Version 1.0 27 Aug 2019

Evaluation of two species,
Cobia and Giant Grouper, as
alternative species to farm in
the WSSV affected areas of
South East Queensland

Brad Cherrie, Serena Zipf, Richard Knuckey,
Peter Lee, Trevor Borchert, David Nixon

July 2020

FRDC Project No 2017 - 103

© 2020 Fisheries Research and Development Corporation.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-0 -656-82111- 5
Evaluation of two species, Cobia and Giant Grouper, as alternative species to farm in the WSSV affected
areas of South East Queensland

2017 - 103

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Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights, if any) in this publication is owned by the
Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
This publication (and any information sourced from it) should be attributed to Cherrie, B., Zipf, S., Knuckey, R., Lee,
P., Borchert, T., Nixon, D. Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Queensland, Rocky Point Prawn Farms,
The Company One. 2020. Evaluation of two species, Cobia and Giant Grouper, as alternative species to farm
in the WSSV affected areas of South East Queensland. Brisbane, September. CC BY 3.0

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Researcher Contact Details FRDC Contact Details

Dr Peter Lee
Bribie Island Research Centre 144 North Street, PO Box 2066,
Woorim Qld 4507
07 3471 0956
[email protected]


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Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................... i
Abbreviations .......................................................................................................................................... i
Executive Summary............................................................................................................................... ii
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Project aim .........................................................................................................................................2
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Methods .................................................................................................................................................. 3
General husbandry .............................................................................................................................3
Sampling and data collection .............................................................................................................4
Results ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
Water Quality .....................................................................................................................................6
Tanks ...........................................................................................................................................6
Cages ...........................................................................................................................................7
Production ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Giant Grouper ............................................................................................................................ 10
Cobia ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Health and Survival .......................................................................................................................... 14
Discussion ............................................................................................................................................. 17
Water Quality ................................................................................................................................... 17
Production ........................................................................................................................................ 18
Giant Grouper ............................................................................................................................ 18
Cobia ......................................................................................................................................... 19
Health and Survival .......................................................................................................................... 20
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Implications .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 23

Further development ........................................................................................................................ 23
Extension and Adoption ...................................................................................................................... 24
Project coverage ............................................................................................................................... 24
References ............................................................................................................................................ 26
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................... 30
Appendix 1: List of researchers and project staff ............................................................................ 30
Appendix 2: Tank water quality and production .............................................................................. 31
Appendix 3: Study Tour of Hong Kong and Taiwan, Cobia and Grouper Facilities. ...................... 32

Table 1. Details of fish received and monitored in the project. ......................................................... 3
Table 2. Details of fish stocked into production systems. ................................................................... 4
Table 3. Water quality parameters of rearing tanks during the initial rearing of Batch 1
Giant Grouper. ............................................................................................................................... 6
Table 4. Water quality parameters of rearing tanks during the initial rearing of Batch 3
Giant Grouper. Values are mean (max, min) for the duration of rearing. ............................... 7
Table 5. Water quality parameters of rearing tanks during the initial rearing of Cobia
Batches 1 and 2. .............................................................................................................................. 7
Table 6. Specific growth rate (SGR) of cage-reared populations of Giant Grouper. .................... 10
Table 7. Specific growth rate (SGR) of tank -reared populations of Giant Grouper. .................... 10
Table 8. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tank-reared populations of Giant Grouper. ................. 12
Table 9. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of cage-reared populations of Giant Grouper. ................. 12
Table 10. Specific growth rate (SGR) of tank-reared populations of Cobia. ................................. 13
Table 11. Specific growth rate (SGR) of cage-reared populations of Cobia. ................................. 13
Table 12. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tank- and cage-reared populations of Cobia. ............. 14
Table 13. Significant mortality events and causes. ........................................................................... 15

Figure 1. Facilities at RPPF used during the project. A. Parabolic tanks (10,000 L, 20,000 L).
B. Round tanks (6,000 L). C. Hatchery water filtration system. D. Cages in landlocked
saline lake. ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 2. Water quality parameters during the winter cage trial (Cage 1). A. Water
temperature and salinity. B. Dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH. ................................................... 8
Figure 3. Lake water quality parameters at 1 m and 3 m depths during 2017/18. A.
Temperature. B. pH. C. Dissolved oxygen (DO). D. Salinity. .................................................... 9
Figure 4. Growth curves of populations of Giant Grouper reared in tanks. A. Batch 1. B.
Batch 3. ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5. Growth curves of cage populations of Giant Grouper. .................................................... 11
Figure 6. Growth curves of Cobia in tanks showing individual tank populations in 6,000 L
(BT) or 20,000 L (LR) tanks and an overall curve (mean ± S.E.)............................................ 13
Figure 7. Growth of Cobia juveniles, transferred to cages in August 2017. Cages 5 & 3, Cage
3A and best-fit exponential curve. .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 8. Onset of Columnaris disease, following transfer of Giant Grouper fingerlings and
elevated ammonia in tank. .......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9. Mortality curves for two representative cages of Giant Grouper during an
outbreak of nodavirus. A. Cage 6. B. Cage 8. ............................................................................ 16
Figure A3.1 Representative tank water quality parameters for A. Cobia, Batch 2 Tanks
BT11/LR25 Giant Grouper, B. Batch 1 Tank BT7, C. Giant Grouper, Batch 3 Tanks
LR2/BT8. ...................................................................................................................................... 31


This project would not have been possible without the commitment of Rocky Point Prawn Farms, in
particular Murray and Serena Zipf who had the vision to conceive the project. Significant support for the
project was provided by The Company One through provision of a large number of free and subsidised
giant grouper fingerlings. The support of the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries staff at
the Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) is also gratefully acknowledged, in particular David Mann,
Sizhong Wang, Jose Domingos, Tom Gallagher and Brian Paterson for their support during sampling
trips. Finally thanks to the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation for their ongoing support of
Cobia aquaculture R&D.

BIRC Bribie Island Research Centre
BW Body weight
DAF Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries
FCR Feed conversion ratio
LRFF Live Reef Food Fish
RAS Recirculating aquaculture system
RPPF Rocky Point Prawn Farm
SGR Specific growth rate
TCO The Company One Pty Ltd
WSSV White-spot syndrome virus


Executive Summary
What the report is about
In 2016/17, the Rocky Point Prawn Farm, along with other farms in the Logan River region of south-east
Queensland, was severely affected by a white spot disease outbreak caused by the exotic white spot
syndrome virus (WSSV). Measures enforced to eradicate WSSV resulted in a complete loss of stock and a
ban on prawn production within the Logan River and wider Moreton Bay area until May 2018. As a result,
Rocky Point Prawn Farms (RPPF) elected to investigate the feasibility of finfish aquaculture as an
alternative to prawn farming. The current project was undertaken to assess the potential of two finfish
species, Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) as alternative
aquaculture candidates for the Rocky Point Prawn Farm and potentially other aquaculture enterprises. The
study was developed and led by RPPF with assistance from The Company One (TCO) and the Department
of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF), with staff from the Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) and ran
from March 2017 until June 2018. In the study, the commercial performance of each species was assessed
when cultured in both indoor tank systems and outdoors in cages. Culture facilities at two of RPPF’s
production sites included a former prawn hatchery building which housed the indoor tank-based
production, and an outdoor landlocked saline lake which contained cages. Cobia fingerlings were
produced at BIRC and Giant Grouper fingerlings were supplied by TCO hatchery in Cairns. All
fingerlings were initially grown in indoor tanks under controlled temperature conditions and later some
were transferred to outdoor cages to assess their performance in both winter and spring/summer. Fish were
fed once or twice per day and water quality data was collected daily. Weight and health checks were
conducted monthly and any mortalities were removed from tanks or cages daily. The data were used to
calculate key production parameters of feed conversion ratio, growth rate and survival throughout the
production cycle. Both species were grown to harvest and sold into the domestic market. The production
and market information generated by this project provided a framework to evaluate the relative costs and
benefits of the two species within the range of production methods and strategies available to RPPF, and
guidance towards future investment and optimising production in the future.
The occurrence of WSSV in prawn farms in south-east Queensland in December 2016, resulted in the
destruction of stock on the prawn farms in the Logan River area and a cessation of prawn production in
ponds until 2018. Rocky Point Prawn Farms was one of the businesses affected by the WSSV outbreak
and subsequently sought to consider alt ernative species to culture in its indoor prawn hatchery and/or
outdoor pond farm facilities. Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and Queensland Groper or Giant Grouper
(Epinephelus lanceolatus) were considered as suitable alternative species for production in prawn farms in
south-east Queensland. Both species are fast growing, occur naturally in south-east Queensland, and have
been the focus of research and development by DAF in recent years. Research led to regular hatchery
production of Cobia fingerlings at the DAF Bribie Island Research Centre and to the establishment of a
commercial Giant Grouper hatchery, operated by The Company One, in Cairns. However, there was
limited data available on the post-hatchery performance of these species in sub-tropical aquaculture
facilities. The present study was undertaken to address this information gap and to inform RPPF on
potential future directions for finfish production on their farms.
The project aimed to assess and compare the production performance and value of Cobia and Giant
Grouper, two emerging aquaculture species for the Australian market. T wo production systems were
evaluated for both species: firstly, using the hatchery as an overwintering or production facility, and
secondly, cage culture in a saline lake. Fish would be harvested and sold into the domestic market to
assess suitability and market acceptance of these species.


The project had two objectives
1. Study tour of South East Asia to determine alternative farming methods for Cobia and Giant
Grouper and investigate optimum market parameters.
2. Determine which method of grow out culture, indoor, pond or cage culture produces the optimum
fish for the market.
Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) juveniles were sourced from The Company One (TCO) hatchery
in Cairns. In total, 39,928 Giant Grouper fingerlings were received in three batches and mean weight of
fish varied between batches from 15.1 to 150.0 g. Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) fingerlings were
sourced from the DAF Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC). A total of 4,344 fingerlings were received
in three batches with mean weights of fish from 28.0 to 250.0 g. Once received, fingerlings were stocked
into tanks (designated LR tanks) located in the former RPPF prawn hatchery facility. Tanks were supplied
with seawater filtered through a multimedia sand filter and 10 µ m cartridge filtration unit. Over the course
of the project, additional water treatment elements, including protein skimmers, sand filters and additional
biofilters, were installed, which enabled groups of parabolic tanks to operate as a functional recirculating
aquaculture system (RAS). Fish were initially maintained in tanks in the hatchery facility for a two-month
overwintering period then either transferred to outdoor cages in the landlocked lake for grow -out, or on-
grown indoors in tanks until reaching harvest size. A small number of fish were transferred to cages in the
lake in June 2017, to assess winter performance. All fish were fed by hand to satiety with the commercial
pelletised feed Pelagica (Ridley Aquafeeds), once or twice daily.
Feed consumption and mortalities were recorded daily in all tanks and cages. Water pH, dissolved oxygen,
temperature and salinity were recorded daily, and alkalinity, total ammonia and nitrite were monitored
weekly. In the saline lake, water quality parameters were measured at depths of both 1 m and 3 m. Weight
and health checks were conducted monthly. Fish were sampled from tanks using hand nets and from cag es
using either hand, seine, or cast nets. A bulk weight of 10-30 fish was recorded, and fish were then
examined externally for abnormalities, lesions or external parasites. Gill samples were taken from three
fish per system and placed into a vial for further examination under a compound microscope at RPPF’s
laboratory. In the case of a suspected disease outbreak, samples of whole fish or fixed tissues were
submitted to the DAF Biosecurity Sciences Laboratory for testing, diagnosis and advice. Data from feed
intake, survival and growth was used to assess production performance by calculating specific growth rate
(SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR).
Results/key findings
A study tour of South East Asia ( See Appendix 4 for the report) was undertaken to investigate alternate
farming methods of Cobia and Giant Grouper. Giant Grouper was seen to be grown either in tanks using
RAS technology as seen in Hong Kong or in ponds as seen in Taiwan. Both of these methods were looked
at to trial at RPPF as well as production in cages within the lake. No Cobia farming was seen on the tour
due to some damage of seas cages from a typhoon off the coast of Taiwan.
In the tank systems, water quality parameters were generally maintained within the required range for
these species. Mean water temperature was approximately 24 ℃ for Cobia and 25 ℃ for Giant Grouper,
salinity was in the range of 23 g L
to 36 g L
for Cobia and 30 g L
to 37 g L
for Giant Grouper.
Dissolved oxygen concentration was generally greater than 4 mg L
and in instances where water quality
had started to decline, water flow to tanks and stocking density were adjusted to assist with the
maintenance of appropriate water quality. In the lake, seasonal trends in water temperature were observed.
During the 2017 winter trial, water temperatures varied between 16.5 and 19.2 °C, while salinity was
stable at 27 g L
. Despite the reduced temperatures, and reduced feeding responses, survival was 100% in
both cages of Cobia and Giant Grouper. In 2017/18 water t emperatures consistently exceeded 25 °C from
November to April and dropped to a minimum of 16 °C in July. Dissolved oxygen levels were greater than
5 mg L
and salinity ranged from 26 g L
to 29 g L
. The key water quality parameters of temperature,
dissolved oxygen and salinity were very similar at the 1-m and 3-m depths.


Post-transfer growth rates of each batch of Giant Grouper were similar in tanks and cages, with juveniles
achieving a size of 400 g within 140 days, and a specific growth rate of approximately 1.3 to 1.5% BW
per day. Growth rates of Giant Grouper in tanks were markedly higher in the summer period (November
to March) than those of similar size in the spring (September to December). G iant Grouper stocked into
tanks in winter attained a harvest weight of 800 g within 9 months, which was similar to that attained by
juveniles stocked into ponds following a nursery period in tanks. Feed conversion ratios of 1.3 were
achieved for some Giant Grouper groups, however high mortality rates due to disease affected the overall
FCR across the production cycle.
Post-transfer growth rates of Cobia in tanks were highly variable, with SGR ranging from 0.4 to 2.5%
body weight per day. This generally ref lected isolated incidents of poor water quality and/or health
problems in tanks with low SGR. A single cohort of cage-reared Cobia had a SGR of 1.05% BW day

over 6 months. Feed conversion ratios of tank-reared Cobia ranged from 1.04 to 2.58. This high variation
is likely to be a function of variations in the duration of growth, together with small populations under
consideration, and as a direct result of frequent stock movements between tanks. For that reason the mean
SGR of 1.61 is considered a more representative value. Similarly, there was variation in FCR in cage-
reared Cobia, with a range of 1.08 to 1.76 and a mean of 1.51 for the three groups studied.
Mortalities arose from operational or equipment failures as well as pathogens and parasites, in both tank-
and cage-reared fish. In some instances, the losses were catastrophic, affecting in excess of 50% of the
tank or cage population. In some instances, water quality, in particularly elevated ammonia levels,
occurred prior to mortality events such as an outbreak of Columnaris disease. Two tanks of Cobia
fingerlings were lost during the post-transfer period due to an outbreak of the parasitic dinoflagellate
Amyloodinium ocellatum. Nodavirus was responsible for mortality levels of 34% to 95% in cage
populations of Giant Gouper. This disease is highly contagious, rapidly infecting individuals within a cage
population and fish in adjacents cages. However, cage populations of Cobia housed adjacent to infected
Giant Grouper were unaffected.
Implications for relevant stakeholders
Water quality was able to be maintained at suitable levels for production of both species, despite low
water temperatures in the lake during winter. Both Cobia and Giant Grouper were grown to harvest size, at
growth rates and with feed conversions that are within commercially acceptable levels. These parameters
indicate the suitability of these species for production in south-east Queensland. However, production
strategies will depend on the reliable supply of fingerlings. A commercial hatchery exists for giant grouper
with production throughout the year but a risk will exist as it is a sole supplier. F or cobia there is currently
no commercial supplier of fingerlings and the continuation and expansion of the industry will will require
one or two industry players to commit and invest in establishing a commercial hatchery.
A significant contribution to the economics of Cobia culture in south-east Queensland may be the
establishment of reliable markets for fish of varying sizes, to further enhance year-round harvesting. More
data on Cobia, such as fillet recovery for a range of sizes, is required to further develop these markets.
Infection by nodavirus caused large-scale mortality of juvenile and harvest-sized Giant Grouper in cages.
This highlights the need to control stress events that may precede an infection and which increase the risks
associated with cage culture. While on-farm management practices have been shown to mitigate some of
the risk of nodavirus infection in tropical locations, the availability of an effective vaccine is a priority that
has been identified and is now being addressed.
Although acceptable growth and feed conversion was achieved in this study, the development of improved
diets for both species is recommended in order to control this major production cost.
Cobia; Rachycentron canadum; Queensland Groper; Epinephelus lanceolatus ; aquaculture;
commercialisation; health; nursery; pond culture; diversification, FCR; growth; mortality


The occurrence of WSSV in prawn farms in south-east Queensland in December 2016, resulted in the
destruction of stock on the prawn farms in the Logan River area and a cessation of prawn production in
ponds until 2018. Rocky Point Prawn farm (RPPF) was one of the businesses affected by the WSSV
outbreak and subsequently considered alternative species to culture in its indoor hatchery and/or outdoor
farm facilities.
Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) and Queensland grouper or Giant Grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) were
considered as suitable alternative species for production in prawn farms in south-east Queensland. Both
species are fast growing, occur naturally in south-east Queensland, and have been the focus of research and
development by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) in recent years. However,
there was limited data available on the performance of these species in sub-tropical aquaculture facilities.
Available data on the performance of Cobia suggests that year-round growth in ponds is significantly lower
in subtropical areas, in comparison to the tropics, probably as a result of lower water temperatures,
particularly in winter (Dutney and Palmer, 2008; Dutney et al., 2010). Therefore there is a need to develop
alternative production strategies which optimise production efficiencies of these species by evaluating the
performance of both species within heated indoor aquaculture systems, pond and lake systems or a
combination of both systems.
Cobia is a large benthopelagic fish species, endemic to all tropical and subtropical waters across the globe
with the exception of the eastern Pacific (Shaffer and Nakamura 1989) . Cobia aquaculture is undertaken in
several countries through the Asia-Pacific region, USA and South America (Liao et al., 2007; Leano et al.,
2008; Liao et al., 2004; Nhu et al., 2011; Sampaio et al., 2011; Benetti et al., 2008) with approximately
43,000 T produced in 2015 (FAO, 2017). Cobia is considered a suitable candidate for aquaculture in
Queensland based on several characteristics, including growth rates that exceed 5 kg per year , adaptability to
commercially available Aquafeeds, excellent culinary qualities and suitability to water temperature and
salinity of coastal locations (Holt et al., 2007; Shiau, 2007; Weirich et al., 2007; McLean et al., 2008).
Research into Cobia aquaculture began in Australia in 2007, focusing on this species as a diversification
option and off-season crop for prawn farms in Queensland (Dutney and Palmer, 2008). The feasibility of
hatchery production of juvenile Cobia was demonstrated at the Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC), using
methods previously developed for other marine finfish species (Palmer, 20 20). Subsequent studies proved
the technical feasibility of Cobia grow-out in prawn ponds and demonstrated higher yields and growth rates
in tropical localities (Dutney et al., 2010). At the beginning of the present program of works, there was a
fledgling industry of approximately 100 t per annum, with a single commercial producer , Pacific Reef
Fisheries Ltd. (PRF), based in Ayr, North Queensland. Farmed Cobia was introduced to the Australian
market in the late 2000’s following the recognition of Cobia as a viable diversification option for pond farms
in Queensland (Dutney and Palmer, 2008; Dutney et al., 2010). Subsequent consumer panel studies indicated
a high level of market acceptance for the product, with Cobia rating more favourably for several measures of
consumer preference than either barramundi or yellowtail kingfish (Lee et al., 2015).
Groupers and rock-cod include 159 species from 15 genera of Epinephelinae, a subfamily of Serranidae.
They occur primarily in tropical reef systems and s ome species are cultured widely in the South East Asia
(SE Asia) where they are highly valued when sold live, although fresh product also attracts good prices
(McGilvray and Chan, 2003). Currently, global grouper production is in excess of 150,000 t per annum with
more than 100,000 t produced annually in China (FAO, 2017). The Live Reef Food Fish (LRFF) trade is a
billion dollar industry that is dominated by consumption in China and that sources LRFF from across SE
Asia and now also Australia, and the Indo-Pacific region. The Australian contribution to the LRFF trade is
almost exclusively live coral trout which is wild-caught from the tropical east coast and exported from
Cairns, Queensland (Muldoon and Johnston, 2006). The Australian market for grouper has historically been
as a wild-caught, chilled product of a variety of grouper species supplied to the market as by-catch from the
coral trout fishery.
Research into grouper aquaculture in Australia commenced in the late 1990s at the Northern Fisheries Centre
in Cairns and focussed on the hatchery production of several grouper species. Initially, high-value marine
species such as barramundi cod ( Cromileptes altivelis) were the research focus but this changed to estuarine
grouper species such as giant grouper as they are better suited to aquaculture opportunities in Australia.


Following the Queensland government divestment in northern aquaculture R&D in 2013, a private company
Finfish Enterprise Pty Ltd was established to commercialise the R&D and a grouper hatchery has been
operating in Cairns since 2014. This hatchery has been owned and operated by The Company One Pty Ltd
(TCO) ( since 2017 and is currently producing up to one million Giant
Grouper fingerlings per year, primarily for export to Hong Kong and Taiwan (Courtney, 2018) . TCO also
provides giant grouper fingerlings to Australian growers who supply live grouper to Asian restaurants and whole-chilled product to restaurants and to the Sydney Fish Market. Domestic supply of aquaculture
produced giant grouper is now ~100 T pa (2019).
At the commencement of the project, RPPF had considerable infrastructure suited to finfish aquaculture, including indoor aquaculture facilities that previously comprised a prawn hatchery. Housed within the
hatchery was a series of 10,000 L and 20,000 L parabolic tanks together with 6,000 L round tanks, which
could be retrofitted to function as sand filters. On a separate site were earthen ponds previously used for
prawn grow-out, and a large landlocked saline lake created by sand mining . Water supply to the hatchery
was from two dams and the water in these could be batch disinfected prior to entering the hatchery. The
hatchery was also fitted with cartridge water filtration and water heating equipment.
The Taiwan study tour provided an opportunity to look at different grow out systems and how they could be
incorporated into RPPF. See Appendix 4. The use of RAS indoors to over winter fish before moving into
cages or ponds was crucial in achieving market size for both species. Indoor RAS was also seen as a way to
grow fish, mainly grouper, out of season to meet market demand. Floating raft cages in a 9m deep pond in
Taiwan formed the idea of the floating cage systems used for Giant Grouper and Cobia in the lake.
The company had also planned for the purchase of additional equipment for the stepwise installation and
operation of a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) within the hatchery over the course of the project. Due
to regulatory restrictions associated with management of the WSSV outbreak, the earthen ponds were not
available for use during the course of the current project, but the landlocked lake was available. As previous
studies of pond culture of Cobia in the Logan region had demonstrated low growth during winter, RPPF’s
production strategy involved utilisation of the prawn hatchery as a nursery and o verwintering facility for
Cobia and Giant Grouper, prior to transfer of juvenile fish to ponds or lake-based cages on the farm . This
strategy has the potential to offset some disadvantages of cooler winter water temperatures, as well as
allowing farms to dry out ponds through the winter for disease control. This two-phase production would
also be applicable to Cobia or Giant Groper production on other prawn farms in south-east Queensland and
elsewhere. A small sample of Cobia and Giant Grouper were be kept in cages over winter in the lake to
determine whether they can survive the colder temperatures of winter in south east Queensland. The project
was a collaboration between RPPF, TCO and DAF, with DAF staff involved in monthly sampling as well as
data analysis.
Project aim
The project aimed to assess and compare the production performance and value of Cobia and Giant Grouper,
two emerging aquaculture species for the Australian market. T wo production systems were evaluated for
both species: firstly, using the hatchery as an overwintering or production facility, and secondly, cage culture
in a saline lake.
Study tour of South East Asia to determine alternative farming methods for Cobia and Giant Grouper and
investigate optimum market parameters.
Determine which method of grow out culture, indoor, pond or cage culture produces the optimum fish for the


General husbandry
Three batches of Giant Grouper juveniles were supplied by TCO (formerly Finfish Enterprise) hatchery in
Cairns. In total, 39,928 Giant Grouper fingerlings were received and designated Batches 1, 3 and 4. Mean
weight of fish in the batches varied from 15.1 to 150.0 g (Table 1).
Cobia fingerlings were sourced from BIRC. A total of 4,344 fingerlings were received in three batches,
designated Batches 1, 2 and 3 that varied in mean batch weight from 28.0 to 250.0 g (Table 1).
Once received at the RPPF hatchery facility, fingerlings/juveniles were stocked into either 10,000 L or
20,000 L parabolic tanks (designated LR tanks) located in the former larval rearing area (Figure 1A), or
6,000 L round tanks (designated BT tanks) located in the former prawn broodstock area (Figure 1B). Several
BT tanks also had a layer of sand in the base to function as a biofilter, a remnant of their previous use for
prawn broodstock. All tanks were supplied with seawater filtered through a multimedia sand filter and 10 µm
cartridge filtration unit (Figure 1C), initially operating on a partial exchange basis (10-50%) each day. Over
the course of the project, additional water treatment elements, including protein skimmers, sand filters and
additional biofilters, were installed, which enabled groups of two to four parabolic tanks to operate as a
functional recirculating aquaculture system (RAS).
Fish were initially maintained in tanks in the hatchery facility for a two-month overwintering period then
either transferred to outdoor c ages in the landlocked lake (Figure 1D) for grow -out and harvest, or retained
indoors in tanks until reaching harvest size. To assess survival over winter, 100 Cobia and 12 Giant Groper
were stocked in separate cages in the lake from 01/06/17 to 31/08/2017. Following survival of all fish during
this period, additional fish were stocked in the cages in September 2017 (Table 2).
Fish were fed to satiety with a formulated pelletised feed, Pelagica (Ridley Aquafeeds) by hand once or
twice daily.
Table 1. Details of fish received and monitored in the project.
Species and batch Stocking date Number of fish Average weight (g)
Grouper - Batch 1 2017 12/4/2017 2,000 150.0
Grouper - Batch 3 2017 30/6/2017 4,562 15.1
Grouper - Batch 3 2017 30/6/2017 9,756 20.4
Grouper - Batch 4 2017 17/10/2017 7,291 93.0
Grouper - Batch 4 2017 25/10/2017 9,319 97.0

Cobia - Batch 1 2017 18/05/17 1,847 28.0
Cobia - Batch 2 2017 23/05/17 2,197 34.0
Cobia - Batch 3 2017 15/11/17 300 250.0


Table 2. Details of fish stocked into production systems.
Species and batch System Number of fish Average weight (g)
Grouper - Batch 1 2017 Cage 2 Lake 1,100 423
Grouper - Batch 1 2017 BT8 Tank 50 423

Grouper - Batch 3 2017 Cage 3A/3B Lake 3,000 64/73
Grouper - Batch 3 2017 Cage 4A/4B Lake 7,000 117/120
Grouper - Batch 3 2017 2 x 20, 000 L Tank 2 x 1,000 fish 73/120

Grouper - Batch 4 2017 Cage 4 Lake 16,610 95

Cobia - Batch 2 2017 2 x 10,000 L Tank 50 / tank 193
Cobia - Batch 2 2017 Cage 5 Lake 1,738 193

Figure 1. Facilities at RPPF used during the project. A. Parabolic tanks (10,000 L, 20,000 L). B. Round
tanks (6,000 L). C. Hatchery water filtration system. D. Cages in landlocked saline lake.
Sampling and data collection
Feed consumption and mortalities were recorded daily in all tanks and cages. Details of any fish transferred
to other tanks or cages, additional fish added or harvested from tanks and cages were also recorded by RPPF


staff. The following water quality parameters in tanks were monitored and recorded on a daily basis : pH,
dissolved oxygen, temperature and salinity. Alkalinity, total ammonia and nitrite were monitored weekly .
Un-ionised ammonia levels were calculated from values for total ammonia pH, temperature and salinity
(USEPA, 1989). During the 2017 winter-survival trial in the lake, temperature was recorded daily and
salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen were measured weekly. In the 2017/18 growing season in the lake,
temperature at 1 m was recorded daily, and temperature at 3 m, pH at 1 m and 3 m, dissolved oxygen at 1 m
and 3 m, salinity at 1 m and 3 m, nitrate at 1 m and total ammonia at 1 m were all recorded weekly.
BIRC staff visited RPPF on a monthly basis, assessing grow-out performance of both species through weight
and health checks of fish in tanks and cages.
Fish were sampled from tanks using hand nets and from cages using either hand, seine, or cast nets. A bulk
weight of 10- 30 fish was recorded, and fish were then examined externally for any abnormalities, lesions or
external parasites. Gill samples were taken from three fish per system and placed into a vial for further
examination under a compound microscope at RPPF’s laboratory. Fish were then counted and returned into
their culture system.
In addition to monthly visits, BIRC project staff were on-call to provide advice for any technical issues that
arose. In case of suspected disease outbreaks, samples of whole fish or fixed tissues were submitted to the
DAF Biosecurity Sciences Laboratory for testing, diagnosis and advice.
Data from feed intake, survival and growth was used to assess production performance by calculating
specific growth rate (SGR) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). The calculation of these parameters was
restricted to populations that were maintained for periods of greater than 30 days, in an attempt to avoid non-
representative data arising from short durations. In addition, the calculation of production performance
parameters was restricted to fixed populations, that is, where possible separate parameters were calculated
following the mixing of populations.
SGR was calculated as:
SGR (% body weight day
) = ((ln (final weight) - ln (initial weight)) / number of days) *100
Feed conversion ratio was primarily calculated as economic FCR (eFCR), which provides a robust measure
of production costs:
eFCR = feed consumed / economic weight gain
In the case of tank or cage populations where stock were moved in or out, or harvested, these movements
were also taken into account in calculations by:
Economic weight gain = final biomass + biomass removed
– initial biomass – biomass received
In some instances, the e FCR was substantially skewed by large-scale mortality events, skewing values to
greater than 10, which, while strictly still a measure of production costs, can bias FCR as a performance
measure. In this case, the biological FCR (bFCR) was also calculated, which includes the biomass of fish
which subsequently died and is a better indicator of the biological potential of the species:
bFCR = feed consumed / biological weight gain
Biological weight gain = final biomass + mortality biomass + biomass transferred out or harvested – biomass
transferred in – initial biomass


Water Quality
Water quality for Batch 1 of Giant Grouper showed some variability, reflecting the development and
stabilisation of water treatment systems as additional water treatment elements were installed. In general,
water temperatures were maintained at greater than 21.7 °C, with an average of 24.0 – 25.7 °C during the
production period for the six batches cultured during this project. pH was maintained between 6.83 and 7.94
and salinity between 23.0 g L
and 37.0 g L
that are within suitable limits based on studies of these or
similar species (Cheng et al., 2013; Muhammadar et al., 2014; Resley et al., 2006; Atwood et al., 2004;
Rodrigues et al., 2015) (Table 2). In general, total ammonia and nitrate were kept below levels known to
impact the health and survival of these species (Atwood et al., 2004; Rodrigues et al., 2007; Barbieri and
Doi, 2012; Ip et al., 2001) (Table 3). Toxic free ammonia (NH
3-N) levels were very low at the levels of total
ammonia recorded primarily due to the reduced pH maintained within the RAS used to culture these fish.

Table 3. Water quality parameters of rearing tanks during the initial rearing of Batch 1 Giant Grouper.
Values are mean (max, min) for the duration of rearing.

Tank #
(mg L
(g L
BT4 87
(27.0-22.0) 7.29

BT5 163
(27.0-22.0) 7.31

BT6 251
(28.1-21.7) 7.01

BT7 148
(27.0-21.9) 7.28

BT8 41
(27.0-22.0) 7.42

BT11 142
(25.1-23.0) 7.33

Calculated, using formula in USEPA (1989)

Some major water quality issues were experienced with Batch 3 Giant Grouper during the post-transfer
period. Elevated ammonia (TAN and unionised ammonia) and nitrite levels wer e recorded (Table 4) and
these were associated with significant mortality events in tanks LR3 and LR4 (refer to “Health and Survival”
below). The resultant need to increase water exchange caused a reduction in water temperature, seen in the
minimum temperatures for these tanks. Aside from this period, water quality parameters were generally in
the target range (Table 4).


Table 4. Water quality parameters of rearing tanks during the initial rearing of Batch 3 Giant Grouper .
Values are mean (max, min) for the duration of rearing.

Tank #
(mg L
(g L
BT 8
LR3 137
LR4 137
BT4 103

Cobia Batches 1 and 2 were received seven days apart. Water temperature was variable for these batches,
occasionally declining below 22 °C, mostly in the post-transfer period in May/June (Table 5). Dissolved
oxygen levels declined below 4 mg L
as biomass increased in the 6,000 L BT tanks. Once juveniles were
transferred to the 20,000 L LR tanks, dissolved oxygen levels were maintained above 5 mg L
. Elevated
biomass was also associated with a reduction in pH below 7 (Table 5), driven by increased CO
2 production.
Graphs of water quality data from representative cohorts (Giant Grouper, Batch 1 BT 7; Giant Grouper, Batch
3 LR2/BT8; Cobia, Batch 2 BT 11/LR25) demonstrating these trends, are shown in Appendix 3.

Table 5. Water quality parameters of rearing tanks during the initial rearing of Cobia Batches 1 and 2.
Values are mean (max, min) for the duration of rearing.

Tank #
(mg L
(g L

During the winter trial, water temperatures in the saline lake where the cages were located varied between
16.5 and 19.2 °C, while salinity was stable at 27 g L
(Figure 2A). Dissolved oxygen was consistently
greater than 7.3 mg L
and pH was steady at approximately 7.6 (Figure 2B). Despite the reduced
temperatures, and reduced feeding responses, survival was 100% in both cages of Cobia and Giant Grouper.
During the 2017/18 production season, water temperature in the lake was relatively consistent for 1 m and 3
m depth samples (Figure 3A). Water temperatures consistently exceeded 25 °C from mid- November 2017
until April 2018. A maximum water temperature of 29.8 °C was recorded in February and the minimum
temperature of 16 °C was reached in July, consistent with trends in 2017 (Figure 3A). Dissolved oxygen
levels were essentially the same between samples collected at 1 and 3 m depth. During the period from
December to April, dissolved oxygen levels were regularly at or below 5 m g L
(Figure 3B). Lake water pH


peaked at 8.55 during a short period in late November but in general pH remained between 7.3 and 8.0
(Figure 3C). Salinity increased from 27.0 to 28.8 g L
in February 2018, before dropping to 26.0 g L

following a rain event in the same month (Figure 3D). Nitrite and ammonia were not detected throughout
sampling (data not shown).

Figure 2. Water quality parameters during the winter cage trial (Cage 1). A. Water temperature and salinity.
B. Dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH.

25/05/201714/06/2017 4/07/2017 24/07/201713/08/2017 2/09/2017
Temperature (°C) Salinity (ppt)
Cage 1 - temperature Cage 1 - salinity
25/05/2017 14/06/2017 4/07/2017 24/07/2017 13/08/2017 2/09/2017
Dissolved oxygen (mg L
) pH
Cage 1 - pH Cage 1 - DO


Figure 3. Lake water quality parameters at 1 m and 3 m depths during 2017/18.
A. Temperature. B. pH. C. Dissolved oxygen (DO). D. Salinity.
Temperature (°C)
temperature at 1 m temperature at 3 m
pH at 1m pH at 3m
Dissolved oxygen (mg L
DO at 1m DO at 3m
Salinity (ppt)
Salinity at 1m Salinity at 3m


Giant Grouper
Post-transfer growth rates of Giant Grouper were similar in tanks and cages, with juveniles achieving a size
of 400 g within 140 days, at a SGR of approximately 1.3 to 1.5% BW per day (Figures 4 and 5, Tables 6 and
7). Although achieving a similar rate of growth, larger individuals had lower SGR (e.g. Batch 1 Cage 2)
reflecting the dependence of this measure on body weight. Growth rates of Giant Grouper in tanks were
markedly higher in the mostly-Summer period (November to March) (Figure 4B) than those of similar size
in spring (September to December) (Figure 4A), which was not evident in pond-based populations (Figure
5). Giant Grouper stocked into tanks in winter attained a harvest weight of 800 g within 9 months (Figure 4),
which was similar to that attained by juveniles stocked into pond-cages following a nursery period in tanks
(Figure 5).
Table 6. Growth of cage-reared populations of Giant Grouper.

Batch Cage
weight (g)
weight (g)
(% body weight day
Average growth
rate (g day
1 2 121 423 1,183 0.85 6.28
3 1 172 64 723 1.41 3.83
3 4 48 97 193 1.44 2.01
3 6 140 149 1,000 1.36 6.08
4 7 154 97 892 1.44 5.16

Table 7. Growth of tank-reared populations of Giant Grouper.

Batch Tank(s)

weight (g)

weight (g)
(% body weight day
growth rate
(g day
1 BT5 163 150 455 0.68 1.87
1 BT6 245 150 791 0.91 2.62
1 BT7 106 150 359 0.82 1.97
1 BT8 41 150 248 1.23 2.39

3 LR3-LR13 333 20 1,214 1.23 3.55
3 LR2-LR14 333 15 1,146 1.30 3.37
3 BT8-LR16 333 15 931 1.24 2.75


Figure 4. Growth curves of populations of Giant Grouper reared in tanks. A. Batch 1. B. Batch 3.

Figure 5. Growth curves of cage populations of Giant Grouper.


Feed conversion ratios of tank- and pond-reared populations of Giant Grouper are shown in Tables 8 and 9.
The FCR in both tanks and cages was affected by high levels of mortalities in some popul ations. In some
instances a meaningful estimate of FCR (eFCR) was not able to be calculated due to large scale mortalities,
while biological FCR (bFCR) was applied when there was sufficient data for an estimate of potential
Table 8. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tank-reared populations of Giant Grouper.

Batch 1 Batch 3
Tank #
FCR Tank #
BT5 163 1.06* LR3 137 1.19
BT6 252 1.48 LR4 137 1.18
BT7 149 0.87 LR13 215 0.85
BT8 42 0.83 LR14 234 1.38
BT4 119 0.92
BT8 107 0.94
Mean ± SE 1.06 ± 0.18 1.07 ± 0.08
* bFCR used as eFCR was skewed (>10) due to high mortality levels

Table 9. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of cage-reared populations of Giant Grouper.
(NC - not calculated as insufficient data).

Batch 1 Batch 3 Batch 4
Cage #
FCR Cage #
FCR Cage #
2 59 1.17 3B 46 1.07 4 43 1.48
2 452 NC 3C 49 0.77 5 130 NC
6 172 1.30
± SE
1.17 1.04 ± 0.15 1.48

Post-transfer growth rates of Cobia in tanks were highly variable, with SGR ranging from 0.4 to 2.5% body
weight per day (Table 10). This generally reflected problems with water quality and/or health problems in
tanks with low SGR (see Health and Survival). Only a single cohort of cage-reared Cobia were followed and
SGR was relatively constant throughout the production cycle, but daily growth increment (g day
) increased
substantially with size (Table 11, Figure 7), with growth best represented by an exponential curve
=0.9702) (Figure 7). Feed conversion ratios (FCR) for tank-reared Cobia were highly variable, ranging
from 1.04 to 2.58 (Table 12). The variation is likely to be a function of variation in the duration of growth,
together with small populations under consideration, both a result of frequent stock movements between
tanks. For that reason the mean value of 1.61 is considered a more representative value. Similarly, there was
variation in FCR in cage-reared Cobia, with a range of 1.08 to 1.76 and a mean of 1.51 for the three groups


Table 10. Specific growth rate (SGR) of tank-reared populations of Cobia.

Batch Tank
Start weight
Final Weight
(% body
weight day
growth rate
(g day
2 BT 8 55 32 100 1.67% 0.83
2 BT10 49 28 97 2.51% 1.40
2 BT11 49 28 96 2.49% 1.38
2 BT 12 44 28 96 2.29% 1.39
2 LR22 104 97 163 0.37% 1.39
2 LR23 104 97 141 0.49% 0.43
2 LR24 78 80 172 0.98% 1.18
2 LR25 78 80 177 1.02% 1.24

Table 11. Specific growth rate (SGR) of cage-reared populations of Cobia.

Batch Cage
Start weight
Final Weight
(% body weight
growth rate
(g day
2 3A 47 175 300 1.15% 2.66
2 3/5 268 175 3,400 1.05% 12.03

Figure 6. Growth of Cobia in tanks showing individual tank populations in 6,000 L (BT) or 20,000 L (LR)
tanks and an average weight (g) curve (mean ± S.E.).


Figure 7. Growth of Cobia juveniles, transferred to cages in August 2017. Cages 5 & 3, Cage 3A and best-fit
exponential curve.
Table 12. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) of tank- and cage-reared populations of Cobia.
Tank #
BT8 55 1.04
LR22 104 1.69
BT10 49 2.58
LR23 104 1.60
BT11 49 1.12
LR24 78 1.60
BT12 42 1.46
LR25 78 1.75
Mean ± SE 1.61±0.17

Cage #
3a 48 1.70
5 42 1.08
3 270 1.76
Mean ± SE 1.51±0.22

Health and Survival
Mortalities arose from operational or equipment failures as well as pathogens and parasites, in both tank- and
cage-reared fish. In some instances, the losses were catastrophic, affecting in excess of 50% of the tank or
cage population. Individual events are listed in Table 13 together with comments on likely impacting factors
and any mitigating actions undertaken. In some instances, water quality issues, in particular elevated
ammonia levels, occurred prior to mortality events, such as Columnaris disease (Flavobacterium sp) (Figure
8). Total ammonia levels reached 4.0 ppm, while un-ionised ammomnia reached 0.94 ppm and 0.96 ppm in
affected tanks (Table 4).
Some populations of Cobia fingerlings were lost in the first few months post-transfer. Two tanks of
fingerlings had ceased feeding and infection by the dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum was identified.
Unfortunately, the infection was well advanced prior to treatment and all stock were lost.


Nodavirus was responsible for mortality levels of 34 to 95% in cage populations of Giant Gouper (Table 13).
The disease is higly contagious, rapidly infecting indiduals within a cage population and populations in
adjacent cages. Figure 9 shows the rapid impact of nodavirus on cage populations, and demonstrates the
limted capacity of emergency harvesting to substantially reduce losses.
Table 13. Significant mortality events and causes.
Cage #
Grouper - Batch 1 BT5 58% Possible Amyloodimium ocellatum infection noted on fresh gill
preparations but the diagnosis was not confirmed. Mortality rates
reduced substantially following freshwater bath treatment.-
Grouper - Batch 1 BT6 4% Air blower failure
Grouper - Batch 3 LR3 14% Columnaris disease, a bacterial infection caused by Flavobacterium
columnare. The losses coincided with declining water quality,
primarily increased ammonia levels, and reduced appetite (see also
Figure 8). Increased water exchange and reduced stocking density
were used to reduce the impact of disease prior to diagnosis and
the application of antibiotics .
Grouper - Batch 3 Cage 2 95% Nodavirus outbreak. Stocks lost within 10 days of first mortality
Grouper - Batch 3b Cage 6 38% Nodavirus outbreak. Stocks lost within 10 days of first mortality.
Emergency harvest undertaken to reduce losses.
Grouper - batch 4 Cage 5 87% Nodavirus outbreak. Stocks lost within 10 days of first mortality.
Emergency harvest undertaken to reduce losses.
Grouper - Batch 4 Cage 4 34% Nodavirus outbreak. Stocks lost within 10 days of first mortality.
Emergency harvest undertaken to reduce losses.
Grouper - Batch 4 Cage 8 56% Nodavirus outbreak. Stocks lost within 10 days of first mortality.
Emergency harvest undertaken to reduce losses.
Cobia - Batch 1 LR1, LR2 100% Amyloodinium ocellatum infection

Figure 8. Outbreak and management of Columnaris disease, following transfer of Giant Grouper fingerlings
and elevated ammonia in tank.


Figure 9. Mortality curves for two representative cages of Giant Grouper during an outbreak of nodavirus. A.
Cage 6. B. Cage 8.



Water Quality
Water temperature is a major factor influencing fish growth, health and performance, both via direct impacts
on physiology, and through interactions with factors such as dissolved oxygen levels and pathogen viability
(Boyd and Tucker, 1998). The temperature range for optimum growth and performance is generally species
specific, and reflected in the natural distribution of the species in question. Cobia perform better at
temperatures greater than 25 ℃ (Benetti et al., 2010; Sun and Chen, 2014), but less than 33 ℃ (Sun and
Chen, 2014). Feed intake by Cobia declines within the temperature range 31 ℃ to 23 ℃ (Sun and Chen,
2014) and ceases below 18 ℃ (Nhu et al., 2011; McLean et al., 2008; Shaffer and Nakamura 1989).
Similarly, various Epinephelus species perform better at higher water temperatures (Pierre et al., 2008; Lin et
al., 2008; De et al., 2016; Tsuji et al., 2014; Lopez and Castello-Orvay, 1995) . Cobia can tolerate
temperatures less than 15 ℃ but studies by Atwood et al. (2004) determined the minimum critical thermal
limit (50% CT
MIN) for Cobia as 12.1 ℃. The 50% CTMAX and 50% CTMIN for brown marbled grouper (E.
fuscoguttatus) were in the range 35.0 to 38.3 ℃ and 9.8-12.2 ℃ respectively, depending on salinity and
initial temperature (Cheng et al., 2013). In cage culture of Cobia, prolonged periods of temperatures below
16 ℃ have been associated with high mortality events, either directly, or via disease outbreaks (Liao et al.,
2004; Nhu et al., 2011). Declining water temperatures have also been associated with the onset of several
bacterial diseases in Cobia (Leano et al., 2008).
In contrast to Cobia, temperature-related mortality due to microbial pathogens in grouper typically occurs
during periods of increased water temperature (Fukuda et al., 1996; Albert and Ransangan, 2013). There is
also evidence for high rearing temperatures causing developmental abnormalities in grouper, including swim
bladder syndrome (Erazo -Pagador and Cruz-Lacierda, 2004) and spinal deformities (Tsuji et al., 2014).
Water temperatures experienced by both species in the current study were generally within preferred ranges
of 20 ℃ to 28 ℃ while in tanks. In cages, fish did experience several weeks of water temperatures in the
range 16 ℃ to 18 ℃ during winter; however, no significant mortality events or disease outbreaks were noted
during this period. In this project, o utbreaks of nodavirus in caged grouper occurred in February to April,
during which there were occasional spikes in surface water temperature; however, the data are not sufficient
to correlate these factors or discriminate temperature from other potential factors such as increased biomass.
Outbreaks of nodavirus are frequently the result of a stress event five to seven days prior to first mortality
and it is very likely that localised stress events occurred that initiated the disease outbreaks. Similar
nodavirus outbreaks were common at a pond farm in Cairns and modifications to nursery and farm practices
to minimise stress events led to greatly improved outcomes.
Maintenance of dissolved oxygen levels greater than 5 mg L
is a general recommendation for aquaculture
(Boyd and Tucker, 1998). Cobia are a species with a high growth rate, and a requirement to actively maintain
buoyancy by swimming due to the lack of a swim bladder (Fraser and Davies, 2009; Benetti et al., 2010;
Benetti et al., 2007). This results in high energy demands (Fraser and Davies, 2009), and metabolic energy
requirement (Sun and Chen, 2014; Feeley et al., 2007). As such Cobia have a low tolerance of reduced
dissolved oxygen levels. Although aquaculture operations prioritise dissolved oxygen levels where possible,
mortalities of juvenile Cobia during transport have been ascribed to low dissolved oxygen levels (Liao et al.,
2004). Similarly, low dissolved oxygen levels of 2.8 mg L
were responsible for a mortality event in tank-
reared red grouper (E. morio) in Mexico (Brul é et al., 1996) and have also been implicated in the
development of swim bladder syndrome in several cage-reared Epinephelus species in Taiwan (Erazo -
Pagador and Cruz-Lacierda, 2004). Although in the current study, dissolved oxygen levels did decline below
3 mg L
for both species, no mortalities could be ascribed directly to the effects of this. In general, when
oxygen levels did decline, this was stabilised by either increasing water flow and/or aeration or by reducing
stocking density, through transfer of stock to other tanks.
Cobia and grouper species have been shown to be tolerant of a range of salinity levels, but this tolerance is
dependent on other water quality variables such as temperature, as well as the duration of exposure. Cobia
can tolerate acute exposure to salinity of 8 g L
but exposure to 2 g L
resulted in 80% mortality within 24
hr (Atwood et al., 2004). Brown marbled grouper (E. fuscoguttatus) exposed to gradual changes in salinity
had a critical salinity maximum (50% CS
MAX) of 67 g L
to 75 g L
, depending on initial salinity and water
temperature, and all survived at gradual salinity reduction to 0 g L
(Cheng et al 2013). Upper and lower


limits for acute changes to salinity were less broad, with 50% CS
MAX less than 65 and 100% mortality of fish
at 0 g L
. Similarly Goliath grouper (E. itajara) could survive a 96 hr acclimation to 0 g L
, but had a 60%
mortality following sudden transfer to 0 g L
. Growth and FCR of Cobia grown at 5 g L
was not different
to those reared at 30 g L
; however, mortality rates were higher when reared over an 8-week period at 5 g L
(Resley 2006). Growth of brown marbled grouper (Cheng et al., 2013) and dusky grouper (E. marginatus)
(López and Orvay, 2003) was greatest at salinities greater than 32 g L
, in comparison to salinities of 28 g L
or less. In the present study Cobia and Giant Grouper experienced relatively stable salinity in tank and pond
environments. In tanks, water was maintained between 23 g L
and 37 g L
, while in the brackish lake
water, salinity ranged from 26 g L
to 29 g L
, with the most abrupt change of 3 g L
occurring over a two-
week period. At no time did fish exhibit behaviour, poor feeding, or declining performance that could be
linked to salinity.
As a result of its specific ionic composition seawater has an inherent buffering capacity and rarely ranges
outside 7.5 to 9.0 (Boyd and Tucker, 1998) . In the present study, pH was maintained between 6.9 and 8.0 in
tanks, and remained between 7.3 and 8.6 in the lake. This is well outside the range that has been shown to
cause damage at a cellular (pH<6.5) and tissue (pH<6.0) level in Cobia (Rodrigues et al., 2015), but would
be cause for concern should pH become elevated, for example, as the result of a strong algal bloom .
In this project elevated levels of ammonia within RAS tanks was attributed to subsequent mortality of
grouper. Ammonia, the primary nitrogenous waste product produced by fish, is toxic at low concentrations
for most species, particularly in the un-ionised form, NH
3. It is recommended to be maintained at less than 1-
2 mg L
in recognition of the 50% lethal concentration (LC50), determined across a range of species, of 0.2-
3.0 mg L
for 24 to 96 hours exposure (Boyd and Tucker, 1998; Ip et al., 2001). The microbial breakdown
compounds produced by the oxidation of ammonia, nitrite (NO
-) and nitrate (NO3
-) are substantially less
toxic than ammonia, by two or three orders of magnitude respectively (Boyd and Tucker, 1998; Ip et al.,
2001). In addition to lethal effects, all compounds may also have significant sub- lethal effects at a cellular
level (Ip et al., 2001). The 24-h LC
50 for unionised ammonia (NH3) for juvenile Cobia in 35 g L
was determined to be 1.8 mg L
, and this sensitivity increased with reduced salinity (Barbieri and Doi,
2012). Estimates of a 96-hour LC
50 for unionised ammonia ranged from 0.7 mg L
(Rodrigues et al., 2007)
to 1.13 mg L
(Barbieri and Doi, 2012). Juvenile gold-spotted cod ( E. coioides) also exhibited high
mortalities in response to unionised ammonia, with a 24-hour LD
50 calculated as 2.4 mg L
and a 96- hour
50 of 0.2 mg L
(Leyun, 2012). Levels of un -ionised ammonia in the current study, associated with
subsequent mortality events were approaching this, at 0.094 mg L
. In culture, gold-spotted cod had reduced
growth and suppressed feeding behaviour in response to elevated ammonia concentrations (Zheng et al.,
2013). Exposure of Cobia to a nitrite concentration of 32 mg L
had no discernible behavioural or
physiological effect (Atwood et al., 2004), and Rodrigues et al. (2007) estimated the 96-hour LC
50 to be
greater than 210 mg L
. Similarly, a 96-hour LC 50 for exposure of Cobia to nitrate was calculated as 1,829
mg L
although the study did also detect gill and oesophageal hyperplasia as well as changes to brain tissues
following exposure to lower concentrations of nitrate (Rodrigues et al., 2011). Similar to Cobia, gold-spotted
cod had significantly higher tolerance to nitrite with a 24-hour LD
50 of 354.8 mg L
and a 96- hour LD 50 of
20.8 mg L
(Leyun, 2012).

Giant Grouper
In the current study, approximately 400 kg of Giant Grouper were harvested, ranging in size from 0.5 to 1.5
kg. Harvested fish were sent live and chilled to markets. In some instances, harvests were scheduled to target
specific sizes, while several emergency harvests were also conducted, in which all fish were harvested,
regardless of size. The fish produced are within the desired size range for export products, and this market
retains significant potential for cultured Giant Grouper now and in the future. Fish grown in either tanks or
ponds reached a market size after nine months, based around the spring to autumn (September to May)
period. Similarly, production of orange–spotted grouper (E.coioides) and Malabar grouper (E. malabaricus )
in small-scale farms in the Philippines took 10-11 months from receipt of fingerlings (Pomeroy et al., 2004).


Economic studies of pond- and cage-based grouper production have indicated that feed costs represent up to
60% of grouper production costs (Petersen et al., 2013; Afero et al., 2010). Feed conversion has, been shown
to have a significant impact on the economics of finfish aquaculture, including grouper production (Afero et
al., 2010). Although variable, FCR’s were generally less than 1.3 utilising a diet not specifically formulated
for Giant Grouper. Improvements in efficiency and economic performance may be possible with new dietary
formulations, but this will likely require elevated production levels to encourage the local aquafeed industry
to invest in the development of new feeds for Giant Grouper.
Reliable fingerling supply is essential for the development of any aquaculture sector. Grouper production in
Asia typically involves a number of producers, each focussing on a specific portion of the production cycle
(Afero et al., 2010; Petersen et al., 2013; Pierre et al., 2008). The model used by RPPF is more basic, with
both nursery and grow-out phases undertaken by the company. However, the company is still dependent on a
third party supply of fingerlings, currently TCO , based in Cairns. Any large-scale expansion of Giant
Grouper aquaculture by RPPF will necessitate either the reliable contracted supply of fingerlings by an
agency such as TCO or the development of hatchery facilities operated by RPPF.

In the current study it was not possible to distinguish any impacts of fingerling size, in comparison to
seasonal effects relating to the time of fingerling introduction, on overall growth rates or fingerling
performance. However, overall performance of fingerlings in terms of growth rate and survival, was
comparable to other studies (Benetti et al., 2008; Kilduff, 2001; Sampaio et al., 2011) and the present study
demonstrated the commercial feasibility of cobia production at RPPF using a combination of tank- and pond-
growth phases, applying similar principles to those used in Vietnam and Taiwan (Liao et al., 2004; Nhu et
al., 2011), albeit at a single farm. The indoor tank system maintains good growth and therefore provides an
ideal nursery and/or overwintering facility, and grow-out to harvest size may most efficiently be achieved in
outdoor ponds or within cages in the lake. A number of production strategies utilising the facilities at RPPF
are therefore possible to enable year round supply of harvest sized Cobia for market. Fingerling intake could
be undertaken over an extended period from November to April, with fingerling supplier(s) utilising methods
developed at BIRC based on photothermal manipulation (Dutney, 2016; Lee et al., 2015). Alternatively, or
in addition to this, maintenance of a proportion of tanks at higher temperatures may be used to advance some
populations over others, providing an extended period for juveniles of a sufficient size, to be stocked into
ponds or cages.
The overall SGR of 0.4 to 2.5% BW day
achieved in the present study compares favourably with an SGR
of 1.30% BW day
; for tank-reared fish (Kilduff, 2001) . Higher SGR of 4.6 to 4.7%BW day
were obtained
for cobia reared in RAS (Webb et al., 2007); however, that study was based on the growth of small
fingerlings from 6.7 g to approximately 180 g, when SGR will be higher.

Studies of Cobia growth in the
USA (Kilduff, 2001) and Brazil (Sampaio et al., 2011) both demonstrated a reduction in incremental SGR
with increasing fish size, which was also the case in the present study. Incremental FCR of 1.2 -1.3 for fish in
the size range 0.1-2.0 kg and 0.8- 0.9 for fish approaching 4 kg are similar to values recorded in Brazil in
cage–reared Cobia (Sampaio et al., 2011) but higher than for tank- reared Cobia in the USA (Kilduff, 2001;
Webb et al., 2007). Studies in Vietnam of pellet-fed, cage-reared Cobia showed FCR increasing from 1.2 to
2.0 as size increased from 0.2 to 6.8 kg (Nhu et al., 2011); and FCR increased for tank-reared Cobia from 0.8
to 1.5 with a size increase from 0.1 to 1.5 kg (Kilduff, 2001) . In the current study, FCR ranged from 1.0 to
2.6 but variation was often a result of other factors affecting performance, such as mortality events. Mean
FCR were 1.5 and 1.6 for cage-reared and tank-reared populations respectively, with cage-reared fish raised
to a >3 kg. The importance of FCR as a significant factor affecting Cobia aquaculture profitability is well
recognised (de Bezerra et al., 2016; Huang et al., 2011; Miao et al., 2009), and although FCR in the present
study are comparable to other systems, improvements to FCR, through improved diets potentially offers
scope to significantly reduce production costs, particularly for larger fish.
Internationally, farmed Cobia are marketed fresh, chilled or frozen as whole fish or fillets, with fresh or
chilled product typically attracting a price premium (Freeman, 2010) , with fish >6 kg preferred by several
Asian markets (Benetti et al., 2007; Freeman, 2010). The bulk of farmed Cobia in Australia are provided to
the market at >4 kg (unpublished data); however, in the present study, fish from 2 to 6 kg were harvested and
successfully marketed. There is limited data on the recovery of Cobia, expressed as fillet weight as a


proportion of body weight. Values of 52% (Flores et al., 2016) and 46% (Kilduff, 2001) have been reported
for 3 kg fish, but there is no comparative data for fish of different sizes. There is a similar paucity of
information on fillet yield in grouper, with one study reporting a recovery of 29% for red grouper (E. morio),
but also noting very little variation due to fish size, which varied from 0.8 to 3.6 kg (Gall et al., 1983). A
significant contribution to the economics of Cobia culture in south-east Queensland may be the
establishment of reliable markets for fish of varying sizes, to further enhance year-round harvesting. Data on
recovery for a range of sizes of cultured Cobia could contribute to the establishment of such markets.

Health and Survival
Cultured Cobia and Giant Grouper are susceptible to a wide variety of pathogens, parasites, nutritional and
environmental factors (see overviews Nagasawa and Cruz-Lacierda, 2004; Harikrishnan et al., 2011; Leano
et al., 2008; McLean et al., 2008). In general, when grown under appropriate water quality conditions,
notable organisms causing significant losses in Cobia and grouper species are protozoan parasites (McLean
et al., 2008) and viruses (Harikrishnan et al., 2011; Nagasawa and Cruz-Lacierda, 2004), respectively.
Environmental conditions also significantly affect Cobia health and survival, and water temperatures, below
15 ℃ have caused large-scale mortalities in sea-cage reared Cobia (Nhu et al., 2011).
Infection by the parasitic dinoflagellate Amyloodinium ocellatum has been the cause of large-scale mortality
events in fish hatcheries involving a range of species worldwide including: juvenile milkfish (Chanos
chanos) and mangrove red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) in the Philippines (Cruz -Lacierda et al.,
2004); sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Israel (Paperna, 1980) ; European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in
Egypt (Bessat and Fadel, 2018) and yellowtail (Seriola dumerili) in Italy (Aiello and D’Alba, 1986).
Amylodiniosis is also known to affect Cobia in the hatchery (Benetti et al., 2008), nursey and grow-out
phases (Liao et al., 2004). High mortality of pond-reared Cobia due to Amyloodinium has also been an issue
in Australia (Lee et al., 2015). In the present study, catastrophic mortality of two tanks of Cobia juveniles,
less than 100 g, occurred. The rapid onset of this disease following reduced feeding activity demonstrates the
need for detailed observations of juveniles, including gill examinations, in the event of any changes to
feeding or other behaviour. Importantly, mortalities were restricted to two of eight tanks, highlighting the
importance of good hygiene practices, particularly for a pathogen such as Amyloodinium which can readily
spread between tanks (Roberts -Thomson et al., 2006).
Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER) or viral nervous necrosis (VNN) is caused by viruses in the
family Nodaviridae, in the genus Betanodavirus (OIE, 2018). Nodavirus outbreaks have been associated
with high levels of mortality in over 50 marine and freshwater fish species (OIE, 2018) . Mortality is typically
highest in larval or juvenile stages, but high levels of mortality have also been reported in older animals
(OIE, 2018). The Australian aquaculture sector has been significantly impacted by nodavirus with the
barramundi hatchery industry experiencing high mortalities in the early 1990s (Anderson and Oakey, 2008) .
Although altered hatchery practices such as the implementation of green-water culture practices reduced the
incidence of disease, outbreaks continued for the ensuing 15 years (Anderson and Oakey, 2008) . Similar
issues have also been experienced in barramundi hatcheries elsewhere (Parameswaran et al., 2008; John et
al., 2014; Banerjee et al., 2014).
In Australia, disinfection and biosecurity controls have enabled the hatchery production of grouper
fingerlings without nodavirus infections and all fingerlings supplied by TCO are health certified free of
nodavirus at dispatch. However, fingerlings will remain susceptible to infection without vaccination.
Worldwide, several Grouper species including seven band grouper, E. septemfasciatus (Fukuda et al., 1996;
Kokawa et al., 2008), orange-spotted grouper E . coioides (Maeno et al., 2002), brown-marbled grouper, E.
fuscogutatus, Hong Kong grouper (Chi et al., 1997), dusky grouper, E. marginatus and golden grouper E.
costae (Vendramin et al., 2013) have all been shown to be highly susceptible to nodavirus, particularly in the
hatchery phase. The results of the present study contrast somewhat with these observations, in that cage
populations of larger fish (greater than 500 g) also experienced high levels of mortality and that the onset of
mortality events was rapid. However, it is in agreement with the on- farm experience with several grouper
species across multiple farms in northern Queensland. Environmental conditions can impact on
susceptibility to disease, and in some European sea bass cage farms increased water temperatures have been
associated with increased mortality rates (Le Breton et al., 1997). In the current study, mortalities coincided
with declining water temperatures and this may be a factor for Giant Grouper when grown in cooler


conditions such as in outdoor facilities in southern Queensland. More data will be needed on the performance
of Giant Grouper in southern Queensland before any mitigating factors can be identified. A number of
studies have demonstrated the efficacy of vaccines to improve survival in cultured grouper species exposed
to nodavirus (Kai and Chi, 2008; Lin et al., 2007; Nishizawa et al., 2012; Yamashita et al., 2009), and the
development of a vaccine to provide protection against local strain(s) of nodavirus is a priority for the
industry. Finfish Enterprise has funded a PhD position at James Cook University to characterise local
isolates of nodavirus and develop and test a vaccine for nodavirus on giant grouper. The thesis will be
submitted in 2019. Cobia have been shown to be susceptible to nodavirus (Chu et al., 2013; McLean et al.,
2008), with significant mortality levels in both larvae and harvest-sized individuals (Chu et al., 2013).
However, in the present study, there was no evidence of Cobia being affected by nodavirus, despite being
held in close proximity to heavily infected cages of Giant Grouper for extended periods. As Cobia were not
tested for the presence of nodavirus, it remains unclear whether this is a result of resistance or tolerance to
the virus. As all giant grouper cohorts are tested free of nodavirus at supply to RPPF it is recommended that
future cohorts of pond-grown Cobia be tested, for the presence of nodavirus to confirm a lack of carrier
In all aquaculture production systems, water quality, particularly as it relates to system operation, impacts
directly and indirectly on fish health and survival. In the present study, production systems were being
modified and improved in response to production needs (discussed above). As a result, in some instances,
water quality declined to a sufficient point to impact on fish health, and some losses were incurred.
Mortalities resulted either directly from poor water quality, as occurred following an air blower failure, or
from a secondary infection, following a poor water quality stressor, as occurred with Flavobacterium
infection, following elevated ammonia levels. It is important to put such losses in the context of a dynamic
system which was undergoing constant development, as new equipment was purchased and system
operations were streamlined. As such the mortalities resulting from these causes need not reflect on the
suitability of the system as is was at the end of the experimental period, nor the suitability of Cobia and Giant
Grouper for tank culture.


Both species exhibited commercially relevant performance within the production systems at RPPF. Cobia
achieved a harvest size within the 12 months duration of the project, achieved through a combination of post-
transfer tank rearing and later, cage production. Harvest weights were variable over the course of the project
ranging from 2 to 6 kg. This may necessitate the development of new markets for smaller fish if this
continues as hatchery supplies of larger numbers of fingerlings are expanded. Growth rates were higher in
tanks than cages, but this is typically the case for smaller fish. Feed conversion ratio of 1.5 to 1.6 was within
commercial expectations. Survival rates were generally high , with mortality or other poor performance
events being a function of system operational problems or equipment failure.
Giant Grouper reached a plate-sized harvest weight of 0.8 -1.0 kg within 9 months in the tank- based culture
system. Feed conversion ratios of less than 1.31 were achieved within tank systems, and less than 1.3 for
cage culture when unaffected by nodavirus. Infection by nodavirus caused large scale mortality,
predominantly of Giant Grouper in cages, including large fish highlighting the need to better understand the
stress events that precede VNN outbreaks and to modify farm practices to mitigate against them. This has
been demonstrated as possible in a prawn farm in Cairns. However, a vaccine against nodavirus is a priority
to be able to protect against infection or stress events that will occur and are beyond a farm ’s control. Of note
is that Cobia in cages showed no evidence of susceptibility to nodavirus infection, despite being housed in
close proximity to infected populations of Giant Grouper.
Water quality within the tank -based system was affected by stocking density and water treatment system
performance. This was compromised to some extent by the need to develop water treatment systems during
the course of the study. The system in place at the conclusion of the study consistently allowed for the
maintenance of good water quality. Pond water temperature impacted on growth of both species, particularly
during the cooler months; however, conditions were otherwise good for culture. Handling stock in the cages
was difficult due to the use of a rigid containment system. This necessitated any sampling or examination of
stock to be undertaken with dip or seine nets, which was both inefficient and stressful for the stock. The
inclusion of a soft netting system could effectively alleviate these issues.

This study has identified benefits and pitfalls of two growing systems and two potential species which will
enable the proponent of this study to make more informed business decisions in moving into finfish
aquaculture with either or both of these species. The study has demonstrated the feasibility of Cobia in
culture in south-east Queensland, which, while different to production strategies applicable to north
Queensland, still provides capacity to produce Cobia to market size.
Production of Giant Grouper was achieved in tanks; however the severe impact of VNN on Giant Grouper
production highlighted the need to develop an effective vaccine for this disease as soon as possible. It is
highly likely that an effective vaccine will enable efficient pond-based production of this and other grouper
species in south-east Queensland.
Although production was achieved, efficiency could be improved through reduced feed conversion ratios,
which may be attained through improved feed formulations in association with the development of optimised
feed delivery for these species.
Ultimately it is hoped the study will lead to increased production of finfish in Queensland and an increased
variety of species available to consumers, in addition to the provision of more diversification options for the
Queensland pond-farming sector.


The study has demonstrated the feasibility of Cobia as a viable species for production in south-east
Queensland. Similarly, Giant Grouper demonstrated production characteristics suited to aquaculture in south-
east Queensland, provided viable solutions to nodavirus infection can be developed and deployed.
It is recommended that Rocky Point Prawn Farm use the results of the study to improve elements of existing
production systems in order to improve the performance and profitability of both species. Enhancement of
land-based production facilities to better control water quality and maintain water parameters within
optimum ranges will improve production efficiency. Pond culture can be improved through improved cage
systems that enable more efficient access to stock and easier maintenance of the system. Operational
practices based around best practices for health management will need to be adhered to in order to minimise
the impact of parasites and pathogens.

Further development
The need for a functional vaccine against VNN has been highlighted, and will need to occur to reduce the
risks with pond cult ure of Giant Grouper. The development of a nodavirus vaccine for grouper and other
finfish species is now being progressed through FRDC Project “2018-098 Vaccination for emergency and
long-term control of nodavirus in Australian marine aquaculture”.
The identification of FCR of > 1.8 in some populations has demonstrated the need for improvements to feeds
or feeding approaches for these species. This will also be important to minimise the impacts of effluent
arising from the production of Cobia or Giant Grouper.
The study demonstrated a viable approach production, more suited to the more temperate climate of south-
east Queensland for the two species under consideration. The use of an extended post-transfer nursery period
in heated water over Winter, utilising a RAS provides sufficiently large fish in Spring to enable good
Summer growth, as well as providing plate-sized fish for cash flow and market continuity.
The study was based on the premise of reliable fingerling availability for RPPF. The ongoing need for the
cost-effective and reliable supply of commercial quantities of high quality fingerlings, over a sufficiently
broad window to enable a variety of production strategies to be implemented, will be essential for the
ongoing viability of this sector. While grouper fingerlings are currently relatively expensive, a commercial
hatchery exists that meets these requirements. However, there remains no commercial hatchery for cobia and
continued culture of cobia will necessitate RPPF and/or another commercial operator investing in a hatchery


Extension and Adoption
The project was led by the end user and research activities were undertaken in close collaboration with the
research provider.
Project coverage
16/07/2019 Queensland gropers sent to south- east to help prawn farmers battling white spot disease - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting

Queensland gropers sent to south-east to help prawn
farmers battling white spot disease

The Queensland groper fingerlings will arrive today to be farmed on the Logan River, with more to
come in the weeks and months ahead.
Queensland groper, also known as giant groper, are a protected species and can only be sold when
produced in hatcheries and farms.
The fish have been available for sale in Australia for less than two years.
The fingerlings are a few months old and weigh about 150 grams.
Gropers weigh 15 kilograms when three years old, and can weigh up to 300kg when fully grown.
For the farmers it is a chance to diversify, as many face financial devastation while the prawn industry is
in limbo due to last year's outbreak of white spot disease.
Prawn farms on the Logan River in south-east Queensland have been further affected by flooding in
recent weeks.
The manager of the Cairns hatchery supplying the fish, Richard Knuckey, said the company was not
trying to displace prawn farming, but wanted to grow the market for groper.


"[When the industry recovers] we're hopeful we would've demonstrated the value of doing groper there,
and that those farms would come back into doing prawns but would also maintain a level of groper
production," Dr Knuckey said.
"The farmers that we've engaged with have been very positive and excited about the opportunity of
trying something different."
Dr Knuckey said it was the first time they have sent the fish as far south as Logan.
"They do occur naturally as far south as New South Wales but the warmer waters are where they tend to
grow faster ... they'll probably grow a little more slowly down there," he said.

Plans to break into Asian market
Hong Kong- based company The Company One bought the hatchery in Cairns in February after it went
into voluntary administration, and its owners want to establish an export market into China and Hong
"We've been marketing the fish into the high end restaurants into Sydney and Melbourne ... it's a high
end, high quality market," Dr Knuckey said.

PHOTO: A fully grown groper can be as heavy as 300kg. (ABC News: Casey Briggs)
"The main thing that separates them from the other species is their skin ... when it's cooked you can do a
lot with the skin, crisping it up really nicely and then it's got a lovely moist layer underneath."
Farmers 'very appreciative'
Queensland Agriculture Minister Bill Byrne said he had been doing what he could behind the scenes to
enable the partnership.
"This is an innovative way of using an existing hatchery in a different fashion and it gives a lifeline to
one operator to return a cash flow," Mr Byrne said.
"Speaking to the hatchery owners down on the Logan, they're very appreciative and they're very happy
... it's a small ray of sunshine in somewhat difficult circumstances."
The Company One said while the first deliveries of Queensland groper have been free, they were in talks
to start selling or leasing the fish if the trial is a success.
Topics: fishing-aquaculture , regional, government-and -politics, rural, cairns-4870, logan-central-4114, alberton-4207, qld, australia
First posted Wed 12 Apr 2017, 6:36am spot-disease- prawns/84353602/2


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Appendix 1: List of researchers and project staff
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (Bribie Island Research Centre)
Trevor Borchert Fisheries Technician
Dr Jose Domingos Co-Investigator (to Feb 2018)
Tom Gallagher Casual Hatchery Technician
Dr Peter Lee Co-Investigator (from February 2018)
David Nixon Fisheries Technician (to June 2018)
Rocky Point Prawn Farm
Brad Cherrie Principal Investigator
Tony Dickson Hatchery Technician
Murray Zipf Owner
Serena Zipf Owner
The Company One
Richard Knuckey Co-Investigator


Appendix 2: Tank water quality and production

Figure A3.1 Representative tank water quality parameters for A. Cobia, Batch 2 Tanks BT 11/LR25 Giant
Grouper, B. Batch 1 Tank BT 7, C. Giant Grouper, Batch 3 Tanks LR2/BT8.



Appendix 3: Study Tour of Hong Kong and Taiwan, Cobia and Grouper

A tour of Hong Kong and Taiwan was undertaken in late September 2017 to review grow out
design and procedures and determine market parameters such as fish quality, price and any counter
seasonality advantage for both species. Four representatives from Rocky Point Aquaculture spent
time in Taiwan looking at Giant Grouper pond production, cage production and tank production.
Due to damage from a typhoon no production of Cobia could be reviewed. In Hong Kong a review
of an indoor Grouper facility was undertaken as well as various markets and restaurants for grouper.
Figure 1a and 1b show the areas visited in both countries.

Grouper and Cobia production in Taiwan
Grouper farms and nursery farms were visited near the small city of Tainan. No Cobia was farmed in this area and we were told that Cobia was not produced in ponds in Taiwan. There was Cobia
cage production on a small island, Little Okinawa, but most cages were damaged in a recent typhoon.
Most of the farms visited in the Tainan area were polyculture farms. The area was predominantly
prawn farms but had been forced to change species due to WSSV and EMS. Farms went to growing
two species in the same ponds Clams, Giant Grouper, hybrids of Grouper, Black Tiger prawns,
Vannamei prawns, Pompano and Milkfish were all grown in this area.
All farms in the area had their salt water supplied by a government supply canal. All farms used the
tidal flow for their water exchange. Ponds were of all sizes and shapes and each farm varied from 1
or 2 ponds up to 40 ponds (Figure 2 ).
The water temperature varied from 18 degrees in Winter to 32 degrees in Summer although cold
fronts in Winter have resulted in fish kills in various years. One farm reported 6 degrees for 8 days
which caused severe mortality.

Taiwan Hong Kong


Figure 1: Areas visited in Taiwan and Hong Kong (The yellow pins indicate the areas visited).

The Giant Grouper farm visited consisted of 6 ponds each about 100m long and 30m wide. A single
weir structure allowed water to flow in or out depending on the tide. The ponds were shallow for
4m around the edge (less than 1m deep) reaching 2m in the middle of the pond (Figure 2). Three
single paddlewheels were located in each pond. Clams were stocked into the shallow part of the
pond as well as the Grouper. The stocking rate on this farm was between 6000 and 10000 fish per
pond and they harvest the fish starting at 600g to 4kg. On some farms fish are on grown for three
years and reach 10kg in size. In Taiwan there is several steps in the farming process. Brood stock
farms will produce eggs, hatcheries will produce fry, nurseries will produce fingerlings and farms
will grow fish out. Sometimes farms will on sell different size fish up to 4 times.

Figure 2: Ponds in the Tainan area of Taiwan. Note paddlewheels for aeration in ponds.


Depending on the size of the fish the farms stock, fingerlings up to 50 grams need to be graded once
per week using a fish grading basket. They are usually kept in cages (Figure 3). At 100 grams fish
are sorted into 2 grades. At this stage most farms will free range into there ponds.

Figure 3: floating cages where fish are grown to 50 to 100 grams

To grow the fish a secchi disk depth of 70/80cm is maintained. Feeding is carried out once a day,
usually early morning, using feed trays or feed baskets on which all the feed for the pond is placed
(Figure 4).

Figure 4: Feed trays and baskets used in grow out ponds.

Twelve trays per pond are used with up to 4kg of feed on each tray. Each tray is checked after one
hour. Feed is produced by several different Taiwanese feed companies specific for Grouper and it
was noted since farms changed from using trash fish production increased. Some automatic blower
feeders were noted to be used on other farms but were used on milkfish and Pompano (Figure 5).


Figure 5: Automatic blower feeder.
Harvesting of the Giant Grouper was undertaken by using a drag net with a heavy lead line (Figure
6). Fish were condensed and selected for harvest.

Figure 6: Drag net used for harvesting.

Depending on what the market requires, unacceptable fish are returned to the pond. Sometimes
larger fish are caught using a fishing rod. All fish going to market are kept live and purged. In
Winter fish are purged for three days while in Summer fish are purged for at least one day,
sometimes two as their metabolism is slower in Winter.
An important part of the Giant Grouper production cycle in Taiwan is the nursery phase. This is
usually carried out by specific operators. Upon arrival at one farm a “stockbroker” arrived with a
sample of fish for the nursery farm to try. The farm consisted of three ponds which contained cage


The first stage system was where the just weaned fry (10mm in length) were put into small floating
cages and fed 4 times per day. Grading occurred 3 times per week using different sized grading
baskets. The cages were shaded to prevent excessive algae growth (Figure 7) .

Figure 7: Shaded cages where new fry are held.
The second stage of the nursery farm was in ponds which were 9m deep and consisted of cages
within floating drum rafts (Figure 8). The cages were about 1m x 1m x 80cm. Grading occurred
once per week and fish were on sold at 30 grams to 50 grams. All cages are cleaned at least once
per week with a high pressure cleaner to prevent fouling.

Figure 8: Floating raft cages showing the cages within the raft.
Escapees occurred in all ponds and as the farmer had no way of draining ponds the escapees have
survived for a number of years. Fish as large as 20kg were seen feeding on pellets the size of golf
balls (Figure 9) .


Figure 9: Feed size for the 20kg Grouper
These fish are occasionally harvested for restaurants for special orders. It was noted that during a
cold spell last year all farms except this one lost their fish due to extreme cold temperatures (down
to 6 degrees for 8 days in ponds). The farmer believes his fish survived due to the deep ponds.
According to the farmer the Giant Grouper will feed at 18 degrees and stop feeding at 16 degrees
but will still survive. The farmer quoted that the addition of extra vitamin C before Winter is a way
of conditioning the fish for winter.
A visit was then undertaken to review the aquaculture area of Ping Tung County in the southern
part of Taiwan. This area consisted of straight walled concrete ponds of all different sizes, shapes
and depths with different farms often sharing pond walls (Figure 10). The water supply was direct
from the ocean via pumps and pipes leading to each farm.

Figure 10: Concrete walled ponds in Ping Tung County


Figure 11: Crazy network of water supply pipes in Ping Tung County
A small Cobia hatchery was reviewed with brood stock being held in concrete tanks 10m x 5mx 2m
deep (Figure 12) . Fingerlings were produced from this facility (Figure 13) and due to the
destruction of sea cages on Little Okinawa due to a typhoon were being sent to Vietnam. It was
noted that copper sulphate was used in the brood stock tanks.

Figure 12: Cobia brood stock in pond.

Figure 13: Cobia fingerlings.


A Grouper nursery recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) was then reviewed . This facility was by
far the most advanced and bio- secure facility reviewed. The facility was split into three sections and
each section consisted of 64000L of water with 32000L of growing tanks (F igure 14). This facility
was designed to receive batches of 30000 fingerlings which would be taken up to 100 grams before
stocking out into ponds. Fish were also being trialled with a vaccine against Nodavirus which
involves injecting each fish with the vaccine.

Figure 14: Grouper nursery recirculating system.
The RAS system was set up as follows:
Culture Tank > Sedimentation Tank > Drum Filter > Sump > Pump > Foam Fractionation with
Ozone > Trickling Filter incorporated into Bio- filter > pumps return water to Culture tanks via UV
The culture tanks (Figure 14) had both inlets at the bottom of the tank and at the water level of the
tank. Bottom outlets were not necessary as the grouper do not produce solid faeces for long. Each
culture tank had four air diffusers and one oxygen diffuser plate.

Figure 14: Culture tank with air diffusers

The bio- filter incorporated a trickling filter (Figure 15) which served two purposes. Firstly, it
allowed degassing of ozone produced in the foam fractionator and secondly, it may produce a
different type of nitrifying bacteria according to the manager of the facility. According to the


manager, a working bio-filter should result in a 30% to 70% reduction of Total Ammonia before
and after the bio-filter. The bio-filter should be set up so that any waste that it produces can be
flushed from the system.

Figure 15: Bio- filter with trickling filter incorporated.
Water turnover was 100% and oxygen was added to tanks via oxygen diffuser plates direct into
culture tanks (Figure 16).

Figure 16: Oxygen diffuser plate.
Oxygen should be kept at 6.5ppm before feeding and should only reduce to 5ppm after feeding.
Aeration was also used in the culture tanks and in the bio-filter. Ozone was monitored by ORP and
was measured in the sump with a level of 250mV maintained. The level was not to exceed 350 mV
as fish mortality will occur. The design of the system should be such that if the system stops it
should restart without any of the water levels changing.

Regular grading up to three times per week was conducted using grading baskets (Figure 17) . Fish
were moved out into ponds or sent to other recirculating systems at 100 grams. More success has
been had stocking fish into ponds at 100 grams rather than 10 grams. It was noted that leaving the
Ping Tung County Aquaculture area that most farms in the area were again using multiple species in


Figure 17: Grading baskets.

Grouper Production in Hong Kong
Giant Grouper production in Hong Kong consisted mainly of indoor recirculating systems and a
very small amount of pond culture. Two facilities were reviewed. Both facilities were owned by
Aquaculture Technologies Asia (ATA). An older site at Mei Po and a newer facility at Lau Fan
The site at Mei Po is an older facility which relies solely on recirculation of its water. All the
saltwater is made from fresh water and chemical salt. It consists of tanks for saltwater preparation,
small tanks to rear fingerlings up to 50 grams and large grow out tanks about 130 000 L with each
grow out tank on its own recirculating system.
Each system consisted of a drum filter, foam fractionator with ozone injected into it and a bio- filter.
The water turnover was around 100% per hour and staff there stated that ozone was not always
used. Aeration was added to each tank but oxygen was used only as back up. The bio -filter was a
two stage process with a trickling filter incorporated with a moving bed filter. The media was quite
large and staff stated that this was so the media could be cleaned easily when needed.
We arrived at the Mei Po site around midnight to coincide with the arrival of some fingerlings from
Australia. A shipment of 100 polystyrene boxes containing 120 fish each were being unloaded
when we arrived. Fish were placed into mesh cages in a tank for acclimatization and quarantine
(Figure 18).


Figure 18: Acclimatization tanks with newly arrived Giant Grouper fingerlings.

The water quality was checked every 5 bags to make sure oxygen and pH were within their
parameters. Limited mortalities occurred and fish looked to settle in well.
The site at Lau Fan Shen was visited the next day. Again this system was fully recirculated with all
salt water made from fresh water and chemical salt. The system design was similar to the Mei Po
site and consisted of 130,000 L grow out tanks each on there own recirculating system (Figure 19).
Waste water was taken from both the top of the tank and the bottom of the tank and went into a
drum filter., foam fractionator with ozone injected into it, moving bed bio-filter incorporated with a
trickling filter and finally some UV sterilization before being returned to the grow out tank.

Figure 19: The Lau Fan Shen indoor recirculating system.


This site consisted of approximately 16 of these grow out tanks and a purging tank system (Figure
20) to allow for holding and grading of fish before being sold to market. Each grow out tank was
stocked with 4000- 5000 fingerlings with fish being grown to 1.8kg with the majority of fish were
sold locally in Hong Kong.

Figure 20: Purging tanks where fish are held before sale.

Market Parameters of the Giant Grouper in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
No Cobia was seen in any market in Hong Kong or Taiwan most likely due to production issues.
There was a market for every sized grouper in Taiwan whether for on growing of fish or for eatable
product. One farmer reported that it was not uncommon for a fish to be sold up to four times
through the course of its grow out from farm to farm.
The eatable market for Giant Grouper in Taiwan ranged from fish of 600 grams through to banquet
fish 2-3kg in size (Figure 21) through to fish up to 20kg. The plate sized fish were in direct
competition with hybrid grouper species which were believed to grow faster but not have the same
flavour and texture as the giant grouper. It also fetched a higher price than other cod species such as
the gold spot.


Figure 21: Steamed Giant Grouper.
A hybrid grouper was tested for taste and found to be of a muddy taste and softer texture than the
giant grouper of the same size.
Prices in Taiwan ranged from $190- $300 Taiwan dollars per 600grams (1 caty ) which equates to
$13-$21 AUD per kg. Due to the competition of the hybrid species the best market in Taiwan was
for large fish (10kg or more) which fetched a similar price per kg but t ook 2/3 years in growing
time. A large proportion of the plate and banquet size giant grouper was exported from Taiwan to
Hong Kong and China.

Hong Kong
The market in Hong Kong was mainly for the plate size and banquet sized fish although larger fish
cut into pieces was seen in some Hong Kong supermarkets (Figure 22) . Prices for live fish ranged
from $21- $54 per kilo in various retail outlets. The size range was mainly 600 grams to 1.8 kg.
Some larger fish were seen in restaurants but were mainly for display.


Figure 22: Fresh Giant Grouper pieces for sale in Hong Kong supermarket.
Upon viewing the sale of a live fish in a Hong Kong supermarket it was caught and then killed and
gutted within view of the customer. The giant grouper was in competition with many other species
but the majority of the time commanded a higher price. It was noted that the fish must be in good
and healthy condition to survive staying alive in supermarket or restaurant tanks (Figure 23) .

Figure 23: Live Giant Grouper for sale in Hong Kong supermarkets.

The Hong Kong and Taiwanese Giant Grouper farming industry is continuing to grow as people
become more accustomed to this fish as a food source. Although a smaller market in Australia, a
ready made market is available to take good quality plate sized fish while assessing whether it is
viable to on- grow fish to a larger size. The market however will require regular supply. There is
potential to export excess fish overseas but further investigation will be required to assess this
Production indoors and outdoors can be utilized to grow the fish. Due to the seasonal constraints in
South East Queensland overwintering fish in a recirculating system as well as production of market
sized fish will need to be achieved. Production cages outdoors will be used to grow the fish out over
the summer months while the indoor system is being constructed.
The giant grouper can be a viable species to grow in South East Queensland if we utilize indoor and
outdoor facilities correctly. The Cobia viability and market parameters may require further
investigation due to the lack of production in the areas visited.