1 Data Sheet / Opower Peak Management / Version 2.1
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Data Sheet
Opower Peak Management

Sales Sheet

Version 2.1
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates
Dropdown Options

2 Data Sheet / / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Dropdown Options
Traditional demand response programs fail to engage customers,
resulting in low participation and limited impact on peak demand. Oracle
Utilities Opower Peak Management Cloud Service transforms utilities’
approach to peak demand management. By converting smart grid data
into real-time personalized energy insights, Opower produces reliable
territory-wide peak load reduction; increases customer satisfaction; and
amplifies energy efficiency, dynamic pricing, and direct load control
The Opower Peak Management (PKM) software engages all your customers with timely,
personalized communications that motivate them to reduce energy demand during the most
important hours of the year. PKM programs can be designed to deliver behavioral prompts
(Behavioral Demand Response, or BDR) and monetary incentives (Peak Time Rebates, or PTR).
PKM delivers reliable peak savings at 25% lower cost than traditional
demand response.
The pre-season welcome letter is a welcome communication sent
to customers to introduce them to the PKM Program before their
first peak event notification is sent.
The pre-event communication is a short message sent via email,
text (Peak Time Rebates only), or outbound IVR that tells customers
when a peak event is going to occur and uses behavioral science
techniques to motivate participation and behavior change.
The post-event email (on right) shows customers how well they
performed on their last peak day, and displays user-friendly
graphics and insights to motivate ongoing peak reduction behavior.
Oracle Utilities Opower offers different program design options to meet each utility’s budget
and savings goals. BDR uses behavioral prompts to encourage customers to save energy in the
pre-and-post-event communications. PTR adds monetary incentives to prompt customers to
save, with the post-event feedback highlighting a rebate that will appear in their next bill. Both
see success in customer participation and savings.

Oracle Utilities Opower
Peak Management Cloud
Service revolutionizes
utilities' approach to
managing peak demand
through behavioral
science, driving world-
class results at a fraction
of the cost.

Key Benefits:
Opower Peak Management
services solve the problems of
program adoption and untapped
peak savings potential:
• Engage all of your customers in
demand reduction.
• Increase customer sentiment by
• Deliver an integrated, flexible,
customer experience.
• Demonstrate the value of your
smart meter rollout.
• Drive reliable 2% peak savings.
• Achieve additional energy
savings with monetary
incentives (~ $1-$1.25 per kWh
saved) offered with our Peak
Time Rebates.
Did you Know?
According to U.S. Energy
Information Administration data,
fewer than 7% of households
chose to enroll in residential
demand response programs in
2018. Opower can instantly enroll
all your eligible customers on day

Take the Next Step
Utilities across the world have
partnered with Opower to deliver
accurate and actionable energy
insights to their customers while

3 Data Sheet / / Version 2.1
Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates / Dropdown Options
Our opt-out program design allows utilities
to engage all customers in demand
response: Utilities struggle to get customer
participation in DSM programs. Opower not
only achieves peak management results, we
see both very high customer satisfaction and
extremely low opt-out rates (typically less than
Opower can trigger mass communications:
Our results are driven by our ability to scale the
number of communications while maintaining
a tight schedule, and the delivery of
personalized and timely feedback for an
individual’s event performance. With over 3
million households participating in our
programs, we are unique in being able to offer
this performance at scale.
More than 85% are satisfied with the
program. It is critical that customers see
firsthand the value of smart meters - their
acceptance is necessary for a successful rollout.
PKM is an effective way to get customers
engaged with their new smart meter data, and
PKM recipients rate their utility more favorably
on statements that align with J.D. Power price,
communications and corporate citizenship
metrics. Nearly three-quarters of all recipients
remember the PKM communications and
report taking action.
Opower PKM can jumpstart participation in a
device program. Using Oracle Opower’s 1.6
trillion meter reads, we have developed our
segmentation and targeting tool that uses machine learning algorithms to identify customer
likelihood to participate in certain programs. These customers can be effectively targeted and
marketed a unique offering that increases the likelihood they participate.
achieving predictable energy
savings. Oracle Utilities Opower
Peak Management enables utilities
to reach all of their customers and
increase program participation
while generating savings.

Call +1.800.275.4775
or visit oracle.com/utilities.
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