IOP Conference Series: Earth and
Environmental Science
Study of the distribution of the catch of yellowfin
tuna (Thunnus albacares) that was land at TPI
(fish landing place) Ulee Cot, Meuraxa District,
Banda Aceh City
To cite this article: I Agustina et al 2023 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1221 012026
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

Study of the distribution of the catch of yellowfin tuna
(Thunnus albacares) that was land at TPI (fish landing place)
Ulee Cot, Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh City
Departmen of Fisheries Resources Utilization, Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Syiah Kuala
University, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia
Department of Marine Sciences, Agriculture Faculty, Malikussaleh University, North
Aceh,24355, Indonesia
Center for Enviromental and Natural Resources Research (PPLH-SDA), Universitas Syiah
Kuala, Banda Aceh, 23111, Indonesia

* [email protected]
Abstract. Activities at fishing port greatly affect the process of distributing catches, especially
the distribution of yellowfin tuna at TPI Ulee Cot. Distribution activities have not been optimal
and have hampered the distribution flow. This is due to the slow process of handling fish and the
incomplete facilities. The length of the distribution process will determine the quality of the
product to be marketed. This study aims to describe the distribution activities of the catch landed
at TPI, the condition of fishing facilities and relation to the distribution of yellowfin tuna. The
data taken consisted of the handling of the catch, pattern, transportation, price, the fishing unit
and TPI facilities distribution from interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis is carried out
into data selection, data appearance, and drawing conclusions. Distribution activities start from
fish transportation and fish handling from boats to fish transported into trucks to be distributed
to destination area. The distribution pattern at TPI Ulee Cot only consists of one distribution
pattern starting from the level of fishermen-exporting companies. The lack of cold storage
facilities causes the quality of the catch to decrease because the fish are not immediately removed
from the hold ship until the truck came.
1. Introduction
The city of Banda Aceh is located in the province of Aceh which has potential in the marine and fisheries
sector with abundant resources. The city of Banda Aceh is an area that is directly flowed by sea waters
and borders the Malacca Strait. The city of Banda Aceh consists of 9 sub-districts, of which there are 5
sub-districts that are directly flowed by water, namely the sub-districts of Kuta Alam, Kuta Raja, Syiah
Kuala, Jaya Baru, and Meuraxa. Meuraxa sub-district has 16 village, one of which is Lambung Village
Lambung village is a coastal area that has a fish landing site (TPI) which is also known as Ulee Cot
Pier by local residents. The fishing gear used by fishermen at TPI Ulee Cot is handline or handline. [2]
stated that handlines are a fishing tool used by fishermen to catch large pelagic fish. The construction of
handline fishing gear consists of fishing rods, fishing line, ballast, and bait. The fishing areas to operate
handline fishing gear are very varied so that they can be operated from the surface to the bottom of the
waters [3]. The fishing gear available on the boat when fishermen go to sea is approximately 10 units
of handlines. The number of vessels operated at TPI Ulee Cot is 15 fishing boats with an average size
I Agustina1, E Miswar1.3*, A Nabila1, A Rahmah1, D Rianjuanda1, Salmarika2

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

of 6 GT, 10 GT and 20 GT.
The production of the caught fish obtained from the handline fishing gear at TPI Ulee Cot is
yellowfin tuna which is usually in the waters around FADs [4]. Yellowfin tuna is a fish that migrates
with a wide geographical area and is always on the move. Indonesia is one of the migration areas for
yellowfin tuna whose center is on the border of the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean [5]. Yellowfin
tuna is a large pelagic fish that lives in the ocean above the thermocline layer. In general, yellowfin tuna
likes things that float in the water [6].
Generally, the fishing area for fishermen to catch yellowfin tuna is around 300 miles from the
fishing base. Yellowfin tuna is an important economic fish in Indonesia and even in the world. The high
demand for both domestic and export markets has led to increased fishing activity. Based on Law No.
45 of 2009 [7], which explains about fisheries, it is stated that fishing is an activity to obtain fish in
waters that are not in a state of being cultivated in any way, including activities that use ships to load,
collect, store, cool, handle, process as well as preserve.
Distribution activities are carried out starting from the handling of catches, transportation,
supervision, and market information. The distribution activities need to be supported by the availability
of good facilities, in addition, considering the catches are easily decomposed, distribution activities at
TPI Ulee Cot need to be carried out quickly and in an organized manner. In an effort to facilitate
distribution activities, more attention must be paid to landing and storing the catch so that the quality of
the catch is better maintained.
Based on the initial survey, distribution activities at TPI Ulee Cot have not been optimal and have
hampered the distribution flow. This is due to the slow process of handling fish at the Ulee Cot TPI and
the incomplete facilities at the TPI. The length of the distribution process will determine the quality of
the product to be marketed. Based on this description, the author is interested in researching the
distribution study of yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) at TPI (Fish Landing Place) Ulee Cot, Meuraxa
District, Banda Aceh City. The purpose of this study is to describe the condition of the facilities at TPI
Ulee Cot and its relation to fish distribution and to describe the distribution activities of the catch landed
at TPI Ule Cot.
2. Material and Methods
2.1 Location and Time of ResearchResearch Procedure
This research was conducted from April 11 to May 17, 2022 at the Fish Landing Place (TPI) Ulee Cot
located in Gampong Lambung, Meuraxa District, Banda Aceh City. The map of the research location
can be seen in figure 1.

Figure 1. Research Location Map

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

2.2 Method of Collecting Data
The method used in this research is using field survey and interview methods. The data used in this study
is primary data. Primary data obtained from respondents by conducting interviews using questionnaires.
The method of determining respondents using the census technique. According to [8] if the total
population is less than 100 people, then the total sample is taken and if the population is greater than 100
people, then 10%-15% of the total population can be taken. Respondents were taken by purposive
sampling which was considered to represent the interests of the research, which consisted of fishermen
(30 people), Sea commander (1 person) and Truck Drivers (3 people). The types of primary data
collected include catch handling, catch distribution patterns, carrier transportation for distribution, catch
prices and fish distribution prices, fishing units, and TPI Ulee Cot facilities.
2.3 Calculation of biomass concentration
The method of data analysis in this study used a descriptive method. Descriptive method is to
systematically describe the facts and characteristics of the object and subject under study appropriately
to describe and also interpret the object as it is or research is not experimental because it is not intended
to determine the consequences of a treatment [9].
Descriptive analysis was used to determine the distribution of fish activities and the general
condition of fisheries in Ulee Cot TPI which was used as the research sample. The data is obtained from
primary data which will then be displayed in tabular form.
Data analysis in this study used data analysis techniques developed by Mines and Hubberman which
were carried out through several stages, namely:
1. Collecting data, namely collecting the necessary data through observation, interviews, and
2. Data Reduction, namely all the data collected are selected among the relevant in the study.
3. Data display, namely the presentation of data in the form of reports systematically and easy to
read and understand.
4. Conclusion, which is based on the relevant data collected and displayed, then a conclusion is
drawn to obtain the final results of the study.
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 Condition of facilities in the distribution of yellowfin tuna at TPI Ulee Cot
The general condition of the fishery and its relation to the distribution of yellowfin tuna in TPI Ulee
Cot, there are several things that are considered in the general condition of fisheries related to
distribution, including the facilities at TPI Ulee Cot which consist of basic facilities, functional facilities,
and supporting facilities. as well as fishing units consisting of the type of vessel, vessel capacity, number
of fishermen, number of fishermen in one vessel, type of fishing gear, fishing distance/mile, fishing
area, duration of catching, and technology used in catching.
The facilities at TPI Ulee Cot are not complete and not all function properly. The basic facility has
a land size of 800 m2 which is actively functioning and in good condition. Then a wharf with a size of
15 m
which functions actively but in poor condition, the port pool has a size of 20×3 Ha which
functions actively and is in good condition, as well as a bolard that functions actively and is in good
condition. There is no drainage at the main facilities at the TPI. Functional facilities include clean water
installations and electrical installations that function actively and in good condition. Then there is the
SPDN which has a size of 15×10 m which is functioning actively and in good condition. This functional
facility does not have an office, a fish auction place, an ice factory, cold storage and docking. Supporting
facilities include a fisherman's meeting hall measuring 10×10 m which is active and in poor condition.
Then there is a prayer room measuring 8×10 m which functions actively and in good condition, and

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

there are MCK which are part of the prayer room which functions actively and in good condition.
Supporting facilities at TPI Ule Cot are not available for fishing small shop and guard posts.
A fishing port is strongly influenced by the existence of facilities. The facility is a means of
supporting the activities carried out by fishermen, which include sales activities, placement of catches,
and landing of catches. The facilities at TPI Ulee Cot consist of basic facilities, functional facilities and
supporting facilities.
The main facilities at TPI Ulee Cot are land, docks, harbor pools, and bollards. Functional facilities
at TPI Ulee Cot are clean water installations, electricity installations and SPDN. Supporting facilities
at TPI Ulee Cot are fishermen's meeting hall, prayer room, and toilets.

1) Basic Facilities
The condition of basic facilities in general is functioning well, however, some facilities are
inadequate, such as a large port area that is not used too much, such as the facilities and infrastructure
in the port.
2) Functional Facilities
Functional facilities at TPI Ulee Cot are only clean water installations, electricity installations
and SPDN.
a. Water installation. The clean water installation at TPI Ulee Cot is functioning well, where the water
is sourced from the PDAM. The water installation is used for clean water and as water facilities for
ablution for praying.
b. Electrical installation. The electricity source at TPI Ulee Cot comes from the State Electricity
Company (PLN). The electrical installation at TPI Ulee Cot functions well and all activities at TPI run
c. SPDN TPI Ulee Cot is running well. With the SPDN, it is easy for fishermen to get diesel for their
fishing needs. This SPDN is privately owned.
3) Supporting Facilities
Supporting facilities available at TPI Ulee cot are:
a. Fisherman's meeting hall at TPI Ulee Cot is used as a gathering place for fishermen and is also
used as a resting place for fishermen. This fisherman's meeting hall is functioning well.
b. Mushalla,TPI Ulee Cot is used as a place of worship for fishermen and people around, but
the condition of the prayer room is not well maintained so that it can interfere with worship.
c. MCK. There are 2 MCK facilities at TPI Ulee Cot which are joined to the prayer room. The condition
of the MCK is very dirty and there is a lack of awareness of the users to clean it.

Based on the results of interviews with fishermen at TPI Ulee Cot on the condition of distribution
facilities at TPI Ulee Cot, it shows that there are several facilities that are inadequate or less than optimal.
The problem with the catch distribution facility at TPI Ulee Cot is that optimal facilities are needed both
pre and post. At the time of pre-distribution, it was seen that activities to maintain the quality of fish
quality were still lacking, this was due to the fact that when the fish were landed, the fish were not
immediately removed from the hold because there were no facilities for storing fish such as cold storage.
Based on research from [10] stated that the problem of the distribution facilities of the catch at PPI Ujong
Baroh and TPI Kuala Bubon in distribution activities requires adequate facilities to maintain the quality
of the catch. This can be seen from the handling of the harvest which still has many shortcomings because
it only relies on fiber to store the catch.
3.2 Fishing Unit
A fishing unit is a technical unit in a fishing operation consisting of fishermen, boats or fishing vessels,
and fishing gear used during operation. The fishing fleet operating at TPI Ulee Cot uses motor boats. A
motorized ship is a ship which in operation uses an engine that is placed in the hull of the ship using

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

diesel fuel. The type of ship used at TPI Ulee Cot is a fishing boat measuring 6 GT. Several types of
fishing gear are operated using this motor boat, namely handline, tuna longline, gillnet and purse seine.
The fishing gear used by fishermen at TPI Ulee Cot is only one type, namely handline fishing gear.
Fishing business using handline fishing gear is a form of traditional fishing community business with
simple and environmentally friendly equipment [11]. The handline fishing gear at TPI Ulee Cot
specifically catches yellowfin tuna for distribution, however, this fishing gear also catches skipjack and
tuna as by-catch. This by-catch was not landed at the Ulee Cot TPI but was directly landed to the
Kutaraja PPS located in Lampulo. This is because at the Ulee Cot TPI there is no fish auction place
available to conduct the auction process. Whereas the availability of a fish auction place in a port can
improve the fishermen's economy.
3.3. Fishing Area
Fishing areas in the waters have a dynamic nature, which is always changing and changing places
following the movement of environmental conditions which naturally the fish will choose a more
suitable habitat. A fishing area is an area where a population of organisms can be utilized for fishery
products. Animals in the sea, including fish, inhabit an environment that sometimes lives in a permanent
place or some just pass by. When fish settle in one place, this makes it easier for fishermen to catch fish
The fishing areas for fishermen at TPI Ulee Cot include Simeulu Waters, Sabang Waters, Calang
Waters and Peudada Waters. The yellowfin tuna fishing process lasts for 3-10 days with the furthest
distance of 350 miles from the fishing base using tools such as compass and GPS.

3.4 Catch distribution activities at TPI Ulee Cot
The distribution of yellowfin tuna at TPI Ulee Cot there are several things that are reviewed in the
distribution process including fish distribution channels, fish prices, distribution destinations, types of
transportation / distribution transportation, number of fish distributed, amount of ice, price differences
in distribution , distribution barriers. The results of the study were carried out by collecting data obtained
using questionnaires and interviews with fishermen and truck drivers (fish transporters for distribution).
There is only one type of yellowfin tuna distribution channel, namely fishermen who have caught
fish directly submit all their catches totaling 10-25 fish to the company, then the fish that have been
purchased from fishermen at a price of Rp. 47,000/Kg will be brought to the warehouse in Medan. by
using transportation in the form of a truck in which there are several fish boxes filled with about 10
blocks of ice. Then when it arrives at the warehouse, the fish will be processed by filet and frozen. After
that, the fish will be exported to Korea, Japan and America at a price of Rp. 94,000 – Rp. 100,000 per
fish filet. In the process of distributing yellowfin tuna at TPI Ulee Cot, namely the low catch and
incomplete facilities such as the unavailability of fish auction places and cold storage.
The Figure 2 can be seen that in the distribution channel that occurs at TPI Ulee Cot there is only
one type of distribution channel, namely Fisherman-Company-Export. This yellowfin tuna will be
exported to several countries such as America, Korea and Japan. Fishery product is a product that is
not durable or the product is very perishable. So that products such as fish must be marketed
immediately in order to minimize losses that will occur. One of the efforts that can be done is by
conducting a directed distribution mechanism such as a directed distribution channel in order to make
the distribution of fish more efficient to reach consumers.
The marketing of the catch at TPI Ulee Cot is in the form of fresh fish products. The ships at
TPI Ulee Cot only catch yellowfin tuna for distribution. The distribution destination at TPI Ulee Cot
is distribution between cities, namely the city of Medan. Catch distribution activities are carried out to
give value to the catch. The distribution of the catch is highly dependent on the quality of the catch.
The quality of the catch also depends on the time of handling and the way the fish catch is handled

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

after the fish is caught and after the fish is landed, because this can determine the price of fish in the
Handling of fish caught at TPI Ule Cot starts from the fish caught on landing, then the fish are left
in the ship's hold. The fishermen did not unload the catch until the transport transporting the fish in the
form of trucks arrived at the Ulee Cot TPI for distribution. This is due to the lack of facilities at TPI
Ulee Cot because there is no cold storage that can be used to store fish so that fish quality is maintained.
This activity greatly affects the quality of the catch. In accordance with research from Veronika [13]
stating that the quality of the catch depends on the way of handling and the time of handling after the
fish is caught and landed, because this can determine the price of fish in the market.
The distribution pattern that occurs can be seen in the image below:

Figure 2. Distribution Pattern of Yellowfin Tuna Catches at TPI Ulee Cot

Ships at TPI Ulee Cot carry out catch landing activities at the dock as an initial landing place for
fishermen's catch. The catch is removed from the hold and then immediately lifted onto the dock to be
loaded onto the truck. Before the fish are loaded onto the truck, the fish are weighed. This auction
activity takes place only in the morning from 09.00 WIB to 11.00 WIB. At the wharf transactions occur
between the parties in it, from here the distribution channel is created. The distribution of fishery
products at TPI Ulee Cot consists of one distribution channel, namely the direct distribution channel,
namely, fisherman-company-export.
Before the fish are caught, the hold is used as a place to store ice since preparations are made for
fishing supplies. After the caught fish are obtained, the fish are stored in a hold containing ice. When
the fish arrive at the dock, they are left in the hold until the truck arrives. distribution of fish catches in
TPI Ulee Cot are not sold directly to consumers. Fishermen at TPI Ulee Cot handed over all their catch
of yellowfin tuna to the company. The company has a warehouse located in Medan which will later be
exported abroad.
The transportation of fish caught in TPI Ulee Cot is using land roads managed by private parties.
The private sector is a company to export yellowfin tuna abroad. The means of transportation used to
transport the caught fish are trucks. The distribution destination for yellowfin tuna is only distributed to
the city of Medan.
The price of yellowfin tuna products caught by fishermen from TPI Ulee Cot which is sold to
wholesalers for distribution is IDR 47,000/Kg. The price of this yellowfin lord fish is determined by
fishermen following the market price in general. This price is also comparable to the handling and
quality testing carried out in order to keep the fishery products in a condition suitable for consumption.
Wholesaler’s export processed yellowfin tuna abroad at a price of approximately IDR 100,000/fish filet.
Transactions that occur at TPI Ulee Cot are not carried out directly, but the payment is made by the
company by sending money to the ship owner who will later share the results with the fishermen.

IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1221 (2023) 012026
IOP Publishing

The profit sharing system used is 30% for fishermen and 70% for ship owners. The profit from the
sale of 10 yellowfin tuna is around Rp. 42,300,000. So the ship owner gets a share of Rp. 29,610,000,
while the fisherman is Rp. 12,690,000. In practice, in one sea in one ship consists of 3 fishermen. So
each fisherman gets a profit of IDR 4,230,000.
4 Conclusion
Based on the results of research and discussions that have been carried out, the conclusions
obtained are as follows:
1. The distribution activity of yellowfin tuna catches at TPI Ulee Cot starts from transporting fish and
handling fish from the ship until the fish is transported into trucks for distribution to the destination
area, namely Medan, where the fish are then processed before being exported abroad. The
distribution pattern of yellowfin tuna in TPI Ulee Cot consists of only one distribution pattern
starting from the level of Fisherman - Company - Export (America, Korea and Japan).
2. The relationship between distribution and general fishery conditions at TPI Ulee Cot, namely the
lack of facilities at TPI which hinders the distribution process of yellowfin tuna due to the absence
of cold storage at the TPI, causing fish quality to decline. Because there is no cold storage at TPI
Ulee Cot, the fish caught are not lifted from the hold of the ship to trucks for distribution to TPI
Ulee Cot.’

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