Andi Irlina

UIN Antasari Banjarmasin
[email protected]

Abstract: The spread of corona virus is very fast all over the world. The pandemic has had a huge impact for
societies. The coronavirus in Indonesia which started in March 2020 has also brought a significant change in
the life of nations and states. The government policies have brought a bad impact on all sectors in the social life,
such as economy, politic, social, culture and education. This study mainly discuss about the impact of education
field which has been applying online learning as education system in Indonesia all levels of education which
brought many problems for Indonesian students, parents, teachers, and the institutions. This research is a
descriptive qualitative research. The purpose of this research is to examine the problems due to online learning
and bring the solution to have a better education system in the pandemic era to build the country. Research data
sources are collected through books, e-books, and articles from periodical journal websites. Types of problems
encountered by Indonesian societies due to education system are Government policy of Educational System,
Emergency Curriculum, and The Challenges encountered by Teachers, Learners, Parents and the Institutions
in Online Learning. Those challenges can be solved with Islamic educational system. Solution with Educational
System can result qualified human resources and genuine leaders who can build the country better then before.

Keywords: Country, Education system, problem, Covid19 Pandemic

Corona virus that is spreading all over the world and preventive steps taken
by the government of each country certainly cause significant changes to the lives of
the world community. The regulation from each country causes many impacts of the
social life. The following will discuss some of the impacts.
First, the impact of the economy and business industry. This virus causes
uncertainty in the global economy. As cited by Nasruddin and Haq (2020, p.640), to
prevent the corona virus from spreading, the government implemented Large-Scale
Social Restrictions (PSBB), Lockdown, and also Restrictions on community activities.
Despite the fact that many public facilities are closed during the PSBB, several essential
sectors such as health care, marketplaces, and minimarkets remain open. The
community also supports the alternative because it is thought to be capable of
preventing disease spread while yet preserving the community's purchasing power. All
of the policies in place make people anxious since they produce a slew of issues,
particularly in the economic sphere. This Covid 19 externality has harmed their ability
to generate daily income, resulting in enormous layoffs of workers totaling 1,943,916
persons across 114,340 businesses. This event will see an increase in numbers, which

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


will continue to rise if the pandemic continues for a long time. Furthermore, the
community's attraction of "stay at home" will result in a major reduction in people's
income from their routine, economic activity will be severely curtailed, and other
influences will follow (Zulkipli and Muharir, 2021, p.9).
Second impact is the psychological condition of the community. People who
are usually free to do activities to make ends meet or carry out work, suddenly must
stay at home certainly causes feel stressed and even frustrated,. The regulation of social
distancing and physical distancing obviously limits the mobility of society. Lockdown
even results in the community being unable to move outside the home.
Third, the impact on the medical field. Medical staffs, both doctors and
nurses, are at the forefront of this 'fight' against the corona virus. The number of c
orona patients is increasing every day forcing medical workers to work extra hard. This
obviously causes physical and psychological tiredness.
Fourth, the impact on people's social lives. Changes in interacting and
socializing the community nowadays avoids physical interactions from handshakes to
talking even they maintain a distance of at least one meter causes serious problems
in the social field. Yanuarita and Hartati (2021, p.59) explained that the
pandemic of Covid 19 has caused chaos on people's social lives. Particularly
with the implementation of social separation, which was later renamed
psychological distancing. Yanuarita and Hartati (2021, p.60) further
mentioned social issues arise, such as high divorce rates as a result of the
community's economic considerations being stifled as a result of the
application of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), unwanted births,
abuse against women and children, rising rates of delinquency, and
unconventional child education. The tough process of transitioning society
to a new normal era, and more.
Fifth, the impact on political field, the pandemic forced governments to
change policy and public employee work patterns (Apriliaynti and Pramusinto, 2020,
p.91). Stated one of them, which is related to the election; due to the epidemic, the
number of voters in this year's election is anticipated to drop significantly. Elections
that require the public to meet with a large crowd of people seem became a problem,
because the spread of corona virus still increasing (Fitria et al., 2020 as cited in
Rahmani, 2021, p.169). We were obliged to construct new norms as a result of the
Covid-19 pandemic (updated routines, behavior, and other rules). In fact, many
election voter made a big crowded. Such crowded of course break the government
policy that people must aware of social distancing to avoid the coronavirus infection.
This is in contrast with what is Kennedy et al states that democracy might be
practiced, but people must respect for the health protocols and community right
(2020, p.191). also, this is imbalance with the government treatment to Islamic leaders,
In fact, many Islamic leaders were arrested because they were consider to break the
low of government policy of social distancing. These moslems leaders generally

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


arrested when they did religious activities. This also happened to students who did
demonstration. In contrast, the election voters who made the same kind of crowded
were allowed and safe,
The last one is in the field of education. This becomes the main focus to
discuss in this research. Online learning is the step that the government had to take in
facilitating teaching and learning activities. This policy is expected by the government
to reduce the mobility of students so that it can reduce the spread of corona virus. In
fact, the governments policy to run online learning all over the world to avoid the
spread of corona virus causes many problems or challenges in many countries . Various
challenges happened in many different countrues. In this case, Venkataraman (2020)
argued that online learning is too much of anything is toxic. Since students found it
difficult to adapt computer based learning that chased them to start losing hope.
Learning from home also causes learners lack productive communication skills,
besides, many educators do not have technological competency and proficiency that
cause a big problem in online learning.
In addition, Heng and Sol (2020) stated in Adedoyin and Soykau (2020) that
the challenges caused by online learning were lack of technological competence,
educational inequality, assessment and supervision, heavy workload and subject
compatibility of both teachers and learners. Also, Jali (2020) in Heng argue that internet
access became the big challenge to study online among the teachers and students who
live in rural area. Many of them got frustrating as a result of their UN capability of
using emerging technology.
Regmi and Jones as cited in Baticulon et al (2020, p.616) further identified
four barriers in implementing online learning such as low motivation and expectations,
resource-intensiveness, inadequacy for all disciplines or topics, and a lack of
information technology skills. In addition, Frehywot et al (2013) as cited in Baticulon
et al (2020, p.616) who focused their study on underdeveloped countries, found that
primary problems of online learning include insufficient infrastructure, a lack of virtual
connection, insufficient technical support staff, the financial costs of maintaining the
platform, and the time commitment required of teachers. In contrast, Taghizadeh and
Yourdshashi (2019, p.15) mentioned that online learning only complicates the
performance of senior teachers and also schools only have an OHP and a virus-
infested computer, and textbooks aren't built to include technology–there are just
audio files, which are primarily played on teachers' smartphones.
Zainol et al (2021, p.47) argued that e-learning is very difficult for students
who need communication to allow them to strengthen their social skills. Not evenly
distributed internet access in a country to all parts of its territory is the main thing why
online learning is not the best solution, besides that the lifestyle that has long been
implemented will not be changed easily and in a short time. Hamad (2021, p.2) stated
that online learning is not appropriate to apply, especially if applied to the field of
education of children. Due to their age, culture, and access to technology and ICT

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


tools, primary school kids were not prepared to communicate with teachers online.
Most people didn't have access to computers or cellphones, and they weren't taught
how to utilize them for educational purposes. Their technical knowledge was limited
to playing games on their iPads and using their mothers' cellphones.
In response to the problems or challenges encountered by many people from
different countries who run online learning during the pandemic above, the researcher
did her research due to the challenges encountered by Indonesian societies, include,
teachers, students, parents and the institution due to educational system during the
pandemy, and to find a better solution with education system in Islamic persfective so
that the country can be built better than before.

This research is a descriptive qualitative research with Literature Review. The
problems are (1) What are the Impact or Challenges Encountered by Indonesian
Societies due to Educational system during the Pandemic, (2) What Type of
Educational System can Solve the Communities Problems during the Pandemic, (3)
How is the Country built in the Era of Covid 19? The descriptive data used in this
study are the impacts or challenges encountersed by teachers, learners, parents and
institution during the pandemic covid19 due to online learning and the solution for a
better educational system. Data and source of data on this research are books, e-books,
and articles from periodical journal websites published in 2019 to 2021.. Technique of
data collecting of this research is obtained through digital documents and real

In March 16, 2020 the government decided that students would learn from
home, both daring (online learning) and luring (offline learning). The new educational
system caused some challenges among teachers, students or learners, parents and
A. The Challenges Encountered by Indonesian societies Due to Educational
System during the Pandemic
Many challenges encountered by Indonesian people, especially teachers,
learners, parents and institution during the pandemic, as below:
1. Government policy of Education System
To reduce the number of spread of the Covid19 virus, the government
instructs all institutions to temporarily stop face-to-face learning activities
(Anugrahana, 2020, p.282). In this case, the government proposed two kinds of
Educational systems, namely, distance learning and face to face learning.( Sari et al
a. Implementing the distance learning system
The implementation of distance learning refers to the government policy as

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


Nafrin and Hudaidah (2021, p. 457) explained that in circular letter number 4 of 2020
on the implementation of Education Policy in the Emergency Time of Corona Virus
Disease Spread (COVID-19), the government released a policy on the education
system in the pandemic period that learning must be done online. This is done to
prevent and avoid the spread of Covid 19 that is currently hit in various countries
including Indonesia. The online learning system is a system of teaching and learning
activities without face-to-face directly between teachers and learners but is done online
using the internet network. Therefore, during the current Covid-19 pandemic
education becomes an important aspect to see how it develops to improve the level of
education (Nafrin and Hudaidah, 2021, p.458).
Many kinds of platforms had been using by the teachers to run online learning.
Among them were WhatsApp (WA), Google Forms, Google Classroom, Google
Drive, Youtube, Tuweb, and Zoom Meeting (Anugrahana, 2021, p.285). Online
learning shifts the teacher's role into that of a facilitator or designer of the learning
process. A teacher as a facilitator assists students with learning disabilities and can also
act as a learning partner for certain materials while the learning and teaching process
is in progress. The facilitator's task requires the teacher to process the material into a
format adapted to self-study patterns (Kusmana, 2017, p.49).
b. Implementing a face-to-face learning system
Many school institutions were also allowed to run a face to face learning.
Kompas (2020) as cited in Indahri (2020, p,14) reported that not only does the
government require educational institutions to perform online learning, but it also
provides for direct implementation of the teaching and learning process by requiring
schools to meet the suggested requirements through a joint regulation. First, the school
is in the green zone. Second, the local government and the Regional Office / Office
of the Ministry of Religious Affairs give permission. Third, the education unit has
fulfilled all lists of health protocols and is ready to conduct face-to-face learning. The
fourth condition is the parents / guardians of the students approve that their children
are ready to do face-to-face learning at school. If one of the four conditions is not met,
then the learner continues online learning. In fact, generally school could not fulfill all
of the requirements.
2. Emergency Curriculum
Modification of the Education Curriculum during the Covid19 Pandemic also
became a challenge because of the competence case. Sanjaya and Rastini (2020, p.163)
explained that the government implements a policy of Emergency Curriculum. The
Emergency Curriculum is a simplified version of the National Curriculum that is
intended to meet educational rights in the event of a COVID-19 pandemic. The
decrease of core competences for each subject is one example of simplification. To
support the efficacy of the curriculum, the government has produced modules and
tests to be a reference for learning at a given level. This is done to ensure that learning
is effective without feeling pushed to achieve National Curriculum goals. As a result,

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


learners are required to comprehend and use it as both an insight and a requirement
for continuing their education.
3. Types of Challenges in Online Learning System.
Many types of challenges arise because of the government policy in
Educational field during the Covid19 Pandemic in Indonesia. Sefiani (2021, p.58)
mentioned several challenges. He argued that online learning is implemented as a part
of a solution to overcome covid19 created new issues for educators as well as parents
who keep their children at home while online learning is taking place. The
implementation of online learning has limited the creativity of the teachers and also
the students in developing learning materials and understanding due to not all of
teachers, parents and students mastering technology well, also the parents stated many
of them faced some difficulties in explaining the learning materials to their children
because they were not educated. Hardware issues is another point that should be given
attention, significant results obtained from research conducted on parents, they
complained that the number of task files submitted made some of their phones that
are usually used for online learning cannot function optimally, the main factor is limited
storage space. Lack of face-to-face interaction between teachers and students and
students with students causes other problems such as psychological problems, many
students feel bored and also depressed by the existence of e-learning.
Rasmitadila et al (2020, p.92) added several challenges of teaching and learning
English for young learners process through e-learning. The first is the lack of parent
involvement. This is because parents were busy that they could not help their children
in online learning. The second is economic issues, many parents say that their spending
increases even if their children don't go to school, it's because they have to buy internet
data packages to continue to support their children's online learning. The third is the
difficulties of conditioning students to participate in online learning, internal and
environmental influences can both contribute to the formation of these barriers.
Internal factors are issues that arise from the student's home environment, such as
family members interfering and when using an online program in a virtual classroom
to apply learning, external issues such as disruptions from other students could also
Siahaan (2020, p.5) further explained that students are overburdened by
government policies that limit interactions in classrooms and organize online learning
that lasts more than a year. Many students also grumbled about the large amount of
assignments assigned by their teachers. The students also admitted that the problems
could also arise when they were studying at home their data packages suddenly run
out. Disruptions from people around the house, power outages to internet connections
that are sometimes very slow also became challenges. When students have to sit in
front of their smartphone monitor, laptop, or computer to undertake online learning,
they easily to get bored because everything gets less engaging after a few days.
Furthermore, children grow agitated as a result of the longer online learning because

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


they must learn while simultaneously assisting their parents with household tasks such
as cleaning, cooking, and other household daily routine.
Not only students who encountered difficulties, teachers and school
employees also felt the same (Anugrahana, 2021, p.284). In fact, teachers are required
to be innovative in using learning with an online model. Many teachers however did
not master online platforms. The failure in mastering the platform usage could not
support their online learning activities. As a result, the teachers only used conventional
methods by giving tasks to their students (Prawanti and Sumarni, 2020, p.287). Based
on Media Indonesia (2020) as cited in Indahri (2020, p.16) teachers still require
assistance, training, and technical direction in order to better equip themselves to
conduct remote learning more efficiently, as well as advise on how to apply adaptive
curriculum or learning materials that are appropriate for the situation during the
epidemic. Dewi and Sardjianto (2021, p.1914) added another issue that teachers face
when conducting online learning is the problem of students who are frequently late to
wake up, causing them to be late in the learning process; lack of student preparation
in following the learning process; and student homes that vary by region or village, all
of which create obstacles such as difficulty signaling and a lack of student
concentration due to the numerous tasks.
Basar (2021) further argued that online learning caused many challenges among
teachers and their students. Long time distance learning caused students got bored and
felt lazy to study. They often ignored doing their assignment had been delivered by
their teachers in google classroom. Even, some students did not open their google
classroom so that they couldn’t understand the materials and the explanations had
been presented by their teachers there. It became a problem for the teachers, since
they got difficulties to ascertain the students competences. It was difficult for the
teachers to know wether the students had reached the minimun completness criteria
or not.
The above result studies indicates that Online learning currently being
implemented coused many problems among teachers, students, parents and
institusions. Teachers were comfused in preparing their online class, determining the
right techniques, methods and evaluations for their students that usually inappropriate,
A teacher usually has prepared a learning model that will be used, then they have to
change the learning model into the most appropriate one. learning how to operate the
online platform and got frustrating when suddenly there was bad internet connections
or divice problems.
Online learning made parents aware of how difficult it is to educate children.
What a big challenges to divide time between working outside to earn their living and
sitting besides their children while online learning, and share their phone cell with their
children, and the problems that parents faced when accompanying their children in
pre-school or primary school. Problems also arise among students and teachers, such
as subject matter that has not been completed by the teachers then the teachers

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


replaced it with other assignments. This became a complaint by the students, because
the tasks given by the teachers were getting more and more. Another problem with
the existence of an online learning system is access to information that is limited by
signals that cause slow access to information. Students are sometimes left behind with
information due to unsupported signals. As a result they are late in submitting the
assignment given by the teacher. Not to mention the teacher who checks a lot of
assignments that have been given to students, making the insufficient storage in his
gadget. The application of online learning also makes institution have to think about
the learning models and methods that will be used by the teachers, also, the right
platform and internet access.
Various problems experienced by teachers, parents and students indicates that
online learning system during the pandemic covid19 was not effective. Therefore,
Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia have to consider the
issued. He should change the education system which was originally carried out in
online learning into in Face-to-face learning.

B. Type of Educational System that can Solve Communities Problems during
the Pandemic
The term of education in the context of Islam is often known as “at-tarbiyah,
at-ta’lim, and at-ta’dib” (Iswantir 2019, 5). From the three terms that is popularly used in
the practice of Islamic education is “at-tarbiyah” as (Shah, et al. 2015, 243) used in their
research about Quality and Features of Education in the Muslim World.
The use of At-tarbiyah to designate the meaning of education in Islam can be
understood by referring to the words of God Almighty:
َعْلٱ َ بَر َهَلِلّ ُدْمَحْلٱ
The word rabb as contained on the verse above has meaning that connotes the
term of at-tarbiyah. Since the word rabb (God) and murabbi (educator) come from the
same root. Hence, God is the supreme educator for the entire universe.
Terminologically, Islamic education defined by many experts with similar point
of view, as Tafsir, at all define it as an education that given to someone based on Quran
and Hadith (Tafsir, etc 2004, 1). The result of Islamic education seminar throughout
Indonesia in 1960 formulated Islamic educations as guidance for spiritual and physical
growth based on Islamic doctrines with wisdom, directing, training, teaching, training,
nurturing and oversees application of all Islamic doctrines. Also, the result of the
Second International Congress wish held in 1980 in Islamabad decided that Islamic
education aimed at achieving balance the growth of the human as a whole through
mental exercise, mind, intelligence, feeling and five senses. In addition, Jalaluddin
defined Islamic education as an effort fostering and developing human potential
optimally according to their status, guided by Islamic law conveyed by the Apostle so
that human can act as a faithful servant of God with all his activities to use the creation

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


of an ideal Islamic living condition happily, safety, prosperously and good quality as
well as obtain a guarantee of life in this world and the hereafter (Iswantir 2019, 8-9).
Based on several definitions above, it can be inferred that Islamic educations
is a process of developing the potential of students through teaching and guiding to
acquire various Islamic knowledge and values for realizing the perfection of life both
in the world and hereafter.
Islamic education system in its implementation has several rules that form the
basis of the educational process: First, Islam emphasizes that education is a religious
obligations in order to the learning process and transmission knowledge are very
meaningful for human life. Second, the whole series of educational implementation is
worship to Allah, so that education is an individual obligation collective at the same
time. Third, Islam gives a high degree to people. Forth, Islam provides the basis that
education is long life education as Hadith of the Prophet about seeking knowledge
from the mother’s cradle to the grave. Fifth, the construction of education according
to Islam is dialogical, innovative, and open in receiving knowledge from both East and
West. Hence, Prophet Muhammad PBUH order the people to seek knowledge even
though to the Chinese country (Iswantir 2019, 11).
1. Islamic Education Curriculum
The word “curricula” comes from the Latin “currere” which means a running
course and in French “courier” means run (Baharun 2017, 2). While Arabic the
curricula is known as “Manhaj” which means a clear way or a way that humans walk in
various fields his life. If it is associated with education then Manhaj is the way light that
is passed by educators with those who are educated to develop knowledge, skills and
attitudes. The curricula is an educational program that contains various teaching
materials and learning experiences that are programmed, planned, and designed
systematically on the basis of applicable norms that used as a guide in the learning
process for education staff and students to achieve educational goals (Badriah 2015,
The emergence of the curricula as field of a new scientific study formally was
at the beginning of the 20
century (Beuchamp 1975, 65). Classical Islamic education
curriculum only revolves around certain field of studies. The science religion
dominates the curriculum in formal institutions with the lessons on hadith,
interpretation (tafsir), fiqh, da’wah rhetoric (considered as something very important at
the classical education), science kalam, philosophy and Hellenic science (Nata 2004,
The development of social and cultural curriculum content widespread
increasingly needs the principles which become the basis on Islamic education
curriculum. In laying out the blueprint for Islamic education needs integrating to
Islamic ideology and views into the subject matter thoroughly. There are some
principles to concern before preparing Islamic Education curriculum. The principals
can be seen below:

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


1. Islamic Spirit
Anything related to the curriculum including philosophy, objective, method
and others must be based on religion and morality of Islam, filed with the spirit and
moral goals in developing human personality.
2. Universal
Between the objective and content of the curriculum must include all aspects.
If the objective covers all aspect of the students’ personality, the content also includes
all of the aspects those are useful for fostering students’ personality.
3. Balancing
Between the objective and content of the curriculum must have balancing in
its preparation. Islam is a source of curriculum inspiration in creating philosophy and
its objective emphasizes world and hereafter and with warning development of
physical, intellectual, mental and others.
4. Refers to psychological development
This principle relates to the students’ talents, interests, abilities and conditions
of the natural environment around where the students live and interacts.
5. Care about social environment
In this social environment, the curriculum must be accommodating in the
process of socialization for students, their adjustment with the environment, habits,
attitudes, ways of thinking, behavior, cooperation, responsibility and sacrifice on the
environment (Nata 2004, 15-17).
Besides the principles, the components of Islamic Education curriculum is also
very important. According to (Shah, et al. 2015, 244) there are several components of
Islamic education curriculum, these are: Quranic Interpretation (Tafsir), Prophet’s
Sayings and Practices (Hadith), Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Islamic Basic Beliefs
(‘Aqaid), Arabic Language, Islamic Ritual, Islamic History, Islamic Manners and

2. Islamic Teaching Methods
The method of Islamic education is a general procedure in delivering of
material to achieve education goal based on certain assumptions about the essence of
Islam as a super system (Roqib 2009, 90-91).
teacher is required to use a variety of methods, and according to the presence
of students, so that later the students do not feel bored. There are various teaching
methods in Islamic education. (Siswanto 2015, 73) The methods are as follows:
1. Lecturing method
Lecturing method is a scientific method in education in which the way of
conveying material understandings to students by way of explanation and oral narrative
(Siswanto 2015, 74). This method is written down in the sure Yusuf verse 2-3, Allah
Almighty stated:
يَبَرَع اًنَٰ
َءۡرُق ُه
لَزنَأ ٓاهنَإ ٗ َنوُلَقۡعَت ۡمُكهلَعهل ا٢ َكۡيَلَإ ٓاَنۡيَحۡوَأ ٓاَمَب َصَصَق
لٱ َنَسۡحَأ َكۡيَلَع ُّصُقَن ُنۡحَن

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


لٱ َنَمَل ۦَهَلۡبَق نَم َتنُك نَإَو َناَءۡرُق
لٱ اَذَٰ
“Indeed, We have sent down this Qur'an in Arabic, so that you may understand its meaning. We
narrate (tell) to you the best of stories through the Quran which we have revealed to you, whereas in
fact you did not know it (the negligent)."
The verse above explained that Allah Almighty sent down the Qur'an using
Arabic, and conveyed it to the Prophet SAW. By means of a lecturing. The lecturing
method is the earliest method used by the Prophet Muhammad in conveying revelation
to the people. The salient characteristic of the lecture method is that the teacher's role
appears to be more dominant. While students are more passive and accept what is
conveyed by the teacher (Arif 2002, 136-137)
2. Questioning and answering method
The question and answer method in delivering lessons is very important,
because the questioning and answering method can help students understand the
lesson well. This method refers to Word of Allah in surah al-Nahl verse 43:
َنوُمَلۡعَت َلَ ۡمُتنُك نَإ َرۡكَ ذلٱ َلۡهَأ ْآوُلۡئسَف٤٣
Meaning: “...Ask the experts if you don't know”.
In Islam, a person who is knowledgeable when asked about knowledge is
obliged to answer to the best of his ability, if not, then Allah threatens him with a very
painful punishment. As the Prophet said. PBUH:
رانلا نم ماجلب الله همجلا همتكف ملع نع لئس نم
Meaning: “Whoever is asked about knowledge and hides it, Allah will restrain him with
a bridle from the fire of hell”. (al-Tabrani).
3. Discussion method
The discussion method is a scientific conversation by several people who are
members of a group to exchange opinions about a problem or jointly seek solutions
to get answers and truths to a problem (Siswanto 2015, 74).
4.Demonstration method
The demonstration method is a teaching method in which a teacher or other
person who is intentionally asked or the student himself shows the whole class about
a process or a way doing something. (For example: the process of how to take
ablution, the process of how to do the funeral prayer and so on) (Siswanto 2015, 74-
75). This demonstration method is found in Surah al-Kahf verse 77:
اَهيَف اَدَجَوَف اَمُهوُفَ يَضُي نَأ ْاۡوَبَأَف اَهَلۡهَأ ٓاَمَع
طَتۡسٱ ٍةَيۡرَق َلۡهَأ ٓاَيَتَأ ٓاَذَإ َٰٓىهتَح اَقَلَطنٱَفراَدَج ٗ ا
رۡجَأ َهۡيَلَع َت
ذَخهتَل َتۡئَش ۡوَل َلاَق ۖۥُهَماَقَأَف هضَقنَي نَأ ُديَرُي ٗ ا٧٧
In this verse tells about the learning of the Prophet Moses to the Prophet
Khidir and this verse is related to the previous and subsequent verses, namely Surah
al-Kahf verses 60-82. These verses tell about the process of searching for Prophet
Khidr by Prophet Moses, becoming a disciple, until they separate again. In these verses
there is a learning process carried out by Prophet Khidir in imparting knowledge to
Prophet Musa through direct practice or demonstration methods.
5. Socio-drama method and role playing

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


The socio-drama method is a form of teaching method by dramatizing or
acting out social relationships. Meanwhile, role playing emphasizes the fact that
students are involved in playing a role in dramatizing social relations problems.
5. Field trip method
The field trip method is a work of teaching method that is carried out by taking
children out of class to be able to pay attention to things or events that have to do with
learning materials.
6.Recitation method
The recitation method is a method by presenting lesson materials, where the
teacher gives certain tasks so that students carry out learning activities, then they must
be accounted for.
7. Group work method
Group work method is a working group from a collection of pedagogical
individuals in which there is a reciprocal relationship (cooperation) between individuals
and mutual trust.
8. Problem solving method
The problem solving method is a method in education and teaching by training
children to deal with the simplest problems to the most difficult ones.
9. Experimental method
Experimental method is a way of presenting learning materials in which
students experiment by experiencing and proving something they have learned for
Normatively, there are many principles in the Qur'an that can be used as
methods in teaching, including: 1. the cheerful atmosphere method (QS. al-Baqarah:
25 and 185) 2. The gentle method (QS. Ali-Imran: 159) 3. Meaningful method (Surah
Muhammad: 16) 4. Prerequisite method or muqadimah (Surah al-Baqarah: 1-2) 5.
Open communication method (QS. al-A’rāf: 179) 6. Method provide new knowledge
(Surah al-Baqarah: 164 and al-Fushilat: 153) 7. Uswatun hasanah method (QS. al-
Ahzāb: 21) 8. Active practice or observation method (Surah al-Shaf: 2-3 and al-
Baqarah: 25). 9. Method of guidance, counseling and affection (QS. al-Anbiyā‟: 107
and al-Nahl: 25) 10. Method of story (QS. al-A’rāf: 176) 11. Method of parables (Surat
Ibrāhim: 18) 12 The method of punishment and reward (Surah al-Ahzāb: 72-73)
(Siswanto 2015, 76-77).
3. Islamic Family Education
The first and foremost education for children in Islam is education in the
family based on Islamic perspective (Taubah 2015, 109). Parents have a big
responsibility to educate their children become a pious person as stated in the word of
Allah Almighty sure al-Tahrim verse 6 (Taubah 2015, 111):
ْوُنَمَٰا َنْيَذهلا اَهُّيَآَٰي هلَ ٌداَدَش ٌظَلََغ ٌةَكِٕى
لَم اَهْيَلَع ُةَراَجَحْلاَو ُساهنلا اَهُدْوُقهو اًراَن ْمُكْيَلْهَاَو ْمُكَسُفْنَا آْوُق ا ٓاَم َهاللّٰ َنْوُصْعَي
َنْوُرَمْؤُي اَم َنْوُلَعْفَيَو ْمُهَرَمَا6 .

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


Meaning: “O you who believe, take care of yourselves and your family from hell fire
whose fuel is man and stone; guardian of the harsh angels, hard, who does not disobey
Allah in what He commands them and always does what is ordered”.
From the verse above means that parent has responsibility to teach their
children as stated by Prophet Muhammad in Hadith:
َهَناَس َجَمُي ْوَأ َهَناَر َصَنُي ْوَأ َهَناَد َوَهُي ُهاَوَبَأَف َةَرْطَفْلا ىَلَع ُدَلوُي ٍدوُلْوَم ُّلُك
Meaning: “Every baby born is fitrah (nature), then his parents who made him a Jewish,
Christian, or Magi”. (H.H. Bukhari).
From the verse and hadith above explained that parents has responsibility to
educate their children, they must instil religious value as early as possible, because of
the religious education they receive when he was a child would influence greatly his
religious experience after he is mature (Ni'mah 2011, 10). As a realization of the
responsibility of parents in educating their children, there are several aspects that are
very important for parents to pay attention:
1. Faith Education
This kind of education is the most important position. Its position is in the
first pillars of Islam, as well as the key that distinguishes between Muslims and non-
Muslim. Faith education is also known as monotheism education. The narrow of
understanding of faith means belief while broad faith is full faith justified by the heart,
spoken by the tongue and manifested by deeds. Faith is very important as Luqman said
to his in the sure Luqman verse 13:
ٌميَظَع ٌمْلُظَل َكْرَ شلٱ هنَإ ۖ َهلِلّٱَب ْكَرْشُت َلَ هىَنُبَٰ
َي ۥُهُظَعَي َوُهَو ۦَهَنْبَلِ ُنَٰ
َمْقُل َلاَق ْذَإَو
Meaning: “And remember when Luqman said ti me his son, when he gave lesson to
him: “O my son, do not you associate partners with Allah, indeed associate partner
with Allah is rally a great injustice”.
The value of faith education include aspects of education that should be
emphasizes to children from an early age, in order to be introspective of things that
could harm him. With the values of faith education, children will feel compelled to
learn with earnestly because he believes in the promise and the virtue of demanding
that Allah Almighty has mentioned in the Quran (Delitri 2018, 63-64).

2. Worship Education
Worship is all kinds of obedience carried out as a sign of our devotion to Him
with the aim of getting the pleasure of Allah and hoping for the reward that Allah has
promised in the hereafter. While, worship education is one of aspects of Islamic
education that need attention. All worships in Islam aim to bring people to remember
Allah. (Delitri 2018, 65).
3. Moral Education
Moral education is an activity that related to good morals with Allah Almighty,
parents, and the community environment of daily life that is sourced from the Quran
and Hadith. Islam encourages its adherents to increase their moral skills of the younger

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


generation, because education is a human capital investment for the future by
equipping the next generations youth with noble character and high skills. Moral
position in Islamic education is very important, Islam recommends that we have a
noble character by imitating the behavior of Prophet Muhammad because he is a good
role model. Family plays a very important role in moral education for children as an
institution that interacts in the first place with him. Hence, the child gets the influence
of the parents above all his behavior. Therefore, the family must take a position to
educate the children, teach them the noble character that is taught Islam is like truth,
honesty, sincerity, compassion, love kindness, generosity, courage and so on and get
used to they hold fast to morals since childhood (Delitri 2018, 68).
The type of parenting applied by the parents will impact on the success rate
children at school as stated by Barnadib (1983) as cited in (Fitri 2012, 28) in the group
of children whose IQ is less, it turns out that they tend to get low attention from
parents. Thus, the attention will influence on children achievement or success.
According to (Fitri 2012, 33) in general, there are three type of parenting for children;
parenting democratic, authoritarian, and permissive. The democratic type is considered
to contain and maintain the universal principles and values of Islam, namely plurality,
equal right and egalitarianism. While, authoritarian is useful in instilling beliefs,
teaching ordinances worship and prevent the behavior of children from vile, dangerous
and evil deeds. Permissive type can be applied to children stepping on a teenager (Fitri
2012, 21).
C. Building a country with Islamic Educational System
Has been mentioned above that Policies implemented by the government in
various fields during the pandemic covid19 caused outrage in the community, such as
societal division, increased poverty, health workers having difficulty dealing with a
number of rejections and resistance from the community due to policies in the field of
health, and educators having difficulty implementing learning methods and techniques
due to policies in the field of education. The pandemic really change many aspects of
human life, including the wide spread using of technology. The difficulties that occur
as a consequence of the government policies and the change of educational system
during the pandemic caused this country to degrade.
To build the country, the government have to apply Islamic educational
system. The system which derives from Al Qur’an and Al hadits. The educational
system that involves every aspect of human lives as a whole. Education system
developed on the basis of fundamentals contained in the Quran and Hadith, or an
education system in which all of its components support to create a perfect human
being based on Quran and Hadith (Iswantir 2019, 10).
Education is an important sector in nation building, through education we
prepare human resources (HR) which capable of filling the nation's development in
the future. Qualified human resources may not come from online learning education

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


system or the curriculum that does not contain religious value in it. To provide
qualified human resources, need qualified teachers.
A qualified teacher is a teacher who is able to provide various methods and
techniques to deal with the problems encountered by their students, a teacher who can
carry out the learning process as much as possible, even though during the Covid-19
pandemic students learning was not carried out at schools. A qualified teacher can
create a learning process effectively and efficiently whatever the situations are. Also,
teacher's intelligence is needed in applying learning patterns through several efforts
that can make students understand learning, which ultimately demands application and
approach that has been carried out in learning (Soleha 2021, 4-5).
According to (Prasetia and Fahmi 2020, 26-27) the reorientation of Islamic
education during the pandemic must be done in three ways; Islamic reasoning based
on Al-Quran and al-Hadith, human resources (human needs) and technology.
First, Islamic education cannot be separated from the Islamic source as the
basis its development. Al-Quran and al-Hadith have been embodied as spirit of
Islamic education. Curriculum formulation and various supporting capacities of
Islamic education is inspired by primary sources of Islamic teachings. Qur'an and al-
Hadith by Muslim scholars are interpreted as texts living text so that its credibility and
authenticity remain relevant in every era.
Second, human resource competence and capability. Humans are a central
factor (main factor) in Islamic education. The changing times necessitate adaptive
Islamic education. Education in Islam should not “walk in place” with the flow. Main
Educator plays a role in shaping human qualities. Mastery pedagogic, personality,
professional, and social competences become an inevitability (Mulkhan 2005, 61).
Pedagogic competence requires management competent learning. Personal
competence is necessary a person who is steady, noble, wise, and authoritative as well
as being exemplary students. While professional competence focuses more on broad
and deep mastery of subject matter. Lastly, social competence, how an educator is
able to communicate and interact effectively and efficiently with students,
parents/guardians, and the surrounding community (Prasetia and Fahmi 2020, 27).
Third, technology. The atmosphere of the Covid-19 pandemic requires
technological competence because the learning process is done online. All educational
institutions from elementary to universities are asked to stop the face-to-face lecture
process (offline). Instead it was done remotely, or those who lived in green zone may
use a blended learning system (learning mix). Even the latest news, the Minister of
Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Nadiem Makarim said 94% of
students will still study from home or online (Prasetia and Fahmi 2020, 27).
The relationship among these three factors, that are Islamic source (Al-Qur'an
and al-Hadith) as a source, human needs (human resources) as the process of human
survival, and technology (technology) as a product of science is the formula for
defining a new paradigm Islamic education in the contemporary era. The harmonious

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


combination of the three does not rule out the possibility of pursuing an integration
process interconnection, which offers a new approach what is called the 21st century
Islamic education model that is more inclusive, actual, accommodating, and problem
solving where one with the other others complement each other. In addition, Habibie
said that and became quoting IMTAQ & IPTEK (Iman and Taqwa & Ilmu Pengetahuan
dan Teknologi) or in English faith and piety and science and technology for Islamic
education is a must (Prasetia and Fahmi 2020, 28-29).
The curriculum designers also play a very important role on the success of
preparing qualified human resources. Since a curriculum becomes a guide in the
learning process so that the educational goals can be achieved. Because curriculum is
an educational program that contains various teaching materials and learning
experiences that are programmed, planned, and designed systematically on the basis of
applicable norms that used as a guide in the learning process for education staff and
students to achieve educational goals (Badriah 2015, 156). The curriculum designers
of a Nation obligates to design the curriculum based on the Nation constitutional
goals. The State obligation is to carry out the constitutional mandate, improve
curriculum so that the mandatory of the constitution applied in the curriculum.
The constitutional goal of Indonesian Nation includes in the 45 constitution.
The constitution mandates to the government to strive and implement National
education which increase faith and piety to God Almighty and noble character in order
to educate the Nation’s life and advance science and technology by upholding religious
values and National Unity for the advancement of civilization and the welfare of
mankind. This is very close related to Islamic Education curriculum principle which
include Islamic Spirit for human development, human needs, balance with the life in
universe and hereafter. Live in the universe emphasizes on the development of
physical, intellectual, mental and technology. It also refers to psychological
development of the students’ talents, interests, abilities and conditions of the natural
and social environments around the students (Nata 2004, 15-17).
There are four institutions involves in Islamic educational system, these
institutions are households institution, community institution which includes social
media house of worship, formal educational institution, beginning from free school
learners to university students, and the government institution which include
government policy. Therefore, all people have responsibilities for educational
existence in the universe. Therefore, the researcher ensure that Islamic educational
system can build the country and resulting progressive civilization. They can also result
qualified human resources. They can produce genuine leaders that can lead the country
well based on Islamic perspective.

The impacts of coronavirus19 resulting many changes in all aspects of social
life. It made educational field to become in abnormal conditions. Many challenges

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


occurred among teachers, learners, parents and institutions in the online learning
Many students deliberately do not participate in online learning due to similar
reasons that most of them did not have their own hand phones, bad internet
connection, laziness, lack of internet packages, large amount of assignments assigned
by their teachers, students who are frequently late to wake up, and the students get
bored and frustrated. Many teachers did not have technological competency and
proficiency. Methods and techniques are difficult to present appropriately. The
teachers also found it difficult to give evaluation to their students and to make sure of
their students competences. Parents also found some problems in helping their
children in online learning, the similar problems also arouse, like they were not well
educated, were busy with household duty, because of economic issues, many parents
must work outside the house so that they could not involve in their children online

Islamic educational system can solve the challenges encountered by teachers,
learners, parents and institution due to online learning during the pandemic, because
it involves all people for educational existence in the universe. It can result qualified
human resources, qualified teachers who are able to provide various methods and
techniques to deal with the problems encountered by their students. Teachers who can
carry out the learning process as much as possible, take al Qur’an and al Hadits as the
source of knowledge, and technology as a product of science, teachers who can use
both in harmony.
To build a country in the era of Covid19, the government have to implement
face to face learning system in Islamic perspective, because in Islamic Educational
system, the role of Islamic education teachers are very important. Teachers are needed
to provide direction, and guidance in educating their students with values of life based
on Islamic teachings. The issue of the collapse of religious values and norms that
should be a guide in current behavior became a problem that disrupts the order of life
in society. Religious norms that used to be thickly instilled in families and communities
have begun to fade due to globalization. Major steps that must be taken to maintain
it include strengthening the education system which is tasked with producing the
nation's successors with character and virtuous character, and this only be able to
achieve through face to face learning.
It is right that mastering technology can help people communicate easily all
over the world. ICT can be used to develop course materials, deliver and share the
course content, lecture and presentations for the higher education, it can also improve
our knowledge to have a better income or life, but it does not appropriate to use as a
media of online learning most of the time, because technology can never take the place
of a teacher who is thought to be the most crucial element of any teaching activities
like social sensitivity and sharing concept as education concept. Finally, Islamic

"Islam and Sountheast Asian Communities Welfare in the COVID-19 ERA"


education system can produce genuine leaders that can lead the country well since it
uses curriculum as a guidance to refer to Al Qur’an and al Hadits as the main sources
to implement teaching and learning. Genuine leaders resulted by Islamic Educational
System can build a country, in this case Indonesian country better than before.
The problems arose during the pandemic covid19 in all aspects of human life.
It indicates that there is a failure of Indonesian Educational system. Online learning
system improved the problems, therefore, the researcher suggests to the Indo Ministry
of Education Nadhim Makarim to evolve new educational system in Indonesia, the
educational system in Islamic perspective, the researcher also suggests to the
government to stop online learning system from free school learners to Senior High
School levels. Face to face learning during the pandemic can be done as long as
teachers and learners are healthy and obey the government regulation of keeping health

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