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Initial Stages of Implementation
JUNE 25, 2024



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MARCH 29, 2024



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Cyber Workforce Strategy Advances National Security and
Connects Americans to Good-Paying Jobs.
First-of-its-kind plan removes barriers to entering the cyber workforce.


The National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS), released by President Biden on March 1, 2023, positions
the United States and its allies and partners to build a digital ecosystem that is more defensible, more
resilient, and better aligned with our values. The National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy
(NCWES), published by the White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) on July
31, 2023, chart s a course for fostering White House–level coordination to meet cyber workforce
demand. I t fulfills the need to create a skills-based digital future in which workers have access to
good-paying, meaningful jobs in cyber within their communities.
Demand for cyber workers exceeds the current capacity of workforce development and education
systems. This challenge is compounded by the dynamic nature of the national security environment
and the rapid acceleration of global crises, new technologies, and novel threats. To meet these
challenges, the guiding imperatives in the NCWES aim to broaden the appeal of cyber careers to
more Americans, transition to skills-based hiring and talent development approaches, and encourag e
the development of cyber workforce and education ecosystems. These imperatives are driving the
implementation of the strategy to respond to the most immediate need to fill the hundreds of
thousands of open cyber positions, improve data on the Federal and national cyber workforce, and
transition to skills-based hiring and talent development approaches.
The Federal Government is one part of the whole-of-nation approach outlined in the NCWES. It is
necessary for the public and private sectors as well as academia to do their part to e ffect change at
scale. The content of this report includes the actions being taken by Federal departments and
agencies to strengthen the Federal cyber workforce and support cybe r workforce development and
education though existing Federal programs. The initiatives and accomplishments in this report are a
direct result of action by the Biden-Harris Administration to prioritize and initiate changes to
support the goals of the NCWES. ONCD, in close partnership with the Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB), among others, is leading by
example, coordinating efforts to expand and enhance the Federal cyber workforce and education
efforts thr ough public and private sector actions . For example, the Administration is working to
expand the pipeline for cyber workers by reducing barriers and improving the efficiency of Federal
hiring processes. These Federal actions are supported by private sector commitments to educate,
hire, and train the growing cyber workforce. The commitments, included in Appendix A,



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demonstrate the need and interest for involvement and bring resources from organizations
positioned to lead change .
In fulfilling its responsibility to driv e cohesion across the Federal Government and the larger cyber
community, ONCD has worked with workforce and education stakeholders in the public and
private sectors to introduc e new approaches to expand and enhance t he national cyber workforce .
In collaboration with Federal departments and agencies, ONCD is coordinating efforts in
accordance with the President’s Management Agenda and National Security Memorandum 3,
“Revitalizing America’s Foreign Policy and National Security Workforce, Institutions, and
Partnerships,” as well as aligning the cyber workforce efforts with other Federal initiatives such as
Workforce Hubs , Tech Hubs , and Technology and Innovation Partnerships .
Industry, educational institutions, training providers, community organizations, philanthropies, and
government at all levels must collaborate extensively to expand and enhance the cyber workforce,
and must transform education to make progress at scale. The Administration is committed to
working with stakeholders to meet the demand for cyber workers. Implementation of the NCWES
is in its early stages, and ONCD has begun to track outcomes as initiatives progress. The content of
this report details Federal departments’ and agencies’ ongoing efforts to execute the NCWES and
outlines upcoming activities that will be included in the first full implementation report, anticipated
to be released in the f all of 2025.
Cyber education and workforce development have not kept pace with demand and with the rapid
pace of technological change. In 2023, ONCD met with a range of public and private sector
stakeholders across industr ies, academic disciplines, and nonprofit organizations to better focus its
implementation efforts for the NCWES and to emphasize the need for cyber skills in all occupations
and industries. The actions that departments and agencies have taken to implement the NCWES and
begin to lay the groundwork for implementation are described in what follows .
Whole-of-government approach addresses Federal cyber workforce needs
Federal departments and agencies are aligning Federal investments in the national workforce,
infrastructure, and economy to have a greater impact on the de velopment of the cyber workforce. In
early 2023, ONCD established the National Cyber Workforce Coordination Group (NCWCG) and
the Federal Cyber Workforce Working Group (FCWWG) , co-chaired with OMB in consultation
with OPM , to help advance the work that needs to be completed to implement the NCWES . In
November 2023, to expedite these efforts, two more groups were established under the NCWCG:
the Working Group on Cyber Workforce and Education and the Working Group on Cyber Skills
and Awareness. More t han 35 Federal departments and agencies in these groups have begun
implementing the objectives in the NCWES.



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Federal agencies pivot to skills-based hiring and talent development
As the Biden- Harris Administration continues to encourage employers to adopt skills-based
approaches, it is also taking a major step to lead by example. On April 29, 2024, the National Cyber
Director announced that the Administration is modernizing the F ederal hiring process. OPM is
leading the transition of the Information Technology (IT) Management series, called the 2210 series,
to skills-based hiring principles and practices. The 2210 job series represents IT workers in every
Federal agency and a majority of the Federal IT workforce, accounting for nearly 100,000 current
Federal employees. Aligned with broader strategic hiring objectives, this modernization effort will
include the use of R egistered A pprenticeship programs.
Additionally, the Federal Government made a similar commitment to F ederal contractors who work
shoulder to shoulder with and support Federal employees every day, with an announcement from
the Department of Energy on its effort to pivot toward skills -based hiring in IT and cyber contracts.
In 2023, OPM, in consultation with OMB and ONCD, developed a cyber workforce legislative
package intended to bring equity across the Federal Government with improved hiring and pay
flexibilities, including greater emphasis on skills-based hiring and increased incentives for high-
demand cyber skills. The OPM package describes actions to increase skills-based hiring and talent
development in Federal Government cyber roles. It outlines new authorities, personnel flexibilities,
and requirements to align Federal cyber positions with the NICE Framework and the DoD Cyber
Workforce Framework, where applicable. The proposed legislation is also intended to aid in
transitioning to skills-based approaches from relying solely on minimum education requirements ,
and to support a holistic talent management strategy across the Federal Government.
To further support skills-based practices, ONCD is working with OMB to encourage wider
adoption of Section 39.104 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, which states that when
information technology services are being acquired, solicitations must not describe any minimum
experience or educational requirement for contracted personnel.
In addition to advancing skills-based practices, departments and agencies in the FCWWG have
begun to identify barriers and opportunities to increase the efficiency of Federal hiring processes.
Although modifying Federal process will span multiple years, solutions are already in development,
including pooled hiring processes, harmonization of cyber workforce frameworks, increased
participation in scholarship- for-service programs, and expansion of the National Center of
Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE- C) program.
Tech t o Gov Working Group (TTGWG) lands cyber talent for the Federal Government
Launched and led by OPM in July 2023, TTGWG is a workstream of the FCWWG. On Apr il 18,
2024, OPM held a second Tech to Gov fair, where more than 1,700 attendees registered,
representing 50 states. Applicants participated in 1,746 one -on-one conversations with over 100
agency representatives. To date, the Tech to Gov initiative has resulted in 150 tentative job offers to



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experienced cyber professionals to increase the strength of Federal cyber workforce. A fourth Tech
to Gov fair is scheduled for f all of 2024.
Federal programs provide rigorous cyber learning opportunities
Prior to the release of the NCWES, Federal programs in cyber workforce and education, including
the NCAE-C program, led by the National Security Agency (NSA); the CyberCorps®: Scholarship
for Service (SFS) program, led by the National Science Foundation (N SF) and OPM; the
Department of Defense (DoD) Cyber Service Academy (DoD CSA); the Cybersecurity Education
and Training Assistance Program (CETAP), led by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency (CISA); and NICE, led by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), were
already reinforc ing the importance of sustained Federal investments by establishing a foundation for
cyber workforce and education program development to provide a pipeline of qualified cyber talent.
ONCD meets with departments and agencies multiple times per week to coordinate related actions
and reduce duplication of efforts.
Designation as an NCAE-C is a mark of distinction for colleges and universities that highlights a
commitment to advancing the cybersecurity capabilities of the N ation. This prestigious recognition
reflects the dedication of an NCAE- C to higher standards for rigorous academic instruction,
ongoing faculty development, leadership in the cybersecurity field, alignment with cutting-edge
technologies, and engagement in cyber workforce and education ecosystem efforts. The NCAE -C
program goes beyond accreditation as it sets the gold standard for cybersecurity education that map s
to the NICE Framework.
CISA manages the Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy, which provides full-time Federal
employees an opportunity to focus on professional growth through an intense, full-time, three-
month accelerated training program. The Federal Cyber Defense Skilling Academy currently offers
courses to prepare for the position s of Cyber Defense Analyst, Cyber Defense Forensics Analyst,
Cyber Defense Incident Responder, and Vulnerability Assessment Analyst.
CISA also launched a Neurodiverse Federal Workforce (NFW) Initiative in fiscal year 2024 to
increase opportunities for neurodiverse individuals who are on the autism spectrum. The 15- month
NFW Initiative will place interns in operations research analysis, IT management, and management
and program analysis roles in CISA and will enable CISA to better support its neurodistinct
employees. Information gathered through the NFW Initiative can be used by CISA and the broader
community to implement similar initiatives and ultimately help respond to the need for skilled cyber
Opportunities to develop national cyber workforce and education systems have also been identified
in Federal economic investments such as those directed by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL),
Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act, American Rescue
Plan Act (ARP), and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), in addition to existing workforce development,
economic development, and education programs.



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A list of Federal cyber workforce and education programs is included in Appendix B.
Cyber workforce and education programs emphasize cyber across disciplines
ONCD, together with its public and private sector partners, is leveraging Federal programs as part
of a concerted approach to incorporate cyber content and skills across academic, occupational, and
industrial disciplines. For example, to increase access to apprenticeships in fields such as
cybersecurity, in 2023 the Department of Labor (DOL) awarded approximately $108 million
through grants and contracts to expand Registered Apprenticeships in high- growth and in- demand
industries. DOL, in coordination with ONCD and the Departments of Commerce, Homeland
Security, and Defense and other federal agencies, conducted a cyber apprenticeship sprint . DOL
also announced the availability of nearly $200 million in grants to continue to support public-private
partnerships that expand, diversify, and strengthen Registered Apprenticeships in education, care,
clean energy, IT , supply chain, other in- demand industries. These funding opportunities demonstrate
the commitment of the Administration to strengthen the national workforce development
infrastructure and connect people in all communities to good jobs in cyber.
In June 2024, ONCD participated in the Cyber Across Disciplines (CyAD) conference in Chicago,
Illinois, which convened college and university faculty in cyber. The CyAD conference provided an
opportunity to encourage the integration of cybersecurity across academic disciplines and industry
sectors, as well as incorporating cybersecurity in computer science, artificial intelligence ( AI), and
emerging technology curricula in an effort to promote secure-by-design principles.
Cyber Clinics provide hands-on learning for students while serving local communities
NSA, through grants to NCAE -C institutions, launched Cyber Clinics in Nevada, Minnesota,
Louisiana, and Virginia. Cyber Clinics support communities and small g overnments that would
otherwise not have access to cyber risk assessment and planning assistance , and they provide an
opportunity for over 200 students to develop competencies while in a supervised learning
environment. The Cyber Clinics model has garnered more than $25 million in private sector
investment that has enabled the opening of clinics at 45 more institutions .
Shared job postings and hiring pools reduce delays in recruiting Federal cyber talent
OPM is providing agencies with candidates who have ready -to-use hiring certificates to reduce
delays in hiring qualified cyber talent. This year, OPM provided hiring lists for IT Product Manager,
IT Specialist, IT Specialist (Data Management), and Program Analyst (Data Analytics) positions.
Additionally, to support the AI talent surge, OPM launched a pooled hiring acti on for Data
Scientists under the Government -wide direct hire authority. Recently, 181 qualified Data Scientist
candidates were made available to agencies.
Outreach e ngagements lift best practices and connect local and regional stakeholders
Since the release of NCWES last year, ONCD has launched a national workforce road show to help
amplify the Biden-Harris Administration’s workforce growth priorities; highlight needs, solutions,



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and progress; and engage and promote cyber workforce and education ecosystems of stakeholders
across all industry sectors.
These events have been held in collaboration with partners such as Members of Congress,
Governors, and m ayors as well as private and public sector stakeholders to expand the cyber
workforce in Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington.
Beyond the road show, ONCD has also participated in numerous events with academia, industry,
employers, and community organizations to help change how communities approach cyber
workforce development and education.
Federal departments respond to cyber workforce demands
The Federal departments and agencies actively participating in the implementation of the NCWES
are producing deliverables that respond to the challenges facing cyber workforce and education.
Together, the initiatives represent a comprehensive plan to begin addressing the most immediate
needs in developing a skilled and resilient cyber workforce that is able to protect our nation,
economy, and society while providing pathways into good- paying jobs.
The whole-of-government approach led by the Administration has resulted in numerous
commitments and initiatives from the following departments and agencies to increase cyber hiring
and talent development in the Federal Government and provide support for expanding the cyber
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Department of Defense (DoD)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Department of Labor (DOL)
Department of State (DOS)
Department of Transportation (DOT)
Department of the Treasury (Treasury)
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
National Security Agency (NSA)
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD)
Small Business Administration (SBA)

A detailed list of commitments and initiatives led by Federal agencies is included in Appendix A. In
addition to the agencies making specific commitments, all of the Federal agencies that are
participating in the implementation of the NCWES are listed in Appendix C.



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Agencies expand educational pathways into the Federal Government
ONCD is collaborating with the Federal agencies administering key cyber workforce and education
programs including NCAE-C, SFS, and the DoD CSA. Together with CISA, DoD, NIST, NSA,
NSF, and OPM, ONCD is working to expand the pipeline to meet the demand for cyber workers in
the Federal Government. Designation of a college or university as an NCAE -C establishes eligibility
for additional resources, recognizes the rigor of the cyber curricula, and increases access for more
students to enter cyber education programs.
For example, in fiscal year 2024, 104 colleges and universities participated in the SFS and DoD CSA
programs. This figure represents a 6.1% increase in participating institutions over fiscal year 2023 .
Additionally, in fiscal year 2024, 50 i nstitutions of higher e ducation are expected to receive their
initial NCAE-C designation and 80 will renew their designation s, bringing the total number of
NCAE-C institutions to nearly 500— a 13% increase from 440 participating schools in fiscal year
The SFS, DoD CSA, and NCAE -C programs play a major role in creating a pipeline for the Federal
cyber workforce, and the Administration, through ONC D, intends to build on these successes. The
full list of NCAE-C institutions is included in Appendix D.
The A dministration elev ates Federal cyber workforce efforts across the Government
The NCWES implementation is one part of the effort led by the Administration to enhance the
capacity of the Federal cyber workforce to protect the N ation, economy, and society. ONCD is
leading coordination across agencies to align and harmonize Federal investments and initiatives. The
following efforts are broader than the cyber workforce , but their continued progress and success has
bolstered cyber workforce enhancement and expansion.
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) has prioritized attracting and hiring the most qualified
employees who reflect the diversity of our country and is striving to make every Federal job a good
job, where all employees are engaged, supported, heard, and empowered . The Administration is
reimagining the Federal workforce of the future, informed by national workforce trends, as it seeks
to make the Government a model employer to deliver effectively on a broad range of agency
missions. OPM recently released a workforce of the future playbook to support agencies in
implementing key initiatives such as using pooled hiring, emphasizing skills -based hiring, attracting
early career talent, fostering an inclusive work environment, and other approaches to strengthen the
ability of agencies to recruit, hire, and retain a workforce with the skills need to fulfill their missions.
To that end, OPM has initiated a skills -based hiring training course to train Federal hiring
professionals on how to reframe recruitment and retention efforts in terms of the skills needed to
successfully perform work roles rather than relying solely on college degrees.
Under the Trusted Workforce 2.0 initiative led by the Security, Suitability, and Credentialing
Performance Accountability Council (PAC), the average amount of time needed to complete a
security clearance background investigation has fallen from 411 to 155 days for a Top Secret and



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173 to 53 days for a Secret clearance. Agencies have also been encouraged to clear personnel with
clean records for onboarding on the basis of the highest -value background checks, known as a
preliminary determination. The PAC is working to expand this practice by implementing ambitious
targets of 45 days for Top Secret and 25 days for Secret clearances. In th e second quarter of fiscal
year 2024, o ver 27,000 new hires were cleared using preliminary determinations.
National Security Memorandum 3 (NSM-3) has driven an increase in paid internship, scholarship-
for-service, and fellowship programs and an expansion of efforts to recruit and retain a diverse
national security and foreign policy workforce from all segments of our society. These programs are
paramount to strengthening the Federal cyber workforce.
The 2024 President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition drew competitors from more than 100
agencies across the Federal Government, including finalist teams and individuals from the Army,
Navy, Air Force, Marines, DoD, NSA , and FBI. In its fifth iteration, the President’s Cup
Cybersecurity Competition saw an increase in participation over the previous competition, and it
introduced a new Industrial Control Systems Escape Room that challenged and expanded the
opportunities for success beyond those typically seen at cyber competitions. CISA invited the top
five team finalists and the top three individual winners from each track to the awards ceremony held
at the White House in May 2024. CISA and ONCD plan to continue conducting the awards
ceremony at the White House to encourage more participation.
In fiscal year 2024, the Administration has been combining efforts from the NCWES and the
President’s Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of
Artificial Intelligence,” to launch AI, Cyber, and Tech Hiring Surge initiatives. Departments and
agencies have identified common talent needs and coordinated hiring actions for AI, cyber, and
other in -demand technology roles in order to provide a pool of candidates for consideration by
multiple employing agencies, saving time and cost for agencies, job applicants, and taxpayers.
To assist m ilitary-connected f amilies, OPM has reinforc ed the use of flexible work arrangements
that support the needs of military-connected families, including telework and remote work,
administrative leave, and workforce retention tools such as the opportunity to request reassignment
and relocation. Federal agencies can leverage Executive Order 14100, “Advancing Economic
Security for Military and Veteran Spouses, Military Caregivers, and Survivors,” to expand the reach
of Federal cyber workforce recruitment efforts.
On March 6, 2024, President Biden issued Executive Order 14119, “Scaling and Expanding the Use
of Registered Apprenticeships in Industries and the Federal Government and Promoting Labor-
Management Forums,” to meet employers’ needs while investing in workers’ skills, reducing
employment barriers, and promoting job quality, equity, inclusion, and accessibility for the benefit of
the Federal Government and the Nation. Federal agencies are leveraging this e xecutive order to
broaden avenues to good- paying cyber jobs and improve access to opportunities for workers
underrepresented in the cyber workforce.



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The ecosystem approach to
cyber workforce and education
proposed in the NCWES that
no single stakeholder alone can
achieve change at the scale
required to meet today’s urgent
need to fill cyber career
positions. Engagement of
organizations beyond the cyber
sector are critical if employer
demand for skilled cyber
workers is to be met. ONCD is
developing a cyber workforce
and education ecosystem
playbook for publication in fall
2024 that will help stakeholders
understand, create, and navigate
their ecosystems. This playbook
will draw on expertise from the
private sector.
Together with departments and
agencies, ONCD is coordinating Federal efforts to incubate and expand effective models in order to
leverage the strengths of ecosystems to increase the quality and quantity of cyber professionals in the
As an introduction to this work, the NCWES provide s examples of cyber workforce and education
ecosystems across the country. Though their structure, governance, and leadership may vary, model
cyber education and workforce development ecosystems should be focused on l earners, such as
students, job seekers, adults, and employees at the center of a network of ac tive stakeholders—
including employers, unions, educators, training providers, g overnments, nonprofit organizations,
philanthropists, and civic organizations. Ecosystem stakeholders are united by a common vision of
education and workforce development. This connection helps foster accessible, inclusive learning
opportunities across education stages and career pathways. State, local, tribal, and territorial
governments are important members of cyber workforce and education ecosystems. Successful
ecosystems have sustainability and succession plans to ensure that funding and leadership can
weather economic and political pressures.

Example of a Cyber Workforce and Education Ecosystem



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Employers and educators expand the cyber workforce nationwide
Stakeholder collaboration is critical to success. As the F ederal Government stepp ed up to do its part,
over 100 organizations—including philanthropies, technology companies, professional associations,
and academic institutions—answered the call. They ma de voluntary commitments that included
providing $95 million in investments, hiring 13,000 workers, and training one million individuals in
cyber. These commitments are often spotlighted at ONCD outreach events across the country.
The following are examples of some stakeholder commitments; Appendix A gives a more detailed
list. A version that is continually updated can be found on the White House website,
• Over $100 million to support cybersecurity w orkforce development, education, tools, and
• High school students can take up to 30 credits of university-level computer science
coursework as dual-credit through a statewide program to assist rural populations in public,
private, and tribal schools, as well as those who are home-schooled.
• Over 50,000 students engaged in gamified learning, with up to 5,000 receiving training and
certification scholarships, and more than $9.2 million in training and certification
scholarships to 500+ individuals to drive increased participation in cybersecurity training
across the nation.
• Up to 200 small water utilities are receiv ing cybersecurity training to help secure the nation’s
water infrastructure from cyber threats, improve their cybersecurity risk management, and
enhance their ability to respond to and recover from a cybersecurity incident .
• Free cyber training for human resources (HR) professionals to better understand the
nuances of hiring cyber workers.
• $5 million to support and expand cybersecurity and open-source security ecosystems,
including work to ensure that the next generation is informed and motivated to engage
across these technologies.
• Training in foundational cyber skills to be provided to 5 million girls by 2025, along with
access to free cybersecurity education, training, and resources for up to 10 million micro,
small, and medium-sized businesses by 2025.



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The Biden-Harris Administration will continue to drive change in the public and private sectors
through engagement and collaboration. Filling the hundreds of thousands of cyber job vacancies
across America is a national security imperative and a top priority to help prepare our country to
lead in the digital economy.
Through the FCWWG, ONCD will work with Federal departments and agencies to reach their
hiring goals for the Federal cyber workforce in fiscal year s 2024 and 2025. This effort relies on the
continued improvement of data on the Federal cyber workforce .
ONCD, in collaboration with OPM and the FCWWG, will facilitate a hiring surge to fill open
Federal cyber positions in fiscal year 2024 and conduct c yber sprints to generate j ob offers. Over the
next year, as the Federal Government works to expand the use of skills-based hiring and talent
development for Federal cyber positions and contracts, previously underutilized members of the
national cyber workforce will have on-ramps to the good-paying Federal cyber jobs that are needed
to help secure the nation’s defenses and infrastructure and to help support Federal programs.
The NCWCG and its working groups will connect with constituents across the country to amplify
the value of cyber workforce and education ecosystems and identify stakeholders willing to make
additional voluntary commitments in fiscal years 2024 and 2025. Ecosystems and models that
elevate opportunities for learners will be highlighted, and assistance for community champions
seeking to spark, support, or scale an ecosystem will be included in a cyber workforce and education
ecosystem guide to be compiled by ONCD.
As part of its strategic outreach, the Administration will work with stakeholders to conduct cyber
career fairs, with particular focus on populations underrepresented in the cyber workforce—
including women, people of color, veterans, transitioning service members, military spouses,
members of rural communities, and individual s with disabilities.
Collectively, the initiatives and activities that the Federal Government is pursing in the next two
years are intended to respond to the critical need for cyber workers; increase skills -based hiring,
talent development, and education nationwide; address barriers faced by Federal and non- Federal
stakeholders; proactively analyze and monitor the changing labor demand for cyber skills; and
continue to advance our cyber posture, national security, economy, and society.
ONCD will monitor and report on the progress of the actions that are aligned to objectives in the
NCWES to develop a qualified and diverse cyber workforce, meet the demand for cyber workers in
the Federal Government, encourage skills-based approaches to cyber workforce development, and
transform education systems to increase access to cyber learning opportunities.
To strengthen the Fe deral cyber workforce, Federal departments and agencies will work to increase
adoption of skills-based hiring and assessment in the Federal Government and make improvements



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in recruitment, hiring, retention, and talent development processes. This effort in cludes expanding
work-based learning on- ramps into Federal employment, increasing the use of flexible and
innovative Federal hiring and pay practices, and improving training programs for Federal HR
The Administration will be working with Fed eral departments and agencies to identify cyber
workforce development and education program best practices, update online resources, and elevate
cyber careers through a coordinated national call to action.
Initiatives in fiscal year 2024 will also seek to expand learning opportunities in foundational cyber
skills and increase the capacity of K-12 systems and i nstitutions of higher e ducation to teach
rigorous cybersecurity content. To boost the participation of students and educators in cyber
scholarship programs, Federal departments and agencies will work with academia to expan d
concurrent credit transfer and articulation opportunities for academic credit, further i ntegrate cyber
across academic disciplines, and increase the availability of low -cost and no- cost cyber training and
education curricula.
Together with private sector stakeholders, the Administration will encourage the use of skills -based
approaches by employers and increase work-based learning opportunities.
The Administration will leverage the collective strength of all Federal departments and agencies to
increase participation and promote the value of veterans, separating service members, and military
spouses in the cyber workforce.
The whole-of-nation approach presented in the NCWES will require the combined efforts of every
cyber workforce and education ecosystem stakeholder to enable all Americans to benefit from the
enormous potential of our interconnected future.



Appendix A – Page 1 of 27


Cyber Workforce and Education Commitments
The whole-of-nation strategy outlined in the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy
(NCWES) cannot be achieved without the participation of stakeholders in the private sector and
academia. Stakeholders demonstrate their partici pation in the form of commitments. The
commitments listed below reflect the actions taken to support the initial implementation of the
NCWES. The most current version of this list , updated as new commitments are received, can be
found online at https://whitehouse.gov/cyberworkforce
Federal Departments and Agencies
College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC) at National Defense University (NDU)
Beginning in fall 2024, admissions eligibility to the CIC at NDU will expand to include senior
noncommissioned officers (NCOs) serving in the U.S. military on Active Duty or in the National
Guard. Offerings will feature tuition-free cyber w orkforce programs, including a part-time m aster of
science (M.S.) degree and various graduate c ertificates.
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Each October, CISA’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month offers a focused opportunity to engage the
public, businesses, an d other national and international organizations, providing essential
cybersecurity tips and other information as well as tools, occasions for public engagement , and more
for audiences at all levels. In 2022, Cybersecurity Awareness Month garnered more than 1,400 media
mentions and included more than 120 CISA-wide speaking engagements (from CISA leadership), six
regional trips, 111 social media posts with more than one million impressions, 7,300 downloads of
the Partner Amplification Toolkit, and 108,000 page views of the 2022 landing page. Throughout
the year, CISA encourages diversity in the current and future cyber workforce, exposes young
people to careers in cybersecurity, and bridges the current cyber gap experienced by women in
cybersecurity and tech through partnerships with groups such as Girl Scouts of the USA, Girls Who
Code, and Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS). CISA also manages a Federal Cyber Defense Skilling
Academy to help civilian Federal employees develop cyber defense skills through training in the
baseline knowledge, skills, and abilities of a Cyber Defense Analyst (CDA).
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National Initiative for
Cybersecurity Education (now NICE) program i s charged with energizing, promoting, and
coordinating a robust community working together to advance an integrated ecosystem of
cybersecurity education, training, and workforce development. It launched the Cybersecurity Career
Ambassador Program to create a network of “ambassadors” to prepare, grow, and sustain the



Appendix A – Page 2 of 27

cybersecurity workforce. The Ambassador Program supports the NICE Strategic Plan by helping to
build cybersecurity career awareness and expanding a national workforce that is both knowledgeable
and skilled in cybersecurity. Over the next year, the Ambassador Program aims to identify over 200
ambassadors across the United States.
Department of Commerce (DOC)
NICE will award up to $3 .6 million for Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to
Stimulate (RAMPS) cybersecurity education and workforce development projects. The Notice of
Funding Opportunity for RAMPS is open to organizations that will bring together employers and
educators to develop a skilled workforce to meet industry needs within a local or regional economy.
NIST may fund up to 18 RAMPS awards. Additionally, in cooperation with Katzcy, a digital
marketing firm, NIST supports the U.S. Cyber Games to recruit, train, and develop the team
representing the United States in international cybersecurity competitions. This program engages
with over 2,000 individuals in the yearly U.S. Cyber Open and annually trains over 150 students
though months-long U.S. Cyber Combine and Pipeline programs.
Department of Commerce (DOC)
The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) highlighted the work of
the Connecting Minority Communities program, which is part of the Biden- Harris Administration’s
Internet for All initiative that will connect everyone in America with affordable, reliable high-speed
internet. The program specifically directs $268 million from the Consolidated Appropriations Act of
2021 for expanding high- speed i nternet access and connectivity to Historically Black Colleges and
Universities ( HBCUs), Tribal Colleges and Universities (TCUs), and Minority-Serving Institutions
(MSIs) for the purchase of broadband i nternet access and eligible equipment, or to hire and train
information technology personnel.
Department of Defense (DoD)
The DoD Cyber Service Academy (DoD CSA), formerly the DoD Cyber Scholarship Program,
provided scholarship offers to more than 165 Americans in 2024 and aims to maintain a 17%
increase per year. These scholarships assist the U.S. Government in promoting higher education in
all cyber disciplines, enhance DoD’s ability to recruit and retain cyber specialists, increase the
number of military and civilian personnel in DoD with cyber expertise, and ultimately enhance the
Nation’s cyber posture. The program is a result of commitments from DoD and Congress to
support higher education as a means to prepare the DoD workforce to combat threats against the
Department’s critical information system and networks.
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
HUD joined the Cybersecurity Talent Initiative in July 2023 and joined with the Partnership for
Public Service to enhance the early career talent pipeline and recruitment effort. HUD’s Office of
the Chief Information Security Officer (OCISO) is collaborating across all HUD Program Offices to
get at least 50 placements in the next fiscal year. This initiative will offer participants a cybersecurity



Appendix A – Page 3 of 27

and information technology pathway into HUD by removing as many socio economic barriers as
possible. Participants will be provided opportunities to gain Federal employment and hands-on job
experience in an immersive environment while learning about HUD’s mission, operations, and
Department of Labor (DOL)
The Department of Labor announced $66.9 million in formula and competitive grants to 46 states
and territories under the State Apprenticeship Expansion program to develop and scale registered
apprenticeship programs in cybersecurity and other critical sectors. Seven of these states and
territories identified cybersecurity as one of their targeted sectors. DOL also made a competitive
award to Utah to support the expansion of Registered Apprenticeship Programs for cybersecurity
and other sectors. In addition, t he Department announced an agreement with several Re gistered
Apprenticeship industry intermediaries that will focus on launching, promoting, and expanding
Registered Apprenticeship programs in cybersecurity.
Department of Labor (DOL)
DOL announced the availability of nearly $200 million in grants to support public-private
partnerships that expand, diversify, and strengthen Registered Apprenticeships in education, care,
clean energy, information technology (IT), supply chain, and other in- demand industries. The
funding opportunity includes $95 million of competitive grants through the second round of the
Biden- Harris Administration’s Apprenticeship Building America Grant Program and $100 million in
the second round of State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula Grants. The announced funding
opportunities continue the Department of Labor’s commitment to providing all of America’s
workers with access to training and career preparation that leads to good jobs with family-sustaining
wages. These grants serve as another avenue toward strengthening the N ation’s workforce
development infrastructure to connect people from all communities to the good jobs being created
by President Biden’s Investing in America agenda.
Department of State (DOS)
The Department of State is using special hiring authority granted by the James M. Inhofe National
Defense Authorization Ac t for Fiscal Year 2023 (P.L. 117- 263, Sec. 9502) to accelerate hiring for up
to 25 personnel into cyber positions within the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy (CDP). In
furtherance of the Secretary’s Modernization Agenda, CDP has partnered with the Department’s
Foreign Service Institute to train more than 200 employees in the Cyber and Digital Policy
Tradecraft course by the end of 2024, thereby enabling placement of a trained cyber/digital office r
engaged on these issues at every overseas mission.
Department of Transportation (DOT)
In service of its mission to support and continually improve national transportation infrastructure
within the modern, digital environment, DOT is committed to attracting, developing, and retaining



Appendix A – Page 4 of 27

cybersecurity and information technology talent. This effort include s leveraging the diverse
backgrounds and accrued experience of veterans and their families. The DOT Office of the Chief
Information Officer is using two recruitment program s, the Partnership for Public Service’s
Cybersecurity Talent Initiative and the Pathways Internship Program , which provide both on- site
and virtual opportunities for training and mentorship that prepare participants for lifetime careers in
the IT industry. In FY24, DOT commits to increase its paid internship slots from 3 to 12; it
continues to enable participants to identify a cybersecurity and information technology pathway, and
to convert eligible interns into full time employees.
Department of the Treasury (Treasury)
Treasury is partnering with Google on a new skills-based hiring and cloud certificate training
program, designed to identity and attract cyber talent. Focused on cloud security, the program
includes custom-built courses that reflect cyber workforce demands at Treasury and other Federal
departments and agencies. The courses will also be available to current Treasury employees,
equipping the Treasury workforce with key cybersecurity skills.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
VA announced a Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program for Veterans: a two- year developmental
program within the VA Cybersecurity Operations Center (CSOC) to provide a unique, hands-on
learning and development experience for cybersecurity apprentices and to encourage a career in the
Federal cybersecurity workforce. Program apprentices will develop cyber knowledge and experience
through mentoring, on- the-job training, and leading-edge training courses. The program is a
Registered A pprenticeship with the Department of Labor and will begin recruiting and onboarding
its first cybersecurity apprenticeship cohort in Q3 FY24. The first cohort will consist of
approximately 5 transitioning veterans coming from tech-specific Military Occupational Specialties
(MOS), with the hopes of increasing capacity to 10. In addition, VA authorized a s pecial salary rate
(SSR) for its technology and cybersecurity personnel in the 2210- Information Technology, 1550-
Computer Science , and 0854- Computer Engineering occupational series. This is an important step
toward closing the growing gap between industry and Federal Government salary rates for
technology and cybersecurity roles. The SSR represents an average increase of 17% in basic pay for
members of VA’s highly skilled technical workforce who are dedicated to providing veterans and
their families with the world-class benefits they have earned.
National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C)
There are currently 450 institutions designated by the NSA as National Centers of Academic
Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE- C). The NCAE-C program was created in 1999, and in 2024
the National Security Agency (NSA) will be furthering its commitment to high-quality cybersecurity
education by increasing the number of Minority-Serving Institutions designated as NCAE-Cs by 10,
including at least one HBCU.



Appendix A – Page 5 of 27

National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF is investing over $53M in CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service (SFS) awards over the next
four years. These awards are intended to support the development of a robust and resilient
cybersecurity workforce by addressing the unique challenges around recruiting and retaining
cybersecurity professionals for careers serving local, state, Federal, or tribal governments. Awards
have been made to Florida Atlantic University, University of Delaware, University of Nevada Las
Vegas, Brigham Young University, Loyola University of Chicago, Boise State University, George
Washington University, University of Alabama Huntsville, California State Polytechnic University at
Pomona, Rochester Institute of Technology, University of Arizona, University of Maryland–College
Park, and Norwich University.
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF announced $1.5 million in supplemental funding to support, identify, and implement strategies
that have been shown to be effective in attracting, retaining, and graduating students in cybersecurity
advanced degree programs who identify as women, Black, African American, Latino(a), His panic, or
Indigenous. In addition, NSF announced the Jump Start in Cyber Program for Students at
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominately Black Institutions (PBIs), a
no-cost, six-week cybersecurity program targeting undergraduate students who attend HBCUs and
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NSF is looking to invest in the Bridge to Cyber initiative to provide an estimated 500 individuals
with no background in cybersecurity, including those from populations historically marginalized in
tech/cyber, the opportunities to earn advanced degrees in cybersecurity.
National Security Agency (NSA)
In the fall of 2023, National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE- C) grants will
launch a pilot initiative of four new Cyber Clinics to open in Nevada, Minnesota, Louisiana, and
Virginia. The Cyber Clinics will support communities and small g overnments that would otherwise
not have access to cyber risk assessment and planning assistance and will provide an opportunity for
over 200 students to develop competencies while in a supervised learning environment. NSA also
expects by the end of 2024 to increase the number of NCAE-C institutions to 460, which will serve
a projected 174,000 students annually. NSA also sponsors GenCyber summer camps each year, with
a goal of at least 100 camps across the country, serving 2,800 students and 600 teachers.
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
OPM collaborated with Federal agencies, the Chief Human Capital Officers (CHCO) Council
Recruitment and Outreach Working Group, and external stakeholder groups to host a third Tech to
Gov Job Fair on April 18, 2024, with a fourth fair planned for the f all of 2024. Further, OPM is
conducting an occupational study to establish or update one or more occupational series covering



Appendix A – Page 6 of 27

Federal Government positions in the fields of software development, software engineering, data
science, and data management. OPM will explore d igital c areers work in the Federal Government to
determine workforce needs and policy requirements supporting a Federal digital c areers workforce.
This study will identify the nature and scope of digital careers work and the skills needed to perform
such work Government- wide. The results of the study will affect how Federal agencies attract, hire,
and retain digital career professionals Government-wide. OPM’s Tech to Gov Working Group is
also partnering with the U.S. Digital Service to support tech hiring across Governmen t and to
cultivate a pipeline of skilled tech talent recruitment representatives, regardless of their job series.
Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD)
ONCD is committed to increased recruiting and outreach to underrepresented communities, such as
women, people of color, and people with disabilities, to highlight internship opportunities in the
Federal Government. ONCD has traveled across the country and met with members of
communities underrepresented in the cyber workforce to emphasize the need for skilled cyber
workers from all backgrounds. ONCD will identify unique outreach channels with a focus on
reaching underrepresented communities and will create dedicated recruitment materials by the intern
application season of summer 2024.
Small Business Administration (SBA)
SBA pledged to incorporate cybersecurity content into outreach and engagement programs,
including those that support Black entrepreneurs and small businesses. These engagement programs
include SBA’s alliance with the National Pan-Hellenic Council, SBA Community Navigators, SBA
Cybersecurity for Small Business Pilot grant program, and the SBA Cyber Summit, which launched
in October 2023.

Non-Federal Organizations
ISC2 (the International Information System Security Certification Consortium), an organization that
provides training and certifications for cybersecurity professionals, will provide a minimum of
25,000 individuals working in advanced manufacturing with its foundational “ Certified in
Cybersecurity” certification exam and free training to help address the sector’s critical cybersecurity
skills gap. ISC2 will also introduce a series of 10 virtual forums over the next two years to explore
solutions to the cybersecurity workforce challenges impacting the nation’s advanced manufacturing



Appendix A – Page 7 of 27

ISC2 achieved a significant milestone in its current pledge for one million individuals to receive
ISC2’s new “Certified in Cybersecurity” certification. To date, over 265,000 people have enrolled,
and more than 27,000 individuals achieved this entry-level certification in less than 10 months.
Accenture is a global professional services company committed to reducing traditional barriers to
employment and finding ways to increase pathways into cybersecurity roles. Accenture and
Immersive Labs are partnering to fill one million entry-level jobs in the next decade by providing a
free, robust cybersecurity platform that not only trains participants but also engages them in reality -
based exercises to improve their skills, which unlocks jobs with hiring organizations within the
platform. Recognizing the need for all people to have cyber skills regardless of their roles, Accenture
will provide cybersecurity training to more than 700,000 of its people in the next year. Accenture has
met its goal to fill 20% of entry-level roles from its apprenticeship program and is on track to
achieve its 2025 goal of a gender -balanced workforce.
Access Living
Access Living is committed to launching an Independent Living Technology Program to address the
gap in digital skills in the disability community, with the goal of reaching 150 disabled participants by
the end of 2024. Participants will identify an independent living goal to achieve by using technology ,
such as looking for work, going through job trai ning, or accessing information and services. They
will then attend Access Living’s disability-centered technology training course and receive one-on-
one support. Upon completion of the program , participants who need it will be given their own
laptop or tablet and a year of free internet access. Funding for this program is in part from a Federal
grant. Access Living is also committed to expanding its consulting and training services to include a
team of certified digital accessibility specialists, all of whom have disabilities themselves. The team
aims to improve internet and digital product accessibility not just for Access Living’s clients but
overall, by centering lived experience with disability in its consultation, evaluation, and remediation
of websites, portals, apps, and other digital content and interfaces to ensure that they meet or exceed
accessibility standards.
Advocacy Blueprints
Advocacy Blueprints announced the creation of the Cyber Policy Leadership Institute for racially
diverse undergraduate and graduate students, with a particular focus on HBCU, MSI, and TCU
students. The leadership institute aims to provide students with opportunities to learn about and
engage on U.S. and international cybersecurity public policy. The institute will help students and the
entire cyber community begin to view policies through a racial equity lens to create solutions that
address the evolving cyber threats, while empowering participation from historically underserved



Appendix A – Page 8 of 27

and underrepresented communities. Over the coming months, Advocacy Blueprints will announce
recruitment plans, programming, and additional partners.
American University (AU)
AU is committed to strengthening the cybersecurity workforce by continuing to expand access to
hands-on cybersecurity training opportunities to all students, regardless of discipline. Through the
newly launched Shahal M. Khan Institute for Cyber and Economic Security, and in collaboration
with its global technology partner Cyber Range Solutions, AU is transforming cyber education by
grounding technical cyber exercises in the context of national security and economic policy. In
addition, AU announced its commitment to helping to equip every American with foundational
cyber skills.
Aspen Institute
The Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity Program made three commitments t hat coincided with the
release of the National Cybersecurity Workforce and Education Strategy: ( 1) for cybersecurity
education—Aspen will work with American University on a summary of openly availably
Government-issued cybersecurity resources; (2) for cybersecurity workforce development—Aspen
plans to publish a guidebook on best practices for cybersecurity employee development and
retention; and ( 3) for digital literacy—it will host the Aspen Cyber Summit in November in New
York City and online to energize practitioners, students, and the public about cybersecurity issues,
policy, opportunities, and more.
Augusta University
Augusta University will leverage a $1 million Regional Innovation Engines Development award
from the National Science Foundation to catalyze local academic and industry partnerships around a
growing regional cyber workforce; this effort will include supporting expanded training and
internship opportunities and transitioning research to practice to foster the creation of new
businesses, especially minority- and veteran-owned businesses.
BattleBots is announcing the creation of the Bot Builders Foundation, which will develop and lead
the National BattleBots Collegiate and High School Championship. This competition will engage
hundreds of students nationwide, commencing in 2024. BattleBots also affirms its special
commitment to empowering the local Las Vegas community through initiatives aimed at inspiring
and engaging traditionally underrepresented youth in science, technology, engineering , and
mathematics (STEM) disciplines. These endeavors will include educational field trips and impactful
school visits, with the intention of reaching and positively influencing the lives of over 500 students
during the upcoming academic year.



Appendix A – Page 9 of 27

BCR Cyber
BCR Cyber, a leading provider of cybersecurity training, testing, certification, and job placement
services, has trained, certified, and placed over 2,000 entry-level information technology (IT)/cyber
workers with state, local, and industry partners using funding from the Maryland Department of
Labor’s Employment Advanced Right Now (EARN) grant program. Over the next two years, BCR
Cyber commits to train and place an additional 3,000 individuals. BCR also aims to replicate the
Maryland EARN model and expand nationally, focusing its initial expansion efforts on Virginia.
Black Cybersecurity Association (BCA)
BCA, a nonprofit organization founded by an HBCU graduate dedicated to facilitating
underrepresented minority entry into the U.S. cybersecurity field through training, professional
development, and networking, commits to securing gainful employment for 300 African American
citizens in calendar year 2024. BCA strives to increase diversity in cybersecurity and works with
multiple HBCUs, including Howard University and Morgan State University, as a part of its
education and workforce development efforts. BCA plans to expand to additional HBCUs,
including schools in Virginia.
Black Tech Street
Microsoft and Black Tech Street have announced an unprecedented long-term alliance for Historic
Greenwood, the neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma, nicknamed “Black Wall Street” by Booker T.
Washington because of its abundance of affluent Black entrepreneurs. Dubbed “The Digital
Transformation of Black Wall Street to Black Tech Street,” this long-term alliance aims to restore
Greenwood’s position as a national hub for Black talent and innovation, with an initial focus on
At Boeing, a leading global aerospace company, the digital revolution has created new demands for
technical skills to align with the digital future of work. The Boeing Technical Apprenticeship
Program (BTAP) is an accelerated, on-the-job, earn- as-you-learn Registered A pprenticeship
development program for those interested in gaining new job- ready technical skills for emerging and
in-demand roles. BTAP participants receive paid, relevant work experience and are mentored by
industry leaders while acquiring valued skills and on-the-job experiences. After a successful pilot
program led to more than 10 high- quality and diverse employees hired across several states, BTAP
launched a second cohort in July 2023 and is planning to expand the next round of apprenticeships
to directly support Boeing as well as industry partners, preparing employees for jobs in Information
Systems Security, Architecture and Cloud Security, Incident Response, and/or Product Security



Appendix A – Page 10 of 27

Boise State
Boise State University’s Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity commits to expand its “Cyberdome”
competency-based cyber education platform to include 8 additional rural K- 12 districts across the
state, for a total of 12 districts, in alignment with the National Cyber Workforce and Education
Strategy. The Cyberdome platform enables 40 Idaho students per year to gain critical cyber
competencies before joining the workforce. Employers around the state have commented positively
on the students who have already gone through this program. Also, as part of a statewide initiative,
the Institute of Pervasive Cybersecurity will work with K-12 school districts to create for students an
ecosystem of cyber support and critically needed pathways to cybersecurity careers. This work is
expected to engage over 100 students throughout Idaho and introduce them to cybersecurity as a
STEM career option. It is also expected to create an ecosystem of capabilities throughout Idaho for
all of its citizens. In addition, t he Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity is collaborating with the
Idaho Department of Finance to develop statewide cybersecurity and cyber-fraud training for
Idaho’s senior communities. Further, Boise State and Idaho’s Department of Finance are partnering
to create focused Digital Diplomacy and Financial Technology Innovation & Cybersecurity
certificates to support the state’s growing cyber ecosystem.
Capitol Technology University
Capitol Technology University, housed between Washington, DC , and Baltimore, commits to and
announces a new initiative to meet the national need for qualified and trained cyber educators by
adding to its broad array of cyber education opportunities. Beginning in January 2024, this initiative
includes the launch of two new programs: ( 1) the Doctor of Education (Ed. D.) in Cyber Science and
the Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Cyber Science, with 12 students expected to be enrolled
between 2024 and 2025, and ( 2) the creation of a new senior university leadership role focused on
implementing an ecosystem approach toward cyber education. This initiative is expected to make
Capitol a hub of educating cyber educators that can address the need for such professionals,
especially within high schools and community colleges.
Check Point
Check Point Software has committed to training one million individuals in cybersecurity skills by
2028 through its MIND Cyber Security Training Program, which offers free training kits to all
educational organizations in the United States. In addition, the MIND Cyber Security Training
Program will include training for instructors and teachers through the SecureAcademy program.
To ensure that U.S. organizations receive the certification-driven, skills-based training they need to
develop their cybersecurity teams and achieve cybersecurity readiness, Cisco has committed to
training 200,000 people with cybersecurity skills in the United States by July 2025 through the Cisco
Networking Academy. Cisco has also announced new Multicloud Certifications focused on
connectivity and security to ensure that IT professionals have the skills to protect companies from



Appendix A – Page 11 of 27

future cyber attacks. In addition to providing security products and solutions, Cisco is addressing the
critical need to close the cybersecurity skills gap at all levels by offering a continuum of learning
through Cisco Networking Academy and Cisco U. Further, Cisco recently released a new Ethical
Hacker course to prepare individuals for cyber offensive roles such as Ethical Hacker and
Penetration Tester. For tech professionals who want to reskill or upskill, Cisco Learning &
Certifications, including the Cisco U. platform, prepares learners for professional-level certifications
up to expert-level bootcamps and role-based skills training. Cisco offers an industry -leading
portfolio of technology innovations, with networking, security, collaboration, cloud management,
and more.
College of Lake County (CLC)
CLC, in Grayslake, IL, commits to using funds received through a Federal grant to convene a group
of 50 manufacturing employers and grow the manufacturing sector by expanding education and
training, including cyber skill development, in the second- largest manufacturing county in the state
of Illinois. CLC also commits to expanding its Advanced Technology Center (ATC), dedicated to
Industry 4.0 training and education, to incorporate critical, complementary workforce needs such as
cybersecurity, data analytics, mechatronics, and robotics.
Community College of Allegheny County (CCAC)
CCAC expects to train at least 50 students in advanced manufacturing, building automation systems,
and cybersecurity programs in the next year at its recently opened Center for Education, Innovation,
and Training, which was completed using funding from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.
CompTIA, a globally recognized advocate and voice for the tech community with industry-leading
certifications and courses, launched the CompTIA Cybersecurity Trustmark program in March
2023. This program consists of 177 industry-accepted security safeguards pulled from six global
frameworks. Already, there are over 800 m anaged service providers (MSPs) from 27 countries in the
program, and CompTIA is committed to expanding that number to 1,400 by the end of 2024.
Additionally, CompTIA Spark, the social impact nonprofit supported by CompTIA, is utilizing free
in-school curriculum and other innovative programs to expand the knowledge of possible tech
careers among middle school students. With a goal of serving one million student s by 2030,
CompTIA Spark is helping to build a future pipeline of diverse talent by offering programming that
ranges from tech fundamentals to the latest in cybersecurity and other cutting-edge, emerging
ConSol USA
ConSol USA has innovated a demand- led, “ecosystem of ecosystems” model that engages
underutilized talent (such as non- degreed individuals, veterans, women, and people of color) in
underserved communities, in line with the imperatives of the National Cyber Workforce and



Appendix A – Page 12 of 27

Education Strategy. ConSol USA has executed initial agreements, and is negotiating with other
organizations, reaching a range of academic stakeholders including the University of Texas at San
Antonio, George Washington University, and the University of California at Davis. ConSol USA is
also engaged with USAA to reach military personnel, veterans, and their families. Through these
efforts, ConSol USA is committed to directly hire and deploy a minimum of 11,000 cyber
technologists nationally by 2027.
Craig N ewmark P hilanthropies
Craig Newmark Philanthropies pledged to increase its commitment from $50 million to $100 million
to support a broad coalition of organizations dedicated to educating and protecting Americans amid
escalating cybersecurity threats. Newmark has donated more than $60 million dollars to
organizations focused on raising public awareness of threats and online security choices, in addition
to the creation of online tools and digital infrastructure that help secure the country’s networks.
Newmark’s donations will continue to advance nonprofit cybersecurity and education organizations
such as BlackGirls Hack, the National Cybersecurity Association’s #SeeYourselfInCyber HBCU
Tour, National Black Journalists Association, Black Girls Code, and Girl Scouts.
Craig N ewmark P hilanthropies
Craig Newmark P hilanthropies will provide an update on its $100 million commitment towards its
Cyber Civil Defense Initiative. In 2023, it doubled its $50 million commitment to cybersecurity
causes. It has also issued 11 grants totaling over $12 million to nonprofit organizations with
programs that are well-aligned to many of the workforce strategy’s key objectives, including cyber
capacity building; applied learning opportunities; diversity, equity, and inclusion; digital literacy; and
more. This funding builds on the $48+ million Craig Newmark P hilanthropies has already delivered
to organizations focused on cybersecurity workforce development, education, tools, and services.
CrowdStrike will fill 300+ internship positions, fund ten $10,000 scholarships, expand upon its
successful SkillBridge apprenticeship program, and continue to offer its “return- to-work” program
focused on caregivers by Q1 2025. CrowdStrike is also committed to making training materials and
resources more broadly accessible to help upskill users. Further, CrowdStrike continues the
development of the Next Generation Leaders Program initially announced at ONCD’s roundtable
“The State of Cybersecurity in the Black Community” earlier this year, with an anticipated launch
during the s pring academic semester.
Drew Bagley, Vice President & Counsel, Privacy & Cyber Policy–CrowdStrike, has committed to
launching a joint initiative with key partners that will empower and create career opportunities for
the Nation’s next generation of cybersecurity policy professionals through impactful programming



Appendix A – Page 13 of 27

and education connecting minority students and young professionals in the Black community with
today’s cybersecurity leaders.
Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI)
In August 2023, CRI and Center on Cyber and Technology Innovation ( CCTI) will launch the
Phased Critical Infrastructure Pilot: Resiliency for Water Utilities, providing up to 200 small water
utilities with basic cybersecurity training and promoting a culture of cyber readiness. Microsoft is
sponsoring this initiative to help address the challenge of securing the N ation’s water infrastructure
from cyber threats. The pilot is based on the CRI’s Cyber Readiness Progr am, which is designed to
assist small and medium-sized businesses improve their cybersecurity risk management and their
ability to respond and recover from a cybersecurity incident. CRI and CCTI will also use the
initiative to create a better understanding of the level of cyber readiness across water utilities
CYBER.ORG supports the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy by focusing on K- 12
cybersecurity education as the foundation for building success. In the next five years, across all 50
states, CYBER.ORG commits to (1) develop 1,300 cybersecurity lessons, activities, competitions,
games, and career resources; (2) engage with 50,000 educators and caregivers and provide
cybersecurity content to teach students; (3) reach over 6 million st udents through teachers and
caregivers; and (4) host 1,250 cybersecurity training events affecting 32,500 educators and caregivers.
CYBER.ORG, with support from school districts, the state department of education, and elected
officials, will have a significant impact in the state of Nevada. Over the next year, CYBER.ORG will
host or participate in three events in Nevada: DEFCON, BlackGirlsHack Squad Con, and the
Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education Conference.
Cybersafe Foundation
Cybersafe Foundation will develop a cybersecurity ecosystem playbook specifically designed for the
African continent based on the vision laid out in the National Cybersecurity Cyber Workforce and
Education Strategy and the 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy. The playbook will promote
diversity and inclusion and will include lessons learned and best practices that support cyber
workforce development. Cybersafe intends to use it to create opportunities for women and girls to
excel in the cybersecurity field.
Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CyManII)
CyManII has committed to developing and launching a new education and training program for
advanced manufacturing professions that will reskill up to 10,000 students through an Introduction
to ICS (Ind ustrial Control System) Cybersecurity training for the manufacturing sector. This
commitment supports the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy, in addition to the
Apprenticeship Sprint.



Appendix A – Page 14 of 27

CyberSkills2Work, a nationally scalable program based at the University of West Florida and
supported by a coalition of 10 National Centers of Academic Excellence–designated higher
education institutions across the country, commits to adding 1,520 cybersecurity professionals to the
Nation’s cyber workforce over the next two years. The program also commits to expanding its
support from A ctive D uty and transitioning military personnel to first responders, military spouses,
women, underrepresented minorities, and Government personnel. The program will offer 22
additional training pathways that prepare learners for 16 cybersecurity work roles and 17 industry
certifications. A $2.5 million NSA expansion grant funds this effort.
Dakota State University )DSU)
DSU, in Sioux Falls, SD, is enabling high school students in South Dakota to take as many as 30
credits of university-level computer science coursework as dual credit through the Governor’s Cyber
Academy program. Given that South Dakota ’s population is largely rural, the courses will be offered
online and at high schools across the state to serve students at public, private, and tribal schools as
well as those who are home-schooled. DSU anticipates that 40 students will enroll in the Academy
this fall, with the goal of 250 students annually by 2027. In addition, 83 South Dakota small
businesses, including minority -owned, veteran -owned, rural, and urban businesses, have enrolled in
CyberSafe SD, a cybersecurity initiative sponsored by the U.S. Small Business Administration
designed to empower small businesses to safeguard against cyber threats. The businesses range from
boutique single -person businesses to larger 300- employee businesses from sectors that include
manufacturing, health care, law, telecommunications, agriculture, education, entertainment, biotech,
construction, retail, and tourism. Last, DSU is participating in CyberSkils2Work, which focu ses on
training military personnel and first responders in the domains of open- source intelligence and dark
web investigations. The program has achieved remarkable success, surpassing projected enrollment
by training over 300 learners to date, and it antic ipates training 200 more participants this coming
academic year. Its impact and effectiveness have been widely recognized, and as a result it has
secured additional funds to cater to the growing demand for such critical training.
Dragos, an industrial cybersecurity company, commits to furthering its investment in America’s
cyber workforce within the utilities sector through the expansion of its newly launched Community
Defense Program. It commit s to reaching over 5,000 new under resourced U.S.-based utility
providers in 2024–25, equating to approximately $250 million in total benefits offered. The program
provides free access to Dragos Academy’s ICS/OT (operational technology) cybersecurity training,
the Dragos Platform, and other assets that will arm the utility provider’s cyber workforce with the
tools needed for success.



Appendix A – Page 15 of 27

DruvStar has committed to providing paid internships to five University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(UNLV) students a year. This internship will enable those students to receive hands-on cyber work
experience and financial assistance when attending cybersecurity conferences such as DEFCON.
These interns will also receive DruvStar training on common cyberattack patterns and on a rtificial
intelligence technologies.
Eaton—an intelligent power management company whose work cuts a cross advanced
manufacturing, clean energy, and infrastructure—will offer paid co-op and internship opportunities
with hands-on training in cybersecurity, and will invest $100,000 over the next three years in the
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) CyLab Security and Privacy Institute to support multi disciplinary
cybersecurity research and education, building on its existing $350,000 investment.
Edwards Performance Solutions (Edwards)
Edwards, a Maryland-based woman- owned small business, remains integrally involved in Maryland
organizations that champion cyber education/jobs and legislation, including the Cybersecurity
Association of Maryland, Inc., and the Community College of Baltimore County Cybersecurity
Advisory Board. As the only organization fully certified to support the Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Certification (CMMC)—a unified standard for implementing cybersecurity across the defense
industrial base—Edwards commits to nearly doubling the professionals trained in 2024, enabling
more than 1,000 professionals to become CMMC-certified. Additionally, Edwards commits to hiring
more than 10 junior cybersecurity consultants, using Edwards senior cyber subject matter experts
(SMEs) for coaching and mentoring, while leveraging the Maryland EARN Program to enhance
their skills through free, ongoing education.
Evolved Cyber, LLC
Evolved Cyber, a provider of cybersecurity services for businesses, is launching the MSP
Cybersecurity Exchange (MSPCyberX), a collaborative community uniting managed service
providers (MSPs) and cybersecurity compliance experts. Functioning as a continuously updated
repository, MSPCyberX will organize compliance information by industry to offer an educational
hub for its member MSPs. Recognizing that MSPs support an estimated 75%–80% of U.S. small to
medium-sized businesses, MSPCyberX will focus on educating and supporting MSPs in compliance,
fortifying a critical piece of the N ation’s cybersecurity. MSPCyberX has commit ted to launch in
February 2024 with a goal of over 100 MSPs on board by the end of 2024.
Fortinet is announcing its new Security Awareness Curriculum for K- 12 students to help close the
cyber skills gap and develop the cyber aware workforce of the future. Resources—crafted by former
educators—include a comprehensive teacher’s g uide and classroom resources such as videos,



Appendix A – Page 16 of 27

handouts, and lesson plans. This initiative became available at no cost to s chool districts and systems
across the United States beginning in the f all of 2023. This effort will help educate students to
become the cyber problem-solvers of the future and ensure that they are well -equipped to safely
navigate the digital world. This curriculum can help over 55 million K-12 students across the
country, including more than 500,000 students in Nevada, apply cybersecurity skills at school, home,
and everywhere they go.
General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT)
GDIT is committed to training the cyber workforce of the future to support the missions of the
U.S. defense, intelligence, and civilian Government agencies. Specifically, in 2024 GDIT will both
facilitate cybersecurity education for 20,000 employees and upskill over 1,000 employees with cyber
certifications and learning courses. Further, GDIT will continue to invest in building local
innovation ecosystems in St. Louis, New Orleans, and other cities by engaging nonprofits, academia,
small businesses, and emerging technology companies to fuel the expansion and diversification of
the cyber workforce.
Girl Security
Girl Security will unveil a new portfolio called All Secure, which includes the first comprehensive
national security curriculum designed for dual enrollment for high schools and community colleges.
As part of All Secure, Girl Security also launched the Workforce Futures Alliance, which will bring
youth alongside industry leaders to design strategies and outputs to develop the security workforce
talent to its fullest potential. Over the next three years, the organization will expand current
programming and implement new programs designed to activate 1 ,500 new mentees, 1,200
workforce fellows, and 10 million U.S. learners through a targeted engagement strategy with more
than 20,000 dual- enrollment high schools and 935 community colleges nationwide.
In collaboration with the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics, Google.org has committed more
than $20 million to help thousands of students receive hands-on experience in cybersecurity. This
funding will support the creation and expansion of cybersecurity clinics at 20 higher education
institutions across the United States; it follows the launch of the Google Cybersecurity Certificate
focused on preparing people for entry -level jobs in cybersecurity. For cyber clinics across the
country, Google.org commits to providing expert Googlers as volunteers to serve as student
mentors in collaboration with the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics and select universities. In
addition to volunteers, those attending the cyber clinics will receive access to the Google
Cybersecurity Certificate, Google Titan security keys, and student mentorship opportunities from
Google at no cost.



Appendix A – Page 17 of 27

Gula Tech Foundation
The Gula Tech Foundation has demonstrated a multiyear commitment to the recruitment and
training of America’s cyber workforce. By referring to the industry as the “ Data Care” industry and
providing critical support, expertise, and networks, the Gula Tech Foundation has enabled dozens
of nonprofit organizations to employ appropriate cyber knowledge and skills, particularly those that
seek to diversify the cyber workforce, with over $6 million in grants. In 2024, the Gula Tech
Foundation is committing an additional investment of $2 million for cyber workforce developments
focused on expanding access to apprenticeships.
HBCU Prep School
Claudia Walker—educator and a uthor of “ABCs of HBCUs”—has committed to developing a
cybersecurity-focused book for kids. The book series is called “The ABCs of Cybersecurity” and will
teach children and their guardians about digital citizenship, how to stay safe online, and different
career paths in the field of cybersecurity. Leaders from Black Girls in Cyber, Blacks in Cyber, and
#ShareTheMicInCyber will partner and support content development.
HP is increasing its free Future of Work Academy (FOWA) for c ommunity and t echnical colleges to
nearly 100 institutions and over 500 students from across the country, including community colleges
in Nevada. FOWA equips students with career readiness through an interactive symposium, an
innovation incubator, and a career accelerator. In addition, students will have increased
opportunities with top tech firms recruiting for full-time positions and internships.
IBM is committed to help skill 150,000 people in cybersecurity by the end of 2024. To help achieve
this goal, and to contribute to a more diverse U.S. cyber workforce, IBM is partnering with 20
HBCUs to co-establish Cybersecurity Leadership Centers. Through these partnerships and
programs, such as IBM SkillsBuild, IBM has provided more than 119,500 learners with cybersecurity
training and will continue to build on its progress after reaching its goal.
ICS Village, SANS Institute, Siemens Energy
ICS Village (a nonprofit organization to advance security awareness and education of industrial
control systems (ICS)), SANS Institute (a global cybersecurity training, workforce development,
certification, and education provider), Siemens Energy (a Siemens business that supports companies
and countries to reduce emissions across the energy landscape for a more sustainable energy
system), and their partners plan to launch the Cybersecurity & Industrial Infrastructure Security
Apprenticeship Program (CIISAp) as a Registered Apprenticeship to develop the next generation of
cyber defenders protecting the digitally connected systems such as energy assets, wastewater
treatment facilities, advanced manufacturing, and transportation systems. The initial goal is to fill the
pipeline with 100 candidates, with a focus on veterans and transitioning military members. This



Appendix A – Page 18 of 27

four-year program would enable apprentices to apply their technical industrial cybersecurity
education with moderate computer skills, and gain the hands-on experience and knowledge needed
to fill existing cybersecurity vacancies that currently pay above $90,000 per year. Apprentices would
gain job experience at a rotation of employers while receiving technical training, as well as
completing hands-on exercises and industry certifications.
iKeepSafe will host online trainings for educators reaching 400 educators each month over the next
year, utilizing the online training content found at no cost on the iKeepSafe website—Data Privacy
in Education—an iKee pSafe Educator Training Course. This training will provide educators at all
levels—teachers, administration, and support staff—with the information necessary to understand
their role in helping to keep students and student data safe in an increasingly onli ne learning
Information Technology Senior Management Forum (ITSMF)
ITSMF aims to raise the number of Black Chief Information Security Officer s (CISOs) by 10% by
2026 and increase the cybersecurity workforce pipeline by the same percentage. The impact of
ITSMF’s efforts results in industry innovation, growth, and thought leadership through increased
representation of talented Black professionals in cyber and risk management at senior levels.
Katzcy PlayCyber, a woman-owned small business based in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia region,
is committed to fostering a more diverse, skilled, and resilient national cyber workforce by creating a
Cyber ESport league that reaches thousands of professionals in 2024. Katzcy PlayCyber’s Wicked6
Global Women’ s Hack and Chat was held virtually on March 29, 2024, and included a unique 24-
hour hack and chat featuring six cyber games for some 2,000 women to hone their cyber skills.
Throughout 2024, Katzcy PlayCyber will extend the US Cyber Games program with the
commissioning of an all-women’s US Cyber Team in order to call more women and girls to cyber
through gaming. Through these commitments, Katzcy PlayCyber expects to reach over 10,000
individuals in 2024.
Kubota, an equipment manufacturing firm, will use earn-and-learn opportunities, such as paid
internships, and partnerships with technical schools, high schools, and universities on certificate,
diploma, degree programs, and adult education across every area of its business, including to create a
cyber-resilient workforce to secure Kubota’s advanced manufacturing systems. Kubota made $457
million in facility investments in the past year and announced plans to fill over 1,300 new jobs in
Georgia and Kansas.



Appendix A – Page 19 of 27

Lightcast will provide quarterly data announcements on the size of the cyber talent needs, providing
a more comprehensive, up-to-date picture of the cyber labor market. Lightcast will also develop a
skills-based hiring toolkit for employers to help companies implement skills-based hiring best
practices in developing their cyber workforce. In addition, Lightcast is on track to get up to 900,000
unique users on the Cyberseek website this year.
MassBay Community college plans to announce an increase in the number of cybersecurity
professors, enabling an expected increase in MassBay cybersecurity enrollment by more than 40
students, and strengthening its cybersecurity program through the addition of a cyber range.
Learners (on an annual basis) will include 45 students from a consortium of colleges, 60 high school
students, and 135 employees from businesses, municipalities, school systems, and nonprofit
organizations from the Greater Boston region. NSF grant funding will assist the school in increasing
the diversity of the cybersecurity workforce. The school is also applying for funding to build a
Cybersecurity Center, which will include the range, a Security Operations Center, and abundant
space where college and high school students and employees from businesses, municipalities, school
systems, and nonprofit groups from the Greater Boston region can strengthen their cybersecurity
Mastercard is doubling down on its long-standing efforts to build the cyber workforce and drive
security for our shared digital ecosystem. Mastercard will align its cybersecurity roles to the Career
Navigation structure conforming to the NICE Framework to simplify career growth and develop a
robust skill set across many cybersecurity domains. To support its own talent development,
Mastercard will also create upskilling pathways for junior professionals mapped to this same
structure by 2024.
Additionally, Mastercard will strengthen its support for equipping American girls with foundational
cyber skills through its commitment to educate 5 million students by 2025 with its flagship STEM
education program, Girls4Tech™. Mastercard will also support access to free cybersecurity
education, trainings, and resources for up to 10 million micro, small, and medium-sized businesses
by 2025. The security of these businesses is critical and these resources, combined with its ongoing
substantial investment, will help protect their ecosystem and our N ation’s economy.
Microsoft is partnering with Last Mile Education Fund, Whatcom Community College, and the
American Association of Community Colleges to achieve its goal of helping to skill and recruit into
the cybersecurity workforce 250,000 people by 2025. To date, this effort has supported over 379
community colleges in 48 of the 50 states (nearly a third of all community colleges in the United



Appendix A – Page 20 of 27

States). This includes $1,177,000 in direct scholarship support to 2,378 students , $93,000 in
additional voucher assistance, 50 faculty supported through capacity -building community of
practice, 28 academic/workforce professionals trained, and support of more than 60 cybersecurity
classes in the 2023– 24 school year, with content from curriculum partners CYBER.ORG and
MxD is a Chicago-based national advanced manufacturing institute that includes nearly 300 partners
from industry, academia, nonprofit organizations, and Government to help manufacturers improve
their operations and drive productivity improvements. MxD, in collaboration with the University of
Maryland, Baltimore County, created the Cybersecurity for Manufacturing Operational Technology
(CyMOT) program to increase the security of U.S. manufacturers from cyberattacks by providing
role-based training to the next generation of cybersecurity workers in manufacturing. The 60- hour
live-instruction course series targets roles in AI engineering and cybersecurity and has been utilized
by MxD partners, including Boeing, Dow, and Rolls-Royce, to provide more than 175 current and
future workers with skills unique to securing the manufacturing floor. The CyMOT course series is
tailored to meet the needs of each student, including current manufacturing workers looking to
upskill and future workers still learning the basics. MxD commits to use the CyMOT curriculum and
other courses to train, certify, and provide employment opportunities to underserved students at
community colleges and HBCUs across the United States.
National Cyber Group (NCG)
NCG builds and delivers effective cyber security vocational training curricula by training in a hands-
on environment through a hybrid of classroom and apprenticeships in a live, working Security
Operations Center. NCG is committed to training 10,000 new entrants to the cyber security field by
2025. NCG engages and recruits students who reflect our N ation and is committed to supporting a
diverse and highly skilled cyber workforce. NCG supports veterans directly by offering cyber
training scholarships so they may continue to serve in national security as they transition to the
civilian cyber workforce.
National Cyber Scholarship Foundation (NCFS)
In the 2023–24 school year, NCSF provided gamified cyber learning to more than 800 students in
Nevada from over 65 schools. Through public-private partnerships, it anticipate s that over 80
students will receive more than $270,000 in scholarships to obtain industry training and certifications
from the SANS Institute. Additionally, NCSF seeks to collaborate with leaders in Las Vegas and
Reno to establish a state task force in Nevada to amplify the impact of cyber education programs
across the state.



Appendix A – Page 21 of 27

National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA)
NCA has committed to expanding opportunities for Black Americans in the cybersecurity industry
through the upcoming HBCU Scholarship Program. Established in partnership with One In Tech,
an ISACA Foundation, the initiative will support individuals currently underrepresented in the
industry by ensuring equitable access and advancement in cybersecurity and tech careers. The new
program will expand upon NCA’s recently launched HBCU Career Program, which aims to equip
students with the skills necessary to navigate the search process for positions in security, privacy ,
and risk.
National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA)
NCA is kicking off the seco nd year of the HBCUs Cybersecurity Career Program, “See Yourself In
Cyber.” “See Yourself In Cyber” aims to change the narrative around cybersecurity careers by
showing students that there is a role in security for everyone and multiple pathways to a successful
career. NCA is committed to raising awareness about cybersecurity careers and increasing
opportunities for underrepresented students. In its first year, the program connected over 1,000
students with recruiters and professionals at on- campus events across nine schools, and 142 students
have been paired with cybersecurity mentors. This fall, NCA will hold events at five HBCUs in
September and November. Each event will feature both public and private sector employers, guest
speakers, and recruiters, as well as local law enforcement departments, to show students the variety
of career paths offered in cyber and opportunities available in their own communities.
National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA)
NCA is committed to building the resilience of the small and medium-sized business (SMB)
community in the face of increasing cyber risk. The NCA is launching its first cohort of the
Cybersecure My Business education program, a program that focuses on training the owners and
leaders of SMBs on how to manage cyber risk as a function of their business. This program
launched in late February 2024 as a live, instructor-led, and virtual course paired with practical
actions completed by participants between weekly training sessions. As a part of this commitment,
the NCA pledges to reach over 100 businesses throughout 2024 and will gather metrics on the
specific actions taken by the SMBs completing the course.
Northern Illinois Workforce Coalition (NIWC) Cybersecurity Career Pathway
NIWC, a regional consortium of 11 community colleges connected to local workforce boards,
commits to develop an IT training program to prepare individuals for entry to cybersecurity
certificate and degree programs from which graduates have the appropriate knowledge to thrive in
this sector. The approach intends to remove barriers, accelerate entry into highly specialized
cybersecurity careers, and create greater access to a diverse talent pool for the IT industry.



Appendix A – Page 22 of 27

NPower is a workforce development nonprofit. The organization commits to embedding cyber
skills across all of its courses, primarily reaching young adults and military-affiliated individuals.
NPower’s curriculum routinely includes digital literacy to advance skills in cloud computing,
cybersecurity, software development, and network infrastructure. NPower also commits to training
over 6,000 individuals during the next three years and offering multiple on- and off- ramps to
continued learning and full-time employment, including through apprenticeships.
Ohio Cyber Range Institute –Regional Programming Center (OCRI-RPC) Ecosystem
The OCRI-RPC Ecosystem is committed to expanding its skills-based training on a secure cyber
range to all 88 counties in Ohio. Housed at and administered by the University of Cincinnati on
behalf of the state, the OCRI-RPC Ecosystem knits together 24 other Ohio universities, colleges,
and nonprofit organizations through a regional programming center system to deliver cyber range
services to cybersecurity professionals and students across Ohio. To date, the OCRI-RPC
Ecosystem has supported over 20,000 distinct Ohio-based users through 314 K- 12 classes and 668
higher education courses, and has delivered 105 cyber camps, exercises, and bootcamps, the latter
involving 1, 000 citizens seeking industry-recognized cybersecurity credentials.
Okta, an identity and access management company, is committed to building a robust, diverse, and
highly trained cybersecurity workforce for the future. In support of this commitment, Okta is
investing in a $1.6 million philanthropic fund for organizations that are creating inclusive pathways
to technology careers for underrepresented communities. Second, Okta is providing 5,000
educational grants to professionals not currently employed who are looking to make a career
transition to cybersecurity by improving their skills. These grants will focus on military spouses,
veterans, and tech workers.
Omidyar Network
Omidyar Network is a self-styled “philanthropic investment firm,” composed of a foundation and
an impact investment firm. It has committed $5 million dollars to support and expand cybersecurity
and open- source security ecosystems, including work to ensure that the ne xt generation is informed
and activated to engage across these technologies.
Palo Alto Networks
Palo Alto Networks kicked off its 2023–24 Secure the Future competition, which challenges 100
students enrolled in community and four-year colleges and universities throughout the country to
identify and address cyber threats in vulnerable industries. To date, Palo Alto Networks has hired
seven participants from the competition. The top three finalists are awarded cash prizes of $10,000,
$5,000, and $2,500, respectively. The company also invests in educating and training a new cohort of
early talent professionals and interns as members of its Systems Engineering (SE) Academy. It is one



Appendix A – Page 23 of 27

of several accelerated onboarding programs offered by Palo Alto Networks to help develop and
diversify the cyber workforce and arm recent college graduates with hands-on labs and facilitated
training with industry experts. As full-time members of the Palo Alto Networks workforce, program
participants help organizations optimize their security posture. Palo Alto Networks recently
welcomed a new cohort of systems engineers and is actively recruiting for 2024.
Parkway West Career and Technical Center
Parkway West Career and Technical Center committed to train 80 students per year in a
cybersecurity R egistered Apprenticeship program, connecting them to cybersecurity jobs in the
Pearson VUE is committed to helping address the need for qualified cyber professionals in the
workforce through its global network of 5,500 test and training centers. Pearson VUE has
announced it will offer its IT Specialist in Cybersecurity training resources and certification exams at
no charge to all learners in its network of learning and assessment centers across Pennsylvania and
Ohio. Initially focusing on Pennsylvania and Ohio, Pearson’s commitment will also support U.S.
military installations worldwide, enabling participating centers to train and prepare more qualified
individuals to cyber careers.
Peraton, a technology company that provides space, intelligence, cyber, and defense capabilities for
Government entities, is committed to doubling its apprenticeships and hiring more than 200 interns
in 2024. This program will entail placing students on tasks with an emphasis on developing the next
generation’s cyber workforce. Internships will focus on cybersecurity skills, engineering, software
development, database management, and security threat analysis, with an aim to providing a path to
careers in a dynamic technological environment. In addition, Peraton will expand its community
college partnerships on cybersecurity and establish a program in 2024 to assist young and mid- career
professionals to transition to cyber careers.
San Diego Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE)
San Diego CCOE assists employers seeking to audit and address their organizations’ cybersecurity
postures. With funding from California’s CADENCE grant, CCOE is partnering with the City of
San Diego Regional Cyber Lab, Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, and Amazon Web Services to create
“My e-CISO,” a generative AI application that grades an organization’s current cyber posture and
provides recommendations for actionable steps for improvement. CCOE and the San Diego
Regional Cyber Lab commit by the end of 2024 to assist more than 200 under resourced
organizations in the Southern California region to better understand their cybersecurity posture and
needs with the “My e-CISO” tool.



Appendix A – Page 24 of 27

SANS Institute
Over the past year, SANS and the National Cyber Scholarship Foundation (NCSF) expanded their
partnership for CyberStart America and Cyber FastTrack, programs to inspire high school and
college students across the United States to develop foundational cyber skills. In CyberStart,
students utilize a transformative cyber education platform to solve challenges tied to real-world
scenarios and build their core skills and knowledge, discovering a passion for cybersecurity in the
process. For 2023–24, SANS and NCSF plan to engage over 50,000 students in gamified learning,
with up to 5,000 receiving training and certification scholarships. Also, working with its nonprofit,
Government, and private sector partners, SANS plans to broaden, diversify, and strengthen the
national cyber workforce through reskilling for career changers. These reskilling programs will
provide over $9.2 million in training and certification scholarships to 500+ individuals, driving
increased diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in cybersecurity across the N ation.
SAP—the world’s largest enterprise software provider—will further its commitment to help close
the cybersecurity skills gap by expanding its Global Security Early Talent program. This two-year
program is designed for high- performing early career professionals, with little to no professional
experience, who have a basic understanding of information technology and security topics. The
program builds on the ambitious goal of SAP’s digital skills initiative to upskill two million learners
worldwide with technology skills by the end of 2025.
Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)
SHRM is the foremost expert, convener, and thought leader on issues impacting today’s evolving
workplaces. With nearly 325,000 members in 165 countries, SHRM affects the lives of more than
235 million workers and families globally. SHRM has committed to offering free cyber training
content for HR professionals and aims to provide the training to at least 15,000 users, projecting
that these users would lead to the hiring of up to 75,000 cyber professionals.
Task Force Movement (TFM)
TFM will be awarding cybersecurity scholarships to transitioning service members/veterans and/or
military s pouses. TFM will fund 50 award recipients in the next year to pursue quality certification
courses for career pathway entry into the cybersecurity ecosystem, with plans to expand the program
in future years. TFM will also align the award recipients with employer partners who are committed
to hiring the award recipients upon completion of the course.
Task Force Movement (TFM)
TFM prepares t ransitioning s ervice m embers; veterans, including disabled v eterans; and m ilitary
families with the tools they need to engage in cybersecurity career pathways via scholarships and
public-private partnerships. In addition to the 50 scholarships that TFM previously announced it will
award over the next year, TFM is committing to expand this effort to directly support state and local



Appendix A – Page 25 of 27

leaders in implementing their own Task Force Movement programs, starting with two states in the
first year.
TeamWorx Security
TeamWorx Security, a defense, cyber, and critical infrastructure professional services and technology
support company, is committed to growing the cyber community through training and upskilling
1,000 nontechni cal personnel by 2026 across the U.S. military, Government , and critical
infrastructure labor force. Additionally, TeamWorx Security is continuing to support internship
positions across high school, college, and DoD SkillBridge candidates. Through training and
technology, it is purposefully reducing the complexity of cyber to make it more accessible to a
diverse workforce. TeamWorx Security’s cloud-based cyber workforce collaboration platform, Hive-
IQ, will be used to onboard an additional 5,000+ cyber professionals by 2026 across the military,
Government, and critical infrastructure labor force.
Technology Advancement Center (TAC)
TAC is committed to providing key operational technology (OT) infrastructure cybersecurity
training through nonprofit programs a nd conferences. Events such as Hack the Port, Hack the
Hospital, and Hack the Railroad, to name a few, are designed to provide real-world learning to
college students, military professionals, and other U.S. Government cyber professionals using actual
products and services in the field. TAC’s platform has already trained thousands of students in real -
life scenarios and is expanding over the next two years to host an anticipated eight conferences and
reach over 10,000 students and professionals.
ThriveDX is committed to increasing employment and training opportunities for underrepresented
and underserved communities in the cybersecurity field. In partnership with BlackGirlsHack,
ThriveDX has formed and launched a cybersecurity scholars program concurrently with the launch
of the National Cybersecurity Workforce and Education Strategy. This ThriveDX scholars program
provides 25 learners from BlackGirlsHack with full -tuition scholarships to participate in the
ThriveDX Cybersecurity Professional Certificate Training Program. The program includes skills -
based training, wrap around services, career support, and job placement. In addition, ThriveDX is
announcing that it will extend its existing collaboration with the local community of Nevada through
its partnership with UNLV’s Division of Educational Outreach. ThriveDX has committed to
awarding 25 additional full-tuition scholarships to lifelong learners in underserved, under resourced,
and U.S. military veteran communities in Nevada.
Trellix is committed to hiring 300 interns over the next two years. Trellix will also leverage the career
growth platform Gotara to advance the careers of 50 of Trellix’s high-performing women and is



Appendix A – Page 26 of 27

committed to offering roles to 12 employees via the Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement
University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
UNLV has received funding from the F ederal Government for cybersecurity education, enabling it
to bring on 50 students per year as paid interns at its Free Cyber Clinic. In this way, students will
receive hands -on cyber experience from small business clients, training for the Security+ and
Certified Ethical Hacker certifications plus exam fee support, and support for attending
cybersecurity conferences such as DEFCON.
University of Pittsburgh
The University of Pittsburgh Institute for Cyber Law, Policy, and Security will help build a strong
pipeline of cybersecurity professionals by training over 500 high school students in cybersecurity
basics, ethics, and career opportunities by 2028.
VetSec, Inc.
VetSec, a nonprofit that provides low and no- cost training, education, employment, and transition
assistance to A ctive-Duty service members, reservists, v eterans, and members of the National Guard
seeking cyber careers, is committed to providing educational pathways to meaningful employment to
over 10,000 people by the end of 2025, and to 25,000 by 2028. In addition to this direct
commitment, VetSec provides a lifelong community for military v eterans in information technology
(IT) and cyber. It is dedicated to supporting its members throughout their careers and life journeys.
The credit card company Visa, a world leader in digital payment technology, has launched the Visa
Payments Learning Program to diversify entry paths into the workforce with an initial focus on
payments cybersecurity. Through its learning courses and certifications, Visa seeks to upskill
underutilized talent, such as returning-to-workforce, early-in-career, second career, and military
talent—thereby broadening the industry’s talent marketplace. Visa’s initial introductory Payments
Cybersecurity training courses and certifications will be offered to three groups: students via partner
institutions, Visa clients, and Visa employees, apprentices and interns. Visa has welcomed an initial
cohort of apprentices, who have undergone 16 weeks of specialist training and have recently
embarked on a one-year apprenticeship. Visa also plans to develop intermediate and advanced level
courses and certifications in 2024, and ultimately provide educational pathways both to local
communities and to the broader payments industry.
Walmart, committed to increased HBCU cyber investment; continued support of science,
technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics ( STEAM) organizations focused on the Black
community; and long-term investment in partnerships to advance cyber awareness and training



Appendix A – Page 27 of 27

across the Black and BIPOC ( Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities, including with
nonprofit organizations such as Black Girls in Cyber, BlackGirls Hack, Blacks in Cyber, Information
Technology Senior Management Forum (ITSMF), and Cyversity. Walmart also announced the
removal of the college degree requirement for information security positions, regardless of seniority,
a change that will help improve opportunity for all.
Western Governors University (WGU)
WGU is committed to developing a skilled and robust national cybersecurity workforce. WGU
currently serves almost 500 Nevada- based learners in its cybersecurity programs, and it projects that
it will accept and enroll over 550 additional students direct from Nevada into its cybersecurity
degree programs over the next 12 months. Currently over half of the current cybersecurity student
population from Nevada represents a traditionally underserved population, with a significant portion
identifying as a first-generation student, and WGU is committed to continuing this trend. During the
next six to nine months, WGU will make digital credential wallets available to its students to identify
and showcase their skills, align its program to a variety of occupations, and support students
applying for jobs with employers who are seeking skilled talent. WGU will also will continue its
competency-based education approach with an emphasis on hands-on experience and problem -
solving abilities.
Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS)
WiCyS is committed to mobilizing its network to underscore the importance of diverse and highly
skilled cybersecurity professionals to support the National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy
through four commitments: ( 1) create cybersecurity career accessibility and opportunities for
upskilling and reskilling underrepresented groups; ( 2) continue the WiCyS Security Training
Scholarship program by working with a multi-organization approach to invest in the talent pipeline;
(3) mobilize U.S. regions through WiCyS’s 60 professional affiliates and 220 student chapters with
increased opportunity via conferences, events, and hosted engagements; and ( 4) build a cybersecurity
ecosystem through industry engagement. Through these commitments, WiCyS expects to reach
more than 10,000 individuals.



Appendix B – Page 1 of 5


Federal Cyber Workforce and Education Programs
*An asterisk indicates a Government- affiliated program that may receive funding from the Federal
Education and Training
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Cyber Defense Education and Training (CDET)
Non-Traditional Training Grant (NTTP)
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS)
Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program for Veterans
NICCS-Federal Virtual Training Environment (FedVTE)
Department of Commerce
NICE Strategic Plan (2021–25)
NICE Interagency Coordinating Council
NICE Community Coordinating Council, Working Groups, and Communities of Interest
Regional Alliances and Multistakeholder Partnerships to Stimulate (RAMPS) Cybersecurity
Education and Workforce Development
National K12 Cybersecurity Education Conference*
NICE Conference and Expo*
National Cybersecurity Career Ambassadors Program
Cybersecurity Career Week
NICE Framework and Resource Center
US Cyber Games*
Free or Low-Cost Cybersecurity Resources
Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Finder
Economic Development Administration (EDA)
Regional Technology and Innovation Hub Program
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Talent Challenge
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
Department of Defense (DoD)
DoD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF) Resource Center
Defense Civilian Training Corp (DCTC)
Military Service Academies
Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps (SROTC)
Naval Postgraduate School
National Defense University (NDU)
College of Information and Cyberspace (CIC)



Appendix B – Page 2 of 5

Senior Military Colleges (SMC)
Joint Special Operations University (JSOU)
Virtual Institutes for Cyber and Electromagnetic Spectrum Research and Employ (VICEROY)
The Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT)
Cybersecurity Talent Initiative (CTI)*
CXO (Chief Executive Officers) Fellows Program with OMB
Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE)
Department of the Navy HBCU and Minority Institutions Program
DoD Cyber Service Academy (DoD CSA), formerly DoD Cyber Scholarship Program
Technology for Advanced Manufacturing Projects (STAMP)
DoD STEM Community College Consortium
STEM Careers in Cyber
Cyber P atriot*
Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP)
College Qualified Leaders (CQL)*
High School Apprenticeship Program (HSAP)*
Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (REAP)*
Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP)*
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)/Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
Center of Excellence (COE) Program
Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Scholars Program*
Air Force Visiting Scientist Program
Consortium Research Fellows Program (CRFP)*
National Defense University–College of Information and Cyberspace
Department of Education
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program
Presidential Cybersecurity Educator Award
Career and Technical Education (CTE)–Cyber Net
Department of Energy (DOE)
Cyber Fire Foundry*
CyberForce Competition
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Cyber Defense Competition
BSSW Fellowship Program
Center for Global Security Research Student Intern Program
Cybersecurity Summer Institute
OMNI Technology Alliance Internship Program
Department of Homeland Security
The Secretary’s Honors Program (SHP) Cyber Student Volunteer Initiative (CSVI)
Tribal Cybersecurity Grant Program

Department of Labor
Cybersecurity Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Sprint



Appendix B – Page 3 of 5

Youth Apprenticeships
National Apprenticeship Week
Youth Apprenticeship Week
Apprenticeship Standards Builder
Cybersecurity Competency Model*
Department of State
Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy and Foreign Service Institute’s Cyber and
Digital Policy Tradecraft Course
Department of the Treasury
Skills-Based Cyber Hiring and Training Program
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
VA Cybersecurity Apprenticeship Program for Veterans
VA-Office of Information and Technology (OIT) Career Development Portal
Veteran Employment Through Technology Education Courses (VET TEC)
Technical Career Field (TCF) Trainee Program
Accelerated Payments for High- Technology Programs
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Cyber Investigator Certification Program (CICP)*
CISO Academy
National Science Foundation
National Cybersecurity Training and Education Center
Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace
Advanced Technological Education (ATE) Community College F ocus
National Security Agency
National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE- C) Program
National Security Agency (NSA) Student Programs
National Security Agency's GENCYBER Program
Center of Academic Excellence (CAE)- Cyber Operations Summer Intern Program
Cooperative Education Program (NSA) Hawaii
Cooperative Education Program (NSA) STEM
Cryptanalysis and Signals Analysis Summer Program (CASA SP)
Cyber Summer Program (CSP)
WIN Cyber
Cyber Kids Day
NSA Codebreaker Challenge
NSA-funded CyberSkills2Work Program*
NSA Cybersecurity Exercise (NCX)
NSA Careers Portal
Innovative Workforce Activity Grant Program



Appendix B – Page 4 of 5

Department of Defense
DoD Cyber Service Academy (DoD CSA), formerly DoD Cyber Scholarship Program
DoD SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program
DoD Cyber Scholarship Program
Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation (SMART)
Department of Education
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need
Department of State
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Science and Technology Policy
Fellowship Program*
National Science Foundation
CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service (SFS)
Public Service – Military
Air Force
Cyber Science Program Cyber Direct Commissioning
Reserve Pilot Project
Department of Defense
DoD Cyber Excepted Service (CES)
National Security Agency (NSA)
NSA Experiential Tour (NET)
Public Service – Federal Civilian
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Intelligence and Cybersecurity Diversity Fellowship Program (ICDF) Cybersecurity Talent Initiative (CTI)* President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition Federal Skilling
Department of Defense
Workforce Innovation Directorate (WID)
Department of Energy
CyberForce Program Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) Cybersecurity Education Program Tracer FIRE*
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) CMS CyberVets Program
Department of Homeland Security



Appendix B – Page 5 of 5

Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS)
Strategic Talent, Recruitment, Inclusion, Diversity and Engagement (STRIDE)
Interagency Federal Cyber Career Pathways
Department of Justice
Cyber Fellowship Program
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Accelerated Cyber Training Program (ACTP)
Cyber Executive Training Program (CETP)
Computer Scientist Field Operations Training (CSFOT) Program
Data Science Curriculum: Onboarding Series (DSCOS)
Data Analytics Support Hub (DASH)
General Services Administration
Digital Corps
Office of Personnel Management
Tech to Gov
The Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program
Federal Rotational Cyber Workforce Program
STEM Portal on USAJobs
National Security Agency
National Security Agency (NSA) Development Programs



Appendix C – Page 1 of 1


Federal Agencies Participating in NCWES Implementation
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Economic Development Administration
National Institute for Science and Technology
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Homeland Security
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Interior
Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
Department of the Treasury
Department of Veteran’s Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
General Services Administration
U.S. Digital Corps
National Security Agency
National Science Foundation
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Social Security Administration
U.S. Agency for International Development
Executive Office of the President
Domestic Policy Council
Office of Management and Budget
Office of National Cyber Director
Office of Personnel Management
Office of Science and Technology Policy
National Economic Council
National Security Council



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 1 of 13


National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity
Achieving designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C) is a
mark of distinction that highlights an institution’s commitment to advancing the cybersecurity
capabilities of the Nation. This prestigious recognition reflects the dedication of an NCAE-C to rigorous
academic standards, ongoing faculty development, leadership in the cybersecurity field, alignment with
cutting-edge technologies, and engagement in cyber workforce and education ecosystem efforts. The
NCAE-C program is managed by the National Security Agency’s (NSA’s) National Cryptologic School
and supported by key Federal agencies, such as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
and National Science Foundation (NSF), as well as the Department of Defense (DoD) Chief
Information Officer (DoD-CIO). NCAE-C institutions set the gold standard for cybersecurity education
and are fostering the robust and skilled cybersecurity workforce that is essential for national security.

Institutions participating in the CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service program of April 2024 are labeled
with “SFS” in the list below. More information on the CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service program
can be found at https://sfs.opm.gov
. Institutions participating in the DoD Cyber Service Academy
(DoD CSA) program are indicated with “CSA.”
Minority-Serving Institution Abbreviations
AANAPISI – Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution ANNH – Alaska Native–Serving and Native Hawaiian–Serving Institution HBCU – Historically Black College and University
HSI – Hispanic-Serving Institution
NASNTI – Native American–Serving Non-Tribal Institution
PBI – Predominantly Black Institution
TCCU – American Indian Tribally Controlled College and University
Athens State University Auburn University — SFS
Calhoun Community College
Enterprise State Community College
Jefferson State Community College
Stillman College — HBCU
Talladega College — HBCU
Tuskegee University — HBCU, PBI, SFS
University of Alabama — SFS
University of Alabama at Birmingham — SFS
University of Alabama in Huntsville — SFS, CSA
University of South Alabama — SFS
Wallace State Community College



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 2 of 13

Arizona State University — HSI, SFS
Cochise College — HSI
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott Campus
Estrella Mountain Community College — HSI
Glendale Community College — HSI
Grand Canyon University — CSA
Pima Community College — HSI
University of Advancing Technology
University of Arizona — HSI, SFS, CSA
Northwest Arkansas Community College — PBI
University of Arkansas — SFS University of Arkansas at Little Rock
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona — AANAPISI, HSI, SFS California State University, San Marcos — AANAPISI, HSI
California State University, Sacramento — AANAPISI, SFS, HSI
California State University, San Bernardino — HSI, SFS
Coastline Community College — AANAPISI, HSI
Cosumnes River College — AANAPISI, HSI
Cypress College — AANAPISI, HSI
Fullerton College — AANAPISI, HSI
Long Beach City College — HSI
Moorpark College — HSI
National University — HSI, CSA
Naval Postgraduate School — SFS
Ohlone College — AANAPISI
Riverside City College — HSI
Saddleback College — AANAPISI, HSI
Sierra College
University of California, Irvine — AANAPISI, HSI, PBI
University of San Diego
Arapahoe Community College
Colorado Mesa University
Colorado School of Mines
Colorado State University
Colorado State University–Pueblo — HSI
Colorado Technical University
Metropolitan State University of Denver — HSI, CSA
Pikes Peak Community College



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 3 of 13

Pueblo Community College — HSI
Regis University — HSI
United States Air Force Academy
University of Colorado Denver — AANAPISI, HSI
University of Colorado, Colorado Springs — SFS, CSA
University of Denver
Western Colorado University
Central Connecticut State University
Quinnipiac University
Sacred Heart University
United States Coast Guard Academy
University of Connecticut — AANAPISI
University of New Haven — SFS, CSA
University of Delaware — SFS Wilmington University — HSI
District of Columbia
George Washington University — SFS
Georgetown University — HSI, SFS Howard University — HBCU National Defense University — HSI
Daytona State College
Eastern Florida State College
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach — SFS, CSA
Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (Florida A&M) — HBCU
Florida Atlantic University — HSI, SFS
Florida Institute of Technology
Florida International University — HSI, SFS
Florida Memorial University — HBCU
Florida State University — SFS, CSA
Indian River State College — HSI
Jacksonville University
Miami Dade College — HSI
Nova Southeastern University — AANAPISI, HSI , CSA
Palm Beach State College — HSI
Pensacola State College
Saint Leo University
St. Petersburg College — NASNTI
Tallahassee Community College — HSI
University of Central Florida — HSI, SFS



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 4 of 13

University of Florida — SFS
University of North Florida
University of South Florida — SFS
University of Tampa
University of West Florida — SFS, CSA
Valencia College — HSI
Augusta Technical College — PBI
Augusta University —SFS , CSA
Central Georgia Technical College — PBI
College of Coastal Georgia
Columbus State University
Georgia Institute of Technology — HSI, SFS only
Georgia Southern University
Georgia State University — AANAPISI, PBI, SFS
Gwinnett Technical College
Kennesaw State University
Middle Georgia State University
University of Georgia
University of North Georgia — CSA
Leeward Community College — AANAPISI, ANNH
University of Hawaii, Kapiolani Community College — AANAPISI, ANNH
University of Hawaii, Manoa — AANAPISI, ANNH, SFS
University of Hawaii, Maui College — AANAPISI, ANNH
University of Hawaii, West Oahu — AANAPISI, ANNH
Boise State University — SFS , CSA
College of Eastern Idaho College of Western Idaho Idaho State University — SFS
University of Idaho — SFS
Bradley University College of DuPage
DePaul University — AANAPISI
DeVry University
Illinois Institute of Technology
Illinois State University
John A Logan College
Loyola University Chicago — SFS
Moraine Valley Community College — HSI



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 5 of 13

Rock Valley College
Roosevelt University — HS I
University of Illinois, Springfield
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign — SFS
Western Illinois University
Indiana Institute of Technology Indiana State University
Indiana University — SFS
Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (SFS only)
Ivy Tech Community College
Purdue University
Purdue University Global
Purdue University Northwest — HSI, CSA
Vincennes University
Des Moines Area Community College
Eastern Iowa Community College
Iowa State University — AANAPISI, PBI, CSA
Butler Community College Fort Hays State University
Johnson County Community College
Kansas State University — SFS
University of Kansas — SFS
Wichita State University — HSI, SFS

Bluegrass Community and Technical College Murray State University
Northern Kentucky University
Owensboro Community and Technical College
University of Louisville, Kentucky — PBI, SFS
University of the Cumberlands

Bossier Parish Community College — PBI Louisiana State University — SFS Louisiana Tech University — SFS, CSA
University of New Orleans



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 6 of 13

Southern Maine Community College
University of Maine, Augusta
University of Southern Maine
Anne Arundel Community College
Baltimore City Community College
Bowie State University — HBCU
Capitol Technology University — CSA
Cecil College
College of Southern Maryland
Community College of Baltimore County
Hagerstown Community College
Harford Community College
Hood College
Howard Community College — AANAPISI
Johns Hopkins University — SFS, CSA
Montgomery College — AANAPISI, HSI
Morgan State University — HBCU, SFS
Prince George’s Community College — PBI
SANS Technology Institute
Towson University — SFS, CSA
United States Naval Academy
University of Maryland — SFS
University of Maryland, Baltimore County — AANAPISI, SFS
University of Maryland Global Campus — CSA

Assumption University
Bay Path University
Boston University
Northeastern University — SFS, CSA
Simmons University
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth — SFS
University of Massachusetts, Lowell — AANAPISI
Worcester Polytechnic Institute — SFS, CSA
Baker College Central Michigan University Davenport University Delta College
Eastern Michigan University
Ferris State University



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 7 of 13

Grand Rapids Community College
Grand Valley State University
Henry Ford College
Lansing Community College
Macomb Community College
Michigan Technological University — SFS
Northern Michigan University
Oakland University – SFS
University of Detroit, Mercy
Walsh College
Washtenaw Community College — SFS
Alexandria Technical and Community College
Capella University
Century College — AANAPISI
Hennepin Technical College
Metro State University — AANAPISI
St. Cloud State University
St. Cloud Technical, Community College
Walden University
Hinds Community College — HBCU, PBI
Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College
Mississippi State University — SFS, CSA
University of Southern Mississippi
Maryville University Metropolitan Community College, Kansas City
Missouri University of Science and Technology
Southeast Missouri State University
St. Louis Community College
University of Central Missouri
University of Missouri, Columbia — SFS
University of Missouri, Kansas City
University of Missouri, St. Louis
Webster University
Gallatin College Montana State University Great Falls College Montana State University Missoula College



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 8 of 13

Bellevue University
Metropolitan Community College
Northeast Community College
University of Nebraska, Omaha
College of Southern Nevada — AANAPISI, HSI University of Nevada, Las Vegas — AANAPISI, SFS, HSI
University of Nevada, Reno — SFS
New Hampshire
Dartmouth College Southern New Hampshire University
University of New Hampshire
New Jersey
Brookdale Community College
County College of Morris
Fairleigh Dickinson University — HSI
Hudson County Community College — HSI
Kean University — HSI
New Jersey City University — HSI
New Jersey Institute of Technology — AANAPISI, HSI, SFS
Rowan College, Burlington County
Rowan College, South Jersey — HSI
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey — HSI
Stevens Institute of Technology — SFS, CSA
New Mexico
Eastern New Mexico University, Ruidoso Branch Community College — HSI
New Mexico Tech (New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology) — SFS, HSI
University of New Mexico — SFS, HSI
New York
Binghamton University (SUNY at Binghamton) — SFS City University of New York — HSI, AANAPISI College of Westchester
Excelsior University
Fordham University — SFS
Mercy University — HSI
Mohawk Valley Community College
New York Institute of Technology — AANAPISI, CSA
New York University — SFS
Pace University — SFS , CSA



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 9 of 13

Rochester Institute of Technology — SFS, CSA
Rockland Community College — HSI
St. John's University — AANAPISI
State University of New York, Albany
State University of New York, Buffalo — SFS
State University of New York, Canton
Suffolk County Community College — HSI
Syracuse University
Touro University
United States Military Academy, West Point
Utica University
Westchester Community College — HSI
North Carolina
Alamance Community College
Blue Ridge Community College
East Carolina University
Fayetteville Technical Community College
Forsyth Technical Community College
Gaston College
Guilford Technical Community College
Montreat College — CSA
North Carolina A&T State University — SFS, HBCU
North Carolina Central University — HBCU
North Carolina State University — SFS, CSA
Pitt Community College
Richmond Community College
Stanly Community College
University of North Carolina, Charlotte — SFS
University of North Carolina, Pembroke — NASNTI
University of North Carolina, Wilmington
Wake Technical Community College
Wayne Community College
Wilkes Community College
North Dakota
Bismarck State College Minot State University North Dakota State University
Turtle Mountain Community College — TCCU
University of North Dakota
Air Force Institute of Technology Cedarville University — CSA
Clark State College



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 10 of 13

Columbus State Community College
Franklin University
Kent State University
Lakeland Community College
Sinclair Community College — SFS
Stark State College
Terra State Community College
Tiffin University
University of Cincinnati — SFS
University of Dayton
University of Findlay
Wright State University
Xavier University
Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma City Community College
Rose State College
University of Tulsa — CSA

Chemeketa Community College — HSI Klamath Community College
Mt. Hood Community College
Oregon State University
Portland Community College
Portland State University — AANAPISI
Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Carnegie Mellon University — SFS, CSA
Drexel University — SFS
East Stroudsburg University — CSA
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Indiana University of Pennsylvania — CSA
Lehigh Carbon Community College — HSI
Messiah University
Mount Aloysius College
Northampton Community College
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Pennsylvania State University — SFS, CSA
Pittsburgh Technical College
Robert Morris University — SFS, CSA
Saint Francis University
Saint Vincent College
Temple University



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 11 of 13

University of Pittsburgh
Valley Forge Military College
West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Puerto Rico
Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico — HSI, SFS, CSA
University of Puerto Rico — HSI
Rhode Island
Community College of Rhode Island — HSI Johnson & Wales University — PBI New England Institute of Technology
Roger Williams University
University of Rhode Island — SFS

South Carolina
Anderson University The Citadel — SFS, CSA
Clemson University South Carolina State University — HBCU
Trident Technical College
University of South Carolina — CSA
University of South Carolina–Aiken
South Dakota
Dakota State University — SFS, CSA
Western Dakota Technical College — NASNTI
Jackson State Community College LeMoyne-Owen College — HBCU
Roane State Community College
Tennessee Tech University — SFS, CSA
University of Memphis — SFS
University of Tennessee, Chattanooga — SFS
Vanderbilt University
Volunteer State Community College
Baylor University
Collin College
El Paso Community College — HSI
Hill College
Houston Community College — AANAPISI, HSI
McLennan Community College — HSI



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 12 of 13

Northeast Lakeview College — HSI
Our Lady of the Lake University — HSI
Palo Alto College — HSI
Sam Houston State University — HSI, SFS
San Antonio College — HSI
Southern Methodist University
St. Mary’s University — HSI
St. Philip’s College — HBCU, CSA
Tarrant County College District — HSI
Texas A&M University — AANAPISI, HSI, SFS, CSA
Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi — HSI
Texas A&M University, San Antonio — HSI
Texas State Technical College — HSI
University of Dallas — HSI
University of Houston — AANAPISI, HSI
University of North Texas — HSI
University of Texas, Dallas — SFS, HSI, CSA
University of Texas, El Paso — SFS, HSI
University of Texas, San Antonio — HSI, SFS, CSA
University of the Incarnate Word — HSI
Brigham Young University –- SFS, CSA Southern Utah University Weber State University
Western Governors University — CSA
Champlain College
Norwich University — SFS, CSA
ECPI University George Mason University — AANAPISI, CSA Germanna Community College Hampton University — HBCU, SFS
James Madison University — CSA
Laurel Ridge Community College
Liberty University — CSA
Marymount University — SFS, CSA
Mountain Empire Community College
New River Community College
Norfolk State University — HBCU, SFS, CSA
Northern Virginia Community College — AANAPISI, HSI
Old Dominion University — SFS, CSA
Radford University



Appendix D - As of June 20, 2024 – Page 13 of 13

Regent University
Southwest Virginia Community College
Strayer University
University of Virginia
Virginia Commonwealth University — AANAPISI
Virginia Peninsula Community College
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University — AANAPISI, SFS, CSA
Virginia State University — HBCU
Virginia Western Community College
City University of Seattle — CSA Columbia Basin College — HSI Eastern Washington University — CSA Green River College — AANAPISI
Highline College
South Puget Sound Community College
Spokane Falls Community College
University of Washington — AANAPISI, SFS
Western Washington University
Whatcom Community College — SFS
West Virginia
American Public University System
Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Marshall University — CSA
West Virginia University — CSA
Chippewa Valley Technical College Marquette University — SFS
Northwood Technical College
University of Wisconsin, Stout
University of Wisconsin, Whitewater
Waukesha County Technical College