diseaseinfo.htm. Accessed 14 February 2003.
World Health Organization (WHO). Schistosomiasis. [Web page]. Available at
www.who.int/ctd/schisto/index.html. Accessed 14 February 2003.
Ye,X.P., Y.L. Fu, Z.X. Wu, R.M. Anderson, A. Agnew. The effects of temperature, light and
water upon the hatching of the ova of Schistosoma japonicum. Southeast Asian J Trop Med
Public Health 8:575–580, 1997.

2. Cestodiases
ICD-10 B71.9 Cestode infection, unspecified
Etiology:Bertiella studeri (B. satyri) andB. mucronata are anoplocephalid ces-
todes whose natural definitive hosts are nonhuman primates. Differentiation of the
two species is based on the size of the glandular portion of the vagina, the eggs and
their pyriform apparatus, and the number of testes. Some specialists think that these
differences are not sufficient to separate B. studeri from B. mucronata,and accept
only the former species name. Others accept geographic and host segregation as
additional valid criteria (Denegri et al., 1998). Adult cestodes are 10 to 30 cm long
and 1 cm wide. The gravid proglottids (segments) are much wider than they are
long, detach in groups of about 20, and are eliminated in the feces of the primates.
The intermediate hosts are oribatid mites of the genera Dometorina, Achipteria,
Galumna, Scheloribates,and Scutovertex. These mites are about 0.5 mm long, live
in the soil and humus, and, since they feed on organic matter, can become infected
by ingesting cestode eggs found in soil contaminated by the fecal matter of infected
monkeys. The embryo travels to the mites’ body cavity and forms a larva known as
cysticercoid. When a monkey ingests an infected mite with its food, digestion of the
mite releases the cysticercoids, which mature into adult cestodes in the host’s intes-
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:This parasitosis is rare in man. Up
to 1999, 56 cases in humans had been reported: 45 cases of infection by B. studeri,
7 by B. mucronata,and 4 by Bertiellasp. (Ando et al., 1996; Denegri and Perez-
Serrano, 1997). The cases caused by B. studerioccurred in east Africa, Gabon,
India, Indonesia, the island of Mauritius, the Philippines, the Russian Federation,
Saint Kitts in the Lesser Antilles, Singapore, Spain, Thailand, the US (state of
Minnesota), and Yemen. At least two of the three cases caused by B. studeriin the
New World seem to be associated with Old World monkeys: the monkeys on Saint
Kitts are of African origin, and the case in Spain was apparently acquired in Kenya.
Three cases caused by B. mucronatawere reported in Argentina, two in Brazil, one
in Cuba, and one in Paraguay. The cases caused by Bertiellasp. occurred in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, Great Britain, India, and Saudi Arabia. The nat-
ural hosts of B. studeribelong to the generaSimya, Anthropithecus, Hylobates,

Cercopithecus, Troglodytes, Macaca, Pan,andPapio; the natural hosts ofB.
mucronatabelong to the genera Allouata, Callicebus, Cebus,and Callithrix.
Infection in monkeys is common. Prevalences of 3.6% to 14.0% have been reported
in rhesus monkeys, 1.4% to 5.3% in cynomolgus monkeys, 7.1% in Japanese
macaques, and 7.7% in baboons (Flynn, 1973).
The Disease in Man and Animals:The infection causes neither symptoms nor
lesions in monkeys (Owen, 1992). It is generally also asymptomatic in man, but
some cases with abdominal pain, intermittent diarrhea, anorexia, constipation, and
weight loss have been reported. These symptoms seem to be more common in chil-
dren. In rare cases, severe abdominal pain and intermittent vomiting have been
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Nonhuman primates, which
constitute the natural reservoir of the cestode, acquire the parasitosis by ingesting
infected oribatid mites with their food. Man can become infected by accidental
ingestion of food contaminated with soil containing infected mites. This occurs
when people are in close contact with monkeys kept at home or in zoos, or when
there are large numbers of monkeys in the peridomestic environment.
Diagnosis:Preliminary diagnosis is based on observation of the proglottids elim-
inated in the feces and is subsequently confirmed by microscopic examination of the
eggs obtained from the proglottids. The eggs are slightly oval and thin-shelled, and
the embryo is encased in a capsule or pyriform apparatus with two blunt horns. The
eggs of B. studeriare 49–60 by 40–46 µm and the eggs of B. mucronataare 40–46
by 36–40 µm.
Control:Since human infection is accidental and infrequent, its prevention is dif-
ficult. Ingestion of food contaminated with soil from environments where monkeys
are numerous should be avoided.
Ando, K., T. Ito, K. Miura, H. Matsuoka, Y. Chinzei. Infection of an adult in Mie Prefecture,
Japan by Bertiella studeri. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 27:200–201, 1996.
Denegri, G.M., J. Perez-Serrano. Bertiellosis in man: A review of cases. Rev Inst Med Trop
Sao Paulo 39:123–127, 1997.
Denegri, G.M., W. Bernadina, J. Perez-Serrano, F. Rodriguez-Caabeiro. Anoplocephalid
cestodes of veterinary and medical significance: A review. Folia Parasitol (Praha) 45:1–8,
Flynn, R.J. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1973.
Owen, D.G. Parasites of Laboratory Animals.London: Royal Society of Medicine
Services; 1992.
Turner, J.A. Other cestode infections. In:Hubbert, W.T., W.F. McCulloch, P.R.
Schnurrenberger, eds. Diseases Transmitted from Animals to Man,6th ed. Springfield:
Thomas; 1975.

ICD-10 B71.9 Cestode infection, unspecified
Synonyms:Coenuriasis, vertigo, gid, sturdy.
Etiology:Coenurus cerebralis, C. serialis,andC. brauni are larval stages of the
cestodes Taenia multiceps, T. serialis,andT. brauni,respectively. While those
names do not correspond to the species of the parasite, and therefore should not be
written in italics or in Latin with the first letter capitalized, the custom goes back to
the time when the relationship between the larval and adult stages of cestodes was
not known. Those species used to be assigned to the genus Multiceps,whose iden-
tifying characteristic is that the larval stage is a coenurus. Since this property is not
evident when the adult cestodes are examined, and since they are morphologically
indistinguishable from cestodes of the genus Taenia,they are currently assigned to
the genus Taenia. However, certain authors still reserve the subgenus Multicepsfor
those larval stages (Barriga, 1997). Parasitologists disagree about how to differenti-
ate these species: some attribute the morphological differences observed, especially
in the larvae, to factors inherent in the host. For example, Lachberg et al. (1990)
developed a C. serialisthat seemed to be a racemose cysticercus in an immunodefi-
cient mouse; Bohrmann (1990) found muscular coenuri in a gazelle, despite the
belief that coenuri in ruminants are forms of T. multicepsand are almost always
found in the central nervous system. Currently, new molecular biology techniques
are being used to study cestodes, and these questions will probably be resolved in
the near future (Gasser and Chilton, 1995).
The definitive hosts are domestic dogs or wild canids such as coyotes, foxes, and
jackals, which harbor the tapeworms in their small intestines. The intermediate hosts
of T. multiceps are domestic herbivores, mainly sheep. The larval stage,C. cere-
bralis,is found in the central nervous system of these animals, in particular the brain
and spinal cord. It is believed that goats can develop this coenurus in the subcuta-
neous or intermuscular tissue or in other organs. In the past, this parasite was iden-
tified in goats as T. gaigeri,but the taxonomy of cestodes that form coenuri is too
complicated to allow for the acceptance of new species without strong arguments.
The intermediate hosts of T. serialis are lagomorphs and rodents, especially the
domestic rabbit and the hare. The C. serialislarva develops in the subcutaneous and
intermuscular connective tissue. However, at least one case of fatal infection caused
by the T. serialislarva in the brain of a cat has been described (Huss et al., 1994).
The intermediate hosts of T. brauni are wild rodents. The C. brauni coenuri also
develop in the subcutaneous connective tissue.
The life cycle starts with the expulsion of gravid proglottids or eggs with the feces
of the definitive host. Intermediate hosts are infected by ingesting the eggs deposited
in grass or in water. The oncospheres (embryos) penetrate the wall of the small intes-
tine and, through the blood vessels, are distributed to different tissues and organs. C.
cerebralis reaches maturity only in the central nervous system; the coenuri of the
other two species develop in connective tissue. The only morphological difference
between C. cerebralisand C. serialisis that the former has 500 to 700 scolices dis-
tributed in non-linear groups and the latter has 400 to 500 scolices distributed in
radial lines (Barriga, 1997). The coenurus reaches full development in the brain in

six to eight months and can grow to a size of 5 cm or more; it forms a cyst that con-
tains a considerable amount of liquid and has a germinal membrane with several
hundred scolices. The cycle is completed when a dog or wild canid ingests tissue or
an organ containing coenuri. Each coenurus can give rise to numerous tapeworms,
which develop in the small intestine of the canids. There is no reliable morphologi-
cal criterion for distinguishing the species in the adult stage.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:T. multiceps and its larval stage,C.
cerebralis,are cosmopolitan in cattle-raising areas but occur primarily in temperate
climates. While up until 1950 just five cases of infection with the larva were recog-
nized in man, by 1990, some 55 human cases of cerebral coenurosis had been
recorded in the world, most in Africa or South America. There were also a few cases
in the US and in the sheep raising areas of western Europe (Pau et al., 1990). Up until
1998, six cases were recorded in the US (Ing et al., 1998). A study carried out in
Ethiopia found that 37 of 37 sheep (100%) that were apparently sick with coenurosis
and 5 of 183 sheep (2.7%) that were apparently healthy had T. multicepslarvae with
diameters ranging from 0.8 cm to 6.5 cm. In 96% of the cases, the larvae were in the
brain, and in the rest of the cases they were in the cerebellum. Prediction of the local-
ization of the coenurus based on the direction of the parasite’s circular movements or
gid or the deviation of the head were accurate in just 62% of the cases. A retrospec-
tive study showed that the local prevalence of coenurosis in sheep was 2.3% to 4.5%
and that the prevalence of taeniasis in autopsied stray dogs was 47%. Seventy-two
percent of infections in sheep occurred when the animals were between the ages of 6
and 24 months (Achenef et al., 1999). In Iran, 738 of 7,992 sheep (9.8%) studied
were infected with T. multicepslarvae (Oryan et al., 1994). In Great Britain,T. mul-
ticeps was found in 4 (0.5%) andT. serialis was found in 5 (0.6%) of 875 foxhounds,
T. multicepswas found in 15 (1.7%) and T. serialiswas found in 3 (0.3%) of 882 farm
dogs, and T. serialis was found in 1 of 197 foxes (0.5%) (Jones and Walter, 1992). In
Germany,T. multicepswas found in 3.3% of 397 foxes (Ballek et al., 1992), and in
Peru, it was found in 20% of 20 foxes (Moro et al., 1998).
T. serialis and its larval stage,C. serialis,are also cosmopolitan. Human infection
is rare; about 10 cases have been recognized, mostly in Africa (Faust et al.,1974).
In man, the coenuri may invade the connective tissue and central nervous system.
The frequency of coenurosis in leporids is not known.
T. brauni and its larval stage,C. brauni,occur in tropical Africa (central and east-
ern) and also in South Africa. In central Africa, where this is the only species found,
about 25 human cases of coenurosis in connective tissue have been described, as
well as one case with ocular localization. The frequency of coenurosis in wild
rodents is not known.
The Disease in Man:Most human infections are located in the brain, less fre-
quently, they are subcutaneous, and, in rare cases, they are ocular or peritoneal. The
cerebral form is the most serious (Ing et al., 1998). Several years may pass between
infection and the appearance of symptoms, and the symptomatology varies with the
neuroanatomic localization of the coenurus: cerebral coenurosis is manifested by
signs of intracranial hypertension, and the disease is very difficult to distinguish
clinically from neurocysticercosis or cerebral hydatidosis. Symptoms that may be
observed consist of headache, vomiting, paraplegia, hemiplegia, aphasia, and epilep-
tiform seizures. Papilloedema is a sign of increased intracranial pressure. The

coenurus can also develop in the vitreous humor and may affect the retina and
choroid. The degree of damage to vision depends on the size of the coenurus and the
extent of the choroidoretinal lesion. The prognosis for coenurosis of the nervous tis-
sue is always serious and the only treatment is surgery, although recently, the test-
ing of treatment with praziquantel or albendazole has begun.
Coenurosis of the connective tissue caused by C. brauni,which is seen primarily
in tropical Africa, is the most benign form. The subcutaneous cysts resemble lipo-
mas or sebaceous cysts.
Interestingly, researchers have discovered that coenuri produce certain compo-
nents that interfere with the host’s immunity and may be responsible for the host’s
relative tolerance of the larva (Rakha et al., 1997).
The Disease in Animals:Cerebral coenurosis occurs primarily in sheep, although
it may also occur in goats, cattle, and horses. Two phases can be distinguished in the
symptomatology of cerebral coenurosis in sheep. The first phase is associated with
the invasion and migration of the parasite. Massive numbers of larva can migrate
simultaneously and cause meningoencephalitis and the death of the animal. This
acute form is not frequent and occurs mainly in lambs. The second phase corre-
sponds to the establishment of the coenurus in the cerebral tissue. In general, symp-
toms are not observed until the parasite reaches a certain size and begins to exert
pressure on the nervous tissue. Symptoms vary with the location of the parasite and
may include circular movements or gid, incoordination, paralysis, convulsions,
excitability, and prostration. Mortality is high. Softening of the cranial wall was
observed in 42% of 62 sheep with coenurosis. This change occurs most often in
young animals and when the coenuri are situated on the surface of the brain.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The transmission cycle of
infection by T. multicepstakes place between dogs and domestic herbivores. Man is
an accidental host and does not play any role in the epidemiology of the disease. The
main factor in maintaining the parasitosis in nature is access by dogs to the brains
of dead or slaughtered domestic herbivores that were infected with coenuri. The life
cycle of the other two species of Taenia that form coenuri depends on predation by
dogs on leporids and rodents.
Taenia eggs expelled in the feces of infected dogs or other canids are the source
of infection for man and for the other intermediate hosts. In general, the eggs are
eliminated by the definitive host in the proglottids. Since these dry out rapidly and
are destroyed outside the host, the eggs are released and dispersed by the wind, rain,
irrigation, and waterways.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis in the definitive hosts can be made only by recovery and
examination of the parasite; even so, identification of the species is doubtful. Neither
the proglottids nor the eggs are distinguishable from those of other species of
Taenia. Diagnosis in the intermediate hosts can be made only by recovery and exam-
ination of the parasite. The morphological differences between C. cerebralisand C.
serialisare explained above. The presumptive diagnosis in man is generally made
by establishing the existence of a lesion that occupies space; however, since
coenurosis is much less common than hydatidosis, coenurosis is rarely considered
before the parasite is recovered (Pierre et al., 1998). Because of the relative infre-
quency of human coenurosis, there has been no incentive to develop immunological

diagnostic techniques. However, the tests that are currently available indicate that
cross-reactions with other cestodes are common (Dyson and Linklater, 1979).
Control:For man, individual prophylaxis consists of avoiding the ingestion of
raw food or water that may be contaminated with dog feces. General preventive
measures for cestodiases consist of preventing infection in the definitive host so that
it cannot contaminate the environment, preventing infection in the intermediate host
so that it cannot infect the definitive host, or changing the environment so that both
actors are not found in nature. Some details on the application of these measures for
the control of coenurosis can be found in the chapter on Hydatidosis, which has a
similar epidemiology.
Achenef, M., T. Markos, G. Feseha, A. Hibret, S. Tembely. Coenurus cerebralisinfection
in Ethiopian highland sheep: Incidence and observations on pathogenesis and clinical signs.
Trop Anim Health Prod31:15–24, 1999.
Ballek, D., M. Takla, S. Ising-Volmer, M. Stoye. [The helminth fauna of red foxes (Vulpes
vulpes Linnaeus 1758) in north Hesse and east Westphalia. 1. Cestodes]. Dtsch Tierarztl
Wochenschr99:362–365, 1992.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Bohrmann, R. Coenurusin the muscles of a gemsbok (Oryx gazella). Vet Parasitol
36:353–356, 1990.
Dyson, D.A., K.A. Linklater. Problems in the diagnosis of acute coenurosis in sheep. Ve t
Rec 104:528–529, 1979.
Faust, E.C., P.F. Russell, R.C. Jung. Craig and Faust’s Clinical Parasitology,8th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1970.
Gasser, R.B., N.B. Chilton. Characterisation of taeniid cestode species by PCR-RFLP of
ITS2 ribosomal DNA. Acta Trop59:31–40, 1995.
Huss, B.T., M.A. Miller, R.M. Corwin, E.P. Hoberg, D.P. O’Brien. Fatal cerebral coenuro-
sis in a cat. J Am Vet Med Assoc 205:69–71, 1994.
Ing, M.B., P.M. Schantz, J.A. Turner. Human coenurosis in North America: Case reports
and review. Clinic Infect Dis27:519–523, 1998.
Jones, A., T.M. Walters. A survey of taeniid cestodes in farm dogs in mid-Wales. Ann Trop
Med Parasitol86:137–142, 1992.
Lachberg, S., R.C. Thompson, A.J. Lymbery. A contribution to the etiology of racemose
cysticercosis. J Parasitol76:592–594, 1990.
Moro, P.L., J. Ballarta, R.H. Gilman, G. Leguia, M. Rojas, G. Montes. Intestinal parasites
of the grey fox (Pseudalopex culpaeus) in the central Peruvian Andes. J Helminthol72:87–89,
Oryan, A., N. Moghaddar, S.N. Gaur. Metacestodes of sheep with special reference to their
epidemiological status, pathogenesis and economic implications in Fars Province, Iran. Ve t
Parasitol51:231–240, 1994.
Pau, A., C. Perria, S. Turtas,et al. Long-term follow-up of the surgical treatment of intracra-
nial coenurosis. Br J Neurosurg4:39–43, 1990.
Pierre, C., M. Civatte, A. Chevalier, J.P. Terrier, P. Gros, E. Carloz. Le diagnostic des
helminthes en anatomie pathologique. Med Trop (Mars)58:85–97, 1998.
Rakha, N.K., J.B. Dixon, S.D. Carter. Immunological activities of a lymphocyte mitogen
isolated from coenurus fluid of Taenia multiceps(Cestoda). Parasite 4:9–16, 1997.

ICD-10 B69
Etiology:The agent of this disease is the larval form or cysticercus of Taenia
soliumand T. crassiceps.Observation of the T. solium larva in man was reported as
far back as the sixteenth century; the T. crassicepslarva was reported just five times.
The T. saginatalarva does not seem to occur in man (see below). Before the rela-
tionship between taeniae and their cysticerci was understood, the larval stages were
described with their own scientific names, as if they were separate species. Thus, the
T. soliumlarva was called Cysticercus cellulosae,the T. crassicepslarva was C.
longicollis,and the T. saginatalarva wasC. bovis. This unfortunate situation still
exists today.
The definitive host of the T. soliumand T. saginatacysticerci is man; the defini-
tive hosts of T. crassicepsare the fox and other wild canids. The natural intermedi-
ate hosts of the T. solium cysticercus are the domestic pig and the wild boar. These
cysticerci are also occasionally found in dogs, cats, sheep, deer, camels, monkeys,
and humans. The intermediate hosts of the T. crassicepscysticerci are wild rodents,
but the cysticercus has also been found in man and in one dog. The natural hosts of
the adult larvae of T. saginataare domesticated cattle and, rarely, wild artiodactyls.
In the past, cases of human infection by cysticerci with unarmed rostella—identified
as T. saginata (C. bovis)—have been described. Currently, this is not considered a
valid criterion for identifying the species because the hooks can detach due to the
host’s reaction. Current expert opinion holds that there is no reliable proof of human
parasitism caused by the larval stages of T. saginata. Accordingly, cases of human
cysticercosis caused by C. bovishave not been mentioned in the literature during the
last decade. Individual cases of human infection with the cysticercus of T. ovis have
been reported in the spinal cord of man in the former Soviet Union and with the cys-
ticercus of T. taeniaeformis in the liver of a boy in Argentina; a case of infection with
the cysticercus of T. hydatigena in the liver has also been reported.
The adult stage of T. soliumlives in the small intestine of man and regularly elim-
inates gravid proglottids, which are generally expelled to the external environment
with the feces; there they dry out and release the eggs. The eggs remain near the
droppings or are disseminated by the wind, rain, or other climatic phenomena, con-
taminating water or food which may be consumed by pigs or man (for further
details, see the chapter on Taeniasis). The eggs are infective from the time they leave
the intestine. When a pig or a person ingests them, the hexacanth embryo is activated
inside the egg then released from it; it then penetrates the intestinal mucosa, and is
spread via the bloodstream. Once lodged in its preferred tissue, the embryo is trans-
formed into a cysticercus which looks like an ovoid vesicle approximately 5 mm by
8–10 mm and contains the scolex of the invaginated adult taenia. The scolex of the
cysticercus, like that of the adult taenia, has four suckers and two different-sized
rows of hooks. This larva becomes infective for a new definitive host in 60 to 70
days. In pigs, the cysticerci preferentially locate in striated or cardiac muscle; in
man, the majority of cysticerci found are located in the nervous system or subcuta-
neous tissue, although they have also been found in the eye socket, musculature,
heart, liver, lungs, abdominal cavity, and almost any other area. The diversity of
human localizations may be due more to the ease of detecting the cysticercus in the

infected individual than to an actual tropism. Rarely, a multilobular larva that resem-
bles a bunch of grapes has been found, but with vesicles that have no scolices, at the
base of the infected person’s brain; it has been designated Cysticercus racemosus.
The histology of the parasite indicates that it is a taenia larva, and most authors
believe it is a degenerative state of C. cellulosae,perhaps due to the localization.
However, others have posited that it may be a form of coenurus (see the chapter on
T. crassicepsis a taenia found in wild animals. Its cysticerci are found in foxes
and can affect other wild canids, such as coyotes. The adult stage of T. crassiceps
has been identified in hamsters and mice treated with corticoids. The cysticerci are
found in the subcutaneous tissue or the peritoneal or pleural cavities of wild rodents
and, very rarely, in man. One case of the adult larva of T. crassicepshas been
described in a dog.
T. crassiceps seems to be so closely related to T. soliumthat the antigens of the
former are used for serologic diagnosis of and vaccination against the latter.
Geographic Distribution:Distribution of the T. soliumcysticercus is worldwide
and coincides with the distribution of infection with the adult taenia (see the chap-
ter on Taeniasis). Human cysticercosis caused by T. crassicepslarvae has been
reported only in Austria, Canada, France, and Germany, but infection with the adult
parasite—and, therefore, the opportunity for human infection with the larva—
occurs where foxes are present.
Occurrence in Man:Human cysticercosis occurs worldwide, but is especially
important in the rural areas of developing countries, including those of Latin
America. Obviously, its prevalence is parallel to that of the adult T. soliumparasite
(see the chapter on Taeniasis). In some areas, the prevalence is very high; for exam-
ple, cysticercus antibodies were found in 14.9% of 222 blood donors in
Mozambique (Vilhena et al., 1999), 17% and 10% of the populations of two com-
munities in Guatemala (García-Noval et al., 1996), 22% of 41 rural residents and
16% of 363 urban residents in Honduras (Sánchez et al., 1998), 9% of 9,254 indi-
viduals in Ecuador (Escalante et al., 1995), 3.2% of 2,180 people in five Brazilian
counties (Lonardoni et al., 1996), and 9%, 4.5%, and 2% of 438 inhabitants of three
Bolivian settlements (Jafri et al., 1998). A recent study conducted in Cuzco, Peru,
showed a prevalence of 13% in 365 people and 43% in 89 pigs with the inmuno-
electrotransfer test (Western blot) (García et al., 1999). Another study carried out in
Honduras in 1991 showed 30% positive serology for porcine cysticercosis and 2%
of human feces positive for taenia. Four years later, the prevalence of porcine cys-
ticercosis was 35% and that of taeniasis was 1.5% (Sánchez et al., 1997). A study
carried out in Brazil found that the clinical prevalence of human cysticercosis ranged
from 0.1% to 9% and that the serologic prevalence fluctuated between 0.7% and
5.2% (Agapejev, 1996).
Neurocysticercosis, the most serious form of the disease, has been observed in 17
Latin American countries. A 0.43% rate of neurocysticercosis was found in the
course of 123,826 autopsies in nine countries that account for two-thirds of the pop-
ulation of Latin America. It has been estimated that out of every 100,000 inhabitants,
100 suffer from neurocysticercosis and as many as 30 from ocular or periocular cys-
ticercosis. The highest morbidity rates are found in Brazil, Chile, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru (WHO, 1979). The prevalence of neurocysticercosis

seems to be especially high in Central America and Mexico. It was estimated that
cysticercosis was the cause of 1% of all deaths in the general hospitals of Mexico
City and 25% of the intracranial tumors. Autopsies carried out from 1946 to 1979
on 21,597 individuals who died in general hospitals in Mexico found cerebral cys-
ticercosis in 2.9%, leading to the conclusion that about 3% of the general population
was affected by this parasitosis (Mateos, 1982). In the Triângulo Mineiro, Minas
Gerais, Brazil, a rate of 2.4% of cysticercosis was found in 2,306 autopsies; of these,
66% were cases of neurocysticercosis, 26.8% had cardiac localization, 25% had
musculoskeletal localization, and 7.1% had cutaneous localization (Gobbi et al.,
In India, cerebral cysticercosis is second in importance, after tuberculosis, as a
cause of expansive diseases of the skull, and is one of the principal causes of
epilepsy. Neurocysticercosis is also common in Indonesia. On the other hand,
human cysticercosis has disappeared in western and central Europe; it is also disap-
pearing in eastern and southern Europe.
Just four cases of human cysticercosis caused by T. crassicepslarvae have been
reported since 1992: one in the anterior chamber of the eye of an apparently healthy
girl in Austria (Arocker-Mettinger et al., 1992), another in the subcutaneous tissue
of an AIDS patient in Germany (Klinker et al., 1992), and twice in France
(Chermette et al., 1995; François et al., 1998), both in AIDS patients. Apparently an
intraocular case was reported earlier in Canada.
Occurrence in Animals:Information on swine cysticercosis comes from veteri-
nary inspection records at slaughterhouses and packing plants. However, it must be
borne in mind that usual inspection methods, which consist of cutting the meat at
sites where the parasite preferentially locates, reveal only a portion of infected ani-
mals. It is also important to point out that swine raised on small family farms, where
they have a greater opportunity to ingest human feces, are generally slaughtered by
their owners without veterinary inspection or are sold without restrictions in local
For obvious reasons, in all areas where human taeniasis exists, animal cysticerco-
sis is also found, with variations in prevalence from region to region. In the
Americas, only some countries and islands in the Caribbean have not recorded this
parasitosis. In Brazil, which accounts for more than 65% of the total swine popula-
tion in Latin America, 0.83% of 12 million pigs slaughtered in 10 states during
1970–1972 were found to be infected with C. cellulosae. Similar rates have been
observed in Mexico and several South American countries, such as Chile (0.7%) and
Colombia. In a survey conducted in Mexico, 17 of 75 (23%) swine examined were
found to be positive for cysticercosis by palpation of the tongue and 26 (35%) by
serology (Rodríguez-Canul et al., 1999). In Cuzco, Peru, a prevalence of 43% was
found in 89 pigs by immunoelectrotransfer (García et al., 1999). Another survey
conducted in Honduras showed 30% positive serology for porcine cysticercosis
(Sánchez et al., 1997).
In South Africa, the only African country with more than a million swine, the
infection rate in slaughterhouses was under 1.5%. In the Democratic Republic of the
Congo, the rate ranges from 0.1% to 8.1%, depending on the region. In Asia, infor-
mation on the prevalence of animal infection is scarce. Porcine cysticercosis is dis-
appearing in Europe. In the former Soviet Union, the rate of cysticerci in swine was

0.14% in 1962 and only 0.004% in 1970. Similar figures have been reported from
Hungary and other countries of eastern Europe. At present, very few endemic foci
are found on that continent, as a consequence of modernized swine-raising prac-
tices. Economic losses due to the confiscation of bovine and swine carcasses
infected by cysticercosis can be significant. In 1963, swine cysticercosis was the
reason for 68% of all confiscations in six slaughterhouses in Central America, caus-
ing an estimated loss of one-half million dollars. During 1980, 264,000 swine car-
casses were confiscated in Mexico, and total losses due to swine cysticercosis were
estimated at more than US$ 43 million. Losses due to bovine cysticercosis in Latin
America are possibly even greater than those due to swine cysticercosis. The eco-
nomic impact consists of not only the losses caused by the animal parasitosis, but
also the cost of treating human neurocysticercosis, which involves significant
expenses for surgery, hospitalization, and work days lost. The cost of medical care
in Mexico for a patient with neurocysticercosis has been estimated at more than US$
No information is available on the prevalence of the T. crassicepscysticercus in
rodents. In the past decade, the adult parasite was found in 18% to 29% of several
thousand red foxes examined in France, Germany, and Spain; cysticercus was also
found in Greece, and reported in less than 10% of arctic foxes examined in the state
of Alaska, US.
The Disease in Man:Cysticercosis is a disease which varies in severity accord-
ing to the localization of the parasite. Man can harbor from one to several hundred
cysticerci in various tissues and organs. The localization that most often prompts a
medical consultation is the central nervous system (neurocysticercosis), followed by
the eye and its surrounding tissues (ocular and periocular cysticercosis).
Localization in muscles and subcutaneous connective tissue is generally not clini-
cally apparent unless large numbers of cysticerci are involved, causing muscular
pain, cramps, and fatigue.
The symptomatology of neurocysticercosis varies with the number of cysticerci,
their stage of development (young, mature, intact, degenerate), morphology (vesic-
ular or racemose), location in the central nervous system, and the reaction of the
patient. The cysticerci locate most frequently in the meninges, cerebral cortex, and
ventricles, and less frequently in the parenchyma. The symptoms generally appear
several years after the infection, when the death of the larva causes inflammatory
reactions. The symptoms are often not well defined and may resemble those of a
cerebral tumor, basal meningitis, encephalitis, intracranial hypertension, and hyste-
ria. In a study of 119 cases, Sousa et al. (1998) found that 64% of the patients con-
sulted a doctor because of epileptiform attacks and 22% because of headaches; two
patients had an altered mental state. Computerized tomography showed that 44% of
the patients had more than five cysticerci and that the parietal lobe was the site most
often affected. However, there was no relationship between the severity of the symp-
toms and the radiographic findings. Of 54 patients under the age of 17 studied in
Ecuador (del Brutto, 1999), 89% had convulsions and just 3 had increased intracra-
nial pressure. Computerized tomography revealed parenchymatous cysticerci in 52
patients, 19 (36%) with a single cysticercus. In 122 children in Mexico, the main
symptoms were convulsions, intracranial hypertension, and learning difficulties
(Ruíz-García et al., 1997). A study in Brazil found that the most common clinical

characteristics were epileptic syndrome (22.92%), intracranial hypertension (19% to
89%), and psychiatric symptoms (9% to 23%); 6% of the clinical patients and 48.5%
of the autopsies represented asymptomatic cases (Agapejev, 1996). The presence of
cysticerci in the central nervous system does not always give rise to clinical symp-
toms. Rodríguez-Canul et al. (1999) identified five asymptomatic cases serologi-
cally. Chimelli et al. (1998) reviewed 2,522 autopsies in Brazil and found 38 (1.5%)
cases of cysticercosis. Of these, 22 (58%) had not been previously diagnosed, and
21 (55%) had been asymptomatic. Data from several Latin American countries show
that in 46.8% of the cases in which cysticerci were found in the central nervous sys-
tem during autopsy, the individual had had no clinical manifestations of the para-
sitosis during his life.
Ocular and periocular cysticercosis is less frequent, accounting for some 20% of
cases. The cysticerci locate primarily in the vitreous humor, subretinal tissue, and
the anterior chamber of the eye. The parasitosis may cause uveitis, iritis, and retini-
tis, as well as palpebral conjunctivitis, and may affect the motor muscles of the eye.
Until recently, no effective chemotherapy was available for cysticercosis. Surgery
was the only treatment, and it presented serious risks in the case of neurocysticer-
cosis and was often only palliative. It has been estimated that more than 30% of such
patients die during the operation or in the postoperative period. The advent of new
drugs, especially praziquantel, in recent years, has resulted in up to a 68% rate of
cure or clinical improvement with medical treatment (Robles et al., 1997).
The clinical manifestations of cysticercosis are determined by a strong inflamma-
tory reaction that seems to occur only during and after the death of the parasite.
While the cysticercus generates significant immune responses, the inflammation
around viable cysticerci is quite moderate. It is now known that the live cysticercus
produces taeniaestatin and paramyosin, which inhibit complement activation, and
sulfated polysaccharides, which activate complement at sites distant from the para-
site and may inhibit the proliferation of lymphocytes and macrophages (White et al.,
1997). These actions probably limit the inflammatory reaction while the parasite is
Cases of human cysticercosis caused by T. crassicepsare so scarce that there is
no general picture of their symptomatology. The François et al. case (1998) was a
subcutaneous and intermuscular tumor of the arm, fluctuating and painful, in an
AIDS patient. The lesion contained cysticerci that resemble small vesicles sur-
rounded by a granulomatous reaction with fibrocollagenous tissue contained in a
caseous material. The Klinker et al. case (1992) involved a paravertebral pseudohe-
matoma in an AIDS patient that spread to most of the back in the following weeks
and caused a deficiency of clotting factor V and local bleeding that required trans-
fusions. The lesion ruptured spontaneously, releasing blood and spherules 2 to 3 mm
in diameter, which were identified as cysticerci of the parasite. Treatment with a
combination of mebendazole and praziquantel reduced the lesion and coagulation
returned to normal, but the patient suffered a relapse four months later. In this case,
there appears to have been asexual multiplication of the cysticerci, as was described
in rodents, which are natural intermediate hosts.
The Disease in Animals:Cysticercosis in swine does not usually manifest itself
clinically. In isolated cases, infected swine may experience hypersensitivity of the
snout, paralysis of the tongue, and epileptiform convulsions, but the useful life of

swine is usually too short for neurologic manifestations to appear. Dogs that ingest
human feces and become infected with the eggs of T. solium sometimes show symp-
toms of cerebral cysticercosis which may be confused with those of rabies.
Experimental infection of cattle with a high dose of T. saginata eggs can produce
fever, weakness, sialorrhea, anorexia, and muscular stiffness. Death may occur as a
result of degenerative myocarditis.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Man acquires cysticercosis
through Cysticercus cellulosaeinfestation by consuming water or food (e.g., veg-
etables or fruits) contaminated with T. solium eggs that were released into the envi-
ronment by gravid proglottids eliminated by an infected person. Such contamination
also allows for the infection of swine by coprophagy. A person’s hands may be con-
taminated by contact with contaminated soil or water or from eggs from his own
feces, and thus transmitted to others. T. soliumeggs only survive for a few weeks or
months outside the host, but, since the taeniae can live for many years in the human
intestine and eliminate several hundred thousand eggs every day, environmental
contamination can continue for a long time. The risk is particularly high in the rural
areas of developing countries, where the lack of adequate excreta disposal systems
promotes outdoor defecation and consequent contamination of peridomestic areas.
Moreover, taeniae eggs can be spread by rain, wind, and, possibly, by coprophagous
insects, and transported over long distances by watercourses and, possibly, also in
the intestines of gulls and other birds. Such dispersion facilitates the contamination
of produce from the family garden, either through contamination of the area around
the house or through irrigation with water that was contaminated farther upstream.
In addition, the lack of potable water supply hinders the effective washing of hands
and foods. This situation often generates a cycle of autoinfection in the family: it has
been shown that the most important risk factor for cysticercosis is the presence of a
family member who is infected with taenia. A study of soldiers and their relatives in
Mexico, for example, showed that 12.2% of the soldiers had cysticercosis and 0.5%
had taeniasis, and that 12% of the soldiers’ relatives with cysticercosis had elimi-
nated proglottids in the past. Just 3.7% of the relatives in an uninfected control
group had eliminated proglottids in the past (García-García et al., 1999).
It is also common for poor peasants to raise some swine under very primitive con-
ditions and sell them locally or slaughter them for big celebrations. Those animals
have many opportunities to become infected through human feces and, since they
are consumed without veterinary inspection, they are often the source of taeniasis
infection in the community. T. solium cysticerci can survive for several years in the
swine and for more than a month in the carcass.
Food handlers can be of vital importance in transmission: thus, in a Peruvian vil-
lage, it was found that 3% of the general population was infected with taeniasis and
24% was infected with cysticercosis, while 8.6% of the vendors of a locally-pre-
pared pork dish had taeniasis and 23.3% had cysticercosis (García et al., 1998). A
survey in Honduras found a 16% to 22% prevalence of human cysticercosis, and it
was determined that the most important risk factors were hog-raising in the area
around the house, lack of potable water, lack of sanitary excreta disposal, existence
of a dirt floor in the house, general lack of education, and ignorance of the parasite’s
biology (Sánchez et al., 1998). In a study in Mexico, the main human risk factors
for acquiring cysticercosis were the consumption of cysticercosis-infected swine

and proximity to a taeniasis-infected person. A study on Reunion Island in the
Indian Ocean showed that household swine raising—a common practice there—can
maintain significant levels of human cysticercosis even if levels of taeniasis are low:
14 of 993 (1.4%) individuals examined serologically for cysticercosis were positive,
even though just 0.02% had taeniasis and no swine with cysticercosis were found in
the island’s slaughterhouses (Chamouillet et al., 1997). In addition to these risk fac-
tors, a study in China determined that the risk factors for human cysticercosis also
included: poor personal hygiene, lack of knowledge about the infection in swine,
poor swine breeding practices, and a history of taeniasis.
For swine, the greatest risk of acquiring cysticercosis comes from livestock-rais-
ing practices that allow the animals to roam freely and expose them to human feces.
Animals confined in corrals had a much lower risk of acquiring the infection than
free-roaming swine (Rodríguez-Canul et al., 1999).
Likewise, it has been suggested that the gravid proglottids of the taenia could be
carried by reversed peristalsis to the stomach, where the eggs could be activated, and
from there, once again be carried to the intestine, where the oncosphere would be
liberated and give rise to cysticercosis. Despite the fact that most authors rejected
that possibility, the recent finding of the oral expulsion of a T. saginatain a patient
(Gupta et al., 1997) necessitates review of this opinion.
Diagnosis:Apart from subcutaneous and intraocular cysticercosis and some cys-
ticercoses of the central nervous system, most cysticercus infections are clinically
inapparent. Diagnosis of subcutaneous cysticercosis can be made by biopsy of the
nodules or by radiography. Ocular cysticerci may be discovered by ophthalmoscopy.
Neurological imaging, and especially computerized tomography, are very useful in
the diagnosis of neurocysticercosis because this procedure allows lesions of various
densities to be distinguished and absorption coefficients of different tissues to be
quantified (Carpio et al., 1998). In a study carried out in Ecuador, that procedure dis-
covered 8 cases in 46 subjects examined (17%) in a rural population and 35 cases in
147 subjects examined (24%) in an urban population. In contrast, inmunoelectro-
transfer discovered 6 of 42 cases (14%) in the rural population and 28 of 124 cases
(23%) in the urban population (Cruz et al., 1999). Since the course of treatment of
cysticercosis depends on the interpretation of the clinical manifestations, the find-
ings on imaging, and the immunological results, del Brutto et al. (1996) developed
protocols for diagnosing individual cases as possible, probable, or definite.
The cerebrospinal fluid of those affected by neurocysticercosis shows an increase
in the level of proteins, especially the gammaglobulin fraction, and a marked cellu-
lar reaction with a high percentage of plasmocytes and eosinophils. Eosinophilia is
also generally present.
Serologic tests can be valuable when used in conjunction with other diagnostic
procedures. Although some laboratories still recommend the hemagglutination reac-
tion test, the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the immunoelec-
trotransfer test are more sensitive, particularly with selected antigens. In a study of
sera that were positive with ELISA, just 85.4% were positive with hemagglutination
(Ferreira et al., 1997). Immunoelectrotransfer with 8 kDa and 26 kDa antigens is
considered sensitive and specific (Rodríguez-Canul et al., 1999). Using the ELISA
with recombinant antigens, 96.3% sensitivity and 91.5% specificity have been
obtained (Hubert et al., 1999). However, serology is not the preferred method of

clinical diagnosis because it indicates contact with the parasite but not necessarily
an active infection. In fact, most seropositive individuals are asymptomatic. T.
soliumand T. crassicepsshare antigens, to the point that the use of T. crassiceps
antigens to diagnose or vaccinate against T. soliumis under study.
Diagnosis of swine cysticercosis can be made antemortem by palpation of the
tongue, where the cysticerci are felt in cases of intense infection. More often, it is
made by study of the cysticerci during postmortem examination in slaughterhouses
and packing plants. This method, which only examines certain muscles where the
cysticercus commonly locates, is a compromise between cost and efficiency, and
many cases of mild infection are not detected. While there is not much incentive for
developing serologic methods of diagnosing the swine infection, Rodríguez-Canul
et al. (1999) used immunoelectrotransfer of 8 kDa and 26 kDa antigens with the
swine infection and achieved 93% sensitivity and 100% specificity.
Control:Health education for at-risk populations is the foundation of cysticerco-
sis prevention. A study in China (see Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission)
established that control of human cysticercosis required a combination of health
education and treatment of taeniases (Cao et al., 1997). A study in Mexico evaluated
the effects of health education about the disease by measuring the change in knowl-
edge and habits and in the prevalence of swine cysticercosis before and after an edu-
cation program that promoted knowledge about transmission of the parasite and the
appropriate hygiene practices for preventing transmission. After program execution,
there were significant changes in knowledge of the parasite’s biology, but behavioral
changes were short-lived and less impressive. The incidence of human taeniasis
decreased from 5.2% to 1.2% (Sarti et al., 1997).
In addition to individual protective measures for humans, control measures for
cysticercosis consist of interrupting the chain of transmission of the parasite at any
of the following intervention points: the production of eggs by an infected person,
the dissemination of eggs to the environment, the ingestion of eggs by the interme-
diate host, the development of the cysticercus in the intermediate host, and the dis-
semination of the cysticerci to the definitive host (Barriga, 1997). For more details
on control, see the chapter on Taeniasis.
Recently, successful attempts have been made to provide mass treatment to a
human population with human taeniasis: in an area of Guatemala where T. soliumis
endemic, the prevalence of human taeniasis decreased from 3.5% to 1%, and that of
swine cysticercosis decreased from 55% to 7% after 10 months of treatment (Allan
et al., 1997). García et al. (1999) found that cases of human and swine cysticercosis
tend to be associated in geographic groups and that their serologies were positively
correlated. Swine serology, therefore, is a suitable indicator of environmental con-
tamination by T. soliumand should be used to estimate the risk of human infection.
Agapejev, S. Epidemiology of neurocysticercosis in Brazil. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo
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ICD-10 B70.0
Synonyms:Bothriocephaliasis, bothriocephalosis, dibothriocephaliasis, broad
tapeworm infection, fish tapeworm infection.
Etiology:The agent of this disease is a cestode of various species of the genus
Diphyllobothrium (synonyms Bothriocephalus, Dibothriocephalus). Nomenclature
within the genus is still imprecise because the limits of intraspecific morphologic
variation and the factors associated with that variation are not known. The type
species, and most important one, is D. latum. Some of the species currently consid-
ered valid are: a dwarf form of Diphyllobothrium,described as D. parvumin 1908
and subsequently confirmed as D. latum, D. parvumtype in two human cases in the
Republic of Korea; D. nihonkaiense,one of the most common parasites from fish in
Japan (Ohnishi and Murata, 1993); D. klebanovskii,a highly prevalent species
(0.07%) in the northeastern part of the former Soviet Union (Muratov et al., 1992);
and D. yonagoense,which has been reported in human cases in the Republic of
Korea. The following species have been described in human cases found in arctic
and subarctic communities:D. dendriticum,which is found farther north than D.
latum; D. ursiin northern Canada and in Alaska, US; D. dalliaein Alaska and
Siberia; and D. klebanovskiiin Siberia (Curtis and Bylund, 1991). D. pacificumhas
been described in Chile and Peru, andD. dendriticumhas been described in
Argentina and Chile.
In this section,D. latumis used to describe the life cycle of the cestode.The par-
asite requires two intermediate hosts: the first of these is a copepod (small, plank-
tonic crustacean); the second, a freshwater fish from one of several species. The
adult or strobilar form of the parasite lives in the small intestine of man, dogs, cats,
bears, and other wild animals; it has a scolex without hooks or suckers with two
sucking grooves or bothria, measures 3 to 12 m long and 10 to 20 mm at its widest
part, and may have 3,000 to 4,000 proglottids. The gravid proglottids expel eggs
from the intestine through a uterine pore, along with chains of proglottids that are
empty or contain just a few eggs, which detach and are eliminated with the feces. A
single parasite can shed up to a million eggs per day. The eggs eliminated in the
host’s feces contain an immature embryo which, after incubating in fresh water for
10 to 15 days at 15–25 °C, forms a ciliated embryo called a coracidium. The
coracidium, some 50–100 µm in diameter, emerges from the egg and remains in the
water until it is ingested by the first intermediate host, a copepod crustacean.
Ingestion must occur within 24 hours of eclosion because the coracidium loses its
infectiveness rapidly; however, the embryo of the species that use marine fish as
intermediate hosts can tolerate the semi-brackish water of estuaries or briny sea
water. This embryo lodges in the coelomic cavity of the crustacean and, in 10 to 20
days, turns into a procercoid, a solid, elongated larva 6 to 10 mm long with a circu-
lar caudal appendage. When the crustacean and larva are ingested by the second
intermediate host, any one of a variety of fish, the procercoid migrates to the mus-
cles and other organs of the fish and becomes a plerocercoid or sparganum in about
a month. If the first fish is eaten by a larger fish, the transport or paratenic host, the
plerocercoid simply migrates from one fish to the other. A large fish can harbor up

to 1,000 plerocercoids. When the infected fish is eaten by a definitive host, the ple-
rocercoid lodges in the small intestine and starts to grow until it matures, and it
begins to release eggs after 25 to 30 days. Human infections have been known to last
up to 30 years (Marquardt et al., 2000).
The first intermediate host is an almost-microscopic copepod crustacean of the
genera Diaptomus (the Americas),Eudiaptomus (Asia and Europe),
Acanthodiaptomus (Alpine region, the Carpathians, Scandinavia, Tibet, and
Turkestan),Arctodiaptomus (Ural Mountains region),Eurytemora (North America),
Boeckella (Australia), or Cyclops (Africa, Asia, and Europe) (von Bonsdorff, 1977).
The most important fish that act as second intermediate hosts in the transmission of
D. latumto man are the pike (Esoxspp.); the perches (Perca spp. and Stizostedion
spp.); the burbot (Lota spp.); and the acerina (Acerina cernua). In Chile the agents of
D. latumtransmission are the salmonids introduced from Europe: rainbow trout
(Salmo gairdneri) and brown trout (Salmo trutta),as well as certain autochthonous
fish species. Salmon of the genus Oncorhynchus are a source of infection in the US,
Eurasia, and Japan. The larvae of D. dendriticumare found mainly in salmonid fish
and have never been found in pike or perch. In contrast,D. latumis rarely found in
salmonids. D. ursiand D. klebanovskiipredominate in Pacific salmon. D. kle-
banovskiiis found in the eastern part of the former Soviet Union, the Sea of Japan,
and the Bering Sea. The usual definitive hosts are carnivores and the intermediate
hosts are fish of the genera Oncorhynchusand Salvelinus(Muratov, 1990). D. dal-
liaehas an affinity for local fish, such as the Alaska blackfish (Curtis and Bylund,
1991). In southern Argentina, Revenga (1993) found that 9% of brook trout are hosts
to D. latumand 27% are hosts to D. dendriticum; rainbow trout are also hosts to both
species, but perch are host only to D. latum(19%), and the mackerel were not
infected with any species.
D. latum seems to be a primary human parasite, because it is in humans where the
parasite reaches its greatest size and the infections are the most protracted; this
appears to be an ancient illness, since eggs thought to be from D. latumhave been
found in Paleolithic mummies. But it also infects other fish-eating mammals, such
as dogs, cats, swine, bears, and wild carnivores. The other diphyllobothrids seem to
be predominantly zoophilic, because infections in man generally persist a few
months and the cestode is expelled by itself. While the most important definitive
hosts for D. dendriticumare gulls, this role can also be played by other birds and
mammals, such as dogs, cats, rats, or man. D. pacificumis found on the Pacific coast
of the Americas. Its natural definitive hosts are pinnipeds such as the sea lion Otaria
byronia(O. flavescens)on the Peruvian coast. The intermediate hosts, as yet uniden-
tified, would be planktonic copepods and marine fish. The species has also been
found in other pinnipeds of the family Otariidae along the northern Pacific coast and
in fur seals (Arctocephalus australis) on San Juan Fernández Island, Chile.
Plerocercoid larvae of Diphyllobothrium spp. have been found off the coast of Peru
in the following species of marine fish: croakers (Sciaena deliciosa),cocos
(Paralonchurus peruanus), Trachinotus paitensis,and others (Tantaleán, 1975). The
intermediate hosts definitive for D. ursi in Alaska, US, and British Columbia,
Canada, are the bears Ursus arctos and U. americanusand, occasionally, man. The
second intermediate host is the salmon Oncorhynchus. Other human cases in Alaska
and northeastern Siberia are attributed to D. dalliae,a diphyllobothrid of dogs,
foxes, and gulls, whose plerocercoids are found in the blackfish Dallia pectoralis.

Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:D. latumis a cosmopolitan species
found in the temperate zones, between the subarctic and subtropical, particularly in
lacustrine regions. The most appropriate biotopes are lakes, river banks, and reser-
voirs, where the cestode finds the intermediate hosts it needs to continue its life
cycle; but for humans to become infected they must eat raw or undercooked fish.
The areas of greatest prevalence of this parasitosis are eastern and northeastern
Finland, northern Norway, and northern Sweden. The prevalence of infection has
decreased notably in almost all Eurasian countries. In Finland, where the prevalence
was about 20% in the 1940s, a rate of 1.8% was found in the period 1969–1972.
Notwithstanding, it was estimated that in 1973 more than 9 million persons were
infected worldwide (5 million in Europe, 4 million in Asia, and 0.1 million in the
Americas) (von Bonsdorff, 1977; WHO, 1979). Another endemic area is Karelia,
Estonia, and St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, where lakes are abundant; impor-
tant foci are also found in Siberia. In Hawaii, US, where the parasite does not exist,
a case of human infection was found in a boy who had never been off the Islands
and who apparently contracted it from imported fish (Hutchinson et al., 1997). In
the Republic of Korea, 37 cases of diphyllobothriasis were reported in 1997, in addi-
tion to 21 cases in which the eggs were found in feces (Chung et al., 1997).
Examination of the feces of 52,552 patients between 1984 and 1992 in a hospital in
Seoul, Republic of Korea, revealed that 0.004% were infected with D. latum (Lee et
al., 1994). In Australia, the cestode has been found only in European immigrants
and, apparently, the parasite does not occur naturally in that country.
D. latum appears to have been introduced into North and South America by
European immigrants. In North America, the highest prevalence of diphyllobothri-
asis is found among Eskimos, with rates between 30% and 80% in some localities.
The infection is probably caused by several species of Diphyllobothrium.
Plerocercoids have been found in several species of fish in the Great Lakes in North
America, but the infection does not seem to exist in the area. The infection in
humans has been described in several areas of the US and in Montreal and Toronto,
Canada. The first confirmed case in Cuba was described in 1990 (Bouza Suárez et
al., 1990). In Peru, the human infection is caused by D. pacificum; it was found in
136 of 314 patients with cestodiasis examined between 1962 and 1976. Semenas
and Úbeda (1997) reported on 13 cases diagnosed in Patagonia, Argentina between
1986 and 1995. In northern Chile, 13 cases of infection by D. pacificumwere diag-
nosed; in addition, plerocercoids ofD. dendriticumwere found in fish, and the
adult parasite in gulls in the lake region of the south (Torres, 1982). In the Valdivia
River Basin in southern Chile, Torres et al.(1989) found a prevalence of 1.2% in
1,295 individuals. All the parasites recovered after treatment were identified as D.
latum. A study of 1,450 fish revealed plerocercoids of D. latum or D. dendriticum
in two species of imported fish (Salmo gairdneriand Salmo trutta) and in a few
autochthonous species. A retrospective study of 10,758 patients (over a 10-year
period) also found, in the Valdivia River area, 11 cases of diphyllobothriasis (Kurte
et al., 1990).
With respect to animals, in Alaska, US, cestodes of the genus Diphyllobothrium
spp. were found in 57 of 97 autopsied dogs. Torres et al. (1989) found D. latum in
5.3% to 9.8% of dogs, but none in cats or swine. They subsequently examined the
feces of 159 people, 17 dogs, 19 swine, and 4 cats, and found just one infected cat.
Abo-Shehada and Ziyadeh (1991) found D. latumin 1.5% of 756 dogs in Jordan. In

1992, Muratov reported the presence of D. klebanovskiiin 47% of brown bears, 1 of
2 black bears, 1.7% of wolves, 1.6% of dogs, 0.3% of otters, and 2.8% of swine in
the northeastern Russian Federation; he believes that the natural definitive hosts are
brown and black bears.
The Disease in Man:While humans generally host just a single specimen, mul-
tiple parasitism is not uncommon. D. latum attaches itself to the mucosa of the ileum
and less frequently to that of the jejunum. In most cases, the parasitosis is asympto-
matic. When symptoms occur, they generally consist of diarrhea, epigastric pain,
nausea, and vomiting (Curtis and Bylund, 1991). Some patients who harbor a large
number of parasites may suffer mechanical obstruction of the intestine. The most
serious complication of diphyllobothriasis is megaloblastic anemia; in the Baltic
countries it occurs in less than 2% of persons with D. latumparasites, mainly in
individuals with parasites localized in the jejunum. The symptomatology is similar
to that of pernicious anemia. It stems from the parasites blocking and competing for
the absorption of vitamin B
. The parasite interferes with that vitamin’s combina-
tion with the intrinsic factor (a normal component of the gastric juice), thus result-
ing in vitamin B
deficiency. Patients frequently manifest slight jaundice, fever,
glossitis, edema, hemorrhage, debility, and paresthesia in the legs. The illness occurs
mainly in persons 20 to 40 years of age. Megaloblastic anemia seems to be rare
among individuals with diphyllobothriasis in Latin America. For example,
Frisancho et al. (1994) failed to find the parasite in 45 patients with megaloblastic
anemia of unknown etiology studied in Peru. There are no reports of cases of ane-
mia due to diphyllobothriasis other than those caused by D. latum.
The Disease in Animals:Infection by Diphyllobothriumis not clinically appar-
ent in dogs and cats. Several epizootics in trout have been described in Great Britain
and Ireland; they were caused by infection with a large number of diphyllobothrid
plerocercoids that may not have been D. latum. In general, infection with a small
number of larvae causes no major damage, but invasion by a large number of larvae
may cause death.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The cycle of infection is main-
tained in nature by the contamination of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs with the feces
of humans and other fish-eating mammals. Contamination of water with feces con-
taining D. latumeggs allows the initial infection of copepods and subsequent infec-
tion of fish. Humans become infected by eating fish or its roe or liver raw, lightly
salted, or smoked without sufficient heat. An example of the relationship between
eating habits and prevalence of the parasite is provided in Finland. While human
diphyllobothriasis is common in eastern Finland, where consuming raw fish is an
ancestral habit, in western Finland this practice is not followed and infection is
infrequent in spite of the existence of similar ecologic conditions (von Bonsdorff,
1977). Ceviche,a popular dish made of fish with lemon juice, salt, and hot peppers,
which is consumed in several Latin American countries, can be a source of infection
for man. The multiple cases of D. pacificum infection in Peru are attributed to
ceviche prepared with marine fish. The Japanese dish sushi, which is also made with
raw fish, gave rise to four cases of diphyllobothriasis in California (CDC, 1981).
Human infection is not limited to the endemic areas, but can be extended by trans-
port and consumption of refrigerated infected fish. One case of human infection was

found in Hawaii, US, where the autochthonous parasite does not exist. The infection
was apparently contracted through imported fish (Hutchinson et al., 1997).
Humans are the principal definitive host for D. latum,but in their absence other
fish-eating mammals can maintain the cycle by a similar transmission mechanism.
There are indications that anadromous fish (which migrate annually from the
ocean to fresh water) could serve as a common source of infection by plerocercoids
of various species of Diphyllobothriumfor both land and marine mammals. In this
way,freshwater fish that feed on anadromous fish could acquire larvae of marine
origin, and land mammals could become infected by eating these fish raw.
Diagnosis:Specific diagnosis is carried out by identifying the eggs of the cestode
(55–75 by 40–55 µm, operculate, unembryonated, and with a small lobe on the
abopercular end) in the fecal matter. It is not possible to distinguish the species by
examining the eggs, but attempts can be made to differentiate them by studying the
proglottids passed spontaneously or after treatment. While formalin-ether sedimen-
tation gives the best results in connection with the concentration of eggs in fecal
matter, the number of eggs the parasite produces is so high that it is rarely necessary
to concentrate them.
Control:Prevention of the infection in humans is based on the following: a) edu-
cating the population to abstain from eating raw or undercooked fish and contami-
nating the lakes with their feces; b) treating cestode carriers to prevent contamina-
tion of the environment; c) in endemic areas, cooking fish to 56 °C for 5 minutes or
freezing it to –10 °C for 48 hours or to –18 °C for 24 hours to kill the plerocercoids;
and d) taking steps to control fecal contamination of lakes and rivers, which is often
difficult because of economic conditions in the affected areas. Treatment of domes-
tic dogs in the area of lakes or rivers where fishing occurs may be useful, as may
refraining from feeding dogs or cats scraps of raw fish. Most tests show, however,
that humans are the principal reservoir of D. latumfor other humans.
Abo-Shehada, M.N., Y. Ziyadeh. Prevalence of endoparasites in dog faecal deposits in
Jordan. J Helminthol65:313–314, 1991.
Bouza Suárez, M., G. Hormilla Manso, B. Dumenigo Ripoll, R. Quintana Olmos, R.
Cordovi Prado. Primer caso de certeza de Diphyllobothrium latumen Cuba.Rev Cubana Med
Trop42:9–12, 1990.
Chung, P.R., W.M. Sohn, Y. Jung, S.H. Pai, M.S. Nam. [Five human cases of
Diphyllobothrium latuminfection through eating raw flesh of redlip mullet,Liza haema-
tocheila]. Korean J Parasitol35:283–289, 1997.
Curtis, M.A., G. Bylund. Diphyllobothriasis: Fish tapeworm disease in the circumpolar
north. Arctic Med Res50:18–24, 1991.
Frisancho, O., V. Ulloa, W. Ruíz,et al. Anemia megaloblástica asociada a diarrea crónica.
Estudio prospectivo y multicéntrico en Lima. Rev Gastroenterol Peru 14:189–195, 1994.
Hutchinson, J.W., J.W. Bass, D.M. Demers, G.B. Myers. Diphyllobothriasis after eating
raw salmon. Hawaii Med J56:176–177, 1997.
Kurte, C., M. Silva, E. Gajardo, P. Torres. Nuevos casos de difilobotriasis humana en
Panguipulli, Chile. Bol Chil Parasitol45:59–61, 1990.
Lee, S.K., B.M. Shin, N.S. Chung, J.Y. Chai, S.H. Lee. [Second report on intestinal parasites
among the patients of Seoul Paik Hospital (1984–1992)]. Korean J Parasitol32:27–33, 1994.

Marquardt, W.C., R.S. Demaree, R.B. Grieve. Parasitology and Vector Biology,2nd ed. San
Diego: Academic Press; 2000.
Muratov, I.V. [Diphyllobothriasis in the Far East of the USSR].Med Parazitol (Mosk)
(6):54–58, 1990.
Muratov, I.V., P.S. Posokhov, N.A. Romanenko, A.S. Zimin, G.F. Glazyrina. [The epi-
demiological characteristics of diphyllobothriasis caused by Diphyllobothrium klebanovskiiin
the Amur River basin]. Med Parazitol (Mosk) 3:46–47, 1992.
Ohnishi, K., M. Murata. Single dose treatment with praziquantel for human
Diphyllobothrium nihonkaienseinfections. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg87:482–483, 1993.
Revenga, J.E. Diphyllobothrium dendriticum and Diphyllobothrium latumin fishes from
southern Argentina: Association, abundance, distribution, pathological effects, and risk of
human infection. J Parasitol79:379–383, 1993.
Semenas, L., C. Úbeda. Difilobotriasis humana en la Patagonia, Argentina. Rev Saude
Publica31:302–307, 1997.
Tantaleán, N. Hallazgo de larvas plerocercoides de Diphyllobothriidae luhe,1910
(Cestoda) en peces del mar peruano. Bol Chile Parasit 30:18–20, 1975.
Torres, P. Estado actual de la investigación sobre cestodos del género Diphyllobothrium
cobbold en Chile. Rev Med Chil 110:463–470, 1982.
Torres, P., R. Franjola, J. Pérez,et al. Epidemiología de la difilobotriasis en la cuenca del
Río Valdivia, Chile. Rev Saude Publica23:45–57, 1989.
United States of America, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Diphyllobothriasisassociated with salmon—United States.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 30:331–337, 1981.
von Bonsdorff, B. Diphyllobothriasis in Man. London, New York: Academic Press; 1977.
World Health Organization. Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert Committee, with
the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series 637).
ICD-10 B71.1
Synonyms:Dipylidiosis, dog cestode infection, dog tapeworm infection.
Etiology:Dipylidium caninum is a cestode 10 to 70 cm long and 3 mm at its
widest part, with 60 to 175 proglottids; its definitive hosts are the dog, cat, and some
wild felids and canids. The intermediate hosts are mainly dog fleas
(Ctenocephalides canis) and cat fleas (C. felis). The human flea (Pulex irritans)and
the dog louse (Trichodectes canis)can occasionally serve as intermediate hosts. The
gravid proglottids detach singly or in groups from the strobila or chain of segments
or proglottids that make up the body of the cestode; they are mobile and pass to the
exterior on their own or with the feces. The proglottids disintegrate in the environ-
ment, releasing the eggs, which must be ingested by the flea larvae to continue their
development to adulthood. The eggs hatch in the intestine of the flea larva, and the
embryos (oncospheres) penetrate the celomic cavity; there they turn into cysticer-
coids. During this development of the parasite, the flea larva continues its own

development until it becomes an adult insect. Hinaidy (1991) conducted a study in
Austria of 9,134 fleas from 198 cats and 182 dogs, and found that 98.5% of the cat
fleas and 77.5% of the dog fleas were C. felis,and that 2.3% of the cat fleas and
1.6% of the dog fleas contained, on average, not more than two or three cysticer-
coids per flea. When a dog or cat ingests an infected flea, the cysticercoid is released
in the small intestine through digestion, establishes itself in the mucosa, and
becomes an adult parasite in about 20 days. The longest survival time recorded for
the parasite in cats is three years.
Geographic Distribution:The parasite exists wherever there are dogs and fleas.
Occurrence in Man:There are fewer than 150 cases of human infection reported
in the literature; most are in young children, especially in the US and Europe. In
Latin America, the infection has been observed in Chile (17 cases), Argentina,
Uruguay, Brazil, Venezuela, Guatemala, Mexico, and Puerto Rico. The infection is
so rare in humans that, when single cases occur, they are reported in almost all coun-
tries (Wijesundera and Ranaweera, 1989; Raitiere, 1992; Reid et al., 1992; Neafie
and Marty, 1993; Brandstetter and Auer, 1994).
The Disease in Animals:D. caninum is the most common dog cestode in urban
areas due to the almost universal presence of the intermediate host, the flea. The
prevalence of infection with D. caninumin dogs is high, but varies worldwide.
Prevalences of 45% were reported in 156 dogs autopsied in Nairobi (Wachira et al.,
1993); 19.8% in 756 samples of dog droppings in Jordan (Abo-Shehada and Ziyadeh,
1991); 13.2% in 303 rural dogs in Uruguay (Cabrera et al., 1996); 9.2% in 315 rural
dogs in Great Britain (Jones and Walters, 1992); and 1.1% in 3,329 dogs in Germany
(Epe et al., 1993); also, it was found sporadically in 371 stray dogs in Switzerland
(Deplazes et al., 1995). Several surveys of foxes conducted in Europe found a preva-
lence of 0.2% to 3.8%. The infection in cats is as prevalent as or more prevalent than
in dogs, but is also variable. Prevalences of 23.8% were found in samples of the drop-
pings of 52 cats in Nigeria (Umeche and Ima, 1988); 23% in 1,502 cats autopsied in
South Africa (Baker et al., 1989); 20.7% in 58 cats autopsied in Spain (Calvete et al.,
1998); and 1.4% in fecal samples of 1,147 cats in Germany (Epe et al., 1993).
The Disease in Man:Because of its epidemiological characteristics, human dipy-
lidiasis affects mainly infants and young children. The symptomatology consists of
digestive disorders, such as diarrhea and colic, irritability, erratic appetite, and
insomnia; the infection is often asymptomatic. In a series of patients studied in Chile
(Belmar, 1963), abdominal distension was almost always seen. Elimination of
motile proglottids is the sign usually noticed by the patients’ parents, and is some-
times the only manifestation of the infection. In about 25% of the cases, more than
one parasite has been found.
The Disease in Animals:Dipylidiasis, like other cestodiases of dogs and cats,
rarely has clinical manifestations. During an epidemiological survey, Barriga (1997)
collected 1.1 kg of D. caninumupon purging an asymptomatic 13 kg dog with
arecoline. Anal irritation or itching has often been attributed to the movement of
gravid proglottids in the anal area, because some infected animals rub themselves on
the ground as if trying to scratch themselves; however, the presence of inflamed anal
sacs, which also causes similar symptoms, has not been confirmed.

Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Dogs and cats generally defend
themselves against fleas by biting them and, frequently, by ingesting them. This
behavior ensures continuation of the parasite’s life cycle. Man is also infected by
ingesting fleas infected with cysticercoids of D. caninum. Almost all cases of human
infection are in very young children who live in homes with infected dogs or cats.
The child accidentally eats the flea when kissing or biting the pet, or when the flea
drops into his food or attaches itself to a wet pacifier.
Diagnosis:In humans and animals, diagnosis is based on microscopic observa-
tion of the gravid proglottids. These cestodes have, as a unique characteristic, two
genital pores, one on each side of the proglottid. No other human cestode has this
characteristic. D. caninum is whitish and resembles a melon seed (when expanded)
or a grain of boiled rice (when contracted); it is highly motile and can often be seen
crawling on the coat of infected animals or on the skin, diapers, or feces of an
infected baby. Each proglottid contains a large number of eggs typical of cestodes,
but arranged in groups of 5 to 20 in sacs known as oviferous capsules. For observ-
ing proglottids or eggs, better results are achieved by examining material collected
from the perianal region than by examining the fecal matter.
Control:Prophylactic measures consist of eliminating fleas from the home and
cestodes from pets. While recommended, watching small children to keep them
from ingesting fleas is difficult.
Abo-Shehada, M.N., Y. Ziyadeh. Prevalence of endoparasites in dog faecal deposits in
Jordan. J Helminthol65:313–314, 1991.
Baker, M.K., L. Lange, A. Verster, S. van der Plaat. A survey of helminths in domestic cats
in the Pretoria area of Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Part 1: The prevalence and com-
parison of burdens of helminths in adult and juvenile cats. J S Afr Vet Assoc60:139–142, 1989.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Belmar, R. Dipylidium caninum en niños. Comunicación de 13 casos y tratamiento con un
derivado de salicilamida. Bol Chile Parasitol18:63–67, 1963.
Brandstetter, W., H. Auer. Dipylidium caninum,ein seltener Parasit des Menschen.
[Dipylidium caninum,a rare parasite in man]. Wien Klin Wochenschr 106:115–116, 1994.
Cabrera, P.A., S. Parietti, G. Haran,et al. Rates of reinfection withEchinococcus granulo-
sus, Taenia hydatigena, taenia ovisand other cestodes in a rural dog population in Uruguay.
Int J Parasitol 26:79–83, 1996.
Calvete, C., J. Lucientes, J.A. Castillo,et al. Gastrointestinal helminth parasites in stray
cats from the mid-Ebro Valley, Spain. Vet Parasitol75:235–240, 1998.
Deplazes, P., F. Guscetti, E. Wunderlin, H. Bucklar, J. Skaggs, K. Wolff.
Endoparasitenbefall bei Findel- und Verzicht-Hunden in der Sudschweiz. [Endoparasite infec-
tion in stray and abandoned dogs in southern Switzerland].Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd
137:172–179, 1995.
Epe, C., S. Ising-Volmer, M. Stoye. Ergebnisse parasitologischer Kotuntersuchungen von
Equiden, Hunden, Katzen und Igeln der Jahre 1984–1991. [Parasitological fecal studies of
equids, dogs, cats and hedgehogs during the years 1984–1991]. Dtsch Tierarztl Wochenschr
100:426–428, 1993.
Jones, A., T.M. Walters. A survey of taeniid cestodes in farm dogs in mid-Wales. Ann Trop
Med Parasitol 86:137–142, 1992.

Hinaidy, H.K. Beitrag zur Biologie des Dipylidium caninum. 2. Mitteilung. [The biology
of Dipylidium caninum. Part 2]. Zentralbl Veterinarmed [B] 38:329–336, 1991.
Marx, M.B. Parasites, pets, and people. Prim Care 18:153–165, 1991.
Neafie, R.C., A.M. Marty. Unusual infections in humans. Clin Microbiol Rev 6:34–56,
Raitiere, C.R. Dog tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) infestation in a 6-month-old infant. J
Fam Pract 34:101–102, 1992.
Reid, C.J., F.M. Perry, N. Evans. Dipylidium caninumin an infant. Europ J Pediatr
151:502–503, 1992.
Tanowitz, H.B., L.M. Weiss, M. Wittner. Diagnosis and treatment of intestinal helminths.
Common intestinal cestodes. Gastroenterologist 1:265–273, 1993.
Umeche, N., A.E. Ima. Intestinal helminthic infections of cats in Calabar, Nigeria. Folia
Parasitol (Praha) 35:165–168, 1988.
Wachira, T.M., M. Sattran, E. Zeyhle, M.K. Njenga. Intestinal helminths of public health
importance in dogs in Nairobi. East Afr Med J70:617–619, 1993.
Wijesundera, M.D., R.L. Ranaweera. Case reports of Dipylidium caninum; a pet associated
infection. Ceylon Med J 34:27–30, 1989.
ICD-10 B67 Echinococcosis
Synonyms:Echinococciasis, hydatid disease, hydatid cyst.
Etiology:The agent of this disease is the hydatid or larval stage of the cestodes
Echinococcus granulosus,Echinococcus multilocularis,Echinococcus oligarthrus,
and Echinococcus vogeli. While other species and subspecies of Echinococcushave
occasionally appeared in the literature, their taxonomic status is doubtful or uncer-
tain. The definitive hosts of E. granulosus are domestic dogs and some wild canids.
The adult cestode lives attached deep inside the mucosal crypts of the definitive
host’s small intestine and is 3 to 6 mm long; it has 22 large hooks and 18 small hooks
on the scolex and usually has just 3 proglottids, of which only the last is gravid. The
gravid proglottid, containing several hundred eggs, detaches from the strobila, is
expelled with the feces, and disintegrates in the environment. Each egg contains an
embryo (oncosphere) with six hooks (hexacanth), which must be ingested by an
intermediate host to continue its development. Intermediate hosts are sheep,
bovines, swine, goats, equines, camelids (Asian and American), cervids, and man.
The oncosphere is released in the small intestine of the intermediate host, passes
through the intestinal wall, and is carried by the bloodstream to various organs,
where it undifferentiates and then differentiates again to develop the larval stage,
called the hydatid. After three weeks the hydatid measures 250 µm in diameter and
has a central cavity. Around the fifth month, it measures approximately 1 cm and it
is apparent that its wall consists of two layers: an external, cuticular or laminar layer,
formed by numerous thin nacreous lamina that resemble the cross-section of an

onion, and another, internal layer, germinative or proligerous, which is a delicate
cellular syncytium. The larval form of E. granulosustypically consists of a single
cavity (is unilocular). The interior of the hydatid is filled with liquid. During the
same period, brood capsules bud off from the germinative layer, and invaginated
protoscolices, which constitute the infective agent of the parasite, develop within
them. These capsules either adhere to the wall by means of a peduncle or float freely
in the hydatid fluid. The capsules and the protoscolices that float freely in the
hydatid fluid are known as “hydatid sand.” Some hydatids do not form capsules, and
sometimes the capsules do not form protoscolices: these are sterile larvae. In con-
trast, daughter hydatids with a two-layer wall like that of the mother sometimes form
inside the hydatid. As the larva develops and the tissues of the host are compressed,
the host responds with a fibrotic reaction, surrounding the larva with dense connec-
tive tissue, the adventitial layer. The hydatid surrounded by this connective tissue is
the hydatid cyst. The most common localizations of these cysts are the liver (in
about two-thirds of the cases) and the lungs (in about a fourth of the cases); on rare
occasions they may become situated in some other organ, such as the kidneys,
spleen, bones, and brain. The cycle is completed when a dog or other canid ingests
the viscera of an intermediate host in which there are fertile hydatid cysts. The
scolex attaches to the wall of the dog’s small intestine and develops into an adult
cestode that begins to produce infective eggs 47 to 61 days after infection. A single
cyst can give rise to thousands of adult cestodes because of the large number of sco-
lices. The species E. granulosus is polytypic, and morphological, biochemical, and
biological variants have been found in different parts of the world. For example, in
Great Britain, two strains occur: an equine strain whose development cycle involves
horses and dogs, and an ovine strain that circulates between sheep and dogs. In addi-
tion to the differences in morphology and development in the different intermediate
hosts, the two strains also differ in biochemical and physiological characteristics.
Even though dogs are definitive hosts for both, it seems that the equine strain is not
transmitted to sheep and vice versa. Doubts also exist about the equine strain’s infec-
tivity for man. In Latin America, except around Santa María, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil, horses are rarely affected by the larval form of E. granulosus,in spite of their
close contact with dogs. In the boreal region of the northern hemisphere, the strain
of E. granulosus that circulates between wolves and the large deer Rangifer and
Alces is transmitted with difficulty to domestic ungulates (Schantz, 1982). In
Australia, three strains are distinguished; one circulates between the dingo and
macropodid marsupials (wallabies, kangaroos), and the other two (one continental
and the other from Tasmania) circulate between dogs and sheep but differ in some
biochemical, morphological, and biological properties (Thompson and
Kumaratilake, 1982). Studies in the former Soviet Union have shown that the strain
circulating between dogs and sheep is not infective for swine, and the strain circu-
lating between dogs and swine is not transmitted to sheep. Recent molecular biol-
ogy studies have confirmed the presence of four genotypes in Argentina: the ovine,
circulating between sheep and humans; the ovine from Tasmania, circulating in
sheep and humans; the porcine in swine; and the camelid in humans (Rozenzvit et
al., 1999). Similar work is being carried out on the other species (Rinder et al.,
The adult form of E. multilocularis,sometimes identified as Echinococcus alveo-
laris orEchinococcus sibiricensis,measuring 1.2 to 3.7 mm, is somewhat smaller

than that of E. granulosus.It has 27 large hooks and 23 small hooks on the scolex.
The species are distinguished by subtle characteristics of the mature proglottid and
by the number and shape of the hooks on the scolex. The natural definitive hosts are
foxes, chiefly the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). The
intermediate hosts are wild rodents, primarily species of the genera Microtus,
Clethrionomys,andLemmus. Domestic dogs and cats may also serve as definitive
hosts when they enter the cycle by feeding on infected wild rodents. The rodents
develop the hydatid in the liver after ingesting eggs deposited with the fecal matter
of definitive hosts; in about 60 days, the hydatid contains infective protoscolices.
Unlike the larva of E. granulosus,this hydatid has a weak cuticular layer that
enables it to constantly form small exogenous brood capsules that invade and
destroy the surrounding tissue. The vesicles are filled with a gelatinous liquid and
generally lack protoscolices in humans. Due to its spongelike morphology, the cyst
of E. multilocularisis commonly called a “multilocular” or “alveolar” cyst. The
absence of protoscolices seems to indicate that man is not a satisfactory host
because, when a cyst is transplanted from man to a suitable rodent, the cyst begins
to produce them. When a fox, dog, or cat ingests an infected rodent, the protoscol-
ices give rise to the development of adult cestodes, which begin producing infective
eggs that are eliminated in the fecal matter in about 33 days.
The adult form of E. oligarthrus is about 2 to 3 mm long and consists of a scolex
with 33 large hooks and 26 small hooks, an immature proglottid, a mature proglot-
tid, and a terminal gravid proglottid. The definitive hosts are wild felids such as
pumas, jaguars, jaguarundis, and lynxes. The intermediate hosts are wild rodents
such as the agouti Dasyprocta and possibly other rodents as well. The hydatid ofE.
oligarthrusalso forms daughter larvae, which are external, larger, and filled with
liquid, with abundant protoscolices in man, and not invasive like those of E. multi-
locularis. This noninvasive cyst, which has multiple external compartments and
abundant protoscolices, is generally called “polycystic.”
The adult form of E. vogeli is 3.9 to 5.6 mm long, has 42 large hooks and 33 small
hooks, and has been found in a wild canid (Speothos venaticus), which ranges from
Panama to northern Argentina. The intermediate host is the local rodent Cuniculus
paca,known as paca. The hydatid of E. vogeliis also polycystic and is differenti-
ated from the hydatid of E. oligarthrusby the number and shape of the hooks on the
Geographic Distribution:E. granulosus is the most widespread of the species,
with areas of high endemicity in southern South America (Argentina, southern
Brazil, Chile, Peru, and Uruguay); the Mediterranean coast, especially Bulgaria,
Cyprus, southern France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Yugoslavia;
the southern part of the former Soviet Union; the Middle East; southwestern Asia
(Iran, Iraq, and Turkey); northern Africa (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia); Australia;
New Zealand; Kenya; and Uganda. In some of these countries, the incidence has
recently diminished notably because of control programs.
The distribution of E. multilocularis is limited to the northern hemisphere. The
parasitosis occurs in central and eastern Europe, the former Soviet Union, Turkey,
Iraq, northern India, central China, some islands of Japan, several provinces of
Canada, Alaska, and several north central states of the US. The most important
endemic areas are the northern tundras of Europe and Asia and their American

extension, as well as central Siberia, the central Asian republics of the former Soviet
Union, and central China. In Europe, infection with E. multilocularisoccurs in
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, and
Switzerland (Eckert, 1996). Infections caused by E. granulosus and E. multilocu-
laris may occur together in the same areas, as happens, for example, in some parts
of the former Soviet Union, Alaska (US), and Canada.
E. oligarthrus and E. vogeli are present only in South and Central America.
Although the areas of infection coincide, since the definitive host of E. vogeliexists
only from Panama to northern Argentina, cases of polycystic hydatidosis outside this
area are probably imported or due to E. oligarthrus.Moreover, this species was
identified recently in northeastern Mexico (Salinas-López et al., 1996), and this is
the first available report on it in North America.
Occurrence in Man:The prevalence of classic unilocular hydatidosis caused by
E. granulosus varies considerably between geographic areas. The highest infection
rates are recorded in countries with livestock industries, especially sheep raising, in
rural areas, and among people of limited economic and cultural means. Information
on the prevalence of human hydatidosis is often based on doctors’ reports. But stud-
ies from Chile (Serra Canales et al., 1999) have shown that doctors’ reports could
represent just a quarter of the cases found by studying hospital admission or surgery
records. Consequently, the published figures should be used advisedly. Moreover, it
is necessary to distinguish between the infection, which may be asymptomatic, and
the disease, which, by definition, is symptomatic. The most reliable sources of infor-
mation on the incidence of the disease are the hospital records of surgical opera-
tions. In Latin America, the highest concentration of cases occurs in the Southern
Cone of South America (Argentina, southern Brazil, the mountains of Peru, and
Uruguay) (Arámbulo, 1997). In the 1960s, the annual incidence of surgical cases per
100,000 inhabitants was 1.0 in Peru, 2.0 in Argentina, 7.8 to 7.9 in Chile, and
approximately 20 in Uruguay. However, these data paint an unrealistic picture,
because prevalence refers to the total population of the country and not the rural
population, which is the population at real risk for the infection. The prevalence of
infection caused by E. granulosusin an endemic area of the Peruvian Andes was
9.1% in 407 individuals examined by imaging and immunoelectrotransfer (Western
blot), 87% in 117 slaughterhouse sheep, and 32% in 104 dogs. The prevalence of
human cases was five times higher than that reported in 1980, when a control pro-
gram was suspended (Moro et al., 1997). In the IX Region of Chile, in the vicinity
of the 38th south parallel, between 18 and 48 per 100,000 inhabitants have the
human infection, and the prevalence in local slaughterhouses is about 40% for sheep
and cattle and 15% for swine. The cost of treatment alone comes to US$ 300,000 a
year (Gutierrez et al., 1992). According to official sources, the incidence of hydati-
dosis in Chile has declined in recent years, but a critical study of hospital cases
found that the actual incidence in the period 1985–1994 fluctuated between 6.5 and
11.4 per 100,000 inhabitants. In other words, it was four times higher than the offi-
cial figures reported (Serra Canales et al., 1999). The authors believe the apparent
decrease is the result of problems in the reporting system. In southern Argentina, a
1994 survey found 16 cases (26.7 per 100,000), with a human serological prevalence
of 1.3% and a parasitological prevalence of 2.3% in dogs (Larrieu et al., 1996). In
southern Uruguay, 156 cases (1.6%) of cystic hydatidosis were recently diagnosed

in 9,515 individuals examined by ultrasound and serology (Carmona et al., 1998).
The prevalence of infection in the general population can be determined by various
diagnostic methods. In Chile, a series of 115,819 autopsies performed between 1947
and 1970 uncovered 359 cases of human hydatidosis (310 per 100,000), and 108
(204 per 100,000) in 53,014 autopsies of individuals who died violent deaths. These
figures on the prevalence of the infection are 25 to 40 times higher than the esti-
mated prevalence of the disease for the same period. In the other Latin American
countries, hydatidosis is not a health problem; some countries have sporadic cases
and others have not reported the disease in humans. There are endemic pockets in
the US among inhabitants of Basque origin who breed sheep in the northern
California area, among Eskimos in Alaska, and among the indigenous peoples of
Arizona and New Mexico. However, a significant percentage of the cases in
California may be imported; Donovan et al. (1995) found that 25 of 28 patients
(89%) in Los Angeles had been born abroad and 19 were immigrants from the Near
East or central Asia. The Mediterranean coast of Europe constitutes one of the areas
of highest prevalence, comparable only to the Southern Cone of South America. In
Asia, the highest prevalences of infection are found in the southwest (Iraq and
Turkey), in the southern republics of the former Soviet Union, and in China and
Japan. In six provinces of China, 26,065 surgical cases of cystic hydatidosis were
reported between 1951 and 1990, the majority after 1980. An extensive survey in
agricultural areas found rates of infection of 0.5% to 4.5% in humans by imaging,
3.3% to 90% in sheep, and 7% to 71% in dogs (Chai, 1995). A serologic study in
northwestern Mongolia found a 5.2% rate of infection in 334 seminomadic shep-
herds (Watson-Jones et al., 1997). In Africa, the areas with the highest rates of infec-
tion are in Kenya and in the northwestern part of the continent. A recent survey car-
ried out in Libya with ultrasound techniques found 339 abdominal infections in
20,220 individuals (1.7%); 233 (69%) of them were also positive with the enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Shambesh et al.,1999). Oceania is another
area of high prevalence; the morbidity rate in humans in Australia is estimated at 1.2
per 100,000 inhabitants and 2.3 per 100,000 inhabitants in New Zealand before con-
trol programs were set up.
Occurrence of the human infection caused by E. multilocularis was thought to be
sporadic, with low endemicity. From 1970 to 1980, 91 cases were diagnosed in
France, equaling a prevalence rate comparable to the prevalences in Germany and
Switzerland. The only region with a high prevalence (1% of the population) was
Rebun Island, Japan, where effective control measures were established. However,
since 1990 there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of human infec-
tion caused by this parasite in the northern part of Eurasia (Romig et al., 1999). In
Europe, the prevalence of E. multilocularisin foxes is 1% to 50%. The infection in
dogs and cats is rare (<1%), and the prevalence in humans is 0.02 to 1.4 cases per
100,000 persons in most cases. Although it is not a very common infection, it is con-
sidered very important because mortality is higher than 90% without treatment, and
treatment is very expensive (Eckert, 1996). In 1990, a study of 606 individuals
drawn from the general population of the province of Gansu, China, found 8.8%
with positive serology for the parasite. A study using ultrasonography and serology
conducted the following year confirmed the infection in 65 of 1,312 people (5%).
Examination of domestic dogs found E. multilocularisin 10% (Graig et al., 1992).
Subsequently, 584 cases were diagnosed in seven provinces of China; it is estimated

that the prevalence ranges from 2.8% to 19.2%, and morbidity ranges from 2.4% to
5% (Jiang, 1998).
Up to 1998, 86 cases of human polycystic hydatidosis had been diagnosed in
Latin America, in the region between Nicaragua and Argentina; 32 were attributed
to E. vogeli,3 to E. oligarthrus(2 orbital cases in Suriname and Venezuela, and 1
cardiac in Brazil), and 51 whose causal agent could not be determined because the
hooks of the protoscolices were not found (Basset et al., 1998). The cases of human
polycystic hydatidosis reported in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and
Uruguay are probably caused by E. oligarthrusor are imported cases of E. vogeli,
because the definitive host of the latter species does not exist in those countries
(D’Alessandro, 1997).
Occurrence in Animals:In all areas where the prevalence of human infection by
E. granulosusis high, a high rate of parasitism in animals, both the intermediate and
definitive hosts, is to be expected. Some specific examples were mentioned in the
previous section. In dogs in endemic areas, infection rates greater than 30% are
commonly found. In sheep, the most important intermediate host in many parts of
the world, rates of infection are also high. The rate of hydatid cysts found in slaugh-
terhouses in hyperendemic areas of Latin America varies from 20% to 95% of sac-
rificed animals. The highest rates are found in rural slaughterhouses, where older
animals are slaughtered. High prevalence rates are also found in cattle, swine, and
goats. In Argentina and Uruguay, hydatid cysts have not been found in horses; in
Chile, the prevalence is low (0.29%), while in an area of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil,
it is about 20%. According to some parasitologists, the strain that parasitizes horses
is a special biotype of E. granulosus that has adapted itself to this animal species
(see Etiology). In other parts of the world, such as the Middle East, in addition to
high rates in sheep, a high prevalence is found in camels, which are intermediate
hosts, and in dogs, jackals, and wolves, which are definitive hosts. Buffaloes are
important intermediate hosts in some countries.
The prevalence of the infection caused by E. multilocularis in the natural defini-
tive host, the fox, can reach high percentages in some localities; in dogs in Alaska,
US, it is almost 6%. In rodents, the intermediate hosts of E. multilocularis,the infec-
tion rate is relatively low and varies from 2% to 10%.
Little is known of the prevalence of E. oligarthrus infection in wild felids (the
definitive hosts) and rodents (the intermediate hosts). Infection by E. vogeliwas
found in 96 of 425 pacas (Cuniculus paca), the main intermediate host, caught in
Colombia (Rausch et al.,1981).
The Disease in Man:The hexacanth embryo of E. granulosusgenerally travels
in the bloodstream until it colonizes a part of the liver or lung, and remains there for
years, growing slowly and silently, without causing major tissular reactions or clin-
ical signs. The symptoms generally appear when the larva grows large enough to
compress or erode the neighboring tissues or ducts and interfere with their function.
Absorption of parasitic antigens by the host often sensitizes the individual and may
cause hypersensitivity phenomena. Because the E. granulosuscyst generally has a
single compartment, as opposed to those of the other species, human infection by
this parasite is usually called “cystic” or “unilocular” hydatidosis. Many cysts are
asymptomatic throughout the infected individual’s life and are discovered only at
autopsy, during surgery, or in radiographs, all related to other causes. A review of

almost 190,000 autopsies performed in Chile from 1947 to 1984 found that 363 of
568 cases of cerebral hydatidosis (64%) and 79 of 116 cases of cerebral cysticerco-
sis (68%) had been discovered during these autopsies. From this it is clear that the
symptomatology of unilocular or cystic hydatidosis depends on the location of the
cyst and its size. The most common location is the liver (65% to 70% of cases), fol-
lowed by the lungs (about 25% of cases). There are indications that the localization
of the hydatids may depend on the strain of E. granulosus. Thus, in the case of wild
E. granulosus of the boreal region, which circulates between wild cervids and
wolves, the lung localization predominates in humans, and the disease is generally
more benign than that caused by the E. granulosus strain of the domestic cycle. In
a small percentage of patients, the cysts localize in other organs or tissue. In loca-
tions where growth of the cyst is not restricted by anatomical structures, it can reach
a very large size and contain several liters of fluid. For example, rupture of the cyst
by external trauma in hypersensitive patients can result in anaphylactic shock and
pulmonary edema caused by rapid absorption of the antigen through the peritoneal
or pleural serosa. Another serious consequence of cyst rupture is hydatid seeding
within the abdominal or pleural cavity, and the formation of many new cysts in the
serosa. Rupture of a cyst can also cause arterial embolisms in the lungs and some-
times in other organs. Early diagnosis in man is important for prevention of com-
plications and rupture of the cyst, with its consequent seeding in multiple locations.
For inoperable cases, treatment with mebendazole for several years is used, result-
ing in reduction of the cysts in several cases.
In hepatic hydatidosis, most cysts (approximately 75%) are located in the right lobe;
they may be situated either deep in the parenchyma or superficially, below Glisson’s
capsule. The intraparenchymatous cysts cause atrophy of the surrounding tissue and,
through pressure on the veins and biliary passages, provoke congestion and biliary sta-
sis, which may be complicated by a secondary infection. A subcapsular cyst may grow
upward (anterosuperior cyst) and adhere to the diaphragm, and the cyst may even cross
the diaphragm and open into the thoracic cavity, or it may grow toward the peritoneal
cavity, where it can adhere to and empty into the hollow abdominal viscera. In a study
of 677 patients who had surgery for hepatic hydatid cysts, Hernando et al. (1996)
found that the most common clinical manifestations were dyspepsic symptoms (60%),
hepatomegaly or a palpable mass in the right hypochondrium (58%), and pain (46%).
Most cysts were solitary (66%) and in the right lobe (65%). The most common com-
plication of surgery was a biliary fistula; the average period of hospitalization was 25
days and the mortality rate was 1.6%. The average age of the patients was about 39
and the prevalence was the same in both sexes.
The second most common location is the lungs. The cyst is generally located in
the lower lobe, and more frequently in the right lung than in the left. In the lung, as
in the liver, a cyst’s presence may be asymptomatic, or it may be manifested by
symptoms such as pain in the affected side of the chest (especially if the cyst is
peripheral), dry cough, hemoptysis, vomiting if the cyst ruptures, and sometimes
deformation of the thorax. Expectoration of the cyst (hydatid vomica) occurs with
some frequency in pulmonary hydatidosis and may be followed by recovery. Hueto
Pérez de Heredia et al. (1999) studied the clinical and epidemiological characteris-
tics of 40 patients with thoracic hydatidosis, 32 of whom had pulmonary cysts.
Bone hydatidosis causes destruction of the trabeculae, necrosis, and spontaneous
fracture. This localization is estimated to occur in 1% of the cases. Hydatidosis of

vital organs, such as the central nervous system, heart, and kidneys, has a grave
prognosis. The latency period of cerebral hydatidosis is relatively short, about eight
months in the general population and four months in children. In Spain (Jiménez-
Mejías et al., 1991), most patients (74%) had a solitary cyst, 74% in the right lobe,
and in half the cases the cyst was intraparenchymatous.
The disease caused by E. multilocularis,or alveolar hydatidosis, is progressive
and malignant. In the vast majority of cases, the multilocular cyst is located in the
liver and rarely in other organs. In general, the cyst starts as a small vesicle, which,
by exogenous and endogenous proliferation of the germinative membrane, forms
multiple vesicles in all directions, producing its multilocular appearance. After a
time, the center necroses and the cyst becomes a spongy mass consisting of small
irregular cavities filled with a gelatinous substance. Metastasis can occur, giving rise
to secondary cysts in different organs. The symptomatology is similar to that of a
slowly developing mucinoid carcinoma of the liver. Alveolar hydatidosis is afebrile
if there is no secondary infection, but causes hepatomegaly and often splenomegaly.
In more advanced stages, ascites and jaundice appear as a consequence of intrahep-
atic portal hypertension. The course of the disease is always slow, and signs and
symptoms appear after many years. The average age in a group of 33 cases in
Alaskan (US) Eskimos was 53 years, and the investigators (Wilson and Rausch,
1980) estimate that 30 years had passed from the time of infection to the appearance
of symptoms. The most common objective signs were hepatomegaly and a palpable
abdominal mass derived from the liver. By the time symptoms were apparent, the
majority of the patients could not be operated on. The disease is usually fatal with-
out an organ transplant.
In a study of 72 human cases of E. vogelior E. oligarthruspolycystic hydatidosis,
D’Alessandro (1997) found that in 80% of the cases the lesions were limited to the
liver or other organs. The most frequent signs were palpable, hard, round masses in
the liver, hepatomegaly, bulging abdomen, pain, significant weight loss, and fever. All
the cases were fatal, and in 25% there were signs of portal hypertension; 10% of the
cases were asymptomatic. In a study of seven human cases of polycystic hydatidosis
caused by E. vogeli,Meneghelli et al. (1992) found that the most common signs were
abdominal pain, hepatomegaly, jaundice, weight loss, anemia, fever, hemoptysis, pal-
pable abdominal masses, and portal hypertension. In four cases, hepatic calcifications
were observed. The most frequent localizations were the liver (six cases), the lungs
(two), the mesentery (two), the spleen (one), and the pancreas (one).
To appreciate the importance of hydatidosis in public health, it should be remem-
bered that the principal treatment is surgery, and hospitalization is lengthy; about
60% of those operated on cannot return to work until about four months after leav-
ing the hospital, and approximately 40% are incapacitated for six or more months.
The Disease in Animals:Clinical symptoms are not seen in dogs parasitized by
the adult form of E. granulosus. Barriga and Al-Khalidi (1986) obtained more than
5,000 parasites from the intestine of an asymptomatic 8.5-kg dog. Infection with a
large number of parasites probably causes enteritis. In the domestic intermediate
hosts of E. granulosus,no definite clinical symptomatology has been found, even in
cases of multiple cysts in the liver and lungs. In contrast, some studies indicate that
parasitized sheep become fatter, which would make them more attractive to preda-
tors and hinder their escape.

The confiscation of viscera with hydatid cysts, especially livers, accounts for sig-
nificant economic losses. This procedure results in the loss of an estimated
1,500,000 pounds of viscera annually in New Zealand. In Uruguay, approximately
60% of all beef livers are confiscated because of hydatidosis and fascioliasis. It has
been estimated that the viscera of 2 million cattle and 3.5 million sheep are confis-
cated every year in the Southern Cone, causing losses estimated at US$ 6.3 million
in Argentina and US$ 2.5 million in Chile. The costs of medical and surgical care of
human patients must be added to the losses suffered by the livestock economy.
Hospitalization is usually lengthy (about seven weeks). The cost of hospitalization
for a surgical case of hydatidosis, without complications, is from US$ 1,500 to
$2,000 in Argentina and Chile.
Foxes infected by E. multilocularisdo not manifest clinical symptoms, even when
harboring an enormous number of parasites in their intestines. On the other hand,
infection by the larval form in arvicoline rodents is often fatal when the cystic bur-
den is large (Schantz, 1982).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The dog-sheep-dog cycle is the
most important cycle for maintenance of the parasitism in the endemic areas of the
southern part of South America and many other areas of the world. Sheep are the
most important intermediate hosts of unilocular hydatidosis caused by E. granulo-
sus for several reasons: the infection rate is generally high among these animals,
90% or more of their cysts are fertile, they live in close association with dogs, and,
since they are often sacrificed for household consumption on ranches, the viscera are
customarily fed to dogs. Also the Southern Cone of South America is a region with
a high concentration of sheep: approximately 50% of the total sheep population lives
on 10% of the total land area of the continent. Finally, the number of dogs on sheep
ranches is high.
Sheep and other intermediate hosts contract hydatidosis by grazing on pastures
contaminated with dog feces containing eggs of the cestode. Those eggs are
deposited directly on the grazing land or are carried by rain or wind. The dogs in
turn are infected by eating viscera that contain fertile cysts (with viable protoscol-
ices). Man is an intermediate host and plays no role in the transmission of the para-
site, unless he is eaten by a carnivore. Nevertheless, his sanitary habits make him the
main agent responsible for perpetuating the infection by feeding dogs viscera that
contain hydatid cysts. The adult cestode of E. granulosus can live in a dog’s intes-
tine for about a year, but it remains fertile for just 6 to 10 months. Therefore, theo-
retically the infection would die out if man ceased reinfecting dogs by feeding them
raw viscera. Domestic animals that serve as secondary hosts could still become
infected for a time, since the eggs of Echinococcus are resistant to environmental
factors, but the infection cycle would be halted if dogs were prevented access to the
infected viscera.
A gravid proglottid of E. granulosus contains a very small number of eggs (from
200 to 800) compared with those of other tapeworms, which contain many thou-
sands. It is estimated that only one segment of E. granulosusis eliminated every two
weeks (Lawson and Gemmell, 1983). This low biotic potential of E. granulosus is
compensated for by the high rate and intensity of infection in the definitive host and
by the asexual multiplication of the larva in the intermediate host. The survival time
and dispersion of the eggs are of great epidemiological interest. The eggs have little

resistance to desiccation and extreme temperatures. In the laboratory, the eggs of E.
granulosus can survive in water or damp sand for three weeks at 30°C, 225 days at
6°C, and 32 days at 10–21°C (Lawson and Gemmell, 1983). After 10 days, radial
dispersion up to 80 m from the place the feces were deposited has been confirmed
for eggs of other taeniids; they may be able to disperse even greater distances with
the aid of mechanical vectors such as carrion birds and arthropods. The physical
composition of the soil, its porosity, and the kind of vegetation cover also help deter-
mine the length of time that the eggs survive.
As we have said, man is an accidental host, and his direct contact with dogs is
important. The gravid proglottids are found primarily on the surface of fecal matter,
and they can accumulate in the perianal region, where they disintegrate and release
the eggs. The dog carries the eggs on its tongue and snout to different parts of its
body, and a person’s hands can become contaminated by touching the animal. Close
contact with dogs and deficient personal hygiene practices, such as failure to wash
the hands before eating, are important factors in the transmission of the infection
from dogs to humans. Another important source of human infection can be vegeta-
bles and water contaminated with infected dog feces. Coprophagic flies may also
serve as mechanical vectors of the eggs.
Although hydatidosis is usually an infection of the rural population, infected dogs
and human cases of the disease occur in urban areas. The difference in infection
rates between religious and ethnic groups is merely a reflection of their relationship
with dogs. In Lebanon, for example, a higher prevalence of hydatidosis has been
observed among Christians than among Moslems because the Koran asserts that
dogs are “dirty” animals. Long-standing cultural and religious habits account for the
high and unusual incidence of hydatidosis among the members of the Turkana tribe
of northwestern Kenya. This pastoral tribe, which includes about 150,000 persons,
has attracted the attention of researchers. A large number of dogs live with the mem-
bers of this tribe, and the dogs have a high rate of infection. The Turkana use dog
feces as a lubricant and as medicine, and they either do not bury dead persons or
cover them only with a thin layer of earth, making it possible for the dogs to eat the
cadavers (Macpherson, 1983). More than 1,500 Turkana with hydatidosis were
operated on between 1965 and 1980; annual incidence, based on hospitalized cases
of the disease, varies from 220 per 100,000 inhabitants in the northern part of the
district to 18 per 100,000 in the southern part (French and Nelson, 1982). In contrast
to findings in 111 patients with pulmonary hydatidosis in Uruguay (Yarzábal and
Capron, 1971), whose cysts did not contain protoscolices, 60% of 154 cysts in
Turkana patients were fertile.
In the Holarctic region of North America—Alaska (US) and Canada—unilocular
hydatidosis exists in a wild cycle that develops between the wolf (Canis lupus)and
several cervid species. Another wild cycle independent of the domestic cycle has
been described in Australia between dingoes and marsupials such as wallabies and
kangaroos. The strobilar form of E. granulosus has been found in Argentina in three
species of foxes of the genus Dusicyon,and the larval form has been found in the
European hare. In contrast to what is occurring in the northern region of the
Americas, wildlife infection in Argentina appears to derive from the domestic cycle.
Alveolar hydatidosis (E. multilocularis)has many natural foci in the northern
hemisphere; the parasite circulates between foxes of the genera Alopex and Vulpes,
the definitive hosts, and arvicoline and microtine rodents, the intermediate hosts.

Man can come into accidental contact with the eggs of the cestode when handling
dead foxes or drinking water from streams contaminated with the feces of infected
foxes. Domestic dogs and cats can carry the infection into the home when they hunt
wild rodents. A community in which arvicoline rodents and dogs abound can
become a hyperendemic focus, as has happened in some Eskimo villages of the
North American boreal tundra. Coprophagous flies can act as mechanical transfer
hosts of the eggs. A study carried out in Auvergne, France, found the infection in
2.4% of 943 captured Arvicola terrestris schermanrodents. In the area where they
were captured, the prevalence varied from 0% to 4.6%, which suggests that the dis-
tribution is focal. Only 2 of the 23 animals (8.7%) had fertile larvae. In the same
region, 8.5% of 70 foxes (Vulpes vulpes)harbored the strobilar form, and five human
cases occurred in 10 years (Pétavy and Deblock, 1983).
The cycles of E. vogeli and E. oligarthrus are exclusively wild. Man probably
becomes infected accidentally by eggs of E. vogelithrough the feces of dogs that are
fed the viscera of the paca or with eggs of E. oligarthrusfrom the feces of cats that
eat infested rodents.
Diagnosis:A diagnosis of human hydatidosis is suspected based on the clinical
symptoms and epidemiological circumstances. Imaging methods such as radiogra-
phy, computerized tomography, ultrasonography, and scintigraphy are used. While
they do not confirm the diagnosis, they are very helpful to the specialist.
Ultrasonography is the first choice because it is economical, noninvasive, simple,
and accurate and reveals developing cysts that generally cannot be found with X-
rays (Suwan, 1995). Numerous immunobiologic tests have been used in the diagno-
sis of human hydatidosis by E. granulosus,among them Casoni’s intradermal test,
complement fixation, indirect hemagglutination, latex agglutination, inmunoelec-
trophoresis, electrosyneresis, and double diffusion to detect antibodies against the
arc 5 antigen. Practically all have been displaced by ELISA and the immunoelec-
trotransfer or Western blot test. Casoni’s intradermal test is not very sensitive and is
nonspecific for the diagnosis. While it was once used for epidemiological surveys,
the collection of drops of blood on filter paper now makes it possible to use sero-
logic techniques that are much more sensitive and specific on a large scale. The
complement fixation, indirect hemagglutination, and latex agglutination tests have
no operational advantage over ELISA and are much less specific or sensitive. The
techniques based on observation of arc 5 were abandoned when it was found that the
respective antigen was specific not for Echinococcusbut for many cestodes.
Navarrete et al. (1995) found that ELISA diagnosed 96.6% of hydatidosis patients
but cross-reacted with taeniasis and ascariasis; indirect hemagglutination diagnosed
86% of patients but also gave cross-reactions, and the double diffusion test for arc 5
diagnosed 79% of patients but did not give false positives. Only ELISA gave false
positives. Moreover, the test with selected antigens is not only highly sensitive and
specific but can also distinguish among infections caused by different species of
Echinococcus. ELISA for E. multilocularis,for example, showed a sensitivity of
93% and a specificity of 97%, in contrast to another ELISA for E. granulosusthat
showed a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 99% (Helbig et al., 1993). But there
seem to be wide variations in the sensitivity and specificity of the test among dif-
ferent laboratories. For example, Navarrete et al. (1995) found, in Valdivia, Chile,
that 28 of 29 patients (96.5%) with hydatidosis confirmed by surgery showed posi-

tive reactions to ELISA, and taeniasis and ascariasis patients showed false positives;
but Arienti et al. (1996) reported that ELISA was positive in just 62 of 176 surgery
patients (35.2%) in Córdoba, Argentina, and they found no false positives. The dif-
ferences do not seem to be due to a variation in the methods or composition of the
antigenic extracts used (Coltorti and Cammarieri, 1993). More recent reports com-
pared ELISA with antigen electrotransfer and attributed an 82% specificity to
ELISA and a 94% to 97% specificity to the transfer test (Poretti et al.,1999). More
recently, the polymerase chain reaction has also been used to detect nucleic acids
from the parasite in patients’ bloodstreams (Kern et al., 1995).
Results of all the tests vary according to the location of the cyst and its physio-
logical state. The immunodiagnostic tests seem to be less sensitive for detecting pul-
monary than hepatic hydatidosis. Several investigators are looking for antigens char-
acteristic of fertile or live cysts, since these cysts are the only ones that can cause
secondary hydatidosis. Knowledge of whether a cyst is sterile or dead enables the
doctor to be more conservative in treatment.
Even though there is no reason why the immunological methods for diagnosing
cysts cannot be adapted to domestic animals, there apparently has been no incentive
to do so. The traditional method of diagnosing hydatidosis in these species is post-
mortem examination in slaughterhouses or packing plants.
Intestinal echinococcosis in the definitive hosts is traditionally diagnosed by
administering a strong purgative, generally arecoline hydrobromide, and searching
for the parasite in the feces. The maximum effectiveness of this technique is about
65% if both the feces and the vomit are examined. Besides being slow and tedious,
this method is dangerous because the eggs of Echinococcusare infective when they
are eliminated. There is evidence that intradermic reactions may be positive in
infected dogs (Barriga and Al-Khalidi, 1986), but the discovery, using ELISA, of
circulating antibodies has a sensitivity of just 61% (Gasser et al., 1994). In recent
years, investigators have attempted to find antigens to the parasite in droppings
(coproantigens) by using ELISA with monoclonal antibodies and through poly-
merase chain reactions. The specificity and sensitivity of the former test were 95%
to 99% and 80% to 93%, respectively. The specificity and sensitivity of the latter
were 100% and 94%, respectively (Deplazes and Eckert, 1996).
Control:At present, conventional control measures consist of: 1) educating the
rural population about hydatidosis and its control; 2) centralizing the slaughtering of
animals for food in units with veterinary control; 3) ensuring sanitary conditions for
slaughtering done on ranches and preventing dogs’ access to raw viscera; 4) reduc-
ing the number of dogs on the ranches and treating them for Echinococcuson a reg-
ular basis. A fifth measure has recently been added: looking for human hydatidosis
during primary health care visits. This has made it possible to diagnose many unsus-
pected cases and interest the population in the control campaign. Recently, joint and
coordinated implementation of these health measures, both medical and veterinary,
has resulted in noteworthy improvement in the results of the control campaigns.
One of the first examples of organized control was the campaign on Cyprus,
which was carried out only in the area controlled by the Government of Cyprus; cer-
tain areas of the island remained uncontrolled. The activity was initiated in 1971
with a vigorous attack phase directed essentially at dogs: in two years, two-thirds of
the estimated 45,000 dogs were sacrificed, and the rest were treated 3 or 4 times a

year. The parasite disappeared, and the campaign was suspended in 1985. Studies
carried out in the period 1993–1996 showed that the parasite had returned in 20% of
the communities checked. A consolidation campaign was then initiated, this time
emphasizing both control of the intermediate hosts and treatment of dogs. The cam-
paign carried out in Tasmania, Australia, reduced the rate of infection in dogs from
12.6% in 1965–1966 to 0.09% in 1981–1982, and the rate in sheep from 52.2% in
1966–1967 to 0.7% in 1981–1982. New cases of human hydatidosis fell from 19 in
1966 to 4 in 1982; in practice, the disease was no longer found in young people
(Australia, 1973). In 1991, however, hydatid cysts were found in cattle in the north-
ern part of the state, where the parasitism was thought to have been eradicated. In
Iceland, health education and a highly motivated population were the main factors
in the success of the campaign to eradicate the infection. The main objective of the
program was to develop an understanding of the problem and a sense of responsi-
bility in the people. The campaign that resulted in the eradication of E. granulosus
in New Zealand has been described by Gemmell (1990). Campaigns for control on
islands, such as Cyprus, Iceland, New Zealand, and Tasmania, in Australia, have
shown that the area under control must remain totally closed to the introduction of
new definitive or intermediate hosts; otherwise, the initial phase of attacking the
problem must be followed by a permanent, indefinite consolidation phase
(Economides et al., 1998). Observations in Bulgaria also indicate that, even if com-
plete eradication is achieved, control activities should continue to ensure that the
infection does not recur. The annual incidence of human hydatidosis in Bulgaria in
1950–1962 was 6.5 per 1,000 inhabitants; that provided the impetus for a control
campaign from 1971 to 1982, which decreased the figure to 2 per 100,000.
Administrative and economic problems between 1983 and 1995 necessitated sus-
pension of the control measures, and the incidence returned to the previous levels
(Todorov and Boeva, 1999). In Peru, suspension of the control programs in a hyper-
endemic area was associated with a five-fold increase in the incidence of the human
infection (Moro et al., 1997).
In Latin America and other developing areas where socioeconomic and cultural
conditions differ from those in Iceland, New Zealand, and Tasmania (Australia), the
relative effect of each known control procedure must be evaluated to adapt them to
the environment, or new procedures must be found. Regional programs for the con-
trol of hydatidosis are being carried out in four Latin American countries (Argentina,
Chile, Peru, and Uruguay). Programs have been organized in several Argentine
provinces. For example, in the control program being carried out in Río Negro, in the
southern part of the country, the canine population is subject to diagnostic treatment
or deparasitization, the infection in sheep is being detected and controlled in the
slaughterhouses, classes are being taught in the schools, community health education
is being promoted through the media, and human cases are being sought out,
reported, and treated. Between 1979 and 1992, canine echinococcosis was reduced
from 41.5% to 4.2%, ovine hydatidosis from 61% to 13%, and the human infection
in children age 10 and younger from 64 per 100,000 to 4.5 per 100,000 (Larrieu et
al., 1994). China officially initiated a national program for the control of hydatic dis-
ease between 1992 and 1995, based on education, improvement of sanitation in
slaughtering livestock, and deparasitization of dogs (Chai, 1995).
While the control of hydatidosis does not include the benefit of a system of immu-
nization of the hosts, a vaccine against development of the larva in intermediate

hosts is in the final stages of evaluation (Lightowlers et al., 1996). This vaccine is
highly effective, but marketing problems have created a roadblock to its widespread
With regard to individual human protection, the following are recommended: avoid-
ing close contact with dogs that may carry the eggs of the parasite on their tongues or
coats and avoiding ingestion of raw vegetables and water that may have been contam-
inated with the feces of infected dogs. This is particularly important in the household
gardens of sheep ranches where local dogs roam and sometimes defecate.
Arámbulo, P., III. Public health importance of cystic echinococcosis in Latin America. Acta
Trop67:113–124, 1997.
Arienti, H.M., S.I. Guignard, D.E. Rinaldi, O.C. Elbarcha. Comparación de dos métodos
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ICD-10 B71.0
Etiology:The agents of this disease are the cestodes Hymenolepis nana and
Hymenolepis diminuta. Divergent opinions exist among parasitologists with respect
to the nomenclature of H. nana,which infects man as well as rodents, particularly
mice. Some consider H. nana in mice a subspecies and assign it the name H. nana
var. fraterna,and H. nana var.nanain humans; others maintain that both parasites
are biological strains of a single species, physiologically adapted to particular hosts
but capable of causing cross-infections. Experimental and epidemiological observa-
tions support a noteworthy host specificity in both the human and murine parasite.
Although children have been infected experimentally with the parasite of rodent ori-
gin and rodents have been infected with the parasite of human origin, human infec-
tion always occurs more easily with the human cestode. From the epidemiological
standpoint, most human infections with H. nanacome from other people. In fact,
there does not seem to be strong evidence of transmission of the infection from
rodents to man in nature. Moreover, there is no correlation between the rates of
human and rodent infection in the same region. Over the last decade, the names H.
nanavar. fraternaand H. fraternahave hardly appeared in the literature.

The cycle of H. nana is direct in most human infections, not requiring the inter-
vention of an intermediate host. In these cases, man acts as both definitive and
intermediate host. The adult parasite is small, very narrow, 2.5 to 4 cm long by 1
mm wide, and translucent, so it is difficult to see. The scolex has hooks (is
“armed”), and the body is composed of some 200 proglottids wider than they are
long. The terminal gravid proglottids contain 80 to 180 eggs each. These proglot-
tids disintegrate in the intestine of the host, and the eggs, now infective, are carried
with the feces to the external environment. When another human host ingests the
embryonated eggs, the oncosphere (hexacanth embryo) is released in the upper part
of the small intestine, penetrates the villi, and, in about four days, changes into a
cysticercoid larva. The larva has an invaginated scolex like the cysticercus, but it is
microscopic and solid, not vesicular like the cysticercus. The cysticercoid ruptures
the villus, travels to the lumen of the intestine, and attaches itself to the upper
ileum, where it reaches the adult phase about 30 days after infection. It then begins
to release eggs, reinitiating the cycle. The size of the adult parasites is partly deter-
mined by the number of parasites coexisting in the intestine: the more parasites, the
smaller is each individual. This is attributed to competition for essential nutrients
and is known as the crowding effect. While the adult larva of H. nana lives just a
few weeks, the infection can continue because the cestode is replaced with new
infections or by autoinfection. Endogenous autoinfection is believed to be a com-
mon mode of re-infection for man: some of the cestode’s eggs hatch inside the
intestine, producing cysticercoids which give rise to new adults; the entire cycle
occurs without the larva leaving the host. But the actual occurrence of autoinfec-
tion in man requires study because it does not occur in rodents (see below). When
the eggs eliminated with the feces of a definitive host are eaten by the larvae of
fleas or cereal or flour beetles, the cysticercoid develops in the intestine of those
arthropods. These intermediate hosts continue their development with the cestode
larva, which is infective for the person or rodent that eats it. H. nana in rodents
grows especially well in mice, with more difficulty in rats, and has the same life
cycle described above.
H. diminuta is a cestode of rodents, in particular rats, and, rarely, man. The adult
is found in the small intestine of rats and, more rarely, mice. It has a hookless scolex
(is unarmed) and approximately 1,000 proglottids, wider than they are long, and
measures 20 to 60 mm long and 4 mm wide in the distal portion. The embryonated
eggs are eliminated with rodent fecal matter and must be ingested by an intermedi-
ate host for the oncosphere to develop further. The principal intermediate hosts are
larvae of fleas (Nosopsyllus and Xenopsyllus) and of cereal beetles (Tribolium and
Tenebrio), but different coprophilic arthropods, as well as several species of
coleopterans, lepidopterans, myriapods, and cockroaches can support the larva’s
development. The egg hatches in the intestine of these arthropods, and the oncos-
phere penetrates the coelomic cavity, where it changes into a cysticercoid larva.
When the infected arthropod is ingested by a rodent, the cysticercoid disinvaginates
its scolex, attaches to the mucosa of the small intestine, and develops into an adult
cestode in about three weeks.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The two species of Hymenolepis that
infect man have worldwide distributions. The hymenolepiasis caused by H. nanais
the most prevalent human cestodiasis in the world. In Chile, 49.6% of 2,426 intes-

tinal cestodiases confirmed between 1961 and 1971 were caused by H. nana.
However, its prevalence is highly variable. A random sample of reports obtained
from all over the world in the last decade yielded the following findings: 24% of the
infections in 315 rural children and 18% in 351 urban children examined in
Zimbabwe (Mason and Patterson, 1994), 21% in 110 preschool children in Peru
(Rodríguez and Calderón, 1991), 16% in 1,800 children in Egypt (Khalil et al.,
1991), 8.8% in 147 children in daycare centers in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil
(Guimarães et al., 1995), 8.7% in 381 apparently healthy people in Bolivia (Cancrini
et al., 1988), 8% in 266 rural children in Honduras (Kaminsky, 1991), 2% in 100
children in orphanages in Egypt (Makhlouf et al., 1994), 2% in 146 children in a
hospital in Canada (Kabani et al., 1995), 0.4% in 280 samples from the general pop-
ulation in Nigeria (Agi, 1995), 0.4% in 219 school children in Chile (Navarrete and
Torres, 1994), 0.4% in 216,275 fecal samples sent for parasitological examination
in the US (Kappus et al., 1991), 0.03% in 52,552 patients in a hospital in Seoul,
Republic of Korea (Lee et al., 1994), and 0.008% in more than 3 million fecal sam-
ples taken in Cuba between 1981 and 1995 (Suárez Hernández et al., 1998).
In general, the prevalence is higher in urban than in rural environments, and in
children’s institutions, such as orphanages, daycare centers, boarding schools, and
other schools where children are crowded together and at risk for acquiring the
infection from their companions. The prevalence in rodents can also be high in cer-
tain places: in Santiago, Chile, it was found that 7.8% of 128 samples examined
were infected, and in Bombay, India, that 14.5% were infected. But the correlation
between the rates of murine and human infection has not been proven.
H. diminuta is a common cestode in rats, less common in mice, and infrequent in
man. In the Republic of Korea, the parasite was found in 14 of 43 captured Rattus
norvegicus (33%). Most texts indicate that about 200 cases of hymenolepiasis
caused by H. diminutain man have been reported worldwide. Between 1989 and
1999, six human cases were reported in the literature, one each in India, Italy,
Jamaica, Spain, the US, and Yugoslavia. During that same period, one case was
found in Chile in more than 70,000 fecal examinations, but prevalences of 0.3%
were reported in 1,050 examinations in São Tomé and Príncipe in western Africa,
and 4% in 900 examinations in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The Disease in Man and Animals:Hymenolepiasis occurs mainly in children.
The parasitosis is asymptomatic in some cases, but in others it produces clinical
signs. Of 200 infected children in Egypt, 84% had symptoms; in 62% of these cases,
the patient’s body weight was below the third percentile (Khalil et al., 1991). A
study of 325 infected children in Mexico found that the most important and consis-
tent symptoms in the children infected only by H. nanawere abdominal pain,
decreased appetite, and irritability, but weight loss, meteorism, and flatulence were
also present. The symptoms varied very little with the parasite load. In cases of con-
comitant parasitism with Giardia intestinalis,one of the most common symptoms is
diarrhea (Romero-Cabello et al., 1991). In 250 infected children in Cuba, the major
symptoms were abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anorexia (Suárez Hernández et al.,
1998). Anxiety, restless sleep, and anal or nasal pruritus are frequently attributed to
H. nanainfections; eosinophilia greater than 5% has been observed in about 30% of
the cases. The prepatent period lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.
In human infections,H. diminuta appears to be less pathogenic than H. nana. The

parasitosis does not seem to markedly affect the health of rodents. A large number
of parasites may cause catarrhal enteritis.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The most important risk factors
found in infected children were contamination of the environment with human feces,
lack of drinking water (Kaminsky, 1991), poor environmental hygiene, and the pres-
ence of another infected person in the home (Mason and Patterson, 1994). The reser-
voir of H. nanafor human infection is man himself, and transmission between
humans occurs by the fecal-oral route. The infection is more common in children
because of their deficient hygiene habits, particularly in overcrowded conditions, as
in orphanages, boarding schools, and other schools. Autoinfection is believed to be
common in man, although studies with rodents do not support this opinion (see
Control). The role played by rodents in the epidemiology of the human parasitosis is
not well known, but it is thought that, under natural conditions, they play a very lim-
ited role. While it has been shown experimentally that animal strains can infect man
and vice versa, there is no correlation between the prevalence of human and murine
infections in the same area; also, the higher risks of human infection point to infec-
tion acquired from another person (see above). Nevertheless, rodents may play a role
in fecal contamination of food. Accidental ingestion of arthropods infected with cys-
ticercoids (for example, cereal and flour beetles such as Tenebrio and Tribolium)is a
possible, but probably very rare, mechanism of infection.
H. nana is transmitted among rodents by the fecal-oral route, as it is in man.
Coprophagia contributes significantly to the spread of the parasitosis. Ingestion of
infected arthropods is probably a more important mechanism among rodents than
among human beings.
The natural reservoirs of H. diminutaare rodents, mainly rats. Man is infected
only accidentally by ingesting insects infected with the cysticercoid, particularly
insects that contaminate precooked cereals. Since the parasite’s eggs are infective
only for arthropods, interhuman transmission of the cestode does not occur. This
explains the rarity of human infection. The parasitosis can become established in
laboratory rodent colonies, which may create great difficulties in experimentation.
Diagnosis:Infection is suspected on the basis of the symptomatology and the epi-
demiological circumstances. Specific diagnosis is made by detecting the character-
istic eggs in the feces. A single fecal examination is not conclusive and, in the event
of a negative result, the examination should be repeated up to three times, with sam-
ples taken on alternate days. The eggs of H. nanaare clear, thin-shelled, oval or
round, and 38 µm to 45 µm in diameter; the embryo has small projections, with fil-
aments, on each end. The eggs of H. diminuta are 60 µm to 79 µm in diameter and
have no filaments. The space between the shell and the embryo is empty and resem-
bles the white of a fried egg; the embryo resembles the yolk.
Inasmuch as fecal examination is simple and unequivocally demonstrates the
presence of the parasite, there has been no interest in developing immunological
diagnostic tests. However, immunological diagnoses would be possible because the
study of antigens of H. nanaand other cestodes has shown that the parasite has anti-
gens in common with the other helminths as well as exclusive antigens (Montenegro
et al., 1994). In fact, Castillo et al. (1991) showed that the enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for H. nanaantibodies in the serum has a sensitivity
of 79% and a specificity of 83%. But cross-reactions were quite common: the most

frequent occurred with the sera of cysticercosis (28%) or hydatidosis (35%) patients,
and the antibodies disappeared 90 days after successful treatment of the infection.
ELISAs to detect Taeniaspp. antigens in the feces (coproantigens) did not show
cross-reactivity with the feces of rodents infected with certain species of murine
Hymenolepis,including H. diminuta,but reacted at low dilutions with the feces of
patients with H. nana(Allan et al., 1990).
Control:Since hymenolepiasis caused by H. nanais basically an infection due to
contamination of the environment with human feces, prevention of the infection
consists of avoiding contamination of the environment and, secondarily, avoiding
contact of individuals with eggs from the contaminated environment. Kosoff et al.
(1989) showed, in Costa Rica, that the infection was significantly more prevalent in
poor communities without access to sewer systems than in communities with easy
access to them. Mason and Patterson (1994) studied the epidemiological character-
istics of groups of patients in urban and rural areas of Zimbabwe and found that,
while all indicators suggested that the infection was intrafamiliar in urban patients,
the same phenomenon was not present in rural patients.
One dose of praziquantel probably cures 75% to 80% of infections. This level of
efficacy, along with the fact that the parasite’s eggs survive for just a short time (less
than two weeks) in the external environment, indicates that treatment of infected
persons would have a strong effect on preventing new infections. However, the peri-
odic treatment of school children with effective anthelminthics has decreased the
prevalence of other parasites, but has not definitively reduced the rates of infection
with H. nanaor G. intestinalisin the respective groups. Most H. nanainfections are
probably produced through the anus-hand-hand-mouth cycle, as occurs with
Enterobius vermicularis,so the infective eggs remain in the external environment
for a short time. Under these circumstances, consistent hand washing before eating
can be of great importance. While there is no information on the role of mechanical
vectors in the dissemination of H. nanaeggs, protection of food from flies, cock-
roaches, and other arthropods is a good general hygiene practice. Protection of food
and water for human consumption to prevent access by rodents is probably more
important in the case of H. diminutathan in the case of H. nana.
Although attempts to vaccinate people at risk for H. nana have not been pub-
lished, this seems to be a possibility, since studies in murines have shown that infec-
tion with eggs produces strong, rapid immunity against homologous infections and
less rapid immunity against cysticercoid infection. That immunity prevents autoin-
fection in immunocompetent rodents (Ito, 1997) and raises questions about the
occurrence of autoinfection in man.
Agi, P.I. Pattern of infection of intestinal parasites in Sagbama community of the Niger
Delta, Nigeria. W Afr J Med14:39–42, 1995.
Allan, J.C., G. Ávila, J. García Noval, A. Flisser, P.S. Craig. Immunodiagnosis of taeniasis
by coproantigen detection. Parasitology101 Pt 3:473–477, 1990.
Cancrini, G., A. Bartoloni, L. Núñez, F. Paradisi. Intestinal parasites in the Camiri,
Gutierrez and Boyuibe areas, Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia. Parasitologia30:263–269,

Castillo, R.M., P. Grados, C. Carcamo,et al. Effect of treatment on serum antibody to
Hymenolepis nanadetected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. J Clin Microbiol
29:413–414, 1991.
Ferreti, O., F. Gabriele, C. Palmas. Development of human and mouse strain of
Hymenolepis nanain mice. Int J Parasitol 11:425–430, 1981.
Guimarães, S., M.I. Sogayar. Occurrence of Giardia lambliain children of municipal day-
care centers from Botucatu, São Paulo State, Brazil. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 37:501–506,
Ito, A. Basic and applied immunology in cestode infections: from Hymenolepisto Taenia
and Echinococcus. Int J Parasitol 27:1203–1211, 1997.
Kabani, A., G. Cadrain, C. Trevenen, T. Jadavji, D.L. Church. Practice guidelines for order-
ing stool ova and parasite testing in a pediatric population. The Alberta Children’s Hospital.
Am J Clin Pathol 104:272–278, 1995.
Kaminsky, R.G. Parasitism and diarrhoea in children from two rural communities and mar-
ginal barrio in Honduras. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 85:70–73, 1991.
Kappus, K.K., D.D. Juranek, J.M. Roberts. Results of testing for intestinal parasites by state
diagnostic laboratories, United States, 1987. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep CDC Surveill Summ
40:25–45, 1991.
Khalil, H.M., S. el Shimi, M.A. Sarwat, A.F. Fawzy, A.O. el Sorougy. Recent study of
Hymenolepis nanainfection in Egyptian children. J Egyp Soc Parasitol 21:293–300, 1991.
Kosoff, P., F. Hernandez, V. Pardo, M. Visconti, M. Zimmerman. Urban helminthiasis in
two socioeconomically distinct Costa Rican communities. Rev Biol Trop 37:181–186, 1989.
Lee, S.K., B.M. Shin, N.S. Chung, J.Y. Chai, S.H. Lee. [Second report on intestinal para-
sites among the patients of Seoul Paik Hospital, 1984–1992]. Korean J Parasitol 32:27–33,
Makhlouf, S.A., M.A. Sarwat, D.M. Mahmoud, A.A. Mohamad. Parasitic infection among
children living in two orphanages in Cairo.J Egyp Soc Parasitol 24:137–145, 1994.
Mason, P.R., B.A. Patterson. Epidemiology of Hymenolepis nanainfections in primary
school children in urban and rural communities in Zimbabwe. J Parasitol 80:245–250, 1994.
Montenegro, T., R.H. Gilman, R. Castillo,et al. The diagnostic importance of species spe-
cific and cross-reactive components of Taenia solium, Echinococcus granulosus,and
Hymenolepis nana. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo36:327–334, 1994.
Navarrete, N., P. Torres. Prevalencia de infección por protozoos y helmintos intestinales en
escolares de un sector costero de la provincia de Valdivia, Chile. Bol Chil Parasitol 49:79–80,
Rodríguez, J., J. Calderón. Parasitosis intestinal en pre-escolares de Tarapoto. Rev
Gastroenterol Peru 11:153–160, 1991.
Romero-Cabello, R., L. Godínez-Hana, M. Gutiérrez-Quiroz. Aspectos clínicos de la
himenolepiasis en pediatría. Bol Med Hosp Infant Mex48:101–105, 1991.
Suárez Hernández, M., E. Bonet Couce, M. Díaz González, I. Ocampo Ruiz, I. Vidal
García. Estudio epidemiológico de la infección por Hymenolepis nana en la provincia de
Ciego de Ávila, Cuba. Bol Chil Parasitol53:31–34, 1998.

ICD-10 B71.9 Cestode infection, unspecified
Etiology:The agent of this infection is Inermicapsifer madagascariensis(syn-
onyms:Inermicapsifer cubensis andInermicapsifer arvicanthidis). The cestode is
27 cm to 42 cm long and its maximum width is 2.3 mm; it has 350 proglottids.
Inermicapsifer is distinguished from Raillietina (see the chapter on Raillietiniasis)
by its hookless (unarmed) scolex and sucker. The gravid segments, in which egg
capsules take the place of a uterus, are longer than they are wide (in contrast to the
nongravid segments, which are wider than they are long). Each gravid segment
encloses 150 to 175 capsules 49 µm to 53 µm in diameter, each containing six or
more eggs. Its life cycle is unknown, but by analogy to related parasites of the genus
Raillietina,it is believed that an arthropod acts as intermediate host. Kourí et al.
(1963) discuss this rare parasite in detail.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:I. madagascariensis is a parasite of
rodents (Arvicanthis)in eastern Africa, where it very occasionally affects man.
Outside Africa, it may be exclusively a human parasite. Human cases have been
recorded in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius,
Philippines, Puerto Rico, Thailand, and Venezuela. The highest number of cases
(more than 100 up until 1949) has been recorded in Cuba, mainly in children 1 to 2
years old. Since 1989, two more cases have been reported in a Havana hospital
(González Núñez et al., 1996).
The Disease and Diagnosis:The parasitosis is generally unaccompanied by clin-
ical symptoms. Specific diagnosis is based on microscopic examination of the
proglottids. To differentiate Inermicapsifer from Raillietina,the scolex of the ces-
tode, which may be expelled spontaneously or following treatment, must be exam-
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The intermediate host is not
known, but, by extension of what occurs in related genera, is probably an arthropod.
The larval stage would develop in an arthropod that ingests cestode eggs deposited
with the fecal matter of the definitive host (rodent or man). The cycle would be com-
pleted when the definitive host ingests an intermediate host infected with the larva.
In Africa, the transmission cycle would be rodent-arthropod-rodent, and, rarely,
rodent-arthropod-man. Outside the African continent, transmission would occur
from human to arthropod to human.
Control:Since the life cycle of the parasite and consequently the mode of trans-
mission are unknown, the only preventive measures that can be recommended con-
sist of rodent control and personal and environmental hygiene.
Belding, D.L. Textbook of Clinical Parasitology,3rd ed. New York: Appleton-Century-
Crofts; 1965.
Faust, E.C., P.F. Russell, R.C. Jung. Craig and Faust’s Clinical Parasitology,8th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1970.

González Núñez, I., M. Díaz Jidy, F. Núñez Fernández. Infección por Inermicapsifer
madagascariensis(Davaine, 1870); Baer, 1956. Presentación de 2 casos. Rev Cubana Med
Trop48:224–226, 1996.
Kourí, P., J.G. Basnuevo, F. Sotolongo. Manual de parasitología. Tomo I:Helmintología
humana.Havana; 1963.
ICD-10 B71.9 Cestode infection, unspecified
Etiology:The agents of mesocestoidiasis are the cestodes Mesocestoides lineatus
andMesocestoides variabilis.Their life cycle is not well known. The adult parasites
measure 40 cm or longer and not more than 2 mm wide, with proglottids shaped like
melon seeds, similar to those of Dipylidium caninum,but with each one having a
single set of reproductive organs. The nomenclature of the genus is uncertain
because there is a great deal of variation and the morphological characteristics are
not well established. The definitive hosts are foxes, dogs, cats, and different species
of wild carnivores. The first intermediate host may be a coprophagous arthropod that
ingests the eggs of the gravid proglottids eliminated by the definitive host. Oribatid
arthropods have been experimentally infected and have developed cysticercoids.
The second intermediate hosts harbor a larval form known as tetrathyridium in the
peritoneal or pleural cavities, liver, or lungs. The tetrathyridium is similar to a ple-
rocercoid, thin with variable length, but the scolex has four acetabula or invaginated
suckers on the thicker end, instead of the plerocercoid’s two bothria (grooved suck-
ers). Moreover, the tetrathyridium can multiply asexually in the host by dividing
lengthwise. The intermediate hosts are mainly rodents, but also dogs, cats, birds,
amphibians, and reptiles. Some mammals, such as cats and dogs, can harbor both
the adult cestode and the tetrathyridium. When a definitive host ingests the meat of
an animal infected with the larval form, the larval form develops into an adult ces-
tode in the host’s intestine in two to four weeks.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:M. variabilisoccurs in Central and
North America; M. lineatusis found in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Mesocestoidiasis is
rare in man: about 20 cases have been described, including 7 in Japan, 2 in the US, 2
in Rwanda and Burundi, 1 in Greenland, and 1 in the Republic of Korea. Just two
human cases have been reported since 1989: one in the Republic of Korea (Eom et
al., 1992) and the other in the US (Schultz et al., 1992). The limited space devoted to
it by textbooks on veterinary medicine notwithstanding, infection caused by adult
Mesocestoidesin carnivores, especially red foxes, seems to be common. In Malawi,
Mesocestoides spp. was found in 34% of 120 native dogs at autopsy (Fitzsimmons,
1967). Between 1997 and 1999,Mesocestoidessp. was found in the intestines of 73%
of 342 red foxes in Greece, 54% of 1,300 in Germany, 24% of 68 in the Netherlands,
and 23% of 201 in Spain. In eight localities in Alaska, US, infection rates of 0% to

58% were found in 254 arctic foxes; in Spain, 37% of 8 lynxes were found to be
infected at autopsy, as were 14% of 58 autopsied stray cats. In endemic areas, peri-
toneal infection caused by tetrathyridia is common in domestic animals (Crosbie et
al., 1998) as well as snakes and frogs. Massive infection can cause illness.
The Disease and Diagnosis:In man, the main symptoms are digestive distur-
bances, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and a massive discharge of small proglottids, a
constant reminder to the patient that he has a foreign living being inside him (Eom
et al., 1992). The adult parasite does not produce symptoms in dogs and cats.
Diagnosis is based on microscopic examination of the gravid proglottids. These seg-
ments are barrel-shaped, like those of Dipylidium caninum,but with a single set of
reproductive organs, and they contain eggs with a double membrane grouped in a
central, thick-walled parauterine organ. A large number of larval forms in the serous
cavities can cause peritonitis and edema in cats and dogs. The clinical symptoms of
the peritoneal infections in 11 dogs were recently published (Crosbie et al., 1998).
The animals had distended abdomens and dysuria; while lesions were not found
with radiography, ultrasonography did show abnormal structures; microscopic
examination of the abdominal fluid showed structures compatible with the
tetrathyridium, and polymerase chain reaction confirmed the diagnosis.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Dogs, cats, and wild carnivores
contract the parasitosis by eating birds, amphibians, reptiles, and small mammals
infected with the tetrathyridium. Man is occasionally infected by the same mecha-
nism when he eats the meat of insufficiently cooked intermediate hosts. In Japan,
several cases were caused by eating the raw livers of snakes, to which popular belief
attributes curative powers. The human case that occurred in Africa was probably due
to ingestion of raw partridge meat. In the same locality, tetrathyridium infection was
found in chickens, guinea fowl, and partridge; the case that occurred in the Republic
of Korea was probably due to the ingestion of chicken viscera.
Control:Human infection is so infrequent that large-scale control measures are
not a consideration. Individual control of human infection in endemic areas consists
of not eating the raw or insufficiently cooked meat of wild animals. Tetrathyridium
infections should be eradicated as quickly as possible to prevent multiplication in
the tissues.
Crosbie, P.R., W.M. Boyce, E.G. Platzer, S.A. Nadler, C. Kerner. Diagnostic procedures and
treatment of eleven dogs with peritoneal infections caused by Mesocestoidesspp. J Am Vet
Med Assoc213:1578–1583, 1998.
Eom, K.S., S.H. Kim, H.J. Rim. Second case of human infection with Mesocestoides lin-
eatusin Korea. Kisaengchunghak Chapchi30:147–150, 1992.
Fitzsimmons, W.P. A survey of the parasites of native dogs in Southern Malawi with
remarks on their medical and veterinary importance. J Helminthol41:15–18, 1967.
Schultz, L.V., R.R. Roberto, G.W. Rutherford III, B. Hummert, I. Lubell. Mesocestoides
(Cestoda) infection in a California child. Pediatr Infect Dis J11:332–334, 1992.

ICD-10 B71.9 Cestode infection, unspecified
Etiology:Raillietina celebensis and Raillietina demerariensis are the main
species described as agents of the disease in man. The other species of the genus
Raillietina found in man, such as R. asiatica,R. formosana,R. garrisoni,R. mada-
gascariensis,andR. siriraji,are thought to be identical to one of these two. The nat-
ural definitive hosts of R. celebensis are rodents, especially rats. It measures up to
40 cm in length by 2.5 mm wide, at a maximum, and has more than 500 proglottids.
The suckers are not spinose, which is uncommon in this genus. The gravid proglot-
tids contain 300 to 400 egg capsules with up to 4 eggs each. R. demerariensis has
been found in both rodents and howling monkeys. The original specimen described
in the first human case (1895, in Guyana) measured 23 cm and had 320 proglottids.
The specimens mentioned most often in the literature are those recovered in 1925 in
Ecuador: they measured up to 12 m and had up to 5,000 proglottids. The gravid
proglottids are shaped like grains of rice; they contain 75 to 250 egg capsules with
7 to 9, and sometimes up to 12, eggs each. The length of this parasite is unusual for
the genus Raillietina. The biological cycle of the species that affect man is not
known, but the intermediate host is assumed to be an arthropod, probably an ant or
beetle, as it is for other species of the genus. About 225 species of Raillietina para-
sitize birds and mammals. The intermediate hosts of the species for which the life
cycle is known are beetles, flies, and ants. When these insects ingest the Raillietina
eggs, they develop into cysticercoids in their tissues and generate new adult worms
when a suitable definitive host eats the insect.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:R. celebensishas been recovered
from children in southeastern Africa, Australia, Iran, Japan, Mauritius, the
Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, and the Turkestan region of Asia. Some 20 human
cases have been reported in the Philippines, and 11 in Thailand. The infection is
common in rodents: 54% of Rattus norvegicusand 9% of Rattus rattusin Taiwan
were found to be infected, as were 5% of R. rattus and 7% of Bandicota bengalen-
sisin Bombay, India. The situation does not seem to have changed in recent years;
37% of rats in Thailand were infected in 1997.
R. demerariensis is a neotropical species that has been found in human infections
in Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, and Honduras. Raillietina quitensis,Raillietina equato-
riensis,Raillietina leoni,and Raillietina luisaleoni are considered to be synony-
mous with this species. The largest endemic focus is found in the parish of
Tumbaco, near Quito, Ecuador, where the infection rate in school-age children var-
ied from 4% to 12.5% during the period 1933 to 1961. The parasitosis was diag-
nosed in 0.14% of 8,148 children in the Children’s Homes in Quito and in 0.08%
of the patients in another hospital in the same city. Outside of Ecuador, human
infection is very rare.
The Disease in Man:The infection occurs primarily in children. In Ecuador, the
symptomatology attributed to this parasitosis consists of digestive upsets (nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea, colic), nervous disorders (headaches, personality changes, con-
vulsions), circulatory problems (tachycardia, arrhythmia, lipothymia), and general
disorders (weight loss and retarded growth). Observations in the Philippines indi-

cated that the human infection is usually asymptomatic and the parasite is expelled
spontaneously by the infected individual.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Rodents are the reservoirs of
the infection. By analogy with infections caused by Raillietina in other animal
species, it is thought that man becomes infected by accidentally ingesting food con-
taminated with an arthropod infected with cysticercoids.
Diagnosis:Proglottids can be observed in the fecal matter; they resemble grains
of rice and are frequently mistaken for such. The gravid proglottids of R. celebensis
have 300 to 400 egg capsules, each containing 1 to 4 oval eggs measuring 99 µm by
46 µm in diameter. The gravid proglottids of R. demerariensishave 75 to 250 egg
capsules, each with 7 to 12 subspherical eggs measuring 25 µm to 40 µm in diame-
ter. Free capsules can be found in the feces as a result of disintegration of the
proglottid. The proglottids of Raillietina are similar to those of Inermicapsifer.The
two genera are easily differentiated on the basis of the scolex: the scolex of
Raillietina has hooks, while the scolex of Inermicapsiferis unarmed.
Control:The human infection is so infrequent that large-scale control actions are
not warranted. However, it has been shown that burning and annual treatment of
fields where the cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) lives can significantly reduce the
prevalence and intensity of infection with Raillietinasp. in rodents. Individual con-
trol measures should include hygienic handling of food, in particular, to prevent its
contamination by infected insects.
Belding, D.L. Textbook of Parasitology,3rd ed. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts; 1965.
Boggs, J.F., S.T. McMurry, D.M. Leslie, Jr., D.M. Engle, R.L. Lochmiller. Influence of
habitat modification on the community of gastrointestinal helminths of cotton rats. J Wildl Dis
27:584–593, 1991.
Faust, E.C., P.R. Russell. Craig and Faust’s Clinical Parasitology,7th ed. Philadelphia: Lea
& Febiger; 1964.
Jueco, N.L. Raillietina infection. In:Jacobs, L., P. Arámbulo III, eds. Section C, Vol. 1:
CRC Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
León, L.A. Un foco endémico de raillietiniasis observado a través de treinta años. Rev
Medicina (México) 44:342–348, 1964.
Namue, C., C. Wongsawad. A survey of helminth infection in rats (Rattusspp.) from
Chiang Mai Moat. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 28 Suppl(1):179–183, 1997.
Niphadkar, S.M., S.R. Rao. On the occurrence of Raillietina (R) celebensis (Jericki, 1902)
in rats of Bombay with special reference to its zoonotic importance. Ind Vet J 46:816–818,

ICD-10 B70.1
Synonyms:Larval diphyllobothriasis, spirometrosis, plerocercoid infection.
Etiology:The agent of this zoonosis is the second larval stage (plerocercoid or
sparganum) of the pseudophyllidean cestode of the genus Spirometra
(Diphyllobothrium,Lueheela). Several species of medical interest have been described:
Spirometra mansoni,Spirometra mansonoides,Spirometra erinaceieuropaei,and
Spirometra proliferum.But, because taxonomic recognition of plerocercoids in man
is extraordinarily difficult (Rego and Schaffer, 1992), there is uncertainty as to
whether these names actually correspond to different species. There has been a ten-
dency recently to identify the parasites occurring in the Far East as S. mansoni,those
of the Americas as S. mansonoides,and those of Australia as S. erinaceieuropaei.
Studies of nucleic acids have made it possible to differentiate S. erinaceifrom S.
mansonoides(Lee et al., 1997). S. proliferumis a rare form of branched plerocer-
coid whose definitive host is unknown; it produces lateral buds and multiplies in the
host’s tissues. Serologically, it seems to be related to S. erinacei(Nakamura et al.,
1990). Noya et al. (1992) have studied its structure.
The definitive hosts of sparganum are domestic and wild canids and felids. The
development cycle requires two intermediate hosts: the first is a copepod (planktonic
crustacean) of the genus Cyclops,which ingests coracidia (free, ciliated embryos)
that develop from Spirometra eggs when they reach the water with the feces of the
definitive host. In the tissues of the copepod, the coracidium turns into the first larva,
or procercoid. When a second intermediate host ingests an infected crustacean, the
procercoid develops into a second larval form, the plerocercoid or sparganum.
According to some researchers, the natural second intermediate hosts would be
amphibians, although they may also be other vertebrates, including reptiles, birds,
small mammals (rodents and insectivores), swine, nonhuman primates, and man.
Fish are not satisfactory hosts for plerocercoids. Numerous species of vertebrates
become infected with plerocercoids by feeding on amphibians, but they may also
develop plerocercoids after ingesting water with copepods infected by procercoids.
Several animal species that are not generally definitive hosts function as paratenic
or transport hosts, since the larvae they acquire by feeding on animals infected with
plerocercoids encyst again, after passing through the intestinal wall and migrating to
other tissues, waiting for a definitive host. This transfer process is undoubtedly
important in the life cycle, but the fact that many species that act as secondary hosts
can be infected directly by ingestion of copepods containing procercoids is proba-
bly no less important. When the sparganum reaches the intestine of the definitive
host, it attaches to the mucosa; in 10 to 30 days, it matures into an adult cestode and
begins to produce eggs.
The adult parasite reaches about 25 cm in length in the intestine of the definitive
hosts: cats, dogs, and wild carnivores. The sparganum varies from 4 to 10 cm long
in tissues of the secondary intermediate hosts and the paratenic hosts, including
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Worldwide. Human cases have been
described in Argentina, Australia, Belize, Brazil, China, Colombia, Ecuador,

Guyana, India, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Puerto Rico, the Republic of
Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the US, Venezuela, and Viet Nam. But human infection
is rare: probably fewer than 500 cases have been reported, mostly in Southeast Asia,
China, and the Republic of Korea. Up to 1996, 62 cases had been reported in the US
(Griffin et al., 1996). Approximately 30 cases have been diagnosed in Africa.
Infections caused by the adult cestode and by plerocercoid larvae are frequent in
some areas. Some time ago, surveys in Japan indicated that 95% of the cats and 20%
of the dogs were infected with Spirometrain some areas; a recent study of 916 dogs
over eight years showed that just 0.7% were infected. In Australia, it was found that
15% of the cats were infected. In Maracay, Venezuela, about 3% of the cats were
found to be infected, and in other Latin American countries, the adult parasite has
been recognized in domestic animals and several wild species, such as foxes, felids,
and marsupials.
Sparganosis (infection by the plerocercoid) can be found in a great variety of ani-
mal species. In some localities of Florida (US), infection with plerocercoids was
found in 50% to 90% of the water snakes. On the outskirts of Brisbane, Australia,
25% of the frogs (Hyla coeruela) were found to be infected. In that country, during
the period 1971–1972, 100% of the wild pigs captured and fattened for human con-
sumption in a slaughterhouse in New South Wales were confiscated because they
contained spargana. Moreover, the infection has been found in crocodile meat for
human consumption. A high prevalence of sparganosis has also been found in
Yugoslavia. Spargana were found in 49% of 37 Leptodactylus ocellatus frogs and in
five of six Philodryas patagoniensesnakes in Uruguay. In Asian countries where
parasitological studies were conducted, high rates of infection were found in frogs
and snakes.
The Disease in Man:The incubation period, determined in a study of 10 patients
who ate raw frog meat, lasts from 20 days to 14 months (Bi et al.,1983). The local-
izations of the sparganum in man include the brain, spinal cord, subcutaneous tis-
sue, breast, scrotum, urinary bladder, abdominal cavity, eye, and intestinal wall. The
most common localization seems to be the subcutaneous connective tissue and
superficial muscles, where the initial lesion is nodular, develops slowly, and can be
found on any part of the body. The main symptom is pruritus and, sometimes,
urticaria. The lesion is painful when there is inflammation. The patient may feel dis-
comfort when the larva migrates from one location to another. In a recent clinical
study of 22 cases of sparganosis in the province of Hunan, China, half the patients
suffered from migratory subcutaneous nodules, which disappeared and reappeared
as the sparganum migrated (Bi et al.,1983). The subcutaneous lesion resembles a
lipoma, fibroma, or sebaceous cyst (Tsou and Huang, 1993). Ocular sparganosis
occurs mainly in Thailand, Viet Nam, and parts of China. Its main symptoms con-
sist of a painful edema of the eyelids, with lacrimation and pruritus. A nodule meas-
uring 1 to 3 cm forms after three to five months, usually on the upper eyelid.
Migration of the sparganum to internal organs can give rise to the visceral form
of the disease. The preferred localizations are the intestinal wall, perirenal fat, and
the mesentery; vital organs are rarely affected. When the plerocercoid invades the
lymphatic system, it produces a clinical picture similar to that of elephantiasis.
Eosinophils are abundant in the areas near the parasite; examination of blood sam-
ples reveals mild leukocytosis and increased eosinophilia.

An infrequent but serious form is proliferative sparganosis caused by S. pro-
liferum. The sparganum of S. proliferum is pleomorphic, with irregular branches and
proliferative buds that detach from the larva and migrate to different tissues in the
host, where they repeat the process and invade other organs. The life cycle of S. pro-
liferum is not known. Nine confirmed and three suspected cases of this clinical form
have been described: seven in Japan (Nakamura et al., 1990), one in the US, and one
in Venezuela; in the three suspected cases the larvae were too undifferentiated for
positive identification.
The cerebral form is reported with some degree of frequency in the Republic of
Korea. It is especially prevalent in inhabitants of rural areas who have eaten frogs or
snakes, it is chronic, and the most common symptoms are convulsions, hemiparesis,
and headache (Chang et al.,1992; Kim et al., 1996).
The Disease in Animals:The adult cestode, which lodges in the intestine of the
definitive host, generally does not affect the health of the animal. In cats, however,
it may produce weight loss, irritability, and emaciation, together with an abnormal
or exaggerated appetite. Infection by the larvae or spargana can be clinically appar-
ent when their number is large and especially when they invade vital organs. In the
intermediate host, the disease is almost always asymptomatic if the number of par-
asites is relatively small. It has often been noted that rats infected with spargana
become extremely fat. This is because the plerocercoid produces a growth factor
that, while not equivalent to the mammalian growth hormone, combines with that
hormone’s receptors and imitates its effect (Phares, 1996).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Sparganosis is maintained in
nature primarily by contamination of natural or artificial bodies of water (lagoons,
marshes, lakes, and so forth) with feces from felids and canids infected with
Spirometra spp. Contamination of water with eggs of Spirometra spp. leads to the
infection of copepods and of the second intermediate hosts that ingest these crus-
taceans. An important means of infection is transfer of the second larva (sparganum,
plerocercoid) from one secondary host to another, which increases the number of
animal species and individuals infected. The infection is acquired through the inges-
tion of infected meat; various mammal and bird species become infected by feeding
on parasitized frogs or snakes. The high rate of infection in wild pigs in Australia
may be due to this mechanism, although it may also stem from ingesting copepods
in the drinking water from lagoons. In any case, contamination of the water is
assured by wild canids that share the habitat.
The infection rate in man is low compared to the rate in other animals. Man
acquires sparganosis mainly by ingesting larvae contained in the raw or under-
cooked meat of animals infected with spargana, such as amphibians, reptiles, birds,
and wild mammals. Another mode of infection, also by larval transfer, is by contact.
In Thailand and Viet Nam, frogs are popularly believed to have an antiphlogistic
effect, and they are applied as poultices. This custom is responsible for ocular
sparganosis. It is also probable that man can acquire sparganosis via drinking water,
by ingesting copepods infected with procercoids (first larvae).
Man is an accidental host and does not play a role in the life cycle of the parasite.
However, under certain ecologic conditions, such as those in some regions of cen-
tral Africa, it is suspected that man may act as an intermediate host in the epidemi-
ological chain. In those regions, hyenas are the definitive hosts of Spirometra and

man is apparently the only host infected with spargana. In these circumstances, the
infection cycle is maintained as a result of a tribal custom of letting hyenas devour
human corpses.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is confirmed through the symptoms of the infection and the
epidemiological history of the patient. Although magnetic resonance imaging is bet-
ter than computerized tomography for the clinical study of sparganosis, neither of
these techniques is diagnostic (Chang and Han, 1998). Nishiyama et al. (1994)
showed that enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) serologic studies have
high sensitivity and specificity for sparganosis mansoniin humans; however, spe-
cific diagnosis can be made only by removing the lesion and confirming the pres-
ence of the plerocercoid. Sparganum looks like a bright white ribbon with the undu-
lating movement typical of a pseudosegmented cestode and with an invagination at
the oral end. Attempts have been made to identify the species of Spirometra by
infecting dogs and cats via the digestive route, but most of those attempts have not
produced adult parasites. Diagnosis in definitive hosts infected with adult cestodes
can be made by coprologic examination or autopsy.
Control:Human sparganosis can be prevented by: 1) avoiding ingestion of water
contaminated with copepods that may be infected, unless it is first boiled or filtered;
2) making sure that meat that may contain spargana is sufficiently cooked; and 3)
avoiding compresses, poultices, or dressings prepared with the meat of frogs,
snakes, or other poikilotherms that may be infected.
Bi, W.T.,et al. [A report of 22 cases of Sparganosis mansoni in Hunan Province]. Chin J
Pediatr 21:355, 1983.
Chang, K.H., M.H. Han. MRI of CNS parasitic diseases. J Magn Reson Imaging
8:297–307, 1998.
Chang, K.H., J.G. Chi, S.Y. Cho, M.H. Han, D.H. Han, M.C. Han. Cerebral sparganosis:
Analysis of 34 cases with emphasis on CT features. Neuroradiology34:1–8, 1992.
Griffin, M.P., K.J. Tompkins, M.T. Ryan. Cutaneous sparganosis. Am J Dermatopathol
18:70–72, 1996.
Kim, D.G., S.H. Paek, K.H. Chang,et al. Cerebral sparganosis: Clinical manifestations,
treatment, and outcome. J Neurosurg 85:1066–1071, 1996.
Lee, S.U., S. Huh, C.K. Phares. Genetic comparison between Spirometra erinaceiand S.
mansonoidesusing PCR-RFLP analysis. Korean J Parasitol 35:277–282, 1997.
Mueller, J.F., O.M. Froes, T. Fernández. On the occurrence of Spirometra mansonoides in
South America. J Parasitol 61:774–775, 1975.
Nakamura, T., M. Hara, M. Matsuoka, M. Kawabata, M. Tsuji. Human proliferative
sparganosis. A new Japanese case. Am J Clin Pathol 94:224–228, 1990.
Nishiyama, T., T. Ide, S. R. Himes, Jr., S. Ishizaka, T. Araki. Immunodiagnosis of human
sparganosis mansoniby micro-chemiluminescence enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 88:663–665, 1994.
Noya, O., B. Alarcón de Noya, H. Arrechedera, J. Torres, C. Arguello. Sparganum pro-
liferum:An overview of its structure and ultrastructure. Int J Parasitol 22:631–640, 1992.
Phares, K. An unusual host-parasite relationship: The growth hormone-like factor from ple-
rocercoids of spirometrid tapeworms. Int J Parasitol 26:575–588, 1996.
Rego, A.A., G.V. Schaffer. Esparganose em alguns vertebrados do Brasil. Dificuldades na

identificação das espécies de Luheella(Spirometra). Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz87(Suppl
1):213–216, 1992.
Tsou, M.H., T.W. Huang. Pathology of subcutaneous sparganosis: Report of two cases. J
Formos Med Assoc 92:649–653, 1993.
ICD-10 B68.0 Taenia soliumtaeniasis;
B68.1 Taenia saginatataeniasis
Etiology:The cestodes Taenia solium,T. saginata,andT. asiatica. T. soliumand
T. saginatahave been known as human parasites for more than 300 years (Shulman,
1982). T. asiatica,a species closely resembling T. saginata,was described as a new
species in 1993 (Eom and Rim, 1993), although most authors consider T. asiaticato
be a subspecies of T. saginatarather than a new species, and call it T. saginata asi-
atica. This section will use the specific name only to differentiate it from T. saginata
The definitive host of these taeniae is man, in whose small intestine the adult stage
lodges. The natural intermediate hosts of T. solium are the domestic pig and the wild
boar, although dogs, cats, sheep, deer, camels, monkeys, and individuals infected
with the larva or cysticercus have occasionally been found (human cysticercus infec-
tion is presented in the chapter on Cysticercosis). The natural intermediate hosts of
T. saginataare bovines of the family Bovidae and some members of the family
Cervidae. The natural intermediate hosts of T. asiatica are domestic and wild swine
(Fan et al., 1990a; Fan et al., 1990b).
T. solium,or swine taenia, measures 2 to 4 m in length and is made up of 800 to
1,000 proglottids or segments. The gravid proglottids detach from the strobila in
groups of 5 or 6, are somewhat motile, are expelled with the feces, and contain from
30,000 to 50,000 eggs. Pigs, because of their coprophagic habits, may ingest a large
number of eggs, both those contained in the proglottids and those existing free in
fecal matter. The embryos (oncospheres) are released from the egg in the pig’s intes-
tine, penetrate the intestinal wall, and within 24 to 72 hours, spread via the circula-
tory system to different tissues and organs of the body. Complete development of the
larva or cysticercus (which was called Cysticercus cellulosae when it was thought
to be a parasite different from the adult taenia) takes place in 9 to 10 weeks. It is
8–15 by 5 by 10 mm in size, and resembles a fluid-filled bladder; it holds the invagi-
nated scolex equipped with the suckers and hooks of the adult taenia. When a human
consumes raw or undercooked pork that contains cysticerci, the larva is released
from the surrounding tissue, the scolex is disinvaginated and attaches to the wall of
the small intestine, usually in the jejunum, and begins to develop strobila. The first
proglottids are expelled in the feces 62 to 72 days after infection. T. solium can sur-
vive in the human intestine for a long time; cases have been observed in which the

cestode persisted for 25 years. Some authors have observed differences in the size
of the hooks on the scolices of cysticerci found in humans, swine, cats, dogs, and
baboons, and proposed the existence of different strains or subspecies. A multilob-
ular cysticercus without a scolex has frequently been observed in human cysticer-
cosis in Mexico; it has been designated Cysticercus racemosus. Most investigators
are inclined to believe that it is a degenerative state of T. solium (see the chapter on
Cysticercosis). The significance of T. soliumfor public health is that humans can
become infected with the eggs of the taenia and develop cysticerci in their tissues.
T. saginata,or bovine taenia, is longer than T. solium; it is composed of 1,000 to
2,000 proglottids and is 4 to 10 m long. The gravid proglottids, which can contain
more than 100,000 eggs, detach from the strobila one by one; they are motile and
often exit actively through the anus. The eggs are either expelled from the proglot-
tid or released when it disintegrates, contaminating the environment. Inside bovines,
the viable eggs ingested by grazing cattle develop into cysticerci (still called
Cysticercus bovis) in a manner similar to the eggs of T. solium in swine.
Development takes 60 to 75 days. Cysticerci begin to degenerate in a few weeks, and
after nine months, many of them are dead and calcified. Humans are infected by
ingesting undercooked beef containing viable cysticerci. The adult taenia develops
in the intestine in 10 to 12 weeks. Human cysticercosis caused by ingestion of T.
saginata eggs either does not occur or is extremely rare (see the chapter on
Cysticercosis). T. saginata eggs can survive several weeks or months in wastewater,
bodies of water, or on grass, in moderate climatic conditions.
Geographic Distribution:T. soliumand T. saginataare distributed worldwide. T.
solium is much more common in developing countries, particularly in Latin
America, eastern Europe, northern China, India, and eastern Africa. T. saginata is
more universally distributed, particularly in eastern and western Africa (where both
taenia coexist), North and South America, and Europe. T. saginatais approximately
10 times more prevalent than T. solium. T. asiatica,originally discovered in Taiwan,
has since been identified in Ethiopia, Indonesia, Madagascar, the Republic of Korea,
and Thailand (Fan et al., 1990a; Fan et al., 1990b).
Occurrence in Man:It was estimated in 1947 that nearly 39 million people in
the world were infected by T. saginata and 2.5 million by T. solium. A 1973 esti-
mate attributed 45 million cases to T. saginataand 3 million to T. solium(Strickland,
1991). Although the local prevalences of T. asiaticaare known, there are no world-
wide figures. Taeniases are not notifiable diseases, and the available information is
based on isolated studies of specific sectors of the population, such as schoolchild-
ren, recruits, and others. Also, since many studies of prevalence are based on the
finding of eggs in feces, and the eggs of T. solium,T. saginata,and T. asiaticacan-
not be distinguished by conventional methods, the best-known prevalences do not
establish differences among the species. A local report in Poland analyzed 736 cases
of cestodiasis diagnosed in 1997: 634 were caused by T. saginata,6 by T. solium,
and 63 by Taeniasp. On a college campus in Chile, the 11 cases of taeniasis diag-
nosed at the species level between 1985 and 1994 were caused by T. saginata. In
contrast, in Bali, Indonesia, one of every three cases of taeniasis was caused by T.
soliumand two were due to T. saginata(Sutisna et al., 1999). T. soliumparasites
were identified in 98% of 56 cases of taeniasis in Guatemala (Allan et al., 1996).
The relative frequency of these species is strongly influenced by local customs. For

example,T. solium is absent from Moslem and Jewish population groups that adhere
to religious precepts prohibiting the consumption of pork.
In 216,275 fecal samples sent to state diagnostic laboratories in the US in 1987,
0.1% were found to contain Taeniasp. eggs (Kappus et al., 1991). Based on these
findings, any prevalence exceeding 1% in the general population should probably be
considered very high. Hinz (1991) estimated that there were 900,000 infections in
Germany, for a prevalence of 1.5%. Recent reports on high prevalence indicated a
12.4% infection rate in 1,008 people in a hamlet in Laos (Giboda et al., 1991);
10.4% in 300 children in Sudan (Karrar and Rahim, 1995); 8.1% in the residents of
19 Ethiopian communities (Birrie et al., 1994); and 2.9% in 171 adults in the gen-
eral population of Thailand (Supanaranond et al., 1990). The countries that histori-
cally have the highest prevalences of T. saginata(10% of the population) are
Ethiopia, Kenya, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The endemic areas are
the Caucasus region, the former Soviet republics in south and central Asia, and cer-
tain countries on the Mediterranean, such as Lebanon, Syria, and the former
Yugoslavia. Up to 65% of the children were found to be infected in parts of the for-
mer Yugoslavia. South America, southwestern Asia, Europe, and Japan have moder-
ate prevalences, while Australia, Canada, the US, and some countries in the western
Pacific have low prevalences.
Infection by T. solium is endemic in southern Africa (especially among the
Bantu), Latin America, and the non-Islamic countries of Southeast Asia. Little infor-
mation is available on the prevalence of taeniasis in the Americas. Some studies
recorded the following rates of infection by T. saginata:0.6% in Argentina, 1%–2%
in Brazil, 1.6% in Chile, 0.1% in Cuba, and 1.7% in Guatemala.
The prevalence of T. asiaticaseems to be very high in the endemic areas. Fan
(1997) reported a prevalence of 11% in the mountainous zones of Taiwan, 6% on
Cheju Island in the Republic of Korea, and 21% on Samosir Island in Indonesia. But
the natives of these areas engage in food and hygiene practices that greatly encour-
age the spread of parasites between man and swine (Depary and Kossman, 1991).
Occurrence in Animals:Animals are resistant to infection with the adult para-
sites. Animal cysticercosis is discussed in the chapter on Cysticercosis.
The Disease in Man:Taeniasis by T. saginata is often subclinical and is only
revealed by fecal examination or when the infected person consults a physician after
feeling the crawling movement of the proglottids in the anal region. In clinical cases,
the most common symptomatology consists of abdominal pain, nausea, debility,
weight loss, flatulence, and diarrhea or constipation. While a patient may have one
or several of these symptoms, experience in Chile showed that only about a third of
patients have any of these symptoms before becoming aware of the infection. The
gravid proglottids of T. saginata sometimes travel to different organs (appendix,
uterus, bile ducts, nasopharyngeal passages), causing disorders related to the site in
which they settle. In rare cases, there may be intestinal obstruction and even perfo-
ration of the colon (Demiriz et al., 1995). A high percentage of patients experience
a decrease in gastric secretion. Individual reactions to the infection differ and may
be influenced by psychogenic factors, since patients often notice symptoms only
after they see the proglottids (Pawlowski, 1983).
Taeniasis caused by T. solium is more rarely clinically apparent than that caused
by T. saginataand is usually benign and mild, possibly because its proglottids are

less active and, therefore, less noticeable to the patient. In addition, complications
such as appendicitis and cholangitis have not been recorded.
In a survey of 1,661 patients with T. asiaticain Taiwan, Fan et al. (1992) found
that 78% had signs or symptoms. The most common signs were movement of
proglottids (95% of patients), going on for years in some of them; anal pruritus in
77%; nausea in 46%; abdominal pain in 45%; dizziness in 42%; increased appetite
in 42%; and headache in 26%.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:In contrast to their role in other
zoonotic infections, humans constitute an essential link in the epidemiology of tae-
niasis. Humans are the exclusive definitive host of the three species of Taenia;their
feces contaminate cow pastures and areas where home-bred swine may eat. Taeniae
can live for many years in the human small intestine, and can eliminate hundreds of
thousands of eggs in a single day in the gravid proglottids. Consequently, the con-
tamination can be extensive and intense. Sometimes, just one human carrier of T.
saginata defecating in the grain silos or water reservoirs can infect several hundred
cattle in a feedlot. Epizootic outbreaks of the cysticercosis caused by T. saginata
have been described in Canada, the former Czechoslovakia, and the US. Survival of
the eggs in pastures depends on the ambient temperature and humidity; in summer,
T. saginatacan survive for about two months in the environmental conditions found
in Europe, while they may survive more than five months in winter. In the highlands
of Kenya, eggs of T. saginata have been found to remain viable for up to a year. T.
soliumeggs seem to be a little less resistant to environmental factors.
In developing countries, where peasants on poor farms or large ranches often
defecate in open fields, both swine and cattle have access to taenia eggs. The use of
sewer water for irrigation or of contaminated water from rivers or other sources for
watering animals contributes to the spread of cysticercosis. Another factor that has
acted to raise the incidence of taeniasis in recent years is the increasing use of deter-
gents that impede the natural destruction of the parasite’s eggs in sewer systems.
Taenia eggs can be carried several kilometers by river water, and they may be trans-
ported over long distances by gulls and other birds. An important role in the dis-
semination of taeniae eggs is also attributed to coprophagous insects. The cysticerci
of T. saginataremain viable in live cattle for nine months, and in the tissues of the
dead animal for two weeks; those of T. soliumsurvive for several years in living
swine, and nearly 60% remain viable if the carcass is stored at 4°C for 26 to 30 days
(Fan et al., 1998).
The distribution and prevalence rates of the human taeniases vary considerably in
different geographic areas of the world. Several socioeconomic and cultural factors
influence transmission. Taeniasis caused by T.solium is much more prevalent in the
developing countries than in the industrialized ones. Taeniasis caused by T.saginata
is prevalent in both developing and developed countries. It has been said that, while
taeniasis caused by T.solium is especially prevalent in poor populations, taeniasis
caused by T. saginata is “prevalent in wealthy nations because of their wealth and
in the poor nations because of their poverty.” Humans acquire T. solium taeniasis by
eating raw or undercooked pork infected with cysticerci. The infection has almost
disappeared from the more industrialized countries, where modern intensive swine-
raising practices do not permit access to human feces. In developing countries, on
the other hand, the breeding of small numbers of swine by households is still a com-

mon activity among impoverished rural inhabitants. Moreover, since this population
group often does not have the benefit of drinking water and sewer systems, the swine
have a much higher risk of infection by human feces. Finally, a high percentage of
these swine are slaughtered at home for household or local consumption and, there-
fore, the animals are not subject to veterinary inspection.
In contrast, humans acquire T. saginata taeniasis by eating raw or undercooked
beef infected with cysticerci. Human infection is closely related to the habit of eat-
ing dishes prepared with raw beef or beef cut into thick pieces that are not thor-
oughly cooked. The infection can also be contracted by tasting meat dishes during
their preparation, before the meat is completely cooked. The risk of contracting the
infection is five times greater in a family in which there is a carrier of T. saginata,
which demonstrates the importance of the food handler in transmission of the dis-
ease. The risk is 14 times greater among workers involved in processing and mar-
keting raw meat, probably due to their access to meat that is not subject to veteri-
nary inspection or that is discarded during inspection. T.saginatataeniasis is
widespread among the upper classes because beef costs more than pork and, there-
fore, is consumed more by the well-to-do, particularly in thick, undercooked por-
tions (with the center still pink) or in sophisticated dishes intended to be eaten raw.
However, as far as the poorer classes are concerned, the systems for supplying
potable water, excreta removal, and veterinary inspection of slaughterhouses are
often deficient, which facilitates the infection of cattle and, subsequently, of man.
Man becomes infected with T. asiaticaby eating the undercooked livers of infected
There is some question about whether man can contract cysticercosis through
regurgitation of distal portions of a T. soliumfrom his own intestine, followed by
activation of the eggs by his own gastric juices. While the majority of authors used
to believe that the regurgitation of gravid proglottids from the jejunum or the ileum
would be most unusual, the discovery of the oral expulsion of a T. saginatain a
patient (Gupta et al., 1997) requires another look at that opinion.
Diagnosis:T. saginataproglottids crawl the length of the intestine in order to exit,
and T. soliumproglottids adhere to the fecal matter. Thus, there is little opportunity
for the eggs to be released in the intestine; parasite eggs are found in the feces of just
one quarter of patients. Moreover, the various species of the genus Taenia cannot be
distinguished by microscopic examination of the eggs. This is a major disadvantage
because T. soliumeggs pose a clear risk of cysticercosis to humans. For these rea-
sons, diagnosis of human intestinal taeniasis is generally made by identifying gravid
proglottids in the feces. In the case of infection by T. saginata,anal swabs should be
used rather than direct examination of fecal samples. Proglottids are not eliminated
on a daily basis, so the examination must be repeated if results are negative.
Differential diagnosis between T. saginata and T. solium is based on the number of
primary lateral branches of the uterus of the gravid proglottids, 16 to 30 in the for-
mer species and 7 to 12 in the latter. Differentiation of proglottids with 12 to 16 pri-
mary branches is unreliable. When the scolices are expelled (spontaneously or
because of treatment),T. saginatacan be identified by microscopy, since its scolex
lacks hooks, but that of T. soliumhas them. Although Taeniaspp. eggs are indistin-
guishable by conventional microscopy, techniques have been developed that differ-
entiate the eggs of T. soliumfrom those of T. saginataand other cestodes by the

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (Montenegro et al., 1996) and those
of T. saginatawith the polymerase chain reaction (Gottstein et al., 1991). An ELISA
that uses patients’ feces to reveal T. soliumcoproantigens has also been developed
(Allan et al., 1996). This test is 2.5 times more sensitive than microscopic examina-
tion. A survey of 475 persons in a community endemic for T. soliumin Mexico
found no infection using parasitological methods but found 10 by looking for the
coproantigen; 7 of these were confirmed by the subsequent discovery of proglottids
(Rodríguez-Canul et al., 1999).
Control:Human taeniases are not just a threat to public health, but also a factor
in economic loss. According to estimates by Fan (1997), taenia infections resulted
in an annual loss of US$ 11,327,423 in the mountainous areas of Taiwan, US$
13,641,021 on Cheju Island in the Republic of Korea, and US$ 2,425,500 on
Samosir Island in Indonesia. Almost all actions to control this zoonosis are based on
appropriate health education of the at-risk population. Barriga (1997) proposes sev-
eral control measures that consist of interrupting the epidemiological chain of the
parasite at any of the following points of intervention:
1. The production of eggs and the consequent contamination of the environment.
These are prevented by early diagnosis and effective treatment of infected persons,
since man is the only definitive host. In the former Soviet Union, rates of T. sagi-
nata infection were reduced through health education of the public and the mass
treatment of the population in endemic areas: between 1964 and 1972, the rate of
infected bovines fell from 1.09% to 0.38%.
2. Dispersion of the eggs in the environment. This is prevented through an appro-
priate excreta disposal system, consisting not just of a traditional sewer system, but
also well-built and utilized septic tanks and education of the population in their
proper use. Unfortunately, the economic and cultural conditions of the rural popula-
tions in developing countries often preclude these actions. Also, traditional sewer
systems can decrease the viability of taenia eggs up to approximately 8%, but the
final solids can still contain significant numbers of viable eggs (Barbier et al., 1990).
3. Ingestion of eggs by the natural intermediate host. This is avoided by prevent-
ing breeding swine and bovines access to food or drink contaminated with human
feces. This is the rule on modern, large farms. However, poor peasants customarily
breed a few swine for their own consumption or sale on the local market and,
because of ignorance or lack of the means to implement hygienic breeding stan-
dards, the animals have easy access to places that have been contaminated with
human feces, and they acquire cysticercosis.
4. Development of the cysticercus in the intermediate host. This can be prevented
by treating the animals—which is too expensive, insufficiently effective, and not
preventive of subsequent infections—or by vaccination. Studies of vaccination of
the intermediate hosts of cestodiasis are very far advanced; in the case of bovine cys-
ticercosis, there are just a few practical marketing problems to be resolved before its
routine use can be initiated (Lightowlers, 1996). Attempts to vaccinate against
porcine cysticercosis in Peru fared less well (Evans et al., 1997).
5. The dissemination of cysticerci to the definitive host. This can be prevented by
good veterinary inspection in slaughterhouses and educating the population against
avoidance of inspection. Household slaughtering of swine and the consumption of
pork that has not been subject to veterinary inspection is still very prevalent in eco-

nomically depressed agricultural communities and plays a large part in sustaining
the human intestinal infection.
6. Personal human protection. This entails cooking pork and beef well to kill any
cysticerci, and taking food hygiene measures such as washing food and washing the
hands before eating to avoid ingesting T. soliumeggs.
Allan, J.C., M. Velásquez-Tohom, R. Torres-Álvarez, P. Yurrita, J. García-Noval. Field trial
of the coproantigen-based diagnosis of Taenia soliumtaeniasis by enzyme-linked immunosor-
bent assay. Am J Trop Med Hyg54(4):352−356, 1996.
Barbier, D., D. Perrine, C. Duhamel, R. Doublet, P. Georges. Parasitic hazard with sewage
sludge applied to land. Appl Environ Microbiol 56(5):1420−1422, 1990.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Birrie, H., B. Erko, S. Tedla. Intestinal helminthic infections in the southern Rift Valley of
Ethiopia with special reference to schistosomiasis. East Afr Med J71(7):447−452, 1994.
Demiriz, M., O. Gunhan, B. Celasun, E. Aydin, R. Finci. Colonic perforation caused by tae-
niasis. Trop Geogr Med47(4):180−182, 1995.
Depary, A.A., M.L. Kosman. Taeniasis in Indonesia with special reference to Samosir
Island, north Sumatra. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 22 Suppl:239−241, 1991.
Eom, K.S., H.J. Rim. Experimental human infection with Asian Taenia saginatametaces-
todes obtained from naturally infected Korean domestic pigs. Kisaengchunghak Chapchi
30(1):21−24, 1992.
Eom, K.S., H.J. Rim. Morphologic descriptions of Taenia asiaticasp. n. Korean J Parasitol
31(1):1−6, 1993.
Evans, C.A., A.E. González, R.H. Gilman,et al. Immunotherapy for porcine cysticercosis:
Implications for prevention of human disease. Cysticercosis Working Group in Peru. Am J
Trop Med Hyg56(1):33−37, 1997.
Fall, E.H., S. Geerts, V. Kumar, T. Vervoort, R. De Deken, K.S. Eom. Failure of experi-
mental infection of baboons (Papio hamadryas) with the eggs of Asian Taenia. J Helminthol
69(4):367−368, 1995.
Fan, P.C. Annual economic loss caused by Taenia saginata asiaticataeniasis in three
endemic areas of East Asia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health28 Suppl 1:217−221,
Fan, P.C., W.C. Chung, C.Y. Lin, C.C. Wu. Experimental infection of Thailand Taenia
(Chiengmai strain) in domestic animals. Int J Parasitol20(1):121−123, 1990a.
Fan, P.C., W.C. Chung, C.T. Lo, C.Y. Lin. The pig as an experimental host of Taenia sagi-
nata (Ethiopia and Madagascar strains). Ann Trop Med Parasitol84(1):93−95, 1990b.
Fan, P.C., W.C. Chung, C.Y. Lin, C.H. Chan. Clinical manifestations of taeniasis in Taiwan
aborigines. J Helminthol66(2):118−123, 1992.
Fan, P.C., C.Y. Lin, C.C. Chen, W.C. Chung. Morphological description of Taenia saginata
asiatica (Cyclophyllidea: Taeniidae) from man in Asia. J Helminthol69(4):299−303, 1995.
Fan, P.C., Y.X. Ma, C.H. Kuo, W.C. Chung. Survival of Taenia soliumcysticerci in car-
casses of pigs kept at 4°C. J Parasitol84(1):174−175, 1998.
Gemmell, M., Z. Matyas, Z. Pawlowski,et al., eds. Guidelines for Surveillance, Prevention
and Control of Taeniasis/Cysticercosis. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1983.
Giboda, M., O. Ditrich, T. Scholz, T. Viengsay, S. Bouaphanh. Current status of food-borne
parasitic zoonoses in Laos. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 22 Suppl:56−61, 1991.
Gottstein, B., P. Deplazes, I. Tanner, J.S. Skaggs. Diagnostic identification of Taenia sagi-
natawith the polymerase chain reaction. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg85(2):248−249, 1991.

Gupta, R.L., V. Agrawal, S. Kumar, Monika. Oral expulsion of Taenia saginata. Indian J
Gastroenterol16(2):70−71, 1997.
Hinz, E. Current status of food-borne parasitic zoonoses in West Germany. Southeast Asian
J Trop Med Public Health 22 Suppl:78−84, 1991.
Kappus, K.K., D.D. Juranek, J.M. Roberts. Results of testing for intestinal parasites by state
diagnostic laboratories, United States, 1987. Morb Mortal Wkly Rep CDC Surveill Summ
40(4):25−45, 1991.
Karrar, Z.A., F.A. Rahim. Prevalence and risk factors of parasitic infections among under-
five Sudanese children: A community based study. East Afr Med J72(2):103−109, 1995.
Lightowlers, M.W. Vaccination against cestode parasites. Int J Parasitol26(8-9):819−824,
Montenegro, T.C., E.A. Miranda, R. Gilman. Production of monoclonal antibodies for the
identification of the eggs of Taenia solium. Ann Trop Med Parasitol90(2):145−155, 1996.
Pawlowski, Z.S. Clinical expression of Taenia saginata infection in man. In:Prokopic, J.E.,
ed. The First International Symposium of Human Taeniasis and Cattle Cysticercosis; 20-24
September 1982, Ceske Budejovice. Proceedings. Prague: Academia; 1983.
Rodríguez-Canul, R., A. Fraser, J.C. Allan,et al.Epidemiological study of Taenia solium
taeniasis/cysticercosis in a rural village in Yucatan state, Mexico. Ann Trop Med Parasitol
93(1):57–67, 1999.
Shulman, Y.S. Biology and taxonomy of Taenia saginata and Taenia solium. In:Lysenko,
A., ed. Vol. 2:Zoonoses Control. Moscow: Centre of International Projects OKNT; 1982.
Strickland, G.T., ed. Hunter’s Tropical Medicine,7th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1991.
Supanaranond, W., S. Migasena, P. Pitisuttitham, P. Suntharasamai. Health status of Thai
volunteers in a cholera vaccine trial. J Med Assoc Thai73(10):548−551, 1990.
Sutisna, I.P., A. Fraser, I.N. Kapti,et al. Community prevalence study of taeniasis and cys-
ticercosis in Bali, Indonesia. Trop Med Int Health4(4):288−294, 1999.

3. Acanthocephaliases and Nematodiases
ICD-10 B83.8 Other specified helminthiases
Etiology:The agents of this disease are the acanthocephalans, or thorn-headed
helminths Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus (synonyms Gigantorhynchus hirud-
inaceus,G. gigas, Echinorhynchus gigas),Moniliformis moniliformis,
Acanthocephalus rauschi,A. bufonis (A. sinensis),Corynosoma strumosum,and
Bolbosoma sp. The first two are rare in man and the others are uncommon.
The definitive hosts of M. hirudinaceus are swine, wild boars, and, occasionally,
bovines, rodents, dogs, monkeys, or man, in whose small intestine the parasite lives. The
parasites are milky white or slightly pink, cylindrical, and somewhat flattened; females
measure 35 cm or more in length by 4–10 mm in width, and males are about 10 cm long
by 3–5 mm wide. On the surface, they resemble a wrinkled ascarid, but are easily dis-
tinguished from it because acanthocephalans have a retractile oral proboscis with five or
six rows of curved spines. The eggs are ovoid and about 70–110 µm long; they are
already embryonated when expelled with the feces of the definitive host. To continue
their development, the eggs must be ingested by a beetle, usually a dung beetle of the
family Scarabaeidae. Once inside these intermediate hosts, the eggs hatch in the midgut
and the freed larvae penetrate the body cavity of the insect, where they continue their
development and encyst. When a swine or another definitive host (peccary, squirrel,
muskrat, or man) ingests a parasitized coleopteran, the larva sheds its cystic envelope
and, after two to three months, reaches maturity and begins oviposition. A female can
produce more than 250,000 eggs per day for approximately 10 months. The eggs are
very resistant to environmental factors and can survive in the soil for several years.
Definitive hosts of M. moniliformis are several species of rats and other small
rodents. Intermediate hosts are beetles and cockroaches. The vertebrate hosts of
Corynosoma strumosum are the arctic fox (Alopex lagopus), dog, sea otter (Enhydra
lutris), and several species of cetaceans and pinnipeds. The intermediate host is
probably an amphipod crustacean (Pontoporeia affinis). Many species of fish serve
as paratenic hosts. The intermediate hosts of Acanthocephalusare crustaceans.
Bolbosomais a parasite of cetaceans whose juvenile state has been found in fish.

Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:M. hirudinaceus is found in swine
throughout much of the world; western Europe seems to be free of the infection. In
some areas, the infection is common in swine and can reach high rates: in Belarus, 17%
to 32% of the herds were found to be infected, and prevalence rates ranged from 0.9%
to 5%, and occasionally up to 23% (Soulsby, 1982). Prevalence rates in China varied
from 3% to 7.4% in one province, and from 50% to 60% in another (Leng et al.,1983).
Human infection was said to be common during the last century in the region of the
Volga in the former Soviet Union, owing to the consumption of raw Melolontha bee-
tles; however, other studies have not confirmed human cases (Leng et al.,1983), with
the exception of one case of a 5-year-old child recorded in 1958 (Faust et al.,1974).
Radomyos et al. (1989) reported on the ninth known human case in Thailand; isolated
cases have also been described in Brazil, Bulgaria, the former Czechoslovakia, and
Madagascar. Since 1970, human infection has necessitated emergency surgery on chil-
dren in three provinces in northern China and one in southern China. A study of hospi-
tal records demonstrated that in Liaoning province, more than 200 surgical interven-
tions were required for intestinal perforations, and that 115 cases of abdominal colic
caused by macracanthorhynchosis were treated in another hospital (Leng et al.,1983).
Isolated cases of human infection by M. moniliformis have been described in
Israel, Italy, Indonesia (island of Java), and Sudan. In 1989, the first autochthonous
case in the US was reported, in a 15-month-old child (Neafie and Marty, 1993). In
Nigeria, a case of M. moniliformis was reported in a man (Ikeh et al., 1992), and the
infection was found to affect 39% of rats (Rattus rattus) (Mafiana et al., 1997). A
case of human infection by Acanthocephalus bufonis was described in Indonesia,
one by Corynosoma strumosum in Alaska, US, and one by A. rauschi,also in Alaska
(Schmidt, 1971). Prociv et al. (1990) reported two cases of unidentified acantho-
cephalans in two children from Australia.
The Disease in Man:The pathologic effect and symptomatology of the human
infection have not been well studied. The case histories recorded in China, which are
the most numerous, refer to extreme cases with acute abdominal colic and perfora-
tion of the intestine. The two most recent cases in children required resection of a
part of the jejunum, which had multiple perforations (Leng et al.,1983). In an exper-
imental autoinfection by M. moniliformis,a researcher experienced acute gastroin-
testinal pain, diarrhea, somnolence, and general debility. The patient reported on by
Ikeh et al. (1992) complained of weakness, occasional dizziness, and an intermittent
burning sensation in the area of the navel. Other cases have been asymptomatic.
The Disease in Animals:M. hirudinaceusattaches with its proboscis to the wall
of the swine’s jejunum, duodenum, and ileum. The parasite produces an inflamma-
tory reaction that can progress to necrosis and the formation of small, sometimes
caseous nodules. Clinical manifestations depend on the intensity of infection, the
degree of penetration of the parasite into the intestinal wall, and, especially, the pres-
ence of a secondary bacterial infection. The most severe cases are due to perforation
of the intestine, leading to peritonitis and death. Generally, clinical symptoms are
not apparent. In mink, which are accidental hosts,C. strumosum has caused bloody
diarrhea and anemia.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The development of the para-
site requires an intermediate host. Although swine and wild boars are the reservoirs

and main hosts of M. hirudinaceus,the species specificity of the parasite is not strict
and it can infect more than 12 different species of vertebrates, including man (De
Giusti, 1971). Swine are infected by ingesting scarabaeid coleopterans, which serve
as intermediate hosts. In China, besides these scarabaeids, members of the family
Carambycidae were found infected with the larvae of the last immature stage of the
acanthocephalus (cystacanth) (Leng et al.,1983). Man becomes infected in a man-
ner similar to swine, by accidental or deliberate ingestion of coleopterans. Most
infections occur in children from rural areas, who catch beetles for play, and some-
times eat them lightly toasted but insufficiently cooked to kill the larvae. In south-
ern China, some peasants believe that coleopterans are effective against nocturia and
administer them to children for that reason.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis can be made by confirming the presence in the feces of
thick-shelled eggs containing the first larval stage (acanthor). The eggs are easier to
see after centrifugal concentration. The adult parasite can be examined after the
patient is treated with piperazine citrate and expels it. In many cases, diagnosis is
made after emergency surgery.
Control:Human infection can be prevented by avoiding the ingestion of
coleopterans. To control the parasitosis in swine, the animals should be kept under
hygienic conditions and provided with abundant food to discourage rooting and
ingestion of coleopterans.
De Giusti, D.L. Acantocephala. In:Davis, J.W., R.C. Anderson. Parasitic Diseases of Wild
Mammals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1971.
Faust, E.C, P.F. Russell, R.C. Jung. Craig and Faust’s Clinical Parasitology,8th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1970.
Ikeh, E.I., J.C. Anosike, E. Okon. Acanthocephalan infection in man in northern Nigeria. J
Helminthol 66(3):241–242, 1992.
Leng, Y.J., W.D. Huang, P.N. Liang. Human infection with Macracanthorhynchus hirudi-
naceus Travassos, 1916 in Guangdong Province, with notes on its prevalence in China. Ann
Trop Med Parasitol 77(1):107–109, 1983.
Mafiana, C.F., M.B. Osho, S. Sam-Wobo. Gastrointestinal helminth parasites of the black
rat (Rattus rattus) in Abeokuta, southwest Nigeria. J Helminthol71(3):217–220, 1997.
Neafie, R.C., A.M. Marty. Unusual infections in humans. Clin Microbiol Rev 6(1):34–56,
Prociv, P., J. Walker, L.J. Crompton, S.G. Tristram. First record of human acanthocephalan
infections in Australia. Med J Aust152(4):215–216, 1990.
Radomyos, P., A. Chobchuanchom, A. Tungtrongchitr. Intestinal perforation due to
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceusinfection in Thailand. Trop Med Parasitol
40(4):476–477, 1989.
Soulsby, E.J.L. Helminths, Arthropods and Protozoa of Domesticated Animals,7th ed.
Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger; 1982.
Schmidt, G.D. Acanthocephalan infections of man, with two new records. J Parasitol
57(3):582–584, 1971.

ICD-10 B81.3 Intestinal angiostrongyliasis;
B83.2 Angiostrongyliasis (Parastrongylus cantonensis)
Synonyms:Angiostrongylosis, eosinophilic meningitis, eosinophilic meningoen-
cephalitis (A. cantonensis),abdominal angiostrongylosis (A. costaricensis).
Etiology:The agents of this disease are the metastrongylid nematodes
Angiostrongylus (Morerastrongylus)costaricensis,A. cantonensis,and A.
malaysiensis. Some authors prefer to place them in the genus Parastrongylus. The
first of these nematodes was recognized as a parasite of man in Taiwan in 1944; the
second was described in Costa Rica in 1971, although the human disease had been
known since 1952; the third was identified in Japan in 1990 and was subsequently
diagnosed in aborigines in Malaysia. The first species is responsible for abdominal
angiostrongyliasis; the second for eosinophilic meningitis or meningoencephalitis;
and the third,A. malaysiensis,has not been associated with any pathological picture.
The definitive hosts of all three species are rodents; man is an accidental host. All
three require mollusks as intermediate hosts.
A. costaricensis is a filiform nematode measuring 14–35 mm long by 0.3 mm in
diameter which lives in the mesenteric arteries (and their arterioles) of the cecum of
the cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus). Some 12 other rat species have been found to be
infected; coatis (Nasua arica), monkeys (Saguinus mystax), and dogs can be exper-
imentally infected. The female lays eggs in those arteries; the eggs are then carried
by the bloodstream and form emboli in the arterioles and capillaries of the intestinal
wall. The eggs mature and form a first-stage larva which hatches, penetrates the
intestinal wall to the lumen, and is carried with the fecal matter to the exterior, where
it begins to appear around the twenty-fourth day of the prepatent period of the infec-
tion. In order to continue their development, the first-stage larvae have to actively
penetrate the foot of a slug of the family Veronicellidae (particularly Vaginulus ple-
beius) or be ingested by it. In Brazil, four species of Veronicellidae slug were found
to be infected:Phyllocaulis variegatus, Bradybaena similaris, Belocaulus
angustipes,and Phyllocaulis soleiformis(Rambo et al., 1997). In the slug, the lar-
vae mature and change successively into second- and third-stage larvae in approxi-
mately 18 days. The third-stage larva, which is infective for the definitive host, is
eliminated with the slug’s mucous or slime, and contaminates the soil and plants
around it (Mojon, 1994). When the definitive host ingests the infective larva in the
free state or inside the mollusk, the larva migrates to the ileocecal region, penetrates
the intestinal wall, and invades the lymphatic vessels. In this location the larvae
undergo two molts before migrating to their final habitat: the mesenteric arteries of
the cecal region. The parasite can complete the life cycle in man, an accidental host,
reaching sexual maturity and producing eggs, but the eggs usually degenerate, caus-
ing a granulomatous reaction in the intestinal wall of the host.
A. cantonensisis a small, thin nematode, 17–25 mm long and 0.3 mm in diame-
ter, that lives in the pulmonary arteries of rodents of the genera Rattusand
Bandicota. The intermediate hosts are various species of land, amphibian, or aquatic
gastropods, e.g.,Vaginulus, Laevicaulus, Achatina,and Bradybaena. Five species of
Oncomelaniasnails have been experimentally infected. The development cycle is

similar to that of A. costaricensis.The definitive hosts can become infected by
ingesting the infective third-stage larvae, either with infected mollusks or with
plants or water contaminated with the larvae that abandon the mollusk. In addition,
infection can occur as a result of consuming transfer hosts (paratenic hosts), such as
crustaceans, fish, amphibians, and reptiles, which in turn have eaten infected mol-
lusks or free larvae. When a definitive host ingests an infected mollusk or infective
larvae, the larvae penetrate the intestine and are carried by the bloodstream to the
brain, where they undergo two additional changes to become juvenile parasites 2
mm long. From the cerebral parenchyma, they migrate to the surface of the organ,
where they remain for a time in the subarachnoid space and later migrate to the pul-
monary arteries, where they reach sexual maturity and begin oviposition. The eggs
hatch in the pulmonary arterioles or their branches, releasing the first-stage larva,
which penetrates the pulmonary alveoli and migrates through the airways to the
pharynx; there it is swallowed and is eliminated with the feces starting six weeks
after infection. In man, who is an accidental host, the larvae and young adults of A.
cantonensis generally die in the brain, meninges, or medulla oblongata. The nema-
tode can occasionally be found in the eyes and, more rarely, the lungs. Snails or
slugs, which are the intermediate hosts, become infected when they ingest the feces
of infected rodents. The third-stage infective larva forms in the mollusk in 17 or 18
days and can remain there for some time or be expelled and contaminate the envi-
ronment. A large number of paratenic or transport hosts, such as crustaceans, fish,
amphibians, or reptiles, may become infected with these larvae and, in turn, infect
rats or human beings.
A. malaysiensisis a nematode resembling A. cantonensis;it was isolated from
Rattus norvegicusin Japan in 1990.This nematode showed biologic and isoenzy-
matic differences when compared to A. cantonensis(Sawabe and Makiya, 1995).
Subsequently, the infection was diagnosed in 23% of 108 aborigines in Malaysia by
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with monoclonal antibodies (Ambu
et al., 1997). The adult parasite has been found in rats, and its larva infects the snail
Biomphalaria glabrata,although not as easily as it infects A. cantonensis.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Abdominal angiostrongyliasis
caused by A. costaricensisis primarily a disease of the Americas. It has been iden-
tified in children in Costa Rica since 1952, and more than 130 human cases had been
diagnosed when Morera and Cespedes described the parasite in 1971. Morera
(1991) indicated that about 300 cases a year were diagnosed in Costa Rica alone. In
1992, two cases were discovered in children on the French island of Guadeloupe in
the Caribbean (Juminer et al., 1993). Neafie and Marty (1993) described the first
human case in the US. The first known epidemic occurred in 1994–1995 in
Guatemala and affected 22 persons (Kramer et al., 1998). The human disease has
also been confirmed in Brazil, El Salvador, and Honduras. Based on epidemiologi-
cal studies, Graeff-Teixeira et al. (1997) found that the human prevalence in two
endemic areas of southern Brazil was 30% and 66%, respectively. Suspected clini-
cal cases have occurred in Nicaragua and Venezuela. With respect to the animal
definitive hosts, 15% of Rattus norvegicusand 6% of R. rattuson the island of
Guadeloupe were found to be infected (Juminer et al., 1993). In Panama, the adult
parasite was found in five species of rodents belonging to three different families.
Parasites were also found in several specimens of Sigmodon hispidus in the US state

of Texas,Oryzomys caliginosus in Colombia, and slugs (Vaginulus spp.) in
Guayaquil, Ecuador. It is highly probable that the parasitosis is much more wide-
spread than is currently recognized. Morera (1991) mentions that a case was
reported in Africa.
Human cases of angiostrongyliasis by A. cantonensis have occurred in Australia,
Cambodia, the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Viet Nam, and sev-
eral Pacific islands. In 1992, 27 cases had been reported in Japan, the majority in the
prefecture of Okinawa. The geographic distribution of A. cantonensiswas once
believed to be limited to Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands. However, its
presence has been confirmed in Cuba, where infected rats (R. norvegicus)and mol-
lusks have been found (Aguiar et al.,1981). Likewise, five human cases with menin-
goencephalitis have been attributed to A. cantonensis (Pascual et al.,1981). It is
believed that the parasite was introduced to the island some years ago by rats from
a ship from Asia. A review published in a local journal in Japan in 1992 describes
how A. cantonensisspread, after the Second World War, from South and Southeast
Asia to the islands of the western Pacific and from there, east and south through
Micronesia and Australia to Polynesia. Since 1950, cases have been identified in
Indonesia (island of Sumatra), Philippines, Taiwan, and even Tahiti. Later, in the
1960s, there were cases in Cambodia, Thailand, Viet Nam, and even in the US state
of Hawaii. It subsequently appeared in Australia, mainland China, India, and Japan
(Okinawa). In the 1970s and 1980s, the parasite was found in rats in Cuba, Egypt,
Puerto Rico, and the city of New Orleans, US; it has been found in man in the Côte
d’Ivoire, Cuba, and the French island of Reunion. There seems to be an autochtho-
nous focus in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, US, since infections were found
in a primate in a zoo and in rats (García and Bruckner, 1997). In a study carried out
on rat species (R. norvegicus,R. rattus,andR. exulans)on the Hawaiian Islands, US,
and the Society Islands, French Polynesia, the parasite was found in more than 40%
of the specimens captured. In Egypt, 32.7% of 55 specimens of R. norvegicus har-
bored the parasite. In the province of Havana, Cuba, 12 of 20 captured R. norvegi-
cuswere infected (Aguiar et al.,1981). The confirmed cases of eosinophilic menin-
gitis caused by A. cantonensis number in the hundreds, and thousands have been
diagnosed clinically.
A. malaysiensishas been found in rats in Japan (Sawabe and Makiya, 1995) and
in aborigines in Malaysia (Ambu et al., 1997).
The Disease in Man:The clinical manifestations of abdominal angiostrongylia-
sis caused by A. costaricensis are moderate but prolonged fever, abdominal pain on
the right side, and, frequently, anorexia, diarrhea, and vomiting. Leukocytosis is
characteristic (20,000 to 50,000 per mm
), with marked eosinophilia (11% to 82%).
Palpation sometimes reveals tumoral masses or abscesses. Rectal exploration is
painful and a tumor can occasionally be palpated. Lesions are located primarily in
the ileocecal region, the ascending colon, appendix, and regional ganglia.
Granulomatous inflammation of the intestinal wall can cause partial or complete
obstruction. Out of 116 children with intestinal eosinophilic granulomas studied
from 1966 to 1975 in the National Children’s Hospital in Costa Rica, 90 had surgery
(appendectomy, ileocolonic resection, and hemicolectomy). Appendicitis was the
preoperative diagnosis in 34 cases. All but two of the children survived and recov-
ered. The highest prevalence (53%) was found in children 6 to 13 years old, and

twice as many boys as girls were affected (Loría-Cortés and Lobo-Sanahuja, 1980).
Ectopic localizations may occur, such as those found in the livers of Costa Rican
patients with visceral larva migrans-like syndrome (Morera et al.,1982).
In Taiwan, the disease occurs mainly in children, but in other endemic areas it
occurs in adults. A study of 82 children found that the incubation period was 13
days, shorter than the average of 16.5 days in adults; meningoencephalitis was the
predominant clinical form in 30% of the children, as opposed to the 5% observed in
adults in Thailand, and the most common symptom was fever (91.5% of patients),
followed by vomiting and headache. Cranial nerves VI and VII showed alterations
in 19.5% and 11% of the cases, respectively, and papilledema was found in 25% of
the children but in just 12% of the adults (Hwang and Chen, 1991). The symptoma-
tology of meningitis and eosinophilic meningoencephalitis was studied in 1968 and
1969 in 125 patients from southern Taiwan. Most patients had a mild or moderate
symptomatology, and only a few suffered serious manifestations; four of the patients
died and another three had permanent sequelae. Young specimens of A. cantonensis
were found in the cerebrospinal fluid of eight patients, and the parasite was found
during autopsy in another. In 78% of the patients, the disease had a sudden onset,
with intense headache, vomiting, and moderate intermittent fever. More than 50% of
the patients experienced coughing, anorexia, malaise, constipation, and somnolence,
and less than half had stiffness in the neck. Pleocytosis in the cerebrospinal fluid was
particularly pronounced in the second and third weeks of the disease. The percent-
age of eosinophils was generally high and was directly related to the number of
leukocytes in the cerebrospinal fluid. Leukocytosis and eosinophilia in the blood
were also high. Legrand and Angibaud (1998) found that the most common signs
were moderate meningeal irritation, paresthesia, and abnormalities in cranial nerves
II, III, IV, and VII. While there are no effective anthelminthic and the headaches
and weakness can last a few weeks, as a general rule the patient recovers without
Angiostrongyliasis caused by A. cantonensis is generally expressed as
eosinophilic meningitis, but there have also been isolated outbreaks in which the
spinal cord, spinal nerves, and brain were extensively affected. The reason for the
different clinical pictures is not known, but the severe cases may be due to the higher
number of parasites present (intensity of infection). Eosinophilic meningitis usually
occurs after the ingestion of paratenic hosts or contaminated vegetables containing
few larvae; the most serious forms of the disease are due to direct consumption of
highly infected intermediate hosts (Kliks et al.,1982). In American Samoa, an out-
break of radiculomyeloencephalitis was described in 16 fishermen who had con-
sumed raw or undercooked Achatina fulica(giant African snail), an intermediate
host of A. cantonensis,considered a delicacy by many Asians. The incubation period
was 1 to 6 days, and the disease lasted 10 weeks. In addition to eosinophilia in the
spinal fluid and the blood, the disease was characterized by acute abdominal pain,
generalized pruritus, and later by pain, weakness, and paresthesia in the legs, and
dysfunction of the bladder (urinary retention or incontinence) and the intestine. Half
of the patients suffered transitory hypertension or lethargy; three entered a coma and
one died. Of the 12 hospitalized patients, 10 had to use wheelchairs (Kliks et al.,
1982). Serologic surveys carried out in Australia, in human populations living in
localities where the infection occurs in rats and those living in other places where it
does not, indicate that many human infections are asymptomatic.

The Disease in Animals:In rodents,A. costaricensis lesions are located prima-
rily in the cecum, with focal or diffuse edema of the subserosa, a reduction of
mesenteric fat, and swelling of the regional ganglia. In highly parasitized animals,
eggs and larvae may be found in various viscera of the body. No significant differ-
ence in weight between parasitized and nonparasitized animals has been confirmed.
Rats infected by A. cantonensis may have coughing, sneezing, dyspnea, and fibro-
sis in the lungs. However, the physical appearance of the animals does not reflect the
degree of pathologic changes.
For both parasites, the prevalence of the infection is greater in adult than in young
rodents, which suggests that rodents do not develop resistance to the infection.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Several species of rodents
serve as definitive hosts of A. costaricensis. In a study carried out in Panama (Tesh
et al., 1973), the highest prevalence of the infection was found in the cotton rat (S.
hispidus), which was also the most abundant rodent in the six localities studied. The
cotton rat inhabits areas close to dwellings in both tropical and temperate zones,
feeding on both plants and small vertebrate and invertebrate animals, including
slugs. All these facts suggest that this rat is a prime reservoir and that it plays an
important role in the epidemiology of the parasitosis. Rodents are infected by ingest-
ing food or water contaminated with the infective larvae in the mollusk secretions
(slime) or by eating the infected mollusks. Man may acquire the infection in the
same way, for example, by eating poorly-washed vegetables containing small slugs
or their secretions. A study in Guatemala showed that the consumption of mint
leaves, alone or as a seasoning in traditional uncooked dishes, correlated directly
with the presence of the infection in man (Kramer, 1998). It is believed that children
can become infected while playing in areas where slugs are abundant by transferring
mollusk secretions found on vegetation to their mouths. An increase in cases in chil-
dren occurs in Costa Rica during the rainy season, when slugs are plentiful.
Humidity is an important factor in the survival of both the first- and third-stage lar-
vae, since they are susceptible to desiccation.
A. cantonensis has been found in a dozen species of the genus Rattusand in
Bandicota indica andMelomys littoralis. These rodents, natural definitive hosts, are
infected by consuming mollusks or paratenic hosts that harbor third-stage larvae.
The infection rates of mollusks as intermediate hosts are usually high; both the
prevalence and the number of larvae an individual mollusk can harbor vary accord-
ing to the species. Man, who is an accidental host, is infected by consuming raw
mollusks or paratenic hosts such as crustaceans or fish.
The ecology of angiostrongyliasis is closely related to the plant community in
which the mollusks and rodents live. The frequency of the human parasitosis
depends on the abundance of these hosts and the degree to which they are infected,
and, also, in the case of A. cantonensis,frequency is connected with eating habits
(consumption of raw mollusks, crustaceans, and fish).
Diagnosis:Diagnosis of the human infection caused by A. costaricensis can be
made by examining biopsied or surgical specimens and confirming the presence of
the parasites or their eggs. Graeff-Teixeira et al. (1991) established histopathologi-
cal patterns for diagnosis. Also, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
was developed that demonstrated a sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 83% when
used with sera adsorbed with Ascaris suumantigens (Graeff-Teixeira et al., 1997).

In endemic areas, meningitis or meningoencephalitis caused by A. cantonensis is
suspected in the presence of the characteristic signs of eosinophilia in the blood and
eosinophilic pleocytosis of the cerebrospinal fluid. In places such as Thailand,
where infection of the central nervous system caused by Gnathostoma spinigerum
has a high prevalence, the two diseases must be differentiated. Punyagupta et al.
(1990) indicate that gnathostomiasis causes sharp pain in the nerve roots, signs of
cerebral and spinal disease, and yellowish or bloody cerebrospinal fluid. Although
most reports indicate that only in a few cases can the parasite be found in patients’
cerebrospinal fluid or eyes, Hwang and Chen (1991) reported having recovered it by
lumbar puncture in 41.5% of 84 pediatric cases. Serologic tests are useful for con-
firming the presumptive diagnosis (Legrand and Angibaud, 1998). Two varieties of
ELISA have shown a specificity of 100%, but sensitivity of just 50% to 60%
(Eamsobhana et al., 1997).
Control:While human angiostrongyliasis is not very prevalent, except in a few
areas of high endemicity, prophylaxis is important because there is no known ther-
apeutic treatment for the infection. Theoretically, angiostrongyliasis could be con-
trolled by reducing rodent and mollusk populations, though practical application
seems doubtful. Preventive measures for individuals consist of thoroughly washing
vegetables, and hands after garden or field work; not eating raw or undercooked
mollusks and crustaceans; and not drinking water that may be unhygienic.
Experiments have shown that incubation of infective A. costaricensislarvae for 12
hours at 5°C in 1.5% sodium hypochlorite kills all the larvae. Incubation in saturated
sodium chloride or in commercial vinegar reduced the number of larvae but failed
to prevent the infection in mice (Zanini and Graeff-Teixeira, 1995).
Aguiar, P.H., P. Morera, J. Pascual. First record of Angiostrongylus cantonensis in Cuba.
Am J Trop Med Hyg 30(5):963–965, 1981.
Ambu, S., A.N. Rain, J.W. Mak, D. Maslah, S. Maidah. Detection of Angiostrongylus
malaysiensiscirculating antigen using monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (MAb-ELISA). Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 28
Suppl:143–147, 1997.
Eamsobhana, P., H.S. Yong, J.W. Mak, D. Wattanakulpanich. Detection of circulating anti-
gens of Parastrongylus cantonensisin human sera by dot-blot ELISA and sandwich ELISA
using monoclonal antibody. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health28(3):624–628, 1997.
García, L.S., D.A. Bruckner. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.
Graeff-Teixeira, C., L. Camillo-Coura, H.L. Lenzi. Histopathological criteria for the diag-
nosis of abdominal angiostrongyliasis. Parasitol Res77(7):606–611, 1991.
Graeff-Teixeira, C., A.A. Agostini, L. Camillo-Coura, M.F. Ferreira-da-Cruz.
Seroepidemiology of abdominal angiostrongyliasis: The standardization of an immunoenzy-
matic assay and prevalence of antibodies in two localities in southern Brazil. Trop Med Int
Health2(3):254–260, 1997.
Hwang, K.P., E.R. Chen. Clinical studies on angiostrongyliasis cantonensis among children
in Taiwan. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health22 Suppl:194–199, 1991.
Juminer, B., G. Borel, H. Mauleon,et al. L’infestation murine naturelle par Angiostrongylus

costaricensisMorera et Cespedes, 1971 à la Guadeloupe. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 86(5 Pt
2):502–505, 1993.
Kliks, M.M., K. Kroenke, J.M. Hardman. Eosinophilic radiculomyeloencephalitis: An
angiostrongyliasis outbreak in American Samoa related to ingestion of Achatina fulica snails.
Am J Trop Med Hyg 31(6):1114–1122, 1982.
Kramer, M.H., G.J. Greer, J.F. Quiñonez,et al. First reported outbreak of abdominal
angiostrongyliasis. Clin Infect Dis26(2):365–372, 1998.
Legrand, G., G. Angibaud. La meningite à eosinophiles due à Angiostrongylus cantonensis.
Rev Neurol (Paris)154(3):236–242, 1998.
Loría-Cortés, R., J.F. Lobo-Sanahuja. Clinical abdominal angiostrongylosis. A study of 116
children with intestinal eosinophilic granuloma caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis.Am
J Trop Med Hyg 29(4):538–544, 1980.
Mojon, M. Angiostrongylose humaine à Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Bull Acad Natl Med
178(4):625–631, 1994.
Morera, P. Abdominal angiostrongyliasis. In:Strickland, G.T., ed. Hunter’s Tropical
Medicine,7th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1991.
Morera, P., F. Pérez, F. Mora. Visceral larva migrans-like syndrome caused by
Angiostrongylus costaricensis.Am J Trop Med Hyg 31(1):67–70, 1982.
Neafie, R.C., A.M. Marty. Unusual infections in humans. Clin Microbiol Rev6(1):34–56, 1993.
Pascual, J.E., R.P. Bouli, H. Aguiar. Eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in Cuba, caused by
Angiostrongylus cantonensis.Am J Trop Med Hyg 30(5):960–962, 1981.
Punyagupta, S., T. Bunnag, P. Juttijudata. Eosinophilic meningitis in Thailand. Clinical and
epidemiological characteristics of 162 patients with myeloencephalitis probably caused by
Gnathostoma spinigerum.J Neurol Sci96(2–3):241–256, 1990.
Rambo, P.R., A.A. Agostini, C. Graeff-Teixeira. Abdominal angiostrongylosis in southern
Brazil—prevalence and parasitic burden in mollusc intermediate hosts from eighteen endemic
foci. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz92(1):9–14, 1997.
Sawabe, K., K. Makiya. Comparative infectivity and survival of first-stage larvae of
Angiostrongylus cantonensisand Angiostrongylus malaysiensis. J Parasitol81(2):228–233, 1995.
Tesh, R.B., L.J. Ackerman, W.H. Dietz,et al. Angiostrongylus costaricensis in Panama.
Prevalence and pathologic finding in wild rodents infected with the parasite. Am J Trop Med
Hyg 22(3):348–356, 1973.
Zanini, G.M., C. Graeff-Teixeira. Angiostrongilose abdominal: Profilaxia pela destruição
das larvas infectantes em alimentos tratados com sal, vinagre ou hipoclorito de sodio. Rev Soc
Bras Med Trop28(4):389–392, 1995.
ICD-10 B81.0
Synonyms:Anisakiosis, anisakidosis, herring worm disease, cod worm disease.
Etiology:The agent of this parasitosis is the larval stage of nematodes of the gen-
era Anisakis, Pseudoterranova(synonyms Porrocaecum, Terranova, Phocanema),
or Contracaecum. These parasites belong to the order Ascaridida, family

Anisakidae, which some authors call “marine ascarids.” The species mentioned most
often in the literature as parasites of man are Anisakis simplexand Pseudoterranova
decipiens. Before identification techniques were refined, the Japanese literature
referred to the third-stage larva of P. decipiens,frequently found in man, as type A
or type 1 Anisakidae larva.
The adult stage Anisakis andPseudoterranovaparasites lodge in the stomach or
small intestine of piscivorous marine mammals such as dolphins, porpoises, whales,
and seals; Contracaecumlodges in the digestive tract of fish, where it lays eggs
which are expelled, unembryonated, in the feces of the definitive host. While float-
ing in the water, the eggs form a second-stage larva and are ingested by a variety of
small crustaceans that act as intermediate hosts, inside which the third-stage larva
forms. Many fish ingest these parasitized crustaceans and act as transfer (paratenic)
hosts; there the third-stage larvae accumulate and encyst, waiting for definitive
hosts. These fish may be ingested by larger fish or by man, in which case the worm
just transfers from one to the other, or by definitive hosts, in which case the worm
matures, mates, and begins oviposition (Mehlhorn and Walldorf, 1988).
Man is an aberrant host in whom the larva ingested with raw fish or squid does
not reach maturity. There are two exceptions in which juvenile P. decipienswere
recovered from human hosts.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Parasites of the genus Anisakis are
found in most oceans and seas, but some species have a more restricted distribution.
Human infection occurs in countries where marine fish are eaten raw, lightly salted,
or smoked. From 1955, when human infection was described for the first time, to
1968, 160 cases occurred in the Netherlands. Since 1969, when freezing fish for 24
hours before marketing became mandatory, only a few cases have occurred. The
country with the highest prevalence of human anisakiasis is Japan, where 487 cases
occurred up to 1976. In both Japan and the Netherlands, the prevalence was found
to be higher in men than in women. In Japan, the highest rate of infection is in the
20- to 50-year-old age group. In the Republic of South Korea, 107 cases were diag-
nosed between June 1989 and June 1992 in a parasitological laboratory in Seoul.
Most of the cases were due to A. simplex,and the rest were due to P. decipiens. In
France, about 80 cases had been described up to 1995, and isolated cases have been
reported in Belgium, Denmark, England, and Germany. When 244 patients were
examined in a hospital in Indonesia, 11% were found to have antibodies against
Anisakisspp. (Uga et al., 1996). Of 1,008 apparently healthy people examined for
anisakiasis in Spain by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 47 showed
titers 1.5 to 2 times higher than the controls, and 14 showed titers more than 2 times
higher than the controls (García-Palacios et al., 1996). Oliveira et al. (1999) identi-
fied seven clinical cases in three months in a Madrid hospital. In the Western
Hemisphere, up to 1997, 23 cases had been recorded in North America, 16 of which
occurred in the US (11 in the state of California and 5 in the state of Alaska) (Kliks,
1983), and 3 in Chile. Most of the cases in the US were due to P. decipiens,and the
others were caused by Anisakisspp. The number of cases in the US increased dur-
ing the 1990s; in 1991, four cases were described in the state of Hawaii, bringing
the total number of cases for the Hawaiian Islands to seven.
Many species of fish have been found to be naturally infected. The prevalence of
infection in fish can be very high. A study of Baltic herring found that up to 95% of

the fish were infected at certain times of the year, with an average of 14 larvae each.
In Peru, larvae of Anisakisspp. have been found in three species of marine fish
caught close to the port of Callao: 48.6% of 222 specimens of jacks (Trachurus mur-
phyi); 1.5% of 381 croakers (Sciaena deliciosa); 1.6% of 180 “cocos” (Polyclemus
peruanus); and none of 250 “cojinobas” (Seriolella violacea). The highest rates of
infection were found between December and March. In Chile, 27% of 311 jacks
(Trachurus murphyi) harbored larvae of Anisakisspp.; likewise, infection by other
Anisakidae has been confirmed in Merluccius gayi (hake),Cilus montti(corvina),
and Thyrsites atun (sierra), all fish that are consumed regularly (Torres et al., 1978).
P. decipienslarvae have been found in cod caught in the Atlantic Ocean near the
South Pole.
The Disease in Man:Anisakiasis can occur clinically in several forms (Ishikura
et al., 1993). The larvae may remain in the cavity of the stomach or intestine with-
out penetrating the tissues, causing an infection that is often asymptomatic. In gen-
eral, asymptomatic or mild cases are caused by Pseudoterranovaspp. These infec-
tions are discovered when live larvae are expelled by means of coughing, vomiting,
or defecating. In laboratory examinations of two cases recently infected by
Pseudoterranovaspp., only mild and transitory eosinophilia was found. In the inva-
sive forms, the larvae penetrate the gastric or intestinal submucosa, causing edema,
erosion, ulcers, and bleeding. In Japan, 56 A. simplexlarvae were recovered from a
woman (Kagei et al., 1992). In the anatomicopathological examination of cases of
invasive anisakiasis, ulcerations and hemorrhagic foci are found in the mucosa, and
localized or diffuse tumors are found in the intestinal or stomach wall. An intense
eosinophilic infiltration is observed in the histopathological sections, with edema,
histiocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, plasmocytes, and sometimes, giant cells sug-
gestive of an allergic reaction. Allergy symptoms have also been found in many
patients suffering from anisakiasis caused by A. simplex,many with symptoms of
acute urticaria (Mendizabal-Basagoiti, 1999), anaphylaxis, and, occasionally, gas-
tric symptoms which are often attributed to fish or shellfish allergies (Moreno-
Ancillo et al., 1997). The considerable edema in the large gastric curvature observed
by endoscopy and leukocytosis also suggest an allergic origin for the gastric pathol-
ogy (Kakizoe et al., 1995).
In gastric anisakiasis, the symptoms appear 12 to 24 hours after the consumption
of raw fish, and consist of sudden epigastric pain, often with nausea and vomiting.
Eosinophilia is present in about half of the patients, but not leukocytosis. The gas-
tric form of the disease is seldom diagnosed correctly; it can become chronic, last-
ing more than a year. In Japanese patients, in whom gastric anisakiasis is more
prevalent than intestinal anisakiasis, occult blood has been found in the gastric juice,
as well as hypoacidity or anacidity. The clinical picture of gastric anisakiasis is sim-
ilar to and has been confused with that of peptic ulcer, gastric tumor, acute gastritis,
cholecystitis, and other gastrointestinal pathologies.
Intestinal anisakiasis has an incubation period of about seven days and manifests
as severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea, and occult
blood in the feces. There is leukocytosis, but seldom eosinophilia (Smith and
Wootten, 1978). Intestinal anisakiasis can be confused with appendicitis and peri-
tonitis. Sometimes the parasites perforate the intestinal wall and lodge in the mesen-
teric veins and various organs. In these invasive forms, the larvae are found in

eosinophilic granulomas, phlegmons, or abscesses. The clinical picture of mesen-
teric anisakiasis varies with the organ affected. There have been two reported cases
of pulmonary infection with high fever, dyspnea, and pleural effusion after eating
raw fish (Matsuoka et al., 1994).
In a clinicopathologic study of 92 cases in Japan, anisakiasis was localized in the
stomach of 65% of patients and in the intestine (large or small) of 30%. In the
Netherlands, intestinal anisakiasis was more prevalent than gastric anisakiasis. Most
cases in the US were due to a transitory, noninvasive anisakiasis caused by larvae of
Pseudoterranovaspp. located in the lumen of the digestive tract. The main symp-
toms consisted of mild epigastric pain and nausea beginning when the infected fish
was ingested and lasting up to 20 hours; in about 2 weeks, the parasite was expelled
by coughing or vomiting or was found in the mouth (Kliks, 1983).
The Disease in Animals:The larvae of anisakids can cause pathologic changes
in many species of marine fish. The parasitosis can affect various organs, and the
number of larvae may reach several hundred per fish. The most commonly affected
organ is the liver, and atrophy is the most frequent change. A cod parasitized by
Contracaecumspp. weighs less than a normal fish, and if the number of larvae is
large, the fat content of its liver may be significantly reduced. In young fish,
Contracaecumcan cause death when they invade the cardiac region. In addition to
the liver, anisakid larvae can encapsulate in other organs, causing perforations of the
stomach wall, visceral adhesions, and muscle damage. In spite of these observations
by several researchers, the pathologic effects on fish are not clear (Smith and
Wootten, 1978).
In marine mammals, the parasites are deeply embedded in tumors of the gastric
mucosa. It can thus be assumed that parasitic invasion affects the health of these ani-
mals. Lesions are usually observed when the parasite burden is large, and especially
when large numbers of nematodes are inserted in one spot of the gastric mucosa or
submucosa. More than 500 parasites have been recovered from a sea lion. The par-
asites that are free in the lumen of the digestive tract do not cause any apparent
In 1993, the infection of cats’ intestines with anisakid larvae was reported in
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The main source of infection
for man is marine fish, many species of which are highly parasitized. Human cases
are caused by consuming raw, lightly salted, or smoked fish, whether or not it has
been refrigerated. In the Netherlands, the occurrence of the disease is due to the
habit of consuming raw or lightly salted herring (“green herring”). Although the
habit persists, the incidence of human anisakiasis has been drastically reduced by
the requirement that fish be frozen before it is sent to market. The highest incidence
of the disease has been recorded in Japan, where various fish dishes are eaten raw
or pickled in vinegar. In the US, at least two cases were caused by eating ceviche (a
dish consisting of pieces of raw fish seasoned in lemon juice for 24 hours), and oth-
ers by eating Japanese raw fish dishes. The conditions necessary for transmission to
humans exist on the Pacific coast of Latin American countries. In Peru and Chile,
anisakid larvae have been found in the stomach wall, intestinal wall, and mesentery,
and on the surface of the gonads of several species of commercial marine fish. In
addition, in Peru and other countries along the Pacific coast, ceviche is a very pop-

ular dish. According to Japanese parasitologists, anisakid larvae found in
cephalopods such as cuttlefish and octopus are third-stage larvae and so would be
infective for man (and for the natural definitive hosts) when the cephalopods are
consumed raw or undercooked. Marine fish can become infected second intermedi-
ate hosts by eating invertebrates; they can also become paratenic hosts by ingesting
the infective third-stage larvae of other fish.
Diagnosis:Direct diagnosis by examination of the parasite is the preferred
method, but in 50% to 70% of gastric cases, the parasite can be visualized and recov-
ered by endoscopy (Deardorff et al., 1991). In colonic anisakiasis, it is difficult to
see the parasite by endoscopy, but the lesions and X-rays are very useful for diag-
nosis. In fact, the parasites were visible on X-ray in four out of six cases (Matsumoto
et al., 1992). The presence of ascites, dilation of the small intestine, and edema of
the Kerckring’s folds found using sonography in patients with acute abdomen who
have eaten fish or shellfish recently are indications of intestinal anisakiasis (Ido et
al., 1998). Serologic tests, particularly the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) and Western blot, are very useful for clinical evaluation; but cross-reac-
tions with Ascarishave been reported (Petithory et al., 1991).
Control:Human infection can be prevented by not eating raw fish. Most species of
anisakids that are dangerous for humans die when exposed to temperatures of –20°C
for 24 hours or 60°C for one minute. Since these are the temperatures to which the larva
must be exposed, and since there are a few species that are more resistant, it is recom-
mended that the fish be cooked at 70°C or frozen to –20°C for 72 hours in order to have
a margin of safety. The freezer unit of a good home refrigerator can generally achieve
temperatures of –20°C. The requirement that fish be subjected to low temperatures
before being sent to market has drastically decreased the infection in the Netherlands.
Salting is also effective when concentrated salt solutions that reach all parts of the fish
are used. Prohibiting the sale of fish that has not undergone these processes is the most
effective measure for controlling anisakiasis in the community. It is also important to
eviscerate fish immediately after they are caught to prevent the Anisakislarvae from
passing from the intestine to the muscle. Apparently, salmon farming prevents their
infection with anisakids; Deardorff and Kent (1989) found that all the wild salmon they
caught in the state of Washington, US, were infected with A. simplex,but none of those
bred in commercial pens had the parasite.
Deardorff, T.L., S.G. Kayes, T. Fukumura. Human anisakiasis transmitted by marine food
products. Hawaii Med J50(1):9–16, 1991.
Deardorff, T.L., M.L. Kent. Prevalence of larval Anisakis simplexin pen-reared and wild-
caught salmon (Salmonidae) from Puget Sound, Washington. J Wildl Dis 25(3):416–419, 1989.
García-Palacios, L., M.L. González, M.I. Esteban, E. Mirabent, M.J. Perteguer, C. Cuéllar.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunoblot analysis and RAST fluoroimmunoassay
analysis of serum responses against crude larval antigens of Anisakis simplexin a Spanish ran-
dom population. J Helminthol 70(4):281–289, 1996.
Ido, K., H. Yuasa, M. Ide, K. Kimura, K. Toshimitsu, T. Suzuki. Sonographic diagnosis of
small intestinal anisakiasis. J Clin Ultrasound 26(3):125–130, 1998.
Ishikura, H., K. Kikuchi, K. Nagasawa,et al. Anisakidae and anisakidosis. Prog Clin
Parasitol 3:43–102, 1993.

Kagei, N., H. Isogaki. A case of abdominal syndrome caused by the presence of a large
number of Anisakis larvae. Int J Parasitol22(2):251–253, 1992.
Kakizoe, S., H. Kakizoe, K. Kakizoe,et al. Endoscopic findings and clinical manifestation
of gastric anisakiasis. Am J Gastroenterol90(5):761–763, 1995.
Kliks, M.M. Anisakiasis in the western United States: Four new case reports from
California. Am J Trop Med Hyg 32(3):526–532, 1983.
Matsumoto, T., M. Iida, Y. Kimura, K. Tanaka, T. Kitada, M. Fujishima. Anisakiasis of the
colon: Radiologic and endoscopic features in six patients. Radiology 183(1):97–99, 1992.
Matsuoka, H., T. Nakama, H. Kisanuki,et al. A case report of serologically diagnosed pul-
monary anisakiasis with pleural effusion and multiple lesions. Am J Trop Med Hyg
51(6):819–822, 1994.
McClelland, G. Phocanema decipiens:Pathology in seals. Exp Parasitol49(3):405–419,
Mehlhorn, H., V. Walldorf. Life cycles. In:Mehlhorn, H., ed. Parasitology in Focus: Facts
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Mendizabal-Basagoiti, L. Hypersensibilité à l’Anisakis simplex:À propos de 36 cas. Allerg
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Moreno-Ancillo, A., M.T. Caballero, R. Cabanas,et al. Allergic reactions to Anisakis sim-
plexparasitizing seafood. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 79(3):246–250, 1997.
Oliveira, A., S. Sánchez Rancano, P. Conde Gacho, A. Moreno, A. Martínez, C. Comas.
Anisakiasis gastrointestinal. Siete casos en tres meses. Rev Esp Enferm Dig91:70–72, 1999.
Petithory, J.C., M. Rousseau, F. Siodlak. Données seroepidémiologiques sur l’anisakiase.
Consequences prophylactiques pour les produits de la pêche. Ann Gastroenterol Hepatol
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Smith, J.W., R. Wootten. Anisakis and anisakiasis. Adv Parasitol16:93–163, 1978.
Torres, P., G. Pequeño, L. Figueroa. Nota preliminar sobre Anisakidae (Railliet and Henry,
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Uga, S., K. Ono, N. Kataoka, H. Hasan. Seroepidemiology of five major zoonotic parasite
infections in inhabitants of Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public
Health27(3):556–561, 1996.
ICD-10 B77
Synonyms:Ascaridiasis, ascaridiosis.
Etiology:The agents of human ascariasis are the nematode of humans,Ascaris
lumbricoides,and occasionally, the nematode of swine,A. suum. The two species
are closely related and show only slight morphologic and physiologic differences
(Barriga, 1982). Both species can occasionally infect the heterologous host and
reach a certain degree of development inside it. The literature mentions that A. lum-
bricoidesinfects chimpanzees, gorillas, rhesus monkeys, and swine.
Experimentally, it has been possible to infect suckling pigs with A. lumbricoides,
and the nematodes have reached maturity and produced eggs. In addition to swine,

A. suum infects goats, bovines, sheep, and humans, but it rarely reaches maturity in
the latter; in general, the nematode does not go beyond the larval stages in the lung
and only rarely advances to the intestinal phase.
Ascarides are large nematodes: the female is 20–35 cm long and 3–6 mm in diam-
eter; the males are smaller and have a curved distal portion. The life cycles of both
seem to be similar. The eggs of A. suum,which are eliminated with the feces, con-
tain just a single cell. Under ideal conditions of humidity, temperature, shade, and
availability of oxygen, a third-stage infective larva develops within the egg in 15 to
20 days; under adverse conditions, this process can take much longer. Once a new
host ingests the eggs with food or drinking water, the infective larvae emerge from
the egg in the intestine and invade the mucosa of the cecum and colon in a few hours,
remain there approximately 12 hours, and migrate to the liver via the portal circula-
tion (Murrell et al., 1997). The larvae are then carried in the bloodstream from the
liver to the heart, and from there to the lungs. After a period of time, they break out
of the pulmonary capillaries, enter the alveoli, and migrate through the bronchial
tubes and trachea to the pharynx, from whence they are swallowed and carried to the
intestine. In the intestine, they complete their maturation and develop into male and
female adults. In man, the prepatent period of A. lumbricoides—from the onset of
infection until the eggs appear in the feces—is 60 to 75 days; in swine, the prepatent
period of A. suumis 50 to 60 days.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Ascariasis is one of the most wide-
spread parasitoses, and both A. lumbricoidesand A. suumare found worldwide. It
has been estimated that between 644 million and more than 1 billion persons are
infected, 42 million of whom are in Central and South America. The estimated
worldwide mortality due to ascariasis is 20,000 per year due to intestinal complica-
tions; annual morbidity is a million cases, mainly due to pulmonary disorders and
malnutrition (Walsh and Warren, 1979). The parasitosis is most prevalent in rural
areas, where contamination of the soil and contact between hands or food and lar-
vae are more common, and in hot, humid areas, which favor maturation of the eggs.
The highest rate of infection is found in children, probably because of their less
hygienic habits, but also because an immune resistance is acquired along with the
infection. Prevalence rates vary considerably according to differences in environ-
mental sanitation, health education of the population, personal and food hygiene,
type of soil and climate, and other factors.
A. suum is found wherever swine are raised. Studies carried out in slaughter-
houses have shown that the prevalence rate is high, ranging from 20% to 70% or
more. The highest rate is found in piglets 2 to 5 months old; it declines with age
thereafter. Since swine have the same contact with the soil at any age, the difference
is believed to represent some level of acquired immunity against the infection. It is
not known to what extent A. suum is involved in human infection, but it is probably
not very important. Suckling pigs have been infected experimentally with embry-
onated eggs of A. lumbricoides,resulting in a patent infection, with adult, egg-lay-
ing parasites. Cases caused by accidental ingestion of A. suum eggs have been seen
in a laboratory worker and some students, and one case occurred in a child who
ingested swine feces. Intestinal infection was verified in 7 of 17 volunteers after
each one was administered 25 eggs of A. suum containing infective larvae. These
facts indicate that human intestinal ascariasis by A. suum can occur, but is probably
seldom recognized.

A World Health Organization (WHO) Expert Committee on the Control of
Ascariasis said, “When infective eggs are ingested the larvae of A. suum unques-
tionably develop in the intestine, and migrate to the lungs in man as they do in many
other mammals. It is a reasonable assumption that a significant proportion of respi-
ratory illnesses observed in people having contact with pigs is caused by A. suum as
well as by A. lumbricoides”(WHO, 1967). In developing countries where humans
and swine are in close contact and personal and environmental hygiene are deficient,
it could be anticipated that the larval phase of A. suum might participate together
with A. lumbricoides in the pulmonary alterations caused by the parasite’s migra-
tion, and that a small fraction of human intestinal ascariases might be due to the
porcine parasite.
The Disease in Man and Animals:The course of the disease and the sympto-
matology are similar in both humans and swine. Children and suckling pigs are most
affected. In the early age group, not only is the rate of infection higher, but parasite
burden is larger. Two phases of the disease are distinguished: the initial phase, pro-
duced by migrating larvae, and the latter phase, caused by adult parasites.
Invasion of the liver of swine and turkeys by the ascarid larvae produces traumatic
microfoci which become inflamed and heal with connective tissue. These microle-
sions are more serious and show allergic components in reinfections, but rarely result
in clinical signs (Barriga, 1997). In man, there is generally no hepatic component in
the migration, although it has been shown that the excreta and secretions of A. lum-
bricoidescause liver damage in hamsters (Mazumder et al., 1992). The pulmonary
phase is characterized by respiratory symptoms attributable to the damage produced
by the larvae during pulmonary migration. In intense and repeated larval invasions, the
symptomatology consists of fever, irregular and asthmatic breathing, and spasmodic
coughing. Aberrant larvae located in the brain, eyes, and kidneys are rare, but can give
rise to serious symptoms. Recently, studies conducted principally in Japan have con-
firmed several human cases of visceral larva migrans in patients with serologic reac-
tivity against A. suum. These cases have been attributed to infections with the swine
ascarides (Inatomi et al., 1999). The same situation has occurred in France (Petithory
et al., 1994). Ascariasis caused by A. lumbricoideswas once prevalent in Japan, but its
incidence has been reduced to less than 0.01%. That notwithstanding, between 1994
and 1995, 14 human cases with high peripheral eosinophilia, elevated titers against
Ascaris,and absence of Ascariseggs in the feces were found. Most of the patients
were asymptomatic, but laboratory tests showed liver dysfunction in seven and pul-
monary infiltration in five. All lived in an area with many pig farms. Based on this evi-
dence, the investigators believe that it was an epidemic of ascariasis by A. suum
(Maruyama et al., 1997). Japanese investigators also described an eosinophilic gas-
troenteritis caused by A. suum in man, similar to the one caused by Ancylostoma can-
inumand described by the Australians (Takeyama et al., 1997).
In the intestinal phase with adult ascarides, the symptomatology also depends on
the number of parasites. Mild infections are generally asymptomatic; but when the
parasite burden is larger, there may be vague abdominal discomfort, colic, diarrhea,
and vomiting. The most serious complications in children include intestinal obstruc-
tion by a large mass of parasites, obstruction of the pancreatic choledoch or duct,
and complications resulting from the aberrant migration of adult parasites to various
organs. Large numbers of ascarides in the intestines can cause diarrhea and stunted

development in swine. Food conversion is affected and susceptibility to viral respi-
ratory infections is increased in infected swine, but there are no other clinical man-
ifestations (Barriga, 1997).
No information is available on the frequency and seriousness of the disease
caused by the larval phase of A. suum in humans. Four students who ingested a large
number of A. suum eggs with their food manifested, after 10 to 14 days, pulmonary
infiltration, eosinophilia, asthmatiform symptoms, and an increase in circulating
IgE, indicating the allergic nature of the disease. The adult larvae of A. suum remain
in the human intestine a relatively short time—approximately 10 months—judging
from the experimental infections induced in volunteers.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Humans are the reservoir of A.
lumbricoides,as swine are for A. suum. The sources of infection include soil (geo-
helminthiasis), edible plants, or drinking water contaminated with fecal matter con-
taining eggs of Ascaris. Transmission to man can occur directly from the soil or
indirectly, by means of dust, water, vegetables, or objects to which the parasite’s
eggs have adhered. The infection is almost always acquired by ingestion, but there
are unconfirmed reports that, in some areas, it may occur by inhalation of eggs. The
main factor in maintaining human ascariasis is fecal contamination of the soil
around dwellings, particularly in family gardens, and contamination of sources of
water for drinking or irrigation. Clay soils are particularly suited to the survival of
Ascariseggs because they retain moisture. To have some idea of the degree of soil
contamination possible, it should be borne in mind that a single female Ascaris lum-
bricoides can produce 200,000 or more eggs per day, and a female A. suumcan pro-
duce 1 to 2 million. It is not uncommon to find 100 eggs per gram in a child’s feces
and 2,000 eggs per gram in swine feces. The higher rates of infection in preschool
children are explained by their more frequent contact with soil and their lack of per-
sonal hygiene. The epidemiology of swine ascariasis is similar to that of human
ascariasis, although the swine are in permanent and close contact with the soil.
Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease:The role played by swine
in the epidemiology of human ascariasis is not well defined. It has been confirmed
experimentally that cross-infections can occur between swine and humans or
between humans and swine. However, the frequency of heterologous infections is
unknown, given the difficulty of distinguishing between the two agents. In man,A.
suum rarely achieves oviposition because it stays a relatively short time in the intes-
tine. However, there is no doubt that intestinal infections by A. suum occur in
humans, as illustrated by the case of a child in Great Britain who ingested dirt from
a garden that had been fertilized with swine excreta. When the parasite was expelled,
study showed it to be A. suum (Crewe and Smith, 1971). Later, a case of intestinal
obstruction by multiple specimens of A. suum was described in a 9-year-old girl in
Zimbabwe (Davies and Goldsmid, 1978).
An investigation into the role of swine in the epidemiology of A. lumbricoides
ascariasis was carried out in a village in southwestern Nigeria where the inhabitants
lived in close contact with swine. The study identified the intestinal infection caused
by A. lumbricoides in both swine and the human population. However, an effort to
experimentally infect pigs with eggs of A. lumbricoideswas unsuccessful (Kofie and
Dipeolu, 1983). Other studies have indicated that repeated exposure to small doses,
as occurs in nature, is more effective than infection with a large number of eggs.

Occasionally,A. lumbricoides has been found in the intestine of nonhuman pri-
mates, and its larvae have been found in the lungs of several other species of ani-
mals. A. suum can infect cattle, sheep, and goats and can reach sexual maturity in
these animals. However, in some described cases, doubt exists about the identity of
the parasite. While A. lumbricoidesand A. suumare distinguished by studying the
denticles on the lips, which are different in the two species, it is now known that the
shape of the denticles of the swine parasite changes over time.
Diagnosis:In the hepatic or pulmonary migration phase of the larvae, it is difficult
or impossible to confirm the diagnosis by means of laboratory tests. Sometimes larvae
can be found in the bronchial secretions of both humans and suckling pigs. Hepatic
and pulmonary migrations produce antibodies that can be detected using various
immunological tests. However, while cross-reactivity is rare with other superfamilies
of nematodes,Anisakis simplex, A. suum, A. lumbricoides,and Toxocara canisshare
common somatic and excretory antigens (Kennedy et al., 1988).
In the intestinal phase, the characteristic eggs are found in the feces.
Control:Human ascariasis is a public health problem, especially in areas with a
low economic level, deficient environmental sanitation, and low standards of per-
sonal hygiene. In several industrialized countries, the prevalence rate of the para-
sitosis has been significantly reduced as a result of an improved standard of living,
without the adoption of specific control measures. The principal measures that
should be included in a control program consist of massive and periodic treatment
of the human population to prevent environmental contamination, sanitary excreta
disposal, provision of potable water, and health education for the purpose of instill-
ing personal hygiene habits in the population. In some countries (Korea, Israel, and
Japan), human ascariasis has been practically eradicated.
It is important to remember that ascaris eggs are extremely resistant to environ-
mental factors. In experiments with A. lumbricoides,contamination of the soil with
eggs has persisted for up to five years. Treatment of solid sewer waste in stabiliza-
tion ponds is insufficient to kill the eggs of ascarides; Ayres et al. (1993) reported
that up to 12% of A. lumbricoideseggs recovered from a pond were viable after 2.5
years of operation. Treatment of sewer waste with ammonium hydroxide at 30°C, or
at 40°C without the alkali, destroys them, but a temperature of 22°C, with or with-
out ammonium, has no lethal effect (Ghiglietti et al., 1995). While it has not been
employed, biological control of ascarides seems to be a possibility. Apart from the
insects that eat the eggs, at least the fungus Verticillium chlamydosporiuminvades
the eggs and kills the A. lumbricoideslarvae (Lysek and Sterba, 1991).
Ayres, R.M., D.L. Lee, D.D. Mara, S.A. Silva. The accumulation, distribution and viability
of human parasitic nematode eggs in the sludge of a primary facultative waste stabilization
pond. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 87(3):256–258, 1993.
Barriga, O.O. Ascariasis. In:Steele, J.H., section ed. Section B, Vol. 2:CRC Handbook
Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.

Crewe, W., D.H. Smith. Human infection with pig Ascaris (A. suum). Ann Trop Med
Parasitol 65(1):85, 1971.
Davies, N.J., J.M. Goldsmid. Intestinal obstruction due to Ascaris suum infection. Trans R
Soc Trop Med Hyg 72(1):107, 1978.
Galvin, T.J. Development of human and pig Ascaris in the pig and rabbit. J Parasitol
54(6):1085–1091, 1968.
Ghiglietti, R., P. Rossi, M. Ramsan, A. Colombi. Viability of Ascaris suum, Ascaris lum-
bricoidesandTrichuris muriseggs to alkaline pH and different temperatures. Parassitologia
37(2–3):229–232, 1995.
Inatomi, Y., T. Murakami, M. Tokunaga, K. Ishiwata, Y. Nawa, M. Uchino. Encephalopathy
caused by visceral larva migrans due to Ascaris suum. J Neurol Sci 164(2):195–199, 1999.
Kennedy, M.W., J. Tierney, P. Ye,et al. The secreted and somatic antigens of the third stage
larva of Anisakis simplex,and antigenic relationship with Ascaris suum, Ascaris lumbricoides,
and Toxocara canis. Mol Biochem Parasitol31(1):35–46, 1988.
Kofie, B.A., O.O. Dipeolu. A study of human and porcine ascariasis in a rural area of south-
west Nigeria. Int J Zoonoses 10(1):66–70, 1983.
Lysek, H., J. Sterba. Colonization ofAscaris lumbricoideseggs by the fungus Verticillium
chlamydosporiumGoddard. Folia Parasitol 38(3):255–259, 1991.
Maruyama, H., Y. Nawa, S. Noda, T. Mimori. An outbreak of ascariasis with marked
eosinophilia in the southern part of Kyushu District, Japan, caused by infection with swine
ascaris. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 28 Suppl 1:194–196, 1997.
Mazumder, D.N., A. Santra, G. Dutta, N. Ghosh, M.K. Chowdhury. Hepatic lesions caused
by excretory and secretory products of Ascaris lumbricoides in golden hamster. Indian J
Gastroenterol 11(3):117–120, 1992.
Murrell, K.D., L. Eriksen, P. Nansen, H.C. Slotved, T. Rasmussen. Ascaris suum:A revi-
sion of its early migratory path and implications for human ascariasis. J Parasitol
83(2):255–260, 1997.
Petithory, J.C., A. Beddok, M. Quedoc. [Ascaridiases zoonoses: Visceral larva migrans syn-
dromes.] Bull Acad Natl Med178(4):635–645, 1994.
Phills, J.A, A.J. Harrold, G.V. Whiteman, L. Perelmutter. Pulmonary infiltrates, asthma and
eosinophilia due to Ascaris suum infestation in man. N Engl J Med 286(18):965–970, 1972.
Takeyama, Y., S. Kamimura, J. Suzumiya,et al. Case report: Eosinophilic colitis with high
antibody titre against Ascaris suum. J Gastroenterol Hepatol 12(3):204–206, 1997.
Walsh, J.A., K.S. Warren. Selective primary health care. An interim strategy for disease
control in developing countries. N Engl J Med 301(18):967–974, 1979.
World Health Organization (WHO). Control of Ascariasis.Report of a WHO Expert
Committee. Geneva: WHO; 1967. (Technical Report Series 379).
Etiology:The agents of this infection are larvae of Baylisascaris procyonis,an
ascarid found in the small intestine of raccoons. Natural patent infections have been
found in two dogs, and rats, squirrels, and opossums have developed some speci-
mens of adult ascarids in experimental infections. Other species of Baylisascarisare
found in skunks, badgers, sables, and bears; no human infections by these other

species have been reported, although the larvae migrate in mice and experimental
infections have been produced in mice and chickens with B. transfuga.
B. procyonisis a typical ascarid; the female measures about 23 cm and the male,
about 12 cm. The females lay eggs in the small intestine; these are expelled with the
feces and, in three to four weeks, develop into infective larvae. These eggs may be
eaten by the raccoons themselves or by intermediate hosts such as rodents, rabbits, or
birds. Larvae that seem to belong to B. procyonishave been found in 19 species of
mammals—mainly rodents and lagomorphs—and in 13 species of birds. These appear
to be intermediate rather than paratenic hosts (see below). Young raccoons can become
infected by ingesting infective eggs, but adult raccoons become infected only by
ingesting the parasites in intermediate hosts. In young raccoons, the larvae develop
first in the intestinal mucosa and then in the lumen; the eggs start to appear in the feces
50 to 76 days after infection. In adult raccoons, the larvae develop in the intestinal
lumen and the eggs start to appear 32 to 38 days after infection. There is no extra-intes-
tinal migration; transmission through the uterus or milk has not been studied.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The infection is presumed to occur
in areas where raccoons live. The prevalence of the infection in these animals can be
very high, particularly in the northern and northeastern parts of the US; the infection
in young animals has been 92% and 94%, respectively, in these areas. Seventy-two
percent of 1,425 raccoons studied in the state of Indiana, 82% of 310 raccoons in the
state of Illinois, and 70% of 33 raccoons in the state of Texas were found to be
infected (Kerr et al., 1997). Prevalence of the infection is low in the western US and
very low to nonexistent in the southeast.
The first human infection was reported in 1984 (Huff et al., 1984). Up until 1989,
there were just two confirmed and two suspected cases of cerebral baylisascariasis
and two cases of ocular baylisascariasis. Between 1989 and 2000, there were reports
of one case of subacute diffuse unilateral neuroretinitis (Goldberg et al., 1993), one
case of meningoencephalitis in a 13-month-old child (Cunningham et al., 1994), and
one cardiac case in a 10-year-old child (Boschetti et al., 1995).
The Disease in Man:Man is an intermediate rather than paratenic host. The
human infection seems to be identical to that found in laboratory animals, in which
it has been shown that the B. procyonis larvae continue to migrate, and that they molt
and grow from 300 to 1,900 µm until they develop into eosinophilic granulomas.
B. procyoniscauses visceral, ocular, and cerebrospinal syndromes in man. The
severity of the disease depends on the number, location, and activity of the larvae. A
mild infection with a small number of larvae, which mostly encapsulate in the con-
nective and muscular tissue, will probably not produce clinical manifestations. A
more intense infection can cause the typical signs of visceral larva migrans: fever,
leukocytosis, eosinophilia, hepatomegaly, and pneumonitis. Due to the size and
motility of the larvae, any infection that causes symptoms of visceral larva migrans
can probably also cause nervous symptoms. The symptoms appear two to four
weeks after infection, and include lethargy, lack of muscular coordination, torticol-
lis, ataxia, and nystagmus, which progress to stupor, coma, and death. Ocular cases
occur when the larvae invade the eye; the symptoms include unilateral vision loss,
photophobia, and retinitis. Tunnels have been observed in the retina at seven days
postinfection in experiments in monkeys.

The Disease in Animals:Infected raccoons are asymptomatic. In endemic areas,
adult animals harbor 12 to 14 parasites and young animals harbor 48 to 62. Severe
infections in young animals produce intestinal obstruction. There have been cases of
symptomatic systemic or fatal infection caused by Baylisascarislarvae in puppies
(Rudmann et al., 1996), a gibbon in a zoo (Ball et al., 1998), and a newborn lamb
(Anderson, 1999), and other cases have been reported in monkeys, rodents, lago-
morphs, and birds.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection is
infected raccoons, which can eliminate millions of eggs a day. The eggs can survive
in the soil for months or years. Man is thought to become infected accidentally by
ingesting food or water, or through hands contaminated with the feces of infected
Diagnosis:The human infection is suspected when symptoms of visceral larva
migrans are accompanied by signs of alteration of the central nervous system, high
peripheral eosinophilia, eosinophilia of the cerebrospinal fluid, and a history of
exposure to raccoons. There are immunological tests for baylisascariasis, in partic-
ular, enzyme immunoassay and immunoelectrotransfer (Cunningham et al., 1994).
Baylisascarisis antigenically closer to Ascaristhan to Toxocara. The four human
cases reported since 1994 were positive for Baylisascarisand negative for Toxocara,
but one was positive for Ascaris. In raccoons, diagnosis of the infection is made by
a finding of eggs in the feces or parasites in the feces or vomit. The eggs are similar
to those of T. canis,but smaller. Baylisascariseggs measure 62–70 µm by 52–58
µm, while T. caniseggs measure 85–90 by 73–77 µm.
Control:According to the available information, human baylisascariasis is very
rare, but its control is important because people tend to keep raccoons as pets and the
disease has no treatment. Pet raccoons should be examined for the parasite’s eggs. If
the examinations are positive, they should be treated with a medication effective
against ascarids. Also, it should be borne in mind that the eggs can appear in the feces
up to two and a half months after infection. In areas where raccoons are present, chim-
neys and other openings through which these animals can enter a dwelling should be
sealed. If nests are found, the feces should be burned. Like those of the other ascarids,
Baylisascariseggs are highly resistant to external environmental factors and disinfec-
tants. If an area needs to be decontaminated, it is best to treat it with fire. Dryness and
sunlight will kill the eggs, but it is not known how long this takes.
Anderson, B.C. Congenital Baylisascarissp. larval migrans in a newborn lamb. J Parasitol
85(1):128–129, 1999.
Ball, R.L., M. Dryden, S. Wilson, J. Veatch. Cerebrospinal nematodiasis in a white-handed
gibbon (Hylobates lar) due to Baylisascarissp. J Zoo Wildl Med29(2):221–224, 1998.
Boschetti, A., J. Kasznica. Visceral larva migrans induced eosinophilic cardiac pseudotu-
mor: A cause of sudden death in a child. J Forensic Sci40(6):1097–1099, 1995.
Cunningham, C.K., K.R. Kazacos, J.A. McMillan,et al. Diagnosis and management of
Baylisascaris procyonisinfection in an infant with nonfatal meningoencephalitis. Clin Infect
Dis18(6):868–872, 1994.

Goldberg, M.A., K.R. Kazacos, W.M. Boyce, E. Ai, B. Katz. Diffuse unilateral subacute
neuroretinitis. Morphometric, serologic, and epidemiologic support for Baylisascarisas a
causative agent. Ophthalmology100(11):1695–1701, 1993.
Huff, D.S., R.C. Neafie, M.J. Binder, G.A. De Leon, L.W. Brown, K.R. Kazacos. The first
fatal Baylisascarisinfection in humans: An infant with eosinophilic meningoencephalitis.
Pediatr Pathol2(3):345–352, 1984.
Kazacos, K.R., W.M. Boyce. Baylisascarislarva migrans.J Am Vet Med Assoc
195(7):894–903, 1989.
Kerr, C.L., S.E. Henke, D.B. Pence. Baylisascariasisin raccoons from southern coastal
Texas. J Wildl Dis33(3):653–655, 1997.
Rudmann, D.G., K.R. Kazacos, S.T. Storandt, D.L. Harris, E.B. Janovitz. Baylisascaris
procyonislarva migrans in a puppy: A case report and update for the veterinarian.J Am Anim
Hosp Assoc32(1):73–76, 1996.
ICD-10 B81.1 Intestinal capillariasis;
B83.8 Other specified intestinal helminthiases
Etiology:The agents of intestinal, hepatic, and pulmonary capillariasis are the
nematodes Capillaria philippinensis, C. hepatica,andC. aerophila,respectively.
The three species have different development cycles.
C. philippinensisis a filiform nematode. The female measures 2.5–5 mm long, and
the male 1.5–4 mm. Its anterior extremity lodges in the mucosa of the small intestine
in humans, particularly in the jejunum. The females can produce either larvae or eggs.
The eggs are barrel-shaped and have opercula at both ends, very similar to those of
Trichuris; they are eliminated with the feces, and when they enter fresh or contami-
nated bodies of water, they embryonate in 10 to 14 days and are ingested by a fish, in
whose intestine they form infective larvae in approximately three weeks. If a larva is
eaten by an appropriate host (man or a bird), it continues to develop, reaches the adult
stage in about two weeks, and begins to lay larvae. These larvae do not leave the host’s
intestine. They develop to maturity and lay eggs, which will begin the external infec-
tion cycle anew. However, some females continue laying eggs, which mature in the
host intestine without leaving it. In most cases, there is an overlap of oviparous and
larviparous females, and as a result there is a combination of eggs, larvae, and adults
in the host’s feces (Neva and Brown, 1994). Although man is the only known host, it
is thought that piscivorous birds are the natural hosts and that man is merely an acci-
dental host who becomes infected by eating infected fish, which are the intermediate
hosts (Cross and Basaca-Sevilla, 1991). In addition, experimental infections have been
produced, using fish larvae, in monkeys and gerbils.
C. hepaticais also a filiform nematode, but it is longer than C. philippinensis; the
females measure 5–8 cm long, and the males about half that. This is a common par-
asite of rodents and, occasionally, many other mammals. It lodges in the hepatic

parenchyma, where it lays eggs, which remain trapped in the organ but do not
develop to the infective stage. In order for C. hepaticato continue its development,
the infected rodent must be eaten by a carnivore, which digests and releases the eggs
enclosed in the hepatic tissue and eliminates them with the feces into the external
environment, where they disseminate. To become infective, the eggs require a one-
to two-month incubation period under favorable conditions of temperature, shade,
aeration, and moisture. When the infective eggs are again eaten by a rodent, the lar-
vae are released in the intestine, enter the intestinal wall, and are carried through the
bloodstream to the liver, where they mature in approximately a month. C. hepatica
is a helminth that is transmitted via the soil; therefore, hepatic capillariasis is a geo-
helminthiasis. In moist soils, the eggs can remain viable for many months.
C. aerophilais a filiform parasite some 2–3 cm long. Its anterior extremity lodges
in the mucosa of the trachea and bronchi of foxes, dogs, coyotes, and more rarely,
other wild animals or cats. Human infection is rare. The eggs enter through the air-
ways, are carried by the cilia and by coughing to the pharynx, are swallowed, and
are eliminated with the feces. They develop an infective larva in five to seven weeks.
When an appropriate host, such as a fox or dog, ingests the eggs, the larvae are
released into the intestine and migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs in 7 to
10 days. Around 40 days after infection they reach maturity and begin oviposition.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Intestinal capillariasis caused by C.
philippinensiswas first recognized in 1963 on Luzon Island in the Philippines.
During the next five years, more than 1,500 cases were reported, with a 6% fatality
rate. However, the prevalence of the infection seems relatively low, as eggs of the
parasite were found in the feces of less than 3% of the 4,000 inhabitants of the
endemic area examined during the epidemic outbreak in 1967 (Banzón, 1982).
Aside from the Philippines, the most affected country seems to be Thailand, where
17 reported cases were reviewed (Peng et al.,1993). From 1989 to 2000, 41 cases
were reported throughout the world: 3 in Egypt, 1 in the United Arab Emirates, 2 in
Spain, 1 in Greece, 1 in India, 1 in Indonesia, 3 in the Republic of Korea, 20 in
Thailand, and 9 in Taiwan. One of the cases diagnosed in Spain involved a citizen
of Colombia (Dronda et al.,1993).
C. hepaticais found on all continents among synanthropic and wild rodents, with a
prevalence rate that ranges from 0.7% to more than 85%. In Marseilles, France, the par-
asite was found in 44% of 82 rats (Davoust et al.,1997), and in Thailand, in 8% of 76
rats (Namue and Wongsawad, 1997). Besides rodents, the parasite has occasionally
been found in other species of domestic and wild mammals. Infection in man is very
rare; up until 1985, 11 cases of hepatic infection had been confirmed in Europe (9 in
the former Czechoslovakia and 2 in Italy) and 14 others in the rest of the world (among
them, 1 in Brazil, 5 in the US, 1 in Mexico, and 3 in South Africa). From 1989 to 2000,
10 other cases were reported: 1 in Germany, 1 in Japan, 3 in Mexico, 1 in the Republic
of Korea, 3 in Switzerland, and 1 in Yugoslavia. In 1997, the worldwide prevalence was
estimated at some 30 cases (Davoust et al.,1997).
C. aerophilahas been identified in animals in North America, Europe, the former
Soviet Union, Australia, Chile, and Uruguay. In most animals, the prevalence is
under 5% and often below 1%. Prevalences as high as 38% have been reported. Up
until 1977, there were only nine known cases of human infection: one in Iran, one
in Morocco, and seven in the former Soviet Union (Aftandelians et al.,1977).

The Disease in Man:Intestinal capillariasis caused by C. philippinensisis a seri-
ous and fatal disease if not treated in time. Most patients are 20–45 years of age,
with males predominating. The disease begins with insignificant symptoms such as
borborygmus and vague abdominal pains. Intermittent diarrhea, which becomes per-
sistent as the disease progresses, begins in two or three weeks, along with marked
weight loss and cachexia. Gastrointestinal function is seriously affected; in addition,
malabsorption and the loss of large quantities of protein, fat, and minerals have been
confirmed. Death occurs as a result of heart failure or an intercurrent infection a few
weeks or months after the onset of symptoms (Cross, 1992).
Clinical cases of hepatic capillariasis are due to a massive invasion of the liver by C.
hepatica,which reaches maturity and begins to produce eggs in that organ. The disease
is serious and frequently fatal. A prominent sign is hepatomegaly; other very common
symptoms are high morning fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, abdom-
inal distension, edema of the extremities, splenomegaly, and sometimes pneumonia. A
large part of the symptomatology is due to secondary infections in weakened patients,
most of them children. In a case in an adult from Nigeria, the most prominent patho-
logical feature was severe hepatic fibrosis and functional disorders related thereto
(Attah et al., 1983). Laboratory examinations find hyperleukocytosis with eosinophilia
and hypochromic anemia, with abnormal values in liver function tests. Autopsy reveals
the presence of grayish-white nodules on the surface of the liver. Histologically, the
principal lesions consist of necrotic foci and granulomas. The adult parasites and eggs
are found in the necrotic masses. Subclinical human infections undoubtedly occur, as
attested to by solitary hepatic granulomas found in nine individuals autopsied during a
study in the former Czechoslovakia. In seven of the nine cases, only one parasite larva
was found in the lesions (Slais, 1973).
Pulmonary capillariasis caused by C. aerophilacauses asthmatiform symptoms
with coughing, mucoid or sometimes blood-tinged expectoration, fever, dyspnea,
and moderate eosinophilia. Biopsy reveals granulomatous lesions with cellular reac-
tion to a foreign body (Aftandelians et al.,1977).
The Disease in Animals:C. philippinensishas not been found in land animals,
but fish-eating birds are believed to be the natural hosts, though it is not known
whether it causes symptoms in them. Experimental infection in primates of the
genus Macacaor in wild rats is asymptomatic. In gerbils, on the other hand, the
infection is manifested by a symptomatology similar to that in man (Banzón, 1982).
C. hepaticainfections in rodents cause damage proportional to the parasite bur-
den: mild infections may be subclinical; intense infections can cause hepatitis,
splenomegaly, ascites, and eosinophilia; and massive infections can eventually cause
hepatic necrosis. Although hepatic capillariasis does not have a high mortality rate,
it could contribute to the control of rodent populations (McCallum, 1993). The
infection was also found in one dog (Brander et al.,1990).
C. aerophilainfections are most severe in foxes, particularly in young animals.
Intense infections can cause rhinitis, tracheitis, and bronchitis, which may end in
bronchopneumonia caused by a secondary bacterial infection. Massive infections
are often fatal.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Man is the only known definitive
host of C. philippinensis. There are epidemiological reasons to suspect that the defini-
tive natural hosts are piscivorous birds and that the intermediate hosts are fish in clean

or contaminated waters. The main source of infection for humans seems to be infected
fish, and the manner of infection is the ingestion of undercooked fish. Contamination
of bodies of water with the excreta of humans or the birds that serve as hosts ensures
perpetuation of the cycle. Given that the infection can be transmitted experimentally
from one gerbil to another, with the parasite at different intestinal stages of develop-
ment, direct person-to-person transmission may also occur (Banzón, 1982).
The main reservoir of C. hepaticais rodents. The infection is transmitted by
ingestion of embryonated eggs that have been released from the liver of rodents and
disseminated through the external environment by carnivores. In the peridomestic
environment, the disseminating agents can be cats and dogs that hunt rodents. The
eggs can also be released by cannibalism among rodents or by death and decompo-
sition of their cadavers. For man, the source of direct infection is the soil, and the
source of indirect infection is contaminated hands, food, or water. There are more
than 30 described cases of spurious infections due to the ingestion of raw liver of
rodents or other mammals, such as squirrels, monkeys, and wild boars, infected with
unembryonated eggs. In such cases, the eggs of the parasite pass through the human
digestive tract and are eliminated with the feces without causing true infection.
The source of C. aerophilainfection for man and animals is the soil, where the
eggs deposited with the feces of animals continue their incubation and the larvae
reach the infective stage. Larvae can remain viable inside the eggs for a year or
more. Children probably acquire the infection by ingesting dirt or water and food
contaminated with eggs.
Diagnosis:A diagnosis of intestinal capillariasis caused by C. philippinensisis
suspected in endemic zones when prolonged diarrhea with borborygmus and
abdominal pain is observed in individuals who eat raw fish. Coprologic examination
confirms the diagnosis, though a series of them may be necessary.
A specific diagnosis of hepatic capillariasis is suspected from the presence of
fever, hepatomegaly, and eosinophilia in a patient in an endemic area. Confirmation
can be obtained only from liver biopsy and identification of the parasite or its eggs.
The discovery of C. hepaticaeggs in human feces does not signify infection, but
rather the passage of eggs through the intestine after ingestion of the liver of an
infected animal.
Diagnosis of pulmonary capillariasis can be obtained by confirmation of the pres-
ence of eosinophils or the typical eggs in the sputum, or by biopsy of pulmonary tis-
sue in which larvae or aspirated eggs can be found.
Control:In endemic areas, intestinal capillariasis can be prevented by refraining
from eating raw or undercooked fish. Patients should be treated with thiabendazole,
both for therapeutic reasons and to decrease the dissemination of parasite eggs.
Hygienic elimination of human excreta is very important.
Hepatic capillariasis is a geohelminthiasis in which the eggs develop to the infec-
tive stage in the soil; they then penetrate the host orally through contaminated food
or water or, in the case of man, via contaminated hands that are brought to the mouth
or handle food. Consequently, individual prevention consists of carefully washing
suspected foods and avoiding eating them raw; boiling both water and suspected
foods; and washing hands carefully before eating. Since the infection is common in
young children, who often eat dirt, and in homes in which rats abound, supervision
of children’s hygiene and rodent control can be important.

To prevent pulmonary capillariasis in animals and personnel on fox breeding
farms, the animals must be kept in clean, well-ventilated, and sunny facilities to pro-
mote the destruction of the eggs. Young animals, which are the most susceptible and
have the largest parasite burden, must be separated from adults. Any infection must
be treated as soon as possible to prevent contamination of the environment with the
eggs. Individuals can avoid infection by following strict hygiene rules to prevent
infections with geohelminths.
Aftandelians, R., F. Raafat, M. Taffazoli, P.C. Beaver. Pulmonary capillariasis in a child in
Iran. Am J Trop Med Hyg 26(1):64–71, 1977.
Attah, E.B., S. Nagarajan, E.N. Obineche, S.C. Gera. Hepatic capillariasis. Am J Clin
Pathol 79(1):127–130, 1983.
Banzón, T. Human intestinal capillariasis (Capillaria philippinensis).In:Schultz, M.O.,
section ed. Section B, Vol. 2:CRC Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press;
Brander, P., T. Denzler, M. Henzi. Capillaria hepaticabei einem Hund und einem Igel.
Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd132(7):365–370, 1990.
Cross, J.H. Intestinal capillariasis. Clin Microbiol Rev 5(2):120–129, 1992.
Cross, J.H., V. Basaca-Sevilla. Capillariasis philippinensis:A fish-borne parasitic zoonosis.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 22 Suppl:153–157, 1991.
Davoust, B., M. Boni, D. Branquet, J. Ducos de Lahitte, G. Martet. Recherche de trois
infestations parasitaires chez des rats capturés à Marseille: Évaluation du risque zoonosique.
Bull Acad Natl Med181(5):887–895, 1997.
Dronda, F., F. Chaves, A. Sanz, R. López-Vélez. Human intestinal capillariasis in an area
of nonendemicity: Case report and review. Clin Inf Dis 17(15):909–912, 1993.
McCallum, H.I. Evaluation of a nematode (Capillaria hepaticaBancroft, 1893) as a con-
trol agent for populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus Schwartz and Schwartz,
1943). Rev Sci Tech 12(1):83–93, 1993.
Namue, C., C. Wongsawad. A survey of helminth infection in rats (Rattusspp.) from
Chiang Mai Moat. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health28 Suppl 1:179–183, 1997.
Neva, F.A., H.W. Brown. Basic Clinical Parasitology,6th ed. Norwalk: Appleton & Lange;
Peng, H.W., H.L. Chao, P.C. Fan. Imported Opisthorchis viverriniand parasite infections
from Thai labourers in Taiwan. J Helminthol 67(2):102–106, 1993.
Slais, J. The finding and identification of solitary Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft, 1893) inman in Europe. Folia Parasitol (Praha)20(2):149–161, 1973.

ICD-10 B76.9 Hookworm disease, unspecified
Synonyms:Creeping verminous dermatitis, serpiginous eruption, larva currens
(infection caused by the larvae of Strongyloides spp.).
Etiology:Cutaneous larva migrans is a clinical description more than an etiologic
diagnosis. The principal etiologic agent is the infective larva of Ancylostoma
braziliense,an ancylostomid of dogs, cats, and other carnivores. Experimental infec-
tions have been produced in human subjects with other animal ancylostomids, such
as A. caninum of dogs,Uncinaria stenocephala of dogs and cats, and Bunostomum
phlebotomum of cattle. Since cases of cutaneous larva migrans have been seen occa-
sionally in areas where these latter parasites are prevalent, it is assumed that they can
also infect man in nature. However, the larvae of A. brazilienseproduce much more
hyaluronidase (the substance that makes it possible to break down intercellular
cement and invade tissue) than do those of the other ancylostomids (Hotez et al.,
1992), which may explain the greater incidence of this species. Cutaneous infection
caused by the larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis,which progresses more rapidly
than that caused by the larvae of ancylostomids, is currently called “larva currens,”
but it is also known as cutaneous larva migrans. In addition, some authors extend the
validity of this term to gnathostomiasis (Díaz-Camacho et al., 1998). Also, a case of
invasion of human skin by Pelodera strongyloides,a free-living soil nematode
related to S. stercoralis(the third known case in the world), was reported as cuta-
neous larva migrans (Jones et al., 1991). The name “cutaneous larva migrans” has
even been applied to the larvae of some arthropods that can colonize human skin,
such as Gasterophylusand Hypoderma(Cypess, 1982). In individuals who have suf-
fered previous infections, the human ancylostomids A. duodenaleand Necator
americanuscan cause a picture of cutaneous allergy similar to that of cutaneous
larva migrans. Here consideration is given only to the canine ancylostomes, with
particular focus on A. braziliense.
Man is an aberrant host, in which the infective larvae cannot complete their devel-
opment cycle and become adults. A. braziliense is a small species of Ancylostoma;
the female measures about 1 cm long by 0.37 mm wide. Its life cycle is similar to
that of the other ancylostomes (see the chapter on Zoonotic Ancylostomiasis).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:A. brazilienseoccurs in tropical and
subtropical areas; A. caninumand B. phlebotomum,in temperate climates; and U.
stenocephala,in colder parts of temperate regions (Barriga, 1997). Human cuta-
neous larva migrans occurs more frequently in tropical and subtropical areas. The
disease has been reported in Argentina, Australia, southern Brazil, the Caribbean
islands, France, Germany, India, Israel, Mexico (especially along the Gulf Coast),
the Philippines, South Africa, Spain, southeastern US, and Uruguay, among other
places. The prevalence of human infection is unknown. The fact that cases appear
only sporadically in the literature suggests that it is a relatively infrequent condition.
Nevertheless, a hospital in Paris, France, recorded 269 cases in a two-year period
(Caumes et al., 1995), and a hospital in Munich, Germany, registered 98 cases in
four years (Jelinek et al., 1994), most of them in travelers who had acquired the
infection outside the country.

Infections caused by A. braziliense and other ancylostomes in dogs and cats can
reach high prevalence rates: Malgor et al. (1996) found A. braziliensein 49% and
A. caninumin 96% of 80 dogs autopsied in Uruguay, while Saleh et al. (1988) found
Ancylostomasp. in 68% of dogs examined in the Netherlands Antilles.
The Disease in Man:The infective larva produces a pruriginous papule upon pene-
trating the skin. In the days that follow, the larva travels around in the germinal layer
and produces sinuous tunnels, advancing a few millimeters to several centimeters a day
and forming vesicles along the tunnels on the outer surface of the skin. The migration
of the larvae and the corresponding tissue reaction cause intense pruritus, especially at
night, and may keep the patient awake. Secondary bacterial infections are common
because the pruritus induces the patient to scratch. The lesion, which can be single or
multiple, is most often located on the lower extremities (73% of the cases) and less fre-
quently on the trunk and upper extremities (7% of the cases), but it can occur on any
part of the skin exposed to contaminated soil. Lesions on the palm of the hand or the
sole of the foot are particularly painful. The larvae usually remain alive and travel in the
skin for two to eight weeks, at the end of which the disease is cured spontaneously.
However, there have been patients in whom the infection persisted for as long as 18 to
55 months (Richey et al., 1996). In a few cases, the levels of IgE and peripheral
eosinophilia are elevated (Jelinek et al., 1994). In one-third of the cases, the larvae man-
age to invade the lungs. Some patients suffer a transitory pneumonitis with eosinophilia
(Loeffler syndrome), and in such cases larvae may be found in the sputum.
Ancylostoma larvae have also been found in the cornea. This finding confirms the
hypothesis that the larvae of animal ancylostomids can sometimes produce visceral
infections in man. When the cause of larva currens is S. stercoralis,the lesion is less
clearly defined than in cutaneous larva migrans and is characterized by intense ery-
thema as well as by its rapid progression and quick disappearance. Oral albendazole
and ivermectin have given excellent therapeutic results.
The Disease in Animals:The disease caused by ancylostomes in carnivores is
mainly intestinal and is manifested by diarrhea, anemia, and malabsorption.
Invasion of the skin by the larvae of B. phlebotomumin cattle or U. stenocephala in
dogs can cause an allergic dermatitis, especially in repeated infections, which is gen-
erally short lived. The lesions are limited to the interdigital spaces, and the most
prominent signs are erythema, pruritus, and papules that disappear about five days
after the initial infection. Occasionally, the reactions are quite severe, prompting
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection is
infective ancylostomid larvae found in the soil. The larvae develop from eggs that
are shed in the feces of infected dogs or cats and land in a favorable environment—
i.e., with warm temperatures and high humidity and sheltered from direct sunlight.
Moist and sandy soils are the most propitious for development of the larvae. In
countries with a temperate climate, the human infections occur in summer, whereas
in tropical climates, they occur during the rainy season. Man is infected by contact
with contaminated soil. The groups most exposed to the infection are children who
play in the sand; workers who have close contact with the soil, such as gardeners,
farmers, construction workers, and miners; and people who spend time at the beach.
A study of contamination of children’s sandboxes showed that Toxocaraspecies

were much more prevalent than Ancylostoma,perhaps because Toxocaraeggs are
more resistant to environmental conditions (Barriga, 1997).
Diagnosis:Clinical diagnosis is based on the nature and symptomatology of the
lesions—i.e., serpiginous inflammations and intense pruritus. Although clinical detec-
tion can be challenging, in a series of 269 patients presenting at a tropical disease unit,
cutaneous larva migrans was the most frequent diagnosis (25%), compared with pyo-
derma (18%), pruritic arthropod-reactive dermatitis (10%), myiasis (9%), tungiasis
(6%), and urticaria (5%) (Caumes et al., 1995). Diagnosis can be confirmed by biopsy
of the affected skin to confirm the presence of larvae, but this method is only about 25%
efficient. It is also difficult to identify the parasite in histological section, and because
of this difficulty, it has not been possible to determine the percentage of cases due to A.
braziliensecompared with other species. Differential diagnosis should take into
account the other parasites mentioned at the beginning of this chapter.
Control:The principal control measures are regular treatment of dogs and cats
and the elimination of stray animals to reduce contamination of the soil. Dogs and
cats should not be allowed on beaches or in places where children play in the sand.
Whenever possible, areas susceptible to contamination should be kept dry, clean,
and free of vegetation. The larvae of Ancylostoma live for almost a month in moist
and grassy soils, but only one or two days on terrain that is bare, dry, and in direct
sunlight (Barriga, 1997). Since the infective larvae develop in about four to five days
at optimum temperatures, the removal of canine feces twice a week also reduces
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Caumes, E., J. Carriere, G. Guermonprez, F. Bricaire, M. Danis, M. Gentilini. Dermatoses
associated with travel to tropical countries: A prospective study of the diagnosis and manage-
ment of 269 patients presenting to a tropical disease unit. Clin Infect Dis20(3):542–548, 1995.
Cypess, R.H. Cutaneous larva migrans. In:Steele, J.H., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Díaz-Camacho, S.P., M. Zazueta Ramos, E. Ponce Torrecillas,et al. Clinical manifestations
and immunodiagnosis of gnathostomiasis in Culiacán, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg
59(6):908–915, 1998.
Hotez, P.J., S. Narasimhan, J. Haggerty,et al. Hyaluronidase from infectiveAncylostoma
hookworm larvae and its possible function as a virulence factor in tissue invasion and in cuta-
neous larva migrans. Infect Immun60(3):1018–1023, 1992.
Jelinek, T., H. Maiwald, H.D. Nothdurft, T. Loscher. Cutaneous larva migrans in travelers:
Synopsis of histories, symptoms, and treatment of 98 patients. Clin Infect Dis
19(6):1062–1066, 1994.
Jones, C.C., T. Rosen, C. Greenberg. Cutaneous larva migrans due to Pelodera strongy-
loides. Cutis 48(2):123–126, 1991.
Malgor, R., Y. Oku, R. Gallardo, I. Yarzabal. High prevalence of Ancylostomaspp. infec-
tion in dogs, associated with endemic focus of human cutaneous larva migrans, in
Tacuarembó, Uruguay. Parasite 3(2):131–134, 1996.
Richey, T.K., R.H. Gentry, J.E. Fitzpatrick, A.M. Morgan. Persistent cutaneous larva
migrans due to Ancylostomaspecies. South Med J89(6):609–611, 1996.

Saleh, F.C., C.E. Kirkpatrick, O. De Haseth, J.B. Lok. Occurrence of some blood and intes-
tinal parasites in dogs in Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles. Trop Geogr Med40(4):318–321,
ICD-10 B83.8 Other specified helminthiases
Etiology:Dioctophyma(Dioctophyme) renaleis a large, blood-red nematode that
in the adult stage lodges in the kidneys of minks, occasionally other mustelids, and
at times, wild and domestic canids. In dogs, the adult female of the parasite can
reach up to 1 m long and 5–12 mm wide and is therefore known as the “giant kid-
ney worm.” The male is much smaller. The size of the parasite depends on the host
species; for example, in minks it is not more than a few centimeters long.
The definitive host eliminates the eggs of the parasite via the urine. The eggs
develop in water and, depending on the temperature, form a first-stage larva in 15 to
102 days. The larval eggs must be ingested by the free-living aquatic oligochaete
annelid Lumbriculus variegatus,in whose intestine they hatch quickly and then
invade the coelomatic cavity. There, the larva undergoes two molts and becomes an
infective, third-stage larva in 70 to 120 days or more. Several fish, such as Ictalurus
nebulosusand Esox luciusin North America or Idusspp. in Europe, or frogs such as
Rana pipiens,R. clamitans,and R. septentrionalis,can ingest the infected worm. In
that case, the infective larva encysts in the mesentery or liver without continuing its
development to the adult stage. These animals are paratenic or transport hosts. If a
mink or other suitable host ingests an infected worm or paratenic host, the larva is
released by digestion of the tissues, penetrates the mammal’s stomach wall, molts in
the submucosa, migrates to the liver, passes into the peritoneal cavity, and reaches
the kidney. The juvenile nematodes, which are already several centimeters long,
penetrate the renal pelvis, mature, and begin laying eggs five or six months after
infection. In dogs, some specimens remain in the peritoneal cavity, near the kidney,
but never really invade it (Barriga, 1982).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:With the possible exception of
Africa and Oceania, the parasite is distributed worldwide and has been found in
many species of carnivores. The most commonly reported form is canine diocto-
phymosis. In the Americas, the animal parasitosis has been described in Argentina,
Brazil, Canada, Paraguay, Uruguay, and the US, and in other countries as well.
Prevalences of between 18% and 48% have been found in minks, 2% in otters, and
1.5% in weasels. Although prevalences of 37% in dogs and 35% in jackals have
occasionally been reported, in most cases the infection rate in dogs is under 1%. D.
renaleis, in fact, rarely discovered in veterinary practice; 60% of D. renalein dogs

are not located in the liver and are therefore not patent and can go unnoticed. Until
1969, only 204 cases of canine dioctophymosis had been reported in the world lit-
erature. It is very infrequently reported in bovines, equines, and swine. These num-
bers, the fact that the parasite is almost always found in the kidney of minks, from
which it can eliminate its eggs to the outside, and the fact that the parasite is found
less than half the time in the kidney of dogs, indicate that mustelids, particularly
minks, are the definitive natural hosts of the parasite. The infection is very rare in
man. Until 1982, the literature described just 13 well-documented cases of infec-
tions in the human kidney (Barriga, 1982). There are also three human cases in
which larvae of D. renalewere found in ectopic locations (Gutiérrez et al.,1989).
The Disease in Man and Animals:In humans and dogs, the nematode usually
locates in just one kidney, most often the right one, and in most cases, only one par-
asite is found. As it grows,Dioctophymadestroys the renal parenchyma and, in
extreme cases, leaves only the capsule of the organ. The most prominent symptoms
include renal colic and hematuria or pyuria. In some cases, the parasite migrates to
the ureter or urethra and blocks the flow of urine. In dogs, cases in which the para-
site remains in the peritoneum are usually asymptomatic, though this localization
can occasionally cause peritonitis. The healthy organ compensates for the loss of
renal function and generally hypertrophies.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Minks seem to be the main
reservoirs. The definitive wild hosts are infected when they ingest the infected inter-
mediate hosts (worms) or the paratenic hosts (frogs or fish). Humans and, very prob-
ably, dogs are accidental hosts that almost always harbor only one parasite. Both are
probably infected by eating undercooked fish or frogs. The rarity of human infec-
tion is explained by the fact that the larvae are located in the mesentery or liver of
fish or frogs, organs that man generally does not consume.
Diagnosis:When the parasite infecting a human or dog is a female that is in con-
tact with the urinary tract, the parasitosis can be diagnosed by observing its eggs in
urinary sediment. Renal infections caused by a male parasite or located in the peri-
toneum can be diagnosed only by laparotomy or at autopsy.
Control:The infection can be prevented, both in humans and dogs, by avoiding
the consumption of raw or undercooked frogs and fish.
Barriga, O.O. Dioctophymiasis. In:Schultz, M.O., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Fyvie, A. Dioctophyma renale.In:Davis, J.W., R.C. Anderson, eds. Parasitic Diseases of
Wild Mammals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1971.
Gutiérrez Y., M. Cohen, C.N. Machicao. Dioctophyme larva in the subcutaneous tissues of
a woman in Ohio. Am J Surg Pathol 13(9):800–802, 1989.

ICD-10 B72
Synonyms:Dracontiasis, dracunculosis, guinea-worm disease.
Etiology:The agent of this infection is Dracunculus medinensis,one of the longest
nematodes known, despite its variable size. The female measures 50–120 cm long and
1–2 mm wide, while the male is much smaller, measuring 12–29 mm long and 0.4 mm
wide. The male is rarely seen in patients because it dies soon after copulation. In its
adult stage,D. medinensis parasitizes man and a variety of domestic and wild animals,
including monkeys, carnivores, cattle, and equines. The species D. insignis,found in
North America, has a life cycle similar to that of D. medinensis,but it infects carni-
vores and rodents, especially those with semiaquatic habits such as raccoons, dogs,
skunks, weasels, nutrias, and muskrats. The females of the two species are indistin-
guishable, but D. insignishas not been observed in human infections.
The first-stage larvae of D. medinensisare expelled through the skin by the gravid
females. In order to continue its development, the larva must be ingested within one
to three weeks by an intermediate host, which is a copepod microcrustacean of the
genus Cyclops. About 15 different species of Cyclops are known to serve as interme-
diate hosts. Once the larva is ingested by an appropriate species of copepod, it will
continue its development in the coelomic cavity of the intermediate host for three to
six weeks, until it becomes an infective third-stage larva. When the copepod, acting as
intermediate host, is ingested in turn by a definitive host, the larva is released in the
intestine of the latter, traverses the intestinal wall, and, probably migrating through the
lymphatic system, finds a site in deep subcutaneous or retroperitoneal conjunctive tis-
sue, where it becomes embedded. The worms mature in about three to four months.
They then copulate, after which the male dies and the female penetrates deeply into
the tissue, remaining there for months until her uterus is filled with first-stage larvae.
Ten to 14 months after the initial infection, the parasite migrates to the surface of the
body, especially the legs, feet, ankles, knees, and wrists, and occasionally other parts,
and positions its anterior end in close contact with the inner surface of the skin. There,
it produces an irritation which at first forms a hard papule on the skin. The papule soon
turns into a vesicle, and eventually, an ulcer. When this part of the skin is immersed in
water, the parasite starts to have uterine contractions that rupture the vesicle (if it has
not yet ulcerated), and releases about 500,000 first-stage larvae into the external envi-
ronment. Subsequent contacts with water repeat the phenomenon, but the number of
larvae released is smaller. In general, the females live for 12 to 18 months, although
many of them die and are expelled spontaneously. Sometimes additional live larvae are
extracted from patients.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Dracunculiasis is restricted to tropi-
cal and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia, probably because the D. medinensis
larva develops best at 25°C to 30°C and cannot grow at temperatures lower than
19°C (Muller, 1979). The infection is endemic in several regions of western and
eastern Africa, as well as western India and Pakistan. In Africa, it is found within a
triangle formed by Côte d’Ivoire, the border between Ethiopia and Kenya, and Mali.
The countries most affected are Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. In the past, there
have been minor endemic foci in parts of Asia, such as Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia,

and possibly Iraq, but these foci seem to have disappeared. In 1947, Stoll estimated
that there were 43 million infections worldwide, but this figure would appear to be
quite exaggerated. The World Health Organization (WHO) calculated the worldwide
prevalence in 1976 at about 10 million. However, in 1978, only 26,980 cases were
reported. This disease is obviously underregistered. A study carried out in Togo in
1977 found that less than 4% of the cases observed had been reported to the public
health authorities (WHO, 1982). In Ghana and Nigeria, the countries with the high-
est prevalences of dracunculiasis, incidence of the infection in 1991 was down 33%
relative to 1990 and 57% relative to 1989 (CDC, 1992). Although in 1992 there were
still 3 million people infected and some 100 million at risk for the infection in India,
Pakistan, and 17 African countries, these figures represented a dramatic improve-
ment over the situation that existed a decade earlier (Hopkins and Ruiz-Tiben,
1992). In 2000, only 75,223 cases were reported to WHO, all of them from sub-
Saharan Africa (WHO, 2003a).
In some endemic foci, a high proportion of the population is infected. In southern
Togo, for example, in 1989 the prevalence of infection was estimated at 80% and the
incidence at 50% (Petit et al., 1989). A study of 1,200 individuals in Nigerian vil-
lages revealed that 982 (82%) were infected (Okoye et al., 1995). In some villages
of Ghana and southern India, 50% of the people have been found to be infected. The
age group most affected was 20- to 40-year-olds, and reinfection was common
(Johnson and Joshi, 1982).
In the Western Hemisphere, there have been foci in some parts of the Antilles,
Brazil (Bahia), French Guiana, and Guyana, all of which have disappeared sponta-
neously. It is believed that the infection was brought from Africa along with the
slave trade. In addition, there have been imported cases of dracunculiasis outside the
known endemic areas. For example, since 1995 there have been two cases in the US,
both of them imported from Sudan (CDC, 1998). In the eastern US, some sporadic
cases of human dracunculiasis were attributed to D. insignis(WHO, 1979).
Dracunculus medinensis occurs naturally in monkeys, wild and domestic carni-
vores, cattle, and equines. In northern Argentina, four cases of Dracunculusinfec-
tion were reported, but the species were not identified (Hoyos et al., 1995).
The Disease in Man:The prepatent period, from initial infection until emergence
of the parasite in the skin, lasts about a year and does not produce any symptoms in
the host. Indeed, the first sign of the infection is usually the papule or vesicle that
appears prior to larviposition by the parasite, approximately a year after the initial
infection. It may be that allergic symptomatology is absent during this period
because the parasite covers itself with host proteins that hide it from the immune
system (Bloch et al., 1999). Symptoms appear when the parasite initiates its final
migration to the skin surface. Shortly before or at the same time the vesicle is
formed, some of the following allergic manifestations begin to develop: urticaria,
pruritus, dyspnea, vomiting, mild fever, and sometimes fainting. Once the vesicle is
formed and before the parasite emerges, the patient feels a strong burning sensation,
which he may try to alleviate by immersing the affected part in cold water. The
symptoms disappear when the vesicle ruptures and the parasite emerges. The vesi-
cle and subsequent ulcer usually appear on the skin of the feet, ankles, legs, knees,
wrists, and, less often, the upper part of the body. The ulcer forms a scar about a
month after the patient is rid of the parasite.

The most serious complications stem from secondary bacterial infections that
gain entry through the open lesion and can propagate along the length of the tunnel
excavated by the parasite. These infections often occur as a result of failed attempts
to extract the parasite. If it ruptures in the process, larvae may remain trapped in the
subcutaneous tissue and give rise to cellulitis and abscesses. Chronic ulcers, arthri-
tis, and tendon contractions are other common sequelae. Although the parasite trig-
gers antibody reactions, it does not appear to induce protective immunity (Bloch and
Simonsen, 1998).
Even when there are no complications, many patients remain incapacitated for
several weeks or months. According to a study conducted in the district of Ibadan,
Nigeria, patients remained disabled for an average of 100 days. The degree of inca-
pacity was related to the number of parasites and their localization: sites in the ankle
and foot were the most serious (Kale, 1977). A study of 1,200 persons in Nigerian
villages showed that 982 (82%) were infected. Of these, 206 (21%) were totally
incapacitated; 193 (20%) were seriously incapacitated; 431 (44%), moderately inca-
pacitated; and 152 (16%) were unaffected (Okoye et al., 1995).
The Disease in Animals:The course and clinical manifestations of dracunculia-
sis in animals are very similar to those seen in man. In dogs, there have been clini-
cal cases of purulent fistulated skin nodules caused by D. insignis(Beyer et al.,
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The disease is found in rural
areas and is directly linked to the lack of potable water in poor tropical and sub-
tropical regions, an arid climate, or prolonged dry seasons. Transmission is more
intense during the dry season, when lagoons, ponds, and other water bodies are at
low levels and the density of infected copepods increases. In desert climates, how-
ever, transmission of the infection is more frequent during the rainy season. The
main sources of infection for man are shallow lagoons, ponds, wells dug in dry river
beds, cisterns, and wells that are accessed via steps and that people enter to obtain
water. The infective element is the copepod harboring third-stage larva, which can
only live in still water. Frogs and tadpoles are paratenic hosts for D. insignis
(Eberhard and Brandt, 1995). It is not known if there are paratenic hosts for D. medi-
Infected humans contaminate the water with larvae escaping from their cutaneous
parasitic ulcers, and the larvae, in turn, infect other humans when they drink water
containing infected copepods. The infection is distinctly seasonal in nature because
of two factors: a) climatic changes that affect the various sources of water, and b)
the development cycle of the parasite itself (Muller, 1979). The transmission period
peaks at different times depending on the particular endemic area and on ecological
conditions. In the Sahel region of Africa, where annual precipitation is less than 75
,infection occurs during the rainy season and for a few months thereafter, until
the lagoons dry up. On the other hand, in the desert foci of southern Iran, where rain-
water is collected in large protected cisterns that are rarely empty, the incidence is
higher during the dry season, when the density of copepods is greater. In each
endemic area, one or two species of Cyclops—usually the largest and most carnivo-
rous—serve as intermediate hosts. In an endemic region of Nigeria, it has been esti-
mated that each inhabitant ingests some 75 infected copepods a year.
Man is undoubtedly the main definitive host and reservoir of the parasite. The role

of animals in the epidemiology of human dracunculiasis is not yet clear and has been
the subject of debate. Domestic animals, especially dogs, can be an additional reser-
voir of secondary importance in areas with high rates of human infection. Even
though there are indications that these animals alone can maintain the infection in
nature, the proportion of these hosts that may be infected by D. medinensisrelative
to other species of Dracunculus is still unknown. Indeed,D. medinensis occurs in
some places where the human infection has not been recorded, such as Malaysia and
Tanzania. In Kazakhstan, for example, after an endemic focus of human dracuncu-
liasis was eradicated, a study found that 11.7% of 213 dogs examined were para-
sitized. However, the animal infection does not appear to have interfered with
numerous successful campaigns to eradicate the human infection.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis presents no difficulties once the cephalic end of the para-
site has emerged. If necessary, the infection can be confirmed by pouring a little cold
water on the ulcer and then examining a drop of the exudate for the presence of first-
stage larvae. Radiologic examination reveals dead and calcified parasites. Several
immunologic tests have been used for diagnosing this parasite. The enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA) used with the antigen of first-stage larvae to detect
IgG4 antibodies was 83% sensitive and 97% specific. Moreover, it was possible to
increase sensitivity to 97% by refining the antigen and measuring various types of
antibody at the same time (Bloch and Simonsen, 1998). An attempt was made to
diagnose the disease on the basis of parasite antigen in the bloodstream, but none
could be found (Bloch et al., 1998).
Control:In 1980, the US Centers for Disease Control initiated a global campaign
to eradicate dracunculiasis, and WHO considers that it can be eradicated success-
fully (WHO, 2003b). The most important preventive measure is to provide popula-
tions with a regular supply of potable water. In Nigeria, the provision of piped water
to a city of 30,000 inhabitants reduced incidence from 60% to 0% in the course of
two years. When economic conditions in an area are inadequate to provide potable
water, prevention consists of educating the population and identifying subterranean
water sources. Individuals can boil or filter surface water, treat their drinking water
to kill the intermediate hosts, and take precautions to avoid contaminating water
Public health education is of the utmost importance in the control of dracunculia-
sis because patients in hyperendemic areas do not look upon the parasite as an agent
of infection; they see it as a normal condition of the human body, and hence they do
not associate it with the ingestion of contaminated water (Bierlich, 1995). Moreover,
two-thirds of the population consider that boiling or filtering water is inconvenient
and impractical (Ilegbodu et al., 1991). Digging wells to extract subterranean water
with hand pumps appears to be a very effective solution. When this approach was
tried in Ghana’s Upper Region, it protected between 88% and 96% of the popula-
tion there (Hunter, 1997). Treatment of drinking water with temephos to kill the
crustaceans that are intermediate hosts is simple and effective. Also, providing the
population with nylon mesh strainers to filter out copepods has yielded excellent
results (Kaul et al., 1992). A study conducted in Pakistan showed that the filters
were adequate to remove the copepods even after 12 to 15 months of use (Imtiaz et
al., 1990). Filters with 200-micron holes capture the large copepods, which are the
ones that harbor Dracunculuslarvae. Finally, in Tashkent and Samarkand,

Uzbekistan, the disease was eradicated more than half a century ago by the simple
strategy of closing all the stepped wells and replacing them with curbed wells, so
that people could no longer go inside and contaminate the water.
Beyer, T.A., R.D. Pinckney, A.J. Cooley. Massive Dracunculus insignisinfection in a dog.
J Am Vet Med Assoc 214:366–368, 1999.
Bierlich, B. Notions and treatment of guinea worm in northern Ghana. Soc Sci Med
41:501–509, 1995.
Bloch, P., P.E. Simonsen. Studies on immunodiagnosis of dracunculiasis. I. Detection of
specific serum antibodies. Acta Trop70:73–86, 1998.
Bloch, P., B.J. Vennervald, P.E. Simonsen. Studies on immunodiagnosis of dracunculiasis.
II. Search for circulating antigens. Acta Trop70:303–315, 1998.
Bloch, P., M. Lund, B.J. Vennervald, P.E. Simonsen. Human serum albumin and
immunoglobulin on Dracunculus medinensis. Acta Trop73:135–141, 1999.
Eberhard, M.L., F.H. Brandt. The role of tadpoles and frogs as paratenic hosts in the life
cycle of Dracunculus insignis(Nematoda: Dracunculoidea). J Parasitol81:792–793, 1995.
Hopkins, D.R., E. Ruiz-Tiben. Surveillance for dracunculiasis, 1981–1991. MMWR CDC
Surveill Summ41:1–13, 1992.
Hoyos, C.B., G.A. Jara, C.M. Monzon. Reporte de un caso de dracunculosis en un canino
en la provincia de Formosa—Argentina. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 37:273–275, 1995.
Hunter, J.M. Bore holes and the vanishing of guinea worm disease in Ghana’s upper region.
Soc Sci Med 45:71–89, 1997.
Ilegbodu, V.A., A.E. Ilegbodu, R.A. Wise, B.L. Christensen, O.O. Kale. Clinical manifes-
tations, disability and use of folk medicine in Dracunculusinfection in Nigeria. J Trop Med
Hyg 94:35–41, 1991.
Imtiaz, R., J.D. Anderson, E.G. Long, J.J. Sullivan, B.L. Cline. Monofilament nylon filters
for preventing dracunculiasis: Durability and copepod retention after long term field use in
Pakistan. Trop Med Parasitol41:251–253, 1990.
Johnson, S., V. Joshi. Dracontiasis in western Rajasthan, India. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg
76:36–40, 1982.
Kale, O.O. The clinico-epidemiological profile of guinea-worm in the Ibadan District of
Nigeria. Am J Trop Med Hyg 26:208–214, 1977.
Kaul, S.M., R.S. Sharma, T. Verghese. Monitoring the efficacy of temephos application and
use of fine mesh nylon strainers by examination of drinking water containers in guineaworm
endemic villages. J Commun Dis24:159–163, 1992.
Muller, R. Guinea-worm disease: Epidemiology, control, and treatment. Bull World Health
Organ57:683–689, 1979.
Okoye, S.N., C.O. Onwuliri, J.C. Anosike. A survey of predilection sites and degree of dis-
ability associated with guineaworm (Dracunculus medinensis). Int J Parasitol25:1127–1129,
Petit, M.M., M. Deniau, C. Tourte-Schaefer, K. Amegbo. Étude epidémiologique longitu-
dinale de la dracunculose dans le sud du Togo. Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales82:520–530,
United States of America, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Update: dracunculiasis eradication—Ghana and Nigeria,
1991. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 41:397–399, 1992.
United States of America, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC). Imported dracunculiasis—United States, 1995 and 1997.
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 47:209–211, 1998.

World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert
Committee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series
World Health Organization (WHO). Dracunculiasis surveillance. Wkly Epidemiol Rec
57:65–72, 1982.
World Health Organization (WHO). Dracunculiasis [web page]. Available at
www.who.int/ctd/dracun/progress.htm. Accessed 11 March 2003. 2003a.
World Health Organization (WHO). Dracunculiasis Erradication [web page]. Available at
www.who.int/ctd/dracun/index.html. Accessed 11 March 2003. 2003b.
ICD-10 B81.8 Other specified intestinal helminthiases
Synonyms:Helminthoma, helminthic abscesses, nodular worm infection.
Etiology:The agents of these diseases are strongylid nematodes of the species
Oesophagostomum bifurcum, O. stephanostomum, O. aculeatum (O. apiostomum),
and Ternidens deminutus.They live in the intestine of nonhuman primates and
sometimes humans, causing the formation of nodules in the intestinal wall. The tax-
onomy of the esophagostomes in primates is still not fully understood. Levine
(1980) has suggested that O. bifurcumis at least partially homologous with O.
stephanostomum, O. apiostomum,and other species. Apparently most recent authors
agree with this view, because O. bifurcumis the only human esophagostome men-
tioned in the literature since 1989.
The life cycles of the species of Oesophagostomumthat occur in primates have
not been fully elucidated, but it is assumed that they follow patterns similar to those
of other species of the genus, which are common parasites of domestic animals.
Adult females measure 8–13 mm long and live in the large intestine. The eggs are
shed with feces, mature, and release a first-stage larva. In five to seven days at ambi-
ent temperature, the first-stage larva develops into a third-stage larva, which is
encysted within the cuticle of the second-stage larva and is infective. Primates
acquire the infection by ingesting third-stage larvae. In the stomach and small intes-
tine of the host, the larva frees itself from its cuticular sheath, penetrates the intes-
tinal mucosa, and transforms into the next stage. Growth of the fourth-stage larva in
the mucosa, especially of the large intestine, produces nodules 1–3 mm in diameter,
known as a “nodular worms.” When the larva emerges from the intestinal lumen, it
leaves an ulcer several millimeters in diameter, and the nodule fills with pus
(Barriga, 1997). The larva continues to mature until it reaches the adult stage and
mates. At 30 to 40 days after the initial infection, the female begins to lay eggs.
However, most of the parasites found in man are immature or nongravid.
The females of T. deminutusmeasure 12–16 mm long and 0.6 mm wide. The par-
asite localizes mainly in the large intestine, but sometimes it has been found in the

small intestine. Its life cycle is still not fully understood. From the time its eggs are
shed in feces until it transforms into a third-stage larva in soil, its evolution is simi-
lar to that of the esophagostomes, but what happens to the parasite from that point
on is not known. Attempts to infect human volunteers and baboons with third-stage
larvae have failed. Consequently, some authors suspect that T. deminutusmay
require an intermediate host for its subsequent development, which would be
unusual for this taxonomic group. The eggs of Oesophagostomumspp. and T.
deminutusare indistinguishable from those of the ancylostomids.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The esophagostomes that infect man
are natural parasites of monkeys and apes. Human infection is accidental and relatively
infrequent: as of 1989, about 70 cases had been reported, almost all of them in Africa
(Ross et al.,1989). There have also been cases of human esophagostomiasis attributed
to various species in Brazil, Indonesia, and Nigeria, where it is said that 4% of a prison
population was infected. The first human case in Malaysia was reported in 1992 (Karim
and Yang, 1992). In West Africa,O. bifurcumis common in northern Ghana and Togo,
where human prevalence can be as high as 59% in small isolated villages and the infec-
tion usually occurs in association with ancylostomids. The human infection begins to
appear in children 3 to 5 years old, and prevalence stabilizes at the age of 10 (Krepel et
al.,1992). Oesophagostomuminfection is common in nonhuman primates. Among
imported monkeys in the US, the infection rate of O. bifurcumhas been as high as 53%,
and that of O. apiostomum,70% (Flynn, 1973).
T. deminutusis found in nature among monkeys and apes of Africa, India, and
Indonesia. It is infrequent in laboratory primates, but prevalence has been as high
as 76% among monkeys in South Africa (Flynn, 1973). The human infection has
been observed in the southern half of Africa in Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique,
Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and
Zimbabwe, as well as in Comoros (Goldsmid, 1982). In Zimbabwe, infection rates
have been as high as 87%. A coprologic survey of 5,545 patients in a Zimbabwe
hospital found that T. deminutuswas the second most frequent parasite (3.75%
versus 5.75% for ancylostomids), but the intensity of infection was almost always
The Disease in Man and Animals:Pages et al.(1988) reviewed 28 cases of
intestinal pseudotumors caused by esophagostomes. The lesions consist of nodules
in the intestinal wall, primarily the large intestine, each of which contains a larva
surrounded by purulent or necrotic matter. These nodules can produce abscesses, fis-
tulas, and tumors in the intestinal wall. Mild human infections caused by
Oesophagostomumspp. go unnoticed. In clinical cases, the symptoms range from
vague abdominal pain to intestinal obstruction associated with tumors. The disease
can be mistaken for ameboma, carcinoma of the colon, appendicitis, or ileocecal
tuberculosis. A subcutaneous nodule caused by one of these species has been
reported in a human patient (Ross et al., 1989).
Heavily parasitized monkeys develop dysenteric diarrhea. Several authors think
that Oesophagostomumspp. are important pathogenic agents in nonhuman primates
that can sometimes cause fatal disease. However, the available descriptions are
insufficient to determine whether the parasitosis was in fact the main cause of death.
The larvae of T. deminutusform nodules and even ulcers in the intestine. Despite
the fact that the adult larvae ingest blood, the infections do not cause significant

symptoms; many of them are asymptomatic, and the rest pass with only mild diar-
rhea and vague abdominal pain.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Nonhuman primates are the
main reservoir of the infection. In esophagostomiasis, the source of infection is the
soil, where the infective larvae are found. The infection is produced by the ingestion
of larvae in food or water or from contaminated hands, and it occurs almost exclu-
sively during the rainy season (Krepel et al.,1995). Man is an accidental host in
whom the parasite seldom reaches maturity and oviposition. The epidemiology of T.
deminutusinfection has not yet been clarified. Some investigators admit the possi-
bility that, in addition to the cycle between monkeys and humans, there may be a
person-to-person cycle as well, and they also suspect the intervention of an inter-
mediate host (Goldsmid, 1982).
Diagnosis:Human esophagostomiasis is difficult to diagnose because the
symptoms are not specific and, in most cases, the parasites do not reach maturity
and do not lay eggs. In such cases, diagnosis is confirmed by histologic examina-
tion of biopsies or surgical material. When eggs are observed, they should be dif-
ferentiated from other species. T. deminutusinfection is diagnosed by examining
eggs in feces. The eggs of ancylostomids,T. deminutus, Oesophagostomum,
Strongyloides,and Trichostrongylus are very similar, and it is therefore necessary
to culture them and study the third-stage larvae in order to differentiate the
species. Goldsmid (1982) has published useful criteria for identifying the eggs and
third-stage larvae of these species. It has been calculated that each female O.
bifurcumlays an average of 33.7 eggs per gram of feces (Krepel and Polderman,
1992), but this figure is relatively unimportant because most of the damage pro-
duced by the esophagostomes results from the activity of larvae and not the adult
parasites. Several immunologic tests have been tried for detecting esophagosto-
miasis, but most of them are not sufficiently specific. Nevertheless, up to 95%
specificity has been attained with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) designed to detect IgG4 antibody (Polderman et al.,1993). In addition,
there are differences in rDNA between O. bifurcum and Necator americanus,
which suggests that the two species could be differentiated using polymerase
chain reaction (Romstad et al.,1997).
Control:Esophagostomiasis, and probably ternidensiasis, are geohelminthiases
in which the eggs reach the infective stage in soil and penetrate the host via the oral
route through contaminated food, water, or hands. Therefore, protective measures
for individuals consist of carefully washing or boiling suspicious foods, boiling
water, and washing hands carefully before eating. The infections are not sufficiently
frequent to justify community prevention campaigns.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Flynn, R.J. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1973.
Goldsmid, J.M. Ternidens infection. In: Steele, J.H., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses.Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.

Karim, N., C.O. Yang. Oesophagostomiasis in man: Report of the first Malaysian case with
emphasis on its pathology. Malays J Pathol 14:19–24, 1992.
Krepel, H.P., A.M. Polderman. Egg production of Oesophagostomum bifurcum,a locally
common parasite of humans in Togo. Am J Trop Med Hyg46:469–472, 1992.
Krepel, H.P., S. Baeta, A.M. Polderman. Human Oesophagostomum infection in northern
Togo and Ghana: Epidemiological aspects. Ann Trop Med Parasitol86:289–300, 1992.
Krepel, H.P., S. Baeta, C. Kootstra, A.M. Polderman. Reinfection patterns of
Oesophagostomum bifurcumafter anthelmintic treatment. Trop Geogr Med47:160–163,
Levine, N.D. Nematode Parasites of Domestic Animals and of Man,2nd ed. Minneapolis:
Burgess; 1980.
Pages, A., K. Kpodzro, S. Baeta, K. Akpo-Allavo. La “tumeur” de Dapaong. Helminthiase
à Oesophagostome. Ann Pathol8:332–335, 1988.
Polderman, A.M., H.P. Krepel, J.J. Verweij, S. Baeta, J.P. Rotmans. Serological diagnosis
of Oesophagostomuminfections. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg87:433–435, 1993.
Romstad, A., R.B. Gasser, P. Nansen, A.M. Polderman, J.R. Monti, N.B. Chilton.
Characterization of Oesophagostomum bifurcum and Necator americanusby PCR-RFLP of
rDNA. J Parasitol83:963–966, 1997.
Ross, R.A., D.I. Gibson, E.A. Harris. Cutaneous oesophagostomiasis in man. J Helminthol
63:261–265, 1989.
ICD-10 B83.1
Synonyms:Gnathostomosis, larva migrans caused by Gnathostoma,wandering
Etiology:The agents of this infection are larvae of Gnathostoma spinigerum,G.
hispidum,G. doloresi,andG. nipponicum. G. spinigerum is a spiruriod nematode
parasite of dogs and domestic and wild felines. It has been known since 1890 that it
can infect man. G. hispidumis a parasite of swine and wild boars, and has been
known as a parasite of humans since 1924. Only in 1989 was it recognized that G.
doloresi,a parasite of swine and wild boars, also infects man (Nawa et al., 1989).
Around the same time, it was found that G. nipponicum,a parasite of weasels, can
also occasionally infect man. The larvae of the various species are differentiated by
the number of hooks on the head bulb (see below) and the structure of the intestinal
canal section (Akahane et al., 1998). For example, the infective larvae of G. nip-
ponicum have three rows of hooks with an average of 34.5, 36.7, and 39.7 hooks in
the first, second, and third rows, respectively.
G. spinigerum is a reddish worm that lives in the stomach wall of its definitive
hosts. The cuticle forms a globose ring (the head bulb) behind the lips (characteris-
tic of the genus), and it has eight transversal rows of small spines. The female par-
asite measures 2.5–5 cm, and the male, about half that. The eggs are eliminated with

the feces of the definitive host; they hatch in water after one to three weeks of incu-
bation and release a first-stage larva. This larva actively penetrates a copepod of the
genus Cyclops,invades its hemocele and, in about 10 days, changes into a second-
stage larva with a spiny head bulb. When an appropriate freshwater fish ingests the
infected copepod, the larva continues its development; it passes from the fish’s intes-
tine to the musculature where, after a month, it transforms into a mature third-stage
larva and encysts. This infective larva measures about 4 mm, has four rows of spines
on the head bulb, and more than 200 rows on the body, and is coiled in a spiral inside
a fibrous cyst about 1 mm in diameter. When one of these hosts eats another,
infected, host, the larva transfers from the first to the second without developing, so
the second host acts as a transport or paratenic host. Cats, dogs, and all other natu-
ral definitive hosts are infected by consuming fish or paratenic hosts that contain the
infective larvae. In the stomach of the definitive hosts, the larvae are released from
their cysts, penetrate the stomach wall, migrate to the liver, and from there, go to
other organs and tissues (muscular and connective). Then, from the peritoneal cav-
ity they again penetrate the stomach and lodge in the mucosa. After about six
months, they mature into adults and begin oviposition.
Studies with G. nipponicumindicate that the larva which invades the copepod
would be an early third-stage larva, which develops into the mature third-stage larva
when it is ingested by a fish (Ando et al., 1992). Experimental infection has shown
that about 36 species of freshwater fish, amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, birds, and
rodents can serve as second intermediate hosts. In Thailand, certain freshwater fish,
ducks, and chickens are particularly important as sources of infection for man. Many
animal species, such as snakes, birds, and some mammals, can serve as transport
G. doloresi andG. hispidum parasitize the stomach mucosa of pigs and wild
boars. The development cycle of G. doloresi also requires two intermediate hosts:
the first are copepods and the second are salamanders and serpents. G. hispidum
requires only one intermediate host: the larvae released by the eggs are ingested by
Cyclopscopepods and the infective larvae develop in their coelom in one or two
weeks. Fish, frogs, and reptiles can serve as paratenic hosts. When the salamanders
or snakes, in the case of G. doloresi,or the copepods, in the case of G. hispidum,are
ingested by a pig, the larva develops into the adult stage in a manner similar to G.
G. nipponicumis a parasite of the esophageal mucosa of the weasel Mustela sibir-
ica itatsi. This species also requires two intermediate hosts: the first are copepods
and the second are fish and small snakes. Fish, salamanders, frogs, mice, and rats
have been infected experimentally with immature larvae obtained from copepods,
but small snakes, birds, or weasels have not. In other words, the infested species
should be considered second intermediate hosts. However, it was possible to infect
frogs, snakes, birds, and rats with mature larvae obtained from fish. Since the larvae
do not develop into adults in these hosts, but remain in the larval state, they should
be considered paratenic hosts. Weasels infected with mature larvae obtained from
fish began to produce eggs 69 to 90 days after infection (Ando et al., 1992).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The most common gnathostomiasis
is caused by G. spinigerum,which is endemic in the countries of Asia, especially
China, Japan, and Thailand (Rusnak and Lucey, 1993). It is common in Thailand,

which made it possible to carry out treatment studies with 98 patients in a Bangkok
hospital in 1998. Gnathostomiasis caused by G. spinigerumseems to be an emerg-
ing disease in Latin America: the first two human cases there were recognized in
Mexico in 1970, but 300 additional cases were identified between 1992 and 1995 in
Culiacán, in northern Mexico (Díaz Camacho et al., 1998), and between 1993 and
1997, there were 98 cases in Acapulco, in southern Mexico (Rojas-Molina et al.,
1999). Cases of human infection also have been described in Argentina and Ecuador
(Ollague et al., 1988). The highest concentration of human cases has been in
Thailand and Japan, where hundreds of patients are reported every year. The human
infection is infrequent or rare in China, India, Indochina, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
Sporadic cases have also been registered in Australia, Israel, and the state of
California, US. G. spinigerum in animals is much more widely distributed than in
humans. In an endemic area in southern Japan, 35% of cats and 4% of dogs had G.
spinigerumparasites, and 60% to 100% of freshwater fish (Ophiocephalus argus)
contained larvae. In the markets of Thailand, larvae were found in 37% of fish, 80%
of eels, and 90% of frogs.
G. hispidumhas been found in humans in China, Korea, and Taiwan. Urban cases
of gnathostomiasis in Japan are the result of G. hispidum,introduced by fish
imported from China, Korea, or Taiwan. The infection is relatively common in pigs
in Asia, Australia, and Europe. A study of 3,478 pigs carried out in China in 1991
found the infection in 15% of them. Of 38 species of animals that serve as inter-
mediate or paratenic hosts, 23 are shared with G. spinigerum. G. nipponicum
occurs in China, Japan, and Korea, due to imported fish. G. doloresihas been found
in man only in southern Japan. The first case was reported in 1989, and 25 cases
had been reported by 1997: 23 cutaneous, 1 pulmonary, and 1 colonic (Nawa et al.,
The Disease in Man:Man is an aberrant host in which the parasite only excep-
tionally reaches sexual maturity: the larva continuously migrates and does not
become established in the human stomach. In most cases, a single larva is responsi-
ble for the clinical picture. The most common symptoms are localized, intermittent,
and sometimes migratory swelling of the skin, often accompanied by pain, pruritis,
and erythema. It can also affect the internal organs (Rusnak and Lucey, 1993). The
first symptoms appear one or two days after the ingestion of raw fish or the meat of
paratenic hosts, such as chickens and ducks. The symptoms include nausea, saliva-
tion, urticaria, pruritis, and stomach discomfort; mild leukocytosis and very marked
eosinophilia are common. Later, the symptoms are due to the migration of the larva
into the liver and other organs. The movements of the larva inside the abdominal or
thoracic organs can cause acute pain of limited duration. The symptoms resemble
cholecystitis, appendicitis, cystitis, or other diseases, depending on the organ
affected by the larvae (internal or visceral gnathostomiasis). Approximately one
month after the infective food is eaten, the larva locates in the subcutaneous tissue,
usually of the abdomen, extremities, head, and chest. This is the beginning of the
chronic phase, in which the organic symptoms abate or disappear and eosinophilia
gradually decreases. The most prominent symptom is an intermittent subcutaneous
edema that changes location each time the larva moves. The edema is pruriginous
but not painful, and initially lasts a week or more; its duration then becomes pro-
gressively shorter. In older infections, the edemas recur at longer intervals. The larva

can survive in the human body for a long time; and one case lasting 16 years has
been recorded.
In its erratic migration, the larva can affect a variety of different organs and tis-
sues. When it penetrates the skin, it can cause a clinical picture similar to that of
cutaneous larva migrans (see the chapter on that disease). The most serious local-
izations, fortunately rare, are in the brain and eyes. In 300 cases of G. spinigerumin
Mexico, the lesions occurred mostly on the face, neck, arms, and legs. There was
just one ocular case, and 75% of the patients developed peripheral eosinophilia. Skin
biopsies obtained from 35 patients showed larvae in just 12 of them. The infection
in 93 individuals was identified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
with extracts of G. doloresi(Díaz Camacho et al., 1998).
In a case of G. doloresistudied in Japan, the patient had epigastric pain three days
after eating fish (Oncorhynchus masou masou) and developed a scaly rash on the
trunk three days later. The rash spread and he sought medical attention 18 days after
eating the fish. Biopsies were negative, but two days later blisters appeared on the
lower abdomen, and a nematode was obtained from one of them. The next day he
had swelling of the jaw that lasted for a week. All the lesions began to shrink on the
25th day and had disappeared by day 30 (Akahane et al., 1998).
Punyagupta et al. (1990) believe that G. spinigerumis one of the main causes of
meningitis and eosinophilic meningoencephalitis in Thailand and that it can be clin-
ically distinguished from the similar disease caused by Angiostrongylus cantonen-
sis,even though it is very difficult to recover the parasite for purposes of a defini-
tive diagnosis. Intraocular gnathostomiasis is rare and should be differentiated from
that caused by filariae or Angiostrongylus; up until 1994, just 12 cases had been
found (Biswas et al., 1994).
The Disease in Animals:G. spinigerumlarvae can cause necrotic tunnels during
their migration—before reaching the stomach—in the liver, pancreas, and other
abdominal tissues of the natural definitive hosts (cats and dogs). In the adult stage,
the parasite lodges in the stomach wall, where it produces intense inflammation,
with the formation of cavities full of serosanguineous fluid that become fibrous
cysts. These cavities develop fistules that are connected to the lumen of the stomach
to discharge the parasite’s eggs. When the fistules open onto the peritoneum, they
can cause severe peritonitis (Barriga, 1997). G. hispidumand G. doloresican cause
similar damage to the abdominal organs and stomach ulcers in pigs. The disease is
infrequent but, when it occurs, it manifests with anorexia and weight loss. G. nip-
ponicumproduces nodules in the esophagi of weasels that can interfere with swal-
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs of the parasite
are cats, dogs, pigs, weasels, and several species of wild mammals that can act as
paratenic hosts. The definitive hosts and humans become infected by consuming
infected fish or paratenic hosts. The habit of eating fish or fowl raw or only seasoned
with vinegar is the essential factor in the occurrence of the human disease and its
endemicity in Japan and Thailand. The parasitosis in animals is much more wide-
spread than the human infection, since it occurs even in places where people do not
eat raw fish or fowl. In Japan, very high rates of infection were found in two species
of fish,Ophiocephalus argus andO. tadianus; each fish can contain hundreds of lar-
vae. In Thailand, besides several species of Ophiocephalus,sources of infection

include catfish (Clarias batrachus), eels, frogs, freshwater snakes, chickens, and
ducks (Daengsvang, 1982).
Diagnosis:In endemic areas, migratory and recurrent subcutaneous edemas
accompanied by leukocytosis and high eosinophilia can be considered pathognomic.
Since the parasites do not develop to the adult stage in man, eggs are not found in
the feces. Specific diagnosis in man can be made by identifying the larva in surgi-
cally obtained specimens. The immunobiological tests include an intradermal reac-
tion of questionable specificity. ELISA with G. doloresiantigens is widely used to
identify infection by any species of Gnathostoma,despite the fact that it cross-reacts
in patients with Toxocara canis,Anisakissp.,Paragonimus westermani,and
Fasciolasp. The antigens obtained from infective larvae of G. spinigerumare more
specific for the species (Anantaphruti, 1989). In patients with cerebral gnathostomi-
asis by G. spinigerum,attempts have been made to confirm the infection by looking
for antigens, immune complexes, or antibodies in the cerebrospinal fluid; of 11
patients, just one had antigens and another had immune complexes, but nine had
antibodies (Tuntipopipat et al., 1989).
In dogs and cats, diagnosis can be made by detecting eggs in the feces, but it must
be borne in mind that the eggs are sometimes few in number or are eliminated irreg-
Control:In enzootic areas, the best way to prevent disease is by abstaining from
eating raw or undercooked fish and fowl. According to García and Bruckner (1997),
cooking or immersing raw meat in strong vinegar for five hours kills the larvae, but
lemon juice or chilling at 4ºC for a month does not kill them.
Akahane, H., M. Sano, M. Kobayashi. Three cases of human gnathostomiasis caused by
Gnathostoma hispidum,with particular reference to the identification of parasitic larvae.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 29(3):611–614, 1998.
Akahane, H., K. Shibue, A. Shimizu, S. Toshitani. Human gnathostomiasis caused by
Gnathostoma doloresi,with particular reference to the parasitological investigation of the
causative agent. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 92(16):721–726, 1998.
Anantaphruti, M.T. ELISA for diagnosis of gnathostomiasis using antigens from
Gnathostoma doloresiand G. spinigerum. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health
20(2):297–304, 1989.
Ando, K., H. Tokura, H. Matsuoka, D. Taylor, Y. Chinzei. Life cycle ofGnathostoma nip-
ponicum Yamaguti, 1941. J Helminthol66(1):53–61, 1992.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Biswas, J., L. Gopal, T. Sharma, S.S. Badrinath. Intraocular Gnathostoma spinigerum.
Clinicopathologic study of two cases with review of literature. Retina 14(5):438–444, 1994.
Daengsvang, S. Gnathostomiasis. In:Schultz, M.O., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Díaz Camacho, S.P., M. Zazueta Ramos, E. Ponce Torrecillas,et al. Clinical manifestations
and immunodiagnosis of gnathostomiasis in Culiacán, Mexico. Am J Trop Med Hyg
59(6):908–915, 1998.
García, L.S., Bruckner, D.A. Diagnostic Medical Parasitology,3rd ed. Washington, D.C.:
ASM Press; 1997.

Nawa, Y. Historical review and current status of gnathostomiasis in Asia. Southeast Asian J
Trop Med Public Health22 Suppl:217–219, 1991.
Nawa, Y., J. Imai, K. Ogata, K. Otsuka. The first record of a confirmed human case of
Gnathostoma doloresiinfection. J Parasitol75(1):166–169, 1989.
Nawa, Y., H. Maruyama, K. Ogata. Current status of gnathostomiasis dorolesiin Miyazaki
Prefecture, Japan. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health28 Suppl 1:11–13, 1997.
Ollague, W., E. Gómez, M. Briones. Gnathostoma spinigerumy su dinámica de transmisión
al hombre. Primer reporte en Ecuador y América. Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am16:291–294, 1988.
Punyagupta, S., T. Bunnag, P. Juttijudata. Eosinophilic meningitis in Thailand. Clinical and
epidemiological characteristics of 162 patients with myeloencephalitis probably caused by
Gnathostoma spinigerum. J Neurol Sci96(2–3):241–256, 1990.
Rojas-Molina, N., S. Pedraza-Sánchez, B. Torres-Bibiano, H. Meza-Martínez, A. Escobar-
Gutiérrez. Gnathostomosis, an emerging foodborne zoonotic disease in Acapulco, Mexico.
Emerg Infect Dis5(2):264–266, 1999.
Rusnak, J.M., D.R. Lucey. Clinical gnathostomiasis: Case report and review of the English-
language literature. Clin Infect Dis16(1):33–50, 1993.
Tuntipopipat, S., R. Chawengkiattikul, R. Witoonpanich, S. Chiemchanya, S. Sirisinha.
Antigens, antibodies and immune complexes in cerebrospinal fluid of patients with cerebral
gnathostomiasis. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health20(3):439–446, 1989.
ICD-10 B83.8 Other specified helminthiases
Etiology:The agent of this disease is Gongylonema pulchrum,a spiruroid nema-
tode of the family Thelaziidae, whose main hosts are ruminants, swine, and wild
boars. It is also found in horses, carnivores, monkeys, rodents, and other animals
(Cappucci et al., 1982). Moreover, it has been found in macaques in Japan and squir-
rels (Sciurus niger)in the state of Florida, US (Coyner et al., 1996).
The adult parasite lives in the esophageal mucosa and submucosa of the definitive
hosts, but can also be found in the rumen and oral cavity. It is filiform and its size
varies according to the host. In ruminants, the male can reach approximately 62 mm
in length and 0.15–0.3 mm in diameter, and the females, up to 145 mm by 0.2–0.5
mm. The parasite is smaller in humans and swine.
The females of G. pulchrum lay embryonated eggs in the esophagus or rumen of
the definitive host. The eggs are eliminated to the exterior with the feces, and must
be ingested by an intermediate host for the life cycle to continue. These hosts are
several species of coprophilic beetles of the genera Aphodius,Blaps,Ontophagus,
and others. Experimental infection of the cockroach Blatella germanicawas also
possible. The egg hatches in the insect’s intestine, and the larva penetrates its hemo-
cele where, in about a month, it develops into the third (infective) stage and encysts.
Ruminants acquire the parasitosis upon ingesting the small beetles with grass or
other infested food, and swine become infected by coprophagia. The migration route

of the larva in the definitive host is not well known, but experimental infections in
guinea pigs provide evidence that the larva frees itself from the coleopteran in the
stomach and migrates through the stomach wall to the esophagus, where it matures
in about two months and reinitiates the cycle with oviposition.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Human infection by G. pulchrum is
rare: just 46 cases were recorded between 1864 and 1982, 2 more were reported by
1994, and an additional 2 by the year 2000. Of these, one was in the US (Eberhard
and Busillo, 1999) and the other was in Germany, but originated in Hungary (Jelinek
and Loscher, 1994). The human infection has been diagnosed in China, Bulgaria,
Germany (in a Greek immigrant), Hungary, Italy, Morocco, New Zealand, the for-
mer Soviet Union, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the US, and the former Yugoslavia.
G. pulchrum is widely distributed geographically in animals. It has been found in
Asia, the US, Europe, and the Russian Federation. The prevalence of the infection in
domestic ruminants varies with the area. In surveys carried out in the US, the parasite
was found in 5.9% of 1,518 pigs, with a range of 0% to 21% depending on geographic
origin; in 10% of 29 bovines in the state of Georgia; and in 5% of 20 bovines in the
state of Florida. In slaughterhouses in Ukraine, the parasite was found in 32% to 94%
of adult cattle, 39% to 95% of sheep, and 0% to 37% of swine. In a slaughterhouse in
Teheran, Iran,G. pulchrum was found in the esophagi of 49.7% of the cattle examined.
The Disease in Man:The lesions caused by the parasite are mainly irritative, due
to its movement through the mucosa and submucosa; parasites have been found
actively moving in the submucosa of lips, gums, hard palate, soft palate, and tonsils.
Pharyngitis and stomatitis have sometimes been confirmed. Two cases described in
China included bloody sialorrhea and eroded and bleeding patches on the
esophageal mucosa.
The Disease in Animals:In ruminants,G. pulchrum is found mainly in the
mucosa and submucosa of the esophagus, but the mature parasite can move in dif-
ferent directions and invade the pharynx, oral cavity, and rumen. In swine, it is found
in the stratified squamous epithelium of the tongue mucosa. According to observa-
tions in Iran, there were no lesions that would indicate that the infection produced a
pathologic condition. Histologic examination of swine tongues in the US revealed a
mild and chronic inflammatory process. On the other hand, in the former Soviet
Union, lesions, sometimes important, of the esophagi of infected bovines have been
found, with hyperemia, edema, and deformations of the organ. Likewise, the infec-
tion is blamed for occlusions of the esophagus due to a reflex reaction caused by irri-
tation of the nerve receptors.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Ruminants and other animals
become infected by ingesting coleopterans containing third-stage larvae. Man is an
accidental host who does not play any role in the maintenance of the parasite in
nature and probably is infected by the same mechanism. Salads and raw vegetables
are thought to be the vehicles by means of which man ingests the small beetles. It
has also been suggested that the species ofAphodius,because of its size (4–6 mm)
and capacity for flight, could be accidentally inhaled and then swallowed.
The maintenance of the parasite in nature is assured by its broad diffusion and preva-
lence among herbivores, swine, and other animals (definitive hosts), and the large num-
ber of susceptible species of beetles (intermediate hosts). In Ukraine, 60% to 90% of

the beetles were found to be infected. The highest rates corresponded to several species
of Aphodius andGeotrupes; the number of larvae ranged between 1 and 193.
Diagnosis:Most of the human cases were diagnosed because the patient felt
something moving in the submucosa of the oral cavity or observed the parasite
emerging from the mouth. Specific diagnosis is done by extracting the parasite and
identifying it under the microscope.
Diagnosis in live animals is rarely achieved. The eggs are not always found by
fecal examination, even when flotation or sedimentation methods are used. The par-
asites can be detected by postmortem examination of the esophagus (ruminants) or
the tongue (swine).
Control:Because of the rarity and mildness of human infection, special control
measures are not justified. Individual protection can be obtained by observing the
rules of personal, food, and environmental hygiene. With a few exceptions,
helminthologists agree that G. pulchrum does not cause major damage to animals.
Moreover, it would not be feasible to adopt measures aimed at protecting animals at
pasture from ingestion of beetles.
Cappucci, D.T., J.K. Augsburg, P.C. Klinck. Gongylonemiasis. In:Steele, J.H., section ed.
Section C, Vol. 2:CRC Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Coyner, D.F., J.B. Wooding, D.J. Forrester. A comparison of parasitic helminths and arthro-
pods from two subspecies of fox squirrels (Sciurus niger) in Florida. J Wildl Dis3(3)2:492–
497, 1996.
Eberhard, M.L., C. Busillo. Human Gongylonemainfection in a resident of New York City.
Am J Trop Med Hyg 61(1):51–52, 1999.
Jelinek, T., T. Loscher. Human infection withGongylonema pulchrum:A case report. Trop
Med Parasitol45(4):329–330, 1994.
ICD-10 B83.9 Helminthiasis, unspecified
Etiology:The vector of this disease is Lagochilascaris minor,a small ascarid.
The female measures 6–20 mm long by 0.20–0.80 mm wide; the male is smaller. It
has been identified in man, but parasites that seem to belong to the same species
have been found in wild carnivores and in the agouti. Eggs, larvae, and adults of the
ascarid are continually found in the abscesses produced by the parasite in man, sug-
gesting ongoing reproduction in the lesion (Moraes et al.,1983). While the para-
site’s natural life cycle is not known, laboratory mice have been infected with larvae
from eggs obtained from human beings; infections have been produced with adult
parasites in cats infected by those mice. In mice, the larvae encysted in the muscu-

lar and subcutaneous tissue. In cats, the larvae were released in the stomach and
migrated through the esophagus, pharynx, trachea, otorhinopharynx, and cervical
lymph nodes, to mature into adults in any of these organs 9 to 20 days after infec-
tion (Campos et al., 1992).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The disease occurs in Latin America
and the Caribbean. It is very rare: only 19 human cases were known up to 1982 (7
in Brazil, 1 in Costa Rica, 5 in Suriname, 5 in Trinidad and Tobago, and 1 in
Venezuela) (Volcan et al.,1982; Moraes et al.,1983). Between 1982 and 2000, 7
more cases were described (1 in Bolivia, 5 in Brazil, and 1 in Mexico).
The Disease in Man:The disease begins with a tumor in the neck, mastoid
apophysis, tonsils, maxillae, or paranasal sinuses. Eventually, it opens to the surface
of the skin, releasing pus, in which adult parasites, larvae, and eggs are intermit-
tently found. Fistulas form, and may open in the nasopharynx, in which case puru-
lent material and parasites are eliminated through the nose and mouth. The process
is chronic and may last for years. The case of a girl in Mexico began with a hard,
lobulate tumor in the neck, measuring 3 cm by 5 cm, with a purulent central pustule
that contained parasites and that had been developing for six months. Neither
repeated treatment with thiabenzadole nor surgical removal improved the picture
(Vargas-Ocampo and Alvarado-Alemán, 1997). Three Brazilian patients had fistu-
lous abscesses in the area of the neck and ear, and a mastoid process containing par-
asites; two of them had central nervous system involvement. Treatment with
anthelmintics and surgical removal of the abscesses produced temporary improve-
ment, but there were relapses in two of the cases (Veloso et al., 1992). Treatment
with ivermectin, a veterinary anthelmintic, was successful in the other case (Bento
et al., 1993).
The Disease in Animals:Just two cases have been described, both in Brazil, of
fistulated abscesses in cats (Amato and Pimentel-Neto, 1990). The parasite has also
been discovered in the trachea of a bush dog (Speothos venaticus)(Volcan and
Medrano, 1991).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The natural reservoir is
unknown. The rarity of the human infection would indicate that man is an acciden-
tal host and is unable by himself to maintain the parasite in nature. It is not known
how humans become infected. In a review of the genus Lagochilascaris,the possi-
bility was suggested that man is infected by ingesting embryonated eggs (possibly
eliminated by another animal species), and that the third-stage larva ascends to the
trachea, but rather than being swallowed, as occurs with the larva of Ascaris lum-
bricoides,it would become established in the retropharyngeal region. The findings
of Campos et al. (1992) provide some support for this theory.
Diagnosis:Specific diagnosis is made by identifying the parasite found in lesions.
The eggs are also characteristic and resemble those of Toxocara cati or A. lumbri-
coides. In a case described in Venezuela, eggs of L. minor were found in the feces
of the patient (an occurrence that had not been observed before) and were at first
confused with A. lumbricoides (Volcan et al.,1982).
Control:Lack of knowledge about the transmission cycle of this parasite to man
prevents determination of effective control measures.

Amato, J.F., L. Grisi, M. Pimentel-Neto. Two cases of fistulated abscesses caused by
Lagochilascaris majorin the domestic cat. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 85(4):471–473, 1990.
Bento, R.F., C. do C. Mazza, E.F. Motti, Y.T. Chan, J.R. Guimaraes, A. Miniti. Human
lagochilascariasis treated successfully with ivermectin: A case report. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao
Paulo 35(4):373–375, 1993.
Campos, D.M., L.G. Freire Filha, M.A. Vieira, J.M. Paco, M.A. Maia. Experimental life
cycle of Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo34(4):277–287,
Moraes, M.A., M.V. Arnaud, P.E. de Lima. Novos casos de infecção humana por
Lagochilascaris minor Leiper, 1909, encontrados no estado do Para, Brasil. Rev Inst Med Trop
Sao Paulo 25(3):139–146, 1983.
Vargas-Ocampo, F., F.J. Alvarado-Alemán. Infestation from Lagochilascaris minorin
Mexico. Int J Dermatol 36(6):56–58, 1997.
Veloso, M.G., M.C. Faria, J.D. de Freitas, M.A. Moraes, D.F. Gorini, J.L. de Mendonca.
Lagoquilascariase humana. Sobre tres casos encontrados no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Rev Inst
Med Trop Sao Paulo 34:587–591, 1992.
Volcan, G.S., C.E. Medrano. Infección natural de Speothos venaticus(Carnivora: Canidae)
por estadios adultos de Lagochilascarissp. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 33(6):451–458, 1991.
ICD-10 B83.3 Syngamiasis
Etiology:The agents of this disease are the nematodes Mammomonogamus
(Syngamus) laryngeus andM. nasicola of the family Syngamidae. The former is a
parasite of the laryngotracheal region, and the latter is a parasite of the nasal fossae
of bovines, bubalines, and occasionally sheep, goats, and deer. Some helmintholo-
gists consider M. nasicola and M. laryngeus to be homologous.
The nematodes are red; the female measures about 10 mm by 0.5 mm and the
male measures 3 mm by 0.3 mm. Since they remain in permanent union and the
female has the vulva near the anterior end, they look like the letter Y. The develop-
ment cycle of syngamids in mammals is not well known; it is believed to be similar
to that of the fowl parasite Syngamus trachea. The eggs deposited by the parasite in
the tracheal mucus are swallowed and eliminated with the feces. In the external envi-
ronment, the infective larvae (third stage) can develop within or outside of the egg.
Herbivores are infected by ingesting the infective larva, inside or outside of the egg,
when they consume contaminated fodder or water. The infection can also probably
be produced by ingestion of paratenic hosts, such as earthworms, snails, and several
types of arthropods, as happens with avian S. trachea. In a herbivore’s digestive
tract, the larvae are released from their protective membranes, cross the intestinal
wall to the mesenteric veins, and migrate to their final localization (tracheolaryngeal

or nasal), where the two sexes couple and remain in permanent union. The cycle is
reinitiated with oviposition.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:M. laryngeus is found in ruminants
in tropical America and in the Philippines, India, Malaysia, and Viet Nam. M. nasi-
cola occurs in Africa, Brazil, the Caribbean, and the eastern region of the former
Soviet Union.
In a slaughterhouse in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, 27 (45%) of 60 slaughtered
cows were found to be infected (Santos and Fukuda, 1977), as were 18 (37.5%) of
48 young bulls in the state of Rio de Janeiro (Freire and Biachin, 1979). In
Honduras, only 2.8% of 70 bovines examined were parasitized (Secretariat of
Natural Resources of Honduras, 1980). In the Philippines, 23% of 597 bovines were
parasitized with M. laryngeus(Van Aken et al., 1996).
Human infection is rare. Only 79 cases had been reported up to 1988 (Cunnac et
al., 1988)—51 of them in inhabitants of or visitors to Martinique (Mornex et al.,
1980)—and about 100 up to 1995 (5 of them in North America) (Nosanchuk et al.,
1995). Nine more cases were reported between 1988 and 2000. With the exception
of three cases in Asia—one each in the Philippines, Thailand (Pipitgool et al., 1992),
and Korea (Kim et al., 1998)—all the cases occurred in the Caribbean and Brazil.
The Disease in Man and Animals:In man, the symptomatology consists of tra-
cheolaryngeal irritation with persistent cough but without fever. Some patients expe-
rience hemoptysis. A case was reported (Birrel, 1977) in an Australian woman who
lived in Guyana for 10 months; she had respiratory symptoms consisting of a
chronic cough and hemoptysis, and experienced loss of weight. In April 1977, she
was admitted to Brisbane Hospital, Queensland, Australia, where bronchoscopy
revealed larvae of a parasite that was identified as M. laryngeus. Extraction of the
parasite resulted in disappearance of the symptoms. A similar case was described in
the US (Gardiner and Schantz, 1983).
The animal infection is rarely symptomatic, and large numbers of M. laryngeus
are required to produce an afebrile laryngitis or tracheitis. No symptoms have been
observed in nasal infections caused by M. nasicola.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs of M. laryngeus
andM. nasicola are ruminants. Man is infected only accidentally. The sources of
infection for man are probably raw plant foods and water contaminated with eggs or
free larvae of the parasite. The sources of infection for ruminants are soil, pasture,
and water. It is thought that the exogenous development of these parasites is similar
to that of Syngamus trachea of fowl. In this parasite, the paratenic hosts are very
important, since the third stage infective larva encysts in the coelom and can survive
a year or more.
Diagnosis:The eggs of the parasite can be observed in feces and, more rarely, in
sputum. Coughing fits may expel these parasites, which are easy to identify. Animal
mammomonogamiasis is most often found on autopsy. Diagnosis in humans is usu-
ally effected by bronchoscopy and detection of the parasite.
Control:Prevention consists of observing the rules of food hygiene: wash raw
food very well, boil suspicious drinking water, and wash hands well before eating.

Cunnac, M., J.F. Magnaval, D. Cayarci, P. Leophonte. À propos de 3 cas de syngamose
humaine en Guadeloupe. Rev Pneumol Clin44:140–142, 1988.
Freire, N.M.S., I. Biachin. Prevalência de Mammomonogamus laryngeus (Raillet, 1899) em
bovinos no Rio de Janeiro. Arq Esc Vet UEMG (Minas Gerais) 31:23–24, 1979.
Gardiner, C.H., P.M. Schantz. Mammomonogamus infection in a human. Report of a case.
Am J Trop Med Hyg32(5):995–997, 1983.
Honduras, Secretaría de Recursos Naturales. Muestreo patológico de Honduras.
Tegucigalpa: Secretaría de Recursos Naturales; 1980.
Kim, H.Y., S.M. Lee, J.E. Joo, M.J. Na, M.H. Ahn, D.Y. Min. Human syngamosis: The first
case in Korea. Thorax53:717–718, 1998.
Macko, J.K., V. Birova, R. Flores. Deliberations on the problems of Mammomonogamus
species (Nametoda, Syngamidae) in ruminants. Folia Parasit (Praha) 28(1):43–49, 1981.
Mornex, J.F., J. Magdeleine, J. de Thore. La syngamose humaine (Mammomonogamus
nasicola) cause de toux chronique en Martinique. 37 observations recentes. Nouv Presse Med
9(47):3628, 1980.
Nosanchuk, J.S., S.E. Wade, M. Landolf. Case report of and description of parasite in
Mammomonogamus laryngeus (human syngamosis) infection. J Clin Microbiol
33(4):998–1000, 1995.
Pipitgool, V., K. Chaisiri, P. Visetsupakarn, V. Srigan, W. Maleewong. Mammonogamus
(Syngamus) laryngeusinfection: A first case report in Thailand. Southeast Asian J Trop Med
Public Health 23(2):336–337, 1992.
Santos, I.F., R.F. Fukuda. Ocorrência de Syngamus laryngeus em bovinos do Município de
Novo Horizonte. S P Científica (S Paulo) 5:391–393, 1977.
Van Aken, D., J.T. Lagapa, A.P. Dargantes, J. Vercruysse. Mammomonogamus laryngeus
(Railliet, 1899) infections in cattle in Mindanao, Philippines. Vet Parasitol64(4):329, 1996.
ICD-10 B83.8 Other specified helminthiases
Etiology:Micronema deletrix,a very small, free-living nematode with a rhabditi-
form esophagus. The female measures barely 250–445 µm in length. It was originally
described as Halicephalobus gingivalisby Stefanski in 1954. Anderson et al. (1998)
reviewed the taxonomy of M. deletrixand concluded that both parasites were the same;
consequently,M. deletrixis a synonym for H. gingivalis,although the latter name has
priority. Other authors, such as Teifke et al. (1998), call it H. deletrix. We will use the
name Micronema deletrix because it is the most widely known by health professionals.
The parasite lives as a saprophyte in soil rich in decomposing organic matter. All
developmental stages of the nematode are found in that natural environment: eggs,
larvae, and the female and male adult forms (Shadduck et al.,1979). M. deletrix is
a facultative parasite of man and equines. Eggs, larvae, and mature females, but not
males, have been found in animal tissue; therefore, it has been deduced that the par-

asitic females are parthenogenic, like Strongyloides stercoralis. It has been sug-
gested that it may be erroneous to attribute all the cases of infection to M. deletrix
without having more information on the different species of the genus Micronema
(Gardiner et al.,1981). At least one case of granulomatous verminous mastitis in a
mare, which could have been confused with micronemiasis, was due to another free-
living nematode of the genus Cephalobus(Greiner et al., 1991).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The distribution of the nematode in
its natural habitat has been studied very little; presumably it is distributed world-
wide. Only three human cases are known, and all of them were fatal: one in Canada
(Hoogstraten and Young, 1975) and two in the US (Shadduck et al.,1979; Gardiner
et al.,1981). No cases were described between 1988 and 2000.
Cases of micronemiasis in equines have been diagnosed in North America,
Europe, and in Egypt. Its occurrence is rare: only 7 cases were reported up to 1985,
and 12 more were reported between 1988 and 2000 (2 in Germany, 1 in Canada, 8
in the US, and 1 in Great Britain). However, the infection may occur more fre-
quently in equines and go undiagnosed. For example, a study carried out in Egypt
found M. deletrix in 2 of 28 dead equines that had shown symptoms of encephalitis
(Ferris et al.,1972).
The Disease in Man and Animals:The three known human cases died after
manifesting symptoms of meningoencephalitis. In two patients, the lesions and
nematodes were limited to the brain; in the third, micronemes were also found in the
liver and heart.
The disease in equines can take several forms, depending on the localization of
the parasites. Chorioretinitis, gingivitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, encephalomyelitis, pneu-
monitis, nephritis, osteoarthritis, and osteomyelitis have been described. A nasal
tumor was described in one horse, and in another, granulomas in the maxillae and
the respective sinuses. In this last case, up to 87,500 parasites per gram of granulo-
matous mass were extracted. In two cases, other organs were affected in addition to
the brain (Alstad et al.,1979). In the forms that affect the central nervous system,
the symptomatology is similar to that of viral encephalitides, with lethargy, ataxia,
incoordination, lateral or sternal decubitus, and kicking; these often end in death.
In both humans and equines, the lesions consist of numerous foci of granulo-
matosis or encephalomalacia when they occur in the brain, especially in areas adja-
cent to the larger blood vessels. The nematodes are found in the walls of the ves-
sels and the perivascular spaces, and are abundant in the lesions (Shadduck et al.,
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The source of infection is soil
rich in humus and decomposing organic matter, which is the natural habitat of M.
deletrix. Neither the mode of transmission nor the route of penetration of the nem-
atode into the animal body is known. In the case of a Canadian child, the nematode
probably entered through the multiple lacerations the child received in an accident
that became contaminated with equine feces. In another case, it is suspected that the
nematode penetrated through decubitus ulcers. In equines, the cases of gingivitis
may have been acquired by ingestion of the parasite; the nasal and pneumonic forms
may have been acquired by inhalation, and the rest of the systemic cases may have
been acquired by penetration of the parasite through pre-existing wounds.

Diagnosis:Diagnosis can be made by biopsy and histopathologic examination of
the affected tissues and identification of the nematode. In all of the human cases and
several of the equine cases, diagnosis was made postmortem.
Control:Because of the rareness of the disease, special control measures are not
Alstad, A.D., I.E. Berg, C. Samuel. Disseminated Micronema deletrix infection in the
horse. J Am Vet Med Assoc 174(3):264–266, 1979.
Anderson, R.C., K.E. Linder, A.S. Peregrine. Halicephalobus gingivalis(Stefanski, 1954)
from a fatal infection in a horse in Ontario, Canada with comments on the validity of H.
deletrixand a review of the genus. Parasite 5(3):255–261, 1998.
Ferris, D.H., N.D. Levine, P.D. Beamer. Micronema deletrix in equine brain. Am J Vet Res
33(1):33–38, 1972.
Gardiner, C.H., D.S. Koh, T.A. Cardella. Micronema in man: Third fatal infection. Am J
Trop Med Hyg 30(3):586–589, 1981.
Greiner, E.C., M.B. Mays, G.C. Smart, Jr., S.E. Weisbrode. Verminous mastitis in a mare
caused by a free-living nematode. J Parasitol 77(2):320–322, 1991.
Hoogstraten, J., W.G. Young. Meningo-encephalomyelitis due to the saprophagous nema-
tode,Micronema deletrix. Canad J Neurol Sci 2(2):121–126, 1975.
Shadduck, J.A., J. Ubelaker, V.Q. Telford. Micronema deletrix meningoencephalitis in an
adult man. Am J Clin Pathol72(4):640–643, 1979.
Teifke, J.P., E. Schmidt, C.M. Traenckner, C. Bauer. Halicephalobus(Syn. Micronema)
deletrixals Ursache einer granulomatosen Gingivitis und Osteomyelitis bei einem Pferd.
Tierarztl Prax Ausg G Grosstiere Nutztiere 26(3):157–161, 1998.
ICD-10 B78
Etiology:The agents of this disease are the nematodes Strongyloides stercoralis
andS. fuelleborni. Although man can be infected experimentally with the swine par-
asite S. ransomi,this latter infection does not appear to occur in humans sponta-
neously in nature. A prominent characteristic of these nematodes is that free-living
generations alternate with parasitic ones.
The adult female of S. stercoralis is filariform, measures about 2.2 mm in length
and 50 microns in diameter, and lives in the mucosa of the duodenum and jejunum
of man, other primates, and dogs. Cats have been infected experimentally.
Reproduction is parthenogenetic; males are never observed during the parasitic
phase of the nematode’s life cycle. Oviposition takes place in the epithelium or even

in the submucosa. The eggs are transformed into first-stage larvae with a rhabditi-
form esophagus and migrate to the intestinal lumen. These larvae are shed with feces
and may follow either of two courses of development: a direct (homogonic) cycle,
or an indirect (heterogonic) cycle. In the direct cycle, the larva undergoes two suc-
cessive molts and is transformed into a third-stage larva with a filariform esophagus,
which is the infective element for the host. In the indirect cycle, the rhabditiform
larvae undergo four successive molts, and within two to five days they turn into free-
living adult males and females. Like all free-living adult nematodes, these adults
have a rhabditiform esophagus. The males and females mate, and the fertilized
females lay eggs in the soil. The eggs develop in a few hours and turn into first-stage
free-living rhabditiform larvae. The larvae undergo a second stage, and finally they
develop into third-stage filariform larvae, which are infective for the host. Hence the
indirect (heterogonic) cycle introduces a generation of free-living worms between
the generations of parasitic worms. There is evidence that the free-living parasites
give rise to only one generation of free-living larvae and that the next generation is
always parasitic. The parthenogenetic female apparently produces three types of
eggs: haploid, which generate free-living males; diploid, which generate free-living
females; and triploid, which generate female parasites. Although all eggs develop to
the point of becoming first-stage larvae, only those that can tolerate the prevailing
environmental conditions continue to evolve. Adverse conditions (acid or wet soils,
temperatures under 20°C or over 37°C, shortage of food) inhibit development of the
larvae that will turn into free-living worms, but they favor the formation of infective
larvae. Favorable conditions, on the other hand, inhibit development of the infective
larvae but stimulate development of the free-living cycle (Barriga, 1997).
The filariform larvae produced by either cycle penetrate the skin of the host with
the assistance of enzymes and travel via the bloodstream and lymphatic system to
the heart and the lungs, where they settle within 24 hours after the initial infection.
Once there, they rupture the capillaries and pulmonary alveoli, crawl through the
respiratory tract to the pharynx, are swallowed, and reach the intestine, where they
are transformed into parthenogenetic females. The larvae of this generation appear
in the feces of man between two and four weeks after the initial infection, and in
dogs, after 8 to 16 days.
In dogs, three other routes of infection have been observed: oral, transmammary,
and uterine. In all three instances, the larvae settle in the intestine, where they
mature into adults, and do not migrate to the lungs. The only difference occurs when
the ingested larvae gain entry via blood vessels in the oral mucosa instead of being
swallowed. In this case, they follow the same migration pattern as in transcutaneous
In man, there are two forms of superinfection (acquisition of a new infection on
top of a previous one): hyperinfection and autoinfection. In hyperinfection, the rhab-
ditiform larvae turn into infective filariform larvae in the upper part of the intestine;
penetrate the mucosa in the lower part of the ileum or the colon; migrate to the
lungs, trachea, and esophagus; and, finally, are carried by the bloodstream back to
the intestine, where they mature. In autoinfection, some of the filariform larvae shed
with the feces remain in the perianal or perineal region long enough to repenetrate
the skin of the same host. In both cases, the ultimate effect is that, unlike any other
nematodes of man,S. stercoralisis capable of reproducing itself in the host without
having to abandon it, and thus causes prolonged, very intense infections. It is not

known if these forms of superinfection occur in dogs, but persistent strongyloidiases
have been observed that could have been the result of self-infection. Nearly one-
third of experimentally exposed dogs are unable to eliminate the infection sponta-
neously, which is somewhat similar to the situation in man. Persistence of the
chronic infection in man is illustrated by the fact that 30% of the US veterans who
were prisoners of war in Southeast Asia were still infected 35 years later (Grove and
Northern, 1982).
Although the canine nematode S. stercoralis is similar to the S. stercoralis that
infects man in terms of both morphology and physiology, animals vary in their sus-
ceptibility to different biotypes and geographic strains. Trials by several researchers
have shown that dogs were susceptible to human strains of S. stercoralis coming
from one region of the world but not from another (Grove and Northern, 1982).
However, studies elsewhere have made it possible to document molecular differ-
ences between the human and canine strains of S. stercoralis,and hence it is possi-
ble that the two strains are really different species or subspecies.
S. fuelleborni inhabits the intestine of man and nonhuman primates in Africa and
Asia. Its development cycle is similar to that of S. stercoralis,except that the eggs
hatch in the external environment rather than in the intestine. Hence eggs, rather
than larvae, appear in fresh feces. Other animal species of Strongyloides can also
infect man, but they remain as larval forms in the skin and cause symptoms similar
to those of cutaneous larva migrans (WHO, 1979).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:S. stercoralis occurs worldwide, but
it is more common in tropical and subtropical climates than in temperate regions.
Not much is known about the prevalence of the infection. In 1947, it was estimated
that nearly 34 million people throughout the world were parasitized, distributed as
follows: 21 million in Asia, 8.6 million in Africa, 4 million in tropical regions of the
Americas, 400,000 in North America, and 100,000 in the Pacific islands. A subse-
quent estimate in 2000 increased the number of human infections throughout the
world to 200 million (Marquardt et al., 2000). The infection has been observed in
Mexico, all the countries of Central America, and parts of South America. Between
1965 and 1985, the following rates were cited: Argentina, 7.6%; Colombia, 16%;
French Guiana, 23.6%; Panama, 20%; and Uruguay, 4.3%. In Iquitos, Peru, the rate
was 60%; in Brazil, prevalence ranged from 4% to 58% depending on the area of the
country; and in Chile, there have been only occasional cases in man or dogs. In
Brazil, in an indigenous group of the Amazon region, the prevalence was 5.6% in
126 individuals in 1992 and subsequently dropped to 0% in 174 subjects from the
same locality in 1995. Other studies in Brazil showed a prevalence of less than 1%
in 264 food handlers in the state of Minas Gerais; 10.8% in 37,621 parasitologic
examinations performed at a São Paulo hospital in 1993; 10.4% in 222 individuals
from São Paulo in 1995 and 11.3% in 432 persons from the same locality in 1997;
5.8% in 485 persons from Pernambuco; and 15.2% in 99 AIDS patients in Rio de
Janeiro. In Argentina during 1989–1999, the prevalence rate was 2% in 207 children
from Corrientes and 83.3% in 36 children hospitalized in Salta. In Peru, the rate was
16% in 110 children and 2.4% in 1,511 hospitalized patients. During that same
period, the infection was found in 20% of 241 Sudanese refugees and in 33% of 275
children in southern Sudan; 4% of 70 children in Kenya; 6.4% of 800 children in
Guinea; 2.2% of 137 children in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic; 10.1% of

2,008 inhabitants and 25.1% of 2,462 people from two communities in Nigeria; and
0.4% of 216,275 coprologic examinations performed by state laboratories in the US.
The infection rate can reach as high as 85% in poor socioeconomic groups living in
warm, humid regions of the tropics and in institutions such as hospitals for the men-
tally ill, where there are frequent opportunities for fecal contamination. On the other
hand, in hot, semiarid areas the infection rate rarely exceeds 3%.
Strongyloidiasis in dogs appears to be distributed worldwide, but its prevalence is
moderate. It was found in 6.3% of dogs and 4.8% of cats in Malaysia; in 2% and
1.5% of dogs in Canada and the US, respectively; and in only 2 of 646 dogs exam-
ined in Australia.
S. fuelleborni is a common parasite of nonhuman primates in Africa and Asia. It
is frequently found in these animals both in the wild and in colonies. At a primate
center in California, US, the parasite was detected in 50% of the imported monkeys
and 75% of those born in captivity (Flynn, 1973). In man, it is more prevalent than
S. stercoralisin the humid jungle regions of Central Africa—for example,
Cameroon, Ethiopia, and the Central African Republic. Human S. fuelleborniinfec-
tion is also prevalent in the African savannah. For example, Hira and Patel (1977)
found that 9.9% of the strongyloidiasis cases in Zambia were caused by S. fuelle-
borni. In a study conducted in a small town in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
the prevalence was 34% in 76 children examined and 48% in 185 individuals from
the general population (Brown and Girardeau, 1977). In a jungle area of southern
Cameroon,S. fuelleborniwas found 31% of 154 Pygmies examined, while the rate
for S. stercoralis was only 1%. In another area, the infection rates were 7% and 2%,
respectively, for the two species.
The Disease in Man:In a high proportion of human patients,S. stercoralis infec-
tion can be of very long duration. The evidence suggests that, even though host
immunity inhibits the development and pathogenicity of larvae, it does not terminate
the infection. These hypobiotic larvae can remain in the patient’s tissues for years as
an asymptomatic and overlooked infection, until a breakdown of immunity enables
them to resume their development and become pathogenic once again. Mild infec-
tions are usually well tolerated in immunocompetent individuals and produce no
symptoms at all, or at most only vague and variable intestinal complaints. However,
in persons with large parasite burdens or lowered immunity, the clinical picture can
be cutaneous, pulmonary, or digestive, depending on the localization of the parasite,
and the seriousness of the infection can range from mild to fatal (Liu and Weller,
The cutaneous symptoms that develop when the larva penetrates the skin may be
the only manifestation of the infection apart from peripheral eosinophilia. The first
sign is a small erythematous papule at the invasion site, which may be associated
with intense pruritus, urticaria, and petechiae in patients who have been sensitized
by previous exposure. After that, a linear, serpiginous, urticarial inflammation
appears, known as larva currens,which is virtually pathognomonic of the infection;
a similar lesion can be caused by the larvae of nonhuman ancylostomids such as
Ancylostoma brazilienseand A. caninum(Chabasse et al., 1995). Some patients
experience periodic urticaria, maculopapular exanthema, and pruritus, coinciding
with attacks of diarrhea and the reappearance of larvae in feces. Skin lesions can be
caused by other species of Strongyloides in addition to S. stercoralis. Based on

experimental infections in a volunteer, it is suspected that cases of dermatitis with
serpiginous eruptions among hunters in swampy areas of Louisiana, US, were
caused by S. procyonis,a parasite of raccoons, or S. myopotami,of otters.
During the larvae’s pulmonary migration phase, symptoms may range from an irri-
tating cough to full-blown pneumonitis or bronchopneumonia, sometimes with
eosinophilic pleural effusion (Emad, 1999). A review of patients with severe pul-
monary manifestations revealed that most of them had had some risk factor for
strongyloidiasis, such as corticosteroid use, age over 65 years, chronic pulmonary
disease, use of antihistamines, or some chronic debilitating disease. Almost all the
patients were experiencing cough, dyspnea, panting, and hemoptysis; in addition,
90% had pulmonary infiltrates, 75% had peripheral eosinophilia, 60% were suffer-
ing from secondary infections, 45% had adult respiratory distress syndrome, 15%
had bacterial lung abscesses, and 30% of the patients died (Woodring et al., 1996).
In most cases, the bronchopulmonary manifestations are discrete and disappear
within a few days. The serious pulmonary symptoms are usually associated with
Intestinal symptoms are predominant in the clinical picture. The intestine of para-
sitized individuals shows villous atrophy and cryptal hyperplasia (Coutinho et al.,
1996). Depending on the severity of the lesions caused by the parasites in the intes-
tinal mucosa, the symptoms may correspond to an edematous catarrhal enteritis with
thickening of the intestinal wall or an ulcerative enteritis. Among the other symp-
toms, epigastric pain, diarrhea, dyspepsia, nausea, and vomiting are common. Both
abdominal pain and diarrhea occur intermittently. Leukocytosis and peripheral
eosinophilia are common. Although 50% or more of infected individuals do not
present symptoms, it should be kept in mind that asymptomatics can suddenly
develop serious clinical disease if their immune resistance is lowered. This aggrava-
tion of a preexisting infection may come from a rapid rise in the parasite burden due
to an endogenous hyperinfection triggered by the renewed development of hypobi-
otic larvae following the breakdown of immunity. A disruption of this kind in the
equilibrium of the host-parasite relationship can occur in individuals weakened by
concurrent illnesses, malnutrition, treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, or
immunodeficiency diseases.
Several fatal cases of strongyloidiases have occurred in patients treated with cor-
ticosteroid or cytotoxic drugs. Most of these patients did not have symptoms of the
infection and were not shedding larvae until the treatment was initiated. The clini-
cal picture consists of ulcerative enteritis with abdominal pain, intense diarrhea,
vomiting, malabsorption, dehydration, hypoproteinemia, and hypokalemia, and it
can sometimes lead to death. In immunocompromised individuals such as patients
with AIDS, strongyloidiasis becomes a disseminated infection, often with hyperin-
fection, which can affect any organ and be very serious. In most of these cases, the
predominant symptoms are respiratory and pulmonary (Celedón et al., 1994) and
may include asthma, cavitation, opacities, consolidation, and infiltrates. Often, sec-
ondary bacterial infections can develop, such as bacteremia, peritonitis, meningitis,
endocarditis, and abscesses at various sites. It is believed that the filariform larvae
spread bacteria from the intestine to different parts of the body (Ramos et al.,1984).
There have also been reports of purulent meningitis (Foucan et al., 1997) and
nephrotic syndrome (Wong et al., 1998) caused by the parasitosis. In addition, cases
have been described of strongyloidiasis transmitted through an organ transplant

obtained from a donor with a hypobiotic infection. The parasite does not seem to
affect the organ recipient as long as he or she is receiving cyclosporin but can appear
when the drug is suspended, perhaps because cyclosporin also has an inhibitory
effect on the nematode (Palau and Pankey, 1997).
The pathogenicity of S. fuelleborni has been studied very little. Because simulta-
neous parasitoses occur so frequently in the tropics, it is difficult to link a particular
symptom to a specific parasite. The most common complaints associated with this
agent are abdominal pain and occasional diarrhea, as was observed in patients in
Zambia and also in an experimentally infected volunteer (Hira and Patel, 1977). In
general, infections caused by S. fuelleborni are not sufficiently intense to cause ill-
ness, and no superinfections have been reported.
The Disease in Animals:In dogs, the age of the host is an important factor.
Clinical manifestations of S. stercoralis infection are seen only in young animals.
Dogs and cats that have gotten rid of the parasite, either spontaneously or with treat-
ment, are resistant to reinfection for more than six months. Unlike the human infec-
tion, which generally lasts for a long time if left untreated, the parasitosis in animals
is of limited duration. The infection can be subclinical or symptomatic. In sympto-
matic cases, the first signs to appear in puppies are loss of appetite, purulent con-
junctivitis, cough, and sometimes bronchopneumonia. The larval penetration phase
can produce violent pruritus, erythema, and alopecia. The intestinal phase begins a
week to 10 days later, with diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. Serious cases
may include dehydration, emaciation, bloody diarrhea, and anemia, and they can
even lead to death. In experimental infections, it has been observed that strongy-
loidiasis can become chronic in some adult dogs, but in veterinary practice the dis-
ease is limited to puppies.
In nonhuman primates infected with S. fuelleborni,the predominant symptom is
diarrhea, which can vary from mild and benign to intense and hemorrhagic. In mas-
sive infections, the disease can be severe in weakened or very young animals.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Man is the principal reservoir
of S. stercoralis. For both man and animals, the main source of infection is feces that
contaminate the soil. The parasite usually enters by the cutaneous—rarely the oral—
route, when the host comes in contact with third-stage or filariform larvae. Warm,
moist soil is propitious for exogenic development of the heterogonic (indirect) cycle,
which produces the free-living nematodes, because it allows for rapid multiplication
of the infective larvae. For this reason, the infection is more common in tropical than
in subtropical regions.
The role of dogs and cats in the epidemiology of strongyloidiasis has not yet been
fully clarified. The susceptibility of dogs to certain biotypes or geographic strains
would suggest that, at least in some parts of the world, these animals may contribute
to human infection by contaminating the soil. However, the literature has recorded
only one case (Georgi and Sprinkle, 1974) in which the source of human infection
was attributed to canine feces. It is difficult to determine the frequency of human-
animal cross-infections because there are no characteristics that distinguish the
adults or larvae of S. stercoralis in man from those that occur in animals, but there
are molecular differences, as mentioned earlier, that would suggest the human and
canine parasites are different species or subspecies.
The reservoirs of S. fuelleborni are African and Asian simians. The source of

infection is primate feces (nonhuman and human). Originally, the infection was
zoonotic (from nonhuman to human primates), but there is growing evidence that S.
fuelleborni in various parts of Africa is transmitted from human to human. Studies
carried out in Zambia have confirmed that the parasitosis occurs among populations
in periurban and urban areas, settings in which nonhuman primates are not usually
found, and also in very young children (34% of 76 infants under 200 days old) (Hira
and Patel, 1980; Brown and Girardeau, 1977). In such cases, it is undoubtedly man
who maintains the cycle in nature. Likewise, the high prevalence of infection in
some communities, such as the Pygmies, would suggest that the parasite has a ten-
dency to adapt to the human species.
Other animal species of Strongyloides rarely succeed in completing their life cycle
in man. In a volunteer experimentally infected with infective S. procyonislarvae
from raccoons, very few specimens reached maturity and oviposition. Most animal
species of Strongyloides are capable of invading human skin and causing transitory
Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease:Strongyloidiasis caused by
S. stercoralis is a common disease and apparently intercommunicable between man
and dogs. It has been thought that, in some areas, the infection can be transmitted
from one species to another by means of contaminated soil, but the evidence of
transmission from dog to man and vice versa is scant and circumstantial.
Strongyloidiasis caused by S. fuelleborni is an infection of both zoonotic and inter-
human transmission. Dermatitis in man caused by other species of Stongyloides is
Diagnosis:Laboratory confirmation of the infection consists of finding rhabditi-
form S. stercoralis larvae or S. fuelleborni eggs in host feces. With strongyloidiasis,
there are various means of improving the results of the coprologic examination. De
Kaminsky (1993) studied 427 fecal samples to compare direct smear, the modified
Baermann technique, and agar-plate culture: the smear revealed 9 infections; the
Baermann technique, 42; and the culture, 70. However, the smear is the most eco-
nomical; the Baermann technique was 4 times more expensive, and the culture, 15
times more costly. The larvae or eggs can be shed intermittently, and the tests should
be repeated on three different days. Duodenal aspiration varies in its effectiveness,
and this method is best used as a complement to the coprologic examination. Larvae
can occasionally be observed in sputum. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) has been introduced which has presented some problems of cross-reactiv-
ity with other nematodes. However, adsorption of problem sera with Onchocerca
gutturosaextract and the use of selected antigens has made it possible to achieve
94% to 97% specificity and 100% sensitivity (Lindo et al., 1994). The conventional
ELISA test is only 13% sensitive in immunodeficient patients, but it improves to
100% with the use of biotinylated conjugates or avidin-peroxidase (Abdul-Fattah et
al., 1995). Also, indirect immunofluorescence reaction has been reported to produce
92% to 94% sensitivity and 94% to 97% specificity (Costa-Cruz et al., 1997).
Control:The most important community control measure is reduction of the
source of infection through the sanitary disposal of human feces. It is important to
treat all infected persons, even if they are asymptomatic, in order to reduce the pos-
sibility of contaminating the environment. As with ancylostomiasis, wearing shoes

provides good protection in endemic areas because it prevents larvae from penetrat-
ing the skin of the foot. Since strongyloidiasis can be acquired by the oral route,
good personal hygiene habits, such as washing one’s hands before eating, are also
Prior to the initiation of any immunosuppressive treatment, it is recommended that
the patient be tested for S. stercoralis. In the event that the results are positive, this
infection should be treated first to prevent the possibility of hyperinfection.
Although the importance of domestic pets in transmission of the infection to man
has not been determined, it is recommended to take basic precautions, such as treat-
ing infected dogs or cats.
Abdul-Fattah, M.M., M.E. Nasr, S.M. Yousef, M.I. Ibraheem, S.E. Abdul-Wahhab, H.M.
Soliman. Efficacy of ELISA in diagnosis of strongyloidiasis among the immune-compro-
mised patients. J Egypt Soc Parasitol25:491–498, 1995.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Brown, R.C., M.H. Girardeau. Transmammary passage of Strongyloides sp. larvae in the
human host. Am J Trop Med Hyg 26:215–219, 1977.
Celedón, J.C., U. Mathur-Wagh, J. Fox, R. García, P.M. Wiest. Systemic strongyloidiasis in
patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus. A report of 3 cases and review of
the literature. Medicine (Baltimore)73:256–263, 1994.
Chabasse, D., C. Le Clec’h, L. de Gentile, J.L. Verret. Le larbish. Sante 5:341–345, 1995.
Costa-Cruz, J.M., C.B. Bullamah, M.R. Gonçalves-Pires, D.M. Campos, M.A. Vieira.
Cryo-microtome sections of coproculture larvae of Strongyloides stercoralisand
Strongyloides ratti as antigen sources for the immunodiagnosis of human strongyloidiasis. Rev
Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo39:313–317, 1997.
Coutinho, H.B., T.I. Robalinho, V.B. Coutinho,et al. Immunocytochemistry of mucosal
changes in patients infected with the intestinal nematode Strongyloides stercoralis. J Clin
Pathol49:717–720, 1996.
de Kaminsky, R.G. Evaluation of three methods for laboratory diagnosis of Strongyloides
stercoralisinfection. J Parasitol79:277–280, 1993.
Emad, A. Exudative eosinophilic pleural effusion due to Strongyloides stercoralisin a dia-
betic man. South Med J92:58–60, 1999.
Flynn, R.J. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1973.
Foucan, L., I. Genevier, I. Lamaury, M. Strobel. Meningite purulente aseptique chez deux
patients co-infectés par HTLV-1 et Strongyloides stercoralis. Med Trop (Mars)57:262–264, 1997.
Georgi, J.R., C.L. Sprinkle. A case of human strongyloidiasis apparently contracted from
asymptomatic colony dogs. Am J Trop Med Hyg 23:899–901, 1974.
Grove, D.I., C. Northern. Infection and immunity in dogs infected with a human strain of
Strongyloides stercoralis. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 76:833–838, 1982.
Hira, P.R., B.G. Patel. Strongyloides fuelleborni infections in man in Zambia. Am J Trop
Med Hyg 26:640–643, 1977.
Hira, P.R., B.G. Patel. Human strongyloidiasis due to the primate species Strongyloides
fuelleborni. Trop Geogr Med32:23–29, 1980.
Lindo, J.F., D.J. Conway, N.S. Atkins, A.E. Bianco, R.D. Robinson, D.A. Bundy.
Prospective evaluation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblot methods for
the diagnosis of endemic Strongyloides stercoralis infection. Am J Trop Med Hyg51:175–179,

Liu, L.X., P.F. Weller. Strongyloidiasis and other intestinal nematode infections. Infect Dis
Clin North Am7:655–682, 1993.
Marquardt, W.C., R.S. Demaree, Jr., R.B. Grieve, eds. Parasitology and Vector Biology,2nd
ed. San Diego: Academic Press; 2000.
Palau, L.A., G.A. Pankey. Strongyloideshyperinfection in a renal transplant recipient
receiving cyclosporine: Possible Strongyloides stercoralistransmission by kidney transplant.
Am J Trop Med Hyg57:413–415, 1997.
Ramachandran, S., A.A. Gam, F.A. Neva. Molecular differences between several species of
Strongyloidesand comparison of selected isolates of S. stercoralisusing a polymerase chain
reaction-linked restriction fragment length polymorphism approach. Am J Trop Med Hyg
56:61–65, 1997.
Ramos, M.C., R.J. Pedro, L.J. Silva, M.L. Branchinni, F.L. Gonçales Jr. Estrongiloidiase
maciça. A propósito de quatro casos. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo26:218–221, 1984.
Wong, T.Y., C.C. Szeto, F.F. Lai, C.K. Mak, P.K. Li. Nephrotic syndrome in strongyloidia-
sis: Remission after eradication with anthelmintic agents. Nephron 79:333–336, 1998.
Woodring, J.H., H. Halfhill II, R. Berger, J.C. Reed, N. Moser. Clinical and imaging fea-
tures of pulmonary strongyloidiasis. South Med J89:10–19, 1996.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert Commit-
tee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series 637).
ICD-10 B83.8 Other specified helminthiases
Synonyms:Conjunctival spirurosis, thelaziosis, eyeworm.
Etiology:The agents of this disease are Thelazia callipaeda,T. californiensis,and
T. rhodesii. These parasites are nematodes of the superfamily Thelazioidea whose
adult stage lodges in the conjunctival sac and conjunctiva of domestic and wild
mammals and, occasionally, of man. The other species of the genus Thelazia have
not been found in humans; the correct identification is doubtful in the only human
case attributed to T. rhodesii.
T. callipaeda is a parasite of dogs and other canids. The female measures 7 mm
to 17 mm and the male measures 7 mm to 11.5 mm. The female lays embryonated
eggs in the conjunctival sac, and the first-stage larvae are released and deposited on
the conjunctiva. To continue their development,Thelazia spp. require a fly as an
intermediate host. The flies, by sucking conjunctival secretions, ingest the larvae (or
the eggs containing them). These larvae develop inside the insect for several weeks,
until they become infective third-stage larvae. The infective larvae migrate to the
proboscis of the fly and infect new conjunctiva when the arthropods resume sucking
conjunctival secretions. In 2 to 6 weeks, the third-stage larva matures into an adult
and begins to produce eggs. The intermediate host of T. callipaeda is not well
known. In the Russian Far East, larvae of the parasite have been found in the fly
Phortina variegata,and it is believed that this species could be the vector. The
intermediate host of T. californiensis is the fly Fannia thelaziae,a member of the F.

Liu, L.X., P.F. Weller. Strongyloidiasis and other intestinal nematode infections. Infect Dis
Clin North Am7:655–682, 1993.
Marquardt, W.C., R.S. Demaree, Jr., R.B. Grieve, eds. Parasitology and Vector Biology,2nd
ed. San Diego: Academic Press; 2000.
Palau, L.A., G.A. Pankey. Strongyloideshyperinfection in a renal transplant recipient
receiving cyclosporine: Possible Strongyloides stercoralistransmission by kidney transplant.
Am J Trop Med Hyg57:413–415, 1997.
Ramachandran, S., A.A. Gam, F.A. Neva. Molecular differences between several species of
Strongyloidesand comparison of selected isolates of S. stercoralisusing a polymerase chain
reaction-linked restriction fragment length polymorphism approach. Am J Trop Med Hyg
56:61–65, 1997.
Ramos, M.C., R.J. Pedro, L.J. Silva, M.L. Branchinni, F.L. Gonçales Jr. Estrongiloidiase
maciça. A propósito de quatro casos. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo26:218–221, 1984.
Wong, T.Y., C.C. Szeto, F.F. Lai, C.K. Mak, P.K. Li. Nephrotic syndrome in strongyloidia-
sis: Remission after eradication with anthelmintic agents. Nephron 79:333–336, 1998.
Woodring, J.H., H. Halfhill II, R. Berger, J.C. Reed, N. Moser. Clinical and imaging fea-
tures of pulmonary strongyloidiasis. South Med J89:10–19, 1996.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert Commit-
tee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series 637).
ICD-10 B83.8 Other specified helminthiases
Synonyms:Conjunctival spirurosis, thelaziosis, eyeworm.
Etiology:The agents of this disease are Thelazia callipaeda,T. californiensis,and
T. rhodesii. These parasites are nematodes of the superfamily Thelazioidea whose
adult stage lodges in the conjunctival sac and conjunctiva of domestic and wild
mammals and, occasionally, of man. The other species of the genus Thelazia have
not been found in humans; the correct identification is doubtful in the only human
case attributed to T. rhodesii.
T. callipaeda is a parasite of dogs and other canids. The female measures 7 mm
to 17 mm and the male measures 7 mm to 11.5 mm. The female lays embryonated
eggs in the conjunctival sac, and the first-stage larvae are released and deposited on
the conjunctiva. To continue their development,Thelazia spp. require a fly as an
intermediate host. The flies, by sucking conjunctival secretions, ingest the larvae (or
the eggs containing them). These larvae develop inside the insect for several weeks,
until they become infective third-stage larvae. The infective larvae migrate to the
proboscis of the fly and infect new conjunctiva when the arthropods resume sucking
conjunctival secretions. In 2 to 6 weeks, the third-stage larva matures into an adult
and begins to produce eggs. The intermediate host of T. callipaeda is not well
known. In the Russian Far East, larvae of the parasite have been found in the fly
Phortina variegata,and it is believed that this species could be the vector. The
intermediate host of T. californiensis is the fly Fannia thelaziae,a member of the F.

benjamini complex (Weinmann, 1982). The intermediate hosts of T. rhodesiiare
various species of Musca (M. autumnalis,M. convexifrons,M. larvipara),Morellia
simplex,and Stomoxys calcitrans.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:T. callipaeda is found in dogs and
wild canids in the Far East. Up until 1985, more than 20 human cases had been
reported in China, Korea, Japan, India, Thailand, and the eastern region of the for-
mer Soviet Union. Up until 2000, 9 more cases were reported: 1 in China; 4 in
Korea, bringing that country to a total of 24 cases (Hong et al., 1995); 1 of an unde-
termined species in India; 1 in Indonesia; 1 in Thailand; and 1 in Taiwan.
T. californiensisoccurs in the western US, where it parasitizes the black-tailed
jackrabbit (Lepus californicus), deer, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, bears, dogs, and less
frequently, cats and sheep. Up until 1985, approximately 10 human cases had been
reported, and 3 more had been reported by 2000. All the cases occurred in
California, US, or in neighboring states.
T. rhodesii parasitizes bovines, goats, sheep, bubalines, and deer in North Africa,
Europe, and the Middle East. One human case was described in Spain, but the iden-
tification of the etiologic agent has been questioned (Weinmann, 1982).
The Disease in Man and Animals:In man,Thelaziasp. lodge in the conjuncti-
val sac, where they cause irritation, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, and sometimes,
corneal scarring and opacity (Cheung et al., 1998; Doezie et al., 1996). Some infec-
tions manifested only as a bothersome sensation of a foreign body in the affected
In animals, the parasite is found under the nictitating membrane. The symptoma-
tology is similar to that of human thelaziasis. Conjunctivitis is often aggravated by
pruritis, which causes the animal to rub against various objects. Corneal lesions are
more common in animals than in humans, but it has not been well established
whether they are due to the parasites or to other, concurrent causes. The intensity of
symptoms is quite variable and may depend on the species of Thelazia affecting the
animal; T. rhodesii is considered to be the most pathogenic, but it may not be infec-
tive for humans.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs are several species
of domestic and wild mammals. In a village in Thailand, where one human case
caused by T. callipaedaoccurred, five of seven dogs examined were infected. The
infection is transmitted from one animal to another or from animal to man by various
species of flies. Some species of Thelazia are very particular about their intermediate
hosts and the first-stage larva develops only in certain species. This particularity
largely determines the geographic distribution of both T. californiensis and T. calli-
paeda. The predilection of the different vectors for feeding on particular animal
species is important in the epidemiology and is a factor that limits the number of
human cases. Transmission is seasonal and occurs when vector flies are abundant.
Diagnosis:After a local anesthetic is administered, the parasites are seen as white
threads in the conjunctiva or conjunctival sac, and are extracted with ophthalmic for-
ceps and identified.
Control:Special prevention measures are not justified because human infection
is so rare.

Bhaibulaya, M., S. Prasertsilpa, S. Vajrasthira. Thelazia callipaeda (Raillet and Henry,
1910), in man and dog in Thailand. Am J Trop Med Hyg 19(3):476–479, 1970.
Cheung, W.K., H.J. Lu, C.H. Liang, M.L. Peng, H.H. Lee. Conjunctivitis caused by
Thelazia callipaedainfestation in a woman. J Formos Med Assoc 97(6):425–427, 1998.
Doezie, A.M., R.W. Lucius, W. Aldeen, D.V. Hale, D.R. Smith, N. Mamalis. Thelazia cal-
iforniensisconjunctival infestation. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers27(8):716–719, 1996.
Hong, S.T., Y.K. Park, S.K. Lee,et al. Two human cases of Thelazia callipaedainfection in
Korea. Korean J Parasitol 33(2):139–144, 1995.
Smith, T.A., M.I. Knudsen. Eye worms of the genus Thelazia in man, with a selected bib-
liography. Calif Vect News 17:85–94, 1970.
Weinmann, C.J. Thelaziasis. In:Steele, J.H., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC Handbook
Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
ICD-10 B75 Trichinellosis
Synonyms:Trichiniasis, trichinelliasis.
Etiology:The agents of this disease are nematodes of the genus Trichinella,par-
ticularly T. spiralis. This species is a small nematode of the intestine of predatory
mammals and the muscles of mammals preyed upon by other animals. In the intes-
tine, the adults measure 1–3 mm; in the muscles, the larvae measure less than 1 mm.
T. spiraliswas described by Owen in 1835 and was thought to be a single species
until, in 1972, Soviet researchers determined that there were several species. The
taxonomic category, species, subspecies, strains, or varieties of the new entities were
debated for a long time. After the detailed review by Pozio et al. (1992), most
authors seem to have accepted their categorization as comparatively new species.
Differentiation of those species by polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment
length polymorphism (Wu et al., 1999) supports this opinion. Bessonov (1998)
holds the opposite opinion, but his writings are less widely read, being in Russian.
Apart from three phenotypes of T. spiralis of uncertain taxonomic category, the gen-
erally accepted species (Barriga, 1997) are T. spiralis,T. nativa,T. nelsoni,T. pseu-
dospiralis,and T. britovi. Most of our knowledge about the parasite, the infection,
and the disease results from studies of the classic species,T. spiralis.
T. spiralis is adapted to temperate zones where swine are raised; it is found in
domestic, peridomestic, and wild epidemiological cycles. It is highly infective to
mice, rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, and swine, and moderately infective to hamsters. It
does not infect birds. The species is highly pathogenic to mice and rats and moder-
ately pathogenic to humans. In the muscle, the larva does not survive more than 10
or 20 days at –15°C.
T. nativais adapted to the northern circumpolar regions, above the 40th parallel,

where it circulates among wild carnivores, such as bears and foxes, and their prey.
The species is highly infective to mice and slightly infective to rats, hamsters, guinea
pigs, rabbits, and swine. It does not infect birds. The larva survives in the muscle for
more than 12 months at temperatures of –15°C.
T. nelsoni is adapted to the tropical and semitropical areas of Africa, Asia, and
Europe, and areas near the Mediterranean Sea; it circulates among carnivores such
as foxes, panthers, leopards, lions, hyenas, and wild boar. The species is slightly
infective to mice, rats, hamsters, and swine, moderately pathogenic to mice, slightly
pathogenic to rats, and less pathogenic than T. spiralisto humans. It does not infect
birds. The larva survives in the muscle for 6 or more months at –12°C or –17°C and
is resistant to high temperatures.
T. pseudospiralis is distributed in North America, India, and the former Soviet
Union; it is thought to circulate among predators of birds and their prey. The species
is highly infective to hamsters, slightly infective to rats, and less pathogenic than T.
spiralisto monkeys and, presumably, to humans. Unlike the other species, it does
not encyst, and it infects birds. The larva in the muscle dies in three days at –12°C
or –17°C.
T. britovi is adapted to the temperate and subarctic regions of Eurasia; it circulates
among wild carnivores, mainly foxes, but also wolves and mustelids, and their prey,
the wild boar. The species is slightly infective to mice, rats, and swine, less patho-
genic than T. spiralisto humans, and less resistant to freezing than T. nativa.
When a carnivore or omnivore ingests meat with infective first-stage Trichinella
larvae, the larvae are released in the small intestine, penetrate the mucosa, go
through four rapid molts, return to the lumen, and mature into adults in just two
days. The adult parasites mate, the female invades the intestinal mucosa again, and
begins to release live larvae on the fifth day of infection, with the highest number
being released on the ninth day. The period of larviposition and the number of lar-
vae produced are limited by the immune response of the host. In a primary infection,
larviposition lasts 10 to 20 days in mice and rats, and about 6 weeks in man; each
female produces between 200 and 1,700 larvae. The larvae are disseminated through
the organism by the circulatory system and, in a few hours, penetrate the striated
muscle fibers, where they coil up and grow for the next 10 days. The parasite prefers
the most active muscle groups, especially the jaw, lingual, ocular, back, and lumbar
muscles, and the pillars of the diaphragm. The larva quickly takes control of the
muscle cell’s function and converts it to a nurse cell which satisfies the metabolic
needs of the parasite. The larvae that penetrate tissues other than the striated mus-
cles do not continue to develop. The larva becomes infective for the next host
approximately 16 days after invading the muscle. At around day 10, a collagen cyst
formed by the host starts to surround the larva. The cyst is completely formed in
about three months, is shaped like a lemon measuring approximately 1 mm, and, in
most cases, contains a single larva. The cysts generally begin to calcify at around six
months, but the parasites can live inside them for up to three years or more.
Ingestion of those infected muscles by another host reinitiates the cycle. It is wor-
thy of note that the same host acts first as the definitive host and then as the inter-
mediate host.
Geographic Distribution:T. spiralis is widely distributed in the temperate coun-
tries. Steele (1982) undertook a detailed review of its distribution up until approxi-

mately 1980. Its presence has not been confirmed in Australia or in several tropical
or semitropical countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. However, it should be
borne in mind that research has been limited for the most part to the domestic cycle
in swine, rats, and man. Thus, the possibility exists that the infection may occur in
wild or synanthropic animals without human cases having been reported. For infor-
mation on the geographic distribution of the other species, see Etiology. In several
countries there is more than one species. For example,T. spiralisand T. britovihave
been found in China and Spain; T. spiralisand T. nelsoniin France; and T. spiralis,
T. britovi,and T. nativain Estonia. T. spiralisis found in domestic or peridomestic
environments, and the other species in wild environments (Pozio et al., 1998).
Occurrence in Man:There is a great difference between the real prevalence of
trichinosis and that diagnosed or reported. During the time when approximately 2%
of the US population was infected, there were less than two hundred known clinical
cases. This may be due to the fact that trichinosis is easy to confuse with influenza,
which results in many erroneous diagnoses.
In the Americas, the disease has occurred in Argentina, Canada, Chile, Mexico,
the US, Uruguay, and Venezuela. In some other countries or territories, isolated
cases have been recorded, but it is not clear whether they were autochthonous or
imported cases. Few outbreaks of trichinosis have been recorded in Canada. In 1974,
1975, and 1976, there were 49, 3, and 31 clinical cases, respectively. Examination
of the diaphragms of persons who died from other causes revealed percentages of
infection ranging from 1.5% in Toronto to 4%–6% in British Columbia. Infection
among indigenous peoples is frequent in northern Canada, but clinical cases are spo-
radic or affect only small groups. In that region the source of infection is wild mam-
mals, both terrestrial and marine, and the etiologic agent is probably T. nativa. While
the parasite is virtually nonexistent in swine, and human cases originating in swine
have not occurred for nearly 20 years, cases still occur because of the consumption
of wild boar. The 1993 outbreak in Ontario affected 24 people (Greenbloom et al.,
1997). In the US, 1,428 cases were recorded in the 10 years from 1972 to 1981, for
an annual average of 143 cases, 7 deaths, and a fatality rate of 0.49%. Distribution
of the disease was unequal: of the 188 cases that occurred in 1981, 81.3% originated
in five northeastern states and Alaska. The rate per million inhabitants was 0.8 for
the whole country, 36.7 for Rhode Island, and 33.9 for Alaska (CDC, 1982).
The reduction in the incidence and intensity of the disease is noteworthy: in the
period 1947–1956, an average of 358 cases were recorded each year, with 84 deaths
and a fatality rate of 2.3%; between 1984 and 1988, just 44 cases per year were
recorded on average. The reduction is due essentially to the decline of the infection
in swine, but the importance of the infection from game animals has increased:
Dworkin et al. (1996) reported on an epidemic of 15 cases in Idaho caused by
cougar meat infected with T. nativa. While the rates are low, the infection still exists
in swine in the US and can affect humans who eat the raw pork: 90 refugees from
Southeast Asia were infected in Iowa in 1990 by eating raw sausages prepared with
store-bought pork (McAuley et al., 1992). The real prevalence of the infection has
also declined, as confirmed by autopsies. Between 1936 and 1941, an estimated
12% of the population was infected, while in 1970 the adjusted rate of infection was
2.2%. In 1940, 7.3% of inhabitants had live trichinae in their diaphragms—suggest-
ing relatively recent infection—while in 1970, the rate was 0.7%. In Mexico, stud-

ies carried out between 1939 and 1953 discovered trichinae in 4% to 15% of autop-
sies; a study in 1972–1973 found the larvae in 4.2% of cadavers. In 1975, just three
cases were diagnosed in the country. However, in Zacatecas, there were 17 out-
breaks with a total of 108 cases between 1978 and 1983 (Fragoso et al., 1984).
Outbreaks of trichinosis occur periodically in Argentina and Chile, which are the
only South American countries where the disease is important from the public health
standpoint. In 1976, the rate per 100,000 population was 0.1 for Argentina and 0.5
for Chile. In 1982, in Santiago, Chile, a 2.8% rate of infection was found in the
cadavers of people who died in accidents or by other violent means. The percentage
is similar to that reported in studies carried out in 1966–1967 and 1972; however, in
1982, all the larvae were calcified and the prevalence shifted to older age groups,
which could be interpreted as a decrease in new infections. The epidemic reported
in Argentina in 1991 affected 18 people in southern Buenos Aires (Venturiello et al.,
1993), and the epidemic reported in Chile in 1992 affected 36 people in the south-
ern part of that country (Zamorano et al., 1994).
The morbidity rate has also declined in Europe. For example, in Poland, where pre-
viously more than 500 cases occurred per year, the incidence has diminished notably
and no major outbreaks were reported in the last years of the twentieth century. In the
former Soviet Union, the endemic area with the highest prevalence is found in Belarus,
where 90% of all cases have occurred. The sporadic cases recorded in the northern and
central Asian regions of the former Soviet Union resulted from the consumption of wild
animal meat. An outbreak in Italy in 1975, which affected 89 people who ate horse meat
imported from eastern Europe, was attributed to T. nelsoni.A similar outbreak occurred
in France (Bellani et al., 1978). Later, an outbreak of trichinosis was discovered in
Paris, France, with more than 250 human cases caused by the consumption of raw or
undercooked horse meat imported from the US (Ancelle and Dupouy-Camet, 1985). In
1993, there was another outbreak in France, affecting 554 people, attributed to the con-
sumption of horse meat (Dupouy-Camet et al., 1994). Infection caused by horse meat
is surprising because strictly herbivorous animals such as horses would not have the
opportunity to become infected. It has been hypothesized that these animals may have
inadvertently eaten infected rodents with their fodder, or that the horses became
infected by eating necrophagous insects in their pasture. Trichina larvae have been
proven to survive five to eight days in the intestines of these insects and, since they mul-
tiply in the host’s intestine, a few larvae ingested in this manner could cause a signifi-
cant infection in a horse (Barriga, 1997).
In Asia, human trichinosis was not considered important until the 1960s and
1970s. In Thailand, the first outbreak occurred in 1962 in the northern part of the
country, and from then until 1973, 975 cases and 58 deaths were recorded. The first
outbreak in Japan occurred in 1974, and a total of three outbreaks had been reported
by 1991: the first affected 15 people in 1974; the second affected 12 people in 1980;
and the third affected 60 people in 1981. All the infections were due to consumption
of bear meat (Yamaguchi, 1991). A domestic cycle does not seem to exist in that
country. In Lebanon, an epidemic probably affected more than 1,000 people in 1982,
and another affected 44 people in 1995 (Haim et al., 1997). Two epidemics reported
in China occurred in an endemic area in the center of the country: one affected 54
people in the 1980s and the other affected 291 in the period 1995–1996 (Cui et al.,
1997). In China, larvae have been found in swine, dog, sheep, and bear meat.
The situation in Africa is peculiar. In countries of northern Africa bordering on the

Mediterranean, some outbreaks of human trichinosis were known in Algeria and in
Egypt among Copts and tourists, but it was believed that the disease did not exist
south of the Sahara. The first outbreak in Kenya, due toT. nelsoni,was diagnosed in
1959. The investigation demonstrated that the human infection originated as a result
of consumption of meat from a bush pig (Potamochoerus porcus). Later research
discovered that the infection is widely distributed in the wild fauna of Africa, includ-
ing warthogs (Phacochoerus aethiopicus), hyenas, jackals, and some felids.
The infection is frequent in the Arctic regions and is mainly due to the consump-
tion of bear meat. Cases linked to walrus meat were first described in Greenland and
then in the northern part of Alaska. The species that circulates at these latitudes is T.
nativa,which is characterized by greater resistance to freezing temperatures.
Human cases are unknown in Australia. The Hawaiian Islands are the only
endemic area in the Pacific; a survey conducted in 1964 found the parasite in 7.4%
of cadavers autopsied. In New Zealand, the first human case was diagnosed in 1964,
and the first human infection attributed to T. pseudospiraliswas identified in 1994;
the species of the parasite was confirmed by molecular biology techniques
(Andrews et al., 1995). In 1994–1995, an epidemic in Thailand caused by raw meat
from an infected wild pig affected 59 people and caused one death (Jongwutiwes et
al., 1998).
In general, human trichinosis is still widespread in many parts of the world, but
morbidity rates are low and declining.
Occurrence in Animals:T. spiralis has a wide range of hosts among domestic
and wild animals. The infection has been confirmed in 150 species of mammals,
from primates to marsupials, including cetaceans and pinnipeds. Of special interest
among domestic animals are swine, whose meat and by-products are the main
source of infection for man. The infection rate in swine depends on how they are
managed and, in particular, how they are fed. There is a marked difference in the
rates of infection in grain-fed swine and those fed raw waste from either the home
or from slaughterhouses. In the US, in 1950, the prevalence of trichinosis in swine
fed waste was 11%, while it was only 0.63% in those fed grain. When mandatory
cooking of waste intended for swine food was established in order to prevent viral
infections, the prevalence decreased rapidly to 2.2% between 1954 and 1959, to
0.5% in the 1970s, and to even lower rates later on, when less than 1% of swine in
the US were fed waste. The source of the infection is not clear, especially because,
on several occasions, the role of rats was discounted. In a serologic examination of
4,078 swine on 156 farms in the region of New England and the state of New Jersey,
US, 15 positive swine were found on 10 farms, for an individual prevalence of
0.37% and a herd prevalence of 6.4%. The most important risk factors were access
of swine to live wildlife and wildlife carcasses on the farm. However, since there
was no association between the infection and the consumption of scraps of human
food, the recycling of infected pork is no longer an important factor in that area
(Gamble et al., 1999).
In many European countries, the parasitosis is no longer found in swine; the high-
est frequency is 0.1%, usually on small farms. In 1976 in Germany, only one
infected pig was found out of 32 million examined by trichinoscopy (observation of
larvae by pressing a muscle sample between two slides and viewing it under a
microscope). In the Netherlands, not a single infected pig was discovered by

trichinoscopic examination between 1926 and 1962. However, use of the digestion
method (digestion of muscle samples and observation of larvae in the sediment)
demonstrated that some pigs had very low intensity infections, with 0.025 larvae per
gram of meat (Ruitenberg et al.,1983).
In Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Venezuela, the parasite has not been
found by trichinoscopic examination. In Argentina and Chile, trichinoscopy records
indicate a general frequency of 0.14% and 0.33%, respectively. Of course, the preva-
lence is much higher in selected samples, such as pigs that roam around garbage
dumps or pigs from small farms that are fed kitchen waste, and it is these animals
that frequently give rise to epidemic outbreaks in South America.
Dogs and cats have ample opportunity to become infected both in the domestic
cycle, with raw meat provided by their owners, and in the wild cycle, through the
hunting of omnivorous rodents. For this reason, the prevalence in these animals is
generally higher than in pigs. Studies of street dogs in Santiago, Chile (Letonja and
Ernst, 1974) found rates ranging from 1.2% to 4%, while 72% of 36 dogs captured
in 1955 in the municipal slaughterhouse were infected. In a later study in Valdivia
Province, in southern Chile, 30 urban dogs and 30 rural dogs were examined, and
6.6% and 16.6%, respectively, were found to be infected (Oberg et al., 1979). In
Mexico City, 3.3% of 150 dogs examined had trichinellosis, while in Maracay,
Venezuela, all 600 animals examined were free of infection. Infection rates of 45%
to 60% have been found in dogs in Alaska, Greenland, and Siberia. The parasite was
discovered in 7 of 12 cats examined in San Luis, Argentina; in 2% of 50 cats in
Santiago, Chile; and in 25% of 300 cats studied in Mexico. By contrast, in Maracay,
Venezuela, none of the 120 cats examined gave a positive result. In the US, Europe,
and the former Soviet Union, the infection in dogs and cats is relatively frequent,
with prevalence rates higher than those in pigs.
Rats also participate in the synanthropic or peridomestic cycle. In the US, rural
rats are not infected, but a high rate of infection has been found among rats living in
garbage dumps (5.3% of 1,268). In the former Soviet Union, 1.6% of 8,037 rats
were found to be infected. High rates of infection have been found in Lebanon (36%
in a survey in 1952) and in British Columbia, Canada (25% in 1951). Studies in
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela, and more recently in
Santos and São Paulo, Brazil (Paim and Cortes, 1979), yielded negative results.
Almost all of these studies employed trichinoscopy, which is not very sensitive for
detection of the parasite, so very low levels of infection cannot be discounted.
Numerous surveys have been done in Chile, where an important role in the epi-
zootiology is attributed to rats. Of rats captured in garbage dumps in Santiago and
Antofagasta, 8% and 28.6%, respectively, were found to be infected. Surveys con-
ducted in 1951 and 1967 in the municipal slaughterhouse of Santiago revealed infec-
tion rates in Rattus norvegicusof 10% and 25%, respectively. A high rate of infec-
tion (86%) was also found in rats captured in 1983 in several sectors of the city of
Concepción. In the epidemiologic investigation of an outbreak that affected 60 per-
sons, 12.3% of swine and 30.7% of R. norvegicuswere found to be infected.
The main reservoirs of trichina in nature, however, seem to be the wild carnivores.
The fox (Vulpes vulpes) is important in Europe because of its abundance and high
infection rates. Trichinosis is also frequent among Old World badgers (Meles meles),
wolves (Canis lupus), lynxes (Felis lynx) and wild boar (Sus scrofa). In the state of
Alaska and other areas of the Arctic and Subarctic, high rates of infection have been

found in the polar bear (Thalarctos maritimus), with an average of 45% parasitized,
as well as in other ursids, Arctic and red foxes, and several species of mustelids.
Among marine mammals, the infection has been confirmed in walruses (Odobenus
rosmarus), with a prevalence of 0.6% to 9%, and low rates have been found in other
pinnipeds and cetaceans. In the US, the parasite was discovered in 5% of minks and
6.4% of foxes in Iowa. Low-intensity infection was found in wild rodents (Microtus
pennsylvanicus,Sigmodon hispidus,and others) in Virginia (Holliman and Meade,
1980). There is enough evidence to assume that the wild cycle of trichinosis is self-
sustainable. However, on at least one occasion, it seems that a coyote became
infected through infected swine (Minchella et al., 1989).
In sub-Saharan Africa, only the wild cycle is known. The parasite is widely dis-
tributed among wild carnivores. The infection has been confirmed in hyenas, jack-
als, leopards, lions, servals (Felis serval), and wild pigs. Hyenas (Crocuta crocuta
andHyaena hyaena)seem to be the main reservoirs; 10 of 23 C. crocutatested were
Except in Argentina and Chile, studies have not been done on the wild fauna of
Latin America. In central Chile, 2,063 wild animals were examined, of which 301
were carnivores (usually very parasitized) and 1,762 were rodents (generally not
very parasitized), and the infection was not found in any of them. Out of 20 animals
examined in Argentina, a fox (Pseudalopex gracilis), an armadillo (Chaetophractus
villosus), and a rodent (Graomis griseoflavus)were found to be infected.
The Disease in Man:Only a small proportion of infections—those that are
intense—are manifested clinically. It is thought that man needs 10 to 100 parasites
per gram of muscle in order to show symptoms. Many sporadic cases pass unnoticed
or are confused with other diseases.
In classic trichinosis caused by T. spiralis,the incubation period lasts about 10
days, but can vary greatly—from 1 to 43 days—and seems to be directly related to
the number of larvae ingested. Three phases of the disease are described: intestinal,
larval migration, and convalescence. The intestinal phase is uncommon and occurs
in about 15% of patients; it is expressed as a nonspecific gastroenteritis, with
anorexia, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea.
Seven to 11 days after ingestion of the infective food, the signs of the larval
migration phase begin, with fever, myalgias (which may be pronounced and in
diverse locations), edema of the upper eyelids (a very common and prominent sign),
cephalalgia, sweating, and chills. In a small proportion of patients with severe dis-
ease there may be urticaria or scarlatiniform eruptions, and respiratory and neuro-
logic symptoms. The vast majority of patients have leukocytosis and eosinophilia.
In 95.9% of 47 Chilean patients, eosinophilia with values above 6% was found. The
disease lasts about 10 days in moderate infections, but may persist a month or more
in massive infections. In the convalescent phase, muscular pains can sometimes per-
sist for several months. In cases of infection caused by T. spiralisin Italy, Pozio et
al. (1993) found eosinophilia in 100% of the patients, specific IgG antibodies in
100%, high levels of creatine phosphokinase in 90%, fever in 60%, myalgia in 50%,
diarrhea in 40%, and antibodies against the newborn larva in 30%. In epidemic out-
breaks, mortality is usually under 1%.
In a study of 150 patients suffering from trichinosis due to T. nelsoniin an out-
break in Italy, myalgia was found in 88%, myositis in 62%, muscular weakness in

60%, and arthralgia in 20%. The degree of myositis was directly related to the
degree of hypereosinophilia, and the muscle damage observed microscopically was
often related to eosinophilic infiltration of the muscle. The arthralgia was closely
related to the myalgias/myositis. There was no relationship between the clinical
manifestations and the IgG or IgE antibodies. There was no vascularitis or involve-
ment of the nervous system or heart. T. nelsoniseems to mainly affect the muscular
system, with a favorable prognosis (Ferraccioli et al., 1988).
In T. britoviinfections, Italian authors have observed that the patients present
milder gastrointestinal symptoms, lower levels of creatine phosphokinase, and less
persistence of specific IgG antibodies in comparison with patients suffering from
classic T. spiralis(Pozio et al., 1993).
In an outbreak caused by T. pseudospiralis in Thailand, the most striking clinical
manifestations were muscular swelling, myalgia, and asthenia of more than four
months’ duration (Jongwutiwes et al., 1998).
The Disease in Animals:Trichinosis does not cause clinical manifestations in
animals at the level of infection found in nature. However, massive experimental
infections cause illness or death in rats, dogs, cats, and swine; the infected animals
exhibit peripheral eosinophilia, fever, anorexia, emaciation, and muscle pain.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:Trichinosis in nature is an
infection of wild animals. The parasite circulates between predatory carnivores and
omnivorous or necrophagous animals. The former become infected by hunting and
consuming the latter, and the latter become infected by eating the carcasses of the
former. From the epidemiological standpoint, the parasite’s resistance to putrefac-
tion is important; live, often infective, larvae have been found in badly decayed flesh
for up to four months, which facilitates the infection of carrion eaters. A domestic,
peridomestic, or synanthropic cycle derives from this wild cycle when synanthropic
animals such as rats, dogs, cats, and swine become infected by eating infected wild
animals and carry the infection to the domestic environment. In an extensive study,
Gamble et al. (1999) found that the risk factors for the infection in swine are access
to live wildlife or wildlife carcasses on the farm. The consumption of garbage did
not constitute a risk for infection. In places where modern technology is applied to
swine breeding, such as Japan and Switzerland, the wild cycle can exist without
extending to the domestic environment (Gotstein et al., 1997; Yamaguchi, 1991).
There is some evidence that the infection can also extend from the domestic to the
wild environment: Minchella et al. (1989) found a coyote infected with swine trichi-
It is assumed that, once in the domestic environment, the parasite circulates
among pigs, dogs, cats, and rats. The parasite is transmitted from pig to pig mainly
by the ingestion of food scraps containing raw pork. The incidence of trichinosis in
swine fed raw waste from kitchens, restaurants, or slaughterhouses is 20 times
higher than that in grain-fed swine. Another source of infection for swine may be
dead infected animals, including rats, but also dogs, cats, or wild animals, which are
sometimes found in garbage dumps. One theory is that the consumption of infected
rats explains the swine infections which, in turn, cause outbreaks of the infection in
man. While it is true that an association between high rates of infection in rats and
swine has sometimes been found, there is also solid research that casts doubt on this
association (Campbell, 1983). It has also been shown that the pig can acquire the

infection from another pig by coprophagia, since some trichina larvae are eliminated
in the feces of swine that ingest infected meat for up to five days after ingestion, and
they can infect another swine that eats them. Infection of swine by chewing the tails
of other (infected) swine has also been described. These last two transmission mech-
anisms are of little practical importance.
Dogs and cats probably become infected when they eat scraps of infected raw
pork provided by their owners or by hunting infected rats or ingesting infected dead
domestic, peridomestic, or wild animals. Sled dogs in the Arctic are infected by eat-
ing wild animal meat fed to them by man or by consuming carrion they find in their
habitat. This explains the extremely high rates (50% or more) found among dogs in
that region. In turn, dog and cat carcasses transmit the infection to other carrion
eaters, rats, and swine.
Rats become infected by eating infected domestic or wild animals and by canni-
balism. The role of the rat in the epidemiology of trichinosis, considered central for
a long time, has not been objectively proven. In the opinion of most modern inves-
tigators, its epidemiological role seems to be secondary.
Man is an accidental host in whom the parasite finds a dead end, except in unusual
circumstances, such as in eastern Africa, where some tribes abandon the dead or
dying to the hyenas. The human infection occurs mainly as a result of consuming
raw or undercooked pork or pork by-products, but also as a result of eating wild
game. It is estimated that the meat of a single parasitized pig weighing 100 kg can
be a potential source of infection for 360 persons. Since pork is frequently added to
beef in the manufacture of sausage, the potential risk is even greater. In Argentina
and Chile, outbreaks most commonly occur in rural areas, with the source of infec-
tion being a pig killed by its owner and thus not subjected to veterinary inspection.
The sources of infection are almost always pigs fed waste from kitchens, restaurants,
or local slaughterhouses and, in small towns, animals kept at garbage dumps.
However, even pigs inspected in slaughterhouses can give rise to infections, albeit
probably mild infections, since trichinoscopy cannot detect low-level parasitoses
(fewer than 1–3 larvae per gram of muscle). The US is one of the few developed
countries in which trichinosis is still a public health problem, although on a much
smaller scale than it used to be. Of 947 human cases for which the source of infec-
tion could be ascertained, 79.1% were attributable to pork products, 6% were due to
ground beef (probably contaminated with pork), and 13.9% were linked to wild ani-
mal meat, especially bear. In Alaska, half the cases were due to bear meat and the
other half to walrus meat. In Japan, all the cases were due to the consumption of
wild animals. In contrast to the epidemiological pattern in Latin America, where the
infection often results from slaughter of animals and preparation of sausages at
home, 81% of the tainted pork products in the US were acquired in supermarkets,
butcher shops, or similar outlets. Products acquired directly from farms caused only
13.8% of the cases recorded between 1975 and 1981 (Schantz, 1983). This is due to
the fact that inspection for Trichinellais mandatory in slaughterhouses in most of
the Latin American countries where the parasite occurs, but not in the US.
In man, as in animals, the frequency of the infection and its intensity increase with
age, as a result of longer opportunity for infection and reinfection. In the US,
between 1966 and 1970, the average intensity for people who died under the age of
45 was 2.4 trichinae per gram of diaphragm material, while the same study found
that for older persons, it was 12.2 per gram (Zimmermann and Zinter, 1971).

Religion and ethnic origin have a great influence on the prevalence of the infection.
The prevalence of trichinosis is very low among Muslims, Jews, and Seventh Day
Adventists, whose religious beliefs prohibit the consumption of pork. In the Middle
East, the disease occurs in Lebanon, where the Christian population is large, but is
very rare in the predominantly Muslim countries. On the other hand, prevalence
rates in the US are higher in some ethnic groups, such as Italians, Germans, and
Poles, because of their preference for pork products processed at a temperature
insufficient to destroy the larvae. In the former Soviet Union, the habit of consum-
ing raw salt pork (which contains muscle fibers) explains why this product is one of
the main sources of infection.
Food preservation technology and the peculiarities of the different variants of
Trichinellaalso influence the occurrence and prevalence of trichinellosis. The
reduction in the incidence and intensity of human infection observed in the US in
the last decades of the twentieth century is due in large part to the generalized
practice of freezing pork products, both commercially and at home. Freezing is an
effective means of killing the T. spiralis larvae found in pork or pork products.
Regulations in Canada and the US establish that pork products less than 15 cm
thick must be frozen at –15°C for 20 days or –30°C for six days. These tempera-
tures are sufficient to kill the T. spiralislarvae, but not the T. nativa larvae, which
are found in terrestrial and marine mammals of the Arctic region. For example,
viable larvae have been found in bear meat frozen at an ambient temperature of
–32°C for several weeks, and in walrus meat kept in a home freezer at –12°C for
a month.
Most outbreaks in Argentina and Chile occur in winter or early spring when home
slaughter of pigs is more frequent. Neighbors usually participate in sausage-making
and eat the recently made products at community meals.
In some parts of the world, such as the Arctic and Subarctic and eastern Africa,
the meat of wild animals constitutes the main source of human infection. In Africa,
three outbreaks are known to have been caused by consumption of bush pig
(Potamochoerus porcus) meat. Although the immediate source of human infection
was the meat of wild swine, the main reservoirs seem to be wild canids, especially
hyenas. Outbreaks in the Arctic region generally affect only a few persons.
Nevertheless, an epidemic was recorded in Greenland in 1947 that caused 300 cases
and 33 deaths. The origin of that epidemic was not discovered, but in a later out-
break, the source of infection was found to be walrus meat. Two more outbreaks
were subsequently described in Alaska due to the consumption of walrus meat
(Margolis et al.,1979). The relative rarity of clinical cases at those latitudes is
explained by the low intensity of the parasitosis in wild animals. Outside the Arctic
region, cases of human trichinosis whose source of infection was bear meat have
occurred. Between 1967 and 1981, 5% of the human cases in the US resulted from
the ingestion of such meat (Schantz, 1983). In several European countries, infection
due to bear or wild boar meat is playing an increasing role in the epidemiology of
the disease, and outbreaks of this nature have been described in the former
Czechoslovakia and the former Soviet Union (Ruitenberg et al.,1983). There were
also 58 cases of trichinosis in China due to consumption of bear meat (Wang and
Luo, 1981) and 87 in Japan (Yamaguchi, 1991).
Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease:Trichinosis is an infection

of wild and domestic animals that is accidentally transmitted to man by the inges-
tion of raw or undercooked meat or meat products. It is a food-originated zoonosis.
Diagnosis:The clinical diagnosis of trichinosis is difficult due to its nonspecific
symptomatology and its similarity to common infectious diseases such as influenza.
Individual or sporadic cases are often confused with other diseases, but the diagno-
sis can be supported by the epidemiological circumstances (such as the recent con-
sumption of pork or bear meat and the concurrent occurrence of other, similar cases)
and with confirmation of peripheral eosinophilia, increased enzymes that indicate
muscle damage, and increased erythrosedimentation. Specific diagnosis can be
made by muscle biopsy and observation of the larvae. This technique is rarely used
in man because it is painful and of limited utility. It is justified only for ruling out
collagen diseases with which trichinosis may be confused.
Very precise immunobiologic and molecular biology tests are available (Ko,
1997). The preferred tests for diagnosis of the human infection, because of their sen-
sitivity and specificity, are indirect immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), immunoelectrotransfer, and polymerase chain reac-
tion. Some authors still recommend the use of undefined mixtures as antigens
(Sandoval et al., 1995), but there is strong evidence that the antigen used is crucial
to the sensitivity and specificity of the tests and how early they will detect the dis-
ease (Homan et al.,1992). Consequently, modern authors prefer to use well-defined
antigens. Ben et al. (1997) compared indirect immunofluorescence with the enzy-
matic immunohistochemical technique and found a high correlation between them;
the latter showed sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 93%. ELISA is considered
to be sensitive and versatile because it detects different classes of immunoglobulins.
In a study during an outbreak caused by bear meat in which 58 persons were
affected (92% confirmed by muscle biopsy), ELISA detected IgG specific antibod-
ies in 100% of the cases in the first month of the disease and IgM antibodies in 86%
of the cases. In a high percentage of cases, these antibodies persisted up to 11
months after the study. It was also possible to detect IgA antibodies, which were pre-
sumed to have been of intestinal origin, in 62% of the patients in the first month of
the disease; their detection is important, since patients can be treated with
anthelmintics at that stage. The indirect immunofluorescence test was somewhat
less sensitive (95%), but became negative faster (van Knapen et al.,1982). A prob-
lem with immunobiologic reactions is that they take about three weeks to appear and
last months or years. This hinders early diagnosis and the ability to distinguish cur-
rent infections from long-standing ones. To resolve these problems, ELISA tech-
niques have been designed to detect the parasite antigens, rather than the antibodies,
in the patient’s blood. In experimentally infected rats, the antigen is found starting
on the fourth day of infection and, in a third of human patients, at the end of the third
week of infection (Dzbenski et al., 1994). In these patients, the sensitivity was 100%
and the specificity was 96.8%; there were cross reactions with capillariasis, gnatho-
stomiasis, opisthorchiasis, and strongyloidiasis (Mahannop et al., 1995). As with
other diseases, two blood samples should be taken two weeks apart to observe the
change in the antibody titers, which can indicate an active infection.
To diagnose the infection in animals, direct methods are used, such as
trichinoscopy and artificial digestion; immunobiologic methods such as indirect
immunofluorescence, ELISA, and Western blot; and molecular biology techniques

such as PCR and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis (RAPD). Unlike the
human infection, in which early diagnosis is needed, only a sensitive diagnosis is
needed in swine because the larvae do not become infective until after the 16th day
of infection. Trichinoscopy is used in the veterinary inspection of pork in slaughter-
houses and meat-packing facilities in many countries. It is a rapid process, but it is
not very sensitive and does not reveal light infections. In Sweden in 1961 and in
Germany in 1967, epidemic outbreaks involving several hundred cases occurred fol-
lowing consumption of pork and pork products that had passed trichinoscopic exam-
ination. Some experts estimate that trichinoscopy can detect the infection only when
there are three or more larvae per gram of muscle; according to others, the figure is
10 or more larvae per gram. The artificial digestion method is much more efficient
and cheaper, but it is slow and does not lend itself to the rhythm of hog processing
in large slaughterhouses and industrial packing plants. Its sensitivity is primarily
attributed to the use of a sample that is 50 to 100 times larger than that used in
trichinoscopy. A practical modification of this method has been proposed, which
consists of mixing samples of the diaphragmatic pillars of 20 to 25 hogs from the
same source. If trichinae are found in the composite sample, a 50–100 g sample of
diaphragm muscle tissue from each individual pig is examined. Venturiello et al.
(1998) compared trichinoscopy, artificial digestion, indirect immunofluorescence,
and ELISA in 116 swine and found that the direct parasitology techniques were
much less sensitive than the indirect techniques, and that ELISA was less sensitive
than immunofluorescence when the intensity of the infection was low. ELISA has
been automated for use in slaughterhouses, with substantial savings of resources and
time. One of the drawbacks of this test was the high proportion of false positives
(about 15%). This drawback has been surmounted by the use of purified antigens
(Gamble and Graham, 1984). RAPD has shown a sensitivity of 100% and a speci-
ficity of 88% to 100% for detection of a single larva of the parasite (Pozio et al.,
Control:The purpose of a control program should be to reduce and eventually
eradicate the infection in swine, whose meat is the main source of human infection.
The requirement that kitchen or slaughterhouse waste intended for pigs be heat-
treated (100°C), introduced as part of the campaign to eradicate vesicular exanthema
in swine and hog cholera, has proven beneficial in controlling trichinosis in the US.
However, compliance with this regulation is very difficult to ensure, and, therefore,
the results are not always satisfactory.
The trichinosis problem in some Latin American countries centers on the small
rural farms raising a few pigs fed with household or restaurant scraps. These farms
are very difficult to supervise, and pigs are slaughtered by the farmers without vet-
erinary inspection. Continuous education of the population could at least partially
remedy the situation. Another source of human infection is swine kept in town or
village garbage dumps. In these cases, municipal and health authorities should pro-
hibit this practice.
Trichinoscopy, which is practiced in slaughterhouses in Argentina, Chile, and
other countries, has been shown to be effective in protecting the population.
Although its sensitivity and cost leave much to be desired, when correctly executed,
it protects the consumer against massive infections. The digestion method is much
more efficient and cheaper in large slaughterhouses, but is costly for small plants in

developing countries. Hopes are founded on implementing automated immunologic
or molecular biology tests.
At the individual level, humans can avoid the infection by abstaining from eating
pork or pork products of dubious origin, without veterinary inspection. Pork or pork
products that have not been inspected can be submitted to several processes to
destroy the trichinae. Cooking at 57°C is more than sufficient to inactivate the par-
asites. This temperature turns the raw pork, which is pink and semi-translucent,
whitish and opaque. Special care should be taken with rib roasts, pork chops, and
pork sausages, which are not always sufficiently cooked, particularly close to the
bone. The use of microwave ovens is not recommended because they heat unevenly
and they may leave live parasites in portions of the meat. Trichinae are also
destroyed by freezing the meat at –15°C for 20 days or at –30°C for 6 days, as long
as the piece is not thicker than 15 cm. Smoking, salting, or drying of pork are not
sure methods of killing larvae. The meat of wild animals should be cooked; this is
the only sure method of destroying the larvae in the Arctic.
Andrews, J.R., C. Bandi, E. Pozio, M.A. Gómez Morales, R. Ainsworth, D. Abernethy.
Identification of Trichinella pseudospiralisfrom a human case using random amplified poly-
morphic DNA. Am J Trop Med Hyg53(2):185–188, 1995.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Bellani, L., A. Mantovani, S. Pampilione. Observations on an outbreak of human trichinel-
losis in Northern Italy. In:Kim, C.W., Z.S. Pawlowski, eds. Trichinellosis. Proceedings of the
Fourth International Conference on Trichinellosis, August 26–28, 1976, Poznan, Poland.
Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England; 1978.
Ben, G.J., S.L. Malmassari, G.G. Núñez, S.N. Costantino, S.M. Venturiello. Evaluation of
an enzymatic immunohistochemical technique in human trichinellosis. J Helminthol
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Bessonov, A.S. [The taxonomic position of nematodes in the genus Trichinella Railliet,
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Campbell, W.C. Epidemiology. I. Modes of transmission. In:Campbell, W.C., ed.
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Cui, J., Z.Q. Wang, F. Wu, X.X. Jin. Epidemiological and clinical studies on an outbreak of
trichinosis in central China. Ann Trop Med Parasitol91(5):481–488, 1997.
Dupouy-Camet, J., C. Soule, T. Ancelle. Recent news on trichinellosis: Another outbreak
due to horsemeat consumption in France in 1993.Parasite 1(2):99–103, 1994.
Dworkin, M.S., H.R. Gamble, D.S. Zarlenga, P.O. Tennican. Outbreak of trichinellosis
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Dzbenski, T.H., E. Bitkowska, W. Plonka. Detection of a circulating parasitic antigen in
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Ferraccioli, G.F., M. Mercadanti, F. Salaffi, F. Bruschi, M. Melissari, E. Pozio. Prospective
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Gamble, H.R., R.C. Brady, L.L. Bulaga,et al. Prevalence and risk association for
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82(1):59–69, 1999.
Gottstein, B., E. Pozio, B. Connolly, H.R. Gamble, J. Eckert, H.P. Jakob. Epidemiological
investigation of trichinellosis in Switzerland. Vet Parasitol72(2):201–207, 1997.
Greenbloom, S.L., P. Martin-Smith, S. Isaacs,et al. Outbreak of trichinosis in Ontario sec-
ondary to the ingestion of wild boar meat. Can J Public Health88:52–56, 1997.
Haim, M., M. Efrat, M. Wilson, P.M. Schantz, D. Cohen, J. Shemer. An outbreak of
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Holliman, R.B., B.J. Meade. Native trichinosis in wild rodents in Henrico County, Virginia.
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Homan, W.L., A.C. Derksen, F. van Knapen. Identification of diagnostic antigens from
Trichinella spiralis. Parasitol Res78(2):112–119, 1992.
Jongwutiwes, S., N. Chantachum, P. Kraivichian,et al. First outbreak of human trichinel-
losis caused by Trichinella pseudospiralis. Clin Infect Dis26(1):111–115, 1998.
Ko,R.C. A brief update on the diagnosis of trichinellosis. Southeast Asian J Trop Med
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Letonja, T., S. Ernst. Triquinosis en perros de Santiago, Chile. Bol Chil Parasitol
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Mahannop, P., P. Setasuban, N. Morakote, P. Tapchaisri, W. Chaicumpa. Immunodiagnosis
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Margolis, H.S., J.P. Middaugh, R.D. Burgess. Arctic trichinosis: Two Alaskan outbreaks
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McAuley, J.B., M.K. Michelson, A.W. Hightower, S. Engeran, L.A. Wintermeyer, P.M.
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Minchella, D.J., B.A. Branstetter, K.R. Kazacos. Molecular characterization of sylvatic iso-
lates of Trichinella spiralis. J Parasitol75(3):388–392, 1989.
Oberg, C., S. Ernst, P. Linfati, P. Martin. Triquinosis en perros de la comuna de Máfil,
Provincia de Valdivia, Chile. Bol Chil Parasit 34(1–2):46–47, 1979.
Pozio, E., G. La Rosa, K.D. Murrell, J.R. Lichtenfels. Taxonomic revision of the genus
Trichinella. J Parasitol78(4):654–659, 1992.
Pozio, E., P. Varese, M.A. Morales, G.P. Croppo, D. Pelliccia, F. Bruschi. Comparison of
human trichinellosis caused by Trichinella spiralisand by Trichinella britovi. Am J Trop Med
Hyg48(4):568–575, 1993.
Pozio, E., I. Miller, T. Jarvis, C.M. Kapel, G. La Rosa. Distribution of sylvatic species of
Trichinellain Estonia according to climate zones. J Parasitol84(1):193–195, 1998.
Pozio, E., C.M. Kapel, H.R. Gamble. Specificity and sensitivity of random amplified poly-
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infection of pigs. Parasitol Res85(6):504–506, 1999.
Ruitenberg, E.J., F. van Knapen, A. Elgersma. Incidence and control of Trichinella spiralis
throughout the world. Food Technology 37:98–100, 1983.
Sandoval, L., P. Salinas, E. Rugiero, M.C. Contreras. Valor diagnóstico de la ELISA IgG
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Zimmermann, W.J., D.E. Zinter. Trichiniasis in the US population, 1966–1970. Prevalence
and epidemiologic factors. Health Serv Rep88:606–623, 1971.
ICD-10 B81.2
Synonyms:Trichostrongylosis, trichostrongylidosis.
Etiology:The agents are several species of the genus Trichostrongylus(nema-
tode) that inhabit the small intestine and stomach of sheep, goats, and bovines, and
sometimes infect other domestic and wild animals or man. The following have been
identified in humans:T. axei,T. colubriformis,T. orientalis,T. skrjabini,T. vitrinus,
T. probolurus,T. capricola,T. brevis,T. affinis,andT. calcaratus. The species are
difficult to differentiate, and human case histories often indicate only the genus and
not the species. Other trichostrongylids have occasionally been found in humans.
Among these are three cases caused by Haemonchus contortus in Australia, one in
Brazil, and one in Iran; two cases caused by Ostertagia ostertagi in Iran and one in
Azerbaijan; and one case caused by O. circumcincta,also in Azerbaijan.
Trichostrongylids are short parasites, measuring 1 cm or less in length, and are as
slender as an eyelash, and therefore, difficult to see. The mouth is a simple orifice
and the males have a well-developed copulatory sac. The development cycle is
direct. The eggs of the parasite are eliminated with the feces of the host, and, under
favorable conditions of temperature, humidity, shade, and aeration, they release the

first-stage larva in one or two days. This is a free-living worm that makes its home
in the soil and feeds on organic waste or small organisms; it quickly molts into a sec-
ond-stage larva, which is also free-living; then it molts into a third-stage larva,
which is infective to the host. The infective larva can develop in just a week; when
ingested by a host, it matures into the adult stage in close contact with the intestinal
or gastric mucosa, mates, and begins to produce eggs during the fourth week of
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Trichostrongylids are very common
parasites of domestic ruminants and their distribution is worldwide. Human tri-
chostrongyliasis occurs sporadically. In general, the prevalence is very low, but
where people live in close contact with ruminants and food hygiene conditions are
inadequate—as in nomadic communities—high rates of infection can occur. Human
prevalence rates found in Iran were 7.5% in the northern part of the country and 69%
to 85% in Isfahan. In southern Sudan, 2.5% of 275 children were found to be
infected (Magambo et al., 1998). In 1993, a 1% rate of infection with
Trichostrongylussp. was found in 99 Thai workers in Israel. In southern Ethiopia,
19 communities were studied, and 0.3% of those examined were found to be
infected (Birrie et al., 1994). In a total of 52,552 stool samples examined in a hos-
pital in Seoul, Republic of Korea, 0.1% were found to contain T. orientaliseggs (Lee
et al., 1994). In Australia, 5 cases were found out of 46,000 coprologic examinations
(Boreham et al., 1995).
Endemic areas are dispersed; in particular, they cover southern Asia from the
Mediterranean to the Pacific, and the Asian areas of the former Soviet Union, where
nomadic tribes are still found. In some localities in Iraq, up to 25% of the popula-
tion has been found to be infected. The infection is very common in some areas of
Korea and Japan, as well as in parts of Africa, such as the Democratic Republic of
the Congo and Zimbabwe.
Human infection has also been described in Germany, Australia, and Hungary. In
the Americas, the infection has been confirmed in Brazil, Chile, Peru, the US, and
Uruguay. In Brazil, 75 cases of infection by Trichostrongylus spp. were found in
46,951 persons examined. In Chile, 45 cases were diagnosed between 1938 and
1967, and 17 cases were found among 3,712 persons examined in the province of
Valdivia between 1966 and 1971.
The Disease in Man:The parasites lodge in the duodenum and jejunum.
Infections are usually asymptomatic or mild and are discovered in coprologic exam-
inations carried out to diagnose other parasitoses. In acute infections, with several
hundred parasites, there may be transitory eosinophilia and digestive disorders, such
as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss; sometimes, slight anemia is observed.
The infection can last several years if left untreated. The clinical picture in man has
not been studied very much and is difficult to define, since other species of parasites
are generally found in an individual infected with trichostrongylids.
The Disease in Animals:The different species of Trichostrongylus,together with
gastrointestinal parasites of other genera, constitute the etiologic complex of para-
sitic or verminous gastroenteritis of ruminants, an important disease in terms of its
economic impact, because it causes major losses in meat, milk, and wool produc-
tion, and occasionally causes death (Barriga, 1997).

In ruminants, trichostrongylids cause accelerated reproduction of the cells of the
intestinal epithelium, which alters the structure of the epithelium and permits the fil-
tration of plasma proteins to the lumen (Hoste et al., 1995). This does not seem to
occur in man, probably because of the small number of parasites he harbors. In ani-
mals, peripheral eosinophilia is also uncommon.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs of tri-
chostrongylids are domestic and wild ruminants. However,T. orientalisis a parasite
of man and only occasionally of sheep. This species occurs in Asia and is transmit-
ted between humans, especially in areas where human fecal matter is used as fertil-
izer in agriculture. T. orientalis is the predominant species in human infections. T.
brevis is another human species that has been described in Japan. The species of ani-
mal origin produce rather sporadic cases in man, although areas of high prevalence
are known. The number of species of Trichostrongylus that infect man varies in dif-
ferent areas. In Isfahan, Iran, seven different species have been found in the rural
inhabitants of the region.
The source of infection is the soil where infected ruminants deposit the eggs when
they defecate. Man and animals are infected orally by consuming contaminated food
or water. Man acquires the infection mainly by consuming raw vegetables. The rains
that wash the feces of infected ruminants out of the soil and carry them to bodies of
water can contaminate sources of drinking water. A lack of food hygiene, and close
contact with ruminants, which is common among rural populations at a low socio-
economic level in endemic areas, facilitate transmission. The use of manure as fer-
tilizer or fuel can also facilitate transmission.
Diagnosis:The infection can go unnoticed because patients are asymptomatic;
sometimes they present only peripheral eosinophilia or mild gastrointestinal distur-
bances (Boreham et al., 1995). Diagnosis often occurs accidentally while looking
for another parasite. Parasitological confirmation is established by identifying the
eggs in the feces. The eggs of Trichostrongylusare quite similar to those of six or
seven other genera, including ancylostomids found in man. Therefore, it may be
necessary to cultivate the eggs to produce third-stage larvae and study their mor-
phology in order to determine the genus. In the case of human ancylostomids, the
eggs are much smaller than those of Trichostrongylus(56–75 µm by 36–45 µm ver-
sus 73–95 µm by 40–50 µm).
Parasitic gastroenteritis in ruminants can be diagnosed by finding and counting
the eggs in the feces, but autopsy is more effective for determining the number and
species of infective parasites.
Control:Preventive measures for the human infection consist of improved food,
environmental, and personal hygiene. In endemic areas, it is prudent to avoid eating
vegetables or other raw foods that could be contaminated with the larvae of the par-
asite and to boil suspicious drinking water.
In animals, control measures are directed toward keeping both pasture contamination
and animal infections at low levels. To achieve this objective, the animals must be kept
well nourished. Anthelmintics should be administered at the appropriate times of the
year to prevent the accumulation of parasites in animals and pastures.

Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Birrie, H., B. Erko, S. Tedla. Intestinal helminthic infections in the southern Rift Valley of
Ethiopia with special reference to schistosomiasis. East Afr Med J 71(7):447–452, 1994.
Boreham, R.E., M.J. McCowan, A.E. Ryan, A.M. Allworth, J.M. Robson. Human tri-
chostrongyliasis in Queensland. Pathology 27(2):182–185, 1995.
Ghadirian, E., F. Arfaa. First report of human infection with Haemonchus contortus,
Ostertagia ostergagi,and Marshallagia marshalli (Family Trichostrongylidae) in Iran. J
Parasitol59(6):1144–1145, 1973.
Ghadirian, E., F. Arfaa, A. Sadighian. Human infection with Trichostrongylus capricola in
Iran. Am J Trop Med Hyg23(5):1002–1003, 1974.
Hoste, H., J.L. Nano, S. Mallet, F. Huby, S. Fournel, P. Rampal. Stimulation of HT29-D4
cell growth by excretory/secretory products of the parasite nematode Trichostrongylus colu-
briformis. Epithelial Cell Biol 4(2):87–92, 1995.
Lee, S.K., B.M. Shin, N.S. Chung, J.Y. Chai, S.H. Lee. [Second report on intestinal para-
sites among the patients of Seoul Paik Hospital (1984–1992)]. Korean J Parasitol
32(1):27–33, 1994.
Magambo, J.K., E. Zeyhle, T.M. Wachira. Prevalence of intestinal parasites among children
in southern Sudan. East Afr Med J 75(5):288–290, 1998.
Tongston, M.S., S.L. Eduardo. Trichostrongylidiosis. In:Steele, J.H., section ed. Section C,
Vol. 2:CRC Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
ICD-10 B79 Trichuriasis
Synonyms:Trichocephaliasis, trichocephalosis.
Etiology:The agent of trichuriasis is Trichuris vulpisof canids and, secondarily,
T. suis of swine. Trichuris trichiura is a species that parasitizes man and that has been
found in chimpanzees, monkeys, and lemurs. However, there is no proof that its trans-
mission is zoonotic, except in unusual circumstances. Despite the fact that the name
Trichurismeans “tail as thin as a hair,” the thin portion of the parasite’s body is actu-
ally the head. For this reason, various authors prefer the term Trichocephalus,which is
morphologically correct. While it should be noted that the name Trichurishas priority,
some authors incorrectly use Trichocephalusas the taxonomic denomination.
T. vulpis lives in the cecum and in neighboring portions of the large intestine of
domestic and wild canids. It measures 4.5 cm to 7.5 cm long, and the posterior two
fifths are much thicker than the anterior portion. This is typical of the genus and is
the reason the English literature refers to it as whipworm. The male has a very long
spicule, 8 mm to 11 mm, with a sheath that is also very long. The females produce
eggs which, as in all species of Trichuris,resemble lemons: they are oval, thick-
shelled, and have two polar plugs; they measure 72–90 µm by 32–40 µm.

T. suis lives in the cecum and in neighboring portions of the large intestine of
domestic pigs and wild boars. It measures 30 cm to 50 cm in length; the male’s
spicules measure 2–2.3 mm and the female’s eggs measure 50–56 µm by 21–25 µm.
T. trichiura lives in the cecum and in neighboring portions of the large intestine
of humans and some lower primates. The worms, spicules, and eggs are the same
size as those of T. suis(Barriga, 1997). These parasites must belong to different
species because T. suishas six chromosomes and T. trichiurahas just four, and its
ability to infect heterologous hosts is deficient. That notwithstanding, the authors
who compared the two species insist that they cannot be differentiated on morpho-
logical bases (Barriga, 1982).
The development cycle is similar in all species of Trichuris:the female lays eggs
that are eliminated to the exterior with the feces. Under favorable conditions of
humidity, temperature, shade, and aeration, in two weeks or more the zygote devel-
ops inside the egg into the infective first-stage larva. When the host ingests those
eggs, the larvae are released in the small intestine, lodge in the crypts for about 10
to 14 days, return to the lumen, and move to the large intestine, where they mature
and begin oviposition in about three months. The prepatent period of T. vulpisis 70
to 90 days in dogs; that of T. suis is 41 to 45 days in swine; and that ofT. trichiura
is 1 to 3 months in humans. T. vulpislives approximately 16 months in dogs, and T.
suis,approximately 4 to 5 months in swine.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The two zoonotic species and T.
trichiura occur all over the world and, in general, their distribution is similar to that
of the ascarids transmitted through the soil, such as Toxascaris leonina(dogs and
cats),Ascaris suum(swine), and A. lumbricoides(man). This is because Trichuris
spp. and Ascaris spp. need very similar environmental conditions in order for their
infective larvae to develop, and the mechanisms of transmission to the host are
almost identical. Both are highly prevalent in warm, humid climates, less prevalent
in moderate humidity or temperatures, and scarce or nonexistent in arid and hot or
very cold climates.
T. vulpis is very common in dogs. The prevalence of the infection in dogs brought
to veterinary clinics is generally between 10% and 20%, and in stray dogs, approx-
imately 40%. For example, in the state of New Jersey, US, 38% of 2,737 dogs exam-
ined were infected; in New York, the prevalence was 31%, and in Detroit, 52%. The
first case of human infection caused by T. vulpis was reported in 1956; Barriga
(1982) compiled 40 more reports, 34 of which were from Viet Nam, by 1980. By
2000, 8 more cases were reported: 1 in an autopsy in the US (Kenney and Yermakov,
1980), 5 in a survey in India (Singh et al., 1993), and 2 clinical cases involving chil-
dren in India (Mirdha et al., 1998). It is interesting that three cases prior to 1980
were found on fecal examination of 1,710 patients in the state of New York; the 34
cases in Viet Nam were found in 276 individuals examined, and the 5 cases reported
by Singh et al. (1993) were found in 83 individuals studied. In these examples, the
prevalences were 0.2%, 12.3%, and 6%, respectively. However, it must be taken into
consideration that most diagnoses of T. vulpisin humans were made by measuring
eggs in the feces, which might not be completely reliable. Moreover, only a partic-
ularly discerning technician would note that the eggs he or she is observing are
larger than usual, so many cases of human infection caused by T. vulpismay go

In general,T. suisis common in swine, with prevalences of 2% to 5% in adult
animals and 15% to 40% in suckling pigs. In 1938 and 1940, unsuccessful attempts
were made to infect humans experimentally with swine parasites. In the 1970s, two
human volunteers were infected, and later an accidental infection in a laboratory
worker was studied. The three subjects passed a few eggs of low fertility in 11 to 84
days (Barriga, 1982). While these studies documented the possibility of human
infection with swine parasites, their practical importance is not known. Moreover,
experiments involving the infection of swine with T. trichiurafailed to produce
patent infections.
The Disease in Man and Animals:Trichuriasis is very similar in humans and
canines. The infection is much more common than the disease and much more
prevalent in young individuals. In infections with a large number of parasites, there
may be abdominal pain and distension as well as diarrhea, which is sometimes
bloody. In very heavy infections in children (hundreds or thousands of parasites),
there can be strong tenesmus and rectal prolapse. Massive parasitoses occur mainly
in tropical regions, in children 2 to 5 years old who are usually malnourished and
often infected by other intestinal parasites and microorganisms. Geophagy and ane-
mia are common signs among these children. Most cases of human infection with
zoonotic Trichurishave been asymptomatic or the patients have complained only of
vague intestinal disturbances and moderate diarrhea.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs of zoonotic
species of Trichurisare dogs and other wild canids and, possibly, the swine. The
sources of infection are soil or water contaminated with eggs of the parasite. The mode
of transmission is, as in other geohelminthiases, the ingestion of eggs in the food or
water, or hands contaminated with infective eggs. As indicated earlier,Trichuris eggs
have the same climatic requirements as Ascariseggs and, therefore, occur in the same
regions. However,Trichuris eggs are considerably more sensitive to climatic condi-
tions. With constant temperatures of 22°C, the infective larva forms in 54 days; with
temperatures fluctuating between 6°C and 24°C, the process takes 210 days. It is also
less resistant to drought, heat, and chemical disinfectants. Even in a moist environ-
ment, few eggs survive more than two weeks. Soil contamination studies carried out
in Switzerland showed that 16% of samples of dog feces had Toxocara caniseggs, but
fewer than 1% had T. vulpiseggs (Tost et al., 1998). In Nigeria, it was found that 10%
to 20% of soil samples from playgrounds were contaminated with Ascaris lumbri-
coideseggs, 8% with T. canis,and 4% with T. vulpis (Umeche, 1989).
Therefore, infection by Trichurisoccurs more often when there is a constant
source of environmental contamination, such as infected small children who defe-
cate on the ground. The role of dogs or swine does not seem to be important in
human trichuriasis.
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is based on confirmation of the presence in the feces of the
typical eggs. The eggs of T. vulpis(72–90 µm by 32–40 µm) can be distinguished
from those of T. suis(50–56 µm by 21–25 µm) or T. trichiuraby their size, although
the reliability of this characteristic is not known. The eggs of T. suisare indistin-
guishable from those of T. trichiura. The females of these species can be distin-
guished by the size of the eggs inside them. T. vulpismales can be distinguished
from T. suisor T. trichiuramales by the size of the spicules.

Control:As with all geohelminthiases, prevention of human trichuriasis requires
improvement of environmental hygiene through the adequate disposal of excreta to
avoid contamination of the soil, personal hygiene, the washing of raw food and of
hands, and the boiling or filtering of suspicious water. For obvious reasons, the ade-
quate disposal of excreta is difficult in the case of zoonotic diseases and, while the
infected animals can be treated to prevent them from contaminating the environ-
ment, zoonotic trichuriasis is so rare that mass methods of control are not justified
except under highly unusual circumstances.
Barriga, O.O. Trichuriasis. In:Steele, J.H., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC Handbook
Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Kenney, M., V. Yermakov. Infection of man with Trichuris vulpis,the whipworm of dogs.
Am J Trop Med Hyg 29(6):1205–1208, 1980.
Mirdha, B.R., Y.G. Singh, J.C. Samantray, B. Mishra.Trichuris vulpisinfection in slum
children. Indian J Gastroenterol17(4):154, 1998.
Singh, S., J.C. Samantaray, N. Singh, G.B. Das, I.C. Verma. Trichuris vulpisinfection in an
Indian tribal population. J Parasitol79(3):457–458, 1993.
Tost, F., A. Hellmann, G. Ockert. Toxocara canis-Infektion. Umweltparasitologische und
epidemiologische Untersuchungen. Ophthalmologe 95(7):486–489, 1998.
Umeche, N. Helminth ova in soil from children’s playgrounds in Calabar, Nigeria. Centr
Afr J Med 35(7):432–434, 1989.
World Health Organization (WHO). Intestinal Protozoan and Helminthic Infections. Report
of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1981. (Technical Report Series 666).
ICD-10 B83.0 Visceral larva migrans
Synonym:Larval granulomatosis.
Etiology:Visceral larva migrans refers to the presence of parasite larvae that
travel in the systemic tissues of man but not in the skin. The use of the qualifier “vis-
ceral” should be discontinued because it corresponds to only one of the four clini-
cal forms of the disease. There are several helminths whose larvae can cause this
condition: for example, species of Baylisascaris,Gnathostoma,Gongynolema,
Lagochilascaris,Dirofilaria,andAngiostrongylus. However, the term visceral larva
migrans is usually reserved for extraintestinal visceral infections caused by nema-
todes of the genus Toxocara,especially Toxocara canis,and to a lesser extent,T. cati
(T. mystax), which will be covered in this chapter.

T. canis is an ascarid which, in its adult stage, lives in the small intestine of dogs
and several wild canids. The female measures 9–18 cm long and the male, 4–10 cm.
One of the characteristics of the genus is that the males have a caudal terminal
appendage, which is digitiform. The eggs contain a zygote and they are shed in the
host feces. These eggs are very resistant to environmental conditions, and they can
remain viable for several years in moist, shaded soils when temperatures are cool.
Under favorable environmental conditions of humidity, temperature, shade, and aer-
ation, a third-stage infective larva forms inside the egg in about 10 days at 24°C and
90% relative humidity, or in about 15 days at 19°C (Araujo, 1972; Maung, 1978).
When a puppy under 4 or 5 weeks old ingests eggs containing infective larvae, the
parasites emerge in the intestine, pass through the intestinal wall, and enter the
bloodstream, which carries them to the liver and then to the lungs. There they rup-
ture capillaries and pulmonary alveoli and migrate through bronchioles, bronchi,
and the trachea to the pharynx, where they are swallowed. Once again the parasite
reaches the intestine, and this time it develops into the adult stage. The first eggs
begin to appear in feces between four to five weeks after the initial infection. The
average lifespan of T. canis in the intestine is about four months, and most of the
parasites are expelled six months after the onset of infection (Schantz and Glickman,
In puppies older than 5 weeks, the ingested larvae initiate the migration described
above, but increasingly larger proportions go into hypobiosis in different systemic
tissues, and they do not reach the airway or the intestine. In those 3 months of age
and older, almost none of the parasites reach the intestine; some settle in the liver,
others in the hepatic parenchyma, and the rest bypass the lungs and lodge in mus-
cle, the kidneys, etc. (Barriga, 1997). This migration that bypasses the lungs is
referred to as somatic migration. Since the larvae lapse into hypobiosis within a few
days, they become very resistant to anthelmintics (Carrillo and Barriga, 1987). In
gravid females, the parasites remain resistant until the final third of pregnancy. In
addition to the age factor, the ultimate destination of the larvae (whether by tracheal
or somatic migration) is determined by the infective dose. Dubey (1978) demon-
strated experimentally that puppies infected orally with 10,000 eggs did not exhibit
patent parasitosis—with the elimination of eggs in their feces—but did do so when
they received 1,000 eggs. Patent infection was observed in 3 of 6 adult dogs that
were infected with 100 eggs. It may be speculated that a large parasite burden stim-
ulates immunologic mechanisms that prevent maturation of the parasite (Barriga,
1998). When bitches harboring hypobiotic larvae reach the final third of their preg-
nancy (starting at approximately day 42), the larvae reactivate and resume their
migration, many of them traveling to the liver of the fetuses and, after the birth of
the pups, migrating to the trachea and appearing in their feces when the animals are
about 21 days old.
Almost all puppies born of infected mothers are infected, which indicates that
transplacental infection is a highly important mode of transmission for the parasite.
Other reactivated larvae pass into the intestine of the mother and mature. Starting at
day 25 postpartum, the adult parasites lay eggs for three and a half months. One-
third to half of all bitches shed eggs after they deliver a litter. Finally, some of the
larvae in their bloodstream also pass to their pups through their milk for up to five
weeks (Barriga, 1991).
When man and other noncanid hosts, such as rodents, swine, and lambs, ingest

infective eggs, the larvae are released into the intestine, where they initiate somatic
migration and remain in the tissues as hypobiotic larvae. These species can act as
paratenic, or transport, hosts.
T. cati is a somewhat smaller ascarid than T. canis.Its natural hosts are cats and
wild felids. Although the life cycle of T. cati is similar to that of T. canis,there are
a few important differences: the cat develops patent infection with eggs ingested at
any age; it does not experience prenatal infection; and transmammary infection
appears to be common. Eberhard and Alfano (1998) reported the presence of adult
or subadult T. catiin the intestine of four children who did not have symptoms or
antibodies corresponding to the infection. The authors consider it more likely that
the children became infected from ingesting subadult parasites passed on by cats
than that they ingested infective eggs. The role of T. catiin the production of human
larva migrans is still being debated (see below).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:T. canis and T. cati are found in dogs
and cats throughout the world. Data collected by Barriga (1988) from around the
world indicate that the infection is present in 99.4% of all newborn pups, about 40%
of dogs of both sexes under 6 months of age, and 20% of males and 5% of females
over 6 months old. In studies of apparently healthy humans using the enzyme-linked
immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 6.7% of 1,150 sera in the US, 4.7% of 358 sera in
Canada, and 3.6% of 1,321 sera in Great Britain had antibodies to the parasite. In
1981 alone, 675 cases of ocular toxocariasis were diagnosed in the US. The clinical
disease has been diagnosed in 48 different countries, and more than 1,900 human
cases were reviewed by Ehrhard and Kernbaum (1979). Of 780 well-documented
cases, 56% were in children under 4 years old. Most of the clinical cases have been
reported in industrialized countries because they have better diagnostic facilities, but
the data collected by Barriga (1988) indicate that the infection is actually more
prevalent in the developing countries.
Intestinal infection with adult parasites is very rare in man. Two cases have been
attributed to T. canis and a somewhat larger number due to T. catihave been
described, but the accuracy of these diagnoses has been questioned in several
The Disease in Man:Toxocariasis is caused by the presence of T. canisor T. cati
larvae in various human tissues. These larvae produce small tunnels of traumatic,
inflammatory, and necrotic lesions in the course of their migration, followed by a
granulomatous reaction with an abundance of eosinophils, and sometimes
abscesses, once the larvae settle in a particular site. Toxocariasis is basically an aller-
gic disorder. Originally two forms were described (visceral and ocular), but later
four clinical forms were recognized: visceral (perhaps better referred to as sys-
temic), ocular, neurological, and covert.
The visceral, or systemic, form occurs when most of the larvae are lodged in the
liver or lungs, the first organs they travel through in the course of their migration.
Clinical manifestations depend on the number of larvae and their anatomic local-
ization. Usually, the infections are mild and asymptomatic, with the exception of
persistent eosinophilia. In symptomatic cases, the seriousness of the clinical picture
varies, but cases with mild symptomatology are predominant. The most notable sign
is chronic eosinophilia. Eosinophils can represent more than 50% of the total leuko-
cyte count. Hepatomegaly and pneumonitis with hypergammaglobulinemia are

common during the early stages of the disease. In the cases reviewed by Ehrhard and
Kernbaum (1979), 56% of the patients were under 3 years old and 18% were adults.
The most frequent manifestations in children were hepatomegaly (79%), respiratory
signs (72%), and fever (69%); in adults, the most common signs were fever (71%),
asthenia (63%), and digestive symptoms (60%). Reinfections often affect the liver
and lungs at the same time, weakening the patient considerably. Older children and
adolescents frequently have fever, coughing spells, nausea, vomiting, and dyspnea
during the first week, and the symptoms may recur for several months. The disease
can be more severe in younger children, with asthmatic attacks, high fever, anorexia,
arthralgia, myalgia, nausea, vomiting, hepatomegaly, lymphadenopathy, and some-
times urticaria and angioneurotic edema. Four of eight patients with systemic toxo-
plasmosis studied by Rugiero et al. (1995) had cardiac symptoms, three had pul-
monary symptoms, and two were affected in various organs, while all of them had
eosinophilia (35% to 90%) and seven had leukocytosis (14.5 to 160 million per mL).
All were positive in the ELISA test, with titers ranging from 64 to 1,000. The car-
diac cases responded only moderately to treatment; the patients suffered frequent
decompensation, and one of them died. Eosinophilia has been known to last for up
to 20 years, which suggests how long the larvae can survive.
The ocular form occurs in older children and sometimes adults. It is seldom pre-
ceded by or concurrent with the visceral form. The presence of larvae in the eye can
cause progressive loss of vision and sudden blindness. Strabismus is common. The
infection is unilateral and generally without systemic symptoms or eosinophilia. The
single granulomatous lesion is located near the optic disc and the macula retinae.
Endophthalmias caused by Toxocara larvae have often been mistaken for retinoblas-
tomas, resulting in enucleation of the affected eyeball. Apart from the fact that the
migrating larvae induce a granulomatous response in the host, the mechanism by
which they cause damage is still not understood. It has been found that in visceral
and optical cases the symptoms correlate with the presence of antigen-antibody
complexes and with levels of IgE, suggesting that the pathogenic mechanism
includes type I and III hypersensitivities (Obwaller et al., 1998). Eosinophils have
also been mentioned as possible agents of pulmonary damage.
The neurological form occurs when the larvae settle in the central nervous system.
There, they can give rise to meningoencephalitis (Barra et al., 1996) or other neu-
rological manifestations. This form appears to be more common than was once
believed: when irritability and minor behavioral disorders are excluded, one-fourth
of 233 patients reviewed by Ehrhard and Kernbaum (1979) exhibited neurological
symptoms, consisting mainly of convulsions and motor deficiencies, and 15 cases of
encephalitis or meningitis were reported, some of them fatal. Several authors have
found a correlation between this infection and epileptic symptoms, although others
have not been able to verify such a connection.
The covert form is considered more common than any of the other forms. It is
described as a disorder found in patients with positive serology for Toxocaraand a
few systemic or localized symptoms, mainly abdominal pain, which do not corre-
spond to the syndrome of the visceral, ocular, or neurological form of the disease.
One-fourth of these patients did not have peripheral eosinophilia, and in some cases,
the symptoms lasted for months or even years (Nathwani et al., 1992).
Regardless of the form of the disease, fatal cases of visceral larva migrans are

The Disease in Animals:Adult dogs and cats with larva migrans do not appear
to suffer. Both species can maintain a large number of larvae in their tissues.
Otherwise, uterine and lacteal transmission of T. canisand lacteal transmission of T.
catiwould not be possible. However, veterinarians in small animal practice do not
see clinical signs attributable to the larvae of these nematodes. Intestinal infection
with adult parasites can cause symptoms in puppies and kittens a few weeks old,
especially digestive disorders, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, and loss of vitality.
Puppies infected prenatally with a large number of parasites can die at the age of 2
or 3 weeks. Sudden death is often due to obstruction and rupture of the small intes-
tine and consequent peritonitis. Prenatally infected puppies sometimes exhibit signs
of pneumonia immediately after birth because their lungs have been invaded by a
large number of larvae passed on by the mother. Intestinal infections with few par-
asites tend to be asymptomatic, as is often the case in adult animals as well. Dogs
and cats that survive the critical period of infection recover fully and expel the par-
asites from their intestine during the first six months of life.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoir of larva migrans
for man is infected dogs. The source of infection is soil contaminated with infective
eggs, and the mechanism of transmission is the ingestion of these eggs in contami-
nated food or water, or via contaminated hands.
For a long time, there was speculation about whether the feline T. catiis equally
dangerous for man. Using the Western blot technique, Petihory et al. (1994) found
that twice as many patients responded to T. canisantigen as they did to T. cati,and
other authors have published similar results. In Iceland, however, the virtual elimi-
nation of dogs (but not cats) nearly eradicated the visceral form of larva migrans,
suggesting that the parasite of cats plays an insignificant role as an etiologic agent.
A mild T. canisinfection produces 10,000 eggs per gram of feces, and a dog sheds
an average of 136 grams of feces daily; hence every mildly infected dog contami-
nates the environment with nearly 1.4 million T. canis eggs in a single day (Barriga,
1988). The eggs of T. canisare highly resistant to physical and chemical factors in
the environment. Since the eggs can survive for years in a place that is cool, humid,
and shady, once the environment is contaminated it remains so for a long time. On
the other hand, since the eggs take 10 days to become infective, direct contact with
dogs is less significant than contact with soil contaminated with their feces. The dog
itself becomes a risk when it picks up infective eggs in the environment (Overgaauw,
1997). A review of reports from around the world as of 1986 regarding contamina-
tion of the soil with T. caniseggs revealed that usually 2% to 25% of the samples
were contaminated, and in some places, the percentages were much higher (Barriga
1988). In Japan, Shimizu (1993) found that 68% of 144 puppies were infected and
that 87.5% of the soil samples from parks and children’s playgrounds were contam-
inated. Cases of human infection usually occur individually, but small outbreaks of
up to seven people have been described (Bratt and Tikasingh, 1992).
Dogs are infected by transplacental and transmammary transmission, by ingestion
of paratenic hosts, or by ingestion of infective eggs. The transplacental route is the
most important: five experiments with a total of 669 newborn puppies found that
99.4% were born with the infection (Barriga, 1988). Cats can be infected by trans-
mammary transmission, by ingestion of paratenic hosts, or by ingestion of infective

Since children have more contact with the soil and tend to be more lax about per-
sonal hygiene, they are more exposed and have the highest rates of prevalence.
Moreover, geophagy is not uncommon in children and plays an important role in
transmission of the infection. Adults can acquire the infection if they do not follow
the basic rules of personal hygiene: dirty hands are almost always the vehicle for the
parasite’s eggs.
Diagnosis:Human larval toxocariasis is suspected mainly when there is leukocy-
tosis, persistent eosinophilia, hypergammaglobulinemia, and hepatomegaly. Other
factors to be considered in the diagnosis are age under 4 years and a history of
geophagy or exposure to soil contaminated with canine feces. In the case of ocular
toxocariasis, the diagnosis is confirmed by ophthalmoscopic examination, and by
histopathologic examination of the eyeball if it has been enucleated. Histopathology
is also used with biopsies of the liver. Identification of the larvae in tissue is a
painstaking procedure that requires serial sections from the pathologic specimen.
Even with an organ as small as the eyeball, it is sometimes necessary to study more
than 100 sections before finding any larvae. In several extraocular cases, definitive
diagnosis was obtained by laparotomy and resection of a visible granuloma on the
surface of the liver. Differential diagnosis between ocular larva migrans and
retinoblastoma is especially important. In the case of ocular larva migrans, exami-
nation of the aqueous humor usually reveals numerous eosinophils.
The difficulty of basing the diagnosis on clinical signs and the uncertainty of the
diagnosis has stimulated the development of immunobiologic tests. In particular,
ELISA has been used with larval excretory-secretory antigen and sera adsorbed with
extracts of Ascaris lumbricoidesto eliminate cross-reacting antibodies. It is esti-
mated that this test is 78% sensitive and 92% specific in the visceral form and 73%
sensitive and 95% specific in the ocular form (Schantz and Glickman, 1983). A
modified ELISA test to show T. canisantigen in circulating blood was positive in
68% of 28 acute patients, 10% of 10 patients with inactive infection, and 28% of 7
with ocular infection; at the same time, however, 25% of patients with schistosomi-
asis or filariasis had false positive reactions (Gillespie et al., 1993). Since larva
migrans does not cause pathology in animals, no immunologic tests have been
developed for diagnosis, although the tests used for human infection should serve
the purpose. Diagnosis of intestinal infection with adult parasites is made by observ-
ing the parasite’s eggs in feces.
Control:The primary control measure consists of deworming dogs and cats.
Since a high proportion of dogs are born infected, newborn pups are especially
important in prophylaxis (Barriga, 1991). It is recommended to treat 2-week-old
puppies with any anthelmintic that is effective against ascarids and repeat the med-
ication at 4, 6, and 8 weeks of age (Barriga, 1991). This measure eliminates the par-
asites before they have time to pass on eggs and contaminate the environment. The
mothers should be treated at the same time.
Although most adult T. canislarvae are eliminated spontaneously from the intestine
when dogs reach puberty (about 8 to 10 months of age), between 5% and 30% of adult
dogs are infected with the parasite. Therefore, adult dogs should be treated twice a year,
or else examined regularly for eggs in feces and treated if they are infected. Although
hypobiotic larvae in the bitch are resistant to anthelmintics, treatment can kill the para-
sites when they renew their migration before they are passed on to the fetuses. For this

purpose, the mother should be given a daily dose of 50 mg/kg of fenbendazole, or 0.3
mg/kg from day 40 of pregnancy to day 14 postpartum (Barriga, 1997).
Since even the best treatment has not been shown to be more than 50% effective
(Barriga, 1991), other complementary measures should be used at the same time.
One of these is to reduce the population of stray dogs and require all other dogs to
have a socially responsible owner. Dogs should not be allowed to run free in public
parks, especially where there are sandboxes for children. Owners can walk their
dogs on a leash and pick up their feces in a plastic bag; the feces should then be
burned or disposed of in the trash at home. Flushing the feces down the toilet is not
as effective because some T. canis eggs can be resistant to wastewater treatment.
Finally, the most important measure is to educate the public about the transmission
of toxocariasis and the importance of washing hands and raw food before eating.
Araujo, P. Observações pertinentes as primeiras ecdises de larvas de Ascaris lumbricoides,
A. suum e Toxocara canis. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo14(2):83–90, 1972.
Barra, L.A., W.F. dos Santos, P.P. Chieffi,et al. Larva migrans visceral: forma mista de
apresentação em adulto. Aspectos clínicos e laboratoriais. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop
29(4):373–376, 1996.
Barriga, O.O. A critical look at the importance, prevalence, and control of toxocariasis, and
the possibilities of immunological control. Vet Parasitol29(2–3):195–234, 1988.
Barriga, O.O. Rational control of canine toxocariasis by the veterinary practitioner. J Am
Vet Med Assoc198(2):216–221, 1991.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Barriga, O.O. La inmunobiología de las larvas migratorias de nematodos (con énfasis en
Toxocara spp.). Parasitol al Día 22(número especial):44–54, 1998.
Bratt, D.E., E.S. Tikasingh. Visceral larva migrans in seven members of one family in
Trinidad. Trop Geogr Med44(1–2):109–112, 1992.
Carrillo, M., O.O. Barriga. Anthelmintic effect of levamisole hydrochloride or ivermectin
on tissue toxocariasis of mice. Am J Vet Res48(2):281–283, 1987.
Dubey, J.P. Patent Toxocara canis infection in ascarid-naive dogs. J Parasitol
64(6):1021–1023, 1978.
Ehrhard, T., S. Kernbaum. Toxocara canis et toxocarose humaine. Bull Inst Pasteur
77:225–227, 1979.
Eberhard, M.L., E. Alfano. Adult Toxocara catiinfections in U.S. children: Report of four
cases. Am J Trop Med Hyg59(3):404–406, 1998.
Gillespie, S.H., D. Bidwell, A. Voller, B.D. Robertson, R.M. Maizels. Diagnosis of human
toxocariasis by antigen capture enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. J Clin Pathol
46(6):551–554, 1993.
Kayes, S.G. Human toxocariasis and the visceral larva migrans syndrome: Correlative
immunopathology. Chem Immunol66:99–124, 1997.
Maung, M. The ocurrence of the second moult of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum.
Int J Parasitol8(5):371–378, 1978.
Nathwani, D., R.B. Laing, P.F. Currie. Covert toxocariasis—a cause of recurrent abdomi-
nal pain in childhood. Br J Clin Pract46(4):271, 1992.
Obwaller, A., E. Jensen-Jarolim, H. Auer, A. Huber, D. Kraft, H. Aspock. Toxocarainfes-
tations in humans: Symptomatic course of toxocarosis correlates significantly with levels of
IgE/anti-IgE immune complexes. Parasite Immunol 20(7):311–317, 1998.

Overgaauw, P.A. Aspects of Toxocara epidemiology: Human toxocarosis. Crit Rev
Microbiol 23(3):215–231, 1997.
Petithory, J.C., A. Beddok, M. Quedoc. Zoonoses d’origine ascaridienne: les syndromes de
Larva migrans visceral. Bull Acad Natl Med 178(4):635–645, 1994.
Rugiero, E., M.E. Cabrera, G. Ducach, I. Noemi, A. Viovy. Toxocariasis sistémica en el
paciente adulto. Rev Med Chil 123(5):612–616, 1995.
Schantz, P.M., L.T. Glickman. Ascáridos de perros y gatos: un problema de salud pública y
de medicina veterinaria. Bol Oficina Sanit Panam 94(6):571–586, 1983.
Schottler, G. Studie zum Vorkommen von Wurmeiern—insbesondere von Eiern des
Hundespulwurmes (Larva migrans visceralis-Syndrom) im Strandsand von Warnemunde
1997. Gesundheitswesen 60(12):766–767, 1998.
Shimizu, T. Prevalence of Toxocara eggs in sandpits in Tokushima city and its outskirts. J
Vet Med Sci 55(5):807–811, 1993.
ICD-10 B76.0 Ancylostomiasis; B76.8 Other hookworm diseases
Synonyms:Ankylostomiasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, uncinariasis.
Etiology:The agents of these diseases are the nematodes Ancylostoma caninum
(of dogs) and A. ceylanicum(of cats).Up until 1982, just six cases of human infec-
tion caused by A. caninum,which affected the intestine, had been reported (Barriga,
1982). However, based on reports from Australia in the 1990s, it is now known that
the parasitosis is common in that region. Human intestinal infection with A. ceylan-
icumhas been described, but it is uncommon. In the 1950s, several cases of human
intestinal infection due to A. braziliensewere reported before the difference between
A. brazilienseand A. ceylanicumwas understood. Since that difference became
widely accepted, just one case has been reported (in Portugal in 1970). It is likely,
therefore, that the previous reports confused the two species. However,A.
brazilienseseems to be a common agent of cutaneous larva migrans (Cypess, 1982),
which is discussed in the respective chapter.
A. malayanumin Argentina and Brazil,A. japonicain Japan,Necator suillisin
Malaysia, and N. argentinusin Trinidad and Brazil were once reported as causing
infection in the human intestine (Barriga, 1982). Since these species have not been
confirmed, their identity is questionable and they will not be addressed here.
Ancylostoma duodenale andNecator americanus are exclusively human parasites,
although the former infects dogs and cats under experimental conditions (el-Naggar
et al., 1994); N. americanusinfects hamsters (Rose and Behnke, 1990) and mice
(Wilkinson et al., 1990). The nematodeA. duodenalewas identified in 83% of 1,000
swine in Nigeria, but only by examination of the eggs (Salifu et al., 1990). The old-
est literature mentions that A. duodenaleis occasionally found in Old and New
World monkeys, swine, and domestic and wild felids; N. americanushas been found
in Old and New World monkeys, rhinoceri, an African rodent, domestic carnivores,

and a rabbit (Barriga, 1982). Albonico and Savioli (1997) believe that there are prob-
ably 1.3 billion people infected with ancylostomes worldwide, and that perhaps 96
million have symptoms.
The life cycles of A. caninumand A. ceylanicumare essentially identical; there-
fore, only the former will be described here. The adult parasites are grayish-white to
reddish-white, although they may also be dark red. They measure from 11–20 mm
in length and 0.3–0.6 mm in diameter (the females are larger) and have three pairs
of teeth on the ventral rim of the buccal capsule. The morphology of the bursa cop-
ulatrix in males is an aid to identification. They live in the small intestine of the host,
and each female lays some 16,000 eggs per day, which are eliminated to the exterior
with the fecal matter. Under favorable environmental conditions (humidity above
90%, temperature between 23°C and 30°C, shade, availability of oxygen, and
absence of predators), embryogeny is rapid, and the first-stage larva, which has a
rhabditiform esophagus, can hatch from the egg in 24 to 48 hours. These larvae are
not resistant to low temperatures or a dry environment. In the course of a week, the
larva undergoes two molts and develops into a third-stage larva, which is infective
for the host. In this stage, the larva has a filiform esophagus, is encysted in the cutic-
ular envelope of the second-stage larva, does not feed, and can survive in the soil for
approximately three weeks.
Hosts can become infected through the skin or orally, in the latter case by inges-
tion of milk from infected mothers or consumption of paratenic hosts. Both meth-
ods occur in the case of A. caninum,for which dogs are natural hosts. Transmission
of this species through the placenta is considered an exceptional situation (Barriga,
1997). When the infection route is through the skin, the infective larvae lodge in the
host, attracted by the temperature and chemical substances (Ashton et al., 1999),
penetrate the skin by means of mechanical and enzymatic phenomena, probably
with the aid of a hyaluronidase (Hotez et al., 1994), and are carried by the blood-
stream to the lungs. Once there, they pass through the capillary and alveolar walls
and advance up the tracheobronchial tree to the pharynx, molt into the fourth stage
44 to 48 hours after infection, and are swallowed. The larvae develop into juvenile
nematodes in the small intestine prior to the sixth day of infection. Subsequently,
they reach maturity and the females begin to lay eggs 14 days after infection. In
infections via the oral route, a few larvae may penetrate the digestive mucosa and
follow a systemic cycle similar to that of the transcutaneous infection, but most pen-
etrate the gastric or intestinal mucosa and mature there without leaving the gas-
trointestinal tract. The discovery of adult ancylostomes in human infants suggests
the possibility of either transplacental or transmammary transmission. The persist-
ence of infective ancylostome larvae for days or months in rodents, rabbits, or chick-
ens as transport hosts suggests that transmission in man can occur through paratenic
A. ceylanicumis smaller than A. caninumand has just two pairs of teeth. The nat-
ural hosts of A. caninumare dogs and other wild canids; the natural hosts of A. cey-
lanicum are cats and other wild felids.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The human intestinal infection is very
rare almost everywhere in the world. The literature mentions just six cases up to 1982
(Barriga, 1982). However, an epidemic of 93 human cases was reported in northeastern
Australia in 1990, with an eosinophilic enteritis that seemed to be caused by this para-

site (Prociv and Croese, 1990). Six years of research confirmed A. caninumas the cul-
prit, and a few cases were found in other parts of Australia (Prociv and Croese, 1996).
There seems to be no reason why the infection cannot be found in other parts of the
world, especially since A. caninumis very common in dogs, with prevalences of 20%
to 60%. Of 80 stray dogs autopsied in Uruguay, 99% were infected with A. caninum
and 49% were infected with A. braziliense (Malgor et al., 1996).
The geographic distribution of A. ceylanicumis difficult to determine because of
the long-standing confusion with A. braziliense. The locations reported since 1967,
when the difference from A. braziliensewas already well known, include eastern
Asia, Brazil, the Philippines, Guyana, India, Indonesia (Sumatra), Japan, Liberia,
Madagascar, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Thailand, Taiwan, and Zimbabwe.
Between 1968 and 1982, 1 human case in Japan and 1 in the Philippines were
reported; A. ceylanicum was reported in 5 of 140 people examined in Taiwan, 7 of
45 people in Thailand, 2 of 15 soldiers returning to the Netherlands from Suriname,
and 16 of 183 ancylostomiasis patients in India (Barriga, 1982). A. ceylanicum
infection occurs sporadically and, in general, with few specimens: 29 infected indi-
viduals had an average of 2.6 specimens of A. ceylanicum,with a maximum of 23
specimens. For the most part, the patients are also infected with a large number of
human ancylostomes: a study of 16 ancylostomiasis patients found a ratio of 1:25:54
for A. ceylanicum,A. duodenale,and N. americanus.
In India, Japan, Malaysia, and Taiwan, high rates of infection due to A. ceylanicum
were found in dogs and cats. In Suriname,A. ceylanicum was found in 80% of 102 dogs
and in 60% of 50 stray cats that were autopsied. In South Africa, autopsies of 1,502 cats
found 41% with Ancylostoma tubaeforme,25% withA. braziliense,3.3% withA. can-
inum,and 1.4% with A. ceylanicum(Baker et al., 1989).
The Disease in Man:The most important signs of nonzoonotic ancylostomiasis
are anemia caused by an anticoagulant peptide which inhibits the coagulation factor
Xa (Cappello et al., 1995) and atrophy of the intestinal villi. These signs are not seen
in the zoonotic ancylostomiases because of the limited number of parasites in man.
Human infection with A. caninumis probably asymptomatic in a large proportion of
cases, but it causes eosinophilic enteritis in some. The most common clinical mani-
festation is abdominal pain, sometimes very intense, with or without eosinophilia.
In no case has more than one parasite been found, always juvenile larvae, so the
infections did not become patent. The lesions associated with the infection are focal
or diffuse eosinophilic inflammation, probably caused by reaction to the parasite’s
antigens, and aphthous ulcers of the terminal ileum, cecum, or colon, visible on
endoscopy. These lesions were found in 5% of patients in northeastern Australia.
The clinical manifestations and pathology of this infection are similar to those of
anisakiasis (Prociv and Croese, 1996).
In the few confirmed cases of intense infection by A. ceylanicum,the symptoma-
tology was similar to that caused by human ancylostomes, and anemia was the main
sign. Eight volunteers who received 50 to 150 A. ceylanicum larvae via the percuta-
neous route developed papules at the inoculation site; 15 to 20 days later they com-
plained of epigastric discomfort, headache, fatigue, and eosinophilia. The prepatent
period lasted three to five weeks. The early symptoms described were similar to
those observed in volunteers who received the human ancylostome N. americanus
or A. duodenale (Wijers et al.,1966).

The Disease in Animals:Animal ancylostomiasis can manifest itself clinically on
the skin due to the entry of the parasites, in the lungs due to the migration of the lar-
vae, or in the intestine due to the activity of the adults. The intensity of the infection
depends on several factors, such as the number of parasites, nutritional state of the
animal, age, or previous infections by these nematodes. Young animals are the most
affected. Entry of larvae through the skin in a first infection causes microscopic
wounds that heal quickly. Subsequent infections can cause allergic inflammation
with extensive pruritus, which can lead to further tissue damage due to scratching
and rubbing. The signs are more acute in infection by Uncinaria stenocephalathan
A. caninum. In general, migration of the larvae in the respiratory system is asymp-
tomatic. Extensive infections can cause petechiae and foci of traumatic inflamma-
tion, and the subsequent infections can cause more intense allergic inflammations,
but these rarely have clinical manifestations. In intense infections, enteritis (some-
times with hemorrhagic diarrhea), atrophy of the intestinal villi, and deficiencies in
intestinal absorption are frequent. Loss of blood caused by suction and the subse-
quent bleeding, associated with malnutrition caused by diarrhea and malabsorption,
leads to hypochromic microcytic anemia. Eosinophilia, generally 10% to 15%, is
lower than in human patients. Mild infections are generally asymptomatic.
It has been confirmed that some A. caninum larvae can remain hypobiotic in female
dogs and, in gravid animals, become active again toward the end of pregnancy and be
passed on to the newborn puppies in the mother’s milk (Barriga, 1997).
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:There is epidemiological evi-
dence that human infection with A. caninumis acquired from infected dogs (Croese
et al., 1994). The sources of infection for humans are soil and vegetables contami-
nated with the feces of infected dogs or cats. Soils that retain moisture are the most
favorable for the larvae because they prevent desiccation. While the larvae do not
develop at temperatures below 12°C, temperatures close to that favor the survival of
infective larvae because they do not accelerate the consumption of food reserves.
While human ancylostomiasis can be acquired through the transcutaneous or diges-
tive route, infection with A. caninumin its normal host occurs more efficiently by
the oral route, and there is some evidence that infection of man by A. ceylanicum is
also more efficient by the oral route.
Diagnosis:As was shown in Australia, infection by A. caninumcannot be diag-
nosed by the presence of eggs in the feces because the nematode does not reach sex-
ual maturity in man. The observation of aphthous ulcers of the terminal ileum,
cecum, or colon, associated with the clinical manifestations, can be an aid to diag-
nosis. The parasite itself is observed in just 10% to 15% of endoscopies. Enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) with secretory and excretory products of the
parasite have revealed specific IgG and IgE antibodies. The Western blot technique
with a 68 kDa antigen appears to be more sensitive and specific, even though a sim-
ilar antigen seems to be present in human ancylostomes (Prociv and Croese, 1996).
Infection with A. ceylanicumcan be confirmed by discovery of the eggs in fecal
matter, but it is not possible to distinguish them from the eggs of A. duodenale,with
which it is frequently associated. Counting the number of eggs (Stoll or Kato-Katz
method) indicates the intensity of the infection: less than 2,000 eggs per gram of
feces in man corresponds to less than 50 parasites and a subclinical infection; 5,000
eggs per gram of feces are found in infections with clinical significance; and more

than 11,000 eggs per gram are found in cases of frank anemia. However, it is not
known whether these figures are valid for A. ceylanicum.For specific diagnosis, the
patient should be given an anthelmintic (bephenium hydroxynaphthoate, pyrantel
pamoate, mebendazole, or thiabendazole), and the expelled parasites identified.
Control:Zoonotic human ancylostomiasis is so infrequent as compared to the
nonzoonotic variety that specific control measures are not justified, unless they also
help reduce human infection with ancylostomes or other, more prevalent parasites.
Since both zoonotic ancylostomes are prevalent in areas in which the nonzoonotic
infection also occurs, the recommendations to avoid walking barefoot in areas that
may be contaminated with ancylostomes, boil untreated water, avoid eating suspi-
cious foods, and wash the hands before eating can help prevent both types of infec-
tion. Seventy years of research have brought about important advances in the devel-
opment of vaccines against ancylostomiasis (Hotez et al., 1996), but it is not known
whether a single vaccine can protect against all species of ancylostomes. Mechanical
vectors may play a role in ancylostome infection: a study in Nigeria of 5,000 domes-
tic flies found 2.6% to have Ancylostoma caninumeggs and 6.2% to have A. can-
inum larvae on their external surface and their digestive system (Umeche and
Mandah, 1989). Health education regarding the role of pets in human infection
would be the most effective method of controlling this and other zoonoses.
Albonico, M., L. Savioli. Hookworm infection and disease: Advances for control. Ann Ist
Super Sanita33(4):567–579, 1997.
Ashton, F.T., J. Li, G.A. Schad. Chemo- and thermosensory neurons: Structure and func-
tion in animal parasitic nematodes. Vet Parasitol84(3–4):297–316, 1999.
Baker, M.K., L. Lange, A. Verster, S. van der Plaat. A survey of helminths in domestic cats
in the Pretoria area of Transvaal, Republic of South Africa. Part 1: The prevalence and com-
parison of burdens of helminths in adult and juvenile cats. J S Afr Vet Assoc 60(3):139–142,
Barriga, O.O. Ancylostomiasis. In:Schultz, M.O., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Cappello, M., G.P. Vlasuk, P.W. Bergum, S. Huang, P.J. Hotez. Ancylostoma caninumanti-
coagulant peptide: A hookworm-derived inhibitor of human coagulation factor Xa. Proc Natl
Acad Sci USA92(13):6152–6156, 1995.
Croese, J., A. Loukas, J. Opdebeeck, S. Fairley, P. Prociv. Human enteric infection with
canine hookworms. Ann Intern Med120(5):369–374, 1994.
Cypess, R.H. Cutaneous larva migrans. In:Schultz, M.O., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:
CRC Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
el-Naggar, H.M., A.M. el-Shazly, M. el-Mahdy. Immune response in dogs infected with
Ancylostoma duodenale. J Egypt Soc Parasitol24(1):77–83, 1994.
Harvey, J.B., J.M. Roberts, P.M. Schantz. Survey of veterinarians’ recommendations for
treatment and control of intestinal parasites in dogs: Public health implications. J Am Vet Med
Assoc 199(6):702–707, 1991.
Hotez, P., M. Cappello, J. Hawdon, C. Beckers, J. Sakanari. Hyaluronidases of the gas-
trointestinal invasive nematodes Ancylostoma caninumand Anisakis simplex:Possible func-
tions in the pathogenesis of human zoonoses. J Infect Dis170(4):918–926, 1994.

Hotez, P.J., J.M. Hawdon, M. Cappello,et al. Molecular approaches to vaccinating against
hookworm disease. Pediatr Res40(4):515–521, 1996.
Malgor, R., Y. Oku, R. Gallardo, I. Yarzabal. High prevalence of Ancylostomaspp. infec-
tion in dogs, associated with endemic focus of human cutaneous larva migrans, in
Tacuarembó, Uruguay. Parasite3(2):131–134, 1996.
Prociv, P., J. Croese. Human eosinophilic enteritis caused by dog hookworm Ancylostoma
caninum. Lancet335(8701):1299–1302, 1990.
Prociv, P., J. Croese. Human enteric infection with Ancylostoma caninum:Hookworms
reappraised in the light of a “new” zoonosis. Acta Trop62(1):23–44, 1996.
Rose, R.A., J.M. Behnke. Necator americanusin the DSN hamster: Density-dependent
expulsion of adult worms during primary infection. Parasitology100 Pt 3:469–478, 1990.
Salifu, D.A., T.B. Manga, I.O. Onyali. A survey of gastrointestinal parasites in pigs of the
Plateau and Rivers States, Nigeria. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop 43(2):193–196, 1990.
Umeche, N., L.E. Mandah. Musca domesticaas a carrier of intestinal helminths in Calabar,
Nigeria. East Afr Med J66(5):349–352, 1989.
Wijers, D.J.B., A.M. Smith. Early symptoms after experimental infection of Ancylostoma
braziliense var. ceylanicum. Trop Geogr Med 18:48–52, 1966.
Wilkinson, M.J., C. Wells, J.M. Behnke. Necator americanusin the mouse:
Histopathological changes associated with the passage of larvae through the lungs of mice
exposed to primary and secondary infection. Parasitol Res76(5):386–392, 1990.
World Health Organization (WHO). Intestinal Protozoan and Helminthic Infections. Report
of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1981. (Technical Report Series 666.)
ICD-10 B74.1 Filariasis due to Brugia malayi; B74.8 Other filariases
Etiology:The agents of these infections are the zoonotic filariae Brugia malayi
(subperiodic form), possibly B. pahangi andB. leporis,Dirofilaria immitis,D.
(Nochtiella) tenuis,D. (Nochtiella) repens,Loaina sp.,Meningonema sp.,
Onchocerca sp., and several species of unidentified animal filariae, including some
that manifest themselves in man and that have been identified only as Microfilaria
semiclarumand M. bolivarensis(Beaver et al.,1984; Orihel and Eberhard, 1998).
The subperiodic form of B. malayiinfects man as well as monkeys, cats, and dogs
in the Orient. While B. pahangiinfects the same animals as subperiodic B. malayi
and has been experimentally transmitted to man (Nutman, 1991), its presence in
man has not been reported under natural conditions. Eberhard et al. (1991) found a
Brugiamicrofilaria similar to that of B. leporisin 60% of the rabbits on the island
of Nantucket, in the state of Massachusetts, US. The authors believe that this micro-
filaria could be the agent of the 21 cases of human brugiasis reported in the north-
eastern US. Two years earlier, Orihel and Beaver (1989) had described nine cases of
human brugiasis, eight acquired in the US and one in Brazil, and reclassified as bru-
giasis three other cases whose etiologic agents had been identified as “similar to”
Dirofilaria,Dipetalonema,or Brugia. D. immitis is a filaria of the heart and great

vessels of dogs, wild canids, and, less frequently, cats. It has also been described in
almost 30 other wild species, mainly carnivores, mustelids, and primates (Barriga,
1982). On rare occasions, the dead parasites are found in the lungs of man. The sub-
genus Nochtiellais a dirofilaria of the subcutaneous tissue; it is characterized by fine
transversal striations and prominent longitudinal ridges along the cuticulae. D.
tenuisis a filaria of the subcutaneous tissue in raccoons and man; it is found in the
southern US. D. repensis a filaria of the subcutaneous tissue of dogs and cats in
Africa, Asia, and Europe; it is also found occasionally in man. Onchocerca(possi-
bly O. cervicalisin horses or O. gutturosa in cattle) is a filaria that has been found
just six times anywhere in the world in the form of subcutaneous nodules; on the
seventh occasion, it was found embedded in the cornea (Burr et al., 1998). Loaina
is a filaria that has been found at least once in the human eye (Beaver, 1989).
Meningonema (possiblyM. peruzzii) is a filaria of the nervous system of
Cercopithecusmonkeys; it has been found in man in Cameroon and may also occur
in Zimbabwe (Boussinesq et al., 1995).
Animals do not participate to a significant extent in the epidemiology of human
filariases caused by Wuchereria bancrofti,B. malayi (periodic form),B. timori,
Onchocerca volvulus,Loa loa,Mansonella ozzardi,Tetrapetalonema
(Dipetalonema) perstans,orT. (Dipetalonema) streptocerca,which are all consid-
ered to be parasites specific to humans (Dissanaike, 1979). Some findings in animals
are so limited that zoonotic classification is not practicable. O. volvulus has only
been found in one gorilla in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in one spi-
der monkey (Ateles geoffroyi)inMexico (Dissanaike, 1979). The mandrill worm,
similar to L. loain man, is considered a different subspecies,L. loa papionis,which
is transmitted by a different vector,Chrysops.Parasites similar to M. ozzardi have
been observed in neotropical monkeys, but there is no certainty that this is the same
species that infects man (Dissanaike, 1979). Also,T. perstans and T. streptocerca
have been found in anthropoid monkeys, but there is not enough information avail-
able about their biology to determine their epidemiological importance (WHO,
One of the prominent features in the biology and epidemiology of filariae is that
their life cycle requires an arthropod host. The adult parasites are long, thin nema-
todes that live in the host’s tissues or body cavities. The females are viviparous,
incubating their eggs in utero and releasing embryos called microfilariae, which live
in the blood or lymph, or, sometimes, in the skin. The presence or absence of a
sheath (the stretched shell of the egg) around the microfilariae is an important fac-
tor in diagnosis. The microfilariae are ingested by an arthropod during feeding and
continue their development into a third-stage larva inside the host; then they migrate
to the invertebrate host’s mouthparts. When the arthropod feeds again, it releases the
infective larvae, which enter the body of a vertebrate host and continue their devel-
opment, reaching sexual maturity and producing microfilariae.
The microfilariae of some species appear in the blood with a marked nocturnal or
diurnal periodicity. Those that do not display this phenomenon to a high degree are
called subperiodic. B. malayi has a nocturnal periodic form in which the microfilar-
iae disappear or are very rare during the day, and a subperiodic form with maximum
filaremia during the night, but with filariae also present during the day. D. repens is
of diurnal periodicity, while D. immitis has a nocturnal subperiodicity, with
filaremia 5 to 10 times greater in the afternoon or at night than in the morning or at

midday. This phenomenon, which is interpreted as an adaptation of the filariae to the
feeding habits of the vectors, is important in the epidemiology and diagnosis.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Periodic B. malayi is the cause of
most of the human cases of brugiasismalayithat occur in Southeast Asia, China,
Korea, and India, but it is a parasite exclusive to man that is transmitted only exper-
imentally to cats and monkeys. The subperiodic form is limited to wooded and
swampy regions of Indonesia, peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, southern Viet Nam,
and three foci in the Philippines. Transmission occurs between jungle animals and
man by means of mosquitoes, primarily those of the genus Mansonia. The parasite
has been found in several species of nonhuman primates, domestic cats, wild felids,
and pangolins (Manis javanica). B. pahangi,whose microfilariae are not easily dis-
tinguished from those of B. malayi,is a parasite of dogs, cats, wild felids, and less
frequently, primates. Experimentally, the infection was transmitted from cat to man,
but it is not known if the human infection occurs naturally, given the difficulty in
distinguishing the two species. Its vectors are Armigeres subalbatus andMansonia
spp. mosquitoes; its area of distribution in Malaysia coincides with that of B. malayi.
In the US, up until the year 2000, 22 cases of human infection by Brugia spp. of ani-
mal origin were described, but it was not possible to determine the species of filar-
iae. B. beaveri,of raccoons, and B. leporis,of rabbits, are found in that country.
Judging by their geographic distribution, the human cases could be due to B. leporis
(Eberhard et al., 1991). Two cases of a human infection by a zoonotic Brugia of
unknown species have been described in Colombia (Kozek et al.,1984).
D. immitis is widespread among dogs throughout the world, although the preva-
lence varies greatly in different areas. In the endemic areas, the prevalence is gener-
ally 40% to 70% in dogs and 1% to 4% in cats. Up until 1982, just 44 human cases
had been reported (Barriga, 1982), but then Rodrigues-Silva et al. (1995) mentioned
229, and Echeverri et al. (1999), 150. Of the cases reported between 1995 and 2000,
10 were in Japan, 6 in Germany, 4 in the US, 3 in Italy, and 1 each in Argentina,
Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Thailand. Some 87 cases had been reported in the US by
1992 (Asimacopoulos et al., 1992), and 5 more were reported by 2000. The human
infection was rare in Japan, with just 2 cases reported up to 1968, but an additional
118 cases had been reported by 1995 (Makiya, 1997) and 10 more by the year 2000.
Subcutaneous human dirofilariasis is usually due to D. tenuis,a parasite of raccoons
(Procyon lotor),in the US, and to D. repens,a parasite of dogs and felids, in other
countries. Many cases of human subcutaneous dirofilariasis have been diagnosed in
numerous countries of Africa, the Americas (Argentina, Brazil, Canada, and the
US), Asia, and Europe. The greatest numbers of cases have been recorded in Italy,
Sri Lanka, and the former Soviet Union (Dissanaike, 1979).
D. repensoccurs in Africa, Asia, and Europe. In Europe, it is known to exist in
France, Greece, Italy, Spain, and the former Yugoslavia. In the endemic areas, the
prevalence in dogs generally ranges from 5% to 20%. Up to 1995, 397 cases of
human infection by D. repenshad been reported worldwide. The highest number of
cases, 168, occurred in Italy (Pampiglione et al., 1995). There were just 4 human
cases in Spain up to 1998. There were about 60 cases in France up to 1996, but only
about 30 were well documented (Marty, 1997). While a prevalence rate of 1.4% for
D. repenswas found in 5,000 dogs (Marty, 1997), in some populations of military
dogs the prevalence exceeded 20% (Chauve, 1997). In Greece, 20 human cases were

recognized up to 1990, but 20 more cases were identified by 1997 (12 unpublished);
4 cases were ocular and the rest were subcutaneous. There has been just one known
human case of D. repensin Japan (Makiya, 1997).
Four species are recognized in dogs:D. repens,D. immitis,D. reconditum,andD.
grassii.The overall prevalence rate is 12% to 37% (Vakalis and Himonas, 1997).
The infection is common in Sri Lanka: up until 1997, there were 70 human cases,
and the prevalence in dogs was 30% to 60% (Dissanaike et al., 1997).
The few cases of zoonotic onchocerciasis reported have been diagnosed in
Canada, the US, Japan, Switzerland, and the former Soviet Union (Burr et al.,
1998). Human cases of cutaneous or ocular infection by filariae “similar to
Dipetalonema”have been diagnosed in Costa Rica (one case) and in the US (four
cases: three in Oregon and one in Alabama) (Beaver et al.,1984).
The Disease in Man:The main symptomatology of filariases due to B. malayi,
both periodic and subperiodic (zoonotic), consists of lymphadenopathies, lymphan-
gitis, and high eosinophilia. Attacks of lymphadenopathy lasting several days occur
at irregular intervals, with fever, malaise, cephalalgia, nausea, swelling of one leg,
and sterile abscesses. In advanced cases, elephantiasis of the lower extremities may
occur due to obstruction of the lymphatic circulation. Elephantiasis of the scrotum,
such as is seen in Bancroft’s filariasis (Wuchereria bancrofti),is rare in brugiasis.
Many infections among the natives of endemic regions occur asymptomatically in
spite of the presence of filaremia. In the cases of human infection by Brugia spp. of
animal origin in the US, the parasite was unexpectedly found in infarcted ganglia in
patients who had no other symptomatology related to this infection (Gutiérrez and
Petras, 1982). The two Colombian cases were also characterized by lymphadenopa-
thy (Kozek et al.,1984).
The dirofilariae that infect man (D. immitis,D. repens,and D. tenuis) often cause
pulmonary or cutaneous symptoms. D. immitisis transmitted by a variety of mos-
quitoes. In man, it appears that the parasite begins its cycle from the subcutaneous
tissue, reaches the heart and dies, and is carried in the bloodstream to the lung,
where it forms a thrombus. The parasites are usually found dead, forming a 1–4 cm
nodule in the lung. In general, the parasite is a juvenile specimen; mature females
have been found on a few occasions, and parasitemia was observed only in the case
of a girl who received immunosuppressant therapy (Barriga, 1982). The X-ray
image is known as a coin lesion (Echeverri et al., 1999). In 39 patients, 22 (56%)
were asymptomatic and the infection was discovered during routine examination
(Flieder and Moran, 1999). However, the parasite is often removed unnecessarily
when it is suspected that it is a neoplasm (Rodrigues-Silva et al., 1995). In the symp-
tomatic cases, cough and thoracic pain lasting a month or more have been reported,
along with occasional hemoptysis, fever, malaise, chills, and myalgia. X-rays show
the coin lesion, and eosinophilia is rarely confirmed.
Subcutaneous dirofilariasis and, frequently, subconjunctival dirofilariasis is due to
D. tenuis in the US and D. repens in Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America.
Other, unidentified species of animal dirofilariae may also be involved. Up until
1995, 397 cases of human dirofilariasis by D. repenshad been reported worldwide.
Italy had the highest number of cases (168). The lesion is generally a subcutaneous
nodule or submucosal swelling which may or may not be nodular. The nodules and
swelling may or may not be painful, and some are migratory. The most frequent

localizations are the head, chest wall, upper extremities, and, occasionally, under the
conjunctiva. Sometimes it is internal, mainly in the lung (Pampiglione et al., 1995).
In general, a single parasite is responsible for the lesion, and on some occasions, it
has been retrieved alive. In a few cases, microfilariae have been observed in the
uterus of the parasite, and in just one case, in the patient’s blood (Marty, 1997). The
lesion is inflammatory, with accompanying histiocytes, plasmocytes, lymphocytes,
and abundant eosinophils. Blood eosinophilia is unusual (Marty, 1997).
D. tenuisseems to have a greater affinity for subconjunctival localization. It was
originally identified as D. conjunctivae because of the frequency with which it
affected the eyelids. Periorbital dirofilariasis caused by D. tenuis is suspected in the
presence of migratory swelling in patients who have lived or traveled in the south-
eastern US. The infection must be differentiated from sarcoidosis, ruptured dermoid
cyst, infectious abscesses, neoplasms, and idiopathic pseudotumors (Kersten et al.,
1994). Some 56 cases of human intraocular filariasis in which the parasite was a
specimen of a variety of species, predominantly nonzoonotic worms such as L. loa
and W. bancrofti,have been described (Beaver, 1989). In Oregon, US, there were
three cases with actively motile filariae in the anterior chamber of the eye. The
causal agent was classified as Dipetalonema spp., with morphology similar to that
of D. arbuta of porcupines (Erethizon dorsatum)or D. sprenti of beavers (Castor
The cases of zoonotic onchocerciasis in North America were manifested as
fibrotic nodules on the wrist tendon and, in one case, the nodule was embedded in
the cornea (Burr et al., 1998).
The Disease in Animals:Dogs and cats do not seem to suffer symptoms of infec-
tion due to subperiodic B. malayior B. pahangi,but in the laboratory, both species—
especially B. pahangi—can cause changes in the lymphatic circulation, with edema
in the hind legs of infected animals. Dogs develop lymphangitis with fibrotic lym-
phadenopathy similar to that of man (Snowden and Hammerberg, 1989). The infec-
tion in domestic carnivores is probably underdiagnosed.
D. immitis lives in the pulmonary artery of dogs and, secondarily, in the right ven-
tricle; it almost always forms a mass that includes numerous parasites. When the
number of parasites is small, the infection may be asymptomatic. In cases of more
intense or protracted infections, the living or dead filariae cause stenosis of the pul-
monary vessels, obstructing the flow of blood. Over time, this causes failure of the
right ventricle (Barriga, 1997). The most prominent signs are chronic cough, loss of
vitality, and, in serious forms, right cardiac insufficiency. Chronic passive conges-
tion can develop in several organs and produce ascites; thromboses caused by dead
parasites can lead to pulmonary infarctions, resulting in sudden death. The acute
hepatic syndrome consists of obstruction of the vena cava inferior by a large num-
ber of adult parasites that matured simultaneously, with consequent acute conges-
tion of the liver and kidneys, hemoglobinuria, and death in 24 to 72 hours.
D. tenuisand D. repens do not cause illness in the animal; they may occasionally
cause pruritis and eczema, leading to hair loss and scab formation.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs of subperiodic
brugiasis, which occurs in the wooded and swampy regions of Southeast Asia, are
monkeys, cats, and wild carnivores. High rates of infection have been found in the
monkeys Presbytis obscurus andMacaca irus. The relative importance of wild and

domestic animals as reservoirs is unknown, but it is likely that the latter serve more
frequently as a source of infection for man (Denham and McGreevy, 1977). The
infection is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Mansonia from animal to ani-
mal, from animal to human, and from human to human. The maximum concentra-
tion of microfilariae in the blood occurs at night to coincide with the nocturnal feed-
ing habits of the vectors. Although Mansonia mosquitoes usually feed outside
houses, they have also been found inside them, as is demonstrated by the fact that
the infection occurs in children. In other zoonotic human infections by Brugia spp.,
Onchocerca spp., and Dipetalonema spp. (or similar species), the source of infec-
tion is wild animals of undetermined species. The main reservoir of D. immitis is the
dog, and the disease is transmitted by a variety of mosquitoes; man is infected only
accidentally. The reservoir of D. repens is the dog, and that of D. tenuisis the rac-
coon. Man is an accidental host of zoonotic filariae (with the exception of subperi-
odic B. malayi)and does not play any role in the epidemiology.
Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease:Of the large number of
filariae species that exist in nature, only eight have fully adapted to man, and their
transmission is exclusively or mainly person to person (see Etiology). The other
species of filariae are parasites of animals, affecting man only occasionally and thus
not constituting a public health problem. One exception is subperiodic Brugia
malayi,which is an important pathogen for man.
Diagnosis:Of all the filariases presented in this section, only subperiodic B.
malayiinfection can be diagnosed in man when microfilariae are detected in the
patient’s blood; the others are not evident in man. The most common techniques are
the blood smear stained with Giemsa stain, the Knott concentration, and Millipore
filter concentration. Since microfilaremia takes many months to appear after infec-
tion, ganglion biopsy can be useful for early diagnosis.
In man, diagnosis of pulmonary or subcutaneous dirofilariasis is made by mor-
phologic examination of parasites obtained through biopsy or surgery. In dogs and
cats, diagnosis is made by identifying microfilariae in the blood, using a smear, the
modified Knott method, or Millipore filters. In the case of D. immitis,a blood sam-
ple should preferably be obtained during the nocturnal hours, when the microfi-
laremia reaches its maximum level. Microfilaremia by D. immitis appears in dogs
six months after infection; microfilaremia is not detectable (occult dirofilariasis) in
approximately 15% of dogs infected by D. immitis. It is also necessary to differen-
tiate the microfilariae of D. immitis from those of D. repens andDipetalonema
reconditum. D. reconditumis a nonpathogenic filaria of dogs, but its microfilariae
can be confused with those of D. immitis.This need has been the impetus for the
development of indirect diagnostic tests. The detection of an antigen of female D.
immitisin the bloodstream of infected dogs by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) makes a very sensitive and specific diagnosis possible. In man, it has been
found that both D. immitisand D. repenscause the formation of antibodies and that
both parasites have specific antigens. Consequently, it is possible to differentiate the
respective infections serologically (Simon et al., 1997). The polymerase chain reac-
tion has also been used successfully to differentiate infections caused by D. immitis
and D. repens(Favia et al., 1997). However, the polymerase chain reaction and the
Western blot technique seem to be more sensitive than ELISA in detecting infections
by D. repens(Cancrini et al., 1999).

Control:Human filariasis is combated by controlling the vector arthropods,
mainly with insecticides. Mass therapeutic treatment of human communities has
also been successfully used to decrease the source of infection for the vectors.
Control of subperiodic brugiasis is more difficult because of the ecologic character-
istics of the endemic area and because of the abundance of wildlife reservoirs. In
India and Sri Lanka, population levels of the intermediate host and vector of subpe-
riodic B. malayi (Mansoniamosquitoes) were reduced by eliminating several
species of floating aquatic plants to which the mosquito larvae attached. In highly
enzootic areas,D. immitis infection in dogs can be prevented by periodic adminis-
tration of an appropriate oral anthelmintic to kill the infective larvae when they are
introduced by the mosquito. The drug should not be given to dogs with microfi-
laremia, as it can destroy the microfilariae and produce anaphylactic shock in sensi-
tized animals. While this preventive treatment is not used against D. repensbecause
the infection in dogs is asymptomatic, it could be used to decrease the reservoir of
vectors in areas of high human endemicity. The other human zoonotic filariases are
very rare, so individual protective measures against vectors are sufficient.
Asimacopoulos, P.J., A. Katras, B. Christie. Pulmonary dirofilariasis. The largest single-
hospital experience. Chest102(3):851–855, 1992.
Barriga, O.O. Dirofilariasis. In:Steele, J.H., section ed. Section C, Vol. 2:CRC Handbook
Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982:93–109.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Beaver, P.C. Intraocular filariasis: A brief review. Am J Trop Med Hyg40(1):40–45, 1989.
Beaver, P.C., R. Brenes, G. Vargas Solano. Zoonotic filaria in a subcutaneous artery of a
child in Costa Rica. Am J Trop Med Hyg 33(4):583–585, 1984.
Boussinesq, M., O. Bain, A.G. Chabaud, N. Gardon-Wendel, J. Kamgno, J.P. Chippaux. A
new zoonosis of the cerebrospinal fluid of man probably caused by Meningonema peruzzii,a
filaria of the central nervous system of Cercopithecidae. Parasite2(2):173–176, 1995.
Burr, W.E., Jr., M.F. Brown, M.L. Eberhard. Zoonotic Onchocerca(Nematoda: Filarioidea)
in the cornea of a Colorado resident. Ophthalmology105(8):1494–1497, 1998.
Cancrini, G., G. Prieto, G. Favia,et al. Serological assays on eight cases of human dirofi-
lariasis identified by morphology and DNA diagnostics. Ann Trop Med Parasitol93(2):147–
152, 1999.
Chauve, C.M. Importance in France of the infestation by Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repensin
dogs. Parassitologia39(4):393–395, 1997.
Dissanaike, A.S. Zoonotic aspects of filarial infections in man. Bull World Health Organ
57(3):349–357, 1979.
Dissanaike, A.S., W. Abeyewickreme, M.D. Wijesundera, M.V. Weerasooriya, M.M. Ismail.
Human dirofilariasis caused by Dirofilaria (Nochtiella) repensin Sri Lanka. Parassitologia
39(4):375–382, 1997.
Eberhard, M.L., S.R. Telford III, A. Spielman. A Brugiaspecies infecting rabbits in the
northeastern United States. J Parasitol77(5):796–798, 1991.
Echeverri, A., R.F. Long, W. Check, C.M. Burnett. Pulmonary dirofilariasis. Ann Thorac
Surg 67(1):201–202, 1999.
Favia, G., A. Lanfrancotti, A. della Torre, G. Cancrini, M. Coluzzi. Advances in the identi-
fication of Dirofilaria repensand Dirofilaria immitisby a PCR-based approach.
Parassitologia39(4):401–402, 1997.

Flieder, D.B., C.A. Moran. Pulmonary dirofilariasis: A clinicopathologic study of 41
lesions in 39 patients. Hum Pathol30(3):251–256, 1999.
Gutiérrez, Y., R.E. Petras. Brugia infection in northern Ohio. Am J Trop Med Hyg
31(6):1128–1130, 1982.
Kersten, R.C., A.J. Locastro, M.L. Eberhard, A.G. Spaulding, D.R. Kulwin. Periorbital
dirofilariasis. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg10(4):293–296, 1994.
Kozek, W.J., M.A. Reyes, J. Ehrman, F. Garrido, M. Nieto. Enzootic Brugia infection in a
two-year old Colombian girl. Am J Trop Med Hyg 33(1):65–69, 1984.
Makiya, K. Recent increase of human infections with dog heart worm Dirofilaria immitis
in Japan. Parassitologia39(4):387–388, 1997.
Marty, P. Human dirofilariasis due to Dirofilaria repensin France. A review of reported
cases. Parassitologia39(4):383–386, 1997.
Nutman, T.B. Experimental infection of humans with filariae. Rev Infect Dis13(5):1018–
1022, 1991.
Orihel, T.C., P.C. Beaver. Zoonotic Brugiainfections in North and South America. Am J
Trop Med Hyg40(6):638–647, 1989.
Orihel, T.C., M.L. Eberhard. Zoonotic filariasis. Clin Microbiol Rev11(2):366–381, 1998.
Pampiglione, S., G. Canestri Trotti, F. Rivasi. Human dirofilariasis due to Dirofilaria
(Nochtiella) repens:A review of world literature. Parassitologia37(2–3):149–193, 1995.
Rodrigues-Silva, R., H. Moura, G. Dreyer, L. Rey. Human pulmonary dirofilariasis: A
review. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 37(6):523–530, 1995.
Simon, F., G. Prieto, A. Muro, G. Cancrini, M. Cordero, C. Genchi. Human humoral
immune response to Dirofilariaspecies. Parassitologia39(4):397–400, 1997.
Snowden, K.F., B. Hammerberg. The lymphatic pathology of chronic Brugia pahangi
infection in the dog. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg83(5):670–678, 1989.
Vakalis, N.C., C.A. Himonas. Human and canine dirofilariasis in Greece. Parassitologia
39(4):389–391, 1997.
World Health Organization (WHO). Parasitic Zoonoses. Report of a WHO Expert
Committee, with the Participation of FAO. Geneva: WHO; 1979. (Technical Report Series

Section C

ICD-10 B88.0 Other ascariasis
Etiology:In addition to the mite that causes sarcoptic scabies, or mange (see the
chapter on Zoonotic Scabies) and ticks (see the chapter on Tick Infestations), there are
other acarid parasites that can infest the skin of man and cause a temporary dermati-
tis, although they are incapable of becoming established on this aberrant host. These
parasites belong to the families Cheyletiellidae, Dermanyssidae, and Macronyssidae.
In the family Cheyletiellidae, only the genus Cheyletiella is of importance for
present purposes. The members of this genus are obligate ectoparasites of lago-
morphs, dogs, cats, wild animals, and, occasionally, man. The species transmissi-
ble to man are C. parasitovorax,a parasite of rabbits; C. yasguri,associated with
dogs; andC. blakei,found on cats. The mites of this genus are grayish white and
measure approximately 0.4 mm by 0.3 mm. Each palp has a claw directed toward
the mouth, and at the end of the legs is a double row of hairs instead of suckers.
The entire life cycle takes place on the host and is completed in about 35 days. The
female attaches her eggs (0.2 mm by 0.1 mm) to the animal’s hair about 2 mm or
3 mm from the skin. The hexapod larvae develop within the egg and then go
through two nymphal stages before becoming adults. They are superficial para-
sites of the skin and fur and do not dig galleries into the host. They feed on kera-
tinized skin cells and occasionally suck lymph. Off the host, the adult female and
the eggs can survive up to 10 days in a cool place, but the larvae, nymphs, and
adult males are less resistant and die in about 2 days in the open environment.
Because of their appearance and the way they move, they are popularly referred
to as “walking dandruff.”
The family Dermanyssidae includes hematophagous ectoparasitic mites of birds
and mammals. They measure approximately 0.8–1.0 mm in length and are grayish
white when fasting and reddish when engorged. The zoonotic species are
Dermanyssus gallinae,a parasite of chickens, turkeys, pigeons, canaries, and wild
fowl, and Liponyssoides (Allodermanyssus)sanguineus,found on small rodents. D.
gallinaelive in hens’ nests and nearby cracks, where the female lays her eggs. At
night, they come out of their hiding places and feed on the birds. The females initi-
ate oviposition 12 to 24 hours after feeding. The eggs can hatch in two to three days,
releasing a six-legged larva that goes through two nymphal stages before becoming
an adult. Under favorable environmental conditions, the entire life cycle can be com-
pleted in a week. The adults can live up to 34 weeks without feeding, and hence their

spontaneous elimination is difficult. L. sanguineushas a similar cycle in rodents, but
it takes 18 to 23 days, and the female can survive up to 51 days without feeding.
The family Macronyssidae includes hematophagous ectoparasites of birds, mam-
mals, and reptiles. The potentially zoonotic species are Ornithonyssus bacoti,which
parasitizes rodents and small marsupials, and O. bursa andO. sylviarum,found on
birds.The genus Ornithonyssus has undergone several name changes, and its species
are sometimes considered to belong to the genera Liponyssus orBdellonyssus. O.
bacoti lays its eggs in the burrows or nests of rodents, and in the case of laboratory
animals such as mice, rats, and hamsters, in the cracks and corners of the cages.
Under ideal conditions, the parasite can complete its life cycle in only 11 to 16 days,
going from egg to larva and then through two nymphal stages, the adult stage, and
finally, oviposition. Hence, it can generate large populations in a short time.O.
bursa infests chickens, turkeys, pigeons, sparrows, and other fowl. It lives mostly in
the birds’ nests, where it goes through its life cycle, but it spends more time on fowl
than do D. gallinae,and less time than O. sylviarum. It does not survive more than
10 days in the absence of an avian host. Unlike the other species,O. sylviarum is for
the most part a permanent ectoparasite which lays its eggs, develops, and spends
most of its life on its host. It can complete its life cycle in only seven days and sur-
vive for three to four weeks off the host.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Mites of the genus Cheyletiella and the
species Dermanyssus gallinae are distributed worldwide.Liponyssoides sanguineus is
found in northern Africa, Asia, Europe, and the US. Ornithonyssus bacotiis found
throughout the world, especially in association with the black rat,Rattus rattus.It
appears to be common in the Russian Federation because the local literature reports that
36 foci were identified and eradicated in Moscow between 1990 and 1991. O. bursa is
found mainly in tropical and subtropical regions, and O. sylviarum,in temperate
regions of the northern hemisphere and also in Australia and New Zealand. The preva-
lence in man is difficult to determine accurately because these infestations occur only
in special circumstances that enable the arthropod to transfer from its usual host to man.
C. yasguri has been found in dog kennels and, occasionally, in veterinary prac-
tices. Many cases of C. blakeiinfestations on cats have been detected because their
owners were also affected and had sought medical care (Paradis, 1998). Sometimes
the infestation is discovered in a coprologic examination, as happened in a labora-
tory in the US when very large eggs (0.23 mm by 0.11 mm) were found in the feces
of a cat. This finding prompted examination of another 41 cats from the same sup-
plier, and 10 of them were found to be infested; at the same time, 28 cats from two
other suppliers were negative (McKeevar and Allen, 1979). C. parasitovorax,found
on rabbits, can invade laboratory colonies and affect a large number of animals. D.
gallinae is rarely present in modern establishments where fowl are raised in cages;
the species is more commonly seen on rural poultry farms and rustic hen houses that
afford suitable hiding places for the arthropod. Human homes can be invaded by
mites from nearby hen houses or pigeon cotes, especially when the birds leave their
nests and the mites have to look for a new source of food. In Rotterdam,
Netherlands, 23 individuals from 8 families were found to be infested. L. sanguineus
is an abundant parasite of mice (Mus musculus), but when it needs food, it can read-
ily feed on other rodents or man. O. bacoti is frequent wherever the black rat exists
in large numbers, and it can be quite common in poorly maintained laboratory

rodent colonies. It tends to invade human dwellings when campaigns to eliminate
rats have not included treatment to suppress the arthropods. Like D. gallinae,O.
bursa is not often seen on modern farms, which do not provide suitable hiding
places. Humans experience only a passing infestation because the mite cannot sur-
vive more than 10 days without feeding on its natural host. O. sylviarum is more
common, even on modern farms, because it lives mainly on the fowl and does not
need nests or cracks to hide in.
The Disease in Man:Human infestation with Cheyletiella spp. results from close
contact with infested animals. The disease consists of an unspecific papular, prurig-
inous dermatitis on the arms, thorax, waist, and thighs. In man, the infestation is
transitory and disappears spontaneously once the reservoir animals in the house-
hold—the source of infestation and reinfestation—are treated. The bite of D. galli-
nae is painful, and the infestation usually causes a papular, pruriginous urticaria,
although sometimes the only manifestation is persistent pruritus. L. sanguineus
infestation is similar, but this mite can also transmit Rickettsia akari,the agent of
vesicular rickettsiosis in man. O. bacoti causes a similar condition, with painful
bites and sometimes allergic dermatitis. O. sylviarum attacks man in the absence of
its natural hosts, and it can sometimes cause immediate irritation, followed by ery-
thema, edema, and pruritus. The other avian mite,O. bursa,frequently attacks man
as well, causing a mild skin irritation. In the laboratory, several of these mites have
been infected with organisms that are pathogenic for man, but none except R. akari
is known to transmit pathogens to man in nature.
The Disease in Animals:The symptoms of animal infestation with Cheyletiella
spp. are variable. In dogs, an exfoliative and a crusted form have been described. In
the former, there is abundant formation of dandruff on the back, which is more
noticeable in the fur than as a scaly condition of the skin. There is pruritus to vary-
ing degrees, alopecia, and inflammation, which is mainly the result of scratching. In
the crusted form, the noticeable manifestation is multiple circular areas of alopecia
on the back and sides of the trunk, crusted with no inflammation underneath, which
bear a resemblance to tinea. In cats, the infection is often asymptomatic, and when
it is manifested, it usually assumes a crusted form very similar to tinea, except that
it appears on the trunk and neck instead of the face and paws.
D. gallinae does not appear to cause dermal lesions that can be detected, but in
birds it produces anemia and irritation. When the infestation is very intense, it can
cause lowered egg production and even an interruption in oviposition, and blood
loss can be so severe that the birds die of anemia. In Australia,D. gallinae is a vec-
tor of Borrelia anserina,the agent of fowl spirochetosis. L. sanguineusis likely to
cause irritation, anemia, and debility in mice. It is the vector of R. akari,the agent
of human vesicular rickettsiosis, for which the reservoirs are mice and rats. An
intense infestation of O. bursain chickens, and even more so, of O. sylviarum,gives
the plumage a dirty appearance because of the presence of mites, their eggs, and
their excrement. A large concentration of mites around the cloaca can cause the skin
to crack and form scabs. O. bacoti infestation in laboratory rodents can result in
debility, anemia, reduced reproduction, and even death (Flynn, 1973).
Source of Infestation and Mode of Transmission:Man is an accidental host. These
mites do not colonize permanently in the human skin and, in fact, they stay there for

only a short time. Man becomes infested with Cheyletiella spp. as a result of close con-
tact with cats, dogs, or rabbits carrying the mites. The infestation usually results from
handling infested animals, but it can also be acquired indirectly because the females can
survive off the animal’s body for about 10 days. It has been pointed out that this latter
mode of transmission could occur when infested cats are allowed to sleep on people’s
beds. Cheyletiella females have been found stuck to fleas and louse flies
(Hippoboscidae), and it is believed that this may also be a transmission mechanism in
certain hosts. D. gallinaeand the other avian mites can also cause human infestation as
a result of contact with infested birds. D. sylviarum is found abundantly on birds’ eggs,
and the handling of them can often cause infestation. Both avian mites and those of
rodents may invade human habitations simply because of the proximity of the animals’
nests on roofs, between floors, underneath the dwelling, or in the vicinity. The situation
becomes worse when the birds leave their nests or the rodents are eliminated, leaving
the arthropods to search for new sources of food.
Diagnosis:In the absence of the parasite itself or epidemiologic background, diag-
nosis of the infestation in man is very difficult because the condition can be mistaken
for pediculosis, scabies, or a flea infestation (Engel et al., 1998). For a definitive diag-
nosis, it is necessary to find the arthropod that caused the lesion. This is important
because, even though human dermatitis due to zoonotic mites does not require treat-
ment, it is often recurrent if the source of infestation is not eliminated. Dermatologists
recommend that zoonotic mites be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of
any cutaneous eruption of unexplained etiology (Blankenship, 1990).
Mites of the genus Cheyletiellaare too small to be seen by the naked eye, but they
can be detected on animals by microscopic examination of impressions, comb residue,
or skin scrapings, or by coprologic examination, since they are often ingested.
Impressions are made using strips of transparent cellophane tape: the tape is pressed
against the animal’s skin to capture dandruff and any mites that may be present, and it
is then examined under a microscope. Dandruff and mites may be collected by comb-
ing or superficial scraping and then studied microscopically. These methods are not as
effective in man because the skin has no fur, frequent bathing dislodges the mites
(Miller, 1983), and their numbers are limited since they do not reproduce on the human
skin. D. gallinae and other avian and rodent mites can be seen with the naked eye as a
red dot on the skin when they are feeding, or as rapidly running dots in the cracks where
they hide. To determine whether they are present in a dwelling, the dust in the home can
be vacuumed up, especially in the areas where pets sleep or where birds might enter
from outdoors, and examined by flotation: the mites will rise to the surface because they
have numerous hairs that trap the air and allow them to float easily in water. Taxonomic
differentiation of the species is easy as long as sufficient clues are present.
Control:To prevent human infestation with Cheyletiella,pets such as dogs, cats,
and rabbits that are suspected of being infested should be treated with appropriate
acaricides. In cases of intense infestation, it is necessary to vacuum and apply pow-
dered acaricides in the areas they frequent; however, a veterinarian should be con-
sulted because many of these compounds can be toxic for both man and the pets. To
avoid infestations with avian or rodent mites, contact with these animals should be
avoided. Repellants should be used on visits to rural areas, or else clothing should
protect the body and leave no openings by which the mites could enter. When homes
are infested with unwanted birds or rodents, these animals and their nests should be

eliminated, and insecticides or acaricides should be applied as part of the treatment
to destroy any surviving arthropods.
Blankenship, M.L. Mite dermatitis other than scabies. Dermatol Clin 8(2):265–275, 1990.
Engel, P.M., J. Welzel, M. Maass, U. Schrammi, H.H. Wolff. Tropical rat mite dermatitis:
Case report and review. Clin Infect Dis27:1465–1469, 1998.
Flynn, R.J. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1973.
McKeevar, P.J., S.K. Allen. Dermatitis associated with Cheyletiella infestation in cats. J Am
Vet Med Assoc 174(7):718–720, 1979.
Miller, W.H. Cheyletiellainfestation. In:Parish, L.C., W.B. Nutting, R.M. Schwartzman,
eds. Cutaneous Infestations of Man and Animal. New York: Praeger; 1983.
Paradis, M. Mite dermatitis caused by Cheyletiella blakei. J Am Acad Dermatol38(6 Pt
1):1014–1015, 1998.
Pecheur, M., H. Wissocq. Un cas de gale due à Cheyletiella parasitovorax chez un chat. Ann
Med Vet 125:191–192, 1981.
ICD-10 B87 Myiasis
Myiases are conditions caused by the infestation of animal tissues or open cavities
by dipteran larvae. The flies that produce myiases are classified as: a) obligate or spe-
cific parasites, when the larvae require a host in order to develop; b) facultative or
semispecific parasites, when the larvae normally develop in dead tissue (human or ani-
mal remains) or decomposing animal or vegetal matter but can also develop in necrotic
tissue of live animals (these flies are usually secondary invaders, attracted by fetid
odors of purulent or contaminated wounds); and c) accidental parasites, when the lar-
vae normally develop in excrement, decomposing organic matter, or food, and the flies
only accidentally invade wounds, the gastrointestinal system, or the urinary tract of
live animals or humans. Numerous species of flies can cause myiases, but only the
most important ones will be covered in this chapter, namely:Cochliomyia hominivo-
rax,Chrysomya bezziana,Cordylobia anthropophaga,Dermatobia hominis,
Cuterebra spp.,Gasterophilus spp.,Hypodermaspp.,Oestrus ovis,Rhinoestrus pur-
pureus,and Wohlfahrtia spp. In addition, reference will be made to some of the semi-
specific and accidental parasites that cause myiases.
1. Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Cochliomyia hominivorax
Cochliomyia hominivorax (synonyms Cochliomyia americanaorCallitroga
americana), of the family Calliphoridae, is a bluish green fly with three dark bands

on its back that measures about 10–15 mm in length. It is found almost exclusively
in the Americas. In 1988, a focus of myiasis appeared in Libya, but the fly was elim-
inated in May 1991 thanks to an eradication program based on an approach similar
to the sterile insect technique used in the US (Barriga, 1997). C. macellaria,a
species which is morphologically very similar, is not a parasite. Differentiation of
these two species used to be a problem, but now they can be distinguished rapidly
using low-cost molecular biology techniques (Taylor et al., 1996).
The larva of this fly (screwworm) is an obligate parasite that can invade the tis-
sues of any warm-blooded animal. It is one of the main agents of myiasis over an
area ranging from the southern US to northern Argentina. This species and
Dermatobia hominis appear to be the principal obligate agents of myiases in Latin
America. C. hominivoraxcauses the largest number and most serious cases of
human myiases in the Americas. Animal myiases cause heavy economic losses in
terms of cattle, sheep, goats, and equines. Prior to an eradication campaign in south-
ern and southeastern US, annual losses in that country due to animal myiases were
estimated at between US$ 50 million and US$ 100 million.
The females of C. hominivorax mate only once, and they deposit packets of 12 to 400
eggs, overlapped like roof tiles, on the skin of the host. A single female can produce up
to 4,000 eggs. The larvae emerge after 11 to 21 hours, penetrate any preexisting wound,
and begin to feed on the surrounding tissue. Between four and eight days later, they fall
to the ground, bury themselves about 2 cm deep, and turn into pupae. The adult flies
emerge a little less than a week afterwards if the weather is warm and humid, or longer
if the climate is cooler. The flies mate within three or four days, and in a few more days,
the females begin to lay eggs. In summer the entire development cycle can be com-
pleted in just over three weeks, so that several generations of flies can be born in a sin-
gle season. Adult flies live for about two weeks and feed on plant juices. Females can
travel about 50 km from their birthplace under their own power, and they are also car-
ried considerable distances by automobiles on which they alight. These facts suggest
that eradication programs based on the sterile insect technique need to cover extensive
areas in order to achieve a lasting effect.
In the temperate zones, myiases occur in the hot season, from the end of spring to
the beginning of autumn, whereas in the tropical zones, they occur all year long and
are more frequent in summer (Amarante et al., 1992). The larvae, which are screw-
shaped and measure about 12 mm in length, destroy the tissue in which they lodge
and become covered by exudate from the wound. The profuse reddish brown exu-
date from the wound stains the skin, fur, or wool, and attracts other flies of both the
same and other species, which deposit more eggs or larvae. The larvae of C.
hominivoraxcan invade and produce myiases in all types of accidental wounds
regardless of their size, surgical incisions (from castration, dehorning, docking, or
other procedures), shearing cuts, umbilical wounds, and even skin abrasions and tick
bites. It has been demonstrated that the larvae can penetrate the intact skin of rab-
bits and guinea pigs. Secondary bacterial infections are common in wounds invaded
by the larvae of C. hominivorax and aggravate the clinical picture, both by their own
action and by the attraction of other flies that are semispecific parasites, which in
turn deposit eggs and larvae in the lesion. Larval invasions are not limited to tegu-
mentary wounds; they can also occur in open cavities of the body such as the nos-
trils, mouth, eye socket, outer ear, and vagina.
The clinical manifestations are severe pain in the affected region and intense pru-

ritus obliging the animal or person to scratch. If the animals are not treated, contin-
uous tissue destruction produces pain and restlessness, which interferes with graz-
ing and leads to weight loss. Sometimes prostration and death ensue, and when the
flies are very abundant, the fatality rate can be as high as 20%. The most serious
clinical pictures are usually seen in sheep, goats, and equines, which often develop
secondary infections.
Human myiases occur in rural populations, especially in areas and at the times
when there is an abundance of C. hominivorax,which depend mainly on domestic
animal hosts in order to reproduce. When myiases are abundant in animals, many
cases can occur in man. Human myiasis is clinically similar to that of animals. In
addition to the invasion of wounds and ulcers (varicose ulcers of the legs), myiasis
also occurs in a furuncular form characterized by a nonmigratory cutaneous nodule.
Most of the myiases seen in natural cavities are also due to the larvae of C.
hominivorax. Invasion of the nasal fossae (rhinomyiasis) is most frequent, and it
usually occurs as a complication of ozena. The larvae of C. hominivorax often
destroy the cartilage and palatine vault, and they can penetrate the nasal sinuses and
even the cranial cavity. The ocular form can destroy the eye (Chodosh and Clarridge,
To prevent this myiasis, care should be taken to keep domestic animals from giv-
ing birth during the season when the flies are abundant. The navel of animals born
during the hot season should be treated with fly repellents. In addition, castrations,
dehorning, docking, branding, and other interventions that leave tegumentary
lesions should be avoided during this season. All accidental wounds, whether
affected by myiasis or not, should be cleaned and properly treated as soon as possi-
ble and covered with an effective repellent or insecticide.
Regional eradication programs based on the sterile insect technique have yielded
good results. The technique consists of releasing large numbers of artificially bred
males sterilized with gamma rays, which are intended to compete with fertile males
in the natural population and mate with the females. Since the females mate only
once, they do not become fertilized if they copulate with the sterile males. The first
pilot program was initiated in Curacao in 1954 and was successful in eradicating the
infestation. The island remained free of the fly until 1975, but then, in the first nine
months of that year, there were 261 cases of myiasis, including 14 in humans. The
animals most affected were dogs, with 179 cases. The southeastern US was freed of
C. hominivoraxin 1959, as were Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands in 1974. On the
other hand, despite application of this measure, the southwestern US continued to
remain infested, especially because of the steady introduction of fertile males from
the Mexican side of the border. For this reason, a joint initiative was undertaken with
Mexico in 1972 to establish a barrier of sterile males across the isthmus of
Tehuantepec. This program has led to eradication of the screwworm in the US and
Mexico, and it is expected to extend its impact southward. In 1991,C. hominivorax
was declared eradicated in Mexico, and campaigns were intensified or initiated in
Central America. In 1988, the technique proved to be effective in Africa, when the
fly that had appeared in Libya was eradicated (Krafsur and Lindquist, 1996).
The sterile insect campaign is not a universal panacea, and it is very expensive:
for example, in the US-Mexico border campaign, some 200 million sterile males
were released each week. The campaign must be kept up continuously to prevent the
introduction of fertile males or the reproduction of residual local males; otherwise,

the epizootic often reappears. The technique only works with species that can be
bred in the laboratory in massive numbers and are still able to mate despite sterili-
zation, and it is only effective when the density of fertile males is low (Reichard,
1999). For this reason, an additional measure has been introduced whereby insecti-
cide-saturated bait is distributed to reduce the natural population of C. hominivorax
before releasing the sterile males.
2. Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Chrysomya bezziana
The fly Chrysomya bezziana is a species similar to C. hominivoraxand produces
similar lesions. It is found in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia (India, Indonesia,
Philippines, Taiwan), the Pacific islands, and Papua New Guinea. Moreover, cli-
matic simulation studies indicate that it could possibly spread to Australia and the
Americas (Sutherst et al., 1989). The animals most often attacked are cattle, but it
also infests sheep, goats, buffalo, equines, swine, and dogs. The human myiasis is
more frequent in India and other parts of Asia than in Africa. Like C. hominivorax,
this fly deposits its eggs near wounds, ulcers, and natural openings (genitals, nose,
labial commissure, eyes). The lesions produced on the face can be deforming, and
they are fetid and frequently subject to secondary infections. Invasion of the eye is
uncommon, but when it occurs, it can destroy the eyeball in two days (Sachdev et
al., 1990).
3. Furuncular Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Cordylobia anthropophaga
Cordylobia anthropophaga (“tumbu fly” or “mango fly”) is another fly belonging
to the family Calliphoridae. It is found in sub-Saharan Africa, and a few human cases
were reported in Saudi Arabia which were believed to have been autochthonous (Omar
and Abdalla, 1992). Imported cases have been seen in persons and dogs from Europe
and the US who visited Africa (Jelinek et al., 1995). The larvae mature in about one
week and abandon the host in order to pupate for three to four weeks and give birth to
the adult fly. The dog is the domestic animal most affected, but this fly can infest many
other domestic and wild species. Cordylobia rodhaini,a species of African fly that
attacks man less often, produces more intense and more severe infestations. A case
was reported in which 150 C. rodhainilarvae were recovered from a single individual.
Its main hosts are the antelope and the giant rat (Soulsby, 1982).
4. Furuncular Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Dermatobia hominis
Synonyms:Torsalo (Central America), moyocuil (Mexico), berne (Brazil),
mucha (Colombia), mirunta (Peru), ura (Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay).
Dermatobia hominis is a large fly, about 12–18 mm long, which belongs to the
family Cuterebridae. It has an opaque, dark blue, hairy thorax that contrasts with its
bright blue abdomen. D. hominisis widely distributed in tropical America, from
Mexico to Paraguay and northeastern Argentina. Several dozen imported cases have
been described in Canada and the US (Sampson et al.,2001). It attacks a wide vari-
ety of mammals, both domestic and wild, as well as several avian species, and
causes heavy economic losses, especially in the case of cattle.

The fly lives in moist forest and underbrush. Its life cycle begins when the female
lays its eggs on the abdomen of a hematophagous insect (any of some 50 zoophilic
species), which it captures in flight. This nonparasitic transport relationship is known
as phoresy. From 15 to 20 eggs are deposited in this manner, and the incubation period
lasts 7 to 10 days. When the insect transporting the incubated eggs comes into contact
with an animal, the larvae hatch, penetrate its skin (often via the lesion created by the
bite of the carrier insect, but they can also penetrate healthy skin), and a few minutes
later reach subcutaneous tissue, where they produce a furuncular lesion with an orifice
on the top through which to breathe. This outlet to the exterior facilitates the develop-
ment of secondary infections. The larvae do not migrate; they live in the animal for a
period of 4 to 18 weeks, at the end of which they abandon their furuncles early in the
morning and fall to the ground in order to pupate. The pupae remain in the ground for
28 to 77 days before developing into adult flies. They mate 24 hours after emerging,
and the female lives only 1 to 9 days, during which it does not eat because it has only
a vestigial mouth. As a rule, each lesion contains a single larva, but there may be sev-
eral furuncles, depending on the number of larvae deposited. In cattle, the preferred
sites are the forequarters and the back. In man, the lesions are found most often on
exposed parts of the body, such as the scalp, legs, arms, hands, face, and neck. Besides
causing myiasis in the skin, the larvae of D. hominis can invade the eyelids, eye sock-
ets, and mouth. Such cavity myiases are seen primarily in children.
Cattle and dogs can be afflicted by large numbers of parasitic furuncles. Often,
these nodules are invaded by the larvae of other flies or bacteria, giving rise to
abscesses. The hides of heavily parasitized animals lose much of their value. It has
been estimated that Brazil loses about US$ 200 million a year from lowered meat,
milk, and hide production as a result of this myiasis.
In man, pain in the affected areas is intermittent; it is especially intense in furun-
cular myiasis of the scalp. In some regions, human myiases caused by D. hominis
can be quite common. In Brazil, for example, 41.3% of 363 people living on a euca-
lyptus plantation had parasitic nodules. In Venezuela, 104 cases of myiasis caused
by this fly have been described. In Panama, several palpebral cases were reported,
as well as one cerebral case in which larvae on the scalp penetrated through the
fontanelle of a child. The number of larvae invading a given person is variable.
The primary objective of a control program should be to prevent myiases in domes-
tic animals by applying insecticides or repellents. In the event of an infestation, care
should be taken to keep the larvae from falling to the ground, where they can then trans-
form into pupae. Larvae on animals can be destroyed by systemic insecticides.
However, since the flies cover a large range of territory, a control program needs to
cover an extensive area in order to be effective. The success of a program also entails
the collaboration of cattlemen and control of animal movement. Use of the sterile insect
technique to control and eradicate the fly has been tested in large-scale breeding stud-
ies, but this approach has a disadvantage in the case of Dermatobiabecause, unlike C.
hominivorax,the female mates several times in the course of her life.
5. Furuncular Myiasis Caused by the Larvae of Cuterebraspp.
Flies of the genus Cuterebra resemble bees and measure 20 mm or longer. Their
larvae are obligate parasites of rodents and lagomorphs in North America.
The adult females deposit eggs on vegetation in the habitat of their hosts. The lar-

vae are born at intervals, invade the host via natural cavities or penetrate intact skin,
and apparently travel extensively throughout the body. They finally appear as third-
stage larvae under the skin, where they form subcutaneous furunculoid nodules.
Approximately one month after the initial infestation, these nodules rupture, and the
larvae fall to the ground and begin to pupate.
The larvae of Cuterebra spp. cause subcutaneous cysts in rodents and lagomorphs.
C. emasculator often parasitizes the scrotum of mice and chipmunks, destroying their
testicles. In addition to their natural hosts, the larvae of Cuterebra spp. occasionally
invade humans, cats, dogs, and domestic rabbits. In cats, the larvae may be found in
subcutaneous pruriginous lesions, frequently in the nape of the neck or the sub-
mandibular region. In addition, there have been serious or fatal cases in which the par-
asite was found in the eyeball or surrounding tissue, trachea, or central nervous sys-
tem of cats (Glass et al., 1998).
In 1989, Baird et al. (1989) reviewed 54 human cases in the US, plus an additional
8 cases that had been reported as of mid-2001. Most of these cases involved second-
or third-stage larvae that had formed furuncular lesions in the neck, chest, or back,
and they occurred at the end of summer or in early autumn. It is unusual to recover
first-stage larvae; when this happens, the parasite is found in the vitreous humor or
the upper respiratory tract, and the lesions appear at the end of spring or in early
summer. The same pattern has been reported in cats. The times of the year when the
first-, second-, and third-stage larvae of Cuterebraappear would suggest that the
parasite migrates through the lungs and the head before maturing in subcutaneous
6. Furuncular Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Hypodermaspp.
This myiasis is caused by the larvae of two fly species,Hypoderma lineatumand H.
bovis,which belong to the family Oestridae. Both are parasites of cattle and are found
in the Northern Hemisphere (Canada, the US, Europe, and certain parts of Asia and
northern Africa). Parasitized cattle have occasionally been introduced in Australia,
South Africa, and several South American countries, but the species did not become
permanently established.
The flies resemble bees. In cattle, they lay their eggs on hairs on the lower part of
the body, preferentially the feet. H. lineatum deposits a row of eggs, and H. bovis
lays isolated eggs. The larvae are born after two to six days and invade the subcuta-
neous connective tissue, from which they migrate to the rest of the body. The first-
stage larvae of H. bovis migrate along the nerves and settle in the epidural fat of the
spinal canal. The larvae of H. lineatumsettle in the submucosa of the esophagus. In
both cases, the larvae remain for a while in their respective sites, and then in winter
(January and February), they finally migrate to the subcutaneous tissue of the dor-
solumbar region, where they arrive as second-stage larvae and mature into third-
stage larvae within 10 to 11 weeks. During this time, they form cysts about 3 cm in
diameter, with a pore through which to breathe. The larvae spend about 10 months
of their 11- to 12-month development cycle inside the animal’s body. In their final
stage, the larvae emerge through the hole in the cyst, fall to the ground, and pupate.
The pupal stage lasts from one to three months, depending on climatic conditions.
Once the adult flies emerge, they mate very quickly and begin to lay eggs. The adult
flies live only eight days at most.

The animals most affected are calves. Adult animals suffer less, since some resist-
ance is acquired with age. The number of furuncles on a given animal can range
from one to hundreds. Secondary infection usually leads to the formation of
abscesses. The migration of H. bovis larvae in the epidural fat along the spinal canal
can produce inflammation and necrosis of the adipose tissue of the periosteum, as
well as neurologic alterations. The larvae of H. lineatum,in turn, can produce
inflammation of the tissue underlying the esophageal mucosa and stenosis of the
esophageal tract. An abundance of adult flies causes restlessness in cattle and can
provoke stampedes and interfere with their feeding. In some regions, the larvae of
Hypoderma take a heavy economic toll. Annual losses attributable to this myiasis in
cattle have been estimated at US$ 35 million in France, US$ 192 million in the US
(in 1956), and UK£ 13 million in Great Britain (Soulsby, 1982). These losses are due
to delayed growth, lowered milk and meat production, and damage to the hides.
Man is an accidental and aberrant host of the larvae of H. bovis,H. lineatum,and,
less often,H. diana (whose larvae parasitize European deer). Development of the par-
asite in humans is usually arrested in the first larval stage and rarely reaches the third,
or mature, stage. A serologic study of more than 100 cases in France led to the conclu-
sion that the species that most frequently affects man is H. bovis (Doby and Deunff,
1982). The myiasis it causes is subcutaneous and only occasionally conjunctival or
palpebral-conjunctival. Endophthalmias are rare. The cutaneous forms can be mani-
fested as a serpiginous myiasis, similar to cutaneous larva migrans, or as a subcuta-
neous myiasis with moving furuncles that appear and disappear. The parasitosis can
cause pruritus, restlessness, pain, and stomach upset. Children are affected more fre-
quently than adults. The cutaneous myiasis associated with Hypodermaspp. would
appear to be less common in humans than those caused by other species; Jelinek et al.
(1995) found only 1 case in a series of 13 myiases reviewed. Authors have described
several cases of eosinophilic syndrome with fever and muscle pain, as well as respira-
tory, muscular, cardiac, dermal, or neurologic symptoms, in patients who turned out to
have myiasis caused by H. lineatum. In several of these cases, the diagnosis was made
when furuncular lesions appeared, usually in the scalp, and the symptoms disappeared
spontaneously after they were excised (Navajar et al., 1998; Starr et al., 2000). In addi-
tion, two cases of cerebral H. bovisinvasion were observed in human patients
(Kalelioglu et al., 1989). It is possible that the human parasitosis is more common than
has been believed in the past, but that it goes unnoticed.
The use of insecticides or repellents in animals at risk can be successful if they are
applied at the appropriate time of year, since the season for adult infestation is relatively
brief. Most of the development of Hypoderma takes place inside the animal (10 months
to a year), and hence the larval phase is a good point at which to attack the fly. Control
consists of treating cattle with larvicides at the beginning of autumn to prevent the lar-
vae from completing their development cycle and becoming established under the skin.
Treatment at this point interrupts the life cycle of the fly and at the same time avoids
damage to the hide. To prevent neurological damage to the animals, the larvicide should
not be applied in late autumn, when H. bovislarvae have reached the spinal canal. In
animals being raised for food, the application of insecticides should take into account
the time lapse required between administration of the insecticide and use of the meat or
milk. Also, delayed treatment can be given in the spring when the subcutaneous larvae
are first noticed; in this case, topical insecticides are used, reaching the larvae through
the furuncular orifices.

Several European countries—Cyprus, Denmark, Germany (Bavaria), the
Netherlands, and Sweden—have succeeded in eradicating the infestation. Promising
results have also been obtained in Ireland, where the infestation rate has been
reduced to very low levels.
7. Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Oestrus ovisand Rhinoestrus purpureus
The adult fly of Oestrus ovis is gray and measures 10–12 mm in length. It is
larviparous and deposits its larvae in the nostrils of sheep, goats, and, occasionally,
man. Its distribution is worldwide, and it is found wherever sheep are raised.
Rhinoestrus purpureus is similar to O. ovis in its morphology and development
cycle. The larval forms are obligate parasites of equines—in whose nostrils and lar-
ynx they develop—found in Africa, Asia, and Europe.
The first-stage larvae enter the nasal fossae, where they feed on mucus and
desquamated cells, and they then move on to the frontal or maxillary sinuses, where
they mature. After 2 to 10 months, the mature larvae return to the nasal fossae,
where they are expelled by sneezing, fall to the ground, and pupate for four to five
weeks. The fly that emerges from the pupa lives for 2 to 28 days. The adult flies are
annoying to the animals, and when they are very abundant, they cause the animals
to become restless. The larvae cause chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. The morbidity
rate in a flock may be very high, but mortality is nil. The most prominent symptom
is a mucopurulent nasal discharge. Breathing is sometimes difficult because of
swelling of the nasal mucosae. The pathology of this condition has been attributed
to the mechanical effect of the size of the larvae and the irritation caused by their
spines on the mucosae of the nose, pharynx, and sinuses. Some findings indicate that
hypersensitivity, probably IgE-mediated, plays an important role. The examination
of human cases, however, has not demonstrated the presence of hypersensitivity in
man (Dorchies, 1997).
Human cases of myiasis caused by O. ovis have been described in several coun-
tries of the world, including Chile, Ecuador, Uruguay, and the US. The parasitosis
occurs most often in sheep herders and is also seen in urban dwellers who keep
sheep in residential areas (Dar et al.,1980). Man is an accidental and aberrant host,
but apparently not an uncommon one. The form for which people most often seek
treatment is invasion of the conjunctiva, evidenced by lacrimation and the sensation
of a foreign body in the eye. Of 112 sheep herders interviewed in Italy, 80% stated
that they had had the infestation at some time, and 54% reported that more than one
site had been infected at the same time. The sites where larvae were found most fre-
quently were the larynx (77 times), the conjunctiva (56 times), and the nasal fossae
(32 times). They were also found in the ears (1 time). The most common sign was
pain, sometimes accompanied by fever and general malaise (Pampiglione et al.,
1997). In Benghazi, Libya, 80 cases of external ocular myiasis were diagnosed over
a two-year period, representing an estimated incidence of 10 per 100,000 population
(Dar et al.,1980). In a case in Thailand, eight larvae were recovered from the palpe-
bral conjunctiva (Nacapunchai et al., 1998). Human oestriasis is usually a benign
condition that lasts only a few days because the larvae cannot develop beyond the
first stage in man. Serious cases, with destruction of the eye and perforation of the
orbital walls, are rare. In Africa, cases of oral and nasal myiases have been described
in which the larvae have entered the nasal fossae and frontal sinuses, causing local-

ized pain, frontal cephalalgia, and insomnia over a period of 3 to 10 days. There
have also been reports of invasion of the outer ear (otomyiasis).R. purpureus
appears to be an uncommon parasite, having been described only once in burros
(Zayed, 1992) and once in man (Rastegaev, 1980).
Treatment with modern systemic insecticides is effective against all the larval
phases, and, if it is applied annually, it can greatly reduce the populations of these
flies at livestock-raising establishments.
8. Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Gasterophilusspp.
The three most important species of this genus are Gasterophilus intestinalis,G.
nasalis,andG. haemorrhoidalis,which are widely distributed on all continents. The
species G. inermis,G. pecorum,andG. nigricornis are found only in the Old World.
The normal hosts of these flies are horses and other equines, in which the larvae
lodge in the stomach. Larval infestation rates are high in equines in many parts of
the world. G. intestinalis,which is the most common, deposits its eggs primarily on
the lower part of the animals’ forelegs; G. nasalis,on the submaxillary region; and
G. haemorrhoidalis,on the lip hairs. The first-stage larvae hatch in two to seven
days and are carried to the mouth when the animal licks itself, or they can travel
there on their own. From there they invade the oral or lingual mucosa, where they
develop for three to four weeks until they become second-stage larvae. They are then
swallowed, travel to the lumen, and attach themselves to the mucosa of the stomach,
where they remain for 8 to 10 months. It has been estimated that fewer than 1% of
the larvae lodge in the glandular portion of the stomach. Finally, when they mature,
these larvae are shed in the animal’s feces, pupate in the ground for about one
month, and give rise to adult flies, which reinitiate the cycle. The adult flies live for
only a few days, but since the flies do not all emerge from the pupal stage at the
same time, populations of Gasterophilusspp. can be present from mid-spring until
Little is known about the effect of stomach infestation by Gasterophilus larvae on
the health of equines. According to some observations, it can cause anorexia and
mild colic. Ulceration of the nonglandular portion of the stomach was the most fre-
quent lesion. Abscesses, rupture of the stomach, and peritonitis can occasionally
occur (Soulsby, 1982).
Adult flies frighten and disturb the animals.
Human infestation is apparently rare; only a single case was reported during the
period from 1989 to 2001 (Royce et al., 1999). The larvae rarely develop beyond the
first stage, and only exceptionally do they reach the stomach. The common clinical
form is a dermal affliction similar to cutaneous larva migrans, with superficial ser-
piginous tunnels within the tegument that look like red stripes on the surface of the
skin. The lesion is characterized by intense itching. The species that most often
attacks man is G. intestinalis,and the lesions are almost always located on the
extremities. The persons most affected are those who are in close contact with
Since the larvae remain for a long time in the horse’s stomach, this stage poses a
good point of attack for interrupting the life cycle and reducing the population of
Gasterophilus spp., but it is difficult to determine the optimum time to administer
treatment. For example, in Kentucky, US, it has been found that the second-stage

larvae of G. intestinaliscontinue to arrive in the stomach until April, while the third-
stage larvae abandon the host to pupate starting in August. Accordingly, the best
time for treatment is May, June, or July (the end of spring and beginning of sum-
mer) because two generations can be eliminated at once. However, the third-stage
larvae of G. nasalisbecome detached between March and August, while the new
second-stage larvae reach the stomach in July. In this case, the treatment needs to be
applied in February (winter) to eliminate the previous generation and in August
(summer) to eliminate the new generation.
9. Furuncular Myiasis Caused by Larvae of Wohlfahrtia spp.
Specific myiases are also caused by the larvae of Wohlfahrtia vigil andW. mag-
nifica,flies belonging to the family Sarcophagidae. Both species are larviparous.
W. vigil is found in Canada and the US, where its larvae parasitize rodents, lago-
morphs, foxes, mink, dogs, and other carnivores, and occasionally man. The adult
flies feed on plant nectar. The larvae are deposited in packets, either on the animals
or in their vicinity, and they then penetrate intact skin and produce a furuncular
lesion. The larvae mature in 7 to 9 days, abandon the animal, and pupate for 10 to
12 days. When the adults emerge 11 to 17 days later, the females lay their eggs, and
thus the cycle is completed. W. vigil is a pest of mink and fox farms in Canada and
northern US. Newborn and young animals are the most vulnerable. In rodents, this
fly can cause severe tissue destruction. In humans, the infestation is found only in
children who spend time outdoors, in whom it causes small subcutaneous abscesses,
irritability, fever, and dehydration.
W. magnifica is found in China, the African and European areas of the
Mediterranean, the Middle East, and the Russian Federation. The fly is attracted by
skin wounds, where it deposits its larvae, but it also does so in natural orifices of
humans, sheep, bovine cattle, and other domestic animals, including fowl (espe-
cially geese). The myiasis caused by W. magnifica is an important disease of sheep
in the southern part of the Russian Federation. Human infestation does not appear
to be frequent; during the 1990s, only five cases were reported. The following sites
were involved: the eye (one case), vulva (in an elderly woman), orotracheal region
(in an elderly intubated man), ear (one case), and scalp (in a child) (Ciftcioglu et al.,
1997; Delir et al., 1999; Iori et al., 1999).
Facultative or Semispecific Myiases
A large variety of dipterans can be facultative parasites of animal and human tis-
sue. These flies, which normally lay their eggs or larvae on decomposing meat or
animal or human remains, can sometimes invade the necrotic tissue of wounds in
live animals. The larvae of these dipterans do not penetrate healthy skin and rarely
invade recent wounds that have been kept clean. Their medical importance lies in the
fact that the larvae of some species do not always restrict themselves to feeding on
necrotic tissue but can occasionally penetrate deeply and damage healthy tissue.
One such species is Lucilia (Phaenicia)sericata,whose larvae do not usually cause
serious damage but can sometimes destroy healthy tissue surrounding wounds and
can also invade the human nasal fossae in large numbers.

Most of the dipterans that cause semispecific myiases in man belong to the fami-
lies Sarcophagidae (Sarcophaga andParasarcophaga) and Calliphoridae (Lucilia,
Phormia,and Paraphormia). The larvae of the latter are agents of “calliphorine
myiasis” (“blowfly” or “fleece-fly strike” in Australia), which can cause heavy eco-
nomic losses in sheep in certain areas. The most susceptible breed is the merino, and
the highest incidence rates are in Australia, Great Britain, and South Africa. In hot,
humid summers, when the population of calliphorine flies is at its peak, this myia-
sis often affects the development of sheep and causes losses in both wool and meat
production. Invasions by the larvae of these flies can also lead to high mortality. In
Australia, the most important flies are Lucilia cuprina,L. sericata,and several
species of the genus Calliphora,while in Canada and the US, the prominent species
are Phormia regina andProtophormia terraenovae. The most common site of larval
invasion is the ano-vulvar or ano-preputial region, where the skin often becomes
excoriated from soft feces and urine, the smell of which attracts the flies. Any acci-
dental or surgical wound can be the site of calliphorine myiasis. According to some
authors, a lesion is not required in order for invasion to occur; during hot summers
with abundant rain followed by sunshine, the matted wool can become rotten and
attract swarms of flies. When the density of calliphorine flies is low, their larvae
breed in carcasses or garbage containing scraps of meat. The situation changes when
climatic conditions favor a rapid increase in the fly population, at which point the
larvae also invade contaminated wounds and damp, dirty wool. The development
cycle of these flies can be completed in a few weeks, and, under highly favorable
conditions, within a single week. As a result, many generations of flies are born in
the course of one season. In areas where calliphorine flies are a problem for sheep,
all wounds should be treated immediately and the animals should be protected with
larvicides or repellents.
According to reports published in different parts of the world between 1989 and
2001, the most common larvae that produce facultative human myiases belong to the
genera Lucilia,Sarcophaga,Parasarcophaga,Phormia,and Paraphormia. Lucilia
larvae appear to be the most frequent: of 14 human myiases reported over approxi-
mately two years in Brisbane, Australia, 10 were caused by L. cuprina and 2 by
Parasarcophaga crassipalpis,while 2 were unidentified (Lukin, 1989). These myi-
ases, because of their nature, affect wounded, bedridden, or otherwise debilitated
people who are unable to take care of themselves. There have been a number of
reports of nosocomial infestations caused by L. sericata:in the former
Czechoslovakia, one case in the tumor of a dying 87-year-old woman, and two cases
in the mouth and nose of patients with multiple traumas (Daniel et al., 1994); in
Korea, one case in the nasopharyngeal tube of a paraplegic patient; in Israel, one
case in an extreme premature newborn; and in Spain, one case in the cutaneous ori-
fice of an osteoplastic tibial extension (Mateos et al., 1990). Cases have also been
reported in apparently healthy individuals, such as a cattle-rancher in Korea who had
five larvae in the auditory canal which did not appear to be bothering him, and an
urban case acquired in Spain.
The larvae of Sarcophagaalso appear to be a frequent cause of facultative human
myiases. Two nosocomial infestations were described in Spain: one in a 77-year-old
woman with radionecrotic wounds and another in an 87-year-old man with demen-
tia (Merino et al., 2000). One infestation was reported in Japan, with nine larvae in
the eye of a debilitated patient. Also, in Spain, one case of vulvar myiasis in an 86-

year-old woman living in a home for the elderly was reported. In India, 64 cases of
myiases in the nasal cavity, hands, and toes of leprosy patients were reported, from
whom the larvae of Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis,Chrysomya bezziana,Callitroga
americana,and Musca domesticawere recovered (Husain et al., 1993). Also in
India, a case of cutaneous myiasis with Sarcophagasp. and Chrysomya bezziana
larvae was observed in a drug addict. In Japan, two cases of intestinal myiases
caused by S. peregrina were reported: one was in an 8-month-old girl with hemor-
rhagic mucous feces, and the other was asymptomatic. In Morocco, a case of intes-
tinal myiasis caused by S. haemorrhoidalisin a 15-year-old girl produced abdomi-
nal pain, hematemesis, and vomiting of the larvae (Abkari et al., 1999). In Israel,
larvae from the same fly were found in the auditory canal of four children, resulting
in pain, pruritus, and secretions. A case of Parasarcophaga argyrostomalarvae in
the gangrenous toe of an elderly man was described in England, and in Japan, an
intestinal myiasis caused by Parasarcophaga crassipalpis was reported. Phormia
reginawas identified in a case in Pennsylvania and another in Florida, US.
In ancient times, the larvae of L. sericata, L. illustris,or P. reginawere used to get
rid of necrotic tissue in wounds. The technique is still being applied successfully
using sterilized L. sericatalarvae with infected wounds that are resistant to antibi-
otics and difficult to treat with surgery (Fleischman et al., 1999). In forensic medi-
cine, the larvae of Phormia regina,L. sericata,Eucalliphora latifrons,Lucilia illus-
tris,Calliphora vicina,and other flies found on cadavers help to determine the time
elapsed since death. Since the identification of some of these larvae is difficult, poly-
merase chain reaction techniques have been developed for this purpose (Vincent et
al., 2000).
Accidental Myiases
Accidental myiases are caused by numerous species of flies that normally lay
their eggs or larvae on decomposing organic matter and accidentally deposit them
on the food or wounds of humans or animals, giving rise to intestinal or cutaneous
myiases. Most eggs or larvae ingested in this way are destroyed in the digestive
tract, but some of them survive and continue their larval development. The larvae
of Musca domestica,Fannia canicularis,F. scalaris,and Muscina stabulans,as
well as several species of Calliphoridae and Sarcophagidae, can produce intestinal
Often, the ingested larvae are eliminated in feces without causing any damage or
symptoms. In other cases, however, there can be abdominal pain and nausea, and, in
very intense infestations, damage to the intestinal mucosa and bloody diarrhea.
Myiases have been described in the urinary tract (cystomyiasis), but they are rare. In
India, Gupta et al.(1983) reported that a bedridden hospital patient had developed
a case of urethral myiasis (associated with necrosis of part of the glans) from the lar-
vae of a domestic fly. Cases of urogenital myiasis have also been seen in other parts
of the world. These infestations have occurred mainly in immobilized elderly
patients suffering from incontinence. In rural areas, there have been cases caused by
the larvae of Fannia spp., which are frequently found in the vicinity of latrines. In
some cases of urogenital myiasis, the larvae do not go beyond the first stage—in
other words, they cannot feed or develop (“pseudomyiasis”). In other cases, how-
ever, second- and third-stage larvae have been found in the bladder. A urinary myi-

asis caused by Fannia caniculariswas identified in France. Finally, two cases of
cutaneous myiasis caused by Musca domesticawere described in England, as was a
third case, attributed to the same species, in a leprosy patient in India.
Role of Animals in the Epidemiology of the Disease:Animals play an essential
role in the epidemiology of the flies that cause obligate myiases; without their ani-
mal hosts, the flies could not exist. Man is only an accidental host of these larvae,
and in some myiases, such as those caused by O. ovis and Gasterophilus spp., an
aberrant host in which the larvae cannot complete their development. The obligate
myiases occur in humans when there is a high incidence of animal myiases, typi-
cally in the spring or summer. The victims are usually people who live in rural areas
where both the flies and the natural hosts of their larvae are abundant. With the fac-
ultative myiases, the role of animals is much less significant—indeed, debatable: it
could be argued that most of the flies that produce facultative myiases normally
develop in the feces of domestic animals, so that the humans living in the proximity
of domestic animals increase their risk of becoming infested with facultative myi-
Control:Human obligate myiases are controlled by eliminating or reducing
infestations in the animal reservoirs. The primary means of achieving this goal is
preventive treatment of the animals at risk with insecticides or repellents to keep
them from becoming infested, or, once they are infested, curative treatment with
insecticides to eliminate the larvae before they abandon the host and begin to pupate.
With both animals and humans in areas where myiases are common, any wound
should be treated as soon as possible and watched closely until it forms a scar.
Particular care should be taken with bedridden patients who have wounds and can-
not protect themselves from flies. To prevent the disease in man, both personal and
environmental hygiene should be observed, including steps to eliminate the breed-
ing sites of flies.
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ICD-10 B88.8 Other specified infestations
Synonyms:Tongue worm infection, porocephalosis, porocephaliasis.
Etiology:There are two genera of pentastomids that are of medical interest:
Linguatulaand Armillifer,both of the family Porocephalidae. On rare occasions,
Porocephalus(a snake parasite, with rodents as intermediate hosts),Leiperia(a croc-
odile parasite, with fish as intermediate hosts), and Raillietiella(a lizard parasite, with
cockroaches as intermediate hosts) have been mentioned as human parasites.
Owing to the morphological and biological peculiarities of the pentastomids, their
taxonomy and phylogenetic status are not yet well defined. On the basis of ultra-
structural, embryologic, and genetic studies, they can be considered a class related
to the arthropods (Self, 1982). Interestingly, almost all the adult parasites infest a
host higher on the phylogenetic scale than the hosts of the larval forms, which sug-
gests that the parasite evolved along with the host. The fact that the reverse is true
in the case of certain pentastomids is difficult to explain, however.

In their adult stage, pentastomids are commonly parasites of the respiratory sys-
tem of reptiles or carnivores, and in their larval stages, of herbivores. However,
although their specific hosts seem to be limited, infections have been found in many
animals. Except for a few epidemiological studies, human infection by pentastomids
is infrequent: only eight cases had been reported in the United States up to 1991
(Guardia et al., 1991), and nine cases had been reported worldwide from 1989 to
1. Infection due to Linguatula serrata
Synonyms:Linguatuliasis, linguatulosis.
Etiology:Linguatula serratais a linguiform parasite with discreet transverse seg-
mentation. The adult female measures about 10 cm long, and the male barely 2 cm.
In its adult form,L. serratalodges in the nasal passages, frontal sinuses, and tym-
panic cavity of dogs, other canids, and felids, where it ingests mucus and blood. Few
cases of adult specimens have been found in man.
The development cycle of the parasite requires herbivorous intermediate hosts,
mainly sheep, goats, and lagomorphs. Bovines, deer, equines, swine, and various
other mammals can also serve as intermediate hosts. Man is an accidental and aber-
rant intermediate host. Linguatulalays its eggs in the upper respiratory passages of
the host, and they are then expelled into the environment by sneezing or splitting, or
if swallowed, with the feces. The eggs ingested by the intermediate host with food
or water release the first-stage larvae in the intestine; they possess four clawed feet
and an apparatus that enables them to perforate the intestinal wall. The larvae
migrate through the blood to the internal organs and encyst in the lymph glands, the
liver, spleen, lungs, and other organs, where they form small pentastomid nodules
that are discovered during the veterinary inspection of meat. Between 250 and 300
days after infection and after some 12 molts within the cyst, the larva reaches the
nymph, or infective stage. It is about 5 mm and resembles the adult parasite. The
nymph can break the cystic envelope, migrate through the peritoneal cavity, and
penetrate different tissues. If a carnivore consumes the tissues or organs of an
infected intermediate host, the infective nymph migrates through the stomach and
esophagus to the nasopharynx, where after several molts it reaches maturity and
begins oviposition.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:L. serratais widely distributed
throughout the world, but human infection is infrequent. Most cases have been
reported in several countries of North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. In the
Americas, human linguatuliasis has been diagnosed in Brazil, Canada, Chile,
Colombia, Cuba, Panama, and the US. From 1989 to mid-2001, only one ocular
case, in Ecuador, was reported worldwide (Lazo et al.,1999).
The infection rate in dogs is very high in some areas. L. serratawas found in
43.3% of stray dogs in Beirut, Lebanon, in 38% in parts of India, and in a high per-
centage in Mexico City. The highest rates are seen in areas where dogs are fed raw
viscera from sheep and goats. Infected dogs have been found in the Midwest and in
Georgia, US, but the prevalence rate obtained by coprologic examination was very
low (Ehrenford and Newberne, 1981). Data on the frequency of nymphal infection
in domestic herbivores are not available. In Lebanon, 4 of 10 goat livers acquired in

randomly selected butcher shops had larvae in the hepatic lymph nodes, and 2 of 10
sheep livers were parasitized. In the US, the principal intermediate hosts seem to be
wild rabbits, which have been found infected in several southern and southeastern
states (Gardner et al.,1984). A study conducted in eight southeastern states found
that 2% of 260 Sylvilagus floridanusrabbits had nymphs ofL. serrata,but the infec-
tions were mild (Andrews and Davidson, 1980).
The Disease in Man:Man can become infected by ingesting either eggs or
nymphs. When the infection occurs from the ingestion of eggs, the larvae become
encapsulated in various organs, where they can survive up to two years. When the
larvae die, they are absorbed or the cyst can calcify. The larvae locate mainly in the
liver, either below Glisson’s capsule or in the parenchyma and, to a lesser extent, in
the mesentery and intestinal wall. The encysted nymphs do not produce clinical
symptoms, and the infection is almost always discovered during surgery, radiologi-
cal examination, or autopsy. Clinical cases of prostatitis, ocular infection (anterior
chamber of the eye), and acute abdomen have been described; their origin is a par-
asitized, inflamed lymph node adhering to the intestinal wall. The “halzoun” and
“marrara” syndromes (infection of the human nasopharynx) are attributed to infec-
tion caused by the nymph of L. serrataingested with the raw or undercooked liver
or lymph glands of infested goats and sheep. Halzoun occurs in Greece, Lebanon,
and Turkey, and marrara in Sudan. The symptoms appear a few minutes to a half-
hour after the infective food is eaten. The variation in the incubation period proba-
bly depends on the place where the nymphs are released from their cysts, since the
ones that are swallowed require more time to migrate to the tonsils and nasopha-
ryngeal mucosa than the ones that become free in the mouth. The most prominent
symptoms are throat irritation and pain. Sometimes there is congestion and intense
edema of the region, which may extend to the larynx, eustachian tube, conjunctiva,
nose, and lips. Lacrimation and nasal discharge are common. At times, there is also
dyspnea, dysphagia, vomiting, headaches, photophobia, and exophthalmia. The
most serious symptomatology is believed to occur in persons sensitized by visceral
infections with L. serrata. The course of the disease is rapid and benign. About half
of the patients recover in less than one day; in others the illness may last one to two
The Disease in Animals:The adult parasite causes a mucopurulent nasal catarrh,
with sneezing, copious nasal discharge, and sometimes epistaxis in dogs. However,
in mild infections no lesion is found in the nasal conchae. Larval infection in domes-
tic herbivores and omnivores (intermediate hosts) is asymptomatic. Only heavy par-
asite burdens can damage the affected organs.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The natural reservoirs are wild
and domestic canids and, rarely, felids. Carnivores acquire the infection by ingest-
ing viscera and tissues of infected intermediate hosts. In endemic areas, the cycles
between dogs and goats and between dogs and sheep are of special interest. Hunting
dogs become infected when they catch infected lagomorphs. In the wild cycle, the
infection circulates between wild herbivores and their carnivore predators.
Herbivores become infected by ingesting pasture contaminated with feces or nasal
secretions of the canids.
Man acquires the visceral form by consuming vegetables or water contaminated

with parasite eggs shed with the fecal matter, saliva, or nasal discharge of dogs or
other definitive hosts. Man contracts halzoun or marrara by consuming raw liver or
lymph nodes from sheep, goats, or other infected domestic herbivores.
Diagnosis:The visceral form (small pentastomid nodules) caused by nymphs is
rarely diagnosed in living persons or domestic animals, except during surgery. X-
rays showing calcified cysts may arouse suspicion of the infection’s presence.
Specific diagnosis is effected by identification of the nymph in a biopsy specimen.
Histopathological examination reveals a granulomatous reaction with multiple
eosinophilic abscesses, at the center of which degenerated nymphs are found. In
very old cases, there may not be pathological findings around the calcified cysts. In
cases of halzoun or marrara, the nymph should be obtained for identification. In
dogs with suspicious nasal catarrh, diagnosis can be confirmed by detecting eggs in
the nasal secretion or feces.
Control:Visceral infection from ingestion of the eggs can be prevented by guard-
ing against contamination of untreated water or raw food with carnivore depositions
and washing hands carefully before eating. Halzoun and marrara or nasal infection
with the adult parasite can be prevented by not consuming raw or undercooked vis-
cera. Likewise, dogs must not be fed the raw viscera of goats, sheep, or other herbi-
2. Infection due to Armilliferspp.
Etiology:Armillifer armillatusis the agent of this infection. Human infection by
A. moniliformis(three cases in China, the Philippines, and the Indonesian island of
Java) and by A. grandishas been reported rarely. In 1996, a local Chinese journal
described the first human case of infection with larvae of A. agkistrodontis. These
pentastomids have a cylindrical body and well defined segmentation. In the adult
stage, they live in the respiratory tract of snakes. The pre-adult stages are found in
rodents, livestock, and many other animals, including man.
The life cycle of Armillifer is similar to that of Linguatula,but the definitive hosts
are snakes and the intermediate hosts are rodents and other wild mammals. The
female of Armilliferdeposits eggs in the respiratory cavities of snakes, and the eggs
are expectorated or swallowed and then eliminated with the feces. In the cases that
are known, the life cycle of the other species is similar (for example,Porocephalus
crotaliin the rattlesnake).
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:A. armillatusand A. grandisare
African species; A. moniliformisis found in Asia, and A. agkistrodontishas been
described in China. Armilliferiasis occurs mainly in West Africa (Nigeria,
Democratic Republic of Congo) and South and Southeast Asia; it seems to be infre-
quent in eastern and southern Africa, and no cases have been diagnosed in the
Americas. Encysted larvae were found in 22.5% of adults autopsied in a hospital in
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, in 8% of the autopsies in Cameroon, and
in 1.4% of the radiographs taken in a university hospital in Ibadan, Nigeria. In addi-
tion, autopsies found a 45.4% infection rate in Senoi natives in Malaysia. The most
frequent localizations are the liver and lungs. Between 1989 and mid-2001, eight
cases were described in the world: one in Benin during a diagnostic laparoscopy, one

fatal case in France, three cases of abdominal calcification and one fatal case in
Nigeria, one case in the autopsy of a Nigerian in Canada, and one case of A. ag-
kistrodontisin China. The three cases of calcification in Nigeria were found during
radiographic examination of 214 patients, thus revealing a prevalence of 1.4% in this
population (Nzeh et al.,1996).
The Disease in Man:Man is infected only with the larval forms; no cases of
infection caused by the adult are known. The infection is similar to the visceral form
of linguatuliasis and generally asymptomatic. The infected person usually harbors
few nymphs (from 1 to 12). Severe infections can give rise to serious illness, espe-
cially when the larvae lodge in vital organs where they can produce multifocal
abscesses, tumors, or obstruction of ducts. In the case in China, high fever, abdom-
inal pain, diarrhea, moderate anemia, eosinophilia, hepatosplenomegaly, and polyps
in the colon were observed. In the ocular case, the patient complained of pain, con-
junctivitis, and vision problems. The autopsy of the Nigerian in Canada, in which
death was due to a longstanding infection, found nodules in the liver, lungs, pleura,
and peritoneum, but there was no inflammatory or degenerative reaction around the
nodules. In the case of an 18-year-old woman in Nigeria, the patient suffered from
fever, dizziness, weakness, jaundice, hypotension, and a confused mental state. She
died shortly after being admitted, and the autopsy revealed disseminated infection
encompassing the thoracic and abdominal serous membranes and internal organs
(Obafunwa et al.,1989). The diagnostic laparoscopy of a woman from Benin who
had abdominal pain for 10 years found hundreds of calcified masses 1 to 2 cm in
diameter in the abdominal cavity. Microscopy of the nodules revealed questionable
remains of parasites, but the X-ray showed crescent- or horseshoe-shaped calcifica-
tions that were attributed to Armillifer(Mulder, 1989).
The Disease in Animals:Nonhuman primates are also accidental hosts of the
infection. The larvae of Armilliferspp. are found mainly in Old World primates and
less commonly in those of the Americas. The infection is usually asymptomatic.
Source of Infection and Mode of Transmission:The reservoirs and definitive
hosts of Armilliferspp. are snakes, probably including all members of the families
Boidae and Viperidae (Self, 1982). Snakes become infected when they ingest wild
mammals infected with the nymph.
Man contracts the infection by consuming water or vegetables contaminated with
eggs eliminated in the feces or saliva of infected snakes, by consuming raw or under-
cooked snake meat, or by placing hands to the mouth after handling contaminated
snake meat. The other intermediate hosts also become infected by ingesting the par-
asite eggs. Armillifereggs are very resistant to environmental factors.
Diagnosis:Some cases can be diagnosed by radiographic examination, which
reveals the calcified, half-moon-shaped larvae. In the overwhelming majority of
cases, however, the encapsulated nymphs of the pentastomids are found during
autopsies or laparotomies performed for other reasons. Jones and Riley (1991) iden-
tified a protein of Porocephalus crotalithat combined with rat immune serum in the
Western blot test; an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay can thus presumably be
designed for the diagnosis of pentastomiasis.
Control:Preventive measures for humans consist of observing the rules of food

hygiene: not consuming suspect water or raw vegetables, and washing the hands
after handling suspect meat and before eating.
Andrews, C.L., W.R. Davidson. Endoparasites of selected populations of cottontail rabbits
(Sylvilagus floridanus) in the southeastern United States. J Wildl Dis16(3):395–401, 1980.
Ehrenford, F.A., J.W. Newberne. An aid to clinical diagnosis of tongue worms (Linguatula
serrata) in dogs. Lab Anim Sci31(1):74–76, 1981.
Gardiner, C.H., J.W. Dyke, S.F. Shirley. Hepatic granuloma due to a nymph of Linguatula
serrata in a woman from Michigan: A case report and review of the literature. Am J Trop Med
Hyg 33(1):187–189, 1984.
Guardia, S.N., H. Sepp, T. Scholten, I. Morava-Protzner. Pentastomiasis in Canada. Arch
Pathol Lab Med 115(5):515–517, 1991.
Jones, D.A., J. Riley. An ELISA for the detection of pentastomid infections in the rat.
Parasitology103(Pt 3):331–337, 1991.
Lazo, R.F., E. Hidalgo, J.E. Lazo,et al. Ocular linguatuliasis in Ecuador: Case report and
morphometric study of the larva ofLinguatula serrata. Am J Trop Med Hyg60(3):405–409,
Mulder, K. Porocephalosis. Dtsch Med Wochenschr114(49):1921–1923, 1989.
Nzeh, D.A., J.K. Akinlemibola, G.C. Nzeh. Incidence of Armillifer armillatus(pentastome)
calcification in the abdomen. Cent Afr J Med42(1):29–31, 1996.
Obafunwa, J.O., A. Busuttil, E.J. Nwana. Sudden death due to disseminated porocephalo-
sis—a case history. Int J Legal Med105(1):43–46, 1992.
Self, J.T. Pentastomiasis. In:Hillyer, G.V., C.E. Hopla, section ed. Section C, Vol. 3:CRC
Handbook Series in Zoonoses. Boca Raton: CRC Press; 1982.
ICD-10 B88.8 Other specified infestations
Etiology:The agents of these infestations are various species of the genera Argas,
Amblyomma,Boophilus,Dermacentor,Haemaphysalis,Hyalomma, Ixodes,
Ornithodoros,and Rhipicephalus. Man is not affected by specific ticks, but can
occasionally be infested by ticks of other vertebrates that transmit various infections
(Table 4). Ticks are divided into two groups: the family Argasidae, comprised of soft
ticks whose bodies are covered by a coriaceous tegument, with the mouthparts
located on the ventral surface, and the family Ixodidae, comprised of ticks which
have an enlargement of the shield-shaped cuticle on their backs, and mouthparts on
the anterior end. That shield covers the entire back in the males, but just the anterior
half of the back in females, to permit their bodies to engorge while feeding.
The only soft ticks that are important in human medicine are those of the genus

TABLE 4. Ticks that infect man, and organisms and infections they transmit.
Tick Transmission area Organism transmitted
Amblyomma americanum Southern US and Mexico Francisella tularensis
Rickettsia rickettsii
Amblyomma cajennense Texas (US) to tropical Rickettsia rickettsii
South America
Amblyomma hebraeum South Africa Rickettsia conorii
Amblyomma triguttatum Australia Coxiella burnetii
Amblyomma variegatum Caribbean Rickettsia africae
Boophilus decoloratus South Africa and Rickettsia conorii
tropical Africa Bunyaviruses of the
hemorrhagic fevers
Dermacentorspp. Asia Rickettsia sibirica
Dermacentor andersoni Western Canada and US Francisella tularensis
Rickettsia rickettsii
Dermacentor marginatus Siberia Flaviviruses of the tick-
borne arboviral
Dermacentor reticulatusSiberia Flaviviruses of the tick-
borne arboviral
Dermacentor variabilis Western Canada, US, Francisella tularensis
and Mexico Rickettsia rickettsii
Haemaphysalisspp. Asia Rickettsia sibirica
Haemaphysalis bispinosisSouthern China Borrelia burgdorferi
Haemaphysalis leachi South Africa Rickettsia conorii
Haemaphysalis spinigeraIndia Flaviviruses of the tick-
borne arboviral
Hyalomma aegyptium South Africa Rickettsia conorii
Hyalomma anatolicum Eurasia and South Africa Bunyaviruses of the tick-
borne hemorrhagic
Hyalomma excavatum Somalia Bunyaviruses of the tick-
borne hemorrhagic
Hyalomma impeltatum Somalia Bunyaviruses of the tick-
borne hemorrhagic
Hyalomma marginatum Eurasia and South Africa Bunyaviruses of the tick-
borne hemorrhagic
Ixodes cookei Eastern Canada and US Flaviviruses of the tick-
borne arboviral

Ornithodoros,which transmit the relapsing fevers in man caused by strains of
Borrelia recurrentis,and several species of Argas,in particular those of chickens,
pigeons, and other birds that attack man when they cannot find their natural host.
The species of Ornithodorosthat infest man live hidden in the ground, in tools and
equipment, and in the cracks of shack or cabin walls, and emerge at night to suck
blood from people or chickens that take shelter there. The females measure 7–8 mm
in length before feeding and up to 11 mm immediately thereafter; they produce
groups of 20 to 100 eggs on alternate days, for a total of 500 to 2,000 in a lifetime.
After approximately eight days at 30°C, the eggs hatch and hexapodal larvae, which
do not feed, emerge and molt into nymphs in four days. The nymphs that go through
four stages molt into adult males; those that go through five stages molt into adult
females. Each nymph has one blood meal lasting 20–25 minutes. Adult specimens
emerge about four months after oviposition. The female mates and produces eggs 10
TABLE 4. Continued.
Tick Transmission area Organism transmitted
Ixodes granulatus Southern China Borrelia burgdorferi
Ixodes holocyclus Australia Rickettsia australis
Ixodes ovatus Japan Virus of tick-borne Asian
Ixodes pacificus Western US Borrelia burgdorferi
Ixodes persulcatus Asia, northern China, Borrelia burgdorferi
eastern Russian FederationEhrlichiaof the
Phagocytophila group
Flaviviruses of the tick-
borne arboviral
Ixodes ricinus Europe Babesia divergens
Borrelia burgdorferi
Ehrlichia of the
Flaviviruses of the tick-
borne arboviral
Ixodes scapularis (I. dammini)Central and eastern US Babesia microti
Borrelia burgdorferi
Ornithodoros hermsi US Borrelia recurrentis
Ornithodoros hispanica Africa Borrelia recurrentis
Ornithodoros moubata Africa Borrelia recurrentis
Ornithodoros rudis Latin America Borrelia recurrentis
Ornithodoros talaje Latin America Borrelia recurrentis
Ornithodoros tholozani Middle East Borrelia recurrentis
Ornithodoros turicata US Borrelia recurrentis
Rhipicephalus appendiculatusSouth Africa Rickettsia conorii
Rhipicephalus sanguineusMediterranean and Ehrlichiaspp.
South Africa Rickettsia conorii
Confirmation needed.

to 15 days after each blood meal, and can mate up to 40 times before dying. Also,
more than half of the females can survive between 9 and 56 months without feed-
ing. The cycle of Argasis similar to that of Ornithodoros,but the larvae feed by day
as well as by night and can remain attached to the host’s skin, sucking blood, for
several days.
Among the hard ticks, the species of the genera Amblyomma,Boophilus,
Dermacentor,Haemaphysalis,Hyalomma,Ixodes,andRhipicephalus are important
in human medicine. The life cycle of all these ticks is similar, with small variations
among the genera. The female produces several thousand eggs at a time for a few
days, and then dies. Hexapodal larvae emerge from the eggs; they measure about 1
mm in length, feed on blood for a few days, and molt into nymphs a few days there-
after. Similarly, the nymphs feed on blood and molt into adults. The adults mate, the
female sucks blood in amounts that can exceed 10 times her body weight for several
days—an engorged hard tick is the size of a pea—and falls to the ground, seeks out
a protected place, and begins to produce eggs. Hard one-host ticks remain with a
host from the larval stage until adulthood; two-host ticks remain with one host dur-
ing the larval and nymph stages, but molt on the ground and the adults have to seek
out another host; three-host ticks molt on the ground and need a different host in
each stage—larva, nymph, and adult. These differences are important in the spread
of disease and the design of tick control plans.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:The transmission areas of tick-borne
infections are shown in Table 4. The distribution of the ticks themselves is diverse;
those of the genus Amblyommaare mainly parasites of small and large mammals dis-
tributed throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of the Americas and sub-
Saharan Africa. Ticks of the genus Boophilusare parasites of cattle, and, exception-
ally, of other herbivores, and are distributed in tropical to temperate zones throughout
the world. Human infection is exceptional. Ticks of the genus Dermacentorare par-
asites of rodents and large mammals ranging from the tropical zone of Latin America
to Canada. Ticks of the genus Haemaphysalis are parasites of small mammals and
birds and are found throughout the world. Those of the genus Hyalommaare mainly
parasites of domestic animals found in the Old World below the 45th parallel North.
Ticks of the genus Ixodesare parasites of birds as well as large and small mammals
and are distributed worldwide. Rhipicephalusare ticks of a variety of African and
Eurasian animals; only Rhipicephalus sanguineusis distributed worldwide.
Humans can be infested by 12 species of Argasidae (Argasand Ornithodoros) and
22 species of Ixodidae (4 of the genus Amblyomma,7 of Dermacentor,3 of
Haemaphysalis,2 of Hyalomma,and 6 of Ixodes) (Estrada-Pena and Jongejan,
1999). In the US, 44 species of ticks have been found on humans: 11 species of soft
ticks and 33 of hard ticks. But four of the former were acquired outside the country
and are not species native to the US. The most common were Amblyomma ameri-
canumin the south and near the Atlantic Ocean; Dermacentor variabilisand Ixodes
scapularisin the east; Dermacentor andersoni in the west; Ixodes pacificusnear the
Pacific; and Ornithodorosspp. mainly in the west (Merten and Durden, 2000).
North Carolina reported human infestations with Otobius megnini, Amblyomma
maculatum,Haemaphysalis leporispalustris,Ixodes cookei,Ixodes dentatus,and R.
sanguineus. O. megniniwas the first specimen of this species found in North
Carolina in over 50 years (Harrison et al., 1997).

Since tick infestations in man are occasional, their frequency is difficult to assess.
In one locality in Italy, during 1995 and 1996, 240 infested individuals were found,
with an average of 1.3 ticks per person; 89% were infested with Ixodes ricinusin all
stages; 10% with R. sanguineusnymphs and adults; and 1% with Dermacentor mar-
ginatusadults. Eleven percent of the cases occurred in children, 26% in students,
22% in workers, and 24% in retired persons. During the period studied, the preva-
lence of bites was 5 per 1,000 residents (Manfredi et al., 1999). A report from a
medical school in the state of Georgia, US, indicates that 521 infestations were
recorded in two and a half years, with an average of 1.3 ticks per person (Felz and
Durden, 1999). In Chile, 2.2% of 1,384 patients referred to a university clinic for
“spider bites” between 1955 and 1995 really had tick bites.
The Disease in Man:Ticks cause damage directly by biting and by sucking
blood, since they cause allergic reactions by injecting toxins and transmit infections.
It has also been found that ticks cause a depressed immune response (Barriga, 1999),
but the importance of that is probably minimal. It may be that the direct damage
ticks cause is slight in human beings because the majority of infestations are due to
a single arthropod and the patient does not notice it. The case of Amblyomma testu-
dinariumof Japan is noteworthy, since it caused infestations with more than 100 lar-
vae (Nakamura-Uchiyama et al., 2000). The mouthparts that remain in the wound
when the tick is removed can cause a granuloma that looks like a pustule and lasts
for several weeks. Despite the fact that O. megnini,the ear tick of many animals, is
exceptional in man, cases of otocariasis in man are described with some frequency
(Indudharan et al., 1999).
Ticks are generally not included among the arthropods that cause allergies; how-
ever, there are reports of severe allergic reactions. For example, symptoms have been
reported ranging from erythematous reactions to ulcerative lesions caused by Argas
reflexus(pigeon tick) (Veraldi et al., 1998), very extensive urticarias, caused partic-
ularly by Argas(Basset-Stheme et al., 1999), cases of anaphylaxia caused by the
genera Argasand Ixodes(Lavaud et al., 1999), and even cases of anaphylactic shock
caused by I. ricinus(Moneret-Vautrin et al., 1998).
A paralysis caused by the female of certain ticks feeding on their hosts has been
described in both animals and humans; approximately 20 species have been iden-
tified:D. andersoniand D. variabilisin Canada and the US; Haemaphysalis,
Hyalomma,and Ixodesin Europe; Ixodesand Rhipicephalusin South Africa;
Ixodes holocyclusin Australia; and Argas persicusin chickens in many countries
(Barriga, 1997). While it is suspected that the paralysis is due to a toxin, it has
been identified only in the case of the Australian tick I. holocyclus. Grattan-Smith
et al. (1997) described six cases of paralysis caused by ticks in Australian chil-
dren. The patients experienced an ascending symmetrical flaccid paralysis that
causes respiratory paralysis after about a week; the illness ends when the arthro-
pod is removed, but recovery is slow. In the state of Washington, US, a review was
conducted of the 33 cases (with two deaths) reported between 1946 and 1996
(Dworkin et al., 1999).
Transmission of infection is the most serious concern in connection with tick
infestation of humans. Walker (1998) conducted a review of the problem in the US,
and Benenson (1995) conducted a worldwide review. Table 4 presents a summary of
the state of knowledge up to the year 2000.

The Disease in Animals:The disease in animals has the same four pathogenic
components as the disease in man. Since the number of ticks that attack a single ani-
mal can be very high, inflammation, pain, and pruritis are intense, due either to the
trauma or hypersensitivity, and distract the cattle from feeding, in addition to caus-
ing weight loss. Also, the wounds caused by the ticks can ruin the skins for indus-
trial use and attract fly attacks that result in myiasis. The sucking of blood can be
significant when the infestation is intense and can also promote weight loss, since
the cattle have to expend energy to replace the blood loss. The combined effect of
these factors is often called “tick worry.” Paralysis caused by ticks is no longer a
widespread problem in cattle, as it was 70 years ago, but cases are still reported reg-
ularly in the scientific publications. With respect to the transmission of disease, ticks
play a role as important for animals as mosquitoes play for humans. Some of the
most severe cattle diseases are tick-borne, such as babesiosis (see chapter on
Babesiosis), theileriosis, cowdriosis (hydropericardium), and anaplasmosis
(Uilenberg, 1997).
Source of Infestation:The source of infestation is the environment contaminated
with ticks; in the case of hard ticks, the vegetation where the hungry larvae are found
in large numbers; in the case of soft ticks, the dwellings with cracks where they can
find shelter during the day. While infested animals are the source of contamination
of the environment, they are rarely a direct source of infection for man or other ani-
Diagnosis:Diagnosis is made by removing and studying the tick. Studying them
should not be difficult because even the tick larvae measure more than 1 mm, and
they are red or dark after feeding. However, the tick is often located on parts of the
body where the infested person cannot see it, including behind the ears, where even
the doctor can miss it if he or she is not specifically looking for it. When removing
a tick, it is important to extract the mouthparts from the skin to prevent the forma-
tion of granulomas; to ensure this, the body must be pulled continuously for one
minute, without excessive force, in a direction perpendicular to the patient’s skin,
until the grip is loosened. It is advisable to remove the tick with tweezers or a plas-
tic sheet to avoid contact with its blood if it should explode, since the fluid may con-
tain pathogenic organisms. Taxonomic identification is rarely necessary but, if it is
desired, the specimens should be packaged in 70% alcohol and sent to the
Department of Agriculture or university veterinary services.
Control:Control of animal ticks is based essentially on the periodic application
of acaricides to animals at risk for infestation. An inevitable consequence of this
method is the development of strains of ticks resistant to the acaricide. This situa-
tion is common in cattle-raising countries with high rates of tick infestation, such as
Brazil and South Africa. Modification of the environment to make it unsuitable for
the proliferation of ticks is complicated, and not enough is known about their ecol-
ogy to ensure success. A large number of biological control experiments have been
carried out employing the natural enemies of ticks (Samish and Rehacek, 1999), but
practical solutions have not been found. Many experiments have also been con-
ducted in an attempt to develop breeds of cattle with a natural resistance to these
arthropods, but, despite encouraging results, a meaningful solution has not been
found. In an attempt to increase the host’s resistance, Australian investigators devel-

oped a vaccine against the Boophilus microplus tick; this inhibits by about 75% the
fertility of the ticks that feed on vaccinated animals. However, in the short term, the
ticks continue to bite and transmit infections; over the long term, that reduction in
fertility could be insufficient to decrease the proliferation of arthropods in the pas-
turelands. The European Union supports a project for the integrated control of ticks
and tick-borne disease, with the objective of increasing livestock productivity
through the control of ticks, vaccination, and the comprehensive diagnosis of the
diseases (Jongejan, 1999). Also, techniques involving remote sensors and geo-
graphic information systems are starting to be used to help control these pests
(Thomson and Connor, 2000).
From the standpoint of human infestations, attempts are rarely made to eliminate
ticks from an entire area—although it could be tried in the endemic area for Lyme
disease in the US. Rather, efforts are directed at protecting hunters and tourists who
enter areas populated with ticks. For this, it is sufficient to wear clothing that covers
the body completely, including high boots with pants legs closed around the boot
tops. The use of repellents is also recommended. DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide)
is an excellent insect repellent, although less effective against ticks than permethrin.
The concomitant use of both is particularly effective (Mafong and Kaplan, 1997).
The US Army recommends this combination for soldiers on maneuvers.
Barriga, O.O. Evidence and mechanisms of immunosuppression in tick infestations. Genet
Anal15:139–142, 1999.
Barriga, O.O. Veterinary Parasitology for Practitioners,2nd ed. Edina: Burgess
International Group; 1997.
Basset-Stheme, D., P. Couturier, J. Sainte-Laudy. Urticaire géante par piqure d’Argas
reflexus:à propos d’un cas. Allerg Immunol (Paris) 31:61–62, 1999.
Benenson, A.S., ed. Control of Communicable Diseases in Man,16th ed. An official report
of the American Public Health Association. Washington, D.C.: American Public Health
Association; 1995.
Blankenship, M.L. Mite dermatitis other than scabies. Dermatol Clin8:265–275, 1990.
Dworkin, M.S., P.C. Shoemaker, D.E. Anderson. Tick paralysis: 33 human cases in
Washington State, 1946–1996. Clin Infect Dis29:1435–1439, 1999.
Engel, P.M., J. Welzel, M. Maass, U. Schramm, H.H. Wolff. Tropical rat mite dermatitis:
Case report and review. Clin Infect Dis27:1465–1469, 1998.
Estrada-Pena, A., F. Jongejan. Ticks feeding on humans: A review of records on human-biting
Ixodoidea with special reference to pathogen transmission. Exp Appl Acarol23:685–715, 1999.
Felz, M.W., L.A. Durden. Attachment sites of four tick species (Acari: Ixodidae) parasitiz-
ing humans in Georgia and South Carolina. J Med Entomol36:361–364, 1999.
Flynn, R.J. Parasites of Laboratory Animals. Ames: Iowa State University Press; 1973.
Grattan-Smith, P.J., J.G. Morris, H.M. Johnston,et al. Clinical and neurophysiological fea-
tures of tick paralysis. Brain 120(Pt 11):1975–1987, 1997.
Harrison, B.A., B.R. Engber, C.S. Apperson. Ticks (Acari: Ixodida) uncommonly found bit-
ing humans in North Carolina. J Vector Ecol22:6–12, 1997.
Indudharan, R., M. Ahamad, T.M. Ho, R. Salim, Y.N. Htun. Human otoacariasis. Ann Trop
Med Parasitol93:163–167, 1999.
Jongejan, F. Integrated control of ticks and tick-borne diseases. Parassitologia41(Suppl
1):57–58, 1999.

Lavaud, F., F. Bouchet, P.M. Mertes, S. Kochman. Allergie aux piqures d’insectes
hematophages: manifestations cliniques. Allerg Immunol (Paris) 31:311–316, 1999.
Manfredi, M.T., V. Dini, S. Piacenza, C. Genchi. Tick species parasitizing people in an area
endemic for tick-borne diseases in north-western Italy. Parassitologia41:555–560, 1999.
Mafong, E.A., L.A. Kaplan. Insect repellents. What really works? Postgrad Med102:63,
68–69, 74, 1997.
McKeever, P.J., S.K. Allen. Dermatitis associated with Cheyletiella infestation in cats. J Am
Vet Med Assoc 147:718–720, 1979.
Merten, H.A., L.A. Durden. A state-by-state survey of ticks recorded from humans in the
United States. J Vector Ecol25:102–113, 2000.
Miller, W.H. Cheyletiellainfestation. In:Parish, L.C., W.B. Nutting, R.M. Schwartzman,
eds. Cutaneous Infestations of Man and Animal. New York: Praeger; 1983.
Moneret-Vautrin, D.A., E. Beaudouin, G. Kanny, L. Guerin, J.F. Roche. Anaphylactic
shock caused by ticks (Ixodes ricinus). J Allergy Clin Immunol 101(1 Pt 1):144–145, 1998.
Nakamura-Uchiyama, F., Y. Komuro, A. Yoshii, Y. Nawa. Amblyomma testudinarium tick
bite: One case of engorged adult and a case of extraordinary number of larval tick infestation.
J Dermatol27:774–777, 2000.
Paradis, M. Mite dermatitis caused by Cheyletiella blakei. J Am Acad Dermatol38(6 Pt
1):1014–1015, 1998.
Pecheur, M., H. Wissocq. Un cas de gale due à Cheyletiella parasitovorax chez un chat. Ann
Med Vet 125:191–192, 1981.
Samish, M., J. Rehacek. Pathogens and predators of ticks and their potential in biological
control. Annu Rev Entomol44:159–182, 1999.
Thomson, M.C., S.J. Connor. Environmental information systems for the control of arthro-
pod vectors of disease. Med Vet Entomol14:227–244, 2000.
Uilenberg, G. General review of tick-borne diseases of sheep and goats world-wide.
Parassitologia39:161–165, 1997.
Veraldi, S., M. Barbareschi, R. Zerboni, G. Scarabelli. Skin manifestations caused by
pigeon ticks (Argas reflexus). Cutis 61:38–40, 1998.
Walker, D.H. Tick-borne infectious diseases in the United States. Annu Rev Public Health
19:237–269, 1998.
ICD-10 B88.1 Tungiasis [sandflea infestation]
Synonyms:Chigoe, jigger flea, burrowing flea, sand flea, dermatophiliasis.
Etiology:The agent of this infestation is Tunga (Sarcopsylla) penetrans,a small
flea. The ovigerous female is an obligate parasite of warm-blooded animals, includ-
ing swine, man, nonhuman primates, and dogs. It is easy to identify because it is
small (about 1 mm long), it does not have pronotal or genal combs, and it has an
angular head.
The fertilized female becomes encrusted in the skin of the host, where she feeds
continuously. Her abdominal segments gradually enlarge over a period of about two

weeks until she reaches the size of a pea (approximately 5 mm in diameter). As she
increases in size, the host epidermis surrounds and encloses her in an excrescence
similar to a wart that encloses inflammatory cells. This formation usually ulcerates
and can develop secondary infections. Meanwhile, the female expels her eggs
through an orifice on top of the excrescence. If the eggs fall on sandy soil, the lar-
vae are born in three or four days. These larvae molt twice within 10 to 14 days and
are transformed into pupae that bury themselves in the soil for another 10 to 14 days.
At the end of the pupal stage, the adult fleas emerge. The female lays about 200 eggs
and then dies. Both the young males and females feed on the blood of animals. After
mating, the male dies and the female penetrates the skin of an animal and reinitiates
the cycle with oviposition.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:T. penetrans is believed to be native
to the tropical and subtropical regions of Central America, the Caribbean, and South
America. It was first reported in the American tropics in 1526 and in Africa in 1732.
It was probably carried from America to Africa in the seventeenth century and rein-
troduced in 1872 by a British ship that arrived from South America and unloaded its
sand ballast on the beaches of Angola. Whether by this means or because some
members of the crew were infested with T. penetrans,the flea was introduced into
Angola. From there it spread through the entire western coast of Africa and ulti-
mately reached eastern Africa and Madagascar. Outside Africa and the Americas,T.
penetrans is present in western India and Pakistan, where it was probably introduced
by workers returning home from Africa (Connor, 1976).
Thus, infestations occur in Central and South America, the Caribbean, tropical
Africa, India, and Pakistan (Lowry et al., 1996). To cite examples from studies car-
ried out near the end of the twentieth century, infestations were reported in 11 (25%)
of 44 children examined in the Republic of the Congo (Obengui, 1989); 49 (22.5%)
of 280 in Nigeria (Nte and Eke, 1995); 32 (31.4%) of 102 in the West Indies
(Chadee, 1994); and, in a subsequent report, 267 (20.4%) of 1,307 in the West Indies
(Chadee, 1998). By contrast, in the rest of the world the infestation is so rare that
individual cases are worthy of publication. Between 1989 and mid-2001, 1 case each
was reported in Australia, Brazil, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, New Zealand,
and Switzerland; 2 cases were reported in Great Britain, 2 in Israel, 5 in Italy, 4 in
Mexico, 2 in the Netherlands, and 6 in the US (in addition to 14 reported previously)
(Sanusi et al., 1989). In addition, Caumes et al. (1995) found 16 cases in French
nationals who had traveled abroad, and Matías (1989) reported an epidemic of
unknown magnitude in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In all these cases except Brazil
and Mexico, the infestation was contracted outside the country. In Mexico, the last
cases of human tungiasis prior to those mentioned above were reported in 1948;
authors believe that those 4 new cases are an indication that the parasite is reap-
pearing in that country.
In some regions of Africa, human T. penetrans infestation can reach very high
prevalence rates. In a village in the state of Lagos, Nigeria, 41.5% of 373 children 6
to 14 years old were found to be harboring the fleas between their toes. Prevalence
declines with age, probably because the skin is thicker and also because footwear is
used more often (Ade-Serrano and Ejezie, 1981).
Little information is available about the frequency of infestation in animals.
Outbreaks have been described in Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo

among swine (Cooper, 1967; Verhulst, 1976), and in French Guiana, among dogs
(Rietschel, 1989).
The Disease in Man and Animals:The flea usually penetrates the human epi-
dermis on the sole of the foot, the toes, under the edge of the toenails, and in the
interdigital spaces, but it can lodge in any exposed part of the body. Upon penetra-
tion, the insect produces a mild but persistent pruritus and later, as it increases in
size, a chronic proliferating inflammation that completely surrounds the site, except
for a small orifice on the top. Ulceration and secondary infections are common.
When the flea finally lays its eggs, its body collapses and is expelled by tissue reac-
tion, usually in the form of a draining abscess, leaving behind a crateriform ulcera-
tion. At first, the lesion looks like a black spot on a taut area of skin, but later it
assumes the appearance of a wart, then an ulcer, and finally it turns into a small ooz-
ing abscess. The lesions originated by Tunga sp. offer favorable conditions for sec-
ondary infections. A study conducted in the West Indies found 7 different bacteria
(Streptococcus pyogenes,non-group A beta-hemolyticStreptococcus,Klebsiella
aerogenes,Enterobacter agglomerans,Staphylococcus aureus,Escherichia coli,
and Bacillussp.) in infections associated with Tunga lesions (Chadee, 1998). In
Senegal, 11 cases of tetanus infection were found in 44 cases of tungiasis (Obengui,
In Nigeria, the most common symptoms seen in 49 children with tungiasis were
pruritus and ulceration. In all cases, the infestation was in the feet, but no case had
been considered serious enough to take the child to a clinic (Nte and Eke, 1995). The
pain is particularly intense when the flea penetrates under a nail. Usually only one
or two lesions are found on a single individual, but sometimes there can be hun-
dreds. In a series of 102 patients, the highest prevalence of infestation was found in
the groups 5 to 9 years of age, 10 to 14, and over 55, with averages of 9, 5–6, and
12 fleas per person, respectively (Chafee, 1994).
In the outbreak among swine in Tanzania, infestations were observed on the scro-
tum, feet, snout, and teats, but they had not caused any marked inflammation, pru-
ritus, or pain (Cooper, 1967). The outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo
was characterized especially by agalactia in the sows and consequent death of the
suckling pigs, which could not feed because the intense concentration of T. pene-
transin the maternal nipples compressed or obstructed the lactiferous ducts
(Verhulst, 1976).
Source of Infestation and Mode of Transmission:T. penetrans is found prima-
rily in dry, sandy places, inside and around precarious human dwellings, and in
pigsties, stables, and hen houses. Humans contract tungiasis by walking barefoot in
soil containing fleas that originated from infested dogs or swine. Dogs, and some-
times swine, can carry the infestation inside huts with earthen floors. Conversely,
man can introduce the flea into the animal environment.
Diagnosis:In areas where T. penetrans is common, diagnosis can be based on the
finding of the characteristic lesions. Specific diagnosis can be made by extracting
the flea from the skin and examining it microscopically.
Control:The application of pesticides (insecticides, development regulators, hor-
monal analogs, etc.) in contaminated environments can eliminate the source of
infestation. The application of pesticides on infested animals can eliminate the

source of the infestation. Flea control has been greatly facilitated by the develop-
ment of new insecticides and chitin formation inhibitors, which are now being used
systemically in domestic animals. Humans can protect themselves individually by
wearing shoes. However, this simple preventive measure is difficult to apply because
of the low economic level of the population and the tropical climate in affected
regions. Indeed, it has been recommended for the control of the ancylostomiases for
more than 70 years, so far with very little effect.
Tungiasis by itself is a mild condition; the risk lies in secondary infections. For
that reason, the flea should be extracted and the wound should be treated with dis-
infectants and kept clean until a scar forms.
Ade-Serrano, M.A., G.C. Ejezie. The prevalence of tungiasis in Oto-Ijanikin village,
Badagry, Lagos State. Nigeria. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 75(4):471–472, 1981.
Caumes, E., J. Carriere, G. Guermonprez, F. Bricaire, M. Danis, M. Gentilini. Dermatoses
associated with travel to tropical countries: A prospective study of the diagnosis and manage-
ment of 269 patients presenting to a tropical disease unit. Clin Infect Dis20(3):542–548, 1995.
Chadee, D.D. Distribution patterns of Tunga penetranswithin a community in Trinidad,
West Indies. J Trop Med Hyg97(3):167–170, 1994.
Chadee, D.D. Tungiasis among five communities in south-western Trinidad, West Indies.
Ann Trop Med Parasitol92(1):107–113, 1998.
Connor, D.H. Tungiasis. In:Binford, C.H., D.H. Connor, eds. Vol. 2:Pathology of Tropical
and Extraordinary Diseases. Washington, D.C.: Armed Forces Institute of Pathology; 1976.
Cooper, J.E. An outbreak of Tunga penetransin a pig herd. Vet Rec80(11):365–366, 1967.
Lowry, M.A., J.L. Ownbey, P.L. McEvoy. A case of tungiasis. Mil Med161(2):128–129,
Matias, R.S. Epidemia de tungiase no Rio Grande do Sul. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop
22(3):137–142, 1989.
Nte, A.R., F.U. Eke. Jigger infestation in children in a rural area of Rivers State of Nigeria.
West Afr J Med14(1):56–58, 1995.
Obengui. La tungose et le tetanos au C.H.U. de Brazzaville. Dakar Med34(1):44–48, 1989.
Rietschel, W. Beobachtungen zum Sandfloh (Tunga penetrans) bei Mensch und Hund in
Franzosisch Guayana. Tierarztl Prax 17(2):189–193, 1989.
Sanusi, I.D., E.B. Brown, T.G. Shepard, W.D. Grafton. Tungiasis: Report of one case and
review of the 14 reported cases in the United States. J Am Acad Dermatol20(5 Pt 2):941–944,
Verhulst, A. Tunga penetrans (Sarcopsylla penetrans) as a cause of agalactia in sows in the
Republic of Zaire. Vet Rec 98(19):384, 1976.

ICD-10 B86 Scabies
Synonyms:Scabiosis, mange, sarcoptic acariasis, sarcoptic itch, seven-year itch.
Etiology:The agent of human scabies is Sarcoptes scabiei var. hominis,an oval
mite. The female measures up to 450 µm by 350 µm and the male, up to 240 µm by
200 µm. This species has varieties that infest some 40 species of mammals, from
primates to marsupials (Elgart, 1990). By and large, each variety is strongly host-
specific, although some can infest other species and cause temporary illness. Since
the varieties on the different hosts are morphologically indistinguishable, until
recently their identification was based solely on empirical testing. However, Lee and
Cho (1995) proposed that Sarcoptesin humans and swine belonged to different vari-
eties but that the dog mite was a different species. Serological (Arlian et al.,1996)
and genetic (Walton et al.,1999) differences that have been found, at least in some
varieties, could provide more solid grounds for differentiating them.
Other mites that cause zoonotic scabies in man are Notoedres cati(also of the
Sarcoptidae family), which produces head scabies in cats, and Cheyletiella,the dog,
cat, and rabbit mite (see the chapter on Dermatitis Caused by Mites of Animal
Origin). In contrast,Otodectes cynotis(family Psoroptidae), which causes dog ear
scabies, does not seem to affect man (Park et al.,1996).
The mites of sarcoptic scabies lodge in furrows that they excavate in the epider-
mis of the host and lay their eggs there. The six-legged larvae emerge from the eggs
after two days and dig lateral tunnels to migrate to the surface; there they hide under
the epidermic scales or in hair follicles. Two to three days later, the larvae give rise
to eight-legged, first-stage nymphs, or protonymphs, which transform into
tritonymphs; lastly, they reach the adult stage. The adults mate on the surface, and
the females begin building tunnels (from 0.5 to 5 mm a day), where they lay their
eggs. The entire life cycle can take 10 to 14 days.
The life cycle of Notoedresis similar to that of Sarcoptes,although a bit slower; the
cycle from egg to adult usually takes about 17 days. Unlike Sarcoptes,the larvae and
nymphs of Notoedresmove about freely on the skin of the host. Notoedric scabies
affects the head of cats and occasionally causes temporary dermatitis in humans.
Sarcoptic scabies affects humans and a large number of domestic and wild ani-
mals. Specific names used to be assigned to the mites of each animal species, such
as S. scabieifor the human parasite,S. equifor the horse parasite, and S. ovisfor the
sheep parasite. Now only one species—S. scabiei—is recognized, and the mite of
each animal species is regarded as a subspecies.
Geographic Distribution and Occurrence:Sarcoptesis distributed worldwide.
Human scabies is prevalent primarily among socioeconomic classes whose mem-
bers are poor and often, malnourished, and who have inadequate hygiene; over-
crowding promotes the spread of the mite and poor hygiene is conducive to its per-
sistence. However, in the US and Europe, there has been a wave of human
infestations unrelated to socioeconomic status, hygiene level, age, sex, or race.
Epidemiologists have observed that epidemics of human scabies occur every 30
years and have speculated that a considerable portion of the human population is
protected by a certain level of immunity during periods between epidemics.

All animals raised by man for food or transportation are susceptible to S. scabiei.
Among pets and laboratory animals, the mite is found in dogs, rabbits, hamsters, and
some nonhuman primates. The infestation is also seen in zoo animals.
Man is affected by sarcoptic scabies of dogs, cattle, goats, swine, and horses, by
notoedric scabies of cats, and by cheyletiellosis of dogs, cats, and rabbits (Beck,
1996; Mitra et al., 1993; Parish and Schwartzmann, 1993). Skerratt and Beveridge
(1999) reported that man can also acquire the scabies of the Australian wombat. For
further information on Cheyletiellaspp., see the chapter on Dermatitis Caused by
Mites of Animal Origin.
Sarcoptesof goats seems not to be very host-specific, inasmuch as there was a
report of one epidemic in goats that then spread to cattle, sheep, and dogs, and even-
tually affected 42 persons. Nineteen goats and one cow died, but the infestation was
self-limiting in some human cases (Mitra et al.,1993). The sarcoptic scabies of
swine also seems to be transmitted easily to man. Of 48 individuals working with
swine infested by Sarcoptesin India, 30 (65%) had signs of scabies, and mites were
recovered on 20 persons (67%) (Chakrabarti, 1990). Dog scabies is also often trans-
ferred to man. In most cases, the symptoms in humans disappear when the animals
are treated and contagion ceases to be constant (Fontaine, 2000). Owing to the dif-
ficulty of identifying the origin of the mites, the frequency of zoonotic scabies in
man is not known. Nevertheless, Normaznah et al.(1996) found that 25% of 312
aborigines in Malaysia had antibodies to S. scabieivar. canis. Arlian et al. (1996)
found that Sarcoptesof man, dogs, and swine had both common and exclusive anti-
bodies. Consequently, it may be possible to differentiate them by serology.
The Disease in Man:The disease caused by the homologous (human) variety of
S. scabieiis characterized by tunnels in the corneous layer of the skin that are
between a few millimeters and 2 cm long. The furrows are very thin and sinuous and
are difficult to observe without the aid of a magnifying glass; they are generally not
very abundant and are situated primarily in the interdigital spaces, back of the hand,
elbows, axillae, torso, inguinal region, chest, penis, and navel. Fiminani et al. (1997)
conducted a detailed morphological study of dermal pathology caused by Sarcoptes.
The most prominent symptom is itching, which is especially intense at night, forc-
ing patients to scratch themselves. Such scratching can cause lesions, new foci of
scabies and, often, purulent secondary infections. Irritation and pruritis are mani-
fested one or two weeks after infestion and are due primarily to a type I allergic reac-
tion. Scabies can persist for a long time if not treated; in fact, homologous human
scabies is unlikely to heal by itself.
It is believed that animal mites do not generally excavate tunnels in human skin
and that the infestation is more superficial. This does not, however, explain the
sometimes intense itching that zoonotic infestations cause. A researcher who exper-
imentally infested herself with canine Sarcopteswas able to confirm by histopatho-
logic examination the existence of mite tunnels in her skin (Kummel, cited in
Schwartzmann, 1983). The lesion can vary from a pruriginous papular eruption,
which is the most common form, to an intense allergic sensitization with the appear-
ance of vesicles. Excoriations from scratching are also frequent. The location of
lesions in 22 patients infested by S. scabieivar. caniscorresponded to the places
most exposed to infested dogs, such as forearms, hands, torso, and thighs (Smith and
Claypole, 1967). In 35 patients who were in contact with water buffaloes infested

with S. scabieivar.bubalis,the lesions were distributed on the face, fingers, hands,
thighs, and legs (Chakrabarti et al., 1981). In 30 persons infested with swine
Sarcoptes,the lesions occurred on hands and legs (Chakrabarti, 1990). Zoonotic sca-
bies is unlikely to affect the interdigital folds and external genital organs, which are
often affected by homologous scabies. In addition, zoonotic scabies heals by itself
and does not last more than one to three weeks. Spontaneous healing is attributed to
the fact that the parasites do not multiply or only reproduce for a short time on the
heterologous host. An infestation that lasts longer is usually due to ongoing expo-
sure and permanent superinfestation. Treatment of the animal species originating the
scabies is usually sufficient to eliminate human zoonotic scabies without treatment
in a couple of weeks.
The Disease in Animals:Sarcoptic scabies in animals generally starts on the
head and on areas of the body with delicate skin (Davis and Moon, 1990). In
equines, the lesions are observed on the head and neck; in dogs, on the ear flaps,
snout, and elbows. As with the human parasites, the animal mites produce an aller-
gic sensitization with intense itching and the formation of papules and vesicles.
Vigorous scratching by the affected animals causes the vesicles to open and become
covered with scales and then scabby plaques, which often ooze a serous liquid. Over
time, there is a proliferation of the connective tissue and hyperkeratinization, caus-
ing the skin to thicken and form creases. Hair loss in the affected areas as a result of
scratching is also frequent. Scabies limited to a small area does not particularly
affect an animal’s health, but when it spreads to large areas of the body it can have
an adverse impact and even cause death.
Source of Infestation and Mode of Transmission:Sarcoptesis transmitted
mainly by recently inseminated females before they begin to build their tunnels.
Notoedres,in contrast, is transmitted by larvae or nymphs. In both cases, the skin of
the susceptible individual must be in close contact with the skin of the infested indi-
vidual. In the case of interhuman transmission of Sarcoptes,the mite has been found
on fomites, and thus contagion through contaminated objects seems possible. Since
the parasite can survive for several days off an animal’s body on clothing, towels,
bedclothes, animal bedding, harnesses, and horse blankets, these objects can serve
as sources of infestation.
Each animal species is a reservoir of the mite that attacks its own kind, but cross-
transmission between species occasionally occurs. Human scabies is transmitted
primarily from person to person, but several animals, such as horses, dogs, cattle,
bubalids, sheep, goats, swine, camels, and zoo animals, can occasionally transmit it
to man. One of the most common sources of zoonotic scabies is the dog. Infestation
by S. scabieivar. canisoccurs through close contact with scabietic dogs and can
appear in several members of the family at the same time. It has been estimated that
almost 1% of the dogs in the UK have scabies; a study of 65 persons who had been
in contact with 28 scabietic dogs confirmed the presence of scabietic lesions in 34
of them. In the US Army dermatology clinic at Fort Benning, Georgia, 20 cases of
scabies acquired from dogs were observed in the course of one year (Smith and
Claypole, 1967). The University of Pennsylvania found that around 33% of dogs
with scabies caused infestations in members of their owners’ families
(Schwartzmann, 1983). The School of Veterinary Medicine of São Paulo, Brazil
tracked human infestation among 143 individuals who were exposed to 27 dogs with

sarcoptic scabies; cutaneous lesions compatible with scabiosis were found in 58
(40.6%) of them (Larsson, 1978). When scabies was still common in domestic ani-
mals in the Netherlands, around 25% of the veterinarians in rural areas were infested
with Sarcoptes of zoonotic origin. Scabies of animal origin is also observed in rural
inhabitants. Transmission of sarcoptic scabies (S. scabieivar. bubalis) from water
buffaloes to man was described in India. Of 52 persons who had been in contact with
scabietic buffaloes, 35 (67.3%) had symptoms of scabies, and the presence of the
mite was confirmed in 22 (42.3%). All of the persons who contracted the infestation
(people in charge of handling and milking the buffaloes) had intense pruritus a few
hours after initial contact with the affected animals (Chakrabarti et al., 1981).
Zoonotic scabies is not an important public health problem because it resolves
spontaneously and is not transmitted between humans.
Diagnosis:The presence of sarcoptic scabies is suspected because of intense pru-
ritus and typically located lesions. For the specific diagnosis of homologous infes-
tations in man and animals, the recommendation is to cover the papules and a scalpel
blade with a thin layer of mineral oil so that the mites and skin scales stick to it,
scrape five to seven times until a small amount of blood is drawn, and examine the
scrapings under a microscope to detect the presence of mites. A solution of 10% to
15% sodium or potassium hydroxide can be added to the microscope slide, which
can then be heated slightly for 5 minutes to clarify the cornified cells that hinder
observation. Since this procedure is painful for patients, in human cases the recom-
mendation is to try and remove the mite from the furrows with a needle. However,
the sensitivity of this method is so low that it is almost not worth attempting. Direct
examination of the skin with an epifluorescent microscope is also recommended,
since this method is quick, painless, and sensitive to the diagnosis of scabies
(Argenziano et al., 1997).
Zoonotic scabies in humans is more difficult to diagnose because the mites are
much less numerous and most seem to move about on the skin. Transparent cello-
phane tape can be applied to the skin and then examined under a microscope in the
hope that a mite has been picked up, but this is not very effective because there is
no precise method of determining where the mites are.
Control:In order to prevent human scabies of zoonotic origin, infestation of ani-
mals must be prevented or contact with animals suspected of being infested must be
avoided. It is easier and more effective to treat pets with acaricides in order to erad-
icate the infestation. When there is professional contact with animals that may be
infested (handling of swine, goats, etc.), gloves and high boots of a material that
mites cannot penetrate should be used.
Argenziano, G., G. Fabbrocini, M. Delfino. Epiluminescence microscopy. A new approach
to in vivo detection of Sarcoptes scabiei. Arch Dermatol133(6):751–753, 1997.
Arlian, L.G., M.S. Morgan, J.J. Arends. Immunologic cross-reactivity among various
strains of Sarcoptes scabiei. J Parasitol82(1):66–72, 1996.
Beck, W. [Animal mite-induced epizoonoses and their significance in dermatology].
Hautarzt47(10):744–748, 1996.

Chakrabarti, A. Some epidemiological aspects of animal scabies in human population. Int
J Zoonoses 12(1):39–52, 1985.
Chakrabarti, A. Pig handler’s itch. Int J Dermatol 29(3):205–206, 1990.
Chakrabarti, A., A. Chatterjee, K. Chakrabarti, D.N. Sengupta. Human scabies from con-
tact with water buffaloes infested with Sarcoptes scabiei var. bubalis. Ann Trop Med Parasitol
75(3):353–357, 1981.
Davis, D.P., R.D. Moon. Dynamics of swine mange: A critical review of the literature. J
Med Entomol27(5):727–737, 1990.
Elgart, M.L. Scabies. Dermatol Clin 8(2):253–263, 1990.
Fimiani, M., C. Mazzatenta, C. Alessandrini, E. Paccagnini, L. Andreassi. The behaviour of
Sarcoptes scabieivar. hominisin human skin: An ultrastructural study. J Submicrosc Cytol
Pathol29(1):105–113, 1997.
Fontaine, J. Zoonoses et dermatoses: le point de vue du veterinaire. Rev Med Brux
21(4):A247–250, 2000.
Larsson, M.H. Evidências epidemiológicas da ocorrência de escabiose em humanos, cau-
sada pelo Sarcoptes scabiei (Degeer, 1778) var. canis (Botirguignon, 1853). Rev Saude
Publica 12(3):333–339, 1978.
Lee, W.K., B.K. Cho. [Taxonomical approach to scabies mites of human and animals and
their prevalence in Korea]. Korean J Parasitol33(2):85–94, 1995.
Mitra, M., S.K. Mahanta, S. Sen, C. Ghosh, A.K. Hati. Sarcoptes scabieiin animals spread-
ing to man. Trop Geogr Med45(3):142–143, 1993.
Normaznah, Y., K. Saniah, M. Nazma, J.W. Mak, M. Krishnasamy, S.L. Hakin.
Seroprevalence of Sarcoptes scabieivar. canisantibodies among aborigines in peninsular
Malaysia. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health27(1):53–56, 1996.
Parish, L.C., R.M. Schwartzman. Zoonoses of dermatological interest. Semin Dermatol
12(1):57–64, 1993.
Park, G.S., J.S. Park, B.K. Cho, W.K. Lee, J.H. Cho. [Mite infestation rate of pet dogs with
ear dermatoses]. Korean J Parasitol34(2):143–150, 1996.
Skerratt, L.F., I. Beveridge. Human scabies of wombat origin. Aust Vet J77(9):607, 1999.
Schwartzman, R.M. Scabies in animals. In:Parish, L.C., W.B. Nutting, R.M. Schwartzman,
eds. Cutaneous Infestations of Man and Animal. New York: Praeger; 1983.
Smith, E.B., T.F. Claypoole. Canine scabies in dogs and in humans. JAMA 199(2):59–64,
Walton, S.F., J.L. Choy, A. Bonson,et al. Genetically distinct dog-derived and human-
derived Sarcoptes scabieiin scabies-endemic communities in northern Australia. Am J Trop
Med Hyg 61(4):542–547, 1999.

helminthic (see Esophagostomiasis
and ternidensiasis)
liver, amebic (see Amebiasis)
Acanthamebiasis (see Infections caused
by free-living amebae)
Acanthocephaliasis, 222–224
Acanthocephalus,222, 224
Acariasis, sarcoptic (see Zoonotic
Acerina cernua,177
Achatina fulica,228
Acomys albigena,91
African trypanosomiasis, 3–9, 24, 46
hydatidosis, 186
lagochilascariasis, 269
Allodermanyssus sanguineus,327
lagopus,186, 222
Alouatta fusca,65
Amblyomma,350, 353
amebiasis, 11–14, 22
infections caused by free-living,
leptomyxid, 58
Amebiasis, 11–14, 22
Amebiosis (see Amebiasis)
angiostrongyliasis, 225–226
giardiasis, 52
gnathostomiasis, 263
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
sparganosis, 210, 212
Amphimerus pseudofelineus,135
Amphistomum hominis (see
Gastrodiscoides hominis)
Amphistomyiases (see
Anaplasmosis, 355
braziliense, 249–251, 278, 312,
caninum,238, 278, 312, 314, 316
duodenale,249, 312, 314–315
Ancylostomatidae, 101
Ancylostomiasis (see Zoonotic
Ancylostomosis (see Zoonotic
Angiostrongyliasis, 225–230
Angiostrongylosis (see
cantonensis,225–230, 265
costaricensis,225–227, 229–230
Animals, domestic
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312, 316
babesiosis, 15–19
capillariasis, 245, 247
Chagas’ disease, 24, 26, 29, 31
coenurosis, 162, 164
cryptosporidiosis, 35–36
cysticercosis, 166
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 99–101
dicroceliasis, 108–110
dioctophymosis, 252
diphyllobothriasis, 179
dipylidiasis, 181–183

dracunculiasis, 254–257
esophagostomiasis and ternidensiasis,
fascioliasis, 115, 119–120
filariases, zoonotic, 319–322
giardiasis, 52–56
gnathostomiasis, 262
gongylonemiasis, 267
hydatidosis, 184–186, 189, 191–195
cutaneous, 41, 45, 47
visceral, 89–91
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
myiases, 333–336, 340, 343
opisthorchiasis, 135–136
paragonimiasis, 140, 144
pentastomiases, 346–348
scabies, zoonotic, 361, 364
schistosomiasis, 147, 152, 154, 157
sparganosis, 210–211
strongyloidiasis, 282
taeniasis, 214
thelaziasis, 283–284
tick infestations, 353
toxoplasmosis, 78, 81–82
trichinosis, 285, 287, 289, 293, 295
trichostrongyliasis, 299–301
trichuriasis of animal origin, 302–303
trypanosomiasis, African, 3, 6–8
tungiasis, 360
(see also individual species)
Animals, laboratory
amebiasis, 12
babesiosis, 17
baylisascariasis, 242
cryptosporidiosis, 36
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 328–329
filariases, zoonotic, 321
hymenolepiasis, 202
lagochilascariasis, 269
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 46
paragonimiasis, 143
scabies, zoonotic, 362
toxoplasmosis, 80, 82
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also individual species)
Animals, wild
acanthocephaliasis, 222–223
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 313
babesiosis, 17–19
capillariasis, 245–247
Chagas’ disease, 24, 26, 28–29, 31
coenurosis, 162–163
cysticercosis, 166–167
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 99–101
dicroceliasis, 108–109
dioctophymosis, 252
diphylidiasis, 181
diphyllobothriasis, 176–177
dracunculiasis, 254–255
fascioliasis, 115, 120
filariases, zoonotic, 318–319,
giardiasis, 53–55
gnathostomiasis, 262–263, 265
gongylonemiasis, 267
heterophyiasis, 131
hydatidosis, 184–186, 188–190,
lagochilascariasis, 269
cutaneous, 41, 44–45
visceral, 88, 90–91
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
opisthorchiasis, 135
paragonimiasis, 140, 142, 144
pentastomiases, 347–349
scabies, zoonotic, 361
schistosomiasis, 147, 149–150, 154
sparganosis, 210–212
strongyloidiasis, 278
taeniasis, 214
thelaziasis, 283–284
toxoplasmosis, 78, 81, 84
trichinosis, 286–295, 297
trichostrongyliasis, 299, 301
trichuriasis, of animal origin,
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–8
(see also individual species)
Animals, zoo
angiostrongyliasis, 227
baylisascariasis, 243
bertielliasis, 161
giardiasis, 55
scabies, zoonotic, 362–363
(see also individual species)
Anisakiasis, 231–235, 314
Anisakidae, 232–233
Anisakidosis (see Anisakiasis)
Anisakiosis (see Anisakiasis)

Anisakis,231–233, 235, 266
simplex,232–233, 235, 240
Ankylostomiasis (see Zoonotic
Annelids, dioctophymosis, 252
balabacensis balabacensis,66
Anoplocephalid, 160
Anteaters, cutaneous leishmaniasis, 41
(see alsoPangolins)
giardiasis, 55
myiases, 334
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–8
Antilocapra americana,55
dicroceliasis, 108–111
raillietiniasis, 208
Apes, esophagostomiasis and
ternidensiasis, 260
(see also Baboons; Chimpanzees;
Gorillas; Monkeys; Primates,
Apicomplexa, 34, 62, 68, 72, 76
Arctocephalus australis,177
Argas,350, 352–354
Argasidae, 350, 353
Chagas’ disease, 26, 29
trichinosis, 291
Armigeres subalbatus,319
babesiosis, 16
Chagas’ disease, 23
filariases, zoonotic, 318, 323
hydatidosis, 193
hymenolepiasis, 200, 202–203
inermicapsiferiasis, 205
larva migrans, cutaneous, 249, 251
mammomonogamiasis, 271
mesocestoidiasis, 206
raillietiniasis, 208–209
thelaziasis, 283
Artiodactyls, wild, cysticercosis, 166
Arvicanthis,45, 205
Arvicola terrestris scherman,194
Ascariasis, 194–195, 236–240, 327
Ascaridiasis (see Ascariasis)
Ascaridida, 231
Ascaridiosis (see Ascariasis)
Ascaris,235, 238–239, 243, 303–304
lumbricoides,138, 236–240, 270,
303–304, 310
suum,229, 236–240, 303
Australobilharzia,99, 101
divergens,15–18, 352
microti,15–18, 352
Babesiasis (see Babesiosis)
Babesiosis, 15–19, 355
bertielliasis, 161
esophagostomiasis and ternidensiasis,
malaria, 66
schistosomiasis, 149–150, 154
taeniasis, 215
(see also Monkeys)
baylisascariasis, 241
nanophyetiasis, 133
trichinosis, 290
(see alsoMustelids)
Balantidiasis, 20–22
Balantidiosis (see Balantidiasis)

Baylisascariasis, 241–243
Baylisascaris,243, 305
baylisascariasis, 241
diphyllobothriasis, 176–177, 179
nanophyetiasis, 133
thelaziasis, 284
trichinosis, 286, 288–289, 291,
filariases, zoonotic, 321
giardiasis, 53, 55
acanthocephaliasis, 222–224
gongylonemiasis, 267–269
hymenolepiasis, 200, 202
raillietiniasis, 208
Belocaulus angustipes,225
Berne (see Myiases caused by larvae of
Dermatobia hominis)
Bertia studeri(see Bertiella studeri)
Bertielliasis, 160–161
Bilharziasis (see Schistosomiasis)
glabrata,148, 156–157, 226
baylisascariasis, 242–243
capillariasis, 244, 246–247
Chagas’ disease, 24
cryptosporidiosis, 36
cysticercosis, 171
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 101–102
diphyllobothriasis, 177
echinostomiasis, 112–114
giardiasis, 52
gnathostomiasis, 263, 265–266
heterophyiasis, 129, 131
hydatidosis, 193
malaria in nonhuman primates, 63
mammomonogamiasis, 271–272
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
myiases, 334, 340
nanophyetiasis, 132
paragonimiasis, 140
raillietiniasis, 208
schistosomiasis, 150
sparganosis, 210, 212
taeniasis, 217
tick infestations, 352–353
toxoplasmosis, 78, 80–81, 84
trichinosis, 285–286
(see also individual species)
Blatella germanica,267
Boars, wild
acanthocephaliasis, 222–223
capillariasis, 247
cysticercosis, 166
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127
gnathostomiasis, 262–263
gongylonemiasis, 267
paragonimiasis, 142, 144
taeniasis, 214
trichinosis, 286–287, 290, 294
trichuriasis of animal origin, 303
Boil, Aleppo (see Cutaneous
Boophilus,350, 353
microplus,19, 356
burgdorferi,17, 351–352
Bothriocephaliasis (see
Bothriocephalosis (see
Bothriocephalus (see Diphyllobothrium)

Bovidae, 214
Bovines (seeCattle)
Brachyteles arachnoides,65
similaris,108, 225
Brugia,317, 319–320, 322
leporis,317, 319
pahangi,317, 319, 321
Brugiasis, 317, 319–321, 323
Buba (see Cutaneous leishmaniasis)
mammomonogamiasis, 271
scabies, zoonotic, 363–364
thelaziasis, 284
(see alsoBuffalo)
cyclosporiasis, 51
fascioliasis, 118
hydatidosis, 189
myiases, 334
water (see Water buffalo)
Bulimus,103, 135
Bulinus,147, 153
Bunostomum phlebotomum,249–250
Burbot, diphyllobothriasis, 177
(see alsoFish)
Burros, myiases, 339
(see alsoDonkeys)
Calliphoridae, 331, 334, 341–342
Callitroga americana (see
babesiosis, 18
cryptosporidiosis, 35–36
giardiasis, 53–54
myiases, 337
(see also Cattle)
dicroceliasis, 109
hydatidosis, 184–185
scabies, zoonotic, 363
(see alsoCamels)
cysticercosis, 166
hydatidosis, 189
taeniasis, 214
trypanosomiasis, African, 3, 6–7
(see alsoCamelids)
Canaries, dermatitis caused by mites of
animal origin, 327
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 313
coenurosis, 162–164
cysticercosis, 166–167
dioctophymosis, 252
dipylidiasis, 181
filariases, zoonotic, 318
hydatidosis, 184–186
larva migrans
cutaneous, 249
visceral, and toxocariasis, 306
cutaneous, 41
visceral, 88, 90–92
nanophyetiasis, 132–134
paragonimiasis, 140
pentastomiases, 346–347
sparganosis, 210, 212
thelaziasis, 283–284
trichinosis, 294
trichuriasis of animal origin, 302
dioctophymosis, 252–253
heterophyiasis, 130
hydatidosis, 196
larva migrans
cutaneous, 249, 251
visceral, and toxocariasis, 310
visceral, 89
nanophyetiasis, 133
scabies, zoonotic, 362
strongyloidiasis, 277, 280
(see also Canids; Dogs)
lupus,193, 290

Capillariasis, 244–248, 295
Capillariosis (see Capillariasis)
Carambycidae, 224
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312
capillariasis, 245, 247
cryptosporidiosis, 35–36
dioctophymosis, 252
diphyllobothriasis, 177
dracunculiasis, 254–255
echinostomiasis, 112
filariases, zoonotic, 318, 321
gongylonemiasis, 267
hydatidosis, 192
lagochilascariasis, 269
larva migrans, cutaneous, 249–250
leishmaniasis, visceral, 91
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
myiases, 340
nanophyetiasis, 132
paragonimiasis, 140–141, 144
pentastomiases, 346–348
schistosomiasis, 147
sparganosis, 210
toxoplasmosis, 78, 81–84
trichinosis, 286, 290–292
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also individual species)
clonorchiasis, 105
opisthorchiasis, 135–136, 138
(see alsoFish)
Castor canadensis,321
amebiasis, 11–12
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312–315
anisakiasis, 234
capillariasis, 245, 247
Chagas’ disease, 24, 26, 29, 31
clonorchiasis, 103–106
coenurosis, 162
cryptosporidiosis, 36
cysticercosis, 166
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 101
diphyllobothriasis, 176–180
dipylidiasis, 182–183
echinostomiasis, 112
filariases, zoonotic, 317–319,
giardiasis, 53–54, 56
gnathostomiasis, 263–266
heterophyiasis, 129–131
hydatidosis, 186, 188, 194
lagochilascariasis, 269–270
larva migrans
cutaneous, 249–251
visceral, and toxocariasis, 307,
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
myiases, 336
nanophyetiasis, 132–133
opisthorchiasis, 135–137
paragonimiasis, 140–141, 145
sarcocystosis, 73
scabies, zoonotic, 361–362
sparganosis, 210–213
strongyloidiasis, 275, 278, 280, 282
taeniasis, 214–215
thelaziasis, 284
toxoplasmosis, 78, 80–84
trichinosis, 289–290, 292–293
trichuriasis of animal origin, 303
trypanosomiasis, African, 6
(see also Felines)
acanthocephaliasis, 222
amebiasis, 12
ascariasis, 237, 240
babesiosis, 15, 17–19
coenurosis, 163–164
cryptosporidiosis, 34–37
cysticercosis, 166, 169, 171
Chagas’ disease, 26
dermatitis, cercarial, 101
dicroceliasis, 108–109
dioctophymosis, 253
dracunculiasis, 254–255
fascioliasis, 116–120
filariases, zoonotic, 318
giardiasis, 53
gongylonemiasis, 268
hydatidosis, 184, 187, 189, 192, 196
larva migrans, cutaneous, 249–250
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 46
mammomonogamiasis, 271–272
myiases, 332, 334–337, 340–341, 346
pentastomiases, 346
sarcocystosis, 72–75
scabies, zoonotic, 362–363
schistosomiasis, 147, 149, 151–152,
taeniasis, 214–215, 217–219
thelaziasis, 284

tick infestations, 353, 355
toxoplasmosis, 78
trichostrongyliasis, 299–301
trypanosomiasis, African, 3, 6–8
(see also individual species)
Cavia porcellus,26
Cebidae, 62, 65
Cebus,65, 161
Centrocestus armatus,129
Cephalopods (see also Squid), 235
Cercarial dermatitis, 99–102
Cercopithecidae, 62
Cercopithecus,161, 318
Cerdocyon thous,91
Cervidae, 214
Cervids, hydatidosis, 184, 190, 193
(see also Deer)
Cestodiasis, 178, 200, 215, 219
acanthocephaliasis, 222
trichinosis, 289, 291
(see alsoWhales)
Chaetophractus villosus,291
Chagas’ disease, 23–32
Chagas–Mazza disease (see Chagas’
Cheyletiella,328–330, 361–362
Cheyletiellidae, 327
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 313
baylisascariasis, 242
Chagas’ disease, 29–30
cryptosporidiosis, 36
cyclosporiasis, 50
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327–329
dicroceliasis, 110
gnathostomiasis, 263–264, 266
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
leishmaniasis, visceral, 90
mesocestoidiasis, 207
tick infestations, 352, 354
toxoplasmosis, 80
trypanosomiasis, African, 6
Chiclero ulcer (see Cutaneous
Chigoe (see Tungiasis)
amebiasis, 13
ascariasis, 236
malaria, 63, 66
trichuriasis of animal origin, 302
(see also Monkeys; Primates,
Chrysomya bezziana,331, 334, 342
Cilus montti,233
Cionella lubrica,108
opisthorchiasis, 135
paragonimiasis, 144
(see alsoFelines)
dermatitis, cercarial, 99–102
echinostomiasis, 113–114
Clarias batrachus,266
Clonorchiasis, 103–107, 124
Clonorchis,103, 131, 135, 137
sinensis,103–106, 136
Clostridium novyi,118–119
Coatis, angiostrongyliasis, 225
americana (see Cochliomyia
acanthocephaliasis, 222
gongylonemiasis, 267
hymenolepiasis, 200, 203
pentastomiases, 345
toxoplasmosis, 81, 84
anisakiasis, 233
diphyllobothriasis, 177
Cod worm disease (see Anisakiasis)
Codfish, anisakiasis, 233–234
Coenuriasis (see Coenurosis)
Coenurosis, 162–165
Coenurus,163–164, 167
Cojinobas, anisakiasis, 233

Coleopterans (see Beetles)
Conjunctivitis, amebic (see Infection,
caused by free-living amebae)
Contracaecum,231–232, 234
diphyllobothriasis, 176–177, 179
dracunculiasis, 254, 256–257
gnathostomiasis, 263
sparganosis, 210, 212–213
anthropophaga,331, 334
Corvina, anisakiasis, 233
Corynosoma strumosum,222–223
Cottidae, 132
Cowdriosis, 355
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
mammomonogamiasis, 272
microsporidiosis, 69
scabies, zoonotic, 362
taeniasis, 217
trypanosomiasis, African, 6
(see also Cattle)
Coxiella burnetii,351
capillariasis, 245
coenurosis, 162
cysticercosis, 167
giardiasis, 54
nanophyetiasis, 132
opisthorchiasis, 135
thelaziasis, 284
trichinosis, 291–292
Crayfish, paragonimiasis, 141–142,
Croakers, diphyllobothriasis, 177
(see alsoFish)
pentastomiases, 345
sparganosis, 211
Crocuta crocuta,291
acanthocephaliasis, 222
angiostrongyliasis, 226, 229–230
anisakiasis, 232
diphyllobothriasis, 176–177
dracunculiasis, 254, 257
gnathostomiasis, 263
paragonimiasis, 141–142, 144–145
sparganosis, 210, 212
(see also Copepods; Shrimp)
Cryptocotyle lingua,128
Cryptosporidiosis, 34–37
Cuniculus paca,186, 189
Cutaneous larva migrans, 143, 249–251
Cutaneous leishmaniasis, 38–47, 86, 87,
features of Leishmania infections,
table, 41
Cuterebra,331, 335–336
Cuterebridae, 334
Cyclops,177, 210, 254, 256, 263
Cyclospora,34, 50–51, 68, 72
Cyclosporiasis, 49–51
Cyprinidae, 103, 132
Cyst, hydatid (see Hydatidosis)
Cysticercosis, 124, 143, 145, 166–173,
190, 203, 215–219
bovis,166, 215
cellulosae,166–168, 171, 214
racemosus,167, 215
Cystomyiasis, 342
babesiosis, 18
cryptosporidiosis, 36
cysticercosis, 166
giardiasis, 55
hydatidosis, 184–185, 190, 193
mammomonogamiasis, 271
myiases, 337
pentastomiases, 346
taeniasis, 214
thelaziasis, 284
Dendrohyrax arboreus,45

Dermacentor,350–351, 353
andersoni,351, 353–354
marginatus,351, 354
variabilis,351, 353–354
Dermanyssidae, 327
Dermanyssus gallinae,327–328
bather’s (see Cercarial dermatitis)
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 99–102
creeping verminous (see Cutaneous
larva migrans)
schistosome (see Cercarial dermatitis)
swimmer’s (see Cercarial dermatitis)
trypanosomiasis, African, 5
Dermatobia hominis,331–332, 334–335
Dermatophiliasis (see Tungiasis)
Dibothriocephaliasis (see
Dicroceliasis, 108–111
Dicroceliosis (see Dicroceliasis)
Dicrocoeliasis (see Dicroceliasis)
Dicrocoelium,109, 110
dendriticum,108, 110
lanceolatum(see Dicrocoelium
marsupialis,23, 26, 45
Dingoes, hydatidosis, 193
Dioctophymiasis (see Dioctophymosis)
Dioctophymosis, 252–253
Dipetalonema,317, 320–322
Diphyllobothriasis, 176–180
larval (see Sparganosis)
klebanovskii,176–177, 179
(see also Spirometra)
Dipylidiasis, 181–183
Dipylidiosis (see Dipylidiasis)
Dipylidium caninum,181–183, 206–207
Dirofilaria,305, 317–322
immitis,317, 320–323
Dirofilariasis, 319–322
hepatic (see Fascioliasis)
pulmonary (see Paragonimiasis)
acanthocephaliasis, 222
amebiasis, 11–12
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312–315
angiostrongyliasis, 225
babesiosis, 15
balantidiasis, 20–21
baylisascariasis, 241
capillariasis, 245–247
Chagas’ disease, 24, 26, 28–29, 31
clonorchiasis, 103–106
coenurosis, 162–165
cyclosporiasis, 50
cysticercosis, 166–167, 171
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 101
dicroceliasis, 108–109
dioctophymosis, 252–253
diphyllobothriasis, 176–180
dipylidiasis, 181–183
dracunculiasis, 254, 256–257
echinostomiasis, 112
filariases, zoonotic, 317–323
giardiasis, 53–56
gnathostomiasis, 262–266
heterophyiasis, 129–131
hydatidosis, 184–189, 191–197
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
lagochilascariasis, 270
larva migrans

cutaneous, 249–251
visceral, and toxocariasis,
306–307, 309–311
cutaneous, 41, 44–45, 47
visceral, 88–93
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
microsporidiosis, 69–70
myiases, 333–336, 340
nanophyetiasis, 132–134
opisthorchiasis, 135–136
paragonimiasis, 140–141, 143, 145
pentastomiases, 346–348
sarcocystosis, 73
scabies, zoonotic, 361–363
schistosomiasis, 147, 150, 154
sparganosis, 210–211, 213
strongyloidiasis, 275–278, 280–282
taeniasis, 214–215
thelaziasis, 283–284
toxoplasmosis, 78, 80
trichinosis, 288, 290, 292–293
trichuriasis of animal origin, 303–
trypanosomiasis, African, 3, 6–7
tungiasis, 357, 359
(see also Canines)
Dolphins, anisakiasis, 232
(see alsoCetaceans)
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 44
microsporidiosis, 69
trypanosomiasis, African, 3
(see alsoBurros)
Dracontiasis (see Dracunculiasis)
Dracunculiasis, 254–258
Dracunculosis (see Dracunculiasis)
Dracunculus,254–255, 257
clonorchiasis, 107
cyclosporiasis, 50
dermatitis, cercarial, 99, 101–102
echinostomiasis, 112
gnathostomiasis, 263–264, 266
amebic (see Amebiasis)
balantidial (see Balantidiasis)
Earthworms, mammomonogamiasis,
Echinococciasis (see Hydatidosis)
Echinococcosis (see Hydatidosis)
alveolaris (see E. multilocularis)
granulosus,184–187, 189–194, 196
multilocularis,184–189, 191–194
oligarthrus,184, 186–187, 189, 191,
sibiricensis (see E. multilocularis)
vogeli,184, 186–187, 189, 191,
Echinorhynchus gigas,222
lindoense(see E. echinatum)
Echinostomatidae, 112
Echinostomatidosis (see
Echinostomiasis, 112–114
intermediate hosts and their
distribution, table, 113
Edentates, wild, cutaneous
leishmaniasis, 41
Eels, gnathostomiasis, 264, 266
Ehrlichia,17, 351–352
Encephalitis, amebic, granulomatous
(see Infection, caused by free-
living amebae)
Enhydra lutris,222
Entamebiasis (see Amebiasis)
dispar,11, 14
histolytica,11–14, 21, 60
Enteritis,Giardia(see Giardiasis)
Enterobacter agglomerans,359

Enterobius vermicularis,203
babesiosis, 18
Chagas’ disease, 26
coenurosis, 164
cryptosporidiosis, 35–36
dioctophymosis, 253
dracunculiasis, 254–255
fascioliasis, 117, 119
hydatidosis, 184–185
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 44
micronemiasis, 273–275
myiases, 332–334, 338–339
pentastomiases, 346
scabies, zoonotic, 363
schistosomiasis, 154
toxoplasmosis, 78
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also individual species)
Erethizon dorsatum,321
Escherichia coli,61, 359
Esophagostomiasis and ternidensiasis,
Espundia (see Cutaneous leishmaniasis)
Eucalliphora latifrons,342
Eurytrema pancreaticum,110
Eyeworm (see Thelaziasis)
Fasciola,117–118, 120, 122, 131, 266
gigantica,115–119, 126
hepatica,115–119, 126
Fascioliasis, 115–122
Fasciolopsiasis, 124–126
Fasciolopsis buski,124–126, 128
Fasciolosis (see Fascioliasis)
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 213–313,
dipylidiasis, 181
filariases, zoonotic, 319
gnathostomiasis, 262
hydatidosis, 186, 189
larva migrans, visceral, and
toxocariasis, 307, 309
paragonimiasis, 140
pentastomiases, 346–347
scabies, zoonotic, 361–362
sparganosis, 210–212
toxoplasmosis, 76–78, 81, 83–84
trichinosis, 289, 291
(see also Cats)
cyclosporiasis, 50
nanophyetiasis, 133
black (see Visceral leishmaniasis)
Burdwan (see Visceral leishmaniasis)
dum-dum (see Visceral
Elokomin fluke (see Nanophyetiasis)
infantile splenic (see Visceral
tick, 351–352
Bancroft’s, 320
due to Brugia malayi (see Zoonotic
zoonotic (see Zoonotic filariases)
acanthocephaliasis, 222
angiostrongyliasis, 226, 229
anisakiasis, 232–235
capillariasis, 244, 246–247
clonorchiasis, 103–106
cyclosporiasis, 51
dioctophymosis, 252–253
diphyllobothriasis, 176–180
echinostomiasis, 112–114
gnathostomiasis, 263–266
heterophyiasis, 129–131
nanophyetiasis, 132–134
opisthorchiasis, 135–138
pentastomiases, 345

schistosomiasis, 154, 156
sparganosis, 210
burrowing (see Tungiasis)
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 330
dipylidiasis, 181–183
hymenolepiasis, 200
jigger (see Tungiasis)
sand (see Tungiasis)
amebiasis, 13–14
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 316
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 330
hydatidosis, 193–194
hymenolepiasis, 203
cutaneous, 38, 42, 44
visceral, 90
mango (see Myiases caused by larvae
of Cordylobia anthropophaga)
myiases, 331–343
raillietiniasis, 208
thelaziasis, 283–284
tick infestations, 355
toxoplasmosis, 81, 84
trypanosomiasis, African, 3–5, 7–9
tumbu (see Myiases caused by larvae
of Cordylobia anthropophaga)
(see also individual species)
Fluke disease
Chinese liver (see Clonorchiasis)
lung (see Paragonimiasis)
oriental liver (see Clonorchiasis)
sheep liver (see Clonorchiasis)
cryptosporidiosis, 36
giardiasis, 53
(see also Equines; Horses)
acanthocephaliasis, 222
capillariasis, 245–246, 248 coenurosis, 162–163 cysticercosis, 166–167, 169
diphyllobothriasis, 177
dipylidiasis, 182
heterophyiasis, 129
hydatidosis, 186, 188–189, 192–194
leishmaniasis, visceral, 88, 90–92
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
myiases, 340
nanophyetiasis, 132
opisthorchiasis, 135
sparganosis, 211
thelaziasis, 284
trichinosis, 286, 290–291
Francisella tularensis,351
Free-living amebae, infections caused
by, 58–61
dioctophymosis, 252–253
dracunculiasis, 256
gnathostomiasis, 263–264, 266
mesocestoidiasis, 207
paragonimiasis, 141
sparganosis, 211–213
Gasterophilus,331, 339–340, 343
Gastrodiscidae, 127
Gastrodiscoidiasis, 127–128
Gastropods, angiostrongyliasis, 225
(see alsoMollusks)
Gazelles, coenurosis, 162
dermatitis, cercarial, 99, 101
echinostomiasis, 112
myiases, 340
Genetta sangalensis,91

capillariasis, 244, 246–247
cysticercosis, 169
giardiasis, 55
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 41, 45
schistosomiasis, 150
(see alsoRodents)
Giardia,51–53, 55–56
intestinalis,37, 52–56, 201
muris,52, 54
Giardiasis, 52–56
baylisascariasis, 243
giardiasis, 54
malaria, 62–63
(see alsoPrimates, nonhuman)
Gid (see Coenurosis)
Gigantobilharzia,99, 101
Gnathostoma,262, 266, 305
spinigerum,230, 262–266
Gnathostomiasis, 262–266
Gnathostomosis (see Gnathostomiasis)
amebiasis, 11
ascariasis, 237, 240
coenurosis, 162, 164
cryptosporidiosis, 36
Chagas’ disease, 26
dicroceliasis, 108–110
fascioliasis, 117–118
hydatidosis, 184, 189
mammomonogamiasis, 271
microsporidiosis, 69
myiases, 332–334, 338
paragonimiasis, 140
pentastomiases, 346–348
scabies, zoonotic, 362–364
schistosomiasis, 154
thelaziasis, 284
toxoplasmosis, 78–80, 82
trichostrongyliasis, 299
trypanosomiasis, African, 3
Gongylonema pulchrum,267–269
Gongylonematosis (see
Gongylonemiasis, 267–269
Goniobasis plicifera,132
ascariasis, 236
filariases, zoonotic, 318
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
malaria, 63
Granulomatosis, larval (see Visceral
larva migrans and toxocariasis)
Graomis griseoflavus,291
Grasshoppers, dicroceliasis, 110
Guinea pigs
amebiasis, 12
balantidiasis, 20
Chagas’ disease, 26, 29
giardiasis, 55
gongylonemiasis, 268
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
myiases, 332
toxoplasmosis, 80
trichinosis, 285–286
(see also Rodents)
Guinea worm disease (see
Gyraulus,113, 124
Haemaphysalis,350–351, 353–354
Haemonchus contortus,299
Hake, anisakiasis, 233
(see alsoFish)
deletrix (see Micronema deletrix)
gingivalis (see Micronema

amebiasis, 12
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312
ascariasis, 238
babesiosis, 16–17
cyclosporiasis, 50
cysticercosis, 167
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 328
dicroceliasis, 109
giardiasis, 55
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
cutaneous, 39–40, 44, 46
visceral, 91–92
scabies, zoonotic, 362
trichinosis, 285–286
coenurosis, 162
hydatidosis, 193
thelaziasis, 284
(see alsoLagomorphs; Leporids)
Helicella candidula,108
Helminthiasis (see Lagochilascariasis)
Helminthoma (see Esophagostomiasis
and ternidensiasis)
Hemoptysis, endemic (see
coenurosis, 162, 164
dicroceliasis, 108–109
fascioliasis, 115, 119–120
gongylonemiasis, 268
mammomonogamiasis, 271
pentastomiases, 346–348
schistosomiasis, 147
tick infestations, 353
trichinosis, 288
(see also individual species)
Herpetosoma rangeli (see Trypanosoma
Herring worm disease (see Anisakiasis)
Herrings, anisakiasis, 232–234
Heterobilharzia,99, 101
Heterohyrax brucei,45
Heterophydiasis (see Heterophyiasis)
heterophyes,105, 128–131
Heterophyiasis, 128–131
Heterophyidae, 128
Heterophyopsis continua,129
Hippeutis,113, 124
Hippoboscidae, 330
Hookworm disease (see Zoonotic
coenurosis, 164
cryptosporidiosis, 35–36
fascioliasis, 117
filariases, zoonotic, 318
gongylonemiasis, 267
heterophyiasis, 130
hydatidosis, 185, 189
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
micronemiasis, 274
myiases, 339
scabies, zoonotic, 361–363
toxoplasmosis, 78
trichinosis, 288
trypanosomiasis, African, 3, 7
(see also Equines)
Hyaena hyaena,291
Hyalomma,350, 353–354
Hydatid disease (see Hydatidoisis)
Hydatidosis, 163–164, 184–197, 203
canine echinococcosis, 196
intestinal echinococcosis, 195
sparganosis, 212–213
trichinosis, 286, 289, 291, 293–294

trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also Felines)
Hyla coeruela,211
Hylobatidae, 62
Hymenolepiasis, 199–203
Hymenolepis,200, 203
diminuta,199, 202
Hypoderaeum conoideum,112–113
Hypoderma,249, 331, 336–337
Hyraxes, cutaneous leishmaniasis, 41,
Idus melanotus,137
Inermicapsifer,205, 209
arvicanthidis (see I.
cubensis (see I. madagascariensis)
Inermicapsiferiasis, 205
broad tapeworm (see
caused by free-living amebae, 58–61
dog (see Dipylidiasis)
unspecified, 160–161, 162–165,
205, 206–207, 208–209
Clonorchis sinensis(see
Cryptosporidium (see
Dicrocoelium dendriticum(see
heterophyes (see Heterophyiasis)
lancet fluke (see Dicroceliasis)
nodular worm (see
Esophagostomiasis and
Paragonimussp. (see
plerocercoid (see Sparganosis)
dog (see Dipylidiasis)
fish (see Diphyllobothriasis)
tongue worm (see Pentastomiases)
brucei gambiense(see African
brucei rhodesiense(see African
cruzi(see Chagas’ disease)
schistosomiasis, 147, 154
sparganosis, 210
toxoplasmosis, 78
angiostrongyliasis, 229
anisakiasis, 235
filariases, zoonotic, 318
microsporidiosis, 68–69
Isospora,34, 49, 68, 72
clam digger’s (see Cercarial
sarcoptic (see Zoonotic scabies)
seven-year (see Zoonotic scabies)
swimmer’s (see Cercarial dermatitis)
Ixodes,350, 353–354
cookei,351, 353
dammini,16, 352
holocyclus,352, 354
ricinus,16, 18, 352, 354
scapularis,16, 18 352–353
Ixodidae, 350, 353
coenurosis, 162
dioctophymosis, 252
hydatidosis, 189
leishmaniasis, visceral, 88, 91
trichinosis, 289, 291
Jaguars, hydatidosis, 186
(see also Felines)

Jaguarundis, hydatidosis, 186
(see also Felines)
amebiasis, 12
(see alsoGerbils)
Juga,132, 141
Jurel, anisakiasis, 233–234
(see alsoFish)
Kala-azar (see Visceral leishmaniasis)
Kangaroos, hydatidosis, 185, 193
Katayama syndrome (see
Keratoconjunctivitis, amebic (see
Infection, caused by free-living
Klebsiella aerogenes,359
Lagochilascariasis, 269–270
Lagochilascaris,270, 305
baylisascariasis, 242–243
Chagas’ disease, 24
coenurosis, 162
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327
fascioliasis, 120
myiases, 335–336, 340
pentastomiases, 346–347
(see also individual species;
Lambliasis (see Giardiasis)
Lambs (see Sheep)
Lampreys, nanophyetiasis, 132
currens (see Cutaneous larva
caused by Gnathostoma(see
cutaneous (see Cutaneous larva
Leishmania,38–39, 88
aethiopica,39, 41
amazonensis,39–41, 43–44, 47, 86
braziliensis,39–41, 43–44, 46–47, 86
chagasi,40, 41, 44, 86, 87, 88, 92
donovani,41, 86, 87
guyanensis,39–41, 43
infantum,41, 86–87, 89
major,39, 41
mexicana,39–42, 44–46
panamensis,39–41, 43
peruviana,39–41, 43–45, 47
tropica,39–41, 44–47, 86
venezuelensis,39–41, 43
cutaneous (see Cutaneous
post–kala-azar (see Visceral
visceral (see Visceral leishmaniasis)
malaria, 62
trichuriasis of animal origin, 302
(see also Primates, nonhuman)
paragonimiasis, 144
trichinosis, 286, 291
(see also Felines)
Lepidoptera, hymenolepiasis, 200
Leporids, coenurosis, 163–164
(see alsoLagomorphs)
Leprosy, lepromatous, 43
Leptodactylus ocellatus,211
Leptomyxida, 58
Lepus californicus,284
Linguatuliasis (see Pentastomiases)
Linguatulosis (see Pentastomiases)
trichinosis, 286, 291
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also Felines)
Liponyssoides sanguineus,327–328
Loa loa,318

Louse, dog, dipylidiasis, 181
Lumbriculus variegatus,252
Lutzomyia,38, 44
longipalpis,41, 90
Lycalopex vetulus,88, 90
Lymnaea,99, 101, 122–113, 115,
auricularia, 116
truncatula,116–117, 120
Lymnaeidae, 115–116, 120
hydatidosis, 186
mesocestoidiasis, 207
nanophyetiasis, 132
trichinosis, 290
(see also Felines)
Macaca,161, 246
irus,127, 321
mulatta,66, 127
Macracanthorhynchosis (see
Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus,
Macronyssidae, 327–328
Malaria in nonhuman primates, 62–67
Plasmodium species that infect
primates, table 2, 63
amebiasis, 11
anisakiasis, 232–234
ascariasis, 238
babesiosis, 15–16
baylisascariasis, 242
capillariasis, 244–245, 247
Chagas’ disease, 23–24, 26, 28
clonorchiasis, 103, 105
cryptosporidiosis, 34–36
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 99, 101
dioctophymosis, 252
diphyllobothriasis, 177, 179–180
echinostomiasis, 112–113
fascioliasis, 117
giardiasis, 52–53
gnathostomiasis, 263, 265
heterophyiasis, 129, 131
infections caused by free-living
amebae, 58, 61
cutaneous, 44
visceral, 87
malaria in nonhuman primates, 63–64
mammomonogamiasis, 271
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
myiases, 334
paragonimiasis, 141, 143
pentastomiases, 346, 348–349
raillietiniasis, 208
sarcocystosis, 72, 74
scabies, zoonotic, 361
schistosomiasis, 147, 154
sparganosis, 210, 212
thelaziasis, 283–284
tick infestations, 353
trichinosis, 285, 287, 289, 291, 294
(see also individual species)
Mammomonogamiasis, 271–272
filariases, zoonotic, 318
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 58–59
malaria, 66
(see alsoMonkeys; Primates)
Mange (seeZoonotic scabies)
Manis javanica,319
Mansonella ozzardi,318
Mansonia,319, 322–323

Marisa cornuarietis,156
Chagas’ disease, 23, 26
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 328
hydatidosis, 185, 193
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 41, 45
paragonimiasis, 140
scabies, zoonotic, 361
sparganosis, 211
toxoplasmosis, 78
trichinosis, 289
(see also Opossums)
Meles meles,290
Melomys littoralis,229
Meningitis, eosinophilic (see
eosinophilic (seeAngiostrongyliasis)
primary amebic (seeInfection,
caused by free-living amebae)
Merluccius gayi,233
Mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
yokogawai,105, 128–131
amebiasis, 12
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312
angiostrongyliasis, 230
babesiosis, 17–18
baylisascariasis, 242
Chagas’ disease, 30
coenurosis, 162
cryptosporidiosis, 34, 36
cyclosporiasis, 50
cysticercosis, 167
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 101
giardiasis, 55
gnathostomiasis, 263
hymenolepiasis, 199–201
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59–60
lagochilascariasis, 269
leishmaniasis, visceral, 92
microsporidiosis, 69–70
myiases, 336
paragonimiasis, 145
toxoplasmosis, 78, 80, 82
trichinosis, 285–286
trypanosomiasis, African, 8–9
(see also Rats; Rodents)
Microbilharzia,99, 101
Micronemiasis, 273–275
Microspora, 68
Microsporidiosis, 68–71
pennsylvanicus,18, 291
acanthocephaliasis, 223
dioctophymosis, 252–253
myiases, 340
nanophyetiasis, 132
trichinosis, 291
Mirunta (see Myiases, caused by larvae
of Dermatobia hominis)
bertielliasis, 160–161
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327–331
scabies, zoonotic, 361–364
angiostrongyliasis, 225–227, 229–230
dermatitis, cercarial, 99
dicroceliasis, 110
echinostomiasis, 112, 114
fascioliasis, 122
fasciolopsiasis, 124–125
heterophyiasis, 129–131
opisthorchiasis, 135
paragonimiasis, 141
schistosomiasis, 153
(see also individual species)
Mongooses, echinostomiasis, 112
MO1, 15–16

Moniliformis moniliformis,222–223
acanthocephaliasis, 222
amebiasis, 12–13
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312
ascariasis, 236
balantidiasis, 21
baylisascariasis, 242–244
bertielliasis, 160–161
capillariasis, 246–247
cyclosporiasis, 50
cysticercosis, 166
dicroceliasis, 110
dracunculiasis, 254–255
esophagostomiasis and ternidensiasis,
filariases, zoonotic,317–319, 321
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127
gongylonemiasis, 267
malaria, 62–68
microsporidiosis, 69
paludism (seeMonkeys, malaria)
paragonimiasis, 140
raillietiniasis, 208
sarcocystosis, 73–74
schistosomiasis, 147, 154
strongyloidiasis, 278
taeniasis, 214
trichinosis, 286
trichuriasis of animal origin, 302
(see also Primates, nonhuman)
Morellia simplex,284
Morerastrongylus costaricensis (see
Angiostrongylus costaricensis)
filariases, zoonotic, 319–320,
leishmaniasis, visceral, 91
malaria in nonhuman primates, 63–66
tick infestations, 355
Moyocuil (see Myiases, caused by
larvae of Dermatobia hominis)
Mucha (see Myiases, caused by larvae
ofDermatobia hominis)
Mules, African trypanosomiasis, 3
Mullet, heterophyiasis, 129–130
(see alsoFish)
Mus musculus,328
Muscina stabulans,342
Mustela sibirica itatsi,263
dioctophymosis, 252–253
filariases, zoonotic, 318
trichinosis, 286, 291
(see alsoBadgers)
Myiases, 331–343
caused by larvae of
Chrysomya bezziana,334
Cochliomyia hominivorax,331–334
Cordylobia anthropophaga,334
Dermatobia hominis,334–335
Oestrus ovis,338–339
Rhinoestrus purpureus,338–339
Naegleriasis (see Infection, caused by
free-living amebae)
Nagana, 6
Nanophyetiasis, 132–134
Nanophyetus salmincola,130, 132, 134
Nassarius,99, 101
Nasturtium officinale,120
Nasua narica,225
americanus,249, 261
Necatoriasis (seeZoonotic
Negleriasis (see Infection, caused by
free-living amebae)
helminthoeca,130, 133
Neospora caninum,78

Notocotylus attenuatus,107
Notoedres,361, 362
dracunculiasis, 254
nanophyetiasis, 132
Nymphaea lotus,125
Odobaenus rosmarus,291
apiostomum (see O. aculeatum)
Oestriasis, 338
Oestridae, 336
Oestrus ovis,331, 338
pentastomiasis, 347
sarcocystosis, 73
toxoplasmosis, 81
trichinosis, 286, 290, 292
Oncifelis geoffroyi,78
Onchocerca,317–318, 322
gutturosa,281, 318
Oncomelania,141, 147–148, 153, 225
masou masou,265
Opisthorchiasis, 135–138, 295
pseudofelineus (see Amphimerus
baylisascariasis, 241
Chagas’ disease, 23, 26, 29
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 45
Ornithodoros,350, 352–353
Oryzomys caliginosus,227
flavescens (see O. byronia)
Otariidae, 177
Otobius megnini,353–354
Otocariasis, 354
Otodectes cynotis,361
acanthocephaliasis, 222
dermatitis, cercarial, 100–101
dioctophymosis, 252
diphyllobothriasis, 179
strongyloidiasis, 279
Ovines (see Sheep)
plicifer var. silicula,135
Ozena, 333
Pacas, hydatidosis, 189
(see also Rodents)
Pangolins, zoonotic filariases, 319
(see alsoAnteaters)
Panstrongylus megistus,24, 29
Panthers, trichinosis, 286
(see alsoFelines)
Papio,154, 161
manchouricus,103, 105
Paragonimiasis, 106, 124, 140–145

africanus,140–141, 145
ecuadoriensis (see P. mexicanus)
heterotremus,138, 141, 143, 145
mexicanus,140–142, 145
miyazakii,140, 142, 145
peruvianus (see P. mexicanus)
skrjabini,140–141, 143, 145
westermani,140–144, 156, 266
Paralonchurus peruanus,177
Parastrongylus cantonensis,225
Partridges, mesocestoidiasis, 207
(see also Birds)
Peccaries, acanthocephaliasis, 222
Pediculosis, 330
(see alsoFleas)
Pelicans, heterophyiasis, 129
(see alsoBirds)
Pelodera strongyloides,249
Pentastomiases, 245–350
Perch, diphyllobothriasis, 177
(see alsoFish)
Peromyscus leucopus,17–18
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 315, 316
baylisascariasis, 243
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 330
dipylidiasis, 183
scabies, zoonotic, 362, 364
strongyloidiasis, 281
Phacochoerus aethiopicus,289
Phaenicia sericata (see Lucilia
Philodryas patagoniense,211
Phlebotomidae, 38
Phlebotomus,38, 45, 91
argentipes,41, 91
orientalis,41, 91
Phortina variegata,283
Physa,99, 101
Pian-bois (see Cutaneous leishmaniasis)
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327–328
tick infestations, 352, 354
Pigs (seeSwine)
Pike, diphyllobothriasis, 177
(see alsoFish)
acanthocephaliasis, 222
diphyllobothriasis, 177
trichinosis, 289, 291
(see alsoSeals; Sea lions; Walruses)
Piroplasmosis (see Babesiosis)
Planorbidae, 101
Planorbis,99, 113
Plasmodium,17, 18, 62–63, 66–67,
coatneyi,63, 66
cynomolgi,63, 65–66
eylesi,62–63, 65–66
falciparum,18, 62–64
gonderi,63, 66
inui,62–63, 65
ovale,62–63, 66
reichenowi,63, 65

schwetzi,62–63, 65–66
simium,62–63, 65–66
vivax,62–63, 66
Pleuroceridae, 132
Poikilotherms, sparganosis, 213
Poisoning, salmon (see Nanophyetiasis)
Polyclemus peruanus,233
Pongidae, 62
Pontoporeia affinis,222
Porcupines, zoonotic filariases, 321
Porocephaliasis (see Pentastomiases)
Porocephalidae, 345
Porocephalosis (see Pentastomiases)
Porpoises, anisakiasis, 232
(see also Birds)
Potamochoerus porcus,289, 294
Presbytis obscurus,321
amebiasis, 11
angiostrongyliasis, 227
balantidiasis, 20–21
capillariasis, 246
Chagas’ disease, 23
cryptosporidiosis, 35
esophagostomiasis and ternidensiasis,
259, 260
filariases, zoonotic, 318
giardiasis, 54–55
scabies, zoonotic, 361
strongyloidiasis, 275, 277, 281
toxoplasmosis, 78
trichinosis, 289
trichuriasis of animal origin, 303
(see also Baboons; Chimpanzees;
Primates, nonhuman,
amebiasis, 11–13
ascariasis, 240
bertielliasis, 160–161
esophagostomiasis and ternidensiasis,
filariases, zoonotic, 319
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127
giardiasis, 54–55
malaria, 62–67
pentastomiases, 349
scabies, zoonotic, 362
schistosomiasis, 150
sparganosis, 210
strongyloidiasis, 275, 277–278,
tungiasis, 357
(see also Baboons; Chimpanzees;
Procavia capensis,45
Procyon lotor,55, 319
Proechimys guayannensis,44
Protophormia terraenovae,341
Psammomys obesus,45
Pseudalopex gracilis,291
Pseudophyllidea, 145
Psoroptidae, 361
Pulex irritans,181
hydatidosis, 186
trichinosis, 287
(see also Felines)
Pygidiopsis summa,129
amebiasis, 11–12
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 313
baylisascariasis, 242
Chagas’ disease, 26, 30
coenurosis, 162
cyclosporiasis, 50
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327–328, 330
dicroceliasis, 108
fascioliasis, 117, 119–120
filariases, zoonotic,317, 319
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
microsporidiosis, 70
myiases, 332, 336
paragonimiasis, 140, 142

pentastomiases, 347
scabies, zoonotic, 361–362
toxoplasmosis, 80
trichinosis, 285–286
baylisascariasis, 241–243
Chagas’ disease, 26
dermatitis, cercarial, 100–101
dracunculiasis, 254
filariases, zoonotic, 318–319, 322
giardiasis, 55
nanophyetiasis, 132–133
strongyloidiasis, 279, 281
thelaziasis, 284
Radiculomyeloencephalitis, 228
Radix,112–113, 116
Raillietina,205, 209
equatoriensis (see R. demerariensis)
formosana (see R. celebensis)
leoni (see R. demerariensis)
luisaleoni (see R. demerariensis)
quitensis (see R. demerariensis)
Raillietiniasis, 208–209
Rana boulengeri,141
acanthocephaliasis, 222–223
amebiasis, 11–12
angiostrongyliasis, 225–229
balantidiasis, 20–21
baylisascariasis, 241
capillariasis, 245–247
Chagas’ disease, 28–30
clonorchiasis, 103, 105, 106
cyclosporiasis, 50
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 101
diphyllobothriasis, 177
echinostomiasis, 112, 114
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127
giardiasis, 54–55
gnathostomiasis, 263
hymenolepiasis, 200–202
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
cutaneous, 45
visceral, 91
microsporidiosis, 70
myiases, 334
nanophyetiasis, 133
pentastomiases, 349
raillietiniasis, 208–209
schistosomiasis, 147, 150, 154
sparganosis, 212
trichinosis, 285–287, 289–290,
292–293, 295
trypanosomiasis, African, 3–4
(see also Mice; Rodents)
norvegicus,55, 201, 208, 226–227,
rattus,91, 208, 223, 226–227, 328
angiostrongyliasis, 226
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 328
giardiasis, 52
gnathostomiasis, 263
mesocestoidiasis, 206–207
pentastomiases, 346
sparganosis, 210, 212
(see also individual species)
Retinoblastoma, 308, 310
Rhinoceroses, zoonotic ancylostomiasis,
Rhinoestrus purpureus,331, 338–339
Rhinomyiasis, 333
Rhipicephalus,350, 353–354
Rhodnius prolixus,24, 29
Rhombomys opimus,45
acanthocephaliasis, 222
amebiasis, 11–12
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312–313
angiostrongyliasis, 225–226, 229–230
babesiosis, 15, 17–19

balantidiasis, 21
baylisascariasis, 242–247
capillariasis, 246
Chagas’ disease, 24
coenurosis, 162–164
cryptosporidiosis, 35–36
cysticercosis, 166–167, 169–170
caused by mites of animal origin,
cercarial, 101
dicroceliasis, 108
dracunculiasis, 254
echinostomiasis, 112, 114
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127
giardiasis, 52, 54
gnathostomiasis, 263
gongylonemiasis, 267
hydatidosis, 186, 189, 192–194
hymenolepiasis, 199–203
inermicapsiferiasis, 205
larva migrans, visceral, and
toxocariasis, 306
cutaneous, 41, 44–45
visceral, 88, 91, 100–101
malaria in nonhuman primates, 63
mesocestoidiasis, 206
microsporidiosis, 70
myiases, 335–336, 340
paragonimiasis, 140, 142
pentastomiases, 345, 348
raillietiniasis, 208–209
schistosomiasis, 147, 149–150, 154
sparganosis, 210
tick infestations, 353
toxoplasmosis, 78, 81, 84
trichinosis, 288, 290–291
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also Mice; Rats)
coenurosis, 162
cryptosporidiosis, 35
dicroceliasis, 108–110
fascioliasis, 115, 117
giardiasis, 54
gongylonemiasis, 267–269
mammomonogamiasis, 272
schistosomiasis, 147, 152
toxoplasmosis, 78
trichostrongyliasis, 300–301
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
(see also individual species)
Sable, baylisascariasis, 241
Saguinus mystax,225
Saimiri,63, 66
gnathostomiasis, 263
nanophyetiasis, 132
Salivaria, 3
anisakiasis, 235
diphyllobothriasis, 177
heterophyiasis, 129
nanophyetiasis, 132–134
diphyllobothriasis, 177
nanophyetiasis, 134
(see also individual species)
Salvelinus,132, 177
Sarcocystis,34, 72–73, 76
bovicanis (see S. cruzi)
bovifelis (see S. hirsuta)
bovihominis (see S. hominis)
suicanis (see S. miescheriana)
Sarcocystosis, 72–75
Sarcophagidae, 340, 342
Sarcopsylla penetrans (see Tunga
var. bubalis,363–364
var. canis,363
var. hominis,361
Sarcoptidae, 361
Sarcosporidiosis (see Sarcocystosis)
Scabies (see Zoonotic scabies)
Scabiosis (see Zoonotic scabies)
Scarabaeidae, 222

Scheloribates, 160
Schistosoma,99, 138, 147
bovis,101, 152
haematobium,100, 146–156
intercalatum,147–148, 152, 154–155
japonicum,100, 146–156
malayensis,147, 149, 154
mattheei,147, 149, 152, 154
mekongi,147, 149, 154
spindale,101, 152
Schistosomatidae, 99
Schistosomatium,99, 101
Schistosomiasis, 146–157
Schistosomosis (see Schistosomiasis)
Schizotrypanum cruzi (see Trypanosoma
Sciaena deliciosa,177, 233
Sciurus niger,267
Screwworm (seeMyiasis, caused by
larvae of Cochliomyia
Sea lions
anisakiasis, 234
diphyllobothriasis, 177
cysticercosis, 171
diphyllobothriasis, 177–178
taeniasis, 217
(see also Birds)
Seals, anisakiasis, 232
diphyllobothriasis, 177
Semisulcospira,129, 141
Septata intestinalis (see
Encephalitozoon intestinalis)
Seriolella violacea,233
Serpiginous eruption (see Cutaneous
larva migrans)
Shahib’s disease (seeVisceral
ascariasis, 237, 240
baylisascariasis, 243
Chagas’ disease, 26
coenurosis, 162–164
cryptosporidiosis, 36
cysticercosis, 166
dicroceliasis, 108–110
fascioliasis, 115–120, 122
giardiasis, 51, 53–55
gongylonemiasis, 268
hydatidosis, 184–185, 187–189,
191–192, 196–197
infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
larva migrans, visceral, and
toxocariasis, 306
mammomonogamiasis, 271
myiases, 332–334, 338, 340–341
pentastomiases, 346–348
scabies, zoonotic, 361–363
schistosomiasis, 154
taeniasis, 214
thelaziasis, 284
toxoplasmosis, 78–82, 84
trichinosis, 288
trichostrongyliasis, 299, 301
trypanosomiasis, African, 3, 6–7
Shigella sonnei,53
clonorchiasis, 103, 105
heterophyiasis, 131
paragonimiasis, 142, 144–145
Sierra, anisakiasis, 233
(see alsoFish)
Sigmodon hispidus,209, 225–226, 229,
Sikari disease (seeVisceral
malaria, 62–67
strongyloidiasis, 280
baylisascariasis, 241
dracunculiasis, 254
Sleeping sickness (seeAfrican
Sloths, cutaneous leishmaniasis, 41
Slugs, angiostrongyliasis, 225–227, 229
angiostrongyliasis, 225–226, 228
clonorchiasis, 103–107
dermatitis, cercarial, 99, 101–102
dicroceliasis, 108–110

echinostomiasis, 112–114
fascioliasis, 115–117, 119–122
fasciolopsiasis, 124–125
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127
heterophyiasis, 129, 131
mammomonogamiasis, 271
nanophyetiasis, 132–133
opisthorchiasis, 135–137
paragonimiasis, 141, 144–145
schistosomiasis, 147–149, 153,
gnathostomiasis, 263, 266
mesocestoidiasis, 207
pentastomiases, 345, 348–349
sparganosis, 211–213
(see also individual species)
Baghdad (seeCutaneous
Delhi (seeCutaneous leishmaniasis)
oriental (seeCutaneous
Sparganosis, 210–213
Sparrows, dermatitis caused by mites of
animal origin, 328
(see also Birds)
Speothos venaticus,186, 270
Spirochetosis, fowl, 329
mansoni,210, 213
proliferum,210, 212
Spirometrosis (see Sparganosis)
Spiruroidea, 283
Spirurosis, conjunctival (see
Splenomegaly, febrile tropical (see
Visceral leishmaniasis)
Sporozoa, 34
Squid, anisakiasis, 232
acanthocephaliasis, 222
baylisascariasis, 241
capillariasis, 247
gongylonemiasis, 267
Stagnicola,99, 101, 116
Stamnosoma armatum,129
Staphylococcus aureus,359
Stellantchasmus falcatus,128–130
Stictodora fuscatum,129
Stomoxys calcitrans,284
beta–hemolytic, 359
Streptomyces cinnamonensis,84
Strongyloides,249, 261, 277–278, 281
fuelleborni,275, 277–278, 280–281
procyonis,279, 281
stercoralis,138, 249, 274–275
Strongyloidiasis, 275–282
Strongyloidosis (see Strongyloidiasis)
Sturdy (seeCoenurosis)
Suckling pigs
ascariasis, 236
sarcocystosis, 74
tungiasis, 359
trichuriasis of animal origin, 304
(see also Swine)
Sus scrofa,290
Swelling, wandering (see
acanthocephaliasis, 222–224
amebiasis, 11–14
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 312
ascariasis, 236, 237–240
balantidiasis, 20–22
Chagas’ disease, 26
clonorchiasis, 103–106
cryptosporidiosis, 36
cyclosporiasis, 50
cysticercosis, 168–169, 170–173,
dicroceliasis, 108
dioctophymosis, 253
diphyllobothriasis, 177–179
echinostomiasis, 112
fascioliasis, 117, 119
fasciolopsiasis, 124–126
gastrodiscoidiasis, 127–128
giardiasis, 53
gnathostomiasis, 262–265
gongylonemiasis, 267–269
heterophyiasis, 129
hydatidosis, 184–185, 187, 189

infection, caused by free-living
amebae, 59
larva migrans, visceral, and
toxocariasis, 306
microsporidiosis, 69
myiases, 332, 334
opisthorchiasis, 135–136
paragonimiasis, 140
pentastomiases, 346
sarcocystosis, 72–75
scabies, zoonotic, 361–364
schistosomiasis, 147, 150
sparganosis, 210–212
strongyloidiasis, 275
taeniasis, 214–219
toxoplasmosis, 78–80, 84
trichinosis, 285–287, 288–294, 296
trichuriasis of animal origin, 302–304
trypanosomiasis, African, 6–7
tungiasis, 357, 359
(see alsoSuckling pigs)
Syngamiasis (see
Syngamidae, 271
Syngamosis (see
dracunculiasis, 256
echinostomiasis, 112–114
(see alsoFrogs)
Taenia,138, 162, 164, 203, 215–218
crassiceps,166–170, 173
saginata,166, 171–172, 214–219
solium,126, 166, 167, 171, 173,
Taeniasis, 163, 168, 171, 172, 173, 194,
195, 214–220
caused by Taenia saginata(see
caused by Taenia solium(see
Tenebrio,200, 202
Ternidens deminutus,259–261
Ternidensiasis (see Esophagostomiasis
and ternidensiasis)
Thalarctos maritimus,291
Theileriosis, 355
Thelaziasis, 283–284
Thelaziidae, 267
Thelaziosis (see Thelaziasis)
Thyrsites atun,233
babesiosis, 16–19
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327
infestations, 350–356
ticks that infect man, table 4,
myiases, 332
Tigers, paragonimiasis, 144
(see also Felines)
Tilapia mossambica,114
Tinea, 329
Torsalo (see Myiases caused by larvae
of Dermatobia hominis)
Toxascaris leonina,303
Toxocara,305, 308
canis,81, 240, 243, 266, 304, 305
cati,270, 305, 307, 309
mystax(see T. cati)
Toxocariasis (see Visceral larva migrans
and toxocariasis)
Toxoplasma,34, 72, 78–79, 82–84
gondii,76–81, 84

Toxoplasmosis, 76–84
Trachinotus paitensis,177
Trachipleistophora,68, 70
Trachurus murphyi,233
infestans,24, 29
Triatomidae, 24
Tribolium,200, 202
Trichinella,84, 285–286, 293–294
britovi,285–287, 292
nativa,285–287, 289, 294
nelsoni,285–289, 291–292
pseudospiralis,285–286, 289, 292
spiralis,126, 138
Trichinelliasis (seeTrichinosis)
Trichinellosis (seeTrichinosis)
Trichiniasis (seeTrichinosis)
Trichinosis, 84, 124, 285–297
Trichobilharzia,99, 101
Trichocephaliasis (see Trichuriasis, of
animal origin)
Trichocephalosis (see Trichuriasis, of
animal origin)
Trichodectes canis,181
Trichostrogylidiosis (see
Trichostrongyliasis, 299–301
Trichostrongylosis (see
brevis,299, 301
Trichuriasis, of animal origin, 302–
trichiura,138, 302–304
Tricula,141, 147
Troglotrema salmincola (see
Nanophyetus salmincola)
diphyllobothriasis, 177, 179
heterophyiasis, 129
(see alsoFish)
cruzi,23–31, 92
rangeli,23, 31
Trypanosomatidae, 38
African (see African
American (see Chagas’ disease)
gambiense(see African
rhodesiense(see African
Trypanozoon (see Trypanosoma)
Tungiasis, 251, 357–360
ascariasis, 238
dermatitis caused by mites of animal
origin, 327–328
TW1, 15–16
Ulcer, chiclero (see Cutaneous
Uncinaria stenocephala,315, 249–
Uncinariasis (see Zoonotic
Ungulates, domestic, hydatidosis, 185
(see also individual species)

Ura (see Myiases caused by larvae of
Dermatobia hominis)
Ursids, trichinosis, 291
(see alsoBears)
Uta (see Cutaneous leishmaniasis)
ancylostomiasis, zoonotic, 316
babesiosis, 19
Chagas’ disease, 32
cysticercosis, 167, 173
fascioliasis, 122
giardiasis, 56
hydatidosis, 196–197
hymenolepiasis, 203
cutaneous, 47
visceral, 92–93
schistosomiasis, 154, 157
taeniasis, 219
tick infestations, 356
toxoplasmosis, 84
trypanosomiasis, African, 9
Vaginulus,225, 227
Veronicellidae, 225
acantocephaliasis, 222, 224
angiostrongyliasis, 229
babesiosis, 16
balantidiasis, 20
Chagas’ disease, 24
filariases, zoonotic, 318
heterophyiasis, 128
leishmaniasis, cutaneous, 38–39
malaria in nonhuman primates, 64
microsporidiosis, 68–70
sarcocystosis, 74
sparganosis, 210
tick infestations, 350
toxoplasmosis, 76, 78
(see also individual species)
Verticillium chlamydosporium,240
Vertigo (see Coenurosis)
Visceral larva migrans and toxocariasis,
Visceral leishmaniasis, 39, 42, 44,
Vittaforma,68, 70
Viverra civetta,144
vulpes,186, 194, 290
WA1, 15–17
Wallabies, hydatidosis, 185, 193
Walruses, trichinosis, 289, 291,
Water buffalo, zoonotic scabies, 362,
dioctophymosis, 252
dracunculiasis, 254
gnathostomiasis, 262–263, 265
Whales, anisakiasis, 232
(see alsoCetaceans)
Wohlfahrtia,331, 340
diphyllobothriasis, 179
hydatidosis, 184, 189–190, 193
trichinosis, 286, 290
Wombats, zoonotic scabies, 362
Worms, dioctophymosis, 252–253
(see also Earthworms)
Wuchereria bancrofti,318, 320–321
Zebras, fascioliasis, 117
(see also Equines)
Zebrina detrita,108
Zoonotic ancylostomiasis, 312–316
Zoonotic filariases, 317–323
Zoonotic scabies, 361–364