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What is the CalTrans?
Each of the following functions can be used independently or jointly
V/Oct curve corrector and expander
Sending proper 1 V per octave signal to the CalTrans handling a corrected VCO will play proper
octaves (and semitones in between).
In other words, the CalTrans is a relative tuner: the pitch difference between semitones (and thus
octaves) will be equal.
With or without incoming V/Oct signal, the connected VCOs can be transposed up and down by
semitones and octaves.
Portamento processor
The signal can be slewed, slowly moving from the current voltage (note) to the next one in an
adjustable time. This is done by emulating the typical exponential decay curve of analog circuitry
Glissando processor
The signal can be stepped, progressively moving from the current voltage (note) the new one by
going through all semitones in between.
Sticking the incoming voltage to the closest semitone voltage step (note)
Input voltage corrector
Storable corrections to inaccurate input voltages drastically increase the accuracy and usability of
MIDI/CV controllers and other voltage sources
What the CalTrans is not
Absolute tuner
The CalTrans is not an absolute tuner; it is a relative tuner. The CalTrans is not about adjusting
your VCOs to a specific pitch-related note all by itself.
Once curve-corrected, a VCO must be brought to the desired note, using the transposing
encoders and then fine-tuned in relation to some reference (e.g. A = 440Hz) using the fine tuning
knob on the VCO. This also implies that correcting multiple VCOs each on their channel may end
up in different notes that each need be transposed and fine adjusted individually.
The reason for the manual transpose and fine tuning is because there is no standard in the world
of modular synths about which voltage should give which note (or pitch or frequency). Every
manufacturer does it its own way.

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Signal and data flow Quantize
Glissando Portamento
Calibration data
4 channels
One channel signal flow
SemiOct GlissandoPortamentoQtz
4 presets
4 channels

The CalTrans fulfills two independent roles:
1. It corrects and usually expands the usable Volt/Octave range for up to four VCOs at once
2. It applies various musically-related voltage treatments independently for each of the four
o Switchable semitone quantization
o Transposition per semitone and octave
o Portamento with adjustable duration
o Glissando with adjustable duration
The terms VCO and oscillator apply to any module capable of oscillation with pitch CV input.
There are two calibration modes:
1. V/Oct calibration for correcting VCOs whose tracking is not optimal.
2. Neutral calibration for VCOs that follow V/Oct nicely and need no curve correction.
Neutral calibration is for benefitting of the transpose, quantize, portamento and
Volt/Octave correction is done through a calibration procedure for each oscillator in turn. The
calibration is per channel (and related VCO/oscillating gizmo), and done only once.

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If you’re not interested in the V/Oct calibration aspect and only want to use the other features,
you can set one or more channels to Neutral calibration.
Note that for each channel, only one V/Oct calibration data set is stored.
x Once calibrated in V/Oct, the oscillators should not be swapped between channels.
x Channels set to Neutral calibration are interchangeable; their curve is neutral 1:1 between
in and out. (except if you deliberately change the scaling of the different inputs)
There are four preset locations.
x Each preset stores the quantizer, transposition, portamento and glissando for all four
x Storage of presets is independent from calibration data.
x Loading and storing presets does not affect the input and output calibration.
Input & outputs
In 1, 2, 3, 4
These inputs are meant for V/Oct control voltages. They accept voltages between zero and seven
volts. By default they expect V/Oct signal.
The V/Oct input scaling can be adjusted; see [Calibrating the inputs scaling] on page 16.
When an input (from 2 to 4) is left unconnected, it receives its signal from the previous numbered
Note that the input scaling applied to chained inputs is the one from the connected input!
Out 1, 2, 3, 4
These outputs correspond to the four inputs and drive the oscillator targets.
Calibration input
This input is only used during the V/Oct calibration procedure. It accepts typical levels generated
by oscillators. This input is not used after calibration is done.
The Neutral calibration procedure (1:1 in/out) makes no use of the Calibration input.

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Red LED column
These four LEDs relate to the four processing channels. They tell on which channels changes are
applied. Other uses of these LEDs are covered further down.
Yellow LED row
These four LEDs provide different visual clues depending on the context.
By default, they indicate the transpose setting for the lowest numbered channel currently
selected. Transposition is indicated by lighting building up, away from the middle: to the left for
lower and to the right for higher transpose values. When no LED is lit, there is no transposition.
Other uses of these LEDs are explained in the corresponding section.
Qtz = Quantize
This LED blinks when there is at least one channel with active quantize
p/g = Portamento & Glissando
One of these LEDs is on when editing portamento or glissando. It also tells if the yellow LED row
currently relates to portamento or glissando.
This LED indicates an ongoing calibration-related operation.
Channel buttons
These correspond to in/out 1~4 and are used to select one or more channels.
They also serve to select one of the 4 presets.
These are used to transpose the channels, adjust the portamento and glissando durations.
x When pressed separately, they activate the load and store operations.
x When pressed jointly, they reset the transpose
Quantizer button
This is used to edit the activation of the quantizer in each channel.
A long press on this button initiates the Neutral calibration procedure.

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p/g button
This is used to enter the editing of portamento and glissando durations for each channel.
Holding it to then press a channel button enters the input jack calibration procedure.

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Module operation
V/Oct Calibration
This is for VCOs that need their tracking be corrected.
1. Connect a wave output from the VCO to the CalTrans calibration input.
Use preferably sine or square; alternatively any simple wave will be fine.
2. Disconnect or disable any modulation that may affect the pitch or phase of the VCO.
The CalTrans channel inputs are not needed and are ignored during V/Oct calibration.
3. On the VCO, set the fine tune halfway and the coarse pitch setting around the lowest
note you intend playing in tune. No need to be actually in tune at this point.
4. Connect one output channel of the CalTrans to the V/Oct or other pitch control input of
your VCO (or oscillating module).
The pitch may jump unexpectedly; ignore it and do not retune your VCO.
5. Press the channel button corresponding to the output connected to the VCO.
6. Wait for the Calibration LED to end up full on. Calibration is done and saved automatically.
7. Remove the jack in the calibration input and start again with the next VCO using another
CalTrans channel.
8. Note that CalTrans stores a single V/Octave Calibration setting for each of its four
channels. That same channel setting will be applied to all four presets. The setting for
any channel can be updated at any time using the procedure described here.
9. A “Neutral Calibration” setting (page 11) will supersede and replace any V/octave
Calibration setting for that channel.
10. At this point your chosen oscillator should be calibrated: Check the result by turning the
Octave encoder up and down.
You can now connect a voltage source to the CalTrans input.
HOWEVER, your oscillator will probably NOT be playing “in tune” with any other
oscillator, or according to any specific pitch. If, for instance, you want 4 volts applied to
the CalTrans input to produce middle C (C4) from the oscillator connected to the output
of that channel, you need two more steps:
o First, use the CalTrans Octave (lower) knob and Semi (upper) knob to get as close
as possible to your target pitch.
o Then, use the FINE tune knob (NOT the COARSE knob) of your target oscillator to
do the final pitch adjustment.
Calibrating VCOs with voltage range starting negative
To benefit from the full extent of their octave covering, some VCOs also need being driven below
zero volt. Therefore, when doing their V/Oct calibration, their base pitch should be set one to
three octaves higher than the lowest note to be played.
The CalTrans will make the best of the available range. If for example the VCO has a range from
minus 1V to +4V (covering 5 octaves), after calibration, it will be possible to play these 5 octaves
only using positive voltages; a simple transpose will reposition the VCO’s pitch range in the
voltage range you find practical on the controlling (generator) side.

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VCO types and settings that won’t work
Make sure that:
x there are no multiple zero-crossings in the wave (typical of wavetables and FM synthesis)
x the wave is not multiple (e.g. chord, stacking, unison, ring mod, atonal, noise, ...)
x there is no modulation that affects shape, phase or frequency
x there is no sound processing that affects phase or frequency
x the sound amplitude is stable and continuous without audible retriggering or loop
e.g modules that require repeated triggering to hold their sound won’t work
If any of these requirements is not met, V/Oct calibration will not work.

V/Oct Calibration troubleshooting feedback
Various problems can prevent or disrupt the calibration. A problem is indicated by the channel’s
red LED and the green calibration LED flashing alternatively. One of the yellow LEDs, from left to
right indicates the cause of the trouble:
LED 1. Signal missing – error – calibration stops
The audio signal coming from the VCO is too low or absent
x Check the cable and level from your VCO output
x You may possibly need to amplify the signal before bringing it to the Cal input
x Try a different waveform
LED 2. Signal unstable – error – calibration stops
The signal is inconsistent in frequency, phase or level, hampering the frequency measurement.
x Check both cables between the CalTrans and the VCO
x Ensure that there is no cabling or setting creating a modulation on your VCO
x When using asymmetrical waves, try inverting their polarity. (e.g. a sawtooth ramp up
wave is not ideal because of the measure being done along a soft slope. Once the signal
is inverted, the measure will be effected on a sharp rising edge, improving the precision)
LED 3. Base frequency too low – error – calibration stops
The CalTrans does not start calibration for notes under 20Hz
x Retune the coarse setting of your VCO above 20Hz
LED 4. Base frequency possibly too high – warning – calibration continues
Your base frequency is above 80Hz. This warning draws your attention on the fact that you may
miss some usable range at the bottom of the frequency span.
You possibly forgot setting your VCO to a lower frequency before starting the calibration.
x Tune the coarse setting of your VCO to a lower frequency
After correcting an error, unplug and reinsert the calibration jack to restart the procedure.

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Visual feedback of a successful calibration
During calibration, the yellow LEDs tell the currently covered range. Illumination from left to right
represents contiguous frequency ranges from low to high. Each LED can have various illumination
behaviors telling the extent of the coverage:
x Full on: the range is completely covered
x Almost permanently on (black blips): the range is almost covered
x Blinking: the range is covered halfway
x Flashes: the range is barely covered
x Off: the range is not covered at all
Ideally, the more LEDs are fully on, the best.
For example, all you have are two yellow LEDs on the right side; your coarse setting was likely set
too high. Lowering the coarse setting of your VCO and redo calibration might extend the range to
lower notes.
Play recommendations after V/Oct calibration
These recommendations do not apply for Neutral calibrated channels
x Do not touch the coarse setting or octave switch of your VCOs anymore!
When using the Klavis Twin Waves dual VCO, you can lock the tuning pots.
x All transpose must be done via the CalTrans encoders
x Only a subtle pitch retuning (smaller than a quartertone) is allowed on your VCOs;
bigger changes must be done via the CalTrans transpose encoders.
Doing otherwise will break the calibration relationship!
However, after the calibration is done, any CV pitch modulation of any amplitude to your
VCO is perfectly OK. (e.g. vibrato, pitch trill, envelope sweep, …)
x Some oscillators change their pitch response when changing the wave shape. For these
oscillators to play in tune, the sound settings should be adjusted before calibration and
not modified thereafter.
VCO still out of tune?
If your VCO does not play in tune after V/Oct calibration (and fine tuning it); do the following test:
x Remove all jacks from the CalTrans inputs (because of cascading!)
x Hook up a tuner to your VCO, and do a fine adjust to reach the closest semitone
x Use the CalTrans octave encoder to check the accuracy over the VCO range
If this works fine, the cause of inaccuracy is on the source side.
See [Calibrating the inputs scaling] on page 16.

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Neutral calibration
This is for VCOs that track well and don’t need curve correction.
The Neutral calibration replaces the V/Oct calibration in a given channel
x For each channel that should be Neutral calibrated, connect a cable between its output
and the corresponding input of the CalTrans.
x There should be no jacks in the other channel inputs
x Press and hold the Qtz (Quantize) button until the blue Cal LED starts flashing
x If successful:
x the Cal blue LED goes steady on
x the Qtz green LED flashes
x the calibrated channel(s) red LED goes on
x Neutral calibration is stored automatically
Calibration (V/Oct or Neutral) on the other channels is unaffected.
x Remove all input jacks; the calibration procedure is over
Neutral calibration issues
When jacks in the inputs are not coming from their related channel output, the Qtz green LED will
not go on. Those channels will have their red LED flashing.
However, channels whose calibration succeeded will have their LED steady on.
Notes about Neutral calibration
Neutral calibration does not identify (and store) the specifics of the VCO currently connected at
the output. Therefore, some niceties of V/Oct calibration are missing:
x The end of range – up and down – is not handled
x All curve/tracking errors of the target VCO remain present as if directly connected
without the CalTrans
x There is no “intelligent” transpose that keeps the VCO in harmony with others when
going over/below its musical tracking limits.

It can make sense using V/Oct calibration instead of Neutral calibration even for VCOs that track
well. This will offer all the musical related niceties otherwise lost.

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Channel selection for transpose & p/g editing
x Press the button of the channel you intend transposing or editing
To select more than one channel, hold one of them while adding the other(s)
x Release all buttons; the channel selection is valid until being changed again
Transposition works independently of the quantizer being active or not.
x Turn the top encoder for semitones
x Turn the bottom encoder for octaves
x Press both encoders simultaneously to reset the transpose
Applying a quantizer
x Press the Qtz button; the channel LEDs tells which quantizer is active
x Press a channel button to toggle its quantizer on/off
x Press the Qtz button to exit quantizer editing
The Qtz LED and the channels with quantize active have their LED blinking or reverse blinking
when selected. This way you can see on which channels a quantizer is active, whether these
channels are selected or not.
Changing the portamento and glissando time
x Press the p/g button; the p LED will flash
x Turning the top encoder changes the portamento duration (zero to 20 sec) for the
selected channels. The yellow LEDs give an indication of the duration applied.
x Turning the bottom encoder works the same but for glissando.
x The p and g LEDs follow whichever from portamento or glissando was tweaked last.
This is useful to know what the duration indication relates to.
x Pressing an encoder brings the LED focus to that setting without changing its value.
x When done, press the p/g button to exit p/g editing.
Note that manual transpose goes through P & G processing
The glissando effect is making use of the quantizer. When activating the glissando, there might
be a small jump in the fine tune that you need to readjust on your VCO. You can keep active the
quantizer for that channel to avoid a pitch change when the glissando is switched on and off.
Loading a preset
x Press briefly the top encoder; the current preset yellow LED and all red LEDs flash.
x Press one of the channel buttons (1~4) to load the corresponding preset (1~4).
The corresponding yellow LED briefly flashes to indicate the preset loaded.
Storing a preset
x Press briefly the bottom encoder; the current preset yellow LED and all red LEDs flash

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x Press one of the channel buttons (1~4) to store into the corresponding preset (1~4).
The corresponding yellow LED briefly flashes to indicate the destination preset
Clearing a preset
There is no single operation to clear a preset. What you should do is writing default settings in a
Here are the steps to follow:
x Select all 4 channels (red LEDs)
x Press both encoders at once (this will reset all transposes)
x Press the p/g button then turn each encoder counter-clockwise until all yellow LEDs are
fully off; press p/g to exit
x Press the Qtz button and switch off all red LEDs
Press Qtz to exit
x Store those settings in one or more preset you want to clear.
Using the CalTrans with a sequencer, arpeggiator, etc
All equipment and modules that generate voltages according to V/Oct to create melodies are
here called “generators”. This includes sequencers, arpeggiators, keyboards, MIDI to CV
converters, and generally any CV equipment dealing with tonal music control and generation.
Note and pitch matching issues
According to the Volt per Octave metric, each semitone is 1/12
of a Volt apart. All it guarantees is
that in a perfect setup, after twelve such voltage steps you end up one octave away from where
you started.
Unfortunately there is no specification for what voltage a given note should be and no reference
to a given tuning key. Therefore it is up to the user to tune each VCO so that it will match the
expected note shown on the sequencer or corresponding to the keyboard key.
Every piece of equipment can generate those V/Oct steps in the way it sees fit.
This lack of standard explains why the CalTrans only handles the spacing (voltage) between notes
(semitones and octaves) and not absolute notes.
Double quantization issues
When patching the CalTrans between a quantized generator and a VCO, the Quantizer of the
CalTrans might need being disabled. Otherwise, there’s a risk that a voltage falling on the edge of
detection of the CalTrans semitone’s determination leads to notes being played above or below
were they should be. This is in fact how you identify that very issue.
Low and negative range issues
It may happen that your V/Oct generator goes into the negative range, with the CalTrans missing
that part of the range, or that the first note (theoretically at zero volt) does not play right.

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In such case there are two possible solutions:
1. Use a transpose function on the voltage generator to lift up its voltage range
2. Use a precision adder module between the generator and the Caltrans and feed it with a
fixed voltage high enough to reposition the range within the positive domain.
Check in the specifications that the generator’s output voltage fits the input voltage range of the
Background on portamento and glissando
Portamento is a well-known voltage processing where a pitch voltage changes to another one in
a smooth way. When done with an analog circuit, called an integrator, it follows a curvature
called exponential decay. This curve jumps rapidly towards the target voltage to slow down
progressively the more it approaches it. In the modular world, this function is also called slew.
Glissando is the change from one pitch to another by consecutive steps. This effect is
approximately emulated by sliding the back of your hand on a keyboard, moving from note to
note. With glissando, all steps are semitones. The step change is linear; it means that the steps
duration is equal.
Portamento on top of glissando
When combining both portamento and glissando,
the portamento will typically be set faster than the
glissando for the glissando steps to be noticeable.
When the portamento is then set a bit longer, the
end result is close to linear portamento, which
sounds strikingly different from the usual
portamento effect.
When both settings are short, it ends up in some
highly unusual “grainy” portamento.
Input signal
Portamento on

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Calibrating the inputs scaling
Proceed only if necessary
Perform the test [VCO still out of tune?] described on page 11 to be sure that you need changing
the scaling. There’s no point messing with the input scaling if the test was not done!
This procedure enables the CalTrans to compensate for certain inaccuracies that may be intrinsic
to your voltage source (sequencer, MIDI to CV converter, keyboard, etc.), so that those
inaccuracies don’t degrade the pitch tracking of your oscillator.
Which issue are you facing?
1. If the pitch is consistently off by the same amount over several octaves, you should adjust
it as described in steps 8 to 10 under V/Oct Calibration (page 9). This has nothing to do
with scaling!
2. If the pitch drifts further away the more you transpose on your source, there is a scaling
problem that can be solved by the procedure described hereafter.
A note about storage
Input scaling is stored once per channel regardless of the presets.
About input scaling
The scaling is the setting that makes the CalTrans “know” how far the voltage steps are from
each other. If the setting is compressed, the incoming voltages will end up being expanded,
leading to notes that are further away from each other than they should be. If the setting is
stretched, it is the opposite; the output voltages will be compacted, leading to notes that are too
Why would you change that setting?
When using the CalTrans with voltage sources (e.g. sequencer, arpeggiator, keyboard, MIDI to CV
converter) that do not produce perfect V/Oct signals, the CalTrans will follow and replicate their
inaccuracy, leading to out of tune notes.
The best practice is to adjust such piece of equipment to generate precise V/Oct signals. When
such adjustment is not feasible or desirable, you can instead adjust the CalTrans inputs. The
procedure can also be used if for whatever reason the setting in the CalTrans does not suit you.
Procedure with a tuner
1. Equipment needed:
a. Tuner with chromatic mode
b. CalTrans
c. Stable VCO with low drift – but not necessarily with a good V/Oct tracking. It must
however cover 5 octaves or more (after calibration)
d. V/Oct device/module that can generate notes (voltages) a few octaves apart
The modules should be in the same case to prevent supply and grounding issues.
2. Let your equipment warm up for enough time to reach its usual warm state

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3. On the Caltrans, select the channel to process, and then press both encoders to reset any
previous transpose setting.
4. Perform a V/Oct calibration of the VCO on the selected Cal Trans channel (page 9).
However, do NOT touch any tuning knob on the VCO, including the FINE tuning knob!
Make a note of the octave and (approximate) note that the oscillator is outputting at the
end of the V/Oct calibration. (e.g., A2, C1, etc.)
5. Connect the V/Oct generator to the CalTrans input and ensure that the pitch is not
changing (much). If needed, adjust the generator settings to obtain the smallest change
6. Adjust your V/Oct generator to send a note about 4 octaves above the note produced at
the end of the V/Oct calibration. (If that was A2, hit a note about A6.)
7. Put your tuner in chromatic mode and adjust the fine tune knob of your VCO to the
closest semitone (up or down, whichever is the closest). Ensure that you made the
smallest possible change to reach a semitone recognized by the tuner. Going too far
away will reduce the precision of the operation.
8. Adjust your V/Oct generator to send a note that is exactly 3 octaves below the note you
hit in Step 6. (If that was A6, now hit A3).
9. On the CalTrans, while holding the P/G button over two seconds, press the button of the
selected channel.
a. The P/G, Calibration and channel LEDs are now flashing
b. The encoders adjust the scaling as follows:
x Octave controls the coarse setting
x Semitone controls the fine setting (1/20
of coarse)
c. The top row LEDs gives an indication of the setting, min (off) to max (full)
10. Turn the CalTrans encoders until your tuner shows that the oscillator’s target note is
perfectly in tune.
11. When done, press the selected channel button briefly to end the adjustment procedure
and store the result. The green LED will flash briefly.
Procedure with a precision voltmeter
1. Equipment needed:
a. Voltmeter with 4.5 digit display or better and millivolt precision
b. CalTrans
c. Voltage source – the problematic module (sequencer, MIDI converter, etc.) that is
creating the inconsistent tracking. This procedure will allow imprecise sources to
be used, but they do need to be stable, with repeatable results.
d. A “multiple” module, splitter gizmo or Y cable with at least 3 connections
2. Let your equipment warm up for enough time to reach its usual warm state
3. Perform a Neutral Calibration (page 12) of the channel to be used with the problematic
voltage source.
4. Simultaneously press both encoders on the CalTrans to reset any preexisting

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5. Connect the voltage source to the multiple, then from there, to the CalTrans’ input
channel and the voltmeter.
6. Set your voltage source between 4V and 4.1V.
7. Connect the voltmeter to the CalTrans’ selected channel output and note the voltage
8. After holding the P/G button for at least 2 seconds, press the button of the selected
channel. The P/G, Calibration and channel LEDs should be flashing.
a. The encoders adjust the scaling:
x Octave is the coarse setting (not actual octaves !)
x Semitone is the fine setting (1/20
of coarse)
b. The top row LEDs gives an indication of the setting, min (off) to max (full)
9. Adjust your voltage source 3 octaves lower.
10. Turn the encoders to have the voltmeter showing precisely 3 volt less that the voltage
noted at step 8.
11. When the value is correct, press the selected channel button to end the adjustment
procedure. The green LED flashes briefly and the result is stored.

When done with input scaling
Whatever the input scaling method you applied, both the V/Oct and Neutral calibration of the
outputs can be used freely.

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Dimensions mm inches Eurorack compliance
Height 128.40 5.06 3HE
Width 30.00 1.18 6HP
Depth behind panel (with supply cable inserted) 36.00 1.41

The supply socket is protected against reverse insertion.
Supply rail Current draw
+12V 44 mA
-12V 8 mA
+5V 0 mA

All inputs and outputs can withstand signals between -12V and +12V without harm.
Jack Effective voltage range received or generated
V/Oct input 0 to 7V
V/Oct output -3 to +7V
Calibration input 1V p/p minimum, rising edge detection

Parameter Values
V/Oct Calibration Frequency range 20 Hz to 10 KHz
Neutral calibration voltage range 1:1 in/out +/- transpose

Packing list
The box contains:
x CalTrans module
x 2x M3 black mounting screws + washers
x Eurorack-compliant supply cable
x Quick setup notice

Klavis products, including PCB and metalwork, are designed and manufactured in Europe.