Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


Study of Menarche Experience on Students of FKM UMJ
Munaya Fauziah,
Amira Mhuthia Adila,
Bella Febriani,
Deviana Aninda Putri,
Risqan Marfiah

Faculty of Public Health, Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta
K.H. Ahmad Dahlan St, Cireundeu, Ciputat, South Jakarta, 15419
E-mail: [email protected]
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) about one-fifth of the world's population of
adolescents aged 10-19 years. In Indonesia, 5.2% of women experience menarche under the age of 12
from 17 provinces. The purpose of this study was to find out in-depth the experience of menarche in
adolescent girls, especially in the Muhammadiyah University of Jakarta. The type of research used is
qualitative research. The statements of the four informants regarding their knowledge of menarche
were good, with various attitudes, behaviors, and responses. Reproductive health education is needed
at this menarche phase. FKM UMJ students have various experiences regarding menarche or their
first menstrual period.
Keywords: Menarche, Female students, Reproductive health

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


Adolescence is a period that experiences the most rapid physical development among the
stages of human development. In addition to physical changes, adolescents also experience
psychological changes. (1) According to Verawati and Liswidyawati (2012) stated that the puberty
phase of a child who was originally asexual becomes sexual. This period is a period of psychological
and social transition from childhood to adulthood that will end in the teens or early twenties. (2)
Menarche is the first menstruation that occurs in women, which is a characteristic of the
maturity of a woman who is healthy and not pregnant (Yusuf, 2010). (3) Menarche occurs in early
adolescence in the age range of 10-16 years. . Menarche is sometimes a big and scary problem for
girls, making them shaken, embarrassed, and depressed, especially if they have never received the
right information before (ed., 2005). (4)
Menarche can cause psychological changes for young women, including changes in
psychological aspects that occur in young women, can be emotional, namely feelings of anxiety
(Natsuaki, et al 2010). Adolescent knowledge about reproductive and sexual health in Indonesia based
on a survey conducted by the BKKBN is relatively low seen from the lack of knowledge on
reproductive health and gaps in fostering adolescent understanding of reproductive health (BKKBN,
2012). (5)
This phase of the arrival of menstruation is a period in which the girl is truly biologically
ready to carry out her female functions. So for women, menstruation occupies a unique psychological
existence, which can greatly influence a girl's perception of the reality of life, both during adolescence
and after she becomes an adult. Psychological symptoms of menarche include anxiety and strong fear
by the desire to reject the physiological process (Kartono, 2006). Adolescent girls who experience
menarche often feel confused and sad (Dianawati, 2006). This happens because most teenagers do not
understand the basis of the changes that occur in them. (6)
Adolescents in preparing for the arrival of menarche need support, both emotional support,
information, appreciation, and instrumental. This support can be obtained from the family
environment (parents), school environment (teachers), peer environment, and community
environment (social culture and mass media). The environment in the family is the first and foremost
environment for child development (Aryani, 2010). If a teenager is not given an understanding of
menarche and is not prepared to face menarche there will be a feeling or desire to reject this
physiological process, in adolescents sometimes there will be a wrong assumption about
menstruation, they will think that menstruation is something dirty, impure, unclean and stained.
Sometimes they will think they will die because a lot of blood comes out of the vagina (Mansur,
Budiarti, 2014). (7)

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


Demographic data show that the world's population of teenagers is large. According to the
World Health Organization (WHO) about one-fifth of the world's population of adolescents aged 10-
19 years (Tarwoto, et al, 2010). About nine hundred million are in developing countries. Meanwhile,
in Indonesia, from the results of the population census, of the total 237.6 million Indonesian
population, 63.4 million of them are teenagers, 49.30% of the total youth are women (BKKBN, 2011).
In Indonesia, women who experience menarche under the age of 12 years from 17 provinces
are 5.2%. The group of women in East Java who experienced menarche at the age of 6-8 years was
0.1%, the age of 9-10 years was 2.3%, the age of 11-12 was 25.3%, the age of 13-14 years was 36%
and 17.2% aged 15-16 years old, 3.5% aged 17-18 years old, aged 19-20 years old as much as 0.5%
and 6.2% of those who have not experienced menarche (Basic Health Research, 2010). (9)
Based on research conducted by Nurngaini (2003), emotional readiness in dealing with
menstruation shows that: almost all of the subject's feelings are anxious, confused, tense, afraid,
shocked, and excited. According to research conducted by Muryana (2008), the feelings of
adolescents when experiencing menarche are fear, surprise, confusion and some even feel happy.
Children's ignorance about menstruation can make it difficult for children to accept menarche
(Aprilani, 2009). (10)
According to Conger (Sriwindari, 2002), of 475 young women, most of them feel normal,
anxious, or afraid, and only 10% of them feel enthusiastic, curious, and proud when experiencing
menarche. (6) Mental readiness is very necessary before menarche because feelings of anxiety and
fear will arise, besides that there is also a lack of knowledge about self-care required during
menstruation. The readiness of a young woman to face menarche is very important so that there is a
need for clear information about the menstrual process and health during menstruation, especially
from parents (Halimatussa'diah, 2008)
Parents play an important role in preparing their children to face puberty and need to convey
information about sex and sexuality because parents are the first source where a child learns and is
guided to know the sex (ed., 2004). Parents, especially mothers, have a great responsibility to teach
about the changes at puberty that their daughters experience, including clear and correct information
about menarche. (4)
Based on the background of the problem above, the researcher is interested in conducting an
in-depth exploration of the experience of menarche in adolescent girls, especially in the area of the
University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta. The benefit of this research is to provide information to young
women at the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta about menarche. In addition, this research
provides benefits in the form of adding references in the field of health workers, especially Public

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


Health, and as input for health workers in increasing the provision of information as early as possible
to the public about menarche.
The type of research used is qualitative research using participatory observational methods,
where this research is carried out by interviewing respondents in-depth (in-depth interviews) which in
general is a process of obtaining information for research purposes using question and answer while
face to face or through communication media between interviewers and informants, with or without
using interview guidelines. Interviews conducted by researchers lasted approximately 20-30 minutes.
Table 1. Interview Results
QUESTIONS Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3 Informant 4
1. What do you know about the
first menstruation of menarche?
Puberty in young
Menstruation in
Menstruation is an
event of bleeding
due to the shedding
of the uterine wall.
discharge from the
uterus of a woman's
a. Where did you get
information about it?
through the
Biology books for
elementary school
From lessons and
finding out for
From your closest
family, especially
2. Tell me how was your
experience when you had your
first period?
When you
experienced it for
the first time, you
were very
surprised and
understood the
cycle of puberty.
When you took a
nap when you
graduated from
elementary school,
you were
surprised and
A little worried
because women had
your first period
a. when you had your
first period?
When you are in
grade 3 junior
high school,
age 12, grade 1, junior high
school, when you
12 years old,
b. what are the signs and
symptoms that you
feel when you have
your first period?
Symptoms you
feel you want to
eat continuously
No Stomach pain,
moodiness, fever,
acne, flatulence
Abdomen The
uterus feels tight,
c. what do you do when
you find out that you
are having your first
Telling parents Use sanitary
Say, mother Clean your vagina
more often
d. how do you prepare
for the first time you
have your period?
None None None None
e. during your first
menstruation, how was
your daily activity at
that time?
Normal activities
activities Somewhat
uncomfortable with
Difficult to carry
out activities as

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


QUESTIONS Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3 Informant 4
3. Can you describe how you felt
when you had your first period?
The feeling when
you experience it
for the first time is
Surprised when you
see menstrual
Surprised. Alhamdulillah,
puberty is fast,
a. what is the meaning or
meaning of the first
menstruation for you?
Menstruation is a
sign that someone
is an adult
Menstruation is a
sign that someone
is an adult sign that
It's a we are going
through puberty
4. Are there any myths about
menstruation that you know? If
so can you tell me?
Yes, shampooing
is not allowed,
drinking ice water,
not combing hair,
and drinking soft
Yes, drinking ice
cubes and
cucumber can
freeze menses
It is forbidden to
cut nails, collect
There are still many
myths about
a. what do you think
about these myths?
Looking for the
truth on the
believed it but not
after looking for
reliable information
Confusion and tend
to look for the facts
have to understand
more about
5. After experiencing your first
period, did you feel any
changes? If so, can you tell us
about the changes you
None Because you have
reached puberty,
you need to cover
your genitals when
you leave the
So you feel fertile,
spotty and your
breasts grow.
From being
comfortable to
a. how do you respond to
these changes?
None Mandatory to do it
because it is your
responsibility It's
little afraid It's Okay be abnormal
b. toin your opinion, do
you have any problems
during menarche or
first menstruation? If
there is, can you tell
None None No Panic, yes, you
keep getting
6. How did your environment
respond after you found out that
you had your first period?
The response of
the surrounding
environment is
Surprised When you are
happy, it is a sign
that you are an
More advice
a. Who was the first
person in your family
to know that you had
your first period?
Then, how did the
person respond at that
Mother, mother's
response was
normal. mother,
Mother taught her
daughter what to
Mama was warier
and advised.
Especially who was
warier of daughters.
b. How did other families
react at that time? So
how do you respond to
this response?
No one responded Surprised father None Normal
c. How did your peers
respond when they
found out that you had
your first period? And
how do you react to
Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Ordinary Still curious about
d. who do you trust to
discuss menstruation?
No discussion
with anyone
Islamic boarding
school friends who
understand fiqh
Mamah and her
Mamah and close

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


QUESTIONS Informant 1 Informant 2 Informant 3 Informant 4
7. How do you take care of
yourself when you are
Self-care is carried
out to keep around
reproduction and
change sanitary
No special care. Change regular
sanitary napkins

a. how often do you
change sanitary
napkins during
Every 4 hours
changing sanitary
napkins during
3-4 times changing
4 hours if normal. If
it leaks, replaces it
more often. The end
of menstruation can
take longer to
change change
.pads more
b. often. How often do
you clean yourself
(shower) during
Clean yourself 2
times a day
1-2 times 2 times a day too
but if it leaks up to
3 times it
must be cleaner
Based on the statements of the four informants regarding their good knowledge of menarche,
the four informants answered that menarche was an event of the first menstruation or an event of
bleeding due to the rupture of the uterine wall. The four informants got this related information from
the internet, lessons during elementary school, and their closest family.
The ages of the four informants experienced different menarche with an age range of 12-15
years. The symptoms felt by the informants varied from always feeling hungry, changes in mood,
growing acne, even stomach pain, or feeling tied up. After knowing that the informant was
menstruating for the first time, what he did was to inform his parents and always keep the
reproductive organs clean. The four informants previously did not prepare for the first menstruation.
The feelings that the four informants felt when they found out that she had had her first
menstruation were of course shocked, but one of the informants was also grateful for her fast puberty
like her peers. Generally, menstruation does not interfere with the four informants in carrying out their
activities. The meaning of the first menstruation for the informants is a sign that they have grown up.
The response of people around the informant when they found out that the informant was
experiencing menstruation for the first time, among others, was more for support and advice.
Informants also have a place for their discussion during menstruation like their peers, but some
informants do not discuss this with anyone.
Regarding self-care during menstruation, the four informants did not take special care, except
regularly changing their sanitary napkins to maintain cleanliness. The frequency of respondents
changing sanitary napkins is in the range >3 times a day. While regarding bathing, respondents also
showered 2 times a day to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation.
Adolescents have several different experiences during adolescence. They have different
perceptions about premenstrual and postmenstrual behavior, which is by the results of previous
studies, namely the first menstruation usually brings special and special memories for women.

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


Different individual attitude changes during menstruation, such as anger, anxiety, and discomfort,
depending on the understanding of knowledge and support of family members.
Menstruation is a problem that is often found with the highest prevalence in late adolescence.
If left untreated, menstrual disorders can affect the quality of life and daily activities. Research on
menstrual disorders in adolescents has not been widely carried out in Indonesia. (11)
The average age of menarche in elementary school students is at the age of 12 years with
normal nutritional status, middle socioeconomic status, no exposure to mass media, and having a
healthy lifestyle. The characteristics of respondents who differ on average are age, nutritional status,
socioeconomic status, exposure to mass media, and lifestyle. Menstrual pain often occurs in young
women, because they have not reached biological maturity (especially the maturity of the
reproductive organs, namely the growth of the endometrium is still not perfect) and psychologically.
According to several previous studies stating that the lack of information related to
reproductive and menstrual health education in adolescents, especially blind female adolescents will
affect adolescent health and behavior patterns in menstrual personal hygiene, this is in line with
several studies that participated stated the same thing that in Adolescents who lack knowledge and
information about genital hygiene will also have an impact on adolescent behavior in maintaining the
cleanliness of their genitals.
Due to certain cultural and religious boundaries, the role of mothers in imparting knowledge
of menstruation is another important factor, especially since many young girls in rural Nigeria do not
have sufficient information about menstrual hygiene. This can lead to improper and unhealthy
practices during menstruation. Information about menarche is very important for adolescents, this is
by the view of researchers who say that personal responses are very diverse, with positive or negative
emotional reactions. Responses will vary depending on the understanding or level of knowledge and
support of family members. (13)
Sometimes adolescents are not ready to face menarche due to lack of knowledge, so they have
a desire to resist physiological processes, children will feel that menstruation is cruel and threatening,
this situation can continue to develop in a more negative direction. strange fantasies The picture,
coupled with meaningless anxiety and fear, can also be accompanied by feelings of guilt or guilt, all
of which are related to problems with bleeding in the reproductive organs and menstruation. (14) For
the first time the child communicates and interacts in the family environment, especially with the
person closest to him, namely the mother. The bonding relationship between the child and the mother
will continue until the child enters puberty.
Menstruation in the Qur'an is only mentioned four times in two verses. Once in the form of
fil'mudlari (yahidi) and three times in the form of ism mashdar (al-maidi). In terms of naming alone,

Volume I Tahun 2021
November 2021

E-ISSN: 2808-5361
Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


the word menstruation alone has been separated from the theological connotation like previous
religions and beliefs. Lack of information about reproductive health results in many teenagers not
having enough knowledge to deal with changes and problems during adolescence. Insufficient
information on reproductive health causes adolescents to have misperceptions about reproductive
FKM UMJ students have various experiences regarding menarche or their first menstrual
period. This can be seen through their understanding, attitudes, and behavior, as well as support
around menarche or their first menstrual event. Reproductive education is very necessary for the age
leading to menstruation so that they are ready and able to face their menstrual period so that they can
respond and behave by the recommendations in health.
Parents should provide a lot of education and support for their children who have started to
experience their first menstruation. Education related to religion on how to respond to menstruation
also needs to be instilled by both parents and the surrounding environment.
For teenagers who have entered their menstrual period, they should read more and explore
things related to menstruation and try to avoid myths about menstruation if there is no scientific
For further researchers, they can conduct more in-depth research related to the attitudes and
behavior of adolescents during menstruation so that they can be studied more deeply what these
attitudes and behaviors are so that can be made policy brief in dealing with problems related to
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Proceeding The First
Muhammadiyah Internasional-
Public Health and Medicine


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