Applied Research in Science and Technology 4 (1): 11-19 2023

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Applied Research in Science and Technology

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Identification of Mineral Absorption in the Meat of Freshwater
Kijing (Pilsbryoconcha exilis Lea) Using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

Sartika Sartika
, Moh. Awaludin Adam
*, Dwi Aryanti

Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences and Technology, Sumbawa University of Technology, Sumbawa,
84371, Indonesia
Research Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry, National Research and Innovation Agency, Lombok, West Nusa
Tenggara, 83352, Indonesia

*Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]


Article History:
Received 12 June 2024
Revised 16 July 2024
Accepted 20 July 2024
Published 23 July 2024

Freshwater mussels.
The filtration ability of freshwater mussels is used as an indicator
of biofiltration and has the potential to accumulate various minerals
and heavy metals. This study aims to identify minerals resulting
from absorption in the meat of freshwater kijing (Pilsbryoconcha
exilis Lea) using the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) technique. Meat
freshwater kijing sliced thinly and carried out the drying process
below ray sun direct in 3 days with objective lower water content.
Samples already dry smoothed with method pounded using mortar
until smooth and filtered for get sample form flour meat tombstone.
Method of quantitative identification of absorbed minerals in
samples was carried out using the X-Ray Fluorescence method
(ED-XRF type) Rigaku NexCG type. The XRF testing procedure is
carried out in several steps. The results of the research show that
qualitatively, in the XRF test, freshwater kijing meat contains 29
metal elements with the top 10 elements consisting of calcium oxide
(CaO), calcium (Ca), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), phosphorus
(P), manganese oxide. (MnO), sulfur trioxide (SO3), manganese
(Mn), silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (AlO), magnesium
oxide (MgO). Meanwhile, quantitative analysis shows that the five
most abundant metal elements are CaO 48.70%, Ca 34.80%, P2O5
30.90%, P 13.50%, and MnO 4.9%. These results show that the
main mineral compiler meat freshwater kijing is calcium and
phosphorus. Element calcium and phosphorus lots utilized
freshwater kijing for preparation shell.


1. Introduction
The river is track The flow of fresh water from upstream to the estuary is formed experience nor
artificial (Government of Indonesia Regulations, 2011), and is one of the sources of water that can be
obtained utilized (Rahmawati & Siwiendrayanti, 2023). Rivers are often used to supply drinking water,
fish cultivation, rice irrigation needs, and tourism until transportation (Firmansyah et al., 2021).
Indonesia has thousands of rivers with a high percentage of polluted rivers. According to (Minister of
Environment and Forestry, 2021) As many as 59% of rivers in Indonesia have experienced heavy
pollution. This has a serious impact on the surrounding environment, especially the ecosystem within it
(Adam et al., 2018).
Decline aquatic biota population consequence pollution, has an impact on the content nutrients for
aquatic biota that humans consume continuously. As examples of consumed aquatic biota society and
experience decline population consequence pollution is freshwater muskling (Astari et al., 2018).
Several types of deer that are often consumed and used as biofilters are Anodontaa woodiana Lea and
Pilsbryoconcha exilis Lea (Faisal et al., 2022; Ghazali et al., 2015).
Freshwater kijing Anodonta woodiana or Taiwanese mussels are a type of freshwater shellfish from
family Unionidae (Jeratthitikul et al., 2022). Shell This is shell originating from Taiwan, was first
discovered in Indonesia in 1971 where it was accidentally brought in during the process of importing
tilapia (Tilapia nilotica) from Taiwan. Shell This own potency economical big Because including
Shellfish are commonly consumed and used as food by people (Hamidah, 2006). Apart from being
material food, shellfish This own Another benefit is as an aquatic biofilter (Pramesti et al., 2014). This
type of tombstone has a water filtration capacity of up to 40 liters per day (Apria et al., 2024; Rahayu,
2019). Apart from A. woodiana, the kijing that is often consumed by the public and used as a biofilter is
Pilsbryoconcha exilis. Pilsbryoconcha exilis is a freshwater mussel from the family Unionidae and the
genus Pilsbryoconcha (Jeratthitikul et al., 2022). This shell own ability filtration (Putra et al., 2016), so
often used as a biofiltration agent in contaminated water areas and increases the potential for
contamination with dangerous minerals like metal heavy (Christakos et al., 2011; Fassler, 2004; Li et
al., 2018). This shellfish is a species that people often take to make daily food. This matter because of
the taste and content meat Shellfish plays an important role and are very much needed by the human
body. The results of identification of the contents of kijing meat show that there are proteins and amino
acids which can help the maintenance and growth and development of the body. One of them is
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which can increase intelligence brain
(Abdullah et al., 2018; Ghazali et al., 2015; Warsidah et al., 2022).
Consumption freshwater kijing from waters polluted can bring less impact good for health , so need
done analysis mineral content for minimize impact bad (Astari et al., 2018; Hermi et al., 2023). This
matter can do with identification uptake by shellfish. Lots of research previously discussed this shellfish,
but studies of macro and micromineral absorption in mussel meat have not been identified. One of the
mineral analysis techniques in kijing meat that can be used is X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) (Carolina &
Crime, 2020; Santhiarsa, 2015). The XRF method can be used for both qualitative and quantitative
analysis of liquids, powders, and solid materials. XRF instrumentations can be divided into two
categories: (1) Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF), (2) Energy Dispersive X-ray
Fluorescence (EDXRF). The main factor distinguishing these technologies is the method used to separate
the spectrum emitted by the atoms in the sample (Wulandari et al., 2022). This research aims to identify
minerals resulting from absorption in the meat of the Pilsbryoconcha exilis mussel using XRF
techniques. With mineral analysis, in an effort to identify the mineral composition in this species. It is
hoped that the data obtained will provide new insights regarding the nutritional aspects of the
Pilsbryoconcha exilis mussel.


2. Materials and Methods
As for material research used that is freshwater kijing Pilsbryoconcha exilis obtained from pool
cultivation, Fish Cultivation Center (BBI), Fisheries Service, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa
Tenggara showed in Figure 1. Meat freshwater kijing sliced thinly and carried out the drying process
below ray sun direct in 3 days with objective lower water content. Samples already dry smoothed with
method pounded using mortar until smooth and filtered for get sample form flour meat tombstone Figure



Figure 1. Freshwater kijing Sample Preparation (A) Kijing Pilsbryoconcha exilis; (B) Removal of the
gill organs of the kijing; (C) Kijing Gill Dry Sample

Figure 2. Procedure Meat Mineral Preparation and Identification Freshwater kijing

Furthermore, Quantitative identification of absorbed minerals in samples was carried out using the
X-Ray Fluorescence method (ED-XRF type) Rigaku NexCG type Figure 3. The XRF testing procedure
is carried out in several steps. The first step is to prepare the XRF tool, by turning on the XRF, turning
the HT On (X-Ray On) key, opening the Minipal program on the computer and waiting around 10-15
minutes or until the tool is completely ready to be used. The next step is powder and solid sample
preparation. This is done by preparing a holder that has been fitted with special plastic for XRF and
Sample Slicing and
Making Sample
XRF on
Test Samples Are
Inserted to the XRF
The Minipal program
opened in the Measure
Print the
results in the
Result Menu
Freshwater Kijing
Identification of
Absorption Minerals


inserting the test sample into the holder. The final step, namely measurement, is carried out by inserting
the sample into the XRF tool, opening the Minipal program in the Measure Standardless menu, and
filling in the name of the sample to be measured in the Sample Ident and Measure (according to the
sample order). After a few minutes the analysis results will be displayed in the Results menu and print
the desired analysis results

Figure 3. XRF with type X- rays. XRF
3. Results and Discussion
Results of X -Ray Fluorescence spectrophotometer analysis to meat freshwater kijing P. exilis in
Table 1.
Table 1. Mineral absorption in kijing meat
No Compound Names XRF Results
1 Calcium oxide √
2 Calcium √
3 Phosphorus pentoxide √
4 Phosphor √
5 Manganese oxide √
6 Sulfur trioxide √
7 Manganese √
8 Silicon dioxide √
9 Aluminum oxide √
10 Magnesium oxide √
11 Sulfur √
12 Ferric oxide sulfur √
13 Magnesium √
14 Aluminum √
15 Silicone √
16 Chloride √
17 Iron √
18 Potassium oxide √
19 Potassium √
20 Zinc oxide √
21 Zinc √
22 Scandium oxide √
23 Strontium oxide √
24 Strontium √


No Compound Names XRF Results
25 Scandium √
26 Tetraterbium heptaoxide √
27 Titanium dioxide √
28 Terbium √
29 Titanium √

X-Ray quantitative analysis results Fluorescence of the meat of the mussel P.exilis against 130
minerals. Identified exists 29 types of minerals contained in different percentages. Based on the data
obtained in the table, 29 types of minerals were identified including calcium oxide, calcium, phosphorus
pentoxide, phosphorus, manganese oxide, sulfur trioxide, manganese, silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide,
magnesium oxide, sulfur, ferric oxide sulfur, magnesium, aluminum, Silicon, Chloride, Iron, Potassium
oxide, Potassium, Zinc oxide, Zinc, Scandium oxide, Strontium oxide, Strontium, Scandium,
Tetraterbium heptaoxide, Titanium dioxide, Terbium, and Titanium. There are several types of metal
minerals such as Ca, Mg, Mn, Al, Fe, K, Zn, Tb, and Ti (Charanworapan et al., 2013). Where in this
case Fe, Mn, and Zn are included category metal heavy (Adam et al., 2018, 2022; Risjani et al., 2022).
This type of heavy metal is included in the micronutrient category that is needed by deer, but can be used
in certain amounts dangerous for (Utami et al., 2018). Based on the results of XRF analysis, the 10
dominant minerals contained in kijing meat can be seen in Table 2.

Table 2. Percentage Dominant Mineral Absorption in Meat Freshwater Kijing

In level molecular the mineral composition in mussels can be influenced by a number of factors,
including their living environment, food patterns, and internal biological processes. Based on the data in
Table 2. Quantitatively, the 3 most abundant minerals in kijng meat are CaO 48.70%, Ca 34.80%, and
P2O5 30.90%, followed by other minerals such as P 13.50%, MnO 4.9 %, SO3 3.8 %, Mn 3.8 %, SiO2
2.6 %, Al2O3 2.3 %, and MgO 2.1 %. In this table, the values for CaO 48.70%, Ca 34.80%, and P2O5
30.90% have very dominant amounts compared to the others, especially CaO. Calcium oxide (CaO) is
an important element for mussels, especially in the formation of mussel shells. This element is the result
of the decomposition of CaCO3 in the shell into CaO and CO2 (Sidauruk et al., 2022). Generally, CaO is
found in mussel shells. In the results of the quantitative XRF analysis, this element was identified as
being present in the sample, with the largest percentage. The presence of CaO in the sample is thought
to be the result of absorption by kijing which originates from the decomposition of elements in the shells
of other kijing. According to Retno et al., (2012), this element has the potential to act as an adsorbent
because it has dehydrator properties. That's why this element is often used as an ingredient to reduce
levels metal heavy (Rahmaniah et al., 2024). Some of them include the metals Manganese (Mn), Zinc
No Chamical Compounds Formulas Value
1 Calcium oxide CaO 48.70%
2 Calcium Ca 34.80%
3 Phosphorus pentoxide P 2 O 5 30.90%
4 Phosphor P 13.50%
5 Manganese oxide MnO 4.90%
6 Sulfur trioxide SO3 3.80%
7 Manganese M N 3.80%
8 Silicon dioxide SiO 2 2.60%
9 Aluminum oxide Al 2 O 3 2.30%
10 Magnesium oxide MgO 2.10%


(Zn), Iron (Fe), especially Mn (Sudarmawan et al., 2020). Similar to CaO, another element that plays a
role in shell formation is calcium (Ca). Calcium is the element with the second highest percentage value
after CaO. This is due to the many important roles that require calcium in deer. Apart from shell
formation, calcium also plays a role in contraction muscle (Szent-Györgyi, 1975). Mussel muscles which
are moved by calcium will regulate functional activities, body metabolism and body movement activities
of clams. Adequate calcium availability will accelerate the growth and development of kerrang (Shita &
Sulistiyani, 2010). Calcium, which plays a role in the shell nutrition process, is always related to
phosphorus. Based on table 2 data, phosphorus ranks in the third largest percentage after calcium. This
element is one of the main elements that make up the shell of the kijing. This mineral is a compound
high in ATP which acts as an energy supplier for cellular activities both in the contraction process
muscles (Lestari et al., 2019), nerves until metabolism brain (Scabra et al., 2021).
One of the heavy metals that is often found in waters is manganese (Mn). Manganese (Mn) is one of
the essential microminerals that is important for creature life (Kurniawati et al., 2017). In research data,
manganese was identified as found in kijing meat. This metal is found in two forms, namely MnO and
Mn, with contents of 4.9% and 3.8%. This element plays a very important role in living things. In
animals, Mn regulates thirty-six enzymes involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism
(Kurniawati et al., 2017). Based on WHO data (2002), several enzymes involved in this metabolic
process are manganese superoxide dismutase and pyruvate carboxylase. This enzyme plays a role in
activating the enzymes kinase, decarboxylase, transferase , and hydrolase (Hartini, 2012). Individuals
who lack manganese intake can experience several adverse effects such as impaired growth, impaired
bone formation, and internal problems system reproduction (Rahayu, 2019). However, in excessive
amounts, this metal can be toxic to humans nerves center (Kurniawati et al., 2017). The presence of the
Mn element in kijing is thought to come from absorbed water and plankton. This proves that there is Mn
metal content in water, although in different percentages. Based on Minister of Health Decree number
907 of 2002, the standard for drinking water quality in Indonesia is that the maximum manganese content
in water is 0.1 mg/L (Hartini, 2012). Meanwhile, the Turkish Guidlines maximum manganese metal in
fish is 20 mg/Kg (Gultom et al., 2020). This proves that there is an attachment for mineral absorption in
the meat of the P. axilis mussel. Absorption minerals will be used optimally both metabolically and in
shell formation.

4. Conclusion
Research result shows the absorption of minerals in meat freshwater kijing using X-Ray
Fluorescence There are 29 absorption minerals. Mineral elements from the top 10 consists from calcium
oxide (CaO), calcium (Ca), phosphorus pentoxide (P2O5), phosphorus (P), manganese oxide (MnO),
sulfur trioxide (SO3), manganese (Mn), silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (AlO), magnesium oxide
(MgO). Mineral constituents of meat biggest are calcium and phosphorus. quantitative analysis shows
that the five most abundant metal elements are CaO 48.70%, Ca 34.80%, P2O5 30.90%, P 13.50%, and
MnO 4.9%. These results show that the main mineral compiler meat freshwater kijing is calcium and
phosphorus. Element calcium and phosphorus lots utilized freshwater kijing for preparation shell.

5. Acknowledgement
The authors acknowledge the facilities, scientific and technical support from Advanced Chemical
Characterization Laboratory, National Research and Innovation Agency through E- Layanan Sains –

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