Organizational Management and
Personnel Islamic Education

State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
Corresponding Author, Email: [email protected]
Deni Sopiansyah
State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]
Mohammad Erihadiana
State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Received: February 2020 | Accepted: March 2020 | Published: June 2020

This research tries to discuss related to organizational management and personnel of Islamic education. The
approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The reason for using a qualitative approach is because
this research was conducted to obtain an in-depth picture of the organization and personnel of Islamic
education. This research is designed in the form of library research which uses various sources of literature as
a source of research data. This research is a study related to the thought of a character in a certain period of
time, so that the methodological approach used is the content approach. This study concludes that personnel
management is manifested in clear job descriptions to create overlapping jobs. This personnel management
starts from the stage of the employee procurement plan, placement, evaluation, repairs, compensation,
employees to employee traffic jams. This is done to obtain profiles of employees who truly have qualifications
in terms of maximum expertise, skills, motivation and creativity.

Keywords: Organization, Management, Personnel, Education, Islam.
Every organization has a vision, mission and goals to achieve. Whatever the form, the organization
will not be able to run properly and cannot achieve its goals if it is not managed with a good
managerial system. An organization that has large enough funds, adequate facilities and a supportive
environment, but if it is not managed with good management, it can be ascertained that the
continuity of the organization will not run well.
According to Robbin SP. quoted by U. Saefullah, the organization is a system consisting of a pattern
of cooperative activities carried out regularly and repeatedly by a group of people to achieve a goal
(Saefullah, 2012 : 23). The management according to Malayu SP. Hasibuan is the science and art of
regulating the process of using human resources effectively which is supported by other resources
in the organization to achieve certain goals (Hasibuan, 2017 : 98). Management also means a process
of planning, organizing, directing and controlling in all its aspects so that organizational goals are
achieved effectively and efficiently (Hakim, 2014 : 76).
The second management function, namely organizing, is a management function that follows
planning. In organizing, there is a synchronization process and a combination of all resources in the
organization which are combined into one to achieve organizational goals (Sarinah, 2017 : 43).
According to Terry, quoted by M. Rifa'i and M. Fadhli, Organizing is an effort to create a clear task
relationship between personnel, so that everyone can work together in good conditions to achieve
organizational goals (Rifa’i & Fadli, 2013 : 34). According to Stoner, quoted by Manda, organizing is
a pattern of relationships through people under the direction of managers to achieve common goals
(Manda, 2016 : 90).
Journal of Islamicate Studies, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2020, pp: 31-38
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32506/jois.v3i1.662

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Based on the understanding of organizing according to the experts above, it can be concluded that
organizational management is the process of organizing the duties, powers and responsibilities of
each individual as a unit to achieve the goals that have been planned.
In organizing, members of the organization are assigned tasks according to their skills, abilities and
capacities. According to Karta Sapoetra quoted by Qurrata Akyuni, the benefits of this organization
are 1) knowing the relationship and division of labor becomes clear; 2) the right and desired
relationship, facilitating coordination so that all activities become easy to carry out; 3) the use of
human resources components and the proper relationship between work, people, implementation
and facilities can be balanced so as to realize effective and efficient work; 4) clear delegation; 5) each
individual knows their respective duties (Akyuni, 2018 : 94).
Organizational members are personnel who carry out all tasks in the organization, the management
of this personnel is called personnel management. Personnel management is the part of management
that manages the members of the organization which is one part of the management system (Rosyad,
n.d.). The purpose of personnel management is how to use employees efficiently, be able to work
together, be responsible and be able to create, maintain and develop a pleasant working atmosphere
between individuals.
According to Jahari as quoted by Fitriyah Ekawati, human resources are a central factor in an
organization. Human resources in the organization consist of all the people who are active in the
organization. So, humans are a strategic factor in all institutional / organizational activities (Ekawati,
2018 : 121).
Personnel / human resource management is a system of procurement, development, distribution of
compensation, integration and maintenance of labor with the aim of being able to help achieve
organizational, individual and community goals (Wilson, 2012 : 7-13).
The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The reason for using a qualitative approach
is because this research was conducted to obtain an in-depth picture of the management
organization and personnel of Islamic education. This research is designed in the form of library
research, namely using various sources of literature as a source of research data. This research is a
study related to the thought of a character in a certain time, so the methodological approach used is
the content approach. (Moleong, 2001).
1. Organizational Management
a. Definition of Organizational Management
The term organization has two general meanings. The first is as an institution or functional group,
for example a company, a school, an association, government agencies. The second refers to the
organizing process, namely how work is organized and allocated among members so that
organizational goals can be achieved effectively.
While the organization itself can be defined as a collection of people with a system of cooperation to
achieve common goals.
According to Handoko, the organization is;
1) Details of all work that must be carried out to achieve an organizational goal.
2) The division of the total workload into activities that logically can be carried out for one person.

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3) Procurement or development of a mechanism to coordinate the work of organizational
members into an integrated and harmonious unit (Hani, 2003 : 168).
Handoko added that organizing is a joint work arrangement with financial, physical and human
resources in the organization. Organizing is the preparation of an organizational structure in
accordance with the objectives of the organization, its resources and the environment that
surrounds it.
According to Melayu S.P. Hasibuan: Organizing is a process of determining, grouping and arranging
the various activities needed to achieve goals, placing people in each activity, providing the
necessary tools, assigning relative authority delegated to each individual who will carry out the
activity (Hasibuan, 2017 : 118).
Organization according to Wendrich in Husaini Usman Management Theory, Practice and
Educational Research is the process of designing activities within the organizational structure to
achieve predetermined goals (Usman, 2006 : 128). Meanwhile, Sutarto defines an organization as a
collection of people, a process of division of labor, and a system of cooperation or social system
(Usman, 2006 : 129).
Although management experts provide different definitions of the organization, we can conclude
that the organization is a process of working together between two or more people to achieve
organizational goals effectively and efficiently. This definition is general and applies to all
organizations including educational organizations.
Organizing as a process of dividing work into smaller tasks, assigning these tasks to people according
to their abilities and allocating resources and coordinating them in order to effectively achieve
organizational goals.
b. Organizational Goals and Benefits
An organization must have clear objectives, otherwise the organization will not be directional.
Humans need to organize with several goals, according to Karta Sapoetra the organizational goals
1) Effective organizing will cause each member of an organization to know what activity groups are
carried out.
2) With proper organizing, assertiveness, clarity in work relations within an organization will be
3) The constant and desired relationship between activities and implementation will be achieved,
this organizational benefit is much greater than a group of individual efforts.
4) Good organizing also means that the delegation of authority is carried out steadily, so that they
receive an abundance of responsible authority.
5) Effective organizing means making the best possible use of human components and the proper
relationships between specific jobs, people, operations and facilities are further researched and
balanced in such a way as to obtain work effectiveness and efficiency (Sapoetra, 1982 : 42).

c. Organizing Process
Ernest Dale in Nanang Fattah, Education Management Foundation provides organizing as a multi-
step process. The organizing process is as follows:
1) Job details
2) Division of labor

Journal of Islamicate Studies, Vol. 3 No. 1 January-June 2020 (31-38)
http://journal.islamicateinstitute.co.id/index.php/jois 34
3) Work unification
4) Coordination of work
5) M
The first stage, which must be done in detailing the work is determining what tasks must be done to
achieve organizational goals.
The second stage, divides the entire workload into activities that can be carried out by individuals
or groups. Here it should be noted that the people to be assigned the task must be based on the
qualifications neither too heavy nor too light.
The third stage combines the work of the members in a rational and efficient manner. Grouping of
interrelated tasks if the organization is enlarged or complex. This unification of work is usually called
The fourth stage, establishes a work mechanism to coordinate work in a harmonious whole. In every
person and every part carrying out work or activities the possibility of conflict between members
and coordination mechanisms allows each member of the organization to continue to work
The fifth stage, monitors and takes adjustment steps to maintain and increase effectiveness. Because
organizing is an ongoing process. It is necessary to reassess the previous four steps
programmatically or periodically to ensure consistency, effectiveness and efficiency in meeting
d. Organizing in Islamic View
Organizing all resources to optimize the abilities of each individual so that cooperation is realized in
achieving goals through the implementation of plans. Allah SWT in Surah Al-Maidah verse 2 says
which means:
“And help you in (doing) kindness and piety, and don't help in sin and enmity..”
In organizational life, which contains a collection of a number of people, there is a division of fields
of work, there is coordination where cooperation takes place and efforts to achieve common goals
(organization) which simultaneously accommodate individual goals. The division of work creates
the existence of leaders and members whose authority and exemplary influence the members to
work voluntarily and jointly achieve goals.
In Surah An-Nisa ', verse 58 which means:
“Indeed, Allah has told you to convey a message to those who are entitled to receive it, and if you
establish a law among humans you should establish it fairly. Truly the best that teaches you.”
One who is represented to him and fully aware that he will be held accountable before Allah. Those
who accept the mandate must be accountable to Allah and the organization that gave the trust. The
mandate must be given to people who are entitled, namely people who have intellectual and
managerial competence, in the organization must be given a mandate in a certain position according
to their abilities, because professionalism is highly valued in Islam..
2. Personnel Management
Islamic education is the process of guiding a person towards spiritual and physical growth according

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to Islamic teachings towards a Muslim personality. Management of Islamic education is a process of
structuring or managing Islamic educational institutions that involve Muslim human resources and
mobilize them to achieve the goals of Islamic education effectively and efficiently as illustrated in the
above understanding.
There are 3 (three) basics of Islamic education management, namely: Al-Qur'an, As-Sunnah and
Atsaar as well as the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia (Uhbiyati, 1998 : 19).
Management of Islamic education is a management function, where when the elements are not
implemented, the optimization of results will not be achieved. There are 4 (four) elements of Islamic
education management, namely: planning, organizing, actuating, controlling (Effendy, 1986 : 112).
1) Planning adalah perencanaan, yang merupakan tindakan yang akan dilakukan to obtain the
specified results in a certain time and space.
2) Organizing (Organizing) is the arrangement and arrangement of parts to become a unit.
Organizing is needed in Islamic education in order to unify the vision and mission with a neat
organization so that goals can be achieved.
3) Actuating is essentially moving people to achieve the goals set effectively and efficiently.
Actuating is the application or implementation of plans that have been compiled and planned.
4) Control is a determinant of what must be carried out as well as assessing and improving so that
the implementation of the program is in accordance with what is planned by Islamic education.
What is very important in the management of Islamic education is the management components.
There are at least 7 (seven) management components that must be managed properly and correctly,
1) Curriculum and teaching programs,
2) Education personnel (school personnel / employees),
3) Student,
4) Finance and financing,
5) Educational facilities and infrastructure,
6) School and community cooperation, as well
7) Special services for educational institutions (Mulyasa, 2005 : 87).
Manajemen tenaga kependidikan atau manajemen personalia pendidikan aims to utilize education
personnel effectively and efficiently to achieve optimal results, but still in pleasant conditions.
In this connection, the personnel functions that must be carried out by the leadership are attracting,
developing, reviewing and motivating teacher personnel to achieve system goals, helping members
achieve standard positions of behavior, carrying out career development of education personnel,
and aligning individual and organizational goals.
The purpose of education is not only to develop children's knowledge, but also attitudes,
personalities, and social-emotional aspects in addition to other skills.
To manage human resources so that they have maximum skills, motivation and creativity, it is
necessary to go through the following stages:
Identification of staff / employees
This stage is closely related to the employee procurement plan. In order to meet the needs of
employees at a school, institution or organization, it is necessary to have a staffing plan. However,
beforehand, job analysis and job analysis must be carried out to obtain a description of the tasks and

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http://journal.islamicateinstitute.co.id/index.php/jois 36
jobs that must be carried out.
Identification of staff or employees is an introduction to the qualities possessed by prospective staff
both in terms of personality degrees, desires or expectations, motivation and expertise according to
their needs or the type of work / position assigned to them.
Identification can be divided into recruitment and selection. Recruitment is the process of identifying
potential staff candidates who will potentially be accepted. While the selection is the process of
selecting candidates whose quality levels such as personality, needs or expectations, motivation and
skills / expertise do indeed have the requirements to carry out a special job / position to be assigned.
The selection is usually carried out by means of a series of exams, both oral and practical. But
sometimes, in an organization, the procurement of employees can be brought in internally or from
within the organization, whether through promotion or transfer..
If the recruitment of employees has obtained candidates for employees who match the specified
employee qualifications, the leadership determines the possibility of their placement. The main
objective of placement is to seek maximum certainty about the suitability of positions / tasks that
must be filled with individual abilities and expertise as well as personal characteristics of
The main purpose of adjustment is to help a new employee understand and adapt to expectations,
roles, and develop a sense of belonging and recognizing the school and society. This stage is closely
related to the coaching and development of staff or employees. Where the function of coaching and
developing employees is a personnel management that is absolutely necessary, to improve, maintain
and improve employee performance. This activity can be done by means of on the job training and
in service training. This coaching and development activity does not only concern aspects of ability,
but also concerns employee careers.
To find out the extent to which the level of ability and success of the employees of a leader, it is
necessary to evaluate the performance of the employees. Evaluation includes assessing the
performance level of each personnel / staff in achieving the expected results. The appearances
referred to here include. individual achievement and participation in school activities, as well as
employee personality. This assessment is not only important for the school, but also for the
employees themselves. For employees, the assessment is useful as feedback on various things, such
as abilities, strengths, weaknesses and potential which in turn is useful for determining goals,
pathways, plans, and career development.
According to Ismed Syarif, there are several things that are important to be assessed in the employee
appraisal list, namely:
1) Workability
2) Craft
3) Compliance with work discipline
4) Responsibility towards duties
5) Cooperation relationship
6) Conduct inside and outside the service
7) Initiative (initiative)

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8) Leadership
9) Occupation in general (Suryosubroto, 2004 : 90-91).
Based on the results of the evaluation carried out, it is necessary to improve to improve
professionalism and to improve the weaknesses and shortages of employees that have been
identified. The improvement can be in the form of education and training which is a form of human
resource development program (personal development). This refers to the meaning of education
and training which is a learning program that is planned to produce staff members to improve the
appearance of someone who has been assigned a job (Wahjosumidjo, 2010 : 380).
Employee compensation
Compensation is remuneration provided by the organization to employees, which can be valued in
money and has a tendency to be given regularly. Compensation other than in the form of salary, can
also be in the form of allowances, housing facilities, vehicles, and others. The problem of
compensation is a form of challenge that must be faced by management, because employees'
compensation is no longer seen as merely a means of satisfying their material needs, but has been
linked to human dignity..
Termination of employees
Termination of employees is a personnel function that causes the organization and personnel to be
disengaged from their rights and obligations as an institution where they work and as employees. In
the future, each party may be bound by the agreement and the terms of being a former employee.
The reasons for this employee dismissal can be grouped into three types, namely:
1) Termination upon own request;
2) Dismissal by the service or government, for those with civil servant status;
3) Termination due to other causes, such as death, disappearance, time off but not reporting, etc.
Islamic Education Institutions as an organization involve so many individuals who have different
tendencies from one another. Both from a social background, education and even as individuals who
have different personalities from each other. Each of these individuals cooperate with each other to
achieve the same goals of the organization that supports them.
It is not easy for an organizational leader to build harmonious cooperation in the organization for
which he is responsible. Organizational leaders must be able to manage the organization well,
especially in the aspect of managing personnel as human resources who are the driving force of an
This personnel management is manifested in a clear job description to avoid job overlapping. This
personnel management starts from the stage of the employee procurement plan, placement,
adjustment, evaluation, repairs, employee compensation to employee dismissal. This is done to
obtain profiles of employees who truly have qualifications in terms of maximum expertise, skills,
motivation and creativity.
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