e-ISSN 2776-1185
Vol 3, No 1, April 2023, 19-22
Adolescent social pathology: The role of parents in preventing and overcoming free
sexual behavior among adolescents in the City of Asahan Range
Nilasari Siagian
Corresponding author: [email protected]
sex behavior
ABSTRACTThe generation that will carry on the nation’s battle comprises teenagers. By evaluating
circumstances and other factors that influence the interaction between children and parents in carry-
ing out their tasks, the researchers aimed to examine the actions and roles of parents in preventing
and overcoming free-sex behavior in adolescents. We then go on to discuss how parenting involves
both prevention and control. If this issue is not resolved, the moral degeneration of the country’s next
generation, who lack moral and social abilities, will be impacted. This study employs a qualitative
phenomenological methodology. Interviews, observation, and documentation are examples of data
collection methods. Utilize triangulation to examine the reliability of the data utilized in this investi-
gation. Psychologically, at this time, adolescence is a change or transition of a person’s period from
childhood to adulthood. At this time, adolescents are usually unstable in making decisions, and the
family is the essential unit for adolescents’ physical and psychological growth and development. When
dysfunctions such as divorce, death, family thoughts, or working parents occur in a family, it certainly
affects the development of young people, especially in terms of behavior.
© The Author(s) 2023. CC BY-NC 4.0 International license
Modern society faces numerous social issues because, to
humans, a product of technological advancement. As reli-
gious and cultural conventions, customs, and laws are no
longer the primary foundation for people’s behavior, the
principles that a nation has adopted are eroded. The affects
societal shifts in attitudes around sexual activity.
Teenagers, the target audience, are particularly inter-
ested in how attitudes regarding free sexual conduct evolve
because they live in a time of complex globalization. One
of the many elements that cause free sex behavior in ado-
lescents is inattention, and parents’ roles and educational
backgrounds significantly impact a child’s personality. The
parenting approach parents use with their kids will become
the foundation of the child’s personality, influencing atti-
tudes and decisions in the future.
Other factors that influence adolescent sexual behav-
ior are the attention of parents and families that can protect
adolescents from harmful influences, promiscuity, many
things often located close to sexual intercourse, and the
influence of constructs such as flirting on sexual behav-
ior. This is generally understood by research by Sri Putri
Murtini Pupita et al. (2012) are more specific about the re-
lationship between information, thoughts, and guardians
about adolescent sexual behavior. The actions and efforts
of parents can have a significant influence on adolescent
sexual behavior beyond comprehension. The action or role
of parents towards attitudes is a closed reaction that can-
not be seen directly, so adolescents with positive attitude
responses to sexual behavior also tend to act decisively.
Teenagers are not active in communicating with their par-
ents. He is likelier to engage in high-risk sexual behavior
than adolescents who communicate effectively with their
parents .
Figures issued by KPAI regarding crimes involving chil-
dren as perpetrators and victims, such as child trafficking,
217 children were exploited, and 93% of the cases were
prostitution. Besides child prostitution, trafficking in per-
sons (TPPO) with child victims is also rife. Since the pan-
demic. In 2019, 111 cases were recorded. Then in 2020, it
increased to 213, and in 2021 to 256 cases.
Due to numerous unfavourable situations and sur-
roundings, the city of Range is likewise not exempt from
occurrences of youthful promiscuity. For instance, the
Kisaran Naga sub-district of Kisaran Timur has a sizable
population. These are used as primary facilities for adoles-
cents and even unmarried students residing in the neigh-
bourhood and are disguised as Islamic boarding schools. A
pair of adolescent guys were discovered having sex in the
victim’s (a teenage girl) home on January 18, 2022. The vic-
tim’s mother was aware that they had done the act at home,
as happened in Binjai Serbangan Village, Asahan Regency.
Even though the act was performed with consent, the
victim is nonetheless protected by the law because they are
both under the age of 17. The mother reported the inci-
dent to the Asahan KPAD to refer the case to the Asahan Po-
lice. Based on previous research conducted by researchers,

there will be around 20 cases of unprovoked sexual behav-
ior will be collected by KPAD by 2021. This data is obtained
from various parties, including data on police arrests, vic-
tim reports, and public facts in the field. from sexual acts
which are generally carried out secretly and covertly.
According to KPAI statistics, 217 children were ex-
ploited, or 93% of the instances involved prostitution in
crimes involving children as perpetrators and victims, such
as child trafficking. In addition to child prostitution, Due
to the numerous unfavourable situations and surroundings,
Kota Kisaran is not immune to occurrences of youthful
adultery. For instance, the population is relatively substan-
tial in Kisaran Timur, Kisaran Naga District.
Accommodations that seem like Islamic boarding
schools are all used as elementary education centers for
local youngsters and even single pupils. Two young guys
were discovered having intercourse at the victim’s resi-
dence on January 18, 2022, in Binjai Serbangan Village, Asa-
han District, which was known to have been perpetrated
by the victim’s mother at home. Victim’s house. Even if
the act was committed voluntarily, it is still because the
victim is not yet 17 years old and is still protected by law.
The mother reported the incident to the Asahan KPAD to
refer the case to the Asahan Police. Based on previous re-
search by researchers, there will be around 20 cases of un-
provoked sexual behavior collected by KPAD by 2021. This
data is collected from various parties, including arrest data,
police, victim reports, and public factual information. sex-
ual acts that are usually carried out surreptitiously and se-
According to the research that has been done, this study
used a phenomenological method and a qualitative re-
search design. Oral and written data sources were the
study’s research subjects (Creswell,2014). The Regional
Child Welfare Committee (KPAD) of Asahan District col-
lected oral data from various imprisoned adolescents and
sociopathy victims, particularly victims of adolescent sex-
ual freedom. The above information was gathered from
Asahan Regional Child Welfare Committee (KPAD) and
other Asahan Regional Government papers. Interviews, ob-
servations, and studies at the triangulation data validation
table were employed as data-gathering methods.
3.1Definition of Adolescent Pathology
”Juvenile delinquency” is another name for juvenile social is-
sues. Teenagers are young people or a characteristic of kids
in their adolescence. Delinquere, which can also mean bad,
vile, antisocial, criminal, unlawful, riotous, etc., is neglect or
abandonment. Adolescent pathological conduct frequently
occurs while still trying to find one’s own identity, without
understanding the consequences in the future, and while
having issues with psychological development. It also hap-
pens very quickly during this time. There are three types
of pathological behavior or juvenile delinquency:
First, because of their psychopathic personalities, peo-
ple misbehaving because of their upbringing are emotion-
ally starved. Children are generally good due to negative
environmental impacts, whereas the two are only related
because they are still teenagers. They are all wrong. ”Juve-
nile delinquency” is another name for juvenile social issues.
Teenagers are young people or a characteristic of kids who
are in their adolescence. Delinquere, which can also mean
bad, vile, antisocial, criminal, unlawful, riotous, etc., is ne-
glect or abandonment. Adolescent pathological conduct
frequently occurs while still trying to find one’s own iden-
tity, without understanding the consequences in the future,
and while having issues with psychological development. It
also happens very quickly during this time. There are three
types of pathological behavior or juvenile delinquency:
First, because of their psychopathic personalities, per-
sons who act badly because of their upbringing are emo-
tionally starved. Children are generally good due to nega-
tive environmental impacts, whereas the two are only re-
lated because they are still teenagers. They are all bad.
3.2The Role of Parents
Stephen R. Covey in Syamsu Yusuf LN.2014:147 states that
there are four roles for the family, namelyMariani & Mur-
a.Modeling, parents are those who can be imitated or
role models by their children. Parents have a power-
ful influence in setting an example to children, both
in positive and negative terms, parents are the first
things children show as an example. Parents be-
come role models in shaping children’s ”way of life” or
lifestyle. How children think and act is shaped by how
their parents think and act. This is how parents inherit
their children’s behavior and way of thinking.
b.Mentorship is creating relationships and instilling a
sense of love.
c.Organizations and families are also similar to small or-
ganizations that need a team to solve and complete
problems and tasks or meet family needs sincerely and
d.Teaching, the role of parents can be a teacher in the
family environment. Parents teach children until they
are teenagers. That is the function and basis or princi-
ples of family life. Here we examine parents’ ability to
develop mindfulness skills in their children, in other
words, children are aware of what they are doing and
understand why they do it. Here, children enjoy their
work without the slightest feeling of being forced by
their parents
3.3Factors influencing the role of parents
A process forms Knoers & Hadiotono, 1999 inMarliana
et al.(2018) The role and occurs in the factors that trig-
ger parental interactions in the family and environment,
a.Internal factors include:
1.Knowledge is everything that is known after see-
ing, hearing, and feeling particular objects.
2.Intelligence is a condition of reasonable intelli-
gence in developing a healthy mindset.
3.Reactions, perceptual (acceptance), and re-
sponses that arise when a person knows and
chooses various objects received.
4.Emotions are psychological symptoms a person
feels, such as sadness, disappointment, happi-
ness, emotion, and others reflected in human be-
20 Adolescent social pathology/Siagian

5.Motivation, as motivation to act to achieve goals,
can also be in the form of behavior.
b.External factors include:
1.Climatic conditions in the region over a more ex-
tended time.
2.People with intelligence (able to control other
3.Socio-Economy is a general belief that exists in
a particular region or region.
4.Culture is something that has become a habit of
a group of people or society that has been passed
down from generation to generation
5.Work, the need for work to support oneself and
family life. The experience gained through the
learning process and increasing self-potential
is an action lacking in any way, both from for-
mal and informal education, as a process that
changes one’s mindset and behavior in a better
direction. Retrained behavior change is also part
of the learning process. (Wahyudina & Rahmah,
3.4Free Sex Behavior
Behavior is the result of many human experiences from hu-
man interaction, which can be seen in the form of educa-
tion, attitudes, traits, and actions. Behavior is an activity
with a certain line, duration, and purpose, both done con-
sciously and unconsciously (Kreuter,2005). From a biolog-
ical point of view, behavior is the specific association and
observation activity of living organisms. Based on this un-
derstanding, new behaviors emerge. when something is
needed to evoke a response. The behavior variable itself
refers to the behavior modification effect of each individ-
ual. At the same time, sex is often understood as satire,
as if it were natural sexual activity. In contrast, sex is an
anatomical and biological state, although the understand-
ing of sexuality is limited. Sexuality is a set of feelings, emo-
tions, identities, and attitudes of a person related to his sex-
ual behavior and identity. [6].
According to Sarwono, sexual behavior also means all
behaviors supported by sexual desire. These behavior pat-
terns have different responses, from attraction and touch-
ing to reaching intercourse. The target of this sexual act
can be another person, an imaginary person, or even one-
self (Mariani & Arsy,2017).
McKinley in Miron & Charles states that sexual behavior
can have a negative impact value which is divided into two
parts, namely:
a.No risk
Safe sexual behavior includes holding hands: touch-
ing hands, having sex, having sex or talking about sex,
sharing fantasies, kissing on the cheek, and touching
and touching sensitive body parts.
Three parts are part of risky sexual behavior: low risk,
high risk, and danger. Somewhat risky sexual behav-
ior includes kissing on the lips, caressing, anal sex,
and sex with latex (condoms). High-risk sexual be-
havior includes fondling oral sex without safety bar-
riers and masturbation on broken skin or wounds (ad-
diction). Risky sexual behavior, including anal sex or
sexual intercourse without latex protection. Forms of
risky sexual behavior (Hasibuan et al.,2014).
According to Green, several factors influence the for-
mation of sexual behavior, including (Mariani & Arsy,2017):
a.Predisposing factors are factors before the behavior
that is carried out without rational thinking or moti-
vation. This behavior is manifested in knowledge, in-
sight, traits, attitudes, beliefs, beliefs, perceptions, val-
ues, and others.
b.Enabling factors are factors that precede behavior and
enable the realization of motivation, namely the avail-
ability of essential health resources, the affordability
of health resources for health professionals, and the
skills of health workers.
c.Controlling factors are factors that follow behavior,
then influence behavior and help determine or over-
come this behavior
The family, divided into the nuclear and extended fami-
lies, is the smallest inclusive social unit. The family has,
however, gone through numerous social changes over time,
including divorces, the deaths of one or both guardians,
same-sex families, guardians moving to work and remarry-
ing, and becoming marginalized. These changes can impact
young people’s development, particularly regarding their
living circumstances. When the family is broken, behavior
becomes more agitated. The family, separated into the nu-
clear and extended family models, is the smallest univer-
sal unit within the social structure. There are times when
a family experiences numerous difficulties that are upset-
ting, especially when the cause is the death of parents or
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