Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154
https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

Audit Quality Perspectives in Indonesia

Muhammad Andri
, Rheza Chandra Putra
, Kanta Rio Saputra
, Sania Yolanda Gunawan

Master of Accounting Program, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Master of Accounting Program, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Master of Accounting Program, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

Master of Accounting Program, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

In the past 5 years, there have been at least 5 major cases involving prominent public accounting firms in Indonesia
and seizing public attention. This motivates the author to look back at the concept of audit quality that is
understood in Indonesia. The author realizes that there has been no research on the concept of audit quality
conducted by referring to scientific publications that have been published in trusted journals. The main objective
of this study is to discover the concept of audit quality that has been generally understood in Indonesia and the
factors that influence it. The study was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach so it
could provide a broader understanding and also be able to assist other researchers to conduct research related to
audit quality with a more comprehensive understanding. This study reviews a total 47 empirical studies and
academic publications in Indonesia ranging from year 2015 to year 2019. Data sources in the form of academic
publications were obtained from the Digital Referral Gate website (GARUDA), a portal that contains Indonesian
academic references and is under the auspices of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
(Kemenristekdikti). Based on the analysis, the review reveals that (1) the majority of researchers in Indonesia
consider audit quality from an input-outcomes perspective developed from the definition of audit quality
according to DeAngelo (1981), (2) the use of a variety of audit quality indicators used in research in Indonesia
shows that audit quality is hard to measure objectively, (3) the factors that influence audit quality that are most
frequently studied are internal factors, and (4) the majority of research related to audit quality is conducted using
a quantitative approach. However, quantitative approach is unable to capture the actual audit practices which is
necessary to understand audit quality. (5) cases that occur in Indonesia and the results of this study indicate that
audit quality must be seen as a whole construction, from input, process, output and context. Audit quality cannot
be obtained only with competent human resources, but must be accompanied by an audit process that is in
accordance with standards, results of audits that are comprehensive and in context.
Keywords: audit; audit quality; audit quality indicators; audit quality perspective

Corresponding author. [email protected]
How to cite this article. Andri, M. Putra, R.C. Saputra, K.R. & Gunawan, S.Y. (2020) Audit Quality Perspectives
in Indonesia. Jurnal Pendidikan Akuntansi Dan Keuangan Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141-154.
History of article. Received: April 2020, Revision: Juni 2020, Published: Juli 2020

Audit quality and the factors that
influence it have become subjects of interest
among academics, practitioners and policy
makers, especially after many companies
have gone bankrupt (Sulaiman, Yasin, and
Muhamad, 2018). Over the years, many
studies have been conducted to examine the
relationship of audit quality with certain
dependent variables, where the size of the
public accounting firm is often used as a
measure of audit quality variables
(Widiastuty and Febrianto, 2010). However,
in the past 5 years, there have been at least 5
major cases involving prominent public
accounting firms in Indonesia and seizing
public attention. With cases involving
prominent public accounting firms in
Indonesia as mentioned in Table 1, it is
important to review the concept of audit
quality understood so far. The Head of the
Financial Professional Development Center
(PPPK) of the Ministry of Finance,
Langgeng Subur, said that improving audit
quality is very important because quality
audits can maintain trust, a healthy
investment climate and economic
transparency in each country (IAPI, 2018b).

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154

https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

This study aims to discover the concept
of audit quality understood in Indonesia and
the factors that affecting it. This study is
expected to be able to provide a broader
understanding of audit quality and encourage
future researchers to conduct research in
areas that have not been or are still being
studied related to audit quality.
Table 1. Cases Involving Big Public Accounting Firms in Indonesia
No. Public Accounting Firm
Year Books
Case Summary
1 Satrio, Bing, Eny dan

(Partner of Deloitte
1. Merliyana
2. Marlina
PT. Sun Prima
2012-2016 Unqualified
The Auditee broke into 14 Banks
using the audited Financial
Statements, where the opinion
provided by the auditor did not
reflect the actual financial
2 Purwantono, Sungkoro
dan Surja
(Ernst and Young Global
Limited’s Member )
Sherly Jokom PT. Hanson
2016 Unqualified
1. The auditor failed to detect a
revenue recognition worth 732
billion rupiah which
caused overstated financial
2. The auditor violated SA 200
and Section 130 of the Public
Accountant Professional Code
of Ethics

3 Amir Abadi Jusuf,
Aryanto, Mawar dan
(Indonesian RSM)
PT. Tiga Pilar
Food Tbk
2017 Unqualified
The auditor failed to detect
an inflated fund worth 4 trillion
4 Pricewaterhouse Coopers
- Asuransi
2017 Adverse 1. Directors of Jiwasraya
practices fraud.
2. The role of auditors is still
being investigated

5 Tanubrata, Sutanto,
Fahmi, Bambang dan
(BDO International’s
PT. Garuda
Indonesia Tbk
2018 Unqualified
1. There’s dispute between
auditor and commissioner
about revenue recognition
worth $ 239.94 billion from
PT. Mahata Aero
Technology that is not in
accordance with PSAK 23.
2. The auditor conducts SA 500,
SA560 and SA 315 violations
Source: Author’s processed data (2020)

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154
https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

1. Definitions of Audit Quality
According to (Sulaiman et al., 2018),
there are 3 perspectives on audit quality, i)
input and outcomes related to audit quality ii)
audit process and audit quality and iii)
perception of audit quality. The first audit
perspective, inputs and outcomes, is built on
the definition of audit quality according to
DeAngelo (1981). This definition is often
used as a reference by researchers who
conduct research related to audit quality. In
his research, DeAngelo (1981) defines audit
quality as the probability that the auditor will
be able to find material errors in the financial
statements and report those material errors.
From this definition, it can be concluded that
there are two key factors that influence audit
quality, namely competence and auditor
independence (Sulaiman et al., 2018).
Competence is a reflection of the statement
that probability the auditor will be able to
find material errors in the financial
statements. Competent auditors are auditors
who have the ability to technology,
understand and carry out correct audit
procedures, understand and use the correct
sampling methods (DeAngelo, 1981). While
Independence is a reflection of the statement
that probability the auditor will report
material errors. An independent auditor is an
auditor who, if found a violation, will
independently report the violation
(DeAngelo, 1981). In this perspective, input
variables used are the size of the public
accounting firms, audit fee, non-audit fees
and the term of the engagement.

Figure 1. Perspectives Regarding Audit Quality
Sources: Sulaiman et al., (2018)

According to the second perspective,
the audit process and audit quality, audit
quality is influenced by the audit procedures
used during the audit (Sulaiman et al., 2018).
Audit quality is a combination of a good
systematic inspection process, which
complies with generally accepted standards,
with high quality auditor's judgment
(skepticism and professional judgment),
which is used by competent and independent
Inputs and Outcomes
Related to Audit Quality

Inputs to audit quality:
1.Audit firm’s characteristics

Outcomes related to audit
3.Discretionary accruals
4.Financial reporting quality
5.Effectiveness of external
auditor’s report


1.Audit procedures
2.Judgement and decision-
3.Quality threatening


1.Users and preparers
2.Audit expectation gap
Audit Quality

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154

https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

auditors, in implementing the audit process
to produce audits with high grade (Knechel,
Krishnan, Pevzner, Shefchik, & Velury,
2012). This statement is supported by the
International Federation of Accountants
(IFAC) which states that one of the key
elements of audit quality is the audit process
(IAASB, 2014). Audit quality must be
determined based on auditing standards and
professional quality standards (Baharuddin
& Ansar, 2019). Audit standards are intended
to ensure quality internal audits, so that any
auditor who conducts audits is expected to
produce the same quality internal audit
results when the auditor performs
assignments in accordance with the relevant
Audit Standards (AAIPI, 2014). In this
perspective, audit quality is influenced by
factors such as audit procedures, auditor
judgment (professional judgment) and
attitudes or performance during the audit
process (Sulaiman et al., 2018).
In the third perspective, audit quality
is seen based on perceptions of related
parties, namely auditors, compilers of
financial statements and stakeholders (audit
committees, investors and policy makers)
(Sulaiman et al., 2018). However, due to
differences in viewpoints, expectations and
subjective assessments of each party, an
agreement can not be obtained regarding the
exact definition of audit quality.

2. Audit Quality Indicators
The biggest problem in research
related to audit quality, both as an
independent variable and the dependent
variable, is a measure of audit quality
(Widiastuty & Febrianto, 2010). Because of
difficulties to measure audit quality
objectively, researchers previously used
various dimensions to measure it
(Tandiontong, 2016). The Indonesian
Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(IAPI) as the association that houses the
professional accountant in Indonesia, has
published Guidelines for Audit Quality
Indicators on Public Accounting Firms.
Indicators of audit quality is a key indicator
that enables a high-quality audit carried out
consistently by Public Accountant through
the firm in accordance with professional
standards and applicable legal provisions
which consists of 1) Competency auditor 2)
Ethics and independence of auditors 3) Use
of key time for key personnel 4) Quality
Control of engagement 5) Results of quality
review or inspection of external and internal
parties 6) Range of engagement control 7)
Organization and governance of Public
Accounting Firms 8) Service fee policy
(IAPI, 2018a). Whereas Knechel et al.,
(2012) group audit quality indicators into 4
categories, namely input, process, output and
context. According to Wooten (2003),
indicators used to measure audit quality are
1) Detection of misstatements 2) Compliance
with applicable General Standards 3)
Compliance with SOP. Whereas DeAngelo
(1981) suggests that the size of an accounting
firm can represent audit quality, that is, large
public accounting firms have higher audit
quality compared to smaller public
accounting firms.
Based on the description above, it can
be concluded that audit quality is seen as
something that is not easy to measure, many
factors and dimensions can be used
(Tandiontong, 2016). Therefore, it is
important for researchers to accurately define
operationally the audit quality to be
measured. Incorrect operational definition
will lead to incorrect conclusions
(Widiastuty & Febrianto, 2010).

Table 2. Quality Indicators:
Inputs Process Outcomes Context
a. Professional
b. Incentives and
a. Judgment in the audit
b. Audit Production
c. Assessing risk
a. Regulatory reviews
of audit firms
b. Adverse outcomes
c. Audit reports
a. Audit partner
b. Premium audit fee
c. Abnormal audit

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154
https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

c. Knowledge and
d. Within-firm

d. Review and quality
e. Analytical procedures
f. Obtaining and evaluating
audit evidence
g. Auditor-client
d. Financial
reporting quality

d. Non-audit fees
e. Market perceptions
of audit quality
f. Auditor Tenure

Source: (Knechel et al., 2012)

3. Factors Affecting Audit Quality
Many studies have stated that audit
quality is influenced by many factors (Hai,
2016). Lin & Tepalagul (2012) states that
there are at least 5 factors that can affect audit
quality, especially factors related to auditor
independence. These factors include how
important the degree of the auditee to the
auditor, the non-audit services, the term of
the assignment, the relationship between the
auditee and the auditor. Meanwhile,
according to (Bender, 2006), factors that can
affect audit quality include work culture,
human resources, quantity and quality of
audit staff, communication, control
procedures, informative and reliable audit
reports, job satisfaction for audit staff,
management and audit committee which
obtains adequate information. On the other
hand, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC,
2008) states that audit quality is influenced
by several factors such as the work culture in
public accounting firm, the effectiveness of
the audit process, the relevance and benefits
of audit reports, the competence and quality
of human resources and other factors that are
out of control auditor. Whereas, Hai (2016)
successfully identified as many as 42
variables that can affect audit quality in his
Based on this, it can be concluded
that audit quality is influenced by many
factors. These factors also depend on the
perspective used by researchers when
conducting research. That is because audit
quality is an invisible product (abstract) (Hai,

The study was conducted using
descriptive methods with qualitative research
types. Qualitative research is research that is
descriptive and tends to use analysis. The
study uses this type of qualitative research to
gather and discover the concept of audit
quality understood so far in Indonesia and the
factors influence it
In this study, author reviews 47
academic publications published in the
period 2015-2019, as well as the review on
literature more relevant to the theme of this
study, the quality of the audit. Sources of data
in the form of academic publications were
obtained from the Digital Referral Gate
website (GARUDA). GARUDA is a portal
that contains Indonesian academic references
and gives access to academic works
produced by Indonesian researchers
(Wahyudin, 2010). GARUDA is under the
auspices of the Ministry of Research,
Technology and Higher Education
After conducting a review, the
authors summarize each research result that
has been reviewed and group them according
to perspectives regarding audit quality and
the factors that influence it.

1. Audit Quality Perspectives Used as a
Reference in Audit Quality Research in
The results of the analysis of a variety
of different perspectives related to audit
quality will make our understanding of the
concepts and factors that affect audit quality
grow. Based on the analysis of the 47
academic research, the majority of

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154

https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

researchers to understand the quality of the
audit from the perspective of input-outcomes
. This perception is built from the definition
of audit quality conveyed by DeAngelo
(1981) namely the probability that the auditor
will be able to find material errors in the
financial statements and report those material
In addition, there are several studies
that view audit from a combination of input-
outcomes and process perspectives. This
combined perspective shows that
competence and independence are
fundamental in audit quality, while the
process perspective complements the notion
of audit quality which was initially only
viewed from the input and output side only.
The combined input-outcomes perspective
and process gives us an understanding that
audit quality is not only determined by the
competence and independence of auditors,
but also depends on the process carried out
during the audit. An audit will be qualified if
the process is carried out systematically, in
accordance with generally accepted
standards and accompanied by high quality
auditor's judgment (skepticism and
professional judgment).
The perception audit perspective
there are only 5 academic studies that use
perception, because the measurement of
perception is relatively more difficult than
the perspective of input-outcomes and
processes. But there are interesting things
related to this third perspective. Where the
object of research that uses this perspective
is a government agency. This is quite logical,
because in government agencies with very
rigid provisions, audit quality is assessed by
various parties with different standards.
IFAC also emphasizes audit quality
influenced by patterns of interactions and
understanding the importance of audit
quality among various parties, namely:
auditors, management, audit committees ,
those responsible for governance, users, and
regulators (IAASB, 2014).

Table 3. Audit Quality Perspectives

of studies
1 Input-
Perdana & Juliarto (2015); Muhammad and Januarti (2015); Urrahmi, Rasuli, & Silfi
(2015); Pradana, Anggraini, & Andreas (2015); Riny, Nur DP, & Rofika (2015); Sari,
Andreas, & Anggarini (2015); Fitriany, Utama, Martani, & Rosietta (2015); Trihapsari
& Anisykurlillah (2016); Ferdiansyah (2016); Pratomo (2016); Hambali (2017);
Anugrah, Kamaliah, & Ilham (2017); Ariningsih & Mertha (2017); Ermayanti (2017);
Fahlevi, Hardi, & Julita (2017); Azma, Nurazlina, & Julita (2017); Kuntari, Chariri, &
Nurdhiana (2017); Halman (2017); Udayanti & Ariyanto (2017); Soleha (2017); Putri,
Hardi, & Silfi (2017); Septyaningtyas, Azlina, & Hanif (2017); Husnurrosyidah &
Nadhirin (2017); Pikirang, Sabijono, & Wokas (2017); Putra & Mimba (2017); Djajun
Juhara (2017); Nurintiati & Purwanto (2017); Rossita & Sukartha (2017); Idawati
(2018); Yuliyanti & Hanifah (2018); Wardhani & Astika (2018); Salsabila (2018); Putri
Erawan & Sukartha (2018); Haryanto & Susilawati (2018); Nurhasanah, Hasan, &
Savitri (2018); Prabhawanti & Widhiyani (2018); Rahmaita & Raflis (2019);
Baharuddin & Ansar (2019); Zain, Putri, Tarigan, Siti, & Voltra (2019); Kusuma,
Jatmiko, & Prabowo (2019); Naradipa & Supadmi (2019); Munawaroh (2019);
2 Process Ferdiansyah (2016); Ermayanti (2017); Dewi & Badera (2015); Cahyonowati &
Darsono (2015); Azma et al. (2017); Prabhawanti & Widhiyani (2018); Haryanto &
Susilawati (2018); Kuntari et al. (2017); Idawati (2018); Nurhasanah et al. (2018);
Rahmaita & Raflis (2019); Baharuddin & Ansar (2019)
3 Perception Vardjani, Lestari, & Ramdhani (2017); Urrahmi et al. (2015); Septyaningtyas et al.
(2017); Pratomo (2016); Mardian (2017)

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154
https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

Source: Author’s processed data (2020)

2. Indicators of Audit Quality Used in
Research in Indonesia
Based on the analysis, it is known that
there are 48 indicator used to measure
different audit quality. These indicators are
then grouped according to the categories
compiled by Knechel et al., (2012). The
various indicators used in audit quality
research indicate that audit quality is difficult
to measure objectively, so researchers use
various dimensions to measure it. The
various indicators used in audit quality
research indicate that audit quality is difficult
to measure objectively, so researchers use
various dimensions to measure it. Unlike the
dimensions of an object such as the speed of
motion, the brightness of light, or the passage
of time that has a clear and agreed-upon size,
many objects in social science cannot be
easily measured and it is difficult to reach a
common consensus regarding the size of the
object (Widiastuty & Febrianto, 2010).
Basically, the difference of indicators
enhances our perspective and understanding
about audit quality.

Table 4. Audit Quality Indicators

No Category Audit Quality Indicators
1 Input 1) Ability to find mistakes (Competence) 2) Pubic accounting firm’s size 3)
Independence 4) Professional skepticism 5) Due Professional Care 6) Experience 7)
Specialization of auditors in certain industries 8) Strong commitment and
9) Willingness to maintain Professionalism 10) Ethical knowledge 11) Knowledge of
accounting and auditing
2 Process 1) Planning 2) Implementation 3) Final administration 4) Compliance with audit
standards, SAK and / or professional quality standards 5) Complying with the Code of
Ethics in force in Indonesia 6) Technical quality 7) Quality of services 8) Auditor-client
relations 9) Accuracy of audit findings 10) amount of evidence 11) Substantive testing
of accounts receivable 12) Detection of misstatements 13) Compliance with Standard
Operating Procedures (SOP) 14) Audit risk 15) Process control of work by supervisors
16) Attention given by managers or partners 17) Leader's involvement 18) Continuous
interaction between the team and client 19) State of the work field 20) Information
system 21) Decision making 22) communication of assignment results 23) monitoring
of development 24) Implementation of assignments

3 Output 1) Comparison of previous year's net income with net income in the year before this
research went on 2) Quality of audit report results 3) Complete and also objective audit
report 4) Earnings quality 5) Earnings management ie discretionary accrual 6) Value of
recommendation 7) Clarity report
4 Context 1) Benefits of audit 2) Follow-up of audit results 3) While audit quality is proxied by
violations committed by the auditor and identified by PCAOB 4) Perceived audit
quality 5) Perceived value 6) Auditee expectations
Source: Author’s Processed Data (2020)

3. Factors Affecting the Audit used in
Research in Indonesia
In general, audit quality is influenced
by internal and external factors. Based on the
results of the analysis, there are 45 factors
that influence the quality of audit bags, of
which the factors most frequently examined
are independence and competence. This is

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154

https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

because in understanding audit quality, the
majority of research in Indonesia uses an
input-output perspective presented by
DeAngelo (1981), where competence and
independence are fundamental in audit
Although external factors such as
reward, work environment, auditor-auditee
communication are not widely studied, it
does not mean that external factors do not
affect audit quality. The results of the study
by (Vardjani et al., 2017) showed that the
closeness between the audit team leader and
the auditee had a positive and significant
effect on the auditee's satisfaction with the
quality of audit services. The higher the level
of closeness between the audit team leader
and the auditee, the higher the auditee's
satisfaction level with the quality of audit
services. Other external factors such as the
work environment also play an important
role in influencing audit quality. The
research conducted by Erawan & Sukartha
(2018) show that a pleasant work
environment makes employees tend to work
with a high discipline attitude from the
possibility of violations of regulations that
can occur, increased work morale as well,
and have a sense of responsibility towards
their work duties and feel they are not there
is something that interferes with the
implementation of their duties so that they
can produce good audit quality.
The lack of research related to the
influence of external factors on audit quality
is an opportunity for further research to
examine this and provide broader insights
about audit quality.

Table 5 . Factors Affecting Audit Quality
Factors That
Affecting Audit
of studies
Percentage No
Factors That
Affecting Audit Quality
of studies
1 Independence 17 36,96% 24 Client Importance 1 2,17%
2 Competence 15 32,61% 25 Emotional Quotient 1 2,17%
3 Work experience 12 26,09% 26 Leadership Style 1 2,17%
4 Time Budget Pressure 11 23,91% 27 Auditor Characteristics 1 2,17%
5 Ethics 9 19,57% 28 Public accounting firm’s size 1 2,17%
6 Audit Fee 8 17,39% 29 Company Size 1 2,17%
7 Motivation 7 15,22% 30 Institutional Ownership 1 2,17%
8 Integrity 6 13,04% 31 Code of Ethics 1 2,17%
9 Public accounting firm’s
5 10,87% 32 Undertanding of information
1 2,17%
10 Accountability 4 8,70% 33 Work environment 1 2,17%
11 Objectivity 4 8,70% 34 Technical Training 1 2,17%
12 Professionalism 4 8,70% 35 Organizational Commitment 1 2,17%
13 Audit Complexity 3 6,52% 36 Supervision type 1 2,17%
14 Knowledge 3 6,52% 37 Premature Sign Off 1 2,17%
15 Public accounting firm’s
3 6,52% 38 Auditor Dysfunctional
1 2,17%
16 Audit Risk 2 4,35% 39 Reward 1 2,17%
17 Locus of Control 2 4,35% 40 AP rotation 1 2,17%
18 Gender 2 4,35% 41 Auditor Specialization 1 2,17%
19 Due Professional Care 2 4,35% 42 Auditor Switching 1 2,17%
20 Professional skepticism 2 4,35% 43 Closeness between audit team
members and the auditee
1 2,17%
21 Supervision 2 4,35% 44 Closeness between the audit
team leader and the auditee
1 2,17%

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154
https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

22 Tenure 2 4,35% 45 Use of Computer Assisted
Audit Techniques
1 2,17%
23 Social Mismatch
1 2,17%

Source: Author’s processed data (2020)

4. Research Methods Used in Research
in Indonesia
Based on the results of the analysis,
quantitative approach are most widely used
in research related to audit quality, as many
as 45 studies. While research using a
qualitative approach there are only 2 studies
(Husnurrosyidah & Nadhirin, 2017;
Herawati & Selfia, 2019).
According to Sulaiman et al. (2018),
although research with a quantitative
approach gives a high contribution, but this
approach is less able to provide a real
understanding of audit quality. Although
researchers add new variables or additional
data to quantitative research, it will still raise
the question whether the researcher is able to
understand the pressure and influence of the
audit environment on audit performance
significantly (Humphrey, 2008). Based on
this, it can be concluded that the quantitative
approach unable to capture the real practices
of audit which is necessary to understand the
audit quality (Sulaiman et al., 2018)
On the other hand, based on the
review of the 2 studies using the qualitative
approach above, the research is only limited
to revealing audit quality indicators and
cannot provide a real picture of audit
practice. Therefore, research with a
qualitative approach, be it through interviews
or case studies, is still very much needed to
gain an in-depth understanding of audit

Figure 2. Research Approach
Source: Author’s processed data (2020)

Based on the Research Results and
Discussion conducted, it can be concluded,
First, majority of researchers in Indonesia
consider audit quality from an input-
outcomes perspective which was developed
from the definition of audit quality according
to DeAngelo (1981). In addition, there are
several studies that consider audit quality
from a combination of input-outcomes,
process, and perception
perspectives. Second, there are various
indicators used in audit quality research in
Indonesia. It shows that audit quality is hard
to measure objectively. Nevertheless, the
various indicators enhances our perspective
and understanding related to audit
quality. Third, there are 45 factors that affect
audit quality, where the factor most
frequently researched are internal factors. On
the other hand, although external factors are
not widely studied, it does not mean that
external factors do not affect audit
quality. The results of the study of external
factors also indicate that external factors
affect audit quality. The lack of research
45 Studies
2 Studies

Vol. 8, No. 2, [Juli-Desember], 2020 : 141 - 154

https://doi.org/10.17509/jpak.v8i2.24341 | http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/JPAK

related to the influence of external factors on
audit quality is an opportunity for further
research to examine this and provide broader
insights about audit quality. Fourth, the
majority of research related to audit quality
is conducted using a quantitative approach.
However, quantitative approach is unable to
capture a real picture of audit practice which
is very important to understanding audit
quality. Therefore, research with a
qualitative approach is still needed to gain an
in-depth understanding of the actual audit
quality. And finally, the fifth, cases that
occur in Indonesia and the results of this
study indicate that audit quality must be seen
as a whole construction, from input, process,
output and context. Audit quality cannot be
obtained only with competent human
resources, but must be accompanied by an
audit process that is in accordance with
standards, results of audits that are
comprehensive and in context.
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authors suggest that researchers who
research related audit quality be further 1)
conduct audit quality research using a
process perspective in order to understand
field audit practices 2) using audit quality
measurement indicators from the output,
process and context categories, to enriching
the perspective and understanding related to
audit quality, 3) conducting audit quality
research with a qualitative approach, whether
through interviews or case studies, to gain an
in-depth understanding of audit quality in
real terms.
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