Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC)
Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2021
ISSN: 2715-5072 DOI: 10.18196/jrc.2152 51

Journal Web site: Journal Email: [email protected]
Systematic Literature Review of Disruption Era in Indonesia:
The Resistance of Industrial Revolution 4.0

M. Fadilurrahman
, Tahta Kurniawan
, Ramadhani
, Misnasanti
, Syahrial Shaddiq
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY), Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Antasari, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Yogyakarta, Indonesia

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
, [email protected]
[email protected]
, [email protected]

Abstract—The plethora of research in the multidisciplinary
fields has been proved the disruption era. However, it might be
several boundaries in the global context. Thus, this research
attempts to identify dominant fields which consist of
implementing the law, governance, management trajectory, and
system of higher education in Indonesia. Furthermore, the
qualitative method of the systematic literature review is used to
examine the implication, and therefore this study produces four
findings. Firstly, the most prominent enabling contexts are to
ensure the implementation of the law and the conceptualization
of policies. Secondly, adopting effective and efficient
bureaucracy bases on electronic governance (e-governance).
Thirdly, management trajectory has been aimed to fill the gaps
in this context. Finally, this study also intends to unveil
preliminary actions toward higher education system by
networking infrastructures. The outcomes might be considered
as pathways for accelerating the progress related to authorities,
companies, and institutions. By way of conclusion, in order to
attain better provision, measuring the process of Indonesia
disruption realm is a critical phase to elucidate the current
circumstance, elaborate the gaps, and foresee the priority
actions concerning the disruption era in Indonesia.
Keywords—Disruption era, Indonesia, implementing
policies, management, education system.

I. Introduction
Globalisation has entered a new era called the 4.0
industrial revolution, according to the fourth world industrial
revolution has gone through four stages of metamorphosis.
Industrial revolution 1.0 in the 18
century, through the
discovery of steam engines that enabled mass production of
goods, industrial revolution 2.0 in the 19
through the use of electricity, which made production costs
cheaper, industrial revolution 3.0 in 1970 through
computerisation, industrial revolution 4.0 began in 2012s
through internal engineering and internet of things (IoT) as
the backbone of the movement and connectivity of humans
and machines [1].
The purpose of this study is to research efforts to be
identified as the dominant field consisting of the application
of the law, governance, management trajectory, and the
higher education system in Indonesia. Contributions in
research, namely in theory contributions add to the collection
of knowledge from theories relating to law, governance,
management trajectories, and existing higher education
systems. Furthermore, the practical gap in this study is to
provide practitioners with an overview of the law,
governance, management trajectory, and existing higher
education systems, so that they are more aware and able to
comply with them well [2].
The results of this research that has been done are
findings: 1) the new theories and conceptualization about the
law, 2) in the management trajectory, the resistance of
industrial revolution 4.0 impacted changes dynamically to
managing the people in the organization, especially at the
universities in the world. Besides, in the finance, marketing,
operation of the system of higher education also changes
every single day. Furthermore, we need new theories and
practices to manage the turbulence of un-linear changes in
every sector of the management area, for instance: human
resource, strategic, operation, innovation, finance, and
marketing at the system in the universities to tackle the
collapse of higher education in these eras, 3) the excellence
of e-governance in Indonesia, and 4) the essentials of system
of higher education with preferential quality, precisely in
Indonesia [3].
Implications in the field of science, namely giving
an impact on scientific contributions, known as the body of
knowledge, managerial implications, namely management of
education management systems that consider various aspects,
namely: legal issues, governance, management trajectory,
and higher education system in the revolutionary era 4.0.
Suggestions for future research can be examined in the
context of community 5.0. Thus, the introduction of this
research paper, for further study is continued in the next
section [4].
II. Literature Review
II.1. Legal Aspects
In legal and ethical scope, these days of digital
economy, Intelligent machines are endangering routine and
repetitive professions such as lawyers (and legal staff),
accountants, auditors, cashiers, drivers, and fast food. The
others sides also become vulnerable, for example, the rules
and regulations implementations in the cyber security sector
for data protections. It can be seen as a risk in fraudulent data
generation technologies, undisclosed backdoors, and illegal
economy like the dark web. Because of lack of regulation and
rules in this era, almost all of the sector is being easy to get
alternated which can impact on politics, economy and law.
However, the first and foremost, disruption era affects
powerfully in trade and intellectual property law, especially
artificial intelligence (AI) [5].

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M. Fadilurrahman, Systematic Literature Review of Disruption Era in Indonesia: The Resistance of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Moreover, even though in intellectual property law
in Indonesia there is no regulation related to blockchain as
intellectual property, the governmenttakes action to regulate
it by Act of Bank Indonesia (BI) no. 18 in 2016 about
Transaction and Payment. Therefore, blockchain technology
is highly promising in its potential applications in various IP-
related felds. From the initial establishment of an intellectual
property right, along its legal journey to registries, licensing
and enforcement, blockchain technology can be used to
achieve various worthy goals [6].

II.2. Electronic Governance Aspects
Governments throughout the country are working to
provide the best service to their people. But behind that the
government still has obstacles to achieving the desired target,
among others regarding the system of government, ways of
making public policy, lack of coordination between
institutions and various information between sectors and the
lack of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
that is considered adequate [7].
In recent years, governments in various countries
have tried to reform and carry out e-governance development
initiatives, with the hope that all levels of citizens can access
them. This concept attracts considerable attention, especially
in terms of public administration in the era of industrial
revolution 4.0, which aims to improve efficiency and
effectiveness in public services and bureaucratic processes
Through the concept of e-governance, society and
the government will get benefits and opportunities such as
faster time and more suppressed costs. The application of this
concept also has its challenges, namely from the human
resources (HR) sector that is needed must be the availability
of a skilled and qualified workforce in their field.
Government organisations also need to focus on improving
computer literacy. The government must be serious and focus
on increasing the index of e-governance development to the
implementation of e-governance [9].
The development of e-governance in other countries
especially in Southeast Asia, such as the Thai government
which has adopted this concept since 2006, is based on six
main topics, namely [10]:
1. Political will,
2. Inter-agency collaboration and social/cultural change,
3. Legal strength,
4. Process agreement,
5. Exchange agreements, and
6. Technical development.

From some of the high focus, it becomes the central element
in facilitating "connected government" whose purpose is to
maximise e-governance services [10].

II.2.1. Development of E-Governance in Indonesia
In the process, e-governance in Indonesia began in
2001 since the emergence of Presidential Instruction no. 6 in
2001, precisely on April 24, 2001, concerning Telematics
(Telecommunications, Media, and Informatics) which
instructed the government to use telematics technology to
support good governance to accelerate the process of
democracy [11].
In 2003, during the era of President Megawati
Soekarno Putri, the government issued a policy that was more
focused on the implementation of e-governance, through
Presidential Instruction no. 3 in 2003. This presidential
instruction contained the strategy of developing e-
government which was also equipped with several
instructions and instructions on e-government. E-governance
consists of [12]:
• Guide to government portal infrastructure development,
• Management guide for government electronic document
• Guidelines on implementing local government websites etc.
As well as the Depkominfo presented various guidelines in
2004 which has become a reference for the implementation
of e-governance at the central and regional levels. In this
presidential decree, the President explicitly instructed all
Ministers, Governors, Mayors, and Regents to build e-
governance by coordinating with the Minister of
Communication and Information [13].

II.3. Management (Managerial) Aspects
In the field of management related to the industrial
revolution in era 4.0 now, many theories have been issued,
one of which is the theory of effective and efficient
management of resources. In the period of 4.0 there were
ways to transform conventional industry into industry 4.0,
namely: (1) constructing a kind of operating system to
maximise the effectiveness of policies and initiatives, (2)
fluorishing concrete action plans that could be implemented
for the transition to social and economic networks that could
accommodate change innovative, (3) enhancing and outlining
the strategies set by the central government to build social
and economic systems that can respond to change flexibly,
and (4) constract infrastructure to lead all initiatives [14].

II.4. Aspects of the Higher Education System
In the realm of higher education, one of the elements
proclaimed by the Indonesian government in the face of the
massive Industrial Revolution 4.0 is to encourage all State
Universities (PTNs) to prepare a Distance Education System
or Cyber University. Cyber University is one of the efforts
made by universities to integrate all aspects of the higher
education system into information technology, starting from
the structure and learning system, curriculum, facilities,
services, and facilities and infrastructure [15].
Indonesia is currently preparing its PTNs to go to a
Cyber University, so it needs a lot of preparation starting
from planning, implementing, controlling, and evaluating.
However, in the planning stage, many problems arise because
of the many things that need to be addressed to get to the next
step [16].
In 2018, the Ministry of Research, Technology and
Higher Education in the National Work Meeting (Rakernas)
identified three essential elements that should be of concern
to the Indonesian government in preparing Cyber University
to welcome the Industrial Revolution 4.0, including (1)
preparation of higher education learning systems, (2)
institutional policy reconstruction, and (3) preparation of
human resources [17].

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M. Fadilurrahman, Systematic Literature Review of Disruption Era in Indonesia: The Resistance of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Cyber University’s learning system is very different
from conventional learning in general. Teachers/lecturers and
students are not in face to face directly but through
intermediary media, whether it’s video recording,
teleconference, digital modul or even only through virtual
world interactions. The concept of e-learning is one of the
examples of the learning system implemented by Cyber
University [18].
E-learning indeed requires various kinds of
supporting equipment so that learning can be accessed by all
student because the interaction between the lectures and the
students that becomes the main differentiator from the
conventional. They didn’t meet directly but through the
media. Likewise, policies that must be made by the institution
or organisation concerned are related to their management.
Then, human resources must also get attention because it is
the person who took part in the continuation of the Cyber
University [19].

III. Methodology
The methodology of this research used a qualitative
method. The data collection used collected books, journal
articles through systematic literature review, the unit analysis
used the samples of the higher education system and
Indonesian constitution, especially the organisation at the
universities and Indonesian verdict.

IV. Results and Discussion
IV.1. Law
IV.1.1. Capacity and Capability Government Withstand
.............the Disruption
Along with the rapid thriving digital development,
contributions from the government to face the digital era are
urgently needed. Not only limited to giving suggestions to the
private companies and regulate to move forward, but also
provide convenience to the main point of the community and
social as a whole. Even, there are too many findings,
predictions, and projections for the future for legal
developments on a world scale. However, there is still
uncertainty to stand in this digital era, and economic growth
becomes vulnerable to be reverse. To be specific, this is
because the fast thriving of technological development is not
directly equal to the growing of social development which it
impacts on creating many causes such as social and also legal
problems. Also, the digital realm, technologies, and its
application have forcibly pushed the government as the
foremost authority to take action to impose new regulation.
In the business sector, it was also significantly affected,
such as the establishment of companies engaged in the field
of Internet-based technology such as big data, cloud
computing, and large industries such as application
developers in developing and developed countries, both of
which could be seen as opportunities but also challenges.
However, the main problem is the debate about regulations
related to the industry in the current era [20].
In the legal aspects, there is a lot of implications of
disruption and revolution 4.0 towards law and regulation. As
a salient example of this, the disruption and digital era have
been changing the way of transactions and payment
instrument. In the digital market, money could be altered by
counterfeit money called cryptocurrency and blockchain
which it has implicated in economy sectors because of its tax.
In this research, the first and foremost of the novelty is the
impacts of disruption era on trade law (blockchain realm) and
intellectual property (IP) law which is focusing on AI [21].

IV.1.2. Blockchain Realm and Indonesia’s Regulation
The disruption era has brought a new wave of
groundbreaking in trade and investment which it evidences in
a new method of the transaction in stock and blockchain
realm invades almost all over the world because its
convenient and untraceable are beneficial in some extent.
Moreover, the trade and purchase in the world have been
revolutionised in the way of payment because of
cryptocurrencies and blockchain alteration. In this digital era,
the phenomenon ofthe digital transaction is being debated by
regulators and lawyers in all parts of the world. Even though
cryptocurrency is seen as a development that has positive and
possibilities, there are still many contradictions, and risks
brought about by it.
Since the first platform of the cryptocurrency called
Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto and the others are becoming
prominent and favourite instrument to alter the conventional
transaction, some countries such as Japan, U.S., and Korea
have been imposing regulation related to this in order to
prevent unfavourable circumstances and therefore; China has
been banning some of the cryptocurrencies. Not only
developed countries who ban the new way of this transaction,
but also developing countries aware of this development. In
this research, Indonesia is the main subject and its regulation
toward cryptocurrency and how to explain in the statute
approach and tries to elaborate on a legal perspective.
Disruption era in Indonesia is one of the focusing
challenges which the government puts more attention to it.
Indonesia has been imposing the regulation relating to this.
Before the statute of cryptocurrency is imposed, the
government through Bank Indonesia in 2014 was announced
that the cryptocurrency is not the legal payment instrument.
However, the cryptocurrency becomes legal if it is utilised for
the investment which it has been regulated by the minister of
trade in ministerial regulation no. 99 in 2018 about general
policy toward cryptocurrencies investment and the
blockchain is protected and controlled by the Act of
Indonesia Bank no. 18 in 2016 about Transaction and
In the 20 or even 30 years later in Indonesia,
However, we can already foresee that blockchain technology
will face various challenges from at least four different
aspects, namely: (i) technical, (ii) marketing/business, (iii)
behavioural/educational, and (iv) legal/regulatory [22].

IV.1.3. Intellectual Property Law and Artificial
Firstly, as part of intellectual property, Artificial
Intelligence has been used and profoundly protected by
regulation in Indonesia. AI itself becomes usual in the digital
industry right now. Almost all big companies such as Baidu,
Facebook, and Google, for example, put more attention to the
development of AI for inventing conveniences in appliances

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sector and others. However, it is brought the question of
whether AI must be a challenge or opportunity in Indonesia.
In the future, AI will be altering several jobs in the
industry such as lawyer, consultant, and consumer service
who serve other people by advice. In the scope of legal and
ethic, the government should make to accelerate digital
technologies by the right policies. Therefore, in Indonesia
constitution, AI still is considered uncertainty in intellectual
property because there is no specific regulation about AI
which focusing on Deep Learning, Fuzzy Logic, and
implementation of the other concept. In Indonesia, for
example, Patent, Trademark, and Innovation regulation have
no concepting about AI although industries and companies
have growth AI system and utilise in commercial purposes.
On the other hand, since Indonesia ratify Accession
of Madrid Protocol by presidential decree no. 92 in 2017, AI
became rightfully and used legally in Indonesia. Therefore,
the World Intellectual Property Organisation tries to classify
specifically about AI. However, Indonesia urges to impose
new regulation related to this phenomenon. For preventing
the unfavourable situation, government as policy-maker must
manage the regulation planning by the concept of
establishment of regulatarly sandboxes and wait and see like
Singapore to withstand this disruption era.

IV.2. Management Trajectory
A glance with regards to filling the gaps in state of
the art of management in these eras would elucidate the
management trajectory, the resistance of industrial revolution
4.0 impacted changes dynamically to managing the people in
the organisation, especially at the universities in the world.
Besides, in the finance, marketing, operation of the system of
higher education also changes every single day. Furthermore,
we need to manage the turbulence of un-linear changes in
every sector of the management area, for instance: human
resource, strategic, operation, innovation, finance, and
marketing at the system in the universities to tackle the
collapse of higher education in these eras.
Moreover, the art of management in this era should
be addressed to the locus in the system, because on the
excellent system, it will be affected to repair to the many
areas of management. Nevertheless, the problem is in that
organisation need a prominent figure which leads every
single decision correctly. With regards to the art of
management in industrial revolution 4.0, [23] had a notion
that the application of the current industry has shown that the
relationship between objects, humans, and systems has
become a more complicated, real-time, and dynamically
optimised net. On the other hand, we need a harmonisation
that includes the creation of new theories that harmonious
with the realm, especially in industrial revolution 4.0 in the
universities in the world.
Furthermore, there are some new findings in terms
of the management of universities, in this case, is the
University. First and foremost, the pattern of control and the
shift in the university's paradigm, especially control in the
world, is experiencing a change of value, it is interpreted in
past history, for instance: long ago in the Middle East, Africa,
and Asia world, Muslims studied at Mosques, but after
universities appeared in the Western world, the Islamic world
follows the pattern of Western education, namely by the
establishment of the University of Al-Qarawiyyin in
Morocco, the University of Sankore in West Africa, the
University of Al-Azhar in Egypt, the University of Al-
Qurtuba in Pakistan, the University of Islamic Medina in
Saudi Arabia, the University of Umm Al-Qura Mecca in
Saudi Arabia, the University of Islamic Indonesia in
Indonesia, and so forth. Afterward, there is a paradigm shift,
and the management of an educational institution that was
initially in a Mosque moved to the University.
Secondly, the management pattern of universities is
currently improving the proportion of values, especially the
moral values associated with teachers/lecturers (educators),
when the old students were studying in the Mosque, students
were highly valued and took blessing from the teacher, but
this is free the pattern of respect for students towards teachers
began to increase degradation, i.e., currently students lack
respect for their teachers, polite manners and manners start to
decrease as well. This is related to the current development
of the globalisation and the current flow of industrial
revolution 4.0.
Thirdly, the pattern of electronic learning (e-
learning) management is increasingly encouraged currently,
the researchers who have a perspective when e-learning is
also replaced by virtual learning. The last but not least which
important is the management pattern of the universities based
on AI. The AI which contains big data (BD), blockchain
(BC), cloud computing (CC), cryptocurrency (CC), data
science (DS), deep learning (DL), machine learning (ML),
the internet of things (IoT), and so on. With regards to the
implementation of AI in various sectors provided so that it is
necessary to maintain a pattern of university maintenance that
will be based on good governance.
Besides that, with multiple technologies in various
sectors, especially in the world of education, in this case, the
university, the pattern of management of a higher education
institution is increasingly sophisticated. With the increasingly
advanced technology at a university, it will become easier for
universities that have reached the world-class university
(WCU) level. WCU is symbology for a world-class
university that combines local wisdom from the
organisational culture at the university with globalisation
developing in this era.
The harmony between organisational culture and
globalisation is represented in the pattern of implementing
good governance in all sectors at the university. With the
implementation of good management, the achievement of the
vision and mission of the university will be more easily
achieved. This is evidenced by the number of universities that
obtain WCU degrees. Discussing, universities that have
completed WCU degrees are universities that have high
quality and have excellent governance.
The last but not least, in the era of industrial
revolution 4.0 at this time also chaotic and collapsing
universities could not keep up with the development of the
times and developing technology. Many universities that
collapsed were also suspected of chaos - some of these
universities were due to the increasing number of students
and universities entering, so the university became dead. In
proverb (old saying), the university is assumed: "life is
reluctant, dead do not want to." The pattern of good and right
management in managing a university is the key to success in

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the continuing number of universities in the disturbed era.
The ongoing disruption era has currently led to many
innovations for updated universities and supported
adaptations. A superior and competitive university will
prepare changes that are approved and implemented amid an
era that is not linear at the moment.

IV.3. E-Governance
Based on the plethora of previous research, we can
summaries several requirements that must be fulfilled to
realize a government information system (e-governance) that
is capable and ready to face the industrial revolution era 4.0
which can be described as a critical success factor (CSF)
shown in Figure 1.

Fig. 1. Critical Success Factors (CSF)

Providing maximum service in the industrial revolution
era 4.0 is a necessity that must be owned by the government,
with the presence of e-governance expected to be able to
answer these challenges to provide better, more transparent,
more accountable services and also reduce the complexity of
bureaucracy. If the e-governance can be implemented
thoroughly and evenly, it can invite business opportunities
and investors between the government and stakeholders.

IV.3.1. Information Quality
The quality of information provided by the government,
in this case, is paramount considering that through the
concept of e-governance, it is hoped that government policies
can be accessed by all people so that the programme launched
by the government can be run and beneficial to the
community. Information can be available 24 hours, without
knowing holidays and without waiting for the government
office to open. E-governance can also support the
government's performance to be more efficient by increasing
communication between the government and the business
and industry sectors. The community can also provide
complaints and suggestions to the government directly
without going through an intermediary.
IV.3.2. E-Governance Security
In general, there is almost no information that is certain
to be safe. But with the increase in data presented by the
government whose purpose is to provide services, the higher
the security challenges of information. Information security
is generally related to the availability of information
(availability), completeness of the data (integrity), and
information confidentiality (confidentiality). The
government issued a regulation (PP no. 82 of 2012)
concerning the implementation of systems and electronic
transactions. This PP regulates security issues, which governs
that each organizer must carry out a track record and audit of
all activities. The organizer is required to safeguard electronic
system components.
IV.3.2.1. Integrated
Various service units are combined into one service
portal which will be accessible to the community at one time
IV.3.2.2. Infrastructure
Facilities and infrastructure to support the
implementation of e-governance, such as software and
hardware, policies, procedures, networks, and data. All these
things must be fulfilled so that no imbalance can cause
uneven information and communication technology
IV.3.2.3. Regulation
Supporting regulations for the implementation of e-
governance in Indonesia can be found, for instance:
• Presidential Instruction no. 3 of 2003 concerning national
policies and strategies for developing e-government,
• Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia no. 82
of 2012, concerning the implementation of systems and
electronic transactions, and
• Law no. 14 of 2008 concerning public information
IV.3.3. Website Quality
E-governance services can also be measured by the
quality of websites provided by the government for public
access. Then how easy is e-governance to be used and
accessed by the community, so that it can increase public
confidence in e-government regarding the risk of harm or
doubt during the online service process. Facilitate users, from
beginners or who already have experience that aims to
accelerate interactions so that the system can perform user
activities more quickly and on time.
So that the fulfillment of indicators such as the author
described above is expected to provide maximum service
with the implementation of e-governance in the industrial
revolution era 4.0 is a must that must be owned by the
government, with the presence of e-government is expected
to be able to answer these challenges to provide better
services, more transparent, more accountable and also
reduces the complexity of the bureaucracy. If e-governance
can be implemented thoroughly and evenly, it can invite
business opportunities and investors between the government
and stakeholders.

IV.4. The System of Higher Education (HE)
IV.4.1. Problems Encountered by Cyber University
The difficulties encountered in creating a Cyber
University in Indoneisa are not tricky, the proof is that there
have been several universities that have started implementing
(Simple and
Easy to Use)
Service of

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the Cyber University’s sistem like, one of which is the
Universitas Terbuka (UT). However, it is not an easy thing
also to make it happen. A series of busnesses that are
mutually supportive, continuous and consistent are needed to
make it happen optimally.
According to [25], the problem faced in creating a
Cyber University includes aspects of infrastructure,
curriculum, interaction, learner, administration, and the
Infrastructure is indeed the main problem faced by
conventional universites. Some sophisticated equipment is
needed to support the realisation of universitirs that support
distance learning (e-learning)—one of them, namely the
internet. Research conducted by Sujarwoto & Tampubolon
(2016) states that there is a gap between internet acces that is
not evenly distributed throughout Indonesia, thus affecting
the socio-economic, household, and related districts. The
existence of gaps in telecommunications infrastructrue,
especially the internet, has become one of the obstacles to the
realisation of Cyber Universities in Indonesia.
Secondly, in the field of curriculum, as the core of
learning, of course, must adjust to the learning system that is
different for the conventional one. Thus, an adjustment must
be made in the context of implementing a new learning
system. Cyber University learning is thick with the word of
‘long distance’, in addition to providing easy access that
doesn’t recognise distance and time, but there are several
numbers of things that concern the problem faced, such as
learning that is less interesting, because learning has been
designed in such a way by lecturers, so the result depends on
the design and nature of the lecturer in teaching. Also, the
instruction given will be perceived by each student
differently, so that there is a lack of clarity in learning
guidelines. The instructional materials provided will certainly
be very limited to the selected content. And the most
important thing is how to evaluate students, because it is
different from the conventional one, so the assessment will
undoubtedly be different, and equality of perception will be
very difficult to achieve.
Related to the interactions carried out, because of
the different distance and time, the communications between
two parties must be limited and experience various problems.
Distace learning relies heavily on media, so students only can
learn without being able to get feedback from the lecturers.
Moreover, the difference in language. Also, learning with this
method has difficulty teaching students to learn in groups,
ranging from dividing groups, and how to evaluate them in
the right way.
Then, aspects related to individuals who learn,
students. Not all students have the same ability to operate
electronic devices (gadgets). Plus learning that is done
remotely will be very passive, unable to ask directly the
obstacles faced by students, so students become less active in
education. And this also results in students who are only
focused on learning without actively asking questions,
digging deeper into the material. And because this is distance
learning, the laziness in students will be on high scores.
It is associated with the policies of institutions or
organisations, of course not separated from administration
and systems. The problem faced in this aspect is the lack of
preparation or experience in dealing with new things. This is
also related to the human resources that manage it so that the
system is operated will be less than optimal. Related to this,
there have been discussed in the previous sub points.
IV.4.2. Suggestions from the Problems Encountered by
.............Cyber University
Recommendations from the problems encountered
based on the result of research of [26]. Firstly, facing issues
that are experienced in terms of infrastructure aspects indeed
must involve many stakeholders, such as Ministers of
Research, Technology and Higher Education. That way,
support in the creation of supporting infrastructure can be
monitored and realised with direction. Focusing on the
development of telecommunications infrastructure with high-
quality internet and evenly distributed can help the problems
faced in terms of support.
In terms of curriculum, various suggestions that can
be submitted to overcome multiple problems faced by Cyber
University include using animation or hyperlinks in the
context of a more detailed explanation of the material
explained by the lecturer. Then, by offering courses privately,
it will significantly help students to learn the stuff they want
to learn to be more in-depth.
If it concerns interactions in learning, online
learning can be an alternative that can be used to overcome
distance learning that is one-way (offline). Lecturers can
design such lectures to be more interactive with a variety of
different languages, so students can choose the language they
Associated with the learner or student, indeed this is
related to students personally. Does he/she need this lecture
or not. With students choosing what they want to learn, it
means they know what their needs are. So that students can
understand and can prepare to study online. And because all
decisions are in the hands of students, then he can decide how
to behave and adjust to his learning style, and foster an
attitude of active learning. And if appropriately implemented,
knowledge will become more active—research conducted by
[27] which states that using e-learning will increase student
activitiy in learning.
For administrative and system issues, indeed all of
this requires careful planning. Various policies and operating
systems must be planned seriously beforehand, whether it is
from mirroring the country that has succeeded in making it
happen or doing various innovations that support the creation
of small steps in achieving a cyber university.
For more details, here are the results of research
condected by [28-30] for problems and suggestion by Cyber
University, which will be shown in table 1 below.
Problem Type Suggestion
1. The internet
2. The internet
3. High internet
4. Human
5. Technique
support, and
1. Offer stable,
high quality
and low
capital Internet
2. Certification
of degree and
related law
regulations in
the Ministry of

Journal of Robotics and Control ISSN: 2715-5072 57

M. Fadilurrahman, Systematic Literature Review of Disruption Era in Indonesia: The Resistance of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Problem Type Suggestion
6. Certification of
credits and
3. Increase
people at
4. Offer standard
Curriculum 1. Courses are not
2. Teaching
materials are
3. Unproper
4. The problem of
the link
sessions, and
5. Disputes on
evaluation way.
1. Blackboard,
animation and
2. Offer practical
course content,
3. Offer
4. Regulated
5. Apply
and rewarding
measures, and
6. Apply to form
Interaction 1. Lack of human
2. The need for
3. The problem of
the word
4. Misunderstandi
ng of online
5. Hard to
archieve group
6. How to divide
into groups, and
7. How to evaluate
1. Hold activites:
Internet Little
Angel, Online
Study Circle,
2. Apply
strategies to
3. Use diversified
n methods,
4. Reference
principles of
division into
5. Consider
individual and
6. Teach
skills and offer
Learner 1. Burden from
work and
2. Basic computer
1. Make sure
need and
2. Understand
and get ready
Problem Type Suggestion
3. Not positive
and active,
4. Don’t ask
5. Only study but
no contribution,
6. Self laziness.
for online
3. Adjust attitude
and learning
style, and
4. Form active

1. The problem of
2. Lack of
3. Lack of human
support, and
4. The issue of
service quality.

1. Previous
courses and its
2. Plan proper
conditions of
school and
3. To choose
4. Reply
messages in 24
hours, and
5. Set up a place
to give exams
System 1. System opration
and usage,
2. Immedaite
3. Category of
boards, and
4. Related
software usage.
1. Offer step-by-
step operation
2. Offer
3. Offer
guidance and
4. Offer
area of popular
questions and
5. Offer
6. Offer alarm
7. Develop a

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M. Fadilurrahman, Systematic Literature Review of Disruption Era in Indonesia: The Resistance of Industrial Revolution 4.0
Problem Type Suggestion
n interface,
8. Classify
according to

V. Conclusion
By way of conclusion, a literature review of disruption era
in Indonesia has been proposed to fill the gaps, and the
techniques to tackle the resistance of industrial revolution 4.0
also had been suggested in order to contribute to the body of
knowledge of industrial revolution 4.0 to link to each other
that includes the new theories, conceptualisation, and
practices in the fields: the law, electronic governance,
management trajectory, and system of higher education in
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