Empiricism Journal
email: [email protected]
Vol. 3, No 2, Dec. 2022
e-ISSN: 2745-7613
pp. 264-276

Received: November 2022 Revised: December 2022 Published: December 2022 264

The Application of Blended Learning Using Edmodo Media to
Increase Learning Motivation and Achievement in Learning Physics

Yulya Kusumawati,
Lukmanul Hakim
Sumbawa University of Technology, Jl. Raya Olat Maras Batu Alang, Kabupaten Sumbawa,
Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia 84371.
*Email Korespondensi: [email protected]
The technology of learning in 4.0 requires students to be more active in obtaining information both at school and
community. In order to engage students how to use their own effort and hard work to find knowledge as a source
of learning, Indonesia has already implemented e-learning media. However, learning media is still less effective
in influencing the way of learning in SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu, it because of motivation and learning achievement
to decrease. Therefore, research was conducted on the application of blended learning using Edmodo application
to increase motivation and achievement in learning physics in first grade of SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu. The
purpose of this research are; 1) To analyze the factors that can increase motivation to learn physics in first grade
of SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu, 2) to identify the differences between the application of blended learning using
Edmodo application and conventional to increase learning motivation and achievement of SMA Negeri 1 Moyo
Hulu, and 3) To analyze the effectiveness of applying blended learning using Edmodo application to increase
learning motivation and achievement of SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu. The researcher used quasi-experimental
research with Nonequivalent control group design. The sampling technique used is cluster sampling. Data
collection techniques using observation, questionnaires, tests, interviews, and documentation. Instrument test
using validity test and reliability test. Furthermore, the data were analyzed using factor analysis techniques,
different test analysis (paired sample t test), and effectiveness analysis. Based on the results of the research that
has been done, it was found that the factors that can increase the motivation to learn physics in first grade of
SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu, consist of 4 factors namely; family, school environment, educators and learning media.
Learning media is an important factor, where the application of Edmodo greatly influences learning motivation
and achievement with an average value comparison of experimental class motivation 8,69> 5,94 control class
motivation, and experimental class achievement 33,94> 27,42 control class achievement, so it can be concluded
that edmodo is effective to be applied in the physics learning process at SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Edmodo, Motivations, Achievement
How to Cite: Kusumawati, Y., Umar, U., & Hakim, L. (2022). The Application of Blended Learning Using Edmodo
Media to Increase Learning Motivation and Achievement in Learning Physics. Empiricism Journal, 3(2), 264–276.
Copyright© 2022, Kusumawati, et al.
This is an open-access article under the CC-BY-SA License.

Learning technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, requires students to be
more active in obtaining information both at school and in the community (Doringin et al.,
2020). Indonesia has currently implemented e-learning learning media with the aim of
training students to find information and materials with their own efforts and initiatives
(Jayawardana, 2017). The presence of e-learning provides new innovations in the world of
education with the widespread use of electronic communication media, so that in the world
of education it is very necessary to help Science Technology (IPTEK) (Restu Ningsih et al.,
2021). As per the statement (Mustofa & Riyanti, n.d.) that e-learning makes learning easier
both in terms of material, placement, processing, and assessment as well as the
environmental conditions desired by students. So the application of e-learning can increase
learning motivation and learning achievement so that learning objectives are achieved
(Islamiyah & Widayanti, 2016).
Learning does not rely solely on technology, because learning is essentially more
about the process of interaction between educators, students, and learning resources
(Usman, 2019). Although e-learning can be used independently by students, the existence
of educators becomes very meaningful as a companion that functions to motivate students
in the learning process (Purwasih & Apsari, 2021). In other words, the face-to-face process

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is important and cannot be abandoned in the learning process. So that by combining online
and face-to-face learning, it is possible to achieve effective learning (Nana & Surahman,
2019). The combination of several learning models is called Blended learning.
Blended learning is a form of learning that combines traditional (face-to-face) learning
with online learning (Sari, 2013). Blended learning in this study is considered as the
interaction of face to face learning with learning with an online approach (Kuntarto &
Asyhar, 2016). Online learning in this study was carried out with the edmodo application.
Edmodo is a social network for learning based on learning management system (LMS).
Edmodo provides facilities for educators and students, including as a safe place to
communicate, collaborate on sharing learning content and applications, completing
homework for students, discussions in virtual classes, online tests and assessment of
learning process results (Muhajir et al., 2019). Edmodo is very comprehensive as a course
wheregement system when compared to Moodle, where access is faster and easier to use
(Nugraha et al., 2020). Edmodo has three functions in the learning process, namely
substitute, companion, and complementary functions (Iriyani et al., 2017).
SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu is a high school located in Moyo Hulu sub -district,
Sumbawa regency. The learning process in the school is an important concern because
there is still a lack of motivation of students in learning Physics which causes student
learning outcomes to be low. (Source: Archives of SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu) Based on
data from SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu in the last 3 years (2020-2022) the average physics
score is 70.4 lower than chemistry lessons which are 75 and biology which is 76.8. This is
because physics material must require students to understand physics equations or
formulas, which causes students to be lazy to repeat learning at home. Meanwhile, the
learning motivation of students can be seen from the interestingness and inability of the
subjects presented and the learning process that takes place (Ekawati, 2018). The
achievement of learning motivation is influenced by several elements, one of which is the
educator element. Educators must be able to motivate students to be more active in
learning. The more active students are in learning, it is directly proportional to the increase
in learning motivation and learning achievement of students (Khaeruddin, 2012).
Learning achievement is a learning result achieved after going through the process of
teaching and learning activities. Learning achievement can be demonstrated through the
grades given by an educator from the material that has been learned by the learners. Every
learning activity certainly always expects to produce maximum learning (Syafi'i et al.,
2018). In the process of achievement, learning achievement is greatly influenced by
various factors. One of the main factors that are very influential in the success of learning is
the existence of educators (Sutardi & Sugiharsono, 2016). In improving learning
achievement, it can be supported by the application of edmodo media at SMA Negeri 1
Moyo Hulu. In accordance with Ekawati's research (2018), that the application of blended
learning with edmodo applications based on the PDEODE learning strategy can increase
the learning achievement of students in class VIIIF MTs N Magelang, as evidenced by the
percentage of student learning completeness, namely precyclical to cycle 1 there is an
increase of 31%, an increase from cycle I to cycle II of 62%, and an increase from
precyclical to cycle II of 93%. In addition, edmodo media also affects learning outcomes at
SMK Anwarul Maliki Sukorejo Pasuruan East Java with a T pairet test that shows a
significance value of 0.000 with a significant < of 0.05 in the conclusion that Ho is rejected
and Ha is accepted, meaning that the average score before and after the application of
edmodo media is that there is an influence on learning outcomes (Maghfiroh et al., 2017).
In this study, what is a novelty is the merger of the blended learning model with
Edmodo media to review the increase in learning motivation and student learning
achievement. Edmodo itself has been widely researched and can provide benefits in
learning. One of the studies conducted by Ardian Wicaksono and Supri Hartanto that
Edmodo can increase student learning motivation because it has fun and persuasive
features. Thus, to be able to increase learning motivation and student learning achievement,
there needs to be innovation carried out so that there is a need for research related to
learning motivation factors, the application of Blended Learning using Edmodo media with
conventional learning to increase learning motivation and learning achievement in physics
class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu and the effectiveness of learning Blended Learning uses

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Edmodo media to increase learning motivation and achievement in learning physics class X
SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu.
Research on the Application of Blended Learning using Edmodo media to increase
learning motivation and achievement in learning physics class X was carried out at SMA
Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu Jl. Raya Sumbawa Besar – Semamung Marga Karya, Moyo Hulu
District, Sumbawa Regency. The time of this study was conducted from September 2022 –
October 2022. The method in this study uses quasi-experimental methods or pseudo-
experiments. Quasi-experimentation is an experiment that has a control group but does not
fully function to control the outer variables that affect the implementation of the experiment
(Sugiyono, 2011). The design used in this study is a Nonequivalent control group design.
According to (Arikunto, 2010) the pattern of Nonequivalent control group design is as follows:
Description: 01 = experimental class before treatment
02 = experimental class after treatment
03 = control class before the learning process
04 = control class after the learning process
X = Application of blended learning using edmodo media
- = Conventional k method
The population in general is the entire object of study covering all elements contained
in the research area (Danuri & Maisaroh, 2019). The population in this study was all
students of class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu for the 2022/2023 academic year which
amounted to 130 students divided into 4 classes. The sample is part of the population under
study and can represent the entirety of the object under study (Sugiyono, 2011). In this
study, the sampling technique used was cluster sampling. Cluster sampling is a technique
used if a heterogeneous population is encountered where the sub-population is a group
(cluster) that has heterogeneous properties while in the sample stratification each sub-
population is homogeneous (Amirullah, 2015). The samples at SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu are
taken as many as 2 classes, and those who will be experimental classes and control classes
will be selected directly according to the homogeneity and normality of the 4 X classes in
SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu. This research there are several variables that need to be
considered as follows: Motivational factors and Blended Learning Using Edmodo Media as
independent variables (free variables), Learning Motivation and Learning Achievement as
dependent variables (bound variables), control variables (controlling variables) namely
educators who teach experimental classes and control classes are the same, namely
Physics educators of Class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu, as well as the time and learning
materials of the two groups in this study are also relatively the same. The data in this study
consisted of:
a. Primary data is data obtained by researchers directly from respondents (Saryanti, 2010).
Primary data in this study was obtained from the data from the questionnaire results
learning motivation factors, data on the results of the learning motivation questionnaire
and data on learning achievement outcomes distributed to students of class X SMA
Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu .
b. Secondary data in this study were obtained from the results of literature studies conducted
by researchers (Saryanti, 2010). The secondary data in this study wasobtained from pts
data for class X students of SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu.

01 x 02
03 - 04

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The data collection techniques in this study used:
1. Observation Techniques
Observations made by researchers include: observations before research to identify
problems experienced by educators and experienced by students , observations made
when learning belended learning Using Edmodo media to find out the learning motivation
and learning achievement of students. Observation is very important before taking action .
2. Questionnaire Technique
Questionnaire is a data collection technique carried out by giving a set of questions
or written statements to respondents to be answered (Sugiyono, 2011). The
questionnaires in this study amounted to 2 questionnaires, before compiling the
questionnaire, first make a grid. There are 2 questionnaire grids in this study, including: a
grid of learning motivation factors and a grid of student learning motivation. The
questionnaire on learning motivation factors consists of 30 questions given before
applying belended learning using edmodo media and analyzed using factor analysis. The
learning motivation questionnaire consists of 30 questions that will be given before and
after students are applied belended learning using edmodo media. The questionnaire is
used to find out whether students are motivated by the media that has been applied.
3. Test Technique
A test is a tool used to find out and measure aspects of student behavior (Achadah,
2019). Instrumen in this study is in the form of a multiple-choice question test, before
compiling multiple-choice questions, researchers compile a grid of questions. Multiple-
choice questions are carried out by choosing one of several possible answers that have
been provided. The possible answer (option) consists of five answers, namely one correct
answer and four detractors (distroctors) attached to appendix 9. Each correct answer is
scored 1 (one) while for the wrong answer it is scored 0 (zero) (Parnabhakti &
Puspaningtyas, 2020). To find out the achievements of students, educators must
determine the intervals of learning achievement scores as follows:
4. Interview Techniques
Interviews were conducted to collect data from educators and students related to
physics learning. Interviews are conducted with educators and learners before action is
taken. Interviews are used to find out the obstacles or difficulties of learning physics from
educators and students, to obtain valid data related to existing problems and compare
the truth of the observation data.
5. Documentation Techniques
Documentation techniques are used to obtain information from various written
sources or documents that exist in respondents (Arikunto, 2010). This documentation
method is used to find out photos of activities during observation / research in
experimental classes and control classes during learning.

The test instruments in this study are as follows:
1. Validity Test
In this study, there are several instrument data that will be tested for validity,
including validity test data for motivational factors, validity test data for learning
motivation questionnaires and validity test data on learning achievement. The results of
the study are said to be valid if there are similarities between the collected data and the
data that actually occurs in the object under study (Arikunto, 2010). It is said to be valid
if the instrument can be used to measure what should be measured. A valid
measurement means the measuring instrument used to obtain the data. Instrument
validity testing is performed using correlation with the product moment formula with the
help of the SPSS application.
The validity of a question item can be seen in the SPSS output , namely by
comparing the calculated value with the table value . If the calculated value > the
table value , it can be said that the item is valid. Conversely, if the calculated value <

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the table value , then the item is invalid (Sugiyono, 2011). So it needs to be replaced or
aborted the validity of the sample used. After the questionnaire is validated and declared
valid, the questionnaire and test are declared suitable for research.
2. Reliability
Reliability points to the notion that an instrument is trustworthy enough to be used
as a data collection tool , because the instrument is already good (Sugiyono, 2011). The
instrument reliability test in this study was carried out using the alpha cronbach method
with the help of SPSS.

The data analysis techniques in this study are:
1. Factor Analysis
This study used exploratory factor analysis techniques . Factor analysis is a study of
interdependence between variables that aims to detect a new set of variables with a
smaller number than the previous variable (Metriana, 2014). Exploratory factor analysis is
a method to form a theory (Andri et al., 2020). According to (Rismawati & Khairiati, 2020)
the analysis of exploratory factors is composed of several steps , namely:
a. Testing the Feasibility of the Analysis
Analysis feasibility testing is used to see the fullness of assumptions as a
condition for factor analysis. The feasibility test criteria of the analysis in this study used
the price of the Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin coefficient (KMO) and the Bartlett test of Sphericity
and the MSA (Measure of Sampling) measurement. The KMO test is useful for
viewing the adequacy of the analyzed sample . The sample is said to meet if its
KMO sampling adequacyvalue is more than 0.50. The Bartlett test of Sphericity test
is used to test the normality of the data. Data is said to be normal if the calculated
significance value is smaller than the predetermined significance value. In this study,
the significance value set was 0.05. The MSA (Measure of Sampling) test is a test
used to measure homogeneity between variables and perform filtering between
variables so that only eligible variables can be further processed. Where the MSA
value is 0.5 – 1.0.
b. Perform extraction
Extraction is performed in order to get fewer factors than the overall number of
factors that have been set. The method used to perform factor extraction is Principal
Component Analysis (PCA)
c. Determining the number of factors
The determination of the number of factors is based on the magnitude of the
eigen value of each emerging factor. Eigen value is the number of variants described
by each factor. The core factors chosen are those that have an eigen value of > 1.
d. Rotating
Rotation is a mechanism for rotating axes close to the coordinates of a point or
variable. Factor rotation is carried out to facilitate interplay in determining which
variables are listed in a factor because sometimes there are several variables that
have a high correlation with more than one factor or if some of the loading factors of
the variable are below the smallest that has been set. Rotating factors to clarify the
position of a variable by using the varimax method.
2. Analyze the difference test
a. Normality Test
Normality tests are performed to determine whether the data is normally
distributed or abnormal . Data is the most important assumption in parametric
statistics, so testing of data normality must be carried out so that the assumptions in
parametric statistics can be met (Arikunto, 2010). There are many ways that can be
done to test the normality of a sample, one of which is to use the smirnov kolmogorof
technique with the help of the SPSS application.
The rule used to test normality is scores. Significant that exists in the results of
the calculation of kolmogorof smirnov. If the significant number in the kolmogorof
smirnov calculation results is smaller or equal to 0.05, then the data is normally

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distributed, but if it is greater than 0.05, then the data is not normally distributed
(Sugiyono, 2011).
b. Homogeneity Test
The homogeneity or homogeneity of variance test is a test carried out to find out
whether research data from two or more data distributions have the same variance
(Arikunto, 2010). In addition, the homogeneity test is also a condition of the t-statistical
d. T-test
The T-test is a differential test to determine whether there is a significant mean
or average difference between 2 groups with an interval or proportional data scale
(sugiyono, 2011). Assumptions that must be met in the t-test include that the data
distribution must be normal and the data variance must be uniform (Arikunto, 2010).
To test this hypothesis, the Paired Sample T-Test test is used. The criteria used in
decision making are if the value of t counts > t table, then H O is rejected, and if the
value of tcounts < t of the table, then H O is accepted, in testing the hypothesis, the
researcher uses the help of the SPSS program with the decision-making criteria based
on probability value is if the probability > 0.05, then Ho is accepted and if the
probability < 0.05, then Ho was rejected (Sugiyono, 2011).
3. Effectiveness Test
The data analysis technique using paired sample t test or paired test aims to
analyze the data obtained from the same sempel, namely data on learning outcomes of
the experimental class with the hypothesis HO = no increase from pretest to posttest
results after being given dosing, and Ha = there is an increase from pretest results to
posttest after being given dope (Susanto & Akmal, 2018). Decision-making criteria from
the results of paired tests, if the significance value (2 –tailed) < 0.05 then Ha is accepted,
and if the significance value (2 –tailed) > 0.05 then Ha is rejected (Sugiyono, 2011). The
results of the paired test will determine the effectiveness of the application of blended
learning using edmodo media in increasing learning motivation and student learning
achievement, with the decision that if Ha is accepted, the learning media is categorized
as effective, and if Ha is rejected, it means that the learning media is not effectively used.
1. Research Results
Based on the research conducted, results were obtained which included three parts,
namely: (1) factors that can increase the motivation to learn physics class X SMA Negeri 1
Moyo Hulu, (2) differences in the application of Blended Learning Using Edmodo media with
conventional learning to increase learning motivation and learning achievement in physics
class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu, (3) the effectiveness of the application of Blended
Learning using Edmodo media to increase learning motivation and achievement in learning
physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu.
The motivational factors for learning physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu can be
known using the factor analysis method. The steps for factor analysis are as follows:
a. Testing the Feasibility of the Analysis
This step uses Kaiser- Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett test of Sphericity as well as
MSA (Measure of Sampling) measurements. The KMO test is useful for viewing the
adequacy of the analyzed sample . The sample is said to meet if the KMO sampling
adequacyvalue is more than 0.50 (Elfira, 2014).
Table 1. KMO Scores and Bartlett's Test of Sphericity of learning motivation factors.
KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .584
Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 102.912
Df 6
Sig. .000

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Based on Table 1 KMO sampling adequacy shows the numbers 0.584 > 0.5 so that
the variables of the indicators can be further analyzed. In addition, Bartleet's Test of
Sphericity of 102.912 with a sig of 0.000 < 0.05 so that the sample data is normally
distributed, is eligible to perform a factor analysis.
b. Performing extraction
The method used to perform factor extraction is Principal Component Analysis
(PCA). The number of indicators to be extracted is seen in table 2 contribution of
extracted indicator results.
Table 2. The contribution of the extracted indicator results
Initial Extraction
Family 1.000 .807
School Environment 1.000 .679
Educators 1.000 .790
Learning Media 1.000 .809
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

From table 2 the contribution of the extracted indicator results shows all variables
have comumunalities above 0.5 with a family factor comumunalities value of 0,807, a
school environment factor of 0,679, an educator factor of 0,790, and a learning media
factor of 0,809. Then no indicators are issued because they are able to explain each
indicator well. The greater the resulting communalities value indicates that it is more
closely related to the variables to be formed (Dina, 2020).
c. Determining the number of factors
Total variance explained is used to determine the factors formed and the core
factors selected are factors that have an eigen value of > 1(Dina, 2020). Table 3 PCA
Extraction Results.
Table 3. The number of factors resulting from the extraction
Table 3 shows the number of factors resulting from the extraction. The number of
extraction factors (PCA), from the 2 factors formed, it is seen that all factors have an
eigenvalue of > 1, for example in the column total factor 1 = 1,961 >1 and total factor 2 =
1,124 >1.
d. Rotating
Variables that have been extracted will be rotated because there are several
variables that have a high correlation with more than one factor or if some of the factors
loading from variables are of a value below those that have been set. Table 4 Component
Matrix before Varimax rotation.
Table 4 matrix rotation results
Rotated Component Matrix

1 2
Learning Media .899 .029
Educators .871 .176
Family -.068 .896
School Environment .363 .740
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

a. Rotation converged in 3 iterations.
Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Total % of Variance Cumulative %
1.961 49.031 49.031
1.124 28.089 77.121

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Component Matrix after rotation in Table 4 matrix rotation results show that all
variables have a group of factors.
Factor 1 has 2 variables, namely educators and learning media
Factor 2 has 2 variables, namely family and school environment
The required steps that must be met before conducting a different test are as
a. Normality Test
Normality tests are performed to determine whether the data is normally
distributed or abnormal . The results of the normality test Pretest of the motivation
experiment on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov table showed a significance value of 0.200,
the posttest significance value of the experimental class Motivation showed a value of
0.200, the prettest of the control class of Motivation showed a value of 0.200 and the
posttest of the control class Motivation had a value of 0.200. While the significance
value of the achievement experimental class prettest in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov table
shows a value of 0.059, the posttest significance value of the achievement
experimental class shows a value of 0.200, the prettest of the achievement control
class shows a value of 0.074 and the posttest of the achievement control class has a
value of 0.073. According to the rules of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test, it is
explained that if the significant number in the kolmogorof smirnov calculation results >
0.05, then the data is normally distributed. So, the presentation of table data The
results of the Normality Test can be concluded that the distribution of prettest posttest
value data of experimental classes and motivational control classes and learning
achievements is normally distributed.
b. Homogeneity Test
A homogeneity test is a test performed to find out whether research data from
two or more data distributions have the same variance. The results of the homogeneity
test of the experimental class and the learning motivation control class obtained a
significance result of 0.088 and the learning achievement had a significance result of
0.617 showing that in the experimental class and the control class had motivation and
achievement derived from the same variant (homogeneous). In accordance with the
homogeneity test requirements if the significance value of ≥ 0.05 shows that the data
group comes from populations that have the same variance (homogeneous)
(Sugiyono, 2011).
c. T-test
In this study using the Paired Sample T-Test or paired test, it aims to determine
whether there is a significant difference in mean or average between 2 groups. In table
5 of the experimental class and control class Paired Samples Test results
Table 5. the results of the Paired Samples Test
Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences t Df
Sig. (2-
95% Confidence
Interval of the

Lower Upper
Pair 1 Prettest motivation
experiment - motivational
experiment posttest
8.697 9.719 1.692 12.143 5.251 5.140 32 .000
Pair 2 prettest Motivation
control - posttest
Motivation control
5.939 8.295 1.444 8.881 2.998 4.113 32 .000
Pair 3 prettest Achievement
Experiment - posttest
Achievement Experiment
33.939 13.565 2.361 38.749 29.130 14.373 32 .000
Pair 4 prettest Achievement
Control - posttest
Achievement Control
27.424 17.639 3.071 33.679 21.170 8.931 32 .000

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Based on table 5 the results of the Paired Samples Test test of the experimental
class on motivation obtained a significance of 0.000 with a calculated t value of 5.140
> t table 2.03693 and the motivation control class obtained a significance value of
0.000 with a calculated t value of 4.113 > t table 2.03693. In the achievement
experimental class, a significance of 0.000 was obtained with a calculated t value of
14.1373 > t table 2.03693 and the achievement control class obtained a significance
value of 0.000 with a calculated t value of 8.931 > t table 2.03693. Complies with
Paired Samples Test test requirements if the sig value. (2-tailed) < 0.05 and the value
of tcount > ttable, then Ha is accepted (Sugiyono, 2011). Thus it can be said that there
were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on
motivation and learning achievement.

d. Effectiveness test
Data analysis techniques use Paired sample t test or paired test. In table 6 the
results of the Paired Samples Test for motivation and achievement of the experimental
class are as follows:
Table 6. The results of the Paired Samples Test for motivation and achievement
Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
t Df
tailed) Mean
Interval of the
Lower Upper
prettest -
8.697 9.719 1.692 12.143 5.251 5.140 32 .000
- PostTest
33.939 13.565 2.361 38.749 29.130 14.373 32 .000

Based on the results of the Paired Samples Test test in the experimental class
before applying blended learning using edmodo media and after applying blended
learning using edmodo media on motivation and achievement. The data obtained in
the paired sample t test on learning motivation was 5,140 > 2.03693 and a significance
value of 0.000. In paired testing the t test sample on learning motivation was 14.373 >
2.03693 and a significance value of 0.000. So it can be concluded that the results of
the paired test of the application of blended learning using edmodo media in increasing
learning motivation and student learning achievement, with Ha's decision to be
accepted, blended learning using edmodo media is categorized as effectively used.
2. Discussion
a. Factors that can increase the motivation to learn physics class X SMA Negeri 1
Moyo Hulu are family factors, school environment factors, educator factors, and
learning media. The learning media factor is the most superior factor, because it
has an Extraction value of 0.809 or 80.9% when compared to family factors with an
Extraction value of 0.807 or 80.7%, school environment factors with an Extraction
value of 0.679 or 67.9% and an educator factor with an Extraction Value of 0.790 or
79%. According to the research conducted (Yuliani H & Winata, 2017) stated that
learning media plays a positive role in increasing student learning motivation, in this
case, if the use of learning media is less, it will affect the level of learning motivation
that decreases so it is said, the increase in learning media will be followed by an
increase in learning motivation.
From the PCA extraction data, the determination of the number of factors, and
the rotation of learning media have superior value. PCA extraction has a value of

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0.809 or 80.9%, the determination of the number of factors has a value of 1.961,
and the rotation has a value of 0.899. So that a test of the application of blended
learning was carried out using edmodo media as a supporting medium in increasing
learning motivation and learning achievement in physics class X SMA Negeri 1
Moyo Hulu. This is in line with the opinion of Hamalik (Tirtiana, 2013) who stated
that the use of learning media in the teaching and learning process can arouse new
desires and interests, arouse motivation and stimulation of learning activities, and
even bring psychological influences on students.
b. Differences in the application of Blended Learning Using Edmodo media with
conventional learning to increase learning motivation and learning
achievement in physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu.
From the data obtained motivation and learning achievement have a high
score in the, experimental class, as desired so that significant learning outcome
value data is obtained, there are differences between students who do blended
learning using Edmodo media with conventional learning. Students who do Blended
Learning using Edmodo media with students who do conventional learning have
different learning motivation values and learning achievements. In addition,
experimental data on learning motivation and learning achievement are higher
compared to data on control of learning motivation and learning achievement.
The results of research related to the difference in the average score of
experimental classes and control classes for the application of blended learning
using edmod media o on learning motivation and learning homework are in line with
previous research conducted (Widyasari & Rafsanjani, 2021) with the research title
The Application of Blanded Learning Can Increase Student Motivation and Learning
Outcomes in Distance Learning. The implementation of this study aims to analyze
the influence of the application of synchronous and asynchronous-based blended
learning on inflation, monetary policy, and fiscal policy as an effort to increase the
motivation and economic learning outcomes of students of SMAN 1 Puri Mojokerto
in distance learning. This research uses a type of pseudo-experimental research
with the form of design, namely post-test only control group design. This study
involved 30 students with class XI IPS 3 as the experimental group and class XI IPS
2 as the control group. The research instrument uses questionnaires to determine
learning motivation and posttest questions to measure economic learning
outcomes. Based on the findings of data analysis tested with an independent
sample t-test, the average score of the experimental class of learning motivation
and learning outcomes was higher than the average score of learning motivation
and learning outcomes of the control class. So this study showed significant
differences in motivation and learning outcomes between the experimental class
and the control class. Thus, it can be concluded that the motivation and economic
learning outcomes of students can be improved by the application of synchronous
and asynchronous-based blended learning in distance learning.
From the results of interviews with students that the learning media applied is
very good and interesting, the learning process is also not boring or monotonous,
so students want to keep up with learning. Meanwhile, in conventional learning, the
learning process is carried out in the classroom, students can immediately see and
listen to explanations from the teacher and if there is something that is not
understood, usually ask questions immediately and also the teacher can directly
explain, and based on interviews conducted to students that they quickly
understand the material if learning directly because they can directly see the
jabaran of the material presented by the educator
c. Effectiveness of the application of Blended Learning Using Edmodo media to
increase learning motivation and achievement in learning physics class X
SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu.
The results of the paired test of the effectiveness of the application of blended
learning using edmodo media in increasing motivation and learning achievement of

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students, with Ha's decision to be accepted, blended learning using edmodo media
is categorized as effectively used. In accordance with the statement (Abdul Kadir,
2020) seen from the ability of educators, student activities, student responses, and
the results of data analysis, it can be seen that 87% of students are complete in
learning mathematics using edmodo so that it is effectively applied in MAN
Blended learning is a form of learning that combines traditional (face-to-face)
learning with online learning, with the aim of maximizing learning, where face-to-
face learning can be done with learners directly involved in the experience, while
the) online part can provide information-rich multimedia content anywhere and
anytime as long as the learner has an internet connection.
The use of Edmodo media has many benefits in the learning process, which
can increase student learning achievement, it is hoped that it can increase
independence in student learning because the help of Edmodo media can increase
the achievement of students in learning, make students more enthusiastic in
learning and add new skills to students, and also make it easier for students to have
discussions with friends class and educators without having to meet face to face
and can be done anytime and anywhere without being limited by space and time.
Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that The dominant factors
can increase the motivation to learn physics class X SMA Negeri 1Moyo Hulu. Consists of
four factors and the learning media factor is the most superior factor, because it has an
Extraction value of 0.809 or 80.9% when compared to family factors with an Extraction value
of 0.807 or 80.7%, school environment factors with an Extraction value of 0.679 or 67.9%
and an educator factor with an Extraction Value of 0.790 or 79%; There are differences in
the application of Blended Learning using Edmodo media with conventional learning to
increase learning motivation and achievement in learning physics class X SMA Negeri 1
Moyo Hulu. This, can be proved by a significance value of 0.000 < of 0.05. So, Ha is
accepted, meaning that there is a significant difference in Blended Learning learning using
Edmodo media with students using conventional learning; Application of Blended Learning
Using Edmodo Media is effectively used to increase learning motivation and achievement in
learning physics class X SMA Negeri 1 Moyo Hulu. This, can be proved by a significance
value of 0.000 < of 0.05. So, Ha is accepted, meaning that blended learning using edmodo
media is categorized as effective to use.
Based on the analysis, discussion and conclusions of the research conducted, the
suggestions given are as follows:
a. Studies can be carried out from factors that affect the learning motivation of students so
that they can develop learning motivation in the learning process.
b. This research can be used as a reference in developing new innovations in learning
methods in blended learning, especially outside of school. Further research is expected to
form an independent attitude from students by applying the learning process at home
using edmodo media in obtaining material easily without any direction from educators.
c. It is hoped that in the next study, testing the use of edmodo learning media can be carried
out in each subject in school with the aim of determining the effectiveness of the use of
edmodo media in eachsubject.
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