(the “COMPANY”)

The Company adopts an investor relation policy to promote regular, effective
and fair communication with individual and institutional shareholders (the
“Shareholders”). Transparency and effective communication are the heart of our
investor relations’ activities. We aim to timely deliver thorough and up-to-date
information to the investing community, to support informed investment
decision. The Company does not practice selective disclosure of information
material. We convey information material and semi-annual Financial Statement
through announcement made on the Electronic Reporting System (“IDXnet”)
and comply with capital market regulations, namely regulations from the
Financial Services Authority and Indonesia Stock Exchange. Annual Reports
are announced and issued within the stipulated period.


1. The Company is committed to have constructive dialogues with the
Shareholders, by providing timely, updated, and sufficient information
concerning the Company’s business activities, strategies, and Financial
Statements available for the Shareholders.
2. The Company will provide relevance and fair disclosures, equal treatment to its
Shareholders, and protection to the Shareholders’ interest. The information
disclosure shall be done in accordance with the prevailing regulations.
3. The Company will provide its updated information through Annual Report,
Sustainability Report, interim Financial Reports and other Company news that
are available on the Company’s Website.
4. The communication with the public and Company’s Shareholders will be
delivered through the Corporate Secretary and/or Investors Relation Division or
appointed spokesperson.


Communication Channels to Shareholders shall be made through:

1. General Meeting of Shareholders (“GMS”)

GMS must be implemented according to the Financial Services Authority’s
regulations and the Company’s articles of association. There are two types of
GMS: Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“AGMS”) and Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGM”). Companies are required to hold

annual meetings to discuss matters concerning the company and in extraordinary
general meeting to resolve any urgent problems. Based on regulations in
Indonesia, the Company required to hold an AGMS within 6 (six) months after
the financial year-end. If a Shareholders are unable to attend the GMS, a proxy
may be appointed to attend and vote on their behalf with an executed Power of
Attorney Letter.

2. Information Disclosure to the Financial Services Authority and/or the
Indonesian Stock Exchange

Where necessary, for the Company's activities/ material facts which based on
capital market regulations require the Company to conduct information
disclosure, the Company will conduct such information disclosure to the
Financial Services Authority and/or the Indonesian Stock Exchange and/or to
the public.

3. Annual Report

The Company shall publish annual reports to present to the shareholders and
investors (including bondholder) a comprehensive and consistent overview of
the Company’s business activities, market prospects and development, and
operational and financial performance.

4. Financial Statements

The Company shall publish its semi annual Financial Statements and annual
Financial Statements in compliance with prevailing regulations. Statements
prepared shall provide fair, comparable, understandable and relevant financial
disclosures that represent the Company's latest financial conditions. The Annual
Financial Statements prepared by the Company have gone through an audit
process by an authorized third party.

5. Sustainability Report

The information related to Company’s sustainability initiatives shall be
delivered in the Sustainability Report and will be disclosed in Company’s
website. The Sustainability Report will explain on how the Company manages
its relationship with its environment, community. consumers, customers,
employees and other stakeholders to achieve its sustainable business purpose. An
authorized and competent third party has carried out the Sustainability Report on
the website.

6. Website

The Company will utilize Company’s website to provide public information to
Shareholders and stakeholders. The Company’s website will contain any
information related to Company's latest business activities that can be made
through announcements and any other corporate communications.
The Annual Report, Financial Statements, and Sustainability Report that have
been prepared by the Company is accessible in the Company’s website. Any
public information that is posted at listed stock exchange’s website shall be
available on the Company's website.