The Effect of Project-based Learning and Creativity
on the Students’ Competence at Vocational High

Usmeldi Usmeldi
Universitas Negeri Padang
Padang, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract—The preliminary surveys show that many students
are less creative, so that it difficult to understand the concept of
physics. Many students who do not mastery learning of physics so
that it difficult to applied the concept of physics in relevant
subjects. Therefore, project-based learning is implemented. This
study aims to determine the effect of project-based learning and
creativity on the students’ competence. This research used quasi
experiment method with pretest-posttest group control design.
The subjects of the research were students of eleventh grade at
vocational high schools. Data were collected using observation
sheets, creativity tests, and achievement tests. The result of the
research shows that the project-based learning impact on the
students' competence, in the terms of: (1) There is a significant
difference of the students’ competence who use the project-based
learning with students who use the conventional learning. (2)
There is a significant difference of competence between students
who have high and low creativity in project-based learning. (3)
There is interaction of learning model and creativity that effect to
the students’ competence. Thus, student competence is
significantly influenced by the implementation of project-based
learning. The effect of project-based learning model to the
competence of students includes large categories.
Keywords—project-based learning; creativity; students
The government has made various efforts to improve the
quality of education, including changes in curriculum,
improving the quality of teachers, facilities and infrastructure.
The teacher is a facilitator in the learning process. Therefore, in
the learning process the teacher must be able to use the right
methods and media so that learning objectives can be achieved.
The teacher must try to carry out the learning process that can
motivate student learning activities. One of the efforts made by
the teacher to obtain optimal learning outcomes is to create a
learning atmosphere that can actively engage students. The
active involvement of students in learning activities enables the
student to develop the potential he has well. One of the subjects
in the Electrical Engineering Department at the State
Vocational High School 5 of Padang is the Physics subject.
This subject aims to enable students to master the concept of
physics and be able to apply it in subjects of expertise relevant
to physics.
Physics is a branch of science that has a large role in
science and technology. Physics not only makes a real
contribution to technological development but also educates
students to have intellectual and religious attitudes. Therefore,
students are required to be able to act on the basis of logical
thinking, critical thinking, creative, and innovative. In essence
physics is a collection of knowledge, investigation, and
scientific way of thinking. Physical learning must use an
effective and efficient learning model and be able to motivate
students to learn physics.
Physics is the natural knowledge that is gained from
experience through observation and applied in the real world.
Physics has facts, concepts, principles and laws. Many physical
concepts include abstract concepts. The concept of abstract
physics is often an obstacle for teachers in delivering physical
material to students, so that students are not yet optimal in
understanding the concepts described by the teacher. This has
an impact on students 'interest in learning in physics which
causes the students' low competence to solve problems. The
problem that often occurs in the process of learning physics is
the use of learning models that are not optimal. The use of
learning models that are not in accordance with the material
and the ability of students causes an unfavorable or boring
learning atmosphere.
The results of interviews with physics teachers at SMK 5
Padang obtained information that students were less
enthusiastic about taking lessons and were lazy to do
assignments. Students are less active and if asked a few
questions can answer. Students are less motivated to ask or
express opinions. In the learning process students tend to
record rather than understand the material being taught,
resulting in low student learning outcomes (48% of students
have not yet finished learning physics). Thus the teacher must
find the right way to improve in the learning process. Steps that
can be taken by the teacher as an effort to actively engage
students to improve student learning outcomes include using
various learning methods and motivating students to learn
One solution to the problem is the application of a project
based learning model to improve the competence of students.
Project based learning is an innovative learning centered on 5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ICTVET 2018) Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license ( Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299 14

students, teachers as motivators and facilitators. Students are
given the opportunity to work and construct their knowledge.
The project based learning model involves students on the
problem, the solution uses project work so students are trained
to act and think creatively. Project based learning models can
improve physics learning outcomes in the affective, cognitive
and psychomotor domains [1]. Project based learning models
have a positive influence on students' cognitive abilities [2,3].
According to Waras project based learning is a project that
focuses on product development and performance, students
conduct group learning activities, conduct research, solve
problems, and synthesize information [4]. This model is part of
the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach that is carried
out through a project within a certain period of time with steps
consisting of preparation, project determination, planning,
investigation, preparing reports, communicating the results of
activities and evaluations. According to Sulvian Project Based
Learning is very suitable to be carried out in physics learning
because through this project student are involved mentally and
physically, including social skills by constructing knowledge
based on their own experience through actions in the project
[5]. Students are required to be able to share information and
respect others, collaborate in groups. The project is the core of
the Project Based Learning model. Hiscocks states that the
Project is an activity where the participants have a degree of
choice in the outcome. lab periods [6].
Based on the background described, a study was conducted
to reveal the effect of project-based learning and creativity on
the students' competence in physics subjects.
This research used a quasi-experimental method with a
pretest-posttest control group design [7]. The experimental
design used was a 2x2 factorial design. The 2x2 design in
question is two learning models (project-based learning,
conventional) with two categories of creativity (high, low). The
study was carried out on students in Physics subjects. The
research stages are: (1) conducting preliminary surveys, (2)
preparing learning implementation plans, student worksheets,
and research instruments, (3) giving pre-tests, (4) providing
creativity tests, (5) giving treatment by implementing projects -
based learning in experimental class students, while control
class students carry out conventional learning, (6) provide post-
test, (7) analyze data and interpret results. The instruments used
in the study were: observation sheets, creativity tests, and
learning outcome tests. Observation sheets are used during the
preliminary survey.
Creativity test data were analyzed by percentage techniques
to classify students into two groups of learning creativity,
namely high and low. Test results data are analyzed
quantitatively to determine the effect of project-based learning
model on students' competence in learning physics. Data
analysis uses two way anova and effect size.
The effect of project-based learning model on student
competency is obtained from the results of two way anova
(analysis of varians) analysis and effect size. Two way anova
analysis aims to determine differences in student competencies
in the experimental class and the control class in terms of
student learning and creativity models. The impact of project-
based learning on student competence is known from the
results of the effect size test.
A. Differences in Student Competencies Based on Learning
Model and Creativity
Before analyzing the data to determine differences in
student competencies based on student learning and creativity
models, first test the normality of data distribution and test the
homogeneity of data. The results of the normality distribution
of data distribution showed that the competence of students in
the experimental class and control class before learning were
normally distributed. Similar results for students' competencies
after learning. The results of the homogeneity test of students'
competency data before learning showed that the competence
of students in the experimental class and the control class was
homogeneous, as well as the competencies of students after
After the average difference test on the students
'competence data before the learning obtained the result that
the average of the students' competency of the experimental
class and the control class did not differ significantly (p =
0.36). Thus it can be stated that the student's competence
before the learning is the same in both classes. The difference
of student competence after learning is obtained from the result
of two way anova test as in table 1.
Source of Variation SS df MS P-value
Learning model 6850.137 15 346.045 0.0251
Learning creativity 4622.113 1 4258.166 0.0016
Interaction 4354.937 15 243.693 0.0375
Within 5827.5 32 138.544

Based on the results of the two way anova test, it can be
concluded that the results of the first hypothesis test are
rejected, meaning that there are differences in student learning
outcomes that carry out project based learning with students
who carry out conventional learning. Student learning
outcomes that carry out project based learning are better than
the learning outcomes of students who carry out conventional
learning. The results of the second hypothesis test are rejected,
meaning that there are differences in learning outcomes of
students who have high creativity with learning outcomes of
students who have low creativity in project based learning.
Learning outcomes of students who have high creativity are
better than students who have low creativity. The results of the
third hypothesis test are rejected, meaning that there is an
interaction between the learning model and students' creativity
in influencing student learning outcomes. This shows that the
learning model and creativity affect student learning outcomes.
Students who have high creativity are easier to implement
project based learning than students who have low creativity.
The interaction between learning models and student creativity
can be presented in figure 1. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 299 15

Fig. 1. Interaction between learning model and student's creativity.
B. The Effect of Learning Model on Student competence
The effect of the implementation of project based learning
model on student competence is calculated using the effect size
with the Cohen’s formula, the effect size is 1.97. These results
indicate that the effect of project based learning on student
competence is a large category.
C. Discussion
The implementation of project based learning models in
physics teaching aims to improve the student competence and
creativity. The results showed that the effect of project based
learning on student competence included a large category. This
means that project based learning is more effective than
conventional learning. Project based learning has an impact on
students' learning mastery and creativity.
Project based learning can improve student competence [8-
10]. Project based learning has an effect on increasing learning
motivation, creativity, students' critical thinking and cognitive
abilities [11,12]. Project-based learning model with production
approach based on expert assessment might develop student's
generic green skills in patisserie as it further emphasizes on the
development of project management abilities, collaboration
abilities, creativity and problem solving abilities [13].
Corebima found that projects focus on product development
and performance [14].
Project-based learning can enhance student creativity.
Student creativity is seen during learning, when students are
faced with existing problems, they have to solve it and present
it then their creative ideas emerge. This creativity is seen from
the products produced from the project in the form of reports,
posters and products. In learning, the teacher facilitates
everything that is needed by students. Students are required to
be skilled in making decisions in dealing with problems in
detail (elaboracy), fluency of students in working on projects is
seen in groups of students who have high creativity capable of
completing the project according to the scheduled time.
Flexibility of students is seen when the project group has
difficulty in finding instruments, they are able to bring up their
ideas (originality) to use simple tools in working on the project.
They think about the details in the set of tools that they have in
order to work. This is the creativity that students have shown in
trying new things, even though this group needs a long time.
Students have creative abilities when faced with various
skills and competencies such as collaboration, project planning,
decision making, and time management through project-based
learning [15]. Student creative thinking in a project based
learning model is greater than conventional learning. It proves
learning process with project based learning actually effective
to advance student creative thinking processes and
observations made by the observer indicated that the student
activity is positively increased [16]. It caused in learning of a
project based learning model that students trained to design,
analyze, and apply their ideas [17,18].
Creativity is one of the basic human needs, namely the need
for self-realization (self-actualization) and is the highest need
for humans [19]. Basically everyone is born into the world with
creative potential. Creativity can be identified and developed
through appropriate education [19]. Creativity includes aptitude
features such as fluency, flexibility, and originality in thought,
as well as non aptitude characteristics, such as curiosity, likes
to ask questions and always want to find new experiences.
Creativity is the ability to combine, solve or answer problems,
and the operational ability of creative students [20]. The
implementation of physics learning using project based
learning can improve student creativity and learning outcomes
There is a significant difference of the students competence
using project based learning with students using conventional
learning. There is a significant difference of the students
competence that high and low creativity in project based
learning. There is an interaction of implementation of learning
model and creativity in influencing students competence.
Student competence increases because of the implementation
of project based learning model. Thus the students competence
is significantly influenced by the implementation of project
based learning model. The effect of project based learning
model on students competence is in the large category.

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