P-ISSN: 2827-9832
E-ISSN: 2828-335x


Gloria Ester Verelin Walewangko

Jeffry Sony Junus Lengkong
, Elni Jeini Usoh

Universitas Negeri Manado
[email protected]

The study examines the implementation of school-based management at GMIM Ko Elementary School,
focusing on the roles of principals, committees, and education commissions in improving education quality.
The research uses a qualitative approach, including in-depth interviews and direct observation, to understand
the dynamics of interaction between these parties. The findings can help improve school-based management
policies and practices and contribute to the literature on implementation. The study reveals differences in
understanding of School Based Management (SBM) among principals, committees, and commissions, and
suggests training and modules to improve understanding. Solutions include improved communication,
understanding roles, and a culture of cooperation.
Keywords: School Based Management, Role of School Principal, Role of Committee, Role of GMIM
Church Education Commission

This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

In the development of education in Indonesia in an effort to implement school-based
management still cannot be carried out optimally due to the lack of contributions from
stakeholders such as from the community, government, committees and local governments.
One of them is based on the lack of awareness and understanding of the concept of school-
based management. The principal must be able to be a manager who plays an active role in
being able to work together and form a good team in achieving educational goals. Not only
that, there needs to be an awareness of the duties and responsibilities of stakeholders if they
must be able to know how SBM is implemented and really understand their respective roles
and functions (Magdin, 2016).
GMIM School is brought under the auspices of the Ds. A.Z.R. Wenas Foundation as the
only church asset management foundation is a school owned by the GMIM Synod. Thus,
members of the congregation or church members also have the responsibility to jointly develop
the school for the better. GMIM Koha Elementary School is a GMIM school under the auspices
of the Ds. A. Z.R Wenas Foundation which was built through GMIM Eben Haezar Koha
Church so that church residents also have the responsibility to jointly manage this school. In
an effort by church residents to participate in the management of the school, the church formed
an education commission that has the responsibility to connect the school with the church and
vice versa in building and improving the quality of education at GMIM Koka Elementary
School. The church education commission has an obligation to represent the church community
or community, thus the education commission is included in stakeholders in carrying out
school-based management.
GMIM Koha Elementary School is an educational institution that continues to improve
the quality of education to achieve educational goals. One of the school's efforts in achieving

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educational goals is to implement SBM with the aim that through programs set through SBM,
schools are able to excel in both academic and non-academic fields. However, until now GMIM
Koha Elementary School has not achieved goals or achievements in accordance with the target.
Based on the initial observations of researchers at GMIM Koha Elementary School and
supported by the principal's statement. GMIM Koha Elementary School also implements SBM
in an effort to implement work programs in order to improve quality and achieve national
education goals. The implementation of SBM at GMIM Koha Elementary School is also
inseparable from the efforts of the head of the school to reach out to all stakeholders, especially
the education committee and commission representing the community so that they can work
together to carry out their respective duties to build GMIM Koha Elementary School into a
superior school.
Based on the observations of researchers, the facilities and infrastructure as well as the
quality of graduates at GMIM Koha Elementary School are superior to other schools in Koha
village. Koha village has three elementary schools. However, the implementation of school-
based management at GMIM Koha Elementary School has not run as it should. Although
superior to several schools in Koha Village, GMIM Koha Elementary School cannot be taken
into account on a district scale or at a higher level, there are still many obstacles in this school
that need to be followed up, one of which is the workload resting on one party, namely the
principal himself. Other stakeholders, especially committees and commissions, have not fully
performed their proper roles. Thus, it is an important issue about the importance of
stakeholders, especially principals, commissions and school committees to know very well
their respective roles so that they are able to carry out their respective duties and concepts of
SBM implementation. Not only that, in the development of the implementation of school-based
management at GMIM Koka Elementary School, principals, commissions and committees are
faced with obstacles that become inhibiting factors in carrying out their respective duties, for
example lack of communication between stakeholders. This is the basis for researchers to
explore more information about how school-based management works, especially about the
extent to which principals, education commissions and school committees understand and carry
out their duties according to their special role in carrying out one of the pillars of SBM, namely
school management and what should hinder principals, education commissions and school
committees from carrying out their roles and how steps are taken to continue running SBM.
So from this description, the researcher in this study raised the title "IMPLEMENTATION OF
The objectives of the study were to evaluate the understanding of principals, school
committees and church education commissions on school-based management, to get an idea of
how the role of principals, school committees and church education commissions in the
implementation of SBM, to identify inhibiting factors for principals, school committees and
church education commissions in the implementation of SBM, and to describe and further
provide recommendations through strategies taken by school principals, school committees and
church education commissions in implementing SBM. This research is expected to contribute
new information to the development of education management science, especially in the field
of school-based management.

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This research uses a type of descriptive qualitative research. The initial research was
carried out in August 2023 for preliminary research data until November 2023 for the entire
research data. The place where the research was carried out was carried out in several different
places because the informants were in different places. The first place was GMIM Koha
Elementary School with observation data collection and interviews with the first informant,
namely the principal and one of the class teachers at GMIM Koha Elementary School. The
second place is Koha Village with the informant of the chairman of the school committee. The
third place was GMIM Eben Haezar Koha church with informant chairman of the education
In this study, the source of data for observation was SD GMIM Koha. The informants for
the interview were four people, namely the principal of GMIM Koha Elementary School Mrs.
Meivy Lohonauman, S.Pd, one of the teachers at GMIM Koha Elementary School Mrs. Grace
Imon, S.Pd, chairman of the church education commission ...... and school committee chairman
Mr. Tommy Walewangko. The selection of informants is based on several considerations,
namely that informants are legal office holders, thus informants have duties and responsibilities
in the implementation of school-based management, especially in the third pillar, namely
community participation. Technically, the selected informants have a hand in the
implementation of school-based management at GMIM Koha Elementary School.
The data produced through this study is in the form of descriptive data produced through
the results of observations and interviews with informants and is supported by data in the form
of photo documentation and also documents supporting the validity of the data from this study.
In this study, the primary data collection technique used a structured interview method, which
was carried out by making interview guidelines with several question points in school-based
management implementation activities at GMIM Koha Elementary School, including the
principal, teachers and church education commission of GMIM Eben Haezer Koha and the
head of the school committee. Then, for analysis techniques, researchers use the technique of
Miles and Huberman (2014).

In observing the development of GMIM Koka Elementary School, it can be concluded that
this school has implemented a school-based management system quite well. One striking
achievement is the provision of adequate physical facilities for students, which creates a
conducive learning environment. Proper buildings and supporting facilities have a positive
impact on student comfort and motivation in the learning process.
However, the observations also revealed shortcomings in the quality aspect of education.
Although there have been initial steps taken, student learning patterns still show weaknesses.
Lack of innovative approaches and active involvement of students in the learning process can
affect their overall learning outcomes. This is most likely to have an impact on school
achievement levels in general.
It is important to recognize that the quality of education is not only reflected from the
physical facilities, but also from the teaching methods and interactions in the classroom.
Therefore, there is a need for further improvements in learning strategies to improve the quality

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of education at GMIM Koka Elementary School. Involving teachers in advanced training and
providing support for the application of innovative learning methods can be a strategic step
towards achieving educational excellence. Thus, it can be expected that these improvements
will have a positive impact on student learning outcomes and overall improve school

Analysis of Understanding of School-Based Management Concepts by School Principals,
School Committees and Education Commissions
School Based Management (SBM) is a political approach that gives power to school
principals in managing schools with the aim of improving school performance and increasing
community participation. The importance of understanding the SBM concept by stakeholders,
including principals, teachers, school committees, and the community, is vital in improving the
quality of education. Stakeholders involved in SBM, such as parents, school committees, and
other external parties, have an important role to play in supporting SBM implementation in
schools. Stakeholder involvement can increase community participation and school quality in
real terms.
The concept of SBM according to school-based management (SBM) is a management
approach that focuses on developing schools as effective and efficient organizations in
achieving educational goals. SBM places the principal as the leader responsible for decision-
making and management of school resources. This statement is also supported by the statement
that SBM is a management model that gives the principal autonomy to govern himself. This is
the basis for stakeholders in carrying out school-based management, especially school
principals. (Bush & Glover, 2014)(Mulyasa E. , Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah : Konsep,
Strategi dan Implementasi, 2004)
Based on the results of research through interviews with informants, there are several
differences in understanding of the concept of school-based management. The principal's
statement on the extent of the principal's understanding in the implementation of school-based
management, the principal's answer was "the concept of SBM is about how schools can
independently cultivate resources to be optimized in achieving goals". Thus, the principal's
understanding of SBM is about how schools can optimize school resources.
Information on the understanding of SBM concepts was also asked to the chairman of the
committee and the education commission. Based on the results of interviews with informants,
the concept of SBM is about how the school resource management system or the management
system implemented by the school.
The informant's understanding of school-based management (SBM) does not appear to be
entirely accurate. The SBM concept should involve all stakeholders in the decision-making
process and school management. Unfortunately, informants do not seem to fully understand
the concept, and this can be one of the factors that causes SBM implementation in schools not
to reach optimal levels.
It is important to recognize that school-based management is not only the responsibility of
the principal or a group of teachers, but also involves the active participation of parents,
students, and other school staff. By involving all relevant parties, schools can create an
environment that supports effective learning and improved overall performance.

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A correct understanding of SBM concepts is essential so that every stakeholder can carry
out their duties effectively in accordance with the school's vision and mission. Through a
collaborative approach and good communication between all parties involved, the school can
reach its full potential in implementing SBM principles. Therefore, efforts need to be made to
provide a deeper understanding of the SBM concept to all relevant parties, so that the
implementation of SBM in schools can achieve optimal results in accordance with the desired
educational goals.

Analysis of the Role of School Principals, Education Committee and Education
Commission in the Implementation of School-Based Management at GMIM Koha
Elementary School
The Role of the Principal in the Implementation of School-Based Management at GMIM
Koha Elementary School
The principal is the most important position holder in the running of the school, especially
in the implementation of school-based management. As a leader, the principal is required to
work extra with various roles. According to one of the concepts of school-based management
is to give the principal the authority to manage the school independently by involving all
stakeholders in decision making. Before exploring the role of the principal, it is good to be able
to understand the concept of school-based management.(Waidah, Sowiyah, & Suntoro,
SEKOLAH (Studi Kasus di SMP NEGERI 10 Bandar Lampung))
The role of school principals in the implementation of school-based management (SBM) is
crucial to achieving the goals of quality education. School-based management is an approach
that puts the school at the center of decision-making, giving the school autonomy in planning,
implementing, and evaluating educational programs. In the context of school-based
management according to Dr. H. Mulyasa, an Indonesian education expert, school principals
have a very important role. Mulyasa proposed the concept of school-based management as an
approach to school management that involves the active participation of all school residents in
decision making. Here are some of the principal's roles in school-based management according
to Mulyasa:(Mulyasa E. , Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Profesional, 2011)
1) Headmaster as Educator: Encourage and support the professional development of
teachers and school staff. School principals should actively encourage and provide full
support for the professional development of teachers and school staff, facilitating
training, seminars, and competency development programs to improve the quality of
education in schools.
The principal has the primary responsibility as a leader in the educational environment.
As an educator, the principal should not only focus on school administration, but also
be actively involved in the professional development of teachers and school staff.
Unfortunately, an understanding of the importance of this role is still poorly understood
by some school principals.
The importance of full support from school principals in teacher professional
development is crucial to improve the quality of education in schools. School principals
can be catalysts for change by facilitating training, seminars, and competency
development programs. Through this initiative, teachers and school staff can

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continuously improve their skills, keep up with the latest developments in education,
and present innovative teaching methods.
However, principals' lack of understanding of their role as educators can hinder this
process. Headmasters need to understand that supporting teachers' professional
development is not only a technical responsibility, but also a moral imperative. By
actively engaging in learning and the exchange of ideas, principals can create a dynamic
and motivating educational environment. Only through a deep understanding of the
importance of their role as educators can principals lead schools to a true level of
educational excellence.
2) Principal as Supervisor: As a supervisor, the principal's role includes monitoring and
evaluating the performance of teachers and school staff. Principals should ensure
effective implementation of the curriculum, provide constructive feedback, and identify
areas of improvement. By providing support and involving themselves in the learning
process, principals can create an environment conducive to teachers' professional
growth. Through careful monitoring, principals can ensure the achievement of school
educational goals and improve the quality of learning in the learning environment.
The results showed that principals who only focus on administration without
monitoring the quality of teaching teachers can have a negative impact on the quality of
education in schools. The principal as a supervisor has a crucial role in improving the
quality of learning. A lack of focus on teaching quality can result in decreased teacher
performance and a negative impact on student achievement.
The solution to this problem is to increase the role of the principal as a supervisor
through the implementation of a more proactive monitoring system on teaching quality.
Principals need to regularly conduct classroom observations, provide constructive
feedback, and put together professional development programs for teachers. By
supporting teachers' professional growth, headteachers can ensure that teaching in
schools reaches the desired standards. In addition, it is important for principals to
understand and explore the potential and individual needs of teachers in order to create
an innovative and quality learning environment. Thus, the principal as a supervisor can
play a role in improving the quality of education holistically.
3) Principal as Manager: As a manager in the implementation of School Based
Management (SBM), the principal has primary responsibility in planning, organizing,
and managing school resources. School principals must lead policymaking, determine
priorities, and allocate resources effectively. By understanding school dynamics and
involving stakeholders, principals can create a productive learning environment and
support the achievement of educational goals. As a manager, the principal's ability to
manage administrative and financial aspects is key in running SBM efficiently and
improving the quality of education in schools.
The results showed that school principals who lack the involvement of teachers and
other stakeholders can be detrimental to the implementation of School Based
Management (SBM). As a manager, the solution is to improve communication and
participation. School principals should ensure regular discussion forums, seek input
from teachers and stakeholders for decision-making, and encourage collaboration. By
building a solid team, principals can manage resources and prioritize policies that

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support the achievement of school educational goals. This active involvement will
strengthen SBM implementation and improve overall school performance.
4) Principal as Administrator: As an administrator in School Based Management (SBM),
the principal serves as the manager of policies and administrative processes. His role
involves organizing resources, managing budgets, and implementing educational policy
decisions. The headmaster must also ensure the operational efficiency of the school and
the fulfillment of academic standards. By playing this role effectively, the headmaster
can make a vital contribution in creating an optimal learning environment and achieving
the school's educational goals as per the principles of School Based Management.
The results showed that school principals who self-administer well, while teachers are
focused on classroom administration, can create imbalances in the implementation of
School Based Management (SBM). As an administrator, the solution is to strengthen
collaboration. Principals need to align administrative tasks with empowering school
administrative staff. By dividing responsibilities efficiently, principals can improve
operational effectiveness, give teachers more time to dedicate themselves to teaching,
and achieve SBM goals more holistically, improving the quality and efficiency of
education in schools as a whole.
5) Principals as Innovators: In the implementation of School Based Management (SBM),
principals have a strategic role as innovators. School principals as innovators are
expected to encourage the adoption of new technologies and teaching methodologies,
design innovative programs, and develop creative solutions to improve the quality of
education. By leading change and motivating staff, principals can create a dynamic and
time-relevant learning environment. In this role, the headmaster becomes not only a
leader, but also a catalyst of change that supports the positive evolution of the school in
accordance with the principles of School Based Management.
The results show that principals with programs that are already good enough need to
maintain the momentum of innovation. As innovators, principals need to continuously
drive the development of new programs, leverage technology, and motivate staff to keep
innovating. Thus, schools can continue to grow, maintain the excellence of their
programs, and improve educational competitiveness according to the principles of
School-Based Management.
6) The principal as a motivator: The role of the principal as a motivator in School Based
Management (SBM) is very important. Principals who establish close relationships with
teachers and students can provide strong motivation to improve performance and
achievement. The results of the study that show the principal has a close relationship
with teachers and students illustrate the existence of effective communication, mutual
understanding, and mutual support. As motivators, principals can identify individual
potential, give praise, and create a positive environment, encouraging active
involvement in the learning process. Thus, the headmaster plays a key role in creating a
positive atmosphere that supports the success of the school in SBM.
7) The Principal's Role as a Leader: The principal's role as a leader in School Based
Management (SBM) covers various aspects that are vital to improving the quality of
education. The results showed that the principal as a leader must have a leadership spirit

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that is able to bring positive changes in the school. Being a role model for teachers and
students, with discipline and integrity, creates a strong school culture.
As a leader, the principal must be able to innovate and make strategic decisions to
develop the school. Innovative initiatives and the right decisions will form a clear vision
and bring positive changes in SBM implementation. Therefore, the principal's role as a
leader not only includes traditional aspects of leadership, but also involves the ability to
innovate, make wise decisions, and be a positive role model for the entire school

Analysis of the Role of School Committees in the Implementation of School-Based
The implementation of school-based management involves various roles of school
committees in various capacities. The following is an analysis of the main roles that a school
committee can play in the context of advisory agencies, support agencies, controlling agencies,
and mediator agencies in school-based management:(Kepmendiknas, 2002)
1) Advisory Agency: The school committee can act as an advisor by providing advice,
views, and recommendations to the school regarding policies, programs, and strategies
that can improve the quality of education. The Committee can provide input on school
needs, community aspirations, and educational trends that can assist in designing and
implementing more effective education programs.
The important role of the School Committee in carrying out its duties as an advisor has
proven to be well executed. With active engagement, they provide strategic direction,
support curriculum development, and ensure effective implementation of education
policies. This success reflects the positive synergy between the committee, the school,
and the community, which together create an inclusive and quality educational
In the role of the school committee as an advisory agency, based on the results of the
study, researchers concluded that they function as advisors who provide space for
principals to discuss. However, the focus of discussions tends to focus on the physical
construction of the school, while aspects of the academic program, curriculum, and
development are entirely left to the principal. Although there is dialogue and exchange
of ideas, the emphasis on physical development can reduce the role of committees in
providing holistic input on school development.
2) Support Agency: The school committee can provide financial, social, and technical
support to increase school capacity and improve student welfare. The committee can
assist in fundraising, providing technical assistance, and organizing events or programs
that can improve the welfare and educational development of the school.
The School Committee's persistent efforts to sustain and support the school are not only
limited to financial contributions, but also to supporting the physical development of the
school. The committee is not only a source of funds, but also a valuable human resource.
They become an additional force when schools need extra labor or resources such as
raw materials. Close collaboration between the school and the committee creates a
positive synergy, leading to improved quality and sustainability of education in the
learning environment.

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Based on the results of the research, the role of the committee as a support agency is
quite good in supporting school programs. The committee actively participates by
providing support in the form of manpower, such as community service, and materials,
such as funds, tools, or materials for the physical construction of school buildings. The
overall involvement of the committee reflects their commitment to supporting the
school's efforts, which can contribute positively to the overall progress and development
of the educational environment.
3) Controlling Agency: School committees can play a role in ensuring accountability and
compliance with policies and procedures established by the government or educational
institutions. The Committee can monitor program implementation, budget use, and
teacher performance, and help ensure that schools operate according to established
As a controller, the School Committee closely monitors program reports and even
program implementation in schools. They are not only involved in the financial aspect,
but also actively control the performance of teachers and principals. This supervisory
role creates healthy accountability, not only internally for the school, but also involves
the general public and parents. Thus, the strict control of the committee provides
assurance that education in schools is not only efficient but also responsive to the
expectations and needs of the school community.
The role of the school committee as a controlling agency involves the control process
through reporting the work program of the principal. The committee also responds to
reports from the community or parents by immediately contacting the principal to find
a solution. Overall, the control functions performed by the school committee ensure
transparency, accountability, and quick response to problems as they arise, supporting
the effectiveness of school management and active involvement in problem solving.
4) Mediator Agency: The school committee can act as an intermediary in resolving
conflicts or differences of opinion among various parties involved in education, such as
teachers, students, parents, and the community. The Committee can be a forum for
dialogue and discussion between various interested parties, help reach agreement, and
facilitate an effective communication process.
The School Committee's contributing role as a mediator provides significant support to
the principal. The committee opened the door for school principals to lobby for
assistance, both in the form of funds and support from the education office and
foundations. As an intermediary, the committee not only responds to the day-to-day
needs of the school, but also facilitates a positive relationship between the principal and
external stakeholders. Thus, the committee not only plays a financial role, but also
becomes a strategic liaison that strengthens the school's relations with external parties,
optimizes available resources, and makes the school an empowered educational center.
The role of the school committee as an agency mediator appears significant in
supporting the principal. Through good relations with the head of the department and
the education commission, the committee serves as an intermediary to ensure the
principal has close access to the relevant parties. The Committee also helps strengthen
relationships with foundations, such as GMIM Eben Haezar Koha and A.Z.R. Wenas
Foundation, so that all principals' programs receive optimal support and financing from

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agencies and foundations. This reflects the role of committee mediators in improving
the effectiveness of school management and development.
By taking on these roles, school committees can become strategic partners in the
implementation of school-based management, helping to create an inclusive, responsive, and
quality educational environment. It is important for the committee to work with schools,
teachers, parents, and communities in order to achieve the common goal of improving the
quality of education.

Analysis of the Role of the Education Commission in the Implementation of School-Based
The School Education Commission has a very important role in the implementation of
school-based management. The following is the role of the education commission based on
and analysis with research results:(KUMPULAN REGULASI PENETAPAN KEPALA
1) Procurement of Facilities and Infrastructure: The Education Commission is responsible
for evaluating the needs of facilities and infrastructure in schools. Identify priorities,
develop needs plans, and collaborate with relevant parties to gather necessary resources.
Until now, the Church through the Education Commission continues to make active
efforts in supporting the provision of facilities and infrastructure for schools under our
auspices. This effort is focused specifically on the construction of the current school
building, in hopes of providing a better learning environment for the students. We hope
that in the future, this support can expand further and include donations in the form of
computers or other learning facilities that can meet the needs of schools. This
collaboration reflects our commitment to improving the quality of education and
ensuring adequate means for the growth and development of learners.
2) School Inventory: Monitoring and maintaining school inventory to ensure completeness
and sustainability. Establish an inventory recording system, supervise the use and
maintenance of school assets, and make regular updates.
The inventory process in our schools is a collaboration between the Education
Commission and the Principal. The results of the inventory are stored safely in the
church as an administrative center. We run an inventory process regularly, especially
when there is a procurement of new goods. The Principal and the Education Commission
jointly ensure that any changes or additions in the inventory are promptly updated. These
measures make our inventory system efficient and accurate, support transparent school-
based management and ensure optimal and up-to-date management of school assets.
3) Proker and RAPBD Drafting Team: Determine the direction of policies and work
programs (Proker) and prepare the school's Regional Budget Plan (RAPBD). Coordinate
discussions, develop programs that suit school needs, and ensure that the RAPBD covers
all necessary aspects.
In the process of preparing the Work Program (PROKER) and Regional Budget Plan
(RAPBD), the Education Commission has always been an active part. We are regularly
invited to participate in meetings that discuss both aspects. Although we are involved in
the discussion, the main decision making and submission of information for
consideration is still carried out by the Principal. The role of the commission is more to

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provide additional information or suggestions related to education policy, but the
commission gives the Principal full opportunity because the Principal has a deeper
understanding of the needs and dynamics of the school. This collaboration reflects
effective coordination to achieve optimal educational goals.
4) Seeking Funds: Finding sources of funds to support educational activities in schools.
Participate in fundraising activities, submit proposals to external parties, and establish
partnerships with organizations or companies that can provide financial support.
Fundraising efforts are made through budget allocations provided by the church, which
are then allocated to support the needs of the school. However, for special projects that
require large funds, such as the construction of school buildings, we tend to source funds
from church construction coffers. In addition, the commission actively engages
congregation members in fundraising, asking for their contributions to support
important school projects. This approach creates close collaboration between schools
and church communities, ensuring the sustainability and success of various educational
5) School Representative in Foundation: Presents the interests of the school at the level of
the foundation or managing institution. Communicate effectively with foundations,
communicate school needs and aspirations, and participate in decision-making related
to education policy.
The Education Commission has always been willing to take on the responsibility of
representing schools in the foundation. Our involvement in this role reflects our
dedication to performing representative functions, championing the interests of the
school, and contributing to the foundation's decision-making.
By carrying out these roles, the School Education Commission can spearhead the
implementation of school-based management. Involving various stakeholders in the
decision-making process can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of schools in
achieving educational goals.

Analysis of inhibiting factors carrying out the role of principals, school committees and
education commissions in the implementation of school-based management
School-based management theory emphasizes the importance of involving all stakeholders,
including teachers, students, principals, employees, parents, and the community in making
decisions to improve school quality. School stakeholders are a collection of people who
collaborate and interact with each other to achieve common goals for the school. The
participation of school stakeholders in SBM is related to decision making, policy making,
planning, implementation, and supervision of education in schools. In the implementation of
SBM, the participation of all school stakeholders is related to the successful management of an
educational institution or school. Therefore, involving all school stakeholders in SBM is
expected to improve the quality of education through more effective and responsive
This is in line with the opinion that all stakeholders should be involved in the
implementation of school-based management. Although school leaders, education
commissions, and education committees have been mandated to implement school-based
management, implementation is still faced with various obstacles. Active involvement and

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coordination among stakeholders is key to overcoming these obstacles effectively.(Widyastuti,
This research reveals that the implementation of school-based management is faced with a
number of obstacles, especially related to coordination with stakeholders. The results of the
analysis show that coordination constraints arise in an effort to optimize resources and involve
all stakeholders in the entire school program cycle. Although researchers seek to invite active
participation from stakeholders in program planning, implementation, and evaluation,
coordination remains a challenge.
One of the main aspects of coordination analysis is the unclear role and responsibilities of
stakeholders, which may hinder alignment of vision and goals. The lack of effective
communication channels is also a factor that complicates the exchange of information
necessary for good coordination. In addition, the busyness and inequality of stakeholder
involvement also make it difficult for research efforts to achieve the desired level of
Revamping measures in school-based management can focus on improving communication,
a shared understanding of each stakeholder's role, and establishing an inclusive culture of
cooperation. Thus, this research provides valuable insights to overcome coordination
constraints and improve the effectiveness of school-based management implementation
through the active involvement of all stakeholders.

The principal's strategy in implementing school-based management
The results showed that to ensure the implementation of school-based management (SBM)
runs effectively, school principals have adopted proactive policies. In this context, the policy
is focused on addressing aspects that can be directly addressed by the principal himself, without
waiting for time availability from stakeholders. This strategy reflects a pragmatic and efficient
approach to managing SBM. Some aspects related to the principal's strategy may be contained
in the policy
1) Live Monitoring: School principals can actively monitor and evaluate SBM
implementation within the school environment without having to wait for reports from
other parties. This includes direct monitoring of daily activities, learning, and resource
2) Limited Consultation: Using limited consultation from stakeholders directly involved in
the implementation of SBM. The principal can take the initiative to address certain
questions or obstacles without waiting for a formal meeting or formal meeting.
3) Efficient Communication: Establish efficient communication channels for information
to flow quickly and appropriately between staff and internal stakeholders. It helps in
faster and responsive decision making.
4) Quick Decision Making: The headmaster can make quick decisions regarding changes
or improvements needed in SBM implementation. These decisions may include strategic
plan adjustments, resource allocation, or process improvements.
5) Internal Troubleshooting: Addressing internal problems that can be resolved
independently without involving external stakeholders. This includes conflict resolution
or improvement of internal procedures.

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This strategy recognizes the need to run school-based management efficiently by utilizing
existing resources and overcoming time constraints. In addition, the policy gives principals the
flexibility to move quickly and effectively to advance SBM without relying too heavily on
stakeholder response or time availability.

The understanding of School Based Management (SBM) by school principals is insufficient,
hindering its implementation in schools. The principal's role as an educator, supervisor,
manager, administrator, innovator, motivator, and leader needs improvement. They should
focus on involving teachers in seminars and training to improve their abilities, monitor teacher
teaching quality, embrace all stakeholders in decision-making, and improve administrative
The school committee, an advisory agency, provides space for the principal to discuss but
is limited to physical development. It also acts as a support agency, providing manpower and
materials for school programs. The committee acts as a controlling agency, involving the
control process through reporting the principal's work program. The committee also acts as a
mediator, facilitating access for principals with heads of offices and education commissions.
The study reveals obstacles in coordination with stakeholders, such as unclear roles, lack of
effective communication, and busy stakeholders. Revamping steps should focus on improving
communication, understanding roles, and establishing a culture of cooperation to improve
SBM effectiveness.
The headmaster has adopted a proactive policy to ensure the effectiveness of SBM
implementation, including strategies such as direct monitoring, limited consultation, efficient
communication, quick decision-making, and internal problem resolution. This approach
demonstrates pragmatism and efficiency in managing SBM, allowing principals to actively
monitor, communicate, and make decisions without relying too heavily on stakeholder time.

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