Evaluation of Project-Based Learning and Reflective
Practices: A Study of Electrical Courses
Sri Fatmawati, Sentot Budi Rahardjo, Harjana, Endang Susilowati
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Abstract. Project-based learning is seen as appropriate for 21st-century learning.
This study aims to analyze the perceptions of lecturers and students on the appli-
cation of project-based learning and reflective practice in physics learning in
electricity courses. The research subjects consisted of 59 students and 6 lecturers
in the physics education study program who took electricity courses. The re-
search method uses a survey by distributing questionnaires. The results showed
that students expressed their agreement that project-based learning could improve
knowledge, understanding, and skills in physics, and could practice physics prob-
lem-solving skills and provide experience doing research. Respondents from lec-
turers showed positive perceptions of project-based learning, although they also
stated that there were obstacles in implementing the project-based learning
model, which required more time. In the open questionnaire, student respondents
revealed some of the obstacles or weaknesses of project-based learning. The pro-
cess of reflection is still not well conceptualized in learning, it can be seen that
there are still perceptions that are not stable in the reflection activities carried out.
Student respondents stated that reflection activities were still limited to verbal
delivery at the end of the project or learning activities. There needs to be an effort
to optimize reflective practice in learning so that it can improve students' learning
abilities and motivation. The implication of this research is the need to develop a
project-based learning model by integrating it with reflective practice.
Keywords: Project-based learning, physics learning, reflective practice
1 Introduction
Various learning models are recommended by literature to support 21st Century skills,
one of which is project-based learning. Project-based learning provides an educational
experience where actively involved in the learning process, students become responsi-
ble for independent thinking and creativity [1]. This course is designed to hold students
accountable for their learning, encouraging them to develop the skills needed for the
competitive world of the 21st century, such as technology skills, advanced communi-
cation, and problem-solving[2]. Project-based learning provides opportunities for stu-
dents to investigate appropriate topics and allows them to learn from experience, and

© The Author(s) 2023
M. Salimi et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Learning Innovation and Quality
Education (ICLIQE 2022), Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research 767,

apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes acquired to real cases in their lives [3]. Pro-
ject-based learning emphasizes the integration of knowledge and fosters students' prob-
lem-solving capacity [4]. Project-based learning is seen as a learning process that places
a strong emphasis on problem-solving and focuses on product creation or performance
[5], [6]. This learning also offers opportunities to develop collaboration skills and im-
prove higher-order thinking skills [7], [8].
Progressive teaching methods such as individual and group project work can be used
to foster deep understanding, prepare students to apply their knowledge in new situa-
tions, encourage self-regulated learning, encourage metacognition and develop cogni-
tive processes that support problem-solving [9]. Projects involve enhancing creative
and critical thinking through interpreting clusters of data, predicting outcomes, drawing
conclusions, and presenting results [10]. Project-based learning has a positive effect on
problem-solving abilities [11], [12]. The potential use of the project-based learning
model can be developed in terms of soft skills, such as collaborative problem-solving,
communication involving authentic inquiry, and time factor to ensure efficiency and
success in problem-solving efforts.
Reflective practice is a key skill in many professions [13]. Reflecting is asking what
happened or what might happen, what was done, and how it relates to the goal, re-
searching when a situation went well, or investigating why or how something went well
or wrong [14]. Reflection in learning requires students to be curious, open-minded, and
responsible for the knowledge they have or explore [15]. Students' reflective thinking
contributes to a better understanding of themselves, their learning, and their learning
motivation [16]. Reflective practice can improve the learning process [17], [18].
Reflective practice refers to the process or means by which participants understand
their experiences and their meaning [19]. In the professional context of the teacher, the
process of reflective practice begins with the professional practice of the teacher, then
is a reflection on what has happened in the teaching and learning situation. This reflec-
tion may be an evaluation of teaching and learning, for example, whether the learning
outcomes set for a session have been achieved, and if not, why not, or are driven by a
particular issue in the teaching and learning situation that needs to be resolved. At this
stage, the teacher will consider how aspects of teaching and learning can be improved,
or problems solved [20]. This reflection resulted in revised practice, which made the
necessary changes to change and make improvements to the teaching and learning pro-
cess. This is followed by another stage of reflection where teachers will ask whether
the changes they are making to their professional practice are having the desired effect
[20]. The process of learning reflection allows the learner to carry out a critical review
and gather a further understanding of self or knowledge, thereby propelling him to a
higher level of learning [21]. The reflective practice facilitates the development of new
knowledge, skills, and dispositions in teacher candidates by fostering critical contem-
plation of actions in a real-world environment [22].
In physics learning, the project-based learning model is one of the learning models
that facilitates students in building creative thinking, independence, and critical think-
ing. Electrical courses have many interesting things that can be used as project assign-
ments for students, both individually and in collaboration with other people or col-
leagues. the important thing to do is to explore in depth the perceptions of students and
278 S. Fatmawati et al.

lecturers who have carried out project-based learning to find out how effective it is in
learning physics, especially in electricity lectures. The results of the exploration are
expected to find the strengths and weaknesses of project-based learning as a basis for
further development research. Project-based learning has been widely applied in learn-
ing and many research results reveal its success. However, in its implementation, sev-
eral obstacles allow the expected learning outcomes to be less than optimal. Reflection
in the learning process can support the meaningfulness of the learning process experi-
enced by students. Generally, the implementation is done through various means, both
orally and in writing. Exploration of the reflection process in learning is expected to be
a finding that will be the basis for developing an effective reflection activity. This study
intends to evaluate the application of project-based learning and reflective practice in
electricity courses based on the perceptions of lecturers and students.
2 Method
This research method is a survey method, namely distributing questionnaires or ques-
tionnaires to lecturers and students in 5 (five) universities in the physics education study
program. The questionnaire was sent via a google form. Questionnaire for lecturers
containing open-ended questions related to their experience of project-based learning
and reflective practice. Questionnaires for students consist of closed and open question-
naires. The open questionnaire aims to dig deeper and synchronize student answers to
the closed questionnaire. The research subjects consisted of lecturers and students in
the Physics Education Study Program. The student subjects were 59 students consisting
of 23 students from IAIN Palangkaraya, 13 students from Palangkaraya University, 5
students from UIN Antasari, 8 students from Lambung Mangkurat University, and 10
students from UIN Walisongo. The respondents were 6 lecturers, namely 2 IAIN Pal-
angkaraya lecturers, 1 Palangkaraya University lecturer, 1 Walisongo UIN lecturer, 1
Antasari UIN lecturer, and 1 Lambung Mangkurat University lecturer. Qualitative data
analysis was carried out interactively and continuously until it was completed so that
the data was saturated, the activities included data reduction, data display, and
conclusion. [23].
3 Result and Discussion
The data from the questionnaire are first collected and then reduced or summarized and
sorted to focus on the important things and discard the unnecessary. The results of the
questionnaire analysis show that there is a perception that supports the application of
project-based learning in learning, especially in electricity courses, besides that there
are also some obstacles or obstacles expressed by lecturers and students who have im-
plemented project-based learning. The description of the electricity subject lecturer
who filled out the questionnaire is shown in table 1.

Evaluation of Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practices 279

Table 1. Description of lecturers who filled out the questionnaire

Gender Teaching
Subjects taught (last 2 semesters)
Male (L-1) 3 years Basic Physics, Waves, Computational Physics,
Magnetism, Instrumentation
Male (L-2) 11 years Basic Electronics 1 and 2
Male (L-3) 16 years Magnetic electricity, basic electronics, thermody-
namics, physics laboratory
Male (L-4) 27 years Basic Physics II, Electromagnetics, Applied Phys-
Male (L-5) 30 years Electricity, magnetism, solid-state physics, sta-
tistical physics
Male (L-6) 5 years Basic Electronics, Quantum Physics, Mathemati-
cal Physics

All lecturer respondents agreed that project-based learning can build students'
knowledge, understanding, and skills in learning physics, explaining several reasons,
namely because students are directly involved in the problems given by the lecturer,
students gain experience in the investigation process to the final product, students will
be challenged to complete a tool in completing the application of a theory. There is one
lecturer who agrees as long as it is an applied subject, and students have been provided
with the required prerequisite knowledge and skills. 5 lecturers stated that they had
carried out project-based learning in electricity courses. 1 lecturer stated that he had
never. All lecturers stated that they experienced time constraints in implementing pro-
ject-based learning.
All lecturer respondents agreed that project-based learning can practice physics
problem-solving skills. Almost all teaching lecturers in electricity courses have imple-
mented project-based learning. Only L-6 lecturers stated that they had never, but ap-
plied inquiry. The type of learning applied to electricity courses is shown in table 2.

Table 2. The Type of learning applied to electricity courses

Learning Type Lecturer Code
Discovery Learning L-1, L-2, L-5
Inquiry learning L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, L-6
Project-based learning L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, L-5
Cooperative learning L-1, L-2, L-3
Problem-based learning L-2, L-3, L-4
Problem Solving L-4

The form of project assignments that have been given by lecturers are summarized
as follows:
280 S. Fatmawati et al.

1. Making instrumentation related to physics topics and student responses that are more
enthusiastic in carrying out assignments (L-1).
2. The form of task is in the form of observing static electricity and the student's response
is very good because they can directly observe the symptoms of static electricity (L-2)
3. Projects that can be applied to everyday life,
4. Students are given the task of formulating authentic project problems, reviewing alter-
native solutions, designing project problem solving, making projects, testing projects,
presentations/reflections (L-4)
5. It is given in the form of an experiment and done by 4 students in the form of an ex-
perimental group. The guide has been prepared (L-5)
6. Provide a student worksheet and in it explores students' abilities to complete a tool
The core idea of project-based learning is real-world problems of student interest,
provoking serious thought as students acquire and apply new knowledge in a problem-
solving context. [24]. Project-based learning is an educational approach that focuses on
creative thinking, problem-solving, and students' interactions with their peers to create
and use new knowledge. [7]. The development of project-based learning is carried out
to increase the effectiveness of success in its implementation. Research in the area of
effective project-based implementation needs to be continued and extended to a wider
audience [25]. Facilitating factors in the implementation of project-based learning such
as modern digital technology, high-quality group processes, teacher's ability to effec-
tively design lessons, teacher's ability to provide guidance, teacher's ability to provide
support, and balance between didactic teaching with harmonized inquiry and assess-
ment methods [26].
Project-based learning can not only increase learning motivation but facilitate prob-
lem-solving skills [27]. Project learning can train students to ask questions, think of
various ways to solve problems, train students to categorize data, train students to think
about things that other people don't think about, and be able to train students in express-
ing their own opinions on problems [28]. This model can create fun learning so that it
generates confidence [29]. Project-based learning provides opportunities for students
to appreciate the ability to work together and will further strengthen student relevance,
confidence, and satisfaction [30].
All lecturer respondents stated that they experienced problems or difficulties in ap-
plying the project-based learning model to the electrical course material, namely time
constraints, besides that they were also constrained in designing learning (L-2) and as-
sessing student performance (L-4). Implementation of project-based learning usually
takes several weeks, due to the open scenario orientation, students have to search for
more information in the literature and choose their strategies, professor guidance is very
important as well as non-face-to-face learning [31].
Challenges in implementing project-based learning such as in experiential settings
can take days or weeks, cover one standard or many, multiple skills, and multiple dis-
ciplines for multiple purposes [32]. Insufficient facilities, time, and insufficient funds
as the main inhibiting factors in the project [33]. A further problem is to design a project
with an appropriate level of difficulty for students and the authenticity of the project
i.e. comparing a real project with a theoretical project [34]. Some of the problems that
Evaluation of Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practices 281

arise in project-based learning are that students accept many new concepts and tech-
niques, students are forced to learn, practice, and master the skills needed in a matter
of days, and students have fewer opportunities to reflect and absorb the material, and
learning experiences [35]. Other limitations are the lack of time for group processing
sessions (sessions for members to acknowledge each other's roles, strengths, weak-
nesses, and contributions to teamwork), and students feeling less confident, afraid, and
embarrassed in front of the instructor for guidance [36]
Reflection in the learning process can encourage learning to be more meaningful.
Based on the results of the questionnaire filled out by lecturers who teach electricity-
related courses, it was revealed that all lecturers had carried out a reflection process,
namely asking students to understand their learning experiences and their meaning
and rethinking the learning activities that had been carried out. The reflection pro-
cess in question also provides opportunities for students to express their assessments
and feelings related to learning activities, as well as evaluate the strengths and weak-
nesses of the student learning process. Reflection activities are carried out by Asking
students to provide important notes on the material that has been received (L-1),
presenting the results of observations (L-2), feedback orally and in writing (L-1),
and reflection by giving a questionnaire about the process they are doing, evaluation
at the end of the lecture (L-6), a questionnaire about the teaching and learning pro-
cess that has been carried out (L-2 and L-3), self-evaluation in the learning process
The results of the questionnaire on student perceptions of project-based learning in
electricity courses are shown in table 3. The percentage of student responses indicates
a positive perception of project-based learning. This can be seen from the level of stu-
dent agreement that project-based learning can improve their knowledge of understand-
ing and skills towards physics, namely strongly agree 50.8% and agree 45.8%. Students
also stated their agreement that project-based learning could train them to solve physics
problems in their daily lives, namely strongly agree 55.9% and agree 40.7%. They also
stated that through project-based learning they gained experience in designing a product
and conducting research, as well as providing real experience in the form of knowledge,
understanding, and skills about electrical materials.
This is reinforced by the statement of students on the results of an open questionnaire
about their experience related to the knowledge, understanding, and or skills obtained
in project-based learning, namely, they gain experience in product-making skills, such
as microcontrollers, skills in using electronic devices, viscosity testing of a product,
Arduino application skills, understands the concept of electromagnetic induction, skills
in electrical assembly, skills in using welding tools, drills, and grinders in making wa-
terwheel projects, skills in making simple water pumps, skills in using solder, alterna-
tive energy concepts, windmills and water purifiers, skills in making aero-modeling,
students understand more about the concept of Bernoulli's Law and its application to
aircraft, making environmentally friendly energy, namely bio-battery.

282 S. Fatmawati et al.

Table 3. Student perceptions of project-based learning in electricity courses

Statement Response percentage
Agree Disa-
1. Based on my experience,
the project-based learning
model can improve my
knowledge, understanding,
and skills in physics.
50,8 % 45,8% 1,7
1,7 %
2 Based on my experience,
the project-based learning
model can practice my
skills to solve physics prob-
lems in everyday life.
55,9% 40,7% 1,7
1,7 %
3 Learning physics related to
electrical courses has given
me the experience to de-
sign products and conduct
research (formulating
problems, testing hypothe-
ses, collecting and analyz-
ing data, and making con-
30,5% 59,3% 5,1% 1,7 % 2,4%

4 Designing and making pro-
jects in lectures on electri-
cal course materials will
give me real experience in
the form of knowledge, un-
derstanding, and skills
28,8% 66,1% 1,7
1,7 % 1,7

The summary of student questionnaires regarding the strengths and weaknesses of
the project assignments that have been given to them is shown in table 4.
Table 4. Strengths and weaknesses of the assigned project tasks
Strengths Weaknesses
• Make students more active and suc-
ceed in solving complex problems
• Adding practical insight, tool-mak-
ing skills, designing ideas, and real-
izing them
Lecturer support is limited to
ideas, takes a lot of time, lacks
publications, lacks assistance, and
goals that are not monitored
Difficulty applying theory to
real life
It costs a lot
Evaluation of Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practices 283

Strengths Weaknesses
• Better understand the problem points
or characteristics to be researched,
gain experience in making products,
gain knowledge using new tools,
• Understand the best quality of prod-
uct comparison
• Knowing firsthand the application of
• Communication, knowledge, and
knowledge between students is
• Understand more easily the concept
material and gain new experiences
• Make learning physics fun
• Gaining experience such as making
electrical installations independently
and making it easier to understand
electrical equipment at home,
• Gain experience making products
such as tesla coil,
• understanding of the concepts gained
is more immersive, very fun, and
gives new experiences and the pro-
jects created can be useful for people
in need
• Lessons are easy to understand with
the project,
• Gain hands-on experience in creating
projects and using tools in projects
• Implement an understanding of the
material being studied,
• Foster collaboration between stu-
• Gain experience in making products
and be able to know the benefits of
surrounding materials,
• Gain experience in designing tools
• The materials used are easy to obtain
• Better understand the material.
There are group members who
are lazy and lack initiative,
Requires patience and suffi-
cient knowledge, takes energy
Difficult to design project
Weaknesses in using tools dur-
ing the project
Constrained access to equip-
Too focused on the project so
that we forget about the material
or theory that we also need to
A lot of time wasted thinking
about concepts
Lack of understanding in pro-
ject creation
Takes a long time to understand
how it is made and how it works
Difficulty in understanding con-
Difficulty in finding tools and
The steps for making the pro-
ject are not well understood
The project does not look neat
because it uses improvised mate-
Difficult to design products
Limited time, tools, and materi-
284 S. Fatmawati et al.

Strengths Weaknesses
• Can recycle garbage.
• Practice skills in making tools and
concepts to become more under-
• Stimulate creativity.

Based on an open questionnaire about student obstacles in implementing project-
based learning, namely lack of time effectiveness, lack of mentoring or monitoring from
supervisors or lecturers, lack of group effectiveness in working on projects, funding
problems or project costs, difficulty making project designs, difficulties in understand-
ing and skills in using tools during the project, forgetting to understand the material or
theory due to focusing too much on making project products, limited tools, and mate-
rials, lack understanding in project making, group members who do not participate.
Students and lecturers stated that the form of project assignments that were easy to
do was as shown in table 5. The highest frequency for students is project assignments
whose tools and materials are easily found in the student's environment. The lecturer
stated that the project assignment that gave students independence in determining the
goals, steps, and product forms was an easy project task, totaling 4 people, namely L-
2, L-3, L-4, and L-6.

Table 5. Frequency of easy project assignments based on student statements
Statement Fre-
quency of
quency of
Project tasks whose objectives have been clearly de-
18 L-2,L-3,L-
Project tasks whose completion steps are available 17 L-1,L-2,L-
Project assignments for which tools and materials are
readily available in the laboratory
19 L-2,L-3,L-
Project assignments whose tools and materials are easy
to find in the student's environment
31 L-2, L-3
Project assignments related to real-life contexts or re-
lated to students' daily lives
30 L-1,L-2,L-
Project assignments that give students independence in
determining goals, steps, and the form of the resulting
23 L-2,L-3,L-

Based on the closed questionnaire, showed that the student respondents said that the
reflective practice in the electricity course had been implemented. This can be seen
Evaluation of Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practices 285

from the percentage level of their agreement on each statement related to reflective
practice as shown in table 6.
Table 6. Implementation of reflective practice in electrical courses
Statement Response percentage
Agree Disa-
1. Learning physics in electricity
course material has allowed
me to understand the learning
experience and its meaning,
and to rethink the learning ac-
tivities that have been carried
27,1% 64,4% 3,4% 1,7% 3,4%
2. Learning physics in the elec-
trical course material has pro-
vided an opportunity for me to
express my assessment and
feelings related to the learning
activities that have been car-
ried out.
11,9% 74,6% 8,5% 1,7% 3,4%
3. Learning physics in electrical
course material has allowed
me to evaluate the strengths
and weaknesses associated
with learning activities.
15,3% 76,3% 5,1% 1,7% 1,7%
4. Learning physics in electrical
lecture materials has allowed
me to search and read litera-
ture to increase knowledge
and understanding to under-
stand the learning that occurs,
finally make conclusions and
reach the stage of action plans
to formulate new lessons.
28,8% 66,1% 1,7% 1,7% 1,7%

However, when traced using an open questionnaire, students' statements were con-
tradictory where most stated they had never, and only a small part stated that reflection
activities were still limited to verbal delivery at the end of the project or learning activ-
ities. Reflection activities are expressed through open questionnaires such as conveying
the progress that has been achieved and the obstacles faced, presentations so that they
get input from the audience, more often suggestions and good learning solutions are
given, giving appreciation for the best projects, after completing the products of each
student team. Conduct an evaluation related to the learning process and product devel-
opment process, and was told to make a report, the project task had been completed and
was assigned to make a report from the report maker, it was necessary to analyze data
and what obstacles occurred and find a solution.
286 S. Fatmawati et al.

Students tend to recognize and value reflection as a learning tool called reflection
for learning [13]. Reflection is suggested as a means to integrate learning into cognitive
structures and relate it to prior knowledge [21]. When learners engage with reflective
practice they can do so at different levels from superficial reporting to deeper and crit-
ical levels [37]. Action-oriented authentic reflection is an active process of self-discov-
ery [38]. Only people who reflect can judge whether learning has occurred that is im-
portant to them [39]. Choosing reflective assignments taking into account the level of
professional knowledge and previous experience can make it possible to develop stu-
dents' high-level skills across space and time [40].
Despite the findings stating positive perceptions from students and lecturers about
project-based learning, the open questionnaire section revealed several obstacles or
weaknesses of project-based learning which are important things to study for further
solutions such as lack of monitors from lecturers, and lack of group effectiveness in
working on projects. the project, lack of understanding of the material or theory due to
focusing too much on making project products, and the presence of fewer participating
group members. The process of reflection is still not well conceptualized in learning,
although the results show that reflection has been implemented. The reflection activity
shows that there are still perceptions that are not stable, for example, there are still
respondents who interpret making a project report as a reflection activity or an activity
to give appreciation. Of course, it will be more meaningful if students are asked to
express their thoughts and feelings about the project that has been done as a reflection.
This is an interesting finding for further research to find a good and integrated reflection
model in a learning model.
4 Conclusion
The results showed that there were positive perceptions from lecturers and students
toward project-based learning in learning. Several reasons were stated by lecturers for
supporting project-based learning, namely, students gain experience in the investigation
process to the final product, and students will be challenged to complete a tool in com-
pleting the application of a theory. A high level of agreement in students' responses to
project-based learning can improve their understanding of knowledge and skills in
physics. Through project-based learning, they gain experience in designing a product
and conducting research, as well as providing real experience in the form of knowledge,
understanding, and skills about electrical materials. However, there are obstacles expe-
rienced by students in implementing project-based learning, namely lack of time effec-
tiveness, lack of mentoring or monitoring from supervisors or lecturers, lack of group
effectiveness in working on projects, project cost problems, difficulty in making project
designs, difficulties in understanding and skills in the use of tools during the project,
lack of focus on understanding the material or theory, limitations of tools and materials,
lack of understanding in project creation, lack of participating group members. Re-
spondents from lecturers also stated that they experienced problems in applying the
project-based learning model to the electrical course material, namely time constraints,
Evaluation of Project-Based Learning and Reflective Practices 287

besides that they were also constrained in designing learning (L-2) and assessing stu-
dent performance (L-4). The next research challenge is how to overcome these obsta-
cles in implementing project-based learning.
Reflection is an important process in learning. Based on the closed questionnaire,
shows that the student respondents stated that the reflective practice in the electricity
course had been carried out. This is contrary to the answers to the open questionnaire
where most of the student respondents stated that they had never done reflection activ-
ities, and only a small part stated that reflection activities were still limited to verbal
delivery at the end of the project or learning activities. Furthermore, it is necessary to
optimize the reflective practice in learning so that it can improve students' learning
abilities and motivation. The practice of reflection applied to students in the learning
process can be done in various ways by asking reflective questions such as what have
they learned, what are the learning outcomes they have obtained, how they feel about
what they have learned, has their learning process has been going well, if not what can
be done to make it better. Reflection practice can also be done by making a reflective
journal. Journals as a means of practicing reflection are records of experiences,
thoughts, and feelings about certain aspects of life [41].
Evaluation of the implementation of project-based learning and practice of reflection
has implications for the next research step, namely trying to develop a project-based
learning model by integrating it with reflective practice. It aims to increase the effec-
tiveness of the project-based learning model and make learning meaningful for stu-
dents. The advantages of project-based learning that have been revealed have the im-
pact that this model can be an option for lecturers in learning physics or electricity
courses. The revealed model weaknesses can be used as the basis for research as chal-
lenges and opportunities for further development. The learning reflection process re-
vealed in this study is still not conceptualized and has not been integrated into the learn-
ing process. In-depth exploration of students' thoughts and feelings about the learning
process they have done can train critical thinking, thus encouraging higher-order think-
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