© 2022 Jurnal Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
__ Daarul Qimmah __

AL-KALIM: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
Vol. 1, No. 1, April 2022
E-ISSN: 2986-4313
Available Online at http://jurnal.daarulqimmah.org/index.php/Alkalim
Efforts to Improve Reading Skills By Using the Aloud Reading Method in Class XI
Students in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Gorontalo Regency
Rahmawati, Ratni Bt. Hj. Bahri, Zulkifli Paputungan
[email protected] , [email protected] , [email protected]

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Sultan Amai Gorontalo, Indonesia
Article Information Received: 04-04-2022 Revised: 08-04-2022 Accepted: 014-04-2022
Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find out that learning using the reading aloud method can
improve reading skills in Arabic learning in class XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2
Gorontalo Regency. This research was carried out in two cycles with data analysis techniques of
descriptive and quantitative qualitative approaches. The data collection techniques used are
observation, interview, test, and documentation. Subject research is a class XI science student with
a total of 22 students. The research design used is the Kemmis and McTaggart model which is
carried out through four stages, namely planning, implementing, observation, and reflection. From
the results of data analysis, the conclusions obtained from this study are: the average pre-test result
is 42.23 and the average result of the post-test cycle I is 63.13. Furthermore, the average post-test
result of cycle II was 84.86. With the number of students who completed the pre-test was 0 and the
students who failed 22, then in the first cycle, the number of students who completed the post-test
was 5 and students who failed 17, and cycle II students who completed 19 and students who failed
3. With the successful results of pre-test 0%, post-test cycle I 23%, and post-test cycle II 86%.
Thus, it can be concluded that the use of the reading aloud method can improve reading skills in
Arabic learning in class XI students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Gorontalo Regency.

Keywords: Reading Skills; Reading aloud
Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bahwa pembelajaran dengan
menggunakan metode reading aloud dapat meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dalam
pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada siswa kelas XI Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kabupaten
Gorontalo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus dengan teknik analisis data
pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan
adalah observasi, wawancara, test, dan dokumentasi. Sabjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas
XI IPA I dengan jumlah siswa 22 orang siswa. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah
model Kemmis dan Mc taggart yang dilakukan melalui empat tahap yaitu perencanaan,
pelaksanan, observasi, dan refleksi. Dari hasil analisis data, kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari
penelitian ini adalah: hasil rata-rata pre test yaitu 42,23 dan hasil rata-rata post test siklus I
63,13. Selanjutnya hasil rata-rata post tes siklus II 84,86. Dengan Jumlah siswa yang tuntas
pre test 0 dan siswa yang gagal 22, selanjutnya pada siklus I jumlah siswa yang tuntas post
tes 5 dan siswa yang gagal 17, dan siklus II siswa yang tuntas 19 dan siswa yang gagal 3.
Dengan hasil keberhasilan pre test 0%, post tes siklus I 23%, dan post tes siklus II 86%.
Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode reading aloud dapat
meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab pada siswa kelas
XI Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kabupaten Gorontalo.

Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Membaca; Reading aloud

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 34

Arabic is the most fluent language among other languages and the highest
language is the language of the Qur'an and the language that Allah uses when deriving
His revelation using Arabic. Arabic learning is different from learning other foreign
languages. This is because Arabic has unique characteristics that other foreign
languages do not have.
Arabic is a language rich in variations of words, sentences and
meanings. The uniqueness of the Arabic language also lies in the pronunciation of
sounds from several letters that are almost the same but are pronounced from different
sound cavities and have different variations in meaning.

Arabic language learning in Indonesia is in accordance with the spread of Islam
there. Overtime. Arabic has become an important lesson in schools and universities.
Especially schools and colleges under the auspices of the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
Therefore, those who are familiar with this field are trying and making efforts to
improve the process of teaching Arabic. One such effort is to find educational means to
communicate information to students

In learning Arabic, there are four skills that a learner of Arabic must have or
master, namely Maharah Al-qiro'ah, maharah Al-Kalam, Maharah Al-kitabah, Maharah
Al-Istima'. Reading is the first proficiency that needs to be taught to learners of foreign
languages, including Arabic.

Keterampilan membaca (maharah al-qira'ah / reading skill) according to
Hermawan is the ability to recognize and understand the content of what is written
(written symbols) by reciting or digesting it in the heart. It is also supported by Effendy
who said that reading proficiency contains two aspects or understandings. First, the

Khoiriyah hidayatul, "Qirā'ah Methods In The Learning Of Arabic Receptive Skills For
Secondary Level Education," Lisanuna 10, no. 1 (2020): 33.
Akla Hasan, “Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Antara Harapan Dan Kenyataan ( Survey Di
Madrasah Kota Metro Tahun 2017 ),” Jurnal An-Nabighoh 19, no. 02 (2017): 177.
Mukhtar I Miolo, "ةيبرعلا ةغللا ميللعت يف هريوطوو ةيميلعتلا تاحطلصلما يف مجعلما," 'A Jamiy: Journal of Arabic
Language and Literature 9, no. 1 (2020): 154.
Kemas Abdul Hai dan Neldi Harianto, “Efektivitas Pembelajaran Qira’Ah Pada Program Studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Jambi,” Jurnal Titian 1, no. 2 (2017): 129.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 35

change of the written crest to sound. Second, it captures the meaning of the whole
situation symbolized through the symbols of writing and sound.

Broadly speaking, reading is divided into two parts, namely reading aloud
(alqiro'ah al-jahriyyah) and reading silently (alqiro'ah al-shamitah). Reading aloud is
reading by reciting or voicing written symbols in the form of words or sentences that
are read. Silent reading or called silent reading or called silent reading is commonly
known as reading comprehension, which is reading by not reciting written symbols in
the form of words or sentences that are read, but only relying on the accuracy of visual

Based on interviews with Arabic teachers in Man 2, Gorontalo Regency,
researchers found problems in students' reading skills. This is because the methods used
are still monotonous so that students feel bored and less active in learning in class.
Therefore, researchers provide solutions by choosing the right learning method to
overcome problems in the reading skills of students in the school. Learning methods are
needed in schools, especially for learning in the classroom. In this study, researchers
chose the reading aloud method as a solution to improve students' reading skills.

Reading aloud (reading aloud) is a reading activity by voicing the writing he reads
with the right speech and intonation so that listeners and readers can capture the
information conveyed by the author, whether in the form of thoughts, feelings, attitudes
or experiences of the author.

According to Sumarni in his research entitled efforts to improve reading skills by
using the aloud reading strategy in Arabic language learning in Mts class VII students in
Mts yappi sumberjo patuk gunung kidul that the reading aloud method can improve
reading skills. Coupled with the results of research by miftara Ainul Mufid with the title

Muhamad Asngad Rudisunhaji Ahmad Nurcholis, Syaikhu Ihsan Hidayatullah, "Characteristics
and Functions of Qira'ah in the Era of Digital Literacy," El-Tsaqafah Journal of the PBA Department 18,
no. 2 (2019): 133.
Acep Hermawan, Methodology of Arabic Language Learning (Bandung: PT Remaja
Rosdakarya, 2013).
Mardiah Kalsum Nasution, "The Use of Learning Methods in Improving Student Learning
Outcomes," STUDIA DIDAKTIKA: Scientific Journal of Education 11, no. 1 (2017): 9.
Pauwani M. Noor, "The Use of Reading Aloud Strategies for Improving Reading Skills in
Indonesian Learning In Primary Schools," Journal of Equatorial Education and Learning 39, no. 1 (2014):

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 36

of the reading aloud method (reading aloud) in an effort to improve the ability to read
the Qu'an in mtq class X students at SMA ma'arif Nu pandaan who explained the results
of his research that learning Arabic using the reading aloud method (reading aloud) has
an impact on student learning outcomes that increase.

Based on the results of interviews and based on the results of research that proves
that the reading aloud method can improve students' reading skills, researchers chose
the reading aloud method as a solution in improving students' reading skills in Arabic
learning. Therefore, the researcher formulated the title of this study is "Efforts to
Improve Reading Skills By Using the Aloud Reading Method in Class XI Students in
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Kabupaten.Gorontalo.

Class action research (CAR) is an observation of activities that are deliberately
raised and occur in a class.
According to the Directorate General of Diknas in basuku
wijaya class action research is a research that is carried out systematically reflectively
on various actions or actions carried out by teachers / actors, ranging from planning to
assessment of real actions in the classroom in the form of teaching and learning
activities to improve the learning conditions carried out.
The main purpose of
classroom action research is to solve the problems that occur in the classroom as well as
to find scientific reasons why it can be solved through the actions to be carried out, also
aiming to improve the activities of teachers in their professional development

Sumarni, "Efforts to Improve Reading Ability with Aloud Reading Strategies in Arabic
Language Learning in Mts Class VII Students at Mts Yappi Sumberjo Patuk Gunungkidul in 2012/2013"
1 (2013): 81–109.
Miftara Ainul Mufid, “Penerapan Metode Reading Aloud Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan
Kemampuan Membaca AL-Qur’an Pada Pelajaran BTQ Kelas X Di SMA Ma’arif NU Pandaan,” Jurnal
Mafhum 1, no. 2 (2016): 204.
Tasmin A Jacub et al., “Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Dalam Peningkatan
Hasil Belajar IPS (Studi Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Di SMP Negeri 2 Tolitoli),” Tolis Ilmiah Jurnal
Penelitian 2, no. 2 (2020): 124.
Desipriani, “Penerapan Strategi Reading Aloud Terhadap Materi Membaca Kelas 2 SDN 11
Kabupaten Kubu Raya.”
Muhammad Djajadi, Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (Yogyakarta: Arti buki intaran, 2019).4

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 37

1. The results of reading skills siswa class XI Man 2 Gorontalo Regency before
applying the reading aloud method
Before the researcher conducts a pre-test , the researcher first performs a pre-
action, namely observing the Arabic teacher teaching in class, so that the researcher can
take an overview of Arabic language learning in class XI Ipa1 and can find out what
things the researcher should do in cycle 1, then after that the researcher gives a pre-test
to students to find out the student's Arabic reading ability.
The results of the reading skills of class XI science 1 students in Arabic subjects
before applying the reading aloud method, can be known through the first meeting with
students, namely researchers giving pre-tests by asking students to apply the text of
Arabic material taken from arabic textbooks used in the school.
Pre-tests are carried out to determine students' reading skills before cycle I and
cycle II are carried out. Students are given texts in the form of reading texts of learning
materials that are in the Arabic language books of class XI students. To see the grades
obtained by students can be seen from the following table.
Pre-test results scores Students' reading ability
No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
read (1-
of reading
of reading
1 Adam
2 2 1 2 7 44
2 Anissa sekar
2 2 1 2 7 44
3 Citra Lenita
2 2 1 2 7 44
4 Djusron R
1 1 1 1 4 25
5 Tri Hamdani
H.N. Husuna
2 2 1 2 7 44
6 Fatma A
2 2 1 2 7 44
7 Faradila S.
2 2 1 2 7 44
8 Adrian
2 2 1 2 7 44
9 Karina N.
2 2 1 2 7 44
10 Fatma Nia 2 2 1 2 7 44

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No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
read (1-
of reading
of reading
11 Rahmad H.
2 2 1 2 7 44
12 Moh. Fikar
Rahmat A.
3 2 1 2 8 50
13 Karsum H.
2 2 1 2 7 44
14 Nasywa
Aulia Adju
2 2 1 2 7 44
15 Nanda A.
3 2 1 2 8 50
16 Nur Safira
2 2 1 2 7 44
17 Registalia
3 2 1 2 8 50
18 Siska Santili 2 2 1 2 7 44
19 Sri
M. Laingo
2 2 1 2 7 44
20 Siti Nur
1 1 1 1 4 25
21 Mutia T
2 2 1 2 7 44
22 Sri Yunita
Gm Ngilu
2 2 1 1 4 25
Jumlah: 929
Nilai rata-rata: 42,22727273
Jumlah siswa yang tuntas (KKM:74) : 0
Keberhasilan : 0%
Source: Research results in Man 2 Kab.Gorontalo
Based on the table above, it can be seen from 22 students conducting pre-tests ,
none of the students achieved completion with an overall score of 929 with an average
score of 42.22 with a success of 0%.
The achievement value of the research student's completion adjusts to the
completion value of the school in arabic subjects, which is 74. The formula that the
researcher uses to measure the results of success / completion in the pre-test is
calculated using the formula applied by zainal aqib, namely:

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 39

P =
P +
From the results of completion that have been calculated, it shows that the level
of income is still very low. This is in accordance with the criteria for student learning
success rates applied by Zainal aqil which can be seen in the table below:

Tingkat Keberhasilan % Kategori
Sangat Tinggi
60% - 79% Tinggi
40% - 59% Sedang
20% - 30% Rendah
Sangat Rendah
From the results of the explanation above, it can be concluded that the overall
learning completion results in the pre-test, which is 0%, are still very low and certainly
have not reached the predetermined completion stage of 80%.
Based on the results above, the researcher then carried out a stage of action by
starting to enter cycle 1 to improve the availability of reading in Arabic subjects using
the reading aloud method. With the hope that this learning motto can improve the
reading skills of class XI science 1 students in Arabic lessons .

2. The process of applying the reading aloud method to improve the reading skills of
class XI science 1 students in Man 2, Gorontalo Regency
1. Initial reflections
Before conducting teaching and learning programs in the classroom, researchers
first prepare all research instruments consisting of Learning Implementation Plans
(RPP) for learning cycle 1 and cycle 2, Prie-Tes, Post-test cycle 1 and cycle 2, teacher
and student observation sheets, and interviews.
This research is a class action research (PTK), which is carried out as many as 2
cycles, in each cycle carried out planning, implementation, observation and reflection
activities. As for planning and implementation, it is carried out by the researcher
himself. Observation activities are assisted by collaborator teachers, namely teachers of
Arabic subjects, and reflection activities are carried out by researchers.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 40

1. Implementation of Cycle I
a. Planning
At this planning stage, researchers plan actions that will be taken to overcome the
problems experienced by class XI science 1 students in reading skills in Arabic subjects.
Actions taken by researchers by applying the reading aloud method. Based on the
results of the pre-test above, the researcher plans as follows.
1. Make a learning implementation plan (RPP) that will be taught in cycle 1 in
accordance with the material in the Arabic panduna book
2. Preparing teaching materials on "The dangers of online games" preparation of
this material, previously consulted with supervisors and teachers of Arabic at the
3. Preparing learning facilities that can support the implementation of the learning
process, namely in the form of sheets of material that have been printed and will
be distributed to all students.
4. Make an observation sheet that is used by the observing teacher in observing
researchers in the classroom during the learning process. In this case, the
researcher asks the Arabic teacher to observe the activities of researchers and
students during the teaching and learning process.
b. Execution of actions
Researchers carry out learning activities based on the planned implementation
plan (RPP) and carry out alternative problem solving that has been made. The
implementation of this action is carried out as many as 2 meetings 1 x 30 minutes. The
learning activities carried out
1. Preliminary activities
The preliminary activity begins with the researcher opening the learning with
greetings and inviting students to pray, then asking for news, providing motivation to
maintain health, checking the attendance of students, conducting apperceptions,
providing brief reviews of previous material, asking questions that relate previous
knowledge to the material to be studied, providing a cycle I test post.
2. Core activities
Implementation of core activities as follows
a. Researchers select reading text materials according to the theme to be taught

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 41

b. The researcher explained to the learners that qiro'ah learning is themed ِ رارضأ
باعلأ نيلانوأ
c. Researchers share image text and writings with students that are interesting
according to the learning theme
d. Researchers ask students to follow the teacher's reading according to the rhythm
and intonation of sentences that the teacher exemplifies well and fluently
e. Researchers read sentences from the text shared with students according to the
rhythm and intonation of the sentences, then students follow the teacher's
readings and imitate the teacher's intonation well and fluently
f. Students follow researcher's readings, starting classically then grouping
g. After all the students read out the sentences in the text fluently and the
intonation is correct, the researcher stops the practice
h. The researcher explained the content of the reading text while asking questions
and answers with the students.
3. Closing activities
The implementation of the closing activities is as follows:
a. Researchers ask learners about the material discussed at this meeting
b. Researchers and students alike conclude the material that has been studied
c. Teachers provide motivation to students to be enthusiastic in the learning
d. Teachers give cycle 1 test posts
e. The teacher ends the lesson with prayers and greetings
In presenting the learning that will be carried out, researchers carry out learning
steps as stated in the learning planning that has been prepared in advance. Observation
of the work of the teacher (researcher) is carried out by the observing teacher, namely
the class XI Arabic teacher.
a. Observation (observation)
This observation activity is intended for researchers and students, while the
teacher as an observer / observer, the purpose is to find out whether the teaching and
learning process is as stated in the learning planning that has been prepared in advance
or not. As for seeing the results of student completion in cycle I, at the end of each
cycle, the post-test is carried out to determine the success rate of research in cycle I.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 42

b. Reflection
After the entire learning process in the first cycle was completed, researchers and
observer teachers discussed the results of observations to see the shortcomings
contained in cycle I. In the implementation of cycle I arabic subjects that focused on
students' reading skills were still not good. Whether it is from the examiner in the
implementation of learning and applying methods or from the results of students'
reading ability.
a. Relating to researchers
1. Researchers do not provide apperceptions
2. Researchers do not convey learning topics and objectives
3. Researchers are less clear in explaining the material provided
4. Researchers are less likely to make effective use of time
5. Researchers do not revisit the material studied
b. Relating to students :
1. There were students who did not pay close attention when the researcher
2. There are students who do not work with group friends to dicussion
3. There are students who do not want to come forward to read the reading text
that has been taught.
From the results of the reflection above, the researcher will take action again,
namely continuing research in cycle II.
3. Implementation of cycle II
a. Action planning
Pthere is a cycle II planning researchers make alternative action planning that is
taken to overcome the problems found in cycle I, as for the steps as follows:
1. Slightly changed the learning implementation plan (RPP) from cycle I with the
same material
2. Changing different groups of cycle I
3. Designing class management
4. Clarifying the material provided
5. Prepare teacher and student observation sheets
6. Prepare tools and materials that support the implementation of the learning

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 43

b. Execution of actions
The implementation of cycle II for 1 X 30 minutes with qiro'ah material on the
dangers of online games, in his presentation the researcher carried out learning steps as
stated in the learning implementation plan (RPP), while the activities carried out were
as follows:
The researcher's activity in addition to presenting material is to make
observations on shiva activities. Observations of the researcher's performance were
carried out by collaborator teachers/observer teachers.
c. Observation
observations are made on the activities that have been carried out with the aim of
knowing whether the teaching and learning process is in accordance with the planning
that has been made before or not. Observational activities are aimed at researchers and
students. As for seeing the results of student completion in cycle I, then at the end of
each cycle, the post-test is carried out to determine the results of research success in
cycle II.
3. The results of learning shiva reading skills in class XI Man 2 Gorontalo
Regency after applying the reading aloud method
Before entering the display of results from cycle I after using the reading aloud
method, the researcher first explained the results of the initial pre-test which before
using the reading aloud method, the purpose is to be able to see the initial process of
development from pre-test, post test cycle I, to post test cycle II. The following are the
prolehan results from the pre-test.
Pre-test results scores Students' reading ability
No. Name Assessment aspects Skor Value
of reading
1 Adam
2 2 1 2 7 44
2 Anissa sekar
2 2 1 2 7 44
3 Citra Lenita
2 2 1 2 7 44
4 Djusron R
1 1 1 1 4 25
5 Tri Hamdani 2 2 1 2 7 44

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 44

No. Name Assessment aspects Skor Value
of reading
H.N. Husuna
6 Fatma A
2 2 1 2 7 44
7 Faradila S.
2 2 1 2 7 44
8 Adrian
2 2 1 2 7 44
9 Karina N.
2 2 1 2 7 44
10 Fatma Nia
2 2 1 2 7 44
11 Rahmad H.
2 2 1 2 7 44
12 Moh. Fikar
Rahmat A.
3 2 1 2 8 50
13 Karsum H.
2 2 1 2 7 44
14 Nasywa Aulia
2 2 1 2 7 44
15 Nanda A.
3 2 1 2 8 50
16 Nur Safira
2 2 1 2 7 44
17 Registalia
3 2 1 2 8 50
18 Siska Santili 2 2 1 2 7 44
19 Sri
M. Laingo
2 2 1 2 7 44
20 Siti Nur
Fadhila Abdul
1 1 1 1 4 25
21 Mutia T Umar 2 2 1 2 7 44
22 Sri Yunita
Gm Ngilu
2 2 1 1 4 25
Jumlah siswa 929
Nilai rata-rata: 42,23
Jumlah siswa yang tuntas (KKM:74) : 0
Jumlah siswa yang tidak tuntas: 22
Source: Research results in Man 2 Kab.Gorontalo

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 45

Based on the results of the table above, it can be seen that the initial results of this
pre-test have not achieved success even based on the formula of the zainal aqil that has
been jelsed in the previous section, it is included in the very low category. Of the total
number of students, 22 students completed 0 (none), and 22 students were incomplete,
which means that reading skills in Arabic subjects do have problems so there is a need
for solutions to overcome this problem. Here are also the pre-test results can be
displayed through 3 graphs Which on each graph have the same results as in the table,
only the researcher adds by displaying pie diagrams, bar charts, line charts.
Pre test Based on pie diagram

Based on the pie diagram in the bag, the number of students is 22 people, the
percentage becomes 25%, then the average score of 42.23 presentations becomes 49%,
then students who complete 0 percentages are 0%, and students who are not complete
as many as 22 people the percentage is 26%.
Pre test Based on Bar graph

Based on the chart above, the bar graph also has the same results as the pie chart
except that this graph does not display the percentage results, but it will be clearly seen
the shape of each result such as the number of students 22 people, then the average

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 46

score is 42.32, then the students who complete 0, and the students who are not complete
there are 22 people.
Pre test Based on line graph

Just like the previous chart, the line graph also has the same result as the pie
chart and the bar graph, in this graph it also does not display the percentage result the
same as the bar graph, which displays the percentage it is only on the pie chart, this
graph also clearly sees the shape of each result such as the number of students 22
people, then the average score is 42.32, then the completed students 0, and the students
who did not complete there were 22 people. The line chart is almost the same as the bar
chart except that the difference is in the shape.
1. Cycle I test post results
Enter the results of the first cycle test post, after the implementation of the
reading aloud method. So in this phase of learning cycle I, researchers find solutions to
the problems experienced by class XI students in man 2 of Gorontalo Regency, namely
by applying the reading aloud method to improve students' reading skills (Maharatul
Al-qiro'ah) in learning Arabic. Some of the results of the application of the method
presented can be seen in the table below.
Post test results scores Students' reading ability in cycle I
No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
of reading
3 2 2 2 9 56
Anissa sekar
4 3 3 3 13 81
3 Citra Lenita 3 3 3 2 11 68

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 47

No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
of reading
Djusron R
2 2 2 2 8 50
Tri Hamdani
H.N. Husuna
3 3 3 3 12 75
Fatma A
3 3 2 2 10 62
Faradila S.
3 3 2 2 10 62
4 3 3 3 13 81
Karina N.
3 3 3 2 11 69
Fatma Nia
3 2 2 2 9 56
Rahmad H.
3 2 1 2 8 50
Moh. Fikar
Rahmat A.
3 3 2 2 10 62
Karsum H.
3 2 3 2 10 62
Nasywa Aulia
2 2 2 2 8 50
Nanda A.
3 3 3 2 11 69
Nur Safira
3 3 2 2 10 62
4 3 3 3 13 81
18 Siska Santili 3

4 3 12 75
M. Laingo
3 2 2 2 9 56
Siti Nur
Fadhila Abdul
2 2 2 2 8 50
21 Mutia T Umar 3 2 2 2 9 56
Sri Yunita
Gm Ngilu
3 2 2 2 9 56
Jumlah siswa 22
Nilai rata-rata: 63,13636

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No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
of reading
Jumlah siswa yang tuntas (KKM:74) : 5
Jumlah siswa yang tidak tuntas: 17
Source: Research results in Man 2 Kab.Gorontalo
Based on the results of the table above, it can be seen that there has begun to be
an improvement from the previous pre-test results. The results of the test post in the
first cycle are slightly improved based on the formula of the zainal aqil that has been
jelsed in the previous section this is in the low category. Namely with the number of
students 22, students who have completed there are already 5 people, and the
incomplete ones are reduced to 17 students, which means that reading skills in Arabic
subjects using the reading aloud method can help improve their reading skills.
Although there has been a slight increase in cycle I, the results obtained have not
reached the target of success that researchers want to achieve. The success that
researchers want to achieve is 80%, while in this cycle the success rate is only 23%. So
the researchers continued with cycle II to further clarify whether this method of reading
aloud can improve reading skills or not. Here are the results of the cycle I test post
which are displayed based on 3 graphs, which in each graph have the same results as in
the table, only the researcher adds by displaying pie charts, bar charts, line charts.

Test post Based on Pie chart
Based on the pie diagram in the bag that the number of students 22 people the
percentage is reduced to 20% of the pre-test whose percentage is 25%, then the average
score of 63.13 presentations becomes 59% of the pre-test whose average score is 42.23
presentations 49%, then the students who complete 5 people the percentage becomes
5% of the pre-test for which no student completes the presentation 0%, and students

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 49

who did not complete as many as 17 people the percentage was reduced by 16% from
the pre-test of students who did not complete 22 people whose presentation was 26%.

Test post Based on Bar graph

Based on the chart above, the bar graph also has the same results as the pie chart
except that this graph does not display the percentage results, but it will be clearly seen
the shape of each result such as the number of students 22 people, then the average
score is 63.13, then the students who complete 5, and the students who are not complete
there are 17 people.

Test post Based on Line graph
Just like the previous chart, the line graph also has the same result as the pie chart
and the bar graph, in this graph it also does not show an the percentage result is the
same as the bar graph, which displays that percentage is only present on the pie chart,
this graph also clearly sees the shape of each result such as the number of students 22
people, then the average score is 63.13, then the completed students 5, and the
incomplete students there are 17 people. The line chart is almost the same as the bar
chart except that the difference is in the shape.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 50

1. Post test cycle II results
In this phase of learning cycle II, it is still applying the reading aloud method as
in cycle I to further improve students' reading skills (Maharatul Al-qiro'ah) in learning
Arabic. By slightly correcting the deficiencies that exist in cycle I, then in cycle II
researchers try to correct them as much as possible. The following are the results of the
assessment in cycle II.
Post test results scores Students' reading ability in cycle II
No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
of reading
4 3 3 2 12 75
Anissa sekar
4 4 4 4 16 100
Citra Lenita
4 3 3 2 12 75
Djusron R
3 2 3 2 10 62
Tri Hamdani
H.N. Husuna
4 4 4 4 16 100
Fatma A
4 3 3 2 12 75
Faradila S.
4 4 4 4 16 100
4 4 4 4 16 100
Karina N.
4 3 3 2 12 75
Fatma Nia
4 4 4 4 16 100
Rahmad H.
3 2 2 2 9 56
Moh. Fikar
Rahmat A.
4 4 3 3 14 87
Karsum H.
4 3 3 2 12 75
Nasywa Aulia
4 4 4 4 16 100
Nanda A.
4 4 4 4 16 100
Nur Safira
4 3 3 2 12 75

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 51

No. Name
Assessment aspects
Skor Value
of reading
4 4 4 4 16 100
18 Siska Santili 4 4 4 4 16 100
M. Laingo
4 3 3 2 12 75
Siti Nur
Fadhila Abdul
4 4 4 4 16 100
21 Mutia T Umar 4 3 3 2 12 75
Sri Yunita
Gm Ngilu
3 2 3 2 10 62
Jumlah siswa: 22
Nilai rata-rata: 84,86364
Jumlah siswa yang tuntas (KKM:74) : 19
Jumlah siswa yang tidak tuntas 3

Based on the results of the table above, it can be seen that there is an increase in
the results of the pre-test and the results of the previous cycle I. The results of the test
post in cycle II have increased very high based on the formula of the zainal aqil that has
been jelsed in the previous section, which is included in the category of already very
high. Namely with the number of students 22, the completed students have become 19
people, and the incomplete ones are reduced to 3 students, which means that reading
skills in Arabic subjects using the reading aloud method are proven to improve students'
reading skills and are able to overcome problems faced by class XI students in Man 2,
Gorontalo Regency.
The results of this cycle 2 have achieved the success that the researcher wants to
achieve, namely 80%, while in this cycle the success rate has reached 86%, so the
researcher suffices the research to the stage of cycle II. With the results of cycle II this
has made it clear that this method of reading aloud can improve reading skills or. The
following are the results of the cycle II test post which are displayed based on 3 graphs,
which in each graph have the same results as in the table, only the researcher adds by
displaying pie diagrams, bar charts, line charts.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 52

Test post Based on Pie chart

Based on the pie diagram in the bag that the number of students 22 people the
percentage was reduced to 17% of the pre-test whose percentage was 25% and the cycle
I test post was 20%, then the average score of 84.86 presentations became 66% of the
pre-tests whose average score was 42.23 presentations were 49% and the cycle I test
posts whose average score was 63.13 presentations were 59%, then the students who
completed it became 19 people the percentage became 15% of the pre-tests for which no
student completed the presentation 0% and completed student cycle I test posts 5
people with a percentage of 5%, and students who were not completed were reduced to
3 people the percentage was reduced by 2% from the pre-test of students who were not
completed 22 people presentations 26% and the incomplete student cycle I test posts 17
percentages were 16% .

Test post Based on Bar graph
Based on the graph above, similarly, in cycle I the bar graph also has the same
results as the pie chart, except that this graph does not display the percentage results,
but it will be clearly seen the shape of each result such as the number of students 22
people, then the average score is 84.86, then the students who complete 19, and the
students who are not complete there are 3 people.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 53

Test post Based on Line Graph
Just like the previous chart, the line graph also has the same result as the pie chart
and the bar graph, in this graph it also does not display the percentage result the same as
the bar chart, which displays the percentage it is only on the pie chart, this graph also
clearly sees the shape of each result such as the number of students 22 people, then the
average score is 84.86, then the completed students are 19, and the students who are
not complete are 3 people. The line chart is almost the same as the bar chart except that
the difference is in the shape.
3. Analysis of Research Results
Based on the results of research conducted at the Man 2 school in Gorontalo
Regency by observing teaching and learning activities, and tests (pree tests and post
tests), several descriptions were obtained regarding the use of the aloud reading method
in the Arabic language learning process in improving students' reading skills in class XI
science in Man 2, Gorontalo Regency.
The teaching and learning process is carried out during four meetings, namely in 1
cycle there are two meetings. In this study, in addition to seeing the improvement of
students' reading skills in learning Arabic using the reading aloud method, it was also to
determine the performance of researchers in managing learning using the reading aloud
method. The students in the process of learning to teach Arabic with the reading aloud
method as a whole are categorized as very good. The reading aloud method can also be
applied by researchers as an alternative to prevent learning monotonous ways.
Pre-test, cycle I, and cycle II comparison value
No Student name

Pre - Tes Cycle I Cycle II

1 Adam Puluhulawa 44 56 75

2 Anissa Sekar Jelita 44 81 100

3 Citra Lenita Londomi 44 68 75

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 54

No Student name

Pre - Tes Cycle I Cycle II

4 Djusron R Habibie 25 50 62

Tri Hamdani H.N
44 75 100

6 Fatma A. Siderei 44 62 75

7 Faradhila S. Ponelo 44 62 100

8 Adrian Pakaya 44 81 100

9 Karina N. Kaida 44 69 75

10 Fatma Nia Kasim 44 56 100

11 Rahmad H. Ismail 44 50 56

12 Moh. Fikrar Rahmat A 50 62 87

13 Karsum H Demolingo 44 62 75

14 Nasywa Aulia Adju 44 50 100

15 Nanda A. Salsabila 50 69 100

16 Nur Safira Hasan 44 62 75

17 Registalia Magulili 50 81 100

18 Siska Santili 44 75 100

Sri Rahmawati M.
44 56 75

20 Siti Nur Fadhila Abdul 25 50 100

21 Mutia Umar 44 56 75

22 Sri Yunita G.M Nggilu 25 56 62

Jumlah 929 1389 1867

Rata-rata 42,22727273 63,13636364 84,86363636

Keberhasilan 0% 23% 86,36%

Siswa Lulus 0 5 19

Siswa yang ikut tes 22 22 22

Kegagalan 100% 77,27% 13,63%

Siswa yang gagal 22 17 3

Based on the table above, it can be seen a comparison of the results of reading
skills using the reading aloud method in Arabic subjects of class XI science 1 students.
Starting from the pre-test whose success is still 0% with 100% failure, then entering the
first cycle the success has increased by 23% with 77.27% failure, and in the second
cycle the success rate reached 86.36% with 13.63% failure. The following are the results
of the comparison of failures and successes of the pre-test, post test cycle I and post test

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 55

cycle II which are displayed based on 3 graphs, which on each graph have the same
results as, only the researcher added by displaying pie diagrams, bar charts, line charts.

Prie test failure, cycle test post I, and test post II based on pie graph
Based on the pie diagram above, it can be seen that the percentage of pre-test
failure is very large, which in the pie diagram the percentage is 53%, then in cycle I it is
reduced to 40%, and cycle II to 7%.

Prie test failure, cycle I test post, and test post II based on bar chart
Based on the agram of the stem above, it can be seen that the percentage of pre-
test failure is very high, the percentage of which is 100%, then in cycle I it is reduced to
77%, and cycle II to 13.65%.

Failure of prie test, cycle test post I, and test post II based on line chart
Based on the line chart above, it can be seen that the percentage of pre-test failure
is very high, the percentage of which is 100%, then in cycle I it is reduced to 77%, and
cycle II to 13.65%.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 56

Success of prie test, cycle test post I, and test post II based on pie diagram
Based on the pie diagram above, it can be seen that the percentage of pre-test
success is very low, which in the pie diagram the percentage is 0%, then the success in
cycle I increases to 21%, and the success of cycle II is greatly increased to 79%.

Success of prie test, cycle test post I, and test post II based on bar chart
Based on the bar chart above, it can be seen that the percentage of pre-test success
is very low, the percentage of which is 0%, then in cycle I it is reduced to increase to
23%, and cycle II is increasing to 86.36%.

Success of prie test, cycle test post I, and test post II based on line chart
Based on the agram of the line above, it can be seen that the percentage of pre-test
success is very low, the percentage of which is 0%, then in cycle I it is reduced to
increase to 23%, and cycle II is increasing to 86.36%.

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 57

Based on all the results that have been obtained in each pre-test, cycle I and cycle
II are then clarified by displaying the results on various forms of pre-test results
diagrams, failures and successes in each cycle it can be said that the reading aloud
method is able to be a solution to the problems experienced by class XI Man 2 students
of Gorontalo Regency.

This class action research was carried out in two cycles with five meetings, at the
first meeting before entering the cycle one researcher did what was called pre-research /
pre-cycle, then after that continued with the next meeting, namely entering at cycle
stage one to cycle two. Every one cycle is conducted two meetings and every one cycle
is completed the researcher gives a test post to the student to find out the improvement
of the student's knowledge by the method that the researcher presents.
The learning method in this study used the reading aloud method. As for the
pattern of action in his learning, researchers collaborate with Arabic teachers. The
Arabic teacher serves as an observer, namely observing researchers in the
implementation of learning in the classroom, while researchers are people who carry out
all processes and apply methods that are presented directly in the classroom.
With the pre-action, researchers feel very helped so that they can know what
things researchers should do and prepare when carrying out the teaching and learning
process in the classroom so that students do not feel bored and can pay attention well
during the learning process so that the results they get in each cycle can increase.
a. Based on the results of the analysis of class action research as previously
explained, researchers can conclude that learning with aloud reading strategies
has been proven to improve the ability to read Arabic for class XI Man 2
students in gorontalo district. The improvement in reading ability is seen
through the average scores of pre-test, post-test and percentage in front of the
class and clarified through 3 forms of diagrams on the results of each cycle.
Therefore, researchers can conclude that effective reading aloud strategies can
be used as an alternative solution in arabic language learning in class XI man 2
students of Gorontalo Regency to facilitate and sharpen students'

Al-Kalim: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban, 01 (01): 33-59 (2022) 58

b. Based on the calculation results of the average score of students in the first cycle
for the pre-test score obtained 42.22 while the average score on the test post of
cycle one was 63.23 and the average score of the test post for cycle two was
84.86. Based on the increase in students' average scores in cycle one and cycle
two, it can be concluded that the reading strategy of aloud is well used in
improving students' reading skills

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