Salsabila Maulidiya S.B, Adam Nurdin N, Fitriatul Rohmadani, Maria
Yovita R. Pandin
Faculty of Economics and Business
University of 17 August 1945 Surabaya
[email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

The emergence of the era of society 5.0 is colored by the rapid world of
digitalization which describes almost all areas of life including the accountant
profession. This study aims to determine the development of digitalization
towards society 5.0 and the efforts and challenges made by the accounting
profession in facing that era. In this study using a qualitative approach method
with interview techniques through online and offline to 2 Respondents of
Public Accounting Firms and 2 Respondents of Tax Consultant Firms. The
era of Society 5.0 requires accountants to understand technology and use it in
their work. The reason is, accountants play an important role in the world of
finance and business, which has a positive impact on efficiency and
effectiveness. Therefore, accountant learning must be adapted to
technological developments to prepare future accountants who can face the
challenges of the digital era.
Keywords: Digital Accountant, Accountant Profession, Technology,
Society Era 5.0
The emergence of the society 5.0 era is colored by the rapid world of
digitalization which describes almost all areas of life including the accounting
profession. This study aims to determine the development of digitization

towards society 5.0 and the efforts and challenges made by the accounting
profession in facing this era. This study uses a qualitative approach method
with online and offline interview techniques to 2 Respondents of the Public
Accounting Firm and 2 Respondents of the Tax Consultant Office. The
Society 5.0 era requires accountants to understand technology and use it in
their work. This is because accountants play an important role in the world of
finance and business, which has a positive impact on efficiency and
effectiveness. Therefore, accountant learning must be adapted to
technological developments to prepare future accountants who can face the
challenges of the digital era.
Keywords: Digital Accountant, Accountant Profession, Technology, Era
Society 5.0
The new era in the world of technology is accelerating the transition
towards digitalization. Digitalization can be understood as the use of digital
technology to change business models and create new revenue opportunities
for individuals to add value during digital business transformation. In the
business area, it can help with staffing and bookkeeping. Digitalization
enables various forms of collaboration between companies, suppliers,
customers and employees that result in products and services. At the same
time, digitalization challenges companies to develop new strategies to
identify new business opportunities. While accounting digitization is strategic
in the sense that it requires human thinking, it helps automate routine tasks.
Digitalization is closely related to information systems, where both
play an important role in achieving business goals. However, in the world of
digital accounting, there is a digital revolution in corporate financial
management, where accounting information is presented in a digital format.
The reason digitalization is important for accounting is to improve accuracy
in the face of the level of uncertainty in a competitive market. Another reason
is that data can be processed at high speed, which can affect customer service.

It is therefore very important to get an overview of the impact of digitalization
on the role of accountants.
Since revolution 4.0 has been the driving force behind revolution 5.0.
A change caused by many global influences in all aspects of life that follows
changes in the way professions work within them. In the future, there will
always be changes in professional practice in every decade, which are sooner
or later related to technology. Changes in each industrial revolution affect the
actual use (Fonna, 2019). In this phenomenon, it can be said that the
revolution has a great impact on the world ecosystem, which can greatly
improve the quality of life (Mujiono, 2021). On the other hand, the positive
impact is that the current industrial revolution can replace many human jobs
and is inseparable from the emergence of various advanced technologies. In
terms of society, 5.0 is an evolution of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, which is
seen as capable of weakening the role of humans (Mayasari, 2019).
This balance includes progress and honest problem solving, which
Society 5.0 can promote as a negative influence. Most accountants believe
that their role will change significantly in the coming years due to
technological changes (Ramsbotham & Kiron, 2017). However, experts
expect significant changes in relation to information technology systems and
verification of historical financial information (Grosanu et al., 2020).
Therefore, it is imperative for accountants to continue to innovate and
understand the integration of accounting practices and technology to survive
in the digital era (Mujiono, 2021).
Therefore, it is very important to understand more deeply and
comprehensively the role of technology in the accounting profession in the
digital era.Society 5.0 uses humans as the material for innovation. Utilizing
several technological impacts and results of the Industrial Revolution 4.0,
integrating technology to improve quality of life, responsibility and
sustainability (Serpanos, 2018). Society 5.0 is one technological level higher
than Society 4.0 (Harayama, 2017). Society 5.0 offers opportunities to create
connections between individuals and technology, helping to improve

everyone's quality of life through the Super Smart Society (Serpa & Ferreira,
2018, paragraph 1). It is very likely that 95% of the accountant profession
will be replaced by robots, where the accountant's job is to analyze
information, develop information technology and develop management skills
(Imram, 2020).
Digital Accountant 5.0 has changed the role of accountants in the era
of Society 5.0. Accountants must have skills in data analysis, data
management, and technology to provide accurate and real-time financial
information to stakeholders. The role of accountants must also keep up with
the latest technology and invest in professional development. The use of
digital technology has helped inspectors perform their duties more efficiently
and accurately, reducing monotonous workloads and allowing them to focus
on more complex tasks such as data analysis and decision-making. The
changes brought about by the industrial revolution are environmental changes
that are directly explained by real industry.
In this era, including business intelligence, the development of
descriptive technology. In today's digital era and digital development, things
happen so fast. The role of accountants is also one of the professions that will
disappear along with the digital revolution. It could be that the accountant
profession is no longer needed in the future, because there are already various
applications that facilitate the presentation of financial information. This can
be the background of this research to find out more about the digital
revolution faced by the accounting profession and the struggle of accountants
to survive in the midst of the current technological onslaught.
What is the role of Digital Accounting in the era of society 5.0 for the
accounting profession?
The purpose of this research is to Know the development of the role of
accountants in the era of society 5.0.

1. Digital accounting
Information technology is currently advancing and with this
development, computers are widely used as tools for data processing,
communication and information transmission (Widarsono & Lediana, 2013).
Hunton (in Gul Kvist, 2011) said that the digitization of this economic
phenomenon is basically happening all over the world and the accounting
profession is also constantly changing. Accounting computerized systems are
entering a new phase, digital accounting.
In the field of accounting, digital accounting information processing
systems are widely used in various companies, agencies and public
administrations to facilitate the preparation and presentation of financial
reports. Desk Musk (in Gull Kvist, 2011) says that digital accounting is the
presentation of accounting information in digital form that can be processed
and transmitted electronically.
This change to digital accounting has a significant impact on
accounting efficiency, digital accounting technology and system change
management, as well as requirements for data collection and processing of
accounting data results (Gull Kvist, 2011) is evidence that digital accounting
has entered the world of accountants, along with the emergence of cloud
computing-based cloud computing applications or services.
2. Accounting Profession
"Daniel Bell (1973) Profession is a learned intellectual activity,
including formal or informal training and certification from scientific
groups/organizations, to serve society through ethical service by providing
embodied ideas and technical skills". Their morals and their status in society.
"According to Wilkinson & Cerullo (1995, pp. 5-6), auditors are integrated
structures within an entity that use physical resources and other components
to convert financial/accounting transaction data into auditor data to meet the
information needs of users."

"Because auditors play an important role in building financial
accountability and transparency in Indonesia. The accounting profession is
considered as one of the main components in the institutional strategic
decision-making process (Erick Thohir, 2020)". In making decisions, "KAP
must be guided by honesty and credible information (Indonesian Accountants
Association, 2020)". Accounting is a profession that is at the heart of the
economy and is clearly and widely explained in public financial reports
(Lindawati Gani, 2020).
Thanks to professionalism, trust and honesty, accountants must be
able to perfectly determine the direction and future of society or make
strategic decisions based on reliable information, so that companies can
develop optimally in the future. Indonesian Accountants Association, 2020).
Over time, the accounting profession has developed due to changes. Being an
accountant requires several skills such as good skills and knowledge, this
statement is in line with the view "that education and technology rely on
human creativity, communication skills and critical thinking (Prasetyo,
2019)". However, the role of an accountant always requires the ability to use
one's intelligence and skills to complete quite complex tasks.
The conceptual framework of this article sees the relationship between
the role of digital accountants and the accounting profession in the era of
society 5.0. Based on this statement, the conceptual framework of this article
is shown in Figure 1, namely:

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework


1. Research Design
This research explains in writing the changes and evolution of
the role of accountants. The discussion of how to overcome the
existing problems is carried out thoroughly and in detail based on the
theories discussed previously and supported by accurate and relevant
information. The research design is divided into 4 phases including:
a. Planning
In the design stage, the author analyzes the problem and then
comes up with an idea to solve the problem.
b. Implementation
As data material for this research, the author conducted online
and offline interviews with an employee of an audit company
and a tax consulting company with the subject of the
accounting profession.
c. Data analysis
Technical data analysis is carried out after the author receives
the necessary information. The material is related to the
concept designed by the author, so that the usefulness of the
designed concept can be realized.
d. Evaluation
In this phase, after implementing the concept, the author
evaluates the existing shortcomings and makes it a reference
for improvement and refinement.
2. Place and time of inspection
This research was conducted in Surabaya by collecting data
from interviews with 4 respondents. This research was conducted in
April 2023.

3. Data type
Analysis methodology with a qualitative approach, the type of
data used is primary data. The author conducted online and offline
replication analysis interviews with 2 KAP (accounting firm)
respondents and 2 KKP (tax consulting firm) respondents regarding
the role of accountants in Society 5.0. There are two variables in this
research, namely the independent variable, namely digital accounting
and the dependent variable, namely the accountant profession.
4. Data Source
The data obtained came from online and offline interviews.
5. Population and sample
The population used in this research is one KAP and one KKP,
while 2 respondents from KAP and 2 respondents from KKP are
6. Data Collection Technique
The data collection technique for this research is interviews
with 2 KAP and 2 KKP in Surabaya.
7. Variable definitions and operational definitions.
a) Independent variable digital acoounting
b) The dependent variable is the accountant profession
8. Data Processing
The data processing process used in this research is qualitative
data analysis with interview techniques and drawing conclusions.
9. Hypothesis Testing and Data Analysis Techniques
The data collected from the interviews were used for analysis.
Data analysis was carried out using qualitative primary data analysis
techniques. The data is then connected with data related to the
problem at hand to find topics to be discussed. The data obtained was
then analyzed to find new ideas to solve the problems raised. The
ideas generated were presented and described to get an overview of
the solution to the existing problems.

1. Changes in digital accounting 5.0 to KAP (Public Accounting
Firm) and KKP (Tax Consultant Office) companies in Surabaya.
The advent of digital accounting 5.0 has brought new challenges and
opportunities for the accounting profession. The use of robotics and big
data analytics has taken over basic accountant tasks such as recording and
processing transactions. This has led to a shift in the role of accountants
from traditional bookkeeping to a more analytical role. The digitization of
the economy has led to accountants needing to adapt to new technologies
and tools. Accountants must also be able to analyze and interpret data to
provide insights and recommendations to clients.
Some changes from digital accounting 5.0 in KAP and KKP
companies in the city of Surabaya. The results of interviews taken from
auditors at KAP companies in Surabaya, one of which is at KAP Habib
Basuni and Heryadi, and KKP Bahana Consulting. Explaining that
changes in digital accounting 5.0 provide many changes in audit
processing, one of which is the emergence of the ATLAS application
which changes the auditing style to be more flexible and relative. The
ATLAS application is likened to digital and the role of the auditor as
technology. Even with the emergence of the ATLAS application, the
human role is still used as the brain that organizes all auditing procedures.
The main terms and conditions in the auditor are still used while the
ATLAS application is used as an auxiliary to adjust the audit performance
as reviewed from the auditor, for example auditing a government hospital,
the auditor must understand the existing policies and authorizations then
poured into the ATLAS application.
Meanwhile, changes in KKP companies in the city of Surabaya, one
of which is KKP Bahana Consulting, which reveals that the role of digital
accounting 5.0 in the tax accountant profession is very influential because

most companies now use cloud servers, where the accounting database of
a company is collected together on a cloud server. With the emergence of
the cloud server system, it is easier for accountants to work anywhere and
anytime the data on the cloud server also has a high level of security.
2. Benefits of digital accountant 5.0 for the accounting profession
Digital Accounting is an important change in the sustainability
of the accounting profession in the era of society 5.0, which is shaped
by various technologies such as big data, cyber security, cloud
computing, which also have a positive impact in helping accountants
complete their mission.
In the era of Society 5.0, the accounting profession must
innovate and evolve with the times. Accounting firms must also
understand and make the best use of technology to improve work
efficiency and effectiveness. In this case, auditors can use
technologies such as big data, cloud computing and cyber security to
create accurate information in real time.
With the role of digital accountants, the role of accountants
changes from former accountants to produce financial information or
data analysis to experts, so that with society 5.0 accountants are able
to understand future technologies and create skill academies
(Ilmestyskirja 2020). The advantages that digital accountant 5.0 offers
on conditions are significant for the accounting profession.
a. Accounting automation
Improvements in information technology that affect
automated accounting software have reduced the role of auditors, and
conversely, when auditors use automated systems, auditors spend less
time on manual tasks such as data entry, allowing non-manual tasks
to be performed quickly. With this new technology, labor-intensive
tasks such as tax preparation, payroll, and auditing can be automated
in a short period of time.
b. Transparency and security

The sophistication of digital accountants will also have a
significant impact on accountant transparency as it restores the
profession's trust and credibility in accurate financial reporting that
ensures the fundamental integrity of accountants. While a focus on
security helps accountants fulfill their responsibilities related to
sensitive information, maintaining strong security practices requires
ongoing security practices, and accountants must stay abreast of
current security measures to protect sensitive information. Auditors
are often involved in updating a company's accounting and
management information systems, including planning the company's
various operating cycles and making informed decisions about
technology investments. Cost and security breaches are two major
barriers to the adoption of artificial intelligence and robotics.
c. Data analysis
Fulfilling the duties of an accountant requires better analytical
skills and speed in disseminating information in various industries.
The advantages of Digital Accountant 5.0 help in the design of
applications in the world of accountants, for example, accountants use
analytical applications for the ongoing audit control process, it is
clearly stated that Digital Accountant 5.0 can be a great investment
opportunity and advantage for accountants, because it can help to
assess the risk of a company's financial performance, or in other
words, serve as a decision aid in the working life in the application of
modern accountants.
3. Challenges faced by accountants in facing digital accountant 5.0
The accounting profession is increasingly experiencing changes along
with technological developments, especially in order to welcome the era
of society 5.0 which is closely related to technology as the main driving
factor of the society 5.0 era. The accountant profession, which is basically
a job related to recording and processing data which is then converted into
a financial report, has also changed along with technological advances,

changes in technological progress have created opportunities as well as
challenges, the existence of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence
(AI), Internet of Thing (IoT), Big Data, Cloud Computing, Cyber Security
will be an additional point for accountants when they can operate and
maximize technology to simplify and assist the tasks they carry out, but on
the other hand the presence of technology is also feared to be able to
replace the duties of accountants in the digital accountant era and the
impact is that the existence of the accounting profession will be threatened
and replaced by this technology.
This is certainly not only felt by the accountant profession, but various
professions are also threatened by the same thing such as tellers, cashiers,
receptionists, and various other professions will also experience the same
thing as accountants. The existence of digital accountants must also be
welcomed by the accountant profession, accountants must be able to see
the gaps and take advantage of the opportunities that exist in the digital
accountant era, accountants must have visionary thinking related to the use
of technology by improving various soft skills and hard skills with various
methods such as conducting education, training, and capacity building
both in the fields of accounting, auditing, information technology, and
various other skills that are useful to support the accounting profession
The development of various soft skills and hard skills will greatly help
accountants to face the era of digital accountants, because if accountants
are not able to adapt to the existence of digital accountants and the skills
and abilities they already have, it is not impossible that the existence of
accountants is replaced by technology. Connected, digital accountants
such as artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), big data, cloud
computing, etc. Society 5.0 technology presents its own challenges for
accountants. So that the accounting profession is at stake to survive in this
era. The existence of the accounting profession is in the hands of
accountants to answer the challenges of the Society 5.0 era, for example:

a) Investment in digital skills development
b) Introduction of new technical prototypes through learning
c) This training is based on international certification
d) Response to industrial, economic and technological developments
e) Personalized digital curriculum and learning (for schools).
Because the auditor acts as a support and makes an analysis of the
cause and effect of the company's management, which becomes very clear
in the audit as a form of corporate responsibility to investors, especially in
a constantly changing environment. Being a support specialist in an
accounting firm requires good communication and understanding of all
aspects of the business. As a senior decision support specialist, the
auditor's role is financial analysis rather than the provision of accounting
information. Therefore, finance and accounting management must guide
the marketing function in such a way that it recognizes the market situation
in future global competition.
So that auditors can think strategically in the future. In this case, the
use of traditional information by corporate auditors is developed through
information management and early warning systems that provide solutions
through accounting innovation to facilitate the definition of corporate
policies. Therefore, with the development of information technology, the
role of accountants must keep pace with the digitalization era which must
be able to adapt to technology to create value, so digital services are
increasingly facing different problems.
4. Efforts that accountants can make to face digital accountant 5.0
The role of accountants must be able to survive the development of
the Society 4.0 era, where accountants have successfully utilized
technological developments (IT) in the preparation of financial reports.
Facing the challenges of Society 5.0, accountants must be able to seize
opportunities for technological development and manage different skills,
personalities and competencies in accordance with the digital era. The skills

that need to be considered in the role of an accountant are not only hard skills,
but various forms of softkilling to understand all aspects of this field.
The role of accountants must also adapt to a multicultural
environment, considering that in the era of society 5.0, the personnel of some
institutions do not come from the neighborhood, but extend to other regions
or even abroad. If the auditor role does not have ideal IT skills, the auditor
role will be replaced. In this case, it can be said that IT is a basic need that
accountants need to learn and understand. Burritt & Katherine (2016), citing
the December edition of the International Edition of Accounting and
Business, said that the role of accountants in the era of society 5.0 must
include four phases, including:
Awareness to raise awareness that rapid technological development
can bring good opportunities and new opportunities that did not exist
Training complements education with a curriculum that responds to
technological developments that precede the Society 5.0 era. The
accounting training curriculum must meet the competency needs of
accountants in the future, eg. B. Coding or programming training, use
of technology and software to support accounting activities and real-
time accounting systems.
Career Development enhances accountants' career development with
programs that support the development of skills related to the future
accounting profession.
d) Setting high standards is like setting high standards.
Therefore, the role of accountants is indispensable for creating
optimal control. The information is usually obtained under the responsibility
of several engineers. Therefore, the working relationship between
accountants and engineers must go hand in hand so that the accountant's data
and information are well maintained.
Entering the era of society 5.0, the role of auditors must support the
collection of accounting information and information identification. ICT

(Information and Communication Technology) management has five parts
consisting of Business Thinking, Behavioral Skills, Digital Thinking,
Communication, and Data Collection, Synthesis and Analysis. Simply put,
business acumen is the ability to make strategic business decisions based on
big data. Behavioral competencies are intellectual curiosity, critical thinking,
and a willingness to continue learning throughout life. Digital literacy is the
ability to understand how new technologies work. Communication is the
ability to communicate effectively and efficiently. Data query, synthesis, and
analysis are the skills to use structured and unstructured data, test data
integrity, and conduct risk assessments. The role of accountants will be
competitive in the era of Society 5.0 if they master these five elements.
The transfer of strategies from 4.0 to society 5.0 is starting to be
widely applied because of its maturity and speed which is much more flexible
with a short calculation of time. This change also affects the accounting
profession, because applications and websites have emerged that facilitate the
work of accountants, such as: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cyber Risk,
Big Data Analytics that facilitate the work of accountants.
Developing strategies in the era of Society 5.0 requires accountants to
have more skills to face the challenges of the revolution. The strategy needed
by an accounting firm must be up-to-date and current to go hand in hand with
the presence of Society 5.0 which is indicated by a professional certificate.
Accountants must also do five things to prove that accountants are ready to
enter the era of society 5.0, such as: Business and technological
developments, as well as curriculum and learning based on human-digital
skills (for educational institutions). In addition to the advantages and
sophistication below, the presence of Society 5.0 is also a threat to the
accounting profession that is not up-to-date, reliable and changeable.
If accountants are unable to execute the existing technology in the
accountant's role, it will be eliminated by the maturity of 5.0 technology and

competitors who have higher value for their digital accountants. To overcome
this threat, accountants must be able to face and coexist with changes such as
technology assimilation, customization, measuring the size of the
accountant's learning gap and fixing the accountant's shortcomings.
This research has limitations because only literature analysis related
to the element of subjectivity is used to analyze the problem, because society
5.0 has not been widespread in many companies, because the majority are still
implementing reform 4.0. Researchers have identified learning opportunities
for the accounting profession related to changes in the application of
accounting with Technology 5.0. Accounting firms should also work with the
Secretariat of Education to create an updated accounting curriculum in the era
of Society 5.0 so that those who become accountants are better prepared to
transition to the world of work and adapt to digital accountants.
Accountants must also be aware of developments by seeing the
opportunities that exist and learning to gather information using smart devices
based on artificial intelligence so that technology and the economy are
balanced. Thus, technological developments are not a problem for those of us
who want to become accountants in the future, but rather to support the
accounting profession so that it can develop and survive in professional life.
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