(Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics)
Volume 10, No. 2, Agustus 2024 Page. 118-131
p-ISSN: 2356-2048 e-ISSN: 2356-203x


Winia Waziana
, Widi Andewi

Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer, Institut Bakti
Email Correspondence: [email protected]

This research aims to find out the role of digital-based learning as a support for English
language learning in the Merdeka Curriculum. This research is a type of qualitative
research with a literature study approach. The research results show that digital media in
elementary school-level English learning makes it easier and faster for teachers to present
learning material so that it can be understood by students. Through digital learning media,
teachers can hone their teaching skills. Learning that is provided in an innovative and fun
way using digital media will be more easily accepted and absorbed by students.
Keywords: Digital Learning Media, Curriculum Merdeka

The curriculum is one of the important tools in the learning process which is
prepared according to the needs of the field. Curriculum changes in Indonesia are a
policy that is motivated by the needs of the world of education in facing current
developments. Curriculum changes in Indonesia are a policy that is motivated by the
needs of the world of education in facing current developments. Curriculum changes
are carried out periodically at all levels of education, from elementary school, middle
school, and high school, until university. The Merdeka Curriculum is the newest in
Indonesia, which has been issued since the 2021/2022 academic year as a policy of the
Minister of Education to improve the previous curriculum, namely the 2013
Curriculum. The implementation of this latest curriculum is carried out by deploying a
Driving School Program. In the 2022/2023 academic year, the Government provides
the opportunity and authority to all education units to implement the curriculum based
on their respective readiness. The Merdeka Curriculum has been implemented in almost
2500 schools registered as driving schools, starting from Kindergarten-B, Elementary
Schools and Special Schools class I and IV, Middle Schools and Extraordinary Middle

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Schools Class VII, High Schools and Middle Schools Upper Extraordinary and Class X
Vocational High School (Pendidikan et al., 2022).
The curriculum is a guideline for holding teaching and learning activities at
every level of education to improve the quality of education. In principle, teachers do
not need to be troubled by changes to the curriculum, because educators or teachers are
the curriculum itself, which means that an educator or teacher is required to understand
and understand the curriculum well, then apply and practice the content in the
curriculum well too.
The Merdeka Curriculum offers several benefits, including First, enhancing the
Pancasila student profile using a project that develops students' soft skills and character.
Second, Learning also concentrates on content that is deep, pertinent, and vital. Thirdly,
instruction is adaptable, or customized to meet the needs of each student. In the Merdeka
Belajar Curriculum, schools and teachers are given the freedom to determine the
curriculum and learning methods that suit students' needs and are adapted to students'
stages of achievement and development. In the Merdeka curriculum for elementary
schools, English is an optional subject, which is taught to improve students'
communication skills in foreign languages. This is different from the previous
curriculum where English subjects at the elementary school level were only local
content subjects.
Students at the elementary school level are students who are in the Critical
Period phase, namely the phase when children can learn quickly. (Oktavia et al., 2023)
stated, the Critical Period is a very good phase for children to learn foreign languages
or English, namely, aged around 2-13 years. The learning characteristics of children,
teenagers, and adults are different, and children have moods that can easily change, so
they learn according to their moods and desires (Oktavia et al., 2022).
English is a foreign language, so teaching English at the elementary school level
is a challenge how to make the lesson interactive and fun, especially with the character
and learning behavior of students at a young age, teachers must be able to play their role
in conditioning the class and providing the best teaching method. (Pakpahan, 2024)
Even though English is a foreign language in Indonesia, currently, English is
included in the Independent Curriculum structure, even though only an elective subject
for two hours per week. Not including English as a mandatory subject in the elementary

Using English Digital…

school curriculum creates deeper linguistic divisions based on socioeconomic class.
Learning English at a young age does not mean ignoring the national language. Through
the experience of living in a society with linguistic diversity, Indonesians will get used
to interacting fluidly and practicing multilingualism comfortably. In the additive
paradigm, learning an additional language will strengthen initial language mastery.
English instruction at the elementary school level has to get special attention in
the Indonesian education system if the country is to meet global challenges and seize
opportunities. To prepare English as a subject that is required for primary schools, the
Ministry of Education and Culture is creating the idea of English language education
and devising plans for its implementation. Early English instruction will give pupils a
solid foundation in the language and equip them to communicate successfully in a world
that is becoming more interconnected. In addition, students will find it simpler to obtain
the most recent information, which is primarily provided in English.
A study entitled English Language Learning Problems in Elementary Schools,
written by Maili et al, shows that several problems occur in the process of learning
English in elementary schools, one of the problems is the methods and models of
English learning that are applied by teachers. The English learning methods and models
usually presented by teachers are only textbooks and are less varied in that teachers only
use one learning method and model. This makes the students not have the enthusiasm
to receive English lessons, considering that elementary schools are students with an age
range of children, so varied and interactive learning models and methods are needed so
that the learning atmosphere becomes more enthusiastic and students become more
motivated in English lessons. (Maili & Hestiningsih, 2017)
There are many learning media that teachers can use for learning methods,
however, the problem is that teachers have not optimized their use of learning media,
especially digital learning media, due to the lack of technological skills (technology
failure) among teachers at the elementary. This is a problem and challenge in the current
era of globalization revolution 4.0.
Artificial intelligence is a revolutionary technology that enables computers to
perform tasks typically carried out by humans (Permana & Putri, 2020). The potential
of artificial intelligence to enhance the quality of education is immense. This technology
can streamline the learning process by facilitating users to explore their abilities and

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creativity, fostering independence in learning activities. Presently, there exists a wide
array of educational products developed using artificial intelligence, including Canva,
Google Classroom, Google Translate, ChatGPT, and numerous others.
Technological sophistication is no longer something new and has had many
positive impacts on human activities. One of the positive impacts that we can feel in
technological sophistication is the creation of digital-based learning media. Digital-
based learning is a type of practical technology-based learning. This media utilizes
technology effectively, being able to train skills, abilities, and accuracy in learning more
interestingly. First, Google Classroom is a platform designed for classroom learning.
This platform can be used by teachers and students. Second, Edmodo. Edmodo is an
education network platform based on a Learning Management System (LMS) that will
connect teachers’ students and even parents to carry out online learning which can be
accessed for free. Not only communicating, through this platform, teachers can carry
out learning by sharing content in the form of text or video practice questions, up to
homework (homework). Third, Socrative. Socrative is almost the same as Edmodo. The
bright appearance makes students love Socrative. Teachers can also download the
application on Google Play and the i-store. Fourth, Padlet. Padlet can be a place for
students to develop their writing skills and the results of their activities can be saved
and will become part of the skills assessment for students. Usually, some students are
embarrassed to ask questions in class. Padlet then becomes a great tool for students who
are embarrassed to ask questions directly. They just type into Padlet, and the teacher
can read their questions and answer them directly. Fifth, Acapella Group. This
application makes it very easy for English or other foreign language teachers to develop
students' listening skills. The teacher types sentences and acapella will synthetically
process these sentences into the sound we want. Sixth, Booktrack. This app is really
fun. Students can improve their reading skills while listening to music. Assign students
to read a book on a book track, they will read while listening to music that matches the
book's storyline. We can also assign students to create stories in book tracks and design
the music that they like. So apart from reading skills, this application can also be used
for writing skills.
The use of digital media provides many benefits, one of which is that it allows
students to learn more flexibly because they can learn anywhere and at any time at their

Using English Digital…

own pace. Digital Learning Media can be used in English lessons as an approach to
practicing English language skills and fluency, especially for elementary school
children. By using modern and interesting learning media, students will be more
interested in learning and will find it easier to follow English lessons, especially to
understand vocabulary, writing procedures, and pronunciation.
Cognitively young learners (aged 3-12 years) are ready to acquire language
skills. A content-based experiential approach is a possible way to apply them to train
their experience-based skills. In many cases, teachers of English for young learners at
the elementary level (English for young learners) have limited time to achieve their
teaching goals and fulfill certain texts, tests, or other materials. Moreover, low-resource
environments can also pose challenges in providing English language lessons to young
students. (Imaniah & Nargis, 2017)
The problem raised in this research is the role of digital learning media in
English subjects at the elementary school level. This research aims to determine the role
of digital-based learning as a support for English language learning in the Merdeka

The method used in this research is a qualitative type with a library or literature
study approach. Namely, research is carried out based on the collection of scientific
papers, both published and unpublished (Waziana et al., 2022). Literature studies contain
theories that are relevant to the research problems and objectives. Review the concepts
and theories used based on available literature, especially articles in various scientific
journals. This literature approach was chosen because its function is to build concepts or
theories that become the basis for studies in research. After all the data has been collected,
the next stage is analyzing the data and discussing it so that in the final stage a conclusion
can be drawn.
The data collection method employed in this study involves the use of
documentation. Specifically, it entails the process of gathering and examining various
books and documents, such as scientific journals indexed on Google Scholar, both
physical and digital libraries, and other pertinent data sources deemed suitable for study

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Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is content analysis, namely the
technique of analyzing by understanding the text. This activity is carried out by reviewing
reading sources that are related to the theme being discussed and using documents
resulting from previous research as a comparison of data and sources of information.
According to (Melfianora, 2019), careful analysis is needed in literature studies.
Therefore, the first stage of carrying out this research is determining the theme. At this
stage, the researcher made observations on more documents. At this stage, the topic of an
interesting theme is the role of digital learning media for young learners in English
subjects. The second stage formulates the problem and objectives of the research. This
stage is the basis for why a topic needs to be tested. The next stage is the third, namely
collecting data and determining the research methods that will be used. The fourth stage
is analyzing and compiling the found data. And the final stage is concluding. This final
stage is the answer to the research objectives at the conceptual/theoretical level

Learning English at the elementary school level has an important role in shaping
the character of students who can communicate across cultures and between nations, and
play an active role as members of the world community. English is currently a basic need
for all children in Indonesia, this is caused by 3 things, namely first, English as a
communication need, second, English lessons that are in line with the curriculum, and
third, equal distribution of learning quality. Apart from being a means of communication
between nations, English is also a necessity for wider career opportunities in this era of
globalization. The positive impact of using multilingualism in early childhood is greater
than the negative impact. Multilingual children have better cognitive development
performance than monolingual children. This is of course supported by teacher readiness,
teaching methods, and the supporting learning media used (Pransiska, 2018).
Learning media serves as a deliberate tool employed by educators to facilitate
students' comprehension of the subject matter covered in class. These resources
encompass both tangible and intangible forms, enabling teachers to effectively
communicate and engage with students to accomplish educational objectives
(Nurfadhillah, 2021).

Using English Digital…

Digital learning media is a type of media developed by information system
technology. By utilizing technology, learning activities will become more interesting,
because the applications used for teaching display audio, visual, and animation effects
that bring their color to the learning process. Especially in English subjects, which will
be very useful for practicing students' vocabulary mastery and speaking skills.
A research article in the journal Judika, with the title English in Primary Schools:
Why it is Necessary and Why it is Questionable. This research states that almost all
English teachers want English subjects to be included in the curriculum so that the
teaching of these subjects can be carried out more optimally rather than just being a
MULOK subject. Foreign language or English lessons will be easy to teach to elementary
school children because the age period of 6-13 years is a period of language development
in children and children will easily accept new languages because of the process of
separating the functions of the left brain and the right brain. So, it is very unfortunate if,
during the child's growth and development period, the child's language skills are not
developed. Even though at this time children's ability to absorb language is good, to teach
English you still have to pay attention to appropriate, varied learning methods and models
and the material taught must be appropriate to their age (Maili, 2018).
Learning by involving digital media is very flexible, this media allows students to
learn anytime and anywhere. Examples of digital learning applications that are currently
popular are Learning House, Our Table, Online Learning Media, Teacher's Room, Smart
Class, Zenius, ICANDO, Your School, Kipin School, and many other digital learning
applications. There are even some applications that provide free services or were created
specifically by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
Next is a study entitled "The Use of Smartphone Application for English
Vocabulary Teaching Purposes for The Children of Elementary School Age at Klender
East Jakarta". Suhendar stated that Smartphones are technological tools that support
English language learning, including the use of various features that help develop
interactive language skills. Various features in the Smartphone application can be used as
English learning tools, such as for listening, speaking, reading skills, vocabulary mastery,
and writing skills (Suhendar & Syakir, 2022). In his research, the author used the
"Duolingo application" as an English learning medium. This application is a gamification
application which means users can learn English by playing games because this

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application uses audio-visual methods in learning. Apart from being free, this application
has the advantage of having levels from really basic (intermediate) to fluent level.
The development of an English-illustrated dictionary for early childhood using
the ADDIE model is a learning media development researched by (Arianti et al., 2021).
This research produces an English-illustrated dictionary learning media application for
early childhood which is expected to improve children's cognitive abilities early age, both
the ability to see, listen, process information, and remember and repeat what is seen and
heard. This learning media focuses on learning several English words in several
categories, including the categories Animals, Fruit, Food, Means of Transportation,
Family, Colors, Shapes, and Objects. Apart from that, this application also provides a
Quiz menu to retest children's learning results.
Emma Martina in research entitled "Exploring Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives
on The Use of Digital Learning Media" stated that teachers have concerns about the
practice of digital learning media, because there is a low understanding of the use of
technology as a learning medium among pre-service teachers, so it must be held training
(Emma, 2024).
Technological advances are not for us to avoid but we must face them by
upgrading our abilities. As teachers of course we need to consider the effectiveness of
using technology in the classroom. Using information technology-based learning media
will improve students' learning skills and abilities, of course, the use of this media must
be under teacher supervision. Therefore, a teacher needs to be proficient in using
technology as a learning medium.
Furthermore, research, entitled "The Role of Technology in Supporting English
Language Learning in Elementary Schools", by I Putu Andre, states that increasing
students' motivation and interest in learning is one of the ultimate goals of technology-
based English teaching. Using technology-based learning media can make students
practically involved in language learning. Andre further stated that regarding
technological developments, experts agreed and believed that in the future, the use of
multimedia-based technology in teaching English would be further developed. Barring
some problems in the area of multimedia technology it can be used effectively in the
classroom with proper computer knowledge on the part of the teacher (Suhardiana, 2019).

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The existence of restrictions on the use of technological media as learning media
for elementary school students aims to control the use of technology so that it maintains
its function and does not allow machines to take over the role of teachers as teachers and
English lessons can officially be taught in elementary schools since the 1994
school year as a local content subject. However, in reality, several schools have
programmed English language lessons for students who are in Study Groups and
Kindergarten, or what is called Early Childhood Education. English lessons need to be
implemented from an early age, because by learning English from an early age, it is easier
for children to develop English when they reach adolescence, namely when the child
enters elementary school, junior high school, or at a higher level, English is taught by the
teacher. will be attached to the memory and difficult to forget (Jazuly, 2016).
Young learners start from PAUD (three years) to elementary school (12 years).
Age differences are crucial for determining teaching methods, emphasizing language
competence, and addressing cognitive skills (Ikhfi Imaniah, 2017). Hammer (2007)
classifies three groups of learners keeping in mind the fact that each learner is unique and
the list can only reflect generalizations. (Harmer, 2007)
Table 1. Classification of Student Groups
No Young Learners Adolescents Adult
1. They respond although they do
not understand
Despite their success in
language learning, they are
seen as problematic students
They can engage with
abstract thought /
2. They learn from everything
around them: they learn
indirectly rather than directly.
They commit passionately
when they are engaged
They have a whole range of
(positive or negative) life
and learning experiences
3. They understand mostly when
they see, hear, touch, and
interact rather than from
Most of them start to
understand the need for
They have expectations
about the learning process
and they have their own
patterns of learning
4. Abstract concepts are difficult
to deal with.
Attention span is longer as a
result of intellectual
They are more disciplined
than the other age groups
and know how to struggle
despite boredom
5. They generally display a
curiosity about the world and
an enthusiasm for learning a
They can talk about abstract
issues to a certain point
Unlike other groups, they
know why they are learning
and what they want to have
at the end
6. They like talking about
themselves and responding to
learning that uses their lives as
the main topic
They can use many different
ways of studying and
practicing language.
They sustain a level of
motivation even for a
distant goal, which is
difficult for the other

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7. They love discovering things,
making or drawing things,
using their imagination,
moving from one place to
another, solving puzzles
They search for identity and
self-esteem; thus, they need to
feel good about themselves and
They can be critical of
teaching methods or they
may feel uncomfortable
with unfamiliar methods.
8. They have a short attention
span; they can easily get bored
after 5 - 10 minutes
They need teacher and peer
approval and are sensitive to
criticism of their age group
Older ones worry that their
intellectual powers diminish
with age.
9. Teachers should have a rich
repertoire of activities to help
young children receive
information from a variety of
sources and plan a range of
activities for a given period
Teachers should link teaching
to their everyday interests and
They have a longer
concentration span to
continue an activity than the
other groups
10. Teachers should work with
students individually or in
Teachers should consider
their (positive or negative)
learning experiences
11. Teachers need to be aware of
the students ‘interests to
motivate them

12. The classroom should be
colourful and bright with
enough room for different

Adapted from: Harmer, J. (2007). The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th Ed.). Essex: Pearson Longman.

Based on the classification of student groups above, learning English using digital
media has a huge influence on student learning activities, student communication skills,
and learning in the classroom will become livelier because the presentation of the material
is interesting and not monotonous. Learning media using digital technology will stimulate
students' motor development because they will learn from high curiosity, learn and
understand the material from what they see, namely interesting pictures, and learn from
English audio that they hear directly via digital media. the. This is following the results
of research by Denny Riska (2012) with the title Development of English Learning Media
for Grade 1 Students at State Elementary School 15 Sragen, stating that computer
technology can not only be used by adults but also by students who sit in Grade 1
elementary school is also worthy of being introduced to computer technology (Novitasari,
2012). The introduction of technology in children's education at an early age is very
necessary because at that stage the teaching system will influence children's behavior and
thinking patterns. A child's curiosity will arise if they discover something new and there
is a tendency to want to try it, that's when a child needs proper guidance.
The use of digital media in English subjects allows students to be able to learn
independently because the system facilitates learning, so that students can study for a

Using English Digital…

longer time, and can study anywhere and at any time that teachers at school will be greatly
helped because after finishing class hours at school, students can repeat the lesson
material at home or anywhere.
Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 56/M/2022 Regarding guidelines for Curriculum
Implementation in the Context of Learning Development & Learning Recovery (2022),
Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim formulated several new
policies. Conceptually, this independent curriculum provides freedom for institutions and
students to carry out their learning process. The current implementation of the Merdeka
curriculum focuses on essential content so that students have enough time to explore
material concepts and competencies. This is by the function of digital learning media
which will help students to improve their competence with the help of technology.
The Merdeka Curriculum is a varied intracurricular learning curriculum
and students are given more space to optimally explore their concepts and competencies
(Muin et al., 2022). An independent curriculum that has the emergence of the Pancasila
Student Profile Strengthening Project. In learning, students not only need knowledge in
the form of material but also skills (Agustina et al., 2022). According to (Alimuddin,
2023), the Pancasila Student Profile in the Merdeka Curriculum has 6 dimensions, namely
1. Faith, Devotion to God Almighty, and Noble Morals, 2. Global Diversity, 3. Mutual
Cooperation, 4. Independence, 5. Critical Reasoning, 6. Creative.
In line with the Government's commitment to developing every dimension of the
Pancasila student profile which includes global diversity, strengthening English language
education is a priority in the Merdeka Curriculum. In the view of modern learning,
students and teachers are the subjects of learning. In this case, students are no longer
considered as learning objects, and teachers are no longer considered as sources of
information, but both collaborate in the teaching and learning interaction process in the
classroom to achieve the set goals. Teaching English from an early age with careful
planning will encourage strengthening the foundations of English. Based on research,
teaching English at the elementary school level has great benefits, including building
confidence in using English, and building global awareness, and intercultural

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Teachers have a very important role both in curriculum development and in its
implementation. Learning designs that are no longer teacher-centered and utilize various
learning media will motivate students to be active and trained to develop critical thinking
skills (Heryahya et al., 2022).
Readiness is a guarantee of results in implementing curriculum planning,
including learning that will be carried out in class (Wahyudi et al., 2023). Therefore, a
teacher must prepare everything that will be done as well as possible. Likewise, in
implementing the independent curriculum, a teacher must have good preparation so that
the results are as expected. Apart from that, to achieve success in implementing good
teaching and learning activities, teachers need to prepare systematic learning designs from
the curriculum used in schools (Azizah & Witri, 2021). Indications of the low quality of
learning in the classroom are influenced by the teacher's poor readiness (Wote & Sabarua,
2020). Therefore, teachers need to make efforts to prepare learning plans well so that the
quality of learning as a basic principle in education is good.

The use of technology in learning activities needs to be sought by teachers
according to the capabilities of each school so that educational goals can be achieved.
The most important benefit of digital media is increasing student learning motivation.
Motivation is the main impetus in the learning process. Without motivation, there are no
learning activities. In the educational context, teachers give students the freedom to
determine how they learn. Teachers must personalize learning methods and give students
more opportunities to seek learning resources outside of school activities. Teachers can
utilize this technology to create personalized English learning experiences for students,
provide immediate feedback on students' English skills, and assist teachers with
administrative tasks.
The role of digital media in English lessons at the elementary school level is to
make it easier and faster for teachers to present learning material so that students can
understand. With the help of digital learning media teachers can easily convey material.
Learning material will be easy for students to remember and easy to express again.
Students can review lesson material anywhere and at any time after school. This digital
learning media makes learning more interesting and allows students to be more involved

Using English Digital…

in the learning process. Apart from that, digital learning media can also help students
acquire the technological skills needed for the future. By using digital learning media,
teachers can hone their teaching skills so that the methods used in class are not boring.
Lessons that are given in an innovative and fun way using digital media will be more
easily accepted and absorbed by students.

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