Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills of Preschool
Children in East Java Urban Area
Nurrul Riyad Fadhli
Imam Hariadi
Dona Sandy Yudasmara
ME Winarno
Eldiene Zaura I’tamada
Rida Hanania

Department of Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Ma-
Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Malang
Department of Sport Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Yog-
Email: [email protected]
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to identify preschool children's movement
behavior and gross motor ability level in the East Tawa Urban Region. The In-
ternational Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Test of Gross Motor
Development Second Edition (TGMD-2) were employed as instruments in the
cross-sectional study. The youngsters in this study are aged 3-5 years and live in
the East Java urban region. According to the findings of this study, most children
in the East Java metropolitan region engage in physical activity with a range
(95% CI: 45.96–54.04), while sedentary activity in front of a screen has a span
of more than 1 hour each day (95% CI: 45.96–54.04). The descriptive statistical
identification results for children's locomotor skills (20.19–62) and object control
(25.48–66.48) were (95% CI: 45.96–54.04). It can be established that movement
behavior has a major influence on children's gross motor skills.
Keywords: movement behavior, gross motor skills, preschool age
1 Introduction
Children engage in a variety of motions that are tailored to their age group in order
to meet their growth and development needs (1). Children are defined in accordance
with the WHO's 0–19 age range for children. Preschool age, which was between 3 and
5 years old at the time, was when children's physical, cognitive, and other talents all
developed the quickest (2). Physical activity is defined as all regular motions that can
be performed at any skill level, including walking, cycling, athletics, active recreation,
and playing (1). Participate in moderate physical exercise while maintaining a healthy
body weight (3,4), being in good cardiorespiratory and muscular condition (4,5), having
a positive impact on cognitive elements (5), and developing fundamental motor abilities
(6,7). The World Health Organization (WHO) advises children ages 3-5 to engage in at
least 180 minutes of physical exercise each day, of which 60 minutes should be spent
engaging in moderate
-intensity activity (8). According to field data, less than half of

© The Author(s) 2023
T. D. Tama et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Meeting on Public Health and Sports
(ISMoPHS 2023), Advances in Health Sciences Research 70,

preschoolers in America and Norway participate in physical activity (9,10). Age level
and the sort of location where one lives also have an impact on one's degree of physical
activity (11,12). According to earlier studies, the East Javan population's participation
in physical activity fell short of expectations by 63.2%, which indicates that these
sports' outcomes fell short of expectations. As of 2017, the obesity prevalence in East
Java is still high (13). According to research findings, there is still a low level of phys-
ical activity in the metropolitan area of East Java, in part because kids are more likely
to spend their leisure time watching television and engaging in other energy-conserving
activities (14).
Physical exercise is crucial as a stimulus for the gradual development of the cogni-
tive and motor abilities that shape a child's development. In order to develop the fun-
damental movement abilities referred to as gross motor skills, it is strongly advised to
use physical activity that occurs unnaturally as the basis (10). Children's coordinated
bodily movements such as crawling, sprinting, tiptoeing, jumping, hanging, throwing
and catching, and keeping balance are all part of their gross motor development (15).
When engaging in activities like playing, kids with high motor skills will adjust more
readily and encourage kids to make friends with their classmates more quickly (16).
However, the risk of motor suspects is 3.81 times higher in children between 24 and 35
months of age (17). In order for youngsters to demonstrate particular skills when they
are immature, motor development also rely on muscle and nerve maturity (18). In the
United States, between 12 and 14 percent of children have developmental issues, in-
cluding gross motor delays; in Thailand, 24 percent; in Armenia, 22 percent; and in
Indonesia, 13 to 18 percent (19). It reached 10.2% in East Java, which may cause a
decline in children's adaptability and inventiveness (20). Only 46.6% of three-year-olds
in an urban area of East Java had sufficient gross motor development, according to
research (21). The development of gross motor skills is more pronounced during the
first five years of life, which will affect later movement abilities, according to other
supporting studies (22). Additionally, there is a correlation between a child's age and
their gross motor development as toddlers, making it imperative to promote physical
activity from a young age in order to avoid delays in children's gross motor develop-
ment (17).
The significance of this research is the dissemination of information and awareness
to parents about the benefits of physical activity from a young age so that it becomes a
habit and reduces children's motor delays to adopt an active lifestyle that aims to im-
prove children's physical condition, one of which is to improve preschoolers' gross mo-
tor skills in urban areas of East Java. This study will raise parents' awareness of the
importance of children's physical activity needs. Additionally, it aids in lowering de-
cline rates brought on by slowdowns in children's gross motor development. so that it
can ascertain the level of gross motor development and physical activity among pre-
schoolers in East Java's metropolitan districts.
130 N. R. Fadhli et al.

2 Method
In this study, sedentary screen time was determined using the IPAQ questionnaire,
while children's gross motor development was determined using the Test of Gross Mo-
tor Development Second Edition (TGMD-2). Preschoolers (ages 3-5) in East Java's ur-
ban regions, including Ma-lang City and Kediri City, make up the sample. A total of
26 pupils were sampled, including 15 students from the City of Malang and 11 students
from the City of Kediri. A systematic random sample methodology will be used as part
of the sampling protocol. obtaining each PAUD's clearance, including minors' permis-
sion to participate in research activities. Later, permission from the PAUD institution
will go through the manager or other PAUD-related personnel. After consulting with
PAUD managers, parents will be informed about this research program, which aims to
gauge how long kids spend using gadgets and how much they can move their bodies,
and will then be asked to sign a consent form as a legal requirement for conducting
sampling. bivariate analysis of data, or just a straightforward correlation between two
3 Results
There were 26 respondents in all for this survey, with 14 men and 12 women. The
mean of the data analysis findings is 50, with an SD of 10 for both male and female
respondents, as discovered here. The analysis's minimum and maximum values fall
within the ranges of the locomotor, which ranges from 20.19 to 62.00, the object con-
trol, which ranges from 25.48 to 66.48, and the sedentary screen time (SST), which
ranges from 32.73 to 60.23. The study's population has a normal distribution, which
satisfies the requirements for analysis.
To ascertain the link between physical activity and the degree of gross motor devel-
opment in preschool-aged children in metropolitan regions of East Java, a bivariate
analysis was conducted. Information is provided in

Table 1. Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills

N Mean SD Min Max
95% ± CI
Gross Motor Quotiens
Locomotor 26 50 10 20.19 62.00 45.9609 54.0391
Object Control 26 50 10 25.48 66.48 45.9609 54.0391
Physical Activity
Light 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Moderate 12 50 10 38.65 66.22 43.6463 56.3537
Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills of Preschool Children 131

Vigorous 13 50 10 36.55 66.83 43.9571 56.0429
Sedentary Screen
Time (SST)
26 50 10 32.73 60.23 45.9609 54.0391
Sleep Duration 26 50 10 32.73 60.23 45.9609 54.0391
Proportion of Sedentary Screen Time (Sst) in 1 Week According to WHO Standards
Sedentary Screen
Time (SST) &
26 50 10 32.73 60.23 45.9609 54.0391

N r Sig Physical Activity & GMQ Light & Object Control 1 .000 .000 Moderate & Object Control 12 .545 .067
Vigorous & Object Control 13 .075 .807
Light & Locomotor 1 .000 .000
Moderate & Locomotor 12 .579 .049
Vigorous & Locomotor 13 .267 .378
Sleep Duration & GMQ
Sleep Duration & Object Con-
26 .286 .156
Sleep Duration & Locomotor 26 .485 .012
SST & Object Control 26 .840 .013 SST & Locomotor 26 .751 .000

Based on Table 1, it can be concluded that there is an association between sedentary
behavior and the degree of gross motor development in preschool-aged children in met-
ropolitan regions of East Java (sig. 0.05). The development of children's gross motor
abilities between the ages of 3 and 5 in East Java's metropolitan regions falls into the
bad category, yet some kids still have good gross motor skills. It is referred to as a poor
criterion if the child has trouble following while doing the movement, and it contains a
good criterion if the youngster can follow every action flawlessly and has no trouble
doing so. The categories used in the TGMD data are adjusted according to the following
norms: 1) very superior if the value is > 130; 2) senior if the value is 121-130; 3) above
average if the value is 111-120; 4) average if the value is 90-110; 5) bellows average if
the value is 80-89; 5) poor if the score is 70-79; and very poor if the value is <70.
Meanwhile, the categories used in the IPAQ data (children's physical activity test) are
adjusted to the following norms: 1) if >3000 MET minutes/week, then physical activity
is high; 2) if >600-3000 MET minutes/week then physical activity is moderate; and 3)
if <600 MET minutes/week of low physical activity.
132 N. R. Fadhli et al.

Figure 1. Physical Activity Level Capacity

The graphic above explains that the amount of data distribution is normal. This data
depicts the population distribution in terms of children's physical activity levels, which
are classified as low, medium, and high. The analysis revealed that the low level of
physical activity was in the range 00.00-00.00, the moderate level of physical activity
was in the range 40.00-60.00, and the high level of physical activity was in the range

Figure 2. Gross Motor Level Capacity
The picture above shows that the level of data dispersion is in the usual range. This
data depicts the population distribution in terms of the level of gross motor movement
in children, which includes locomotor and object control. The analysis results suggest
that locomotor skill levels are in the 40.00–60.00 range, and object control skills are in
the 40.00–60.00 range.
Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills of Preschool Children 133

4 Discussion
Children's physical activity levels can fluctuate depending on where they live (23).
The expansion of the city has had a significant impact on society and children's activi-
ties, which have resulted in the creation of spontaneous play places in public spaces,
which are referred to as invisible playgrounds (24). Another explanation is that the
prevalence of childhood obesity in cities is higher than in rural areas, where the figure
is 17%, because cities are economic hubs with low socioeconomic levels and decent
health care (25,26).
Preschool is commonly referred to as the "golden age," with 80% of cognitive de-
velopment completed at this age (27). Physical activity chances are highly important in
early infancy to develop a good gross motor level; nevertheless, in middle and late
childhood, this may impair their physical activity participation (28). Individuals will be
influenced by both genetic and environmental factors in the cognitive, affective, and
psychomotor contexts of children, which will make a difference (29).
Gross motor abilities are thought to be a key component of motor skills as well as
children's cognitive and psychological behavior (30). Optimal development occurs be-
tween the ages of 0 and 5 years; nevertheless, there is still a delay in gross motor de-
velopment between the ages of 3-5 years (49%) and 8.83% (31). Low birth weight is
one of the variables influencing the delay in gross motor development in children (32).
epending on the baseline level of motor coordination, the general trend to diminish in
physical activity levels with time is mitigated or strengthened (33). Boys correlate fa-
vorably with object handling skills in the pre-school age group due to evolutionary and
biological differences between boys and girls, particularly in skills such as throwing
and hitting (34,35).
The pattern of physical activity is one of the causes of the high rate of obesity in
Indonesia with a prevalence of 18.8% (14). Another study found that parenting patterns
of physical activity (p = 0.011) and physical activity (p = 0.004) were risk factors for
preschool children being overweight. Children with inactive physical activity are 7.66
times more likely to be overweight, whereas children with parents who do not promote
physical exercise are 6.16 times more likely to be overweight. body mass index (36).
According to WHO active guidelines for children aged 3-5 years, children should en-
gage in moderate to vigorous physical activity for 180 minutes per day or 60 minutes
per day (37). Small ball activities are one of the daily actions that can be employed to
promote children's physical activity and gross motor skills (38). Children who partici-
pate in greater physical activity improve their motor ability and fitness (39). According
to research, physical activity has a positive correlation with the composite of motor
skills and coordination, and there is evidence for physical activity that correlates with
object control or locomotor skill competence (40).
According to a 2019 study conducted by the University of Central Florida in Or-
lando, Florida, sophisticated technology makes it easier for all activities and interests
Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills of Preschool Children 135

of sedentary behavior to infect not only office work but also lifestyles carried out at
home, such as watching TV, playing smartphones, and playing online games for long
periods of time. lengthy amounts of time (8–10 hours per day) and without enough
physical activity might increase health risks ranging from small illnesses like low back
pain to serious illnesses like hypertension, heart disease, and risk factors for metabolic
syndrome (41–43). Sedentary activity in Southern European countries is characterized
by significant country- and region-specific differences in physical activity and seden-
tary time, with lower levels of physical activity and prevalence estimates indicating that
the counts per minute are highest at ages 4- 5 years (44). Sedentary activities for children
aged 3-5 years can be carried out for a maximum of 60 minutes per day, according to
WHO active guidelines; the less time spent sedentary, the better (37). In 2012, the
growth of gadget use in Indonesia was 120% (45). According to one study, children
who use devices become difficult to interact with, don't care, and don't reply when their
parents talk to them (46). Gadget addiction can have an impact on children's brain de-
velopment because excessive dopamine production increases prefrontal cortex func-
tions such as emotion control, self-control, responsibility, decision-making, and moral
values, as well as the risk of attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity in pre-school-
aged children (47).
Sleep duration is also known to influence health outcomes, with short sleep duration
being connected with childhood and teenage overweight and obesity, as well as mental
health problems. Chronic sleep deprivation up to the age of 7 years might increase obe-
sity in later childhood and adolescence, according to WHO active guidelines for chil-
dren aged 3-5 years, which is 10–13 hours, which includes naps and night sleep (37).
Preschoolers had a 41.67% prevalence of sleep disruptions with usage of >2 hours,
which is impacted by the kind of media, onset, and length of sleep disturbances (48).
The study's results with 440 youngsters aged 3–8 collected data on sleep length for 7-9
hours (64.8%), 10–12 hours (34.3%), and 64% had a nutritional status of fat-obese (49).
According to the findings of this study, children's sleep deprivation can lead to health
Improving children's gross motor development and movement behavior requires
both mental and physical preparation. With full knowledge and planning, provide a
proper coaching process for children and their growth and development. Provide op-
portunities to discover new things, introduce, accompany, and provide a stimulating
environment in play that will boost the development of gross motor skills without ex-
ceeding the child's ability. Furthermore, strengthening the ability to regulate, control,
and improve bodily abilities and a healthy way of life will support the evolution of a
strong, healthy, and skilled body.

136 N. R. Fadhli et al.

5 Conclusion
Because of the bivariate correlation values derived from the research team's findings,
it is possible to conclude that there is a substantial association between movement be-
havior and gross motor skills of preschool-age children in the metropolitan area of East
Java. The majority of physical activities performed by preschool-age children in East
Java's metropolitan areas are moderate to vigorous. Most children spend more than one
hour per day in front of a screen. The duration of children's sleep is classified as good
since all youngsters utilize their sleep time in accordance with WHO criteria. Teach
physical activity according to WHO criteria for PA (180 minutes/day [60 minutes of
moderate-strength PA]), SST (one hour/day), and sleep (10–13 hours/day) for children
under the age of five, as well as sufficient motor skills.
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Movement Behavior and Gross Motor Skills of Preschool Children 141