Cork Fish Bone Residue of Enrichment Wet
Noodle: Chemical and Sensory Characteristic
Yuli Hartati
Department of Nutrition
Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
Palembang, Indonesia
Widya Arum
Department of Nutrition
Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
Palembang, Indonesia
[email protected]
Fathiyah Rusvizah
Department of Nutrition
Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
Palembang, Indonesia
[email protected]
4th Khasanah Putri
Department of Nutrition
Poltekkes Kemenkes Palembang
Palembang, Indonesia
[email protected]
Corresponding author: yuli.hartati@poltekkespalembang
Abstract - Fish bones are a form of waste generated from
the fish processing industry. Fish bones still contain
nutrients the body needs, especially calcium. One of the
fish bones that has the potential to be used in food
processing is snakehead fish bones. Red dragon fruit is a
fruit that contains high fiber and to determine the effect
of adding cork bone meal and dragon fruit on the
characteristics and acceptability of fresh noodles. The
research design used a non-factorial Completely
Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 formulas and 3
replications. Data analysis used Friedman test. The
results showed that P1 was the most preferred formula
for the panelists. Fresh noodles with the addition of
snakehead fish bone meal and dragon fruit with different
proportions in each treatment had a significant effect on
the abilityto taste, color and aroma of fresh noodles.
Keywords: Wet noodles, Cork fish bone flour, Dragon fruit,
Wet noodles are foods made from flour, salt and water and
other food additives [1]. Wet noodles are raw noodles that
before being marketed boil in boiling water, with a water
content of about 35% and after boiling the water content
increases to 52%. Relatively high water content results in a
short shelf life [2]. According to the 2015 Indonesian Food
Consumption Statistics data, the consumption of wet noodles
in 2014 reached 0.05 kg per capita per year. This led to a very
high level of dependence on wheat flour, so that wheat
imports continued to increase, according to the Ministry of
Agriculture's Pusdatin data in 2015 wheat imports reached
223,000 tons so it is necessary to make an effort to look for
other ingredients that can replace some of the flour by not
reducing the nutritional value of the food, for example,
fishbone flour and dragon fruit [3]. Data in Indonesia
Food Research Center for Calcium Consumption in Indonesia
is still very low, at 254 mg/day while the standard of calcium
consumption for adolescents is 1200 mg/day. Sources of
calcium can be obtained from various foodstuffs, namely
milk, cheese, eggs and fish [4].
Bone is one form of waste produced from the fish processing
industry which has the most calcium content in the body of
the fish. Fish bones contain many mineral salts such as
calcium phosphate and keratin phosphate which have the
potential to improve the nutrition of food products is cork
fish (Yenrina and Kasim, 1993; [6]. This is supported by the
amount of cork fish production in the South Sumatra Region
which reached 5,702 tons in 2008 [7].
Red dragon fruit is one fruit contains substances that are good
for the body, especially substances that play a role in
reducing total blood cholesterol levels, such as antioxidant
compounds (phenols, flavonoids, vitamin C and betacyanin),
vitamin B3 (niacin), fiber, MUFA (monounsaturated fatty
acids), and (polyunsaturated fatty acids) (Lokaria and
Harmoko, 2018). Fruit that is high in fiber which is 3.2 grams
per 100 grams of material [8].
A.Material and Tools
The ingredients used in this wet noodle study are wheat
flour, cork fish bone flour, and dragon fruit. Additional
ingredients needed are eggs, salt. The equipment used
in this research was basin, gas stove, pan, presto,
blender, flour sieve, cauldron, wooden spoon, stainless
steel spoon, basin, plate, rebar, tissue, digital scales,
plastic gloves, plastic gloves, noodles (Hou, 2001).
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 521
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Health,
Social Sciences and Technology (ICoHSST 2020)
Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.
This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -

B.Research Sites
The study was conducted in the food technology
laboratory and sensory evaluation laboratory majoring
in nutrition at the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of
Health, Palembang.
C.Research Design
This study was an experimental study using a non-
factorial Completely Randomized. The treatments
examined included the proportion of the incorporation
of materials as follows:
Table 1. Ingredient Formulation for Making Wet Noodles
P0 P1 P2 P3
Wheat flour (g) 100 80 70 60
Cork Fish Bone
Flour (g)
0 20 30 40
Dragon fruit (g) 0 50 50 50
Egg (g) 30 30 30 30
Salt (g) 2 2 2 2
Water (g) 25 0 0 0
Total 157 182 182 182
a)P0 = 100 gram wheat flour + 0 gram cork fish
bone flour + 0 gram dragon fruit
b)P1 = 80 gram flour + 20 grams cork bone meal +
50 grams dragon fruit
c)P2 = 70 grams of flour + 30 grams of cork fish
bone flour + 50 grams of dragon fruitd)
d)P3 = 60 gram flour + 40 grams cork fish bone
flour + 50 grams dragon fruit
D.Data Collection Methods
Data collection methods used in this study include
organoleptic testing. The organoleptic test is carried
out using a scale score of 1 - 5 with the categories of
very dislike, dislike, rather like, like, like very much.
The organoleptic test was conducted by 30 panelists.
Proximate analysis or chemical testing was carried out
to determine the chemical composition of the wet
noodle products of cork fish flour and dragon fruit
resulting from the best treatment formulation from the
study. Then after the data obtained organoleptic test
results were analyzed using a non-parametric test
(Friedman Test) to see the average level power
received in the form of score of 1 - 5 with the
categories of very dislike, dislike, rather like, like, like
very much. The organoleptic test was conducted by 30
A.Acceptance of wet noodles
The Graph 1 shows that the type of formula most
favored by panelists from all aspects of an assessment
is P1 with the use of 80-gram flour, 20 grams of cork
fish bone flour and 50 grams of dragon fruit.
The results showed that after the addition of cork fish
bone flour and dragon fruit with different additions,
different panelist acceptance results were obtained. The
highest rating of overall P1 preference was the addition
of 20 grams of cork fish bone meal and 50 grams of
dragon fruit. It can be seen that the higher the addition
of cork fish bone flour and dragon fruit, the acceptance
of the overall preference for wet noodles shows a
tendency to be increasingly disliked. This situation is
influenced by the appearance of color, aroma, taste,
and texture as a whole.
B.Proximate Analysis
Chemical analyses carried out include checking levels
of protein, fat, ash content, water content. The results
of the study of the nutritional content of the Wet Fish
Flour Noodles Cork Fish and Dragon Fruit as in Table
Table 2. Proximate Analysis of Wet Noodles from Cork
Fish Bones And Red Dragon Fruit
Chemical Levels
protein 5.46%
Fat 0.52%
Carbohydrate 26.51%
Ash 5.49%
Water 62.02%
The results of the analysis showed that the protein level
of cork fish meal and dragon fruit bone flour products
was less than 0.54% of the SNI noodle quality
standard, which was at least 6%. According to Nabil,
2005 states that the removal of protein is intended to
increase the levels of minerals / ash contained in flour.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 521

There are significant differences in the addition of cork
fish meal flour and dragon fruit towards the receptivity
of the color of wet noodles. This is in line with
research Afrinis, et al (2018) on the proportion of
vermicelli with the addition of catfish bone meal, based
on vermicelli taste, the majority of panelists can
receive vermicelli flavors ranging from 60-80% [9].
The results showed that there were differences in the
addition of catfish bone meal to vermicelli flavor. This
shows that the more addition of catfish bone meal will
change the taste of vermicelli. This is because the more
addition of fishbone flour, the taste of vermicelli feels a
little chalky because of the high calcium and
phosphorus content in catfish bone meal. So that the
higher the formulation of catfish bone flour causes the
assessment of taste decrease. The color of wet noodles
was influenced by the level of volume addition of the
red dragon fruit peel extract solution. The greater the
volume of the dragon fruit peel extract solution added
to the noodles, the pink color of the wet noodles will be
brighter [10].
There is a significant difference in flour addition cork
fishbone and dragon fruit on the acceptability of the
aroma of wet noodles. In line with research conducted
by [11] on the Making of Calcium Wet Noodles by
Addition of Tenggiri Fish Bone that in organoleptic
tests the smell of Calcium wet noodles showed
significantly different between treatments.
There is no significant difference in the addition of
fishbone meal cork and dragon fruit on the texture of
wet noodles. The use of fish bones in making wet
noodles will affect the texture of the noodles [11].
The water levels of wet noodles with the addition of
cork fish bone flour and dragon fruit is 62.02%. The
moisture content of the wet noodle formula is still
within the range of the quality requirements of the wet
noodles which is a maximum of 65%. The thing that
affects the absorption of water when steaming noodles
is a protein denaturation. Denatured protein will reduce
the ability of water absorption, water is used in the
formation of protein networks protein will absorb and
bind water to expand so that the protein in it is difficult
to be released again, this Is especially the case for
gluten (Khasanah and Hartati, 2016). So, with the
addition of cork fish meal flour, the water content of
wet noodles will increase.
The ash levels of the wet noodle formula is more than
5.44% of the SNI quality of the wet noodles which is a
maximum of 0.05%. The results of the analysis showed
that the treatment of adding cork fish meal flour
significantly affected the levels of the wet noodles
produced. This is consistent with previous research
which states that an increase in ash content to the
addition of cork bone meal to crackers[7].
The results of the analysis of fat content in wet noodle
products with the addition of bone meal cork fish and
dragon fruit that is 0.52%. The fat content in food is
also affected during the heating and boiling process,
not only fat as well as protein and carbohydratesb [13].
The results of the analysis of carbohydrate content in
wet noodle products with the addition of cork fish meal
flour and wet noodles were 26.51%[14]. The calcium
content of wet noodles with the addition of cork fish
bone flour and dragon fruit according to the calculation
of survey nutria is 228.1 mg / 100 grams while the
calcium content of ordinary wet noodles in the survey
nutria analysis is only 7 mg / 100 grams it means that
there is an effect of adding bone meal cork fish and
dragon fruit against the calcium content of wet
The addition of cork fish bone flour and dragon fruit in
the making of wet noodles with different proportions in
each treatment can significantly affect the acceptability
of wet noodles on taste, color, and aroma. However,
there was no significant difference in effect on the
acceptability of the texture of wet noodles.
We say thanks to Politeknik Kesehatan Palembang
which has provided funding for students to conduct
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