ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu¹, Dian Utami, Vincentius Binar Dwi Septian, Muhammad Ageng Nugroho, Shintabella Nurani


Article status:
Received: December, 17
Accepted: December, 27
Published online: February, 28

The purpose of creating this article was to illustrate the role of map sketches in the
learning of historical geography so important. Displays similarities or differences in
past regions and spatial changes over certain periods. Thus the existence of the map
becomes very important in the study, at least as a summary of the environmental
conditions of the past m.a. Metode study literature is the method used in the study
of this article. Data collection is obtained through various literature or books,
journals, articles, the internet, andother sources that are related to the problem
discussed. From the map sketches in the discussion of this article, both map sketches
depicting the Semarang city area , sketches of the Mataram kingdom area and
sketches of the old city of Medan wecan see in the course of time humans never
stop utilizing environment directly or indirectly by changing the environment as

Tujuan pembuatan artikel ini adalah untuk menggambarkan peran sketsa peta dalam
pembelajaran geografi sejarah yang begitu penting. Menampilkan persamaan atau
perbedaan wilayah (region) di masa lalu dan perubahan tata ruang selama periode-
periode tertentu. Dengan demikian keberadaan peta menjadi sangat penting artinya
dalam kajian tersebut, setidaknya sebagai ringkasan dari kondisi lingkungan masa
lalu. Metode study kepustakaan merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam penilisan
artikel ini. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui berbagai literatur atau buku-buku,
jurnal, artikel, internet, dan sumber-sumber lain yang mempunyai kaitan dengan
masalah yang dibahas. Dari sketsa- sketsa peta dalam pembahasan artikel ini, baik
sketsa peta yang menggambarkan wilayah kota Semarang, sketsa kawasan kerajaan
Mataram maupun sketsa kota lama Medan kita dapat melihat dalam perjalanan
waktu manusia tidak pernah berhenti memanfaatkan lingkungan secara langsung
maupun tidak langsung dengan mengubah lingkungan sesuai kebutuhan.

Copyright © 2022jlgeography-UNILA
This open access article is distributed under a
Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 International license

Map Sketch, Historical Geography

Kata kunci:
Sketsa Peta, Geografi Sejarah

Correspondent affiliation:

1. Department, Faculty, University,
Country and/or Institution

Correspondent email:
1. [email protected]

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu


Historical geography is the knowledge that studies people, physical, fictional, and the facts of
geography in the past. This disciplinary knowledge has the most extensive and diverse discussions. It
generally discusses the geography of the past and how a region or place changes based on time. Historical
geography relates to the change of territories in the past, and is most evidence of this during the early period
of political consolidation and the later period of territorial expansion. In addition, it also discusses the
relationship between humans and the environment and makes cultural laws of world customs. The
Historical Geography learning material also discusses how the cultural laws of human customs originated
and developed which are associated with the relationship that occurs between humans and the environment.
(Riyanto, 2014)
Sketch maps have been used by many studies in the past. The analysis in the map sketch here is used
as an additional step for a better understanding of the process of forming a complex region of world
learning. Map sketches can be understood as the assumption that a better knowledge of people's
representations of the world can improve the process of human communication including education leading
to greater understanding among peoples and nations. The results may have significant implications for the
teaching and learning of the world of geography (Saarinen, 1988) in Pinheiro, Jose de Queiroz (1951).
Sketch maps in the study of historical geography are used to show the similarities and differences of
regions (the earth's surface) in the past and changes in spatial layout over certain periods . Thus the
existence of the map becomes very important in the study, at least as a summary of past environmental
conditions. This article was compiled to illustrate the importance of sketch maps in the study of historical


The creation of this article uses the literature study method where in searching and collecting data
obtained through various literature such as books, journals, articles, the internet, and other sources that are
relevant to the topic created and do not go into the field.

Results and Discussion

Map sketches in historical geography

According to Daldjoeni (1987: 27) in Sugeng Riyanto (2014: 78), a person is always influenced by
his natural environment when creating something in history. It is investigated by two types of experts,
geographers and historical geographers. What Daldjoeni said concerns at least two aspects of the
relationship : the relationship between man and the environment, and the interdisciplinary relationship
between history and geography. The first relationship is substantive in terms of what the environment
should provide and how humans handle and control that provision. The second relationship is an academic
relationship when two experts (historians and geographers) study the same substance, that is, the
relationship between man and the earth in the past. One of the purposes of studying geographic regions is
to discover the complexity of how people sometimes take advantage of the different opportunities offered
by the geographical environment. Therefore, different geographical regions have different forms of material
culture, and such differences are called historical documents (Sugeng Riyanto, 2014)
Meanwhile, according to Yuwono (2007: 86) from Sugeng Riyanto (2014: 7879), this region and
physiographic environment is inseparable from the so-called landscape , which is not far from the meaning
of the term. "Landscape". , "Physical Geography" and "Environment". The difference in the meaning of the
termslies in their translation. The principle is that a landform has landform units that are the basis of various
uniformity and diversity of elements of the environment.
Historical geographic maps can be created from topographic base maps. Although, there are
historians who no longer understand maps, including topographic maps or thematic maps. However, in order
to process the results of historical geography observations into the form of maps, it is a good idea for a
historian to position the results of his observations into the form of sketch maps. Such sketches can be
poured or moved into thematic maps. Therefore, in the creation of a sketch map, it is necessary to

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

include a symbol of the shape of a certain shape of the earth, so that it can be used as a control point.

Example of a Sketch of a Historical Geography Map in Indonesia

As we know that human beings never stop utilizing the natural environment as they need. This
situation has become commonplace when studying the material and traces of past cultures by geographers,
historians, and even archaeologists. Material culture in the past must have been in units of geographical
morphology or in a particular region.

1. Sketch map of Kotalama Semarang (Central Java) area

The existence of a fort in Semarang can be seen on the map in 1695. From the map, the fort is
located on the east bank of the Semarang city river. The fort has a pentagonal shape and has the name
Vijfhoek fort. As seen in the following photo, the European settlement is located next to the East of the
Vijfhoek fortress and does not yet have a wall around its fort.

Fig1. 1695 Map. (Source: Purwanto, 2004)

Based on the drawings seen in the sketch map of 1719 fort de Vijfhoek is still detected and it can also
be seen that the development of the canal network has become clearer and the arrangement of residential
settlements is more real, although it is not yet so significant.

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

Fig 2. 1719 Map. (Source: Purwanto, 2004)

This map shows a very important change in the formation of European settlements east of the
fortress of Vijfhoek. European settlements became increasingly dense and represented residential areas
divided into blocks. In addition, the settlement appears to be covered by an intersecting road network. The
network of canals leading to the Semarang River looks more organized around the fortress and around
residential areas.

Figure 3. 1741 Map (Source: Purwanto, 2004)

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

The map of 1756 shows the largest and most significant changes. The pentagonal fortress of De
Vijfhoek is no longer visible. European settlements are becoming more rapidly developed. The place of
worship is the church in the center. The Road Network and canals are still clearly visible.

Figure 4. 1756 Map

On the sketch map of 1800 we can also see the existence of castles and city fortifications quite clearly.
Below is a sketch of the 1800 map, where the left is a real map with a north direction at the bottom, and the
right is a magnification of the area around the city fort that is rotated so that the north direction is at the

Figure 5. 1800 Map, Source: Purwanto, 2004

2. Sketch of Mataram Kingdom Area Map
Situadi, Amos, et al (2021: 23) explained that Kotagede is a cultural relic of the Islamic Mataram
Kingdom which was founded in 1532 AD. Kotagede is a Javanese ethnic settlement area in the XVI century
built by Ki Gede Pemanahan. The concept applied in Kotagede is the main point of the four building
points in the city. Kraton / Istana as the royal palace, the market as the economic center of the
community, the square as a public space, and the mosque as a place of worship. The four points reflect
the aspect of the city. Political, economic, social and religious aspects. (Situadi, Amos, et al, 2021)

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

Figure 6. Sketch of a Map of the Islamic Mataram Kingdom
in Kotagede (Source: Situadi, Amos, et al, 2021)
From the sketch map above, it is known that there are several complex areas that are considered
important in the government of the Mataram Kingdom, namely:
• The location marked with the number 1 is the area of the Gedhe Mataram Mosque Complex
• The location marked with the number 2 is the tomb area of the Mataram Kingdom.
• The location marked by the number 3 is the area of the Medium Bathing Complex.
• The location marked number 4 is the Mataram Palace area

When it was founded, the Islamic Kingdom of Mataram was centered in the Kotagede area. The area
was the seat of government during the reigns of Senopati and Anyokrowati. During the leadership of Sultan
Agung, the center of government of the Mataram Kingdom was moved to the Kerto region, then during the
leadership of Amangkurat I in 1674 AD, the center of government was moved from the Kerta region to the
Pleret region. The Pleret area, which was the center of government of the Islamic Mataram kingdom in the
19th century, had an important role, where there was a fortress as a langakah for the defense of the kingdom.
Information – information about the existence of the Prelet Palace Fortress is usually obtained from
the records of foreign envoys and foreign records visiting the Prelet Palace. Graaf (1987, 11) in Alifah,
Heri Priswanto ( 2012,187 ) describes Vangoence, who visited Prelet in June 1648, explaining that the
Palace of Prelet wasprotected by a two-gate fence. One door to the north and the other door to the south.
Vangoence explained in detail where the Pleret Palace Fort has a circumference (palace) of 2256 meters
with a height of approximately 18 to 20 feet. (Van Goens, 1856 Alifah, Heri Priswanto (2012,187). Other
information obtained from Van Goens reveals that the shape (kraton) of the rhombus is not a square.

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

Figure 7. Sketch map of Kraton Pleret. (Source: D.I. Cultural Service Yogyakarta)

Figure 8. Sketch map of Kraton Pleret. Source : Kraton Ngayogyakarta Library.

When viewed at this time the existence of the Pleret palace is no longer visible in its shape on the
surface of the earth, but based on research that has been carried out by archaeologists, namely by the
Yogyakarta Archaeological Center and the Yogyakarta Provincial Cultural Office, it can be ascertained that
the existence of the Pleret palace is indeed true.

3. Sketch map of Medan Old Town
Medan is the capital city of North Sumatra province , one of the 5 largest cities in Indonesia.
Initially, Medan was a small village managed by Datuk named Datuk Kesawan. The Kesawan area itself was
originally a Malaysian village, but since 1880 many workers and traders have come from the Malacca region
to settle in the area so that ithas become a trading center. (Alnoza, et al, 2020 )
Nasution, (2018: 69) in Alnoza, et al (2020:79) explains that since Jacobus Nienhuys first opened
tobacco plantations in 1863 there has been a rapid development in agriculture which has resulted in the
urbanization of people of various ethnicities because there are many jobs available in the territory. This
resulted in many bussinesmen and foreign workers coming to pit their fate and fortunes in the region. Due
to the accumulation of foreigners and locals, Medan has become a very multidimensional city. Of course, in
a very pluralistic state, many stories because the entire railway line with government buildings, markets,
shops, private offices, religious buildings and stations was built in the middle of the Kesawan area.

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

Figure 9, Kesawan on the 1928 Medan City Map Sketch . (Source: Alnoza, et al, 2020)

As seen in the map sketch of Medan City in 1928, there is tolerance of many cultures, which is
depicted by the location / position of the places of worship of several religions built close together.
• The location marked with the number 1 is the location of the building of the Bangkok Gang Old
Mosque (Oude Moskee)
• The location marked with the number 2 is the location of the Chinese Shrine building (Chin Tempel)
• The location marked number 3 is the location of the Roman Catholic church building (R.K. Kerk)
• The location marked with the number 4 is the location of the Shri Mariamman Hindu Temple (Hindue
Tempel) building


Sketch maps in the study of historical geography are used to show the similarities and differences of
regions (the earth's surface) in the past and the changes of Iandskap over certain periods . Thus the
existence of the map becomes very important in the study, at least as a summary of past environmental
conditions. From the map sketches in the discussion above, both map sketches depicting the Semarang
city area , sketches of the Mataram kingdom area and sketches of the old city of Medan we can see from
the passage of time humans never stop taking advantage of the environment by changing the environment
according to their needs.


Thanks to all authors to support this research. We do a great research and we hope this research can
get vast impact to reader especially reader that want to learn about map.


Alifah, Heri Priswanto. 2012. BENTENG KRATON PLERET: Data Historis dan Data Arkeologi.
Yogyakarta : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta.
Alnoza, dkk, 2020. Kota Tua Punya Banyak Cerita Jilid 1. Sukabumi: Farha Pustaka. Munandar, Agus
Aris,dkk. 2006. Pedoman Kajian Geografi Sejarah Insonesia.
Jakarta : CVMulti Prima.

ISSN 2722-2322 Volume (2) No (1) Year (2022) (1-9) JOURNAL LEARNING GEOGRAPHY

Yogi Iswarini Rahayu

Pinheiro, Jose de Queiroz. 1951. Determinants of cognitive maps of the world as expressed in sketch maps.
The University of Arizona.
Purwanto, L.M.F. 2004. Einfluss des Feucht – Tropischen Klimas auf die Niederländischen
Koloniabauten in Semarang. Stuttgart: Der Facultät Architektur und Stadtplanung, Universität
Riyanto, Sugeng. 2014. Teknik Tumpang Susun Peta Sebagai Dasar Delineasi Kawasan SitusKota Lama
Semarang. Jurnal Seuneubok Lada, Vol 1(1), hlm 78-86.
Setiadi, Amos, dkk. 2021. Kotagede Past and Present. Yogyakarta: Cahya Atma Pustaka.