International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation
ISSN: 2582-7138
Received: 02-06-2021; Accepted: 19-06-2021
Volume 2; Issue 4; July-August 2021; Page No. 227-229
Relationship of database system to organizational learning
Dara Maisarah Ibthia
, Ermadayani
, Eunike Best Tamti Tampubolon
, Iskandar Muda

Graduate Program in Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Corresponding Author: Dara Maisarah Ibthia
In the current era of globalization, the need for information is
increasingly important and urgent. The success of
information is strongly supported by adequate facilities and
infrastructure. Like the use of computers in the life of the
wider community, not only in the work environment but on
computers are also used in everyday life. Here, the role of a
computer-based management information system is needed
that can provide a competitive advantage so that it gets a high
priority. The Management information system is an
information system that can be used for processing
transactions required by an organization and providing
information support, as well as being used for processing for
the decision-making process. All these developments will be
realized if they are supported by optimal human resources.
The longer it takes, the more workers will be able to operate
computers effectively. The education system plays an
important role in developing human resources.

Keywords: organizational, Relationship, globalization, Management
1. Introduction
The development of technology and information and communication has managed to open the possibility of activities that were
previously difficult or even cannot be done, but at present, it is very easy to do. The Application of database systems in education
or an organization is very influential in decision making.
In the world of education or an organization implementing a database system cannot be separated from educational activities,
which is very important in decision making by the organization. System databases can also improve science and technology
especially in the field of computerization have shown that these developments can help solve a problem. And with the system
this database can also simplify the process of working on a task in a project organization, utilization and development is what
will help every member associated with an organization.
According to Sabandi, Management Information System is a method that is used by information users to manage data, be it
student data as well as teacher data which will become information which is then the result of This information is used as material
for consideration in process decision-making. (Sabandi, 2019).
An information system is also a collection of components in an organization that is related to the creation and flow of information.
Information systems have good principles of development, maintenance, and operation. The principles contained in the
information system are management, the principle of sensitivity, the principle of flexibility, the principle of simplicity, and the
principle of mutual belief. (Yakub, 2012).

2. Literature Review
2.1 Definition of Management
Understanding Management is a series of processes that include planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring, evaluating,
and controlling activities to empower all organizational or company resources, both human resources, capital, materials, and
technology optimally to achieve organizational or company goals.
Management as a science and an art. Why is it called Thus, because the two cannot be separated? Management is a science,
because it has been studied for a long time, and has been organized into a theory. This is because it describes the symptoms of
management, these symptoms are then investigated using scientific methods that formulated in the form of principles embodied
in form of a theory. Whereas management is an art, here views that achieving a goal requires work the same as other people, so
how do I order others to get others to cooperate. Essentially Human activities, in general, are managing for arranging here
requires an art, how about other people require work to achieve common goals.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation
2.2 Learning Organization
Learning Organization is a continuous process within an
organization that provides smooth individual learning and
development for all employees, while maintaining
transformation continuously, empowering human resources
(Santoso, 2003).
Senge (1996) suggests that ineffective learning organization
requires skills that must be possessed by every individual to
build a learning organization. These skills are competent,
mental patterns, same vision, learners’ team, and systems
thinking, so that learning organization can be realized
optimally. The optimal learning organization can have a
positive impact on performance.

3. Methods
The research design uses observational analytics by using
approach cross sectional. Independent variables are learning
organizations consisting of sub-variables: Dynamic
Learning, Organizational Transformation, People
Empowerment, Knowledge Management, Technology
Application, and Disciplines of a Learning Organization with
self-achievement as the dependent variable.

4. Result and Discussion
4.1 Result
4.1.1 Basic concepts of management information systems
a. Basic Concepts of Management Information Systems
In simple terms, the system is defined as a set of elements,
components, and variables that are organized, interact with
each other, mutually interdependent, and integrated. System
theory in general was first described by Kenneth Boulding
who emphasized the importance of attention to each part that
makes up a system.
Systems theory gave birth to futuristic concepts, namely the
concept of cybernetics. This concept emphasizes efforts to
apply various disciplines, including behavioural science,
physics, biology, and engineering. As for the other concepts
contained in the definition of the system, namely the concept
of self. Where this concept assumes that in a system the
output of an organization is expected to be greater than
individual output and the output of each section.

b. Characteristics of Management Information Systems
A system has certain characteristics or properties that become
characteristics so that it can be said as a system. The
characteristics in question are as follows: Components,
Boundary, Environment, Interface, Input, output, Process,
Management information systems are not new, the difference
is computerization. Long before the computer, the SIM
technique has been around for a long time exists as an
information center that enables planning and control.
Currently computers are becoming more advanced with the
addition of one or two dimensions, such as speed, accuracy,
and a larger volume of data. So, it can be concluded that the
management information system is the application of an
information system that is needed by all management levels.

4.1.2 Database System Concept
a. Understanding the Database System
The software that manages the database is called a
management system database which can also be called
DBMS. The following explains the definition of a database
system, according to James Martin in his book "Database
Organization" database is a collection of interconnected data
that is stored together in a medium, without staring at each
other or unnecessarily a data set in a certain way so that it is
easy to use or retrieved when needed. James F. Courtney Jr
and David B. Paradice in the book “databases” system for
management” explains that the database system is a
collection of databases that design and manage databases,
techniques to design and manage databases, as well as
computers to support it.
According to Sabandi, Management Information System is a
method used by information users to manage data, be it data
student and teacher data which will become information that
will then be the results of the information are used as material
for consideration in a decision-making process. (Sabandi,
From the above understanding it can be concluded that the
database system has important elements, including the
database as the core of a database system, software used to
process databases, and hardware used to support data
processing, and humans have an important role in the system.

b. Relational Database
The rational data model explains to the user about the logical
relationship between data in the database by providing
examples of two-dimensional images in table form consisting
of rows and columns. As for the relationship in the relational
database model has the following characteristics:
a. All data elements must have a single value or cannot be
divided in a certain column.
b. In a column all data elements must have a relationship
and the same type.
c. Each column has a unique name.
d. There are no identical rows in the same table.

c. Normalization
There are many possible designs for the data structures used
in the database system. Normalization is a technique that
structures data in a certain form to reduce and prevent the
occurrence of a problem related to data processing in the
database. In this normalization process, it is necessary to first
know the definition of the normalization stage, that is:

a. Unnormalized form.
This is a form of data set that will be cached, no forced to
follow a certain format, the data may be incomplete or

b. 1NF/First normal form.
This form is characterized where every data is in the form of
a flat file, the data is recorded in one file and the value of the
field is "atomic value".

c. 2NF/Second Normal Form.
This form has the following conditions: the data form has met
the form criteria first normal.

d. 3NF/Third Normal Form.
It must satisfy the second normal form and the sum of non-
primary attributes have no transitive relationship.

e. Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF).
To be BCNF, the relation must be in first normal form and
attribute must depend on the function of the super key

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation
4.1.3 Role of Database System
(Tata, 2003) The success of a SIM is strongly influenced by
the system database which is one of the components or
elements that make up the system.

1. Database system as SIM component
The database system is used as a constituent component,
where this very important to support the SIM performance

2. Database system as SIM infrastructure
The DBMS provides an infrastructure for the system
organization built-in information, such as transaction
processing systems, decision support, and the management
information system itself.

3. Database system as SIM information source
Database systems have a very important function in a
database SIM, namely as the main source or provider of data
needs for users of the information for decision-makers. While
The DBMS performs processing functions to manipulate data
so that obtained an important form used in making decisions
which are then referred to as information. There are three
categories of decisions that exist within the organization,
namely, planning, and operational decision control, tactical
planning, and management control and strategic planning.

4. Database system as a means for SIM efficiency
Database systems are designed and built with user orientation
in mind means that this database system is intended to meet
the needs of the user. With this data-based system, various
system requirements can be fulfilled as soon as possible
without the need to change the base of the data.
The development of a database system is designed so that the
stored data can be re-displayed when needed. The use of a
database system in the SIM will provide efficiency for the
SIM. Efficiency that to be achieved by using this database
system is efficient in the use of time, labor or personnel,
paperwork, and costs. So, the database system provides
advantages in the form of efficiency for the SIM that uses it.

5. Database system as a means for SIM effectiveness
The database system will provide support for the
achievement of effectiveness SIM because the data is
compiled and stored in the file system database is the correct
data (valid). In addition, existing software and used in it has
also been tested for correctness, the existing database in the
SIM only loads the correct software. With words, on the other
hand, database systems can provide great support for SIM

4.1.4 Objectives of the management information system
In general, information systems have the following
1. As a provider of information at the time of decision
2. As a provider of information for planning, controlling,
evaluation, and continuous improvement.
3. As a provider of information that will be needed in the
cost of the calculations cost of goods, services, and for
other purposes required by the organization.

4.1.5 Benefit of management information system
Management information systems are generally useful as a
producer of information that is fast and easy to use. Some
SIM benefits including:
1. Achieving precise and accurate data generation.
2. Guaranteed availability of quality and skills more easily.
3. Identify the availability of funds to be used in the system
4. Trying to minimize errors that will occur from the use of
more advanced information systems and technology.
5. Increase the productivity of system development and

4.16 Implementation of Management Information System
The Role of Management Information Systems in
Management and Development Information systems are
utilized by user’s information services to assist in completing
the task of determining policy. The existence of a
management information system serves to analyze
information into decision making. In addition to information
that can be obtained through this system, information can also
be obtained from outside. Leaders are often overloaded with
information, but not all of them the information received is
good information and relevant to the organizational needs,
resulting in less accurate information, managers tend to
experience errors when determining policies. System
Management information is tasked with filtering based on
organizational needs, whose orientation is to support the
effectiveness of the decision-making headmaster. A basis for
decision making for the leader is a management information
system. Information can be material for decision-makers at
certain stages, but it can also be is the raw material for
decision-makers for the stages of next. In this regard, the
greater challenge for obtaining efficient information is:
1. The ability to provide the type and amount of
information needed.
2. Delivering information that meets the requirements and
is for leaders to understand.

5. Conclusion
Management Information System is a method used by
information users to manage data, both student data and
lecturer data which will become information which is then
the result of that information used as material for
consideration in a decision-making process decision.
The database system has important elements, including
database as the core of a database system, the software used
to process databases, and hardware used to support data
processing, as well as humans, have an important role in the
system. Database systems play an important role in
management information systems where the database system
acts as an MIS component, MIS infrastructure, MIS
information sources, means for MIS efficiency, and means
for effectiveness driver's license.

1. Sabandi, A. Sistem informasi manajemen berbasis
database/dbms dalam pengelolaan data siswa, 2019, 8.
2. Tata S. Sistem Informasi Manajemen. Jakarta: ANDI
OFFSET, 2003.
3. Yakub. Pengantar Sistem Informasi. Yogyakarta: