Journal of Education Technology
Volume 7, Number 2, 2023 pp. 235-246
P-ISSN: 2549-4856 E-ISSN : 2549-8290
Open Access:

* Corresponding Author: Arita Marini: [email protected] 235
Digital-Based Flash Card to Increase Social Studies Learning
Outcomes for Elementary School Students in The Fourth Grade

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia
Pengembangan media pembelajaran yang inovatif sangat diperlukan untuk
memberikan pengalaman belajar yang berbeda dan bervariasi. Hal ini diperlukan
untuk merangsang minat belajar siswa untuk mencapai hasil belajar yang maksimal.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan dan menganalisis
pengaruh media flashcard berbasis digital terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar IPS
siswa kelas IV SD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode R&D (Research and
Development) dan mengadaptasi model pengembangan ADDIE. Populasi dalam
penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV. Penelitian ini mengambil sampel secara acak
sebanyak 126 siswa kelas IV dan dihitung menggunakan rumus Slovin dengan
margin of error 5%. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil validasi ahli
materi 83,3% dalam kategori layak. Hasil ahli media 93,3% dalam kategori sangat
layak, dan hasil keefektifan media pembelajaran diperoleh melalui angket yang
diberikan kepada siswa pada saat pretest dan posttest. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan
bahwa media flashcard berbasis digital berdampak positif terhadap hasil belajar
IPS siswa kelas IV SD.

The development of innovative learning media is needed to provide a different and varied learning experience. This is
required to stimulate student interest in learning to achieve maximum learning outcomes. The aim of this study is to develop
and analyze the effect of digital-based flashcard media to improve social studies learning outcomes for fourth-grade
elementary school students. This research uses R&D (Research and Development) methods and adapts the ADDIE
development model. The population in this study were fourth-grade students. This study randomly took a sample of 126
fourth-grade students and calculated using the Slovin formula with a margin of error of 5%. The results of this study show
that the results of material expert validation 83.3% in the worthy category. The results of media experts 93.3% in the very
worthy category, and the results of the effectiveness of learning media are obtained through a questionnaire given to students
at the pretest and posttest. This study concludes that digital-based flashcard media positively impacts social studies learning
outcomes for fourth-grade elementary school students.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Copyright © 2023 by Author. Published by Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.

The world has entered the digital or industrial revolution 4.0 era in this generation. In this era,
technology is developing rapidly in various fields, including education (Astuti et al., 2019; Hoesny &
Darmayanti, 2021). In the 21st century, information and communication technology has become an essential part
of the teaching process by changing all aspects of education to improve pedagogical practice and promote
effective ways to manage time in the classroom (Akkus et al., 2007; Baker, 2004; El-Sofany & El-Haggar,
2020). It may not have been thought that someone could carry out activities or search for information with just
the touch of a finger, but now this has become a reality because of the rapid development of technology. The
existence of technological advances has changed people's lifestyles. Currently, most people prefer to do almost
all activities using digital media. Digital media is considered effective and efficient in its use and is attractive
because it uses technology (Al Mamun et al., 2022; Shine & Heath, 2020; Wong et al., 2013). This situation
could help someone to be more creative and innovative. For example, teachers use technology in learning
activities. Digital media has become part of the learning process, so it is the school's task to prepare a highly
mediated school world for students (Greve & etc, 2020; Samerkhanova & Imzharova, 2018; Sembiring et al.,
2018). Mediated learning for students will encourage teachers to focus on how students can solve problems.
Learning is a process of teaching and learning activities that can determine the success of student learning.
Learning provides opportunities for students to develop their potential, resulting in cognitive, affective, and

Article history:
Received January 10, 2023
Revised January 11, 2023
Accepted April 12, 2023
Available online May 25, 2023

Kata Kunci:
Digital flashcard, hasil belajar
siswa, IPS, media pembelajaran

Digital flashcard, student learning
outcomes, social studies, learning


Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 236
psychomotor changes (Magdalena et al., 2021; Weigel & Bonica, 2014). As one of the main components that
regulate the learning process, the teacher has an essential role in creating active, practical, engaging, and
meaningful learning for students so that the maximum achievement of learning objectives is achieved
(Duchatelet & Donche, 2019; Putri Ningrat et al., 2018). A significant learning question is a learning activity
that can attract students' attention and foster interest and motivation to learn so that students can carry out
learning activities with fun and achieve maximum learning outcomes (Irawaty et al., 2021; Maesaroh, 2013).
Many factors can affect the success of achieving learning objectives, for example, the selection of methods and
the use of learning media that are in accordance with the subject matter and student characteristics. The
development of innovative learning media is needed to provide a different and varied learning experience. This
is required to stimulate student interest in learning to achieve maximum learning outcomes. In addition, the
development of digital-based learning media can foster attitudes and skills in technology so that students can use
technology wisely in this era (Ayuningtyas et al., 2018; Safitri et al., 2019). Previous study state that the
effectiveness of educational programs in a mobile learning environment is achieved by aligning cognitive load
and structuring educational content (Zhampeissova et al., 2020). Alignment of cognitive load and arrangement
of the educational content must be considered in presenting interesting but meaningful learning. Digital
technology in education is essential in developing increased access to education through access to various digital
formats and providing websites as online learning media (Leksono et al., 2020; Sjahruddin et al., 2022).
Therefore, as educators, taking advantage of technology and implementing it in learning is crucial. However,
most digital markets are full of applications that are promoted as educational but have little or no pedagogical
value because they are often created with limited input from educators or developmental specialists (Papadakis et
al., 2020; Sjahruddin et al., 2022). To develop learning media that can be used optimally, it is necessary to pay
attention to how to use it, which is also easily understood by educators.
There are many kinds of learning media, one of which is flashcards. Flashcards are small cards that
contain images, text or symbols that are usually used to remind or direct students to something related to the idea
(Aba, 2019; Suprianti & Jayanta, 2020). Flashcard media is an educational game tool that uses cards to learn the
material. Along with technological advances and the development of the times, flashcards which were
previously small cards made of paper, can now be developed as digital-based flashcards (Erviana & Andriani,
2019; Suprianti & Jayanta, 2020). A digital-based flashcard is a development of learning media that utilizes
technology so that its current use can be more effective and efficient. Based on the research study, flashcards and
board games that are applied to teach Mandarin can all help students to have high motivation and learning
experiences (Wen et al., 2020). In this study, flashcard media was used in learning Mandarin. Flashcards have a
positive influence on students' motivation and learning experience. Based on other research related to the use of
media in learning shows that there is a significant positive effect on increasing student interest in learning
(Singh. & Prasad Singh, 2021). Media use in education increases student interest in learning, impacting learning
outcomes and students' critical thinking skills (Nawaz & Ghulam, 2010; Rands et al., 2021).
In addition, the use of media has also succeeded in presenting more concrete delivery of material in a
lesson so that students easily understand it. From the studies above, flashcard media are usually presented in the
form of cards made of paper. In previous studies, although flashcard media had been introduced in digital
format, they were generally only used to memorize foreign vocabulary (Utami, 2021). Flashcard media in
previous studies only contained pictures and explanations, and the use of flashcard media still needed to be used
in other learning (Erviana & Andriani, 2019). In addition, flashcard media is only used to increase students
learning motivation. In this study, researchers developed flashcard media combined with technology for social
studies learning. Code accompanies the created flashcard media to access materials, videos, and quizzes related
to the material presented with internet access. The digital-based flashcard media developed by the researcher has
been packaged attractively because pictures support the material. For the use of flashcard media to be more
interactive and involve students in gaining learning experiences, students are introduced to technology that is
easily accessible anytime and anywhere.

This research method uses Research and Development (RnD) to develop digital-based flashcard media
products. This research and development use the ADDIE model, which consists of 5 stages: analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation. And this research uses a pre-experimental design method type
one group pretest-posttest to test the effectiveness of the resulting product. The pretest was carried out before
being given a digital-based flashcard media, while the posttest was carried out after being given a digital-based
flashcard media. Thus, the results can be known more accurately because it can compare the conditions before
and after treatment. The research pattern of the one-group pretest-posttest design method is show in Table 1.

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

Digital-Based Flash Card to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Elementary School Students in The Fourth Grade 237
Table 1. Experimental Design of the Digital-based Flash Card to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes
Group Pretest Treatment Posttest
Experiment O1 X O2

This study involved fourth-grade elementary school students in Rawa Buaya Village, Cengkareng, West
Jakarta, Indonesia. This study took a random sample using the Slovin formula involving 126 fourth-grade
students in Rawa Buaya Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Indonesia. The sample calculation in this study was
calculated using the Slovin formula with a margin of error of 5%. This research uses pretest and posttest
instruments related to learning outcomes in learning social studies. The grid of pretest and posttest instruments
for students' cognitive abilities can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Pretest and Posttest Grid
Cognitive Dimension Indicators
C2 - Understanding Explaining the meaning of economic activity 1
Explaining the purpose of economic activity 2
C3 - Application Determining the type of work based on geographic location 3
Determine examples of production, distribution, consumption 4
Sequencing activities economics of paper making 5
C-4 Analyzing Identifying economic activities and their relationship to various fields of
Analyzing economic activities based on the narrative of the text
Analyzing the results obtained by workers from their work 8
C5 - Evaluation Comparing economic activities of production, distribution, and
C6 - Creation Compiling an example of a scheme of economic activity for the local

The pretest was given before being given treatment. After the experimental treatment, a posttest was
given to the experimental group. The results of the pretest are used as a comparison with the posttest results of
the experimental group after being given treatment. The comparison between the pretest and posttest groups
shows the effect of using digital-based flashcard media. In addition, this research and development also use
validation instruments from material experts and media experts to test the feasibility of the media at the trial
stage. Material expert validation grid is show in Table 3 and Media validation instrument grid is show in Table
Table 3. Material Expert Validation Grid
No. Aspect Indicator
1. Quality of
Compatibility of digital flashcard content with economic activity material
Compatibility of digital flashcard content to learn economic activities
The depth of the material presented
The material is under the level of students' ability.
The material is accessible for students to understand
Quiz and evaluation questions are used both to test students' abilities.
The images presented following the material
2. Language The language used is communicative, effective and efficient.
The language used is easy for students to understand
3. Implementation of digital-based flashcard learning media according to student needs
It can be used individually or in groups.
The practicality of digital-based flashcard media
Table 4. Media Validation Instrument Grid
No. Aspect Indicator
1. Display Design Proportional layout (layout of text and images)

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 238
No. Aspect Indicator
Appropriateness of background selection
Appropriateness of colour proportions
Appropriate selection of font and font size
Attractive digital flashcard display
2. Content/material
Accuracy of images used for material clarity
Compatibility of images with material
Clarity material description
3. QR-Code The suitability of the text content of the material in the Q.R. code
Videos and quizzes presented with the Q.R. Code can be accessed.
4. The use of digital-based flashcards is easy to use
The practicality of digital-based flashcard media

In statistical analysis, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was performed to test the normality of the data
distribution. In this study, inferential statistics for hypothesis testing using paired sample t-test. Conclusions
from the hypothesis are made using criteria with a significance level of 0.05. Data measurement analysis
techniques to determine the responses of media and material experts using a Likert scale with the questionnaire
score category can be seen in Table 5.
Table 5. Validation of Media Experts and Material Experts
Scoring scale Alternative Answer
5 Very Good
4 Well
3 Pretty Good
2 Not Good
1 Verry Not Good
The feasibility test of digital-based flashcard learning media was analyzed with a percentage rating
scale. The validation criteria used in the validity of digital-based flashcard media research are presented in Table
Table 6. Validation Score-Category Media Experts and Material Experts
No. Percentage of Scoring Results Eligibility Criteria
1. 90% – 100% Very Worthy
2. 80% – 89% Worthy
3. 65% – 79% Pretty Worthy
4. 40% – 64% Less Worthy
5. 0 – 39% Not Feasible

This research and development use the ADDIE model, which consists of five stages: analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation.
At this stage, researchers identify learning materials that require media learning and then place the
content of the learning material. In addition, researchers also identified the learning media needed to support
learning in this era. Based on the observations, social studies learning requires innovative and digital-based
learning media.
Before designing learning media, researchers analyzed the learning outcomes of fourth-grade elementary
school students in Rawa Buaya Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Indonesia, in social studies learning
economic activities. Based on the analysis results, students still have not mastered the material for economic
activities because the learning is still monotonous, so students are less interested, impacting student learning
outcomes. Therefore, learning media such as digital-based flashcards are needed to improve students' social
studies learning outcomes.

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

Digital-Based Flash Card to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Elementary School Students in The Fourth Grade 239
The digital-based flashcard media design was made per the needs analysis of fourth-grade elementary
school students in Rawa Buaya Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Indonesia, on economic activities. The first
stage is to formulate indicators and learning objectives to be achieved based on the theme of 4 economic activity
materials. The material discussed is the definition of economic activity, types of economic activity, the
relationship between types of economic activity and geographic location, examples of community economic
activities, and schemes of economic activities. Next, determine the appropriate image to support the material for
economic activities, select the video that is relevant to the material, and create a quiz that is presented in the form
of a Q.R. Code. After that, please choose the location of the image and explanation of the material so that it has
an attractive appearance.
At the stage of developing digital-based flashcard learning media in social studies learning, the grade
fourth elementary school economic activity material is divided into several stages. In the first step, the
researcher prepares the Canva application to design and design digital-based flashcard learning media. The
Canva application enters content, images, videos and quizzes as a Q.R. Code. Furthermore, the researcher
developed a digital-based flashcard learning media by packaging economic activity materials with previously
prepared content. The following is a digital-based flashcard cover display produced by the researcher.

Figure 1. Cover Digital-Based Flash Card

Figure 1 shows a cover digital-based flashcard. The cover page contains class descriptions, material
titles, theme titles, and illustrations of various works to support the material to be discussed.

Figure 2. Learning Material Picture

Figure 2 shows an example of a picture display of learning materials, namely the type of economic
activity. The figure illustrates the types of economic activities: production, distribution, and consumption.

Figure 3. Material Barcode

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 240
Figure 3 shows a Q.R. Code. The QR Code explains the material related to the previous slide. The
material is illustrated as a Q.R. Code containing learning videos.

Figure 4. Material Explanation

Figure 4 shows an explanation of the material in the form of an image accompanied by a description.
The picture is an example of an economic activity scheme for making milk so that it can be consumed.

Figure 5. Q.R. Code Quiz

Figures 6. Quizzes

Figure 5 shows a Q.R. Code containing a quiz. Students can access the Q.R. Code to play quizzes.
Figure 6 shows one of the quizzes in a digital-based flashcard media. The quiz is an exercise for students to
answer questions about the material. Quizzes are presented with an attractive appearance, like a game, and there
are scores, so students are more motivated to learn. The next step is to re-check the completeness of the material,
its accurate selection of images related to the material, the suitability of the video material, and the suitability of
practice with material on digital-based flashcard media
The implementation stage of digital-based flashcard learning media studying economic activity learning
material in Grade IV in elementary school was tested by material experts and media experts who validated the
developed digital-based flashcard media. Media validation is done by distributing questionnaires. The results of
the proof of these experts used to improve digital-based flashcard learning media products. After getting a valid
score from the expert, the digital-based flashcard media was tested randomly on a random sample involving 126
fourth-grade students as a participant experimental group. Before the trial, students were given a pretest

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

Digital-Based Flash Card to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Elementary School Students in The Fourth Grade 241
questionnaire about student learning outcomes, and after the media trial, students were given a posttest
questionnaire about student learning outcomes in the study. Based on the results of the normality test, it is
known that the significance value is 0.193 > 0.05; it can be concluded that the residual value of the pretest and
posttest learning outcomes of fourth-grade elementary school students are typically distributed. Based on the
results of the paired sample t-test, it can be seen that the average value of the pretest = 63.33 and the average
value of the posttest = 87.65. It can be interpreted that the average posttest score after testing digital-based
flashcard media is better than the mean value of the pretest before being tested on the media. Base on data
analysis results whether or not there is a relationship between the pretest and the posttest. The table shows a
significance < 0.001. This indicates that the importance is less than 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a
relationship between the pretest and posttest.
Based on data analysis results, it is known that the significance value of (2-tailed) is < 0.001. these
results show <0.05, then Ho is rejected, and Ha is accepted. These results indicate a significant effect on the
differences in the treatment given to each variable. Therefore, using digital-based flashcard media positively
improves the learning outcomes of fourth-grade elementary school students. Based on the results of the paired
sample t-test shows that the use of digital-based flashcard media has a positive effect on social studies learning
outcomes for fourth-grade elementary school students in the Rawa Buaya village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta.
Many factors cause student learning outcomes to increase. One of them is the selection of learning media
following the material and character of students. Using digital-based flashcard media provides a learning
experience for students using the exciting press. The use of technology-based media increases students' interest
in learning. The use of digital-based flashcard media is a new experience for students to be able to access
learning media easily. In addition, the use of digital-based flashcard media is also practical and easy to
understand. Digital-based flashcard media contains images that stimulate students to understand better the
material presented so that it has an impact on increasing student learning outcomes.
The evaluation involved material experts and media experts in the process of improving the digital-
based flashcard that was developed. The result of material experts is show in Table 7.
Table 7. Results of Material Expert Validation Assessment
Aspect Indicator Max Score Score
1. Quality of
Compatibility of digital flashcard content with
economic activity material
5 4
Compatibility of digital flashcard content to learn
economic activities
5 4
The depth of the material presented 5 4
The material is by the level of students' ability 5 4
The material is accessible for students to
5 4
Quiz and evaluation questions are used both to
test students' abilities
5 4
The material presents the images 5 5
2. Language The language used is communicative, effective
and efficient
5 5
The language used is easy for students to
5 4
3. Implementation of digital-based flashcard learning media
according to student needs
5 3
It can be used individually or in groups 5 4
The practicality of digital-based flashcard media 5 5
Total 60 50
Based on Table 7 the material expert validation assessment table results, it is known that the average
percentage of achievement obtained from 3 aspects, including 12 statements in the questionnaire, is 83.3%.
Thus, the material in the digital-based flashcard learning media developed has a worthy interpretation. Media
experts result is show in Table 8.

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

p-ISSN : 2549-4856, e-ISSN : 2549-8290 242
Table 8. Media Expert Validation Assessment Results
Aspect Indicator Max Score Score
1. Display Design Proportional layout (layout of text and images) 5 4
Appropriateness of background selection 5 5
Appropriateness of colour proportions 5 5
Appropriate selection of font and font size 5 4
Attractive digital flashcard display 5 5
2. Content/material
Accuracy of images used for material clarity 5 5
Compatibility of images with material 5 4
Clarity material description 5 4
3. QR-Code The suitability of the text content of the material in
the QR code
5 5
Videos and quizzes presented with the Q.R. Code
can be accessed
5 5
4. The use of digital-based flashcards is easy to use 5 5
The practicality of digital-based flashcard media 5 5
Total 60 56

Based on Table 8 the media expert validation assessment table, it is known that the average
percentage of achievement obtained from 4 aspects, including 12 statements in the questionnaire, is 93.3%.
Thus, the digital-based flashcard learning media developed has a very worthy interpretation. Based on material
and media experts' test results, digital-based flashcard media is feasible for learning. Researchers also received
suggestions and input regarding material and media design. Based on the opinion of material experts, digital-
based flashcard media has provided a good presentation of the material and is under the learning objectives to be
achieved. However, it would be better if the material presented could be more in-depth. In addition, media
experts also argue that digital-based flashcard media already has a good and attractive design. The selection of
images to support the material is also appropriate. The flashcard's choice of colours and backgrounds is also
reasonable and very interesting. However, more attention must be paid to proportional size and writing because
some cards must be symmetrical. Using digital-based flashcard media is appropriate for fourth-grade elementary
school students individually or in groups in direct and online learning.

This research is essential because, in the current reality, especially in social studies learning in
elementary schools, only some variations of interactive learning media are still used in delivering material. For
example, teachers still apply conventional learning where learning is teacher-centered, and students are less
active. In addition, using learning media that involves technology could be more optimal, especially in social
studies learning in elementary schools (Gilmanova, 2018; Vaportzis et al., 2017). Therefore, it encourages
researchers to research more on developing digital-based flash card media to improve social studies learning
outcomes for fourth grade elementary schools in Rawa Buaya Village, Cengkareng, West Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mobile learning is one of the answers to education reform. Mobile Learning can support the learning
process teaching by adding flexibility to student teaching and learning activities in the current era. Mobile
platforms and social networks provide a large amount of video and audio material which can also be used for
educational purposes in an independent asynchronous mode (Han & Ellis, 2019; Lai et al., 2020). Mobile
learning makes it easy for students to access learning through mobile devices. This encourages teachers to
change their teaching strategies to keep up with technological developments. For example, teachers can develop
learning media that will be used. Media development provides freedom for learning; it also increases the
flexibility of teachers, who can create learning materials to meet specific needs or provide direct feedback and
support to students (Al Mulhem, 2020; Cress et al., 2019). Especially in the current situation, namely during the
Covid-19 pandemic, learning is done online. Therefore, the development of digital-based learning media is
essential. The development of digital-based learning media can be done with basic steps such as mobile
application development: requirements, design, programming, testing, and implementation (Sholikah & Dwi,
2021; Van et al., 2021). In developing digital-based learning media, the first thing to do is to analyze the needs
of the media to be developed, the objectives and types of media according to the characteristics and needs of
students. Next, describe in detail the media design that will be developed followed by programming, testing the
feasibility of media to experts, and implementing media in learning. To create a media with these steps, provide
careful preparation and planning in developing media. One example of the development of engaging digital

Ajat Sudrajat
, Fhadya Giaani Salsabila
, Arita Marini
(2023). Journal of Education Technology. Vol. 7(2) PP. 235-246

Digital-Based Flash Card to Increase Social Studies Learning Outcomes for Elementary School Students in The Fourth Grade 243
learning media is media that is presented with a game-like display or contains exciting pictures and videos that
can be accessed via gadgets. Several studies have stated that gadgets and games positively impact the world of
education (Blilat & Ibriz, 2020; Grant, 2019; Jelatu et al., 2019). Gadgets and games can positively impact the
world of education if they are used for learning optimally. In the face of the current pandemic, it is hoped that
adaptive learning approaches will be actively developed and focused on mobile learning (Alhalafawy & Zaki,
2019; Dorouka et al., 2020; Kalogiannakis & Papadakis, 2019). Adaptive learning is a learning process by
adjusting the conditions, needs and environment of students so that mastery of knowledge, attitudes and skills
occurs. Considering the unpredictable future requirements, this is important, so we must be prepared to deal
with them. Mobile games or digital learning media will enrich the teaching process of educators while updating
their teaching methods to Education 4.0 standards (Normadhi et al., 2019; Papadakis, 2020). Digital learning
media provides variations of the latest learning media that follow the times and technological developments, like
digital learning media that will be developed in this article, namely digital-based flashcards. Increase the use of
flashcards; they can be accessed through mobile devices that help students memorize or remember the material
that appears on the cards. Scientists believe that the primary purpose of visualization is to support logical
operations at all learning stages, influence multiple channels of perception of information by a student, and
ensure increased attention and efficiency in acquiring and memorizing new material (ai et al., 2020; Lavoué et
al., 2019). Therefore, the selection of digital flashcard media is expected to enrich the variety of existing media,
increase student interest in learning, and improve student learning outcomes.
On the other hand, a study also shows that integrating stories and pictures with flashcards for
vocabulary learning and using smartphones makes learning different from the usual way of memorizing
vocabulary directly and makes learning easier (Lai et al., 2020). Learning a foreign language using flashcard
media that can be accessed by mobile phones can provide memorable and easily accessible knowledge. Several
other studies stated that the development of applications that run on Android-based mobile phones allows
students to use the system to study anytime and anywhere (Cress et al., 2019; Han & Ellis, 2019). This shows
that learning is easier to implement because it knows no boundaries of space and time. Students can continue to
study even though they do not meet directly with the teacher. Another study mentioned that the user-friendly
nature of mobile learning technology is related to the use of educational resources by students, educators, and
management (Al Mulhem, 2020). This shows that mobile technology makes learning easily accessible to
students, teachers, and school management to carry out education because of user-friendly technology. Different
studies concluded that digital readiness for students is related to the knowledge, attitudes, and competencies of
utilizing digital technology to meet educational goals as well as components of the current success of digital
education and future trends towards effective student learning outcomes in improving performance (Sholikah &
Dwi, 2021; Van et al., 2021). Therefore, so that students can have the ability to use technology better in the
future, teachers can introduce digital-based learning media so that students are accustomed to operating
technology as a provision to face the future. The limitation of this research is that it only covers elementary
school students in West Jakarta. This flashcard-based digital media can be implemented as social studies
learning media to increase the learning outcomes of elementary school students throughout the Jakarta area to
find out a positive effect of improving the learning outcomes of elementary school students.

Based on material and media experts' test results, digital-based flashcard media is feasible for learning.
Researchers also received suggestions and input regarding material and media design. Based on the opinion of
material experts, digital-based flashcard media has provided a good presentation of the material and is following
the learning objectives to be achieved. However, it would be better if the material presented could be more in-
depth. In addition, media experts also argue that digital-based flashcard media already has a good and attractive
design. The selection of images to support the material is also appropriate. The flashcard's choice of colours
and backgrounds is also relevant and very interesting. However, more attention must be paid to proportional size
and writing because some cards must be balanced. Digital-based flashcard media is appropriate for fourth-grade
elementary school students individually or in groups in direct and online learning.

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