Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif


The Board of Directors of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. (the “Company”) hereby announces to the Shareholders that the Company has conducted
the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (the ”Meeting”) as follows:

A. Date/Date, Venue, Time, and Meeting Agenda
Day/Date : Friday, March 1, 2024
Venue : BRI Head Office
Jenderal Sudirman Street Kav. 44-46, Central Jakarta, 10210
Time : 14.10 to 16.21 WIB
Agenda : 1. Approval of Annual Report and Ratification of the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements, Approval of the Board of
Commissioners’Supervisory Report as well as Ratification of Financial Statements of Micro and Small Enterprise Funding Program for
the Financial Year 2023, and Grant of Release and Discharge of Liability (volledig acquit et de charge) to the Board of Directors for the
management of Company and the Board of Commissioners of the Company for the Supervisory Actions performed during the Financial
Year of 2023.
2. Determination of Appropriation of the Company's Net Profit for the Financial Year of 2023.
3. Determination of the Remuneration (salary/honorarium, facilities and benefits) for the Financial Year of 2024, as well as Tantiem for
the Financial Year of 2023, for the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of the Company.
4. Appointment of Public Accountant and/or Public Accountant Firm to Perform Audit on the Company’s Consolidated Financial Statements
for the Financial Year of 2024 as well as Micro and Small Enterprise Funding Program’s Financial Statements and Implementation
Report for the Financial Year of 2024.
5. Report on the Realization of the Utilization of Proceeds from the Bank BRI Subordinated Bonds IV Year 2023 and Bank BRI Green
Bonds I Phase II Year 2023.
6. Approval of Amendments to the Company’s Articles of Association.
7. Changes in the Composition of the Company’s Management.

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

B. All Members of Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, as well as members of the Audit Committee Attended the Meeting
Board of Commissioners
President Commissioner : Mr. Kartika Wirjoatmodjo
Vice President Commissioner/ Independent Commissioner : Mrs.Rofikoh Rokhim
Commissioner : Mr. Hadiyanto
Commissioner : Mr. Rabin Indrajad Hattari
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Hendrikus Ivo
Independent Commissioner : Mrs.Dwi Ria Latifa
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Heri Sunaryadi
Independent Commissioner : Mr.Paripurna Poerwoko Sugarda
Independent Commissioner : Mrs.Nurmaria Sarosa
Independent Commissioner : Mr.Agus Riswanto

Board of Directors
President Director : Mr. Sunarso
Vice President Director : Mr. Catur Budi Harto
Director of Consumer Business : Mrs.Handayani
Director of Micro Business : Mr. Supari
Director of Compliance : Mr. Ahmad Solichin Lutfiyanto
Director of Wholesale & Institutional Business : Mr. Agus Noorsanto
Director of Risk Management : Mr. Agus Sudiarto
Director of Human Capital : Mr. Agus Winardono
Director of Small and Medium Business : Mr. Amam Sukriyanto
Director of Finance : Mrs.Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno Kumalasari
Director of Digital and Information Technology : Mr. Arga Mahanana Nugraha
Director of Network & Services : Mr. Andrijanto

C. Attendance of Shareholders
The shares who are present and/or represented in the Meeting are amounting to 136,220,701,161 shares or representing 90.337% of the total shares with
valid voting rights issued by the Company.

D. Meeting Resolutions Mechanism
The resolution of the Meeting shall be adopted amicably. In case such amicable consensus is not reached, the resolution shall be made through voting.

E. Independent Party for Votes Counting
The counting of votes as the basis of Meeting resolution is conducted by PT Datindo Entrycom as the Share Registrar. Further, the validation is executed
by Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notary in Jakarta.

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

F. Question and/or Opinions Session, and Result of Voting in the Meeting
The Shareholders or their Proxies have been provided with an opportunity to submit questions and/or opinions in each Meeting Agenda. The number of
Shareholders or their Proxies, which attended either physically and/or electronically, that submitted question and/or opinion in the Meeting, and the result
of decision making through voting, which included e-Proxy via eASY.KSEI, are as follows:

Affirmative Votes Non-Affirmative Votes Abstain

Total of Affirmative Votes*
First 135,227,759,694
votes or representing
99.271% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present
in the Meeting
1,832,504 votes or
representing 0.001% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
991,108,963 votes or
representing 0.727% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
136,218,868,657 votes
or representing
99.998% of total shares
with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
Second 135,798,149,713
votes or representing
99.689% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present
in the Meeting
0 votes or representing
0% of total shares with
valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
422,551,448 votes or
representing 0.310% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
136,220,701,161 votes
or representing
100.000% of total
shares with valid voting
rights present in the
Third 123,387,944,660
votes or representing
90.579% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present
in the Meeting
12,410,143,153 votes
or representing
9.110% of total shares
with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
422,613,348 votes or
representing 0.310% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
123,810,558,008 votes
or representing
90.889% of total shares
with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
Fourth 135,721,156,176
votes or representing
99.633% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present
in the Meeting
36,993,538 votes or
representing 0.027% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
462,551,447 votes or
representing 0.339% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
136,183,707,623 votes
or representing
99.972% of total shares
with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif


This agenda is for reporting purpose only. Therefore, no voting conducted for this Meeting
Sixth 122,235,809,794
votes or representing
89.733% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present
in the Meeting
13,356,134,934 votes
or representing
9.804% of total shares
with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
628,756,433 votes or
representing 0.461% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
122,864,566,227 votes
or representing
90.195% of total shares
with valid voting rights
present in the Meeting
Seventh 92,633,975,975 votes
or representing
67.268% of total
shares with valid
voting rights present
in the Meeting
43,279,680,626 votes
or representing
31.771% of total
shares with valid voting
rights present in the
1,307,044,560 votes or
representing 0.959% of
total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
92,941,020,535 votes or
representing 68.228%
of total shares with valid
voting rights present in
the Meeting
*) In accordance with the Company's Articles of Association and Financial Services Authority Regulation (‘OJK Regulation’) Number 15/POJK.04/2020
concerning the Planning and Holding of General Meeting of Shareholders of Public Companies, the votes of Abstain are considered to cast the same
vote as the majority vote of the Shareholders who cast the votes.

G. Resolutions of the Meeting
1. Approve the Company's Annual Report including the Supervisory Duties Report of the Company's Board of Commissioners for the 2023 Financial Year
which ends on December 31, 2023.
2. Approving:
a. The Company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the Financial Year 2023 ending on December 31, 2023, which has been audited by Purwantono,
Sungkoro & Surja (a member of the Firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited) in accordance with Report 00035/2.1032/AU.1/07/1681-4/1/I/2024 dated
January 31, 2024 with a fair opinion in all material respects.
b. Financial Report of the Micro and Small Enterprise Funding Program for the Financial Year 2023 ending on December 31, 2023 which was audited
by Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (a member of the Firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited) in accordance with Report Number
00042/2.1032/AU.2/10/1681-4/1/II/2024 dated February 6, 2024, with a fair opinion in all material respects.
3. With the approval of the Company's Annual Report including the Board of Commissioners' Supervisory Duties Report, and the approval of the Company's
Financial Report and the Micro and Small Business Funding Program (PUMK) Financial Report, all for the Financial Year 2023 which ends on 31 December

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

2023, the GMS provides full repayment and release of responsibility (volledig acquit et de charge) to all members of the Board of Directors for their
management actions of the Company and to all members of the Board of Commissioners for their supervisory actions of the Company which have been
carried out during the Financial Year 2023 which ends on 31 December 2023, as long as these actions are not constituted as criminal offense and
reflected in the report mentioned above.

Approving the utilization of consolidated net profit attributable to owners of the parent entity for the Financial Year 2023 amounting to
IDR60,099,862,976,229.60 (sixty trillion – ninety nine billion – eight hundred sixty two million – nine hundred seventy six thousand – two hundred twenty
nine Rupiah – sixty cents) as follows:
1. At least IDR48,102,283,288,576 (forty-eight trillion – one hundred and two billion – two hundred eighty three million – two hundred eighty eight
thousand– five hundred seventy six Rupiah) is determined as Cash Dividend. This amount includes the Interim Dividend which was distributed to
Shareholders on January 18, 2024 amounting to IDR12,666,431,963,136 (twelve trillion – six hundred sixty six billion – four hundred thirty one million
– nine hundred sixty three thousand – one hundred thirty six Rupiah) or IDR 84 (eighty four) per share. Thus, the remaining amount of cash dividends
that will be paid to Shareholders is at least equal to IDR35,435,851,325,440 (thirty-five trillion – four hundred thirty-five billion – eight hundred fifty
one million – three hundred twenty five thousand – four hundred forty Rupiah) or IDR235 (two hundred thirty five Rupiah) per share. The payment is
carried out under the following conditions:
a. Dividend share of the Republic of Indonesia on ownership IDR25,714,901,623,444 (twenty five trillion – seven hundred fourteen billion – nine
hundred and one million – six hundred twenty three thousand – four hundred forty four Rupiah) including the Interim Dividend which was distributed
to the Shareholders on January 18, 2024 amounting to IDR6,771,322,057,584 (six trillion – seven hundred seventy one billion – three hundred
twenty two million –fifty seven thousand – five hundred eighty four Rupiah). Therefore, the remaining cash dividend which will be distributed is at
least equal to IDR18,943,579,565,860 (eighteen trillion – nine hundred forty three billion – five hundred seventy nine million – five hundred sixty
five thousand – eighty Rupiah) shall be transferred into the State General Treasury Account.
b. Dividends for the Financial Year 2023 are distributed proportionally to each Shareholder whose names are recorded in the Register of Shareholders
on the recording date.
c. The Board of Directors is given power and authority with substitution rights for:
i. Determination of the schedule and procedures for distribution related to the payment of Dividends for the Financial Year 2023 in accordance
with applicable regulations.
ii. Withhold tax dividend in accordance with applicable tax regulations.
iii. Other technical related matters in accordance with applicable regulations.
2. At the maximum IDR11,997,579,687,653.60 (eleven trillion – nine hundred ninety seven billion – five hundred seventy nine million – six hundred eighty
seven thousand – six hundred fifty three Rupiah – sixty cents) is used as retained earnings.

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

1. Approving the granting of authority and power of attorney to the Series A Dwiwarna Shareholder to determine for Members of the Board of
a. Tantiem/Performance Incentives/Special Incentives for the Financial Year 2023 and/or Long-Term Incentives for the 2024-2026 Financial Year
Period, in accordance with applicable regulations; And
b. Salary, Benefits and Facilities for the Financial Year 2024.
2. Approving the granting of authority and power to the Board of Commissioners by obtaining prior written approval from the Series A Dwiwarna
Shareholder to determine for Members of the Board of Directors:
a. Tantiem/Performance Incentives/Special Incentives for the Financial Year 2023 and/or Long-Term Incentives for the 2024-2026 Financial Year
Period, in accordance with applicable regulations; And
b. Salary, Benefits and Facilities for Financial Year 2024.

1. Approving the appointment of Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (a member of the Firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited) as a Public Accounting Firm that
will audit the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the Financial Year 2024, as well as the Financial Statements and Implementation of
Micro and Small Enterprise Funding Program for the Financial Year 2024.
2. Approving the granting of authority and power to the Company's Board of Commissioners to:
a. Appoint a Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm to audit the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements for other periods in the
Financial Year 2024 for the purposes and interests of the Company; and
b. Determine fees for audit services and other requirements for such Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm, as well as appointing the
substitute Public Accountant and/or Public Accounting Firm in the case of PAF Purwantono, Sungkoro & Surja (a member of the Firm of Ernst &
Young Global Limited), for whatever reason, is unable to complete the audit of the Company's Consolidated Financial Statements for the Financial
Year 2024, as well as the Financial Statements and Implementation of Micro and Small Enterprise Funding Program for Financial Year 2024,
including determining the fees for audit services and other requirements for the substitute Public Accountant and/or Public Accountant Firm.

This agenda is for reporting purposes only. Therefore, no voting is conducted for this Meeting resolution.

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

1. Approving changes to the Company's Articles of Association, among others, in order to adapt to statutory regulations: (a) Law Number 4 of 2023 dated
12 January 2023 concerning Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector; (b) OJK Regulation Number 17 of 2023 dated 14 September 2023
concerning Implementation of Governance for Commercial Banks; (c) Regulation of the Minister of BUMN Number PER-2/MBU/03/2023 dated 24 March
2023 concerning Guidelines for Governance and Significant Corporate Activities of BUMN; (d) Regulation of the Minister of BUMN Number PER-
3/MBU/03/2023 dated 24 March 2023 concerning Organs and Human Resources of BUMN; and (e) other related regulations.
2. Approving to re-arrange all provisions in the Company's Articles of Association in connection with the changes as referred to in point 1 (one) above
which is attached to the entire articles of association as attached to the minutes of the notarial deed.
3. Granting authority and power to the Board of Directors with the right of substitution to take all necessary actions related to the Meeting's decisions,
including but not limited to drafting and restating the entire Company's Articles of Association in a Notarial Deed, adjusting changes to the Company's
Articles of Association if this is required by authorized agency and submits it to the authorized agency to obtain approval and receipt of notification of
changes to the Company's Articles of Association, as well as doing everything deemed necessary and useful for these purposes with nothing being

1. Honorably dismissing the following names as members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors:
1). Mr. Catur Budi Harto as Vice President Director
2). Mr. Agus Noorsanto as Director of Wholesale & Institutional Business
3). Mr. Agus Sudiarto as Director of Risk Management
4). Mr. Hendrikus Ivo as Independent Commissioner
Each member was appointed based on the 2019 Extraordinary GMS Decision dated 02 September 2019, the 2019 Extraordinary GMS Decision dated
02 September 2019 jo. 2021 Extraordinary GMS on 07 October 2021, 2019 Extraordinary GMS Resolutions on 02 September 2019 and 2018 Annual
GMS Resolutions on 15 May 2019, starting from the closing of the Meeting with thanks for the contribution of energy and thoughts given during his
tenure as Company Manager.
2. Changing the nomenclature of positions for members of the Company's Board of Directors as follows:
1) Before : Director of Small and Medium Business
After : Director of Commercial, Small and Medium Business
2) Before : Director of Network & Services
After : Director of Retail Funding and Distribution

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

3. Changing the assignment of the names below as members of the Company's Board of Directors as follows:
1) Mr. Amam Sukriyanto;
Before : Director of Small and Medium Business
After : Director of Commercial, Small and Medium Business
2) Mr. Andrijanto;
Before : Director of Network & Services
After : Director of Retail Funding and Distribution
Each member was appointed based on the 2021 Extraordinary GMS Decision dated January 21 2021 and the 2021 Annual GMS Decision dated March
1 2022, with the remaining term of office continuing in accordance with the relevant GMS Appointment Decision.

4. Appointing the following names as members of the Company's Board of Commissioners and Directors :
1). Mr. Catur Budi Harto as Vice President Director
2). Mr. Agus Noorsanto as Director of Wholesale & Institutional Business
3). Mr. Agus Sudiarto as Director of Risk Management
4). Mr. Haryo Baskoro Wicaksono as Independent Commissioner
5. The term of office of the appointed members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners as referred to in number 4, is in accordance with
the provisions of the Company's Articles of Association, taking into account the laws and regulations in the Capital Market sector and without reducing
the GMS's right to dismiss them at any time.
6. With the dismissal, change in position nomenclature, transfer of duties and appointment of members of the Company's Board of Directors and Board
of Commissioners as referred to in poin 1, poin 2, poin 3 and poin 4, the composition of the members of the Company's Board of Directors and Board
of Commissioners will be as follows:

Board of Directors

President Director : : Mr. Sunarso
Vice President Director : : Mr. Catur Budi Harto
Director of Consumer Business : : Mrs.Handayani
Director of Micro Business : : Mr. Supari
Director of Compliance : : Mr. Ahmad Solichin Lutfiyanto
Director of Wholesale & Institutional Business : : Mr. Agus Noorsanto
Director of Risk Management : : Mr. Agus Sudiarto

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

Director of Human Capital : : Mr. Agus Winardono
Director of Commercial, Small and Medium Business : : Mr. Amam Sukriyanto
Director of Finance : : Mrs.Viviana Dyah Ayu Retno Kumalasari
Director of Digital and Information Technology : : Mr.Arga Mahanana Nugraha
Director of Retail Funding and Distribution : : Mr.Andrijanto

Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner : Mr. Kartika Wirjoatmodjo
Vice President Commissioner/ Independent
: Mrs.Rofikoh Rokhim
Commissioner : Mr. Awan Nurmawan Nuh
Commissioner : Mr. Rabin Indrajad Hattari
Independent Commissioner : Mrs.Dwi Ria Latifa
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Heri Sunaryadi
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Paripurna Poerwoko Sugarda
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Agus Riswanto
Independent Commissioner : Mrs.Nurmaria Sarosa
Independent Commissioner : Mr. Haryo Baskoro Wicaksono*

*) The members of the Board of Commissioners may only carry out their duties and functions in their positions if they have obtained the approval of
the Fit and Proper Test from the Financial Services Authority.

7. The newly appointed members of the Board of Commissioners in point 4 can only perform their duties and functions in their positions after obtaining
approval from OJK for the Fit & Proper Test ('Fit & Proper Test') and fulfill the requirements of applicable laws and regulations. In the event that a
member of the Board of Commissioners of the Company fails to obtain approval as a member of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in
the Fit & Proper Test by OJK, then such member is respectfully dismissed from the date of the decision on the result of the OJK Fit & Proper Test.
8. Request the Board of Directors to submit a written request to the OJK to carry out a Fit & Proper Test for the appointed members of the Board of
Commissioners as referred to in number 4.

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

9. Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners appointed as referred to in number 4 who are still serving in other positions which are
prohibited by statutory regulations from holding concurrent positions as Members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of State-
Owned Enterprises, then the person concerned must resign or dismissed from his position.
Granting power and authority to the Board of Directors of the Company with substitution rights to declare all decisions of this Meeting in the form of a
Notary Deed, as well as to appear before a Notary or authorized official and make necessary adjustments and improvements if required by the competent
authorities, for the purposes of implementing the contents of the Meeting's resolutions.

H. The Distribution Schedule and Procedure for Payment of Cash Dividend for the Financial Year of 2023
In accordance with the resolutions of the Meeting, the Company hereby announces that the Company will distribute cash dividend for the Financial Year of
2023 to the Shareholders in the total amount of IDR 48,102,283,288,576 or Rp319 per share including Interim Dividend which was distributed to the
Shareholders on January 18, 2024 in the total amount of IDR 12,666,431,963,136 or amount of IDR 84 per share. Therefore, the remaining cash dividend
which will be distributed to the Shareholders is in the total amount of Rp35,435,851,325,440 or Rp235 per share
No Description Date
1 Last date of the Trading Period with Dividend Rights (cum Dividend):
- Regular and Negotiated Market
- Cash Market

March 13, 2024
March 15, 2024
2 First date of the Trading Period without Dividend Rights (ex Dividend)
- Regular and Negotiation Market
- Cash Market

March 14, 2024
March 18, 2024
3 Recording Date March 15, 2024
4 Payment Date March 28, 2024

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif


1. Cash dividend shall be paid to the Shareholders whose names are registered in the Company’s Register of Shareholders and/or Company’s Shareholders
in the Sub‐Securities Account of PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (‘KSEI’) by the market closing time on March 15, 2024 (Recording Date).
2. For Shareholders whose shares are deposited in KSEI’s collective custody, the cash dividend shall be paid through KSEI and be distributed to the
Customer Fund Account (RDN) of Securities Company and/or Custodian Bank on April 12, 2023. The payment receipt of the cash dividend shall be
provided by KSEI to the Securities Companies or the Custodian Banks in which the Shareholders have opened their account. For Shareholders whose
shares are not deposited in KSEI’s Collective Custody (‘Scripted Shareholders’), the cash dividend shall be transferred directly to Company’s
Shareholders accounts.
3. The cash dividend will be subject to tax in accordance with the prevailing tax laws and regulations, with the follwing explanation:
a. The cash dividends will be excluded from the tax object if it is received by the shareholder of the domestic corporate taxpayer ('WP Badan DN')
and the Company will not deduct Income Tax on the cash dividend paid to the WP Badan DN.
b. The cash dividends received by shareholders of domestic individual taxpayers ('WPOP DN') will be excluded from the tax object to the extent the
dividends are invested in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. For WPOP DN that does not meet the investment provisions as mentioned
above, the dividends received by such person will be subject to income tax (‘PPh’) in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations, and
the PPh must be paid by such WPOP DN in accordance with with the provisions of Government Regulation no. 9 of 2021 concerning Tax Treatment
to Support the Ease of Doing Business, also its implementing tax regulations.
c. For Shareholders who are Foreign Taxpayers whose withholding tax use the rate based on the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement, must
comply with the requirements of the Director General of Taxes Regulation No. PER-25/PJ/2018 concerning Procedures for the Application of Double
Taxation Avoidance Agreement, as well as submitting a document of proof of record or receipt of DGT/SKD that has been uploaded to the website
of the Directorate General of Taxes to KSEI or BAE in accordance with the provisions and regulations of KSEI regarding the deadline for submitting
DGT/SKD. Without this document, the cash dividend payment will be subject to Article 26 of Income Tax which is 20%.
4. The Company's Shareholders may obtain confirmation of dividend payments through a securities company and/or custodian bank where the Company's
shareholders open a securities account, then the Company's Shareholders are required to be responsible for reporting the receipt of dividends referred
to in tax reporting in the relevant tax year in accordance with applicable tax laws and regulations.
5. In the event there are tax issues or claims later for cash dividends that have been paid to and received by Shareholders whose shares are kept in
KSEI's collective custody, they are requested to resolve them with the securities company and/or custodian bank where the Shareholders open securities
accounts based on to the applicable tax provisions.

Jakarta, March 1, 2024
PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk


Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif


Agenda Shareholders Question / Opinion
1 The Series A

Number of
To improve the performance of the Company and the effectiveness of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero)
Tbk/”BRI” development, we hereby state the following matters that need to be considered by the Company's Board
of Commissioners and Board of Directors to improve Company’s performance in the future are as follows:
a. Global anticipation, selective credit, implementing sustainable credit risk management, and optimal liquidity
b. Strengthening strategies to continuously provide added value to shareholders;
c. Striving to improve NPLs through effective recovery strategies;
d. Transforming lability to achieve optimal cost of funds;
e. Consistently maintaining efficiency, one of which is through digitalization and utilization of banking agents;
f. Collaboration with subsidiaries as a source of fee based income (other operational income);
g. Taking advantage of opportunities in the banking industry and becoming a one stop digital solution for
h. Balancing micro and ultra-micro businesses, as well as ensuring business sustainability through achieving
UMi Holding targets;
i. Increasing the reliability of the reconciliation process, especially data on subsidies and benefits for KUR
guarantee services;
j. Strengthening cyber security in terms of policy, infrastructure, operational systems and risk mitigation;
k. Maintaining commitment to developing ESG initiatives, as well as aligning ESG implementation according to
the focus of government programs in the context of national economic development and selection;
l. Improving the implementation of anti-fraud strategies and providing zero tolerance for any form of fraud
(internal and external);
m. Implementing the Internal Control over Financial Reporting (ICoFR) format consistently to achieve financial
reporting reliability;
n. Accelerating the implementation of all management information systems that support the Financial Reporting
o. Following up on audit results (internal and external), optimizing the implementation of the three lines of
defense. Paying attention to money laundering, preventing anti-terrorism funding, preventing funding for the
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif, Kolaboratif

Agenda Shareholders Question / Opinion
2 Andre Yosua

Number of
Shares: 2,900
How will retained earnings be used for the 2023 financial year and forth? Because it is said that in the future the
company will carry out transformation and diversification of sources of growth. Will BRI be more aggressive in
disburse credit to the corporate segment in the form of Supply Chain Financing (SCF)?

a. In 2024, the Company will remain focus on growing in the MSME segment selectively, so that loan quality and
profitability can be maintained.
b. On a consolidated basis, the Company expects credit growth in 2024 of around 11-12% yoy. The main driver
of this growth comes from the Ultra Micro Segment and Micro Segment. With economic conditions that we hope
will continue to improve, we expect this segment will continue to grow well. Continuous government support,
a positive political and business climate are catalysts for the continued growth of this business segment.
c. We project that the Corporate Segment will grow in the single digit range. The Corporate Segment will remain
an important segment for BRI in the context of the closed loop ecosystem that we have (both in terms of CASA
turnover, increasing Fee-based income, and the value chain for the segments below).