International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 91


Nora Akhsa*, Hafasnuddin, Ahmad Nizam
Management Department, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia
This research aimed to see the Organizational Culture and Work Environment's impact on
Employee Performance, and how employee work motivation mediates in the model. Sampling
used the probability sampling method using a census. The research method used was a quantitative
method by distributing 102 questionnaires in electronic and hard copy form to Bank Aceh Syariah
(BAS) Banda Aceh Branch employees. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation
Modelling (SEM). This study’s results revealed that Organizational culture affected motivation,
environment affected motivation, Organizational culture affected employee performance,
environment did not affect employee performance, Motivation affected Employee Performance,
Motivation mediated the Organizational Culture’s impact on Employee Performance, Motivation
mediated the Work Environment’s on Employee Performance. Motivation in these findings was
also proven to function as a partial mediator in the culture affecting employee performance, and
as a full mediator in the environment affecting employee performance. These findings explain that
the model has been verified, where the model for improving employee performance at BAS is
based on suitability to organizational culture, a work environment that supports performance, and
high employee motivation. This model is a premise that can be used in the development of
advanced theory through further research, and is a basis for practitioners, especially BAS, to
formulate strategies to improve their performance.

Keywords: Organizational Culture, Employee Performance, Work Environment, Employee

Human resources play an important role in achieving institutional goals. Success or failure depends
on the performance of human resources (HR) in carrying out their responsibilities, playing an
active role, and always influencing all organizational activities because HR is the planner, actor,
and determinant of achieving organizational goals (Samsuni, 2017). Therefore, maximizing human
resource potential is one of the main ways to produce good performance so that institutional goals
are easily achieved. In today's work environment, efforts to improve employee performance are
the main goal of HR. Companies need to manage human resources professionally to create
harmony between employee interests and organizational interests to advance the organization
(Mappamiring, Muhammad, & Kusuma, 2020).
Organizational culture is a shared opinion among all members of an organization about the true
meaning of life together. As said by (Porter, 2019), culture reflects the ways organizational
members think, openness, and transparency that are critical in stabilizing relationships" which is
intended as a culture that reflects the way an organization is open-minded and transparent in

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 92
building good relationships between other employees and between employees and superiors.
Various scientific papers highlight the role of motivation, organizational culture, work
environment, and job satisfaction on employee performance. (Dewi, Rahmawati, Khoirunnissa, &
Fuadi, 2021) found work culture plays a positive role and has an impact on employee performance.
(Sultan, 2023) explains that organizational culture and motivation have a positive and important
impact on employee performance. (Arini & Hadi, 2021) also explains that motivation,
organizational culture, or work environment have an impact on employee performance levels.
(Ardianti, Qomariah, & Wibowo, 2018) explains that motivation and environment have an impact
on employee satisfaction.
Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS) has shown good financial performance and has maintained its growth,
resilience, and intermediation functions. The bank's performance has been improving gradually,
in line with the economic improvement of the community during the pandemic. In 2022, Bank
Aceh was able to record assets worth IDR 28.77 trillion, which is a growth of 2.12 percent
compared to 2021 when it recorded IDR 28.17 trillion. However, Third Party Funds were recorded
at IDR 22.98 trillion, which is a decrease of 4.34 percent from 2021 when it was IDR 24.02 trillion.
This is because of the higher absorption of local government budget funds, which directly reduces
the deposition of funds in banks. In terms of financing, Bank Aceh's intermediation continues to
improve with financing disbursement of IDR 17.33 trillion, growing 6.05 percent compared to
2021 when it was IDR 16.35 trillion. Another positive indicator of Bank Aceh's performance is
that it recorded a net profit of IDR 436.72 billion, which is an increase of 11.37 percent from 2021
when it was IDR 392.13 billion (Annual Report BAS, 2022). In 2022, Bank Aceh's composition
will consist of the largest number of staff positions at 27%. Meanwhile, the largest increase in the
number of employees occurred at the Non-Permanent Employees and Professional Staff levels,
increasing by 243 people (240.59%) and 81 people (202.59%) respectively. The largest increase
in employees occurred at the Bachelor and equivalent level, increasing by 203 people. On the other
hand, there was also a significant reduction at the senior high school level, namely a decrease of 6
BAS is committed to continuously improving its HR competency. This is being achieved through
various educational and training activities that are carried out following the training architecture.
All work units in Bank Aceh conduct learning programs to increase employee knowledge. The
aim is to create quality HR with a competency-based HR management system so as to enable
measurable employee career paths.. This, in turn, is expected to improve the quality of service
provided and have a positive impact on bank business sustainability. To achieve this, various
education, training, and workshops are being organized. These programs are designed to improve
the competence following operational and management needs. Both in-house training and external
training opportunities are provided, with a budget of IDR 24,396 billion or with a Ratio of
Education and Training Funds to the HR budget of 2.53 percent.
Numerous studies have explored the concept of organizational culture and its impact on employee
performance. For instance, a study conducted by (Wahjoedi, 2021) demonstrated how
organizational culture influences employee performance, which is further mediated by factors such
as work motivation and job satisfaction. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of
organizational culture in shaping employee behavior and performance. Similarly, (Ariyadin &
Nawangsari, 2018) revealed that employee performance was influenced by a combination of
factors, including motivation, discipline, and work environment. Another study by (Nurhadiyanti,

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 93
2019) highlighted that the key factors affecting employee performance were motivation, work
discipline, and compensation. These findings suggest that multiple factors contribute to employee
performance, and organizations should strive to create a work environment that fosters motivation,
discipline, and fair compensation to enhance employee performance. (Martini, Santoso, Irsyad, &
Ermita, 2021) found a significant relationship between an organization's culture and the
performance of its employees. However, the same study also found that the impact of the work
environment on employee performance is insignificant. Due to the inconsistency of research
results, further studies are needed to re-examine the influence of various factors such as motivation,
work environment, and employee performance. The purpose of these studies is to provide more
detailed insights into the factors that contribute to the success of employees in the workplace.
(Supriyadi, Widyastuti, & Soehardi, 2020) conducted a study on organizational culture, employee
performance, and work motivation. However, the study was not comprehensive enough as it did
not employ stronger models or research methods to determine the level of influence that
organizational culture and work motivation had on employee performance. Overall, research
related to employee performance is still limited, especially in Islamic banks. Therefore, it is
necessary to use an analytical method such as the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis to
effectively identify the factors that influence employee performance at Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS)
and provide insights for future researchers. This study differs from previous research as it employs
SEM analysis to determine the influence of each relationship between variables and uses BAS
employees as research subjects.

2.1 Employee performance
According to (Nazwirman, 2019), employee performance is an activity carried out by individuals
to achieve predetermined targets (Ramadhani & Indawati, 2021). Another opinion also states that
work achievement is the quantity and quality that comes from employee performance (Ilyas, 2011).
Work performance results from all levels of organizational personnel, not limited to employees
who serve as functional and structural employees (Manzoor, Naveed, & Habib, 2012). Therefore,
employee performance can be said to be a form of effort carried out by each employee to achieve
the vision and mission of the organization/agency. This effort is driven by employee skills, high
motivation to do their work, and a supportive environment. (Robbins & Judge, 2017) revealed
performance indicators are Work Quality; Quantity; Punctuality; Effectiveness; Independence

Work Motivation
(Irviani, 2017) explains that motivation is an income for someone to take or carry out as many
actions or tasks as possible to achieve success with a commendable assessment. Meanwhile,
according to Murni in (Kinanti & Simanjuntak, 2022), motivation is the energy that gives someone
the enthusiasm to work alone, work effectively, and try to achieve satisfaction. Based on the
definition above, it can be concluded that motivation is the energy that gives someone the
enthusiasm to work alone, work effectively, and try to fulfill their satisfaction. Indicators of work
motivation according to (Sedarmayanti, 2016) are: salary, supervision, work relationship,
recognition, or achievement.

Organizational culture

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 94
Organizational culture encompasses the values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are shared
among all members of an organization. It is an intangible but pervasive element that influences
how individuals within the organization interact with each other and with external stakeholders. It
is often shaped by the organization's history, leadership, and overall mission. A strong and positive
organizational culture can foster a sense of belonging, motivation, and loyalty among employees,
while a negative culture can lead to dissatisfaction, low morale, and high turnover rates (Robbins
& Judge, 2017). Organizational culture is a system, assumptions, beliefs, and values that exist in
an organization or company that are shared by members or employees whether they are aware of
it or not. Organizational culture. (Muhdar, 2015) indicators of organizational culture are as
follows: Integrity; Consistency; Professional; Responsibility; and Communication.

Work environment
A workplace is a good workspace, including non-physical and physical environments that give the
impression of comfort, safety, calm, etc. (Mulyah, Hermawati, & Saranani, 2020). Meanwhile,
according to (Pranitasari, Triana, & Taufik, 2018) the work environment is a place or condition
where an individual carries out his duties and responsibilities and can influence an employee to
carry out certain tasks. According to (Nitisemito, 2015) indicators of the work environment are as
follows: Work atmosphere, relationships between co-workers, relationships between subordinates
and leaders, availability of work facilities

Inter-Variables Effect
Organizational Culture on Work Motivation
In everyday circumstances, humans cannot escape the cultural bonds they have created. Cultural
relationships are created by societies such as families, institutions, businesses, and countries.
Culture defines people in terms of communication and action. Organizational culture is a
hypothesis created or developed by a group to learn how to solve the problems of internal
integration and external adaptation of the organization. Organizational culture is the traditions,
principles, values, and ways of working that determine and influence the behavior and
effectiveness of each member of the organization, aiming to create a model of good trust and
behavior among employees (Ompusunggu, 2020). From these various definitions, organizational
culture can be defined as learning how to solve problems of internal integration and external
adaptation of the organization. (Irviani, 2017) found that there is a research hypothesis that states
that organizational performance, work environment, and culture have a significant impact on work
motivation. A good organizational culture in a company can influence the employees' daily work.

Work Environment on Work Motivation
According to (Farizki & Wahyuati, 2017), the performance of medical personnel can be
significantly influenced by two key variables: work motivation and work environment. This
finding supports the hypothesis of the current study. Work motivation is a critical factor that is
shaped by the attitudes of employees towards their work environment. It is an internal force or
drive that pushes individuals to achieve the goals set by their organization. When employees have
a positive outlook towards their work environment, it strengthens their motivation, resulting in the
highest level of performance. Therefore, creating a positive work environment is essential for
fostering a motivated and high-performing workforce.

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 95

Organizational Culture on Employee Performance
Organizational culture plays a crucial role in helping employees to achieve the goals of a company
or organization. It can be defined as the system that exists within a company. Research has shown
that organizational culture has a significant impact on performance, as demonstrated by studies
such as (Wambugu, 2014), which aimed to establish a link between organizational culture and
employee performance. Similarly, (Syahrum, Brahmasari, & Nugroho, 2016) found the
coordination, culture, and organizational climate affected commission, job satisfaction, and
employee performance. These studies, along with research by (Hardiyono, Hamid, & Yusuf, 2017)
and (Pawirosumarto, Sarjana, & Gunawan, 2017), form the basis for the hypothesis that
organizational culture has an impact on performance.

Work Environment on Employee Performance
A workplace is a good workspace, including physical and non-physical environments that give the
impression of comfort, safety, calm, etc. A work environment is a place or condition where an
individual carries out his duties and responsibilities and can influence an employee to carry out
certain tasks (Mulyah et al., 2020) & (Pranitasari et al., 2018). From the various opinions above,
it concludes that the work environment is a place or condition where an individual carries out his
duties and responsibilities and can influence an employee to carry out certain tasks. The research
of (Quach, Thaichon, & Jebarajakirthy, 2016) compares the employee performance who work in
the state sector (PNS) and those who work in other sectors (Private).

Work Motivation on Employee Performance
According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there are five levels of motivation, which include
friendship, intimacy, acceptance, and relatedness. Self-actualization is the ultimate goal, where an
individual needs to use their skills, abilities, and potential. There is also a need to debate by
presenting ideas and criticism. (Luthans, 2013) suggests that Organizational Citizenship Behavior
(OCB) is related to the personality, attitude, and behavior of organizational members. Every job
has certain conditions that must be fulfilled to achieve the desired goal, also known as standard
work. The study conducted by (Abdurrahman, Purnomo, & Jati, 2019) has shown that motivation
affects employee performance. Organizations can motivate their employees by using key aspects
such as achievement, recognition, challenges, responsibility, development, involvement, and
opportunities (Sastrohadiwiryo & Syuhada, 2015). Different employees are motivated in different
ways, and the work environment is one of the factors that influence their work motivation.
Furthermore, motivation predicts an employee's work performance (Abdurrahman et al., 2019).

Work motivation on the organizational culture affecting employee performance
Motivation is an inner drive that exists within an individual or can be encouraged by others to
achieve predetermined goals. According to (Kottler & Heskett, 2007), a strong organizational
culture has a positive impact on business performance as it can provide extraordinary motivation
to employees. Research conducted by (Cahyono & Suharto, 2005) shows that motivation acts as a
mediator between organizational culture and performance. Motivation is closely linked to the
emergence of the tendency to achieve a goal through action or behavior. There is a strong
correlation between motivation, actions, behavior, goals, and satisfaction, as every change is

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 96
always due to work motivation. High work motivation significantly influences high performance,
where the better an employee's work motivation, the better the performance of an organization.

Work motivation in the work environment affecting employee performance
Work environment can indirectly influence employee performance by affecting their work
motivation. In this research, the motivation variable serves as an intervening that mediates the
work environment’s impact on employee performance. According to (Robbins & Judge, 2017), a
good work environment can increase employees' sense of belonging and commitment to their
organization and work group. This is supported by (Ryndian & Andri, 2018), which found that the
work environment has a strong impact on employee performance both individually and together
with work motivation. Therefore, the better the work environment and motivation, the higher the

Research Location and Object
This research was done on employees of Bank Aceh Syariah in Banda Aceh (BAS Banda Aceh
Branch). This research is an explanation to test hypotheses to obtain answers to all problems or
assumptions. The object of this research is related to organizational culture and work environment
on employee performance mediated by work motivation.

The use of research samples is permitted in research procedures as long as the sample can represent
the population well (representative) and the sampling technique is correct. The technique for
determining the sample used in this research is the saturated sampling technique, all population
members are the sample. The sample from this research was 102 employees. There are two reasons
for carrying out a census, namely that census research will be appropriate if the population is
relatively small and census research is only needed if the population element units are very
heterogeneous (Sugiyono, 2017).

Data Collection Techniques
Data were collected by questionnaires. The questionnaires that will be given to respondents are in
electronic and hard copy form. The questionnaire contains statements related to culture,
environment, motivation, and employee performance.

Operational Variables
The operational variables in this research are organizational culture and work environment as the
exogenous/independent (X) variables, work motivation variables as a mediation variable (Z), and
employee performance as the endogenous/dependent variable (Y).

Data Analysis Equipment
The data analysis equipment utilized in this research is the AMOS software, which makes use of
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to confirm theoretical concepts and aid in the determination
of latent variable values for the purpose of model verification (Ghozali, 2018). Apart from this,

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 97
the research also involves intervening effect tests through the application of (Baron & Kenny,
1986) concept, which are assessed using a Sobel calculator.

This study formulated the hypotheses, namely :
H1 : Culture affected motivation,
H2 : Environment affected motivation,
H3 : Culture affected employee performance,
H4 : Environment affected employee performance,
H5 : Motivation affected Employee Performance,
H6 : Motivation mediated the Culture effect on Employee Performance,
H7 : Motivation mediated the Environment effect on Employee Performance.

This research involved 141 respondents who were employees of BAS Banda Aceh Branch. Testing
the validity, this research used Pearson product-moment through the SPSS program. Table 1
explains that all variables used in this research are declared valid because they have a correlation
coefficient above their critical value, which is 0.1654. Thus, all indicator items have met the
requirements for further testing.

Table 1. Validity

No Question Variable
Critical Value
5% Result
1 A-1
0.1654 Valid
2 A-2 0.720
3 A-3 0.866
4 A-4 0.831
5 A-5 0.872
6 A-6 0.869
7 A-7 0.853
8 A-8 0.772
9 A-9 0.801
10 A-10 0.808
11 A-11 0.592
12 A-12 0.749
13 A-13 0.792
14 A-14 0.760
15 B-1
Work environment
0.1654 Valid
16 B-2 0.766

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 98
No Question Variable
Critical Value
5% Result
17 B-3 0.760
18 B-4 0.799
19 B-5 0.793
20 B-6 0.780
21 C-1
Work motivation
0.1654 Valid
22 C-2 0.792
23 C-3 0.757
24 C-4 0.785
25 C-5 0.783
26 C-6 0.824
27 C-7 0.792
28 C-8 0.756
29 C-9 0.775
30 C-10 0.425
31 E-1
0.1654 Valid
32 E-2 0.782
33 E-3 0.866
34 E-4 0.772
35 E-5 0.784
36 E-6 0.836
37 E-7 0.808
38 E-8 0.669

To assess the reliability, this research used Cronbach's Alpha.

Table 2. Reliability

No. Variable
1. Organizational Culture 14 0.950 Reliable

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 99
2. Work Empironment 6 0.876 Reliable
3. Work Motivation 10 0.912 Reliable
4. Employee performance 8 0.910 Reliable

Based on the reliability analysis, reveals that the reliability measurement meets Cronbach Alpha
credibility where all the alpha values are greater than Alpha 0.60 (Malhotra, 2011). Furthermore,
the causality model in this research is tested using structural test technique (Ferdinand, 2011).

Figure 1. Measurement Test

After all assumptions have been met, the hypotheses are tested, and provide the results below.
Table 3. Structural Test Result

Estimate S.E. C.R. P
Work Motivation <--- Culture 0.481 0.086 5.627 0.000
Work Motivation <--- Work Environment 0.523 0.103 5.652 0.000
Em_Performance <--- Culture 0.233 0.128 2.078 0.031

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 100

Estimate S.E. C.R. P
Em_Performance <--- Work Environment 0.124 0.164 0.869 0.385
Em_Performance <--- Work Motivation 0.631 0.066 3.006 0.000

Source: Processed Primary Data, (2023)

The organizational culture impact test on work motivation obtained p 0.000. This number is < 0.05
means that hypothesis 1 is accepted, explaining organizational culture affected significantly
motivation. The significant influence size of Culture on Motivation is 0.481 or 48.1%, showing
that improving organizational culture can strengthen motivation.
The work environment impact test on work motivation obtained p 0.000. This number is < 0.05
means that hypothesis 2 is accepted, explaining environment affected significantly the work
motivation. The significant size of the Work Environment on Motivation is 0.523 or 52.3%,
revealing the more appropriate the environment, the greater the motivation.
The organizational culture impact test on employee performance obtained p 0.031. This number is
< 0.05 means that hypothesis 3 is accepted, explaining that Organizational Culture affected
significantly Employee Performance. The significant size of work motivation on employee
performance is 0.233 or 23.3%, showing the more appropriate the culture, the more higher the
employee performance.
The work environment impact test on employee performance obtained p 0.385. This number is >
0.05 means that hypothesis 4 is rejected, explaining the work environment did not influence
significantly employee performance.
The motivation impact test on employee performance obtained p 0.000. This number is < 0.05
means that hypothesis 5 is accepted, explaining that work motivation affected significantly
employee performance. The significant size of work motivation on employee performance is 0.631
or 63.1%, showing the higher the work motivation, the higher employee performance.
The mediating effect model of Work motivation on Organizational Culture affecting Employee
Performance is figured as follows:

l culture
Sig. = 0.000
SE = 0.086
Sig. = 0.000
SE = 0.066
Sig. = 0.031
SE = 0.128

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 101

Figure 2. Mediation Test of H6

The mediation test calculation provides the Sobel was 4.827 with p 0.008. Thus, work motivation
acts as a mediator on the culture's impact on employee performance. So, because Work Motivation
acts as a mediating variable, and Organizational Culture did not affect Employee Performance, so
the Work Motivation's role in mediating the Culture's impact on Employee Performance is partially
mediating. Partial means that the Culture's impact on Employee Performance can happen both
directly or indirectly through Work Motivation. The Sobel value can be seen below.

Table 4. Significance of H6

The mediating effect model of motivation on Work Environment affecting Employee
Performance is figured below.

Sig. = 0.000
SE = 0.103
Sig. = 0.000
SE = 0.066

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 102

Figure 3. Mediation Test of H7

The mediation test calculation provides the Sobel was 4.484 and with p 0.016. Thus, work
motivation acts as a mediator on the work environment's impact on employee performance. So,
because Work Motivation acts as a mediation, and the Work Environment did not affect Employee
Performance, so the Work Motivation's role in mediating the Work Environment's impact on
Employee Performance is fully mediating. Full means that the work environment's impact on
employee performance can only be significant through indirect effect, with motivation as a
mediator. The Sobel value can be seen below.

Table 5. Significance of H7

This study’s results revealed that Organizational culture affected motivation, environment
affected motivation, Organizational culture affected employee performance, environment did not
affect employee performance, Motivation affected Employee Performance, Motivation mediated
the Organizational Culture’s impact on Employee Performance, Motivation mediated the Work
Environment’s on Employee Performance. Motivation in these findings was also proven to
function as a partial mediator in the culture affecting employee performance, and as a full mediator
in the environment affecting employee performance. These findings explain that the model has
been verified, where the model for improving employee performance at BAS is based on suitability
to organizational culture, a work environment that supports performance, and high employee
motivation. This model is a premise that can be used in the development of advanced theory
through further research, and is a basis for practitioners, especially BAS, to formulate strategies to
improve their performance. Some recommendations from the survey results that can be mapped
are :
1) BAS employees are expected to be given clarity regarding working environment conditions
and maintain employee performance and employee motivation so that employees can carry
out their duties and responsibilities with a sense of calm and comfort.

International Journal of Business Management and Economic Review
Vol. 7, No. 02; 2024
ISSN: 2581-4664 Page 103
2) It is hoped that Bank Aceh can create a comfortable work environment for employees to
improve employee performance.

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