Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023 (24-33)
Online: http://journal.uny.ac.id/index.php/ jamp

https://doi.org/10.21831/jamp.v11i1.57583 ISSN: 2461 - 0550 (online) | 2 337 - 7895 (print)
Implementation of school based management in christian religion high
school Kupang

Yusuf Elpontus Tanaem


Program Studi Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen, Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang
Jl. Tajoin Tuan, Kelurahan Naimata, Kecamatan Maulafa, Kota Kupang, NTT, 85147, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author. Email: [email protected]

How to cite:
Tanaem, Y. E. (2023). Implementation of school based management in christian religion high school kupang. Jurnal
Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan, 11(1), 24-33. https://doi.org/10.21831/jamp.v11i1.57583

Article History
12 January 2023
17 April 2023
30 April 2023
Available online:
20 May 2023

management, school

This study aims to analyze the implementation of school-based management
in the Christian Religion High School (CRHS) Kupang. The method used in
this research is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The
subjects in this study amounted to 3 (three) people consisting of the
principal, vice principal and school committee. Data collection techniques
used are interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is
Analysis Interactive which is divided into four parts, namely data collection,
data condensation, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the study
show that the implementation of school-based management at CRHS
Kupang has been carried out in almost all areas of school-based
management which are the indicators in this study. CRHS Kupang has
carried out school program planning, implemented the learning process,
conducted curriculum management, managed personnel, managed facilities,
implemented financial management, implemented student services, built
good relations with the community, and carried out a good evaluation of
school programs. CRHS Kupang still needs to pay attention to managing the
school climate.

This is an open access article under the CC-BY-SA

Implementation of school based management...
Yusuf Elpontus Tanaem

Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
Over time, education in Indonesia continues to experience development. This development
seeks to achieve national education goals, namely the nation's intellectual life (Alawiyah, 2014).
Education as a development pillar must be addressed from various fronts to achieve this goal.
Increasing Human Resources (HR) must be implemented to achieve these educational goals.
Efforts to improve human resources are carried out through the education sector. The national
development program continually prioritizes education as a component of national development
(Mufidah, 2019). Education plays an important role in improving Human Resources (HR) which is
the subject of development. Education must produce high quality graduates.
The government sets National Education Standards (NES) as a reference in improving the
quality of education. Eight national standards set by the government must be achieved in the
implementation of education including graduate competency standards, content standards, process
standards, management standards, educator and education staff standards, evaluation standards,
financing standards, facilities and infrastructure standards (Alawiyah, 2017). All of these standards
are interrelated links in efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian education. The governance
sector reform that occurred in 1998 gave birth to Law Number 32 of 2004th concerning regional
government, which gives authority to each region to manage and take care of the interests of the
community (A'ing, 2015). The impact of the education sector is that each region has the authority
(autonomy rights) to manage education in its territory.
With this autonomy right, the Ministry of National Education seeks to manage education that
focuses more on decentralization at the education unit level, called school-based management
(Winoto, 2020). The decentralization of education manifested in school-based management
directed towards the independence of education administration in schools (Achadah, 2019).
Principals, educators, students and parents have the authority and responsibility to manage and
control the educational process in schools.
Through SBM, schools give the freedom to choose the most effective learning and teaching
strategies, methods and techniques according to student characteristics, teacher characteristics and
conditions of natural resources available in schools (Elitawati & Haq, 2020). The statement means
that schools are responsible for managing education unit-level education. Efforts to improve school
management aim to improve the quality of education, both in the educational process and the
quality of educational outcomes (Mulyadi et al., 2021). Through SBM, the quality of the
educational process in schools improves so that one hopes that the educational outcomes will be of
high quality. It means that the quality of educational outcomes is directly proportional to the quality
of the educational process implemented. The better process is the implementation, the better the
results obtained. SBM is not just changing the approach to school management from centralization
to decentralization but for independent school management to improve the quality of education
(Usman, 2014). Schools can make decisions in school management by involving stakeholders,
namely the principal, educators, students, and parents (School Committee).
Research conducted at State Vocational Schools in Sleman Regency (Sukarti & Wibowo,
2013), to determine the implementation of school-based management, which includes input,
process and outcome aspects as well as efforts to overcome the obstacles encountered. The study
results describe these schools' input, process and outcome aspects. Another study was conducted at
Public Junior High School (PJHS) 11 Jambi City (Sabil, 2014), to determine the principles and
characteristics of School-Based Management implemented in that school. The research method
used is a survey method with a descriptive research level of explanation. The results of the study
show that the implementation of SBM in these schools is appropriate. Christian Religion High
School (CRHS) Kupang is a Christian school in Mata Air Village, Kupang Center District, Kupang
Regency. This school is a transformation from the Christian Theological Middle School (CTMS)
Tarus, Kupang, in 2020. Eighteen teachers teach at this school, assisted by two employees. There
are 98 students in this school. Under Mrs Amedniada Haekase, M.Pd.K, this school continues to
grow continuously. Based on information from the Principal, CRHS Kupang is preparing to be
nationalized by the Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance, Ministry of Religion of
the Republic of Indonesia. This process requires good management by the principal.

26– Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
This research is different from previous research. This study examines the implementation of
SBM at CRHS Kupang based on school-based management indicators adopted from the field of
school-based management (Elitawati & Haq, 2020), namely 1) school program planning, 2)
learning process, 3) curriculum management, 4) workforce management, 5) facility management,
6) financial management, 7) student services, 8) school community relations, 9) school climate
management, 10) evaluation of school programs.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive method by systematically describing factually and
accurately the facts, characteristics and relationships investigated (Arifianto, 2017). A qualitative
method with a descriptive approach according to the research objective to analyze the
implementation of SBM in CRHS Kupang. This research will occur at the CRHS Kupang located
in Mata Air Village, Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. This research took place from
June – July 2022. There are three research subjects, with details of 1 school principal, one vice
principal and one school committee member. The techniques used in this research are interview
and documentation techniques. The way to process the data used is Analysis Interactive from
Miles, Huberman and Saldana, which devides it into four parts (Huberman dkk., 2014), namely
data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusion.
The results of this study are grouped based on research indicators adopted from school-based
management (Elitawati & Haq, 2020). Based on the results of data collection at CRHS Kupang, the
following results were obtained:
School Program Planning
To start a school year usually begins with the preparation of work programs or school
programs. At CRHS Kupang, the preparation of school programs usually in the third or fourth
week of June through meetings and discussions with school stakeholders. The stakeholders in
question are School Superintendents (representing the government - Ministry of Religion),
Committee Board (representing parents/guardians of students and the surrounding community),
Foundations (representing those in charge), Principals with educators and education staff
(representing education unit managers). School or work programs are prepared based on several
aspects, namely the National Education Program, School Vision and Mission, School Self-
Evaluation (Current year), and Considerations and decisions of meetings with stakeholders.
Learning Process
To maintain an effective and efficient learning process at CRHS Kupang, teachers must
prepare several things before starting learning, namely learning tools (Learning Implementation
Plans / LIP) that the school principal has approved. Furthermore, the teacher must also prepare a
teacher's teaching journal, which consists of attendance lists, teaching agendas, process value lists,
student behaviour notebooks in class, learning media (stationery, charts, posters, student
books/handouts) and Student Worksheets.
To ensure the learning process goes well, the principal supervises. Supervision activities are
usually carried out for one week to cover all subjects. In semester I, learning supervision is carried
out in the first or second week of September; in semester II, learning supervision occurs in the first
or second week of March. Learning supervision is carried out in two forms: supervision of learning
devices and class supervision. Learning device supervision occurs by studying the learning
administration prepared by the teacher before teaching. Class supervision is usually the principal
directly present in class to see the learning process.
Apart from supervision, CRHS Kupang also conducts learning evaluations. Learning
evaluation activities occur at the end of each month through a teacher council meeting. Semester

Implementation of school based management...
Yusuf Elpontus Tanaem

Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
evaluation meetings usually held at the end of each semester before completing report cards to
make final decisions for students based on weekly/monthly follow-ups. Evaluation is also carried
out at the end of each academic year to evaluate the results of implementing school programs and
plan improvements to school programs. The evaluation results become the school management's
accountability report to stakeholders, in this case, committees, foundations and the Ministry of
Curriculum Management
The curriculum used at CRHS Kupang is Curriculum 2013, compiled by the Ministry of
Education and Culture and integrated with the subject of Christian Religion (Christian Ethics and
Bible Knowledge), whose Core Competencies and Basic Competencies were prepared by the
Ministry of Religion. Furthermore, curriculum development is carried out at the beginning of each
school year through a curriculum development team determined by the principal.
The curriculum Development of CRHS Kupang is based on the School Self-Evaluation, the
School Program and the results of the Curriculum Development Team meetings. The curriculum
development team in question involves the committee, the vice principal, teaching staff
representatives, and school supervisors. The curriculum developed in the future, referred to as the
school principal, committee chair, and Head of the Christian Community Guidance Division of the
Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of East Nusa Tenggara Province, then endorsed the
Education Unit Level Curriculum (EULC). The approved curriculum is then disseminated to
teachers and staff to implement it together.
Energy Management
To recruit teachers or education personnel, the Foundation announces the opening of
vacancies which are announced through social media and letters posted on the school notice board.
Furthermore, prospective teachers/educational staff who wish to apply to send their cover letters to
the Chairperson of the Shalom Education Foundation. After the Foundation has conducted
administrative selection, the Foundation will hand over prospective teachers/educational staff who
have passed the written test and interview test, which will be carried out by the school in
collaboration with the school supervisor. Prospective teachers/educational personnel who
successfully pass will be sorted from the highest score to the lowest and placed according to the
available recruitment vacancies.
Recruitment is based on the need for a position in the school, whether a subject teacher
position or an employee's staff. Furthermore, the placement / assignment of teachers / educational
personnel is carried out through an evaluation meeting mechanism and the division of tasks for
teachers/educational staff and the determination of the Decree on the Division of Tasks. The
division of tasks is based on the teacher / educational personnel's background. Evaluation of
teacher performance is carried out through supervision activities. In addition, an evaluation meeting
is held at the end of each month to evaluate the performance of teachers/education staff at CRHS
Kupang. The results of evaluating the performance of teachers/educational staff are used to
improve the performance of teachers/educational staff in the future.
Facility Management
Most school facilities are provided with government assistance (Ministry of Religion), and
some are provided by foundations and schools through the available budget. Public facilities
provided by the school will be distributed evenly and can be used by all school members.
Maintenance of school facilities will be carried out every year, and the budget will be provided
from the school's operational funds.
Financial Management
CRHS Kupang's finances come from 3 sources, namely Foundation Contributions,
Committee Fees of IDR 50,000 per student according to meeting decisions and School Operational
Assistance Fund (SOAF) from the Ministry of Religion. School financial planning is contained in
the School Budget Work Plan (SBWP) and School Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan
(SREBP). The SBWP and SREBP are prepared at the beginning of each fiscal year (early January).

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Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
Spending on school needs must refer to the SBWP and SREBP to maintain transparency in school
financial management. The parties involved in financial planning are the committee members and
school administrators (the principal and teachers / staff). School finances are managed by the
principal, treasurer and administrative staff.
Reporting of accountability for the use of the budget that is reported every semester to the
budget provider. The report prepared contains a description of the conformity of the use of the
budget with the planned use of the budget, a copy of the General Cash Book, a copy of the
Supporting Cash Book, a copy of the Monthly Cash Closing Registration, a copy of the Tax
Auxiliary Book and spending notes signed by the principal, treasurer and the goods / services
providers involved. The results of this report will then be audited and checked for credibility and
accountability by the audit team providing the budget.
Student Services
To accept new students, the Foundation announced the opening of New Student Admissions
(NSA) through school and teacher/staff social media, pamphlets distributed around the school,
letters sent to churches around the school, and NSA banners posted on public roads near schools.
Furthermore, students can apply directly at the school or through an online link provided by the
school. Furthermore, recruitment will stop when the number of quotas has been reached (maximum
35 people per year). Recruited students will go through administrative selection and tests.
Recruiting new students is carried out by the NSA Committee and determined by the school
principal. For now, CRHS Kupang only has one study group at each level, so a division of similar
class levels has yet to exist.
CRHS Kupang always tries to provide the best service for its students. Some of the services
1. Fulfillment of educational needs and skills according to the curriculum.
2. Provide a forum for channelling interests and talents in several extracurricular activities.
3. Providing a place for complaints and follow-up on violations of violence, discipline, and
sexual harassment.
4. Provide remedial and enrichment mechanisms to ensure student learning achievement.
5. Providing PIP scholarship quotas for underprivileged participants.
Community School Relations
Most students enrolled at CRHS Kupang live in the neighbourhood around the school; thus,
each student's parent/guardian is the community itself and is a member of the school committee.
Schools build relationships with several parties, especially to maintain order and smooth school
activities, including; the community around the school, the nearest public health centre, the police,
the nearest campus/university, and the village government. Building relationships with the
community is to expedite school operational activities. With the cooperation and support of the
various partners that have been mentioned, then school programs and national education goals can
be more easily achieved.
School Climate Management
The school's position was determined in such a way before being built, considering
geographical conditions and spatial aspects. Generally, the school climate is conducive enough for
learning activities. Apart from that, to achieve ideal school conditions, CRHS Kupang tries to
create a conducive learning climate so that students are comfortable taking lessons as well as
teachers and staff while working at school.
Evaluation of School Programs
School program evaluation is conducted through a meeting involving school stakeholders at
the end of the school year. Several stakeholders are involved in evaluating school programs,
namely School Supervisors, Boards, Foundations, Principals, educators, and education staff. The
results of the school program evaluation will be used as the primary material in carrying out repairs
and development of the following year's school program. By carrying out an evaluation of the
school program, you can find out the achievement of each school program that has been

Implementation of school based management...
Yusuf Elpontus Tanaem

Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
implemented. From the programs that have been implemented, it will be considered which
programs need to be maintained, which need to be improved, or even which need to be replaced.
The successful management of the institution determines the success of an educational
institution. With the decentralization of education, schools have the right to autonomy in managing
the resources at school (Achadah, 2019). This autonomy right became known as school-based
management. School-based management gives full rights to schools to plan, implement and
evaluate the school's performance. Measure the achievement of the implementation of school-based
management can be seen from the achievement of each indicator. Ten indicators, namely, measure
the implementation of school-based management at CRHS Kupang:
School Program Planning
Planning for this school program involves stakeholders from the education office, school
board, school supervisors, principals, teachers, parents and the community (Pasaribu, 2017). School
program planning is based on the National Education Program, School Vision and Mission, School
Self-Evaluation, and decisions from meetings with stakeholders. This is in line with what is
implemented by CRHS Kupang. CRHS Kupang plans a work program / school program at the
beginning of the school year by involving stakeholders such as School Superintendents, Committee
Boards, Foundations, and Principals, along with educators and education staff. School or work
programs are prepared based on several aspects, namely the National Education Program, School
Vision and Mission, School Self-Evaluation, and decisions of meetings with stakeholders. School
program planning has two functions, namely, to describe a series of actions to be carried out to
achieve institutional goals and to use available resources effectively and efficiently to achieve the
stated goals (Nur et al., 2016) By planning a program, the school has a direction in which to work
throughout the year.
Learning Process
Teacher preparation in carrying out learning includes preparing lesson plans, preparing
teaching materials, learning resources, learning media, the curriculum used and carrying out
assessments (Anggraini, 2021). Learning planning serves as a reference in learning development
which leads to increased learning outcomes with lesson plans that have been prepared as guidelines
(Anggraeni & Akbar, 2018). Before carrying out the learning process, teachers at CRHS Kupang
are required to prepare learning tools (Learning Implementation Plans / LIP) that have been
approved by the school principal and teacher teaching journals. To ensure that the learning process
goes well, the principal carries out supervision. Supervision needs to be done periodically to
monitor teacher performance and student learning outcomes (Saputra, 2011). Learning supervision
is carried out in two forms: supervision of learning devices and class supervision at the end of each
month through teacher council meetings.
Apart from supervision, CRHS Kupang also conducts learning evaluations. Learning
evaluation activities are carried out at the end of each month through teacher council meetings and
at the end of each school year in order to evaluate the results of school program implementation
and plan school program improvements. Evaluation results form the basis for decision-making,
formulating policies, and establishing different programs (Suardipa & Primayana, 2020). The
results of the Kupang CRHS evaluation become the accountability report of the school
management to stakeholders, in this case, committees, foundations and the Ministry of Religion.
Curriculum Management
The curriculum used at CRHS Kupang is Curriculum 2013 (C-13) which was compiled by
the Ministry of Education and Culture and has been integrated with the subject of Christian
Religion (Christian Ethics and Bible Knowledge) whose Core Competencies and Basic
Competencies were prepared by the Ministry of Religion. The success of the learning process itself
is influenced by various factors, including school readiness in developing the applicable
curriculum, providing various school facilities and equipment as learning resources and media, and

30– Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
readiness of school principals, teachers and employees in the learning process (Awwaliyah, 2019).
This means that the curriculum needs to be continuously developed according to the school's
circumstances to achieve a quality curriculum. Furthermore, CRHS Kupang curriculum
development is carried out at the beginning of each school year through a curriculum development
team determined by the principal. Curriculum development in schools requires the creativity of
stakeholders so that it can adapt to the conditions of students, schools, and the socio-cultural
community around which schools are located (Huda, 2017).
Manpower Management
School personnel are recruited based on the need for positions in schools, be it subject
teacher positions or staff employees. The main objective of employee recruitment (staff) is to get
the right person for a particular position so that the person can work optimally (Sendov & Mekel,
2015). Furthermore, the placement/assignment of teachers/educational personnel is carried out
through an evaluation meeting mechanism, the division of tasks for teachers/educational staff, and
the Evaluation of teacher performance is carried out through supervision activities. Evaluation of
teacher performance is intended to improve the quality of education by helping teachers develop
their potential so they can carry out tasks as effectively as possible (Arifandi, 2020). Apart from
supervision, there are also evaluation meetings held at the end of each month to evaluate the
performance of teachers / education staff at CRHS Kupang. The results of evaluating the
performance of teachers / educational staff are used to improve the performance of teachers /
educational staff in the future.
Facility Management
Good school facilities will have an impact on students to be more enthusiastic about learning
and will provide convenience and support students' willingness to learn (Amah & Nugroho, 2015).
To support this, CRHS Kupang provide facilities, most of which are provided with government
assistance (Ministry of Religion), and some are provided by foundations and schools through the
available budget. Meanwhile, the maintenance of school facilities will be carried out annually, and
the budget will be provided from the school's operational funds.
Financial Management
School financial management can run well and must receive funding participation from
various sources such as the central government, regional governments, foundations, entrepreneurs,
community groups, parents, students, alums and other financial sources (Mubin, 2018). CRHS
Kupang's finances come from 3 sources, namely Foundation Contributions, Committee Fees
according to meeting decisions and School Operational Assistance Fund (SOAF) from the Ministry
of Religion. Good financial planning must be carried out systematically and responsibly so that it
does not cause detrimental things (Muhtar et al., 2021). CRHS Kupang's financial planning is
contained in the School Budget Work Plan (SBWP) and the School Revenue and Expenditure
Budget Plan (SREBP), which are carried out at the beginning of each fiscal year. The parties
involved in financial planning are the committee members and school administrators (the principal
and teachers/staff).
Student Services
Acceptance of new students is one of the processes at the school to screen prospective
students who are selected according to the specified criteria to become students at the school
(Najamudin et al., 2019). To accept new students at CRHS Kupang, the Foundation announced the
opening of New Student Admissions (NSA), which was announced through school and
teacher/staff social media, pamphlets distributed around the school, letters sent to churches around
the school, as well as PPDB banners posted on public roads near schools. Recruited students will
go through administrative selection and tests. The selection of new students must be carried out
properly because it is the first step in improving the quality of education through input quality
(Purnama, 2016). The task of recruiting new students is carried out by the NSA Committee and
determined by the school principal.

Implementation of school based management...
Yusuf Elpontus Tanaem

Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
Community School Relations
Lamely, education without involving community participation will certainly run because
education is intended for the community and implemented by them (Wati, 2015). CRHS Kupang
builds relationships with several parties, especially in order to maintain order and smooth school
activities. With the cooperation and support of the various partners that have been mentioned, then
school programs and national education goals can be more easily achieved.
School Climate Management
School climate is the conditions and situations that occur in the school environment which
occur due to open interactions between school elements, and the school climate is conducive to
influencing the performance of educational institution employees (Safitri & Prasetyo, 2022). In
general, the CRHS Kupang climate is conducive enough to carry out learning activities. CRHS
Kupang always tries to create a conducive learning climate/environment so that students are
comfortable in taking lessons as well as teachers and staff while working at school.
School Program Evaluation
Evaluation is an activity of collecting, analyzing and presenting information by comparing
activity plans with activity realization and comparing program objectives with the results achieved
(Sulistyo, 2017). The evaluation of the CRHS Kupang program is carried out through a meeting at
the end of the school year involving school stakeholders, namely School Supervisors, Boards,
Foundations, and Principals, along with educators and education staff. The results of the school
program evaluation will be used as the primary material in carrying out repairs and development of
the following year's school program.
The implementation of school-based management at CRHS Kupang has been carried out in
almost all areas of school-based management which are the indicators in this study. CRHS Kupang
has carried out school program planning, carried out the learning process, conducted curriculum
management, managed human resources, managed facilities, implemented financial management,
implemented student services, built good relations with the community, and carried out a good
evaluation of the school programs. Specifically, for indicators of school climate management, more
attention is needed because school climate is not only about geographical conditions but also about
the atmosphere of learning and interactions between school members.
The researcher would like to thank the Head of CRHS Kupang for his permission to allow
this research to be carried out. Thanks also to the informants from CRHS Kupang who have
provided some information for this research. Furthermore, I would like to thank State Christian
Religious Institute (SCRI) Kupang for facilitating the implementation of this research.
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Implementation of school based management...
Yusuf Elpontus Tanaem

Jurnal Akuntabilitas Manajemen Pendidikan
Volume 11, No. 1, April 2023
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