The Influence of Teachers’ Teaching Methods,
Attitudes, Motivation, and Commitment
on Students’ Achievement at Vocational High
Haekal Febriansyah Ramadhan
, Zainuddin, Rosihan Aminuddin, Purnamawati,
and Suci Anita Octavia
Department of Vocational and Engineering Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar,
[email protected]
Abstract.The study aims to describe and examine teachers’ teaching methods,
attitudes, motivation, and commitment to influence students’ achievement in Dig-
ital Simulation subjects at the Vocational High School at Soppeng Regency. The
study used an ex-post facto research method, with a total population of 120 and
a sample of 89 obtained through random proportional sampling using documen-
tation and questionnaires. The prerequisite tests included normality, linearity, and
multicollinearity tests, while the hypothesis testing utilized simple linear regres-
sion and multiple linear regression. The results indicated that teaching methods
were in the “very high” category, teaching attitude was in the “very high” category,
teaching motivation was in the “high” category, and teaching commitment was in
the “high” category. Students’ achievement in Digital Simulation subject was in
the “high” criteria. The study found a significant influence of teaching methods,
attitudes, motivation, and commitment on students’ achievement with values of
Sig. of 0.010<0.05 with a contribution of 7.30% for methods, Sig. of 0.000<
0.05 with a contribution of 19.8% for attitudes, Sig. of 0.033<0.05 with a con-
tribution of 5.10% for motivation, and Sig. of 0.008<0.05 with a contribution
of 7.90% for commitment, and Sig. of 0.000<0.05 with a contribution of 33.8%
when all factors were combined.
Keywords:Teaching Methods∙Teaching Attitude∙Teaching Motivation∙
Teaching Commitment∙Learning Achievement
1 Introduction
One indicator of the success of the teaching and learning process in schools is the
achievement factor or student achievement [1]. Learning achievement or achievement
factor is used as one of the considerations in determining the final grade because student
achievement or achievement as denoted by learning outcomes values reflects the extent
to which the level of success achieved by students in achieving the educational goals that
have been determined for them—each subject or field of study. Achievement or learning
© The Author(s) 2023
A. A. Patak and A. H. Hasim (Eds.): W-SHARE 2022, ASSEHR 762, pp. 45–51, 2023.

48 H. F. Ramadhan et al.
The study employed simple regression analysis and multiple regression to test the
hypothesis. Simple regression analysis examined the relationship between one indepen-
dent variable (teaching methods, attitudes, motivation, or commitment) and the depen-
dent variable (students’ achievement). Multiple regression was used to examine the
combined effect of all four independent variables on the dependent variable.
3 Results and Discussion
The research data were processed using SPSS to obtain answers to the research problem
formulation. Data analysis for hypothesis testing was done using simple and multiple
regression analysis. Before testing the hypothesis, a prerequisite analysis test was carried
out, namely the normality and linearity tests
The results of the normality test from the Table1show that the data collected for the
learning interest variable shows a skewness value of−0.721, for the teaching attitude
variable is 0.185, for the teacher’s teaching attitude variable is 0.299, for the teacher’s
teaching commitment variable is−0.633 and for the learning outcomes variable in
Simulation subjects digital by 0.019. This value is in the interval 1 and−1, meaning that
the four variables collected are typically distributed.
The results of the linearity test show a linearity value with a significance of 0.008
(Sig. 0.008)<0.05, so it can be concluded that the relationship variable between the
method variable and student achievement has a linear relationship. Linearity value with
a significance of 0.000 (Sig. 0.000)<0.05, so it can be concluded that the attitude with
student achievement variable has a linear relationship. While the linearity value with a
significance of 0.025 (Sig. 0.025)<0.05, it can be concluded that the variable teaching
Table 1.Normality Test
Variable Skewness Explanation
Methods -.721 Normal Distributed
Attitudes .185 Normal Distributed
Motivations .299 Normal Distributed
Commitments -.633 Normal Distributed
Achievements .019 Normal Distributed
Table 2. Linearity Test
Variable Sig. Explanation
Teaching Methods for Learning Achievement 0.008 Linear Relationship
Teaching Attitudes to Learning Achievement0.000 Linear Relationship
Teaching Motivations to Learning Achievement0.025 Linear Relationship
Teaching Commitments to Learning Achievement0.009 Linear Relationship

The Influence of Teachers’ Teaching Methods, Attitudes, Motivation 49
Table 3. Questionnaire Results
Variable Students (N: 89) Category
Very High High Enough
Methods 68 20 1 Very High
Attitudes 44 44 1 High
Motivation 16 72 1 High
Commitment 16 72 1 High
motivation with student achievement has a linear relationship and a linearity value with
a significance of 0.009 (Sig. 0.009), which is undoubtedly smaller than the alpha level
of 5% (0.05), so it can be concluded that between the variables of student commitment
to student achievement, there is a linear effect (Table2).
After all the analysis prerequisite tests have met the requirements, the hypothesis
test is carried out using simple regression analysis and multiple regression tests. From
the Table3, it can be said that the teaching methods of teachers at Vocational Schools
are in the “very high” category because there are 68 students that choose “very high.”
The teacher’s teaching attitude is in the “high” category because 44 students chose the
“high” category. The teaching attitude of teachers at Vocational High School is in the
“high” category because 72 students chose the “high” category. The teacher’s teaching
motivation is in the “high” category because 72 students chose the “high” category.
Based on the regression analysis results above, it found the effect of the teacher’s
teaching method on student achievement in digital simulation subjects with a value of
R=0.270. This result indicates that the influence is not too strong (moderate) but still
contributes to student achievement. The regression analysis results for the effect of the
teacher’s teaching attitude on student achievement is R=0.445. This result indicates that
the influence is not too strong (moderate) but still contributes to student achievement.
The regression analysis results for the Effect of Teacher Teaching Motivation on Student
Achievement in the Digital Simulation subject are R=0.227. This result indicates that
the influence is not too strong (moderate) but still contributes to student achievement.
The regression analysis results for the Effect of Teacher Teaching Motivation on Stu-
dent Achievement in the Digital Simulation subject are R=0.280. This result indicates
that the influence is not too strong (moderate) but still contributes to student achieve-
ment. The results of the regression analysis for the effect of teaching methods, teaching
attitudes, teaching motivation, and teacher commitment to teaching on student achieve-
ment in digital simulation subjects with a value of R=0.581 This result indicates that
the influence is not too strong (moderate) but still contributes to learning achievement
Based on the study that has been done, the result shows that even when only teach-
ers’ teaching methods that in the “very high” category and the other is in the “high”
category, the regression analysis result indicates that all of the variables above (meth-
ods, attitudes, motivations, and commitments) are contributing to the student’s learning

50 H. F. Ramadhan et al.
achievement. This result is the same as the linearity test that shows all variables are in a
linear relationship with students’ learning achievement.
4 Conclusion
Based on the data obtained and the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it
can be concluded that there is a positive influence from teaching methods, attitudes,
motivation, and teacher commitment to student achievement individually and collec-
tively in Vocational Schools. This shows that Vocational Schools will achieve better
learning outcomes when teachers have effective teaching methods, a positive attitude,
high motivation, and a strong commitment to their teaching duties. In this context, it
can be concluded that the teacher’s role is vital in improving the quality of education
in Vocational Schools. Therefore, continuous support and development are needed to
improve teachers’ skills, knowledge, and skills in designing effective teaching methods,
building positive attitudes toward learning, maintaining high motivation, and strength-
ening their commitment to teaching tasks. Thus, students in Vocational Schools will be
able to achieve better learning achievements and compete in an increasingly competitive
globalization era.
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