Training of Fiberglass Boat Repair for Gresik’s Fisherman to
Improve Fiberglass Boat Quality of Boat Construction following the
Indonesian Classification Regulations
Dedi Budi Purwanto
, Mohammad Sholikhan Arif
and Nurul Hidayati

Institute Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), ITS Sukolilo Campus, ITS Raya Street, Sukolilo,
Surabaya, East Java 60111, Indonesia
Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering, Indonesia

Keywords: Fiberglass, Damage, Classification, Training.
Abstract: There are several types of damage to the fiberglass boat, including holes, cracks, and deformation on the
fiberglass boat hull. At this time, fiberglass boat’s damages are repaired by fishermen with their knowledge
without considering classification regulations. Therefore this paper will explain training on repairing
fiberglass damage using a syllabus and methods by Indonesian classification bureau (BKI) regulations.
Gresik Regency is between 7 degrees and 8 degrees
south latitude and between 112 degrees and 113
degrees east longitude. Most of the area is lowland
with an altitude between 0-12 meters above sea
level, except a small part in the north (Panceng
District) has a height of up to 25 meters above sea
level. The Java Sea borders the northern part of the
Gresik Regency; the Madura Strait and Surabaya
City-bound the eastern part; the southern part is
bordered by Sidoarjo Regency and Mojokerto
Regency, while Lamongan Regency borders the
western region.
Gresik Regency has an archipelago of Bawean
Island and several smaller islands around it. The
total area of Gresik is 1,192.25 km2 consisting of
996.14 km2 land area plus 196,11 km2 area of
Bawean Island while the area of the waters is
5,773.80 km2 which is very potential from the
marine fisheries subsector.
Gresik Regency is one of the buffer cities of
Surabaya. Where the city of Surabaya is the capital
and economic center of East Java and East Indonesia.
Nearly one-third of the Gresik Regency is a coastal
area. As a coastal area that has also been facilitated by
a large port, Gresik Regency has access to regional,
national, and even international trade.
The mapping of the marine fisheries sector in
Gresik has the second-highest potential of marine
fisheries from the mapping of the marine fisheries
sector in East Java with the acquisition of catches of
362,624 tons per year with this development the
movement of the economic industry of the Gresik
district community leading to the fisheries sector is
also increasing (Norromadani Y, 2016).
With the use of boat for fishing activities, some
damages caused by collisions or the age of the boat,
so the boat needs to get maintenance and repairs. In
general, repairs activities are replace the entire
damaged part, but it will take a long time by
reviewing the damages for hull repairs effectively.
Repairing fiberglass boats usually still traditional
way based on limited knowledge about fiberglass
boat repair. Therefore, as an institution engaged in
maritime, ITS is doing community service to
develop and improve the welfare of the community
with a form of training support for maintenance and
repair of ships following the standards used by the
Indonesian Classification Bureau for resistance to
fiberglass ship structures.
2.1 Fiberglass Boat
FRP ships are generally made of fiberglass or glass
fiber. This is because fiberglass is relatively cheaper
when compared to other reinforcing materials. Purwanto, D., Arif, M. and Hidayati, N.
Training of Fiberglass Boat Repair for Gresik's Fisherman to Improve Fiberglass Boat Quality of Boat Construction following the Indonesian Classication Regulations.
DOI: 10.5220/0010141502310235
InProceedings of the 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management (ISOCEEN 2019), pages 231-235
ISBN: 978-989-758-516-6
Copyrightc2021 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved

Fiberglass also has a relatively strong strength with a
light weight. Additionally fiberglass has chemical
resistance and is easy to process. However, the strong
tensile strength of this fiberglass decreases when it
receives a continuous load over a long period of time.
Table 1: Composition of E-Glass and S-Glass per unit
Composition E-Glass S-Glass
Silicone Dioxide 52-56 %
Calcium Dioxide 16-25 % 0-0,3 %
Aluminium Oxide 12-16%
Boron Oxide 5-10 % -
Sodium Oxide & Potassium
Oxide 0-2 % 0-0,3 %
Magnesium Oxide 0-5 % 9-11 %
Iron Oxide 0,05-0,4 % 0-0,3 %
Titanium Oxide 0-0,8 % -
Fluorides 0-1 % -
The table 1 shows the ratio of E-glass and S-glass
composition by weight. In marine use applications, E-
glass (lime aluminum borosilicate) is the most
commonly used reinforcement material because it has
good tensile strength, is resistant to water degradation,
and is cheap. S-glass (silicon dioxide, aluminum, and
magnesium oxides) has 33.33% better tensile strength
and generally has more resistance to fatigue. (Ship
Structure Committee, 1990).
Reinforcement fiberglass material is divided into
several types, namely Chopped Strand Mat (CSM),
Woven Roving (WR), and Multiaxial:
• Chopped Strand Mat (CSM)
Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) is a type of fiberglass
made of glass fibers that are placed and arranged
randomly between one another, as in Figure 2.4. A
comparison of the use of resin against fiberglass
Chopped Strand Mat is 2.5 ~ 3 Resin: 1 CSM.
CSM Fiberglass is generally distinguished by
weight per square meter. For example, CSM 300
means that each square meter of fiberglass weighs
300 grams.
• Woven Roving (WR)
Woven Roving (WR) is fiberglass made of glass
fiber that is woven in two directions continuously
at an angle of 90 °. Fiberglass WR is the
reinforcement material most often used for the
construction of marine structures. It is because WR
fiberglass is available in quite a significant weight
(24 ounces per square yard or around 800 grams
per square meter is the most commonly used
weight) so that the thickness of the structure can be
met quickly. Besides fiberglass, WR also has
resistance to impact because the material is woven.
• Multiaxial
Multiaxial fibers consist of two or more layers of
fibers with different direction orientations (0 °; 90
°; 45 °; -45 °), each report is sewn with fine
polymer yarn. Multiaxial fibers can be combined
with Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) and Woven
Roving (WR). Multiaxial fiber is usually applied
to wind turbines, fast boats, recreational products,
racing cars, aerospace and defense system (defense
equipment). (Baskoro, 2018)
2.2 Types of Fiberglass Boat Damage
Various reasons can cause damage caused to
fiberglass vessels. Based on Greg Davis's survey in
1996, from 3000 respondents 61% damage to
fiberglass boats owned by respondents occurred due
to exposure to foreign objects submerged in the sea,
17% occurred due to collisions, 14% occurred due to
lack of ship maintenance, 5% occurred due to
aground and 3 % occurred due to manufacturing
problems. Following are the types of damage that
can occur to fiberglass vessels. (Greene, 2006)
a. Tear on Boat Skin
Tear damage generally occurs when a ship
collides with another boat or foreign object
when the boat is at sea or the dock. Grounding
or aground of the boat can also be a cause of
this type of damage. This type of damage needs
to do a visual inspection to find out how severe
the injury and delamination that occurs. Tear
damage was initially inspected visually. After
the investigation carried out and the need for
repairs is made, holes are built around the area
of damage. The hole is what will be re-
laminated during the repair process.
b. Delamination
Delamination is damage that occurs when the
loss of bond between the lamination of the skin
of the ship and its core material. Delamination
damage generally cannot be identified visually.
To determine this damage, ultrasonic evaluation
or tap testing is necessary. In the tap testing
evaluation, a part of the delamination is
suspected to be knocked using a metal or plastic
hammer and listen to the sound it makes. Areas
that occur delaminated will cause a higher tone.
c. Cracks on the Gelcoat Layer
These cracks only occur on the surface of the
gel coat layer, and rarely this damage causes ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management

structural failure. However, cracks in the gel coat
layer can cause water to seep into the fiberglass
laminate layer. To detect, it can be done the
visual evaluation and dye penetrant test.
2.3 Indonesian Classification Bureau
In Indonesia, the bereau that regulates fiberglass
ship regulation is the Indonesian Classification
Bureau (BKI). BKI published two regulations about
fiberglass ships, namely BKI 2016, Rules for
Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic Ships, and BKI 2014,
Rules for Non-Metallic Material. BKI in 2016
regulates the calculations performed on the
construction of fiberglass ships while BKI in 2014
regulates the manufacturing process, inspection, and
repair of fiberglass vessels.
The rules used as a reference for the repair of
FRP ships are the 2014 edition of the Indonesian
Classification Bureau (BKI), Rules for Non-Metallic
Material. According to (BKI, 2014), there are
several conditions for repairing FRP vessels. Some
of them are:
• The reparation process should only be carried
out by personnel who have sufficient
experience in this field, generally carried out
by staff who have training certificates.
• The resin used for the repair process must be
the same as the resin used in the production
process. This is done to prevent residual
stresses in the repair area.
• The reinforcement materials used are the same
as those in the production process.
Stages that need to be done in community service
begins with communicating with fiberglass boat
builders in the Lumpur Village, Gresik District,
Gresik Regency. Next, a visit to the location of the
people's boat port and fiberglass shipbuilding was
The meeting held with the fiberglass shipbuilders
produced several things that needed to be used as
information and input for community activities.
Some of these include a) Obtained the location of
community service for the repair of fiberglass
vessels, namely at the community port of the
Lumpur Village, Gresik District, Gresik Regency. b)
The shape of the ship that is commonly used in the
Lumpur area, ship construction, and the type of
fiberglass material used. c) The process of
maintaining fiberglass fishing boats. d) Damages
that occur as well as the location of damage to the
ship. e) Plan for the operation of ship repair.
The method offered in this community service is
to provide information transfer and training on
fiberglass ship repair by the Indonesian
Classification Bureau standards. The activity is
carried out by providing material and interactive
discussions so that the trainees can understand and
facilitate the understanding of the content provided.
Evaluation of the implementation of the activities
carried out after the ship repair training event is
completed. Matters evaluated include a) The method
of preparing the ship before repairs are made. b)
Methods for preparing tools and materials for ship
repair c) Methods for repairing vessels that are good
and right. As for the analysis of the data used to assess
the success of the training through a descriptive study
based on participant responses to the process and
results of the training activities carried out.
Community service activities related to the
maintenance and repair of fiberglass fishing vessels
by following the regulations of the Indonesian
Classification Bureau in the context of increasing the
strength of the structure of fishing vessels in Gresik
Regency are carried out through the following stages:
4.1 Preparation
The implementation of the training program was
initiated by coordinating with the chief fisherman
members in the Lumpur harbor area of the Lumpur
Village to inform the members of the fishermen's
association that there would be a training activity to
repair fiberglass fishing boats.

Figure 1: Discussion with the chief fisherman. Training of Fiberglass Boat Repair for Gresik's Fisherman to Improve Fiberglass Boat Quality of Boat Construction following the
Indonesian Classication Regulations

4.2 Training Implementation
After purchasing materials that will be used in
fiberglass boat training activities, the next event is to
carry out fiberglass boat repair training. Fifteen
participants were attending the training activities
from fishers who participated in the activities of the
local community. The ship used in training is also
one of the training participants. During the training,
participants were guided directly to carry out the
stages in the fiberglass boat repair process.
Before the ship repair work is carried out, the
ITS team briefs and explains the reparation process
and stages that will be carried out. The trainees were
divided into three groups to simplify and share the
work to be done to save repair time. The first group
was tasked with cleaning all ships to be given layers
of fiber using a grinder. The second group is in
charge of preparing the fibers that will be used. The
fibers used are WR 600, CSM 350, and CSM 450.
The third group is tasked with developing putty,
which will be used to patch the hole in the ship and
also to prepare the resin mixture to be used.

Figure 2: Briefing of participants before the repair process.

Figure 3: Cleaning of the hull before the repair process.

Figure 4: Provision of resin on the surface of the boat.

Figure 5: Installation of WR 600 at keel of the boat.

Figure 6: Photo group after the training.

ISOCEEN 2019 - The 7th International Seminar on Ocean and Coastal Engineering, Environmental and Natural Disaster Management

4.3 Training Evaluation
Evaluation is carried out during the process and at
the end of the activity. During the ship repair
training process, participants were able to see
extraordinary enthusiasm.
Before getting this training, they did not know
how to mix resins and catalysts properly, did not
know what percentage of catalysts had to be given
and how to process the coating between fiberglass
and resin properly. After attending this training, they
can carry out the above work well.
Many participants held discussions with
presenters while the training was taking place to
solve problems they found during the ship repair
training process. The results of an evaluation of 15
participants in the repair of fiberglass fishing vessels
on a scale of 1 to 5 can be presented as follows:
Table 2: Evaluation table for training implementation.
No Questions Average Criteria
1 Material given is needed by
4.53 Good
2 Achieve the objectives of
the training program
4.00 Good
3 Ship repair methods used 4.66 Good
4 The ability of the speaker in
delivering material
4.66 Good
5 Participation of participants
in fish boat repair training
4.00 Good
6 Ship repair training
materials can be applied for
further improvements
4.86 Good
7 Adequate training facilities
(tools and materials, places)
4.33 Good
8 Benefits of training for
4.80 Good
Average 4.48 Good
The fiberglass fish boat repair training in the
Lumpur Village, Gresik District, was well
implemented, and the participants who attended the
training showed high satisfaction. This activity can
also improve the abilities and skills of fishers in the
process of repairing their vessels when damaged.
Participants’ responses to training activities
based on the results of quantitative evaluations are in
the outstanding category with an average rating of
4.48 seen from the aspects of the material needed by
the participants, program objectives, improvement
methods, ability of speakers, facilities, and benefits
for participants.
The results of the evaluation indicate that
fiberglass fishing boat repair training activities are
needed by the fishermen so that later, they can be
used as a provision for boat repair knowledge if
there is damage to their boat.
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Pembangunan Kapal Ikan Ukuran 10-20GT
Konstruksi Fibreglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP)
Sesuai Standar Biro Klasifikasi Indonesia. Surabaya.
BKI. 2014. Volume XIV, Rules for Non-Metallic
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Greene, E., 2006. Composite Boat Repair: Part One,
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Norromadani Y, R., 2016. Pemetaan Perikanan Laut
Kabupaten / Kota Jawa Timur dengan Metode Fuzzy
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Ship Structure Comitee., 1990. Use of Fiber Reinforced
Plastics In The Marine Industry. Washington DC.
Ship Structure Comitee. Training of Fiberglass Boat Repair for Gresik's Fisherman to Improve Fiberglass Boat Quality of Boat Construction following the
Indonesian Classication Regulations