Multitasking On Health Promotors In Puskesmas At East Jakarta And Lebak Regency ….1

Factors Affecting Husband Participation In Family Planning Acceptors In Lampulo Village
Banda Aceh City In 2020 …………………………………………………………………. 7

The Factors Associated With The Incidence Of Anemia In Pregnant Women In Pisangan
Public Health Center Visitors In 2020 …………………………………………………….. 16

The Effect Of Yoga On Menstrual Pain Reduction In Adolescents ...................................24

Determine The Effect Of Honey Combination Green Bean Soaking Water In Preventing
Anemia Of Pregnant Women During The Pandemic …………………………………….. 31

Relationship Between The Promotion Of Formula Milk, Breastmilk Production And
Psychological Factor Of Mother With Exclusive Breastfeeding In The Work Area Of The
Bireuen Peusangan Health Center ………………………………………………………… 35

The Effect Of Physical Exercise On The Quality Of Life Of The Elderly : Systematic Review

Aids Stigmatization Among Teenagers …………………………………………………… 55

Portrait Of The Sedentary Lifestyle Among Students From Public Health School ………65

The Effect Of Pre-Pregnancy Body Mass Index (BMI) With The Incidence Of Hypertension
In Pregnancy ……………………………………………………………………………… 73

MJE : Muhammadiyah Jurnal of Epidemiologi
Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

The Effect of Yoga on Menstrual Pain Reduction in

Nurhidayat Triananinsi,
Rahayu Eryanti. K,
S.Nur Arny Puspitasari
Program Studi S1 Kebidanan & Profesi, Fakultas Keperawatan & Kebidanan,
Universitas Megarezky Jl. Antang Raya No.43 Makassar dan 90234
E-mail: [email protected]

Menstrual pain is pain that is characterized as brief pain before or during menstruation. Yoga is one
of the relaxation techniques that can produce endorphin hormones. Endorphin hormones are
produced in the brain and the spinal cord arrangement can function as a natural sedative that
produces a sense of comfort thereby reducing pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the
effect of yoga on menstrual pain reduction in adolescents. The research method used is Quasi-
Experimental Design with a Pre-Test and Post-Test One Group Design research design, carried out
from 16 April to 16 September 2019. The population in this study were all adolescents, amounting
to 69 people in boarding schools pondok madinah Makassar, a sample of 30 people who
experienced menstrual pain. The results showed the percentage of respondents who reduced
menstrual reduction after doing yoga by 28 people (93.3%) and who did not reduce the reduction in
menstrual pain by 2 people (6.7%). From the Wilcoxon test results obtained value ρ = 0,000 <0.05
(p <α) means that there is an influence of yoga on the reduction of menstrual pain in adolescent girls
at Pondok Madinah Islamic Boarding School in 2019. Yoga is an alternative as a non-
pharmacological treatment to reduce menstrual pain.
Keywords : Teenagers, yoga, menstrual pain.

Adolescence is a period of change
that occurs from childhood to adulthood
including changes that occur in biological,
psychological and social. In adolescence,
there is rapid progress in the maturity of
sexual organ function, known as puberty.
In adolescent women, puberty is marked
by the occurrence of menstruation or the
first menstruation. Menstruation is
bleeding that occurs in women
periodically and cyclically from the uterus
accompanied by removing the endometrial
One of the most common disorders
during menstruation or menstruation is
dysmenorrhea or painful menstruation.
Dysmenorrhea is pain that is felt in the
lower abdomen that usually occurs before,
during or after menstruation. or
menstruation, dysmenorrhoea is divided
into two types, namely primary and
secondary dysmenorrhoea. Primary
dysmenorrhoea is dysmenorrhoea which
occurs due to myometrial contraction due
to prostaglandin production without any
abnormalities in the pelvis while
secondary dysmenorrhoea is
dysmenorrhoea accompanied by
abnormalities in the pelvis (10).
Symptoms of dysmenorrhoea
include cramps and lower abdominal pain,
lower back pain, nausea, diarrhea,
vomiting, fatigue, fainting, weakness and
The risk of dysmenorrhoea is
higher in women who havebeing
overweight, smoking, drinking alcohol
and early menarche (before age 11
The incidence of dysmenorrhea in
the world according to WHO in 2012
was 1,769,425 people with 10-15%
experiencing severe dysemorea. On
average, more than 50% of women in

MJE : Muhammadiyah Jurnal of Epidemiologi
Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

Muhammadiyah Journal of Epidemiology. Vol 1 No.1 | 25
each country experience dysmenorrhoea.
In America the percentage is around 60%
and Sweden around 72%. In Indonesia,
the incidence of dysmenorrhoea in
women of productive age is estimated at
55%. The incidence of dysmenorrhoea in
women of childbearing age in Indonesia
in 2010 was 64.25% consisting of
54.89% primary dysmenorrhoea and
9.36% with secondary dysmenorrhoea.
Whereas in South Sulawesi in 2010 it
was stated that the percentage of women
who experienced menstrual disorders in
the age range 10-59 years was 14.9% of
women with a background of living in
urban areas.
At this time in Indonesia there are
more women who experience
dysmenorrhea who do not report or visit
a doctor, which is the fact that as many
as 90% of Indonesian women have
experienced dysmenorrhea, this can be
due to the lack of knowledge about
. The number of
dysmenoea incidents in the field is
always more than the reports claimed by
the Health Office and related agencies.
This happens because health costs are
considered relatively expensive.
Because many women often ignore
dysmenorrhoea and do not make proper
treatment efforts, this condition can be
dangerous if left alone because the pain
can be a symptom of endometritis or other
secondary dysmenorrhea disease and can
even cause pelvic inflammation and even
The results of Basic Health
Research (2011) say that when
menstruation occurs, women will feel
pain in their stomachs. The pain or
dysmenorrhoea that is felt by each
woman is different, the menstrual pain
that is felt can be in the form of a vague
pain or also a strong pain that can
interfere with activities, some even feel
no pain at all
For the implementation of pain
management can be done by using
several methods in cluding
pharmacological and non
pharmacological. Pharmacological
methods are using anti-pain drugs while
non-pharmacological methods can be
done with relaxation, hypnotherapy,
warm water compresses, regular exercise
or exercise, yoga, distraction and
massage. Non-pharmacological pain
management is safer to use because it
does not cause side effects like drugs,
because non-pharmacological uses a
physiological process
Treatment that can be done in
dysmenorrhea usually uses non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs. Apart from
medication, pain can also be relieved by
adequate rest, regular exercise
(especially walking), massage, warm
compresses in the abdominal area and
. Yoga With breathing exercises,
the mind can focus on delivering oxygen
to the painful area, one of which is the
abdominal area. This is effective in
relieving menstrual pain. Yoga is a
combination of activities that contain
elements of stretching, bending,
focusing, pressing, breathing, strength,
endurance, balancing and appreciation.
Yoga only involves the muscular system,
the respiratory system and does not
require other tools so it is easy to do at
any time. The principle of the yoga
movement is to improve blood
According to research conducted
by Oktariani (2017) which shows that
the value of Asymp.Sig. (2 -
tailed)=0.000. If the results of this study
indicate the value of Asymp.Sig. (2-
tailed)<0.05 (0.000<0.05) then Ho is
rejected and Ha is accepted which means
that there is an effect of yoga therapy on
the level of dysmenorrhea in female
teaching midwives at Aisyiyah University
Yogyakarta in 2017
In line with Erna Dewi's research

MJE : Muhammadiyah Jurnal of Epidemiologi
Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

Muhammadiyah Journal of Epidemiology. Vol 1 No.1 | 26
(2019) she also found good research
shows that of the 70 respondents,
before doing yoga exercises, the majority
were moderate pain, moderate pain was
58.34%, mild pain was 28.33%, and
severe pain was controlled by 13.33%.,
After being given yoga exercises, the
pain scale decreased, namely 18.33% of
women who had no pain, 76.67% of mild
pain, 5% of moderate pain, and no
controlled or uncontrolled severe pain
Based on data from the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES), the average age of menarche
(first menstruation) in adolescents in
Indonesia is 12.5 years with a range of 9-
14 years. The incidence rate of primary
type dysmenorrhea is around 54.89%,
while the rest of patients with secondary
dysmenorrhea are around 45.11%.
Dysmenorrhea occurs in adolescents with
a prevalence ranging from 43% to 93%,
where around 74-80% of adolescents
experience mild dysmenorrhea, while the
incidence of endometriosis in adolescents
with pelvic pain is estimated at 25-38%
and in adolescents who do not respond
positively to treatment for menstrual
pain, endometriosis was found in 67% of
cases at laparoscopy
In South Sulawesi, there is no
accurate data on girls who experience
dysmenorrhea, but previous research has
concluded that around 65% have
dysmenorrhea with varying degrees of
pain. Respondents who experienced mild
pain were 57.7%, moderate pain was
38.5%. This shows that dysmenorrhea is
still high in South Sulawesi.
A preliminary study conducted at
the Islamic Boarding School in Madinah
Makassar in November 2018 was as
many as 40 students. A simple interview
was conducted on 22 students and found
who experienced menstrual pain, 1
(4.6%) students said they asked
permission to go home to rest in the
dormitory and could not attend lessons, 7
(31.8%) students coped with it by
smearing eucalyptus oil, 4 (18.2%) coped
with medication and 10 (45.4%) students
were left alone.
They said this situation interfered
with the concentration of learning in
class and made them lazy to do activities.
Of all students who experience menstrual
pain, they do not know that yoga can
help reduce menstrual pain.
This shows that the large number
of students who experience menstrual
pain at the Islamic Boarding School
Madinah Makassar so it is deemed
necessary to conduct research. The
Islamic Boarding School in Madinah
Makassar has never been used as a
location in a similar study before.
Based on the above reviews, the
authors are interested in conducting
research more on "The Effect of Yoga on
Menstrual Pain".
The introduction contains the
research background, the problem and
ends with the research objectives. The
background is described using an inverted
pyramid method starting from the global,
national and local levels. Include the size
in International System (SI units), for
example, meters, kilograms, or liters. Use
standard abbreviations. Sentences that
start with numeric units are written with
letters. The entire text content uses Times
New Roman font, size 11 pt, Margin 2.5
cm on all sides, with 1.5 spaces and a
maximum of 20 pages including abstract.

This research is a quantitative
study using a Quasi-Experimental Design
and a Pre-Test and Post-Test One Group
Design research design. The pre-test
group was measured before being given
yoga treatment in the first month and the
post-test group was measured on the first
day of the second month of menstruation,
after being given yoga treatment for three

MJE : Muhammadiyah Jurnal of Epidemiologi
Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

Muhammadiyah Journal of Epidemiology. Vol 1 No.1 | 27
days before menstruation. This research
was conducted at the Islamic Boarding
School Madinah Makassar on April 16 to
September 16 2019. The population in this
study were all adolescents, totaling 69
people in the Makassar Islamic boarding
school. The sample in this study were 30
young women who experiencedMenstrual
pain at the Pondok Madinah Islamic
Boarding School in Makassar from April
to September 2019. The sampling
technique used in this study was purposive
sampling, which was selected as much as
the number of samples needed. Data
analysis used the Wilcoxon Test

In Table 1, it can be seen that of
the 30 respondents at the Makassar
Islamic Boarding School in 2019, the
highest number of respondents was 16-
17 years old as many as 16 people (53%)
and the lowest number was 14-15 years
old as many as 14 people (46, 7%).

Table 1. Characteristics of
Respondents by Age
Age (Years) N %
14-15 14 46.7
16-17 16 53.3
Total 30 100
Table 2 can be seen that of the 30
respondents at the Makassar Islamic
Boarding School in 2019, the highest
number of menarche was 19 people (10-
12 years) (63.3%) and the lowest, 13-15
years (11 people) ( 36.7%).

Table 2. Characteristics of
Respondents by Menarche
Menarche Age
n %
10-12 19 63.3
13-15 11 36.7
Total 30 100

Table 3 can be seen that of the 30
respondents at the Pesantren Pondok
Madinah Makassar in 2019, the highest
number of menstrual cycles was regular as
many as 23 people (76.7%) and the lowest
number was irregular as many as 7 people

Table 3. Characteristics of
Respondents Based on Menstrual
n %
Regular 23 76.7
Irregular 7 23.3
Total 30 100
In Table 4, it can be seen that of
the 30 respondents, the highest amount of
pain before being treated was 14 people
(46.7%) at moderate pain level, while the
lowest amount of pain in respondents was
0 people (0%) at the painless level.

Table 4. Frequency Distribution of
Pain Levels Before Yoga

In Table 5, it can be seen that of
the 30 respondents at the Pesantren
Pondok Madinah Makassar in 2019, the
highest number of pain after being treated
with respondents was 24 people (80%) at a
mild pain level, while the lowest number
of pain in respondents was 0 people (0%)
in severe pain level.
Table 5. Frequency Distribution of
Pain Levels After Yoga
Post-test Level
N %
Pre-test Level
n %
No Pain 0 0
Mild Pain 7 23.3
Moderate Pain 14 46.7
Severe Pain 9 30
Total 30 100

MJE : Muhammadiyah Jurnal of Epidemiologi
Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

Muhammadiyah Journal of Epidemiology. Vol 1 No.1 | 28
No Pain
5 16.7
Mild Pain 24 80
Moderate Pain 1 3,3
Severe Pain
0 0
Total 30 100
Table 6 can be seen that of the 30
respondents, the highest number of pain
before treatment was 14 people (46.7%)
at moderate pain level, while the highest
number of pain after treatment was 24
people (80%) at mild pain level. By
using the Wilcoxon test, it was found ρ
value = 0,000 where ρ <α (0,000 <0.05),
which means that Ho was rejected and
Ha was accepted, so that there was an
effect of yoga on reducing menstrual
pain in adolescents at the Pesantren
Pondok Madinah Makassar in 2019.

Table 6. The Effect of Yoga on
Decreasing Menstrual Pain

In this study, the results of the
univariate analysis indicated that there
were 30 respondents at the Pondok
Madinah Islamic Boarding School in
Makassar in 2019. The results of the
bivariate analysis showed that of the 30
respondents, the highest amount of pain
before treatment was 14 people (46.7%) at
moderate pain level, while the highest
number of pain after treatment was 24
people (80 %) at a mild pain level. By
using the Wilcoxon test obtained ρ value
= 0,000 where ρ <α (0,000 <0.05), which
means that Ho is rejected and Ha is
accepted, which means that there is an
effect of yoga on reducing menstrual pain
in young women at the Pesantren Pondok
Madinah Makassar in 2019.
There is a significant change
regarding menstrual pain before and after
yoga on the reduction of menstrual pain in
adolescent girls shows that evidence yoga
serves to treat menstrual pain. In
accordance with the theory of Smeltzer
and Brenda (2002) that yoga involves the
muscular and respiratory systems so that it
does not need other tools and is easy to do
at any time. The principle underlying pain
relief by relaxation techniques lies in the
physiology of the autonomic nerves which
are the parts of the peripheral nervous
system that maintain the homeostasis of
the individual's internal environment.
In addition, research conducted
by In line with Erna Dewi's research
(2019) also found research results
showing that of 70 respondents, before
doing yoga exercises, the majority were
moderate pain and after being given
yoga exercises experienced a decrease
in the pain scale, namely the majority
experienced pain. mild and none of the
respondents experienced controlled or
uncontrolled severe pain
Thus the researchers assume that
yoga during menstruation can reduce
menstrual pain that is felt because with
yoga movements and relaxation
techniques it can produce endorphin
hormones, which are neuropeptides
produced by the body when relaxed or
calm, which creates a sense of comfort
and increases endorphin levels in the
body to reduce pain during contractions.
The respondents who do not experience a
decrease in menstrual pain can be caused
by choosing the type of food that is
Inaccurately, eating spicy and acidic
foods that can increase menstrual pain, or
eating fast food that contains lots of
sugar and salt can cause sugar levels to
become unstable and convert tetosterone
level Pain
Doing Yoga ρ Value



n % n %
Not Pain 0 0 5 16.7
Mild Pain 7 23.3 24 80
14 46.7 1 3,3
9 30 0 0
Total 30 100 30 100

MJE : Muhammadiyah Jurnal of Epidemiologi
Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

Muhammadiyah Journal of Epidemiology. Vol 1 No.1 | 29
to estrogen which means it also increases
the amount of estrogen levels where the
high estrogen hormone can cause PMS
symptoms. especially cramps. In
addition, the age of respondents who are
still young is related to psychology that
is still unstable which can trigger anxiety
and has not been able to adapt well to
menstrual pain that is felt so that the pain
is felt to be heavier. In Andarmoyo
(2013) age is also used as a means of
determining tolerance to pain. Tolerance
increases with age and understanding of
The results showed that of the 30
respondents before doing yoga, the
number who felt severe pain was 9 people
(30%), 14 people felt moderate pain
(46.7%) while 7 people felt mild pain
(23.3%). ) and there were no respondents
who did not feel pain. Of the 30
respondents after doing yoga, 4 people
(13.3%) did not feel pain 22 people felt
mild (73.4%) while those who felt
moderate pain as many as 4 people
(13.3%) and no respondent felt severe
pain. This study proves that there is a
decrease in the incidence of menstrual
pain in adolescents who do YOGA.
YOGA is an alternative option to
treat menstrual pain or dysmenohea
(non-pharmacological treatment) and as a
preventive measure.
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Website : https.//
Vol. 1 No. 1 Mei 2021 Hal. 24 - 30

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