International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406
Implementation Of Problem-Based Management Model On Improving School
Quality Culture At Mts Nurul Iman Tanjung Morawa
Yenni Khairani Pane
, Nathanael Sitanggang
, Joharis Lubis
Master of Education Administration at Medan State University
Postgraduate Lecturer at Medan State University
Email: [email protected]
School quality can be seen from the culture that lives and is developed by the school community.
School culture is a set of values that underlie behavior, traditions, daily habits, and symbols practiced
by principals, teachers, administrative officers, students and the community around the school. School
quality is one of the central issues in national education in addition to other issues such as equity,
relevance, and efficiency of school management. Currently, efforts to improve the quality of schools
continue to be carried out by various parties, both by the school foundation and the government itself.
These efforts are based on an awareness of the importance of the role of education in the development
of human resources and Nation Character Building for the progress of society and the nation. The
dignity of a nation is largely determined by the quality of its education. In fact, many school principals
are very concerned about the importance of building a school atmosphere, classroom atmosphere,
building harmonious relationships to support the formation of norms, beliefs, attitudes, characters,
and achievement motives so that they grow into positive thinking attitudes of school citizens.
Keywords:Quality Culture, School-Based Management, Character, Professional.
The development of a school quality culture is the duty and responsibility of the principal, as an
educational leader. However, the development of a school quality culture requires the participation of all school
personnel and stakeholders, including parents, and therefore, managerially the development of a school quality
culture is the responsibility of the principal, while day-to-day operations are the duty of all school personnel and
relevant stakeholders.Improving the quality of schools is the foundation for the creation of quality education.
School quality is one of the central issues in national education in addition to other issues such as equity,
relevance, and efficiency of school management (Widodo, 2018). Currently, efforts to improve the quality of
schools continue to be carried out by various parties, both by the school foundation and the government itself.
These efforts are based on an awareness of the importance of the role of education in the development of human
resources and Nation Character Building for the progress of society and the nation. The dignity of a nation is
largely determined by the quality of its education. In fact, many school principals are very concerned about the
importance of building a school atmosphere, classroom atmosphere, building harmonious relationships to
support the formation of norms, beliefs, attitudes, characters, and achievement motives so that they grow into
positive school community thinking attitudes (Neprializa, 2015). Often does not appear in the cultural
development program documents.
But in fact in developing a quality culture at MTs (Islamic Junior High School) Nurul Iman schools it
does not go well, even tends to be passive due to weak management to improve and develop a school quality
culture, regulations that often change without any evaluation, teachers - teachers who do not understand and
understand the quality culture that is implemented, lack of knowledge and curiosity to add references to what
quality culture can be applied to at MTs Nurul Iman Tanjung Morawa, and the factors that cause it to happen,
ranging from ineffective management in regulating, controlling sep and evaluate the quality culture. Finally, the
efforts made for the program to develop a conducive school quality culture need to get support from the entire
school community and the school community together and with high commitment. The development of a quality

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406
culture in schools is carried out through a learning innovation development program, the development of
extracurricular activities, the development of the culture and character of students, and the development of
academic and non-academic achievements (participation of school residents). The obstacle faced by teachers in
implementing the quality culture development program is an incomplete understanding regarding the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum.The solution to overcome this is to apply the concept of School-Based
Management (SBM, in Indonesia is
Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (MBS)) which is the granting of authority and
responsibility in school management from the central government to schools (Hamid, 2018).
The powers and responsibilities given cover aspects of planning, organizing, implementing, and
monitoring. principals apply transformational leadership with a mentoring approach to teachers when carrying
out their duties in class. The approach taken by the principal through a management approach includes: First, the
planning stage by determining quality targets, socializing quality targets to school residents. Second, the
organizing stage includes the formation of an organizational structure, delivery of main tasks, delegation of
authority. Third, the leadership stage includes training teachers, assisting teachers and employees, monitoring
teachers in class, motivating, discussing findings, focusing on quality targets and following up. Fourth, the
monitoring and evaluation phase includes: evaluation of school programs. The application of the school-based
management model in improving the quality of schools and to determine the impact of the application of the
school-based management model in improving the school's quality culture.SBM is a school management model
that directly manages its own school by giving greater authority at the school level”. From this point of view, it
can be concluded that SBM is the authority given to schools by the central government to independently
(autonomously) regulate or regulate everything that is needed by schools, including in making decisions or
school policies. Through the implementation of SBM, schools will attract more school customers when
formulating and formulating policies, meaning that the formulation of internal policies will involve teachers,
educators, and students. Externally, the involvement of school committees and parents is something that needs to
be done in determining school policies. In this way, policies will be formulated and accounted for
(Mistrianingsih, Imron, and Nurabadi 2015, 367).
This research substantively uses a qualitative approach. while the steps taken include data collection
methods and data analysis methods resulting from research are outlined in the discussion (Hasudungan, 2021).
Data Collection Methods Data were obtained from sources, namely interviews with the principal, and books and
journals were used to support it. There are two sources of data researchers use here, namely primary sources and
secondary sources. Primary sources are data sources that contain information about the problems being studied.
And secondary data are books and journals that are used as references in which the information in it still has
correlation and relevance to the research being studied. The information obtained can also be in the form of
explanatory reviews that are related to the theme under study. Data were also obtained from my observers as a
researcher as well as several people who responded to questions from researchers who were not directly open,
namely from some foundation administrators who really wanted the quality of education in their foundation to
advance according to developments and wanted to have educators under their professional guidance according to
their fields. The data analysis method is carried out after the data is collected and selected, then a data analysis
process is carried out, namely understanding and interpreting the collection of information or data obtained
carefully and in depth to obtain results that are in accordance with the research objectives, data obtained from
interviews must also be observed. And also need some documentation to draw conclusions also to get valid data.
The concept of school-based management comes from three words, namely management, based, and
school. Management is the process of using energy resources efficiently to achieve targets. Based has a basic

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406
word base which means basic or basic. Schools are institutions for learning and teaching and places for receiving
and sharing lessons. Universally, school-based management (SBM) is also a management model that gives
schools greater autonomy, provides flexibility or flexibility to schools, and urges the direct participation of the
school community (teachers, students, principals, employees) and school residents. (parents, community leaders,
scientists, entrepreneurs, etc.) in order to improve the quality of schools is based on national learning policies
and applicable laws and regulations (Sudarmawan Danim 2012, 22).Process quality refers to the input and
creation of a conducive atmosphere. The quality of educational outcomes refers to the achievements achieved by
the school in a certain period of time. The SBM framework as proposed by Umaedi (Slamet, PH 2016. 34)
includes: (1) resources, meaning that schools must have flexibility in managing all resources according to local
In addition to operational or administrative financing, financial management must be aimed at
strengthening schools in allocating funds according to the priority scale that has been set for the quality
improvement process, separation between academic costs from the procurement process and reducing the need
for the central bureaucracy; (2) accountability means that each school must provide accountability reports and
communicate it to parents or the community and the government and review comprehensively the
implementation of school priority programs in quality improvement; (3) curriculum, meaning that schools are
responsible for developing a curriculum that has been determined nationally but must consider three aspects such
as: (a) curriculum development must meet student needs, (b) how to develop management skills to present the
curriculum to students effectively and efficiently with pay attention to existing resources; (c) development of
various approaches capable of managing change as a natural phenomenon in schools; (d) School personnel
means that schools are responsible for and involved in the recruitment process and structural development of
school staff. Umaedi said that the SBM concept is a concept that shows good and interconnected cooperation
between schools, citizens and the government with their respective duties in organizing educational institutions.
Management orientation in SBM can be traced based on 6 indicators. Among them are the following (Zakaria
and Ibrahim 2018, 1–18): (a) a safe and orderly school environment, (b) the school has a vision and mission, (c)
the school has strong leaders, (d) high expectations from personnel schools to excel, (e) continuous development
of school staff according to the demands of science and technology, (f) evaluation of various academic and
administrative aspects and utilization of the results for quality improvement or improvement, (g) intensive
communication and support from parents or public.
The word quality itself in SBM has the meaning of the quality of the process and the quality of the
results.Based on the above principles, SBM aims to improve the quality of education through the provision of
authority in managing schools, increasing awareness of school residents and the community in school
management, increasing school responsibility in providing education, increasing competence in competing
between schools.Looking at the objectives of SBM above, it can be concluded that SBM aims to improve the
ability of schools by providing authority, flexibility and resources to improve the quality of independent schools.
Therefore: (a) Schools as educational institutions understand it better. with other institutions, its shortcomings,
opportunities and threats enable it to optimize available resources to advance its institutions; (b) Schools better
understand the needs of their institutions, especially in the educational process according to the level of
development and needs of students. Investment in education for development and empowerment; (c) schools can
be responsible for the quality of their respective education to the government, parents of students, and society in
general, so that it will make every effort to implement and achieve the planned quality goals of education; (d)
schools can conduct healthy competition with other schools to improve the quality of education through
innovation efforts with the support of students' parents, the community and the local government.
Implementation of School-Based Management (SBM) at MTs Nurul Iman
School management at the Indonesian primary and secondary education levels must follow the principles
of school-based management (SBM). School administrators can prove this SBM through independence,

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences ISSN: 2774-5406
partnership, participation, openness and responsibility in school management. In addition, the National
Education System Law Number 20 of 2003 and Government Regulation Number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards also regulates SBM. The implementation of SBM has been implemented by MTs
Nurul Iman in Negeri Besar District, Way Kanan Regency. Tri Haryono as the principal and part of the school
community carried out SBM by taking three inspirational actions. He has made changes in school management,
learning, reading culture and community participation. At this school, the practice of SBM has been appreciated
by several parties.
School-Based Management at MTs Nurul Iman: School-Based Management (SBM) at MTs Nurul Iman
has actually been implemented for a long time, because many teachers are not aware of the meaning of school-
based management making principals, teachers and school residents in general unconsciously apply SBM . The
essence of SBM itself is independence in school management, school autonomy to make SBM easy to
implement. In every school activity there are two things that become references, namely the regulations of the
education office, the ministry of religion and the school or foundation. The efforts made by the Head of
Madrasah MTs Nurul Iman are: There are four policies carried out by the school to implement the program,
namely: 1) Improving the program to be even better so that the quality of education increases. 2) Improve the
evaluation program if there are things that are not appropriate. 3) Improving the level of professionalism of
madrasah principals and teachers. 4) Develop an evaluation program that is appropriate and always upgraded
according to the development of education and must be disseminated to parents and the community the program
that has been achieved can be applied in other schools.
School-Based Management (SBM) is a school management concept aimed at improving the quality of
education in the era of decentralized education. Implementation of SBM is a formal process that involves
principals, teachers, parents, students and communities close to the school in the decision-making process. The
success of the implementation of SBM is highly dependent on the ability of the principal to be able to play an
active role in school management by empowering all components involved in school administration, especially
in empowering the community as a whole. With the implementation of the MBS program, it is expected to be
able to realize educational goals effectively and efficiently.
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