October 2023 119
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
ISSN 2303-2227 eISSN 2615-594X
Accredited by National Journal Accreditation No. 105/E/KPT/2022
Vol. 11 No. 3 October 2023, Page: 119-125
DOI: https://doi.org/10.29244/jipthp.11.3.119-125
Available online at https://journal.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ipthp/index
Carcass Productivity and Meat Quality Bambu Apus Rabbit
H. Margatama
, H. Nuraini
, B. Brahmantiyo
, & Supratikno
Graduate School of Animal Production Science and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University
Department of Animal Production Science and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University
Halal Science Center, IPB University, Indonesia
Animal Science Research Center, Agriculture and Food Research, National Research and Innovation Agency
Division of Anatomy, Histology, and Embryology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Medicine,
IPB University
*Corresponding author: [email protected]
(Received 16-06-2023; Revised 04-08-2023; Accepted 10-08-2023)
Rabbits are meat-producing livestock with high productivity. Rabbit meat has high nutritional content
and is good for health. The DKI Jakarta Government through the Center for Animal Health and
Livestock Services (Pusyankeswannak) has opened the Bambu Apus Livestock Park. This research was
conducted to determine the productivity of bambu apus rabbit carcasses as broiler rabbits to support
urban farming programs in DKI Jakarta. Ten of bambu apus rabbits (five males and five females), ten
of new zealand white rabbits (eight males and two females) and 17 rexsi grinak rabbits (eight males
and nine females) were used. The body weights of the rabbits ranged from 2000 to 3000 g per head.
This research has obtained Ethical Clearance (Balitbangtan/Center for Animal Husbandry Research
BRIN/NRm/01/2022). Rabbits were slaughtered according to Islamic Syar’i and the carcass were
cutting according to the commercial cut. A completely randomized design with a 3 x 2 factorial pattern
(sex and type of rabbit) was used with carcass productivity and meat physical properties as variables.
Bambu apus rabbits have good carcass productivity (Carcass Percentage, Meat Bone Ratio), meat on
commercial cuts (Loin and Hindleg) and carcass quality (pH, tenderness, Water Holding Capacity and
cooking losses) which were the same as new zealand white rabbits and rexsi agrinak rabbits as the
broiler rabbit. Bambu apus rabbits have good carcass production and carcass meat quality so they have
the potential to be developed into broiler rabbits in support of urban farming programs.
Keywords: bambu apus rabbit, carcass, physical traits
Kelinci merupakan ternak penghasil daging dengan produktivitas tinggi. Daging kelinci memiliki
kandungan nutrisi tinggi dan baik untuk kesehatan. Pemerintah DKI Jakarta melalui Pusat Pelayanan
Kesehatan Hewan dan Peternakan (Pusyankeswannak) telah membuka Taman Ternak Bambu Apus.
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui produktivitas karkas kelinci bambu apus sebagai kelinci
pedaging mendukung program pertanian perkotaan di DKI Jakarta. Digunakan kelinci bambu apus
sejumlah sepuluh ekor (lima jantan dan lima betina), kelinci new zealand white sejumlah sepuluh
ekor (delapan jantan dan dua betina) dan kelinci rexsi agrinak sejumlah 17 ekor (delapan jantan dan
sembilan betina). Bobot kelinci berkisar 2000-3000 g. Penelitian ini telah memperoleh Ethical Clearance
(Balitbangtan/ Pusat Riset Peternakan BRIN/ NRm/ 01/ 2022). Kelinci disembelih sesuai dengan Syariat
Islam dan karkas dipotong menurut potongan komersialnya. Rancangan Acak Lengkap pola faktorial
3 x 2 (jenis kelamin dan jenis kelinci) digunakan dengan peubah produktivitas karkas dan sifat fisik
daging. Kelinci bambu apus memiliki produktivitas karkas yang baik (Persentase Karkas, Rasio daging
tulang), daging pada potongan komersial (Loin dan Hindleg) dan kualitas karkas (pH, keempukan,
Daya Mengikat Air dan susut masak) yang sama dengan kelinci new zealand white dan kelinci rexsi
agrinak sebagai kelinci pedaging. Kelinci bambu apus memiliki produksi karkas dan kualitas karkas
daging yang baik sehingga berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi kelinci pedaging dalam mendukung
program pertanian perkotaan (urban farming).
Kata kunci: kelinci bambu apus, karkas, sifat fisik

120 October 2023
The Bambu Apus Livestock Park was established
by the DKI Jakarta Government under the supervision
of the Center for Animal Health and Livestock Services
(Pusyankeswannak). The establishment of this park is
governed by Governor Regulation No. 313/2016 of DKI
Jakarta Province, which outlines the organizational structure
and operational procedures of the Center for Animal Health
and Animal Husbandry Services. The primary focus of the
park is rabbit breeding within the Bambu Apus District Area,
in line with DKI Jakarta Province’s urban farming program.
This initiative aligns with Regional Regulation No. 4/2007
of DKI Jakarta Province, which prohibits poultry farming to
prevent the spread of avian influenza.
Originally named the Bambu Apus Livestock Park,
it was renamed the Bambu Apus Rabbit Park in 2018. The
park received support in the form of 75 mature breeding
rabbits, including both ready-to-mate brood rabbits and
New Zealand White rabbits, as well as 10 Flemish Giant
males. Through careful cross-breeding, these rabbits
have successfully adapted to the climate and temperature
conditions of DKI Jakarta, which typically range from 28°C
to 35°C.
Rabbits are versatile animals and can serve various
purposes, such as being kept as ornamental pets, raised for
meat production, or utilized for fur harvesting (Brahmantiyo
et al. 2017). They have the capability to reproduce 4-6 times
per year, with each litter consisting of 4-8 offspring and an
average harvest weight of approximately 2.5 kg per rabbit
(Brahmantiyo 2014). Rabbit meat is renowned for its high
protein content and low fat, making it a healthy choice for
individuals with conditions like high blood pressure, heart
disease, high blood cholesterol, and obesity (Brahmantiyo
2017). Consequently, rabbits possess significant potential for
being developed as a superior meat-producing livestock in
Indonesia. This study aims to assess the carcass productivity
and meat quality of bambu apus rabbits, providing
valuable insights into their suitability as broiler rabbits.
The introduction of rabbits is expected to contribute to the
promotion and advancement of urban farming programs in
DKI Jakarta.
In this study, a total of ten bambu apus rabbits (five
males and five females), ten new zealand white rabbits
(eight males and two females), and 17 rexsi agrinak rabbits
(eight males and nine females) were used. The body
weights of the rabbits ranged from 2000 to 3000 g per head,
with an average of 2655 ± 268 g per head. The research
equipment utilized included digital scales, scalpel knives,
meat pH meters, bimetal thermometers, a carper carver
press, a planimeter, a warner bratzler shear force device, and
Whatman 41 filter paper.
Preparation and Maintenance
The working procedures of this study have been
granted Ethical Clearance by the Balitbangtan Experimental
Animal Welfare Commission (KKHB) of the Agricultural
Research and Development Agency, under the reference
number Balitbangtan/Livestock Research Center BRIN/
NRm/01/2022. Initially, the rabbits were identified based
on their body weight and sex. They were then housed
individually in wire cages with bamboo flooring, measuring
70x60x40 cm. Each cage was equipped with feed and water
containers, and regular cleaning and disinfection practices
were employed to maintain cage cleanliness. The rabbits
had unrestricted access to feed and water, which were
provided on a daily basis.
The rabbits’ diet consisted of a combination of
commercial feed and green food. They were given 70 g of
Citra Feed pellets and 500 g of green food. The concentrate
feed had a composition of 88% dry matter, 15% crude
protein, 14% crude fiber, 2% crude fat, and 14% ash content,
while the field grass forage contained 12.6% dry matter,
11.5% crude protein, 40.9% crude fiber, 1.2% crude fat, and
11.7% ash content (Nawangsari and Hendrarti 2021). The
rabbits were fed twice a day, with the first feeding at 07:00
WIB (Western Indonesian Time) and the second feeding at
12:00 WIB. Drinking water was replaced every morning,
and any remaining water was discarded during the cleaning
Slaughter Process and Carcass Preparation
Rabbits were slaughtered in accordance with Islamic
law, following a specific procedure that involves making
three incisions. These incisions were made in the blood
vessels (carotid communis artery and jugular vein), the
respiratory tract (trachea), and the digestive tract (esophagus)
using a sharp knife. After the rabbit has died, which was
indicated by the cessation of blood flow, further treatment
was conducted. Once it was confirmed that the rabbit was
completely deceased, the next step involves hanging the
rabbit by its calcaneus communis tendon. The head was
then separated at the Atlanto-occipitalis joint. Subsequently,
the rabbit was skinned, and the contents of the abdominal
cavity were removed. The chest is then separated from the
front legs and hind legs at the carpus and tarsus joints. The
carcasses were then wilted in a refrigerator at ± 4 °C for 24
hours. The carcasses were then cut according to commercial
cuts to obtain commercial cut weights. The cut consists of
4 parts: foreleg, rib, loin, and hindleg. Commercial cuts of
rabbit carcasses can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Commercial cuts of rabbit carcass
(Blasco et al. 1993)
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Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan 11 (3): 119-125

October 2023 121
Meat Physical Quality Analysis
In this study, the physical testing of meat focused on
samples taken from the loin. The pH value was measured
using a pH meter, which involved inserting the pH meter
probe into the meat until it reached the limit of the pH
sensor. The pH meter then displayed the pH value of the
To measure cooking loss, a bimetal thermometer
was inserted into a 100-gram meat sample, which was then
boiled until the temperature inside the meat reached 81°C.
Subsequently, the sample was drained and left to stand until
it reached a stable weight. Cooking loss can be calculated
using the formula (AOAC 1980):
Meat tenderness was evaluated using the Warner-
Bratzler shear force technique, which involves inserting
a bimetal thermometer into a 100-gram meat sample and
boiling it until the internal temperature reaches 81 °C.
Subsequently, the meat is drained and cut into cylindrical
shapes measuring 3-5 cm in length and 1.27 cm in diameter,
following the direction of the meat fibers. These cylindrical
meat samples were then sliced crosswise using the Warner-
Bratzler shear force tool, and the measurement results were
observed on the tool’s scale, expressed in units of kg/cm
The measurement of water holding capacity (WHC)
involves assessing the amount of free water present in
the meat. For this, 0.3 grams of meat sample was placed
between two sheets of Whatman 41 filter paper, each with a
thickness of 9 mm. The meat sample was then pressed with
a load of 35 kg/cm
using two iron plates for a duration of 5
minutes. Following this, the area on the filter paper covered
by the flattened meat sample, as well as the surrounding
wet area, were marked. The wet area indicated on the filter
paper was subsequently measured using a planimeter. The
amount of water (expressed in mgH
O) released from the
meat due to the pressing process was calculated using a
specific formula.
The percentage of free water is calculated using the
following formula:
Experimental Design and Data Analysis
The experimental design in this study used a 3 x 2
factorial complete randomized design, where the first factor
was rabbit breeds consisting of 3 types of breeds (bambu
apus rabbits, new zealand white rabbits, and rexsi agrinak
rabbits), and the second factor was sex (male and female).
The mathematical model used is as follow:
Yijk = μ+αi+βj+(αβ)ij+ ∈ijk
Yijl : Observation value on the 1
μ : General average value
αi : Effect of treatment at the i-level (i=1,2…)
βj : Effect of level j from factor to-j (j=1,2,3…)
(αβ)ij : Effect of interaction between the i-treatment and
the j-level of the factor j
∈ijl : Random error of normally distributed subplots
The data obtained were then analyzed using
Generalized Linear Models (GLM). Tukey test was
conducted at the 5% level on significantly different
Observed Variables
This study examined a range of variables to
assess both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of
carcass productivity. The quantitative aspects included
measurements such as slaughter weight, carcass weight,
carcass percentage, total meat weight, total bone weight, and
meat-to-bone ratio. Additionally, the analysis of commercial
cuts involved evaluating variables such as foreleg weight,
rib weight, loin weight, hindleg weight, foreleg percentage,
rib percentage, loin percentage, and hindleg percentage.
The evaluation of meat’s physical quality focused
on several variables, including acidity (pH), tenderness,
cooking loss, and water holding capacity. In order to analyze
the Temperature Humidity Index, data on air temperature
and humidity were collected and subsequently calculated
using the method proposed by Ogunjimi (2008):
t°C : Dry bulb temperature (°C)
RH : Average humidity (%)
General Condition of Research Location
This study was conducted in different locations,
namely the maintenance of bambu apus rabbits at the Bambu
Apus Rabbit Park, East Jakarta, while the maintenance of
new zealand white and rexsi agrinak rabbits at the Livestock
Research Center, Ciawi, Bogor. The microclimatic
conditions of the research location are presented in Table 1.
The Temperature Humidity Index (THI) is a
numerical value that represents the combined impact of
air temperature and humidity on the level of heat stress
experienced (Ratchamak et al. 2021). The heat stress
categories corresponding to different THI values were
established by LPHSI (1990). THI values are categorized
as follows: < 27.8 indicates no heat stress, 27.8-28.9
indicates moderate heat stress, 29.0-30.0 indicates severe
heat stress, and > 30.0 indicates very severe heat stress.
Table 1 demonstrates that the microclimate conditions at
the Livestock Research Center do not pose a risk of heat
stress for rabbits. However, conditions at the Bambu Apus
Rabbit Park have the potential for moderate heat stress. Li
et al. (2016) have explained that rabbits thrive and develop
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Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan 11 (3): 119-125

122 October 2023
Table 1. Microclimate conditions of the research site
Research Location Temperature (°C) Air Humidity (%) THI
Bambu Apus Rabbit Park, East Jakarta 30.99 ± 4.95 60.30 ± 23.02 28.63 ± 3.30
Livestock Research Center, Ciawi Bogor 28.07 ± 2.62 80.67 ± 17.86 27.19 ± 2.23
optimally within a temperature range of 15-25°C and an air
humidity range of 55-65%. Considering the THI value and
the climatic conditions in East Jakarta, it can be inferred
that the bambu apus rabbit has successfully adapted to the
climate of Jakarta. The type of rabbit used can be seen in
Figure 2.
Figure 2 (A) bambu apus rabbit. (B) new zealand white rabbit. (C) rexsi agrinak rabbit.
Rabbit Carcass Productivity
Rabbit carcasses are parts of the rabbit body that have
been reduced by blood, head, skin, feet, tail, digestive tract,
and contents. The results of carcass productivity analysis of
bambu apus rabbits, new zealand white rabbits, and rexsi
agrinak rabbits were presented in Table 2.
The results of the carcass productivity analysis,
presented in Table 2, indicate that the average carcass
weight of bambu apus rabbits 1289.20 ± 53.17 g was not
significantly different from that of new zealand white
rabbits 1290.31 ± 7.51 g. This finding was consistent with
the reported range of commercial rabbit carcass weight
by Wahyono (2021), which falls between 900 and 1400
g. Additionally, bambu apus rabbits demonstrate a carcass
Table 2. Results of carcass productivity analysis
Variables Sex Breeds
bambu apus rabbits new zealand white rexsi Agrinak
Slaughter Weight (g)Male 2393.80 ± 237.90 2576.80 ± 316.13 2711.44 ± 232.72
Female 2441.60 ± 209.25 2452.50 ± 300.52 3017.18 ± 257.13
Average 2417.70 ± 33.80b 2514.69 ± 87.95b 2864.32 ± 216.19a
Carcass Weight (g) Male 1251.60 ± 218.15 1295.62 ± 185.34 1408.55 ± 125.72
Female 1326.80 ± 139.16 1285.00 ± 84.25 1544.43 ± 140.33
Average 1289.20 ± 53.17b 1290.31 ± 7.51b 1476.49 ± 96.08a
Carcass Percentage (%)Male 52.07 ± 5.12 50.18 ± 2.35 51.95 ± 1.55
Female 54.28 ± 1.56 52.58 ± 2.98 51.19 ± 1.78
Average 53.18 ± 1.56 51.38 ± 1.70 51.57 ± 0.57
Total Meat Weight (g)Male 832.20 ± 160.96 980.63 ± 151.93 1102.17 ± 107.50
Female 849.80 ± 77.43 945.00 ± 91.92 1188.69 ± 83.94
Average 841.00 ± 12.45b 962.81 ± 25.19b 1145.43 ± 61.18a
Total Bone Weight (g)Male 280.00 ± 24.37 302.50 ± 32.07 334.17 ± 29.12
Female 273.60 ± 32.53 335.00 ± 7.07 353.13 ± 24.96
Average 276.80 ± 4.53b 318.75 ± 22.98a 343.65 ± 13.41a
Meat to Bone Ratio Male 3.00 ± 0.71 3.26 ± 0.50 3.30 ± 0.17
Female 3.14 ± 0.47 2.82 ± 0.33 3.37 ± 0.19
Average 3.08 ± 0.10 3.04 ± 0.30 3.34 ± 0.05
Different superscripts in the same row indicate significantly different values (P<0.05).
percentage of 53.18%, which is not significantly different
from the carcass percentages of new zealand white rabbits
51.38% and rexsi agrinak rabbits 51.57%. Gillespie (2004)
suggests that a favorable rabbit carcass percentage falls
within the range of 50-59%. These results indicate that
bambu apus rabbits possess favorable carcass production
capabilities comparable to those of new zealand white and
rexsi agrinak rabbits. Consequently, bambu apus rabbits
show potential for development as broiler rabbits.
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Regarding bone growth, bambu apus rabbits exhibit
relatively lower total bone weight compared to new zealand
white and rexsi agrinak rabbits, with values of 276.80 ± 4.53
g, 318.75 ± 22.98 g, and 343.65 ± 13.41 g, respectively. The
significant difference (P<0.05) in total bone weight suggests
that bambu apus rabbits display minimal bone growth. This
finding aligns with the statement by Siregar (2014) that bone
development influences body size and meat production.
Minimizing bone proportion is desirable to optimize carcass
Furthermore, the meat-to-bone ratio, which
represents the amount of edible body parts, shows no
significant difference among bambu apus rabbits, new
zealand white rabbits, and rexsi agrinak rabbits. The ratios
are 3.08 ± 0.10, 3.04 ± 0.30, and 3.34 ± 0.05 g, respectively.
Siregar (2014) suggests that commercial rabbit breeders
aim for a meat-to-bone ratio of 5:1, coupled with a carcass
percentage of 55%.
Commersial Cuts of Rabbit Carcasses
Commercial cuts are carcass parts that have
economic value (Brahmantiyo et al. 2017). Commercial
cuts are divided into four, namely foreleg cuts, rib cuts,
loin cuts, and hindleg cuts. The results of the analysis of the
weight and percentage of commercial cuts were presented
in Table 3.
Commercial cuts are used as indicators of carcass
production, where higher carcass weights correspond to
greater values for commercial cuts (Brahmantiyo et al.
2017). Table 3 displays the percentages of commercial cuts
for the foreleg, loin, hindleg, and rib parts, which did not
exhibit significant differences among the three observed
rabbit breeds. However, a significant difference (P<0.05)
was observed in the weight and percentage of rib parts,
indicating genetic variation among the rabbit breeds. This
finding was consistent with the research conducted by
Brahmantiyo and Raharjo (2009), who attributed the uneven
growth in rib parts of hycole and new zealand white rabbits
Table 3. Results of weight analysis and percentage of commercial cuts of carcasses
VariablesSex Breeds
bambu apus rabbits new zealand white rexsi agrinak
(g) (%) (g) (%) (g) (%)
Foreleg Male 357.20 ± 61.1529.82 ± 2.53377.50 ± 66.3929.23 ± 1.95422.89 ± 43.9930.05 ± 2.10
Female 378.40 ± 40.6629.50 ± 0.71402.50± 45.9631.33 ± 1.42466.38 ± 64.1230.32 ± 4.07
Average367.80 ± 15.00b29.66 ± 0.22390.00 ± 17.68ab30.28 ± 1.50444.64 ± 30.75a30.18 ± 0.19
Rib Male 109.80 ± 20.389.15 ± 0.86132.50 ± 20.3510.38 ± 1.63166.89 ± 46.1211.79 ± 2.91
Female 122.60 ± 8.479.60 ± 0.75125.00 ± 7.079.75 ± 0.12181.13 ± 24.0411.80 ± 1.90
Average116.20 ± 9.05b9.38 ± 0.32b128.75 ± 5.30b10.06 ± 0.92ab174.01 ± 10.07a11,79 ± 0.01a
Loin Male 269.40 ± 63.8622.25 ± 1.85291.88 ± 47.8822.64 ± 2.12327.22 ± 57.2223.12 ± 2.49
Female 286.00 ± 35.5422.30 ± 1.62315.00 ± 21.2124.56 ± 0.04352.38 ± 36.1622.96 ± 2.84
Average277.70 ± 11.74b22.28 ± 0.04303.44 ± 16.35ab23.60 ± 1.36339.80 ± 17.79a23.04 ± 0.11
Hindleg Male 444.60 ± 58.9737.25 ± 2.18481.25 ± 59.4537.44 ± 1.41487.72 ± 75.2634.73 ± 5.05
Female 452.20 ± 34.4735.47 ± 3.49437.50 ± 10.6134.17 ± 1.53530.69 ± 92.6534.67 ± 6.88
Average448.40 ± 5.3736.36 ± 1.26459.38 ± 17.6835.80 ± 2.31509.20 ± 30.3834.70 ± 0.05
Different superscripts in the same row indicate significantly different values (P<0.05).
to genetic interactions with the environment.
Among the observed rabbit breeds, bambu apus
rabbits displayed average percentages of commercial cuts
as follows: foreleg 29.66%, rib 9.38%, loin 22.28%, and
hindleg 36.36%. In a study by Brahmantiyo (2014), new
zealand white rabbits were reported to have percentages of
commercial cuts of 27.27% for the foreleg, 12.26% for the
rib, 21.46% for the loin, and 37.16% for the hindleg. These
findings closely align with the results of the present study.
Therefore, bambu apus rabbits exhibit meat growth patterns
similar to those of new zealand white and rexsi agrinak
rabbits, making them suitable candidates for broiler rabbit
production. Bambu apus rabbits demonstrate an optimal
distribution of meat in commercial cuts with high economic
value, particularly in the foreleg, loin, and hindleg. This
observation aligns with the statement by Blasco et al. (1993),
which emphasizes that commercial cuts of high economic
value in rabbits were primarily found in the hindleg, loin,
and foreleg. The advantage of these commercial cuts lies in
their high meat proportion and low bone content, resulting
in a greater meat yield.
Physical Quality of Rabbit Meat
The meat properties were analyzed and presented in
Table 4. The pH values of the rabbit meat did not show any
significant variations among the groups. Bambu apus rabbit
meat exhibited a pH value of 5.80, while new zealand white
rabbit meat and rexsi agrinak rabbit meat had pH values of
5.61 and 5.76, respectively. The pH value of bambu apus
rabbit meat falls within the normal range for meat pH,
which is consistent with the findings of Soeparno (1992),
who stated that the optimal pH range for meat generally lies
between 5.4 and 5.8.
Regarding the Warner Blaztler Shear Force (WBSF)
values, no significant differences were observed between
bambu apus and new zealand white rabbit meat, with
measurements of 3.69 and 3.23 kg/cm2, respectively. A
lower WBSF value indicates improved meat tenderness.
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124 October 2023
Table 4. Physical Quality of Rabbit Meat
Variables Sex Breeds
bambu apus rabbitsnew zealand white rexsi agrinak
pH Male 5.84 ± 0.12 5.63 ± 0.16 5.78 ± 0.26
Female 5.76 ± 0.16 5.59 ± 0.04 5.73 ± 0.19
Average 5.80 ± 0.06 5.61 ± 0.03 5.76 ± 0.04
Tenderness (kg/cm
) Male 3.80 ± 1.33 3.16 ± 0.27 0.58 ± 0.03
Female 3.58 ± 0.62 3.30 ± 0.78 0.59 ± 0.03
Average 3.69 ± 0.16a 3.23 ± 0.10a 0.59 ± 0.01b
Cooking loss (%) Male 39.08 ± 2.39 52.86 ± 6.26 36.66 ± 6.91
Female 42.92 ± 1.79 59.23 ± 1.32 38.17 ± 4.94
Average 41.00 ± 2.72b 56.05 ± 4.50a 37.42 ± 1.07b
Percentage of free water (%H
O)Male 27.63 ± 1.70 32.77 ± 2.21 33.49 ± 5.57
Female 27.13 ± 2.29 31.42 ± 1.11 38.81 ± 4.58
Average 27.38 ± 0.35c 32.10 ± 0.94b 36.16 ± 3.75a
Different superscripts in the same row indicate significantly different values (P<0.05).
These results are lower compared to the study conducted by
Brahmantiyo (2014), where WBSF values of 4.54 kg/cm
for male rex rabbits and 4.44 kg/cm
for female rex rabbits
were reported. Additionally, Hermawan (2021) reported a
WBSF value of 3.78 kg/cm
for new zealand white rabbit
The term “cooking loss” refers to the percentage
reduction in weight of meat before and after cooking.
Lower cooking loss is generally associated with higher
meat quality compared to higher cooking loss (Brahmantiyo
2014). In the case of bambu apus rabbits, the percentage of
cooking loss differed significantly (P<0.05) from that of new
zealand white rabbits. Bambu apus rabbits exhibited a lower
cooking loss percentage of 41%, whereas new zealand white
rabbits had a higher percentage of 56%. These variations
in cooking loss can be attributed to the different breeds.
Soeparno (1992) suggests that rabbit breeds with higher
fat content tend to experience greater cooking loss due to
fat loss during the cooking process. It is believed that new
zealand white rabbits have a higher fat content compared to
bambu apus and rexsi agrinak rabbits. Interestingly, there
was no significant difference in cooking loss percentage
between bambu apus and rexsi agrinak rabbits, indicating
that they may have similar meat fat content and, therefore,
comparable cooking loss values. This finding was consistent
with the research conducted by Brahmantiyo (2014), which
found no significant difference in fat content and cooking
loss values between rex rabbit and local rabbit breeds.
In summary, bambu apus rabbit meat exhibits a lower
cooking loss percentage compared to new zealand white
rabbits, which is in line with Lapase’s (2016) assertion that
meat with lower cooking loss retains a higher amount of
nutritional content due to minimal loss during cooking.
Water-holding capacity refers to the ability of
meat to retain water within its structure or during external
influences, such as added water (Brahmantiyo 2014).
The measurements of free water percentage revealed a
significant difference (P<0.05) among bambu apus rabbits,
new zealand white rabbits, and rexsi agrinak rabbits.
Bambu apus rabbit meat demonstrated a higher water-
holding capacity, as evidenced by its lower percentage of
free water at 27%, compared to new zealand white rabbits
at 32% and rexsi agrinak rabbits at 36%. This suggests
that bambu apus rabbit meat possesses a superior ability
to bind water compared to the other breeds. This finding
was consistent with Hermawan’s (2021) statement that the
O value represents the percentage of free water in meat,
with lower values indicating a higher water-binding ability.
The strong water-binding capacity of meat helps maintain
optimal moisture levels, tenderness, texture, and facilitates
ease of processing, while also preventing physical and
microbiological damage to the meat.
The bambu apus rabbits have good production and
carcass percentage. Placement of bambu apus rabbit meat
is optimally distributed on commercial cuts that have high
economic value, namely loin and hindleg. The cooking
losses and water holding capacity of the bambu apus rabbit
meat have good value so they have the potential to be
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